ȧhtóno'e ma'aataemeo'o ni. subway. Lit: below-train See: ma'aataemeo'o. Category: transportation, new.
-amȧho'he vai. 1 • drive, go by vehicle. Lit: É-amȧho'he. He went by car (truck, etc.). Ná-amȧho'he. I'm driving. Náéve-amȧho'he. I'm driving around. fai: -aho'he. Category: transportation, motion.
2 • walk while it is hot. Category: temperature.
amȧho'héhe na. car, automobile. (another recording) (another recording) Plural amȧho'héheo'o. This animate word is said to be older than inanimate amȧho'hestȯtse. It is sometimes said that this pronunciation of a word for 'car' is Southern Cheyenne, however some Northern Cheyennes use this pronunciation also. Synonym amȧho'hestȯtse, ameohestȯtse. Category: transportation, car.
amȧho'hémȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. car title. Category: new, transportation.
amȧho'hestȯtse ni. car, automobile. Lit: (go).along-by.heat/burning-thing Plural amȧho'héstotȯtse.
na. car, automobile. amȧho'hestȯtse A car is animate for some people, giving a plural of amȧho'héstoto: AlternatePlural amȧho'héstoto. É-vonenóohétónėstse amȧho'héstotȯtse. There are countless numbers of cars. na-amȧho'héstónáne our (excl.) car. [1987:156] Oblique amȧho'héstóva; Diminutive amȧho'kēso. Usage: This pronunciation is more commonly used today, at least in Montana, than amȧho'héhe or ameohestȯtse, but some speakers still consider a car to be animate. See: amȧho'héhe; ameohestȯtse. Category: car, transportation.
-ama'éno'hamé vai. drive, drive livestock, drive a team. This word originally referred to driving animals, but it has been extended to driving a car. É-ama'éno'hāme. He drove. Mó=nėstsene'-ama'éno'hamehe? Will you drive (for me)? Né'-ama'éno'hāmėstse! Drive! Névé'vovóhke-ama'éno'hāme! Don't drive weaving! Variant: -ama'ovo'hamé; fai: -a'éno'hamé; vti: -ama'én. See: -amȧho'he. Category: transportation, livestock, drive.
-ama'haso'he vai. ride horse along. É-ama'haso'he. He is riding by on horseback. É-ama'hasó'heo'o. They are riding on horseback. Náéve-ama'haso'he. I rode a horse all over. Ama'haso'hėstse! Ride the horse! fai: -a'hasó'he. See: -táhoo'e. Category: transportation, horses.
-ama'ovo'hamé vai. drive livestock. É-ama'ovo'hāme. He drove horses. fai: -a'ovo'hamé; Variant: -ama'éno'hame. Category: horses, transportation.
ame'hahtȯtse ni. airplane. Lit: flying-thing (another recording) Plural ame'háhtotȯtse; Oblique ame'háhtóva. Category: transportation.
-ame'háoohe vai. fly by quickly. É-ame'háoohe. He flew by. See: -ame'há. Category: transportation, birds, motion.
-amėstó'eesané vai. pull travois, travois - pull a. É-amėstó'eesāne. He is pulling a travois. Oeškėseho éohkeméhae-amėstó'eesanésesto. Dogs used to pull travois (reportative). [1979:204] Category: transportation.
-amóéha'ené vai. row, canoe - go by, boat - go by, sail. É-amóéhá'éne. He rowed. tséohkevé'še-amóeha'enévosėstse boats (lit. things by which they row). É-amóeha'eneo'o. They sailed. fai: -óéha'ené. See: -amóe'ó; -amóohestsé; -óe'ó. Category: transportation.
amóeha'enésémo ni. canoe. Usage: rare Lit: rowing-boat See: sémo; xamaesémo. Category: transportation.
amóeha'ēō'o ni. oar. Plural amóeha'eonȯtse. Category: transportation.
amóehestsestȯtse ni. boat. Usage: od (another recording) See: semo. Category: transportation.
amó'a'óvȧhtsestȯtse ni. bicycle. Plural amó'a'óvȧhtsėstotȯtse. Category: transportation.
-amó'ehné vai. go by wagon. É-amó'éhne. He went by wagon. Medial -ó'e1; IndepNoun amó'enēō'o. See: -amó'eohtsé. Category: transportation, roll.
amó'enēō'o ni. wagon. he-amó'eneonevótse their wagons. tšėške'e-amó'enēō'o little buggy. Plural amó'eneonȯtse; Oblique amó'eneōne; Diminutive amó'kenēō'o; Medial -ó'e1.
na. For some speakers a wagon is animate. wagon. Category: transportation, roll.
amó'eneško ni. wagon. (another recording) Plural amó'enėškonȯtse; Non-diminutive amó'enēō'o; Synonym amó'kenēō'o. Category: transportation, roll.
amó'kenēō'o ni. children's wagon. Non-diminutive amó'enēō'o; Medial -ó'(e). See: amó'keneonēso. Category: roll, transportation.
amó'keneonēso ni. small wagon. Non-diminutive amó'enēō'o; Medial -ó'(e). See: amó'kenēō'o. Category: roll, transportation.
-amóvȯhto'han vti. haul s.t. É-amóvȯhto'hāna. He hauled it. See: -amóvȯhta'hané.
vta. haul s.o. É-amóvȯhto'hanóho. He hauled him (obv). Category: transportation.
-amóvȯhto'he vai. haul. É-amóvȯhto'he. He is hauling. Etym: *pema·watwa·Ɂsowa (P). É-amóvȯhtó'heo'o. They are hauling. fai: -óvȯhtó'he. See: -amo'xe ‘carry on back’; -táxeóehahtsé; -táhovȯhto'he; -anóvȯhto'he. Category: transportation, containers.
amóvȯhtó'hestȯtse ni. pickup truck. Lit: hauling-thing (another recording) Oblique amóvȯhtó'héstóva. Category: transportation.
-amóvot vta. haul s.o. É-amóvoto. ?? He hauled him. É-amóvotóho. He is hauling him. Etym: *pema·wale·wa (P). vai: -amóvȯhto'he; fta: -óvot. See: -táhovot; -anóvȯhto'he. Category: transportation, check.
-anȯhóéha'ené vai. boat down. É-anȯhóéhá'éne. He is boating down. Category: transportation.
-énóéha'ené vai. stop boating. É-énóéhá'éne. He stopped boating. fai: -óéha'ené. Category: transportation.
-évȧho'he vai. drive around, wander around from heat. É-évȧho'he. He is driving around / he is wandering around he is so hot. See: -éva'éno'hamé. Category: temperature, transportation, car.
-he-amȧho'héstove inc.n. have a car. Ná-he-amȧho'héstove. I have a car. É-he-amȧho'héstove. He has a car. See: he-6 ‘have’. Category: transportation.
-he-amó'eneone vai. have a wagon. É-he-amó'eneone. He has a wagon. tséhmónėheamó'eneonévȯse when they first had wagons. [When Northern Cheyennes First Got Wagons.046] Category: transportation, check.
heóveamȧho'hestȯtse ni. schoolbus. Lit: yellow-car See: heóveameohestȯtse; ma'xėheóveamȧho'hestȯtse; heóveamȧho'héhe; mȯxe'ėstóneamȧho'héhe. Category: transportation.
heóveameohestȯtse ni. schoolbus. See: heóveamȧho'hestȯtse. Category: transportation.
hesó'xo'anēō'o ni. sled. Lit: slippery-wagon Variant: hesó'xo'enēō'o; Synonym anȯhesévanohtȯtse. Category: transportation.
-hesó'xó'ehné vai. go by sled. É-hesó'xó'éhne. He went by sled. See: -amó'ehné; amó'eneo'o. Category: transportation.
hesó'xo'enēō'o ni. sled. for example, a horsedrawn sled. Morph: /hesó'šó'eneon/. Diminutive hesó'xo'eneško; Variant: hesó'xo'anēō'o; Synonym anȯhesévanohtȯtse. Category: transportation.
hesó'xo'eneško ni. children's sled. Morph: /hesó'šó'enehkon/. Lit: slippery-wagon-DIM Category: transportation.
hoehasené-amó'enēō'o ni. covered wagon. See: amó'enēō'o; hooesénȯhevo'kėhanȯtse. Category: transportation.
-ho'ȧho'he vai. arrive by car. Lit: come-by.heat É-ho'ȧho'he. He arrived by car. See: -aho'he. Category: motion, transportation.
-ho'o'ȧhéotse vai. arrive running, arrive by car. É-ho'o'ȧhéotse. He arrived running. [1987:247] Tósa'e nétaéšė-ho'o'ȧhéotse? Where have you arrived driving? fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: motion, transportation.
-ho'ó'eohe vai. arrive quickly by wagon. É-ho'ó'eohe. He arrived quickly by wagon. Category: roll, transportation.
-ho'ó'eohtsé vai. arrive roll, arrive by wagon (or other rolling transportation). É-ho'ó'eōhtse. He arrived by wagon. Éstȧ-ho'ó'eōhtse Šéstótó'e. (Frank) Pine came on a wagon. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.012] Medial -ó'(e). See: -ho'ó'ehné. Category: transportation, motion.
-ho'óvȯhto'he vai. arrive hauling. É-ho'óvȯhto'he. He arrived hauling (something). Móx-ho'óvȯhtó'hehéhe. He must have arrived hauling (something). fai: -óvȯhtó'he. Category: transportation, containers.
-hóohtó'eohe vai. go home by wagon quickly. É-hóohtó'eohe. He went home by wagon quickly. tséhmaehóohtó'eohévȯse when they went home by wagon. [The Forgotten Horse.003] Category: transportation.
-hosóvo'ȧhéotse vai. drive in reverse. É-hosóvo'ȧhéotse. He is driving in reverse. Category: transportation, run.
-hovéo'kó'eohtsé vai. go by wagon in the shade. É-hovéo'kó'eōhtse. He went by wagon staying in the shade. Medial ó'(e). Category: transportation, roll.
-hóxovȧho'he vai. drive across. É-hóxovȧho'he. He drove across. See: -hóxova'éno'hamé. Category: transportation.
-hóxovéstavá vai. 1 • travel, journey. É-hóxovéstáva. He is traveling. É-hóxovéstavao'o. They are traveling. Éamė-hóxovéstáva. He is traveling along. Éamė-hóxovéstavao'o. They are traveling along. See: -amóxovéstavá; -vé'otse. Category: transportation.
2 • die. Éasė-hóxovéstáva. He has started to travel (that is, to travel to the afterlife). See: -asėtóxovéstavá. Category: death, figurative.
hóxovéstaváamó'enēō'o ni. stagecoach. Lit: travel-wagon See: amó'eneo'o; mȯxe'ėstóonéamó'eneo'o. Category: transportation.
-hóxovéstavaohe vai. travel, journey. Náamė-hóxovéstavaohe. I am traveling along. Category: transportation.
hóxovéstavestȯtse ni. RV, recreational vehicle, mobile home. Lit: traveling thing Category: new, transportation.
-hóxovóeha'ené vai. boat across. É-hóxovóéhá'éne. He boated across. ȯhnéx-hóxovóeha'enévosėstse whenever they crossed the ocean. [1987:143] fai: -óeha'ené. Category: transportation.
-hóxovo'ȧhéotse vai. run across, drive across, across run. É-hóxovo'ȧhéotse. He ran across. Ó'xe hoóma tsénéese éhne'ȯhkė-hóxovo'ȧhéotse nā'ėstse. On the opposite side (from) those standing, one would run across. [1987:177] Étȧ-hóxovo'ȧhéotseo'o. They are driving to Oklahoma. Synonym -hóxoveméohe; fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run, transportation.
-hóxovó'ehné vai. go across by wagon, across - go by wagon. É-hóxovó'éhne. He went across by wagon. Category: roll, transportation.
-hóxovó'eohtsé vai. travel across by wagon, across - travel by wagon. É-hóxovó'eōhtse. He traveled across by wagon. Category: roll, transportation.
-kó'ko'nó'ešé vai. ride bumpy road. Ques: recheck ge gloss?? Ques: kó'kono'ešé ?? É-kó'ko'nó'éše. He had a bumpy ride. Ná-kó'ko'nó'ėšenáme. We had a bumpy ride. See: -kóno'ešé. Category: transportation, check, record.
ma'aataeméó'o ni. railroad, train. Lit: metal-road (another recording) Category: transportation.
ma'aataeméonéamó'enēō'o ni. train car. Ques: recheck?? Category: transportation.
ma'xeamȧho'héhe na. van. Lit: big car Synonym ma'xeamȧho'hestȯtse. See: amȧho'héhe. Category: transportation.
ma'xeamȧho'hestȯtse ni. van. Lit: big-car See: amȧho'hestȯtse ‘car’. Category: new, transportation.
ma'xeamóvȯhtó'héhe na. truck. Variant: ma'xeamóvȯhtó'hestȯtse. Category: transportation.
ma'xeamóvȯhtó'hestȯtse ni. truck. Lit: big-hauling-thing (another recording) Variant: ma'xeamóvȯhtó'héhe. Category: transportation.
ma'xėheóveamȧho'hestȯtse ni. big school bus. Lit: big-yellow-car See: ma'xėheóveameohestȯtse. Variant: heóveamȧho'hestȯtse. Category: transportation.
ma'xėheóveameohestȯtse ni. school bus, bus - school. Variant: ma'xėheóveamȧho'hestȯtse. Category: transportation.
matanáeamóvȯhtó'hestȯtse ni. milk truck. See: amóvȯhtó'hestȯtse ‘truck’. Category: transportation.
mé'ėševotséamó'enēō'o ni. baby buggy. Category: transportation, babies.
-mé'óéhá'ené vai. appear by boat. É-mé'óéhá'éne. He appeared by boat. Category: transportation.
mo'ȯhtáveamó'enēō'o ni. black buggy. Category: transportation.
mȯxe'ėstóneamȧho'héhe ni. schoolbus. See: heóveamȧho'hestȯtse. Category: transportation.
naa'éamȧho'hestȯtse ni. ambulance. naa'éamȧho'hestȯtse tséohkeama'eno ambulance driver. Lit: doctoring-car See: tséohkeame-vó'ho'kȧse'ha. Category: transportation.
néma'ó'a'hasenéame'hahtȯtse ni. helicopter. Lit: revolve-?-flying-thing Category: transportation.
no'ka'éesó'hestȯtse ni. motorcycle. Lit: single riding thing vai: -no'ka'éesó'he. See: po'po'ėho'hóvahtȯtse. Category: transportation.
-nó'oohé'tov vta. fetch s.o. quickly, go after s.o. quickly. This is a more urgent action than -nó'otseh. Né-nó'oohé'tovȧtse. I came after you (for example, with my car). I came after you. for example, with my car. É-nó'oohé'tovóho. He came after him. [1987:212] For example, to give s.o. a ride. Éohkeée-nó'oohé'tȯheo'o. (The Indian doctors) were fetched. [1987:212] Náto'sėho'-nó'oohé'tóne. I have a ride (that is, someone is going to come get me). Néh-nó'oohé'tovėstse! Come pick me up! vti: nó'oohé't. See: -nó'otseh; -ho'eotseh; -nóhto'ȧhéotsé'tov; -noo'ėhé'tov. Category: transportation.
-nó'otseh vta. fetch s.o., go after s.o., come after s.o. Less urgent action than -nó'oohé'tov. É-nó'otsėhóho. He fetched him. Né-nó'otsehȧtse. I came to get you. Néh-nó'otšėšeha! Go get him! oha néévamȧhe-nó'otsėhatsemeno we just came after you (pl) (1987:59). vti: -nó'otsestsé. See: -nó'oohé'tov; -nó'ȯhtséh; -ho'eotseh. Category: transportation.
-óeha'ené fai. boat. Ques: boat ; row ; sail óeh?? Éam-óéhá'éne. He is rowing along. Één-óéhá'éne. He stopped boating. Éhóxov-óéhá'éne. He boated across. Énȯhtóv-óéhá'éne. He knows how to row. Category: transportation, check.
po'po'ėho'hóvahtȯtse ni. firecracker, motorcycle. Lit: popping.noise-thing Plural po'po'ėho'hóvȧhtotȯtse. Some have used this word for 'motorcycle.'. Oblique po'po'ėho'hóvȧhtóva. See: no'ka'éesó'hestȯtse ‘motorcycle’; vóho'kȧsenépo'po'ėho'hóvahtȯtse ‘electric generator’. Category: transportation.
sé'eohé'tov vta. take s.o. to town. Nés-sé'eohé'tovėstse! Take me to town! Category: move, transportation.
-sé'o'eohe vai. go by wagon to town, go by wagon to the water. É-sé'o'eohe. He went by wagon to town. Category: roll, transportation.
sémo ni. boat, canoe. Phon: apoc: Apocope is a phonological process which deletes word-final Cheyenne consonants. The nasals /m/ and /n/ (including those which occur as a consonant cluster with a preceding /h/) and the fricative (glide?) /h/ undergo apocope. Some other examples of apocope are: mo'éhno'ha /mo'éhno'ha/ 'horse'; mee'e /méen/'feather'; ma'ēno /ma'enón/ 'turtle'; póéso /póesón/ 'cat'; ka'ėškóne /ka'ehkóneh/ 'child'; hátseške /hátehkeh/ 'ant'; háhnoma /háhnomah/ 'bee'; hōva /hováhn/ 'animal; e'ē'ta/e'e'táhne/ 'blue thrush'. The obstruents /s/, /š/, and /t/ and consonant clusters which do not have a word-final nasal do not undergo apocope· séo'ȯtse /séot/ 'corpse', šéešestȯtse /šéešéhtot/'bed'; ma'tšėške /ma'tehk/ 'bow'; hoo'kȯhtse /hoó'koht/ 'raw corn'; hoohtsėstse /hoóhtet/ 'tree'; vée'ėse /vées/ 'tooth'; hósee'ėse /hósees/ 'earring'; háá'ėše /háéš/ 'far'; névéé'ėše/néveéš/ 'for four days'. Plural sémonȯtse; Oblique sémónéva. See: xamaesémo; amóehestsestȯtse. Etym: *či·ma·ni ‘canoe’. Category: transportation.
sémo tséohkeamoésta blimp.mp3. blimp. Lit: boat that floats along Category: transportation.
sémo tsépó'po'ėhō'ta ni. motorboat, motor boat. Lit: boat that makes a popping noise See: -pó'po'ėho'tá. Category: new, transportation.
-táhoo'e vai. ride, be on. Lit: upon-sit Phon: vs É-táhoo'e. He is riding. Etym: *te·hθapiwa. É-táhoeo'o. They are riding. Nátȧhé-tahoo'e. I went riding. É-táhoo'e ame'háhtóva. He rode in an airplane. Éame-táhoo'e. He is riding along (for example, along the trail). Énó'ovónee-táhoeo'o. They rode single file. Hóhtséme é-táhoo'e táxemésėhéstóva. The ball is on the table. Reduplicated -totáhoe.
vti. Gram: ai+o vta: -táhoé'tov. See: /-oe/; -hoo'e; -ama'hasó'he ‘horse ride’. Category: horses, transportation, sit.
-totáhoe vai. ride. É-totáhoeo'o. They each ride. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -táhoo'e. Category: transportation.
tsé-héva'evoēha amó'enēō'o Gram: ppl vii. covered wagon. vii: héva'evoehá. Category: transportation.
tséohke-ameohé'tȯsanéto Gram: ppl vii. ambulance. Lit: that which rushes people along See: tséohkeame-vó'ho'kȧsē'ha; naa'éamȧho'hestȯtse. Category: transportation.
tséohkeame-vó'ho'kȧsē'ha vii. Ques: ppl ambulance. Lit: that which flashes as it goes along See: naa'éamȧho'hestȯtse; tséohke-ameohé'tȯsanéto. Category: transportation.
tšėške'eamó'enēō'o ni. buggy. Lit: small-wagon Plural tšėške'eamó'eneonȯtse. See: amó'enēō'o. Category: transportation.
-véstoo'e vai. sit with, be with, ride with. É-véstoo'e. He is sitting with. Etym: *wi·tapiwa (P). Ésáa'évatšėhe'še-véstoéheo'o. They do not sit with (us) anymore. Naa nėhéóhe móh-véstoehehéhe. And he was with (them) (for example, in jail). [1987:183] Néto'sevéstoehe? Are you going to ride with (me/us)? Mónėstse-véstoo'e? Do you want to ride along with (me/us)? Phon: vs vta: -véstoem. See: -véstonoo'e. Category: transportation, sit.
-vóonó'eohtsé vai. travel all night by wagon. É-vóonó'eōhtse. He traveled all night by wagon. Medial -ó'(e). Category: transportation, roll.
xamaesémo ni. canoe. Lit: ordinary-boat Plural xamaesémonȯtse. Category: transportation.