-áahtóseoneve vai. listened to, obeyed, respected. É-áahtóseoneve. He is listened to. Category: personality.
-ahe fai. abstract AI final of state. typically refers to a rather permanent state or condition of someone. Épėhév-ahe. He is good. Éhe'kot-ahe. He is a quiet person. Éháomóht-ahe. He is a sick person. Éháa'éh-ahe. He is old/he is older/he is an elder. Category: quality, personality.
-á'kaveotse vai. 1 • droop, have a poor attitude. É-á'kaveotse. He is drooping.
2 • sad - feel. This might also include having a poor attitude. Initial á'(k)av-. Category: emotions, personality.
-a'tahe vai. skilled, dependable. É-a'tahe. He is dependable. See: -nȯhtóvahe. Category: personality.
-a'xaóhtahe vai. friendly. É-a'xaóhtahe. He is friendly. ?? Éheómeoseehehpe-a'xaóhtȧheo'o. They (especially whites) are overly polite. Ques: polite or friendly?? Category: personality, check.
anonáve- pv. doesn't care, unthinking. all kinds of crazy people. anonáve-vo'ėstaneo'o people who "follow" without thinking (for example, when voting). Category: personality.
-e'hahtóseoneve vai. respected, revered; distant (socially). É-e'hahtóseoneve. He is respected. See: -vóoseoneve. Category: personality.
-e'tóhtahe vai. afraid, fearful. É-e'tóhtahe. He is a fearful person. É-e'tóhtȧheo'o. They are afraid. Ná-e'tóhtahe. I'm scared. vti: -e'tá; vta: -e'h. See: -e'etanó; -e'hahtohe; e'se-1; -héhpȯhetanó. Etym: *kweʔta·tiwa (P); *kweʔta·ciwa; O gotaaji (N). Category: personality, emotions.
-émoohtahe vai. be sneaky, be secretive. É-émoohtahe. He is a sneaky person. (another recording) Étá'-émoohtahe. He is very sneaky. vii: -émoosó. Category: personality.
-éxahe vai. mature, ready. É-éxahe. He is mature. Etym: *ki·šesiwa. Ééše-éxahe. He is already mature. Category: personality.
-háahe vai. smart, brave. É-háahe. He is smart. Éohkė-háaheo'o tséhoestose. The readers are smart. See: -háatamaahe; -héne'enovahe; -oto'xovahe. Category: personality.
-háahpe'omóhtahe vai. be proud. É-háahpe'omóhtahe. He thinks he (himself) is big/he is proud. See: -háatam; -pėhévátam. Category: personality.
-háatamaahe vai. powerful, great, smart. É-háatamaahe. He is smart (or powerful). tséhešėho-háatamaaheto that you are great. [1987:233] Reduplicated -hoháatamaahe. See: -háahe. Category: personality.
-háesenove vai. quick tempered. É-háesenove. He is mean / he gets mad a lot. See: -háaenove; -momáta'ehe; -momáta'eotse; -háestáhá; -háenove; -senóvahe. Category: personality.
-háestáha vai. cranky, tantrum - have a, pout. Lit: intense-hearted said to be an emotion for children, while -momáta'eotse is for adults; -háestáha is not as strong an emotion as -momáta'eotse. É-háestáha. He is pouting. vta: -háestáhá'tov; BodyPartMedial -htáhá. See: -áhanėstáhá; -áhanomėstáhá; -háesenove; -momáta'eotse. Category: personality, emotions.
-háhta vai. persist, doesn't give up, keeps begging and begging. Ésáa-háhtáhe. He doesn't give up. Naa hápó'e Ho'évȧhtamēhnėstse móxho'nó-háhtȧtse. But Walks on the Earth persisted. [Stamper 1991:2] Ques: used only in the negative Category: personality.
-háohtsétseve vai. sly, shrewd, conniving, cunning, tricky, sneaky. É-háohtsétseve. He is sly/conniving/shrewd. Ó'kȯhomeho éoseeho-háohtsétseveo'o. Coyotes are really sneaky. See: -oe'kehe; -mȧháohtsétseve. Category: personality.
-háo'pohe vai. gluttonous. É-háo'pohe. He is gluttonous. (another recording) É-háo'póheo'o. They are gluttonous. Category: eat, personality.
háo'póhetane na. glutton. Plural háo'póhetaneo'o; Obviative háo'póhetanóho. Category: personality.
-háo'potanó vai. greedy. É-háo'potāno. He is greedy. See: -háo'pohe; -hehpetanó; -hehpetse. Category: personality.
-háónétsestá vai. very lazy. É-háónétsésta. He is very lazy. É-háonetsėstȧsesto. They were lazy (reportative). NonIntensive: -hónétsésta. Category: personality.
-hávėsévatse'oneve vai. have a bad reputation. É-hávėsévatse'oneve. He has a bad reputation. Category: personality.
-hávėsévoéstomo'he vai. bad attitude, bad personality. Éhoháe-hávėsévoéstomo'he. He has a very bad attitude. Some attitudes or actions which have been categorized under this superordinate label are (all with third person sg. subjects): énėsétsėstahe 'he spits at you; dislikes people; carries grudges'; énonó'ésta 'he talks back; sasses'; énetse'e 'he lies'; énomáhtse 'he steals'; éhoxȯhevōse 'he murdered'; événȧhéškóse 'he is stingy'; événȧhé'heóneve'he is prickly; easily offended; touchy'; ékásėstáha 'he is short-tempered'; éhoómetahe 'he holds back; doesn't mingle'; ésáananónėhéhe 'he has no pity, feelings, mercy'; éhe'konoéstomo'he 'he is hard to get along with'. Antonym -pėhévoéstomo'he. Category: personality.
-héestáhá vai. courageous, brave, bold. É-héestáha. He is courageous. BodyPartMedial -stáhá; vta: -héestáha'ov. See: -hetsevahe; -héhnovahe; -héhnovetanó. Category: personality.
-héhnovahe vai. patient, unperturbed. É-héhnovahe. He is unperturbed. See: -héestáha; -oéhnovahe. Category: personality.
-héhpȧhahe vai. fearful, easily frightened, always scared. É-héhpȧhahe. He is easily frightened / always scared. Variant: -héhpahe. See: -ta'pahe; -ta'pȧheéné. Category: personality.
-hehpahe vai. more. for example, worth more than someone else. É-hehpahe. He is more. Etym: *wempesiwa ‘he is up’. See: -héhpahe. Category: personality.
-héhpahe vai. afraid, scared. É-héhpahe. He is a scared person. Variant: héhpȧhahe. See: -e'tóhtahe; -hehpahe; -háatanó. Category: personality.
-he'amoéstomo'he vai. have a high personality. É-he'amoéstomo'he. He is a high kind of person. See: -háa'ého'oésená. Category: new, personality.
-he'anahe vai. easy. É-he'anahe. He is easy. that is, he is not stubborn; he easily gives permission to do things; there is no sexual connotation with this word as there is when it is said in English about someone "She/He is easy." É-he'anáheo'o. They are easy. Category: personality.
-he'éa'tahe vai. woman-crazy - be. É-he'éa'tahe. He is woman-crazy. Antonym -hetanéa'tahe. See: -he'étanó; -ná'so'eéh. Category: romance, personality.
-he'émané vai. act like a woman. É-he'émáne. He is acting like a woman. Etym: cf *eθkwe·hka·sowa ‘he pretends to be a woman’. fai: -mané; Antonym -hetanémané ‘act like a man’. Category: personality.
he'émane na. deviate, half man-half woman. Lit: woman-pretender Plural he'émaneo'o; Obviative he'émanóho. Usage: not as commonly used as he'émáné'e See: he'émáné'e. Category: personality.
-he'émané'eve vai. be a coward. Lit: woman-pretend-be É-he'émané'eve. He is a coward. Antonym -hetaneve. Category: personality.
-hé'heetovánove vai. mischievous - be, bother - be a, get in trouble. É-hé'heetovánove. He is mischievous. Névááhe tsé-hé'heetovánovėstse hesta'se móma'xe-anȯhevo'ȯhnȯhevóhe? Who was mischievous, someone must have knocked down snow. That is a humorous saying when there has been a blizzard. It is basically asking "Who made it snow?" See: -hávėsévo'eétahe; -mé'emo'eéstómané; -háaenove; -ná'so'eémetahe. Category: personality.
-he'kahe vai. soft, pliable. É-he'kahe. He is soft. [pd425] vii: he'ke. Category: personality.
-he'kėstahe vai. defensive. É-he'kėstahe. He is defensive. Mónéosee-he'kėstáhéme.?? You (plural) are quickly defensive. Synonym -totá'kovahe. Category: emotions, personality, check.
-he'konahe vai. 1 • hard, healthy. for example, resistant to sickness. É-he'konahe. He is hard. É-he'konȧheo'o. They are hard. tsé-he'konȧhese those who are strong. naa oha tónesto tséhetaa'he'konȧhétse hétsėhéóhe náho'manėstsénóne but however many of us who were healthy, we made it back here. [1987:37:31]
2 • be stubborn. Especially the quality of being hard to please, or having a mind that is made up, and hard for anyone else to change it. By semantic extension can refer to being tough (or, perhaps,healthy). At least some speakers say this does not mean 'strong', for which -he'koneotse is used. But note that in text 1987:302 this stem was translated by 'strong'. See the expression about a rock that has been used of people who are -he'konahe, hard (stubborn; unchanging in ideas or opinions). Taovóehénȯhtsėstova tá'tóhe ho'honáá'e naa mȧhvé'eomó'otsėstse nėhē'še tamónėhénȯhtsėstovoo'o. First go ask that rock (especially the Chief Two Moons memorial rock monument in Busby), and if you can make it move, then go ask him (that is, it would be easier to make the monument move than this person). Antonym -ta'pahe; Synonym -tóvahe. See: -he'konetanó ‘strong (emotionally)’. Category: personality, sayings.
-he'konėstáhá vai. strong willed, brave-hearted. For example, of someone who won't even cry at their mother's funeral. É-he'konėstáha. He is strong willed. Lit: hard-hearted BodyPartMedial -stáhá. Category: personality.
-he'konoéstomo'he vai. stubborn, rigid, hard personality. Lit: hard-personality This has to do with a person's attitude. It is difficult to change the mind of this kind of person. É-he'konoéstomo'he. He is a rigid person. See: -he'konahe; -tóvahe. Category: personality.
-he'kono'né'éóó'e vai. 1 • stand steady. fai: -o'né'e ‘step’. Category: stand.
2 • backs up word, steadfast, stands on word, reliable. É-he'kono'né'éóó'e. He stands on his word. Category: figurative, personality.
-he'kóovahe vai. wet. É-he'kóovahe. He is wet. Ques: what is the difference between -he'k[oovahe and -he'k[o[ova?? See: -he'kóová. Category: personality, check.
-he'kotahe vai. be quiet. É-he'kotahe. He is quiet. (another recording) See: -oéhnovahe. Category: personality.
-heo'ká'eve vai. be a female show off. It is not proper in Cheyenne culture; it's unladylike. É-heo'ká'eve. She is acting silly, showing off. See: -heo'keve. Category: personality.
-heo'keve vai. show off, silly - be, flirt - be a. É-heo'keve. He showed off. (another recording) See: -ménȯhkahe; -heo'ká'eve. Category: personality.
-héstova'ehe vai. 1 • two-headed, dual nature, have a. É-héstova'ehe. He is two-headed. Ques: get plural to check penultimate pitch?? BodyPartMedial -a'é.
2 • duplicitious, two-faced. Category: figurative, personality, check.
-hestóxahe vai. last, behind. É-hestóxahe. He is last. This can be said of a man who is not boss of his family. Category: personality.
-heškóvahe vai. be prickly (in personality). É-heškóvahe. He is a prickly person. For example, he llikes to aggravate/he has sharp words/reacts all .the time to what anybody says. vii: -heškóvó. Etym: cf *ka·wesiwa ‘he is rough to the touch’. See: -vé'ȯhkahe. Category: personality.
-heškóvahtse vai. mouthy, sharp-tongued. É-heškóváhtse. He is "mouthy"/what he says sticks you. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: personality. Lit: thorny-mouth
-hetanéa'tahe vai. man crazy - be. É-hetanéa'tahe. She is man-crazy. Feminine -he'éa'tahe. Category: personality.
-hetanémané vai. act like a man. É-hetanémáne. She acts like a man. See: -he'émané ‘act like a woman’. Category: personality.
-hetaneve vai. be a man. É-hetaneve. He is a man. Etym: *elenyi·wiwa. Ééšė-hetaneve. He is already a man. Éoné'seómė-hetaneve. He is a true warrior / a true man / brave. Nátaomė-hetaneve. I'm a man purposely. Antonym -he'émané'eve. Category: personality.
-hetó'emá vai. Gram: rr so persuaded, be of that persuasion, be persuaded that way. ... é-hetó'éma. ... he is of that persuasion. Ques: check if "so.persuaded" is an accurate gloss?? See: -nėhetó'emá; ; -hešetovahe; -nétȧhévo'emá. Category: personality, check.
-hetómahe vai. truthful - be. -hetómahe refers to someone being truthful/correct while -oné'seómahe refers to someone being genuine/real. É-hetómahe. He is truthful. Etym: *weθa·mesiwa (P). Ques: does it also mean perfectionistic?? See: -oné'seómahe; -hetómé; -hetóme'heóneve; -hotómahe. Category: personality, check.
-hetómȧhé'heóneve vai. flexible character. Ques: flexible or truthful ?? Category: check. É-hetómȧhé'heóneve. He is a flexible character. Category: personality.
-hetóme'heóneve vai. truthful. É-hetóme'heóneve. He tells the truth/he is a truthful person. See: -hetómahe. Category: personality.
-hetótaetanehe vai. joyful personality, happy personalilty. É-hetótaetanehe. He has a happy/joyful personality. See: -hetótaetanó. Category: personality.
-hetótanehe vai. joyful personality. É-hetótanehe. He has a happy/pleasant personality. Variant: -hetótanahe. See: -hetótaetanehe; -vóešetanó. Category: personality.
-hetov vta. resemble s.o., act like s.o., be like s.o., ook like s.o. This word can refer to appearance or behavior; for example, this could refer to a baby crying like his namesake. É-hetovóho. He is like him. Etym: *eθawe·wa; cf. M ena·wae·w. See: -tóva'ov; tóo'ėstseh; -hóxe'ėstséh; -het; -hetomóohe. Category: appearance, personality.
-hetseva vai. brave, dauntless, fearless, does not give up. requires a negative preverb. Ésáa-hetseváhe. He is not afraid / he doesn't give up. Ques: elicit 'they are not afraid' to check underlying pitch?? Category: personality, check.
-hoháohtsétseve vai. be very sly. É-hoháohtsétseve. He is very sly. Non-reduplicated -háohtsétseve. Category: personality.
-hohnóhkavoéstomo'he vai. be obstinate, be contrary in personality. whatever you tell this kind of person he does differently. É-hohnóhkavoéstomo'he. He has a contrary personality/he is obstinate. Category: personality.
-ho'honáevoéstomo'he vai. very stubborn. Lit: rock-personality Talking to this kind of person is like talking to a rock; you can't budge him. É-ho'honáevoéstomo'he. He is very stubborn. Category: personality.
-hó'xahe vai. accustomed to; used to; friendly. É-hó'xahe. He is friendly/he is acquainted with/he is accustomed to. Etym: *a·ʔšesiwa. Tsėhéóhe móéšė-hó'xȧhehevóhe. They were used to (life) here. [1987:39] vta: -hó'xeeh. See: -hó'xatsėstahe. Category: personality.
-hó'xatamahe vai. kind, even-tempered. É-hó'xatamahe. He is kind. Category: personality.
-hó'xotahe vai. likes people. É-hó'xotahe. He likes people. Category: personality.
-hónétséstá vai. lazy. É-hónétsésta He is lazy. (another recording) Éohkė-hónetsėstȧhtove matsé'omēva. There is laziness in the springtime. Intensive: -háónétsésta. Category: personality.
-hoó'ėspahe vai. clumsy, inept. É-hoó'ėspahe. He is clumsy in handling things / he doesn't do things right. a weaker word than -hoó'sotahe. See: -hoó'sotahe. Category: personality.
-hoó'sotahe vai. clumsy, unskilled, uncoordinated. É-hoó'sotahe. He is uncoordinated. Ésó'-hoó'sotahe. He is still uncoordinated. Émámė-hoó'sotahe. He is big and clumsy. a stronger word than -hóo'ėspahe; that is, a person who is -hoó'sotahe is clumsier than someone who is -hóo'ėspahe. See: -hóo'ėspahe ‘clumsy’. Category: personality.
-hóometahe vai. shy, timid, stay in the background. É-hóometahe. He doesn't talk to many people; he is shy. (another recording) See: -tanehe; -ómatahe. Category: personality.
-hoónȯhtahe vai. lonely, be a lonely person. É-hoónȯhtahe. He is a lonely person. See: -hoónȯsetanó. Category: personality.
hóšéše p. intentionally, purposely, willfully, spitefully. Variant: ó'ȯséé'ėše, ó'ȯšéé'ėše. Hóšéše énėhešéve. He did it on purpose. Category: personality.
-hoto'ahe vai. generous, kind-hearted. This is a highly valued Cheyenne trait. É-hoto'ahe. He is generous. tsé-hoto'aestse the one who is generous. Antonym -vénȧhéškosé. See: -másetsėstahe ‘hospitable’; -pėhévoéstomo'he ‘nice personality’; -heto'ahe ‘so want’; -he-to'hahe ‘have on gloves’. Category: personality.
-hotómahe vai. be a scapegoat. É-hotómahe. He is a scapegoat. Etym: *weθa·mesiwa (P); cf *aθa·mesiwa ‘he is under, underneath’. Ques: LP: He is kind; reck?? See: -hetómahe. Category: check, personality.
-hotoma'éhe vai. backward, unprogressive. É-hotoma'éhe. He is not progressive. Category: personality.
-hotómoehnóhtseve vai. be the black sheep child. for example, he is treated differently; he is worse than the other children. É-hotómoehnóhtseve. He is the black sheep. Variant: -hetómoehnóhtséve. Category: personality, family.
-hováhéva'ó vai. animal-like - be. É-hováhévá'o. He is animal-like. [1987:298] Category: personality.
-hóvanahe vai. lazy, lethargic. É-hóvanahe. He is lazy ; doesn't want to do anything. Náohto'seéšė-hóvanáhe. I almost didn't do it. Ná-hóvanahe. I didn't want to do that job. Antonym -nȧhahkahe. See: -hónétsestá; -kȧhanahe. Category: personality.
-hoxahe vai. rotten. rottenness represents death to Cheyennes. É-hoxahe. He is rotten. Etym: *aθeθwa > **aθesiwa (P). Category: personality.
-hóxe'ahe vai. clean. Seems to be a character trait, in addition to physical cleanliness, for example, he keeps a clean house, he dresses cleanly. É-hóxe'ahe. He is clean. vii: -hóxe'ó. See: -onó'ahe. Category: personality.
-ka'ahe vai. short, stubby. É-ka'ahe. He is short/stubby. Category: personality.
-ka'ėstáhá vai. short-hearted, quick-tempered. É-ka'ėstáha. He has a quick temper. Category: emotions, personality.
-ka'ėškónėstáhá vai. childish. Lit: child-hearted É-ka'ėškónėstáha. He is childish. See: -ka'ėškónemané. Category: personality.
-kásėstáhá vai. short-tempered. Lit: short-hearted É-kásėstáha. He is short-tempered. BodyPartMedial -htáhá; Antonym -oéhnovahe. Category: personality.
-koomahe vai. virtuous. É-koomahe. He is virtuous. Énovȯseévȧhóetóe-koomahe. She is trying not to be loose anymore. Category: personality.
'heóneve fai. characterized as. Énėševátsėstȧhé-'heóneve He is a merciful person. Émané-'heóneve. He is a drunkard. See: -éve. Category: personality.
-mȧhovahe vai. tired out. É-mȧhovahe. He is tired out. Etym: *mehsawesiwa. vii: -mȧhovó. See: -kȧhaneotse; -éna'he. Category: personality.
ma'ėhoohevá'eo'o na. Gram: pl lazy women. for example, they don't learn how to bead, etc. Lit: Red Shields society women Category: personality.
-ma'enóevoéstomo'he vai. timid; follow someone else as leader. Lit: turtle-personality É-ma'enóevoéstomo'he. He acts like a turtle. Category: figurative, personality.
mȧseha na. crazy person. that is, a person who does 'anything', perhaps wrong things; can be a "bad" person; a 'loose' male; can refer to actual insanity or similar mental illness. pl. can be of mixed gender, but sg. only refers to a man. Feminine mȧsėhá'e. Náhóovėhesétámo hévámóhe mȧsėhá-hoo'o. I mistakenly regarded him, but lo and behold, (he is) crazy. (this is a song; JG 1989). See: mȧsėháá'e; -mȧsėhánee'e. Plural mȧsėhao'o. Category: personality.
-mȧsėhave vai. be crazy, be foolish. É-mȧsėhave. He is a crazy person. Category: personality.
-másetsėstahe vai. hospitable, friendly. refers to the valued trait of welcoming people; doesn't have to be just to one's own home. É-másetsėstahe. He is hospitable. See: -hoto'ahe; -sénohe. Category: personality.
-másetsėstȧhé'heóneve vai. be a friendly person, be a gracious person. É-másetsėstȧhé'heóneve. He is friendly/gracious. Category: personality.
-másetsėstósané vai. friendly to people, hospitable to people. É-másetsėstósáne. He is friendly and hospitable to people. fai: -ósané. Category: personality.
-méhohtahe vai. loving. É-méhohtahe. He is loving. Variant: -méohtahe. Category: personality.
-mé'ėstanevá'heóneve vai. be a tattletale person. É-mé'ėstanevá'heóneve. He is snitching. Éne-mé'ėstanevá'heónevėstse! Stop snitching! Category: speak, personality.
-ménȯhkahe vai. show off. É-ménȯhkahe. He is a showoff. Synonym -heo'keve. See: -méno'keve ‘show off - be a’; heo'kēso ‘muskrat’. Category: personality.
-ménȯhkeve vai. show off - be a. É-méno'keve. He is a show-off. Ques: originally pronounced as méno'keve?? See: -ménȯhkahe; -heo'keve. Category: personality, check.
-méohtahe vai. loving. É-méohtahe. He is loving. Variant: -méhohtahe. See: -méhósané. Category: personality.
-mo'ó'xonahe vai. rough; coarse; tough. É-mo'ó'xonahe. He is tough/rough. vii: -mo'ó'xonó. See: -mo'ó'xahe. Category: quality, personality.
-mo'ó'xoneta vai. strong, flinty. É-mo'ó'xoneta. He is flinty/he is strong. vii: -mo'ó'xonó. See: -ho'kotseve ‘be flint’. Category: personality.
-momáta'ehe vai. mean. This word is used of a human or an animal such as a dog. There is a phase of the moon when Cheyennes say the moon is angry, using this word. This is when it is cold weather.?? É-momáta'ehe. He is mean. (another recording) Contracted -omáta'ehe. See: -momáta'eotse. Category: personality, check.
-momáxaneoneve vai. untouchable - be, impeccable - be. for example, you can't even walk on his floor, he is so impeccable. Ésáaxae-momáxaneonévéhe. He is untouchable. See: -vovóhponahe. Category: personality.
-momáxomahe vai. slow, deliberate. É-momáxomahe. He is slow and deliberate. Éosee-momáxomahe. He is procrastinating. Lit: He is very slow/deliberate. See: -nóvahe ‘slow’; -sénomahe; -popá'ahe. Category: personality.
-moménovahe vai. be comely ?? especially used of horses; usually said in the negative. É-moménovahe. He is comely/good-looking. ?? Ésáa-moménovȧhéhe. He is an ornery person. [PD270] See: -pėhévahe; -pėhévenóohe; -mo'onahe. Category: personality, check.
-momóanahe vai. diligent. É-momóanahe. He is diligent. [pd544] Category: personality.
-nȧhahe vai. be wild. of an animal or human. É-nȧhahe. He is wild (or frisky). [pd929] for example, of a horse. See: -nȧhahkahe. Category: personality.
-nȧhahkahe vai. energetic. can be said of a person or animal, for example, a horse. É-nȧhahkahe. He is energetic. [1987:29] (another recording) [1987:29] Reduplicated -nonáhahkahe; Antonym -hóvanahe. See: -nȧhahkomóhtahe; -hene'etanó. Category: personality.
-na'nóvahe vai. be three, be the trinity. É-na'nóvahe. He is three in personality. Ma'hēō'o é-na'nóvahe. God is three in personality. Category: sacred, personality, numbers.
-ná'so'eémetahe vai. tease, joke. This word seems to be about harmless, playful, teasing, whereas -tátsetanó is negative, making fun of. É-ná'so'eémetahe. He is a teaser. Reduplicated -noná'so'eémetahe. See: -tátsetanó; -tó'hohtahe. Category: personality.
-ná'so'eémetȧhé'heóneve vai. be a person who teases. É-ná'so'eémetȧhé'heóneve. He is a tease. Category: personality.
ná'so'eéséó'o na. laughing stock. Plural ná'so'eéseono. Ques: gr Category: personality.
-nėhe'xóvahe vai. be that way. É-nėhe'xóvahe. He is that way. Category: identity, personality.
-néhestáhá vai. have a quick temper. Lit: quick-heart É-néhestáha. He has a quick temper. É-néhestáhao'o. They are quick tempered. BodyPartMedial -stáhá. See: -totá'kovahe; -vé'ȯhkahe. Category: personality.
-nėhetó'emá vai. Gram: rr persuaded that way, so persuaded. É-nėhetó'éma. He is of that persuasion. check if "so.persuaded" is an accurate gloss?? See: -hetó'emá; ; -hešėtovahe; -nétȧhévo'emá. Category: personality, check.
-nėsenóvoéstomo'he vai. have a very bad personality. É-nėsenóvoéstomo'he. He has a very bad personality. Category: personality.
-nėsétsėstahe vai. disagreeable, mad, dislike, dislikes people; be angry at people; carry grudges; spits at you, growls, bares teeth. É-nėsétsėstahe. He dislikes people / he is disagreeable. (another recording) Cats and dogs can do this, with their hissing, growling, or display of teeth, and it is a common display of people. vta: -nėsétam. See: -oxėstátamaahe. Category: personality.
-nėsétsėstȧhé'heóneve vai. be a person who dislikes everyone. É-nėsétsėstȧhé'heóneve. He is a person who dislikes everyone/he is a selfish person. Category: personality.
-nėševahe vai. fast, swift. É-nėševahe. He is fast. Vóhkooheho éohke-nėševȧheo'o. Rabbits are fast. Antonym -nóvahe. See: Nėševaestse. Category: personality, speed.
-nėševátamahe vai. be pitiful. É-nėševátamahe. He is pitiful. Synonym -nėševátametanó. See: -háo'omeetanó. Category: personality.
-nėševátsėstahe vai. compassionate, sympathetic. É-nėševátsėstahe. He takes pity. vta: -nėševátam; Synonym -nėševátsėstȧhé'heóneve. Category: personality.
-nėševátsėstȧhé'heóneve vai. be a merciful person. É-nėševátsėtȧhé'heóneve He is a merciful person. Variant: -ševátsėstȧhé'heóneve. Category: personality.
-nétȧhévoéstomo'he vai. different personality. É-nétȧhévoéstomo'he. He has a different personality. Final -oéstomó'he. Category: personality.
-netsé'e'heóneve vai. be a lying person. É-netsé'e'heóneve. He is a lying person. Category: personality, speak.
-nétse'omahe vai. tame. É-nétse'omahe. He is tame. Reduplicated -nonétse'omahe. for example, of a horse. Category: personality.
nóavoo'ȯtse na. lazy person. Usage: often used as a putdown Phon: vs Plural nóavooto; Obviative nóavooto. Morph: /nóavoot/. Category: personality.
-nóhkahe vai. frivolous. É-nóhkahe. He is frivolous. Usage: obsolescent See: -tónėšenóhkahe. Category: personality.
-nȯhtóvahe vai. capable, know how to do things. É-nȯhtóvahe. He knows how to do things. Etym: *nehta·wesiwa (P). Preverb nȯhtóve-. See: -otó'xovahe; -a'tahe. Category: personality.
-no'ketanó'tȯsané vai. jealous, selfish, stingy. É-no'ketanó'tȯsáne. He is jealous/he is stingy. See: -vénȧhéškosé. Category: personality.
-nomáhtse'heóneve vai. thief - be a. É-nomáhtse'heóneve. He is a thief. Category: personality.
-nomonahe vai. sleepyhead - be a. É-nomonahe. He is a sleepyhead. Category: sleep, personality.
-nonáhahe vai. hustler, go-getter, handyman. É-nonáhahe. He is a go-getter. Initial nonáh-. Category: personality.
-noná'so'eémetahe vai. tease; joke. É-noná'so'eémetahe. He is a teaser. Non-reduplicated -ná'so'eémetahe. Category: personality.
-nonáohtahe vai. be deliberate. É-nonáohtahe. He takes his time. See: -popá'ahe. Category: personality.
-nonótovahe vai. hyper, constantly moving, can't sit still, drunk. É-nonótovahe. He can't sit still. tsé-nonótovȧhese héstanėheo'o alcoholics. Lit: people who are 'drunk' Contracted -onótovahe; Variant: -nenótovahe; Antonym -nóvahe. See: -vésetanó; -onótovanené; -nonótovȧše'še. Category: personality.
-nóvahe vai. be slow. refers to being characteristically slow. É-nóvahe. He is slow. Etym: *pwa·wesiwa (P) ‘he is unable to do s.t., overburdened’. vti: -nóvȧhé'tá; Antonym -nėševahe. See: -nonótovahe; -nóvanené; nóve-; -momáxomahe. Category: personality, speed.
-oéhnovahe vai. patient, humble, bothered by nothing. É-oéhnovahe. He is patient. Antonym -vésetanó. See: ó'tȯsé-; -héhnovahe; -oéhnovetanó. Category: personality.
-oéhnovėstáhá vai. patient. Lit: patient-hearted É-oéhnovėstáha. He is patient-hearted. Category: personality.
-oe'kėhé'heóneve vai. be a cheating person. É-oe'kėhé'heóneve. He is an adulterer/he is a cheater. Category: personality.
-oéstomó'he fai. character, personality. Épėhév-oéstomo'he. He has a nice personality. Épėhév-oéstomó'hehe? Does he have a nice personality? Énėsenóv-oéstomo'he. He has a very bad personality. Énétȧhév-oéstomo'he. He is different/he has a different kind of personality. Category: personality.
okom na. 1 • coyote. okom (or, okome) is a simplified spelling. The precise spelling is ó'kȯhóme but it is difficult to read. Precise Spelling ó'kȯhóme. Category: animals.
2 • Coyote. Category: names.
3 • conniver, sly person. Category: figurative, personality.
ó'kȯhóme na. 1 • coyote. (another recording) refers only to 'coyote', but sometimes translated (erroneously) as 'fox' or 'wolf'. Simplified Spelling okom. Plural ó'kȯhomeho; AlternatePlural ó'ȯhoméheo'o; Obviative ó'kȯhomeho; Variant: ó'ȯhóme (far less common than ó'kȯhóme). Etym: cf. Ar kooʔoh(o)wúhu'. Ó'kȯhóme, néstáme! Coyote, (here's) your food! (said during the coyote play game). Ó'kȯhomeho éoseehoháohtsétseveo'o. Éohkenéhovovo ónonevonėškeho. Coyotes are really sneaky. They chase prairie dogs. [1979:205] Etym: cf *pa·xkahamowiwa 'he is a coyote'. Category: animals.
2 • Coyote. Category: names.
3 • conniver, sly person. Simplified Spelling okom or okome. Category: figurative, personality.
-ó'kȯhoméheve vai. 1 • coyote - be a. Category: animals.
2 • sly -be, conniving - be. In Cheyenne, it is the coyote, not the fox (as in English), that is sly and conniving. Category: figurative. É-ó'kȯhoméheve. He is sly/foxy. Etym: cf *pa·xkahamowiwa. Category: personality, figurative.
-ó'kȯhoméheve'éxané vai. 1 • have coyote eyes. BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: body, eyes.
2 • fig., cheat; be sly; tricky. É-ó'kȯhoméheve'éxáne. He is sly/he cheats. Category: personality.
-o'kotahe vai. inattentive. É-o'kotahe. He is inattentive. See: -no'hétanó; -votahe. Category: personality, check.
-ómatahe vai. be shy about public consumption of food; be modest; be moderate; be not presumptive; be bashful. É-ómatahe. He is shy about eating in front of others. for example, of a stray dog. See: -hoómetahe. Category: check, record, personality.
-omáta'ehe vai. mean. É-omáta'ehe. He is mean. Non-contracted -momáta'ehe. Category: personality.
-omómahe vai. weepy person - be a. É-omómahe. He is a weepy person.?? Initial omóm-. Category: personality, check.
-onéetanó vai. particular, picky. for example, a person for whom you feel like you have to clean up your house for them to visit; some whites are viewed this way. É-onéetāno. He is particular/picky. Éohke-onéetanoo'o. They are very particular. See: -vovóhponahe. Category: personality.
-onéhpanaha vai. ineffective - be. É-onéhpanaha. He is 'tight-lipped' (you can't get anything out of him)/he never participates. Category: personality.
-oné'seómahe vai. genuine - be, real - be. -oné'seómahe refers to someone being genuine/real while -hetómahe refers to someone being truthful/correct. É-oné'seómahe. He is genuine. vii: -oné'seómó. See: hetómahe. Category: personality.
-onó'ahe vai. good, proper, upright, respected, right, handsome. There are two common pronunciations, -onó'ahe and -ono'ahe. The only difference is whether or not there is a high pitch on the second vowel. Recordings of both pronunciations are below: É-onó'ahe. He is proper. É-onó'ȧheo'o. They are proper. É-ono'ahe. He is proper. (another recording) É-ono'ȧheo'o. They are proper. vii: -onó'ó. Etym: cf. *kwayaθwi ‘proper’. Category: quality, personality.
-ono'átamaahe vai. respected, honorable. É-ono'átamaahe. He is respected. fai: -átamaahe. See: -ono'kȯhtahe. Category: personality.
-ono'átse'oneve vai. respected. É-ono'átse'oneve. He is respected. Category: personality.
-onó'atsėstahe vai. upright - be, respected character - have. É-onó'atsėstahe. He is of upright character. Category: personality.
-ono'kȯhtahe vai. organized. perhaps this is only used as a negative, 'careless'. Ésáa'-ono'kȯhtȧhéhe. He is careless / not organized. See: -ono'átamaahe; -onem. Category: personality.
-ononéstahe vai. confused. É-ononéstahe. He is confused. (another recording) See: -ononovahe; -ononé'otse; -vonėstséá'e; -távahe; -mȧsėhánee'e; -vonénahe. Category: personality.
-ononovahe vai. confused, mixed up. É-ononovahe. He is confused. See: -ononéstahe; -onótovahe. Category: personality.
-onótovahe vai. be hyper, be rushed, be frenetic. É-onótovahe. He is a hyper person. Non-contracted -nonótovahe. See: -ononéstahe; -onóvėstsea'e; -nótovahe. Category: personality.
-oóotȧhámahe vai. always available, always ready to help. É-oóotȧhámahe. He is always available. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -oótȧhámahe. Category: personality.
-oótȧhámahe vai. available, always helpful, always available. for example, always available to help. É-oótȧhámahe. He is always helpful. Reduplicated -oóotȧhámahe; vii: -oótȧhámo. Category: personality.
-oótahe vai. always attend, unavailable ?? Category: check. Ésáa'-oótȧhéhe. He is always there / he always attends. Phon: perhaps only occurs in the negative Category: personality.
-osenove vai. temperamental, gets angry easily. É-osenove. He is temperamental. See: -senóve; -hávėsévahe; -senóvahe. Category: personality, check.
-otó'xovahe vai. skillful, clever, talented, smart, capable. É-otó'xovahe. He is skillful. É-otó'xovȧheo'o. They are skillful. See: -nȯhtóvahe; -háatamaahe. Category: personality.
-óvahe1 vai. be a coward. É-óvahe. He is a coward. (another recording) Etym: *ka·wesiwa ‘he is rough to the touch’. See: -ováhe; -heóvahe; -heškóvahe. Category: personality.
-ována'xaetanó vai. calm, peaceful, serene, relaxed. É-ována'xaetāno. He is serene. Category: personality, emotions.
-óxėstátamaahe vai. standoffish. É-óxėstátamaahe. He is standoffish. said of a person who doesn't mingle with others, perhaps thinks he is too good for them. See: -nėsétsėstahe. Category: personality.
péeeēse hell raiser. Category: personality.
-péeeesé vai. 1 • ground nose - have a, nose - ground. See: -távahe; -mȧsėhánee'e; -pénahe. Category: nose.
2 • crazy - be, hell raiser - be a, goofy - be, daring - be. É-péeeēse. He 'crazy'/he is a hell raiser/goofy/daring. Category: nose, figurative, personality.
-pėhévatse'one vai. have a good character. tséheše-pėhévatse'onėse tsehee'hahétotsé'éetšėhešėhéne'enátanó'to hová'éhe as he is of good-standing character my son wants to know something(1987:104). Category: personality.
-pėhévátse'oneve vai. have a good character. É-pėhévatse'oneve. He has a good character. [STORIES.TXT] Category: personality.
-pėhévoéstomo'he vai. be nice, have a nice personality, be good-natured. É-pėhévoéstomo'he. He has a nice personality. (another recording) (another recording) Some attitudes or actions which have been categorized under this general term are: éméhohtahe 'he is loving'; émásetsėstahe 'he is hospitable'; éó'tȯsétáno 'he is perseverant'; énȧhahkahe 'he is energetic'; éhoto'ahe 'he is generous'; ékoomahe 'he is pure; virginal'; éhóxe'ahe 'he is clean; righteous'; éoéhnovahe 'he is patient'; énėševátsėstahe 'he shows pity; is merciful'; ésénohe 'he is friendly to anyone.'. É-pėhévoéstomó'hehe? Does he have a nice personality? Pėhévoéstomó'heo'o! Have a good personality (later)! Final -oéstomó'he; Antonym -hávėsévoéstomo'he. Category: personality.
-pėhévotsėstomo'he vai. polite?? Ésáa-pėhévotsėstomó'héhe.?? He is impolite.?? Category: personality, check.
-pénahe vai. crazy, silly. Lit: ground up É-pénahe. He is really "crazy." Usage: typically used as a slang idiom vii: -pénó. See: -péeeesé; -távahe; -mȧsėhánee'e. Category: personality.
-péohtahe vai. hateful. É-péohtahe. He is hateful. Category: personality.
-popá'ahe vai. slow, deliberate. only used with plural subjects or of repeated actions. like movements of an old person or a person who doesn't hurry. redup of -pa' 'bump'?? É-popá'ahe. He is slow/he is deliberate. See: -momáxomahe; -nonáohtahe. Category: personality, check.
-séetó'ėstová vai. fairly treat, treat people the same. É-séetó'ėstóva. He is fair. fai: -ová1. Category: personality.
-sé'henoenóohe vai. scrutinize; nosy. É-sé'henoenóohe. He observes everything/he is 'nosy'/he scrutinizes. generally considered not a favorable trait. sometimes said of white people. Category: personality.
-sé'henȯhkahe vai. scrutinize, nosey. É-sé'henȯhkahe. He looks at everything and everybody. See: -éseesé'ó. Category: personality.
-sénahe vai. totally friendly, gregarious. a highly valued cultural trait; a person who is like this will talk to anybody, be friendly to anybody, no matter whom. É-sénahe. He is friendly to anyone. [1987:226] Antonym -hoómetahe; Variant: -sónohe, -sénohe. See: -hoto'ahe; -másetsėstahe. Category: personality.
-sénoéstomo'he vai. kind. É-sénoéstomo'he. He has a kind personality. See: -sénohe. Category: personality.
-sénohe vai. kind, totally friendly, gregarious. a highly valued cultural trait; a person who is like this will talk to anybody, be friendly to anybody, no matter who they are. É-sénohe. He is friendly to anyone. Variant: -sónohe, -sénahe; Antonym -hoómetahe. See: -sénoéstomó'he; -hoto'ahe; -másetsėstahe. Category: personality.
-sénomahe vai. be slow ?? Category: check. É-sénomahe. He is slow/he is always behind. See: -momáxomahe; -nóvahe. Category: check, personality.
-senóvahe vai. ugly. É-senóvahe. He is ugly. áhanėsenóvahe ugly person/extremely bad person. Éhoháe-senóvȧheo'o. They are really ugly. See: -hávėsévahe; -sénohe. Category: personality.
-senove i. very bad. É-senóveváohe. He is a bad shooter (in basketball).
vai. quick-tempered. Éosee-senove. He is quick-tempered. É-senóveo'o. They are quick-tempered. See: -osenove; -néhestáhá. Category: personality, basketball.
-sónohe vai. totally friendly, gregarious. a highly valued cultural trait; a person who is like this will talk to anybody, be friendly to anybody, no matter whom. Usage: less commonly used than -sénohe Variant: -sénohe, -sénahe; Antonym -hoómetahe. É-sónohe. He is friendly to anyone. See: -hoto'ahe; -másetsėstahe. Category: personality.
-šénetamahe vai. filthy person- be a; unsanitary person - be an. É-šénetamahe. He is filthy. for example, in his way of life. See: -xónetamahe. Category: personality.
-ševátsėstahe vai. be merciful, have feelings, compassionate. É-ševátsėstahe. He is merciful. Antonym -<sáa>-nanónėhéhe; Variant: -nėševátsėstahe. Category: personality.
-ševátsėstȧhé'heóneve vai. merciful. É-ševátsėstȧhé'heóneve He is a merciful person. Variant: -nėševátsėstȧhé'heóneve. Category: personality.
-ta'ovahe vai. unfriendly. É-ta'ovahe. He is unfriendly. Category: personality.
ta'p- i. weak. Etym: *lexp-. É-ta'pahe. He is sensitive/weak. É-ta'páno'xe. He goes to sleep early. Category: personality.
-ta'pahe vai. be sensitive, be weak. É-ta'pahe.. He is sensitive/weak. Etym: *lexpesiwa (P). É-ta'pȧheo'o. They are weak. Antonym -he'konahe. See: -óvahe; -he'keta; -ta'pose. Category: personality.
-ta'pȧheéné vai. be a crybaby. É-ta'pȧheéne. He is a crybaby. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -ta'pahe; -hehpȧhahe; -séhpȧheéneotse. Category: personality.
-ta'pėstáhá vai. upset easily. Lit: weak-hearted É-ta'pėstáha. He gets upset easily. [PD540] Category: personality.
-tanehe vai. bashful, shy, ashamed. É-tanehe. He is shy. É-tanéheo'o. They are shy. Naa náosee-tanehe. And I'm really ashamed. [1987:287, 293] Névé'-tanéhéme! Don't be shy! vta: -tanéhevo'eéh. Etym: cf. M teki·sew; *tekwe·siwa (Go88). See: -e'hahtohe; -hoómetahe. Category: personality, emotions.
-taometanó vai. willful - be. É-taometāno.?? He is willful. Category: personality, check.
tav-1 i. foolish, foolish, goofy, stupid, silly. É-távomóhtahe He is drunk (he-stupid-feels). É-távahe He is goofy. Category: personality. See: táve-.
-távahe vai. dumb; goofy; stupid; silly; foolish; idiotic. É-távahe. He is goofy/foolish. (another pronunciation) Ná-távahe. I'm goofy/foolish. vta: -távo'eéh. See: -mȧsėhánee; -táveotse; -ononéstahe; -ononé'otse; -távomóhtahe; -vonénahe; -otá'tavahe. Category: personality.
-távȧho'he vai. goofy from heat. Étáve-távȧho'he. He is kind of crazy from the heat. Category: personality.
-távatam vta. consider s.o. foolish, regard s.o. as goofy. É-távatamóho. He think he (other person) is goofy. Ná-távátámo. I think he is goofy. Category: personality.
-tóeotse vai. become stubborn. É-tóeotse. He got stubborn. Néohke-tóeotsemehe? Are you (plural) stubborn? Ques: overwhelmed, inundated?? See: -toeotse ‘become cold’; -xanéhpahe ‘stubborn - be’. Category: personality, emotions, check.
-tóhtomonahe vai. flexible - be, aimless - be. É-tóhtomonahe. He is flexible. [PD27: aimless] Category: personality.
-tó'hohtahe vai. humorous. É-tó'hohtahe. He is humorous. Reduplicated -totó'hohtahe. See: -totó'hosem; -ná'so'eémetahe. Category: personality.
-tó'omahe vai. still - be, stopped, can't think, can't do anything. É-tó'omahe. He is still/he 'can't think'/he is lazy/he can't do anything. vii: -tó'omó. See: -tó'omešé. Category: personality.
-tonoéstomo'he vai. wait. É-tonoéstomo'he. He is waiting. ?? fai: -oéstomó'he; vta: -tonóom. See: -tonóosané. Category: personality, check.
-totá'kovahe vai. anger easily. É-totá'kovahe. He is easily angered. Synonym -néhestáhá, -háesenove, -he'kėstahe. See: -momáta'ehe. Category: personality.
-totoemanȧheve vai. be an Ashland person; be camped far away; be standoffish. É-totoemanȧheve. He is an Ashland person / He is standoffish. Category: personality.
-totó'hohtahe vai. humorous. É-totó'hohtahe. He is humorous. vta: -totó'hohtȧhé'tov; Non-reduplicated -tó'hohtahe. See: -ná'so'eémetahe. Category: personality.
-totó'kovȧhé'heóneve vai. angered easily. for example, easily angered over every little thing. É-totó'kovȧhé'heóneve. He is a person who is quick to get angry. Category: personality, emotions.
-totonoéstomo'he vai. stiff personality. whites are viewed as being like this. É-totonoéstomo'he. He has a stiff personality. See: -he'konoéstomó'he. Category: personality.
-tóvahe vai. stubborn. É-tóvahe. He is stubborn. (another recording) vta: -tóvȧhetsėstov; Synonym -he'konahe. See: -xanéhpahe; -vovóneotse; -távahe ‘goofy’; -tovahe ‘cool’; -he'konoéstomo'he; -he'konėstséá'e. Category: personality.
-tsėhéstoéstomo'he vai. have an Indian (or Cheyenne) personality. É-tsėhéstoéstomo'he. He has an Indian personality. See: -vé'ho'évoéstomo'he. Category: personality.
-tšé'kahe vai. flexible - be; persuaded easily - be. É-tšé'kahe. He is flexible / easily persuaded. Category: personality.
tšéškėhevá'séhe na. busy going around person. Lit: stick.out-tail-person Category: people, personality.
-vávanehe vai. be cranky. É-vávanehe. He is cranky. See: -méstȧhano'xe. Category: personality.
-véhonoéstomo'he vai. have a chief's personality. É-véhonoéstomo'he. He has a chief's character. For instance, he is kind, shares with people. fai: -oéstomó'he. Category: personality.
-vé'ho'éotóavoéstomo'he vai. have a cow personality. É-vé'ho'éotóavoéstomo'he. He thinks like a cow/fig. he can't think fast/he is stubborn. He can be said to be like this 'because he drank cow's milk'. Category: personality.
-vé'ho'évėsetanó vai. hurry as a whiteman. É-vé'ho'évėsétáno. He is whitemanishly in a hurry. See: -vésetanó. Category: whites, personality.
-vé'ȯhkahe vai. easily offended; bitter - be, be easily offended, be prickly, have a quick temper, always say something terrible back. É-vé'ȯhkahe. He is prickly, easily offended. vai: -vé'ohkó. Etym: *wi·ʔsakesiwa ‘he is bitter’. See: -néhestáhá; -totá'kovahe. Category: personality.
-vénȧhé'heóneve vai. prickly, touchy, offended easily. É-vénȧhé'heóneve. He is easily offended. See: -vénahe; -vénátsestá; -totá'kovahe. Category: personality.
-vénȧhéškosé vai. stingy, selfish. considered a very bad thing. É-vénȧhéškóse. He is stingy. É-vénȧhéškȯseo'o. They are stingy. Antonym -hoto'ahe. See: -vénahe; -no'ketanótȯsané. Category: personality.
-vénȧhéškosé'tá vti. be stingy about s.t., be selfish about s.t. This is culturally a very bad thing. É-vénȧhéškósé'ta. He is stingy about it. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.112] Antonym -hoto'ahe. See: -vénahe; -no'ketanótȯsané. Category: personality.
-vó'ho'ėho'hévatamaahe vai. glorious. É-vó'ho'ėho'hévatamaahe. He is glorious. Category: light, personality.
-vonetanó'heónéve vai. forgetful. É-vonetanó'heóneve. He is forgetful. Category: personality.
-vovéstomóseoneve vai. be teachable. É-vovéstomóseoneve. He is teachable. Category: personality.
-vovóešemėstaha vai. compassionate. É-vovóešemėstaha. He is compassionate. Medial -htáhá. Category: personality.
-vovóhkahe vai. crooked. É-vovóhkȧheo'o namo'ėškono. My fingers are crooked. Synonym -némahe. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated vóhkahe; Antonym xanovahe.
dishonest. É-vovóhkahe. He is crooked. Usage: probably a loan translation when used of being crooked as a personality trait Synonym -némahe. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -vóhkahe; Antonym -xanovahe. Category: personality.
vovóhpon- i. exacting. É-vovóhponahe. He is exacting. Category: personality.
-vovóhponahe vai. strict, exacting, particular, perfectionistic. É-vovóhponahe. He is exacting. Contracted -ovóhponahe. See: -onéetanó ‘particular’. Category: personality.
-vovónahe vai. inexperienced, give in easily, defenseless. É-vovónahe. He is inexperienced. Etym: *wanesiwa (P). Mossó'hoháe-vovónȧhehevóhe. (The coyote pup; obv.) was still very young (couldn't fend for itself). [1987:300] Phon: redup See: -vovónan. Category: personality.
-xamanahe vai. ordinary person - be an ?? Ná-xamanahe. I'm just an ordinary person. See: xamae-. Category: personality, check.
-xanéhpahe vai. steadfast, stubborn. É-xanéhpahe. He is steadfast/he is stubborn/he 'can't be budged'. Usage: obsolescing See: -tóvahe. Category: personality.