Cheyenne Dictionary



É'komo'éo'hé'e   loc. Stillwater Creek, Lodgegrass, Montana, Greasy Grass River. This name for used for two rivers, one a tributary of the Cimarron River in eastern Oklahoma, the other a tributary of the Little Bighorn River in Montana. Category: rivers.

e'néhoveo'hé'e   loc. upriver. See: he'ameo'hé'e. Category: rivers.

É'ometāā'e   ni. Missouri River, Greasy River. Lit: greasy(.river) Diminutive É'ometaēso. See: Ma'xeé'ometāā'e Mississippi River; -e'komó greasy. Category: rivers.

É'ometaēso   1 • ni. Little Missouri River, Little Greasy River. Lit: greasy (dim.) Non-diminutive É'ometāā'e. Category: rivers.

2 • na. Little Missouri River. Category: names.

É'omó'eo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc Lodgegrass, Montana. Usage: less commonly used than variant É'komó'eo'hé'e Variant: É'komó'eo'hé'e. Category: places, rivers.

Háeohémahpe   ni. Rapid River, Rapid City, South Dakota. Lit: rapid-water Variant: Háeohéo'hé'e. Category: rivers, places.

Háeohéo'hé'e   ni. Rapid River. Cheyenne name for river from which Rapid City, SD, gets its name. Variant: Háeohémahpe. Category: rivers, places.

Háeotȯheo'hé'e   ni. Deer Fork. Lit: deep-river flows into the north fork of the Canadian River in Oklahoma. Grinnell (1906) says this is a Northern Cheyenne variant for this river name. The Southern Cheyenne name is something like Háeotȯheo'hé'e. Variant: Háo'etaméo'hé'e. Category: rivers.

Háo'etaméo'hé'e   ni. Deer Fork. Lit: deep-river flows into the north fork of the Canadian River in Oklahoma. Grinnell (1906) says this is a Northern Cheyenne variant for this river name. The Southern Cheyenne name is something like Háeotȯheo'hé'e. Variant: Háeotȯheo'hé'e. Category: rivers.

Héesevo'tao'hé'e   ni. Fountain River. Lit: bubbling-river Category: check, rivers.

he'ameo'hé'e   obl. upriver, upstream, up the creek, Kirby area. refers to any upstream location, but for Busby residents especially refers to the Kirby area. Antonym póno'e. See: e'néhoveo'hé'e. Category: rivers.

Hena'éo'hé'e   ni. Goose River, Laramie River. known today as the Laramie River. Category: rivers.

Henenéo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc Rosebud Creek. See: henēne rosebud. Category: rivers.

Heóvonėheo'hé'e   ni. Muddy Creek, Yellow Paint River. Lit: yellow-paint-creek This is the namee for both the creek and district on the Northern Cheyenne reservation. This creek is a tributary of the Rosebud Creek. It is also the name of a tributary of the Purgatory River in Colorado. Category: places, rivers.

Heséovó'eo'hé'ke   ni. Gram: obl Sand Creek, Big Sandy Creek. site of the terrible Sand Creek Massacre by the U.S. Army led by Col. John Chivington. The soldiers murdered more than 230 Cheyennes and Arapahoes, many of them elders, women, and children. See: Pónoeo'hé'e. Category: rivers.

Hestáo'hé'e   ni. Heart River. This is a tributary of the Missouri River, near Mandan, North Dakota. Category: rivers.

Heškóvetséo'hé'e   ni. Porcupine Creek. a northern tributary of the Yellowstone River. Category: rivers.

Hexovóneo'hé'e   ni. Musselshell River. a tributary of the Missori River in Montana. Category: check, rivers.

Hohtóvao'hé'e   ni. Brazos River. Lit: trading-river According to Grinnell (1906) long ago the Cheyennes met the Comanches here and traded horses and clothing. Category: rivers.

Ho'néheo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc Wolf River, North Canadian River. This is known in English as the North Canadian River in Oklahoma. Category: rivers.

Ho'néhetaneo'hé'e   ni. Pawnee Creek. a tributary of the South Platte River east of Crow Creek. Category: rivers.

-ho'ome   vii. be the confluence, be the mouth of a river. É-ho'ome. It is the mouth of the river. tséx-ho'ome at the mouth of the river. for example, where Rosebud Creek empties into the Yellowstone River). Vétanovéo'hé'e tséstȧ-ho'ome at the mouth of the Tongue River. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.031] Lit: arrive-mouth ?? Category: check. fta: -óm by mouth. Category: rivers.

Ho'óseo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc Colstrip, Montana. Lit: coal-river Category: rivers.

Homa'éo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc Beaver River. There are two rivers with this name, one is near the north fork of the Canadian River in Okla. and the other is in Kansas. Category: rivers.

Homenó'eo'hé'e   ni. Elm River. This was the name for the north fork of the Red River. Category: rivers.

Homȯséo'hé'e   ni. Gram: oc Cook Creek. Category: rivers.

Hoo'kȯhévȯséo'hé'e   ni. Rainy Mountain River. a tributary of the Washita River. See: vose mountain, hill. Category: rivers.

Hoóxe'eo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc Lodgepole River, Tepee Pole River, Washita River. known in English as the Washita River. Category: rivers.

Hótoanáo'hé'e   ni. Difficult River, Purgatory River. Now known as Purgatory River. It enters the Arkansas River from the south near Fort Lyon, Colorado. Category: rivers.

Hotóao'hé'e   ni. Bull River, Cimarron River. known today as the Cimarron River which flows into the Arkansas River in Okla. Category: rivers.

Hoxéheo'hé'e   Sun Dance Lodge River. It is west of Fort Supply, Oklahoma; it flows into Beaver River. Category: rivers.

Hoxéheo'he'kēso   Little Sun Dance Lodge River. Category: rivers.

Hoxo'ȯhtséo'hé'e   ni. Green River. Category: rivers.

Hoxoméeo'hé'e   ni. Wind River, Stinking Water. Category: rivers.

Kó'koeméno'ėšé'e   ni. Hackberry Creek. Lit: hackberry-grove It flows into the South Canadian River about 15 miles east of Antelope Hills.od. Category: berries, rivers.

Kó'koeménó'ėšé'e   ni. Hackberry Creek. Lit: where hackberries are thick Category: rivers.

Kȯsáeo'hé'e   ni. Sheep River, Bighorn River. known today as the Bighorn River. Variant: Ma'xekȯsáeo'hé'e. Category: rivers.

Maahéo'hé'e   Pryor, Montana. Lit: arrow-creek Category: places, rivers.

Mȧhaemenéo'hé'e   ni. Corn Creek. a tributary of the White River in South Dakota, located between the Pine River agency and the Rosebud agency. Category: rivers.

Mȧhtamȧháahéo'hé'e   no. Old Woman Creek. It enters the South Cheyenne River from the south. Category: rivers.

Ma'ėhóoheváo'hé'e   ni. Republican River, Red Shield River. This river starts in Colorado and flows east through Nebrask and Kansas. Cheyennes called it Red Shield River because the Red Shield soldiers gathered for a meeting at this river. Category: rivers.

Ma'emenéo'hé'e   ni. Bull Berry Creek. a tributary of the Cheyenne River in South Dakota. Category: rivers.

Ma'enóneo'hé'e   ni. Turtle Creek. A tributary of the South Platte River. Category: rivers.

Ma'etomonéo'hé'e   Red Paint River, Cheyenne River. In English this is called the Cheyenne River. It flows through eastern Wyoming and western South Dakota. It flows into Lake Oahe about 35 miles northwest of Pierre, South Dakota. It got this Cheyenne name because there is so much red clay along its banks. Category: rivers.

Ma'hahko'éo'hé'e   ni. Badger River. enters the South Platte River from the south in eastern Colorado. Category: rivers.

Ma'heónekȧhamaxe   ni. Sacred Wood, Eagle Chief Creek. This is a tributary of the Cimarron River that enters from the north, called Eagle Chief Creek in English. See: kȧhamaxe. Category: rivers.

Ma'kóomeehesóneo'hé'e   ni. Red Willow Creek. Category: rivers.

Má'oome   ni. Redwater, Red River (of the South). The Cheyenne name for the South Canadian River in Oklahoma. Medial -óome. See: Ma'eóome Red Water; -ma'óome be red liquid. Category: rivers.

Ma'xeé'ometāā'e   ni. Mississippi River, Missouri River. Some use this word for the Missouri River and others use it for the Mississippi. Some use É'ometāā'e for the Missouri River. Lit: big-greasy.(river) See: É'ometāā'e. Category: rivers.

Ma'xėhe'néo'hé'e   Solomon River, Turkey Creek. This river is in north-central Kansas. It was named Turkey Creek in Cheyenne because there used to be so many turkeys there. It is known in English as Solomon River. Lit: turkey-river Category: rivers.

Ma'xėheséovo'éo'hé'e   ni. Big Sandy River. known today as the Red River in Okla. Category: rivers.

Ma'xekȯsáeo'hé'e   ni. Bighorn River, St. Xavier, Montana. Lit: big-sheep-river Variant: Kȯsáeo'hé'e. Category: rivers.

Ma'xekȯsáeó'he'keso   Little Bighorn River. Usage: This form and its variant may be loan translations from English. Variant: Tšėške'kȯsáeo'hé'e. Category: rivers.

Ma'xepóno'e   ni. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Lit: big-downstream literal meaning refers to being downriver from the Cheyenne area of Oklahoma, which is west of Okla. City. See: póno'e. Category: places, rivers.

Ma'xėxová'tovoneo'hé'e   ni. Big Sword River. Cheyenne name for the Big Knife River which enters the Missouri River below Fort Berthold. See: xová'tove sword. Category: rivers.

Mano'éo'hé'e   obl. Smoky Hill River. Lit: gather(.timber)-river Category: rivers.

Mano'o'éo'hé'e   ni. Grove River, Smoky Hill River. Ques: Manó'o'éo'hé'e ?? Category: check. Known in English as the Smoky Hill River. It begins in Colorado and joins the Republican River to form the Kansas (Kaw) River near Junction City, Kansas. Grinnell (1906:18) says: So called because formerly at the stream's head there was large grove of cottonwood trees, among which no underbrush grew." Medial -ó'(e)5. Category: rivers.

Matséneo'hé'e   ni. Kingfisher Creek. This is a tributary of the Cimarron River. Grinnell (1906) said this is more commonly called Noma'héo'hé'e Fish Creek. See: Noma'héo'hé'e Fish Creek. Category: rivers.

Me'ėškemáo'hé'e   ni. Box Elder Creek. a tributary of the Cheyenne River, east of Bear Butte, South Dakota. Category: rivers.

Méne'éo'hé'e   ni. North Platte River, Platte River, Shell River. See: Vétaneo'hé'e South Platte River. Category: rivers, check.

ménó'ėšé'e   ni. 1 • chokecherry bush area, berry bush area. Medial -ó'(e)2.

2 • Willow Creek. This is a tributary of Medicine Lodge Creek in southern Kansas. Category: wood, rivers.

Méstaéo'hé'e   ni. Owl River, Moreau River. Known today as the Moreau River; runs into the Missouri River above the mouth of the Belle Fourche River. Category: rivers.

Mo'éheo'hé'e   loc. Elk River, Yellowstone River, Red Deer Creek. Lit: elk-river Cheyenne name for two rivers: the Yellowstone River and a tributary (known today as Red Deer Creek) that enters the Canadian River from the south in the Texas panhandle. See: Mo'éheó'he'e. Category: rivers.

Mo'éhno'haméo'hé'e   ni. Horse Creek. This is a tributary of the North Platte River in Wyoming below Fort Laramie. Category: rivers.

Mȯséaneo'hé'e   ni. Old Lodge Skin River. Known today as the Huerfano River. It enters the Arkansas River from the south, near Pueblo, Colorado. Category: rivers.

Mótó'ėšé'e   ni. Walnut Creek. Lit: ash-grove Petter says this is Walnut Creek. Category: rivers.

Motsé'eonéo'hé'e   Sweet Medicine River. Category: rivers.

Mótsėsóoneo'hé'e   ni. Flint River. Cheyenne name for the Arkansas River. Other Plains tribes also called it the Flint River in their languages. Category: rivers.

Naahéo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc Otter Creek. near Ashland, Montana. Variant: Naeo'hé'e. See: náa'e otter. Category: rivers.

Naeo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc Otter Creek. near Ashland, Montana. Variant: Naahéo'hé'e. See: náa'e otter. Category: rivers.

Náhkȯhtava'émeo'hé'e ??    Category: check.

ni. Persimmon Creek. This creek enters the North Fork Canadian River from the south, near Fort Reno, Oklahoma. Category: rivers.

Nanévėsévoomemahpe   Clear Creek. this is Deer Creek which flows into S. Canadian near Bridgeport, Okla. Category: rivers.

Ókȯhkema'evoneo'hé'e   ni. Crow Bill River. near Sweet Water. Category: rivers.

Ókȯhkeo'hé'e   ni. Crow Creek. near Cheyenne, Wyoming. Grinnell (1906) records this as Óoetanéo'he'e and that Northern Cheyennes call this Ókȯhkeo'hé'e Crow (bird) River. Variant: Óoetanéo'hé'e. Category: rivers.

o'hé'e   loc. river.log. O'hé'e nátaohkeée-tóxeohtséme. We (excl) walk along the river. ni: ó'he'e. Category: rivers.

ó'he'e   ni. river. (another recording) Naa móstȧháahpe'eotséhanéhe ó'he'e. And the river was really wide. [1987:291] Phon: iah Diminutive ó'he'ke; Plural o'hé'ėstse; Locative o'hé'e. Phon: iah Category: liquid, rivers.

-o'omeohéto   vii. rise, overflow. of rivers or creeks. É-o'omeohéto. Water is rising. Ques: overflow?? Category: check, rivers, liquid, weather.

Onéhao'hé'e   ni. Ponca River. It enters the Missouri between the mouths of the Missouri River and Niobrara River in northeastern Nebraska. Category: rivers.

Ónoneo'hé'e   ni. Arikara River. a fork of the Republican River. Category: rivers.

Óoetanéo'hé'e   ni. Crow Creek. near Cheyenne, Wyoming. Grinnell (1906) notes that Northern Cheyennes call this Ókȯhkeo'hé'e Crow (bird) River. Variant: Ókȯhkeo'hé'e. Category: rivers.

Oó'evótȧhtséo'hé'e   ni. Quarreling River. Lit: arguing.with.each.other-river Enters the Arkansas River from the south, between the Herfano River and the Purgatory River. It is known as the Apishapa River. Grinnell (American Anthropologist, 1906) wrote of this river: "Many years ago a village of Indian encamped there began to quarrel among themselves. Both men and women took part in the dispute. They did not fight ; merely talked at each other -- scolded." Category: rivers.

Páeo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc 1 • Powder River, Broadus, Montana. Broadus has the same name as the river near it. Category: places, rivers, record.

2 • Something happened. Móéšeéetsėhesóotséhanéhe Páeo'hé'e. Something must have happened at Powder River. Usage: That is a humorous expression. Énėhesóotse Páeo'hé'e. It happened on Powder River. Category: sayings.

Páeo'hé'késo   ni. Little Powder River. Category: rivers.

Pónoeo'hé'e   ni. Dry Creek. This river is known as Sand Creek today. It is a tributary of the Arkansas River. It is near Fort Lyon, Colorado. At this creek Chivington and his troops massacred many Cheyenne men, women, and children even though their camp flew a white flag indicating that they wanted peace. See: Heséovó'eo'hé'ke. Category: rivers.

Sásȯhkovetaneo'hé'e    Category: check.

ni. Snake Creek. in Nebraska 25 miles south of the Niobrara River. Category: rivers, check.

Savanao'hé'e ??    Category: check.

n. Shawnee River. upper part of the Republican River. Category: rivers.

Šéstotó'eo'hé'e   loc. Cedar River. the Saline Fork of the Smoky Hill River. Category: rivers.

Tónėšenóve'éo'hé'e   ni. Crazy Woman Creek. This is a tributary of the Powder River in Wyoming, now known as Crazy Woman Fork. Category: rivers, names.

Tséonétȧhévo   ni. Mulberry Creek. tributary of the Arkansas that enters from the south near Fort Dodge, Kansas. Category: rivers.

tséxho'ome   vii. Gram: cjt mouth of river. vii: -ho'ome. Category: rivers.

Tšėške'eó'he'e   1 • ni. little creek. See: ó'he'e river; ó'he'ke creek. Category: rivers.

2 • na. Little Creek, Little River, Milk River. This is a tributary of the Missouri River in Montana and Alberta. It is also a proper name. See: ó'he'ke creek. Category: names.

Tšėške'kȯsáeo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc Little Bighorn River. Variant: possibly also Ma'xekȯsáeo'hé'késo. See: Ma'xekȯsáeo'hé'késo. Category: rivers.

Váotseváo'hé'e   ni. Deer Creek. located about 25 miles east of Fort Reno in Oklahoma. Category: rivers.

Véhoneo'hé'e   ni. Chief River. the north fork of the Republican River. Category: rivers.

Vé'ho'éo'hé'e   ni. Whiteman River, Frenchman's Fork, Rio Grande River. Known to others as Frenchman's Fork, it is the northernmost tributary of the Republican River. The Cheyennes also called the Rio Grande River by this name. Category: rivers.

Vé'ȯhkemahpe   Bitter Water, Red River, Sweetwater River (of the South). Cheyenne name for the Red River which formed the southern boundary of the Indian Territory (Oklahoma). Category: rivers.

Vénȯhó'kȯhtséo'hé'e   ni. Wild Cherry River. This was what Cheyennes called the south fork of the Republican River. Category: rivers.

Vétaneo'hé'e   ni. Fat River, South Platte River. See: Méne'éo'hé'e (North) Platte River. Category: rivers.

Vétanovéo'hé'e   ni. Tongue River. This is one of the things magpies say when they sing. Vétanóveo'hé'e (nové?? mouth of Tongue River (at Miles City, Montana). Category: rivers.

Vóhpoma'ȯhtséo'hé'e   ni. Salt River, Buffalo Creek. Known to whites as Buffalo Creek. It enters the Cimarron or Red Fork of the Arkansas River in Oklahoma. It got its Cheyenne name from the large amount of rock salt found near the mouth of this stream. Category: rivers.

Vóhpoome   ni. White River. (another recording) river in Sioux country in South Dakota where a group of Cheyennes used to live; these people now live in the Busby area. The Cheyennes also called the north fork of the Brazos River by this name. fni: -óome. See: Vóhpoométanéno. Category: rivers.

Vó'aehéo'hé'e   ni. Gram: loc Lame Deer Creek. Lit: Antelope River It is said that someone mistranslated the meaning of this as "Lame Deer Creek" and the English name of 'Lame Deer' for the town along this creek has persisted ever since. Category: rivers.

Vó'kaehéo'hé'e   obl. Little Missouri River, Antelope Creek. so named because Cheyennes captured antelopes here in catchpits (Grinnell 1906: 4). Category: rivers.

Vó'kaehéo'hé'kėsónėhéva   obl. Little Antelope Creek. Category: rivers.

Vovóhkeo'hé'e   ni. Crooked Creek. Its head is in Kansas about 25 miles southwest of Fort Dodge (Dodge City) and enters the Cimarron River in Oklahoma. Category: rivers.

xonóona'e   ni. drift. for example, in a river. Oblique xonóona'ēva. Etym: *a·nkwa·hθakwa piece of driftwood (animate). Category: rivers.

Xová'tovoneo'hé'e   ni. Knife River. Lit: sword-river a tributary of the Missouri River near Fort Berthold, North Dakota. Category: rivers.