-á'en vti. own s.t., keep s.t., have (in sense of ownership) s.t. prototypical usage for ownership of concrete entities: É-á'éna. He owns it. tsé-á'enomo that (thing) which you own. Néné'tove-á'enánone. We own this together.
vta. own s.o., keep s.o., have (in sense of ownership) s.o. É-á'enóho. He owns him. those who had a divining relationship to familiar spirits were said to 'have/own' these spirits: tsé'tóhe tsé-á'enovose nésemóono these who had spirits. [1987:146] can be used of some domestic relationships: Ná-á'éno násáahéne'enovóhe tséhe'éhaese. I was keeping (a little girl), I don't know how old she was. [1987:158] Éxhetósesto he'óho tsé-á'enose. He told (surp.) his wife (lit. the woman that he owned). [1987:170] hē'e tsé-á'eno my wife. that is, the woman I own. See: -ho'tsé ‘have s.t.’; -ho'h ‘have s.o.’; -htsēhȯtse ‘possession’; he-6 ‘have’; -hestsėhóvaov; -á'eneo'o. Category: possession.
-á'enēō'o ni. Gram: poss possessed thing, thing owned. he-á'enēō'o his (own) thing. [The Whiteman and the Mouse.038] Plural -á'eneonȯtse. Phon: vs
na. Gram: poss possessed thing (animate), thing (animate) owned. Plural -á'eneono. See: -htsēhȯtse. Category: possession.
he-6 rr. have. takes a following noun stem. The resultant verb stem with he- plus noun is either AI or TA. Ques: reconsider rr for part-of-speech?? Ná-hevéxahe. I have a grandchild(ren)/I have a child(ren)-in-law. É-hestónahe. He has a daughter. Ná-hemótšeške. I have a knife. Ná-hemȧheone. I have a house. 'have' stems with deverbal nominals change the -htot of the nominal to -htov: É-heamȧho'héstove. He has a car. É-hevoestove. She has on a dress. tsé-heškéto my mother (lit. the one who I have as mother). tsé-hee'hahéstovėstse the son. Lit: the one who is had as son Névááhe tsé-he-stotseestse? Whose pet (especially horse) is that? See: -ho'tsé ‘have it’; -ho'h ‘have him’; -á'en ‘own s.t./s.o.’; -htsēhȯtse ‘possession (poss.)’; hée- ‘have’. Etym: derives from PA third person possessive prefix *we-. Category: possession, check.
-he-stsėhóvaov vta. appropriate (something) for s.o. É-hestsėhóvaovahtse. He appropriated it for himself/'he owned it for himself'. See: -hestsėhove. Category: possession.
-he-stsėhove vti. Gram: ai+o have s.t., own s.t., possess s.t. Ná-hestsėhove. That's my stuff. É-hestsėhove. He owns it. Etym: cf *wi·lo·wa (P). É-hestsėhóvenȯtse. He has them (inanimate) as a possession. Ná-hestsėhóvenȯtse. They (inanimate) belong to me (they are my things). Ná-hestsėhóvénóne. That is ours (excl.) É-hestsėhóvénóvo. That is theirs. Hestsėhovėstse! Take it as your own! Névááhe tsé-héestsėhovėstse Whose are these things? vta: -he-stsėhóve'tov. See: he- ‘have’; -htsēhȯtse ‘possession’; -á'en ‘own s.t./s.o.’; -ho'tsé ‘have s.t.’; -ho'h ‘have s.o.’.
vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o., own s.o., possess s.o. É-hestsėhóvenoto. He has him as a possession. Ná-hestsėhove. That is my possession. Ná-hestsėhóvenȯtse. He (animate) belongs to me. vta: -he-stsėhóve'tov. See: he-; -htsēhȯtse; -á'en; -ho'tsé; -ho'h. Category: possession, possession.
-ho'h vta. have s.o. (in possession), keep s.o. É-ho'hóho. He has him. Etym: *aʔle·wa. Ná-hó'ho. I have him. É-ho'hovohe? Do they have them (animate)? To'haho é-ho'hovohe? Do they have gloves? Nėhéóhe ná-ho'haēne vé'ho'e. There a whiteman gave us lodging. [1987:17] Lit: There a whiteman had us. Móx-ho'hohevóhe vóhkeveto naa hetȯhoo'o. She had a (sharp) horn and her club. [1987:271] Pėhévė-ho'hóxeha! ?? Bless him! vti: -ho'tsé. See: -á'en ‘own s.o.’; -htsēhȯtse ‘possession’. Category: possession, check.
-ho'tomóv vta. keep his/her (inanimate thing). Ná-ho'tomóvo heta'ta'ȯhēō'o. I have his key. See: -ho'tsé; -ho'tomev. Category: possession.
-ho'tsé vti. have s.t. (in possession). É-hó'tse. He has it. Etym: *aʔta·wa. fti: -o'tsé; vta: -ho'h. See: -á'en ‘own s.t.’; he-6 ‘have’; -htsehȯtse ‘possession’. Category: possession.
-htsēhȯtse ni. Gram: poss possession, thing. refers to possession of smaller articles, not big things like houses; can be a euphemism to refer to a man's penis, and when animate, to a woman's genitals. nȧ-htsēhȯtse my possession. Etym: *ni·lawi (P gives this as the etymon but does it truly correspond??). Nȧ-htsėhotȯtse néxhémetsėstse nȧhtone'óonȯtse! Bring me my things, my clothes! [1987:196] nȧ-htsėhotȯtse he-stsēhȯtse his possession. hestsēhȯtse has been used as a euphemism for someone's penis. Usage: euphemism nė-stsēhȯtse your (sg) possession. nȧ-htsėhóváne our (excl.) possession. nȧ-htsėhóvanótse our (excl.) possessions. nė-stsėhotane our (incl.) thing. nė-stsėhotanótse our (incl.) things. he-stsėhóvévo their thing. he-stsėhóvevótse their things. Nȧ-htsēhȯtse hé'tóhe. This is mine (inan.). Mó=hé'tó=nėstsēhȯtse? Is this (inan.) yours (sg)? Móhe nė-stsēhȯtse? It that yours? Morph: /-htehót/. vai: -he-stsėhove. See: -ho'tsé; -á'en; nétove ‘myself, my body’.
na. Gram: poss possession, thing (animate). nȧ-htsėhoto my things (an.) he-stsėhoto his/her thing(s) (an.) (PD: apparently this term was used as a euphemism for a woman's genitals; cf. ma-'kesta). nȧ-htsėhóvaneo'o our (excl.) things (an.) he-stsėhóvevóho their thing(s) (an.) Phon: inflected for person of possessor, and animacy and number of the possessed See: -htóve; -á'en; he-; -ho'h. Category: possession, vulgar.
-no'ka'ov vta. 1 • corner s.o. alone. could refer to rape. É-no'ka'ovóho. He cornered her.
2 • have s.o. alone. Né-no'ka'ovȧtse. I have you by myself. Category: violence, possession.