-áhanénome vai. die from sleep. É-áhanénome. He slept an extreme amount / died from sleep. Nėsta-áhanénome. You will die from sleep. humorously said because you sleep so much. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-áhaneoestȯhené vai. 1 • knock dead, swat.
2 • sleep really well. for example, how one sleeps after working for a long time or fighting a fire. É-áhaneoestȯhēne. He slept really well. Lit: he is been knocked dead See: -áhanȯhéné ‘swat’. Category: sleep, figurative.
-a'enénome vai. sleep for a long time. É-a'enénome. He slept for a long time. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-a'kešé vai. lie curled up, lie in fetal position. É-a'kēše. He is curled up asleep. See: -a'kema'éše; -e'ešé. Category: lie, sleep.
-aménome vai. sleep while riding along, sleeps through noise. É-aménome. He is sleeping the whole time during the trip. Etym: *pemenkwa·wa (P). fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-anȯhénome vai. sleep down. for example, to sleep on the floor next to a bed. É-anȯhénome. He is sleeping down. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-anȯhénomeotse vai. fall off during sleep. É-anȯhénomeotse. He fell off (something) during sleep. for example, to fall off the bed during sleep. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-áno'xe fai. sleep. Éhá-ano'xe. He stayed up a long time (for example, all night). Éhé-ano'xe. He gets up early. Éméstȧh-ano'xe. He is groggy after waking up. É-távano'xe. He is silly (or "crazy") from lack of sleep. Évóon-áno'xe. He went without sleep all night. Émomáta'-áno'xe. He is angry from lack of sleep. Etym: *enkwaʔši (R). See: -énóme ‘sleep’. Category: sleep.
-asénome vai. start to sleep. É-asénome. He started sleeping. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-éesénome vai. talk during sleep, sleep talk. É-éesénome. He talked during sleep. Éohke-éesénome. He talks during sleep. Ques: recheck Initial éese-; fai: -énóme; Synonym -éestsénome. Category: speak, sleep, check.
-éestsénome vai. talk during sleep; sleep talk. É-éestsénome. He talked during sleep. Synonym -éesénome. Category: sleep, speak.
-énome fai. sleep. Etym: *enkwa·m (R); *a·nkwa·m (P24). Épėhév-enome. He slept well. Énėsó'-enome. He is snoring. Éhehp-énome. He overslept. Éhóts-enome. He can't sleep. Ééxov-énome. He is sleeping warmly. Émomós-enome. He is moving around in his sleep. Násáamá's-énóméhe. I didn't get enough sleep. Naa mónésto'seévataa'év-énóméme? Well, are you guys going to keep sleeping (all day) until it's night? vai: -naóotse. See: -noné; -áno'xe. Category: sleep.
-éšeévenome vai. sleep during daytime. É-éšeévenome. He sleeps during the daytime. Usage: maybe not commonly said Category: sleep, time.
-évenome vai. nap (pd) ?? É-évenome. He took a nap. ?? [pd735] Etym: *ki·wenkwa·mwa (P). fai: -énome. Category: sleep, check.
-évo'a'xe vai. squirm, toss and turn while trying to sleep. É-évo'a'xe. He is tossing and turning while trying to sleep. See: -évoa'xe; -évo'ó'a'xe. Category: sleep.
-évo'énome vai. sleep squirming. É-évo'énome. He is moving around in his sleep. fai: -énome. Category: sleep, motion.
-éxovénome vai. sleep warm. É-éxovénome. He is sleeping warmly. Etym: *ki·šo·nkwa·mwa. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-háa'éšenome vai. sleep a long time. É-háa'éšenome. He slept a long time. fai: -énóme. See: háa'éše-. Category: sleep, time.
-háano'xe vai. awake a long time. for example, to stay awake two or three nights when a child is sick. É-háano'xe. He was awake for a long time. See: -háanao'xe ‘carry a heavy load’. fai: -áno'xe. Category: sleep.
-háenome vai. sleep much, sleep soundly, likes to sleep. É-háenome. He slept soundly / he is always sleeping. fai: -énóme. See: -náhkȯhénome; -he'konénome. Category: sleep.
-hánȯsénome vai. sleep leaning back. É-hánȯsénome. He is sleeping while leaning back. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-hávėsévenome vai. sleep badly. É-hávėsévenome. He sleeps badly. for example, kicks during sleep, or takes all the blankets. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-héano'xe vai. rise early, accustomed to lack of sleep. É-héano'xe. He is accustomed to lack of sleep / He gets up early. Initial hé-10; fai: -áno'xe. See: hé-; -héose. Category: sleep.
-hehpénome vai. oversleep. É-hehpénome. He overslept. Né-hehpénomehe? Did you oversleep? Morph: /-hehpénóme/. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-hehpénomeotse vai. oversleep. Ná-hehpénomeotse. I overslept. Category: sleep.
-héhpȯhénome vai. have a nightmare. Lit: frightened-sleep É-héhpȯhénome. He had a nightmare. fai: -énome. See: -nonótovénome. Category: sleep, emotions.
héhpȯhénomestȯtse ni. nightmare. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-he'éšenome vai. Gram: rr while sleeping. ... é-he'éšenome. ... that was when he was sleeping. tsésó'méo-he'éšenomėse while she was still asleep in the morning. [1987:269] fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-he'konénome vai. sleep soundly. É-he'konénome. He is sleeping soundly. fai: -énome. See: -háenome. Category: sleep.
-he'kóovóma'ešé vai. lie in dampness, sleep in a damp place. É-he'kóovóma'ēše. He is lying in a damp place. Medial -óma'(e). See: -hestonéešé. Category: lie, sleep, liquid.
-heómenome vai. sleep excessively. Ná-heómenome. I slept too much. É-heómenome. He slept too much. Etym: *wesa·menkwa·mwa. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-heše'évenome vai. sleep in dust. Lit: dust-sleep É-heše'évenome. He is sleeping in dust. Hó'ótóva éšeēva (otóhpȧse) nȧhtseévȧ-heše'évenome. Someday I will sleep returned to dust (that is, sleep forever in death; and you can sleep all you want then). Category: sleep.
-hešénome vai. Gram: rr sleep that way. ... é-hešénome. ... he slept that way. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-hohpénome vai. sweat while sleeping. É-hohpénome. He is sweating while sleeping. Etym: *apwe·nkwa·mwa (P). Category: sleep, check.
-ho'énome vai. arrive sleeping. É-ho'énome. He slept all the way until his arrival here. Category: sleep.
-hó'haménome vai. sleep against. É-hó'haménome. He is sleeping alongside. for example, sleeping against the side of a house. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-hó'ȯsénome vai. sleep leaning on something. É-hó'ȯsénome. He is sleeping leaning on something. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-hoto'enoev vta. please s.o. in song. especially of singing a lullaby to a baby that puts him to sleep. É-hoto'enoevóho. 'en?? He sang a song that pleased him. Category: sleep, check.
-hótsenome vai. fail to sleep, cannot sleep, be unable to sleep. É-hótsenome. He can't sleep. Initial hót-; fai: -énóme. See: -pėhévenome. Category: sleep.
hóvo'ėšestȯtse na. covers, bed covers. Plural hóvo'ėšéstoto. See: hóoma; šéešestȯtse; héstoomȯtse. Category: sleep.
-mȧhénome vai. all sleep. requires a plural subject. É-mȧhénomeo'o. They are all sleeping. Ná-mȧhénóméme. We were all asleep. Morph: /-mahénóme/. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-mȧhovénome vai. tired of sleeping. É-mȧhovénome. He is tired of sleeping. Éohkėsáa-mȧhovénóméhe. He is always sleeping. Lit: He doesn't get tired of sleeping Náéše-mȧhovénome. I'm tired of sleeping. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-má'sénóme vai. complete sleep. É-má'senome. He got enough sleep. Etym: *me·Ɂtenkwa·mwa (P). Ná-má'senome. I got enough sleep. Né-má'senomehe? Did you get enough sleep? Nééše-má'senomehe? Did you get enough sleep yet? Náéše-má'senome. I got enough sleep. Násáa-má'sénóméhe. I didn't get enough sleep. Hó'-má'sénóméto náohkeméové'kėséhevomóhtahe. When I get enough sleep I feel chirpy like birds in the morning. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-mémėsénome vai. fart while sleeping, sleep farting. É-mémėsénome He farted during his sleep; he farted all night. fai: -énóme. See: -mémėstanóme. Category: sleep.
-mémėstanome vai. defecate while sleeping. É-mémėstanome. He defecated while sleeping. Etym: cf *mi·tenkwa·mwa. fai: -énóme; Synonym -méšešé. See: -mémėsénome; -mémėstané; -énóme; -o'ehné; -mée'kahe. Category: sleep.
-méstȧhano'xe vai. groggy, grouchy after not enough sleep. É-méstȧhano'xe. He is grouchy after waking up/wants to sleep some more. Náméo-méstȧhano'xe. I was grouchy this morning after waking up. fai: -áno'xe. Category: sleep.
-méšešé vai. defecate while lying down, poop during sleep. É-méšéše. He pooped in his sleep / he lay in his excrement. Non-assimilated -mésešé. See: -o'ehné; -mése'ahe; mémes(t)-; -mémėstanómé. Category: lie, body function, sleep.
-momáta'áno'xe vai. be angry from lack of sleep. É-momáta'áno'xe. He is angry from lack of sleep. fai: -áno'xe. Category: sleep.
-momósenome vai. sleep moving around. É-momósenome. He is moving around in his sleep. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep, motion.
-náhkȯhénome vai. sleep like a bear; sleep hard. É-náhkȯhénome. He slept like a bear. Usage: apparently not a loan transl. That is, he slept hard. fai: -énóme. See: -naóotse. Category: sleep.
-naóotse vai. sleep. É-naóotse. He slept / He is sleeping. (another recording) Etym: cf. *nepe·wa vs. *nepa·wa. Ná-naóotse. I slept. Né-naóotse. You slept. Ééše-naóotse. He is asleep. Nápėhéve-naóotse. I slept well. É-naóotseo'o. They are sleeping. Compare Nápėhévenome 'I slept well', which is probably the older way of expressing that meaning. Naóotsėstse! Sleep! Tȧhé-naóotsėstse! Go sleep! Hēā'e ésó'-naóotse. Maybe he is still sleeping. This Cheyenne verb stem looks like it has the AI final -otse, but, if so, then-naóotséotse has two -otse finals. Tā'se éxaevá'ne-naóotse. It is like he is just sleeping. That is especially said of the way someone looks who is lying dead in a coffin. É-naóotóho. He (obv, for example, his son) is sleeping. Pėhéve-naóotseo'o! Sleep well! (delayed command). Pėhéve-naóotséhéne! Sleep well then! (said to more than one person). naóotsévahe ?? Go to sleep! (something like a lullaby statement to a small child). Category: check. First person: Épėhévoestomo'he. Second person: ȯh-naóotsesėstse! First person: She is kind. Second person: when she is asleep. That can be a humorous exchange about a sister-in-law. tséh-naóotséto when I was sleeping. tséh-naóotseto when you were sleeping. tséh-naóotsevo when I was sleeping (relational). tséh-naóotsėse when he was sleeping. tséh-naóotsése when you (plural) were sleeping. tséh-naóotsetsėse when he (obv) was sleeping. tséh-naóotsétse when we were sleeping. tséh-naóotsévȯse when they were sleeping. fai: -énome. See: -naóotseotse ‘fall asleep’; -oveše ‘go to bed’; -pėhévenome ‘sleep well’. Category: sleep, check.
-naóotsé'seh vta. cause s.o. to sing. Ná-naóotsé'sého. I made him sleep. Category: sleep.
-naóotsémané vai. pretend to be sleeping. É-naóotsémáne. He is pretending to be asleep/he is playing sleep. fai: -mané. Category: sleep.
-naóotséotse vai. go to sleep, asleep - fall, fall asleep. É-naóotseotse. He went to sleep. Etym: *nepe·palyipalyiwa (P/L). See: -naóotse ‘sleep’; -nomoneotse ‘become drowsy’. Category: sleep.
-naóotsétanó vai. want to sleep. Ná-naóotsétáno. I want to sleep. Násó'-naóotsétáno. I still want to sleep. Náohkėsáa'éne-naóotsétanóhe. I never quit feeling sleepy. See: -nomoneotse. Category: sleep.
-néhenome vai. sleep quickly. Ná-néhenome I went to sleep right away. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-néhovénome vai. sleep standing. É-néhovénome. He slept standing. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep, stand.
-nėsó'enome vai. snore. É-nėsó'enome. He snored. Náhkȯheha náohkėheše-nėsó'enome. I snore like a bear. fai: -énóme. See: -naóotse ‘sleep’; -nėsó'evone ‘wheeze’. Category: sleep.
-néšeše vai. both lie, both sleep, two sleep. É-néšėšéne. They are sleeping together. (another recording) Category: lie, sleep, quantity.
-no'kénome vai. sleep as the only one. É-no'kénome. He is the only one sleeping. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-nomonahe vai. sleepyhead - be a. É-nomonahe. He is a sleepyhead. Category: sleep, personality.
-nomona'xané vai. sleep cry, fall asleep crying. É-nomona'xāne. He went to sleep crying. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry, sleep.
-nomonéaná vai. fall asleep hungry. É-nomonéána. He fell asleep although hungry. Category: sleep.
-nomone'haná vai. fall asleep while eating. É-nomone'hāna. He fell asleep while eating. Initial nomon-; fai: -e'haná. Category: sleep, eat.
-nomone'hanaa'e vai. fall asleep eating sitting. É-nomone'hanaa'e. He is sitting eating half asleep. Category: sleep, eat, sit.
-nomonéne vai. sleepy face, look sleepy. Lit: drowsy-face Ná-nomonéne. I look sleepy. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, sleep.
-nomoneotse vai. become drowsy , become sleepy. É-nomoneotse. He became drowsy. See: -nomonoéotse ‘doze off quickly’; -naóotseotse ‘fall asleep’. Category: sleep.
-nomoneov vta. put s.o. to sleep. Lit: cause s.o. to become drowsy for example, by singing to him. É-nomoneovóho. He put him to sleep. See: -nomonėšem. Category: sleep.
-nomonėšem vta. put s.o. to sleep. É-nomonėšemóho. He put him to sleep. See: -nomoneov. Category: sleep.
-nomonetanó vai. feel drowsy. É-nomonetāno. He feels drowsy. Category: sleep.
-nomonévȧhtomo'he vai. drowsy from listening. for example, from listening to a boring speech. É-nomonévȧhtomo'he. He is drowsy from listening. Category: hear, sleep.
-nomonévam vta. make s.o. drowsy by talking. An adult would often tell stories to children at bedtime to help them fall asleep. É-nomonévamóho. He made him drowsy by talking. Néške'éehe ná'ȯhke-nomonévama. My grandmother would make me drowsy (from story-telling). Category: sleep, speak.
-nomonévaoesem vta. put s.o. to sleep, sleep - put s.o. to. Nėstsenėh-nomonévaoeseme. You might put me to sleep. Category: sleep.
-nomonevo'e'ov vta. make s.o. drowsy. É-nomonevo'e'ovóho. He made him drowsy. Ná-nomonevo'e'oo'e. It made me sleepy. for example, of some medicine. Category: sleep.
-nomonoéotse vai. doze off quickly. É-nomonoéotse. He dozed off quickly. Né-nomonoéotse. You dozed off quickly. Náohto'se-nomonoéotse. I almost fell asleep. See: -nomonoo'e ‘fall asleep sitting’; -nomoneotse ‘become drowsy’; -naóotseotse ‘fall asleep’. Category: sleep.
-nomonoéstóné vai. drowsy from reading. É-nomonóéstóne. He got drowsy from reading. See: -hoéstóne. Category: sleep.
-nomono'enohe vai. drowsy after eating. É-nomono'enohe. He felt sleepy after eating. Final -o'enohe. See: -ná'so'enohe; -hestomo'enohe; -nomoné'hána. Category: sleep.
-nomonoo'e vai. sit drowsy; fall asleep sitting. É-nomonoo'e. He fell asleep sitting. Final -oe. Phon: vs See: -nomonoéotse; -nomenee'e. Category: sit, sleep.
-nonótovénome vai. have a bad dream. É-nonótovénome. He had a bad dream. fai: -énome. See: -héhpȯhénome. Category: sleep.
-oávenomoo'e vai. sit asleep. É-oávenomoo'e. He is sitting asleep. Ques: ováve?? Phon: vs See: -nomonoo'e. Category: sit, sleep.
-omómenome vai. cry while sleeping. É-omómenome. He cried in his sleep. for example, to cry during a nightmare. fai: -énome. Category: sleep, cry.
-otoésenome vai. talk while asleep ?? É-otoésenome. He talks (or moves, etc.) while asleep. fai: -énome. Category: sleep, check.
-otoéstováxé vai. have a strange dream. Ná-otoéstováxe. I had a strange dream. See: ováxená. Category: sleep.
-ováxe vai. dream. É-ováxe. He dreamed. Etym: *pawe·hšinwa (L). Ques: Is this etymologically 'magic/mysterious-lie'?? É-ováxenao'o. They dreamed. Ná-ováxe. I dreamed. Phon: same allomorphic variation as with 'lie' final -(e)šená fai: -ešé; vta: -no'ó'ováxe'tov. See: -ová2 ‘mysterious’. Category: sleep.
-ováxėhéne'ená vai. dream know, know by dreaming. É-ováxėhéne'ēna. He knows things through dreams. See: -héne'ená ‘know (s.t.)’. Category: cognition, sleep.
-ovešé vai. go to bed, lie down. É-ovēše. He went to bed. Etym: *kawihšinwa. É-ovėšenao'o. They lay down. (another recording) Tȧhé-ovēšėstse! Go to bed! (another recording) Go to bed! Tȧhé-ovēše! Go to bed! (said to more than one person). Naa á'e nėstse-ovēše. And soon you will go to bed. fai: -ešé. See: -naóotse ‘sleep’; -šéešé ‘sleep’. Category: sleep, lie.
-ovėšeman vta. put s.o. to bed. É-ovėšemanóho. He put him to bed. Etym: cf *kawihšime·wa ‘he lays him down’. Ná-ovėšemāno. I put him to bed. vai: -oveše. Category: sleep, move.
-pȧhoénome vai. sleep along with. É-pȧhoénome. He is sleeping along with (someone). fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-pánėstsénome vai. fart sleeping. É-pánėstsénome. He farted while sleeping. Etym: *pwe·ketwinkwa·mwa. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-pėhévenome vai. sleep well. É-pėhévenome. He slept well. Násáa-pėhévénóméhe. I didn't sleep well. Né-pėhévenomehe? Did you sleep well? Ná-pėhévenome. I slept well. fai: -énóme. See: -hótsenome. Category: sleep.
-pėhévėšem vta. give a good bed to s.o. É-pėhévėšemóho. He made a good bed for him. Néohke-pėhévėšemāā'e. They give you a good bed. [Boarding School and Drinking Memories.025] Category: sleep.
-séhpȧheéneotse vai. eyes stay open, can't go to sleep. É-séhpȧheéneotse. He can't go to sleep / his eyes just stay open. See: -ta'pȧheéné. Category: face, sleep.
-sé'ha'ó'h vta. awaken s.o. suddenly, wake up s.o. suddenly, rouse s.o. suddenly. Ná-sé'ha'ó'ho. I awakened him suddenly. É-sé'ha'o'ho. He awakened him on a moment's notice. See: -sé'ha'ov; -šé'šeše. Category: sleep.
-sé'ha'ov vta. awaken s.o., wake up s.o., rouse s.o. É-sé'ha'ovóho. He awakened him. Etym: *či·Ɂsexkawe·wa (P/L). Ná-sé'ha'ōvo. I awakened him. Etym: *neši·hkeškawa·wa. See: -sé'han; -sé'ha'ó'h. Category: sleep.
-sé'han vta. awaken s.o., wake up s.o. É-sé'hanóho. He awakened him. Ná-sé'háno. I woke him up. Sé'haneha! Wake him up! Ná-sé'hanaa'e. It woke me up. [1987:265, 297] for example, the urge to urinate in the middle of the night. See: sé'ha'ov. Category: sleep.
-sé'šeanaxé vai. wake up hungry. Ná-sé'šeanāxe. I woke up hungry. É-sé'šeanāxe. He woke up hungry. Category: sleep.
-sétoveéšeévenome vai. sleep until noon. É-sétoveéšeévenome. He slept until noon. Category: sleep.
-sévenome vai. sound asleep. É-sévenome. He is sound asleep. Vé'ho'e éxxamae-sévenomėhoo'o. The whiteman was sound asleep. [The Whiteman and the Rabbit.021] fai: -énome. Category: sleep, record.
-sóhpenome vai. sleep through. É-sóhpenome. He slept through. Etym: *ša·pwenkwa·mwa (P). for example, he slept through something that went on. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-sȯsévenome vai. be sound asleep. É-sȯsévenome. He is sound asleep. Etym: *ši·wenkwa·mwa. Éxxamae-sȯsévenomėhoo'o. He was just sound asleep. [Croft 1988:24:21] Initial -sȯsév-; fai: -énóme. See: -nėsó'énóme. Category: sleep.
šé'še- i. awake. É-šé'šematóneo'o. They woke up smelling (something). Category: sleep, smell.
-šé'šeanáxé vai. wake up hungry, awaken hungry. É-šé'šeanáxe. He woke up hungry. Ná-šé'šeanáxe. I woke up hungry. Náméo-šé'šeanáxe. I woke up hungry this morning. fai: -aná ‘hungry’. Category: eat, sleep.
-šé'šeeoesta'xe vai. jerk awake. É-šé'šeoesta'xe. He jerked awake. Category: sleep.
-šé'šem vta. awaken s.o. by sound. É-šé'šemóho. He awakened him. É-šé'šemaa'e tséxhoo'kȯhotse. He was awakened by the rain. See: -sé'ha'ov. Category: sleep.
-šé'šeoesem vta. awaken s.o., wake up s.o. É-šé'šeoesemóho. He woke him up. Ná-ohkėšé'šeoesemahtse. I wake myself up (for example, from snoring). Medial -oese. Category: sleep.
-šé'šeoha'ov vta. awaken s.o.wake up s.o. Móstaévȧ-šé'šeoha'ovȯhevovóhe. They woke him up. See: šé'šem. Category: sleep.
-šé'šeotse vai. awaken, wake up. É-šé'šeotse. He woke up. Šé'šeotsėstse! Wake up! Final -otse. See: -šéšeotse; -to'é. Category: sleep.
-šé'šetanó vai. want to awaken, awaken - want to. Náonésė-šé'šetāno. I'm trying to wake up. for example, by stretching. Category: sleep.
-šé'ševaoesem vta. awaken s.o. by talking. for example, awaken someone by talking too loud. Tséhnėsó'enomėse móš-šé'ševaoesemȯhevóhe vóhkooheho. When he was snoring he must have awakened the rabbit. [Croft 1988:24:20] Category: sleep.
-šé'ševo'e'ov vta. awaken s.o. with noise. for example, stomping around. É-šé'ševo'e'ovóho. He woke him up with his noise. Category: sleep.
-šé'ševo'ešená vai. awaken from a fall. É-šé'ševo'ēše. He woke up after falling from the bed. Category: sleep, lie, fall.
-šéšeénome vai. urinate while sleeping. usually said only of a baby. É-šéšeénome. He urinated while sleeping. fai: -énóme; Variant: -šéšenome. See: -xaešé. Category: sleep, body function.
-šéšenome vai. remain sleeping. É-šéšenome. He remained (behind) sleeping. for instance, stay sleeping while others leave the house. fai: -énóme; Variant: -šéšeénome. Category: sleep.
-taa'évenome vai. sleep until night. É-taa'évenome. He is sleeping until it's night. Naa mónésto'seéva-taa'évenome? Well, are you going to keep sleeping (all day) until it's night? Naa mónésto'seéva-taa'événóméme? Well, are you guys going to keep sleeping (all day) until it's night? Those sentences are humorous. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-táho'kénome vai. sleep lightly, catnap. Lit: É-táho'kénome. He is sleeping lightly/he is taking a 'catnap.'. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-ta'páno'xe vai. go to bed early. meaning uncertain. É-ta'páno'xe. He goes to sleep early. [PD979] Lit: (be.)weak-(concerning).sleep Final -áno'xe. See: -ta'pose; -héano'xe. Category: sleep.
-távano'xe vai. silly from lack of sleep. É-távano'xe. He is silly (or "crazy") from lack of sleep. fai: -áno'xe. Category: sleep.
-to'é vai. get up (from bed). This word refers to getting up from sleeping; -ohāā'e refers to getting up from a lower position. É-tó'e. He got up (from sleeping). Etym: *to·xki·wa. Náméo-tō'e. I got up this morning. Násáaméo-to'éhe. I did not get up this morning. Tō'ėstse! Get up! (another recording) Tō'e! Get up! (said to more than one person). Mónémóne-tō'e? Did you just get up? Náoseeméo-tō'e. I got up really early in the morning. Ééšė-to'evohe? Are they up yet? É'oseeméo-to'esėstse. It is said he got up really early in the morning (reportative). Náohkėhótsė-tó'e. I have a hard time getting out of bed (in the morning). Tō'ėstse, ééševóonā'o. Get up, it's already morning. Tóne'še néméo-tō'e? When did you wake up this morning? See: -ohāā'e; -to'éotse. Category: sleep.
-to'é'o'h vta. get s.o. out of bed. Ná'ȯhketá'méo-to'é'o'ha. He would get me up early in the morning. [1987:220] Category: sleep.
-to'én vta. get s.o. out of bed. É-to'eno. He raised him from sleep. É-to'énóho. He raised him from sleep. (newer pronunciation). [1987:198] See: -sé'han. Category: sleep.
-to'éotse vai. arise quickly from bed, get up quickly. This is quicker, more urgent action than -to'é. The command with this form of the verb is used when the time has come when the person must get out of bed, for instance, to make it to school in time. É-to'éotse. He got up quickly. Etym: **to·xki·palyiwa (P/L) ??. To'éotsėstse! Get up quickly! To'éotse! Get up now! (said to more than one person). To'éotse, ééševóonā'o! Get up, it's already morning. (said to more than one person). That is commonly said. Nánėhmóne-to'éotse. I just got up/got out of bed. See: -to'é. Category: sleep.
-to'étanó vai. want to get up. Nésáa-to'étanóhe. I don't want to get up. Category: sleep.
-tó'hovénome vai. sleep between. É-tó'hovénome. He is sleeping between. for example, sleeping between two other people. Category: sleep.
-tótoenome vai. sleep with eyes open. É-tótoenome. He is sleeping with his eyes open. (vóhkooheho) tséohkėheše-tótoenomévȯse as (rabbits) sleep with eyes open. [The Whiteman and the Rabbit.014] fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-vávaóesem vta. rock s.o. to sleep. É-vávaóesemóho. She rocked him to sleep. Vávaóesemeha! Rock him to sleep! See: -vávaahe; -vávaóestovohe. Category: sleep.
-véám vta. sleep with s.o. It is said that this traditionally did not refer to sexual intimacy, but can today, perhaps due to influence from English. É-véamo. He slept with him. É-véámóho. He slept with him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *wi·hpe·me·wa. Ná-véámo. I slept with him. Etym: *newi:hpe·ma·wa ‘I sleep with him.’. É-véamȧhtsésesto. It is said they were sleeping together. for example, they were caught making love. Category: sleep.
-véámátanó'tov vta. want to sleep with s.o. É-véamatanó'tovóho. He wants to sleep with him/her. hetaneo'o tséohke-véamatanó'tovȧhtsese homosexuals. See: véám. Category: sex, sleep.
-vésenome vai. sleep with. É-vésenome. He is sleeping along with (others). Etym: *wi·tenkwa·mwa (P). For example, after your baby goes to sleep then you go to sleep also. fai: -énóme. See: -véám ‘sleep with s.o.’. Category: sleep.
-vonénome vai. lost in sleep. É-vonénome. He doesn't know what's going on he is so dead to the world in his sleep. Etym: *wanenkwa·mwa. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-vóonáno'xe vai. go all night without sleep. É-vóonáno'xe. He went without sleep until morning. That is, he was awake all night. Etym: *wa·panenkwa·ʔšiwa ‘he stayed awake all night’. fai: -áno'xe. Category: sleep.
-vóonénome vai. sleep all night. É-vóonénome. He slept all night. fai: -énóme. Etym: *wa·panenkwa·mwa ‘he sleeps until dawn’. Category: sleep.
-vóvo'keše vai. sleep naked, lie naked. É-vóvo'kēše. He is sleeping naked / he is lying there naked. Category: sleep, lie.
-xaaménešé vai. smile while sleeping. É-xaaménéše. He smiling in his sleep. Category: sleep.