-áhane'haná vai. eat and die, eat and get sick. É-áhane'hāna. He ate so much he threw up. Category: eat.
-áhano'enohe vai. overly full of food. É-áhano'enohe. He is overly full of food. Ná-áhano'enohe. I'm so stuffed. fai: -o'enohe. Category: eat.
-a'haná fai. eat. Éhehp-e'hāna. He overate. Énomon-e'hāna. He fell asleep eating. Mónáoseeháeanȧhéhe; nȧhahpo náheš-e'hāna. I must have been hungry; I ate everything up. Nánéh-e'hanáotse I ate quickly. Návés-e'hanámo. I ate with him. Émȧhenėhetaa'-e'hāna. He ate everything. Éóov-e'hāna. He ate everything. Énóv-e'hāna. He ate slowly. Variant: -'haná. Etym: *-iʔseny- (R). See: -háeaná ‘hungry’; -aná ‘hungry’. Category: eat.
-a'se'haná vai. eat wrongly. for example, ate something forbidden to eat. É-a'se'hāna. He ate by mistake/ate wrongly. fai: -aná. Category: eat.
-ame'hanaa'e vai. eat sitting. Nėsta-ame'hanaa'e ma'taamo'ȧhéotseto. You'll be eating while driving. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat, sit.
-aná fai. hungry. Éháé-ána. He is hungry. Násȯséve-anáotse I'm very hungry (so hungry I'm weak). Náoó'xé-ána. I'm very hungry (lit., I'm bursting with hunger). Éomómé-ána. He cried from hunger. Énonótové-ána. He is very hungry. Náhomó'-ána. I'm getting hungry. See: -e'haná; -háeaná. Category: eat.
-ane'kȯhemo'he vai. eat with a fork. This refers to the motion of making holes in something to eat it, as you do with a fork. É-ane'kȯhemo'he. He is eating with a fork. Category: tools, eat.
ávoon- i. fast. that is, to not eat. É-ávóónéóó'e. He is fasting standing. É-ávooneotse. He collapsed from hunger or thirst. É-ávóónéše. He fasted. Category: eat.
-ávoonah vta. starve s.o., make s.o. fast. É-ávoonȧhóho. He starved him. Ná-ávoonāho. I starved him/I made him fast. É-ávoonȧhahtseo'o. They are fasting/they are starving themselves. Synonym -ávooneh, -ávoonot; vai: -ávóonešé ‘lie fasting’; -ávoone ‘starve; fast’. See: -ávooneh; -ávoonot. Category: eat.
-ávooneh vta. starve s.o., cause s.o. to fast. É-ávoonėhóho. ?? He made him fast. Ná-ávóóného I made him fast. Synonym -ávoonah, -ávoonot. See: -ávoonah; -ávoonot. Category: eat, check.
-ávooneotse vai. collapse from hunger or thirst. É-ávooneotse. He collapsed from hunger or thirst. Category: eat.
-ávoonot vta. starve s.o. É-ávoonotóho. He starved him. Ná-ávóónóto. I starved him. [Croft] vai: -ávooneše; Synonym -ávooneh, -ávoonah. Category: eat.
e'hanáe fai. eat.sit. É-no'ke'hanaa'e. He is sitting eating by himself. Category: eat, sit.
-é'kome'haná vai. eat greasy (food). É-é'kome'hāna. He is eating greasy (food). Variant: -é'ome'haná. Category: eat.
-é'ome'haná vai. eat greasy (food). Náohke-é'ome'hāna. I eat greasy (food). Variant: -é'kome'haná. Category: eat.
-énano'émȧhtáme'haná vai. eat vegetables. É-énano'émȧhtáme'hāna. He is eating vegetables. Category: eat, food, check.
-éneaná vai. finish eating, stop eating. É-éneāna. He finished eating. [pd426] fai: -aná. Category: eat.
-éne'haná vai. quit eating, stop eating, end eating. É-éne'hāna. He stopped eating. Etym: *po·ni'θenye·wa (P). fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-éne'hanáotse vai. stop eating quickly?? Á'e ná-éne'hanáotse. Soon I stopped eating. that is, I ate fast. Category: eat, check.
-éstotše'še vai. eat. Ná-éstotše'še. I'm throwing food (or drink) into my mouth. Usage: archaic; somewhat humorous now Lit: throw into mouth ?? See: -mésehe; -xo'ome. Category: eat, check.
-éveaná vai. rummage around for food. Lit: about-hungry for example, of a dog. É-évéána. He is rummaging around here and there for food. fai: -aná. Category: eat.
-éve'haná vai. eat about, eat walking around. É-éve'hāna. He ate walking around. Cheyennes consider it improper to eat walking around. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-éve'tomo'he vai. forage, go around for a food handout. É-éve'tomo'he. He is going around asking for food. See: -véestomo'he. Category: food, eat.
-háeaná vai. hungry. É-háéána. He is hungry. É-háeanao'o. They are hungry. Né-háeanahe? Are you hungry? (another recording) Ná-háéána. I am hungry. (another recording) Násáa-háeanáhe. I'm not hungry. Náho-háéána. I'm very hungry. Náosee-háéána. I'm extremely hungry. (another recording) Náoseeho-háéána. I'm very very hungry. There are a number of idiomatic ways of speaking of being very hungry; Cheyennes enjoy saying them, including these: Mónáosee-háeanȧhéhe; nȧhahpo náheše'hāna. I must have been hungry; I ate everything up. Nátó'easėhahponēne. I'm really hungry [literally, I'm about to get lock jaw (that is, clenched teeth)]. Násȯséveanáotse. I'm really hungry (so hungry I'm weak). Náoó'xéána. I'm really hungry (lit., I'm bursting with hunger). I'm really hungry (literally, I'm bursting with hunger). tséx-háéánȧse when he was hungry. fai: -aná. See: -mésehe ‘eat’; -nonótovéaná; -háóéné ‘thirsty’; -oó'xeaná; -mésėhétanó ‘want to eat’. Category: eat.
-háeanáotse vai. become hungry. Ná-háeanáotse. I got hungry. Náéšė-háeanáotse. I've already become hungry. Náxaeaéstomė-háeanáotse. I'm just hungry for nothing. ?? See: -háeaná. Category: eat, check.
-háeesenehe vai. have plenty to eat, have much meat. Meat is an essential part of the Cheyenne diet. If there is plenty of meat, it is considered that there is plenty of food to eat. É-háeesenehe. He has lots of meat; he has plenty to eat. Éstanėhešėho-háeesenėhésesto. It is said they had plenty to eat (reportative). [1980:3:65] See: á'etse; oótȧháme-. Category: food, eat.
-háe'haná vai. eat much. É-háe'hāna. He ate a lot. Ná-háe'hāna. I ate a lot. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-háe'hanáotse vai. eat much quickly. É-háe'hanáotse. He ate a lot quickly. Ná-háe'hanáotse. I ate a lot quickly. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-háo'enȯhéotse vai. become very full (of food). É-háo'enȯhéotse. He has become very full (of food). Ná-háo'enȯhéotse. I'm very full (of food). Phon: sfr fai: -o'enohe. See: -ná'so'enohe. Category: eat.
-háo'pohe vai. gluttonous. É-háo'pohe. He is gluttonous. (another recording) É-háo'póheo'o. They are gluttonous. Category: eat, personality.
-hátȯxove'hanáohtsé vai. 1 • walk back and forth while eating. É-hátȯxove'hanáóhtse. He walked back and forth while eating. Névé'-hátȯxove'hanáóhtse! Don't walk around while eating!
2 • eat with hands rushing back and forth. É-ohkėhátȯxove'hanáóhtse He eats fast. for example, he eats while his hands are rushing back and forth to his mouth. fai: -e'haná. Category: walk, eat.
-hehpe'haná vai. overeat. É-hehpe'hāna. He overate. Etym: *wempiɁθenye·wa (P). fai: -e'haná. See: -háo'póhe. Category: eat.
hehpe'hanáotse vai. overeat. Móstaéšė-hehpe'hanáotsėhéhe. He overate. [The Pus Man.017] Category: eat.
-hehpo'enohe vai. overeat. É-hehpo'enohe. He overate. fai: -o'enohe. See: -háo'póhe; -na'h. Category: eat.
-hehpom vta. eat s.o. beyond full. É-hehpomóho. He ate him beyond the feeling of being full. Ná-hehpōmo. I ate him beyond the feeling of being full. Medial -om1. Category: eat.
-he'óhtá vti. leave s.t. as leftover food, leftover food - leave s.t. as. É-he'óhta. He left it as leftover food. Etym: *eškwantamwa. Né'éseohé'tȯhtse tsé-he'óhtomátse mésėhestȯtse! Bring in the food that we had left over! [Stamper 1991:4] vii: -he'eotse; vai: -he'ósané. Category: eat.
-hé'oneohtsénáohtsé vai. dribble (food or liquid out of the mouth). This verb seems to refer to food or water going far enough out of the mouth to drip off one's chin, whereas -ho'sahtsená seems to be about drooling just around the mouth area; speakers do seem to feel these verbs are quite close in meaning. É-hé'oneohtsénáóhtse He is dribbling (food or water out of his mouth). See: -ho'sahtsená. Category: eat.
-he'ósané vai. leave food uneaten, uneaten food - leave, leftover food - leave. É-he'ósáne. He left some of his food uneaten. vti: -he'óhtá. See: -he'eotse. Category: eat.
-heómo'enohe vai. eat too much, overeat. É-heómo'enohe. He ate too much. fai: -o'enohe. Category: eat.
-hestomo'enohe vai. hindered by eating. É-hestomo'enohe. He is sluggish from eating. ?? fai: -o'enohe. See: -ná'so'enohe; -nomono'enohe. Category: eat, check.
-hestóxe'haná vai. eat last. É-hestóxe'hāna. He is eating last. Cheyenne chiefs are the last ones to eat, as a sign of their taking care of their people. Category: eat.
-heše'haná vai. Gram: rr eat that way, so eat. ... ná-heše'hāna. ... that is how I ate. ... é-heše'hāna. ... that is how he ate. Etym: *ešiʔθenye·wa. Tséohkė-heše'hānȧse nává'nenė-heše'hāna. How he eats I just eat like that. Nȧhahpo é-heše'hāna mótó'easeávoonėhéhe. Absolutely all of his food that is how he ate; he must have been starved. Háahpe'e ná-heše'hāna. I ate a lot. Lit: a lot that is how much I ate He'koneame naa he'kone'éemȧsono ná-heše'hāna. Cheese and macaroni that is what I ate. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-héškohtá vti. bite s.t. barely, barely bite s.t. É-héškóhta. He barely bit it. BodyPartMedial -óhtá1 ‘by mouth’. Category: eat, degree.
-ho'e'haná1 vai. eat raw food. É-ho'e'hāna. He ate raw food. Etym: *aškiʔθenye·wa (P). Homonym -ho'e'haná2 ‘bring gifts to pay for Indian return wedding meal’. See: -ho'e. Category: food, eat.
-ho'oéstanené vai. take lunch break. É-ho'oéstánéne. He is taking his lunch break. Variant: -sétovoéstanené. See: -mésėhévoéstá. Category: eat.
-hó'xéaná vai. accustomed to hunger. É-hó'xéána. He is used to being hungry. fai: -aná. Category: eat.
-hómȯhtaxé vai. digest lying down. É-hómȯhtáxe. He is lying down digesting his food. ?? Ééšė-hómȯhtáxe. He has lain down to digest his food. Category: eat, lie, check.
-homó'aná vai. become hungry, get hungry. É-homó'ána. He is getting hungry. Ná-homó'ána. I'm getting hungry. See: -háeaná; -homóhtóéné. Category: eat.
-homó'anáotse vai. become hungry quickly, get hungry quickly. É-homó'anáotse. He has gotten hungry quickly. Ná-homó'anáotse. I'm getting hungry quickly. See: -háeanáotse; -háeaná; -homóhtóéné. Category: eat.
-hóohtanová vai. take food home (from a meal). Esp. refers to taking food home from a feast. This is considered culturally appropriate and is encouraged. Not just leftovers are taken home, but nice platefuls of meat and other food. É-hóohtanōva. She took food home. Tȧ-hóohtanōvȧhtse! Take food home! See: -hóohtȧhá'ené. Category: carry, food, eat.
-hoó'hemésehe vai. overheard eating. É-hoó'hemésehe. He was overheard eating. Preverb hoó'he-. Category: eat, hear.
-hoxe'e'haná vai. eat rotten food. É-hoxe'e'hāna. He ate rotten food. Category: eat, record.
-hóxe'haná vai. eat clean. É-hóxe'hāna. He ate clean. ?? Category: eat, check.
-kó'konom vta. chew s.o. noisily. that is, with a knocking sound. É-kó'konomóho. He chewed him noisily. Nétao'sema'xe-kó'konomȧtse I'm going to really chew you noisily. fta: -om. See: -kó'otsėhaht. Category: eat.
-kó'konȯsané vai. eat crunchy food. such as potato chips. É-kó'kónȯsáne. He is eating crunchy food. Ques: cf kó'konósané ?? Category: eat, check.
-kó'konósané vai. noisily eat, noisily grind teeth, chomp. É-kó'konósáne. He is chewing noisily. Category: sounds, eat.
-kó'otsėhahtsé vti. gulp s.t. that is, swallow food without chewing it. É-kó'otsėhāhtse. He gulped it / swallowed (food) without chewing it. See: -kóko'otȧše'še. Category: eat.
-'haná fai. eat. Variant: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-mȧhaénó'sané vai. lick up. especially of animals. É-mȧhaénó'sáne. He licked up (something). for example, to lick up scraps. See: -évenó'tsé. Category: eat.
-mȧhaéstá vti. 1 • eat all of s.t., devour s.t., drink all of s.t. This is slower eating than -mȧha'hahtsé. É-mȧháésta. He ate it all up. Náéše-mȧháésta. I drank it all up already. Émȧhe-mȧháéstá. He ate all of it, everything. Mȧhaéstȯhtse! Eat it all up! vta: -mȧhaét.
2 • believe s.t. That is, swallow all of something figuratively. É-mȧháésta netao tsénéstomónėse. He swallowed everything he heard. [pd426] Tséhešepėhéva'etse heéestsestȯtse ná-mȧhaéstomōvo. Because his word was good, I swallowed all of it. See: -mȧha'hahtsé; -hesėhahtsé; -poe'hahtsé; -ová'komósėhahtsé; -kóko'otȧše'še. Category: eat, drink, figurative.
-mȧhaéstomo'he vai. eat everything up, out of groceries - be all. É-mȧhaéstomo'he. He ate up everything. Mȧhaéstomo'hėstse! Eat everything up! See: -má'seotse; -o'hémeotse. Category: eat.
-mȧhaét vta. 1 • eat all of s.o. É-mȧhaeto. He ate him all up. É-mȧhaétóho. He ate him all up. (newer pronunciation). Taa'é'ėse mó'éše-mȧhaétȯhevóhe. He had already halfway swallowed him. [1987:285] Mó'ée-mȧhaétaehevóhe ho'neho naa máto ó'kȯhomeho. He must have gotten eaten by wolves and coyotes (obv). [1987:271] vti: -mȧhaéstá. See: -mȧha'ham ‘swallow s.o. completely’; -mév ‘eat s.o.’. Category: eat.
2 • be stubborn and not accept estranged spouse back again. Náto'se-mȧhaétoo'o ho'honáeo'o. I'm going to eat some rocks all up (= fig. 'I'm going to be stubborn'; said when spouses are separated and the woman says this to mean that she isn't going to give in this time and take her husband back again. This is a humorous saying.) Náto'se-mȧhaéto ho'honáá'e. I'm going to swallow a rock (=I've made up my mind to divorce my spouse for sure). Category: marriage.
-mȧha'ham vta. eat all of s.o., swallow s.o. completely, devour s.o., eat up s.o. É-mȧha'hamóho. He really put him away (devouring him) / He ate him all up. Ná-mȧha'hāmo hése. I (accidentally) swallowed a fly. Ná-mȧha'hāmo nóma'ne. I devoured the fish. vti: -mȧha'hahtsé; fta: -a'ham. See: -mȧhaét ‘eat s.o. all up’. Category: eat.
-mȧhe'haná vai. all eat. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhe'hanao'o. They are all eating. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat, quantity.
-ma'heóneaná vai. eat sacred, eat ceremonially. É-ma'heóneāna. He is eating ceremonially. fai: -aná. Category: eat, sacred.
-má'seaná vai. complete eating. É-má'seāna. He ate all of it. fai: -aná. Category: eat.
-má'se'haná vai. finish eating. É-má'se'hāna. He finished eating. Náéše-má'se'hāna. I have finished eating. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-mȧxa'ósané vai. touch, bless. If an appropriate person touches someone or something they can confer a blessing on that person or thingt. É-mȧxa'ósáne. He touched/blessed. Category: eat.
-mȧxa'ósanéto vii. touch, bless. for example, touched or blessed by food or a prayer. Éohke-mȧxa'ósanéto. (If you eat slowly your food will) touch you/you'll feel it. Category: eat.
-mé'enaa'e vai. 1 •
1 • die in sight of. É-mé'enaa'e. He died in sight of (someone). See: -naa'e ‘die’.
2 • gorge, eat a lot at a feast. Náto'sėhé-me'enaéme. We're going to go to a feast. Phon: vs Category: death, eat.
mé'enaestȯtse ni. big feast. Lit: appear-death Category: eat.
-mé'šeeséve'haná vai. eat Mexican food. É-mé'šeeséve'hāna. He ate Mexican food. Né-mé'šeeséve'hāna. You are eating Mexican food. Category: eat.
-mémėse'haná vai. poop while eating. É-mémėse'hāna. He is pooping and eating. Category: eat.
-mese vti. eat s.t. É-mese / He ate it. He is eating it. Ná-mese. I'm eating it / I ate it. Náéše-mese. I have eaten it. Héne né-mésénóne. We (not including you) ate that. Násáa-méséhe. I did not eat it. That is very close to 'I did not eat': Násáa-mésėhéhe. I did not eat. but the "s" of 'I did not eat it" is slightly stronger, more aspirated, than the "s" of 'I did not eat it'. Násáa-mésėhénóne kóhkonėhēō'o. We (excl) did not eat bread. Mó=nésáaméséhe ho'évohkȯhtse? You're not eating meat? Hápó'e nává'ne-mese. Me too I just ate it. Nává'neévȧhóse-mese. I just ate it again. That is, I ate leftovers. Ná-mese kóhkonėhēō'o. I'm eating bread. É-mese ho'évohkȯhtse. He is eating meat. Ná-mese ho'évohkȯhtse. I'm eating meat. Ná-mésenȯtse menȯtse. I'm eating berries. Héne námese. I ate that. É-mésehe? Did he eat it? That is pronounced the same as é-mésehe 'he ate'. Vovȯtse é-mese. He is eating an egg. Vóvotȯtse é-mésenȯtse. Vóvotȯtse é-mésenovȯtse. They are eating eggs. Vóvotȯtse ná-mésenonėstse. We are eating eggs. Vóvotȯtse né-mésenotse? Did you eat eggs? Hénová'e tsé-méseto? What did you eat? (another recording) (another recording) Hénová'e tsé-mésése? What did you (plural) eat? Hénová'e tsé-mesėstse? What did he eat? É-mese ho'évohkȯhtse. He ate meat. Vétšėškévȧhonoo'o ná-mese. I'm eating frybread. Vétšėškévȧhonoo'o éto'se-mese. She is going to eat frybread. Kóhkonėhēō'o né-mésehe? Did you eat bread? Énȧhéno ná-mese. I ate gravy. Mese! Eat it! (said to more than one person). É-mésėstove. It (for example, meat) is eaten. tséh-méséto when I ate it. Tónetáa'e nává'ne-mese. However much that is just how much I ate of it. Etym: *nemi·cyeni 'I eat it'; *mi:čiwa 'he eats it'. vai: -mésehe; vta: -mév. Category: eat.
-mésehe vai. eat. É-mésehe. He is eating / He ate. (another recording) Etym: *mi·tihsowa (P) > **mi·čihsowa. Ná-mésehe. I'm eating / I ate. Né-mésehe. You are eating. / You ate. É-mésėheo'o. They are eating. (another recording) Ná-mésėhéme. We (not including you) are eating. Né-mésėhéme. You guys are eating. Ééše-mésehe. He has eaten. Né-mésėhehe? Did you eat? Mónėstse-mésehe? Will you eat? Nééše-mésėhehe? Did you eat already? (another recording) Ééše-mésėhehe? Did he eat already? Nééše-mésėhemehe? Did you (plural) already eat? Nééšemȧhe-mésėhemehe? Did you all eat? Nééšeméo-mésėhehe? Did you already eat breakfast. Náéše-méomésehe. I already ate breakfast. Násáa'éše-mésėhéhe. I did not eat yet. (another recording) Násáa'éšeméo-mésėhéhe. I did not eat breakfast yet. Násáa-mésėhéhe. I did not eat. Ésáa-mésėhéhe. He did not eat. Ésáa-mésėhéheo'o. They did not eat. Mónésáa'éše-mésėhéhe? Didn't you eat yet? (another recording) Násáavése-mésėhéhemanehe? Are we (excl) not eating also? Nésáa-mésėhéhemanehe? Are we (incl) not eating? Mónásáavése-mésėhéhéme? Do you mean we (excl) are not eating also? Né-mésėhemehe? Are you guys eating? (another recording) É-mésėhevohe? Are they eating? Mómésėhehéhe. He must have eaten. Néta-mésėhémáne! Let's eat! Nétȧhé-mėsėhémáne! Let's go eat! Méseestse! Eat! Méseestse! (male voice) Eat! Vená-hemėseestse! Come eat now! Hé-mėseestse! Come eat! Néxhé-mėseestse! Come eat! Mésehe! Eat! (said to more than one person). Hé-mėsehe! Come eat! (said to more than one person). Tȧhé-mėseestse! Go eat! Néxhé-mėsėheo'o! Come eat then! (delayed command). He'ke-méseestse! Eat quietly/in an orderly fashion! Tóséé'e náohkėsáaháahpe'-mésėhéhe. I deliberately do not eat a large amount. Eohkėhe'kėhámėstoe-mésėhéstove, éohkėsáahátȯxove'hanáohtséstovėhāne, máhtáme éohkemȧxa'ósanéto. Sit down and eat, don't eat rushed (or don't walk around eating), (if you eat slowly) the food will touch (you; that is, you'll feel it). That is a traditional saying, intended to get people to relax, not to be too frenetic.) Tósa'e né-mésėhémáne? Where did we eat? tséhméseestse when he ate. The following two words mean exactly the same thing. Their endings are just slightly different. É-mésėhéstove. There is eating. É-mésėhénove. There is eating. vti: -mese; vta: -mév, -mésėhé'tov. Phon: sfr See: -mȧha'ham. Category: eat.
-mésėhé'hanaa'e vai. eat sitting. É-mésėhé'hanaa'e. He ate sitting. Éh-mésėhé'hanáesėstse. He ate sitting down. (reportative mode). Morph: /-mésehé'hanae/. Phon: vs Category: sit, eat.
-mésėhé'hanáóó'e vai. eat standing, stand eating. É-mésėhé'hanáóó'e. He ate standing. Phon: vs fai: -óé. See: -mésėhéóó'e. Category: stand, eat.
-mésėhé'hanáxe vai. eat lying. This is culturally disapproved of. É-mésėhé'hanáxe. He is eating lying down. Category: eat, lie.
-mésėhé'seh vta. take s.o. to eat. Lit: eat-cause Nátȧhé-mėsėhé'seha. He took me out to eat. See: -mésehe ‘eat’; -seh ‘cause’. Category: eat.
-mésėhé'tov vta. eat in reference to s.o. Nánoose-mésėhenȯtse. I ate without him. vai: -mésehe; vta: -mév. See: -vése'hanám ‘eat with s.o.’. Category: eat.
-mésėhéotse vai. eat quickly; urgently eat. É-mésėhéotse. He ate quickly. Mésėhéotsėstse! Eat quickly! for example, even though you are in a hurry and might prefer to skip eating. The -otse form here gives the idea of quicker action than with the simple stem-mésehe; the quickness of action does not necessarily mean to gulp food down quickly, but rather refers to the shortness of time available in which to eat. Category: eat.
-mésėhešé vai. eat lying down. É-méšėhéše. He is eating lying down. [Croft] See: -méseše ‘defecate while sleeping’. Category: eat, lie.
-mésėhétanó vai. want to eat. Ná-mésėhétáno. I want to eat. (another recording) É-mésėhétáno. He wants to eat. Né-mésėhétanohe? Do you want to eat? Násáa-mésėhétanóhe. I don't want to eat. See: -háéaná; -manétanó. Category: eat.
mésėhétanóotse vai. want to eat. Éxhóse-mésėhétanóotsesėstse. He wanted to eat again. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.069] Category: eat.
-mésėhévoéstá vii. mealtime - be, noon - be. Lit: eating-time É-mésėhévoésta. It is noon time. A typical humorous response to Émésėhévoésta is A'eotsé'tome! '(You plural) Charge at it!' Another response is A'etsé'tome! 'Be thankful for (the food)!' ?? Category: check. Hetóéva émésėhévoésta. It is supper time. See: -sétovoéstá; -sétovoéstanené; -ho'oéstanené; -a'eotsé'tá. Category: time, eat.
-mésėhévoestanené vai. eat at mealtime. Hetóéva ná-mésėhévoéstanēne. I'm eating supper. (lit. in the evening I'm at eating time). Category: eat, time.
-mésetanó'tá vti. want to eat s.t. É-mésetanó'ta. He wants to eat it. Category: eat.
-méstová vai. pout when refusing to eat. É-méstóva. He is pouting. Ques: only when refusing to eat?? See: -a'evéné'ó; -áhanomėstáhá. Category: eat, check.
-mévatanó'tov vta. want to eat s.o. Ná-mévatanó'tóvo. I want to eat him. Category: eat, cognition.
-mévȯsané vai. 1 • eat people. É-mévȯsáne. He eats people. [1987:245] hováhne tsé'ȯhkeméhaehé-mevȯsanévȯse when animals used to eat (humans). [The Great Race.001] fai: -ósané. See: -mév.
2 • gossip. Category: eat.
-mó'ot vta. invite s.o. to a meal. Né-mó'otȧtse. I invite you to a meal. Né-mó'otatséme. I invited you guys to a meal. É-mó'ótóho. He invited him to a meal. Ná-mó'éto. I invited him to a meal. Ná-mó'etoo'o. I invited them to a meal. Ná-mó'eta. He invited me to a meal. Nėsta-mó'otoneo'o. We (including you) will invite them to a meal. Náto'se-mó'etóneo'o. We (not including you) are going to invite them to a meal. Ná-mó'etaeneo'o. They invited us to a meal. Né-mó'oxe You invited me to a meal. Néme'hó'ke-mó'ȯxéme. You guys should have invited me to the feast. É-mó'ohe. He was invited to a feast. Névááhe tséto'se-mó'etoto? Who are you going to invite to a meal? Névááhe tsé-mó'étóse? (mó'ot??) Who did you invite to the feast? Variant: -mó'et; vai: -mó'é. Category: eat, check.
-momámotse vai. stuff mouth; have cheeks full of food. Usage: often humorous É-momámotse. His cheeks are full of food; he stuffed his mouth full. Category: eat.
-momáta'e'haná vai. eat angrily. É-momáta'e'hāna. He ate angrily. for example, how a dog might eat. Initial momáta'-; Final -e'haná. Category: eat.
nȧhahpo p. all, absolutely everywhere, absolutely everything. strong epistemic particle. Nȧhahpo é-heše'hāna mótó'easeávoonėhéhe. Absolutely all of his food that is how he ate; he must have been starved. Mónáoseeháeanȧhéhe nȧhahpo náheše'hāna. I must have been hungry; I ate everything up that way. Antonym pónóhta. See: nėšemȧheto; netao'o; mȧhe-; mae-; nȧháhpo. Category: eat, quantity.
-na'h vta. 1 • kill s.o. É-na'hóho. He killed him. Etym: *neʔle·wa. É(taome)-na'hahtse. He killed himself. Etym: *neɁletwiwa (P/L). Phon: stem-final /h/ is pronounced as [x] preceding /e/: Na'xeha! Kill him! É-na'heo'o. They were killed. That sounds the same as é-na'heo'o 'there are three of them (animate)'. É-na'hevohe? Were they (animate) killed? That is pronounced the same as "Are there three (animate)?" See: -na'tóné; -ne'to'éna'h.
2 • make s.o. sick from eating too much. Ná-na'haa'e. It killed me. Ná-na'haenȯtse menȯtse. The berries killed me. É-na'hahtse. He killed himself. That can be figurative language meaning he ate too much, such as eating too many berries. vai: -na'hané. Category: eat.
-ná'so'enohe vai. full, satiated, sated. É-ná'so'enohe. He is full from eating. Nééše-ná'so'enȯhehe? Are you full yet? Náéše-ná'so'enohe. I am now full. Ná-ná'so'enohe. I'm full. Hénová'e tsévé'še-ná'so'enȯheto? What did you get full on? fai: -o'enohe; vta: -ná'so'enot. See: -háo'enȯhéotse; -hestomo'enohe; -nomono'enohe; -ná'tootó; -ná'tȧše'še. Category: eat.
-ná'so'enȯhéooha'ov vta. fill s.o. quickly with food. Nápopá'ke-ná'so'enȯhéooha'oo'e. I got filled up on just one sandwich. (humorous expression). Category: eat.
-ná'so'enȯhéotse vai. become full from eating. Ná-ná'so'enȯhéotse. I'm full from eating. Category: eat.
-ná'so'enot vta. satiate s.o., fill s.o. with food. É-ná'so'enotóho. He fed him until he was full. Ná-ná'so'enota. She fills me up. Ná'so'enotahtse! Fill yourselves! vai: -ná'so'enohe. See: -pa'homev. Category: eat.
nėhahtsenáhestȯtse na. napkin. Lit: wipe-mouth-thing (another pronunciation) (younger speaker pronunciation) Plural nėhahtsenáhestoto; Obviative nėhahtsenáhestoto; BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. See: nėhe'onáxestȯtse. Category: eat.
-nėhahtsenáh(n) vta. wipe mouth of s.o. É-nėhahtsenáhestse. He wiped his (own) face. Nėhahtsenáhestsėstse! Wipe your mouth! Category: eat, mouth.
nėhe'onáxestȯtse na. napkin. Lit: wipe-hands-thing Plural nėhe'onáxėstoto; Medial -he'oná. See: nėhahtsenáhestȯtse. Category: eat.
-nėheše'haná vai. eat that way. É-nėheše'hāna. That's the way he ate. Mó'ȯhke-nėheše'hanȧhevóhe. That's the way they ate. [JOURNEY.TXT] Násáa'évatšėhe'še-nėheše'hanáhe. I haven't eaten like that in a long time. Category: eat.
-nėhetaa'e'haná vai. eat everything. Émȧhe-nėhetaa'e'hāna. He ate up everything (on his plate). White people are perceived as doing this. fai: -e'haná. See: -óove'haná. Category: whites, eat.
-néhove'haná vai. stand eating. É-néhove'hāna. He stood up eating. See: -mésėheóó'e. Category: eat, stand.
-né'óhta vti. lick s.t. É-né'óhta. He licked it. Etym: *no·çkwa·tamwa (P). vta: -né'om; fti: -óhtá. Category: eat.
-nėšenáve'haná vai. while eating. tsé-nėšenáve'hānȧse while he was eating. [Turtle Moccasin.101] Ques: tsén or tséhn?? Category: eat.
-nėševe'haná vai. eat fast. É-nėševe'hāna. He ate fast. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat, speed.
-nėševe'hanáotse vai. eat fast. É-nėševe'hanáotse. He ate fast. Category: eat, speed.
-nȯhtóve'haná vai. know how to eat. É-nȯhtóve'hāna. He knows how to eat. Category: eat.
-no'eaná vai. eat with, eat poison. originally meant to eat something along with your meal, as a condiment, but came to mean primarily, to eat poison. É-no'eāna. He ate poison. Final -aná. See: -no'e'haná. Category: eat.
-no'e'haná vai. eat poison, poisoned eating; eat poisonous food, be poisoned while eating. É-no'e'hāna. He ate poison. See: -no'eaná. Category: sickness, eat.
-no'ke'haná vai. eat alone, alone eat. É-no'ke'hāna. He is eating alone. Category: eat.
-no'ke'hanaa'e vai. sit alone eating. É-no'ke'hanaa'e. He is sitting eating alone. Category: sit, eat.
-no'óhtá1 vti. include eat s.t. For example, to eat bread periodically while eating meat. É-no'óhta. He included it in what he ate. Ná-no'óhta I included it in what I ate. vta: -no'óm. Category: eat.
-no'om vta. include eat s.o. for example, to periodically eat on a pickle while eating a steak. É-no'omóho. He included him in what he ate. Ná-no'ōmo. I included him in what I ate. Mésėhéstoto né-no'omoo'o. You are including potatoes with what you are eating. Initial no'-; fta: -om1; vti: -no'óhtá1. Category: eat.
-no'óovo'he vai. drink while eating, sip while eating. for example, drink while eating a roll. É-no'óovo'he. He drank while eating (something). Hénová'e tsé-no'óovo'hése? What did you guys drink with your meal? Ques: get third person plural?? fai: -óovo'he. See: -mane; -novo'é. Category: eat, drink, check.
-nomáhtse'haná vai. steal (something) to eat. É-nomáhtse'hāna. He stole something to eat. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
nomon- i. drowsy. É-nomonahe. He is a sleepyhead. É-nomono'enȯhéotse. He is drowsy after eating. Category: eat.
-nomone'haná vai. fall asleep while eating. É-nomone'hāna. He fell asleep while eating. Initial nomon-; fai: -e'haná. Category: sleep, eat.
-nomone'hanaa'e vai. fall asleep eating sitting. É-nomone'hanaa'e. He is sitting eating half asleep. Category: sleep, eat, sit.
-nomono'enȯhéotse vai. drowsy after eating. É-nomono'enȯhéotse. He is drowsy after eating. fai: -o'enohe; Final -otse. Category: eat.
-nonótovéaná vai. be very hungry. É-nonótovéána. He is very hungry. Lit: going crazy with hunger (nervously-hungry?) Final -aná. See: -háéána; -nonótove'haná. Category: eat.
-nonótove'haná vai. eat quickly. É-nonótove'hāna. He ate hurriedly. Nonótove'hānȧhtse! Hurry and eat! [1987:254] Variant: -onótove'haná; Antonym -nóve'haná. Category: eat.
-nooseaná'tov vta. eat without s.o. Ná-nooseananȯtse. I ate without him. Lit: I-omit-eat-him Final -aná. Category: eat.
-nóve'haná vai. eat slowly. É-nóve'hāna. He ate slowly. fai: -e'haná; Antonym -nonótove'haná. Category: eat, speed.
-novo'ehné vai. walk with lunch. É-novo'ēhne. He is walking with his packed food. Category: eat, walk.
-o'enohe fai. sated. Éná's-o'enohe. He is satisfied/he is full. Éheóm-o'enohe. He ate too much. Énomon-o'enȯhéotse. He became drowsy from eating. Éhá-o'enohe. He is very full (of food). Náhá-o'enȯhéotse. I'm very full (of food). Nȧhtanȧhahk-o'enohe. I'll be reenergized from eating. Náhehp-o'enȯhéotse. I overate. See: -mésehe; -e'haná. Category: eat.
-o'evo'óhtá vti. take of a bite of s.t. É-o'evo'óhta. He took a bite of it. BodyPartMedial -óhtá. Category: eat.
-o'hémėsehe vai. picnic. É-o'hémėsehe. He picnicked. Stem mésehe; Preverb o'hé- ‘distant’. Category: eat.
-o'hóhke'haná vai. choke on food while eating. É-o'hóhke'hāna. He choked on his food. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-o'óhtá vti. take a bite of s.t. É-o'óhta. He took a bite of it. Etym: *kaθkantamwa (P); cf *pahkwe·ntamwa (P). O'óhtȯhtse! Take a bite of it! Final -óht; vta: -o'om. See: -ahanóhtá. Category: eat.
-o'om vta. take a bite of s.o. É-o'omóho. He took a bite of him. Etym: *kaθkame·wa (P) ‘he breaks him off with his teeth, crunches him up’; cf *pahkwe·me·wa (P). O'omeha! Take a bite of him! vti: -o'óhtá. See: -om1 ‘by mouth’. Category: mouth, eat.
-ó'ȯse'haná vai. eat (something) by mistake, accidentally eat (something). É-ó'ȯse'hāna. He accidentally ate (it). fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-onótove'haná vai. hurry up and eat. Onótove'hānȧhtse! Hurry up and eat! Mothers would typically say this to their children if they were dawdling or playing with their food. Variant: -nonótove'haná. Category: eat, speed.
-oó'xeaná vai. be very hungry. Ná-oó'xéána. I'm really hungry. Usage: slang Lit: burst with hunger See: -háeaná. Category: eat.
-óove'haná vai. eat everything. É-óove'hāna. He ate up everything. fai: -e'haná. See: -nėhetaa'e'haná. Category: eat.
-óove'hanáotse vai. ate up everything. Ná-óove'hanáotse. I ate up everything. Category: eat.
-ová'komósėhahtsé vai. small bites; eat small bites. É-ová'komósėháhtse. He is eating little tiny bites. Category: eat, quantity.
-ovávoone vai. starve. É-ovávooneo'o. They are starving. Non-reduplicated -ávoone. Phon: redup Category: eat.
-oxom fta. feed s.o., feed s.o. to death. Éáhan-ȯxomóho. He fed him to death / he fed him so much he got sick. Tȧhé-oxomeha nėstōtse! Go feed your pet! Kóhkonȯhēō'o néxhé-oxomėstse! Feed me bread! (owls cry this). vta: -hoxom. Category: eat, food.
-pa'homev vta. feed s.o. until full. Ná-pa'homēvo. I'm feeding him until he is full. Category: eat. See: -ná'so'enot.
-pėháve'kee'haná vai. eat dessert well. Lit: good-eat-sweet Pȧháve'kee'hānȧhtse! Eat a good dessert! fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-pėhéve'haná vai. eat well. É-pėhéve'hāna. He ate well. Móné-pėhéve'hanȧhéhe. You must have eaten well. Mónéto'se-pėhéve'hanȧhéhe. You must be going to eat well. Mónéto'se-pėhéve'hanȧheméhe. You plural must be going to eat well. Reduplicated -popėhéve'haná; fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-pé'penom vta. chew up s.o. ȯhtaéše-pé'penomótsee'ėstse mata after peyote is chewed. Non-reduplicated -pénom. Phon: redup Category: eat.
-pénóhtá vti. chew s.t., grind s.t. in the mouth. É-pénóhta. He chewed it up. vta: pénom; fti: -óht. Category: mouth, eat.
-pénomev vta. chew food for s.o. This is premasticating food, especially for a baby. É-pénomevóho. He chewed food for him. See: -pénȯhtomev. Category: food, eat.
-poe'hahtsé vti. 1 • slam down s.t., throw down s.t. É-poe'hāhtse. He slammed it down. Ques: check recording poeh?? vai: -póe'hasené. See: nȧhóhpo; -anȧha'hahtsé; -póehá; -póehahtsé. Category: move.
2 • devour s.t. entirely. Category: figurative. É-poe'hahtsénóvo. They ate it all up like it was nothing. See: -mȧhaéstá. Category: eat, food, check.
-po'ovo'óhta vti. bite off s.t. É-po'ovo'óhta. He bit it off. Category: eat.
-sé'hasené vai. sop. especially sop up gravy or soup with bread. É-sé'hasēne. He sopped. fai: -asené. Category: eat.
-sé'ho'enȯhéotse vai. wake up from eating. Ná-sé'ho'enȯhéotse. I have awakened from eating. Category: eat.
-sé'senom vta. gnaw on s.o. É-sé'senomóho. He is gnawing on him. Etym: *či·kwame·wa (P/L). Phon: redup fta: -om1. Category: eat.
-senóve'hāna vai. eat badly. É-senóve'hāna. He ate badly. Category: eat.
-sétovoéstanené vai. have noontime, eat lunch. É-sétovoéstánéne. He ate lunch (had noon meal); it's his noontime. Ná-sétovoéstánéne. I ate lunch. See: -ho'oéstanené; -mésėhévoéstá. Category: time, eat.
-sȯséveaná vai. weak from hunger - be. Ná-sȯséveāna. I'm weak from hunger. fai: -aná. See: -háeaná. Category: eat.
-sȯséveanáotse vai. go limp from hunger, weak from hunger - be. Ná-sȯséveanáotse. I was so hungry I went limp. fai: -aná. See: -háeaná. Category: eat.
-šé'šeanáxé vai. wake up hungry, awaken hungry. É-šé'šeanáxe. He woke up hungry. Ná-šé'šeanáxe. I woke up hungry. Náméo-šé'šeanáxe. I woke up hungry this morning. fai: -aná ‘hungry’. Category: eat, sleep.
-tȧhpe'ȧsévo'enohe vai. have a big stomach from eating. for instance, of a puppy that eats until its tummy looks so full, then falls asleep. É-tȧhpe'ȧsévo'enohe. He has a big stomach from having (just) eaten. BodyPartMedial -asé; fai: -o'enohe. Category: eat.
táxemésėhestȯtse ni. table. Lit: upon-eat-thing (another recording) (another recording) Plural táxemésėhéstotȯtse; Oblique táxemésėhéstóva. Táxemésėhéstóva náamónoo'e. I'm sitting at the table. See: táhoxe'ėstónestȯtse ‘desk’. Category: house, eat, furniture.
-tó'omo'enȯhéotse vai. unable to move so full of food. É-tó'omo'enȯhéotse. He is unable to move he is so full (of food). Ná-tó'omo'enȯhéotse. I'm unable to move I'm so full (of food). fai: -o'enohe. Category: food, eat.
-tó'oveh vta. eat up all food before s.o. É-tó'ovėhóho. He ate up all the food so he (other person) didn't get any. Ná-tó'ovėhāā'e. They ate up all the food and I didn't get any. Category: eat.
-vé'ho'émėsehe vai. eat as a white person. for example, fancy, with a fork, napkin, with dainty fingers. É-vé'ho'émėsėheo'o. They eat as whites. See: -mésehe ‘eat’. Category: whites, eat.
-vése'haná vai. eat with. É-vése'hāna. He ate with (the group). Etym: *wi·čiɁθenye·wa. Mónėstse-vése'hāna? Are you also going to eat? vta: -vése'hanám. Category: eat.
-vése'hanám vta. eat with s.o. É-vése'hanamo. He ate with him. É-vése'hanámóho. (newer pronunciation). Ná-vése'hanámo. I ate with him. Ná-vése'hanámáéne. He ate with us (not including you). vai: -vése'haná. See: -mésehe. Category: eat.
-véseová'hem vta. eat out of same plate with s.o. É-véseová'hemóho ?[ He shared the same plate with him/he ate out of the same plate with him. See: -vése'haná; -vése'hanám. Category: eat.
-véstse'haná vai. eat with. É-véstse'hāna. ?? He ate with (someone else). Etym: cf *wi·to·xpowa (P) ‘he eats with others, eats from the same dish as the others’. Initial vés(t)-; Final -e'haná. Category: eat.
-vóhkoohéve'haná vai. eat a salad. Lit: rabbit-eat Ná-vóhkoohéve'haná. I ate a salad. Category: eat, food.
-vone'éše'haná vai. eat for a long time. É-vone'éše'hāna. He took a very long time eating. Category: eat.
-vóone'haná vai. eat all night. É-vóone'hāna. He ate all night. Initial vóon-; fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-xá'xanóhtá vti. chew s.t. É-xá'xanóhta. He chewed it. Lit: crush by mouth Etym: *šekwantamwa. Xá'xanóhtȯhtse! Chew it! Category: eat.
-xá'xanom vta. chew s.o. É-xá'xanomóho. He chewed him. Etym: *šekwame·wa (P). Ná-xá'xánómo. I chewed him. fta: -om. Category: eat.
2 • vta. gossip about s.o. Category: speak.