-a'avó'ėstomo'he vai. influence to wish for something. É-a'avó'ėstomo'he. He influenced. Heé tȧxó'e nėstsėsáa'énenėhéhe vo'ėstane nėstsenéstova nėstaée-a'avó'ėstomo'henȧhtsenóhpaohkeéemaenėsétamāne. Hey, again and again don't keep repeating that, someone will hear you. You will have them all start thinking that way, I will be thought of that way. [1987:175] Category: influence.
-a'avó'seh vta. influenced by s.o., catch sickness of s.o., cause s.o. to crave. É-a'avó'sėhóho. He influenced him. Variant: -a'ovó'seh; vai: -a'avó'so'he. See: -tóo'ėstseh; -vonȯhóha'ov; -mé'ovó'seh. Category: interpersonal, influence, sickness.
-a'ovó'seh vta. influenced by s.o., catch sickness of s.o., cause s.o. to crave. Variant: a'avó'seh. É-a'ovó'sėhóho. He influenced him. Ná-a'ovó'seha. I got his sickness / He is making me crave (it, for example, drymeat). Né-a'ovó'šeše. You "contagioned" me, that is, I caught it from you. Hetane móhmae'-a'ovó'sėhaehevóhe vo'ėstanóho. A man liked what the people were doing. (a more complete translation would be something like 'a man was influenced to do the same as the people'). [1987:275] See: -tóo'ėstseh; -vonȯhóha'ov. Category: interpersonal, influence.
-éstava'ó'h vta. corner s.o., convince s.o. É-éstava'o'ho. He cornered him. É-éstava'ó'hóho. He cornered him. (newer pronunciation). See: -éstavan; -éstavaooha'ov; -éxa'e'ov; -éšenot; -éšenȯxévaen. Category: influence, interpersonal.
-estavan vta. convince s.o., corner s.o., talk s.o. into something. É-estavanóho. He talked him into it. Néto'sėsáa'-éstavanaehéneo'o. They are not going to talk us into it. Ques: est?? See: -éstava'ó'h; -éxa'e'ov; -éšenot; -éšenȯxévaen; -vonȯhósem; -vonȯhóha'ov; -éše'tov; -éšetová'ov; -hótsenot; -hotset; -éxa'e'ov. Category: influence, interpersonal, check.
-éstavaoohá'ov vta. corner s.o. É-éstavaohá'ovóho. He cornered him. Mó'-éstavaoohá'oehevovóhe tósa'e tȧháóhe ho'honáá'e tsé'amoo'ėse. (That tribe; obv.) cornered them up somewhere near those mountains. [CLIFF.TXT:1] See: -ho'xó'a'ov; -sa'ov. Category: influence, interpersonal.
-éše'tov vta. persuade s.o., influence s.o. É-éše'tovóho. He persuaded him. Ééše-éšé'tóó'e heávȯhóho. The devil has him under his control. Náéše-éše'tova. I was under his control. vti: -éšestsé. See: -éšetová'ov; -éšenot; -vonȯhóha'ov; -éšenȯxévaen. Category: influence.
-éšenohe vta. Gram: pass 1 • agreeable, tempted, persuaded, influenced. É-éšenohe. He is agreeable/he doesn't say 'no'. Éohkėsáa'-éšenȯhéhe. He is stubborn/hard to get to/you can't prove him wrong. vta: -éšenot.
2 • not say "no". Category: influence.
-éšenot vta. persuade s.o., coax s.o., convince s.o., influence s.o. usually the persuasion is to do a good thing. É-éšenotóho. He persuaded him. Nééše-éšenotohe tsésto'sevé'ȯhtsémaétse? Did you yet persuade him to go with us? Éonése-éšenotóho. He tried to persuade him. Mó'éšėto'se-éšenotaehevóhe. They almost convinced him. [Stamper 1991:8)] See: -vonȯhósem; -vonȯhóha'ov; -éše'tov; -éšetová'ov; -hótsenot; -hotset; -éxa'é'ov; -éstavan; -éstseohtséh. Category: speak, influence.
-éšenȯxévaen vta. persuade s.o., coax s.o., convince s.o. This is a faster process than -éšenot. É-éšenȯxévaenóho. He coaxed him. Ná-éšenȯxévaena heávohe. The devil persuaded me. That is, I gave in to him. Éstaéšėto'se-éšenȯxévaenósesto tsésto'sevésee'óoestaáhetsėse. He almost convinced him to be baptized. [Stamper 1991:4)] See: -éšenot; -éše'tov; -éxa'e'ov; -éstavan; -éstava'ov. Category: speak, influence.
-éxa'é'ov vta. convince s.o., manipulate s.o. É-éxa'é'ovóho. He convinced him. Náéšėhó'keéva-éxa'é'ova heávohe. The Devil controlled me. Reduplicated -oóxa'e'ov. See: -éxa'ov; -éšenot; -éšenȯxévaen; -vonȯhóha'ov; -éstavan; -éstova'ó'h; -oóxa'e'ov. Category: interpersonal, influence.
-éxa'omo'he vai. convince, persuade, get one's way, win. É-éxa'omo'he. He persuaded. [1987:183] Móstaéxa'omó'hehéhe. He persuaded and won. Category: influence.
-éxa'ov vta. persuade s.o., convince s.o., overcome s.o. É-éxa'ovóho. He persuaded him. Násáa'-éxa'óvȧhtséhe. "I can't make up my mind." Náohke-éxa'óénóne pó'ėho'hémahpe. We already are tight from the beer. [Croft 15:] See: -éxa'é'ov. Category: influence.
-hótsenot vta. 1 • fail to kill s.o. É-hótsenotóho. He had difficulty killing him.
2 • fail to persuade s.o. É-hótsenotóho. He failed to convince him. fta: -not. See: -hótsem; -hotset; -éšenot. Category: influence.
nóonétse'e p. obediently, give in. Variant: nóonétse'o. Has the idea of giving in and going along with someone even though they have not kept their promises yet on this matter. Étaohkenaestómaneo'o étaohkeéeho'oestsénóvȯtse heséeōtsėstseéohkeéemanéstóvénėstse nóonétse'o étaohkeéveévapėhéveotsénove oóxésta étaohkeévȧhestanánove. (Indian doctors) would doctor, they would brew up some herbal medicines. You would drink (this), incidentally, you got well, you were O.K. again. [1987:213] Category: influence.
nóonétse'o p. obediently, give in. Variant: nóonétse'e. Has the idea of giving in and going along with someone even though they have not kept their promises yet on this matter. Étaohkenaestómaneo'o étaohkeéeho'oestsénóvȯtse heséeōtsėstse éohkeéemanéstóvénėstse nóonétse'o étaohkeéveévapėhéveotsénove oóxésta étaohkeévȧhestanánove. (Indian doctors) would doctor, they would brew up some herbal medicines. You would drink (this), incidentally, you got well, you were O.K. again. Category: influence.
-oéšenot vta. convince; coax s.o. É-oéšenotóho. He convinced him. See: -éšenot; -éšenȯxévaen; -vonȯhósem. Category: speak, influence.
-oóxa'e'ov vta. convince s.o., persuade s.o. Heávohe nėstsėsáatónėše-oóxa'e'óéhévo. The Devil will not be able to convince you (plural). [Ephesians 6:11] See: -vonȯhóha'ov; -éxa'é'ov. Category: influence.
-tó'hevahtá vti. persuade s.t. to stop. É-tó'héváhta. He stopped it by persuasion. vta: -tó'hevam. See: -tó'ha'o'tsé. Category: influence.
-vám fta. urge. Ques: -évám?? Émóheé-vamóho. He called them together. Éóo'haé-vamóho. He cautioned him (literally, careful-urged). [pd1080] Éméseé-vamo. He talked sense into him. Évovótsevévámóho He urged him to stay. Nápėhéve-vámo. I urged him to be good.?? Ého'é-vámóho. He brought him by talking about him. fti: -váhtá. See: -em. Category: speak, influence, check.
-vonȯhóha'ósané vai. instigate, entice, tempt, dare. É-vonȯhóha'ósáne. He entices people. vta: -vonȯhóha'ov. Category: influence.
-vonȯhóha'ov vta. entice s.o., tempt s.o., prod s.o., egg on s.o. Does not necessarily imply that the person tempted gave in; can be prodding someone to do something good, but often is for something considered bad. É-vonȯhóha'ovóho. He enticed him. Éhávėséve-vonȯhóha'ovóho. He tempted him (to do something bad). Nápėhéve-vonȯhóha'ōvo. I enticed him to do something good. vai: -vonȯhóha'ósané. See: -éše'tov; -éšenot; -vonȯhósem; -héestáha'ov; -héhnovem; -éxa'é'ov; -oóxa'e'ov; -éstavan. Category: interpersonal, influence.
-vonȯhósem vta. persuade s.o., prod s.o., urge s.o., say sic 'em to s.o., tempt s.o., instigate s.o. the expression hótšėše is used to tell a dog to "sic 'em". É-vonȯhósemóho. He persuaded him/he urged him (for example, said "sic 'em" to a dog or applauded someone). Tȧhé-vonȯhósemeha! Go shoo, persuade him! Vonȯhósemenano! Tell them to hurry up, to go do it! See: -vonȯhóha'ov; -vám. Category: speak, influence.