Cheyenne Dictionary



-anȯhohoné   vai. sign down. that is, sign for someone to go down. É-anȯhohōne. He gave the down sign. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-asėtȯhóné   vai. motion to move, away sign, sign away. É-asėtȯhóne. He motioned to (others to) move/keep going/get out of the way. fai: -ohóné. Category: sign.

-asėtȯhóov   vta. sign to s.o. to leave, motion s.o. to leave. É-asėtȯhóovóho. He motioned to him to leave. Ná-asėtȯhóóvo. I motioned to him to leave. fta: -(o)hóov. Lit: away-motion Category: sign, interpersonal.

-e'e'ȯhóov   vta. motion s.o. up. É-e'e'ȯhóovóho. He motioned him up. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.

-e'ȯhoné   vai. sign up. that is, sign for someone to go up. É-e'ȯhōne. He signed (for someone) to go up. Ques: check underlying pitch on -on/-ón with plural fai: -ohoné. Category: sign, check.

-e'ȯhóov   vta. sign to s.o. to go up. É-e'ȯhóovóho. He signed for him to go up. fta: -ohóov. Category: sign, interpersonal, check.

-émoohtȯhoné   vai. sign secretly, secretly sign. É-émoohtȯhōne. He is signing secretly. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-évȯhóné   vai. sign. É-évȯhóne. He is signing. É-évȯhóneo'o. They are signing. néhe vé'ho'e tséohke-évȯhónėstse that whiteman who made signs. [1987:51] Éméhóhta évȯhónėstóva. He loves to sign. fai: -ohóné; vta: -évȯhóov. Category: sign.

évȯhóne-   pv. signing. É-évȯhóneovéstomósáne. He is teaching through sign language. Category: sign.

-évȯhónee'e   vai. sign sitting. É-évȯhónee'e. He is signing while sitting. Category: sit, sign.

-évȯhóov   vta. sign to s.o. É-évȯhóovóho. He signed to him. Ná'év-ȯhóóvo. I signed to him. [1987:179] Móhne'ée'-évȯhóovaehevovóhe. He (obv) made signs to them. [1987:51] vai: -évȯhóne; fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.

-háoenavȯhóov   vta. motion s.o. to pray. É-háoenavȯhóovóho. He motioned to him to pray. Ná-háoenavȯhóóvo. I motioned to him to pray. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign, pray.

-hávėsévȯhoné   vai. give a bad sign, sign bad. for example, to give s.o. the finger. É-hávėsévȯhóne. He gave a bad sign. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-he'amávȯhoné   vai. sign up. that is, sign for someone to go up. É-he'amávȯhóne. ?? He signed for him to go up. Usage: probably a loan translation from English Synonym -e'ȯhoné; fai: -ohoné. Category: sign, check.

-he'kotȯhóov   vta. motion s.o. to be quiet. É-he'kotȯhóovóho. He motioned to him to be quiet. Category: sign.

-hestȯhóov   vta. wave at s.o. É-hestȯhóovóho. He waved at him. Naa néhe kȧse'éeheho éstȧ-hestȯhóovóvȯsesto. And those young women waved at (the deer). [1980:7:43] fta: -(o)hóov. See: -hetȯhóov. Category: sign.

-hetȯhóné   vai. so sign, sign that way. ... é-hetohóne. ... that is how he signed. Neše é-hetȯhóne. He is indicating two with two fingers. fai: -ohóné. Category: sign.

-hetȯhóov   vta. Gram: rr so sign to s.o., sign that way to s.o. ... é-hetȯhóovóho. ... that is how he signed to him. "Héehe'e," é-hetȯhóovóho. "Yes," he signed to him. Náhnė-hetȯhóóvo, "Tsé'tóhe heévaho éohkenéma'eotsėhóho he'eo'o," náhétoná-hetȯhóóvo. I signed to him, "This rope is carried around by women," I told him, I signed to him. [1987:179] fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.

-ho'hó'ȯhoné   vai. clap. É-ho'hó'ȯhóne. He is clapping. See: -hó'hohené cheer. Category: sign, sounds.

-hó'xȯhóne   vai. used to signing. É-hó'xȯhóne. He is used to signing. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-hótoanávȯhóne   vai. sign something difficult, difficult sign. É-hótoanávȯhóne. He is signing about something difficult. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-mȧhohóné   vai. sign to everyone. É-mȧhohóne. He is including everybody in his signs. fai: -ohóné. Category: sign, check.

-momáta'ȯhóné   vai. sign angrily. É-momáta'ȯhóne. He is making mean signs. fai: -ohóné. Category: sign.

-namȯhóov   vta. feign a motion at s.o. É-namȯhóovóho. He feigned a motion to him. Ques: threatenind motion?? fta: -(o)hóov. Etym: cf *nemahwe·wa he threatens him. See: -nameta snort. Category: sign.

-nėhetȯhóov   vta. sign that way to s.o., so sign to s.o. Náh-nėhetȯhóóvo. I signed that way to him. [1987:179] fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.

-nėševátamȯhoné   vai. sign poor, sign pitiful, pitiful sign. É-nėševátamȯhōne. He is signing that he is poor/pitiful. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-nėševȯhoné   vai. sign fast. É-nėševȯhōne. He is signing fast. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-nétȧhévȯhóne   vai. sign differently. É-nétȧhévȯhóne. He is signing differently. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-nȯhtóvȯhóne   vai. know how to sign. É-nȯhtóvȯhóne. He knows sign language. fai: -ohoné. See: -hóov. Category: sign.

-no'héhoov   vta. motion s.o. aside. É-no'héhoovóho. He motioned him to get off the road. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.

-nonamȯhóov   vta. feign hitting s.o. can be out of meanness. É-nonamȯhóovóho. He made hitting motions toward him. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.

-nonó'hestȯhóov   vta. wave at s.o. to come over. É-nonó'hestȯhóovóho. He waved at him to come over. fta: -(o)hóov. Usage: probably not as good Cheyenne as -hestȯhóov See: -hestȯhóov. Category: sign.

-nótȧxévȯhoné   vai. salute. Lit: warrior-sign É-nótȧxévȯhóne. He saluted. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-nótȧxévȯhóov   vta. salute s.o. É-nótȧxévȯhóovóho. He saluted him. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.

-ohóné   fai. sign, use hand motions. Éév-ȯhóne. He signed. Étó'h-ohóne. He signed to stop. Évé'ho'év-ȯhóne. He is doing finger signs/signing as a white person. Éonést-ȯhóne. He is faking out by hand game motions. Émé'-ȯhóne. He guessed the right bone in hand game. Évéeam-ȯhóne. He is a good hand game guesser/he guesses right every time. Évovéhp-ȯhóne. He missed everything (in hand game guessing). Neše éhet-ȯhóne. He is indicating two with two fingers. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign, handgame.

-(o)hóov   fta. sign to s.o., motion to s.o. can refer to talking in Plains Indian sign language. Étó'h-ohóovóho. He motioned him to stop. É-nonamȯhóovóho. He made hitting motions toward him. Éév-ȯhóovóho. He signed to him. Ná'év-ȯhóóvo. I signed to him. [1987:179] Éno'hé-hoovóho. He motioned him to get off the road. Éasėt-ȯhóovóho. He motioned to him to leave. Énótȧxév-ȯhóovóho. He saluted him. Náhnėhet-ȯhóóvo. I signed that way to him. [1987:179] Náháoenav-ȯhóóvo. I motioned to him to pray. Tatsėhet-ȯhóovenano! Wave at them (animate)! fai: -ohóné. Phon: has -vȯhóov allomorph See: -naesetsé; -onéstȯhóné; -amȯhóné. Category: sign.

-sé'ȯhoné   vai. sign to go into water. É-sé'ȯhóne. He signed for someone to go into the river. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-ta'ovȯhoné   vai. sign mad, sign angry. É-ta'ovȯhōne. He is signing that he is mad/angry. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-tó'hohóné   vai. motion to stop, wave to stop, sign to stop. É-tó'hohóne. ?? He signed to stop. É-tó'hohóneo'o. ?? They signed to stop. Initial tó'h-; Final -ohóné; vta: -tó'hohó ??. Category: check, sign.

-tó'hohóov   vta. motion s.o. to stop, wave to s.o. to stop, sign to s.o. to stop. É-tó'hohóovóho. He motioned him to stop. Initial tó'h-; fta: -(o)hóov; vai: tó'hohóné. Category: sign.

-totáho'pȯhoné   vai. sign complex, make complex signs. É-totáho'pȯhōne. He is making signs like a traffic cop. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-tsėhetȯhóov   vta. wave at s.o. É-tsėhetȯhóovóho. He waved at him. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.

-vé'ho'évȯhóne   vai. whiteman sign, sign ASL, finger sign. É-vé'ho'évȯhóne. He is doing finger signs/signing as a white person. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.

-véstȯhóné   vai. sign with. É-véstȯhóne. He is making signs with (others). fai: -ohóné. Category: sign.