-a'tavo'ėstanéheve vai. live in a fearsome manner. É-a'tavo'ėstanéheve. He lives in a fearsome way. That is, people are scared of him. See: -a'tahe. Category: live.
amanēō'o ni. culture, ceremonial culture. This may especially refer to ceremonial ways. Tsėhéseamanēō'o Cheyenne culture. he-amanēō'o his way of doing things. See: -tsėhésto'eétahe. Category: live, do.
-amehné vai. 1 • walk by, walk along. This is a slower action than -ameohtsé. É-amēhne. He is walking by/along. Etym: *pemohθe·wa; *mo·θkwehθe·wa (P). É-amėhneo'o. They are walking. Ho'ēva ná-amēhne. I'm walking on foot. Taéve-amēhnėstse! Go take a hike! / Go walk around!
2 • live. "Naa hahóo," náhetōne Ma'hēō'o tséhvé'nėheše-amėhneto. "And thank you," we tell God because you live like that. fai: -ehné. See: -ameohtsé. Category: motion, live, figurative.
-améstanove vii. life go on. É-améstanove. Life goes on. tsé-améstanovėstse the one who is living on. [1987:211] fii: -éstanove2. See: -vonéstánové. Category: live.
-ametanéné vai. alive, live. This word refers to biological life while -vo'ėstanéheve refers more to social life. É-ametanéne. He is alive. (another recording) É-ametanéneo'o. They are alive. Óvahe ho'honáeo'o éohkėháa'éše-ametanéneo'o. Only the rocks live forever. That is a well known saying. Ééva-ametanéne. He came back to life. fai: -etanéné; vta: -ametanó't. See: -vo'ėstanéheve. Category: live, sayings.
ametanénestȯtse ni. life. vai: -ametanéné. See: vo'ėstanéhevestȯtse. Category: live.
amevo'ėstanéhevestȯtse ni. life go on, generation. Category: live, check.
-amo'omenehe vai. continue to live a poor life, drink uncontrolled. É-amo'omenehe. He is such a drunkard / he cannot control himself / he continues to live a poor life. fai: -o'omenehe. Category: live.
-anovéstanove vii. mixed up live, live in a mixed up way. refers to a mixed up kind of living. É-anovéstanove. It is a mixed up world. fai: -éstanove. Category: live.
-éstánóvé1 fai. live, conduct life, exist as citizen. Éam-éstánóve. ?? He goes on living. ?? tsévésė-stanovese all of the people/those who live (together). Émȧh-éstanoveo'o. They all live together. Etym: *meso·te·ne·wiwaki (P/L). Náhoónȯs-éstanove. ?? I'm living a lonely life. Évés-ėstanove. recheck pitches ?? He lived with. Návésė-stánóvémo. I live with him (for example, as a fellow citizen or neighbor). tsépȧháv-ėstanovese those who live well. [1980:45:13] tséno'-éstánóvétse which we have lived with. [1987:98] Móstamámȯhev-éstanovėhevóhe. They came to live together. [1987:100] Náhoónȯs-éstanove. I'm living a lonely life. tséévėheš-éstanovétse how we live. Náhetóta-éstanove. I have a joyful life; live joyfully. fii: -éstánóve2. See: -héstanove; -vo'ėstanéheve; -ametanéné. Category: live, check.
-éstanove2 fii. live, conduct life, exist as citizen. Éam-éstanove. Life goes on. Évon-éstanove. Life is gone. "Ééševon-éstanove," éohkėhevoōne. "The (traditional) way of life is already gone," they say. [1987:10] fai: -éstánóvé1. See: -héstanove; -vo'ėstanéheve; -ametanéné. Category: live.
-etanéné fai. live, be alive. Éam-etanéne. He is alive. ... é-he'éšetanéne. ... he was alive for that long. Category: live.
-évȧhé't vti. exist at (that place). tsé'-évȧhé'to tsėhéóhe A'tšemȧhoéve'ho'éno tséhenove where I live, in Round Town as it is called. [Atlantic Trip.030] Category: live.
-háo'omenehe vai. poor, experience a difficult life, be in bad shape, poor condition. poor or of general difficult life condition. É-háo'omenehe. He is poor/destitute. The following are often said in prayer. Ná-háo'omenehe. I am poor. Ná-háo'omenėhéme. We (excl) are poor. Vovóhnėhešenáno tsé-háo'omenėhese! Take care of those who are poor! [1987:206 ; Hymn 155] fai: -o'omenehe. See: -hávėsévo'omenehe; -hésto'omenehe; -to'omenehe; -pėhévo'omenehe; -nėstamenóohéheve; -nėxȧheve. Category: money, live, check.
-hávėsévo'omenehe vai. experience something bad. É-hávėsévo'omenehe. He experienced something bad. Héne énėhetóseme néhe kȧsovááhe tséhešė-hávėsévo'omenéese. That's the story of the young man, that something awful had been done to him. fai: -o'omenehe; Antonym -pėhévo'omenehe. See: -háo'omenehe. Category: live.
-hesta vai. Gram: rr appear so, be that way, reside there, have such abode, live that way, exist, inhabit, come into being, originate, live. É-hesta. That's where he resides ; that is his habitat. É-hesta hétsėhéóhe. He inhabits here. tsé-hestávȯse the way they are; the way they look. For example, when speaking of the monster of Loch Ness, we could say Nessie é-hesta Loch Ness, meaning that Loch Ness is the ONLY location of this monster. Étsė-hesta. He is like this. Énė-hesta. He is like that. tsé-hestȧse "You're always doing something goofy/stupid" (idiomatic usage). Oóxésta é-hestahe? Is he alright? A'e é'évaamėhnesėstse naa oóxésta mó'évȧ-hestȧhéhe. He walked very soon and all right, that is how he became. [1987:109] Ho'néoxháaestse móx-hestȧhéhe 1900 tséxhenóvetse. Brave Wolf (Jim One Bear) was born in the year of 1900. [1987:32] Móhkaveo'o éohkė-hestao'o háá'ėše hoéhose. Bobcats live far away in the hills. [1979:204] Hée nevá'esėstse tsėhéóhe mó-hestȧhéhe. Hey, someone must exist here. [JOURNEY.TXT] tsé-hestatsėse the way he (obv) looked. [1988:289] tsé-hestase those who inhabit / what they are like. Hová'e váotseváhne hánȧháóhe tsé-hestase? What kind of deer inhabit there. Tsé-hestase tá'tóhe návóomoo'o. Those that look like that , I saw them. A number of Cheyennes have pointed out that this sounds similar to their word for 'Cheyenne people', Tsétsėhéstȧhese (simpler spelling Tsitsistas), which they suggest may be derived from this word. compare Tsétsėhéstȧhese those who are Cheyennes. See: héstánóva ‘place’; Héstáné'e ‘Nation Woman’; -hestá ‘say s.t.’; -héstahe ‘be from there’; -hestáotse ‘born’; -hesó ‘be so’; -vo'ėstanéheve ‘live’; oóxésta ‘all right’; -tsėhéstahe ‘be Cheyenne’; tsétsėhestase ‘those who are this way’; Tsétsėhéstȧhese ‘those who are Cheyennes’; -tónesta ‘how be like’. Category: live, appearance.
héstánóva obl. place, among people, among mankind, in the world, country, state, in life. ma'xetónėstȯheāā'e onétȧhévė-héstánova mótanėhe'xóvėhanéhe as it has been for many ages and many generations ago. [1987:100] Nátó'tšėšeno'kėháa'ého'oése tsėhéno héstánóva. I am the highest (sacrifice) here in this world. [1987:239] Ques: Are the morphemes like this that begin with héstá different from the morphemes that begin with hesta meaning 'exist'?? Are héstánóva and hestanōva both words?? See: héstanėheo'o; héstanovestȯtse; vo'ėstanéhevestȯtse. Category: live, check.
-héstanove vii. living - be a place for, live there. tséx-héstanovetse at another place (obv). [1980:57:54] See: -hesta ‘exist’; héstánóva; héstanovestȯtse. Category: live.
héstanovestȯtse ni. life of the people, the people's philosophy. Naa éohkevésetanoo'o, tā'se énėšéveotséto héstanovestȯtse. Now they (people) are in a hurry, like life is rushed. [1987:224] Netao'o énėhéso héstanovestȯtse. Éohkėho'má'seohtse hová'éhe. Life is like that everywhere. Things die out. [1987:96] vii: -héstanove. Category: live.
-hestoéstove vai. reside, be at, have residence. Ma'hēō'o he'ama tsé-hestoéstoveto God, you who are above. [1987:233] vta: -hestoé'tov. See: -hoo'e; he-. Category: live.
-hestóhtȯheomenehe vai. however many live. tséévė-hestóhtȯheomenėhévȯse as they (the family of the man) lived by that (pity). [1987:302] See: tónėstȯhe-; -tónėstȯxe; -ome. Category: live.
-hešėstanéheve vai. how live. ... é-hešėstanéhéve. ... that is how he lives. Category: live.
-hešéstanove vai. Gram: rr so live. ... é-hešéstanove. ?? ... that is how he lives. nesta tséméhae-hešéstanovėse the way his life used to be. [2 Cor. 5:17] fai: -éstanove1. See: -héstanove; -vo'ėstanéheve. Category: live, check.
-hešėtánéve vai. Nėstsevé'ėhešėtánévéme! Don't live like that! [Sweet Medicine Comments.076] Category: live.
-hetótaéstanove vai. live joyfully. É-hetótaéstanove. He lived joyfully. [PRAISE.TXT] Final -éstanove. Category: live.
-hoé'tá vti. rent s.t., reside at s.t., inhabit s.t. É-hoé'ta. He is residing at it. Etym: *api·ʔtamwa (P). Éohkeméhae-hoé'tanovȯtse véenȯtse. They used to live in tepees. vta: -hoé'tov, hoé'tovom- ??. Category: check. See: -hoó'tá; -hóo'tá; -hoe'tó; -hoo'e; -ho'tsé. Etym: cf. O abi·t- (N). Category: live.
-hoénove vii. be at. Variant: -hoéstove. É-hoénove. There is being at. vai: -hoo'e. Category: live.
hohátse- pv. laughingly. É-hohátsevo'ėstanéheve. He is full of laughter. (literally, 'he lives laughingly). Category: sounds, laugh, live.
-hoónȯséstanove vai. live a lonely life. É-hoónȯséstanove. He is living a lonely life. Ná-hoónȯséstanove. I'm living a lonely life. fai: -éstanove. Category: live.
-hótoanávo'omenehe vai. difficult life - have a. É-hótoanávo'omenehe. He has a difficult life. [1987:270] Category: live.
-hótoanávoo'e vai. live in a difficult place, be in a difficult place. É-hótoanávoo'e. He lives in a place which is difficult to get to. Phon: vs See: -hoo'e; -hótoanávoohe. Category: live.
mȧhéstánóva loc. all the world, entire world. vai: -mȧhéstanove. Etym: cf *meso·te·nayi (P). Category: live.
-mȧhéstánóve vai. all live together. É-mȧhéstanoveo'o. They all live together. for example, they all live in the same house or area. Etym: *meso·te·ne·wiwaki (P/L). fai: -éstánóve. Category: live.
-ma'enóevo'ėstanéheve vai. live timidly. Lit: turtle-live É-ma'enóevo'ėstanéheve. He lives timidly. See: -vo'ėstanéheve ‘live’; -ma'enóevoéstomo'he ‘have a turtle personality’. Category: live.
-ma'heónėstanove vai. live a sacred life. É-ma'heónėstanove. He lives a sacred life. Tsitsistas é-ma'heónėstanoveo'o. Cheyennes live a holy life / they are a spiritual people. John Stands In Timber used to say that. fai: -éstánové. Category: live, sacred.
mȧsėháneestanove vai. crazy live. ma'tamȧsėhánééstánóvése when you (plural) have a crazy way of living. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.082] fai: -éstánové. Category: live.
-mȧsėháneestanove vii. crazy living. tséhnėhméhaemȧsėháneestanove when there was living crazy. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.004] fii: -éstanove. Category: live.
-mȧsėhánee-vo'ėstanéheve vai. live crazy, live in an inappropriate cultural manner. É-mȧsėháneevo'ėstanéheve He lives crazy/he lives in a culturally wrong manner. Category: live.
-mȧsėhávėstanove vii. crazy living. É-mȧsėhávėstanove. It is crazy living now. See: -héstanove; -anovéstanove. Category: live.
-momȧhtȧhévo'ėstanéheve vai. be a ceremonial religious person. É-momȧhtȧhévo'ėstanéheve He is a ceremonial person. Lit: ceremonially-live Category: live.
-nėhešėstánové vai. live that way. Nėstsevé'-nėhešėstánóvéme! Don't live like that! [1987:13] See: -vésėstánóve. Category: live.
-néše'ená vai. live with. This is an intransitive verb. Né-néše'enáme. We (the two of us) are living together. Éhnéše'enásesto. He (obv) lived with (his grandmother). vta: -néše'enám. Category: live, check.
-néše'enám vta. two live together with s.o. ?? vai: -néše'ená. See: -tsėhéstoem; -véstse'enám; -véstoem; -vésėstánovém ??. Category: live.
-nétȧhévėstanove vai. have a different way of life. É-nétȧhévėstanove. He has a different life. Variant: -nétȧhévėstave. This pronunciation seems to be preferred over -nétȧhévėstave. fai: -éstánové. See: -vonéstanove; -vo'ėstanéheve. Category: live.
-no'éstanove vii. live along with (something). for example, to live along with honor. É-no'éstanove. There is living by means of something. Final -éstanove. Category: live.
-no'késtanove vai. live alone. for example, of someone who lives away from others and seldom comes to town. É-no'késtanove. He lives by himself. Category: live.
-onétȧhévėstánóvé vai. live in different places. only used with plural subjects. É-onetȧhévėstanoveo'o. They (for example, Indians) live in different (that is, a variety of) places. Category: live.
-pȧhávėstao'omenehe vai. have a good life. É-pȧhávėstao'omenehe. He is well off/he has a good life. Variant: -pėhévėstao'omenehe; Antonym -háo'omenehe. Category: live.
-pėhévėstao'omenehe vai. have a good life. É-pėhévėstao'omenehe. He has a good life. Variant: -pȧhávėstao'omenehe. See: -pėhévėstave. Category: live.
-pėhévo'omenehe vai. experience something good. É-pėhévo'omenehe. He experienced something good. Antonym -hávėsévo'omenehe, -háo'omenehe. Category: live.
-stanéhéve fai. live. Móhnėhestȯhéhe tsé-hešėstanéhévétse. He spoke about our way of life. [Sweet Medicine Comments.071] Category: live.
-tóhtonoo'e vai. live out in the boonies. É-tóhtonoeo'o. They live out in the boonies. That is, living where no one else is around. See: -tóhtonóma'o'e ‘flat ground - be’; tóhtoō'e ‘prairie’. Category: ground, live.
-tóhtoo'évo'ėstanéheve vai. live out on the prairie. É-tóhtoo'évo'ėstanéheve. He lives out on the prairie. Category: live.
-to'omenehe vai. suffer. É-to'omenehe. He suffered. Ques: -tó'omenehe?? Initial tó'om-; Final -énehe. See: háo'omenehe. Category: live.
Tsėhéseamanēō'o ni. Cheyenne culture, Cheyenne ceremonial culture. This may especially refer to Cheyenne ceremonial ways. See: amanēō'o; -tsėhésto'eétahe. Category: live, new.
-tsėhésevo'ėstanéheve vai. live as a Cheyenne. É-tsėhésevo'ėstanéheve. He lives as a Cheyenne. [pd228] See: -tsėhésetanó. Category: live.
tsėhésevo'ėstanéhevestȯtse ni. Cheyenne way of living ?? See: tsėhésetanohtȯtse. Category: live.
-vee'e vai. camp. É-vee'e. He camped. É-véeo'o. They camped. (another recording) tséh-véévótse where we were camping. É-véestove. There is camping / it is a campground. tsé'ȯhke-véestove campground. Lit: where there is regularly camping Tósa'e né-vee'e? Where are you camping? [pd909] Some speakers also use that for 'Where do you live?'. Nȧhéno ná-vee'e. I live over there. Phon: vs IndepNoun vee'e. See: -eehe; -oe. Category: tepee, camp, live.
-véhonevo'ėstanéheve vai. live as a chief, live a noble life. É-véhonevo'ėstanéheve. He lives as a chief. Category: live.
-vé'ho'évėsėstánóvé vai. live as a whiteman. É-vé'ho'évėvėsėstánove. He lives as a whiteman. tsésto'seéemóneasevé'ho'évėsėstánóvévȯse when they were going to start living like whitemen. [Learning to Plow.001] Initial vé'ho'é-; vai: -véstánóvé. Category: live.
vé'ho'évevo'ėstanéhevestȯtse ni. whiteman way of life. Category: live, check.
-vésėstanomev vta. live with s.o. as co-citizen. Mo'évea'ene-vésėstanomevȯhevóhe Ho'óhomo'óho. He lived with the Sioux. [1987:50] Category: live.
-vésėstanove vai. live with. This means to be a co-citizen with. It does not refer to staying in the same dwelling. É-vésėstanove. He lived with. Nėhéóhe ésáa-vésėstánóvéhe. He is not a permanent resident there. É-vésėstanoveo'o. They (an.) lived with. tsé-vésėstanovese all of the people/those who live (together). tsésto'seéemóneasevé'ho'é-vėsėstánóvévȯse when they were going to start living like whitemen. [Learning to Plow:1] Final -éstanove. See: -vonéstanove; -améstanove; -vo'ėstanéheve. Category: live.
-vésėstánóvem vta. live with s.o. as co-citizen or neighbor. É-vésėstanovemóho. He lives with him. Ná-vésėstánóvémo. I live with him. Category: live.
-véstsėhném vta. walk with s.o.; live with s.o. By semantic extension, this verb can refer to living with or socially communing with s.o. É-véstsėhnemo. He is living with him. See: -véstse'enám; -véstoem; -vé'ȯhtsém. Category: live, walk.
-véstse'enám vta. live with s.o., room with s.o., married to s.o. This word often implies being married to s.o. The more commonly used verb for being married to s.o., however, is -véstoem. É-véstse'enamo. He is living with him. Ná-véstse'enámo. I lived with him. See: -vésto'tsém; -véstsėhném; -vé'ȯhtsém; -vésév; -vésėstánóvem; -néše'enám; -véstoem. Category: live, marriage.
-vo'ėstanéheve vai. live. This word generally refers more to social life whereas -ametanéné refers to biological life; this word is only used about people but -ametanéné is used of any living beings. É-vo'ėstanéheve. He is living/he is making his living. É-vo'ėstanéheveo'o. They are living / they are making their living. Ésáa-vo'ėstanéhévéhe. He just wanders around; he doesn't have his own home (or life); he lives with various people. Ná-vo'ėstanéheve. I am living. The name of the place where you live is often said before this word, especially after the question Tósa'e névo'ėstanéheve? Tósa'e né-vo'ėstanéheve? Where do you live? (another recording) Vóhpoométanéno ná-vo'ėstanéheve. I live in White River Place (Busby). É'ėxováhtóva ná-vo'ėstanéheve. I live in Billings. Various lifestyles are described with this stem plus a preverb, such as: Épėhéve-vo'ėstanéheve. He lives in a good way. Nápėhéve-vo'ėstanéheve. I have a good life. Éována'xae-vo'ėstanéheve. He lives in a serene/calm way. Éxamae-vo'ėstanéheve. He lives in an ordinary way. that is, he lives as an Indian. Éma'heóne-vo'ėstanéheve. He is a religious person. Éxónetame-vo'ėstanéheve. He lives in a filthy way. Éháanae-vo'ėstanéheve. He lives a respected (literally, heavy) life. For example, the life of someone who is respected, such as a Sun Dance priest. Tósa'e né-vo'ėstanéheve? Where do you live? Néta-vo'ėstanéhévémáne! Let's live! nȧháóhe tsévo'ėstanéhevese those who live there. See: -ametanéné; -héstanove; -vésėstánóve; -htánové; -hesta; -vo'ėstaneve; -hoo'e. Category: live.
-vo'ėstanéhevé'tov vta. live for s.o. Éohkeoo'haenéhe-vo'ėstanéhevé'tovóho Ma'heóneva. He carefully ("followingly") lives for God. Nésáavé'šėhé-vo'ėstanéhevenȯtse! Don't let it bother you! (lit. you're not alive just for him--so don't let what he did to you bother you). [1987:309] See: néhe-; néhov-. Category: live.
-vo'ėstanéheveotse vai. come to live. Ques: recheck gloss?? É--vo'ėstanéheveotse. ?? Category: live, check.
vo'ėstanéhevestȯtse ni. life. Éto'sėsáapėhéva'éháne ne-vo'ėstanéhevėstonane. Our (incl.) life is not going to be good. [1987:209] Vo'ėstanéhevestȯtse étaomėhotáanáto, he'konetānȯhtse! Life is difficult just as it is, be strong! See: ametanénestȯtse. Category: live.
vo'ėstanéhevetanó vai. want to live. Násáavésenėheše-vo'ėstanéhevetanóhéme. We don't want to live like that. [Sweet Medicine Comments.108] Category: live.
-vo'ėstaneve vai. be a person; live. When used with the meaning of 'live', the sense is different from that of the related verb, -vo'ėstanéheve, and, of course, of -ametanéné. With this verb, if one said é-vo'ėstaneve, the statement could be referring to someone who managed to live through a serious sickness. É-vo'ėstaneve. He is a person. Etym: *waθkitilenyi·wiwa. See: -vo'ėstanéheve ‘live (socially)’; -ametanéné ‘live (biologically)’. Category: identity, live.
-vonéstanove vii. way of life disappear; way of life disappear. É-vonéstanove. ?? recheck pitches?? The (traditional) way of life is gone. Ééše-vonéstanove éohkėhevoōne. "The (especially traditional) way of life is already gone," they say. [1987:10] Ésáa'éšemȧhe-vonéstanovėhane. The way of life is not all gone yet. vai: -vonéstánóvé; fii: -éstánóve2. See: -vonéstánóvé; -héstanove; -nétȧhévėstanove. Category: live.
-vonéstánóvé vai. way of life disappear; lose way of life be. É-vonéstánóve. recheck pitches His way of life disappeared. Nėstse-vonéstánóvéme. Your (plural) way of life will disappear. [1987:11] Sweet Medicine prophesied that to Cheyennes. Néto'sėsáa'ó'-vonéstánóvėhémáne. We are not actually going to lose our way of life. [1987:11] vii: -vonéstánóve. See: -vésėstánóvé. Category: live, check.
-xanovehné vai. 1 • walk straight. É-xanovēhne. He walked straight. [Croft]
2 • live straight. fai: -ehné. Category: walk, live.