áhto'honéve'ho'e na. funeral director. Lit: bury-whiteman Category: jobs, death.
amȧho'héve'ho'e na. mechanic. See: pėhévananéve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
-ama'én 1 • vti. drive s.t. for example, to drive a car. É-ama'éna. He drove it. tsé-ama'éno heóveamȧho'hestȯtse school bus driver.
vta. drive s.o. Ná-ama'éno. I drove him. Category: jobs, drive.
2 • vta. chair s.o. that is, be in charge of people as one chairs a meeting. É-ama'eno. He bossed him/them; he chaired them. Category: figurative.
ame'háhotsē'o na. flight attendant. Plural ame'háhotse'ono. Category: jobs.
ame'háve'ho'e na. pilot. Lit: flying-ve'ho'e Category: jobs.
amėškéve'ho'e na. oil man, gas station attendant. (another recording) Category: jobs.
éestsėstomósanéhe na. interpreter. Plural éestsėstomósanéheo'o. See: éestsėstomótȧxevahe. Category: jobs, speak.
éestsėstomótȧxeváhe na. interpreter. Lit: speak for-person Variant: éestsėstomósanéhe; Plural éestsėstomótȧxeváheo'o. Category: jobs.
émoosematanaéve'ho'e na. detective. Lit: secret-policeman Category: jobs.
émoosemé'ėstaneváhe na. C.I.A. person. Plural émoosemé'ėstaneváhe; vai: -mé'ėstanevá. Category: jobs.
éno'továhenéhe na. firefighter, fireman. Lit: Plural éno'továhenéheo'o. éno'továhenéheono (alternate plural). Synonym hó'továhenéhe. See: ho'ėstáve'ho'e ‘fire man’. Category: fire, jobs.
évenȯhéve'ho'e na. detective, FBI agent, auditor. Lit: searching-ve'ho'e Category: jobs.
hahénȯhenéve'ho'e na. artist. Category: jobs.
hanénȯhenéve'ho'e na. artist. Category: jobs.
-he'nétoonané vai. make doors. É-he'nétoonāne. He makes doors. Category: jobs.
hematséósóno na. ceremonial advisor. Category: sacred, jobs.
heséeotséve'ho'e na. doctor, physician, pharmacist, druggist. Lit: medicine-ve'ho'e See: naa'éve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
-he-véhonamé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as chief, have s.o. as boss. Ná-he-véhonamenȯtse. He is my chief/boss. Ná-he-véhonamé'tova. I am his chief (that is, he has me as chief). Né-he-véhonaménone. He is our chief. É-he-véhonaménoto. He has him as a chief/boss. Category: jobs.
hoéstomósanéve'ho'e na. teacher. Usage: Oklahoma dialect Category: jobs.
hohtóvave'ho'á'e na. storekeeper (female), storeowner (female), cashier (female). Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: jobs, check.
hohtóvave'ho'e na. storekeeper, storeowner, cashier. Category: jobs.
ho'emanéhe na. judge, lawyer, attorney, legislator. Variant: tseho'emānėstse; Plural ho'emanéheo'o. See: ho'emanéve'ho'e. Category: jobs, legal.
ho'emanéve'ho'á'e na. woman judge, woman lawyer, female judge, female lawyer. Lit: (make).law-ve'ho'á'e (another recording) Category: jobs.
ho'emanéve'ho'e na. judge, lawyer, legislator. (another recording) Plural ho'emanévé'hó'e. Lit: (make).law-ve'ho'e See: ho'emanéhe. Category: jobs.
ho'honáemanėstónéhe na. bricklayer. Category: jobs.
ho'ósevé'ho'e na. coal man. Category: jobs.
hó'továhenéhe na. fireman, firefighter. Lit: Plural hó'továhenéheo'o. Synonym éno'továhenéhe. See: ho'ėstáve'ho'e ‘fire man’. Category: fire, jobs.
-hó'továhenéhéve vai. É-hó'továhenéheve. He is a firefighter. Category: jobs.
homȯséve'ho'á'e na. cook (female). Category: jobs.
homȯséve'ho'e na. cook (male). Lit: cooking-ve'ho'e Category: jobs.
hóo'xeváhe na. announcer. Category: jobs.
hotsē'o na. worker. Plural hotse'ono; Obviative hotse'ono; vai: -hotse'ohe. Category: people, jobs.
hováheheséeotséve'ho'e na. veterinarian. Lit: animal-medicine-ve'ho'e See: hováhenaa'éve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
hováhematanaéve'ho'e na. game warden. Category: jobs.
hováhenaa'éve'ho'e na. veterinarian. Lit: animal-doctor See: hováheheséeotséve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
hováhevé'ho'e na. animal warden, stock inspector. possibly also refers to person who comes to buy animal hides. Lit: animal-ve'ho'e BIA official who oversaw dealings about reservation animals. Category: jobs.
hoxotáve'ho'á'e na. waitress. See: tséohke-votséno'hōvȧhtse. Category: jobs.
hoxotáve'ho'e na. waiter. Synonym tséohkevotséno'hōvȧhtse. Category: jobs.
-hóxovȯhó'onané vai. make bridges. É-hóxovȯhó'onāne. He makes bridges. Category: jobs.
kȧhamȧxévėstónanéhe na. carpenter. Plural kȧhamȧxévėstónanéheo'o; Synonym manėstónevé'ho'e. Category: jobs.
ka'ėškóneho tséohkėho'emáóvȯhtse vta. juvenile judge. Lit: children Category: jobs.
kóhkonȯheonanéhe na. baker. See: kóhkonȯheonanéve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
kóhkonȯheonanéve'ho'á'e na. baker (female). Category: jobs. Lit: bread-making-white.woman
kóhkonȯheonanéve'ho'e na. baker. Category: jobs. Lit: bread-making-whiteman
kȯsaevé'ho'e na. shepherd. Category: jobs.
ma'heóno'eétȧhétane na. juggler, wizard, magician. Category: jobs.
ma'heóno'eétȧhéve'ho'e na. magician. Lit: sacred-doing-ve'ho'e Plural ma'heóno'eétȧhévé'hó'e. Category: jobs.
manėstónevé'ho'e na. carpenter. Synonym kȧhamȧxévėstónanéhe. Category: jobs.
matanaéve'ho'á'e na. policewoman. See: matanaéve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
méave'ho'á'e na. BIA agency superintendent (female). See: méamȧheo'o. Category: jobs.
méavé'ho'e na. agency superintendent. Lit: giving-whiteman See: méamȧhēō'o ‘agency building’. Category: jobs.
méavotse'ón na. BIA employee, government workers (on the reservation). See: hotsē'o; -hotse'ohe. Plural méavotse'ono; Obviative méavotse'ono. Category: jobs.
me'ko 1 • ni. head, hair. Plural mé'konȯtse. he-me'ko his/her head/hair. Medial -ovésé, -htséá, -a'(k)é. Category: body.
2 • ni. engine block. Me'ko éó'xeotse. The engine is cracked. Category: car.
3 • na. councilman, council member. Plural mé'kono; Obviative mé'kono; Feminine mé'koná'e. See: vého. Category: jobs, government, figurative.
me'ko tséohkepėhévánáhe?? vai. Gram: ppl cosmetologist. Ques: should it be me'ko tséohkepėhévánȯhtse?? Category: check, jobs.
me'ko tséohkepėhévánȯhtse ?? Gram: ppl vai. cosmetologist. Category: jobs.
mé'koná'e na. 1 • council woman. Plural mé'koná'eo'o. See: me'ko. Category: jobs, government.
2 • Head Woman. Category: names.
mé'konévotsē'o na. tribal employee. Lit: head-worker Plural mé'konévotse'ono; Obviative mé'konévotse'ono. See: hotsē'o; méavotsē'o. Category: jobs.
mé'kono na. Gram: pl tribal council. Lit: heads (another recording) (another recording) Singular me'ko. Category: jobs.
méonanéve'ho'e na. roadbuilder. Plural méonanévé'hó'e. Category: jobs.
méonematanaéve'ho'e na. highway patrolman. Lit: road-policeman Category: jobs.
mo'kėhananéhe na. shoemaker, cobbler. vai: -mo'kėhanané. Category: jobs.
-momá'enohe vai. chief of police. This verb was previously used about the chief of police because he had a red stripe on his trousers. More recently, the chief of police is called véhonematanáeve'ho'e (lit. chief-policeman). É-momá'enohe. He is the chief of police. tsé-momá'enoestse the one (for example, something made of cloth, animate) which is sewn in red. Phon: redup See: véhonematanáeve'ho'e; -ma'ó. Category: jobs.
mȯxe'eotsé'ėstómanéhe na. photographer. Synonym pȧhoeotséve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
-mȯxe'ėstóonané vai. make books. É-mȯxe'ėstóonāne. He makes books. Category: jobs.
mȯxe'ėstóoného'emanéhe na. school superintendant. Synonym véhonevėstse mȯxe'ėstónemȧheóne. Category: jobs, school.
mȯxe'ėstóonéve'ho'e na. postmaster, mailman. Category: jobs.
mȯxe'ėstóonéve'ho'sēō'o ni. briefcase, paper envelope. Category: new, jobs.
-mȯxe'ėstóotȯxevá vai. write for others. É-mȯxe'ėstóotȯxēva. He writes for others. tsé-mȯxe'ėstóotȯxēvȧhtse secretary. Category: jobs.
naa'étsėhetanováhe na. ambulance attendant, EMT. Category: jobs.
naa'éve'ho'á'e na. nurse. (another recording) Plural naa'éve'ho'á'eo'o; Obviative naa'éve'ho'a'o. See: naa'éve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
naa'éve'ho'e na. doctor, physician. (another recording) (another recording) refers to a modern doctor who works in a hospital or clinic. See: heséeotséve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
na'tónetane na. butcher. Lit: slaughter-man vai: -na'tóné. Category: animals, jobs.
na'tónevé'ho'e na. butcher. Lit: butchering-whiteman (another recording) Category: jobs.
nėhpa'ósané-matanáevé'ho'e na. guard. Category: jobs. Lit: guarding-policeman
ne'eváotsėsanéhe na. guide. Category: jobs.
ne'evávoosanéhe vai. Gram: ppl umpire, guard, watchman. Variant: tsé-ne'evávóósánėstse, tsé-ne'evávóósénėstse; vai: -ne'evávóosané. Category: jobs.
ne'evávoosanéve'ho'e na. security officer. Variant: ne'evávoosenéve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
ne'evávoosenéve'ho'e na. security officer. Category: jobs.
-ne'tȧhé'tov vta. supervise s.o. É-ne'tȧhé'tovóho. He supervises him. Category: jobs, work, interpersonal.
-ne'tȧhévotse'ohe vai. be foreman. É-ne'tȧhévotse'ohe. He is foreman. Category: jobs.
nėše'hanenéve'ho'á'e na. laundress. Category: jobs.
o'hohnéhetane na. ball player, baseball player. Variant: o'hohnétane. Category: jobs.
o'hohnétane na. ball player, baseball player. Variant: o'hohnéhetane. Category: jobs.
onó'eéestsėstósanéhe na. counselor. Usage: likely a new word Lit: proper-talking-person Category: jobs.
oo'kóhtȧxováhe na. barber. Lit: Plural oo'kóhtȧxováheo'o; Variant: oo'óhtȧxováhe; vai: -oo'kóhtȧxová. Category: jobs.
oo'kóhtȧxováve'ho'e na. barber. Category: jobs. Lit:'ho'e
oo'óhtȧxováhe na. barber. Variant: oo'kóhtȧxováhe. Category: jobs.
ovéstomósanéhe na. teacher. Plural ovestomósanéheo'o; Obviative ovéstomósanéheho; Variant: vovéstomósanéhe. Category: school, jobs.
pȧhoeotséve'ho'e na. photographer. Synonym mȯxe'eotsé'ėstómanéhe. Category: jobs.
pėhévananéve'ho'e na. mechanic. Lit: make.good-ve'ho'e Variant: pėhévanenéve'ho'e. See: amȧho'héve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
pėhévanenéve'ho'e na. mechanic. Lit: make.good-ve'ho'e Variant: pėhévananéve'ho'e. See: amȧho'héve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
-pėhévanóho hestóohevono vai. manicurist - be a, fix nails. Éohkepėhévanóho hestóohevono. She/He is a manicurist. Category: jobs.
-pó'ėho'h(n) vta. fire s.o., blow up s.o. É-pó'ėho'nóho. He fired him. Lit: blew him up Mó-pó'ėho'heehéhe. He must have been fired. Category: jobs, work.
po'onené'hasenéhe na. dentist. Lit: extract-teeth-person BodyPartMedial -onené. See: véeséheséeotséve'ho'e; véesenaa'éve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
taohenéhe na. surveyor. Plural taohenéheo'o. Ques: vai?? See: taohováve'ho'e. Category: jobs, check.
taohováve'ho'e na. surveyor. See: taohenéhe. Category: jobs.
tȯhé'kėsaéve'ho'e na. cowboy, ranch hand. (another recording) Plural tȯhé'kėsaévé'hó'e; Obviative tȯhé'kėsaévé'hó'e. The tȯhé'kėsaé- preverb is sound translation of the word "Texas", so this noun has a literal etymology of something like 'Texas-whiteman.'. See: tsėheta'óvo'haméve'ho'e. Category: jobs. Usage: in common usage
-tȯhé'kėsaévotse'ohe vai. work as a cowboy. É-tȯhé'kėsaévotse'ohe. He works as a cowboy. Category: jobs.
tó'ha'ósanéhe na. usher, bouncer. Plural tó'ha'ósanéheo'o. Category: jobs.
-tónetotse'ohe vai. what work. Né-tónetotse'ohe? What kind of work do you do? / What is your job? fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'ohe ‘work’. Category: jobs.
tonȯhenéve'ho'e na. blacksmith. Category: jobs.
-totáho'sané vai. high rank - have a, officer - be an. for example, be a sergeant, lit. refers to wearing badges or stripes upon one's clothes. É-totáhó'sáne. He has a high rank. Category: jobs.
tóxeóhtsé'he na. public health nurse; field nurse. Lit: around-go-person Plural tóxeohtsé'heo'o. Category: jobs.
tsée'o'améstove Space Shuttle, rocket. Lit: what is shot up (in the air) vai: -e'o'ame. See: vé'ho'e tsée'o'améstovėstse ‘astronaut’. Category: new, jobs.
Tsėhésematanaéve'ho'e na. Cheyenne policeman. Category: jobs.
tsėheta'óvo'haméve'ho'e na. cowboy. Lit: herd-livestock-ve'ho'e Variant: tȯhé'kėsaéve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
tsé-hóhtȧhnéšese vai. Gram: ppl jury, disciples. Lit: those who are twelve in number Category: jobs.
tsého'emānėstse ppl. judge, lawyer, attorney, legislator. Variant: ho'emanéhe; Plural tsého'emanese. Category: jobs, legal.
tsémȧho'emānėstse vai. Gram: ppl Lit: the one who rules everything vai: -mȧho'emané. Category: jobs.
tsémȯxe'ėstónėstse vai. Gram: ppl secretary. Lit: one.who-writes Category: jobs.
tsémȯxe'ėstóotȯxēvȧhtse vai. secretary. Category: jobs.
tséne'evávóósánėstse vai. umpire, guard, watchman. Variant: tsé-ne'evávóósénėstse, ne'evávoosanéhe; vai: -ne'evávóosané. Category: jobs.
tséne'evávóósénėstse vai. Gram: ppl umpire, guard, watchman. Variant: tsé-ne'evávóósánėstse, ne'evávoosanéhe; vai: -ne'evávóosané. Category: jobs.
tséohkė-hóvóhtsėstse mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse vai. librarian. Lit: the one who stores books Category: jobs.
tséohkė-hóxe'anēnėstse vai. janitor; custodian. Category: jobs. Lit: the one who cleans Variant: hóxe'anenéhe.
tséohkė-sónȯxe'eotséstómánėstse vai -part. x-ray technician. Category: jobs.
véeséheséeotséve'ho'e na. dentist. Ques: recheck véeséh or véesėh?? Synonym véesénaa'éve'ho'e, po'onené'hasenéhe. Category: jobs.
véesenaa'éve'ho'e na. dentist. Lit: teeth-doctoring-ve'ho'e Category: jobs.
véhonėhomȯséhe na. chief cook, head cook. Variant: tsé-véhonėhomosėstse. Category: jobs.
véhonématanaéve'ho'e na. police chief, sheriff. Lit: chief-policeman Category: jobs.
véhoneme'ko na. tribal council chairman. Lit: chief-head (another recording) Category: jobs.
véhonemé'koná'e na. tribal council chairwoman. Category: jobs.
véhonemé'kono na. Gram: pl tribal council. Category: jobs.
véhonȯxe'ėstónéhe na. chief clerk. Category: jobs.
-véhpeoene vai. do taxidermy. É-véhpeoene. He did taxidermy. [1987:186] Lit: hollow-skin Category: jobs, record.
vé'ho'e tsée'o'améstovėstse astronaut. Lit: whiteman who is shot up in the air See: tsée'o'améstove. Category: new, jobs.
vovéstomósanéhe na. teacher. Variant: ovéstomósanéhe; Plural vovestomósanéheo'o; Obviative vovéstomósanéheho. Category: school, jobs.
-vovéstomósanéheve vai., be a teacher. Ná-vovéstomósanéheve. I'm a teacher. Category: jobs.