Cheyenne Dictionary



mȧx-   i. touch. É-mȧxanóho. He touched him by hand. É-mȧxá'a. He touched it by foot. Pėhéve-mȧxaneha! Bless him (lit. touch him good)! É-mȧxanēne. He signed his name. Category: touch.

-mȧxa'á   vti. touch s.t. with foot or body. É-mȧxá'a. He touched it with foot or body. Etym: *mešexkamwa (P). É-mȧxa'ánóvo. They touched it with foot or body. vta: -mȧxa'ov. See: -mȧxan touch s.t. by hand; -mȧxa'ó'tsé touch s.t. quickly; -tsé'en touch s.t./s.o.. Category: surface, touch.

-mȧxa'ó'tsé   vti. touch s.t. quickly. É-mȧxa'ó'tse. He touched it quickly. See: -mȧxan. Category: touch.

-mȧxa'ov   vta. touch s.o. with foot or body, brush against s.o. to touch in the sense of brushing against s.o. É-mȧxa'ovóho. He brushed against him. Etym: *mešexkawe·wa (P). Ná-mȧxa'ōvo. I touched him with my foot. É-mȧxa'oo'e. It has touched him. vti: -mȧxa'á. See: -tsé'en; -mȧxan touch s.t./s.o.; -nȧha'en. Category: touch.

-mȧxan   1 • vti. touch s.t. É-mȧxána. He touched it. Etym: *mešenamwa (P). Mȧxānȯhtse! Touch it! Mȧxanome! Touch it! (said to more than one person). See: -mȧxa'á; -mȧxa'ó'tsé; -tsé'en.

2 • vta. touch s.o. É-mȧxanóho. He touched him. Etym: *mešene·wa (P). Mȧxaneha! Touch him! Mȧxana! (said to more than one person) Touch him! É-mȧxanȧhtseo'o. ?? They are touching each other. Etym: *mešenetwiwaki (P). Reduplicated -momáxan. See: -mȧxa'á; -tsé'e'ó'h. Category: touch, check.

-mȧxanené   vai. sign name. Lit: touch literally refers to touching the surface (of paper). É-mȧxanēne. He signed his name. Etym: *mešenike·wa (P) he gets his hands on things. Mȧxanēnėstse! Sign it! Móho'nó-mȧxanēnėstse. He must not have signed. See: -mȯxe'ohá. Category: touch.

mȧxe-   pv. touch. É-mȧxeéestse. He spoke and it was received well (that is, the people were touched by it). Lit: he-touch-speak vti: -mȧxa'ó'tsé, -mȧxan. Category: touch.

-nȯhtsévanené   vai. feel around searching; search feeling around. É-nȯhtsévánéne. He searched by feeling around. Reduplicated -nonóhtsevanené; Variant: -nȯhtsé'sevanené. Category: touch.

-onésén   vta. touch face of s.o. É-onéseno. He touched his face. É-onésénóho. He touched his face. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -tsé'en. Category: touch.

-tsé'e'á   vti. touch s.t. by foot. especially to touch s.t. with your toe, as when pointing at s.t. with your foot. É-tsé'é'a. He touched it with his toe. Etym: *to·xkexkamwa (P). Category: touch.

-tsé'e'ó'h   vta. touch s.o. for example, to touch s.o. with a finger. É-tsé'e'o'ho. He touched him with his finger. É-tsé'e'ó'hóho. He touched him with his finger. (newer pronunciation). See: -mȧxan. Category: touch.

-tsé'e'ó'tsé   vti. touch s.t. briefly. for example, to test its temperature. É-tsé'e'ó'tse. He touched it. vai: -tsé'e'ó'h. See: -tsé'en; -mȧxan. Category: touch.

-tsé'en   1 • vti. touch s.t. refers to touching with a fingertip. É-tsé'éna. He touched it (with his fingertip). Etym: *to·xkenamwa. See: -hetsehá; -hetse'á; -tsé'e'ó'tsé; -mȧxan.

2 • vta. touch s.o., tap s.o. É-tsé'enóho. He touched him. Etym: *to·xkene·wa (P). See: -onésén; -hetséh(n). Category: touch.

-tsé'ėšem   vta. light s.o., ignite s.o. É-tsé'ėšemóho. He lit him. Tsé'ėšemeha! Light him! Nés-tsé'ėšemeha nȧhtse'pohtȯtse! Light my cigarette! Assimilated -tšé'ėšem. See: -ho'ėšem; -éxo'ȧsén; -éxo'ȧsé'o'h. Category: touch, smoke.

-tšé'ėšem   vta. light s.o., ignite s.o. Tšé'ėšemeha! Light him! Tšé'ėšemeha šéštotó'e! Light / Ignite him! Non-assimilated -tsé'ėšem. See: -ho'ėšem; -éxo'ȧsén; -éxo'ȧsé'o'h. Category: touch, smoke.

-xá'xaen   vti. massage s.t. É-xá'xaēna. He massaged it.

vta. massage s.o. É-xá'xaenóho. He massaged him. See: -momáxan. Category: touch.