-anȯhoéstonean vta. lower s.o. by rope. É-anȯhoéstoneanóho. He lowered him by rope. Medial -ón1. Category: ropelike.
-anȯhónean vti. lower s.t. by rope. É-anȯhónéána. He lowered it (by hoist). for example, lowered a well bucket on a rope.
vta. lower s.o. by rope. É-anȯhóneanóho. He lowered him by rope. Medial -ón. Category: move, ropelike.
-é'onea'ham vti. break s.t. ropelike.
vta. break s.o. ropelike. probably has more of a meaning of a jerking kind of breaking than does -é'ónean. É-é'onea'hamóho. He broke him. for example, he broke a strand of sinew. Medial -ón. See: -po'ónea'ham. Category: break, ropelike.
-é'ónea'ó vii. break quickly (of something ropelike). É-é'ónéá'o. It broke.
vai. break quickly (of something ropelike). Heévaho é-é'onea'oo'o. The rope broke. Rope is grammatically animate and plural. See: -e'ónea'ó ‘fly up (of something ropelike)’. Category: break, ropelike.
-e'ónea'ó vii. fly up (of a ropelike thing), jump up (of a ropelike thing).
vai. fly up (of a ropelike thing), jump up (of a ropelike thing). É-e'ónéá'o. He (or It) flew up. for instance, the rope (animate) flew up in the air. See: -é'ónea'ó ‘break (of something ropelike)’. Category: motion, ropelike.
-é'ónean vti. break s.t. ropelike by hand. É-é'ónéána. He broke it.
vta. break s.o. (ropelike). É-é'oneanóho. He broke him (something animate and ropelike). Medial -ón. See: -e'ónean ‘pull up s.t./s.o. by rope’. Category: break, ropelike.
-e'óneanené vai. hoist (something) ropelike. É-e'óneanēne. He hoisted. Category: move, ropelike.
-é'oneeotse vii. break ropelike. of something ropelike. É-é'oneeotse. It/He broke.
vai. See: -é'eotse. Category: break, ropelike.
-é'ónees vta. cut s.o. ropelike. This refers to cutting someone animate that is ropelike in shape, such as a snake or twine. Ná-é'oneesoo'o heévaho. I cut the rope. Rope is grammatically plural. É-é'oneesóho heévaho. He cut the rope. É'oneešenáno heévaho! Cut the rope! Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-é'oneevávo'as vta. cut s.o. ropelike. É-é'oneevávo'ȧsóho. He cut him (obv) ropelike. That is, he cut some animate object that is ropelike, such as rope or a snake. Category: cut, ropelike.
-éstonean vti. put s.t. (ropelike) in(to).
vta. put s.o. (ropelike) in(to). for example, to put a strand of sinew through the eye of a needle. É-éstoneanóho. He put him (ropelike) into. Éstoneaneha! Put him in! Medial -ón. See: -séhponean; -sóhponean. Category: ropelike.
-éstóneešé vai. lie into ropelike. É-éstónééše. He (rope or snake) is lying into (something). For instance, this could be of a snake lying facing into a cave. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-háa'ėstóneehe vai. long ropelike. for example, of snakes, ropes, strings; can jokingly refer to a tall man when he is lying on the ground. É-háa'ėstóneehe. He (ropelike) is long. sétóhke tsé-háa'ėstóneestse the long rope. [1987:222-223] Medial -ón. See: -hetó'ėstóneehe. Category: ropelike.
-háa'ėstóneo'e vii. long (ropelike). É-háa'ėstóneo'e. It is long and ropelike. [1987:222] fai: -óneo'e; Medial -ón; Antonym -tšėhe'kėstóneo'e. Category: ropelike.
-he'amónean vti. raise s.t. by rope. É-he'amóneāna. He pulled it up with a rope.
vta. raise s.o. by rope. É-he'amóneanóho. He pulled him up with a rope. Medial -ón1. Category: ropelike.
-he'amóneanah(n) vta. raise s.o. for example, to raise a flag. É-he'amóneanȧhnóho. He raised him (flag). He'amóneanaha hooheo'o! Raise the flag! Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-he'konóneehe vai. stiff ropelike. É-he'konóneehe. He (ropelike) is stiff. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-heóvoneehe vai. yellow ropelike. É-heóvoneehe. He (something ropelike) is yellow. Etym: *wesa·wa·pye·kesiwa (P). Medial ón. Category: ropelike, colors.
-ho'ónean vti. inject s.o. intravenously, dialyze s.o. É-ho'óneane. He got dialysis. Éohkė-ho'óneane. He gets dialysis. Medial -ón. Category: sickness, ropelike.
-hóxovóneanené vai. fence across. for example, across a ditch or a creek. É-hóxovóneanēne. He built a fence across. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-hóxovóneešé vai. lie across ropelike. É-hóxovónééše. (A snake) is lying across. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-kávoneoe'tó vai. cling loose (ropelike). É-kávoneoē'to. He (or It) (ropelike) is clinging loose. É-kávoneoe'too'o heévaho. The rope is clinging/hanging loose. fai: -oe'tó. Category: ropelike.
-má'toneeotse vii. run out (ropelike).
vai. run out (ropelike). of thread or other rope-shaped object. É-má'toneeotse. He/It (ropelike) ran out. Ho'tanono étaéšemá'toneeotseo'o. The thread has run out. Category: quantity, ropelike.
-mé'óneešé vai. appear lying ropelike. É-mé'ónééše. (A snake) appeared lying there. Category: ropelike.
-mo'kȯhtávoneehe vai. black ropelike. É-mo'kȯhtávoneehe. He (ropelike) is black / the wire is black. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
nȧha'ónȯséó'o ni. noose. of lasso. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-nėhpóneešé vai. obstruct lying ropelike, lie ropelike in the doorway. É-nėhpónééše. (A snake) is lying in the doorway. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-némonea'xe vai. swing crooked, swing on a slant. É-némonea'xe. The swing is going crooked for him as he swings. Ques: swing crooked ?? Lit: he is swinging crooked fai: -a'xe; Medial -ón. Category: ropelike, check.
-nó'ėstóneešé vai. lie over (ropelike). for example, for a snake to lie over the top of a hill. É-nó'ėstónééše. He is lying over. Category: snakes, ropelike, lie.
-no'kóneehe vai. one strand ropelike. É-no'kóneehe. There is one strand. of something ropelike and animate. Medial ón. Category: ropelike.
-ó'kȯséonean vta. tighten s.o. ropelike. É-ó'kȯséoneanóho. He made him (especially a rope) tight. Category: ropelike.
-ón(e)2 m. ropelike, rope-shaped, stringlike, strand-like. refers to any ropelike entity for example, rope, string, thread, fence, wire, snake. heškóvoneanēō'o barbed wire. Étsėhe'ėst-óneehe. He (stringlike object) is long. a fence is considered to have the shape indicated by this medial. Éam-óneane. It is fenced/there is a fence (for example, along the highway). Variant: -ón. Etym: *-a·py (noun final). Category: ropelike, shapes.
-óneehe fai. length (ropelike). of something rope-shaped and animate, such as a snake or rope. Étónetaa'-óneehe? How big around is he? Étsėhe'ėst-óneehe. He (stringlike object) is long. Épėhév-oneehe. He (stringlike object) looks good. fii: -óneo'e; Medial -ón. Category: shapes, ropelike.
-óneo'e fii. length (ropelike). length of something ropelike and inanimate, such as thread, string, wire, or a penis. Étsėhe'ėst-óneo'e. It is long and ropelike. Éháa'ėst-óneo'e. It is long and ropelike. Étšėhe'kėst-óneo'e. He is short and ropelike. Éhesó'x-oneo'e. It is ropelike and slippery. Épo'-óneo'e ma'kaata. The wire is broken. Medial -ón; fai: -óneehe. Category: ropelike, vulgar.
-onéstȧhkóneešé vai. coiled ropelike. É-onéstȧhkónééše. He (rope or snake) is coiled. Medial -ón. Category: lie, ropelike.
-onóvonean vta. pull s.o. out of water. É-onóvoneanóho. He pulled him out of the water. See: -onóvoen. Category: ropelike.
-pȧhponóneehéhame na. Gram: poss tapeworm (poss.), hungry - be. The following two sentences are humorous ways of saying that someone's stomach is growling. Na-pȧhponóneehéhame ééšėto'setaomėhoó'henȯhtóvenestse. My tapeworm is almost overheard knowing how to speak by itself. Étaomėhótsenȯhtóvenestse ne-pȧhponóneehéhame. Your tapeworm can almost talk by itself. That is a saying that can be said when your stomach is growling. IndepNoun pȧhponóneehéhe; Medial -ón. Category: ropelike, sayings, figurative.
pȧhponóneehéhe na. tapeworm. Lit: flat-ropelike-one Plural pȧhponóneehéheo'o; Obviative pȧhponóneehéheho; Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-pėhévonean vti. make good s.t. ropelike. Ééva-pėhévoneāna. He repaired it (especially a fence). Category: ropelike.
-pėhévoneanené vai. good fence - make a. Ééva-pėhévoneanēne. He repaired fence. Category: ropelike.
-pėhévoneehe vai. look good (ropelike). of a ropelike (animate) object. É-pėhévoneehe. He (ropelike object) looks good. fai: -óneehe. Category: ropelike.
-pėhévoneešé vai. lie good ropelike. É-pėhévónééše. (The snake) is lying there in a good way. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-pe'pe'óneeotse vii. tangled (ropelike). of a string or other ropelike object. É-pe'pe'óneeotse. It is tangled. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-pe'pe'óneeše vai. lie tangled (ropelike). of a ropelike object. Heévaho é-pe'pe'óneešéne. The rope ( (grammatically plural) is lying tangled on the ground. Category: ropelike.
-po'ónea'ham vta. break s.o. (ropelike). É-po'ónea'hamóho. He broke him (ropelike). Ná-po'ónea'hamoo'o heévaho. I broke the rope. Initial po'-; Medial -ón. See: -é'ónea'ham. Category: ropelike, break.
-po'ónea'ó vai. break (of a ropelike object). Heévaho é-po'ónea'oo'o. The rope (grammatically plural) broke. See: -é'ónea'ham. Category: ropelike.
-po'óneeotse vii. break (ropelike).
vai. break (ropelike). of string or other ropelike object. É-po'óneeotse. It/He broke. É-po'óneeotsetse tséhméhaevávaaese. It broke off where he was swinging (for example, the swing broke when he was on it). Medial -ón. See: -po'óneo'e; -po'eotse; -é'eotse; -onénėšeotse; -ó'xeotse. Category: ropelike, break.
-po'óneexá vti. break s.t. (ropelike). of string or other ropelike object. É-po'óneēxa. He broke it. É-po'óneexomovo hestsésta'he. She (midwife) cut his umbilical cord. Ques: cut?? Medial -ón. See: -po'óneo'e; -po'eotse; -é'eotse; -onénėšeotse; -ó'xeotse. Category: ropelike, break, check, cut.
-po'óneo'e vii. broken (ropelike). É-po'óneo'e ma'kaata. The wire is broken. Reduplicated -po'po'óneo'e; fii: -óneo'e; Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-popóhponeehe vai. flat (ropelike). É-popóhponeehe. It (ropelike) is flat. Medial -ón(e). Category: ropelike.
-séhponean vta. stretch out s.o. (of a ropelike object). for example, to stretch out a piece of sinew or a rope. Ná-séhpónéáno ho'tano. I'm stretching out the sinew. É-séhponeanóho. He stretches him as string by hand. Etym: *ši·pa·pye·kene·wa. Séhponeaneha! Tear him (for example, cloth) into strings! Medial -ón. See: -sóhpónean; -éstonean. Category: ropelike.
-séhpóneešé vai. lie stretched out ropelike. É-séhpónééše. (The snake) is lying stretched out. Etym: *ši·pa·pye·kihšinw (P). See: -séhpešé. Category: ropelike, lie.
-sé'oneanené vai. fence into river. É-sé'oneanēne. He built a fence into the river. Medial -ón; fai: -anené. Category: ropelike, record.
-sé'óneešé vai. lie ropelike toward the center. É-sé'ónééše. (The snake) is lying toward the center. See: -sé'ešé. Category: ropelike, lie.
-sóhkomóneešé vai. lie slender ropelike. É-sóhkomónééše. (The snake) is lying there slender. Category: ropelike, lie.
-sóhponeanené vai. fence through - build. for example, to build a fence through bushes or trees. É-sóhponeanēne. He built a fence through (the bushes). Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-sóhpóneeše vai. lie through ropelike. É-sóhpónééše. He is lying there through (something). Medial -ón. Category: ropelike, lie.
-táho'kóneešé vai. lie ropelike on top. É-táho'kónééše. He is lying there ropelike on top (of something). See: -táhóneešé. Category: ropelike, lie.
-táhóneešé vai. lie ropelike on top. É-táhónééše. (The snake) is lying there on top (of something). See: -táho'kóneešé. Category: ropelike, lie.
-tȧhpe'óneehe vai. big (ropelike). É-tȧhpe'óneehe. He (ropelike) is big around. Medial ón. See: -tsėhe'ėstóneehe. Category: snakes, ropelike.
-ta'omóneeše vai. lie ropelike in the way. É-ta'omónééše. (The snake) is lying in the way. Category: ropelike, lie.
-tónetaa'óneehe vai. how big around (of a ropelike entity). É-tónetaa'óneehe? How big around is he (ropelike for example, rope or snake)? Medial -ón. Category: snakes, ropelike.
-tónovóneehe vai. thick ropelike. É-tónovóneehe. He (ropelike) is thick. Ques: piled thick?? Category: ropelike, check.
-totáho'pónea'ó'h vta. tangle s.o. (rope-shaped). The tangled entity is ropelike, such as a rope, string, thread, etc. É-totáho'pónea'o'ho. He tangled him up. É-totáho'pónea'ó'hóho. He tangled him up. (newer pronunciation). Ná-totáho'pónea'ó'hoo'o heévaho. I tangled up the rope. Category: ropelike, record.
-totáho'pónean vti. tangle s.t. ropelike. É-totáho'póneane. It (ropelike) is tangled. for example, of a wire (inanimate).
vta. tangle s.o. ropelike. Medial -ón1. Category: ropelike.
-totáho'póneehe vai. tangled up ropelike. usually occurs with a plural subject since 'rope' is grammatically plural. É-totáho'póneehe. He (ropelike) is tangled up. É-totáho'póneeheo'o heévaho. The rope is tangled up. redup. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-totáho'póneeotse vii. tangled (of ropelike shape). É-totáho'póneeotse. It (for example, a rope or hose) is tangled up. Category: ropelike.
-totáho'póneešé vai. lie ropelike mixed up. É-totáho'pónééše. He is lying ropelike mixed up. Category: ropelike, lie.
-tóxoneanené vai. fence along edge. É-tóxoneanēne. He built a fence along the edge. Medial -ón1. Category: ropelike.
-tsėhe'ėstóneehe vai. long (ropelike). É-tsėhe'ėstóneehe. He (ropelike) is long. Medial -ón. See: -tȧhpe'óneehe. Category: snakes, ropelike.
-tsėhe'ėstóneešé vai. lie long ropelike. É-tsėhe'ėstónééše. He is long lying ropelike. for example, of a snake. Category: ropelike.
-tsėhe'ėstóneo'e vii. long (ropelike). for example, of thread, string, wire, or a penis. É-tsėhe'ėstóneo'e. It is long and threadlike. Éma'xe-tsėhe'ėstóneo'e ma'kaata. The wire is long. fai: -óneo'e; Medial -ón. Category: ropelike, vulgar.
-tšėhe'kėstóneehe vai. short (ropelike). É-tšėhe'kėstóneehe. He (ropelike) is short. Medial -ón. Category: snakes, ropelike.
-vóhkóneešé vai. lie bent (ropelike). É-vóhkónééše. He is lying bent (ropelike). Etym: *wa·ka·pye·hšinwa. Medial -ón(e)2. Category: ropelike, lie.
-vovóhkonean vti. fence s.t. crooked, crooked - fence s.t. É-vovóhkoneane. It is fenced crooked / the fence is crooked. Antonym -xanovonean. Category: ropelike.
-vovóhkoneanené vai. crooked fence - build a, fence - build a crooked. É-vovóhkoneanēne. He built a crooked fence. Category: ropelike.
-vovóhkoneneehe vai. crooked ropelike. É-vovóhkoneneehe. He (ropelike) is crooked. Medial ón. Category: ropelike, shapes.
-xanovóneanené vai. straight fence - build a, fence - build a straight. É-xanovóneanēne. He built a straight fence. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.