Cheyenne Dictionary



áhan   i. extreme. É-áhana'xāne. He collapsed from crying. É-áhanȧše'še. He is extremely drunk. See: háe-. Category: degree.

-áhanatamáno'e   vii. intense - be, glorious - be. át?? Naa éohtȯséema'xe-áhanatamáno'e Ma'hēō'o tsévéstomoétse. And it's surely a glorifying thing which God has promised us. [1987:241] Phon: iah Category: degree, check.

áhane-   pv. very much, extremely, intensely. É-áhanepėhéva'e. It is really good. Né-áhanepéotȧtse. I really hate you!/I hate you to death! That is a terrible thing to say to someone. See: háe-; ma'xe-; otá'-; heóme-. Category: degree.

etá'-   pv. emphatic, very. Meo'o é-etá'vovóhkeotse. The road is very curvy. É-etá'háomóhtahe. He is very sick. Variant: otá'-. Category: degree.

háahpe'-   pv. large, loudly, wide. Háahpe'-éestsėstoveha! Speak louder to him! Háahpe'-nėhešeha! Say it loudly! É-háahpe'e-ónėstáóhtse. It (especially the door) opened widely.

i. É-háahpe'onova. He spoke loudly! Háahpe'-oéstónėstse! Read louder! Category: speak, degree.

háe-   pv. very, intense, much. É-háetonéto. It is really cold. Mó'éšė-háetonóevėhanéhe. It must have been late fall. See: hoháe- very much; osee-; háeve-; ma'xe-; nése-. Category: degree.

hehp-   i. beyond, farther, more. É-hehpahe. He is more. Preverb hehpe-. See: hóno'xe-. Category: degree.

hehpeto   p. later, farther, a little bit more. (another recording) hehpeto tsé'éšeméoese Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe after the battle with Long Hair (Custer). [1987:59] Preverb hehpe-. See: hehpe'xóvéva; maato. Category: time, degree, quantity.

he'ke-   pv. softly, lightly, slowly, easily, quietly, still. He'keameoestse! Slow down! He'ke-éestsėstoveha! Speak quietly to him! É-he'kenéméne. He sang softly. É-he'keamévánóhtse. He has soft/quiet footsteps. É-he'keamȯhomo'he. She danced gracefully and slowly. Móstȧxae-he'keaseotsėhaehevovóhe nȧháóhe. (The soldiers; obv.) easily took them over there. [1987:51] See: he'aná-. Category: degree.

-he'koneotsem   vta. be strong toward s.o. Néseetó'ėstóvė-he'koneotseme. You are as strong as me. Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: degree, check.

-he'xóvahe   vai. Gram: rr be of such amount. ... é-he'xóvahe. ... he is of that amount. tsé-he'xovaese násáanėhe'xovahe I am not equal to him. Lit: to the degree that he is I am not of that degree Énė-he'xóvahe. That's the way he is. See: -hesta. Category: degree.

héšk-   i. barely. this is more superficial surface contact than with initial he'k-. É-héškóhta. He nicked it with his teeth / he barely bit it. Category: surface, degree.

héške-   pv. barely. Ná-héškevóómo. I barely saw him/got a look at him. See: hóvéhno. Category: degree.

-héškėsénóo'ó   vai. barely glance, glance barely. hešk?? É-héškėsénóó'o. He looked askance/barely glanced. Morph: /-héhkesénóo'ó/. fai: -óo'ó. Phon: not vs Category: degree, sight, check, record.

-héškohtá   vti. bite s.t. barely, barely bite s.t. É-héškóhta. He barely bit it. BodyPartMedial -óhtá1 by mouth. Category: eat, degree.

heto'xóve-   pv. Gram: rr of thus degree. tsé-heto'xóve'éhahévȯse according to their ages. See: nėhe'xóve-. Category: degree.

ho-   pv. very. Phon: more intense reduplicated form of háe- É-hoháetonéto. It is very very cold. Contracted oháe-; Non-reduplicated háe-. See: osee-; votá'-. Category: degree.

hoháe-   pv. very much. Náohkė-hoháemétsėstoma. She really mistreats me. É-hoháevéhe. He has a strong name. See: háe- much. Category: quantity, degree.

honát-   i. subside, diminish. É-honátá'ha. The wind is dying down. É-honátoo'kōho. The rain is subsiding. Category: degree.

-honáta'há   vii. wind subside. É-honátá'ha. The wind died down. Initial honát-; fii: -a'há. Category: wind, degree.

-honátoo'kohó   vii. rain subside. É-honátoo'kōho. The rain subsided. Category: degree, rain.

-ma'ema'kaataevoeme   vai. solve minor problems. Lit: penny-valued Usage: an idiom ; obsolescing É-ma'ema'kaataevoeme. He solves minor problems. See: ma'ema'kaata; ma'kema'kaata. Category: degree, figurative.

ma'xe-   pv. big, much.

pn. big. É-ma'xemésehe. He ate a lot. Náohke-ma'xemésehe. I eat a lot. É-ma'xenetse'e. He told a big lie. Etym: *meʔši-. Reduplicated móma'xe-. See: háe-; hoháe-; osee-; tȧhpe'-; votá'-. Category: quantity, degree.

mȧseme-   pv. enjoy. É-mȧsememésehe. He is enjoying eating. See: ma'xe-; heóme-; háe-; osee-; -mȧsemo'ahe; -nȯhtsevátsestá. Category: degree.

-nėhe'xove   vii. that amount, that degree, that amount of time. a previously mentioned time. Á'e étaohkėho'-nėhe'xove. The time comes close. Á'e tsetȧho'-nėhe'xove. Soon the time will come. tsétȧhósėho'-nėhe'xove next (in time) (lit. when again came (or comes?) the time). ma'xetónėstȯheāā'e onétȧhévėhéstánóva móta-nėhe'xóvėhanéhe as it has been for many ages and many generations in time. [1987:100] Héá'e naesóhtȯhnó'eāā'e hehpeto éta-nėhe'xove namėšéme náhtatsėhe'ȯhtsehatóhtoō'e. Perhaps more than sixty years ago my grandfather took me out on the prairie. [1987:177] See: -he'xóve. Category: time, degree.

nėhe'xóve-   pv. be such degree, be such amount of time. É-nėhe'xóvėháohō'ta tséohkėxaenonovenoeseohaéstóvévȯse. It is so hot that they (testicles) are left behind (stuck on a chair when you stand up). É-nėhe'xóvetonéto tséohkėxaepȧhoešenávȯse. It is so cold that they (testicles) hang up close (to the body). See: nėhe'éše-. Category: time, degree, vulgar.

nóhne-   pv. very, intensive. Ques: RECK distribution (other modes) and semantics (other verb stems) Cannot be used as a preverb in every mode; perhaps only in the inferential. Ques: nóh-?? Category: check. éxhoháananótseneho móh-nóhnėhetaa'ótseho. (Her leg) was very heavy; it was very big. [1980:66:79] Category: degree.

oháe-   pv. very much. É-oháetšėške'emenoo'e. It is really too small. [Floating Eyes:075] Non-contracted hoháe-. See: hoháe-. Category: degree.

ó'-   pv. actually. Ésáa-ó'-nėhesóhane. It is not exactly that way. Ésáa'-ó'taenėhéhe Motsé'eóeve. Sweet Medicine didn't exactly say that. [1987:10] Ques: meaning unclear?? See: tó'-; tae-. Category: degree, check.

osee-   pv. very, really, intensely. Contracted -see. Usage: Younger speakers often shorten this to -see. É-oseehótoanáto. It is very difficult. É-oseeháaehō'ta. It is really sunny. É-oseeháe'xove. It was a very long time. É-oseepėhéva'e. It is really good. É-oseehoháepėhéva'e. It is really, really good. Naa ȯsee-háesto vo'ėstaneo'o hétsetseha éšeēva éohkemaneo'o. And a lot of people right now today drink. [1987:60] Contracted see-. See: háe-; hoháe-; ma'xe-; otá'-; votá'-. Category: degree.

otá'-   pv. emphatically, very. É-otá'távahe. He is really stupid. É-otá'hoháetonéto. It is extremely cold. Phon: possibly contracted from votá'- Non-contracted votá'-; Variant: etá'-. See: osee-; hoháe-; etc.. Category: degree.

ová'ke-   pv. little by little, bit by bit, incrementally. Ná-ová'kėhoxomanéme. We (excl) were fed little by little. Ná-ová'keévamétanenȯtse mama'kaataemȯtse. I got my money back a little at a time. [pd598] Mó'ȯhke-ová'kėhó'e'óvȧhtsėhevóhe. They would leave in small groups. [Black Hills Claim.013] See: anénóó'ėse; ová'keve-; nonó'hónó'e. Category: degree.

see-   pv. very, really, intensely. Usage: osee- is often shortened to see-: É-see-tonéto. It is very cold. É-seehoháepėhéva'e. It is really, really good. Non-contracted osee-. Category: degree.

-sóná   vii. decline, worsen. É-sóna. It declined / worsened. See: -sóotse. Category: degree.

-sóotse   1 • vii. decline, worsen.

2 • vai. É-sóotse. He (or It) declined / got worse. See: -sóná. Category: degree.

tá'-   pv. emphatic, very. É-tá'émoohtahe. He is very secretive. Variant: otá'-. See: tá'e- emphatic ; very; osee-; ma'xe-. Category: degree.

tá'e-   pv. emphatic, very. See: tá'-. Category: degree.

tá'(e)-   pv. emphatic, very. hó'-tá'he'kotóomóéha when the water is really calm. mós-tá'novėhnėhevóhe They came real slowly (1987:45). mós-tá'háahpetȧhéhe néhe It (an.; tree) was very large. (1987:281). É-tá'e-ono'ahe He is a very right person; very nice looking. Phon: The /e/ occurs preceding a vowel. See: etá'-; otá'-; tó'-; tae-. Category: degree.

tó'ease-   pv. almost. Perhaps this is a combination of tó'- 'exactly' + ase- 'start'. Ná-tó'easemá'ta'ó'sáne. I'm almost finished. Ná-tó'easėhahponēne. I am about to clench teeth. É-tó'easematsé'omeve. It is almost spring. Nȧhóhpo éheše'hāna mó-tó'easeávoonėhéhe. He ate up absolutely all of his food; he must have been (almost) starved. See: éšėto'se-; to'ėstó'-; ohto'se-; ohta-. Category: degree, time.

to'ėstó'-   pv. almost. Ná-to'ėstó'nėheto'ováxe. I dreamed almost that same way. [1980:40:19] Ná-to'ėstó'mȧhehéne'ēna. I understand almost all of it. É-to'ėstó'vé'ėstȧhémóho. He is almost as tall as he is. Nėhe'xóvéva éohtséše-to'ėstó'ėhó'tȧhnovo. At that time they almost beat him. [1987:150] See: to'ease-; éšėto'se-. Category: degree.

tóne'xóve-   pv. how much; to what degree. É-tóne'xóvetonéto? How cold is it? Né-tóne'xóveméhóto? How much do you love her? See: -tóne'xóvȧho'tá. Category: degree.

votá'-   pv. very, extremely. votá'ema'xėho'ēsta a very big furnace (Daniel 3). É-votá'hoháetonéto it's extremely, extremely, very cold. Náme'ta-vota'eóo'xȧhtsená'ó'ho. I could just go over there and split open his mouth (that is, I am so angry I feel like going to him and splitting his face apart by pulling on both sides of his mouth; this strikes hearers as humorous). Phon: votá'?? Category: check. Phon: possibly contracts to otá'- Contracted otá'-. See: hoháe-; ma'xe-. Category: degree.