Cheyenne Dictionary



-asėtóné   vai. start to make. É-asėtóne. He is starting to make (something). [pd679] fai: -óné3. See: -manėstóné make. Category: handcraft.

éseosé'ohtȯtse   ni. thimble. Lit: into-finger-?-thing Category: handcraft.

-éstovan   vti. line s.t.

vta. line s.o. É-éstovanóho. She lined him. Ná-éstovāno. I lined him. for instance, to line a blanket (animate). Category: handcraft.

-hahpenót   vta. sew s.o. (especially cloth, an.) É-hahpenoto. She is sewing him. for example, she is sewing a quilt (animate). É-hahpenótóho. She is sewing him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *sepwikwa·θe·wa (P). É-hahpenoto honó'kono. She is sewing a quilt. Ná-hahpenóto. I sewed him. É-hahpenohe He (or It) is sewn. fta: -nót; vti: -hahpenóhtá; vai: -hahpenó'é. See: -he'ohe. Category: handcraft, sew.

-hestáhpané   vai. treat hide with brain. that is, treat the hide with a mixture of brains, liver, and lard. É-hestáhpáne. He treated the hide with the brain mixture. Ná-hestáhpáne. I treated the hide with the brain mixture. [PD1040] See: hestáhpe; hestáhpánó'e. Category: handcraft.

-hesto'toen   vti. braid s.t. É-hesto'toēna. He braided it.

vta. braid s.o. É-hesto'toenóho He braided him (for example, a shirt). É-hesto'toene. It (or He) is braided / woven. See: -no'o'tónóha. Category: handcraft.

-hestó'toenené   vai. braid, weave. Perhaps this can also be used for weaving. É-hestó'toenēne. He is braiding. Category: handcraft.

-hesto'toenó'é   vai. crochet. Lit: weave-sew É-hesto'toenó'e. She is crocheting. Category: handcraft, sew.

-hesto'tonohá   vti. braid s.t. by tool. É-hesto'tonōha. He braided it. he'tónėšė-hesto'tonȯhomévȯse however they wove them. [When Cheyennes Crossed the Ice.009] See: -pėhévo'tonohá. Category: handcraft.

hóhkėha'e   ni. 1 • hat, hooded cradleboard. Ques: also for cap?? (another recording) When used of a cradleboard, this is the soft backed kind. Plural hóhkėhá'ėstse; Possessive -vóhkėha'e; Final -óhkėha'e; Old Male Speech hóhtšėha'e. See: a'kóhkėha'e; pȧhoešestȯtse; ésevone. Category: handcraft, babies, clothing.

2 • Sacred Hat. This is a newer word for the Sacred Buffalo Hat; the older word is Ésevone. See: ésevone. Category: ceremonial, check.

-hó'hovohe   vai. feather arrow. that is, put feathers on arrow with sinew. É-hó'hovohe. He is feathering an arrow. Etym: *aɁθa·wa·tamwa. Ques: -ho'hovohe ?? tsévé'šė-hó'hovohe ?? when used with what kind of feathers ?? [JS 7/89] vti: -ho'hovóhtá. Category: handcraft, check.

-ho'néne   vai. tan. É-ho'néne. He tanned hide. É-ho'néneo'o. They tanned. That is the same pronunciation as 'they arrived nursing'. Etym: cf. *ahθe·hke·wa (G); cf. O aseke (N). See: -néne. Category: handcraft.

-ho'néoh(n)   vta. tan s.o. É-ho'néohnóho. He tanned him. Néhmé'ėstomevėstse tséohkė-ho'néohe vó'kaehevotȯtse! Explain to me how hides are tanned! vai: -ho'néné. Category: handcraft.

-ho'tanónané   vai. make thread from sinew. É-ho'tanónáne. She is making thread from sinew. Category: handcraft.

ho'tanono   na. Gram: pl thread. grammatically pl. because of multiple strands. Singular ho'tāno sinew strand. See: ho'tšėške sinew (before de-stranding). Category: handcraft.

hono'ko   na. quilt, bedding. Plural honó'kono; Obviative honó'kono; Possessive -htono'ko. Étóxenoto honó'kono. She is sewing a border on a quilt(s). Non-diminutive hono'o. Etym: *ana·xkani mat, rug. See: honóhkone; hono'ke; mȧheónėhono'ko; tónovėhono'ko. Category: handcraft, bed.

-kȧhamȧxévėstónané   vai. do carpentry. É-kȧhamȧxévėstónáne. He is doing carpentry. Category: handcraft.

-ma'eoxa'ohe   vai. beaded red. É-ma'eoxa'ohe. It (or He) is beaded red. É-ma'eoxa'ȯhénėstse. They are beaded red. See: -oxa'ohe. Category: handcraft, check.

-ma'kaataévėstóné   vai. make of metal. É-ma'kaataévėstóné. He makes (something) of metal. Final -óné. Category: handcraft.

Ma'ó'hamó'séó'o   ni. Red Willow Basket. Usage: obsolete See: hó'hamó'séó'o. Category: handcraft, names.

-mȧxee'é   vai. soften hide. part of tanning process. É-mȧxéé'e. He is softening hide. ?? cf preceding entry?? É-mȧxeeo'o (also in corpus, é-mȧxee'eo'o ?? They are softening hide. Category: check. See: -ho'néné. Phon: vs ?? Category: handcraft.

-mȧxehá   vii. touch. É-mȧxéha. It is touching. That is, it is touch something. Initial mȧx-; Final -ehá. Category: cut, handcraft, surface.

-méenóhtá   vti. quill s.t. É-méenóhtanȯtse. He quilled them (inanimate). Category: handcraft.

-méenó'e   vai. quill work. Lit: quill-sew É-méenó'e. He is doing quill work. fai: -nó'é. Category: handcraft.

-mo'e'évėstóné   vai. make of paper. É-mo'e'évėstóne. He makes (something) of grass. fai: -óné. Category: handcraft.

-mo'enenó'e   vai. sew beautifully. É-mo'enenó'e. She is sewing beautifully. Category: handcraft. See: -hahpenó'e.

-mo'kėhanané   vai. make moccasins, make shoes. É-mo'kėhanāne. He is making moccasins. Etym: *maxkesenehke·wa. See: -tsėhésto'ėhané. Category: handcraft.

-nȯhtóvȯhtȧhéné   vai. Gram: ai+o know how to design beadwork. É-nȯhtóvȯhtȧhéne. He knows how to design beadwork. Móxho'nóohkenėheše-nȯhtóvȯhtȧhénévȯhtse. They must not have known how to make designs like that. See: -hohtȧhéné. Category: handcraft.

-nȯhtóvo'néné   vai. know how to tan. É-nȯhtóvo'néne. She knows how to tan. See: -ho'néné. Category: handcraft.

-onéhavo'kame   ni. Gram: poss bead (poss.) na-onéhavo'kamȯtse my beads. IndepNoun onéhávó'ke. Category: handcraft.

onéhávó'ke   ni. bead. Plural onéhávó'kėstse; Possessive -onéhavo'kame. Phon: hle See: onéhavo'e drum; Ma'eonéhávó'ke. Category: handcraft.

-oo'kováhené   vai. scrape hide. É-oo'kováhéne. He is scraping hair off hide. See: -nėhetȯhoo'e. Category: handcraft.

-oxa'ohá   vti. bead s.t. É-oxa'ōha. He beaded it. Hénova'e tséoxa'ȯheme? What are you beading? Category: handcraft.

-oxa'ȯhé   i. beaded. ȯxa'ȯhévo'ėhanȯtse beaded moccasins. See: -oxa'ohe beaded. Category: handcraft.

-oxa'ohe   vii. beaded. É-oxa'ohe. It/He is beaded. É-oxa'ȯhénėstse. They (inanimate; for example, moccasins) are beaded. Éóoetané-oxa'ȯhénėstse. They (inanimate) are beaded with Crow designs (especially flower designs). vai: oxa'ȯhené. Category: handcraft.

-oxa'ȯhemev   vta. bead for s.o. É-oxa'ȯhemevóho. She beaded for him. Nėstseohkeéve-oxa'ȯhemóene. She will bead for us. [1987:310] Category: handcraft.

-oxa'ȯhené   vai. bead. É-oxa'ȯhēne. He is beading. É-oxa'ȯheneo'o. They are beading. Ná-oxa'ȯhēne. I am beading. Category: shoes, handcraft.

-oxa'ȯhenee'e   vai. sit.bead. É-oxa'ȯhenee'e. He is sitting beading. É-oxa'ȯhenéeo'o. They are sitting beading. Phon: vs Category: shoes, handcraft.

-oxa'ȯhenéve   vai. be a beader. Ná-oxa'ȯheneve. ?? I'm a beader. Category: check, handcraft.

-pȧhoešéstonaov   vta. make cradleboard for s.o. É-pȧhoešéstonaovóho. She made a cradleboard for him. Category: handcraft.

pȧhoešestȯtse   ni. cradleboard. pȧhoešestȯtse refers to a beaded one; hóhkėha'e to a plain one ?? This is a hard backed cradleboard. Category: check. Plural pȧhoešéstotȯtse. See: hóhkėha'e. Category: handcraft, babies.

-sé'hohá   vti. stake down s.t. for example, of staking down a tent. É-sé'hóha. He staked it down. Etym: *ti·Ɂθahamwa. É-sé'hóha ho'éeve. He is stretching the hide (inanimate). for some speakers ésé'hohnóho ho'éevo 'he is stretching the hide (animate). The idea of stretching here must come from staking the hide down to hold it stretched out.?? vta: -sé'hoh(n). See: -sé'ho'en. Category: handcraft, tepee, check.

-tóestȯhené   vai. string beads. É-tóestȯhēne. He is stringing beads. Etym: cf *θa·pahike·wa (P). Category: handcraft.

-toónean   vta. fasten s.o., tie s.o. by hand. especially a quilt. É-toóneanóho honó'kono. She is tying a quilt(s) (animate). See: toóneohēō'o nail. Category: handcraft.

-totáho'penó'e   vai. quilt, sew a quilt. É-totáho'penó'e. She is quilting. Final -nó'é. Category: sew, handcraft.

-tóxenót   vta. sew a border on s.o., sew edging on s.o. É-tóxenoto. She is sewing edging on him (such as a quilt, animate). É-tóxenótóho. She is sewing edging on him (such as a quilt, animate). (newer pronunciation). É-tóxenoto honó'kono. She is sewing a border on a quilt(s). vai: -tóxenó'é. Category: handcraft, sew.

-tsėhésto'eétahe   vai. Cheyenne do, do something in the Cheyenne way. É-tsėhésto'eétahe. He does it in the Cheyenne way. Tsétsėhésto'eétȧhénove Cheyenne culture. fai: -o'eétahe. See: Tsėhéseamanēō'o Cheyenne culture. Category: handcraft, do.

-tsėhésto'ėhané   vai. make moccasins. É-tsėhésto'ėhāne. She is making moccasins. Variant: -tsėhésto'kėhané ??. See: -mo'kėhanané. Category: handcraft, check.

-tsėhetóné   vai. make so. É-tsėhetóne. ?? He makes it so. Initial tsėhet-; Final -óné. Category: handcraft.

vé'ho'émé'šéško   ni. commercial buckskin. Category: handcraft.

vé'ho'ėškóovo'hestȯtse   ni. needle. (another recording) Lit: whiteman-toothpick See: heškóovo'hestȯtse toothpick. Category: handcraft.

vénȯhó'etohko   Ques: véno'etohko ?? ni. basket. Plural vénȯhó'etóhkonȯtse. Category: check, handcraft.

-vósȧxová   vai. carve. É-vósȧxóva. He is carving. Reduplicated -vovósȧxová. Category: handcraft, cut.

xamaemé'šéško   ni. hand-tanned leather. See: mé'šéško. Category: handcraft.