Cheyenne Dictionary



-a'tas   vta. accidentally cut s.o. É-a'tȧsóho. He accidentally cut him. Etym: *peʔtešwe·wa (P). Ná-a'tȧxestse. I accidentally cut myself. É-a'tȧxestse. He accidentally cut himself. Etym: *peʔtešweso·wa (P). fta: -as. Category: cut.

-a'tax   vti. accidentally.cut, accidentally cut s.t., cut s.t. accidentally. É-a'tāxa. He accidentally cut it. Etym: *peʔtešamwa. Ná-a'tāxa. I accidentally cut it. vta: -a'tas. Category: cut.

-as   fta. cut. instrumental final. Éa't-ȧsóho. He accidentally cut him. Épo'-ȧsóho. He cut him off. Nápo'-āso. I cut him off. fti: -ax. Category: cut.

-asėtaxá   vti. cut away s.t. É-asėtāxa. He cut it away. Category: cut.

-ávas   vta. cut down s.o., fell s.o. especially to fell (cut down) a tree. É-ávȧsóho. He felled him. See: -avoh(n). Category: cut, trees.

-ax   fti. cut. Éa't-āxa. He accidentally cut it. fta: -as. Category: cut.

-é'as   vta. cut s.o. É-é'ȧsóho. He cut him. See: -é'es cut him. Category: cut.

-é'axá   vti. cut s.t. É-é'áxa. He cut it. Etym: *ki·škešamwa (P) he slices it through. Category: cut.

-é'ea'onás   vta. cut s.o. at the shin. É-é'ea'onaso. He cut him at the shin. É-é'ea'onásóho. He cut him at the shin. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'ea'onáso. I cut him at the shin. BodyPartMedial -a'oná. Category: body, cut.

-é'eesé's   vta. cut nose of s.o. É-é'eese'so. He cut his (other person's) nose. É-é'eesé'sóho. He cut his (other person's) nose. (newer pronunciation). Ná-é'eesé'so. I cut his nose. Category: cut.

-é'e'ohe   vai. chopped down. for example, of a tree. É-é'e'ohe. He (a tree) was chopped down. Reduplicated -óe'e'ohe; vta: -é'oh(n)2. See: é'ȯheo'o. Category: wood, cut.

-é'enėstané's   vta. cut s.o. at the knee. É-é'enėstane'so. He cut him at the knee. Category: cut.

-é'enotovah(n)   vta. decapitate s.o., chop off head of s.o., chop off neck of s.o. É-é'enotovahno. He chopped his head off. É-é'enotováhnóho. He chopped his head off. (newer pronunciation). for example, when slaughtering a chicken. BodyPartMedial -notová. Etym: cf *ki·škikwe·ne·wa he wrings the neck of him. Category: cut.

-é'enotová's   vai. cut off head of s.o., cut neck of s.o. can refer to slitting the throat or even cutting off one's head. É-é'enotova'so. He cut his head off. É-é'enotová'sóho. He cut his head off. (newer pronunciation). É'enotová'xeha! Cut his head off! BodyPartMedial -notová neck. Category: butcher, cut.

-é'enotovávo'as   vta. cut off head of s.o. É-é'enotovávo'ȧsóho. He cut off his head. See: -é'enotová's. Category: cut.

-é'eóhtás   vta. cut off leg of s.o. É-é'eóhtȧsóho. He cut off his leg. Etym: *po·xkwika·te·šwe·wa (P). É-é'eóhtaxe. His leg was cut off. See: -é'eóhtáxé break leg. Category: body, cut.

-é'es   vta. cut s.o. É-é'ėsóho. He cut him. Etym: *ki·škešwe·wa (P). E'ėšeha! Cut him! É-é'ėxomovo hestsésta'he. She cut his umbilical cord. vti: -é'exá. See: -é'as cut him. Category: cut.

-é'ėsta'né's   vta. cut umbilical cord of s.o. É-é'ėstane'so. She cut his umbilical cord. É-é'ėstané'sóho. She cut his umbilical cord. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial /-hta'né/. See: hesta'he. Category: cut, babies.

-é'ėškȯsé's   vta. cut finger of s.o. É-é'ėškȯse'so. He cut his (other person's) finger. É-é'ėškȯsé'sóho. He cut his (other person's) finger. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -škosé. Etym: cf. M ki·skekasi·sosow 'he cut his nails'. Category: cut.

-é'exá   vti. cut s.t. É-é'éxa. He cut it. Etym: *ki·škešamwa (P). É-é'ėxomovo hestsésta'he. She cut his umbilical cord. vta: -é'es. Category: cut.

-é'ėxomov   vta. cut umbilical cord of s.o. É-é'ėxomovo hestsésta'he. She cut his umbilical cord. Category: cut.

-é'ėxová   vai. saw. É-é'ėxóva. He sawed. fai: -ová1. See: -ó'ėxóvá; -é'xovás. Category: cut.

-é'oneevávo'as   vta. cut s.o. ropelike. É-é'oneevávo'ȧsóho. He cut him (obv) ropelike. That is, he cut some animate object that is ropelike, such as rope or a snake. Category: cut, ropelike.

-é'ooheva'xe   vai. cut (own) nails. É-é'ooheva'xe. He cut his (own) nails. Category: groom, cut.

-e'xoen   vti. peel s.t. É-e'xoēna. He peeled it.

vta. peel s.o., skin s.o. for example, done to a tree or bear. É-e'xoenóho. He peeled him. Naa éohke-e'xoeneo'o néhe méno'keo'o. And these willows are peeled. [1987:275] See: -e'xovan peel s.o.. Category: cut.

-e'xoešé   vai. scraped from fall. É-e'xoēše. He fell and got scraped. See: -e'xoeoešešé. Category: lie, cut.

-e'xonoh(n)   vta. peel s.o. by tool. É-e'xonȯhnóho. He peeled him by tool. For example, he peeled a tree (animate) with a peeler. See: -e'xo'oh(n); -e'xȯhoséóó'e. Category: cut.

-e'xovan   vti. peel s.t. by hand. É-e'xovāna. He peeled it by hand.

vta. peel s.o. É-e'xovanóho. He peeled him by hand. for example, of an apple, animate. E'xovaneha! Peel him (for example, an orange)! See: -e'xoen peel s.o.; -e'xovás peel s.o.; -oo'kan pluck s.o.; -éxovan warm s.o.. Category: cut.

-e'xovas   vta. peel s.o. for example, to peel a potato or apple. É-e'xovasóho. He peeled him by cutting. É-e'xovasóho ma'xemeno. He peeled the apple by cutting. Ná-e'xovāso. I peeled him. E'xovȧseha! Peel him! E'xovȧxenáno! Peel them (an.)! Category: cook, cut.

-énotová's   vta. cut off neck of s.o. É-énotova'so. He cut his neck off. É-énotová'sóho. He cut his neck off. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -notová. See: -é'enotová's. Category: body, cut.

-énotovávo'as   vta. cut off neck of s.o. É-énotovávo'ȧsóho. He cut off his neck. Móstaéšėto'seée'-énotovávo'ȧsȯhevóhe. He almost cut his (obv) neck off. [JOURNEY.TXT] BodyPartMedial -notová. Category: cut.

-éškȯsáxa   vti. sharpen s.t., cut s.t. to a point. É-éškȯsáxa. He cut it to a point/sharpened it. Éškȯsáxȯhtse! Sharpen it! See: -éehahtsé. Category: cut.

-evotas   vta. cut off skin of s.o. Ques: reck ?? É-evotaxe. His skin was cut off. Category: cut, body, check.

-héškȯseoestas   vta. cut off tip of finger of s.o. instantaneously. É-héškȯseoestȧsóho. He instantaneously cut off the tip of his (other person's) finger. Category: cut.

-hetas   vta. Gram: rr so cut s.o., cut s.o. that way. ... é-hetȧsóho. ... that he how he cut him. Móstaohkenė-hetȧsȯhevóhe hápó'e tséheševó'honēnėse. He would cut them the same way he had protruding teeth. [Protruding Teeth.027] Category: cut.

ho'évohkȯhtse tsékȧhkovaxe   vii. Gram: cjt steak. Lit: meat that is cut thin vti: -kȧhkovaxá. Category: meat, cut.

-hóxe'as   vta. trim cut s.o., circumcise s.o. É-hóxe'ȧsóho. He circumcised him. Lit: clean-cut See: -hóxe'tsėhetas. Category: cut.

-hóxe'axá   vti. trim cut s.t. Lit: clean-cut-FTI for example, cut off meat where it was bloodshot, dirty, or too fat. É-hóxe'āxa. He trimmed it. vta: -hóxe'as. Category: cut.

-hóxe'óohevá's   vta. trim nails of s.o. can include cleaning, filing, cutting of nails. É-hóxe'óohevá'xestse. He trimmed his (own) nails. BodyPartMedial -óohevá nail. Category: groom, cut.

-hoxóvá   vai. cut off small pieces of meat. Ques: recheck gloss?? get 3PL?? É-hoxóva. He is cutting off small pieces of meat. Ná-hoxóva. I'm cutting off small pieces of meat. Medial -óvá5. See: -hoxováá'e; -hoxonóvá have rotten meat. Category: meat, cut, check.

-hoxováá'e   vai. cut off small pieces of meat. for example, to cook them over a fire or directly on the top of a stove. Ques: recheck underlying form?? vs?? Ques: recheck gloss?? Ná-hoxováá'e. I'm cutting off small pieces of meat. See: -hoxová. Category: meat, cut, check.

-kȧhkoneaxá   vti. cut thin s.t. É-kȧhkoneāxa. He cut it thin. Etym: cf *napakikešamwa (P). See: kȧhkonó'ex. Category: cut.

-kȧhkonó'eše   vii. cut thin, sliced thin. tsé-kȧhkonó'eše ho'évohkȯhtse steak. Lit: meat which is cut thin É-kȧhkonó'eše. It is thin cut. See: -kȧhkovaxe. Category: cut.

-kȧhkonó'exá   vti. cut s.t. thin; slice s.t. thin. for example, to cut a steak thin. É-kȧhkonó'éxa. He cut it thin. Category: meat, cut.

-kȧhkovaxá   vti. cut thin s.t. É-kȧhkovāxa. He cut it thin. ho'évohkȯhtse tsé-kȧhkovaxe steak. Lit: meat that is cut thin Antonym -tónovaxá. Category: cut.

-mȧxaxá   vti. touch s.t. while cutting. for example, touch bone when cutting meat. Ná-mȧxáxa. I touched it cutting. Category: cut.

-mȧxee'é   vai. cut with drawknife ?? É-mȧxeē'e. He cut with a drawknife. This is an intransitive verb. Ques: cf following entry?? Phon: vs ?? Category: cut, check.

-mȧxehá   vii. touch. É-mȧxéha. It is touching. That is, it is touch something. Initial mȧx-; Final -ehá. Category: cut, handcraft, surface.

-nȧha'āxa   vti. cut s.t. by making contact with it. Éó'ȯse-nȧha'āxa. He burst it. for example, bursting a blood vessel or power line by mistake. Category: cut.

-né'se'éxané's   vta. cut out the eye of s.o. É-né'se'éxane'so. He cut his eye(s) out. É-né'se'éxané'sóho. He cut his eye(s) out. (newer pronunciation). Category: eyes, cut.

-némaxá   vti. cut s.t. crooked. É-némáxa. He cut it crooked. Etym: *pyi·mešamwa (P). See: -vovóhkaxá. Category: cut.

-nȯhtóváxa   vti. know how to cut s.t. É-nȯhtóváxa. He knows how to cut it. Category: cut.

-no'axá   vti. include s.t. when cutting. É-no'āxa. He cut it also. for instance, to cut the gall bladder out at the same time as cutting out the liver. Category: cut.

-óeta'xá   vti. slit s.t. É-óetā'xa He slit it. For example, he slit something with a knife. Category: cut.

-o'eoestas   vta. scalp s.o. É-o'eoestȧsóho. He scalped him. É-o'eoestaxe. He was scalped. See: -ó'eoestas dry s.o. quickly; méta'xe scalp; mȧhtā'so scalped person. Category: warfare, cut.

-ó'ėsóvá   vai. cut meat thin, cut drymeat, slice up drymeat. refers to thinly slicing meat before hanging it to dry into jerky (drymeat). drymeat itself is called honóvóhko. É-ó'ėsóva. She is slicing meat to make drymeat. É-ó'ėsóvao'o. They sliced drymeat. They sliced meat into thin strips. Ke'éehe náhvovéstomoo'e tsé'ȯhke-ó'ėsóvȧhtove. Grandma taught me to cut drymeat. vta: -ó'es; vti: -ó'ex; Final -óvá5. Etym: cf *pa·łkešwe·wa (TA)/*pa·łkešamwa (TI) (R) s/he cuts him/it open. See: -ó'ėxová; -tsėhetonóvá; -tsėhetax; -kȧhkonó'exá; -kȧhkoneaxá; honóvóhkó. Category: meat, cut.

-ó'exá   vti. slice s.t. especially to slice meat for making drymeat. É-ó'éxa. She cut (sliced) it. Etym: *pa·θkešamwa; he cuts it open (P). vta: -ó'es. See: o'xe half; -ó'ėsóvá slice drymeat. Category: cut.

-ó'ėxová   vai. saw. É-ó'ėxóva. He is sawing. Etym: *pa·θkeša·we·wa (P) he cuts things open. See: -ó'ėsóvá; -é'ėxová. Category: cut.

-ó'ȯsén   vta. cut open s.o. at the belly, gut s.o. É-ó'ȯseno. ȧse?? He cut him open at the belly. É-ó'ȯsénóho. He cut him open at the belly. (newer pronunciation). Ná-ó'ȯsénoo'o neše váotseváhne. I gutted two deer. Category: cut, check.

-ó'xaxá   vti. split s.t. É-ó'xáxa. He split it (open). Etym: *pa·ʔθešamwa (P). Category: cut, break.

ó'xevo'as   vta. cut s.o. in half. É'ȯhtšetaeó'xevo'ȧsovo. They used to cut (the calf) down the middle. [Prairie Fires.008] Category: cut.

-oó'e'ónees   vta. cut up s.o. ropelike repeatedly. É-oó'e'óneesóho. He cut him (ropelike) up. É-'oó'e'óneesósesto. He cut him (the monster) up. (reportative). Category: cut.

-oo'kas   vta. cut bare s.o., shear s.o. É-oo'kȧsóho kȯsáne. He is shearing the sheep. (another recording) Initial oo'(k)-; Final -as. Category: cut.

-oo'kaxe   vai. shear. for example, to cut hair or grass. É-oo'kaxe. He cut / sheared. Category: cut.

-oo'kóhtas   vta. cut hair of s.o. Category: check. É-oo'kóhtȧsóho. He cut his hair. (also -oo'óhtȧsóho). Étaome-oo'kóhtȧxestse. She cut her (own) hair by herself. Náto'sėhé-oo'kóhtaxe. I'm going to have my hair cut. Category: hair, cut.

-oo'kóhtȧxová   vai. cut hair. É-oo'kóhtȧxóva. He cut hair. See: oo'kóhtȧxováhe barber. Category: hair, cut.

-oó'xeeševáen   vta. slash s.o. Éxxaetšėše-oó'xeeševáenósesto né=hetane né=nótȧxévé'hó'e. The man (with the knife) slashed that soldier. See: -totá'xeoestas. Category: cut.

-otaaxá   vti. cut hole in s.t. É-otaāxa. He cut a hole in it. Etym: *palepešamwa (P). Category: cut.

-ové'saxá   vti. cut up s.t., slice up s.t. Ové'sáxȯhtse! Cut it up! Non-contracted -vové'saxá. Category: cut.

-péas   vta. cut up s.o. É-péasóho. He cut him up. Variant: -pées. Category: cut, record.

-péaxá   vti. chop s.t. into little pieces. É-péáxa. He chopped it into little pieces. Reduplicated -pe'peaxá. Category: cut.

-pées   vta. cut up s.o. É-péesóho. He cut him up. for example, of cutting cloth. Etym: *pi·kwešwe·wa (P). Variant: -péas; vti: -péexá. Category: cut.

-péexá   vti. cut s.t. in pieces. É-pééxa. He cut it up in pieces. Etym: *pi·kwešamwa (P). Reduplicated -pe'péexá. See: -vové'saxá. Category: cut.

-pėhévas   vti. cut s.t. well. É-pėhévȧsóho. He cut him well. vti: -pėhévaxá. Category: cut.

-pėhévaxá   vti. cut s.t. well. É-pėhéváxa. He cut it well. vta: -pėhévas. Category: cut.

-pe'peaxá   vti. chop s.t. into little pieces. É-pe'peāxa. He chopped it into little pieces. Non-reduplicated -péaxá. Category: cut.

-pe'péexá   vti. cut s.t. in pieces. É-pe'pééxa. He cut it up in pieces. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -péexá. Category: cut.

-po'as   vta. cut off s.o. É-po'ȧsóho. He cut him off. for example, cut a button (animate) off a shirt. fta: -as. See: -po'es; -po'evo'as. Category: cut.

-po'axá   vti. cut off s.t. É-po'āxa. He cut it off. See: -po'exá. Category: cut.

-po'ȧxová   vai. cut off. É-po'ȧxōva. He cut (something) off. Etym: *paθkešwe·wa (P). vti: po'ax. Category: cut.

-po'eesévo'as   vta. cut off nose of s.o. É-po'eesévo'ȧsóho. He cut off his (obv) nose. BodyPartMedial -ésé; fta: -as. Category: cut.

-po'e'ėstá's   vta. cut off ear of s.o. É-po'e'ėsta'so. He cut off his (obv) ear. É-po'e'ėstá'sóho. He cut off his (obv) ear. BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: cut.

-po'eoestas   vai. cut off s.o. quickly. É-po'eoestȧsóho hemo'ėškono. He cut off his (obv) finger suddenly. See: -po'eosévo'oh(n). Category: cut.

-po'es   vta. slice off of s.o. É-po'ėsóho. He sliced off a piece of him. Etym: *paθkešwe·wa (P). Ná-po'ēso. I sliced off a piece of him. É-po'ėšetse hestse'ko. His leg was cut off. See: -po'as. Category: cut.

-po'ėstáoestas   vta. cut off ear of s.o. É-po'ėstáoestȧsóho. He cut off his (obv) ear. Initial po'-; BodyPartMedial 'está; Medial -oest; fta: -as. Category: ears, cut.

-po'eta'xevá's   vta. cut off testicle(s) of s.o. Ná-po'eta'xevá'so. I cut off his testicle(s). [Croft] BodyPartMedial ta'xevá. See: -hoxotsévan castrate s.o.. Category: cut, body.

-po'evo'as   vta. cut off; slice off s.o. É-po'evo'ȧsóho. He sliced him off. See: -po'as. Category: cut.

-po'evo'axá   vti. cut off s.t., slice off s.t. É-po'evo'āxa. He cut off a piece of it. for example, to cut off a hind quarter of meat or cut liver out of the corpse of an animal. Heme'ko móhmȧhe-po'evo'ȧxotsėhéhe. His whole scalp was cut off. [1987:287] vta: -po'evo'as. Category: cut.

-po'evo'oh(n)   vta. cut out s.o. É-po'evo'ȯhnóho. He cut him out (with some tool). for example, someone else comes in and takes away a husband or wife from their longtime relationship. Category: cut.

-po'exá   vti. cut off s.t. É-po'ēxa. He cut it off. Etym: *paθkešamwa (P). Ná-po'ēxa. I cut/lopped it off. É-po'ėšenetōtse hestse'konȯtse. His feet/legs were cut off. for example, they were amputated. Synonym -po'axá. Category: cut.

-po'óneexá   vti. break s.t. (ropelike). of string or other ropelike object. É-po'óneēxa. He broke it. É-po'óneexomovo hestsésta'he. She (midwife) cut his umbilical cord. Ques: cut?? Medial -ón. See: -po'óneo'e; -po'eotse; -é'eotse; -onénėšeotse; -ó'xeotse. Category: ropelike, break, check, cut.

-po'óohevá's   vta. cut off nails of s.o. Ná-po'óohevá'xestse. I cut my nails. BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: cut.

-po'óoheváotse   vai. cut off nails quickly ?? É-po'óoheváotse. He cut his nails quickly. ?? Ná-po'óoheváotse. I cut my nails quickly. ?? BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: check, cut.

-séhpaxá   vti. stretch cut s.t. É-séhpáxa. He stretch-cut it. Category: cut.

-sé'seaxá   vti. scrape s.t. by cutting. for example, scrape with the blade of a knife. É-sé'seāxa. He scraped it with a cutting edge. Etym: *či·kwešamwa (P/L). Category: cut.

-šéexá   vti. cut free s.t. especially to cut meat from the bone. É-šééxa. He cut it free. especially to clean meat off a bone. Etym: *ši·kwešamwa. Category: cut.

-še'šeaxá   vti. scrape s.t. by cutting. É-še'šeāxa. He scraped it by cutting. Category: cut.

-taeváxá   vti. cut s.t. in half. É-taeváxa. He cut it in half. Category: cut.

-ta'ta'as   vta. cut open s.o. É-ta'ta'ȧsóho. He cut him open. Category: cut.

-ta'ta'axá   vti. cut open s.t. É-ta'ta'āxa . He cut it open. Category: cut.

-ta'tóvaxá   vti. trace cut s.t. É-ta'tóváxa. He traced-cut it. for example, cut around a pattern. fti: -ax. Category: cut.

-ta'xȧhtsenávo'ešé   vai. fall and cut lip. É-ta'xȧhtsenávo'ēše. He fell and cut his lip. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: fall, cut.

-ta'xȧhtsenávo'oh(n)   vta. cut lip of s.o. É-ta'xȧhtsenávo'ȯhnóho. He busted his (other person's) lip. Category: cut, violence.

-ta'xas   vta. slit s.o., gash s.o. É-ta'xȧsóho. He slit him. Ná-ta'xāso. I slit him. For example, a surgeon's first cut on a patient's skin. Reduplicated totá'xas. Category: cut.

-ta'xeesévo'as   vta. cut nose of s.o. É-ta'xeesévo'ȧsóho. He cut his (other person's) nose. Ná-ta'xeesévo'āso. I cut his nose. See: -po'eesé's??; -tameesé. Category: cut.

-ta'xe'pa'onávo'as   vta. cut back of s.o. É-ta'xe'pa'onávo'ȧsóho. He cut him on the back. Category: cut.

-ta'xeoestas   vta. slash s.o. suddenly. É-ta'xeoestȧsóho. He slashed him suddenly. Reduplicated -totá'xeoestas. Category: cut.

-ta'xeoešešé   vai. lie cut up. for example, from a fall, car accident, or running into some sharp object. É-ta'xeoešēše. He got cut when he fell. See: -ta'xevo'ešé; -háeoešešé. Category: lie, cut.

-ta'xetanȧháoestas   vta. cut breast of s.o. a traditional form of self-mutilation to indicate grief ?? É-ta'xetanȧháoestȧxestse. She cut her (own) breast(s). [Croft] BodyPartMedial -tanahá. Category: cut, check.

-ta'xevo'eše   vai. 1 • lie cut up. É-ta'xevo'ēše. He got cut up in a fall/accident. This could be about a horse that runs into a barbed wire fence. See: -ta'xeoešešé; -ta'xevȯtse.

2 • gored, screwed. especially of a woman during sex. Category: lie, cut, figurative, vulgar, sex.

-tameesévo'as   vta. cut nose of s.o. short. In the old days a man could this to his wife when she was unfaithful to him; it brought great shame upon her. É-tameesévo'ȧsóho He cut her/his nose off short. Category: cut, nose.

-tónovaxá   vti. cut s.t. thick. Ques: try plural object?? for example, to cut meat in thick slices. É-tónovāxa. He cut it thick. Antonym -kȧhkóvaxá. Category: cut, check.

-totá'xas   vta. gash s.o. repeatedly. É-totá'xȧsóho. He gashed him repeatedly. Ná-totá'xáso. I cut him up. [pd326] Hoháesto he'eo'o és-totá'xėstseo'o hevo'ėstanémevóho tséhvésena'hétsese. Many women cut/slashed themselves because (some of) their families had been killed. For example, after the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Non-reduplicated ta'xas. Phon: redup Category: cut.

-totá'xeoestas   vta. slash up s.o. É-totá'xeoestȧsóho. He slashed him up. Ná-totá'xeoestāso. I slashed him up. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -ta'xeoestas. See: -ta'xas; -totá'xas; -oó'xeeševáen. Category: cut.

-tótšėške'as   vta. cut s.o. into smaller pieces. for instance, to cut potatoes or tomatoes into smaller pieces. É-tótšėške'ȧsóho. He cut him/them into smaller pieces. Non-reduplicated -tšėške'as. Category: cut.

-tótšėške'axá   vti. cut s.t. in small pieces. É-tótšėške'āxa. He cut it into small pieces. Non-reduplicated -tšėške'axá; vta: -tótšėške'as. Category: cut.

-tóvas   vta. cut s.o. by pattern. Ná-tóváso. I cut him by pattern. É-tóvȧsóho. He cut him (for example, cloth) the same. for example, cut cloth (animate) the same as some pattern. Tóvaxeha! Cut him the same as the other one! See: -tóvȧsén. Category: cut.

-tóvaxá   vti. cut s.t. by pattern. Ná-tóváxa. I cut it the same. for example, cut by pattern. vta: -tóvas. Category: cut.

-tsėhe'kėstóhtaxe   vai. short haircut. É-tsėhe'kėstóhtaxe. He got a short haircut. Category: cut.

-tsėhe'oestaxá   vti. cut s.t. quickly. É-tsėhe'oestāxa. He cut it quickly. Category: cut.

-tsėheta'oesta's   vta. perform surgery on s.o., operate on s.o. É-tsėheta'oesta'sóho.?? He operated on him. [1987:197] See: -tsėhe'oestas; -tsėhetas. Category: cut, record.

-tsėhetas   vta. slit s.o., cut s.o., circumcise s.o., perform surgery on s.o. Cheyennes have not traditionally circumcised their infant boys, but circumcision is often performed now on baby boys by modern doctors. Some speakers have used this verb as a euphemism for 'circumcise'. É-tsėhetȧsóho. He performed surgery on him. Ná-tsėhetȧxéne. I had an operation (literally, I was cut). É-tsėhetaxe. He had surgery. Mósta-tsėhetȧsȯhevóhe mo'e'éše'honono. She slit a gunny sack. [1987:29] Tséstaéšeno'kema'heóneéšeevetse tséhe'šėhestáotsėsemóstsėhetȧxėhéhe. One week after he was born, he was circumcised. [Luke 1:59] See: -é'ėxȯhosévo'as. Category: sickness, cut.

-tsėhetaxá   vti. cut s.t., whittle s.t. Ques: like this?? for example, a twig or meat. É-tsėhetāxa. He whittled/cut it. vta: -tsėhetas. See: -vové'sax. Category: cut.

-tsėhetaxe   vai. have surgery. É-tsėhetaxe. He had surgery. tsé-tsėhetaxe that which is cut. for example, sliced meat. vta: -tsėhetas. Category: cut.

-tsėhetȧxová   vai. do surgery. Lit: cut É-tsėhetȧxōva. He did surgery. Heséeotsévé'hó'e éohkeée-tsėhetȧsovao'o. Doctors do surgery. [A Bear Story.032] fai: -ova1. Category: cut.

-tšėške'as   vta. cut s.o. smaller. É-tšėške'ȧsóho. He cut him smaller. Reduplicated -tótšėške'as. Category: cut.

-tšėške'axá   vti. cut s.t. smaller. Ná-tšėške'āxa. I cut it smaller. Reduplicated -tótšėške'ax. Category: cut.

-vóhetax   vti. cut out s.t. for example, cut out shape from hide for a buckskin dress or moccasin; this is not cutting with a pattern. É-vóhetāxa. He cut it out. Category: cut.

-vó'eše   vii. fringed, cut in strips. É-vó'eše. It is in strips. É-vó'ėšénėstse. They (inan.) are fringed. [1987:222] vti: -vó'exá. Category: shoes, cut.

-vó'exá   vti. cut s.t. in strips. for example, to cut buckskin in strips to make string. É-vó'éxa. He cut it in strips. See: -vové'saxá. Category: cut.

-vonas   vta. remove s.o. by cutting. É-vonȧsóho He removed him by cutting. vti: -vonax. Category: cut.

-vósȧxová   vai. carve. É-vósȧxóva. He is carving. Reduplicated -vovósȧxová. Category: handcraft, cut.

-vové'sas   vta. quarter s.o., cut up s.o. É-vové'sȧsóho. He quartered him/cut him up (for example, deer or potatoes). Ná-vové'sȧsoo'o. I cut them (animate; for example, rabbits or chickens) to pieces. Category: cut.

-vové'saxá   vti. cut up s.t., slice up s.t. Ná-vové'sáxa. I cut it up. Vové'sáxȯhtse! Cut it up! Contracted -ové'saxá. See: -tsėhetaxá; -péexá; -vó'exá. Category: cut.

-vové'sȧxomev   vta. cut up (something) for s.o. É-vové'sȧxomevóho. He cut up into many pieces for him. For example, he cut the meat up into bite size pieces for him. Category: cut.

-vovóhkaxá   vti. cut s.t. crooked. É-vovóhkáxa. He cut it crooked. Antonym -xanovaxá. See: -némaxá. Category: cut.

-vovósax   vti. carve s.t. É-vovósáxa. He carved it. Synonym -vové'saxá. See: -vovósȧxová; -vósȧxová. Category: cut.

-vovósȧxová   vai. carve. É-vovósȧxóva. He carves. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -vósȧxová. Category: cut.

-xanovaxá   vti. cut s.t. straight. É-xanovāxa. He cut it straight. Antonym -vovóhkaxá. Category: cut.