Cheyenne Dictionary



-ahé   fna. like, similar. The verb associated with a noun that takes this suffix must be a relative verb. Ma'enóné-áhe éhešėhesó'xo'ēsta. He has ears like turtles. That is, he won't listen. See: -hehá; -séesó; -séestahe. Category: identity.

-éve   f. be. This final is used with both animate and inanimate subjects. Éhetane-ve. He is a man. Évé'ho'é-veotse. He turned into a whiteman. Éhotóa-veo'o. They are buffaloes. Éméenó-veo'o. They (an.) are feathers. tséska'ėškónėhévéto when I was a child. [Cheyenne Flood Story.001] Évo'-eve. It is cloudy. requires a preceding noun stem. Variant: -ve. Phon: The first /é/ does not appear when the preceding stem is vowel-final. Etym: *-i·wi. Category: identity.

-hé9   sfx. agentivizer. vovéstomósané-he (cf. é-vovéstomósáne 'he taught') teacher. tsėhe'ėseesé-he elephant (lit. long-nosed-one). Heše'kévėhahtá-he Dusty Foot. See: -htȯtse NOM. Category: identity.

-hehá   f. like, similar, same as, as. This final suffixes to both animate and inanimate nouns. The verb associated with such a noun must be a relative verb. He'nétooné-héha éhéso. It is like a door. Hoóhtsetsé-héha éhe'ėstahe. He is as tall as a tree. Póesónė-héha náhešenȧhahkahe. I'm as quick as a cat. Ques: ck. pl. nouns?? See: -ahé. Category: check. See: -séesó; -séestahe; tā'se. Category: identity, quality.

he'émáné'e   na. transvestite, hermaphrodite, homosexual, gay man, woman-pretender, coward, two-spirit. (another recording) This kind of person was important in the Cheyenne scheme of things, along with the Contraries, Hohnóhkao'o. This word is sometimes used by men who teasingly accuse their brothers-in-law of being a he'émáné'e. See: he'émane; hetanémáné'e. Category: identity.

hénaa'e   pro. Gram: inan Gram: sg Gram: interrog What? inflected for number, obviation, and can take the reportative mode suffix. has the meaning of English 'why' when used with conjunct and hése- preverb, that is,'for what reason?'. Hénáá'e há'tóhe? What is that? Hénáá'e tséhésenėhešéveto? Why did you do that? some such questions in some contexts are considered quite rude: Hénáá'e tséhésenėheto? Why are you saying that?! That is considered an ugly answer to s.o. when the original question was civil and it only requires a simple straightforward answer. Obviative hénaa'etse. See: hénová'e; hénová'éto. Category: identity.

hénáá'énėse   pro. something. This is hénáá'e with the reportative mode suffix. Hénáá'énėse énémotóhta." He is got something in his mouth. [The Rolling Head.101] Hénáá'énėse tséhoó'héváha? What did I hear fall? (that is, there was something unknown to me which was overheard falling). Variant: hénová'énėse. See: hénáá'e; hová'éhe. Category: identity.

hénaa'eo'ȯtse   pro. What are those? (inan. pl.) similar to hénová'eo'ȯtse. Category: identity.

hénaa'etse   pro. What?, Why? obviative form of hénáá'e. Ques: recheck recording?? Category: check. Hénaa'etse tséhéseé'e'o'tsėse he'ko? Why did he break the bone? See: hénaa'e. Category: identity.

hena'háanéhe   dem. Gram: inan Gram: sg that is it, there it is, that is the way (it is), amen. This word can be used at the end of a story, prayer, sermon, or when you lay down your cards in a game to say "that is all I have"; proximal; old information in discourse; can refer to the end of a story. proximal; old information in discourse. (another recording) Mó-hena'háanéhe? Is that it? / Anything else? (another recording) Hena'háanéhe nétavá'nenėhešemé'ėstomévatsénóvo. This is all I'm telling you about. [1987:20] Hena'háanéhe kȧse'ééhe tsé'évȧhéestanėse. That is when the young lady was taken back. Contracted hená'hanéhe; Plural hena'háanevótse. See: heta'háanehe; nea'háanehe; hená'hanehe; hénová'ėháanéhe; nėhē'še. Category: identity.

hená'hanéhe   pro. Gram: inan Gram: sg that is it; here it is (proximal; old information). non-contracted: hena'háanéhe. Category: identity.

Hená'hanetsevótse   p. that is what they (inanimate) are. Category: identity.

hénése   p. That's it, be that way, be it. Mó-hénése? Is that it? Naa mó=hénėséhanéhe tséohkeévȧhésemévévȯse hováhne. And that is why animals are eaten (now). [1987:248] heá'ė=hénése maybe that is it. [1987:248] See: hénėsehe; móhénėsehe. Category: identity.

hénėsehe   p. Is it the one?, Is that it? (another recording) "Hénėsehe ééšepėhéva'ehe?" é'ȯhkėhetóhoono. "Is it good now?" he would say to her. [1987:291] See: hénése; mó-hénése; móhénėsehe. Category: identity.

hénėsestse   p. that, those. This seems to be in the reportative mode. Naa héne hénėsestse tséévȧhešėho'ā'ȯse Tsėhéstáno. And that, that is the way he came back to Cheyenne country. [My Father's Schooling.066] Category: identity.

hénová'e   pro. Gram: inan Gram: sg Gram: interrog what. Ques: What's the difference between hénová'e and hénaa'e?? Category: check. interrogative pronoun. This question word by itself often implies "What do you want?" This word is also used in "why" questions, along with the preverb hése- or initial hést- that mean 'from that' or 'for that reason'. Hénová'e is inflected for number, obviation, and mode (evidential). Hénová'e tséméseto? What did you eat? (another recording) Hénová'e tsého'ȧheto? What do you want? Hénová'e tsého'oestseto? What are you boiling? Hénová'e tsékó'koévone? What is jingling? Hénová'e tsévé'šeoomȯse? What did you hit him with? Hénová'e tséhésea'xaameto? Why are you crying? Hénová'e tsénėhestomo? What do you mean by that? Hénová'éto? What is that?/What is this? Hénová'ehȯtse? What are they (inan.)? Henová'etotse? What are they? (obv)? hénová'étsénėse something (obv.; reportative). Obviative hénová'etse; Plural hénová'ehȯtse. See: hénaa'e; hénová'éto. Category: identity.

hénová'ehȯtse   pro. What are they? inanimate plural interrogative pronoun. Variant: hénová'eo'ȯtse. Category: identity.

hénová'énėse   pro. Gram: pro-inan-sg-indef something. Such indefinite pronouns take reportative verb mode suffixes indicating their status ofbeing information unknown to the speaker; these pronouns cannot take surprisalmode suffixes, hence, hénová'enȯhoonȯtse is ungrammatical. Tā'se hénóvá'énėse tséxxaemomó'óhtsėse. Like something moved. Taa'éva tséstaamėhnéto hénová'énėse námȧxa'oo'e. When I was walking last night something brushed me. Hénová'énėse éoseepėhéveméehō'ta. Something (cooking) sure smells good. Mó'amóe'ȯhanéhe hénová'énėse o'hé'e. Something was floating on the river. [Croft 1988:17] Táaxa'e hénová'énėse éme'tameto? Let's see, what could I give him? [1987:184] Variant: hénáá'énėse; Plural hénová'enėsestȯtse. See: hóvá'éhe; tósa'e; tóne'še; nevá'esėstse; -hová'eve; hénėsénėse; hénova'éneho. Category: identity.

hénová'enėsestȯtse   pro. Gram: pro-inan-pl-indef somethings. identity unknown to speaker. Hénová'enėsestȯtse éma'xetáho'tánėstse. Some things (unknown) were on top. Singular hénová'énėse. Category: identity.

hénová'eo'ȯtse   pro. What are they (inan.)? interrogative pronoun. Hénová'eo'ȯtse tséno'ėhnétosȯtse? What (pl) are you carrying? Variant: hénová'ehȯtse. Category: identity.

hénová'éto   pro. Gram: inan Gram: sg Gram: interrog What is it?, Why? (another recording) We can say this when someone comes to your door and you desire what they want. This question word often implies "What do you want?" This word is used in "why"questions, along with the preverb hése- or initial hést- that mean 'from that' or 'for that reason'. Technically this can be called an interrogative pronoun. Hénová'éto hé'tóhe? What is this? Naa hé'tóhe hénová'éto? And what is this? Hénová'éto héne? What is that? (something already mentioned). Naa máto hénová'éto? And what else? Hénová'éto tsétáho'ta? What was that on (the table)? Hénová'éto tséno'ėhneto? What are you carrying? Hénová'éto tséhésta'xaneto? Why are you crying. Plural hénová'etoo'ėstse. See: hénová'e. Category: identity.

hénová'etotse   pro. Gram: pro-inan-obv-interrog what. obviative interrogative pronoun. Hénová'etotse tséno'ėhnesėstse? What is he carrying? Hénová'etotse tséhésėho'ėhnėstse? What was her reason for coming (here)? See: hénová'e; hénová'etse. Category: identity.

hénová'etotsénėse   pro. Gram: inan Gram: pl Gram: indef What was THAT (emph.)? obviative. Category: identity.

hénová'etse   pro. Gram: pro-inan-sg-obv-interrog What is it? obviative interrogative pronoun. Category: identity.

hénová'étsénėse   pro. Gram: pro-inan-sg-obv-indef something. obviative; unknown. Taa'éva tséstaamēhnėse hénová'étsénėse émȧxa'oenȯse. When he was walking last night something (obv.) brushed (reportative) him. Category: identity.

-hesó   vii. Gram: rr be that way, be so, that way - be. ... é-héso. ... that is how it is. Etym: *ešye·wi > (P) **išye·wi (L). Étsė-héso. It is this way. Énė-héso. It is that way. Násáahéne'enóhénóne tsé-héso. We do not know what it is like. [1987:550] vai: -hesta. See: -hesóotse; -hésó. Category: identity.

-hešėtovátó   vii. Gram: rr so be, so mean, be that way, be what it is all about, be the meaning of. tsé-hešėtováto the way it is; the meaning of it. for example, the meaning of tepee designs. tséxhéne'enátanó'to tsé-hešetovátotse as he wants to find out all about it. [1987:105] naa tséx-hešėtováto hé'tóhe ma'heónȯxe'ėstoo'o and the teachings of this Bible. [1987:300] See: -hešėxováto. Category: check, identity.

-heševéhé   vai. named - so, be so named, be named that. The person's name is said first then this word. Ma'óhkééná'e ná-heševéhe. Red Tassel Woman is my name. Amėsto'eesēō'o ná-heševéhe. Travois is my name. Kovááhe ná-heševéhe. Youngman is my name. ... ná-heševéhe. ... that is what I'm named. ... é-heševéhe. ... that is his name. Náhkȯhéso é-heševéhe. Littlebear is his name. Category: identity.

heta'háanéhe   dem. Gram: inan Gram: sg this is the one, here it is. proximal object; new information. Plural heta'háanevótse. See: hena'háanéhe; nea'háanéhe; hetá'hanehe. Category: identity.

heta'háanetséhe   dem. Gram: ni-pro-sg-obv this is the one. Category: identity.

hetá'hanéhe   pro. there it is (distal; new information). Non-contracted heta'háanéhe. Category: identity.

hetanémáné'e   na. man pretender, lesbian, transgendered man. This refers to a woman who acts like a man. (another recording) Feminine he'émáné'e. Category: identity.

hetómoehnohtsėstse   na. black sheep. This is a figurative expression in Cheyenne, similar to the meaning of "black sheep" in English. Variant: hotómoehnohtsėstse; vai: -hetómoehnóhtséve; Final -óehné. Category: identity, figurative.

-hetómoehnóhtseve   vai. black sheep - be a. É-hetómoehnóhtseve. He is the black sheep (of the family). Variant: -hotómoehnóhtseve; Final -óehné. Category: identity, figurative.

hoóhtsetséhéha   ni. like a tree. Hoóhtsetséhéha éhe'ėstahe. He is as tall as a tree. Category: identity.

hótȯxávepéva??    Category: check.

??. transgender. Category: check. Ques: recheck, especially the ending tséhótȯxávepévatsėse ?? transgender ?? Category: check, check, identity.

-hová'ėšeenotseve   vii. what kind of tree (or bush) - be. É-hová'ėšeenotseve? What kind of a tree is it (an.)? Category: identity.

-hová'eve   vai. what kind? especially used to ask about the gender of someone, such as whether a newborn baby is a girl or boy. É-hová'eve? What sex is it (or he)?; What kind is he? See: -néevá'eve; -néehove. Category: identity.

-hová'evé'ho'eve   vai. what kind of non-Indian? É-hová'evé'ho'eve? What is his nationality? Lit: i.e. What kind of a ve'ho'e is he? Category: identity.

-hová'evenótseve   vai. what tribe is s.o.? É-hová'eve-nótseve? What kind of tribe is he? Category: identity.

móhénėséhanéhe   p. Is that all now?, must have been, must be. See: mónėhetáa'e; móhénėsehe. Naa móhénėséhanéhe tséohtšene'éestsėstomótȧxevase. And it must have been that way, those that used to be interpreters. Category: identity, check.

móhénėséhanetséhe   p. Is that it (obv)? Category: identity.

Móhénėsehe   vii. Is that right? See: mó-hénése; hénėsehe; móhe; móhenėséhanehe. Category: identity.

mónéhe   p. You mean that one (referred to)? This is a combination of móhe 'really?' and néhe 'that one'. See: móhe; néhe. Category: identity.

mónėséhanéhe   vai. He must be the one. Mónėséhanevóhe. They must be the ones. Stem -nėsé. See: -néehove; nea'háanéhe. Category: identity.

mónėséhanevóhe   vai. They must be the ones, He/She (obv) must be the one. Category: identity.

naa'háanéhe   dem. Gram: an Gram: sg he/she is the one (distal; old information); that is what he/she is; there he/she is. Plural naa'háanevóhe; Obviative naa'háanevóhe. See: nea'háanéhe; tsea'háanéhe. Category: identity.

nea'háanéhe   dem. Gram: an Gram: sg he/she is the one; here he/she is. (another recording) old information in discourse; proximal. Vé'kėséhá'e nea'háanéhe. There is Bird Woman. Plural nea'háanevóhe They are the ones.. Nea'háanéhe tsé'ȯhkeamėhého'soo'ėse hénėhéóhe. He is the one who danced there. [1987:48] Contracted neá'hanéhe. See: hena'háanéhe; néa'hanehe; naa'háanéhe; nevá'hanéhe; nėsé-. Category: identity.

nea'háanevóhe   dem. Gram: an Gram: pl they are the ones. old information in discourse; proximal. naa nea'háanevóhe tsénėxhémeotaetsee'e those are the ones who are coming to fight us (1987:21). Singular nea'háanéhe. Category: identity.

-néehove   vai. be the person, be the one, I, me. These are fully inflected verb forms in Cheyenne, marked for person, number, order, etc. Ná-néehove. I am the one. Ná-néehove Vóestaā'e. I am White Buffalo Calf Woman. [1987:32] Né-néehove. You are the one. Né-néehóvehe? Are you the one? (another recording) É-néehove. He is the one. É-néehóveo'o. They are the ones. Ná-néehóvéme. We (excl) are the ones. Né-néehóvéme. You (plural) are the ones. Naa étaome-néehove. Well, it's HIS life. For example, he has to take the consequences of his actions, no one can tell him what to do. Móstȧhéne'enovȯhevóhe á'e hósėstse tséh-néehóvévȯse. They found out about those who were near, (that they were just like) them. [1987:3] Návé'šenėhešéve tséh-néehóvévȯse I did it for them (for example, a mother typically would say this about doing something for the sake of her children). tséh-néehóvéto as for myself, me, I. Ma'hēō'o mónámétaehéhe tséxháoena'toese tsėhéóhe tséh-néehóvevo. God gave it to me when people prayed to him for my sake. Ma'hēō'o énéehove néohkenėševátamaene. Éno'kevó'ho'ėho'hévatamaahe. Éhoháatamaahe. Nétaohkeó'tȯsėháoena'tovone.?? God is the one, he takes pity on us. He is glorious. He is powerful. We perseverantly pray to him.?? tséh-néehóveto as for you. tséh-néehovėse as for him. tséh-néehóvétse as for us (excl. and incl.) tséh-néehóvése as for you (plural). tséh-néehóvévȯse as for them. It appears that Cheyennes do not refer to themselves in the third person, as can be done sometimes in English and some other languages. vta: -néehóvem. See: -néevá'eve; taamááhe; nėsé-; -hová'eve; nea'háanéhe. Category: identity.

-néehóvem   vta. identify s.o., declare s.o. to be the one. É-néehóvemóho. He declared him to be the one. Ná-néehóvémo. I identify him/declare him to be the one. vai: -néehove; fta: -em. Category: identity.

-néevá'eve   vai. Who is/are ? É-néevá'eve? Who is he? Né-néevá'eve? Who are you? (another recording) É-néevá'evėsesto. I wonder who they are. See: -néehove; nevááso; névááhe; -hová'eve. Category: identity.

-nėhe'xóvahe   vai. be that way. É-nėhe'xóvahe. He is that way. Category: identity, personality.

-nėhesta   vai. be that way. É-nėhesta. He is that way. See: -hesta; -nėhestáotse; -nėhestá. Category: identity.

nėhéstȧhévo   p. that kind. Mȧhta'so máto nėhéstȧhévo nȧhtȧhósémo. A scalped man, also of that kind (of person), I'm going to tell about him. (1987:295). Éme'=nėhéó=taa'e nėhéstȧhévo hotse'óhestȯtse. He would fit that kind of work. (1987:186). See: tsėhéstȧhévo; tónėstȧhevónó'e; nėhestȧhévónó'ėse. Category: identity.

nėhestȧhevónó'e1   p. such kind, that kind. of either inanimate or animate things. Ques: (nėhést?) See: -tónėstȧhevóno'e; nėhéstȧhévo; tsėhestȧhévónó'e. Category: identity.

-nėhestȧhevónó'é2   vii. such kind, that kind.

vai. such kind, that kind. Ques: (nėhés?) É-nėhestȧhevónó'e. It is that kind. Heóvema'kaata móh-nėhestȧhevóno'ėhanéhe héne mo'ēško. Of gold, it was that kind, that ring. [1987:184] See: -tónėstȧhevónó'é2. Category: identity.

nėhestȧhévónó'ėse   p. that kind. tséohkenésemase nėhestȧhévónó'ėse ?? those who talk to spirits; that kind of person ??x. Nėhestȧhévónó'ėse mósto'sevé'šetó'omemȧsȯhevóhe. He had that kind (of gun) to use to shoot (the beaver). [1988:275] See: nėhéstȧhévo. Category: identity, check.

nėhestȧhevónó'éve   vai. Móhno'keovóe-nėhestȧhevóno'evėhéhe. He must have been the first (one) like that. [A Bear Story.033] Category: identity.

néhno'kȧhéto   vai. Gram: ppl I alone, I by myself. néh- pv. (or conjunct prefix?) + -no'kahe 'be one; alone' + conjunct suffix. See: tséh-néehóvéto. néhno'kȧheto you (RECHECK ALL THESE)?? néhno'kaese he alone. néhno'kȧhetsėse he (obv) alone ?? néhno'kȧhétse we (exc. & incl.) alone. néhno'kȧhése you (plural) alone. néhno'kȧhévȯse they alone. néhno'kȧhéto ?? it alone it. Category: check. néhno'kȧhétoo'ėstse They (inan.) tséh-no'kȧhéto when I was single. See: néhnéšévȯse both of them. Category: identity.

-ne'evátseoneve   vai. identified, signaled. É--ne'evátseoneve. He is identified. Category: identity.

ne'evá(v)-   i. identified, recognized. É-ne'evávȧhtóohe. He is recognized by the sound he makes. É-ne'eváva'xāne. He is recognized by his cry. Variant: ne'evá-, ne'eváve-. Category: identity.

-ne'eváveméa'há   vii. identified by smell. É-ne'eváveméá'ha. It is identified by his smell. Category: smell, identity.

-ne'eváveméa'xe   vai. identified by smell. É-ne'eváveméa'xe. He is identified by his smell. For example, a cow. Category: smell, identity.

-ne'hahe   vai. be the same. É-ne'hahe. He is the same. Énėše-ne'hahe. He is the same. Néhe énėše-ne'hahe. He is the same as that one (already spoken about). Étanėšena'he-ne'háheo'o. They three are the same. for example, the Trinity. vii: -né'ha'e. See: -séestá. Category: identity.

-né'ha'e   vii. be the same. É-né'ha'e It is the same. Énėše-né'ha'e. It is the same. Ques: how is this different from -séesó? Phon: iah See: -ne'ho'tá; -séeso. Category: quality, identity, check.

nėsé   1 • na. be him, be the one. Mó-nėséhanevóhe. It was him (obv.; inferential mode). [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.166] Hótȧhtse mó-nėséhanéhe né=hetane. Here, that was him, that man (inf.). (1987:270). Nėséhoo'o. He is the one (surp.). Hévá=móhe nėsésesto tsénésȯhtȯxese tsénésȯhtȯxese tséhemėhé'tovȧhtsese. Apparently they are (reportative) the seven (stars), the seven who are sisters. (1987:305:21). See: mónėséhanéhe; nea'háanéhe; heta'háanéhe.

2 • ni. be it, be that. This stem requires third person plus mode (evidentiality) affixes. naa nėsétsénėse nėhe'xóvéva tséhešeoné'seómenėhéese tséto'sėhešee'óoestaaese And THAT WAS THE TIME/MOMENT that he truly said that he was going to be baptized(Stamper 1991:6). Category: identity.

nėséhoo'o   pro. he the one (surp.) Gram: pret emphasis or surprise marked by the surprisal (preterit) suffix. Nėséhoono! They are the ones! See: nėsévoohe; mó=hénėsehe; nea'háanevóhe; nėsesėstse. Category: identity.

nėsesėstse   pro. he (is) the one (reportative). the reportative suffix gives the idea of hearsay. Morph: /nesé-seht/. Plural nėsésesto. transl. of the pl. would be 'THEY were the ones'. hévá=móhe nėsésesto tsénésȯstȯxese tséhemėhé'tovȧhtsese Apparently they are (reportative) the seven (stars), the seven who are sisters (1987:305). See: nėsé-; -sėstse; nėséhoo'o; nea'háanéhe; néhe; móhenėséhanéhe. Category: identity.

nėsévoohe   Ques: (vooho?? p. Is he the person? For example, the speaker doesn't see him, but is describing him. Plural nėsévoonevohe voho??. See: nėséhoo'o; nea'háanevóhe. Category: identity, check.

-nétahe   vai. different - be, another - be, other - be. É-nétahe. He is a different one. tsé-nétaestse (compare tsé-ne'taestse 'the important one') the other one. vii: -néta'e; Reduplicated -onétahe. See: -nétȧhévahe; -ne'tahe. Category: identity.

nétȧhéve-   1 • i. different. É-nétȧhéveméohe. He is running different. É-nétȧhéveéno'e. It tastes different.

2 • pv. different. É-nétȧhéveéšeeve It is a holiday (literally, it's a different day). Nėhē'še éme'nėše-nétȧhéve-vo'ėstanéhevėstove "It is about time maybe you should change your way of living!" Lit: then there should be different living Reduplicated onétȧhéve-. Category: quality, identity.

-nétȧhévemané   vai. gay - be, homosexual - be. É-nétȧhévémáne. He/She is homosexual/gay. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, new, identity.

-nétȧhéveohtsé   vii. change.

vai. change. É-nétȧhéveōhtse. It (or He) is changing. Category: identity.

-néta'e   vii. be another, be a different one. É-néta'e. It is a different one. vai: -nétahe. See: -né'ta'e; -nétȧhéva'e. Category: identity.

neváaááhe   pro. Gram: an Gram: sg Gram: interrog Who? (emphatic). Phon: stretched version of névááhe, with the prosodic symbolic effect typically indicating that the speaker emphatically does not know who someone is, for example, if in conversation people are wondering who could be mayor of Busby, someone might say néváaááhe implying 'Who could we get to be mayor of Busby?' See: névááhe. Category: identity.

névaaááso   pro. Gram: an-sg-interrog Who (emphatic). stretched counterpart of névááso, for emphatic effect. Category: identity, record, check.

névááhe   pro. who. (another recording) There are various inflected and related forms: neváaseo'o Who (plural)? neváasóho Who (obviative)? névááso Who? nevá'esėstse someone. nevá'ėsesto someone (plural unspecified persons). Névááhe tséhomōsėstse? Who cooked? Névááhe tsénéménėstse? Who is singing? Névááhe tséévo'soo'ėstse? Who is playing? Névááhe tsévéhonevėstse? Who is the boss? Névááhe tsémanēstsėstse? Who made it? Névááhe háestoha tsééseváooestse? Who (singular) made the most baskets (in a basketball game)? Névááhe tséheaxȧxévonėstse? Who has the bell? (=is the boss; based on lead cow's bearing of a bell). Névááhe tséohkeéšemévóse váótséva? Who has eaten deer? Phon: stretched to néváaááhe for symbolic (emphatic) effect Névááhe tséoomȯhtse? Who did you hit? Névááhe tsépóoeséheta'e Who hit you on the nose? Tsé'tóhe névááhe? Who is this? névááhe and névááso are quite similar, but there are certain contexts where one is preferred over the other, for example, when asking 'Who said that?' it would be more common to say Névááhe tsénėheestse. Some other contexts where névááhe seems to be preferred also appear in this entry. Also see examples under névááso. See: névááso; nevá'esėstse; hénáá'e. Category: identity.

névááse   pro. Gram: an Gram: sg Gram: interrog who. Variant: névááso. interrogative pronoun inflected for number and obviation. Névááse tséhehpėstȯhatse? Who has more? [ms 0620 193652.WAV@01:00] Plural neváaseo'o; Obviative neváasóho. See: névááhe. Category: identity.

neváaseo'o   pro. Gram: pro-an-pl-interrog Who (pl)? interrogative pronoun inflected for number. (another recording) Tá'tó=neváaseo'o? Who are they? Neváaseo'o tséhoese? Who are there? Neváaseo'o tsémésėhese? Who are the ones who are eating? Neváaseo'o tsénémenese? Who are the ones who are singing? Néváaseo'o tséháomóhtȧhese? Who are the ones who are sick? Neváaseo'o háestoha tséésto'ȧhéotsese? Who (plural) had the most runs home? "Neváaseo'o tá'tóhe tséne'ama'hasó'hese?" móxhehéhe. "Who are those who are coming on horseback?" she said. [1987:21] Singular névááso. Category: identity.

névááso   pro. Gram: an Gram: sg Gram: interrog Who? (another recording) Variant: névááse. interrogative pronoun inflected for number and obviation. Névááso tséméseestse? Who is eating? Névááso tsého'ēhnėstse? Who came? Tá'tó=névááso? (or, Névááso tá'tóhe?) Who's that? Phon: stretched to névaaááso for prosodic symbolism with meaning something like 'Who IS he?', when you REALLY emphatically don't know who he is Neváasóho tséhee'hahese? Who is his son? Neváasóho tséoomaese? Who hit him? Neváasóho tséoomose? Who did he hit? Plural neváaseo'o; Obviative neváasóho. See: névááhe. Category: identity.

nevá'esėstse   pro. Gram: pro-an-sg-indef someone, somebody. This indefinite pronoun is used when speakers do not know the identity of a person they are speaking about. PD991: "unknown or unnamed". Nevá'esėstse móhéheotseotsėhéhe. Somebody must have vomited. Nevá'esėstse néhe. I wonder who that is. Nevá'esėstse tsénėhetáta'e. Someone is talking about you (humorous saying to someone who has sneezed). Nevá'ėsesto héá'ėháma éhó'továvoovȯxevaenáá'e. Maybe somebody doused him with water (he had been "on fire", full of ideas). Plural nevá'ėsesto; Obviative nevá'ėsesto. See: vo'ėstane person; hovánee'e no one. Category: identity.

nevá'hanéhe   pro. Gram: na-pro-sg he/she is the one. Ques: is neva'háanéhe the non-contracted form? can only refer to a hero, someone in a discourse who has done something particularly heroic. "Ameto nevá'hanéhe," tsėhevoōne. "From now on (the young man) will be known as the (hero) one," they will say. See: nea'háanéhe. Category: identity.

nonétȧhéve-   pv. different. tsé-nonétȧhévėstséavo'o'ee'ėstse different types of flowers. Phon: often contracted to onétȧhéve- Contracted onétȧhéve-; Non-reduplicated netȧhéve-. Category: quality, identity.

-onétahe   vai. be different, be other. only said with plural subjects. tsé'tóhe tsé-onétȧhese these different (groups). [1987:15] Non-reduplicated nétahe. Category: identity.

onétȧhév   i. different extensively. Mó'ée-onétȧhévenenȧhtsėhéhe. He had changed his face. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.142] Non-reduplicated -nétȧhév. Category: identity.

-onétȧhévahe   vai. be different. only used with plural subjects. É-onétȧhévȧheo'o. They are different. Non-reduplicated -nétȧhévahe; Non-contracted -nonétȧhévahe. Category: identity.

onétȧhéve-   pv. different. tsé-onétȧhévėstséavo'o'ee'ėstse different types of flowers. Non-contracted nonétȧhéve-; Non-reduplicated nétȧhéve-. Phon: redup; contracted from -nonetȧhéve-? Category: quality, identity.

-onéta'e   vii. different. Hósėstse ééve-onéta'e heséeo'ȯtse Some medicine is different. [Why Alcohol Is Not Sold to Cheyennes.009] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -neta'e. Category: identity.

-séestahe   vai. same - be the. É-séestahe. He is the same. É-séestȧheo'o. They (animate) are the same. vii: -séesó. See: -séesta. Category: quality, identity.

-séesta'tov   vta. be the same as s.o., be similar to s.o. É-séesta'tovóho. He is the same as him/he is similar to him. Category: identity.

séeš-   i. same, similar. É-séešévone. It sounds the same. É-séešėhánėstse. They (inanimate) have the same tunes. É-séešenóoheo'o. They have the same appearance. É-séešeéno'e. It tastes the same. Category: identity.

-séešehá   vii. have the same tune. É-séešēha. It has the same tune. É-séešėhánėstse. They have the same tunes. For example, for example, Arapaho and Cheyenne songs. fii: -há2. See: -nėhešehá. Category: sounds, identity, check.

-šeenotseve   vai. be a tree. Éhová'ė-šeenotseve? What kind of tree is it (animate)? [Floating Eyes] Category: identity.

táa'hanehe   pro. there it is, that is what it is (distal, new information). Phon: contraction of taa'háanéhe See: taa'háanéhe. Category: identity.

táase   p. Gram: inan Gram: sg Gram: interrog Which one? (another recording) Variant: táaso, tóáse. Táase tsé-hehpėstao'o? Which one is bigger? [0620 193652.WAV@00:58] Táase tsé-hehpėstoha? Which one is larger in number? [0620 193652.WAV@00:59] See: táasévoo'e. Category: identity.

táasévoo'e   p. Gram: an Gram: sg Gram: interrog Which one (an.)? Plural táasévoōne. Táasévoo'e oeškēso nėstōtse? Which dog is yours (lit. your pet)? Táasévoo'e tó'haho tséó'aese? Which glove is dry? Variant: tóasévoo'e; Plural táasévoone. Phon: vs See: táase. Category: identity.

tóáse   p. Gram: inan Gram: sg Gram: interrog Which one? Variant: táase. Category: identity.

tóasévoo'e   p. which? Variant: táasévoo'e. Category: identity.

tónėstȧhevónó'e1   p. what kind. Tónėstȧhevónó'e ho'évohkȯhtse néohkemésénóvo? What kind of meat do you (plural) eat? See: hová'e-; nėhestȧhevónó'e. Category: identity.

-tónėstȧhevónó'é2   vii. what kind. É-tónėstȧhevónó'e? What kind (or type) is it? See: -nėhestȧhevónó'é2; -tónėstȧhevóno'eve. Category: identity.

-tónėstȧhevóno'eve   vai. what kind. for example, of what military rank. É-tónėstȧhevóno'eve? What kind is he? Category: identity.

tsea'háanevóhe   pro. Gram: an.-pl/obv there they (an.) are (proximal; new information), they are the ones. Category: identity.

-tsėhesó   vii. be like. a noun stem, describing what something is like, can precede this block. É-tsėhéso... It is like this... Éxová'tove-tsėhēso. It is like a sword. komááhe hétsetseha móho'nóevȧheómėsė=heva=héhpȯhetsėhēso now at least there isn't so much fear. [1987:192] vai: -tsėhesta. See: -hesó; -nėhesó; -eve. Category: identity.

-tsėhesta   vai. be like this. Ná-tsėhesta. I am like this. É-tsėhesta. He is like this. É-tsėhestao'o. They are like this. Speakers have noticed the similarity in sound between Étsėhesta 'He is like this' and Étsėhéstahe 'He is a Cheyenne', also noting that there is an important difference in sound and meaning: É-tsėhéstahe. He is Cheyenne. Násáa-tsėhestáhe. I am not like this. Násáa-tsėhéstȧhéhe. I am not Cheyenne. Móxhe'kone-tsėhestȧhevóhe. It (animate obv.) was sturdy. [1987:281] É'ȯseehávėséve-tsėhestasėstse. He was awful looking. [1987:289] Ékoké'e-tsėhesta. He looks muscular. vii: -tsėhesó. See: -tsėhestá call s.t. this; -tsėhéstahe be Cheyenne. Category: identity.

tsėhéstȧhévo   p. this kind. Tsé'tóhe náohkemévóne tsėhéstȧhévo, naa néohkėsáamévȯhévo. We eat this kind, but you don't eat it. [The Journey.120] See: nėhéstȧhévo. Category: identity.

tsėhestȧhévónó'e   p. this kind, these kinds. See: nėhestȧhévónó'e. Category: identity.

tsé-hešé'tovaese   vai. the way that someone is. Ques: (indep. form with -ahe?) compare tsé-hešėtóvaese 'how stubborn he is'. See: -tóvahe stubborn. Category: identity.

tséhnéehovėse   vai. as for him. Stem -néehóve. Category: identity.

tséhnéehóvéto   Ques: cjt vai. I myself, as for me. Category: identity.

tséohnéehovėse   vai. realized that it was that person. See: -néehove. Category: identity.

tsétsėhestase   vai. Gram: cjt those who are this way. A number of Cheyennes have pointed out that this sounds similar to the word for 'Cheyenne people', Tsétsėhéstȧhese (simpler spelling Tsitsistas), which they suggest may be derived from this word: Tsétsėhéstȧhese those who are Cheyennes. See: -hesta be so ; be that way. Category: identity.

váotseváhéve   -váotseváheve: vai. be a deer. É-váotseváheve. He is a deer. Category: animals, identity.

-ve   fai. be. used in frames such as 'he is a man', é-hetaneve. Variant: -(é)ve. Phon: The first /é/ does not appear when the preceding stem is vowel-final. Éšé'še-ve. He is a duck. alternate analysis for preceding é-šé'š-eve: where noun stems appearing to end in /e/ instead have that /e/ as the initial vowel of the equative final, it may be that historically the final was /-éve/ but so many Cheyenne singular nouns ended with /e/ prompting native speaker reanalysis of the final to /-ve/ alone. Éó'kȯhoméhe-ve He is a coyote. Éhotóa-veo'o. They are buffaloes. Éméenó-veo'o. They (an.) are feathers.

fii. be. The noun stem can even be a nominalized verb: Ého'évȯhkotse-ve. It is meat. Éamȧho'hésto-ve. It is an automobile. ?? Etym: *-i·wi. Category: identity, check.

-vėhané   fna. personifier. Hoo'kȯhóvėháne Rain. He'haév-ėháne Cold. See: -hé agentivizer. Category: identity.

-vétová   n. self. na-vétóva myself. See: nétove; -néehóve; voxȯtse. Category: identity.

-vo'ėstaneve   vai. be a person; live. When used with the meaning of 'live', the sense is different from that of the related verb, -vo'ėstanéheve, and, of course, of -ametanéné. With this verb, if one said é-vo'ėstaneve, the statement could be referring to someone who managed to live through a serious sickness. É-vo'ėstaneve. He is a person. Etym: *waθkitilenyi·wiwa. See: -vo'ėstanéheve live (socially); -ametanéné live (biologically). Category: identity, live.