Cheyenne Dictionary

 social events

social events

-amo'eétahe   vai. 1 • celebrate, perform. É-amo'eétahe. He is putting on a "doings." É-amo'eétȧhéstove. There is a celebration/there is a big doings/activity. tsé-amo'eétaestse he who is putting on a "doings". tsé-amo'eétȧhese the performers of the ceremony. [1987:94] fai: -o'eétahe. Category: social events, do.

2 • have sex. Usage: euphemism, similar to English "He is doing it." Category: sex.

-hóheet   vta. swaddle s.o., wrap s.o. as a baby. É-hóheetóho. She swaddled him. Hóheešeha nenéso! Wrap your child up! vai: -hóheesané. See: -pėhévoheet. Category: babies, social events.

-ho'sóestove   vii. Gram: impers be dancing. É-ho'sóestove. There is dancing; people are dancing. vai: -ho'soo'e. Category: social events.

hóxovéstáváhe   na. traveler. Hóxovéstáváhe nánȯhtsevóómo. I am looking for a traveler. This was especially said at giveaways. It is culturally encouraged to giveaway to strangers. Category: social events.

-móheeohtsé   vai. gather, meet, assemble. only used with plural subjects. É-móheeohtseo'o. They are meeting. É-móheeohtséstove. There is a meeting). Tóne'še nėstsėhóse-móheeohtsémáne? When will we meet again? See: -móheehe; -mano'ée. Category: social events.

móhenȧhá'enestȯtse   ni. potluck. Category: social events.

-mó'é   vai. invite to a meal. É-mó'e. He invited (people) to a meal (or feast). É-mó'eo'o. They invited (people) to a meal. (another recording) Éno'ke-mó'e. He is the only one that invited (people) to a meal. vta: -mó'ot. See: -mó'o'xevá. Category: social events.

-nóahešéh   vta. giveaway to s.o. É-nóahešeho. He gave away to him. Ná-nóahešeha. He gave away to me. Ná-nóahešéhaa'e. He gave it away to me. Ná-nóahešéhanenȯtse mo'éhno'ha. I got a horse from a giveaway. Náma'xe-nóahešéháne I was really given away to (= I got a lot at the giveaway). vai: -nóahešéve. Category: social events.

-nóahešéve   vai. giveaway. É-nóahešéve. He is giving away. Etym: cf *na·xkye·wa he fetches people; he holds a feast (P). É-nóahešéveo'o. They are giving away. Ques: try to determine for sure whether this and related forms begin with -nóa or -nóva ?? vta: -nóahešéh. See: -hešévé; Nóávóse; -nóahá'ené. Category: social events, check.

-nóahešéve'seh   vta. giveaway for s.o., giveaway on behalf of s.o. This is giving away to honor someone. Often the person honored is one of your children. Ná-nóahešévé'sého. I gave away for him. Nȧhtona ná-nóahešévé'sého. I gave away for my daughter. Nae'ha ná-nóahešévé'sého. I gave away for my son. Ná-nóahešéve'seha. He gave away for me. fta: -'seh; vai: -nóahešévé. See: -nóahešeh; -vóo'ėstómané'tov. Category: social events.

-nóahešévé'tov   vta. giveaway s.o. É-nóahešévenoto mo'éhno'hāme. He gave away a horse. Category: social events.

nóahešévestȯtse   ni. giveaway. Category: social events.

-nóahešévėstove   vii. Gram: impers be a giveaway. É-nóahešévėstove. There is a giveaway. vai: -nóahešéve. Category: social events.

tsé-amo'emanese   vai. Gram: ppl the committee, those in authority, authorities. for example, Congress, Senate. See: -amo'emané; tsé-véhonevese. Category: social events.