Cheyenne Dictionary



-amȧhtá'tá   vti. agree with s.t., believe s.t. É-amȧhtá'ta He agreed with it. [Croft: believe] See: -hoto'átsestá. Category: cognition.

-ametanó   vai. patiently wait; wait patiently. E-ametāno. He is patiently waiting. See: -taomeametanó; -óehnovahe. Category: cognition.

-ametanónaa'e   vai. sit patiently. Totóne'še ametanónaa'ėstse mó'ȯhkėsé'ho'enȯhéhe nā'ėstse. Every once in a while when he would think about it he would put one (stick) in the ground. [1987:246] See: -ametanó. Phon: vs Category: cognition.

-amoésé   vai. float by, hang along. É-amoése. He is hanging along (in the air). Etym: *pemakotinwa (P). Éne'éše-amoése. It is the earlier part of forenoon (between sunrise and approximately 9 a.m.). Nésó'eée-amoésenahe? Are you still floating around? (idiomatic for "Are you still thinking?") fai: -oésé; vti: -amoéstá. Category: hang, time, cognition.

-anonávetanó   vai. tangled.think, confused. É-anonávetāno. He isn't thinking right; doesn't care how he thinks ; confused. See: -anonéstahe; -ánovetanó; -ononéstahe. Category: cognition.

-anovátam   vta. regard s.o. as being low. É-anovátamóho. He deems him as being low/he is 'down on him (obv)'. Usage: possible loan transl. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-átam   fta. think so of s.o. Nápėhév-átámo I like him (literally, I deem him good). É-oné'seómatamóho. He believed him. (literally, regard him as true). Éhóxe'-átamóho. He considers him clean. fti: -átsest. See: -o'ót. Etym: *-e·lem. Category: cognition.

-átsestá   fti. regard s.t. so, consider s.t. so. Nápėhév-átsésta. I like it. Náhá-átsésta. I think highly of it. Ná-onéstátsésta. I am testing it. fta: -átam. Etym: cf *e·lent(am) (R). Category: cognition.

-éva'eotse   vai. turn around, turn around and come back, change to a different way. for instance, to change to a different side in a conflict or a different way of thinking; can cover the idea of 'repent'. É-éva'eotse. He changed to a different way / he turned around and came back. See: -évaohtsé; -évaveotse; -méseeotse; -néma'eotse. Category: cognition.

-évetanónaa'e   vai. meditate sitting. É-évetanónaa'e. He is meditating. [pd700] Synonym -oo'hetanónaa'e. Usage: not widely known Category: cognition, sit.

-éxatam   vta. regard s.o. as ready. É-éxatamóho. He regarded him as ready. Etym: *ki·še·leme·wa (P). É-éxatamahtse. He regards himself ready. oha néhe tsé-éxatamȧhtsese only those who felt ready for anything. [1987:58] Mó'-éxatamȧhtsėhéhe. He was confident. [Stamper 1991:8] Final -átam. Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-háa'ého'oésem   vta. think highly of s.o. Ná-háa'ého'oésémo. I think highly of him. Ésáa-háa'ého'oésemȧhtséheo'o. They don't think highly of themselves/they are humble. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-háatam   vta. think highly of s.o. Ná-háátámo. I think highly of him. É-háatamóho. He thinks highly of him. tsé-háatamȧhtsese those who think highly of themselves. Ého-háatamȧhtseo'o. They are acting tough. Phon: hpo vti: -háátsestá. Morph: /-háátam/. vai: -háatanó. High regard of self is considered quite negative within Cheyenne culture. Final -átam, -o'ót. See: -háaoem; -ono'átam; -pėhévátam. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-háatsėstomov   vta. think highly of s.o., greatly value s.o., be struck by s.o., troubled at s.o. - be, amazed at s.o. - be. Ná-háatsėstomóvo tséhetá'ėse. I was stuck/amazed by what he said to me. For example, maybe it was the first time he had ever said such a thing to me. Category: cognition, emotions, interpersonal.

-háestȯhetanó   vai. think many things, have many ideas, want to do lots of things. É-háestȯhetāno. He has a lot of ideas. Category: cognition.

-háestȯhnóvavetanó   vai. have many thoughts. É-háestȯhnóvavetāno. He has many thoughts. Category: cognition.

-háhanéhétsestá   vti. prefer s.t., close to s.t. - be, have more right to s.t.. É-háhanéhétsésta. He had it as something that he was close to. netao'o hová'éhe tsé-háhanéhetsėstómo my share of the belongings. [Luke 15:12] See: -pėhévátsestá. Category: cognition.

-hávėsévátam   vta. regard s.o. as bad. É-hávėsévatamóho. He thinks badly of him/he regards him as bad. [1987:232] Category: cognition.

-hávėsévatsestá   vti. regard s.t. as bad. É-hávėsévátsésta. He thinks badly of it. [1987:232] See: -hávėsévetanó'tá. Category: cognition.

-hávėsévetanó'tá   vti. think bad about s.t., have bad feelings about s.t. Ná-hávėsévetanó'ta. I'm thinking bad about it / I have bad feelings about it. Hová'éhe násáa-hávėsévetanó'tóhe. I'm not feeling bad about anything. See: -hávėsévátsestá. Category: cognition.

-hávėsévetanóotse   vai. come to feel bad (mentally). É-hávėsévetanóotse. He feels bad. Category: cognition.

-héene'ená   vti. intend to know s.t. combination of the preverb hé- and verb stem -héne'ená. É-héene'ēna. He came to (purpose) know it. Initial hé-. See: -héne'ená. Category: cognition.

-héene'enátanó'tá   vti. combination of the preverb hé- and verb stem -héne'enátanó'tá. Névóešeévė-héene'enátanó'ta. You came and want to know it. Initial hé-. See: -héne'ená. Category: cognition.

-héenotómo'ená   vii. overflow. É-héenotómo'ēna. It overflowed. Variant: -héhenotómo'ená, -héheotómo'ená. See: -ó'otómo'ená full. Category: cognition.

-hehpetanó   vai. greedy; want more. a characteristic of the vé'ho'e. É-hehpetāno. He is greedy/he wants more. See: -hehpetsé; -háo'pohe. Category: cognition.

-hehpetanóotse   vai. greedy, want more. É-hehpetanóotse. He wants more than he needs. See: -hehpetsé; -háo'pohe. Category: cognition.

-he'xóvatam   vta. Gram: rr value s.o. to such degree. ... é-he'xóvatamóho. ... that is the amount he valued him. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-héne'ená   vti. know s.t., understand s.t. É-héne'ēna. He knows it. Etym: *kexkinamwa (P) he recognizes, identifies it. Ná-héne'ēna. I know it / I understand it. (another recording) Nátȧ-héne'ēna. I know it now / remember it now. (something that I knew in the past). Nátaéšė-héne'ēna. I have come to understand it. Nátamónė-héne'ēna. I just came to know it. Nátaohkeévȧ-héne'enánone. We know it back again. Né-héne'enahe? Do you know it? (another recording) Nétaéšė-héne'enahe? Do you know it now? Nééšė-héne'enahe? Do you understand it (yet)? Ésáa-héne'enóhe. He does not know/understand it. Násáaxae-héne'enóhe. I simply do not know it. Ésáa-héne'enóhénóvo. They do not know it. Násáa-héne'enóhe. I don't know (it). Many younger speakers do not change the -á ending to -ó: Násáa-héne'enáhe. I don't know. Násáa-héne'enáhe tséohkenėhestohe. I don't know what that means. Nésáa-héne'enáhe. You don't know. Nésáa-héne'enȧhehe? Don't you know? Ná-héne'anánóne. We (excl) know it. Éstamónė-héne'enánȯse. He came to his senses (reportative). Námȧhe-héne'ēna. I know it all. ?? Né-héne'ēna! You know it! That can be said for a meaning similar to "Of course!" Náamė-héne'ēna. I'm learning (something). (another pronunciation) Naa éta'pėhéveamė-héne'ēna. And he is really learning well. Éamė-héne'ēna hé'tóhe Tsėhésenėstsestȯtse. He is learning this Cheyenne language. Éssáa-héne'enóhénȯse tósa'e tséto'sėhešeasėse. He did not know which way to go. [Floating Eyes (Whitedirt).042] vta: -héne'enov. See: -méseeotse; -mé'etanó. Category: cognition, check.

-héne'enáotse   vai. come to know, come to understand; understand - come to. É-héne'enáotse. He came to understand. Nátaéšė-héne'enáotse. I understand. Category: cognition.

-héne'enáotsé'tá   vti. know s.t. quickly, understand s.t. quickly. É-héne'enáotsé'ta. He knew it right away. Nátaéšė-héne'enáotsé'ta. I understand / realize it now. Nátaéšėpėhévė-héne'enáotsé'ta. I really know now what it means. Nátamónė-héne'enáotsé'ta. I have just now realized it. Nátȧ-héne'enáotsé'ta hámó'ȯhtse tséxhenove. I have come to understand for example what is said. Category: cognition, speed.

-héne'enáotsé'tov   vta. know s.o. quickly, find out about s.o. quickly. Nátaéšė-héne'enáotsé'tovoo'o I already found out about them. Category: cognition.

-héne'enátanó'tá   vti. want to know s.t. É-héne'enátanó'ta. He wants to know it. Ná-héne'enátanó'ta. I want to know it. Éohkėhoháe-héne'enátanó'ta. He sure wants to know it. Hénová''e tsé-héne'enátanó'tomáse? What do you want to learn/know? naa hová'éhe tséévė-héne'enátanó'tomóvose and anything they wanted to know. vta: -héne'enátanó'tov. Category: cognition.

-héne'enátanó'tov   vta. want to know s.o. É-héne'enátanó'tovóho. He wants to know him. Ná-héne'enátanó'tóvo. I wants to know him. vti: -héne'enátanó'tá. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-héne'enósané   vai. know people. for example, knows what various people are like, has good intuitions about people. É-héne'enósáne. He knows people. Category: cognition.

-héne'enov   vta. know s.o. É-héne'enovóho. He knows him. Etym: *kexkinawe·wa he recognizes, identifies him; Ar he·ʔnóno·t he knows him. Násáa-héne'enovóhe tséxhoo'ėse. I don't know where he is (lit. I do not know him where he is). Násáa'évȧ-héne'enovóhe tséheševééése. I don't remember/know what she was named. [1987:26] Násáa-héne'enovóheo'o. I do not know them. vti: -héne'ená. See: -méseeotse. Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-héne'enovahe   vai. knowledgeable, educated, aware. É-héne'enovahe. He is knowledgeable. Éháe-héne'enovahe. He is very knowledgeable. Tapėhévėhé-hene'enovaestse! Go learn well! ?? Category: school, cognition, check.

-héne'enovȧhé'tá   vti. know s.t. Mónėhešė-héne'enovȧhé'tȯhéhe héne. I guess he knows something about it. See: héne'en. Category: cognition.

-hesétam   vta. Gram: rr think that way about s.o., wish that for s.o. ... é-hesétamóho. ... he thought that way about him. Etym: *eθe·leme·wa. Násáa-hesétamóhe. I don't care anything about him. vai: -hešetanó; vti: -hesétsestá. See: -nėhesétam; -hešetanó'tov; momóxe-. Category: cognition.

-hesétsėstahe   vai. so think. Category: cognition, check.

-héstátam   vta. regard s.o. as from (there). Ná-héstátámo. I consider him to be from (there). Category: cognition, directions.

-héstoveotse   vai. undecided. É-héstoveotse. He is undecided. See: -héstovetanó; -hetseveotse. Category: cognition.

-héstovéstá   vti. undecided about s.t. É-héstovésta. He is undecided about it. Ná-héstovéstánóne. We couldn't decide/we debated. See: -héstovetanó. Category: cognition.

-hestovootsé'seh   vta. ears - cause s.o. to have, have ears - cause s.o to have, cause s.o. to have ears, learn a lesson, lesson - learn a. É-hestovootsé'sėhahtse. He learned his lesson. Lit: He caused himself to have ears. See: -hao'omósešé. Category: figurative, body, cognition.

-hešetanó   vai. so think, think this way. The second stem vowel is usually whispered, making, for example, é-hešėtāno, used as a cognition quotation closure. ... é-hešėtāno. ... that is how he is thinking. ... ná-hešėtāno. ... I'm thinking that way. ... énė-hešėtāno. ... he is thinking that (previously mentioned) way. ... étšė-hešėtāno. ... he is thinking this way (content about to be said). See: -oo'hetanó. Category: cognition.

-hešetanó'tȯsené   vai. wish for people to do. tsé-hešėtanó'tȯsénėse what (God) has chosen for you to do. [1987:143] Variant: -hešetanó'tȯsané. Category: cognition.

-hešetanó'tov   vta. wish s.t. for s.o. É-hešetanó'tovóho. He wished (that) for him. See: -hesétam. Category: cognition.

-hešetanónaa'e   vai. think that way sitting. Nátama'xeéehetóseamė-hešetanónaa'e I just kept thinking that way as I was sitting. [How God Helped Me Forgive.58.] Phon: vs Category: cognition, sit.

-hešetanóna'ov   vta. how want s.o. to think. héva heéestséstóvévo tséhmȯxe'ȯhomēvȯse tséhešėtanóná'óévȯsema'heóne-mȧhta'sóomaho like, their word which they wrote as it was inspired by the Holy Spirit. [1987:119] Category: cognition.

-hešėtanóotse   vai. think. Náhtȧ-hešėtanóotse. I thought. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.056] Category: cognition.

-hetseveotse   vai. back out. for example, to back out of telling something. É-hetseveotse. He backed out. Ná-hetseveotse. I backed out. [Stamper 1991:4] See: héstove-; -héstoveotse. Category: cognition.

-hoháatsestá   vti. amazed at s.t. can be idiomatically translated as 'to regard s.t. as out of this world'. É-hoháátsésta. He is amazed by it. fti: -átsestá; vta: -hoháatam. See: -hoháóo'ó; -hoháooeóó'e; -otoésetsestá; -hoháahtomóné. Category: cognition.

-ho'ahe   vai. want.

vti. Gram: ai+o want s.t. Ná-ho'ahe. I want it. (another recording) Né-ho'ahe. You want it. É-ho'ahe. He wants it. (another recording) Ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want them (inan.). É-ho'ȧhénóvo. They want it. Mó'éemétaehéhe hová'éhe tsé-ho'aese. He was given whatever he wanted. Né-ho'ȧhehe? Do you want it? É-ho'ȧhehe? Does he want it? Hénová'e tsé-ho'ȧheto? What do you want? Amȧho'hestȯtse ná-ho'ahe. I want a car. É-ho'ahe hohpe. He wants soup. Vovȯtse ná-ho'ahe. I want an egg. Heóveamėške ná-ho'ahe. I want butter. Vóvotȯtse ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want eggs. Mȧhaemenȯtse ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want corn. Honóvóhko ná-ho'ahe. I want drymeat. Vetšėkévȧhonoo'o ná-ho'ahe. I want frybread. Ho'évohkȯhtse ná-ho'ahe. I want meat. Vóhpoma'ȯhtse ná-ho'ahe. I want salt. Amȧho'hestȯtse tsémá'o ná-ho'ahe. I want the red car. Mahpe ná-ho'ahe. I want water. (another recording) Ná-ho'ahe mahpe. I want water. vta: -ho'ȧhé'tov. See: -ho'ȧhéotse. Category: cognition.

-ho'ȧhé'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o want s.o. can also refer to sexual desire for someone. É-ho'ȧhénoto. He wants him. Ná-ho'ȧhé'tova. He wants me. Ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want him. Ésáa-ho'ȧhéhenoto. He doesn't want him. Ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse mo'éhno'ha. I want a horse. Oeškēso ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want a dog. Mȧhōō'o ná-ho'ȧhenȯtse. I want melon. Ná-ho'ȧhénoto póesono. I want cats. Monėškeho ná-ho'ȧhénoto. I want beans. He'éhesono ná-ho'ȧhénoto. I want rice. Éohkėsáa-ho'ȧhé'tovȧhtséheo'o. They don't like each other. vti: -ho'ahe. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-ho'ȧhéotse   vai. want become.

vti. Gram: ai+o want become; come to want (s.t.) É-ho'ȧhéotse. He has come to want (it)/he wants (it). É-ho'ȧhéotsénóvo. They want it. See: -ho'ahe. Category: cognition.

-ho'ȧhétsėstomev   vta. want something for s.o. Oha pėhévomóhtȧhestȯtse hápó'e náohkėhósė-ho'ȧhétsėstómévónóvo. I just want good health for them. [How God Helped Me Forgive.107] vai: -ho'ahe. Category: cognition.

-ho'ėspetanó'tá   vti. fail to understand unsuccessful at understanding s.t. Ná-ho'ėspetanó'ta. I failed to understand it. Category: cognition.

-ho'óma'éšé   vai. 1 • lay head on. for example, to lay your head on a pillow. É-ho'óma'éše. He is laying his head on (something). BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: lie, head.

2 • table something. Category: figurative. that is, have time to think about something. Nátaéšė-ho'óma'éše. Let me table it. Category: cognition, figurative.

-ho'omá'tov   vta. sense arrival of s.o. seems also to refer to wishing for the arrival of s.o. É-ho'omá'tovóho. He sensed that he (obv) was going to arrive. Category: cognition. See: -homá'tov.

-ho'sotátam   vta. regard s.o. as dirty. É-ho'sotátamóho. He regarded him as being dirty. Category: cognition, check.

-hó'xátsestá   vti. accustomed to s.t. É-hó'xátsésta. He is accustomed to it. Etym: *a·ʔe·lentamwa. Nášė-hó'xátsésta tsé'ȯhkėšéešestove tsé'ȯhkenaóotsénove. I'm used to sleeping on a bed. Category: cognition.

-homá'tá   vti. sense s.t., feel s.t. É-homá'ta. He senses it. vai: -homá. See: -héne'ená; -méšená. Category: cognition.

-homá'tov   vta. sense s.o., feel s.o. É-homá'tovóho. He sensed him. For example, one could sense the presence of someone not seen in the dark, or the departed spirit of someone who has recently died. É-homá'tohe He was sensed. vai: -homá. Category: cognition.

-homáotse   vai. sense, become conscious of, notice, feel. É-homáotse. He came to sense (something). See: -homá; -méšená; -pėhévomáotse. Category: cognition.

-homáotsé'tá   vti. notice s.t., detect s.t., aware of s.t., sense s.t., feel s.t. É-homáotsé'ta. He came to notice it. [1987:277] See: -méšená. Category: cognition.

-homóhtátsestá   vti. bothered by s.t., offended by s.t., resent s.t. É-homóhtátsésta. He is bothered by it. Ésáa-homóhtátsėstóhe. He ignored it/he didn't let it bother him. See: -vénátsésta. Category: cognition, emotions.

-homósetanó   vai. expecting something to happen. É-homósetāno. He is expecting something to happen. Initial homóse-. Category: cognition.

-hoómetátam   vta. suspect s.o. É-hóometátamóho. He suspects him. "Tsé'tóhe hē'e ná-hóometátámo," éxhetóhoono. "This woman, I suspect her," he told him. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.045] Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-hóovėhešėtanó   vai. groundlessly think. É-hóovėhešėtāno. He thought so groundlessly. Ná-hóovėhešėtāno. I thought so groundlessly. Ques: recheck?? Category: cognition.

-hoto'átam   vta. satisfied with s.o., approve of s.o. É-hoto'átamóho. He is satisfied with him. See: -pėhévátam. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-hoto'átsestá   vti. satisfied with s.t., approve of s.t. É-hoto'átsésta. He is satisfied with it. Ná-hoto'átsésta. I am satisfied with it. Ésáa-hoto'átsėstóhe. He is not in favor of it. See: -amȧhtá'tá; -pėhévátsestá. Category: cognition.

-hoto'etanóotse   vai. agree (to something). É-hoto'etanóotse. He agreed. Móstȧ-hoto'etanóotsėhevóhe. They must have agreed (to it). Ques: pleased with?? Category: cognition, emotions, check.

-hotséovó'setanó   vai. anticipate good; expect a blessing. É-hotséovó'setāno. He is anticipating (something good to happen). tséévėhešė-hotséovo'setanónove how "hoping-to-get-well way of thinking". [1987:211] Usage: not well known today See: -momé'hemetanó; -hotsévoom; -hotsévatanó; -momé'hemetanó. Category: emotions, cognition.

-hotséovo'tátam   vta. hope with regard to s.o., blessing with regard to s.o. - expect a. tā'se étaohkėhoháe-hotséovo'tátame ȯhtaéenėhešenėheto'eétȧhénovee'ėstse like, you have high hopes when you do all these things (in the SunDance). [1987:211.] Category: cognition.

-hotséovo'tátsestá   vti. blessing with regard to s.o. - expect a, hope with regard to s.t. Naa návé'šė-hotséovo'tátsésta hé'tóhe ma'heóne-e'óestaáhe-vo'ėstanéhevestȯtse. And I expect this Christian life to be good. [PRAISE.TXT] Category: cognition.

-hová'ėhevátam   vta. regard s.o. as something, value s.o. É-hová'ėhevátamóho. He considers him valuable. Ná-hová'ėhevátámo. I consider him to be of value/I value him as something. Ná-hová'ėhevátamahtse. I think s.t. of myself; I have value. Category: cognition.

-hová'ėhevátsestá   vti. value s.t., regard s.t. as something. See: hóvotse. É-hová'ėhevátsésta. He regards it as something/he values it. Ésáa-hová'ėhevátsėstóhe. He doesn't mind it/he can take it (for example, teasing)/he thought nothing of it/he values it as worth nothing. [1987:62, 198] Category: cognition.

-hóxe'átam   vta. regard s.o. as clean. É-hóxe'átamóho. He considers him clean. fta: -átam. Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-'ót    Category: check.

fta. declare s.o. . Épėhévo'-ótóho Ma'heóneva. oto?? He praised God. (lit., called him good). Category: check. Épėhéve'-oto. ?? He honored him (lit., called him good). Category: check. Náhávėsévo'-óto.  ?? I regard him as bad. Category: check. Náma'heónevo'-óto. I praise him (declare him to be God). Néoseehoháe'-otoo'o.  ?? You caused them much loneliness. (1987:296). Category: check. É-háo'-oto He bragged about him. fti: -óhtá ??. Category: check. See: -átam. Category: cognition.

-mȧháohtsétseve   vai. all guilty?? only used with plural subjects. É-mȧháohtsétseveo'o. They are all guilty/they all know what happened. See: -háohtsétseve. Category: cognition, check.

-mȧhovátsestá   vti. tired of s.t. É-mȧhovátsésta. He is tired (or bored) of it. vai: -mȧhovetanó. Category: cognition.

-ma'heónátsestá   vti. regard s.t. as sacred. É-ma'heónátsésta. He regards it as sacred. Category: sacred, cognition.

-mámȯhevėhešetanó   vai. agree; united thinking. Néta-mámȯhevėhešetanómáne! Let's be united in thinking! Category: cognition.

-mé'etanó   vai. remember. É-mé'etāno. He remembered. Ques: recheck pitches?? Lit: appear-(in)mental.state; i.e. to remember is to have something appear in one's mind vta: -mé'etanó'tov. See: -héne'ená. Category: cognition, check.

-mé'etanó'seh   vta. cause s.o. to remember. Ná-mé'estanó'sého.?? I caused him to remember.?? Category: cognition.

-mé'etanó'tá   vti. remember s.t. É-mé'etanó'tá. He remembered it. Ná-mé'etanó'ta. I remembered it. Category: cognition.

-mé'etanó'tov   vta. remember s.o., think about s.o. This kind of remembering is culturally important, for example we might say when we have gone to church, ná-mé'etanó'tóvo Ma'hēō'o 'I remembered God'. É-mé'etanó'tovóho. He remembered him. Námé'etanó'tóvo. I remember him. Néée-mé'etanó'tovovohe tsénótȧxévese? Have you been remembering the soldiers? Náohkeée-mé'etanónoto náhko'éehe naa ného'éehetséohkeméhae'éeheševovéstomóó'évȯse. I remember my mother and my father, how they taught me. [BERTHA.TXT] See: -tó'ovetanó'tov; -tóxetanó'tov. Category: cognition.

mé'etanóotse   vai. come to remember. Ná-mé'etanóotse. I've come to remember (it). Category: cognition.

mé'etanóotsé't   vta. come to remember s.t. É-mé'etanóotsé'tánóvo. They remembered it. Category: cognition.

mé'etanóotsé't   vta. come to remember s.t. É-mé'etanóotsé'tánóvo. They remembered it. Category: cognition.

-mé'evám   vta. remind s.o. of something similar. Ná-mé'évámo. I reminded him of something similar. Category: cognition, speak.

-mé'hometanó   vai. wish for something to happen. É-mé'hometāno. He is wishing for it to happen. Category: cognition.

-méseahe   vai. sober, think clearly. É-méseahe. He is sober/normal/honest. Ééše-méseahe. He is sober now. Category: cognition.

-méseešé   vai. revive, sober up, regain consciousness, awaken from deep sleep. Phon: The s often assimilates to the following š. É-méseēše. He is coming out of a drunken stupor. Émóneéva-méseēše. He is just now coming back out of a drunken stupor. Móéva-méseešenȧhéhe. He must have come back to life. [1987:397] Assimilated -méšeešé. See: -méseeotse; -méseahe. Category: drink, cognition.

-méseevo'ešé   vai. sober up from falling. É-méseevo'ēše. He came to his senses from falling. Ques: méseé?? Náéva-méseevo'ēše. I came to my senses from falling. Category: fall, cognition, check.

-méšeh   vta. find out about s.o. É-méšėhóho. He found out about him. Etym: *mo·šihe·wa (P). Ná-méšého. I found out about him. Ná-méšėháne I was found out. See: -méšen; -méšenov. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-méšená   vti. sense s.t., detect s.t., notice s.t., realize s.t., find out s.t. É-méšéna. He noticed/realized it/found it out. vta: -méšenov. Etym: cf *mo·šihta·wa he senses it. See: -méšenová; -homáotsé'tá; -héne'ená; . Category: cognition.

-méšenov   vta. detect s.o., find out about s.o., discover about s.o. É-méšenovóho. He found out about him. Ná-méšénóvo. I detected him. naa oha móh-méšenoehevovóhe but they (prox.) had been discovered (by the soldiers). [1987:42] vti: -méšená. See: -méšeh; -homáotsé'tov; -héne'enov. Category: cognition.

-méšenová   vai. detect, discover, find out about. Ná-méšénóva. I detected. ?? É-méšénóva. ?? He detected (it). ?? [1987:304] Ques: recheck recordings?? Category: check. Hestatanemo mósta-méšenovȧhehevóhe. Her brother found out about (it). [1987:304] See: -méšená; -héne'ená. Category: cognition.

-mévatanó'tov   vta. want to eat s.o. Ná-mévatanó'tóvo. I want to eat him. Category: eat, cognition.

-momáxometanó   vai. meditate, muse. Lit: deliberately-think É-momáxometāno. He is meditating/musing. Category: cognition.

-momé'hemėstáhá   vai. wishfully think from the heart. É-momé'hemėstáha. He is wishfully thinking from the heart. Category: cognition.

momóxe-   pfx. wish, optative, beseech. a prefix that has an optative meaning. me'- seems to have stronger force. Momóxė-héne'enómo. I wish I understood it. Momóxe-tsėhésenėstséto. I wish I could talk Cheyenne. Momóxė-háestoha neaénamȯtse! May you have many (more) birthdays! Momóxe-pėhévėstao'omeneestse náhesétámo. (I) wish good welfare for him, that is what I'm thinking about him. Contracted omóxe-; vta: momóhtsem. See: me'-. Category: cognition.

momóxeto   p. wishing. Momóxeto náme'sáa'évȧhósetšėhe'šetsėheto'omenėhéhéme (We) wish we would never suffer like this again. Category: cognition.

-mónatam   vta. regard s.o. as new ?? Category: check. can imply having sex with s.o. É-mónatamóho. He considered him new. É-mónatamȧhtseo'o. "They disappear constantly, supposedly to have sex." vta: -mónatsestá. Category: cognition, sex.

-mónátsestá   vti. regard s.t. as new ?? Category: check. can refer to a man looking for a woman's vagina to have sex. É-mónátsésta. He considered it new. vta: -mónatam. Category: cognition, sex.

-nȧhešem   vta. expect certain behavior of s.o. ?? includes idea that the expectation is fulfilled; usually means expecting that the person will do something bad. É-nȧhešemóho. He expected him to turn out (some way) and he did (usually something negative). ?? Category: check. É-nȧhešeme. He turned out exactly as expected (a kind of fatalistic thinking). Usage: obsolescing Category: interpersonal, cognition, check.

-naná   vti. recognize s.t. É-nána. He recognized it. Etym: *nenamwa. vta: -nanóv. See: -nanohtá. Category: cognition.

-nanohtá   vti. recognize s.t. É-nanōhta. He recognized it. Etym: *nenamwa (P). vai: -nanov. See: -naná. Category: cognition.

-náno'tátam   vta. consider s.o. best. É-náno'tátamóho. He considers him (obv) the best. [pd279] Initial náno't-; vti: -náno'tátsestá. Category: cognition.

-náno'tátsestá   vti. consider s.t. best. É-náno'tátsésta. He considers it the best. [pd279] Initial náno't-; vta: -náno'tátam. Category: cognition.

-nanósané   vai. recognize (people). É-nanósáne. He recognized people. Etym: *nena·tike·wa. Éohkeéva-nanósáne. He forgives people. Lit: he recognizes again vta: -nanóv. See: -nanomóné. Category: cognition.

-nanov   vta. 1 • recognize s.o. É-nanovóho. He recognized him. Etym: *nenawe·wa (P). Ná-nanōvo. I recognize him. Ná-nanōō'e. They recognize me. É-nanóvȧhtseo'o. They recognize each other/they have made peace. Né-nanóehe? Did he recognize you? Né-nanovovohe tá'tóhe Heévȧhetaneo'o? Do you recognize those Cheyennes. Phon: vcpr vai: -nanomóné; vti: -nanohtá. See: -naná; -a'xaót; -he-vésenéhe'tov; -vonetanó'tá. Etym: *nena·we·wa I recognize him. Category: interpersonal.

2 • make peace with s.o.reconcile with s.o. Nétaéva-nanóvȧhtsémáne! Let's recognize each other again! (that is, reconcile, forgive). Éva-nanóvahtse! Reconcile with each other! Ééva-nanóvȧhtseo'o. They have recognized each other again. É-nanóvȧhtséstove. There is peace/there is reconciliation. Such reconciliation is typically shown by shaking hands; this cultural sign is a way of indicating forgiveness for which there is no single Cheyenne word. Category: interpersonal, cognition, figurative.

-nėhesétam   vta. think that way about s.o. Ná-nėhesétámo. That's what I think about him. See: -hesétam; -tónėsétam. Category: cognition.

-nėhesétsėstahe   vai. think that way. Tsé'tó=vé'hó'e éohke-nėhesétsėstȧheo'o. These white people think that way. Category: cognition, check.

-nėhešetanó   vai. think that way. the anaphoric pv. ne- refers back to a way of thinking previously mentioned. Phon: The /e/ preceding /tanó/ usually devoices in natural speech. Ná-nėhešėtāno. I'm thinking that way. É-nėhešetāno. He is thinking that way. Névé'-nėhešėtāno! Don't think that way! for example, don't be depressed. See: -hešėtanó; -ne'enátanó'tá. Category: cognition.

-nėhešetanó'tȯsané   vai. think that way about people, so think about people. With the -ósané final this form is said to be more "personal" than -nėhešetanó. É-nėhešėtanó'tȯsáne. He thinks that way about people. Ésáa-nėhešėtanó'tȯsanéhe. He doesn't think that way toward people. (cf. 2 Peter 3:9). Category: cognition.

-nėhešetanó'tov   vta. think so about s.o., wish that way about s.o. É-nėhešetanó'tovóho. He wishes him to be like that. Né-nėhešetanó'tovȧtse néme'mésehe. I wish you would eat. Naa Ma'hēō'o mónáohke-nėhešėtanó'toehéhe. God must have directed me that way. Category: cognition.

-néhnėhetameotse   vai. give up. É-néhnėhetameotse. He became discouraged and gave up. [1987:277] Móstȧxaeévȧhe'kema'xemȧheáhane-néhnėhetameotsėhéhe. He just completely gave up all hope. [1987:277] See: -éstavaotse. Category: cognition, emotions.

-nésovavetanó   vai. split in thinking, think in two ways. É-nésovavetāno. He is split in his thinking/he is thinking in two ways. See: -héstovetanó. Category: cognition.

-nétȧhévatam   vta. think differently of s.o.consider s.o. different. Ná-nétȧhévátámo. I consider him different. [1987:226] Néohkėsó'=hovéhno=nétȧhévatamoo'o. You still think a little bit different of (Cheyennes). vti: -nétȧhévátsest. Category: cognition.

-nétȧhévetanó   vai. think differently, feel differently. Nétȧhévetānȯhtse! Change your way of thinking! for example, Quit being depressed! Category: emotions, cognition.

-nétȧhévetanóotse   vai. come to think differently. Mósta-nétȧhévetanóotsėhéhe. He began to wonder. [1987:285] Initial nétȧhéve-; fai: -tanó; Final -otse. See: -nȯhtovetanóotse ??. Category: check, cognition.

-netséstá   vti. disbelieve s.t. É-netsésta. He disbelieved it. vta: -netséstov. See: -netse'e lie. Category: cognition.

-néxa'etāno   vai. think two ways. É-néxa'etāno. He thinks two ways. for example, when someone follows two different religions. See: -héstovetanó. Category: cognition.

-nėxoóhtátam   vta. regard s.o. as cute. É-nėxoóhtatamóho. He thinks he (obv) is cute. fta: -átam. Category: cognition, appearance.

-nėxoóhtátsestá   vti. regard s.t. as cute. É-nėxoóhtátsésta. He thinks it's cute. Category: cognition, appearance.

-nȯhtóvátam   vta. know how to think of s.o. Éohkėsáa-nȯhtóvatamóhevo. They don't know how to think of them. [1987:227] Category: cognition.

-nȯhtóvátsestá   vti. wonder about s.t. É-nȯhtovátsésta. He is wondering about it. Variant: -nėstovátsestá. Category: cognition.

-nȯhtovetanó   vai. wonder, ponder, think about. É-nȯhtóvetāno. He is pondering. See: -oo'hetanó. Category: cognition.

-nȯhtovetanó'tá   vti. wonder about s.t. É-nȯhtovetanó'ta. He is wondering about it. Category: cognition.

-nȯhtovetanó'tov   vta. wonder about s.o. É-nȯhtovetanó'tovóho. He is wondering about him. Éame-nȯhtovetanó'tovȧhtséstove. You (should) keep on wondering about them/you should keep in touch with them (Impersonal). [1987:219] See: -mȯxetanó'tov; -tóxetanó'tov. Category: cognition.

-nȯhtovetanónaa'e   vai. sit wondering. É-nȯhtovetanónaa'e. He is sitting wondering. Category: cognition, sit.

-nȯhtovetanóotse   vai. wonder, ponder. É-nȯhtovetanóotse. He is pondering. See: -oo'hetanó. Category: cognition.

-nȯhtovomá'ta   vti. anticipate, expect s.t. See: -hotséovo'setanó. É-nȯhtovomá'ta. He anticipates/expects it. Category: cognition.

-nȯhtsetanó'tá   vti. wonder about s.o. É-nȯhtsetanó'ta. He is wondering about him. Category: cognition.

-nȯhtsetanó'tov   vta. wonder about s.o. É-nȯhtsetanó'tovóho. He is wondering about him. Category: cognition.

-no'hétanó   vai. distracted, inattentive. É-no'hétáno. He was inattentive. Lit: aside-think See: -o'kotahe; -vona'ėstséhahtsé; -vona'ėstséh. Category: cognition.

-no'hétanóotse   vai. distracted - become, inattentive - become. É-no'hétanóotse. He was distracted. Category: cognition.

-no'kan   1 • vti. only care about s.t. É-no'kāna. He cares only about it. Éxamae-no'kanánóvo hemanéstóvévo. The only thing that matters to them is their drinking. [Sweet Medicine Comments.061]

2 • vta. only care about s.o. É-no'kanóho. He cares only about him (obv). See: -néxan; -névan. Category: cognition, numbers.

-no'kátam   vta. only think of s.o.; favor s.o. É-no'kátamóho. He only thinks of him. É-no'kátamahtse. He only thinks of himself. Category: cognition.

-nonó'ketanó   vai. be selfish; self-centered. Ésáa-nonó'ketanóhtovėhane. There is not just thinking alone. Non-reduplicated -no'ketanó. Phon: redup Category: cognition.

-noo'hátséstá   vti. analyze s.t. É-noo'hátsésta. ?? He analyzed it. ?? Category: cognition.

-nóvȯhe'étanó   vai. race in mind. É-nóvȯhe'étáno. He is racing in mind. Névé'-nóvȯhe'étanóme mȧsėhánééstóva, onésetó'ha'éetanetáhoestovevoo'o, onésėhestóxévétáno mȧsėhánééstóva! Don't race in craziness, try to stop your mounts (that is, horses), tyro come in last in terms of craziness! (= Don't live a hurried, crazy life!) This was a saying that John Stands In Timber liked to repeat. Category: sayings, cognition, record.

-oe'kėhévatam   vta. suspect s.o. of cheating, suspicious of s.o. - be, leery of s.o. - be. É-oe'kėhévatamóho. He is suspicious of him. Náohke-oe'kėhévátámo. I'm leery of him. [1987:252] Móhnėševáhtome-oe'kėhévatamȯhevóhe. He was still suspicious of her. Category: cognition. vta: -átam. Category: interpersonal.

-o'kėhévatam   vta. suspect s.o., be suspicious of s.o. Category: interpersonal, cognition, check.

-ó'ó'éné   vai. 1 • 

1 • blind. É-ó'ó'éne. He is blind. Nėstsevé'-tóhpoomahtse; nėstseó'ó'éne. Don't look on your privates; you'll become blind. (a cultural injunction).

2 • unable to recognize the truth about something. possibly a loan translation from English. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -ó'kéné; -ó'héné. Category: eyes, sight, figurative, cognition.

-ó'ȯsetanó   vai. wrongly think, mistakenly think, think wrongly, err in thinking. É-ó'ȯsetāno. He thought wrongly. hená'hanehe né=ma'háhkése tséheše-ó'ȯsetānȯse that is the way that old man thought wrongly. [1987:171] Mó'-ó'ȯsetanȯhéhe. He went wrong in his thinking. [1987:236] Category: cognition.

-oné'seómȧhahtá   vai. believe. É-oné'seómȧháhta. He believes. vta: -oné'seómȧhahtov. See: -oné'seómátam. Category: cognition.

-oné'seómȧhahtov   vta. believe s.o. É-oné'seómȧhahtovóho. He believes him. See: -oné'seómȧhahtá'tov; -oné'seómátam. Category: cognition.

-oné'seómátam   vta. believe s.o. that is, believe what he says is true. É-oné'seómatamóho. He believed him. vti: oné'seómátsest; fta: -átam. See: oné'seómȧhaht; oné'seómȧhahtá't; hetómem. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-oné'seómátsestá   vti. believe s.t. This means to believe that something is true. É-oné'seómátsésta. He believed it. vta: -oné'seómatam. Category: cognition.

-onémetanó   vai. have twisted thinking, have crooked thinking. É-onémetāno. He is 'thinking crooked'. [1987:241] That is, he is 'not himself'. Category: cognition.

-ononávetanó   vai. undecided. for example, of a young Cheyenne person because of culture change today. É-ononávetāno. He is undecided / mixed up / confused in his thinking. See: -héstovetanó. Category: cognition.

ononése-   pv. goofy, silly, confused, foolish. Vé'ho'e mó'-ononéseoo'hetanȯhéhe. The whiteman did some goofy thinking. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes (Glenmore).094] Category: cognition.

-ononése-oo'hetanó   vai. think in a goofy way. É-ononéseoo'hetāno. He thinks in a confused way. [1987:366] Category: cognition.

ononés(t)-   i. confused. É-ononéstahe. He is confused. É-ononéstȧho'he. He went crazy from the heat. É-ononéstanāā'e. She (obv.) has made him love-crazy. Preverb ononése-. Category: cognition.

-ononésta'ósáne   vai. confused. Ques: get a more precise meaning compared to -ononéstahe É-ononésta'ósáne. ?? Category: check, cognition.

ononésta'ósanestȯtse   ni. methamphetamine, meth, crystal meth. Lit: that which causes people to become confused Category: new, cognition.

-ononésta'ov   vta. disorient s.o., confuse s.o. É-ononésta'ovóho. He confused him. Ná-ononésta'oo'e manestȯtse I was disoriented by drink. See: -ononésem. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-ononéstan   vta. confuse s.o., disorient s.o. É-ononéstanāā'e. She (obv.) has made him love-crazy. See: -tsėho'ėšem; -péehahtsé; -é'otse'konán; -péešem. Category: romance, cognition.

-ononéstanó   vai. be confused. É-ononéstáno. He is confused. See: -onótovahe. Category: cognition.

-ononéstatam   vta. regard s.o. as being confused. É-ononéstatamóho. He regards him as being confused (or out of his mind). See: -onéstatam. Category: cognition.

-ononovátam   vta. confused by s.o. É-ononovátamóho. He is confused by him (obv). Ques: who does the confusing?? Category: cognition.

-ononovátsestá   vti. confused by s.t. É-ononovátsésta. He is confused by it. Category: cognition.

-ononoveotse   vai. become confused, become disoriented. É-ononoveotse. He became confused. Category: cognition.

-oo'hátam   vta. evaluate s.o. This would include trying to decide how you feel about someone. É-oo'hátamóho. He checked him out. Táaxa'e néme'éve-oo'hátamōvo. Let's see; you (pl) should consider what to do about her. [1987:310] Névé'nėheše-oo'hátame! Don't judge (criticize) me that way! vti: -oo'hátsestá. See: -onéstátam test s.o.. Category: cognition.

-oo'hátsestá   vti. evaluate s.t. Ná-oo'hátsésta. I thought it through thoroughly. Éohke-oo'hátsésta. He evaluates. [UNCHANGD.TXT] Náto'seévavóvȯheše-oo'hátsésta tséméhaehešene'étaméto. I'm going to reevaluate what I have trusted in. [UNCHANGD.TXT] vta: -oo'hátam. Category: cognition.

-oo'hetanó   vai. ponder, think. É-oo'hetāno. He is pondering. for example, thinking something over before making a decision. See: -hešėtanó; -tanó; -pėhéveoo'hetanó. Category: cognition.

-oo'hetanónae'tá   vti. sit thinking about s.t. Naa tséstaéveametáhoéto náma'xeéeame-oo'hetanónaē'ta. And as I was riding along I really kept wondering about it. [How God Helped Me Forgive.54.] Category: sit, cognition.

-oo'hetanónaóó'e   vai. stand thinking. É-oo'hetanónaóó'e. He is standing thinking. Phon: vs See: -oo'hetanó. Category: stand, cognition.

-oo'hetanónaxé   vai. lie thinking. É-oo'hetanónáxe. He is lying down thinking. Né-oo'hetanónȧxenahe? Are you thinking lying down? fai: -šená. Category: lie, cognition.

-ót   fta. declare s.o., call s.o. Variant: -o'ót. Éhó-'oto. He whooped at him. fti: -óhtá ??. See: -átam. Category: cognition, speak, check.

-ováxėhéne'ená   vai. dream know, know by dreaming. É-ováxėhéne'ēna. He knows things through dreams. See: -héne'ená know (s.t.). Category: cognition, sleep.

-óxėsetanó   vai. think differently, think astray. É-óxėsetāno. He wants to be different/separate. Antonym -hó'xėstanó. See: óxėse. Category: cognition.

-óxėstátam   vta. put away s.o. in thinking, reject s.o. for example, of a brother not recognizing a sister. É-óxėstátamóho. He rejected him. Category: cognition, check.

-pȧhávatam   vta. regard s.o. as good. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-pėhévatam   vta. like s.o., approve of s.o., admire s.o. Lit: regard s.o. as good It is a strong Cheyenne cultural value that people should not feel his way about themselves. É-pėhévatamóho. He likes him/he regards him as good. Ná-pėhévátámo. I like him. Ná-pėhévátámo hésta'se. I like the snow. É-pėhévatamahtse. He is 'stuck up.'. É-pėhévatamȧhtseo'o. They think they are good / they are proud. It is a strong Cheyenne cultural value that people should not feel his way about themselves. See: -háatam. Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-pėhévátsestá   vti. like s.t. Lit: regard s.t. as good É-pėhévátsésta. He likes it. Ná-pėhévátsésta. I like it. Né-pėhévatsėstahe? Do you like it? Ná-pėhévátsésta Tsėhésenėstsestȯtse. I like the cheyenne language. Náohkėhoháe-pėhévátsésta Tsėhésenėstsestȯtse. I really like the Cheyenne language. fti: -átsestá; fta: -átam. Category: cognition.

-pėhéveoo'hetanóh   vta. cause s.o. to think well. Ná-pėhéveoo'hetanoha He made it so that I had clear thinking. See: -oo'hetanó; -pėhéveoo'hetanó'tov. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-pėhéveoo'hetanó'tov   vta. think of s.o. that he will do well ?? Ná-pėhéveoo'hetanó'tova. He knows I can do it right. See: -oo'hetanó; -pėhéveoo'hetanóh; -pėhévátam. Category: cognition, check.

-pėhévetoetómoo'e   vta. weather be pleasing to s.o. typically occurs in ITA constructions, that is, with a notional inanimate subject and animate object. Ques: what is the verb stem?? Category: check. É-pėhévetoetómoo'e. The weather was pleasing to him. That is, he liked the weather. Phon: vs See: -pėhéveahtám; -pėhévetootómoo'e. Category: weather, cognition.

-pėhévoemeh   vta. impress s.o., make a good impression on s.o. Ques: ?? Ques: revise other glosses here to agree with gloss?? É-pėhévoemėhóho He thinks well of him. Ná-pėhévoemeha. He impressed me. Ná-pėhévoemēho. He thinks I'm good. Ná-pėhévoemėhoo'o. They admire me. See: -hoem; -tónetoem. Category: interpersonal, cognition, check.

-pėhévo'óhtsé   vti. regard s.t. good, consider s.t. good. É-pėhévo'óhtse. He considered it good. vta: -pėhévo'ót. Category: cognition.

-pe'pe'etanóotse   vai. think chaotically. É-pe'pe'etanóotse. He is thinking chaotically. Category: cognition.

-tanévátsésta   vti. consider s.t. a shame. É-tanévátsésta. He considers it a shame. [pd62] Category: emotions, cognition.

-tanó'tov   vta. want s.o. to do (s.t.) takes AI stems or initials as complement, and requires that the semantic subject of the complement be the same as the semantic subject of the matrix verb. mónáme'éetšėhe'šėhéase-tanó'tovoo'o I will NEVER want them to leave. Use with a semantically transitive stem as complement requires that it first be detransitivized; if it cannot be detransitivized then other morphosyntactic possibilities must be utilized, such as use of a different matrix verb in conjunction with a separate verb (typically of the conjunct order) as complement. Návóomá-tanó'tóvo. I want to see him. Névóomá-tanó'tovȧtse. I want to see you. Category: cognition.

-tanónaa'e   fai. feel.sit. É'éenȯhtove-tanónaehoo'o. He sat wondering. [The Frog and Her Children.028] Category: cognition. Phon: vs Category: sit.

-tanóna'ov   fta. influence s.o., entice s.o. Énėhešė-tanóna'ovóho. He enticed him that way. Category: cognition, interpersonal.

-tanóotse   fai. feel.become. Nápėhéve-tanóotse. I became happy. Category: cognition.

-taomeametanó   vai. think independently only. does not listen to advice from others, considered a negative thing. Nėstsevé'-taomeametāno! Don't have a mind of your own! Éohke-taomeametāno. He doesn't listen to advice. See: -ametanó. Category: cognition.

-tátsetanó   vai. deride, scoff, joke, taunt, make fun of. É-tátsetāno. He is a scoffer/is not serious/he is always joking or making fun. Nėstsevé'eée-tátsetanóme! Do not (you pl.) make fun! (1987:236). See: -tó'hohtahe. Category: cognition.

-toetanó'tá   vti. keep s.t. in mind, hold s.t. in mind. É-toetanó'ta. He held on to it (in his mind). Náohke-toenó'ta. I regularly keep it in mind. Toetanó'tome tséhetatsése! Hold on to what I have told you (pl)! [1987:206] Lit: hold on to s.t. in the mind See: -mé'etanó'tá remember it; -toetóhtá. Category: cognition.

-toetanó'tov   vta. keep in mind s.o. É-toetanó'tovóho. He kept him in mind. See: -mé'etanó'tov. Category: cognition.

-tó'hetanó   vai. stop, restrain, hold back. É-tó'hetāno. He restrained himself. ?? Tó'hetānȯhtse! Restrain yourself! for example, from falling over the edge. See: héstovetanó. Category: cognition, check.

-tó'hetanó'tov   vta. resist s.o. in thought. Tó'hetanó'toveha! Resist him in your thinking! Category: cognition.

-tó'ovetanó'tá   vti. want s.t. forever. É-tó'ovetanó'ta. He wants it forever. Category: cognition.

-tó'ovetanó'tov   vta. remember s.o., keep in mind s.o., cling tightly to s.o. in mind. É-tó'ovetanó'tovóho. He kept him in mind/he remembered him. See: -mé'etanó'tov; -toetanó'tov. Category: cognition.

-tónėsétam   vta. how regard s.o., how think about s.o. É-tónėsétamóho? What does he think of him? Né-tónėsétámo? What do you think of him? Násáa-tónėsétamóhe. I don't have any feelings toward him (probably especially no ill feelings). vti: tónėsétsest. Category: temperature, cognition, interpersonal.

-tónėsétsestá   vti. how regard s.t. É-tónėsétsésta? What does he think of it? Né-tónėsétsésta? What do you think of it? Névé'-tónėsétsésta! Don't think anything of it! vta: -tónėsetam. See: -tónėšetsestá. Category: cognition.

-tónėšetsestá   vti. what think about s.t. Né-tónėšétsésta? What do you think about it? See: -tónėsetsestá. Category: cognition, check.

-tonétsestá   vti. hold s.t. in the mind, think on s.t., mull over s.t. É-tonétsésta. He mulled it over. See: -toetanó'tov; -mé'etanó'tov. Category: cognition.

-totáxetanó'tá   vti. think above s.t. Nátaohkėsáa'ée-totáxetanó'tóhe hová'éhe. I don't (pretend to) know everything. Phon: redup See: táxe-; -héne'ená; -anóetanó'tov. Category: cognition.

-tóxetanó   vai. have good sense, be reasonable. for instance, knowing the difference between right and wrong activities. É-tóxetāno. He has good sense. Ná-tóxetāno. I have good sense. Category: cognition.

-tóxetanó'ta   vti. think about s.t. É-tóxetanó'ta. He thought about it. Ná-tóxetanó'ta. I thought about it. Category: cognition.

-tóxetanó'tov   vta. think about s.o. É-tóxetanó'tovóho. He thought about him. See: -totóxem; -mé'etanó'tov. Category: cognition.

-tsėhésetanó   vai. think as an Indian, think as a Cheyenne. É-tsėhésetāno. He is thinking Indian. Ná-tsėhésetāno. I'm thinking Indian. Tsėhésetāno! Think Cheyenne! (said to more than one person). See: -tsėhésevo'ėstanéheve. Category: cognition.

tsėhésetanohtȯtse   ni. Cheyenne way of thinking ?? See: tsėhésevo'ėstanéhevestȯtse. Category: cognition.

-tšėhešėtanó   vai. think this way?? Ná-tšėhešėtāno. I'm thinking this way.?? See: hešetanó. Category: cognition.

-váa'tá   vti. pay attention only to s.t. Ná-váá'ta. I pay attention only to it. Náohke-váá'ta ame. I pay attention only to pemmican (that is all I'm eating, I like it so much). vta: -váa'tov; vai: -váa'esé. See: -hohamátsestá; -háe'ahtá. Category: cognition.

-vé'ho'étanó   vai. act like a whiteman. É-vé'ho'étáno. He acts like a white person. Otaxa éneeme'se-vé'ho'étanoo'o. They just think like white people. [STORIES.TXT] See: -vé'ho'é-vėsetanó; -vé'ho'évetanó. Category: cognition, record.

-vona'ėstséhahtsé   vti. distracted by s.t. ?? É-vona'ėstséháhtse. ?? vta: -vona'ėstséh. Category: check, cognition.

-vona'ėstsé'o'h   vta. cause s.o. to lost their head. Ná-vona'ėstsé'o'haa'e. It made me lose my head. (an idiom). Category: cognition.

-vonémáohtá   vti. ignore s.t.avoid s.t. É-vonémáóhta. He is avoiding it. Náoh-vonémáóhta. I tried to ignore it. [How God Healed Me.019] See: -vonetanó'tá. Category: cognition.

-vonénahe   vai. confused. Ná-vonénahe. I'm confused. See: -távahe; -ononéstahe. Category: cognition.

-vonėstséa'ó'h   vta. befuddle s.o., cause s.o. to be helter-skelter in their thinking. Lit: lose-head-cause É-vonėstséa'o'ho. He made him think in a helter-skelter way. Vó'keme ná-vonėstséa'o'ha. Old Man Winter hit me again. (a humorous idiom referring to my mind going helter-skelter; maybe I had plans but they are now shot, as if a Spring blizzard had come in and messed things up for me). Usage: humorous expression vai: -vonėstséá'e. Category: interpersonal, cognition.

-vonetanó   vai. forget. Lit: be.gone-in.mind É-vonetāno. He forgot. Ná-vonetāno. I forgot. vti: -vonetanó'tá; vta: -vonetanó'tov. See: noose-. Category: cognition.

-vonetanó'tá   vti. forget s.t. É-vonetanó'ta. He forgot it. Násáatónėše-vonetanó'tóhe. I can't forget it (for example, something unresolved that keeps coming back to my mind). Vonetanó'tȯhtse! Forget about it! Hevéhestȯtse háá'ėše éto'sėsáa-vonetanó'tȯhéhanéhetse. His name way off is not going to be forgotten. [Instruction to Children.021] The original meaning of 'forget' has been extended to mean something like the English idea of 'forgive': Néta-vonetanó'tanone! Let's forget about it! That can be said when forgiveness is taking place. Ná-vonetanó'tomóvo tséhávėsévo'eéhá'ėse I forgave him for the bad he did to me. See: -nanov. Category: cognition.

-vonetanó'tomov   vta. forget something about s.o. Ná-vonetanó'tomóvo. I have forgotten that about him. Ná-vonetanó'tomóvo tséhávėsévo'eéhá'ėse. I forgave him for doing bad to me. Ja, nátano'-vonetanó'tomóvo hevéhestȯtse. Wow, I also forgot his name. Ques: recheck analysis?? also get plural object móvoo'o?? Category: cognition, check.

-vonetanóotse   vai. forget. The suffix -otse gives the idea of quickly forgetting, very close to the English simple verb of 'forget.'. Ná-vonetanóotse. I forgot; I lost my train of thought. Náohke-vonetanóotse. I forget. See: -vonetanó. Category: cognition.

-vonomóhtahe   vai. forget feel. É-vonomóhtahe. He feels he has forgotten about something. fai: -omóhtahe. Category: cognition, emotions.

-vonotóotsé'tá   vti. lose s.t. by mouth. Ná-vonotóotsé'ta. I had it on the tip of my tongue; I almost thought of it but I lost it. See: -óhtá; -óm. Category: cognition, figurative, sayings.

-vóvȯhešetanó   vai. think over again. Ná-vóvȯhešetāno. I'm thinking over again. Usage: obsolescing Category: cognition.

-vovóhponetanó   vai. be exacting in thought. É-vovóhponetāno. He is thinking in an exacting way. Náohke-vovóhponetāno. I think in an exacting way. Category: cognition.

-xanáotse   vai. calm down. É-xanáotse. He calmed down. Mó'éšė-xanáootsėhéhe. He was starting to see reason. [Stamper 1991:8] See: -méseeotse. Category: emotions, cognition.

-xanovátam   vta. regard s.o. as being straight. É-xanovátamóho. He regards him as being straight (righteous etc.). Category: cognition, interpersonal.