-á'etse vai. receive plenty. come to have a lot of good stuff; does not imply that one procures the things in a greedy fashion. É-á'etse. He has received plenty. É-á'etseo'o. They are getting a lot of good things. vta: -á'eh. See: -á'ėstómané; -a'eotse; -háeesenehe. Category: quantity.
-ao'ó fii. size, amount. Épėhév-aō'o. It is a good amount. Épėhév-ao'ohe? Is it a good amount? Éáhan-aō'o. It is extremely big/huge. Éhehp-aō'o. It is larger (in size). fai: -(a)eta. Phon: not vs Category: quantity.
háahpe'e p. much, a lot. Háahpe'e náheše'hāna. I ate a lot (lit. a lot that is how I ate). See: tšéške'e; háesto. Category: quantity.
-háenóohe1 vai. swarm, many - be. É-háenóoheo'o. They is a swarm of them (for example, many flies, people, fish). É-háenóoheo'o vé'hó'e. White people are swarming. Objects described by Éháestȯxeo'o can be counted, but with Éháenóoheo'o they are not perceived as being countable. Homonym -háenóohe2 ‘look badly beaten up’. See: -háestoxe ‘many - be’; -háetanevóo'e ‘crowded’. Category: quantity.
-háestaená vai. have many branches. É-háestaēna. He (tree) has many branches. É-háestaenao'o. They have many branches. Variant: -háestȯhestaená. Category: trees, quantity.
háesto p. many. (another recording) Antonym tȯhkomo. Category: quantity.
háestoh- i. many. See: háestoxe-. Category: quantity.
-háestoha vii. be many (inanimate) in number. É-háestȯhánėstse. There are many of them (inanimate). [1987:19] mȧhtonóohtomáse tsé-háestoha ma'kaata if you (plural) would wait for bigger money. [1987:198] hená'hanehe nátȧhósenėhešėhéne'ēna é-háestoha Ma'hēō'o tséheševéstȧhémaéto That is, how I know again that there are many ways God has helped me. See: -tȯhkomohá. Category: quantity.
háestoha p. many times. (another recording) See: tónėstoha. Category: quantity.
háestȯhe- pv. many. Category: quantity.
-háestȯheéhamá vai. have many husbands. can be serial husbands. É-háestȯheéháma. She has many husbands. Final -éhamá. See: -éhame. Category: quantity.
-háestȯhé'évá vai. have many wives. can refer to having many wives at the same time or serially. É-háestȯhé'éva. He has/had many wives. É-háestȯhé'evao'o. They have many wives. Medial -'évá ‘wife’. Category: quantity, marriage.
-háestȯhé'hamé vai. have many horses. É-háestȯhé'háme. He has many horses. É-háestȯhé'hameo'o. They have many horses. fai: -(o)'hamé. Category: quantity, horses.
-háestȯhe'šeme vai. utter many sounds, have many sounds, make many sounds, sound many ways. for example, a mockingbird. É-háestȯhe'šeme. He makes many sounds. fai: -'šemé. Category: quantity, sounds.
-háestȯhema'kaataamé vai. have much money. É-háestȯhema'kaataēme. He has a lot of money. See: háóovahe. Category: quantity.
-háestȯheóhtá vai. have many legs. É-háestȯheóhta. He has many legs. for example, about a centipede. Category: quantity.
-háestȯhestaemá vai. have many lice. É-háestȯhestaēma. He has lots of bugs (lice). Category: quantity.
-háestȯhestsėhóvá vai. have many possessions. É-háestȯhestsėhóva. He has many possessions. See: -htsehȯtse. Category: quantity.
-háestȯhevésenéha vai. have many friends. É-háestȯhevésenéha. He has lots of friends. Category: quantity, check.
-háestȯhevéxáha vai. have many grandchildren. É-háestȯhevéxáha. He has many grandchildren. Ques: which way is more common, this way or -ma'xė- he-véxahe?? É-háestȯhevéxahahe? Does he have many grandchildren? É-háestȯhevéxahao'o. They have many grandchildren. See: véxahe. Category: quantity.
-háestȯhnévátó vii. be many things. Category: quantity, check.
-háestȯhnóehné vai. bear many children. usually said of women but can be said of men, also. É-háestȯhnóéhne. She has lots of children. [1987:221] fai: -óehné. See: -vonėstȯhnóehné; -he-nésone. Category: quantity.
-háestȯhnó'ané vai. say many things. É-háestȯhnó'áne. He says many things. fai: -ó'ané. Category: quantity.
háestȯhno'ohe vai. be many ?? Éohkėhoháestȯhno'ȯheo'o nenésoneho. You have many children. Lit: there are many, your children?? See: -háestȯhnóehné ‘bear many children’; -háestoxe ‘be many’. Category: quantity, check.
-háestȯhnóohe vai. have many relatives. É-háestȯhnóohe. He has many relatives. Category: quantity.
-háestȯhnóvahe vai. many groups. used only with plural subjects. É-háestȯhnóvȧheo'o. There are many groups (an). móhnėxho-háestȯhnóvȧhéstovėhanéhe hákó'e tȧháóhe évaveto there were many groups (bands) of people way back there (1987:15). Category: quantity.
-háestȯhnóvátó vii. many aspects, many pieces, many parts. seems to be the idea of many parts of something. É-háestȯhnóváto. There are many different "ways". for example, many different meanings of a word. Éto'sėta'-háestȯhnóváto hová'éhe. There are going to be many things going on. ?? Ého-háestȯhnóváto éestsestȯtse. There is a lot to discuss. fai: -ónová. See: -nova ??. Category: check. See: -háestoha. Category: quantity.
háestȯhnóvave- pv. many. É-háestȯhnóvavenėstseo'o. They speak many languages. [1987:115] See: háestȯhe-. Category: quantity.
-háestȯxe vai. be many. only used with plural subjects. É-háestȯxeo'o. They (animate) are many in number; there are many of them. É-háestȯxevohe? Are there many (animate)? É-háestȯxevohe nevéxaho? Do you have many grandchildren? É-háestȯxevohe nȧháóhe nevóohestoto? Do you have many relatives there? Ésó'-háestȯxevohe tséohkenėhe'enėstsese? Are there still many who speak that language. Né-háestȯxemehe? Are there many of you guys? Né-háestȯxémáne. There are many of us (including you). Né-háestȯxémanehe? Are there many of us (including you)? Ná-háestȯxéme. There are many of us (excluding you). Násáa-háestȯxéhéme. We (excluding you) are not many in number. vii: -háestoha; Antonym -tȯhkomoxe. See: háesto; -tšėškomȯxe; -háenóohe; -vonėstoxe. Category: quantity.
-háetanevoeotse vii. become a big crowd. É-háetanevoeotse. It turned into a big crowd. (another recording) See: -háetanevóo'e. Category: quantity, check.
-háetanevonehe vai. be a crowd. The singular is increasingly used for when there are a lot of people who come to a drug dealer. Néohkė-háetanevonėhehe? Did you have lots of company? [When Bird Woman Went to the Gathering.007] Ého-háetanevonehe. ?? There is a big crowd. Ého-háetanevonėheo'o ma'evé'hó'e. There were a lot of Germans. [Croft 16] vii: -háetanevóo'e. See: -tanevóo'e. Category: quantity, check.
-háetanevóo'e vii. crowd - be a. É-háetanevóo'e. It is crowded / there is a crowd. Éasė-háetanevóo'e. It is startinng to be a big crowd. É-háetanevoo'ehe? Was there a big crowd? Ésáa-háetanevoo'éhane. It is not crowded. Phon: iah; not vs fii: -tanevóo'e; vai: -háetanevonehe. See: -háenóohe1; -háestoxe; -ma'haetanevóo'e; -honátsetanevóo'e. Category: quantity.
-háó'émáto vii. thick brush; thick weeds. É-háó'émáto. It is thick brush. Category: quantity.
-háo'oe vai. very many residents - be. Only used with plural subjects. É-háo'oeo'o. Very many reside (there). Éstȧsó'hovė-háo'oeo'o vé'hó'e. The white people developed into a big city. [1987:19] Phon: vs See: -mȧhoe. Category: quantity.
-hehpenóohe vai. more in quantity. Éto'sė-hehpenóoheo'o. There will be more (for example, people). fai: -nóohe. See: -háenóohe1. Category: quantity.
-hehpėstao'ó vii. bigger. É-hehpėstaō'o. It is bigger. Táase tsé-hehpėstao'o? Which one is bigger? [0620 193652.WAV@00:58] See: -hehpao'ó. Category: quantity.
hehpėstoha p. more and more, so many times. See: háesto; vonoéstónėstóva. Category: quantity.
-hehpėstohá vii. more in quantity. tsé-hehpėstōha that which is larger in number. [ms 0620 193652.WAV@00:57] Táase tsé-hehpėstoha? Which one is larger in number? [ms 0620 193652.WAV@00:59] Category: quantity.
-hehpėstoxe vai. more in quantity. É-hehpėstoxeo'o. There are more of them (animate). Category: quantity.
hehpeto p. later, farther, a little bit more. (another recording) hehpeto tsé'éšeméoese Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe after the battle with Long Hair (Custer). [1987:59] Preverb hehpe-. See: hehpe'xóvéva; maato. Category: time, degree, quantity.
-he'eotse vii. spare, leftover, remain. tsé-he'eotse what is leftover. tsé-he'eotsee'ėstse leftovers.
vai. spare, leftover, remain. É-he'eotse. He (or It) is leftover. Etym: *eškwiɁle·wa > **iškwipalyiwa (P/L). for example, there is leftover food. vti: -he'óhtá; Antonym -má'seotse. See: -kánomeotse; -momotoeotse. Category: quantity.
heómaa'e p. too much. éstamóneéemá'sepėhévemé'ėstomóénóvȯse tséohkeévė-heta'ósánéto heómaa'eȯhtȧhestanee'ėstse then he told them everything about it (drink), how it affects you too much if you take it. [1987:56] Category: quantity.
heóme- pv. excessively, too much, overly. Néosee-heómėháoho'hōva. You made it too hot. É-heómeomáta'ehe. He is overly angry. É-heómema'xemésehe. He ate too much. É-heómeome He is too fat. É-heómeoseehehpea'xaóhtȧheo'o. They are overly polite (some whites are considered such by Cheyennes). Initial heóm-. See: heómėse-; heómesto; hóó'ėstse. Etym: *wesa·mi. Category: quantity.
heómesto p. too many. Heómesto kȧsováaheho móhvésena'hehevóhe. Too many young men had also been killed (for example, at the Battle of the Little Big Horn). Preverb heóme-. See: háesto ‘many’. Category: quantity.
héováéso pro. Gram: pl Gram: indef (inan. & an.?? various things. Category: check. héováéso tséheševetovátoo'ėstse (various) shapes. Singular héováestse. Category: quantity.
héováéstse p. various, kinds. indefinite pronoun type of particle; requires a following relative root or preverb. Variant: héovȧhtse. héováéstse hešėhováhne all kinds of animals. [1987:246] héováéstse heševé'kėseho various kinds of birds. héováéstse tséhetó'o'ee'ėstse flowers (plants of various kinds). Héováéstse éhetȯxē'e. He is face-painted a variety of colors. Héováéstse é-hetoemeo'o. They (an.) have different prices. Héováéstse néhe'enėstsémáne. We speak different languages. See: héovȧhtse; héováéso. Category: quantity.
héováestsé- pv. various, all kinds. indefinite pronoun type of particle; requires a following relative root or preverb. É'ȯhkėxaenėše-héováestsėhešėpopėhévó'tse. He would put it different ways (on his head). [The Hat.014] See: héovȧtse; héováéso. Category: quantity.
héovȧhtse p. various kinds. Variant: héováéstse. seems to require a following relative verb or relative preverb on a noun, for example: Héovȧhtse mó'ȯhkėhešėhohtóvȧhevóhe. They traded different things. [1987:18] Héovȧhtse éhe'enėstseo'o. They speak various languages. [1987:115] Énėx=héovȧhtse=hešema'heónetanoo'o -ma'heóno'eétȧheo'o. They had different (various) religions, they did religious ceremonies. [1987:115] héovȧhtse hešėhováhne various kinds of animals. héovȧhtse éhesónėstse various kinds (of weeds) they were (1987:238). See: héováéso; oóxhésta. Category: quantity.
hestȯh- pv. that amount, however many in number, however much, however the amount, of that quantity. Naa móhmóheeotsėhaehevovóhe tsé-hestȯhna'haevȯse. And they gathered all those they had killed. (1987:43). tsé-hestȯhna'haevȯse however many they killed. See: hestȯhe-; nėhestȯhe-; mȧhe-. Category: quantity.
hestȯhe- i. so.many.
pv. that amount, however many in number, however much, however the amount, of that quantity. Hotómá'e nėhéóhe mó'ȯhkėhoehevóhe vo'ėstaneo'o tséhósė-hestȯheéšeevȯse. Inside (the log) there were people who were growing up. tsé-hestȯheéšéévȯse however many were growing up. [1987:247] See: hestȯh-. Category: quantity.
-hestȯhnóvahe vai. however many in number; all. probably only used with plural subjects. tséstó'tšėšema'xė-hestȯhnóvȧhévȯse hováhne móhnovȯhéstȧhetsėhévóhe all the animals had a big race. [1987:245] Category: quantity.
-hestóhtȯxe vai. Gram: rr be so as in family groups. only used with plural subjects. É-hestóhtȯxeo'o. They (an.) are as in family groups. Nȧhtanėšėháa'éšeée'amemano'évo'ėstanéhévéme tsé-hestóhtȯxétse. We will continue to live together as family groups. (1987:105). Variant: -hestȯxe. Category: quantity.
-hestȯxe fai. so many. ... é-hestȯxeo'o. ... there were that many (animate). Etym: *tahšiwaki (P/L). tsé-hestȯxévȯse however many they were in number. fii: -hestoha. Usage: This pronunciation is more common than -hestóhtȯxe. Variant: -hestóhtȯxe. Category: quantity.
hetaa' i. to such extent, all, throughout, entire, in such amount. É-hetaa'óma'ō'e. It is all over the earth. tsėhéóhe tsé-hetaa'óma'ō'e the United States (lit. here the entire land). Nátanė-hetaa'óhta'hāne hétsetseha. That's the extent of what I am telling for now. [1987:32]
pv. extent. tsé-hetaa'évetáhóévȯse how far they rode around. tsé-hetaa'nėhēso whatever is that way. tsé-hetaa'éamevéestove hóvéhno tšėševó'héé'ėse just a little ways away from where the camps were. tséhetaa'=nėhéó=ésevonėhnévȯse móhmá'sėtó'omemȧxeehevovóhe all those that crawled in (the caves) were all shot. [1987:43] See: he'-; hová'éhe; he'xóve-. Category: quantity.
hetaa'e- i. to such extent, all, throughout, entire, in such amount. Mónónė-hetaa'emenoo'étseneho o'xe. He had a very large eye on one side. [Floating Eyes:096] É-hetaa'óma'ō'e. It is all over the earth. tsé-hetaa'évetáhóévȯse how far they rode around. tsėhéóhe tsé-hetaa'óma'ō'e the United States (lit. here the entire land). tsé-hetaa'nėhēso whatever is that way. tsé-hetaa'éamevéestove hóvéhno tšėševó'héé'ėse just a little ways away from where the camps were. Nátanė-hetaa'óhta'hāne hétsetseha. That's the extent of what I am telling for now. [1987:32] tséhetaa'=nėhéó=ésevonėhnévȯse móhmá'sėtó'omemȧxeehevovóhe all those that crawled in (the caves) were all shot. [1987:43] See: he'-; hová'éhe; he'xóve-. Category: quantity.
-hetaa'o'ená vii. so full. ... é-hetaa'o'ēna. ... it is that full. Sétóve énė-hetaa'o'enánėstse. They (inanimate) are half filled. fii: -o'ená. Category: quantity.
-hetao'ó vii. Gram: rr such amount. ... é-hetaō'o. ... that is its amount. É'áahtsé'só'nė-hetao'ónėse. It stayed the same amount. [The Corn and Meat.035] Category: quantity.
hoháahpe'e p. lots, much. Hoháahpe'e hóvá'éhe émé'eme. Lots (of 'things') are explained (for example, in this book). Category: quantity.
hoháe- pv. very much. Náohkė-hoháemétsėstoma. She really mistreats me. É-hoháevéhe. He has a strong name. See: háe- ‘much’. Category: quantity, degree.
hoháesto p. very many. See: háesto; vonėstoha. Category: quantity.
hoháestoha p. very many times. Category: quantity.
-hoháestȯxe vai. be verb many. É-hoháestȯxeo'o. There are very many of them (animate). Category: quantity, numbers.
hohamesto p. much more, many more. Category: quantity.
-hoháo'oe'tó vii. very many clinging - be. only used in pl. É-hoháo'oe'tónėstse There are very many (berries clinging on bushes). See: -hoe'tó. Category: quantity.
-hóna'ovoestsé vti. add on s.t. É-hóna'ovoēstse. He added it on. See: -hóna'an. Category: quantity.
honátse- pv. diminish, subside. Éhonátse-tanevóo'e. The crowd subsided. Category: quantity.
-honátsetanevóo'e vii. crowd subside. É-honátsetanevóo'e. The crowd subsided. Phon: iah See: -háetanevóo'e. Category: quantity.
hóno'xe- pv. most, more. É-hóno'xėhávėsévána. He made it worse. Ná-hóno'xeméto. I gave him most of it. Né-hóno'xėho'tsenȯtse menȯtse. You have more berries (than I). hóno'xė-háahpe'e the greater portion; most of it (1987:144). See: náno'se-; hehpe-; hohame-. Category: quantity.
hóó'ėstse p. too much, excess. Hóó'ėstse náhetóó'o. I can't see well because the sun is shining in my eyes. Hóó'ėstse náno'hetāna. It is more than I can carry. For example, I'm carrying a full pot of something. Someone tries to put more in the pot. By saying this I'm telling this person, or someone else, to carry it themselves; I can't handle any more. Hóó'ėstse éhetanēne. He is carrying too many things at once. Hóó'ėstse náhetanēne. I am carrying too many things at once. See: heóme-. Category: quantity.
hósėstse p. some. Éxȯhtanėhevoōne náhko'éehe naa tsé'tó=hósėstse. They tried to say the same thing, my mother and these others. né=hósėstse those others. Hósėstse néhmétseo'o! Give me some (later)! Morph: /hóséht/. Etym: cf. *a·θenta; cf. aanind (N). See: hóse-. Category: quantity, record.
-hová'ȧhane vii. gone, disappeared. É-hová'ȧhane. It is gone. (another recording) Véhpotȯtse é-hová'ȧhanehȯtse. Leaves are gone. É-hová'ȧhanéhetse. It (obv) is gone. What is gone is obviatived, such as his leg (inanimate). Ques: Éxaeévȧhe'kė-hová'ȧháne. ?? Ques: It just slowly was gone (for example, a man's erection).?? Phon: The longer ending with -he is lost word-finally vai: -hovánee'e. See: hová'ȧháne ‘no’; hová'éhe ‘something; nothing’. Category: quantity, check.
hová'éhe p. Gram: indef 1 • something. (another recording) netao'o hová'éhe everything. The meaning of 'something' is possible with certain verbs in certain contexts: Hová'éhe tséohkeéetotóxeme something that is discussed. Nȧhtȧhého'oeševáéna hová'éhe. I'll go quickly cook something. Hoháahpe'e hová'éhe émé'eme. Lots (of 'things') are explained (for example, in this book). Éohkemese nóháso hová'éhe. He eats anything. Nó'óse hová'ehȯtse ho'ȯseešénėhoonȯtse é'amo'tánėsestȯtse naa ho'ȯseonȯtse. Against the wall, things, tied-up things, were in a row, and backrests. [1980:65:41] Hová'éhe hó'métsévȯhtse éohkevovóhponeévaméao'o. When they (especially whites) receive something they try to give back right away. Móho'nóhkeno'ketaevóohtomátse oha hé'tóhe netao'o hová'éhemóho'nótaohkevóohtomátse. One (weed) we failed to see but we see everything else. (1987:238). Plural hová'ehȯtse; Oblique hová'ėhéva (1987:267), hová'ėhéstónėhéva.
2 • nothing. Hová'éhe has the meaning of 'nothing' in negative contexts: Hová'éhe násáaho'tséhe. I don't have anything. Ésáaméséhe hová'éhe. He didn't eat anything. Hová'éhe éohkėsáapo'nȯhtsėstáhénóvo vé'hó'e. No matter what, whites ask questions about everything. Hová'éhe tósa'e tsénéta'e tséhešėsáama'heónevȧhāne. There is no other thing that is God. [1987:197] See: -htsehȯtse; -hová'ėhévátsestá; nȧhohpo; hénáá'énėse; hovánee'e ‘nobody’. Category: quantity.
hovánee'e p. nobody, no one. requires a negative context. Hovánee'e ésáahoéhe. No one was there. Hovánee'e ésáa'ée-óxȯhevȯhehe? Doesn't anyone have anything to say? Naa hétsetseha hovánee'e móho'nóevano'éenėhešėnȯhtóvenėheto'eétaestsetsé'éehósenaa'énove. But right now I don't think anyone knows how to do that anymore, how to (Indian) doctor. [1987:213] Appears to be the historically preferred term to use for this meaning; today a number of newer pronunciation use, to a varying degree, the word vo'ėstane in a negative context to mean 'nobody', for example, vo'ėstane ésáahoéhe 'No one was there.'. Obviative hováneehóho. Phon: vs Etym: cf *awe·kwe·na ‘whoever’. See: vo'ėstane; nevá'esėstse. Category: quantity, people.
hóvéhno p. barely. Hóvéhno étató'nėšenómeohtséto. (The car) barely made it up the north slope. [1987:27] Hóvéhno étó'eamȯhōhtse. His tracks are barely visible. Hóvéhno nėševeoestse! Speed up a little! See: héške-; tšéške'e; nonó'hónó'e. Category: quantity.
komááhe p. a little more, at least, in return, in trade-off, so that. Common (stretched) pronunciation of kómáhe. Some speakers seem to use this as a synonym for nónóhpa. Contract: kómáhe. See: nónóhpa. Category: quantity.
kómáhe p. a little more, at least. Phon: Often extended to komááhe in natural speech. komáá=kahkėse a little closer. Kómáhe tsėhóse=tsėhéóhe=háenėše'hanomeo'o! Wash some more on this side (of your head)! [1987:291] Usage: Some speakers apparently substitute kómáhe for nónóhpa in certain contexts. For them, these two words appear to be nearly exact synonyms. For example, you don't do something so that (kómáhe) something else won't happen. Phon: often stretched to kómááhe; will attach to a following word Ques: PD617: expects the affirmative: kómáhe néme'sáahetatséhe 'Had I not told you?' Non-contracted komááhe. See: tšéške'e. Category: quantity.
mȧh-2 i. all. É-mȧh-óóva. He is all wet. Ná-mȧh-oemoo'o. I'm related to all of them. É-mȧho'ȧhéotseo'o. They all ran. Preverb mȧhe-. Category: quantity.
mȧhe- i. all. Émȧhenotaevósesto. They (obv) killed all of them. Category: warfare, quantity.
mȧhe- pv. all, everything. modifies subjects of intransitive verbs and objects of transitive verbs. Nééše-mȧheésta'xéme. You all have come in. É-mȧheoto'xovahe. He is skilled at everything. É-mȧheénána. He let all of it go. Néh-mȧheasetanomeve! Take it all away from us! É-mȧhevéstȧhémȧhtseo'o. They are all helping each other. Ma'hēō'o é-mȧheméhoto. God loves all of them. É-mȧheméhotovo. They all love him. É-mȧheénenanȯtse. He picked them (inan.) up. (all?? Category: check. Initial mah-. Etym: *mes(iwe·)- whole, all (He). See: mae-; má'se-; mȧsó-; mȧheto; nėšemȧheto; hestȯhe-. Category: quantity.
-mȧhe'haná vai. all eat. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhe'hanao'o. They are all eating. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat, quantity.
mȧheto p. everything, all. tséohkėheše- nėhe'xóvéva nėhéóhe mȧheto -vovóhponeénanomóhehéne'enovȧhestȯtse at that time there for everything you paid in full for education. [1987:143] See: nėšemȧheto; mȧhe-. Category: quantity.
-mȧhtóhtȯhánėstse vii. be ten of them (inanimate). É-mȧhtóhtȯhánėstse. There are ten of them (inanimate). Etym: *meta·tahθenwali (P) > ** ??. Category: quantity.
-ma'haetanevóo'e vii. be a crowd. É-ma'haetanevóo'e. It is a huge crowd. Phon: not vs See: -háetanevóo'e. Category: quantity.
-má'seotse vai. depleted.
vii. exhausted, depleted, run out. É-má'seotse It ran out. Etym: *me·ɁtiɁle·wa > **me·Ɂčipalyiwa (P/L). É-má'seotse pénȯheo'o. The flour has run out. Antonym -he'eotse. Category: quantity.
-má'toneeotse vii. run out (ropelike).
vai. run out (ropelike). of thread or other rope-shaped object. É-má'toneeotse. He/It (ropelike) ran out. Ho'tanono étaéšemá'toneeotseo'o. The thread has run out. Category: quantity, ropelike.
ma'xe- pv. big, much.
pn. big. É-ma'xemésehe. He ate a lot. Náohke-ma'xemésehe. I eat a lot. É-ma'xenetse'e. He told a big lie. Etym: *meʔši-. Reduplicated móma'xe-. See: háe-; hoháe-; osee-; tȧhpe'-; votá'-. Category: quantity, degree.
-manėheotse vii. increase in number ??
vai. increase in number ?? Nėhéno éhése-manėheotseo'o vé'ho'éotóao'o. That's how the cattle increased in number (by having a lot of calves). [Ranch Life.018] See: -maneh. Category: quantity, check.
-mano'ahe vai. bunched, together -be all, congregated, band - be in a, united. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'ȧheo'o. They are all together. See: -mȧho'tse; -no'kahe; -manȧheve ‘be an island’. Category: quantity.
mȧsó- pv. suddenly, all the group, in a burst. É-mȧsóa'xaeméotse. He burst out crying. É-mȧsóhohátseotse. He burst out laughing. [1987:180] tséh-mȧsómeo'ėstséstove tsé'énetȧhtséstovetsé'ée-mȧsótaomeasevo'ėstanéhévévȯse tsėhéóhe tsé'éemaeévȧho'eohtsévȯse during the battles and after the end of fighting, when they started to make a living for themselves here when they came back. [1987:188] Variant: mȧsóe-. See: mȧhe-; mae-; hó'ótóva; sé'hove-. Category: time, quantity.
-momotoeotse vii. left over. for example, from eating or sewing. É-momotoeotse. It is left over. See: -kánomeotse; -he'eotse. Category: quantity.
-naesóhtȯhánėstse vii. 6 of them (inanimate). É-naesóhtȯhánėstse. There are 6 of them (inanimate). Category: quantity.
naestse- pv. all in one place. hétsėhéóhe ka'ėškóneho tsé'ȯhkenaestse tsé'ȯhkemóheehévȯse here where all the children are gathered camping. [How God Helped Me Forgive.006] Initial naest-. See: naestseto; nā'ėstse. Category: quantity.
nȧhahpo p. all, absolutely everywhere, absolutely everything. strong epistemic particle. Nȧhahpo é-heše'hāna mótó'easeávoonėhéhe. Absolutely all of his food that is how he ate; he must have been starved. Mónáoseeháeanȧhéhe nȧhahpo náheše'hāna. I must have been hungry; I ate everything up that way. Antonym pónóhta. See: nėšemȧheto; netao'o; mȧhe-; mae-; nȧháhpo. Category: eat, quantity.
-na'hánėstse vii. 3 of them (inanimate). É-na'hánėstse. Category: quantity.
-na'he vai. 3, be three in number. only used with plural subjects. The following number word sounds the same as é-na'heo'o 'they were killed': É-na'heo'o. There are three of them (animate). (another recording) Etym: *neɁliwaki (P/L). É-na'hevohe? Are there three of them (animate)? Ná-na'hēme. There are three of us (not including you). Násáa-na'héhéme. There are not three of us. That is pronounced the same as "Were they killed?" É-na'heo'o hetaneo'o. There are three men (for example, there). Ma'hēō'o, móné-na'hehemehe? God, are there three of you? (a question asked once by an old Cheyenne man who thought the Trinity consisted of the following three: Jesus, God, and Amen!) Category: numbers, quantity.
-na'nóhtȯhánėstse vii. 8 of them (inanimate). É-na'nóhtȯhánėstse. There are 8 of them (inanimate). Category: quantity.
náno'se- pv. best, most. É-náno'sepėhéva'e. It is the best. hé'tóhe tsé-náno'setotóxésto the main thing she talked about. [1987:12] See: háe-; hoháe-; hehpe-; heóme-. Category: quantity.
-nėhestohá vii. so many in number. only used with plural subjects. Tsétsėhéstȧhese xamaevee'e mȧhtóhtoha hóhtȧhna'ha éohke-nėhestȯhánėstseséhpató'ȯheonȯtse. The Cheyenne tepee has thirteen pins. [1987:224] Nóvȯse é-nėhestōha. There's not enough of it. Lit: less that is how much there is of it Phon: novȯse?? Phon: nearly identical to -nėhestohe vai: -nėhestoxe. See: -hestoha. Category: quantity, check.
nėhestȯhe- pv. so.many. É-nėhestȯheéše'hāma. Her months are fulfilled. For example, she is due to deliver her baby (literally, it is that amount of months for her). Nexa ma'heóneéšeēva náta-nėhestȯheene. I stayed two weeks. Lit: For two Sundays, that is how long I overnighted. Category: quantity, time.
-nėhestȯhe-aénoo'e vii. be so many years ago. no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'eāā'e tsésta-nėhestȯheaénoo'e one hundred years, that is how many years ago (1987:36). Phon: not vs See: -háestȯheaénoo'e. Category: time, quantity.
-nėhestȯhe-ene vai. stay for so many days. Nexa ma'heóneéšeēva náta-nėhestȯheene. I stayed two weeks. Lit: for two Sundays that is how long I overnighted Final -ene. Category: quantity, time.
-nėhestȯxe vai. so many in number; that many in number. only used with plural subjects. ... é-nėhestȯxeo'o. ... they (an.) are that many in number. Noho né-nėhestȯxémáne. Five, that is how many there are of us. Né-nėhestȯxémanehe? Is that all of us? Móné-nėhestȯxémáne? That's all of us? Category: quantity.
nėhetaa'- pv. that much. Náta-nėhetaa'óhta'hāne hétsetseha. That's the extent of what I am telling for now. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.157] Ná-nėhetaa'mé'ésta. I told that much. See: hetaa'-. Category: quantity.
-nėhetaa'eve vii. enough - be, that is all. É-nėhetaa'eve. That's it. ?? Category: check. Ésáa-nėhetaa'évėhane. That's not it / there's more. Category: quantity.
néhnésóváto vii. Ques: ppl both of them (inanimate). hétsetseha néhnésóváto nésó'=nėhéó=nėhešene'étamema -ne'étaménonėstse héne néhnésovátoo'ėstse tsétamé'ėstomonȯtse now we depend on both, depend on both of them which I have told about. [1987:98] vai: néhnéšévȯse. See: -óvé. Category: quantity, numbers.
néhnéšétse vai. the two of us; both of us. This word has a conjunct prefix néh-, the number néše- 'two', and a suffix -tsé. This and similar words are marked for grammatical animacy, grammatical person, and grammatical number. Some other examples are: néhno'kȧhéto I alone. néhnéšése the two of you. néhna'hétse the three of us. néhnévétse the four of us. néhnéšévȯse the two of them. néhna'hévȯse the three of them. néhnévévȯse the four of them. néhnévése the four of you. néhnésóváto the two of them (inanimate). néhnésovátoo'ėstse the two of them (inanimate). Ques: what's the difference between the last two?? Category: quantity, numbers.
néhnéšévȯse vai. both of them. close to an English pronoun in function. vii: néhnésóváto. See: neše ‘two of’; néhnéšétse ‘the two of us’; néhno'kȧhéto ‘I alone’; tséhnéšévȯse. Category: quantity.
néhnévétse vai. the four of us. Category: quantity, numbers.
-nésȯhtohá vii. seven (inan.) in number - be. É-nésȯhtȯhánėstse. There are seven of them (inan). Etym: *nyi·šwa·θenwi (P) ‘it is seven in number’. vai: -nésȯhtȯxe. Category: quantity, numbers.
-nésȯhtȯhánėstse vii. 7 of them (inanimate). É-nésȯhtȯhánėstse. There are 7 of them (inanimate). Category: quantity.
nésó'é- pv. twenty, 20. Étaéšėhehpe-néso'eaénoo'e. It was more than twenty years ago. [Rebuke.001] Category: numbers, quantity.
-néstoxe vai. each, everyone, all. This block focuses on each one, whereas -nėšemȧhe focuses on an entirety. only used with conjunct affixes. See: néh- 'conjunct prefix'. néstoxėse vo'ėstane every person. compare néstȯxévȯse vo'ėstaneo'o 'all the people'--this is the group viewpoint whereas néstoxėse focuses on individuals. néstȯxétse all of us. néstȯxévȯse all of them (an.) Many speakers today say netao'o vo'ėstane for 'everyone', although some older speakers say that néstȯxévȯse is preferred. Obviative néstȯxetsėse. See: nėšemȧhévȯse ‘all of them’. Category: quantity.
néstoxėse p. each one, every one. See: néstȯxévȯse. Category: quantity.
néstȯxévȯse vai. all of them, everybody. This is a conjunct verb which is inflected for grammatical persons: néstȯxėse every one. néstȯxétse all of us. néstȯxése all of you (plural). néstȯxévȯse (male voice) all of them. néstoxe- focuses on each one, whereas -nėšemȧhe focuses on an entirety, such as all of a group. See: netao'o vo'ėstane; nėšemȧhévȯse. Category: quantity.
neše p. 2, two, two of (cards). (another recording) Morph: /néše/. Simplified Spelling nish. Etym: *nyi:šwi. See: nexa ‘twice’. Category: numbers, quantity.
-néše'hamé vai. two horse - have, have two horses. Ná-néše'hāme. I have two horses. Category: horses, quantity.
nėšemȧhése vai. all of you (plural). Category: quantity.
nėšemȧhéto1 vai. all of me. pronounced the same as nėšemȧhéto 'all of it'. See: nėšemȧheto. Category: quantity.
nėšemȧheto2 p. entire, all of it. This is a conjunct verb. There are related forms for each person and number, as in: nėšemȧhéto all of me. nėšemȧhétse all of us. nėšemȧhése all of you (plural). nėšemȧhévȯse all of them. pronounced the same as nėšemȧhéto 'all of me' ?? See: nėšemȧhéto; mȧheto; netao'o; néstȯxévȯse; mȧhe-; nȧhóhpo; né'tóvéto. Category: quantity.
-néšeše vai. both lie, both sleep, two sleep. É-néšėšéne. They are sleeping together. (another recording) Category: lie, sleep, quantity.
netao'o vo'ėstane na. everyone, all humanity. Plural netao'o vo'ėstaneo'o ‘all peoples’. See: néstȯxévȯse. Category: quantity.
név- i. four. Category: quantity, numbers.
-névánėstse vii. four in number (inanimate). É-névánėstse. There are four of them (inanimate). Category: quantity, numbers.
-néve vai. be four in number (an.) only used with plural subjects. É-néveo'o. There are four (animate). (another recording) Etym: *nye·wiwaki (P/L). É-névevohe? Are there four of them (animate)? Né-névemehe? Are there four of you? Ná-névéme. There are four of us (not including you). Éohke-nevo hoóxé'e. There are four (obv.) tepee poles. [1987:225] Category: numbers, quantity.
-nexa vii. two in number (inan.) not used with sg. subject. É-néxánėstse There are two of them (inan.). Etym: *nyi·šenwi (P). Category: quantity, numbers.
-néxan vti. hold two things. É-néxananȯtse. He is holding them, two things. See: -névan; -no'kan. Category: quantity.
-néxánėstse vii. two of them (inanimate). É-néxánėstse. There are two of them (inanimate). Category: quantity.
-nóhonánėstse vii. five of them (inanimate) - there are. É-nóhonánėstse. There are 5 of them (inanimate). (another recording) Category: quantity.
-nó'ka'e vii. be one in number; be a one dollar bill. É-nó'ka'e There is one; it is a 1 dollar bill. (another recording) É-no'ka'ehe? Is there one? Morph: /-no'ka'e/. Phon: iah vai: -no'kahe. Category: numbers, quantity.
no'ke- pv. alone, one. Násáa-no'kėhemȧheónéhe. I'm the only one that doesn't have a house.
i. alone, one. É-no'keaénáma. He is one year old. É-no'keéše'hāma. He is one month old. É-no'keóhta. He has one leg. [pd279] no'ke- can have the meaning of 'best' or 'most' when it is referring to something positive or negative, for example: É-no'kepėhéva'e. It is the best. [pd279] É-no'kėhávėsévahe. He is the worst. É-no'kėháatamaahe. He is the most powerful. Ques: recheck the last 3 exx?? See: taome-. Category: quantity.
no'kėstáahe'o p. one handful. Category: quantity.
no'kóvavoe vai. be all in one piece; sit as a single piece; single piece sit; one piece sit. Móhnėšemȧhe-no'kóvavoehéhe. It was all in one piece. [Mountain stories.164] Category: quantity.
nonó'homa'e p. one-by-one, repeating. See: nonó'hónó'e; nonónā'ėstse. Category: quantity.
nonó'hónó'e p. step-by-step, bit by bit, incrementally, gradually, little by little. Nonó'hónó'e éstsėšėhe'amóovaotsénėse héne. Step-by-step that stuff rose up. [Croft 1988:18] See: nonó'homa'e; hovéhno. Category: quantity, check.
nonó'ke- pv. one by one. Táaxa'e, naa né'ée-nonó'kemé'emahtse! Let's see, one by one talk about yourselves! É-nonó'kėhemȧheónevohe? Do they each have a house? Non-reduplicated no'ke-. Category: numbers, quantity.
nonóna'ėstse p. each one. Ques: recheck na' or n[a'?? Non-reduplicated nā'ėstse. Phon: redup See: totáeto; nonó'homa'e. Category: quantity, check.
nóvȯse p. less. Ques: nōvȯse?? Émá'seotse nóvȯse. It didn't quite fit (for example, words on a cassette tape) (that is, it finished before the end of the speaking). Nóvȯse énėhetaō'o. It is not as large/it is smaller. naa máto nóvȯse étaénoestoneo'o tsémóneéšeese and also, they quit school too soon (because of liquor), those who have just grown. [1987:61] Nóvȯse énėhe'xóvatamóho he'óho. He thinks less of women (for example, treats them as less important than males). Preverb novȯse-; Antonym hehpe-. See: nėhē'še; maato; hehpeto; hehpe'xóvéva; nenóve'xóvéva. Category: size, quantity.
-o'hémahe vai. lack. for example, lacking food. É-o'hémahe. He lacks/he doesn't have much. vii: -o'hémó. Category: quantity, record.
-o'hémeotse vai. lack.
vii. lack. É-o'hémeotse. There isn't enough; he is lacking. vti: -o'hémeotsé'tá. See: -énetseotse; -étseotse. Category: quantity.
-o'hémeotsé'tá vti. run out of s.t., deplete s.t. Ná-o'hémeotsé'ta. I ran out of it. Category: quantity.
-o'hémó vii. plenty. É-o'hémo. It is scarce. Antonym -oótȧhámó. Category: quantity.
-o'hémoe'tó vii. hang scarce. especially of berries. Lit: lack-cling É-o'hémoe'tónėstse. They (berries) are scarce (clinging to bushes/vines). Antonym -háo'oe'tó. Category: quantity, hang.
-o'hémo'ohe vai. scarce (of woody entities). É-o'hémo'ȯheo'o mo'ȯhtá'éne. The turnips are scarce/there aren't many turnips. fai: -ó'ohe. Category: quantity.
-o'ó fii. amount, size. Éáhana-ō'o. It is huge. Éma'ha-ō'o. It is big. Épėhéva-ō'o. It is a good amount. Évona-ō'o. It is colossal in size. See: -vonao'ó; -heómao'ó; -áhanao'ó; ma'hao'ó; -pėhévao'ó. Category: quantity.
ó'otóm- i. full. Éto'se-o'otómeotse. It is going to be full. Category: quantity.
ó'otóm(e)- i. full. Éto'se-ó'otómeotse. It is going to be full. É-ó'otóme'sēvo. It (for example, river) is flowing full. É-ó'otómoeo'o. They are sitting "full" / they have filled up the car. É-ó'otómo'enóho. He filled him. Category: quantity.
-ó'otómeotse vii. become full. É-ó'otómeotse. It is full (for example, a house). Category: quantity.
-ó'otómoe vai. sit full. only used with plural subjects. This word is used when people sit filling up some space, such as in a car, on a wagon, or in a building. É-ó'otómoeo'o. They have filled up the car. That refers to the car being full of them, not them being full, for instance, of food. Mó'ȯhkeée-ó'otómoehevóhe ma'heóneéestsémȧheóne. They used to be packed in the church. [1987:237] Category: space, quantity.
-ó'otómo'ená vii. full. for example, a cup full of liquid, but the meaning has been extended to the fullness of other kinds of containers, such as buildings. É-ó'otómo'ēna. It is full. Is É-ó'otómo an acceptable variant.??
vai. full. É-ó'otómo'enao'o. They (an.) are living there full (for example, in a full house or tepee). Usage: It is not known whether or not this and other 'full' entries are originally natural ways of speaking of people 'filling' a room or building, but they are in use today. Variant: -ó'kotómo'ená. That variant is perhaps obsolescent now. (Croft). Final -o'ená. See: -ná'so'enohe ‘full of food’; -éxo'ená ‘ready’; -tšėške'o'ená ‘a little filled’; -héhenotómo'ená ‘overflow’. Category: space, quantity, liquid, check.
-ó'otómo'xévaen vta. fill s.o. quickly. can refer to a man filling a woman's womb with a baby. É-ó'otómo'xévaenóho. He filled her up quickly. Mó'-ó'otómo'xévaenȯhevóhe. He filled her quickly (with a baby). Category: sex, babies, quantity.
-ó'otómotse vii. become full. É-ó'otómotse. ?? It got filled. Ques: relational form?? See: -ó'otómeotse. Category: quantity, check.
ó'xe- i. half, split. É-ó'xeotse. It is split.
pv. half, split.
pn. half, split. ó'xevé'ho'e breed (literally, half-whiteman). Etym: *pa·ʔše-. Category: quantity.
o'xe p. half. Neva o'xe ééšėhehpoésta. It is 4:30 p.m. (lit. four and a half it's already hanging past (noon)). O'xe énanėhéotse. He is half paralyzed. See: sétóve. Category: quantity.
-oótȧháman vti. plenty of s.t. - have, have more than enough of s.t. É-oótȧhámána. He has more than enough of it. tsétȧheše-oótȧhámanomévȯse since they have plenty of everything. [STORIES.TXT] Category: quantity.
oótȧháme- pv. plenty, abundant. Ques: oótȧhóme- ? / oétȧhóme- ?? Category: check. É-oótȧhámėhestame. He has plenty of food. É-oótȧhámemésėheo'o. They have plenty to eat. Naa máto nȧhtsevéseéve-óetȧhámeévėhetótaevo'ėstanéhévéme. And also we'll live with plenty and joy in our life. [1987:211] Éohke-oótȧhámevéstȧhémȯsáne. He is always available to help. See: óotāma. Category: quantity.
-oótȧhámeotse vii. become plenty. É-oótȧhámeotse. It is plentiful. [pd906] Ééva-oótȧhámeotse. It is plentiful again. Category: quantity.
-oótȧhámó vii. plenty, abundant. É-oótȧhámo. There is plenty. vai: -oótȧhámahe; Antonym -hová'ȧhane, -o'hémó. Category: quantity.
óove- pv. completely, all, everything. Émȧhe-óovėhéne'ēna. He knows all of it. Éhnėhmȧhe-óovėhová'ȧhanéhénėse vo'ėstanéhevestȯtse. (Their way of) life was all gone. [1987:37:30] See: mȧhe-; má'se-; vá'ȯse-. Category: quantity.
otáxa p. hopelessly, only, just, with nothing (else). Otáxa náévȧho'eōhtse. Just I myself came back with nothing else. Otáxa éstanéhovóeé'tovósesto. Hopelessly (the whiteman) watched as (the fox) left. (1987:366). Otáxa ho'ēsta éhnéé'e. There was just a stove (in the cabin). (1987:30). Éhmóheanósesto hevésenóho otáxa he'konȯtse. He gathered up his friend, nothing but bones. (1980:67:101). Phon: often attaches to a following word See: pónohtá; hótse-; hová'éhe; hóove-; né'ova (néhe oha ??); oha; mámáhta. Category: quantity.
-óvahe2 fai. group, class. Énés-ovȧheo'o. There are three groups. Énév-ovȧheo'o. There are four groups. fii: -óvátó. See: -óvé. Category: numbers, quantity.
ová'keve- pv. little by little, bit by bit. É-ová'keveameōhtse. He is walking a little bit at a time ?? Category: check, quantity.
-ová'komósėhahtsé vai. small bites; eat small bites. É-ová'komósėháhtse. He is eating little tiny bites. Category: eat, quantity.
-óvátó fii. group; class. Énév-óvátónėstse. There are four groups (inan.). fai: -óvahe2. See: -óvé. Category: numbers, quantity.
-óvé f. group of, class, unit. suffixed to number initials. nó'kóve one group of. nó'kóve xamaevo'ėstaneo'o one tribe of Indians. nó'kóve manaho one district/band/group (of persons). nésóve two groups of. ná'nóve three groups of. névóve four groups of. nóhónóve five groups of. naesóhtȯhnóve six groups of. nésȯhtȯhnóve seven groups of. na'nóhtȯhnóve eight groups of. sóohtȯhnóve nine groups of. mȧhtóhtȯhnóve ten groups of. [pd749] nésó'óve?? twenty groups of. na'nó'óve ?? thirty groups of. fai: -óvahe. Category: numbers, quantity.
-pėhévao'ó vii. good amount - be a, good size - be a. É-pėhévaō'o. It is a good amount. É-pėhévao'ohe? Is it a good amount? Ésáa-pėhévao'óhane. It is not a good size. Épėhévao'ónėstse. They are a good size. Nȧhtámáne tsého'no'eohtsétse é-pėhévaō'o. The food we brought here is a good amount. [Horse Creek-Fort Laramie Peace Treaty of 1851:7] Phon: not vs Initial pėhév-; fii: -o'ó. Category: quantity.
-sóohtȯhánėstse vii. be 9 of them (inanimate). É-sóohtȯhánėstse. Category: quantity.
sóv- i. diminish. É-sóvoeme. It is reduced in price/it is on sale/it (or he) is cheap (inexpensive). Category: quantity.
-sóveotse vii. less, diminish. É-sóveotse. It is less. Category: quantity.
táhke'e p. small amount, just a little bit. See: tónetáhke'e; tšéške'e. Category: quantity.
-tanevonehe fai. crowd. Éháe-tanevonėheo'o. ?? They are a large crowd. fii: -tanevóo'e. Category: quantity, check.
táve- pv. slightly, sort of, a little. É-távetonéto. It is slightly cold / It is chilly. É-távėhoo'kōho. It is slightly raining. É-távėho'ééto. It is kind of snowing. É-távevo'eve. It is slightly cloudy. É-táveonéáhta He is slightly deaf. [1987:179] É-táveononovahe. He is slightly not all there. Ná-távetšėške'he'keómeotse. I have gotten slightly fat. tsestaéše-távea'enó'netotse when it got a little darker (1987:296). Antonym he'kone-. See: tšéške'e; tšėške'e-; táv-. Category: quantity.
-tȯhkomahe vai. not many, not much, few in number, small quantity. only used with plural subjects. É-tȯhkomȧheo'o There are few of them (animate). Ques: is this a word?? See: -tšėškomahe. Category: quantity, check.
-tȯhkomó vii. not many, not much, few in number, small quantity. É-tȯhkómo. It is a small quantity. Etym: cf *tekawe·wi (P). See: -tšėškomó. Category: quantity.
tȯhkomo p. few. Reduplicated tóhtȯhkomo; Antonym háesto. Category: quantity.
-tȯhkomoha vii. be few in number. only used with plural subjects. É-tȯhkomȯhánėstse. They (inanimate) are few in number. naa móxhoháo'ȧhéstovėhanéhe ma'kaata tsé-tȯhkomoha but we really wanted the money that wasn't much. [1987:19] See: -háestoha; -tšėškomoha. Category: quantity.
tȯhkomȯheotse vii. become few.
vai. become few. Naa máto vé'ho'émaahōtse móhnės-tȯhkomȯheotséhanevótse. And also the bullets became few in number. [Cheyenne Tribal History.169] Category: quantity.
-tȯhkomoxe vai. few. only used with plural subjects. É-tȯhkomȯxeo'o. There are a few of them (animate). Variant: -tšėškomoxe; Antonym -háestoxe; vii: -tȯhkomó. Category: quantity.
tóhtȯhe- pv. how many, however many. Naa éstanėšė= hēā'e= tóhtȯheaénoo'e. And perhaps the years went by. [Haskell.019] Usage: This pronunciation has been used by some speakers in Oklahoma., od Variant: tónėstȯhe-. Category: quantity.
-tóhtȯhen vti. how long do to s.t. Naa nóháso móhne'ée-tóhtȯhenȯhevóhe. And did not know how many days they were on the road. [My Father's Schooling.065] Ques: recheck spelling and analysis Category: quantity, check.
tóhtȯhkomo p. few. Non-reduplicated tȯhkomo. Category: quantity.
-tóhtȯxe vai. How many (animate) are there?however many (animate) there were. This word is only used with plural subjects. É-tóhtȯxeo'o? How many are they (animate)? Usage: This is less common than -tónėstȯxe. This might be a Southern Cheyenne pronunciation. Variant: -tónėstȯxe. See: tónesto ‘How many?’. Category: quantity.
tónesto p. How many?, however many. This question can be answered with one of the numbers from the set of numbers which tell how many times something is done. These numbers are found individually throughout this dictionary and commonly used ones are also listed below. These numbers are pronounced the same, regardless of whether the things they are referring to are animate or inanimate. For Cheyenne numbers which tell how many times something is done, see the entry Tónėstoha 'How many times?'. nā'ėstse one. neše two. na'he three. neve four. noho five. naesohto six. nésohto seven. na'nohto eight. sóohto nine. mȧhtohto ten. nésó'e twenty. na'no'e thirty. névó'e forty. See: tónėstoha ‘How many times?’; háesto ‘many’; tȯhkomo ‘a few’. Tónesto néna'hovoo'o? How many did you kill? For example, how many deer did you kkill? Tónesto néoó'hamoo'o? How many (fish) did you catch? Naa oha tónesto tséhetaa'he'konȧhétse hétsėhéóhe náho'manėstsénóne. But however many of us who were healthy, we made it back here. [1987:37:31] Category: numbers, quantity.
-tónėstȯha vii. how many. É-tónėstȯhánėstse? How many (inanimate) are there? The question É-tónėstȯhánėstse can be answered with verbs which tell how many inanimate things there are. These verbs are found individually throughout this dictionary and commonly used ones are also listed below as a group: Énó'ka'e. There is one (inanimate). Énéxánėstse. There are two (inanimate). Éna'hánėstse. There are three (inanimate). Énévánėstse. There are four (inanimate). Énóhonánėstse. There are five (inanimate). Énaesóhtȯhánėstse. There are six (inanimate). Énésȯhtȯhánėstse. There are seven (inanimate). Éna'nóhtȯhánėstse. There are eight (inanimate). Ésóohtȯhánėstse. There are nine (inanimate). Émȧhtóhtȯhánėstse. There are ten (inanimate). Nésó'e énėhestȯhánėstse. There are twenty (inanimate; lit., 20 they are that many). Éháestȯhánėstse. There are many (inanimate). Tsé-tónėstóha néhoésta? What grade are you in (especially in school) (lit. how many have you studied/read). See: tónėstoha ‘How many times?’; -tónėstȯxe ‘How many (animate) are there?’. Category: quantity.
tónėstoha p. how many times, however many times. This question can be answered with one of the numbers from the set of numbers which tell how many times something is done. These numbers are found individually throughout this dictionary and commonly used ones are also listed below. For Cheyenne numbers which tell how many things there are, see the entry Tónesto 'How many?'. Variant: tóhtoha. no'ka once. nexa twice. na'ha 3 times. neva 4 times. nóhona 5 times. naesóhtoha 6 times. nésȯhtoha 7 times. na'nóhtoha 8 times. sóohtoha 9 times. mȧhtóhtoha 10 times. Tónėstoha némanėstsenȯtse? How many did you make? Tónėstoha he'taéšeamenéévȯhtse? (I don't know) how many times they had stopped. [1987:26] See: tónesto ‘how many’; -tónėstoha ‘How many are there of them (inanimate)?’. Category: quantity, numbers.
tónėstȯhe- i. how.long.time.
pv. how long in time, such length of time - be of. Móhmóne-tónėstȯheaénamȧhéhe. She was sometime in early age. [1987:21] Móxho'-tónėstȯheenėhevóhe. However many nights it took them. [1987:44] Né-tónėstȯheenō'tse? How many nights did you camp? A: É-tónėstȯheaénāma? How many months old is he? / How many months along is she? That can be said for how many months old a child is or it can be said for how many months along in a pregnancy a woman is. A: É-tónėstȯheaénáma? B: Énaesóhtȯheaénáma. A: How many months old is he? B: He is six months old. See: amėstȯhe-. Category: quantity.
tónėstȯheāā'e p. how many years; however many years. ma'xe-tónėstȯheāā'e onétȧhévėhéstánóva mótanėhe'xóvėhanéhe as it has been for many ages and many generations ago (1987:100). See: āā'e. Category: quantity.
tónėstȯhéé'ėše p. how many days, however many days. no'kēē'ėše for one day. néšéé'ėše for two days. na'hēē'ėše for three days. névéé'ėše for four days. á'e tónėstȯhéé'ėše after a few days. [1987:104, 210] Category: time, numbers, quantity.
-tónėstȯheeno'tsé vai. camp for how many nights. É-tónėstȯheenō'tse? How many nights did he camp? Né-tónėstȯheenō'tse? How many nights did you camp? fai: -o'tsé1. Category: camp, quantity, time.
-tónėstȯheohtsé vai. how many go, however many go. only used with plural subjects. É-tónėstȯheohtseo'o? How many are going? Nétao'sė-tónėstȯheohtséme How many of you (pl) are going to go? Nėhē'še móhne'évanȯhtséoohé'tȯhehéhe (mós)-tónėstȯheohtsėhevóhe kȧsováaheho. Then they came back looking for her, however many young men came. [1987:292] Category: quantity.
-tónėstȯhnóehné vai. bear how many children. Apparently this can also be asked of a father, also? Né-tónėstȯhnóéhne? How many children have you borne? É-tónėstȯhnóéhne? How many children has she borne? A: É-tónėstȯhnóéhne? B: Énésóéhne. A: How many children has she borne? B: She gave birth to two children. fai: -óehné. Category: quantity.
tónėstȯhnó'e p. however much in numbers in the twenties. Category: quantity, numbers.
-tónėstȯhnóohe vai. have how many relatives. É-tónėstȯhnóohe? How many relatives does he have? Category: quantity, relatives.
-tónėstȯxe vai. How many (animate) are there?however many (animate) there were. Variant: -tóhtȯxe. This word is only used with plural subjects. É-tónėstȯxeo'o? How many are they (animate)? (another recording) Né-tónėstȯxéme? How many of you are there? Né-tónėstȯxémáne? How many of us (including you) are there? The answer to that could be: Noho nénėhestȯxémáne. Five, that is how many there are of us. Naa mós-tónėstȯxėhevóhe móstaasėhétoo'ėhehevóhe. And however many (suspects) there were, they were taken away to prison. [1987:185] É-tónėstȯxeo'o váotseváhne tsévóomóse? How many deer did you see? The question É-tónėstȯxeo'o? can be answered with verbs which tell how many animate things there are. These verbs are found individually throughout this dictionary and commonly used ones are also listed as a group below: Éno'kahe. There is one (animate). Énéšeo'o. There are two (animate). Éna'heo'o. There are three (animate). Énéveo'o. There are four (animate). Énóhoneo'o. There are five (animate). Énaesóhtȯxeo'o. There are six (animate). Énésȯhtȯxeo'o. There are seven (animate). Éna'nóhtȯxeo'o. There are eight (animate). Ésóohtȯxeo'o. There are nine (animate). Émȧhtóhtȯxe'o. There are ten (animate). Nánéšéme. There are two of us (excl). Nánévéme. There are four of us (excl). Éháestȯxeo'o. There are many (animate). vii: -tónėstȯha. See: tónesto ‘How many?’. Category: quantity.
tónetáa'e p. how much?, however much. Ques: whatever ?? (another recording) Tónetáa'e néohkėho'oéstóne? How far can you count? Tónetáa'e nává'nemese. However much that is just how much I ate of it. Naa héna'hanehe náéšėhóhta'hāne tónetāā'e tséhéne'enómo. And I have told however much I know. [1987:97] Nátavá'neéenėheše-mé'eoesēsta tónetáa'e. I'm just telling it that way however much. Phon: iah Etym: *ta·neθekexkwi; to what size or extent?. See: nėhetáa'e. Category: quantity, check.
-tóo'eotse vii. become full. for example, a tepee full of people. É-tóo'eotse. It got filled. See: -ó'otómo'ená. Category: quantity.
totáeto p. each of them. Totáeto néhe hováhne naa néévȧhó'tȧhemeno Each of those animals (said), "Well, you beat us." [1987:247] See: nonónā'ėstse. Category: quantity.
-tótȧhpe'o'ená vii. hold a lot of liquid. É-tótȧhpe'o'enánėstse. They have a lot of liquid in them. tséstó'tae-tótȧhpe'o'enaa'ėstse the ones that are full of liquid. Category: quantity, liquid.
tšéške'e p. small amount, a little, little bit. (another recording) (another recording) Antonym háahpe'e. See: hóvéhno; -tšėške'ó. Category: quantity.
-tšėške'o'ená vii. filled a little. É-tšėške'o'enánėstse. They (inanimate) are filled a little. See: -ó'otómo'ená. Category: quantity, record.
-tšėškomahe vai. few - be. only used with plural subjects. É-tšėškomȧheo'o. There are just a few. fai: -ahe; vii: -tšėškomó. See: -tȯhkomahe. Category: quantity.
-tšėškomó vii. few - be. É-tšėškómo. It is only a few. vai: -tšėškomahe. See: -tȯhkomó. Category: quantity.
-tšėškomoha vii. be few (inanimate) in number; few in number - be. only used with plural subjects. É-tšėškomȯhánėstse. They (inanimate) are few in number. See: -háestoha; -tȯhkomohá. Category: quantity.
-tšėškomoxe vai. few - be. Only used with plural subjects. É-tšėškomȯxeo'o. They (an.) are few in number. Variant: -tȯhkomoxe; Antonym -háestoxe. Category: quantity.
-váhpe'tov vta. make s.o. have enough. É-váhpe'tovóho. He makes him have enough. Ná-váhpe'tóéne. He makes us have enough. Category: quantity.
vo'ėstane na. person, somebody, anyone, nobody (when used with a negative). Etym: *waθkitilenyiwa ‘surface(-dwelling) person (cf Ch vóto'ėstátane 'human being'’. Hová'ȧháne, vo'ėstane ésáatonóosanéhe. No, nobody is waiting. Vo'ėstanóho ésáahéne'enóeheho tósa'e tséxhoo'ėse. No one knew where she was. [1987:110] "Nėstavé'eamȧhtōvo vo'ėstane," móxhetaehevóhe néhetsénésȯhtȯxetsėse kȧsováaheho. "Don't comply with anyone," they were told by those seven young men. [1987:307] Usage: Use for 'nobody' appears to be a recent development among newer pronunciation; the preferred term of older speakers is hovánee'e Plural vo'ėstaneo'o; Obviative vo'ėstanóho. netao'o vo'ėstane every person / everybody. Diminutive vo'ėstanēso. See: vóto'ėstátane; hovánee'e; nevá'e; -vo'ėstaneve; héstanėheo'o; héstaneho. Category: people, quantity.
-vone'ėsta'é vai. long hair. É-vone'ėstā'e. He has long hair. BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -tsėhe'ėsta'é; -tó'ėsta'é; -háa'ėsta'é. Category: hair, size, quantity.
-vonenóohe vai. very many in number - be, countless in number - be. only used with plural subjects. É-vonenóoheo'o. They are so many (for example, people). See: -háetanevóo'e; -vonėstoxe. Category: quantity.
-vonenóohétó vii. countless in number - be. É-vonenóohétónėstse amȧho'héstotȯtse. There are countless numbers of cars. Category: quantity.
vonesto p. countless, very many. Lit: lost-count See: hoháesto ‘very many’; háesto ‘many’; vonoéstónésto. Category: quantity.
vonėstoha p. huge number of, very large number of. Vonėstoha étataoheóneve. It is hundreds/very many miles in distance. See: vonoéstónésto; hoháesto; háesto. Category: quantity.
-vonėstȯhnóehné vai. have very many children. Lit: lost.count-bear.children É-vonėstȯhnóehné She had scads of children. See: -háestȯhnóehné. Category: quantity.
-vonetanevonehe vai. huge crowd - be a. Hótȧhtse éhma'xevonetanevonėhésesto hotóao'o. There was a very large herd of buffaloes. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).029] fai: -tanevonehe. See: -háetanevóo'e. Category: quantity.
-vonoéstóné vai. lose count. Ná-vonoéstóne. I lost count. for example, lost count of how many grandchildren I have. See: -hoéstóné. Category: quantity.
vonoéstónésto p. thousand. Lit: lost-count Oblique vonoéstónėstóva. See: vonėstoha; vonesto. Category: quantity.
vonoéstónėstóva obl. thousand. Lit: lost count no'ka vonoéstónėstóva 1000. Lit: one 'lost count' See: vonoéstónésto. Category: quantity.