a'enó'nemȧhēō'o ni. solitary confinement. Lit: dark-house some regard this as being a Southern Cheyenne term for 'jail'. Category: buildings.
a'kȧsémȧhéó'o ni. round house. Lit: compact-house Category: buildings.
amėške tsé'ȯhkeénohe vii. gas station, filling station. See: tsé'ȯhke-énȧhenéstove ‘where there is filling up’. Category: buildings.
amóneo'sanémȧhéó'o ni. bingo hall. Category: buildings.
énȧhenémȧhéó'o ni. gas station, filling station. Lit: filling-house Variant: tsé'ȯhke-énȧhéstove. Category: buildings.
ésto'ȯhenémȧhéó'o ni. pool hall. Lit: 'knock 'em in'-house Category: buildings.
heséeotséhohtóvamȧhēō'o ni. drugstore. Category: buildings.
heséeotsémȧhéó'o ni. drugstore, hospital, clinic. Lit: medicine-house Some speakers prefer to use this word for 'drugstore' and naa'émȧhéó'o for 'hospital'. See: naa'émȧhéó'o. Category: buildings.
hetóhkonéhohtóvámȧhéó'o ni. hardware store. Lit: utensil-buy-house See: hohtóvámȧhéó'o. Category: new, buildings, check.
hévoetanȧháno'hamémȧhéó'o ni. dairy barn. Category: livestock, buildings.
hóhta'hanémȧhéó'o ni. courthouse. Lit: tell.story-house Variant: tsé'ȯhkė-hóhta'hanéstove. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: buildings.
hohtóvamȧhēō'o ni. store. hestȯhtóvamȧhēō'o his store. Lit: buying-house Category: buildings.
hohtóvamȧheonȯtse tséhmano'éé'ta ni. mall. Lit: stores where they are together vii: -mano'ée'tá. Category: buildings, new.
ho'emanémȧhéó'o ni. courthouse. Category: legal, buildings.
ho'honáe-mȧhēō'o ni. brick house, stone house. Category: buildings.
ho'sanémȧhéó'o ni. storage shed. Lit: storage-house Variant: ho'senémȧhéó'o. Category: buildings.
ho'sóemȧhēō'o ni. dance hall. Lit: dance-house such a building has also been used as a general meeting hall, for example, for district political meetings. See: mȧhēō'o. Category: buildings.
homȯsémȧhéó'o ni. kitchen, kitchen, cafeteria, restaurant. Lit: cooking-house Variant: tsé'ȯhkė-homȯséstove. Category: buildings.
hóna'ovóesemȧhēō'o ni. mobile home. Ques: recheck?? Variant: hóna'ovóeseonémȧhéó'o. Category: buildings.
hóna'ovóeseonémȧhéó'o ni. mobile home, trailer. Lit: add.tied.together(?)-house Variant: hóna'ovóesemȧhēō'o. Category: buildings.
hóna'ovȯhtóva-mȧhēō'o ni. secondhand store. See: hóna'ovėhohtóva-mȧhēō'o. Category: buildings.
hone'óonȯtse tsé'ȯhkėhóxe'ane vii. cleaners. Lit: clothes where.cleaned See: -hóxe'an. Category: buildings.
hotȯhotȧhéeo'o ni. poor man's dwelling. Phon: vs Ques: possibly hotȯhtȧhéeo'o ?? Category: check. Plural hotȯhotȧhéeonȯtse. See: hotȧhééško. Category: buildings.
hotȯhotȧhéeome ni. poor man's lodge. See: hotȧhééško. Category: buildings.
hótȯxámȧhéó'o ni. log house. Lit: crossed(.log.ends)-house Category: buildings.
hováheheséeotsémȧhéó'o ni. veterinary hospital. Category: new. Lit: animal-medicine-house Category: buildings.
hoxotámȧhéó'o ni. commodity house. the building where commodities are distributed. Category: buildings.
-htóvamȧhēō'o Gram: poss ni. store (poss). nȧ-htóvamȧhēō'o my store. he-stȯhtóvamȧhēō'o his store. ni: hohtóvamȧhēō'o. Category: buildings.
kȧhamȧxé-mȧhéško ni. board shack. Category: buildings.
kȧhamȧxéve'ho'éome ni. board tent. has a wooden frame and tent covering. Category: buildings.
kȧhaneohtsé-heséeotsé-mȧhéó'o ni. sanitarium. Lit: tuberculosis-medicine-house Category: buildings, sickness, record.
kóhkonȯheonané-mȧhéó'o ni. bakery. Lit: bread-making-house Category: buildings.
ma'emȧhēō'o ni. jail. Lit: red-house Usage: an old word for a jail, so named because of red bricks commonly used for construction of jails Synonym too'ėhémȧhéó'o. Category: buildings.
ma'háhkėseho tsé'ȯhkėhoévȯse old age home. Category: buildings. Lit: old people where they are
ma'kaataémȧhéó'o ni. bank. Lit: money-house (another recording) Category: buildings.
ma'xėhohtóvamȧhéó'o ni. Lame Deer IGA store; Lame Deer Trading Post. Lit: big-store Category: buildings.
manémȧhéó'o ni. tavern, saloon, bar. Lit: drink-house Category: buildings.
mȧsėháneemȧhēō'o ni. insane asylum. See: ónonovȧhéheo'o tséxhoevȯse. Category: buildings. Lit: crazy-house Locative mȧsėháneemȧheóne.
mȧsėháve'ho'á'e-mȧhēō'o ni. whorehouse. Category: buildings.
méamȧhēō'o ni. BIA building. Oblique méamȧheóne. See: méave'ho'e. Category: buildings.
mé'konémȧheón ni. tribal office building. Lit: head-house Category: buildings, government.
mésėhémȧhéó'o ni. cafeteria, cafe, restaurant, dining room. Lit: eating-house Category: buildings. See: -mésehe ‘eat’; mȧhēō'o ‘house’; tsé'ȯhke-mésėhéstove.
momóhtȯxe'a'xémȧhéó'o ni. movie house, theater; cinema. Locative momóhtȯxe'a'xémȧheónéva. Category: buildings, check.
mȯxe'a'xémȧhéó'o ni. movie theater. Lit: moving picture-house Category: buildings.
mȯxe'ėstóonémȧhéó'o ni. post office. Oblique mȯxe'ėstóonémȧheóne. See: mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o. Lit: letters-house Category: buildings.
naa'émȧhéó'o ni. hospital, clinic. Lit: doctoring-house (another recording) See: heséeotsémȧhéó'o. Category: buildings.
nėše'hanenémȧhéó'o ni. laundromat. Lit: washing-house Category: buildings.
nótȧxémȧheonȯtse ni. Gram: pl barracks. See: nótȧxéve'ho'éno. Category: buildings. Lit: soldier-houses
ȯhtaenéhéó'o ni. dormitory. Synonym tsé'ȯhkeohtaenévȯhtse mȯxe'ėstónėheo'o. Category: buildings.
ohtaenémȧhéó'o ni. hotel, motel. Lit: overnight-house (another recording) Locative ohtaenémȧhéóne. Category: buildings.
-omené m. have lodge. Móhmȧhtóhtȯhe-omenėhéhe. There were ten lodges. [Black Hills Claim.015] Éno'ke-omēne. He has one lodge. IndepNoun ome1; fii: -ome2. Category: buildings.
onó'evámȧhtsé-mȧhéó'o ni. counseling center, treatment center, half-way house. Category: new, sickness, buildings.
oo'kóhtȧxová-mȧhéó'o ni. barbershop. Category: buildings. Lit:
oomȧhóonémȧhéó'o ni. frame house. Lit: lumber-house See: kȧhkóvaxemȧhēō'o. Category: buildings.
pénȯheonémȧhéó'o ni. flour mill. Lit: grinding-house Category: buildings.
pó'ėho'hémȧhpémȧhéó'o ni. tavern, saloon, bar, liquor store. Category: buildings.
tonȯhenémȧhéó'o ni. blacksmith shop. Lit: hammer-house Category: buildings.
too'ėhémȧhéó'o ni. jail. Synonym ma'emȧhēō'o. Category: buildings.
totȧháéško ni. lean-to. Category: buildings.
tséhvovóhnėhešeestse tséháemanėstse vai. alcoholism treatment center. Lit: where the heavy drinker is taken care of Category: new, buildings.
tsé'ȯhke-énȧhenéstove vii. gas station, Cheyenne Depot. Lit: where there is filling up See: amėške tsé'ȯhkeénohe ‘where gas is filled’. vai: -énȧhené. Category: buildings.
tsé'ȯhke-énȧhéstove ni. gas station, filling station. Lit: where there is regularly pouring ?? Variant: énȧhenémȧhéó'o. Category: check, buildings.
tsé'ȯhke-évo'sóévȯse ka'ėškóneho vai. Gram: cjt gym. Lit: where-REG-play-PL child-PL vai: -évo'soo'e. Category: buildings.
tsé'ȯhkė-hóhta'hanéstove vii. Gram: impers courthouse. Lit: where there is testifying Variant: hóhta'hanémȧhéó'o. Category: buildings.
tsé'ȯhke-mȯxe'eotséstove vii. Gram: impers studio. Category: buildings. Lit: where pictures are taken
tsé'ȯhke-ohtaenévȯhtse mȯxe'ėstónėheo'o vai. Gram: ppl dormitory. Lit: where students stay overnight vai: -ohtaené; Synonym ȯhtaenéhéó'o. Category: buildings.
vé'ho'émȧhéó'o ni. modern house. Lit: whiteman-house A house with more than one room; an elder gave this as an illustration of how Cheyennes use the form vé'ho'e in a way that shows they have felt inferior to the whiteman. See: vé'ho'évo'ha; méave'ho'e; mȧhēō'o. Category: buildings.
vé'ho'émȧhpémȧhéó'o ni. saloon, tavern, bar. Lit: whiteman-water-house Category: buildings, drink.
Vó'omemȧhēō'o ni. White House. Category: record, buildings, government.