Cheyenne Dictionary



-hesóotse   vii. Gram: rr take place that way, happen that way, happen so. É-hesóotse. That is what happened. Éto'sė-hesóotse. Here is what is going to happen. Hé'tóhe tsééšėhesóotse ééšėhésevavenėhesóotse naa éme'nėšenėhesóotse. (recheck hésevave?? What has happened has already happened, let it happen. (an Alice Russell saying). Category: check. See: -hesó; -tónėšévé. Category: happen.

-nėhesóotse   vii. become that way. É-nėhesóotse. It became that way. Éohkevá'neée-nėhesóotse. It is just that way. (meant to cheer a person up). Category: happen.

-tónėsóotse   vii. what happen. É-tónėsóotse? What happened? Éta-tónėsóotse vo'nȧhanestȯtse? What happened to the window? Ésáa-tónėsóotséháne. Nothing has happened. vai: -tónėstáotse. See: -tónesó. Category: happen.

-tónėstáotse   vai. how become, what become, what happen. É-tónėstáotse? What did he become? Héá'e éto'sė-tónėstáotse. Maybe something is going to be wrong (with him). [1987:195] vii: -tónėsóotse. Category: happen.