-a'kėhahtá vai. have a clubfoot. É-a'kėhāhta. He has a clubfoot. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -ovátonȯsėhahtá. Category: sickness, feet.
-asevo'e'á vti. push away s.t. by foot. É-asevo'ē'a. He pushed it away with his foot. Category: feet, move.
-éxovėhahtáné vai. have warm feet. É-éxovėhahtáne. He has warm feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: temperature, feet.
-háa'ėsėhahtá vai. long feet - have. É-háa'ėsėhāhta. He has long feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -tó'ėsėháhta. Category: body, feet.
-hahtá mbp. foot, feet. Móma'xė-hahtáhe Big Foot. Mo'ȯhtávė-hahtátane Blackfoot. Éheše'kévė-háhta. He has dusty/dirty feet. Ééxovė-hahtáne. He has warm feet. Náná'tsė-hahtávose. I have cold feet. Éhesė-hahtáotse. He has cramps in his feet. Ékóe-hahtáxe. He bumped his foot. É-oókȯhkevėhāhta. He has dirty feet. Énae'ė-hahtaa'e.?? His foot/feet went to sleep/went numb while sitting. Étoe-hāhta. He has cold feet. Éé'ȧ-hahtáxe. He fell and broke his foot. See: -(hk)óhtá ‘leg’. Etym: cf. *-sete· (??). Category: body, feet.
-hávėsévėhahtá vai. have bad feet. É-hávėsévėháhta. He has bad feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: feet, body.
-hešé'hahtáxe vai. Gram: rr toward/by the feet of s.o. Éstȧhámėstoeotséhoo'o tsé-hešé'hahtáxėse. She sat down by his feet. [VISION.TXT] Ques: še'?? Category: feet, check.
-hóehahtaa'e vai. feet show. Lit: emerge-foot É-hóehahtaa'e. His feet are showing. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body, feet.
-hóe'ėhahtá'ó vai. emerge feet first. É-hóe'ėhahtá'o. His feet came out/he came out feet first. for example, when he was born. Medial -hahtá. Category: feet.
-hosótomėhahtaa'e vai. rest one's (own) feet while sitting. É-hosótomėhahtaa'e. He rested his feet while sitting. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Phon: vs Category: feet, sit.
hosótomėhahtáestȯtse ni. footrest, footstool. Usage: probably a loan translation Category: feet.
-hotáavo'e'á vti. kick over s.t., capsize s.t. by foot. É-hotáavo'ē'a. He kicked it over. [JOURNEY.TXT] vta: -hotáavo'e'ov. Category: move, feet.
-hotáavo'e'ov vta. kick over s.o, capsize s.o. by foot. É-hotáavo'e'ovóho. He kicked him over. vti: -hotáavo'e'á. Ques: delete this or the hotáevo'e'ovóh entry?? Category: move, feet, check.
-hoxėhahtá vai. rotten feet - have. that is, rotten-smelling feet. É-hoxėhāhta. He has rotten feet. Initial hox-; BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: smell, body, feet.
-hoxeméé'ėháhta vai. have stinky feet. É-hoxeméé'ėháhta. He has stinky feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: smell, feet.
-mo'ó'ėhahtá vai. calloused feet - rough; rough feet - have. It is believed that people will get calloused feet from going barefoot. É-mo'ó'ėháhta. He has calloused feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: feet.
-ná'tsėhahtávose vai. have cold feet. É-ná'tsėhahtávose. He has cold feet. Né-ná'tsėhahtávȯsehe? Are your feet cold? Ná-ná'tsėhahtávose. I have cold feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá; fai: -ose. See: -nae'hahtáohtsé ??; -he'konȧhtávose ‘frozen feet’. Category: feet, temperature, check.
-nėhe'hahtáxé vai. wipe feet. É-nėhe'hahtáxe. He wiped his (own) feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body, feet.
-né'ȧhahtáxé vai. wipe feet. É-né'ėhahtáxe. He wiped his feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá; fai: -šená. Category: feet.
-nėšėhahtáho'he vai. have hot feet. Ná-nėšėhahtáho'he. My feet are hot. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: temperature, feet.
-nėše'šé'hahtávóóva vai. wash feet in water. É-nėše'šé'hahtávóóva. He is washing his (own) feet. Category: feet.
-oo'hohta'ov vta. kick s.o. É-oo'hohta'ovóho. He kicked him. fta: -a'ov. Category: feet, violence.
-ovánėsėháhta vai. duck-footed. refers to feet turned outward, the opposite of being pigeon-toed. É-ovánėsėháhta. He is duck-footed. Synonym -ovátonȯsėhahtá; BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: feet.
-ovátonėsėhahtá vai. duck footed. É-ovátonėsėhāhta. He has duck feet. That is, his feet point outward. Category: feet.
-ovátonȯsėhahtá (nėsė?? Category: check.
vai. duck-toed. that is, have feet that turn outward; the opposite of being pigeon-toed. É-ovátonȯsėhāhta. He is duck-toed. Ques: -ovátonȯsėhahtá (nėsė??) Synonym -ovánėsėhahtá; BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: feet, check.
-po'poe'hahtáxé vai. stomp feet repeatedly. É-po'poe'hahtáxe. He is stomping his feet repeatedly. Non-reduplicated -póe'hahtáxé. Category: feet.
-taeváhnėhahtán vta. measure feet of s.o. É-taeváhnėhahtano. He measured his (other person's) feet. É-taeváhnėhahtánóho. He measured his (other person's) feet. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: size, feet.
-táxe'hahtaa'e vai. sit with feet elevated. É-táxe'hahtaa'e. He is sitting with his feet elevated. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: feet.
-tóeneoséšé vai. stub toe. É-tóeneoséše. He stubbed his (own) toe. Phon: assim.; usually assimilated to -tóeneošeše BodyPartMedial -osé; Assimilated -tóeneošéše. Category: feet, hit.
-tóeneošešé vai. stub toe. É-tóeneosēše. He stubbed his (own) toe. Non-assimilated -tóeneoseše. Category: feet, hit.
-tó'ėsėhahtá vai. have long feet. É-tó'ėsėháhta. He has long feet. (another recording) BodyPartMedial -hahtá; Antonym -tó'kėsėhahtá. Category: feet.
-to'kėsėhahtá vai. have short feet. É-tó'kėsėháhta. He has short feet. Mó'osee-tó'kėsėhahtȧhéhe. He must have had short feet. Category: feet.
-tónetó'ėsėhahtá vai. How big feet. É-tónetó'ėsėháhta? How big feet does he have? See: tó'esó. Category: feet, size.
-tšėhešėhahtáxe vai. how do something by feet. É-tšėhešėhahtáxe. This is how he was going with his feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: feet.
-xó'xoeoha'ov vta. smash s.o. with the feet. É-xó'xoeoha'ovóho. He stomped him. See: -xá'xanȯhta'ov. Category: feet, violence.