-amó'ehné vai. go by wagon. É-amó'éhne. He went by wagon. Medial -ó'e1; IndepNoun amó'enēō'o. See: -amó'eohtsé. Category: transportation, roll.
-amó'en vti. transport s.t. by wagon, roll s.t. along by wagon. É-amó'éna. He hauled it by wagon.
vta. transport s.o. by wagon, transport s.o. by wheelchair. É-amó'enóho. He moved him by wagon. É-amó'enahtse. He is moving himself along by wheelchair. É-amó'enēnėstse. (The wagons) were rolled along. Medial -ó'e1. See: -hetó'en. Category: move, roll.
amó'enēō'o ni. wagon. he-amó'eneonevótse their wagons. tšėške'e-amó'enēō'o little buggy. Plural amó'eneonȯtse; Oblique amó'eneōne; Diminutive amó'kenēō'o; Medial -ó'e1.
na. For some speakers a wagon is animate. wagon. Category: transportation, roll.
amó'eneško ni. wagon. (another recording) Plural amó'enėškonȯtse; Non-diminutive amó'enēō'o; Synonym amó'kenēō'o. Category: transportation, roll.
-amó'eohe vai. travel fast by wagon, roll fast. can be of a ball rolling quickly. É-amó'eohe. He is traveling fast by wagon. Medial -ó'(e). Category: roll.
-amó'eohtsé vai. go along on wagon; roll along, go along by rolling transportation (especially a wagon). É-amó'eōhtse. He went by on wagon. tsé'amó'eōhtsėse vo'ėstane when a person went on a wagon. Medial -ó'(e). See: -amó'ehné. Category: roll.
-amó'eohtsétó vii. roll along. (Me'ko) ésta-amó'eohtsétónėse. (The head) rolled along. [1987:255] Medial -ó'(e). Category: roll.
amó'kenēō'o ni. children's wagon. Non-diminutive amó'enēō'o; Medial -ó'(e). See: amó'keneonēso. Category: roll, transportation.
amó'keneonēso ni. small wagon. Non-diminutive amó'enēō'o; Medial -ó'(e). See: amó'kenēō'o. Category: roll, transportation.
-anȯhó'ehné vai. go down by wagon. É-anȯhó'éhne. He went down by wagon. Category: roll.
-anȯhó'eohe vai. roll down fast by wagon. É-anȯhó'eohe. He is rolling down fast by wagon. Category: roll.
-anȯhó'eohétó vii. roll down fast. É-anȯhó'eohéto. It is rolling down fast. Hó'ótóva éma'xemé'eanȯhó'eohétótsénėse heme'ko. Finally his head came rolling down quickly. [The Owl.018] Category: roll.
asetó'ehné vai. start to go by wagon. Lit: start to roll É-asėtó'éhne. He is starting to go by wagon. Category: roll.
asetó'en vti. roll s.o. away. É-asėtó'éna. He rolled it away. É-asėtó'enóho. He rolled him (obv) away. See: -aseto'en. Category: roll, check.
-asėtó'eohtsé vai. start by wagon. É-asėtó'eōhtse. He started off on a wagon. [1987:170] Mósto'seméo-asėtó'eohtsėhevóhe tsé'ȯhkėsó'hoxomevȯse They were going to go early in the morning after rations. [1987:170] Category: roll.
-e'ó'ehné vai. go up by wagon. É-e'ó'éhne. He went up by wagon. Category: roll.
-e'ó'en vti. roll s.t. up. É-e'ó'éna. He rolled it up.
vta. roll s.o. up, transport s.o. up. É-e'ó'enóho He rolled him up. É-e'ó'ene hooheo'o. The flag was raised. tsé'-e'ó'enėstse hooheo'o flag ceremony ?? Medial ó'-. Category: motion, roll, check.
-énó'ehné vai. stop wagon. É-énó'éhne. He stopped going by wagon. Category: roll.
-éstó'en vti. roll in s.t. To example, to take a car to a service station. É-éstó'éna. He rolled it in.
vta. roll in s.o. É-ésto'enóho. He rolled him in. For example, this could be rolling someone in on a wheelchair. See: -ésto'en ‘load it’. Category: roll, move.
-ésto'enené vai. play slot machines, gamble. Lit: roll-in-AI.FINAL that is, roll money (especially quarters) in machines. This refers to slower action than -ésto'e'ósané. É-ésto'enēne. He is playing the slot machines. Étȧhé-esto'enēne. He went to play the slot machines. Náohkėsáavése-éstó'enenéhe. I don't play the slot machines. Medial -ó'e. See: -ésto'e'ósané. Category: roll.
-ésto'ó'ehné vai. go into by wagon. É-ésto'ó'éhne. He drove in by wagon. for instance, drove into the corral. Category: roll.
-évo'ešé vai. lie rolling about. É-évo'ēše. He is lying there rolling about. Category: lie, roll.
-hátȯxovó'eohtsé vai. roll back and forth. É-hátȯxovó'eōhtse. He rolled back and forth. [1987:256] Category: roll.
-hátȯxovó'eohtsétó vii. roll back and forth. Nóoo, éx-hátȯxovó'eohtsétónėse. Oh my, it rolled back and forth. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).114] Category: roll.
-hestóxo'eohtsé vai. arrive last by wagon. É-hestóxo'eōhtse. He arrived last by wagon. Medial -ó'(e). See: -hestóxėho'eohtsé. Category: roll.
-hetó'en vti. Gram: rr transport s.t. there by wagon, transport s.t. by wagon. ... é-hetó'éna. .. that is where he hauled it.
vta. transport s.o. there by wagon, transport s.o. by wagon. At one time especially referred to transportation by wagon, but has been extended to transportation by other vehicles where there is rolling action of wheels. Gram: rr ... é-hetó'enóho. ... that is where he hauled him (by wagon). ... ná-hetó'ena. ... he hauled me over there. Netao'o náhetósė-hetó'ena. He took me all over there. Medial -ó'(e). See: -amó'ehné. Category: roll, move.
-hetó'eohtsé vai. roll along so. ... é-hetó'eōhtse. ... he rolled that way by wagon. Category: roll.
-hóestó'o'ehné vai. emerge rolling. É-hóestó'o'ēhne. He emerged rolling. Category: roll, check.
-ho'ó'ehné vai. arrive by wagon. É-ho'ó'éhne. He arrived by wagon. Medial -ó'(e). See: -ho'ó'eohtsé. Category: roll.
-ho'ó'ėhné'tá vti. roll to s.t. Éne'évȧho'ó'ėhné'tánȯse héne he'nétoo'o. He drove back up to that gate. [Squint Eye.012] Category: roll.
-ho'ó'eohe vai. arrive quickly by wagon. É-ho'ó'eohe. He arrived quickly by wagon. Category: roll, transportation.
-hónevávó'ehné vai. go by wagon to the country. É-hónevávó'éhne. He went out into the country by wagon. Category: roll, check.
-hóohtó'ehné vai. go home by wagon, wagon home. É-hóóhtó'éhne. He went home by wagon. Category: roll.
-hóohtó'eohtsé vai. ride a wagon home. É-hóohtó'eōhtse. He rode home on a wagon. Category: roll.
-hovéo'kó'eohtsé vai. go by wagon in the shade. É-hovéo'kó'eōhtse. He went by wagon staying in the shade. Medial ó'(e). Category: transportation, roll.
-hóxovó'ehné vai. go across by wagon, across - go by wagon. É-hóxovó'éhne. He went across by wagon. Category: roll, transportation.
-hóxovó'eohe vai. roll across quickly, travel across quickly by wagon. É-hóxovó'eohe. He traveled across by wagon quickly. [1987:258] Category: roll.
hóxovó'eohétó vii. roll across quickly. Éhne'ȯsáaneméhae'asėto'-hóxovó'eohétónėse. It (the head) started to come across. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).161] Category: roll.
-hóxovó'eohtsé vai. travel across by wagon, across - travel by wagon. É-hóxovó'eōhtse. He traveled across by wagon. Category: roll, transportation.
-momóxomó'eohtsé vai. ride wagon slowly. É-momóxomó'eōhtse. He took his time going on the wagon. Medial -ó'(e). Category: roll.
-néma'ó'eohe vai. circle quickly by wagon, go around corner, encircle quickly. Éta-néma'ó'eohe. He went around the corner. Category: motion, roll.
-nėševó'ehné vai. go fast by wagon. É-nėševó'éhne. He went fast by wagon. Medial -ó'e1. Category: roll.
-nėševó'eohe vai. travel quickly by wagon. É-nėševó'eohe. He traveled quickly by wagon. fai: -ó'e1. Category: roll, speed.
-nóhto'en 1 • vti. go after s.t. by wagon. Ná-nóhtó'éna. I went after it by wagon. [pd267]
2 • vta. go after s.o. by wagon. Ná-nóhtó'éno. I went after him by wagon. Éstaéva-nóhto'enósesto. He went back after her by wagon. [Young Bird.016] Medial -ó'(e). Category: roll.
-nóhto'enené vai. haul. É-nóhto'enēne. He is hauling freight. Medial -ó'(e). Category: move, roll.
-ó' m. go by rolling. Probably at one time referred mostly to transportation by wagon, but has been extended to transportation by other vehicles where there is rolling action of wheels. Éam-ó'a'óvahtse. He went by bicycle (or tricycle) (literallyhe-along-roll-by.body-TRANS-REFL). Phon: spelled as -ó' if the following final begins with /a/; otherwise, spelled as -ó'e See: -ó'(e); ahkó'-. Category: roll.
-ó'e1 m. roll. especially by wagon. At one time this especially referred to transportation by wagon, but it has been extended to transportation by other vehicles where there is rolling action of wheels. Phon: This is spelled with just -ó' if a following final begins with /a/. Éam-ó'éhne. He went by wagon. Éam-ó'éna. He hauled it by wagon. amó'enēō'o wagon. Éév-ó'éna. He rolled (on the ground). Énėšev-ó'eohe. He traveled quickly by wagon. ... náhet-ó'ena ... he hauled me over there. for example, he took me there by car. Category: motion, roll.
-onéstȧhkó'eóhtá vii. round.roll.leg. tsé'onéstȧhkó'eóhtáto where it was a round wheel.
vai. round.roll.leg. Category: roll.
onéstȧhkó'eóhta't vti. grease wheel of s.t. É-onéstȧhkó'eóhtá'ta amó'enēō'o. He greased the wheel of the wagon. Category: roll.
-sé'ó'ehné vai. go to town by wagon, go to the center by wagon, go to the water by wagon. É-sé'ó'éhne. He went to town by wagon. Medial -ó'e1. Category: roll.
-sé'o'eohe vai. go by wagon to town, go by wagon to the water. É-sé'o'eohe. He went by wagon to town. Category: roll, transportation.
-sóhpo'ehné vai. roll through. Móhne'ȯhkeée-sóhpo'ėhnėhéhe. He must have rolled through. [Squint Eye.007] Category: roll.
-sóhpó'eohtsé vai. roll through. É-sóhpo'eōhtse. He rolled through. [1987:256] Medial -ó'(e). Category: roll.
-sóhpó'eohtsétó vii. roll through. Éhnėxhótsė-sóhpo'eohtsétótsénėse. It (the head) couldn't come through. [The Rolling Head.055] Medial -ó'(e). Category: roll.
-tootómo'eohtsé vai. travel by wagon in the cool. É-tootómo'eōhtse. He is traveling by wagon where/when it is cool. fai: -ó'e1 ‘roll’. Category: roll, temperature.
vé'ho'émaxe ni. barrel. Éamó'éna vé'ho'émaxe. He rolled a barrel. Category: roll.
-vóonó'éhne vai. travel all night by wagon. É-vóonó'éhne. He traveled all night by wagon. Medial -ó'e1. Category: roll.
-vóonó'eohtsé vai. travel all night by wagon. É-vóonó'eōhtse. He traveled all night by wagon. Medial -ó'(e). Category: transportation, roll.