Cheyenne Dictionary



-amėhohtsestȯtse   ni. tracks (poss.) ne-amȯhohtséstonanótse our (incl.) tracks. Category: tracks.

-amȯhohtsé   vai. tracks go along. É-amȯhōhtse. His tracks go along. Émóne-amȯhōhtse. His tracks are fresh. Vóhkóóhe é-amȯhohtsehe? Are rabbit tracks going along? Éssé'hovenéše-amȯhohtséhoono nevá'ėsesto. Suddenly there were two sets of tracks of somebodies. [1987:345] Hóvéhno étó'e-amȯhōhtse. His tracks are barely visible. fai: -ohohtsé; fta: -ohot. Category: tracks.

amȯhohtsétó   vii. tracks go along. Ésta-amȯhohtsétótsénėse he'ahtse. It left the imprint of his hand. [The Snipe Man.083] Category: tracks.

-asȯhohtsé   vai. tracks go away from. Éta-asȯhōhtse. His tracks go away from. fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks.

-e'ȯhohtsé   vai. tracks go up. É-e'ȯhōhtse. His tracks go up. fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks.

-ésto'ȯhohtsé   vai. tracks go into brush. É-ésto'ȯhōhtse. His tracks went into the brush. Medial -ó'(é)2; fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks, check.

-háestȯhehohtsé   vai. many tracks. É-háestȯhehóhtseo'o. ?? There are many tracks from them (those who left the tracks). fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks, check.

-héstȯhohtsé   vai. tracks from there. ... é-héstȯhóhtse. ... that is where his tracks came from. Tȧháóhe énėx-héstȯhohtseo'o. Their tracks come from there. hetaneo'o hesēstse tséohkė-héstȯhohtsese (homosexual) men where they get (the penis) inserted is in the anus. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks, vulgar.

-hóestȯhohtsé   vai. tracks lead out. É-hóestȯhōhtse. His tracks lead out. fai: -(o)hohtsé. Category: tracks.

-ho'ȯhohtsé   vai. tracks arrive. É-ho'ȯhōhtse. His tracks came over here. Etym: *saxkwehθata·wa (P). Ques: ȯh?? fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks, check.

-momé'áévȯhóhtse   vai. bloody tracks. É-momé'áévȯhóhtse. He left bloody tracks. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks.

-mónȯhohtsé   vai. fresh tracks. Lit: new-track É-mónȯhóhtse. He recently went through (leaving tracks)/he made fresh tracks. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks.

-ne'evávȯhohtsé   vai. recognized by tracks. É-ne'evávȯhóhtse. He is recognized by his tracks. The tracks identify whoever left them. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks.

-néšėhohtse   vai. both track. É-néšėhohtseo'o. There are two sets of tracks. fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks.

-no'kȯhohtsé   vai. one set of tracks. É-no'kȯhōhtse. He left one set of tracks. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks.

-noónȯhohtsé   vai. old tracks - be; faded tracks. É-noónėhóhtse. Hs tracks are old/faded. fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks.

-ohohtsé   fai. tracks. Etym: *ahanl (P3). Éhóest-ȯhōhtse. His tracks lead out. Évon-ȯhōhtse. His tracks disappeared. Émón-ȯhóhtse. He recently went through (leaving tracks)/he made fresh tracks. Tȧháóhe énėxhést-ȯhohtseo'o. Their tracks come from there. fta: -ohot; Variant: -hohtsé. Category: tracks.

-ohohtsé   fai. footprint, track. Één-ȯhóhtse. His tracks end. Éam-ȯhōhtse. He left tracks. Émón-ȯhóhtse. He just went through and left tracks. Évon-ȯhōhtse. His tracks disappeared. Ée'-ȯhōhtse. His tracks go up. Énoón-ȯhóhtse. His tracks are old. Ého'-ȯhōhtse. His tracks came over here. Épe'pe'-ȯhōhtse. Hs tracks are everywhere / His tracks are spread all over. Épe'pe'-ȯhohtseo'o. Their tracks are everywhere. Éametáxȯ-hóhtse. His tracks go along on top (for example, on top of a rock). Éhóest-ȯhōhtse. His tracks lead out. Évon-ȯhōhtse. His tracks disappeared. Tȧháóhe énėxhést-ȯhohtseo'o. Their tracks come from there. Évést-ȯhóhtse. His tracks go along with (those of others). Variant: -hohtsé. Etym: *ahanl (P3). fta: -ohot. Category: tracks.

ovátonėsȯhohtsé   vai. track duck-toed. É-ovátonėsȯhōhtse. He left duck-toed tracks. Category: tracks.

-pe'pe'ȯhohtsé   vai. leave scattered tracks. É-pe'pe'ȯhōhtse. Hs tracks are everywhere / His tracks are spread all over. fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks.

-sé'ȯhohtsé   vai. tracks go into, tracks toward the center, tracks toward the water. É-sé'ȯhóhtse. His tracks go to the water. Hováhne tséohkė-sé'ȯhohtsévȯse héovȧtse tséhestase hováhne. There's tracks of all kinds of animals leading to the water. [JOURNEY.TXT] fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks.

-tȧhpe'ȯhohtsé   vai. big tracks. É-tȧhpe'ȯhōhtse. He left big tracks. fai: -hohtsé. easily and humorously confused with -tȧhpe'ȯhosé. See: -tȧhpe'ȯhosé big penis - have a. Category: tracks.

-táxėhóhtse   vai. tracks go on top. for example, on top of a rock. É-táxėhóhtse. His tracks are on top. Éame-táxėhóhtse. His tracks go along on top. Final -hohtsé. Category: tracks.

-tó'hovȯhóhtse   vai. tracks between. É-tó'hovȯhóhtse. His tracks are in between other tracks. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks.

-tsėhe'ėstȯhohtsé   vai. have long tracks, take long steps. É-tsėhe'ėstȯhōhtse. His track strides are long. Category: tracks.

-tšėhe'kėstȯhohtsé   vai. short strides, short tracks. É-tšėhe'kėstȯhōhtse. He left short stride tracks. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks.

-tšėške'ȯhohtsé   vai. small tracks - leave. É-tšėške'ȯhōhtse. He left small tracks. Antonym -tȧhpe'ȯhohtsé. Category: tracks.

-véstȯhóhtse   vai. tracks with. É-véstȯhóhtse. His tracks go along with (those of others). fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks.

-vonȯhohtsé   vai. tracks disappear. É-vonȯhōhtse. His tracks disappeared. Etym: *wanahanta·wa (P). Medial -ohohtsé; vta: -vonȯhot. Category: tracks.

-vonȯhohtsé   vai. tracks disappear. É-vonȯhōhtse. His tracks disappeared. Ques: get TA form?? -vonėhót?? fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks, check.

-vovóhkėhóhtse   vai. crooked tracks. É-vovóhkėhóhtse. His tracks are crooked. Category: tracks.