Cheyenne Dictionary



-amoona'én   vta. hold hands walking with s.o. É-amoona'énȧhtseo'o. They are walking holding hands. See: -hoona'én. Category: walk, romance.

-é'kotsena'én   vta. 1 • break neck of s.o. É-é'kotsena'eno. He broke his (other person's) neck. É-é'kotsena'énóho. He broke his (other person's) neck. (newer pronunciation).

2 • attract strong affection from s.o. Category: figurative. É-é'kotsena'énáá'e. She (obv) is breaking his neck. That can be said as an idiom for 'he really likes her'. Category: interpersonal, romance.

-é'otse'konán   vta. 1 • break neckbone of s.o. Ná-é'otse'konana. He broke my neck bone.

fall for s.o. (romantically). The idiomatic use of this term is apparently older than idiomatic usage of -péehahtsé and -pé'peeotse. Category: figurative, romance, break.

-he'éa'tahe   vai. woman-crazy - be. É-he'éa'tahe. He is woman-crazy. Antonym -hetanéa'tahe. See: -he'étanó; -ná'so'eéh. Category: romance, personality.

-he-mé'oone   vai. have a lover; lover - have a. Éhe-mé'oone. He has a lover. Móohkeáahtse'noosėhe-mé'oonėhéhe. He cheated on his wife. Lit: literally, he cheatingly had a lover at the same time vta: -he-mé'ooné'tov. Category: romance.

-he-mé'ooné'tov   vta. Gram: ai+o have s.o. as lover, have s.o. as a sweetheart, have s.o. as a boyfriend, have s.o. as a girlfriend. Náhe-mé'ooné'tova. He has me as his sweetheart. Náhe-mé'oonenȯtse. He is my sweetheart. Éhe-mé'oonénoto. She is his sweetheart. [1987:57] Énoosėhe-mé'oonénoto. He is cheating on his wife by having a lover. vai: -he-mé'oone. See: -méhót love s.o.. Category: interpersonal, romance.

-he-mé'oonešé   vai. lie with girlfriend; lie with boyfriend; lie with lover; lie with sweetheart. Éhe-méoonēše. He is lying with his girlfriend. Category: lie, romance.

-he-mé'oonétáno   vai. want to have a lover, want to have a girlfriend/boyfriend. Éhe-mé'oonétáno. He/She wants to have a girlfriend/boyfriend. Category: romance.

-hestana'évá   vai. court under a blanket. refers to the traditional way in which lovers stand together under a blanket andromantically talk privately. É-hestana'éva. He is courting under a blanket. Ého'hé-hestana'éva. He came to court a wife under a blanket. Medial -'évá wife. See: -tonóosané. Category: romance.

-hestaná'évot   vta. take s.o. under a blanket. traditional way of courting: lovers standing while talking under a blanket. É-hestaná'evotóho. ?? He is talking to her under the blanket. Nééveáahtsé'-hestaná'evoxėstse! Talk to me under the blanket! Category: romance.

-ho'tséehe   vai. spend money on gifts. especially about courting a woman by giving her money; can include giving money for sex (as with a prostitute). É-hotséehe. He spent money on gifts / he courted her with gifts / he paid for sex with a prostitute. Émá'sė-ho'tséehe. He spent all his money. See: -má'sėho'tséehe. Category: romance, money.

-maa'e   vai. 1 • bark, snort. É-maa'e. He barked. vta: -maet. See: -néstoohe. Phon: vs Etym: *mekiwa. Category: sounds.

2 • court. romantically. Category: figurative, romance.

ma'kėháhnóváso   na. Gram: pl 1 • cockleburs, burs. term for both the plant and the reddish burs from the plant. É-mȧhoe'tó'tóó'e ma'kėháhnóváso. He has burs stuck all over him. See: háhnóváso. Category: plants.

2 • boyfriends. É-pȧhoeotsé'tóó'e ma'kėháhnovaso. She has lots of boyfriends (lit. cockleburs are stuck to her). Category: figurative, romance.

-má'sėho'tséehe   vai. spend all money on gifts. especially about courting a woman by giving her money; can include giving money for sex (as with a prostitute). É-má'sėho'tséehe. He spent all his money. See: -ho'tséehe. Category: romance, money.

-mȧsém   vta. kiss s.o. There is much uncertaintly on how this word was originally pronounced. É-mȧsemo. He kissed her. É-mȧsémóho. (newer pronunciation). Néh-mȧsemėstse! Kiss me! Variant: -mȯsém, -vȧsém, -vȯsém. Category: romance.

-mé'oo'o   na. sweetheart; boyfriend; girlfriend; date; lover. na-mé'oo'o my sweetheart. na-mé'oono my sweethearts. ne-mé'oo'o your sweetheart. (another recording) he-mé'oono his/her sweetheart. Phon: vs Plural mé'oono; Obviative mé'oono. See: -mé'oo'e sit exposed; momoo'o captive. Category: romance.

-mo'e'évėstséá'e   vai. 1 • have grass in hair. can connote having been in the bushes making out. É-mo'e'évėstséá'e. He has grass in his hair.

2 • make out. Category: figurative, hair, plants, romance.

-mȯsém   vta. kiss s.o. There is much uncertaintly on how this word was originally pronounced. É-mȯsemo. He kissed her. Variant: mȧsém, vȯsém. Category: romance.

-néxan   vta. arm in arm with s.o. - be. for example, walking around with arms around each other or just with arms hooked. É-néxanóho He is arm in arm with him (or her). É-néxanȧhtseo'o. They are walking arm in arm (or with arms hooked) (for example, when courting). Category: marriage, romance.

-nȯhtsenot   vta. 1 • stalk s.o., hunt for s.o. É-nȯhtsenotóho. He stalked him. Etym: *natwenaθe·wa (P). vai: -nȯhtseno'é. Category: hunt.

2 • court s.o. can be used of a man courting a woman. See: -maet. Category: figurative, romance.

-ohtsévátanó   vai. be in love, fall in love. É-ohtsévátáno. He is in love/he fell in love. See: -méhósané; -mé'oo'o. Category: romance.

-ononéstan   vta. confuse s.o., disorient s.o. É-ononéstanāā'e. She (obv.) has made him love-crazy. See: -tsėho'ėšem; -péehahtsé; -é'otse'konán; -péešem. Category: romance, cognition.

-otá'ham   vta. jilt s.o., leave out s.o. can refer to someone being intentionally not informed, left out purposely, or romantically jilted. É-otá'hame. He was jilted. Category: romance, interpersonal.

-péehahtsé   vti. 1 • break s.t. to pieces. É-péehāhtse. He broke it to pieces. Etym: *pi·kwihθeta·wa (P). Ná-péehāhtse hetohko. I broke the dish all to pieces. É-péehāhtse vovȯtse. He cracked the egg. for example, for frying the egg. vta: -péešem. See: -péevo'ėhaht; -pé'peeotse.

2 • break (figurative). Nȧhtsēsta é-péehāhtse. He broke my heart. This is an idiom in use, probably borrowed from English. vta: -péešem. Category: romance, figurative.

-péešem   vta. break s.o. to pieces. É-péešemóho. He broke him to pieces. Etym: *pi·kwihšime·wa he breaks him by a fall. Ná-péešema. I fell to pieces over him / He broke me into pieces. vti: -péehahtsé. See: -é'otse'konán; -ononéstan. Category: romance, figurative.

-pé'peeotse   vii. 1 • break up, become rough, disintegrate, go to pieces. for example, of a road. É-pé'peeotse. It (or he) became rough. See: -péehahtsé.

2 • break up. Nȧhtsesta é-pé'peeotse. My heart broke. Category: figurative, romance.

-po'oh(n)   vta. 1 • break off s.o. by tool. É-po'ȯhnóho. He broke him off (with some tool). Etym: *paθkahwe·wa (P). Ná-po'ōhno. I broke him off (with some tool).

2 • break off with a love triangle. É-po'ȯhnóho. He broke it off with her. ?? Ques: recheck precise meaning of this gloss?? Category: break, romance.

-tó'ovo'ȧhé'tov   vta. cling tightly forever to s.o. É-tó'ovo'ȧhénoto. He wants her for himself forever. Category: romance.

-tó'ovo'ȧhéotsé'tov   vta. cling tightly forever to s.o., love s.o. at first sight and not let go. É-tó'ovo'ȧhéotsénoto. He loved her at first sight and wouldn't let go of her. See: -tó'ovo'ȧhé'tov. Category: romance.

-tsėho'ėšem   vta. 1 • scatter s.o. É-tsėho'ėšemóho. He scattered them all over. See: -péehahtsé; -tse'tse'xóe'tó. Category: move.

2 • romantically impress s.o. Ná-tsėho'ėšema. I was scattered all over by him; fell to pieces over him. Usage: humorous and colorful idiom Category: romance.

-tse'tse'xóe'tó   vai. 1 • 

1 • cling shredded, hang shredded. É-tse'tse'xóé'to. He is clinging shredded. Final -óe'tó. See: -péehaht; -pé'peeotse; -é'otse'konán.

2 • broken-hearted - be. for example, from a failed romance. Ná-tse'tse'xóé'to. I (that is, my heart) is in shreds . Category: romance.

-vȧsém   vta. kiss s.o. There is much uncertaintly on how this word was originally pronounced. É-vȧsémóho. He kissed her. Variant: -mȧsém, -vȯsém. Category: romance.

-vé'ȯhtsém   vta. 1 • accompany s.o.; go with s.o. É-vé'ȯhtsemo. He accompanied him. É-vé'ȯhtsémóho. He accompanied him. (newer pronunciation). Éase-vé'ȯhtsemo. He left with him. See: -vésev; -vé'hahtsé; -véstoem.

2 • go with s.o. romantically, married to s.o. tsévé'ȯhtsémose his (or her) companion (or spouse). Category: interpersonal, romance.

-vȯsém   vta. kiss s.o. There is much uncertaintly on how this word was originally pronounced. É-vȯsemo. He kissed him. É-vȯsémóho. (newer pronunciation). Etym: cf *wetye·me·wa. É-vȯsémȧhtseo'o. They kissed each other. [pd634] Návȯsémo. I kissed him/her. Variant: -mȯsém, mȧsém. See: -é'kotsen hug s.o.. Category: romance, interpersonal.

-vȯsématanó'tov   vta. want to kiss s.o. Ná-vȯsématanó'tóvo. I want to kiss her. Category: romance.

-xaóeva'ó   vai. fail miserably, lose out romantically, skunked, take a chance and lose. Lit: skunked especially of failing losing out to some other man who got the woman you wanted. Usage: idiomatic É-xaóévá'o. He lost out. probably borrowed from English "skunked". Category: romance.

-xaóeva'ó'hané   vai. skunked. Usage: idiomatic Ná-xaóeva'ó'haneo'o.?? We got skunked. ?? Category: check. probably borrowed from English "skunked". Category: romance, games.