Cheyenne Dictionary



-á'kavoe'tó   vii. hang down, cling limp, droop. Ó'oesanéstotȯtse é-á'kavoe'tónėstse. The clotheslines are hanging down (drooping).

vai. hang down, cling limp, droop. É-á'kavoē'to. He (or It) is clinging hanging down. Tsėhéóhe éšeéenéma'o'e-á'kavoe'too'o! Just hang around here (delayed imperative)! That was a humorous literal translation from English. See: -hoe'tó; -anȯhóneoe'tó. Category: hang.

-amoésé   vai. float by, hang along. É-amoése. He is hanging along (in the air). Etym: *pemakotinwa (P). Éne'éše-amoése. It is the earlier part of forenoon (between sunrise and approximately 9 a.m.). Nésó'eée-amoésenahe? Are you still floating around? (idiomatic for "Are you still thinking?") fai: -oésé; vti: -amoéstá. Category: hang, time, cognition.

-amoéstá   vii. hang by. É-amoésta. It hangs along. Etym: *pemakote·wi. pronounced the same as éamoésta 'it floats along'. Category: hang.

-anȯheoe'tó   1 • vii. hang down. É-anȯheoe'tónėstse votōnėstse. The tailfeathers are hanging down.

2 • vai. hang down. Category: hang.

-anȯhóe'tó   vii. hang down. É-anȯhóé'tónėstse votōnėstse. The tail feathers are hanging down.

vai. hang down. É-anȯhóé'to. He (or It) is hanging down. Final -óe'tó. See: -hoe'tó. Category: hang.

-anȯhoése   vai. float down, hang down. for example of a moon crescent with the opening to the bottom. É-anȯhoése. He is hanging down. Éhne'-anȯhoése. He floated down. Antonym -he'amoésé. See: -anooése; -éva'ȧsévoésé. Category: motion, float, hang, moon, check.

-anȯhoésem   vta. hang s.o. down ?? É-anȯhoésemóho. He hung him down.?? fta: -oésem. Category: check, hang.

anȯhoéstá   vii. hang down. É-anȯhoésta. It is hanging down. Category: hang, positions.

-anȯhóneoe'tó   vii. hang down cling ropelike. of a ropelike object. É-anȯhóneoē'to. It (or He) (ropelike) is hanging down clinging. Ó'óéséó'o é-anȯhóneoē'to. The clothesline is hanging down.

vai. See: -á'kavoe'tó. Category: hang.

anȯhóneoe'tó'hestȯtse   ni. drop. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, hang.

-asėtoése   vai. 1 • float away. É-asėtoése. He floated away. [pd1008] Hotohke éasėtoése. The star moved away.?? Category: hang.

2 • drive fast. É-asėtoése. He drove fast and bypassed (someone). This is a humorous way to refer to someone driving fast. Category: figurative, motion.

-ávoésé   vai. hang over, bend over almost to the ground. É-ávoése. He is bent over almost to the ground. fai: -oésé. See: -ma'kėstahe. Category: hang.

-é'eehe   vta. Gram: PSV hung. Some Cheyennes were hanged to death, as capital punishment by the U.S. government. É-é'eehe. He was hung. vta: -é'eet. See: -e'eehe move camp uphill. Category: hang.

-é'eet   vta. hang s.o. É-é'eetóho. He hanged him. É-é'eetahtse. He hung himself. É-é'eehe. He was hanged. See: -e'kotseet hang s.o. by the neck; -hoesem1 hang up s.o.. Category: hang, violence.

-e'oésé   vai. float upward. É-e'oése. He floated upward/he hung upward. É-e'oéséne. They (an.) floated upward. Initial e'(e)-; vii: -e'oéstá. Category: hang.

-e'oéstá   vii. float up, hang upward. É-e'oésta. It is floating up. Étaame-e'oésta éstovóséó'o. The balloon is floating up. vai: -e'oésé. See: -hoéstá2 hang. Category: hang.

-énoéstá   vii. hang at the end, edge. É-énoésta. It is hanging at the end. tsé'-énoésta the edge. Lit: where it is hanging at the end for example, of a mountain. fii: -oéstá2. See: -éno'tá. Category: hang.

-éstá1   fii. float up. Ques: recheck meaning and Semantic Domain Náhósémo tséh-néšeestatse he'éxánėstse. I'm telling about when his eyes floated up. [Floating Eyes (Howlingcrane).001] Category: hang.

-éstoéstá   vii. hang into. É-éstoésta. It is hanging into. for example, hanging into a room. Category: hang.

-évoésé   vai. hang about, be around, hang here and there. É-évoése. He hangs about. É-évoése séo'ȯtse. The departed spirit is hanging around. É-évoéséne. They hung about. Totáhóésta éheše-évoése. He is reaching here and there for help. fai: -oésé. Category: hang.

-évoéstá   vii. hang here and there. É-évoésta. It hangs here and there. Category: hang.

-háa'ého'oésemȯhtahe   vai. conceited. Lit: high-hang-feel É-háa'ého'oésemȯhtahe. He thinks he is pretty high (for example, he is conceited). fai: -omóhtahe. Category: hang.

-háa'ého'oéstá   vii. 1 • high. Lit: high-hang for example, of a cliff (but not hill or mountain), building, high step, chair, house, wagon. É-háa'ého'oésta. It is high. Móxhehpė-háa'ého'oéstȧhanéhe. (The side of the pit) was much higher. [1987:95] See: -he'kėho'oéstá; -háoéstá.

2 • important. Category: figurative. naa máto tsé-háa'ého'oésta ȯhtséeto'sėtóxemee'ėstse and also what is very important, when it is talked about (1987:55). Category: hang.

-háo'oe'tó   vai. many cling. This is about clinging to a bush or vine. É-háo'oe'tónėstse menȯtse. There are lots of berries (on the vines). Final -oe'tó. See: -hoe'tó; -o'hémoe'tó. Category: berries, hang.

-hávėsévoése   vai. hang bad. This is about how someone is hanging, not how someone is hanging something, É-hávėsévoése. He is hanging bad. Category: hang.

-hehpoése   vai. hang beyond. É-hehpoése. He is hanging farther/beyond. For example, said of the sun's location in the sky past a certain time. vii: -hehpoéstá. Category: hang.

-hehpoéstá   vii. hang beyond, past in time. É-hehpoésta. It is hanging beyond. for example, it's past noon. Ééšė-hehpoésta tséhno'kȯxe'ohe. It is after 1 o'clock. Neva o'xe ééšė-hehpoésta. It is 4:30 p.m. Ééšė-hehpoésta. It is already past time. for example, already past 6 o'clock. fii: -oéstá2; vai: -hehpoésé. See: -hoéstá hang. Category: time, hang.

-he'amoésé   vai. float up, hang up. É-he'amoése. He is hanging up (there). for example, of a crescent moon lying on its back. Éstaváhtomė-he'amoésenáhoono. They nevertheless floated upward. (pret). [1980:60:159] Antonym -anȯhoésé. Category: hang, float, moon.

-he'kėho'oéstá   vii. hang low. É-he'kėho'oésta. It is hanging low. See: -háa'ého'oéstá. Category: hang.

-he'névoése   vai. scatter hanging. É-he'névoéséne. They are scattering while hanging (floating) in the air. vii: -he'névoéstá. See: -hoése1 hang. Category: hang.

-he'névoéstá   vii. scatter hanging. É-he'névoéstánėstse. They (for example, bubbles) are scattering in the air. vai: -he'névoése. See: -hoéstá2 hang. Category: hang.

-hoe'tó   vii. cling, hang from. especially of berries. This stem and its final -oe'tó refer to hanging from s.t. to which the object is attached; in contrast, -hoéstá refers to "hanging", or being suspended in space, even if the object which is "hanging" touches the ground, as when such verbs refer to the height of an object. É-hoē'to. He (or It) is clinging (for example, to a vine). É-hoe'tónėstse. They (inan.) are clinging.

vai. Final -oe'tó. Etym: cf. M aki·qtaw. Ma'xemeno é-hoe'too'o. The apples are hanging (on a tree). See: -hoo'ta; -hoe'tá; -hoése; -hoéstá; -háo'oe'tó. Category: berries, hang.

-hoésané   vai. hang. that is, put up items. É-hoésáne. He is hanging (things up). vti: -hoestsé; vii: -hoéstá2. Category: hang.

Hoésanestȯtse   ni. Christmas, Christmas present. Lit: hanging of things on (Christmas trees) Plural hoésanéstotȯtse Christmas presents; Variant: Hoésenestȯtse. See: Métȧhtséhoésanestȯtse Christmas; Sétoveaénéva Christmas. Category: hang.

-hoéstá1   vii. hang. É-hoésta. It is hanging. Etym: *ako·te·wi. Tóne'še ééšė-ho'oésta? What time is it? vai: -hoése1; fii: -oéstá1; vti: -hoéstsé. See: -hoe'tó hang from; -tsėhetoéstá; -éstá. Category: hang.

-hoéstá3   vti. hang s.t. É-hoésta. He is hanging it up. Tȧ-hoéstȯhtse! Go hang it up! Néxhé-hóéstȯhtse! Come hang it up! vai: -hoése; vta: -hoésem. See: -hoe'tó. fti: -oéstá. Category: hang.

-hoéstaotse   vii. hang become. He'éxánėstse móstaohkėhoéstaotséhanetsevótse he'ama. His eyes would hang up (in the air). [Floating Eyes (Whitedirt).006] Category: hang.

-hoestsé1   vti. hang s.t. É-hoēstse. He hung it up. Etym: *ako·ta·wa (P). É-hoestsénóvo. They hung it up. vii: -hoéstá2; vta: -hoésem1. See: -hoéstsé2 soak it; -hóestsé not let s.t. go. Category: hang.

-ho'oésé1   vai. arrive hanging. É-ho'oése. He arrived (at that spot) hanging. Tóne'še é-ho'oése? What time is it? (literally, When has he (especially the sun) arrived hanging?) Ma'ēno é-ho'oése. Fog has arrived. fai: -oésé1; vii: -ho'oéstá1. Category: hang, time.

-ho'oéstá1   vii. arrive hanging. Tóne'še é-ho'oésta? What time is it? Lit: When has it arrived hanging?) Tóne'še ééšė-ho'oésta? What time is it already? Ééšė-ho'oésta. It is time. For example, it is time for a break. That word is more natural historically than ééšėho'nėhe'xove ?? fii: -oéstá1. See: -ho'oéstá2 arrive floating. Category: check, hang, time.

-hóomoése   vai. hidden.hang, hang hidden. for example, when the moon is behind a cloud. É-hóomoése. He is hanging hidden. for example, the moon behind a cloud. Category: hang.

-hóomoéstá   vii. hang out of sight. É-hóomoésta. It is hanging out of sight. Category: hang.

-hóooése   vai. new moon, come out hanging. refers especially to first quarter of moon, or can refer to the sun coming out from behind clouds. É-hóooése. It is a new moon. Ééšeévȧ-hóoése éše'he. He (moon or sun, animate) came out hanging. See: hóe-. Category: moon, hang.

-hóxovoésé   vai. hang across. É-hóxovoése. He hangs across. Initial hóxov-. Category: hang.

-hóxovoéstá   vii. hang across. É-hóxovoésta. It hangs across. Initial hóxov-; Final oéstá. Category: hang.

-kȧhkonóése   vai. 1 • hang thin. Lit: thin-hang É-kȧhkonóése. He is hanging thin.

2 • travel fast. See: -kȧhkonó'a'xe. Category: hang, motion, figurative.

-ka'oésé   vai. hang near?? É-ka'oése. He is hanging near. See: -káhoésé; -ka'oestá. Category: hang, check.

-mȧhoe'tó   vii. all cling, all hang on. É-mȧhoe'tónėstse. There's a lot of them clinging. especially of berries.

vai. É-mȧhoe'too'o. They (an.) are all clinging. Category: hang.

-mȧhoésená   vai. all hang. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhoéséne. They are all hanging. Category: hang.

-mȧhovoése   vai. hang tired. É-mȧhovoése. He is tired of hanging. Category: hang.

Ma'ēno ého'oése   vai. Fog has arrived. Lit: turtle arrived ("hanging") See: ma'ēno énėhpoése. Category: hang.

ma'ēno énėhpoése   vai. It is foggy. Lit: turtle is blocking-hanging The literal meaning must have something to do with a historical belief about turtles. Some people just say ma'ēno for fog. Variant: -nėhpoése ma'ēno, ma'ēno. See: ma'ēno ého'oése Fog has arrived.. Category: hang.

-má'toése   vai. finish hanging. É-má'toése. He finished hanging. Category: hang.

-mámoése   vai. hang huge, outsized hang. É-mámoése. He is hanging outsized. Initial mám-; fai: -oésé. Category: hang.

-mámȯhevoése   vai. hang together. only used with plural subjects. É-mámȯhevoéséne. They are hanging together. Initial mámȯhev-. Category: hang.

-mano'oésená   vai. hang together. É-mano'oéséne. They are hanging together. Énésȯhtȯxeo'o hotóhkeo'o éohke-mano'oéséne. There are seven stars hanging together. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).074] fai: -oésená. Category: hang.

-mé'oése   vai. appear hanging. É-mé'oése. He is appearing hanging. for example, of a star or the moon. Hotóhkeo'o é-mé'oéséne. The stars are moving into view. Category: celestial, hang.

-mé'oéstaotse   vii. appear hanging. É-mé'oéstaotse. It appeared hanging. for example, of an airplane or a ho'esta, but not of a bird. Category: fly, hang.

-ménȯhkoe'tó   vii. cling in the open.

vai. cling in the open. É-ménȯhkóé'to. koē'o?? He (or It) is clinging in the open. héne táhta tȧháóhe tsétšėše-ménȯhkoe'tótsee'ėstse those (plums) which were plainly seen. [The Scalped Man Who Died.042] Final -oe'tó. Category: hang.

-mo'óhkónáésé   vai. dry hard hanging. É-mo'óhkónáése. He dried up hanging. [There is a story of the greedy ve'ho'e who wanted power to have a pointed leg to kill deer; he dried up hanging in a tree.] See: -hoésé hang. Category: hang.

-mo'onoése   vai. hang beautiful. É-mo'onoése. He is hanging beautiful. fai: -oésé. Category: hang, quality.

-mo'onoéstá   vii. hang beautiful. É-mo'onoésta. It is hanging beautiful. Category: hang, quality.

-moméno'oéstá   vii. hang bunched together. É-moméno'oésta vo'e. The clouds are bunched together. Category: hang, environment.

-mónėhoése   vai. newly hang. for example, the first quarter of moon. Émónė-hoése. He (for example, the moon) is hanging new. This is probably a more natural word than -mónahe for this stage of the moon. See: -mónahe. Category: moon, hang.

-na'noésená   vai. hang as three. for example, of three stars. É-na'noéséne. There are three (anim.) haning. Etym: *neɁθo·kočinwaki (P/L). Naa hovehno tšėševo'héé'ėse éohke-na'noéséne hotóhkeo'o. And some distance away there's three (more) stars hanging. [1987:207] Category: hang.

-nėhpoésané   vai. hang up something by the door. É-nėhpoésáne. He hung up something by the door. Category: hang.

-néma'oése   vai. float around, hang around. É-néma'oése. He is hanging in a circle. [pd1009] Hotohke é-néma'oése éše'hevaho.?? The star moves around the sun. Initial néma'-; Final -oésé. Category: float, hang, check.

-némoésé   vai. hang slanted. for example, a picture on a wall. É-némoése. He is hanging crooked. Etym: *pyi·makotinwa (P). fai: -oésé. Category: hang.

-némoéstá   fii. float on a slant, hang slanted. can be said of a truck that is leaning to one side. É-némóésta. It is hanging slanted. Etym: *pyi·makote·wi (P). Éame-némóésta. It is going along on a slant. Category: hang.

-nó'ėstoésé   vai. hang over. É-nó'ėstoése. He is hanging over. for example, hanging over a fence. See: -nó'ėstoe'tó. Category: hang.

-oe'tó   fai. hang from, cling to. Tsėhéóhe éšeéenéma'o'eá'kav-oe'too'o! Just hang around here (delayed imperative)! That was a humorous literal translation a man made from English.

fii. hang from, cling to. for example, of a berry on a bush. Éanȯh-óé'to. It (or He) is hanging down. Étse'tse'x-óé'to. He is clinging shredded. Éháo'-oe'tónėstse menȯtse. There are lots of berries/many berries are clinging to bushes. Ma'kemenȯtse étónov-oe'tónėstse. (óe?? Buffalo berries were hanging thick (on the branches). vai: -hoe'tó. See: -oésená; hoéstá. Category: hang, berries, check.

-oésé1   fai. hang. Éam-oése. He is floating by (in the air). Ého'-oése. He arrived (at that spot) hanging. Éév-oése. He hangs about. There are two ways of making Animate Instransitive 'hang' verbs plural: (1) add -o'o to a -oésená stem; or (2) spell the plural as -oésené: Éohkemano'-oésenao'o. They are hanging together. Éohkemano'-oéséne. They are hanging together. fii: -oéstá1; vai: -hoése1. See: -oe'tó hang from; -oésé2 float. Category: hang.

-oéstá1   fii. hang. É-hehpoésta. It is hanging beyond. for example, it's past noon. Tóne'še ého'-oésta? What time is it? (lit. When has it arrived hanging?) vai: -hoéstá1. See: -oéstá3 float. Category: hang.

-o'hémoe'tó   vii. hang scarce. especially of berries. Lit: lack-cling É-o'hémoe'tónėstse. They (berries) are scarce (clinging to bushes/vines). Antonym -háo'oe'tó. Category: quantity, hang.

-ó'oésem   vta. hang s.o. to dry. É-ó'oésemóho. He hanged him up to dry. Mó'ȯhke-ó'oesemȯhevovóhe. heonó'honéstovevóho. They dried their nets. vti: -ó'oéstsé. See: -hoésem hang s.o.. Category: hang.

-pȧhonoe'tó   vai. cling stuck on, hang cling. É-pȧhonoē'to. He is stuck on.

vii. cling stuck on, hang cling. Éxhoó'hévá'hánėse ma'heonemȧheóne áxȧxévo hénetséohke-pȧhonoe'too'ėstse nėhéóhe ma'heóneéestsémȧheóne. The bell was heard, those (bells) that hang there in church. ?? [1987:142] Category: check. Nėše'hānȯhtse netao'o hová'éhe héne tséhávėséve-pȧhonoē'to! Wash everything dirty stuck on (your face)! [1987:290] See: -hoe'tó. Final -oe'tó. Category: hang.

-séškoésé   vai. hang free, hang loose. É-séškoése He hangs free. fai: -oésé1. See: -šéšeotse. Category: hang.

-séškoéstá   vii. hang free, hang loose. É-séškoésta. It hangs free. Etym: cf. M sae·skakotae·w. See: -šéšeotse. Category: hang.

-sétovoése   vai. hang in the middle, noon. É-sétovoése. He (for example, the sun) is hanging in the middle (that is, at noon). Etym: *θa·wakotinwa. Ééšėto'sė-sétovoése éše'he. It is almost noon. vii: -sétovoésta. Category: time, hang.

-sóhkomoése   vai. hang skinny. É-sóhkomoése. ?? He hangs skinny. ?? Category: check, hang.

-ta'omoése   vai. hang covering. as of a curtain that hangs covering a window. É-ta'omoése. He is hanging obstructing. tséohke-ta'omoesenase vo'nȧhanéstóva curtains (lit. that which covers a window). See: tséohketa'omoésėstse vo'nȧhanéstóva curtain. Category: hang.

-ta'omoéstá   vii. hang in the way. É-ta'omoésta. It is hanging in the way. [pd787] fii: -oéstá2. Category: hang.

-tó'hoése   vai. stop while floating.; hover. É-tó'hoése. He stopped while floating. Ques: check glosses?? See: -tó'hóé'ó. Initial tó'h-. Category: float, hang, check.

-tó'hoéstá   vii. stop while floating, hover. É-tó'hoésta. It stopped while hanging. See: tó'hóé'ó. Initial tó'h-. Category: float, hang.

-tó'ome'ého'oése   vai. hang firm. Tseohkėsó'-tó'ome'ého'oése éše'he. The sun will still hang firm. [1980:4:23] Part of Sweet Medicine's prophecy. This referred to when the horse would come to them, Cheyennes would ride so far so fast that it will seem that the sun has stood still. Category: hang.

-tóne'éhoése   vai. how does s.o. hang, how high is s.o. É-tóne'éhoése? How high is he? said of a horse or the sun. Variant: tóne'ého'oésená. Category: hang.

-tóne'éhoéstá   vii. how does s.t. hang, how high is s.t. É-tóne'éhoésta? How high is it? Initial tóne'éh-; Final oéstá. Category: hang.

-tónetoe'tó   vii. hang, cling.

vai. hang, cling. É-tónetoē'to? How is he (or it) clinging? fai: -oe'tó. See: -hoéstá2 hang. Category: hang.

-tónovoe'tó   vii. thickly hang, hang thickly. especially of berries. Ma'kemenȯtse é-tónovoe'tónėstse. Buffalo berries were hanging thickly (on the branches). fii: -oe'tó. Category: hang, berries, record.

-toohoése   vai. hang low, fly low. É-toohoése. He is hanging low. for example, of low lying fog, literally, turtle. Etym: *tapahθakotinwa (P); cf. M tapa·hnakocen. See: toox-. Category: hang.

-tsėhetoéstá   vii. hang this way. É-tsėhetoésta. It is hanging this way. See: -hoéstá2 hang. Category: hang.

tséohke-ta'omoésėstse vo'nȧhanéstóva   cj-vai. curtain. Lit: that which hangs covering a window tséohke-ta'omoesenase vo'nȧhanéstóva curtains (lit. that which covers a window). See: tsé-ta'omanestsėstse; nėhpoéséó'o; -ta'omoése hang covering. Category: hang, house.

-vonoése   vai. disappear floating in the air. É-vonoése. He disappeared floating in the air. [1980:60:160] Ésta-vonoésenáhoono. They disappeared. [1980:60:160] Category: hang.