-aéstomeéseváohe vai. make a free throw in basketball. É-aéstomeéseváoohe. He made a free throw. fai: -váohe. See: -éseváohe; aéstome-. Category: basketball.
-éseóešem vta. throw s.o. into. É-éseóešemóho. He threw him into. That can refer to dunking a basketball (animate). Néta-éseóešemone ho'ėstáva Let's throw him into the fire! Éxaevá'ne-éseóešemóho. He dunked him (the ball, animate). Category: basketball.
-éseva'ó vai. jump in, in - jump. É-ésevā'o. He made his jump shot. ?? Éó'ȯse-ésevā'o. He made (it; the basketball shot) by chance. See: -éseváoohe. Category: basketball.
éseváohé- pv. throw into. éseváohéhohtseme basketball. Lit: throw into-ball Category: basketball, check.
-éseváohe vai. throw (s.t.) into, play basketball. This verb is used for 'play basketball' since the ball is thrown into the hoop. É-éseváohe. He threw (something) in(side). Etym: *pi·nčiwe·pahowa (P). for example, he threw it into the house. Éaéstome-éseváohe. He made a free throw. Nétȧhé-eseváohémáne! Let's go play basketball! Névááhe háestoha tsé-éseváooestse? Who (singular) made the most baskets? Éseváoestse! Shoot! (command used in playing basketball).
vti. Gram: ai+o throw.into. fai: -váohe. See: -aseváohe; -éseva'ó. Category: phys. ed., motion, basketball.
-ésto'a'ham vta. throw s.o. into. for example, into the bushes. É-ésto'a'hamóho. He threw him into. Ques: recheck throwhiminto.mp3 recording?? Naa tósa'e nėhéóhe nȧhtsésta'he héva éstȧxaevá'ne-ésto'a'haméhanéhe. And somewhere there my afterbirth must have just been thrown into (the bushes). [My Grandmother, Mene'a'e.025] Ésto'a'hameha hóhtséme! Throw the (basket)ball in (from out of bounds)! fta: -a'ham; Medial -ó'(é)2 ‘wood’. See: -éstovóhko'a'ham. Category: throw, basketball, check.
-ésto'an vta. put s.o. in a group, put s.o. on a committee, put s.o. in. Can refer to putting s.o. in a ballgame. É-ésto'anóho. He put him on a committee. Category: baseball, basketball.
-ésto'ó'a'ó vai. jump in. for example, to jump into the paint in basketball to make a jump shot. É-ésto'ó'á'o. He jumped in. Category: basketball.
-hátȯxova'ham vta. across.throw, pass around s.o. for example, to pass around a basketball. É-hátȯxova'hamóho. He passed him around. Hátȯxova'hama hóhtséme! Pass the ball around! fta: -a'ham. Category: basketball.
-hene'ȧhé'ó vai. elevate quickly, lifted up quickly - be. É-hene'ȧhé'o. He jumped high. Éohkema'xė-hene'ȧhé'o. He jumps high. Tā'se náhma'xė-hene'ȧhé'o, náoo, ná'oseehósepėhévetanóotse. Like I was really lifted up, my, I really got happy. [1987:157] See: -nėševa'ó. Category: motion, basketball.
-héseváoohe tséhna'noemetsėse vai. shoot from three-point line. É-héseváoohe tséhna'noemetsėse. He shot from the three-point line. Category: new, basketball.
-hóestó'a'ó vai. be out, fly out, fold (in a card game), foul out. for example, when someone becomes out in baseball or folds in a card game. Usage: loan transl. which has had common usage É-hóestó'á'o. He is out. See: -hóestó'h; -hóestó'a'ham. Category: baseball, basketball.
-hóestó'eohe vai. emerge from forest, emerge from bushes, go out of bounds. É-hóestó'eohe. He came out of the woods. For example, when a deer comes out of the forest or when someone goes out of bounds in a ball game. Éhnėhmé'-hoestó'eohésesto. They came out of the forest (reportative). [VISION.TXT] Medial -ó'(é)2 ‘wood’. Category: wood, basketball.
hóhtséme na. ball, netted hoop. (another recording) Etym: *wato·ma ‘gambling hoop’. hóhtséme is more commonly said than hohtsemo np iah?? Variant: hohtsemo; Plural hohtsemono; Obviative hohtsemono; Possessive -htóhtséme. Category: phys. ed., basketball, check.
-ho'oestomev vta. throw s.o. at s.o., throw s.o. to s.o. for example, throwing a ball to someone. É-ho'oestomevónoto. He passed/threw him (for example, the ball, animate) to him. Néx-ho'oestomevėstse! Throw it to me! Ho'oestomeveha hóhtséme! Throw the ball to him! (Heške) éhmȧsó-ho'oestomóenósesto (hevásemo). Her mother threw her younger brother at her. [Stamper 1991:10] Category: games, basketball, baseball.
ho'óxeévo'sóó'e éseváohestȯtse hohtsemo na. NBA finals. Lit: end-play basketball Category: new. Ques: Recheck: what kind of a phrase is this? Should it begin with tséxho'óxeévo'sóestove?? Category: check, basketball.
-hóo'né'eotse vai. step out of bounds. É-hóo'né'eotse He stepped out of bounds. fai: -o'né'e. Category: basketball, motion.
-mémėséanot vta. beat the shit out of s.o. É-mémėséanotóho. He beat the shit out of him. É-mémėséanotovo. They beat the shit out of them. for example, in basketball. See: -háeanot; -momé'aéveanot; -sȯsévenot. Category: basketball, vulgar.
-mémėstó'ohn vta. beat the shit out of s.o. É-mémėstó'ȯhnovo. They beat the shit out of them. for example, in basketball. Category: basketball, vulgar.
nȧha'oh(n) vta. hit s.o. by tool, strike s.o. by tool. É-nȧha'ȯhnóho. He hit him (with a tool). Éó'ȯse-nȧha'ȯhnóho. He accidentally hit / fouled him. That can be said for fouling in basketball. Tóséé'e é-nȧha'ȯhnóho. He intentionally fouled him. Tsésta-nȧha'ōhnȯse éstȧhátsėstoveáva'óhoo'o. When she struck him, he fell apart. [The Big Bogeyman.135] See: -oom ‘hit s.o.’. Category: basketball, hit.
-nėhpa'eoha'ov vta. block s.o., guard s.o. for example, to guard a player in basketball. É-nėhpa'eoha'ovóho. He guarded him. Nėhpa'eoha'oveha! Guard him! See: -nėhpa'ov. Category: basketball, record.
-nėhpa'ov vta. guard s.o., block s.o. for example, to guard s.o. in a basketball game. É-nėhpa'ovóho. He is guarding him. Nėhpa'oveha! Guard him! See: -nėhpa'eoha'ov. Category: basketball.
-nėševa'ó vii. go swiftly, go quickly, fly quickly. can refer to the rapid flight of an arrow.
vai. go swiftly, leap fast, go quickly, fly quickly. can refer to how a basketball player leaps to catch the ball. É-nėševā'o. It went swiftly. (another recording) Hevovetȧsono éohke-nėševa'oo'o. Dragonflies fly fast. See: -nėševe'há. Category: hunt, speed, basketball.
-nėševo'soo'e vai. play hard. É-nėševo'soo'e. He is playing hard. fai: -o'sóe. Category: basketball.
-no'eohe vai. go carrying something.
vti. Gram: vai + o go carrying s.t. É-no'eohe. He is carrying (it).
vta. Gram: ai+o carry s.o. for example, to travel with a basketball (animate), "carrying" it. É-no'eohénoto. He carried him / traveled in basketball. Category: basketball, carry.
-nonáho'ko'soo'e vai. quickly play, quick player - be a. É-nonáho'ko'soo'e. He is a quick player. Category: basketball.
-o'ha'oh(n) vta. miss s.o. when throwing at. Ná-o'ha'ōhno. I missed him when throwing something at him. É-o'ha'óho. ?? He missed (the shot). Ques: recheck ?? Category: check, throw, basketball.
-ó'ȯhto'soo'e vai. foul in a ball game. Lit: err-play É-ó'ȯhto'soo'e. He fouled. See: -ho'soo'e; -nȧha'oh(n). Category: new, basketball.
-oo'ka'ó'hav vta. 1 • skin s.o.
2 • beat s.o. by a lot. É-oo'ka'ó'havovo. They skinned them (for example, in basketball). See: -oo'kėhevá'se'ó'h. Category: figurative, basketball.
-oo'kan 1 • vti. peel s.t. É-oo'kāna. He peeled it.
2 • vta. pluck s.o., peel s.o., skin s.o. É-oo'kanóho. He plucked him. Ná-oo'kāno kokȯhéáxa. I'm plucking a chicken. See: -e'xovan.
2 • vta. beat s.o. really bad in sports. Category: figurative. É-oo'kanaevóho. They skinned them. Category: basketball.
-pé'eoh(n) vta. swish s.o., snap s.o. especially to snap a ball in basketball, same as swishing it (animate). É-pé'eohnóho. He swished him. Éma'xe-pé'eōho. He snapped it (ball, animate). Ques: ending of this verb?? Category: check, basketball.
-pó'poo'ėšem vta. bounce s.o. repeatedly, dribble s.o. É-pó'poo'ėšemóho hohtsemono. He is bouncing a ball. Énoose-pó'poo'ėšemóho. He neglected to bounce him (the ball). That is, he traveled in basketball. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -poo'ėšem. Category: basketball.
-poo'ėšem vta. throw s.o. down, bounce s.o. (once), dribble (once). É-poo'ėšemóho. He bounced him/threw him down. vai: -poo'eše; Reduplicated -pó'poo'ėšem. See: -vé'seva'ham ‘bounce s.o.’; -hehpepoo'ėšem ‘double dribble s.o.’. Category: games, basketball.
-séetó'xovo'soe vai. even in score playing - be. É-séetó'xovo'sóeo'o. They are even in the score as they play. Ques: recheck?? See: évo'sóe. Category: basketball, games.
-senove i. very bad. É-senóveváohe. He is a bad shooter (in basketball).
vai. quick-tempered. Éosee-senove. He is quick-tempered. É-senóveo'o. They are quick-tempered. See: -osenove; -néhestáhá. Category: personality, basketball.
-senóveváohe vai. bad shot. É-senóveváohe. He is a bad shot. fai: -váohe. Category: check, basketball.
sétóve p. middle, center. For example, in the middle of a tepee. The sétóve 'center' is where the tally sticks are kept for hand game. Sétóve énė-hetaa'o'enánėstse. They (inan.) are half filled. Sétóve tséohkeévo'soo'ėstse éháa'ėstȧhehe? Is the one who plays center (in basketball) tall? Variant: sétóvo. Usage: sétóve is the more common pronunciation See: o'xe. Category: tepee, positions, basketball.
-ta'oma'eoha'ov vta. intercept s.o. É-ta'oma'eoha'ovóho. He intercepted him. Ta'oma'eoha'oveha! Intercept him! for example, intercept the player with the basketball. Category: basketball.
-tsėhe'ėseváoohe vai. shoot long. especially in basketball. Ques: recheck? É-tsėhe'ėseváoohe. He made a long shot. Category: basketball.
-váohe fai. throw, fling, shoot (a ball), shoot baskets. Cheyenne uses this word for shooting baskets in basketball, a different word from shooting with arrows or guns, -ho'ame. É-váohe. He threw (it). Etym: *we·pahowa (P) ‘he is pushed off by tool or medium’. É-váoheo'o. They are shooting around. É-aseváohe. He threw. Éése-váohe. He threw it in(side). Nétȧhé-vaohémáne! Let's go shoot baskets! Nétȧhéese-váohémáne! Let's go play basketball! Nátȧhé-vaohéme. We (not including you) shot baskets. Váoestse! Shoot! Éaéstomeése-váohe. He made a free throw. Évéhe-váohe. He is a good shooter. Ésenóve-váohe. He is a bad shooter (in basketball). Éhóose-váohe. He threw home. for example, in baseball. Énėševe-váohe. He threw (it) fast. Éhávėséve-váohe. He threw bad. Éhe'ame-váohe. He threw it up. Énó'ėse-váohe. He hit it over. Éháe-váohe. He threw (something) hard. Éanȯhe-váohe He threw it down. É-ameváohe. He threw. for example, threw a ball or a fist. váohestȯtse slingshot.
vti. Gram: ai+o ai+o, throw s.t., shoot s.t. See: -a'ham; -a'hahtsé; -a'hasené; -ho'ame ‘shoot’; -váohév. Category: throw, basketball, baseball.
-váohév vta. shoot s.o., fling s.o. This is about shooting the ball, in basketball, not shooting game. É-váohevo. He shot him (the ball). É-váohévóho. He shot him (the ball). (newer pronunciation). Váohéveha! Shoot the ball! Category: basketball.
-véheváohe vai. shoot basketball well. É-véheváohe. He is a good shooter. fai: -váohe. See: -véha'éhasené. Category: basketball.
-vé'eohe vai. swish, drill. especially to swish a shot from a long distance in basketball. É-vé'eohe. He drilled it. Vé'eoestse! Swish (it)! Category: basketball.