Cheyenne Dictionary



-ahaeohtsé   vai. detour. É-ahaeōhtse. He detoured. Nétatšėše-ahaeohtsema! Let's go around! [JOURNEY.TXT] Category: motion.

-ahaeotse   vii. detour. É-ahaeotse. It is a detour. É-ahaeotse méó'o. The road detours. [pd922] Category: motion, check.

-ahkó'ehné   vai. roll. É-ahkó'éhne. He rolled (something). can be about rolling something or if someone is hurt so badly that they can't get up so they roll, instead. Category: motion.

-ahtoeotse   vai. hide. É-ahtoeotse. He hid. For example, he didn't want to go to school so he hid. Category: motion.

-a'hasené   fai. fling, throw, shake, jerk. Étsėhet-a'hasēne. He waved/motioned. [pd1051] Éést-a'hasēne. He threw into. Émȧhov-a'hasēne. He got tired of throwing. fti: -a'hahtsé; fta: -a'ham. See: -éseváohe. Category: motion.

-a'kema'a'ó   vai. fall into ball shape. É-a'kema'ā'o. He fell into a little ball. fai: -a'ó. Category: motion.

-a'ó1   fii. jump, tip, fall, leap, fly, lurch. Éhóest-ā'o. It flew out. [1987:277] for example, of his mouth. Ques: inanimate "it" ok??

fai. jump, tip, fall, leap, fly, lurch. This is quick movement. Éáv-á'o. He fell down; he fell over. Éan-ā'o. He fell off (for example, off a table or horse). Éma'ėst-ā'o. He fell forward. Éhánȯht-á'o. He fell backwards. Éne'-asėtā'o. He jumped / took off. [1987:168] for example, of a ball (animate). Mo'ē'ha mó'ovóesóhpa'-ȯhéhe. The magpie came in first. [1987:246] Móhmo'kon-a'ȯhéhe. He dove with wings closed. [1987:246] Nȧhtȧhóxoveka'-ā'o. I'll jump across. [1987:276] "Nȧhtanėšemȧsó-sé'á'o," móstaéšėhešėtanȯhéhe. "I'll just jump in," he thought. [1987:283] Etym: *eška·(R). See: -a'xe1; -ehné. Category: motion, check.

-a'xe1   fai. jerk, hurried motion, motion - hurried. May sometimes mean something like 'jerk', 'flap'. This is one of several motion finals; see discussion under -ehné. Éka'-a'xe. He jumped. Éasėt-a'xe. He started to run. Ésóhp-a'xe. He took off. Ést-a'xėstse! Come in quickly! Né'évȧhó-a'xėstse! Hurry back! Nonó'hónó'e éhne'ȯhkėhósemé'-a'xésesto hósėstse. More and more some (soldiers) kept coming. [1987:51] Variant: -'xe. See: -a'ó; -ehné. Category: motion.

-amȧho'he   vai. 1 • drive, go by vehicle. Lit: É-amȧho'he. He went by car (truck, etc.). Ná-amȧho'he. I'm driving. Náéve-amȧho'he. I'm driving around. fai: -aho'he. Category: transportation, motion.

2 • walk while it is hot. Category: temperature.

-ama'ó   vii. fly by, dive by, whizz by.

vai. fly by, dive by, whizz by. especially of a bird, not about diving in the water, which is -éeotse. É-amā'o. He (or It) flew by / dove. [1987:248] Etym: *pemexke·wa he goes along. See: -éeotse dive. Category: fly, motion.

-amaxe   vai. flee, run away. É-amaxe. He fled/took off. Etym: *pemešimowa 'he flees along' (P). Naa nėhē'še é'-amȧxésesto. And then they ran away. [1980:54:44] Éohkėsáa'-amȧxėhéheo'o tsé'tóhe homā'e. These beavers don't flee. [1987:275] See: -amȧxéveehe; -amȧxéehe; -hóomėstov. Category: motion.

-amȧxestá   vti. run away from s.t., flee from s.t. É-amȧxēsta. He ran away from it. vta: -amȧxem. See: -hómestá escape, flee. Category: motion.

-ameehe   vai. move to another residence. É-ameehe. He is moving. Etym: *pemikwesiwa (P). tsé-ameehese the travelers. [1987:18] Éne'-ameehéstove. There is moving of camp (towards speaker). It is the "second coming" (an elder says this term is used to speak of a second coming which Cheyennes have believed in. fai: -eehe. See: -aseehe; -heséehe. Category: camp, motion.

-amehné   vai. 1 • walk by, walk along. This is a slower action than -ameohtsé. É-amēhne. He is walking by/along. Etym: *pemohθe·wa; *mo·θkwehθe·wa (P). É-amėhneo'o. They are walking. Ho'ēva ná-amēhne. I'm walking on foot. Taéve-amēhnėstse! Go take a hike! / Go walk around!

2 • live. "Naa hahóo," náhetōne Ma'hēō'o tséhvé'nėheše-amėhneto. "And thank you," we tell God because you live like that. fai: -ehné. See: -ameohtsé. Category: motion, live, figurative.

amėhnėhé-   i. go along. Náohkėxaeto'se-amėhnėhépe'pe'eotse. Sometimes I'm just going to pieces as I'm going along. That is, I'm having a very difficult time. See: -amehné. Category: motion.

-amėhót   vta. Gram: psv, walk by s.o. É-amėhoto. He walked by him. É-amėhótóho. He walked by him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *pemwehθale·wa. He'pa'onevo éohke-amėhóheo'o. You walk behind them. Lit: they are walked behind That is especially about walking in back of medicine people. É-amėhohe. He is walked behind. Etym: *pemwehθasowa (P). fta: -ehót. See: -ho'ėhót. Category: motion, ceremonial.

-ame'há   vai. fly. É-amē'ha. He is flying along. Category: motion, fly. Etym: *pemiʔle·wa.

-ame'háoohe   vai. fly by quickly. É-ame'háoohe. He flew by. See: -ame'há. Category: transportation, birds, motion.

-ame'kȧhé'šé   vai. hop along. É-ame'kȧhé'še. He hopped along. Category: motion.

-ameno'hóné   vai. go along held up. Ques: no'ȯhéné?? É-ameno'hóne. He is being held up as he walks along. Category: motion, check.

-ameohtsé   vai. walk along, walk by, go by. É-ameōhtse. He is going by. Etym: *pemipahta·wa (P). É-ameohtseo'o. They went along. Ééše-ameōhtse. He is walking by already / he is walking already. Náéve-ameōhtse. I'm walking all over. That can be said of a toddler who has learned to walk. Nátaéepėhéve-ameōhtse. I have been going well. ?? Tapėhéve-ameohtseo'o! Go in a good way! That can be said to a person who is dying. fai: -ohtsé1. See: -amehné; -ameohe. Category: figurative, motion, check.

-ameohtséstomané   vai. go along. Category: motion, check.

-ameohtséstomanéto   vii. go along. Category: motion, check.

-ameohtsétó   vii. along.go. Exxaetšėševá'nėsé'eameohtsétotséneho héne. That stuff (feces) just flowed out of him. [The Pus Man.019] Category: motion.

-amésta'éhné   vai. walk along wounded. É-amésta'éhne. He is walking along wounded. [The Seven Young Men.039] Category: motion, sickness.

-ametó'hná   vai. swim, swim by. É-ametó'hóna. He is swimming by. fai: -tó'honá. See: -too'hame; -amȯhoe. Category: motion.

-ameváen   vta. pass s.o. quickly. É-ameváenóho. He passed him quickly. Hó'ótóva náohke-ameváenone méóne. Sometimes we pass him on the road. Final -eváen. Category: motion.

-améváóó'e   vii. go by making noise.

vai. go by making noise. for example, of a train or a person. É-améváóó'e. He (or It) is going by making noise. (another recording) Éohke-amévaoeo'o. They make noise going by. Phon: vs See: -amévone. Category: motion, sounds.

-amevoneohe   vai. crawl along quickly. É-amevoneohe. He is crawling along quickly. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, motion.

-amȯhoo'e   vai. wade along, swim along. wade along (of people, turtles, etc.) ; swim along (of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes). É-amȯhoo'e. He waded/swam along. Compare Éamėhoo'e 'he is been sitting there' (same pronunciation as that word). Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. See: -ametó'honá; -tó'honá; -too'hame. Category: motion.

-amohtá   vti. pass by s.t. É-amōhta.?? He passed by it.?? [pd269] Category: check, check. vta: -amot. Category: motion.

-amo'ȧhéotse   vai. run by, run along, drive by, drive. É-amo'ȧhéotse. He ran by (or, he drove by in a car). See: -ama'én; -amȧho'he; -ama'éno'hamé; -ameméohe; -asėta'xe. Category: motion, run.

-amónea'ó   vai. swing along, swing by. É-amónéá'o. He is swinging by. Tarzan style of swinging, as from a rope. Category: motion.

-amóneeohtsé   vai. march in line, walk along in line. É-amóneeohtseo'o. They are marching in line. Category: motion.

-amóoseme   vai. flee, struggle. É-amóoseme. He is just fleeing. [Hymn 123] fai: -óoseme. See: -hetóoseme; -asetóoseme. Category: motion.

-amóová   vai. go along in the rain. É-amóóva. He went by (on foot) in the rain. Category: liquid, motion.

-amót   vta. pass by s.o. É-amoto. ?? He passed him by. É-amótóho. He passed him by. (newer pronunciation) ?? vti: -amohtá. Category: motion, check.

-amótanéoohe   vai. burrow along quickly. É-amótanéoohe. He burrowed along. Móstatšėše-amótanéoohehéhe tséstae'amónoetsėse né = kȧse'éeheho. He burrowed his way right to where the young lady was sitting. [1987:307] fai: -ótané. Category: motion.

-amóxovéstavá   vai. travel by. É-amóxovéstáva. He is traveling by. fai: -óxovéstavá. See: -hóxovéstavá travel. Category: motion.

-ana'ó   vai. 1 • fall off, fall down. for example, off a table or horse. É-anā'o. He fell off. Ma'xemeno é-ana'oo'o. Apples fell. Náne'-anā'o. I fell down (for example, from a tree). Ééše-ana'óho henésono. Her baby has dropped (that is, positioned itself ready for delivery at birth). vti: -ana'o'tsé; Final -a'ó. See: -áva'ó; anȯhe-.

2 • drink alcohol again. Ééva-anā'o. He fell off again. Category: figurative.

3 • argue, dispute. It has this meaning only when used in the complete saying with ma'evé'hó'e 'Germans'. Ma'evé'hó'e éana'oo'o. The Germans are falling (idiom for 'They (anyone) are having a dispute; idiom originated during the World Wars with the Germans). Category: figurative.

vii. Category: motion, fall.

-anavo'ó'sané   vti. lower, down - take, take down. for example, to lower a window shade. É-anavo'ó'sáne. He lowered. vti: -anavo'ó'tsé. Category: motion, check.

-anavo'ó'tsé   vti. lower s.t., down s.t. - take. for example, to lower a window shade. É-anavo'ó'tse. He lowered it. vai: -anavo'ó'sané. Category: motion, check.

-aneohtsé   vai. down.go, come down. É-aneōhtse. He came down. Éhma'xe-aneohtsésesto hotómá'e nėhéóhe vééno vó'kaeheévaho. There was antelope hair falling down there inside the tepee. [1987:94] Category: motion.

-anoehe'onáohtsé   vai. lower hand. Éssáatónėše-anoehe'onáohtséhehoo'o. His hand couldn't come down. Medial -he'oná. Category: motion, body.

-anȯhehné   vai. descend, walk down. Lit: down-walk É-anȯhēhne. He descended. Category: motion.

-anȯheohe   vai. go down. É-anȯheohe. He is going down. fai: -ohe. Category: motion.

-anȯheohová   vai. flee down. É-anȯheohōva. He fled down. for instance, to flee down a mountain. fai: -ohová. Category: motion.

-anȯheohováohe   vai. run downhill fleeing. É-anȯheohováohe. He is running downhill scared (fleeing). faster than -anȯheohōva. fai: -ohová. See: -anȯheohováoohe. Category: motion.

-anȯheohováoohe   vai. flee down quickly. This can refer to getting off a bed, porch, car, etc. É-anȯheohováoohe. He fled down quickly. faster than -anȯheohová. fai: -ohová. See: -anȯheohováohe; -anȯheohová. Category: motion.

-anȯheohtsé   vai. go down. This can be used to refer to traveling from Busby to Lame Deer, the same as -sé'eohtsé. É-anȯheōhtse. He went down (the hill). [1987:266] See: -he'ameohtsé; -sé'eohtsé. Category: walk, motion.

-anȯhesévanó   vai. slide down. É-anȯheséváno. He slid down. Preverb anȯhe-. See: -anoma'eotse; -anóeotse; -sévanó. Category: motion.

-anȯhesévanóohe   vai. slide down. É-anȯhesévanóohe. He slid down. Éhne'ȯhkeévȧhóseame-anȯhesévanóohéhoo'o. She would again slide back down. [Bear Tepee.119] See: -sévanó; -anȧha'xe. Category: motion.

-anȯhevonehné   vai. climb down. É-anȯhevonēhne. He climbed down. See: -hómevonehné. Category: motion.

-anȯhevoneohe   vai. climb down quickly. É-anȯhevoneohe. He climbed down quickly. É'ȯhke-anȯhevoneohésesto heške. Her mother would get off (the travois). [My Grandmother, Mene'a'e.011] Category: motion.

-anȯhoése   vai. float down, hang down. for example of a moon crescent with the opening to the bottom. É-anȯhoése. He is hanging down. Éhne'-anȯhoése. He floated down. Antonym -he'amoésé. See: -anooése; -éva'ȧsévoésé. Category: motion, float, hang, moon, check.

-anȯho'ne'e   vai. step down. É-anȯho'ne'e. He stepped down. See: -ho'ne'e. Category: motion.

-aseohe   vai. leave, take off. É-aseohe. He left. Náto'se-aseohe. I'm going to leave. Heá'ėháma éta-aseohe. Perhaps he left. Nátao'seméo-aseohe. I'm going to leave in the morning. vta: -aseohé'tov. See: -ase; -aseta'xe; -nėševeohe. Category: motion.

-aseohová   vai. escape, flee. É-aseohōva. He fled. fai: -ohová. See: -ameohová; -hómėstov. Category: motion.

-aseohováohe   vai. flee quickly, escape quickly. É-aseohováohe He fled away quickly. fai: -ohová. See: -ameohová; -hómėstov. Category: motion.

-aseohtsé'tov   vta. come away from s.o., leave s.o. Náne'-aseohtsé'tóvo. I came away from him.?? Category: interpersonal, motion, check.

-aseohtsév   vta. leave s.o. Nėstavovóehénėhetone tséto'seévȧheše-aseohtsévótse. Let's first go tell him that we are going to leave him. (?) [Cheyenne Tribal History.134] Category: interpersonal, motion, check.

-asėtȧho'he   vai. drive away, leave by car. É-asėtȧho'he. He is leaving in a car. fai: -aho'he. Category: motion, car.

-asėta'ó   vii. leap. É-asėtā'o. It/He leaped. Móma'xeno'ke-asėta'ȯhéhe. He must have been the only one to inherit (his ancestor's genetic juices). ?? Category: check. See: -a'ó; -asėta'xe; -ka'a'xe. Category: motion, family.

-asėta'xe   vai. take off, start to run. Phon: usually pronounced -asėta'xe É-asėta'xe. He took off. Ná-asėta'xe. I'm taking off running. Ná-asėta'xe. (another pronunciation) Asėta'xėstse! Start running! / Take off! (another recording) Asėta'xe! Run! (said to more than one person). fai: -a'xe1; fti: -aseta'xé'tsestá. See: -ameméohe; -asėto'ȧhéotse. Category: motion.

-asėtoése   vai. 1 • float away. É-asėtoése. He floated away. [pd1008] Hotohke éasėtoése. The star moved away.?? Category: hang.

2 • drive fast. É-asėtoése. He drove fast and bypassed (someone). This is a humorous way to refer to someone driving fast. Category: figurative, motion.

-asėtó'a'ó   vii. fly away, fly off, blown away. for example, of paper garbage flying off the back of a pickup on the way to the dumpster. É-asėtó'á'o. It/He is flying away. Néta-toenȧtse; nėstaasėtó'á'o. Let me hold on to you; you might get blown away by the wind. Category: motion, wind.

-asėto'ne'e   vai. take a step. É-asėto'ne'e. He took a step. É-asėto'né'eo'o. They took a step. fai: -o'né'e. See: -ho'né'e step. Category: motion.

-asėtóoseme   vai. flee from danger. É-asėtóoseme. He fled from danger. fai: -óoseme. See: -amóoseme; -hetóoseme; -nóhtoosemé'tov; -amȧxesta; -amȧxem; -aseohováohe. Category: motion.

-asėtóxovéstavá   vai. travel - start to; start to travel. É-asėtóxovéstáva. He is beginning his travels. fai: -óxovéstavá. See: -hóxovéstavá. Category: motion.

-asėtsévȯheonanéoohe   vai. take off in a cloud of dust. that is, take off so fast that a lot of dust flies up. É-asėtsévȯheonanéoohe. He took off in a cloud of dust. See: -tsévanó. Category: motion.

-asevonehné   vai. start to crawl. É-asevonēhne. He started crawling. Otaxa he'ȧhtsenȯtse éstavé'še-asevonėhnénȯhoonȯtse. He started crawling with just his front legs. fai: -vonehné. Category: motion.

-áva'ó   vii. fall over, fall down.

vai. fall over, fall down. This word can be said of a person or a tree. É-ává'o. He (or It) fell over. (another recording) Móssé'e-áva'ȯhéhe. (The tree) had fallen into the creek. [1987:281] Final -a'ó. See: -ana'ó fall down. Category: motion.

-áveoesta'há   vii. blown over quickly. É-áveoestā'ha. It was blown over quickly. Category: motion, wind.

-áveoesta'xe   vai. fall over while running. É-áveoesta'xe. He fell over while running. Category: motion.

-éeotse   vai. dive. É-éeotse. He dove (under the water). Etym: **ko·kipalyiwa (Ch with resultative final). Naa ȯhts-éeotsévosėstse mó'ȯhketšėšeno'ma'xepoo'ȯhenėhevóhe homā'e. And when beavers dive they make a tremendous clap. [1987:277] Etym: O googi· (N) (correspondence?). See: -éohtsé wander; -ama'ó dive (flying); -nótová roam. Category: liquid, motion.

-e'a'ó   vii. go up quickly. É-e'a'ónėstse. They (inanimate) went up quickly. for example, of firecracker rockets.

vai. go up quickly. É-e'ā'o. He (or It) jumped on/up quickly.

jump on, go up quickly. E'ā'ȯhtse! Jump on/up! See: -e'evonehné climb up; -é'a'ó snap; -he'ama'ó fly up; -e'ėha'ó put on shoes. Category: motion.

-e'a'xe   vai. jump uphill, run uphill. É-e'a'xe. He ran up. tséhnėhméhaemé'e-e'a'xévȯse as they appeared running uphill. [1987:22] Initial e'-; fai: -a'xe. See: -e'e'o'ȧhéotse. Etym: cf. M espae·qsew. Category: motion.

-e'eeheohe   vai. come up hill. Móstȧho'-e'eeheohevóhe néhe tsévéstoemose he'óho. His wife came up the hill. e'eehé?? [Stamper 1991:8-10] Category: motion, check.

-e'ehné   vai. walk up. É-e'ēhne. He walked up. Naa nėhē'še nátȧhóse-e'ėhnéme. And then we went up(stairs). [1987:43] Etym: *ešpikwehθe·wa (P) > **išpikwehθe·wa (L). fai: -ehné. See: -e'eohe. Category: motion.

-e'eohe   vai. go up. for example, to go upstairs. É-e'eohe. He went up. Náhtaévėho'e-e'eohe. I went back up (the hill). Ta-e'eoestse! Go right up there! Final -ohe. See: -e'ehné. Category: motion.

-e'eohováoohe   vai. flee up urgently. for example, to flee up a mountain. É-e'eohováohe. He is fleeing up. Ques: É-e'eohováoohe?? Category: motion, check.

-e'evonehné   vai. climb up, climb on, climb aboard. É-e'evonēhne. He climbed up / climbed aboard. É-e'evonėhneo'o. They are climbing aboard. E'evonēhnėstse! Get on! (for example, to get in a car). E'evonēhne! Get on! (said to more than one person). Ta-e'evonēhnėstse! Go get on! Tȧhé-e'evonēhnėstse! Go get on! Maato né'-e'evonēhnėstse! Get in the front (for example, of the car)! Nétȧhé-e'evonėhnémáne! Let's go climbing!

vta. Note: ai+o climb on s.o. such as getting on a horse. Éé'se-e'evonėhnénoto. He is afraid to get on him. Éhótse-e'evonėhnénoto. He failed to get on him. fai: -vonehné. See: -táxevonehné climb on; -e'a'ó go up quickly; -amevonehné crawl. Category: car, motion.

-e'evoneohe   vai. climb up. É-e'evoneohe. He climbed up quickly. É'ȯhkeévȧhóse-e'evoneohesėstse. She would get back on (the travois) quickly. [1987:26] fai: -voneohe. See: -e'evonehné. Category: motion.

-e'evoneohtsé   vai. climb up. É-e'evoneōhtse. He is climbing up. Category: motion.

-e'néhovehné   vai. follow upstream, walk upstream. É-e'néhovēhne. He walked upstream. Nétanėše-e'néhovėhnema. Let's go up the valley. [JOURNEY.TXT] See: -e'néhoveohtsé; e'-; néhov-. Category: motion, walk.

-e'néhoveohtsé   vai. go upstream. É-e'néhoveōhtse. He went upstream. Category: motion.

-e'néhoveohtsé'tá   vti. follow s.t. up while going along. É-e'néhoveohtsé'ta. He followed it up. See: -néh; -néhov. Category: motion.

-e'néhovoneoohe   vai. upstream.follow. Mó'éše-e'néhovoneoohehevóhe Vétanovéo'hé'e, Óevemanaho naa Totoemanaho tséhestóhese. They went up along the Tongue River, Scabby band and Totoe band, as they were called. [A Ghost Story.004] Category: motion.

-e'ó'en   vti. roll s.t. up. É-e'ó'éna. He rolled it up.

vta. roll s.o. up, transport s.o. up. É-e'ó'enóho He rolled him up. É-e'ó'ene hooheo'o. The flag was raised. tsé'-e'ó'enėstse hooheo'o flag ceremony ?? Medial ó'-. Category: motion, roll, check.

-e'ónea'ó   vii. fly up (of a ropelike thing), jump up (of a ropelike thing).

vai. fly up (of a ropelike thing), jump up (of a ropelike thing). É-e'ónéá'o. He (or It) flew up. for instance, the rope (animate) flew up in the air. See: -é'ónea'ó break (of something ropelike). Category: motion, ropelike.

-éneohe   vai. stop running, stop moving. É-éneohe. He stopped. Etym: *po·nipahwa. Nėhéóhe étaohkėhóse-éneoheo'o. That's where they stop again. Éneoestse! Stop! Éneohe! Stop! (said to more than one person). See: nėhē'še Stop!. Category: motion.

-éneohtsé   vai. stop going. É-éneōhtse. He stopped going. Etym: *po·nipa·ta·wa; cf. M po·nepa·htaw. Category: motion.

-énevonehné   vai. stop crawling. É-énevonēhne. He stopped crawling. Category: motion.

-éohtsé   vai. wander; travel around. É-éóhtse. He went around. Tó'hove é-éóhtse. He is homeless. Contracted -éveohtsé. See: -éeotse; -éva'xe. Category: motion.

-ésėhót   vta. come in toward s.o., enter toward s.o. É-ésėhoto. He came inside toward him. É-ésėhótóho. He came inside toward him. (newer pronunciation). Taa'éva mósto'se-ésėhótaehevovóhe. At night he was going to come into (their tepee). [1987:333] Nátaosáane-éstsėhóto. I went in to see him. [How God Helped Me Forgive] fta: -ehót. See: -ho'ėhót. Category: motion.

-éseméohe   vai. in.push, push in. É-éseméohe. He pushed/forced his way in. Heséóxe éhne'eve-éseméohéhoo'o. At the door he squeezed himself in. [The Spit Man.016] fai: -méohe. Category: motion.

-éseohtsé   vai. go into. É-éseōhtse. He went into (some place). Etym: *pi·nčipahta·wa (P/L). See: -éstsehné. Category: motion.

-éseváohe   vai. throw (s.t.) into, play basketball. This verb is used for 'play basketball' since the ball is thrown into the hoop. É-éseváohe. He threw (something) in(side). Etym: *pi·nčiwe·pahowa (P). for example, he threw it into the house. Éaéstome-éseváohe. He made a free throw. Nétȧhé-eseváohémáne! Let's go play basketball! Névááhe háestoha tsé-éseváooestse? Who (singular) made the most baskets? Éseváoestse! Shoot! (command used in playing basketball).

vti. Gram: ai+o throw.into. fai: -váohe. See: -aseváohe; -éseva'ó. Category: phys. ed., motion, basketball.

-ésevonehné   vai. crawl into. É-ésevonēhne. He crawled into. [1987:42] fai: -vonehné. Category: motion.

-ésta'ovo'hamé   vai. corral livestock. É-ésta'ovo'hāme. He is corraling his horses. See: -éstseov; -hóesta'ham; -hone'ov; -táxe'há'tov. Category: interpersonal, motion, sayings, figurative.

-ésto'ehné   vai. 1 • come into, enter. É-ésto'ēhne. He walked into / He joined the church. [Stamper 1991:6] Medial -ó'(e). See: -ésto'eohtsé; -éstsehné; -ésta'xe; -ho'xėstsehné. Category: motion.

2 • join. can refer to a person entering the military service.

-ésto'eoesta'xe   vai. enter quickly, come in quickly, drive in quickly. É-ésto'eoesta'xe. He entered quickly. É-ésto'eoesta'xe navénótse He just ran fast/drifted in to my home. É-ésto'eoesta'xe tséxhoevo. He turned in to my place (for example, with his car). Final -a'xe. Category: car, motion.

-ésto'eohtsétó   vii. enter by rolling, roll in. É-ésto'eohtséto. It rolled in. fai: -ó'(e). Category: motion.

-estóona'ó   vai. stride off balance, run off balance. Ques: stumble?? É-estóonā'o. His stride is off balance. tsé'estóonā'o when he ran off balance. for example, when a child's feet landed here and there not matching its father's stride, also when someone runs too fast downhill and they are trying to catch their balance. Category: motion.

-éstsėhévóeotse   vii. submerge, sink.

vai. submerge, sink. Éxamae'-éstsėhévoeotse. He just went under water. [The Lost Horse.025] Ques: éstsėhév or éstsév or estsév?? make dicy entries consistent?? Category: liquid, motion, check.

-éstseov   vta. enter s.o., go into s.o. É-éstseovóho. He made a home for him. ?? Category: check. Éase-éstseovāā'e Heávȯhóho. The devil (obv) is starting to control him (that is, enter him). See: -mȯhtáeov; -ésta'xé'tov; -éstsehné. Category: motion.

-éva'ȧsé'ahe   vai. cartwheel, somersault. É-éva'ȧsé'ahe. He did cartwheels (or somersaults). Category: motion.

-éva'ȧsé'ó   vai. tumble over, flip over. É-éva'ȧsé'o. He tumbled over. Variant: -éva'kȧsé'ó; Initial éva'ȧs-. Category: motion.

-éva'kȧse'ó   vai. tumble over. É-éva'kȧsé'o. He tumbled over. Variant: -éva'ȧsé'ó. Category: motion.

-éva'kȧséotse   vai. topple over.

vii. topple over. É-éva'kȧséotse. He (or It) toppled over. Category: motion.

-éva'xe   vai. be on the go. É-éva'xe. He is 'on the go.'. Etym: cf *ki·weɁšiwa (P) he is blown around, about. fai: -a'xe. See: -éohtsé; -éveohtsé. Category: motion.

-évaohtsé   vai. return, go back, turn around. É-éváóhtse. He returned. Móéše-évaohtsėhéhe éše'he. The sun must be turning back. That was said when the length of sunlight in a day was getting shorter. Ta-éváóhtsėstse! Turn around! [Stamper 1991:6] See: -évaotse; -éva'eotse; -évaveotse. Etym: *ki:we·pahta·wa. Category: motion.

-évaotse   vii. back.become.

vai. turn back, come back. É-évaotse. He (or It) turned back. Etym: **ki·we·palyiwa (P). from Croft: náne'évaotse 'I come back (from a short trip)' vs. náne'éváóhtse 'I come back (from a long trip)'. vta: -évaotsé'tov. See: -évaohtsé; -éva'eotse; -évaveotse; -évaotseh. Category: motion.

-évaveehe   vai. move back. É-évaveehe. He moved back. É-évaveeheo'o. They moved back. fai: -eehe. See: -vee'e. Category: motion, camp.

-évaveehéohe   vai. move back, turn back. É-évaveehéohe. He moved back. Ésta-évaveehéohésesto hósėstse. Some of them turned back. [1987:4:21] Category: motion, camp.

-éveohtsé   vai. wander. É-éveōhtse. He is wandering around. Noncontract: éeohtsé. See: -éeotse; -tóxeohtsé. Category: motion.

-éveohtsé'tá   vti. travel s.t. Násáa'éeháomóhtȧhéhe nȧháóhe tséstaéveohtsé'tómo ho'e há'tóhe hoóma hoháa'ėše. I never was sick over there when I was traveling that land that (was) across (the ocean) far away. Category: motion.

-évo'enáoohe   vai. roll over. especially of a horse. É-évo'enáoohe. He rolled over. [1987:245] Category: motion.

-évo'énome   vai. sleep squirming. É-évo'énome. He is moving around in his sleep. fai: -énome. Category: sleep, motion.

-évomóhtahe   vai. restless, feel like being on the go. É-évomóhtahe. He has the urge to be 'on the go'. See: -éohtsé. Category: motion.

-háeohe   vai. run fast. É-háeohe. He is running fast. See: -nėševo'ȧhéotse; -háo'taoohe. Category: motion, run.

-háeohétó   vii. run fast. É-háeohéto. It is running fast. for example, of a train (inanimate). Category: motion.

-háhanehné   vai. approach, go closer. É-háhanēhne. He approached/he moved closer. Category: motion.

-hahpa'ó   vii. snap shut, close. É-hahpā'o. It (or He) snapped shut.

vai. snap shut, close. Category: motion.

-hahpa'xe   vai. snap closed. seems especially to refer to clamping shut one's legs, probably humorous, perhaps vulgar. É-hahpa'xe. He snapped closed. Category: motion, vulgar.

-hahpa'xétó   vii. snap closed. Éhoó'he-hahpa'xéto. It was heard snapping closed. for example, of a mouse trap. Category: motion.

-háhtse   vti. scram, Look out!, Get out of the way, hightail it. said to someone standing up. Háhtsėstse! Get out of the way! Háhtome! Look out! (said to more than one person). See: -háhta. Category: motion.

-hámėstoeotse   vai. sit down quickly. This is a quicker action than that of -hámėstoo'o. É-hámėstoeotse. He sat down quickly. Hámėstoeotsėstse! Sit down quickly! vta: -hámėstoeotsé'tov. See: -hámėstoo'e sit down; -táxe'ėséeotse sit down upon quickly. Category: motion, sit.

-hámėstoo'e   vai. sit down (process). can be of a person or an animal such as a dog. Simplified Spelling hamstoo, humstoo. É-hámėstoo'e. He sat down. É-hámėstoeo'o. They sat down. Hámėstoo'ėstse! Sit down! Hámėstoo'e! Sit down (plural)! Phon: vs Antonym -néhoveóó'e. See: -hámėstoeotse; -táxe'ėsée'e; -amónoo'e. Category: motion, sit.

-hánȯhtá'o   vai. fall backwards. É-hánȯhtá'o. He fell backwards. [The Journey.282] fai: -a'ó. See: -ana'ó; -áva'ó; -ma'kėsta'ó. Category: motion.

-hánȯseméohe   vai. thrust back. É-hánȯseméohe. He is thrusting himself back. for example, how a baby thrusts itself back, perhaps in defiance. fai: -méohe. Category: motion.

-háo'táoohe   vai. run fast, move fast. É-háo'táoohe. He is fast. See: -háo'taoohe; -nėševo'ȧhéotse; -nėševeohe. Category: motion.

-hátȯxovehné   vai. walk back and forth, pace back and forth, back and forth walk. É-hátȯxovēhne. He walked back and forth. See: -hátȯxoveohe. Category: walk, motion.

-hátȯxoveohe   vai. walk back and forth, back and forth walk. É-hátȯxoveohe. He is walking back and forth. See: -hátȯxovehné. Category: motion, walk.

-hátȯxovónea'xe   vai. swing back and forth, swing as a monkey. for example, as a monkey; could be in the trees or on a jungle gym. É-hátȯxovónea'xe. He is swinging back and forth. É-hótȯxovónea'xe. (variant) Final -a'xe; Medial -ón. See: -vávaahe. Category: motion.

-heamávevonehné   vai. turn on to side slowly. É-heamávevonēhne. He slowly turned on to his side. from a lying position. Category: motion.

-heamávevoneohe   vai. turn on to one's side quickly. É-heamávevoneohe. He turned on to his side quickly. Category: motion.

-héeotse   vii. spill. É-héeotse. It spilled. for example, of something that spilled through one's fingers. Etym: cf *si:kipite·wi.

vai. spill. É-héeotseo'o he'éhesono. The rice (animate plural) spilled. vti: -hée'o'tsé. Category: motion.

hehpehné   vai. walk further. É-hehpēhne. He walked further. Éstatšėšė-hehpėhnesėstse. He went further. [The Chief's Son and His Two Wives] Category: motion, walk.

-he'ama'ó   vii. fly up.

vai. This is a quick action of some object, whether animate or inanimate, not of a bird. É-he'amā'o. He (or It) flew up. See: -e'a'ó. Category: motion.

-hé'ehe   vai. move from there. ... é-hé'ehe. ... that is where he moved from. Énėx-hé'ehe. He moved from there. fai: -ehe. Category: motion, camp.

-he'éšeohtsé   vai. Gram: rr while going along. ... é-he'éšeōhtse. ... he went along for that amount of time. Éstávenétȧhévátsėstánóvȯse tsétȧ-he'éšeohtsévȯse. They sort of thought it was odd as they were going along. [JOURNEY.TXT] Category: motion.

-he'né'ha'ó   vai. jump up. Éma'xė-he'né'há'o. He jumped high. Category: motion.

-he'néohová   vai. scatter fleeing. É-he'néohovao'o. They scattered and fled. Naa tsé'tóhe matanáé-vé'hó'e éstama'xė-he'néohovásesto. And those policemen really scattered. [1987:60] fai: -ohová. Category: motion.

-he'néohtsé   vai. disperse; scatter. É-he'néóhtse. He spread out. Móx-he'néohtsėhevóhe méstaeo'o. The boogeymen all scattered. [JOURNEY.TXT] Category: motion.

-he'néva'ó   vii. scatter. É-he'néva'ónėstse. They (inanimate) scattered.

vai. scatter. because of some force. É-he'néva'oo'o. They (animate) scattered. scattered because of some force. Category: motion.

he'néve-   pv. scatter. tséstšėšė-he'névee'ėhnévȯse as they went up. [Mountain stories.014] See: he'né-. Category: motion.

-he'néveohováoohe   vai. scatter fleeing. É-he'néveohováooheo'o. They are scattering as they flee. fai: -ohová. Category: motion.

-he'ohtsé   vai. Gram: rr go that way, come that way. ... é-he'ōhtse. ... that is how/where he is going. Oóxésta é-he'ōhtse. He just kept going that way. naa oóxésta oha éhne'amėhe'ȯhtsésesto but still they just kept on coming. [1987:37:23] Héováhése náévė-he'ōhtse. ?? Various places I went. ?? naa móhnėxhéne'enȯhenovóhe tséhne'ȯhkeévė-he'ȯhtsénovetse and they knew the way to go. nȧháóhe héstanovestȯtse tséméhaa'évė-he'ȯhtséto life, the way it was going then. [1987:96] See: -tsėhe'ohtsé; -nėhe'ohtsé; -ho'ohtsé; -hé'ohtsé. Category: motion, check.

-hé'ohtsé   vai. come from there. ... é-hé'óhtse. ... that is where he came from. Tósa'e nánėx-hé'óhtse? Where did you come from? Tséxhótȯxȧhéve nénėx-hé'óhtse. I came from Clinton. Ques: Tséxhótȧxaha ?? Méave'ho'éno ná-hé'óhtse. I came from Lame Deer. Tósa'e móx-hé'ȯhtsėhéhe néhe vé'ho'e. That whiteman came from somewhere. [1987:185] tsé'éšeéveévȧ-hé'óhtsėse naa'émȧheóne after he came back from the hospital. [1987:44] Taévatsėhe'ōhtsėstse tséhé'ȯhtseto! Go back to where you came from! See: -hé'oohe; -tsėhe'ohtsé; -nėhe'ohtsé; -héstahe; -ho'ohtsé; -hé'óohtsé. Category: motion, check.

-he'ona'xe   hand.jerk.

fai. hand.jerk. Námȧsóhosóvėhe'ona-'xe. I jerked my hand back hard. [Fishing.025] BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body, motion.

-he'oohe   vai. Gram: rr run that way, so go quickly. ... é-he'oohe. ... that is how/where he went quickly. Háá'ėše é-he'oohe. ?? Far he so went quickly. tá'tó=tsé-he'oohévȯse hováhne while the animals were running. [1987:246] Category: motion, check.

-hé'oohe   vai. Gram: rr come from there quickly. ... é-hé'oohe. ... that is where he came from quickly. Tósa'e nénėx-hé'oohe? Where did you come from? Tósa'e móx-hé'oohehéhe. He must have come from somewhere. Ma'xepóno'e énėx-hé'oohe. He came from Oklahoma City. See: -hé'ohtsé. Category: motion.

-hene'ȧhé'ó   vai. elevate quickly, lifted up quickly - be. É-hene'ȧhé'o. He jumped high. Éohkema'xė-hene'ȧhé'o. He jumps high. Tā'se náhma'xė-hene'ȧhé'o, náoo, ná'oseehósepėhévetanóotse. Like I was really lifted up, my, I really got happy. [1987:157] See: -nėševa'ó. Category: motion, basketball.

-heseoesta'xe   vai. jerk quickly, start. For example, if the phone rings while you are asleep and you jerk from being startled. Ná-heseoesta'xe. I jerked. Category: motion.

-hesó'xea'ešé   vai. slide out. É-hesó'xea'ēše. He slid out. [PD] Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: -hesó'xeoha'eše slip and slide falling??. Category: check, motion.

-hesó'xeoha'éšé   vai. slip and fall. This is to slip on a slippery surface, such as ice, and fall. É-hesó'xeoha'éše. He slipped and fell down. See: -kóena'ešé; -hesó'xea'ešé. Category: motion, fall.

-hestaohe   vai. dodge (something). É-hestaohe. He dodged (something). Category: motion.

-héstoehnétó   vii. come from (there). ... é-héstoehnéto. ... that is where it comes from. tsénėx-héstoehnéto where it came from. Category: motion.

-hestóxėhné'tov   vta. come after s.o. This is 'after' with the sense of 'later than'. Ná-hestóxėhné'tova. He came after me. See: hó'e'. Category: interpersonal, motion.

-hestóxėho'eohtsé   vai. arrive last. É-hestóxėho'eōhtse. He came in last. See: -hestóxo'eohtsé arrive last by wagon; -ho'eohtsé arrive. Category: motion.

-hestóxoh(n)   vta. behind s.o. É-hestóxȯhnóho. She/He is walking behind him. Cheyenne women traditionally walk behind their husbands. See: -hó'e'ov. Category: motion.

-heševonehné   vai. crawl that way. ... é-heševonēhne. ... he crawled that way. fai: -vonehné. Category: motion.

-heta'eohtsé   vai. face while walking, walk that direction. ... é-heta'éóhtse. ... that is where he faced while walking. Éstaosáanema'xeó'xoma'eotsétsénėse tsé-heta'eohtsévȯse. It really cracked open right in front of them. [1987:257] Category: motion.

-hetóoseme   vai. seek refuge. ... é-hetóoseme. ... that is where he fled / sought refuge. ?? Etym: cf *eθa·mwehe·wa (P) he makes him flee thither or thus. Usage: obsolescing See: -amóoseme. Category: motion, check.

-hetóxovéstavá   vai. so travel. ... é-hetóxovéhtáva. ... that is where he traveled. Mópėhéva'éhanéhe tósa'e vo'ėstane háá'ėše tséévėhetóxovéstávȧse. It is good when a person travels across far away. [Atlantic Trip.028] See: -hóxovéstavá. Category: motion.

hévoe(n)-   i. wring, squeeze. É-hévoēna. He wrung it. É-hévóénéne. He is wringing out (something). É-hévoetanȧhano. He milked her. É-hévoeotse He is bleeding. Ques: does bleeding have the same initial?? Category: motion, check.

-hóa'xe   vai. exit quickly, go out quickly, emerge quickly. includes animals getting out of a corral or barn. Ques: sometimes written as -hóva'xe but -hóa'xe is now preferred?? É-hóa'xe. He went out quickly. Éévȧ-hóa'xe. He got out of jail. fai: -a'xe1; Antonym -ésta'xe. See: -hóehné; -hóa'ó; -hóma'xe. Category: motion, check.

-hóaoohová   vai. take the lead running out. É-hóaoohōva. He is taking the lead running out (in the Sun Dance). tsé-hóaohōvȧhtse the Sun Dance pledger who runs in the lead with a spear (he holds other pledgers back with the spear). Category: motion, Sun Dance.

-hóe'eohe   vai. come out quickly. Nóoo, éstaévȧhósemé'hóe'eohétónėse. ?? Oh my, it came rolling out again. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).098] See: -hóo'eohe go home quickly. Category: motion, check.

-hóe'eohétó   vii. come out quickly. Category: motion, check.

-hóeméohe   vai. run out, want to go outside, strain to go outside. Ques: recheck 'run out'?? for instance, how a baby acts that wants to go outside. É-hóeméohe. He is straining to go outside. fai: -méohe. Category: motion, check.

-hóeohová   vai. flee out. É-hóeohōva. He escaped by running out. Móxho'nó'ȯhketónėšė-hóeohōvȧhtse hē'e. She could not escape by running out. [Mountain stories.037] fai: -ohová. Category: motion.

-hóestan   vti. put out s.t., take out s.t. É-hóestāna. He put it out. Etym: *sa·kitenamwa.

vta. put out s.o., take out s.o. É-hóestanóho. He put him out. Etym: *sa·kitene·wa. Ná-hóestāno. I put him out. Etym: *nesa·kitena·wa. See: -né'tan extract s.t.; -hóesta'ó'h; -vovéehevávomotah. Category: motion.

-hóestó'o'ȧhéotse   vai. run out of the brush. É-hóestó'o'ȧhéotse. He ran out of the brush. naa tsé'tóhe móstanėšemȧsó-hoestó'o'ȧhéotsėhéhe. But this one (the girl on the ground) dashed out of the brush. (1987:289). Medial -ó'(e); fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run, motion.

-hóestóseohe   vai. out.drag. Ques: Can this be a full vai?? É-hóestóseohe. He dragged (something) out quickly.?? vta: -hóestóseohé'tov; vti: -hóestóseohé'tá. Category: motion, check.

-hóevonehné   vai. crawl out. É-hóevonēhne. He crawled out. Category: motion.

-hoháta'xe   vai. laugh moving. É-hoháta'xe. He is laughing while in motion. fai: -a'xe. See: -hohatse. Category: laugh, motion.

-hóhtsenevėhahtáxé   vai. trip. especially used when you think there is a step down, but there isn't, and you make a noise stepping, anticipating the step down. É-hóhtsenevėhahtáxe. He tripped. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -hohétšešé stumble. Category: motion.

-ho'ȧho'he   vai. arrive by car. Lit: come-by.heat É-ho'ȧho'he. He arrived by car. See: -aho'he. Category: motion, transportation.

-ho'a'éotse   vai. arrive swarm, all arrive. Ques: recheck gloss?? É-ho'a'éotseo'o. They swarmed in. Naa tsé'éšemé'o héne véhonema'kaata éhma'xėho'-a'éotsésesto vé'hó'e And after he found that gold, white people swarmed in. [Black Hills Claim.051] See: ho'-a'eotse 'come attack'. Category: motion, check.

-ho'a'hasó'heohe   vai. arrive quickly riding horse. É-ho'a'hasó'heohe. He arrived quickly riding a horse. Héstove éxho'-a'hasó'heohésesto. On either side of him (two soldiers) rode up to him. [1987:22] fai: -a'hasó'heohe. Category: motion, horses.

-ho'eehéoohe   vai. arrive moving hurriedly. É-ho'eehéoohe. He arrived moving hurriedly. Éévȧ-ho'eehéoohe. He moved back. Antonym -ho'eehéoohe. Category: motion.

-ho'ehné   vai. arrive (walking). É-ho'ēhne. He arrived. Etym: *saxkwehθe·wa (P). Éévȧ-ho'ēhne. He came back. Né'évȧhósė-ho'ėhneo'o! Come again! Épėhéva'e tséx-ho'ėhneto. It is good that you came. mahnėx-ho'ēhnėstse when he comes. máhne'évȧ-ho'ēhnėstse when he comes back. See: -ho'eohtsé; -ho'eohe. Category: walk, motion.

-ho'ėhóhtá   vti. come to s.t. É-ho'ėhóhta. He came to it. vta: -ho'ėhót; fti: -ehóhtá. Category: approach, motion.

-hó'e'ov   vta. follow s.o. This verb refers to following relatively closely behind someone, whereas -néhe'ov refers to following someone's tracks, such as tracking someone. É-hó'e'ovóho. He followed him. Nééveamė-hó'e'ovȧtse. ?? I'm following you around. Oeškėseho nátaohkeévȧhóosė-hó'e'óeneo'o. Dogs usually follow us back home. Néx-hó'e'ovėstse! Follow me! See: -néhe'ov; -néhov; -hestóxoh(n). Category: interpersonal, motion, check.

-ho'eohá   vti. come for, arrive for. Hévámóhe héne éstaohtšėho'eohánoho né=vé'kése. Apparently that bird must have been after that (arrow). [The Seven Young Men.014] Category: motion.

-ho'eohe   vai. arrive quickly, come quickly. This may differ from -ho'ehné in that -ho'eohe may mean more precisely something like 'stop in, come briefly'.?? É-ho'eohe. He arrived/he came. Námóneévȧ-ho'eohe. I just got back. Nȧhtȧ-ho'eohe. I will arrive. Náxaenėšėtaepėhévė-ho'eohe. You came good / you came at a good time. That is a good thing to tell a visitor in Cheyenne even though it is difficult to translate to English. Nėstseohkė-ho'eohéme hákó'e. You (plural) will arrive far away. [1987:7:24] See: -ho'ehné; -ho'eohtsé. Category: motion, check.

-ho'eohé'tov   vta. come to s.o. quickly, arrive at s.o. hurriedly. É-ho'eohé'tóó'e hávėsévevėhanéheho. The mad drummer (obv) came to him. That saying refers to him being angry. Éstȧ-ho'eohé'tovóhoono. He (man) got to him (the watersnake). [1987:286] See: -ho'ėhót. Category: motion.

ho'eohétó   vii. come quickly. faster than -ho'ėhnétó and -ho'eohtsétó. É-ho'eohéto. It came quickly. [pd266] Category: motion.

-ho'eohová   vai. arrive fleeing, flee arrive. É-ho'eohōva. He arrived fleeing. fai: -ohová. Category: motion.

-ho'eohtsé'tov   vta. arrive at s.o., come to s.o. É-ho'eohtsé'tovóho. He came to him. Móstȧ-ho'eohtsé'tovȯhevóhe hestotseho tséhnéetsėse. He came to where his horses (pets) were standing. [1987:170] See: -ho'a'ó'tov; -nȧho'ȯhtsév; -hó'eohtsé'tov; -ho'ėhót. Category: interpersonal, motion.

-ho'etó'honaoohe   vai. arrive quickly by swimming. É-ho'etó'honaoohe. He arrived quickly swimming. Tšėšėháá'ėše tséstaéšė-ho'etó'honaooesemóhnėméhaeévȧhósėhóotóeotsé'tovȯhvóhe. When she had swum quite a ways, she turned around to look at him. [1987:291] fai: -tó'hóná. Category: motion.

-ho'evo'ešé   vai. rush up, come quickly, dash up. É-ho'evo'ēše. He rushed up. Category: motion.

-ho'evonėhót   vta. approach s.o. by crawling. É-ho'evonėhoto. He arrived crawling to him. É-ho'evonėhótóho. He arrived crawling to him. (newer pronunciation). Hetaneo'o káhkėse tséstȧ-ho'evonȯhótóvóvȯse nótȧxévé'hó'e éhne'anȯhetȧhpe'e'haheo'o. When the men (Indian warriors) crawled up close to the soldiers they hollered back down. for example, at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. See: -vonehné; -nósevonėhót. Category: motion.

-hó'kȯhtȯhe'hané   vai. walk with crutches. É-hó'kȯhtȯhe'hāne. He is walking with crutches. Category: motion.

-ho'né'e   vai. step. É-ho'ne'e. He stepped. Oóxésta é'évȧhešė-ho'né'esėstse. He took steps just fine again (reportative). [1987:109] Final -o'né'e. See: -táho'né'e. Category: motion.

-ho'oesta'xe   vai. arrive.quickly, dash up, arrive quickly. É-ho'oesta'xe. He dashed up. fai: -a'xe; Medial -oest. Category: motion.

-ho'ȯhoo'e   vai. arrive by swimming, swim arrive, arrive by wading, wade arrive. É-ho'ȯhoo'e. He arrived swimming. Nátao'seonésenȧha'ēno káhkėse máhnėx-ho'ȯhoo'ėstse I'm gonna try to catch him when he swims up close. [JOURNEY.TXT] Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. Category: motion.

-ho'ohtsé   vai. somewhere go, visit. often with the idea of coming to visit. ... é-ho'ōhtse. ... that is where he is going. Náho'ė-ho'ōhtse. I have come to visit. Tósa'e né-ho'ōhtse? Where are you going? (another recording) Tósa'e nétȧ-ho'ōhtse? Where are you going? Tósa'e nétao'sė-ho'ōhtse? Where are you going to go? Tósa'e nétao'sėhósė-ho'ōhtse. Where are you going to go next? Méave'ho'éno nátȧ-ho'ōhtse. I went to Lame Deer. Tósa'e étȧ-ho'ōhtse? Where is he going? Tósa'e étȧ-ho'ȯhtsénove? Where has everybody gone? Nátȧ-ho'ōhtse nevénótse. I went to (visited) your home. Often appears to function much as a relative root or preverb, for example, as -he'ohtsé or heše-. Tósa'e é-ho'ōhtse? Where did she go? Tósa'e é-ho'ȯhtsésesto?? Where could they have gone? That can be an exclamation with rhetorical emphasis) (RECHECK THAT GLOSS?? Háá'ėše nėstavé'-ho'ȯhtséme. Étaéšėta'ȯhoo'e Hóma'e. Óohkenonéšeōhtse ma'taamėhéemȯhonéstove. Don't go far from the camp. The Beaver (constellation) has swum out of sight (in the Fall). Go in pairs when you go hunting. See: -he'ohtsé; -nȧho'ȯhtsév; -tsėhe'ohtsé. Category: motion, check.

-ho'o'ȧhéotse   vai. arrive running, arrive by car. É-ho'o'ȧhéotse. He arrived running. [1987:247] Tósa'e nétaéšė-ho'o'ȧhéotse? Where have you arrived driving? fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: motion, transportation.

-ho'ó'eohtsé   vai. arrive roll, arrive by wagon (or other rolling transportation). É-ho'ó'eōhtse. He arrived by wagon. Éstȧ-ho'ó'eōhtse Šéstótó'e. (Frank) Pine came on a wagon. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.012] Medial -ó'(e). See: -ho'ó'ehné. Category: transportation, motion.

-ho'ó'eohtsétó   vii. arrive by rolling. Móstȧ-ho'ó'eohtsétȯhanetséhe heme'ko heškevóho. Their mother's head must have come rolling in. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).087] Category: motion.

-ho'ómestá   vai. escape arrive. É-ho'ómésta. He arrived escaping. néhvé'-ho'ómėstávȯhtse had they escaped. [1987:42] See: -hómestá. Category: motion.

-ho'oohe2   vai. so go quickly. ... é-ho'oohe. ... that is where / how far he went. Vó'héé'ėse é-ho'oohe. A ways away that is how far he went. Tósa'e nétȧ-ho'oohe? Where did you go quickly? Homonym -ho'oohe1. See: -ho'ohtsé. Category: motion.

-ho'ótáne   vai. arrive by burrowing. É-ho'ótáne. He arrived by burrowing. fai: -ótané. See: -amótane. Category: motion.

-ho'óxeohtsé   vai. come to the end. É-ho'óxeōhtse. He came to the end. Initial ho'óxe-; Final -ohtsé. Category: motion.

-ho'óxoveohtsé   vai. arrive across. for example, to arrive across the ocean during a World War. É-ho'óxoveōhtse. He arrived across. Nátaéšė-ho'óxoveōhtse tȧháóhe. I have already gone overseas there. [Rebuke.017] Category: motion.

-hóma'ó   vai. dismount quickly, get off quickly. É-hómá'o. He quickly dismounted. See: -hómevonehné. Category: motion, horses.

-hóma'xe   vai. disembark quickly, get off quickly. É-hóma'xe He got off quickly. for example, off a horse or car. See: -hóa'xe. Category: motion.

-hómestá   vai. flee, escape. É-hómésta. He fled. Étȧ-hómésta. He fled (away). Ques: Is -hómėstáohe a word; -hómėstaohe?? See: -ho'ómestá; -amȧxestá. Category: motion, check.

-hómėstaohe   vai. dodge, elude. É-hómėstaohe. He dodged (something). Category: motion, check.

-hómevonehné   vai. get off, dismount. This is getting off from something that can move, such as a horse, car, or wagon. É-hómevonēhne. He dismounted. Hómevonēhnėstse! Get off! Antonym -e'evonehné, -táxevonehné. See: -anȯhevonehné; -hóma'ó. Category: motion.

-hómevoneohe   vai. get off quickly, dismount quickly, disembark quickly. for example, from a wagon or horse. É-hómevoneohe. He got off quickly. Nėhē'še tsé'tóhe móstȧxae-hómevoneóhehevóhe. Then these (girls) got off (their horses). [1987:288] Category: motion.

-hóohta'ó   vai. go home quickly. É-hóohtā'o. He went home quickly. Éstaévanėhešėho'ė-hóohtā'o. That's how he got back home quickly. [Red Bird, Runaway Cheyenne Boy.051] Category: motion, speed.

-hóohtóoseme   vai. flee home. This especially refers to when the Northern Cheyennes fled back to Montana from Oklahoma. É-hóohtóoseme. He fled home. tséhne'évȧ-hóohtóosemēvȯse when they fled back home. fai: -óoseme. Category: motion.

-hóo'ehe   vai. move home. É-hóo'ehe. He moved home. fai: -eehe. Category: motion.

-hóo'né'eotse   vai. step out of bounds. É-hóo'né'eotse He stepped out of bounds. fai: -o'né'e. Category: basketball, motion.

-hóo'oohe   vai. go home, be a delegate. often used to refer to when a Cheyenne travels to Washington, D.C., because that is where the financial foundation for the tribe currently is. É-hóo'oohe. He went home (or, He is a delegate). Náéšėho'-hóo'oohe. I got home. Né-hóo'oohema. We are going home. This word was said when people were out picking berries. People would call out the names of accompanying children (to summon their spirits) so no one would be left behind when the berry pickers went home. Tóne'še ného'-hóo'oohe? When did you come home? See: -hóo'ohtsé; Vášėtaēno. Category: motion.

-hóo'xeváhné   vai. announce while walking. É-hóo'xeváhne. He announced walking. Category: motion, speak.

-hóome'ėséhné   vai. walk while hiding anus. É'ée'amė-hóome'ėséhnesėstse. He was walking trying to hide his rear end. [Croft 1987:28:13] BodyPartMedial -'ėsé. Category: motion.

-hóomeohová   vai. flee out of sight. É-hóomeohōva. He fled out of sight. fai: -ohová. Category: motion.

-hóomėstov   vta. escape from s.o. É-hóomėstovóho. He escaped out away from him. Éhma'xeévȧ-hóomėstóevósesto. He escaped from them. [1987:298] See: -hómėstov; hóe-; -amaxe. Category: motion, interpersonal.

-hosóveméohe   vai. strain back. É-hosóveméohe. He is straining back. fai: -méohe. Category: motion.

-hosóvo'ne'e   vai. step backwards. É-hosóvo'ne'e. He stepped backwards. fai: -o'né'e. Category: motion.

-hosóvonehné   vai. crawl backwards. É-hosóvonēhne. He crawled backwards. See: -hosóvo'ne'é. Category: motion.

-hotáavoeotse   vii. capsize, tip over.

vai. capsize, tip over. É-hotáavoeotse. He (or It) tipped over (floating). "Nėstsė-hotáavoeotsémáne nėstsemémėstanémáne," é'ȯhkėhésesto. "We will turn over. We will drown," they would say. [1980:1:10-11] See: -hotáavóé'ó. Category: motion, liquid.

-hotáo'ó   vai. capsize, turn over, tip over. for example, what happens to a person in a car accident when a car overturns. É-hotáó'o. He capsized/tipped over. Énéšė-hotáo'oo'o. They both turned over. vti: -hotáa'hahtsé, -hotáavan. Phon: not vs Ques: Check 3rd person pl. neg. for pitches. See: -e'ȯsévoeotse. Category: motion.

-hotáo'otse   vai. turn over, fall over, capsize. É-hotáo'otse He fell over/capsized. Category: motion.

-hótȯhta'á   vti. 1 • trip over s.t., stumble on s.t. É-hótȯhtá'a. He tripped over it. Ná-hótȯhtá'a. I tripped over it. vta: -hotȯhta'ov. See: -áhanešé; -é'tovahá; -hohótšešé. Category: motion.

2 • violate s.t. especially to violate probation or parole. Éévȧ-hótȯhtá'a tséxhestóho'ėse. He violated his probation. É-hótȯhtá'a ho'emanestȯtse. He broke the law. (probably a literal transl. from English). See: -hé'heetovánove. Category: legal.

-hóxova'ó   vii. lurch across, go across.

vai. lurch across, go across. É-hóxovā'o. He (or It) lurched across. Category: motion.

-hóxova'ov   vta. push s.o. across, kick s.o. across. É-hóxova'ovóho. He kicked him across. Éévȧ-hóxova'ovóho. He made him retreat. Category: motion.

-hóxova'xe   vai. jump across, drive across, cross. É-hóxova'xe. He jumped across. tséhne'éšė-hóxova'xévȯse after they had crossed (the river). [1987:22] Category: motion.

-hóxoveohová   vai. flee across, across flee, escape across. for example, to escape to another country. É-hóxoveohōva. He fled across. fai: -ohová. Category: motion.

-hóxoveohtsé   vai. 1 • go across; across go. É-hóxoveōhtse. He went across.

2 • die. euphemism for going across to the next camp, that is, dying. Étaéšė-hóxoveōhtse. He has gone across / crossed over. Étaéšeáahtsé'-hóxoveōhtse. He has already crossed over. See: -hóxoveotse. Category: death, motion.

-hóxoveohtsé'tá   vti. go.across.s.t. É-hóxoveohtsé'ta. He went across it. Ma'xeó'he'e éstȧhóxoveohtsé'tánȯse. He went across a big river. Category: motion.

-káhaneohe   vai. approach quickly, come close quickly. É-káhaneohe. It is getting close quickly. quickly?? [jwa] Category: motion.

-káhaneohtsé   vai. approach, come close. É-káhaneōhtse. He came close. Nėhē'še móhne'éše-káhaneohtsėhevóhe. Then he must have been coming close. [Croft 1988:29:9] Nėstavé'-káhaneohtséme! Keep your distance! (said to children, when they were to keep their distance from a ceremony). See: -háhane'ov. Category: motion.

-káhanéoohe   vai. come close very quickly, approach very quickly. É-káhanéoohe. He approached quickly. Category: motion.

-kȧhkonóése   vai. 1 • hang thin. Lit: thin-hang É-kȧhkonóése. He is hanging thin.

2 • travel fast. See: -kȧhkonó'a'xe. Category: hang, motion, figurative.

-kȧhkonó'a'xe   vai. travel fast. É-kȧhkonó'a'xe. He is traveling fast. an idiom, traveling so fast he seems to be flattened. Category: motion, figurative.

-káho'ne'e   vai. step up. that is, lift your foot to go up a step. É-káho'ne'e. He took a step up. See: -ho'né'e. Category: motion.

-ka'a'ó   vai. jump. This is faster action than -ka'a'xe. ?? É-ka'ā'o. He jumped. Nȧhtȧhóxove-ka'ā'o. I'll jump across. [1987:276] Final -a'ó. See: -ka'a'xe. Category: motion, check.

-ka'a'xe   vai. jump. a single jump; the reduplicated verb -koká'a'xe is used for repeated jumps. É-ka'a'xe. He jumped (a single jump). (another recording) Nétȧhé-ka'a'xémáne! Let's high jump/jump hurdles! Éonóve-ka'a'xe. He jumped out of the water. Ésé'e-ka'a'xe. He jumped into the water. Éhótsėhóe-ka'a'xe oónȧha'e. The frog can't jump out. That means the same as English "I have a frog in my throat". Reduplicated -koká'a'xe; fai: -a'xe1. See: -ka'a'ó. Category: motion.

-ka'a'xé'tá   vti. jump with reference to s.t. Éstao'omenó'ėse-ka'a'xé'tánȯse ó'kȯhóme héne ho'ēsta. The coyote jumped over that fire. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes (Glenmore).088] Category: motion.

-ké'ko'a'xe   vai. rock. for example, in a rocking chair. É-ké'ko'a'xe. He is rocking. See: -vávaahe; -kó'ko'a'xe. Category: motion.

-koká'a'xe   vai. jump repeatedly, hop. This entry refers to repeated jumps, rather than several individual jumps. É-koká'a'xe. He jumped (repeated jumps). Nétȧhé-koká'a'xémáne! Let's skip rope/jump on a trampoline! Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -ka'a'xe. Category: motion.

-kó'konó'ešé   vai. bounce repeatedly. for example, when riding along on a wagon on a bumpy road. É-kó'konó'éše. He is bouncing along. Ques: no'?? É-kó'konó'ėšenao'o. They are bouncing along. Non-reduplicated -kóno'ešé. Phon: redup Category: motion, check.

-'xe   f. jerk. Variant: -a'xe. Námȧsóhosóvėhe'ona-'xe. I jerked my hand back hard. [Fishing.025] Category: motion.

mȧheahtse   vai. all come together. É-mȧheahtseo'o. ?? They all came together. Category: motion, check.

-mȧheohtsé   vai. all come together. É-mȧheohtseo'o. They all came together. Category: motion.

-mȧheotse   vai. all gather. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧheotseo'o. They all got together. vta: -mȧheotsé'tov. See: -móheeohtsé. Category: motion.

-mȧhoévėho'ohtsé   vai. town.go. É-mȧhoévėho'ōhtse. He went to town. vai: -ho'ohtsé. See: -sé'eohtsé go to town. Category: motion.

ma'aataeméó'o tsé'éneohéto   ni. train station. vii: éneohétó. Category: motion.

-ma'ėseméohe   vai. strain to bend forward. É-ma'ėseméohe. He is straining to bend forward. fai: -méohe. Category: motion, run.

-ma'ėseóeh   vta. land s.o. facing forward. can refer to rear entry sex. É-ma'ėseóehóho. ?? He landed her facing forward. ?? vai: -ma'ėseóešé. See: -ma'ėstoh(n). Category: sex, motion, check.

-ma'ėseóešé   vai. land on stomach. É-ma'ėseóéše. He landed on his stomach. vta: -ma'ėseóeh. See: -ma'ėseše lie on stomach. Category: motion.

-ma'kėsta'éoeotse   vai. put head down. É-ma'kėsta'éoeotse. He lowered his head. Éxaetšėhe'kema'xeanȯhe-ma'kėsta'éoeotse. He slowly put his head down. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: motion, head.

-ma'kėsta'ó   vai. fall forward, trip forward. É-ma'kėstā'o. He fell forward. Usage: This form is probably more commonly used than -ma'ėsta'ó. Variant: -ma'ėsta'ó. See: -hanȯhta'ó. Category: motion, fall.

-mano'eohtsé   vai. go as a group; go in a bunch; bunch - go in a. only said with plural subjects. É-mano'eohtseo'o. They are going as a group. [JOURNEY.TXT] Éhne'ase-mano'eohtséhoono. They started off together. [JOURNEY.TXT] Category: motion.

mȧsóeoesta'xe   vai. charge through. Émȧsóeoesta'xe. He charged through. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.054] Ques: recheck including pitches See: -ésta'xe. Category: motion, check.

-mé'a'ó   1 • vii. jump into sight, appear jump.

2 • vai. jump into sight, appear jump. Ques: recheck glosses?? É-mé'á'ó He (or It) jumped into view. Final -a'ó. See: mé'a'xe. Category: motion.

-mé'anéoohe   vai. surface quickly. É-mé'anéoohe. He surfaced quickly. Vétséno éhne'évȧhóseosáane-mé'anéoohesėstse. Just then he was coming out of the water again. [1987:291] Category: motion.

-mé'ȧše'še   vai. appear drinking. É-mé'ȧše'še. He showed up drinking. fai: -ašé'še. Category: drink, motion.

-mé'ehné   vai. appear, come in sight. Lit: appear-walk slower action than -mé'a'xe. É-mé'éhne. He appeared. Etym: *mo·θkwehθe·wa (P). Éše'he é-mé'éhne. The sun is coming up. Éše'he énėh-mé'éhne. The sun is coming up. éše'he tsénėxhése-mé'éhnėstse east (lit. where the sun appears from). Tséhne'éše-mé'ėhnetsėse éše'hóho éhnéhnėhetameotsesėstse. after the sun had come up he gave up. [1987:171] Éne'éše-mé'éhne vóóhe. The morning star has appeared. Antonym -ta'ehné. Category: motion.

-mé'eotse   1 • vai. appear, show up.

2 • vii. appear, show up. É-mé'eotse. It (or He) has appeared.?? Category: motion, check.

-mé'oeotse   vai. resurface. possibly a passive resurfacing (for example, that of a dead body) in contrast to that of-mé'anéotse ?? É-mé'oeotse. He surfaced (in the water). Éssáa'évatšėhe'še-mé'oeotséhehoo'o. He never did come back up (from the water). [1987:293] Category: motion.

méohe   fai. run, strain, thrust. Éame-méohe. He ran along. Ééve-méohe. He ran about. Ého'e-méohe. He arrived running. Évése-méohe. He also is running. Névéé'ėše móhnéma'e-méohehevóhe tsėhéóhe Mo'ȯhtávo'honáéva. For four days they ran in circles here in the Black Hills. [1987:245] See: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run, motion.

-móhtsetanó   vai. want to move. É-móhtsetāno. He wants to move/he wants to go forward. See: -momó'ohtsé. Category: motion.

-mo'kona'ó   vai. dive with wings closed. É-mo'konā'o. He dove with wings closed. [1987:246] Category: motion.

-moméno'eohtsé   vai. go in a bunch. É-moméno'eohtseo'o. They are going in a bunch. Category: motion.

-momóhtȯxe'a'xe   vai. move in a movie. É-momóhtȯxe'a'xeo'o. They (animate) are moving in a movie. Category: motion.

-momó'oesta'xe   vai. move quickly. É-momó'oesta'xe. He moved quickly. [1980:66:80] Nėhē'še tsé'tóhe no'kéehēso éh-momó'oesta'xéhoo'o. Then this little squirrel moved quickly. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.080] Category: motion.

-momó'ohtsé   vai. move (repeatedly), fidget. É-momó'óhtse. He moved (repeatedly). for example, he fidgeted. Móstsėšeée-momó'ȯhtsėhevóhe. They started moving around. [JOURNEY.TXT] Phon: redup Ques: is [em[o'ohts[e a word?? See: -momó'otse. Category: motion, check.

-momó'otse   vai. move around, move. Ques: reck move around or move?? Category: check. É-momó'otse. He is moving around. Násáatónėše-momó'ótséhe. I couldn't move. Éssáa'évatónėšė-momó'otséhehoo'o tsé'tóhe hetane. This man couldn't move anymore. [1987:282] Ho'e émomó'otse. There was an earthquake. Phon: redup See: -momó'ohtsé; -mo'otse; -momósevonehné. Category: motion.

-momóseméohe   vai. move around. É-momóseméohe. He is moving around. fai: -méohe. Category: motion.

-momósenome   vai. sleep moving around. É-momósenome. He is moving around in his sleep. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep, motion.

-momósevonehné   vai. move, squirm, wiggle by crawling. also said of a baby moving within the womb. É-momósevonēhne. He is moving, squirming, wiggling by crawling. éhetóse-momósevonēhne He is squirming / can't sit still. See: -momó'otse. Category: motion.

-naesetse   vai. bless motion. É-naesetse. He did a blessing motion. Category: motion.

-néhama'ov   vta. sneak up on s.o. É-néhama'ovóho. He sneaked up on him. Móstaosáanetšėše-néhama'óehevóhe heéháme. Her husband sneaked up on her. [1987:252] See: -néhameoha'ov. Category: interpersonal, motion.

-néhameohe   vai. approach unseen quickly, sneak up quickly. É-néhameohe. He sneaked up quickly. Category: motion.

-néhe'a'xe   vai. thrust pelvis during intercourse, move in and out during sex. É-néhe'a'xe. He/She was making movements (pelvic thrusts) during intercourse. Móvé'évaáa'ėse-néheka'xėhéhe. She responded with pelvic thrusts. (does this imply that she got pregnant?? Category: check. fai: -a'xe1. Category: sex, motion.

-nėhe'ohtsé   vai. Gram: rr go there. This refers to going to a location previously mentioned. É-nėhe'ōhtse. He went there. Néta-nėhé'ȯhtsema! Let's go over there! See: -tsėhe'ohtsé; -he'ohtsé; -hé'ohtsé; -nėhe'otse. Category: motion.

-néheohe   vai. go fast, quickly come. Ques: can it also mean 'chase'?? É-néheohe. He came fast. Ques: come soon?? Category: motion, check.

-néheohé'ta   vti. pursue s.t., chase s.t. É-néheohé'ta. He chased it. Óeškėseho éohke-néheohé'tanovȯtse amȧho'héstotȯtse. Dogs chase cars. vta: -néheohé'tov. See: -néhá; -néhe'á. Category: motion.

-néheohé'tov   vta. chase s.o., pursue s.o. É-néheohé'tovóho. He chased him (obv). [1987:255] éhma'xenéma'ó'-néheohé'toenovȯse. (The head) chased them around. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).088] Náooo, éstama'xe-néheohé'toehoono. My, he took off after her. See: -néhov; -néhe'ov. Category: motion, interpersonal.

-néhoveohtsé   vai. walk upstream, go upstream. Náe'-néhoveōhtse. I went upstream. Category: motion.

-né'toveotse   vii. combine ??

vai. move together. É-né'toveotse. It (or He) moved together/it is together/combined.?? Éstanėše-né'toveotsésesto. They moved together. [1987:3] Category: motion, check.

-néma'e'ov   vta. circle s.o. É-néma'e'ovóho. He keeps going around him. See: -néma'a'ov chase around s.o.; -ama'ov drive along s.o.. Category: motion.

-néma'eotse   vii. turn around.

vai. turn around. É-néma'eotse. He (or It) turned around. See: -éva'eotse. Category: motion.

-néma'evonehné   vai. crawl around, crawl in a circle. É-néma'evonēhne. He crawled around in a circle. fai: -vonehné. Category: motion.

-néma'ó   vai. slide sideways.

vii. slide sideways. É-némá'o. He/It slid sideways. for example, of a car sliding on ice. Etym: cf *pyi·mexke·wa he twists, turns. Category: motion.

-néma'ó'á'o   vai. spin, twirl. É-néma'ó'á'o. He twirled. Final -a'ó. Category: motion.

-néma'ó'eohe   vai. circle quickly by wagon, go around corner, encircle quickly. Éta-néma'ó'eohe. He went around the corner. Category: motion, roll.

-néma'ó'eohtsé   vai. circle by wagon. É-néma'ó'eōhtse. He went around in a circle by wagon. Náto'se-néma'ó'eōhtse. I'm going to walk in a circle. (by wagon??) É-néma'ó'eohtseo'o. They went around in a circle by wagon. Category: motion, check.

-néma'táo'a'ó   vii. spin, roll, tumble. Heškóvó'ėstse éameée-néma'táo'a'ónėstse. Tumbleweeds are going along tumbling.

vai. spin, roll, tumble. Category: motion.

-némėsótseva'ó   vii. skid. É-némėsótsevā'o. It skidded. for example, of a car that skids on ice or mud.

vai. skid. Ques: also of animate things?? Category: check, motion.

Nenáasėstse!   vai. Gram: command Come here! (another recording) Nenáase! Come here! (said to more than one person). Antonym Taanáasėstse; vai: -ase. See: nená-; taaná-. Category: motion.

-néstoneva'xe   vai. make noise moving. É-néstoneva'xe. ?? He is making a noise moving. ?? [Whiteman and the Coyote.008] Category: sounds, motion, check.

-nėševevoneohe   vai. crawl fast. É-nėševevoneohe. He is crawling fast. Category: motion, speed.

-nėševonea'o   vii. swing fast, jerk fast?? É-nėševoneā'o. It swung fast. Móhe nėstsemá'eme ééšeáahtse'nėševoneā'o? Maybe your blood is swinging faster. fast?? Ques: von or vón?? Category: motion, check.

-nėševónea'xe   vai. 1 • swing high?? Ques: vón or von??

2 • hot, horny. sexually. É-nėševónea'xe. He is horny. See: -mo'ȯhtávo'eétȧhétanó. Category: sex, motion, check.

-néveóhtavonehné   vai. crawl on all fours. This is with the body lifted off the ground by both arms and both legs. É-néveóhtavonēhne. He is crawling on all fours. BodyPartMedial -óhtá2. Category: babies, motion.

-nóhtoosem   vta. take refuge with s.o., go to s.o. for refuge. Ná-nóhtoosēmo. I go to him for refuge. Variant: -nóhtoosemé'tov; fta: -oosem. See: -nóhtsėhót. Category: motion, interpersonal.

-nóhtoosemé'tov   vta. flee to s.o. for protection. É-nóhtooseménoto Ma'heóneva. He fled to God. See: -nó'hová'tov; -amȧxem; -asėtóoseme. Category: motion, interpersonal.

-nȯhtóvoeha'ené   vai. know how to row. É-nȯhtóvóéhá'éne. He knows how to row. Initial nȯhtóv-; fai: -óéha'ené. Category: motion.

-nȯhtóvo'a'óvá   vai. know how to ride a bicycle. É-nȯhtóvo'a'óva. He knows how to ride (a tricycle or bicycle). See: -amó'a'óvá. Category: motion.

-nó'ėseka'a'xe   vai. jump over. É-nó'ėseka'a'xe. He jumped over. See: -ka'a'xe jump. Category: motion.

-nó'ėsevonēhne   vai. climb over, crawl over. É-nó'ėsevonēhne. He climbed over. Category: motion.

-nó'ėsta'a'xé'tá   vti. jump over s.t. É-nó'ėsta'a'xé'ta.?? He jumped over it. Final -a'xe. See: ka'a'xe; koká'a'xe. Category: motion.

-nó'ėstá'o   vai. jump over. for example, as a horse would jump over a log. É-nó'ėstá'o. Category: motion.

-nó'ėsto'en   vti. step over s.t. ?? Ná-nó'ėsto'enȯtse. I stepped over it (them??). Category: motion.

-nó'ėsto'ne'e   vai. step over (something). É-nó'ėsto'ne'e. He stepped over (something). Initial nó'ės(t)-; fai: -o'né'e step. See: -ho'né'e step. Category: motion.

-no'hén   vti. put s.t. aside; put aside s.t. É-no'héna. He put it aside.

vta. put aside s.o.put s.o. aside. É-no'hénóho. He put him aside. Category: motion.

-no'héoesta'xe   vai. aside escape; escape aside; get off; get away. É-no'héoesta'xe. He got away/he escaped/he got off. Medial -oest. See: -amȧxem. Category: motion.

-no'héohtsé   vai. turn aside; get off track; walk off (especially a path). É-no'héóhtse. He got off track. See: -no'héhné; -no'héotse; -évaohtsé. Category: motion.

-no'héoohe   vai. step aside quickly, move aside quickly; go off the road quickly, go aside quickly. É-no'héoohe. He stepped to the side. Ésta-no'héoohéhoo'o. He stepped to one side . [Croft 1988:28:28] Category: motion.

-no'héva'ó   vai. slide off. especially of driving off the road into the ditch. É-no'hévá'o. He went off. Category: motion.

-no'ka'éeso'he   vai. one horse travel, travel by one horse. Éohke-no'ka'éesó'heo'o. They use one-horse buggies. Category: motion.

-no'keohe   vai. go quickly alone. É-no'keohe. He is going quickly alone. See: -no'keohtsé; -no'kehné. Category: motion.

-no'keohtsé   vai. go alone. É-no'keōhtse. He came by himself. See: -no'kehné walk along; -no'keohe go quickly alone. Category: motion.

-nó'ȯhtsé'tov   vta. go toward s.o., approach s.o., come toward s.o. Éhnėh-nó'ȯhtsé'toevósesto. He came toward them. (reportative mode). [The Journey.267] Final -ohtsé. See: -nóhtsėhót. Category: interpersonal, motion.

-nó'oohé'tá   vti. fetch s.t. quickly, go after s.t. quickly. Nátao'se-nó'oohé'ta. I'm going to go get it (for example, I need it). Category: motion.

-nonáhahkahe   vai. quick in movements. É-nonáhahkahe. He is quick in movements. Non-reduplicated -nȧhahkahe. Phon: redup Category: motion.

-nonáohto'ha'ehné   vai. walk deliberately, walk slowly. É-nonáohto'ha'ēhne. He is walking deliberately. Nėsta-nonáohto'ha'ėhnémáne! Let's just take a good old time walking! Medial -o'ha'e. Category: motion, walk.

nonom-   i. quiver, shake. É-nonomā'ha. É-nonoma'hamóho. He caused him to quiver. Category: motion.

-nonoma'há   vii. quiver, shake. É-nonomā'ha. It quivered. vai: -nonoma'xe. Category: motion.

-noosané   vai. leave (people). É-noosāne. He left. See: -nóosané. Category: motion.

-nóseméohe   vai. strain toward, want to be picked up. É-nóseméohe. He is straining toward. This can be about a baby straining forward, wanting to be picked up. Initial nóht-, nóse-; fai: -méohe. Category: motion.

-nósevonėhót   vta. crawl to s.o. É-nósevonėhoto. He crawled to him. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.077] É-nósevonėhótóho. He crawled to him. (newer pronunciation). Naa nėhē'še nėhéóhe éstȧhésease-nósevonėhótovo totáhoestanótȧxévé'hó'e. Then from there they (Indian warriors) crawled up from all directions to the soldiers. for example, at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. See: -ho'evonėhót; -nóhto'ȧhéotsé'tov; -nó'oohé'tov. Category: motion.

-notama'éohtsé   vai. face north walking, walk facing north, walk facing the wind. É-notama'éóhtse. He went facing the wind. See: Nómeōhtse; -nómehné; notama. Category: walk, motion, directions.

-nóva'haso'he   vai. ride horse slowly. É-nóva'haso'he. He rode horse slowly. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses, speed, motion.

-nóveohe   vai. arrive late. refers to moving by some form of transportation, especially, today, a car. Ná-nóveohe I arrived late. Initial nóve-; Final -ohe. -nóvėho'eohtsé and -nóveohtsé also mean 'arrive late'. See: nóve-; -ho'eohtsé; -nóveohtsé. Category: motion.

-óešé   vai. alight, land. É-óéše. He (especially a bird) landed. Etym: *pankihšinwa (P). É-óešēne. They landed. Éne'-óéše. He landed (for instance, at the airport, coming home, toward the speaker). A'e nenóveto énėxho'e-óešenasėstse néhe ma'xevé'késo. In a little while that big bird arrived and landed. [VISION.TXT] vta: -óešé'tov; fta: -óeh; vii: -óehá. See: -oeše be in water. Category: motion.

-ohaéšeotse   vai. spring up, jump up. É-ohaéšeotse. He sprang/jumped up. See: -ohaa'e. Category: motion.

-ohaéta'ó   vai. arise fast, get up fast. É-oháétá'o. (pitches ?? He got up fast. Naa néhe móstó'nėšėhóe-ohaéta'ȯhéhe néhe tséstaonénėxȯhemoese. So this (lawyer) got up and left as soon as he was paid by him. [1987:183] See: -ohāā'e. Category: motion, check.

-ohoo'e   fai. wade, swim. swimming of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, etc.; wading of people. Éam-ȯhoo'e. He waded/swam along. Épėhév-ȯhoeo'o. They are swimming nicely. Éhóxov-ȯhoo'e. He swam across. Étónet-ȯhoo'e? How does he swim/wade? Énés-ȯhoeo'o. They are both wading. Phon: compare énéšėhoeo'o 'they are both sitting there' Één-ȯhoo'e. He stopped swimming. Éést-ȯhoo'e. He swam into. Éonóv-ȯhoo'e. He waded ashore. Ésé'-ȯhoo'e. He waded into the water. Émé'-ȯhoo'e. He appeared swimming/wading. Étata'-ȯhoo'e. He waded out of sight. Phon: vs See: -ametó'honá; -tó'honá; -too'hame; -hoo'e; amȯhóomȧhtsestȯtse. Category: motion, swim.

-ohová1   fai. flee. Éame-ohōva. He fled. Éase-ohováohe. He fled away/escaped. Éanȯhe-ohōva. He fled down. Etsėhe'-ȯhōva. He ran there. Etóne'-ȯhōva? Where did he escape to? Éxhóe-ohováohesėstse xaevo'ėstane. The Indian ran out. [1980:41:10] See: -o'ȧhéotse; -méohe. Category: motion.

-ó'e1   m. roll. especially by wagon. At one time this especially referred to transportation by wagon, but it has been extended to transportation by other vehicles where there is rolling action of wheels. Phon: This is spelled with just -ó' if a following final begins with /a/. Éam-ó'éhne. He went by wagon. Éam-ó'éna. He hauled it by wagon. amó'enēō'o wagon. Éév-ó'éna. He rolled (on the ground). Énėšev-ó'eohe. He traveled quickly by wagon. ... náhet-ó'ena ... he hauled me over there. for example, he took me there by car. Category: motion, roll.

-o'evo'ešé   vai. bounce, hop. É-o'evo'ēše. He hopped. ?? Ést-o'evo'ėšenáhoo'o nėhéno vóhkóóhe. The rabbit hopped over there. (pret). [The Whiteman and the Rabbit.022] vii: -o'evo'ehá. Category: motion, check.

-ó'he   fai. move ?? Category: check. one of several motion finals; see discussion under -ehné. Éénȯhom-o'he. He stopped dancing. Éamóvȯht-ó'heo'o. They are hauling. See: -ohomo'he; -ehné; -ohe. Category: motion.

-o'ne'e   fai. step. Éasėt-o'ne'e. He took a step. Ékáh-o'ne'e. He stepped up. Éhosóv-o'ne'e. He stepped backwards. Énó'ėst-o'ne'e. He stepped over (something). Étáh-o'né'eotse. He stepped on (something). Éhó-o'né'eotse He stepped out of bounds. Nátáh-o'né'eotsenȯtse oónȧha'e. I stepped on a frog. That is said after farting. vai: -ho'né'e. Category: motion.

-o'ne'é'tov   fta. step with reference to s.o. Éohkėsáaka'-o'né'e'tȯheheo'o. Don't step over their (medicine people's) legs. fai: -o'ne'é; vai: -ho'ne'é. Category: motion.

-o'omeohtsé   vai. bypass. to bypass someone or something. É-o'omeōhtse. He bypassed. Etym: *kaθkamipahta·wa (P). Category: motion.

-o'omoh(n)   vta. surround s.o. É-o'omȯhnovo. They surrounded him. Category: motion.

-omóma'ó   vai. cry lurch, cry run. Éhma'xemé'eése-omóma'óhoono hevésėsono. Her sibling came running in. [The Big Bogeyman.029] Category: cry, motion.

-onéma'ta'éotse   vii. twist?? É-onéma'ta'éotse. It twisted. Oóxésta éstaévȧhešeonéma'ta'éotsétseneho hé'tóhe mȧhtse'ko. That wheel turned out all right again as before, that wheel. [When Northern Cheyennes First Got Wagons.045] Category: check, motion.

-onémėsó'tseva'ó   vii. jerk back and forth; fishtail.

vai. jerk back and forth; fishtail. for example, of a car slipping in the mud or on ice. É-onémėsó'tsevā'o. He (or It) is jerking back and forth. Category: motion.

-ónėsta'ó   vii. fly open, open suddenly. for example, of a door. É-ónėstá'o. It flew open. Category: motion.

-ónėstáohtsé   vii. open gradually. É-ónėstáóhtse. It opened gradually. Ques: tao?? tséstaéšėháahpe'e-ónėstáóhtse after (the door) had opened widely. [1987:41] Category: motion, check.

-onóhné   vai. come ashore, come out of the water, swim ashore. É-onóhne. He came out of the water/he swam ashore. Etym: cf. M akuaqtaw. Category: motion.

-onótovevoneohe   vai. crawl fast. É-onótovevoneohe. He is crawling fast. Category: speed, motion.

-onóva'ó   vai. jump away from (something). É-onóvá'o. He jumped out (of the water). Category: motion.

-onóva'xe   vai. run out of the water. É-onóva'xe. He ran out of the water. See: -onóva'ó. Category: run, motion.

-onóvevonehné   vai. crawl ashore, climb out of the water. É-onóvevonēhne. He climbed (or crawled) ashore/he climbed out of water. Category: motion.

-ooma'ó   vai. 1 • hit ground quickly ?? Category: check. É-oomā'o. It hit the ground quickly. ?? Category: check.

2 • fly, flash. Category: figurative. É-oomā'o éestsestȯtse. There is a news flash ; gossip is flying. See: -oomešé. Category: motion.

-óomeohtsé   vai. travel through. vé'hó'e tséohkėheše-óomeohtsévȯse white people, as they always do travel through. [1987:185] Category: motion.

-óomeva'ó   vii. fly by. É'ȯhke-óomeva'ótsenėhoonȯtse. They (inanimate) were flying by.

vai. fly by. Category: motion.

-óoseme   fai. flee. Éam-óoseme. He is fleeing. Éévȧhóoht-óosemeo'o. They are fleeing back home. [pd267] Nánóht-ooseme. I approached for refuge. Category: motion.

-óoveoesta'xe   vai. shake off. for example, of a horse or dog shedding water; more rapid action than-óoveotse. É-óoveoesta'xe. He shook. Category: motion.

-ováhaeohtsé   vao. detour. Nésáatónėše-ováhaeohtséhéme. You can't go around (something). Category: motion.

-ovávȯhomo'he   vai. stagger. especially of a drunk. É-ovávȯhomo'he. He is staggering around. Initial ová(v)-; fai: -ohomó'he. Category: motion.

-óxovéstavá   fai. travel. Éam-óxovéstáva. He is traveling by. Évóon-óxovéstáva. He traveled all night. vai: -hóxovéstavá. Category: motion.

-pȧhoeohe   vai. go alongside. É-pȧhoeohe. He is going alongside (someone). Category: motion.

-péehahtá'ov   vta. step on the foot of s.o. É-péehahtá'ovóho. He stepped on his foot. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: motion.

-pėhéveohtsé   vai. go to a good place, go well. étapėhéveohtseo'o. They went to a good place. [How God Helped Me Forgive.023] Category: motion.

-pėhévevonehné   vai. move to good position. for example, to position yourself for a good conversation or to play hand game. É-pėhévevonēhne. He positioned himself well. Category: motion.

-pėhévȯhoo'e   vai. swim well, wade well. Épėhév-ȯhoo'e. He is swimming well. Épėhév-ȯhoeo'o. They are swimming well. Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. Category: motion, swim.

-póešé   vai. 1 • slam down. especially of falling down onto something. É-póéše. He slammed against something.

2 • rush. Category: figurative. Náévȧho'-póéše. I rushed back. Category: fall, lie, motion, speed.

-po'a'ó   vai. bucked off. É-po'ā'o. He was bucked off. fai: -a'ó. Category: motion.

-po'a'xe   vai. jerk away. É-po'a'xe. He jerked away.?? Reduplicated -pó'po'a'xe. Category: motion, check.

-po'eoesta'xe   vai. come off quickly, jerk loose. É-po'eoesta'xe. He came off quickly. for example, a tire (animate). Category: motion.

-pó'po'a'xe1   vai. jerk away. É-pó'po'a'xe. He jerked away. Mósta-pó'po'a'xėhéhe. He was jerking away. [JOURNEY.TXT] fai: -a'xe; Non-reduplicated -po'a'xe. Phon: redup Category: motion.

-séhpa'ó   vai. stretch. É-séhpá'o. He stretched. Etym: *ši·pexke·wa (P). To grow tall a child reaches high like this at the first thunder in the spring. fai: -a'ó. Category: motion.

-séhpe'hahtaa'e   vai. stretch out legs. Éstȧ-séhpe'hahtáehoo'o hoeseonó'éva. She stretched her legs out on the bed. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.060] Ques: 'haht or 'ėhaht?? Category: body, motion.

-sé'a'haso'he   vai. ride horse to town. É-sé'a'haso'he He rode into town on a horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses, motion.

-sé'a'ó   vai. jump into (water), dive into. É-sé'á'o. He jumped into the water. Éne'évȧ-sé'á'o. He dove back in. Final -a'ó; Variant: -sé'ó'a'ó. Category: motion, liquid, swim.

-sé'eméohe   vai. go into hurriedly. É-sé'eméohe. He went in hurriedly. Éssé'eméohesėstse ma'ēno. The turtle was going in hurriedly. [The Ground Squirrel and the Turtle #2.020] Category: motion.

-sé'eohe   vai. go into water, go toward the center. especially about going into a river. É-sé'eohe. He went into the water. Móného'-sé'eohehéhe. You must have come to town.?? Nėhē'še hó'ótóva móhne'éšeasė-sé'eohehehéhe né=xāō'o Then that skunk started into the river toward (the man). [1987:282] Category: motion.

-sé'ó'a'ó   vii. Ques: reck this as a form and as a variant ?? fly into water. É-sé'ó'á'o. He/It flew into the water. fai: -a'ó; Variant: -sé'a'ó. Category: check, motion, liquid.

-séno'a'ó   vai. jump into bushes. É-séno'ā'o. He jumped into the bushes. fai: -a'ó. Category: motion.

-séno'eohtsé   vai. walk into the bushes, go into the bushes. É-séno'eōhtse. He went into the bushes. É-séno'eohtseo'o. They went into the bushes. Variant: -séno'ó'eohtsé. Category: motion.

-sévanó   vai. ski, slide, skate. primarily refers to the sliding motion, which can apply to sliding, ski·ng, or skating. É-séváno. He skated. Éamė-séváno. He is ski·ng along. Nétȧhé-sevanómáne! Let's go skating/ski·ng! ma'oméamė-évanóhtotȯtse ice skates. Etym: cf. M so·watow/so·wae·w. Category: motion.

-sévanóohe   vai. slide. faster action than -sévanó. É-sévanóohe. He slid. Category: motion, record.

-sóeoesta'xe   vai. charge through. Nótseo'o éohkenósė-sóeoesta'xésesto. Enemies go head on against. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.076] Category: motion.

-sóhpa'ó   vii. dash through, rush through. É-sóhpá'o. He rushed through. Etym: *ša·pwexke·wa (P). Mo'ē'ha mó'óvóe-sóhpa'ȯhéhe. The magpie came in first. [1987:246] Éo'omė-sóhpa'otse. It (obv.) detour dashed through. That is equivalent to English "It went in one ear and out the other". Category: motion.

-sóhpa'xe   vai. run away, take off. refers to a rather rapid action. É-sóhpa'xe. He took off. tsésto'sėhé-sȯhpa'xévȯse as they were coming to the finish line. [1987:246] Phon: compressed form: -sóa'xe ?? Category: check. fai: -a'xe1. See: -sóhpoése; -hómestá; -amȧxestá; -asėta'xe. Category: motion.

-sóhpeohe   vai. go through, through - go. É-sóhpeohe. He went through. Émá'sė-sóhpeohe. He completing going through (for example, went through the Sun Dance). Émá'sėpėhévė-sóhpeohe. He went through without a hitch. Category: motion.

-sóhpeohtsé   vai. go through. É-sóhpeōhtse. He went through. See: -sóhpehné. Category: motion.

-sóhpeohtsé'tá   vti. go through s.t. Category: motion.

-sóhpėševa'ó   vai. zoom, fly through quickly. Néto'sė-sóhpėševa'oma. We are going to zoom through. See: -améva'ó zoom by; -nėševa'ó go swiftly; -káha'ó'tsé zoom in on s.t.. Category: motion, speed.

-sóhpoeotse   vii. go through suddenly. for example, of water that suddenly gushes through a pipe after it got unclogged. É-sóhpoeotse. It suddenly went through. Category: motion.

-sóhpoése   vai. zoom through. Ná-sóhpoése. I zoomed through. for example, to drive through a place quickly without even stopping. See: -sóhpa'xe. Category: figurative, motion.

-sóhpo'eohétó   vii. through.go. Naa nėhē'še me'ko móhnėstónėšėsóhpo'eohétȯhanéhe. And then the head somehow came through. Category: motion.

-sȯsóhpešé   vai. move through. É-sȯsóhpéše. He worked his way through. (for example, through a crowd of people). Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -sóhpešé. Category: motion.

-šéšeoesta'xe   vai. wiggle free. É-šéšeoesta'xe. He wiggled free. See: -šé'šeoesta'xe. Category: motion.

-šéšėxa'xe   vai. jerk free. É-šéšėxa'xe. He jerked free. Category: motion.

Taanáasėstse!   command. Go on!, Go now! Antonym Nenáasėstse; vai: -ase. See: taaná-; nená-. Category: motion.

-táha'ó   vai. jump on. É-táhá'o. He jumped on. Final -a'ó. Category: motion.

-táha'xe   vai. mount quickly. É-táha'xe. He mounted quickly. fai: -a'xe. Category: motion.

-táho'né'e   vai. step on (something). É-táho'ne'e. He stepped on (something). É-táho'né'eo'o. They stepped on (something). Reduplicated -totáho'ne'e; vta: -táho'né'eotsé'tov. See: -táho'né'eotse. Category: motion.

-ta'a'ó   vai. quickly go out of sight. É-ta'ā'o. He quickly went out of sight. Final -a'ó. Category: motion, sight.

-ta'eoesta'xe   vai. disappeaar quickly, go out of sight quickly. É-ta'eoesta'xe. He went out of sight quickly. Hákó'e ésta-ta'eoesta'xésesto. (The coyote; obv.) disappeared far away. [Croft 1988:27:2] See: -hováneehéotse. Category: motion.

-ta'omėhóhtá   vti. approach and get in the way of s.t. É-ta'omėhóhta. He approached and got in the way of it. Etym: *taθkamwehθata·wa (P). fti: -ehóhtá. Category: motion, approach.

-ta'ta'eotse   vii. open. É-ta'ta'eotse. It opened. Étaome-ta'ta'eotse. It opened by itself. Category: motion.

-táxe'ėséeotse   vai. sit on quickly. This is a quicker action than that of -táxe'ėsee'e. É-táxe'ėséeotse. He sat down on (something) quickly. Synonym -hámėstoo'e. See: -táxe'ėsee'e; -hámėstoeotse. Category: motion, sit.

-táxeméohe   vai. struggle to get on, run on top. É-táxeméohe. He is struggling to get on. fai: -méohe. Category: motion.

-táxevoneohe   vai. mount, get on. É-táxevoneohe. He got on quickly. Mósta-táxevoneohehéhe. She got on (her horse). [1987:289] See: -táxevonehné. Category: motion.

-tȯhkomȯheohtsé   vai. few go. only used with plural subjects. É-tȯhkomȯheohtseo'o. They are going as a small group. Mó'ȯhke-tȯhkomȯheohtsėhevóhe tséameehese. The travelers came in small groups. [1987:18] Category: motion.

tóhtȯheehné   vai. go for however many days. Variant: -tónėstȯheehné. Category: time, motion.

-to'éka'o'e   vai. jump up from bed quickly. To'éka'ō'ėstse! Jump up from bed quickly! Category: check, motion.

-to'évonehné   vai. sit up from being in bed, sit up from prone position. É-to'évonēhne. He got up from bed. [1987:269] É'ȯsáane-to'évonėhnéhoo'o kȧse'ééhe. The young woman got up from bed. [1987:269] fai: -vonehné. Category: motion.

tó'h-   i. stop. É-tó'hána. He stopped it. É-tó'há'o. He/It got stopped (by something). É-tó'heotse. It got stuck/he got stuck. É-tó'he'háoohe. He stopped flying. See: én. Category: motion, move.

-tó'ha'ó   vai. stop. É-tó'há'o. He/It got stopped (by something). Heškóvó'ėstse éta-tó'ha'ónėstse. The tumbleweeds got stopped (by the fence). Category: motion. Final -a'ó.

-tó'heet   vta. stop s.o. This can include stopping a horse (or, figuratively, of a person) by pulling back on the reins. É-tó'heetóho. He stopped him with the reins. Náohke-tó'heetahtse hé'tóhe vóhpoma'ȯhtse. I pull the reins back on myself on this salt. [Beadwork Visit.066] Category: interpersonal, motion.

-tó'hóná   fai. swim. Swimming of this kind can be done by people, dogs, horses, perhaps some other quadrupeds, and fish. Phon: This word is morphologically /tó'hóná/ for some speakers but /tó'honá/ for others. Éame-tó'hóna. He is swimming by. Ého'e-tó'hóná. He arrived swimming. Éonóve-tó'hóna. He swam ashore. Énȯhtóve-tó'hóna. He knows how to swim. Éhóxove-tó'hóna. He swam across. Émȧhe-tó'honao'o. They are all swimming. Ésáa'ame-tó'honȧheo'o. They are not swimming along. Variant: -tó'honá. See: -too'hame; -ohoe. Category: motion, swim.

-tó'honá   fai. swim. Swimming of this kind can be done by people, dogs, horses, perhaps some other quadrupeds, and fish. Phon: This word is morphologically /-tó'hóná/ for some speakers but /-tó'honá/ for others. Éame-tó'hóna. He is swimming by. Éstȧsé'ease-tó'honáoohéhoo'o. He swam away. [The Ground Squirrel and the Turtle (Howlingcrane).021] Variant: -tó'hóná. Etym: cf *laʔla·namwa 'he swims it'. See: -ohoo'e wade, swim; -too'hame swim, bathe. Category: motion, swim.

-tó'hovėhe'oná'ó   vai. stick hand(s) between. É-tó'hovėhe'oná'o. He stuck his hand(s) between. BodyPartMedial -he'oná hand. Category: hands, motion.

-tó'hoveohe   vai. go between. É-tó'hoveohe. He went between. fai: -ohe. Category: motion.

-tó'omeotse   vai. freeze, become motionless. This refers to freezing motionless, not freezing from the cold, which is -he'konévose. É-tó'omeotse. He froze up. Ná-tó'omeotse. I froze up. Né-tó'omeotse. You froze. Ná-tó'omeotséme. We froze up. Ééšėhósė-tó'omeotse. He has frozen up again. Éohke-tó'omeotse. He can't even move. [1987:198] See: -tó'omóeotse; -he'konose frozen from cold. Category: motion.

-to'omevonehné   vai. slowly crawl, stiffly crawl. Éxaehe'kemé'to'omevonēhne. (The porcupine) appeared slowly crawling. [The Porcupine and the Pheasant.010] Ques: tó'ome?? fai: -vonehné. Category: motion, check.

-tomȯséotse   vii. become erect, arise, get up. É-tomȯséotse se?? He (or It) got up. See: to'é; tomȯhtoe. Category: motion.

-tóne'éšeohtsé   vai. how long go? É-tóne'éšeōhtse? How long did he go? Ques: recheck gloss?? Initial tóne'éše-; Final -ohtsé. Category: time, motion.

-tóne'oohe   vai. where go, go somewhere. É-tóne'oohe? ?? Tósa'e náohkėsáa-tóne'oohéhe. I can't go anywhere. [Bear Tepee.064] Naa tsé'tóhe hē'e tósa'e mós-tóne'oohehéhe. And this woman must have gone someplace. (Croft). See: -tóne'ohtsé. Category: motion, check.

-tónėstȯheehné   vai. go for however many days. É-tónėstȯheēhne? ?? How many days did he walk? ?? Variant: tóhtȯheehné. Category: time, motion, check.

-too'hame   vai. bathe, swim. It may be that only people can do this. Compare -tó'honá 'swim' which can be also be done by four-footed animals. É-too'hame. He took a bath / he swam. É-too'hameo'o. They took a bath / they swam. Nétȧhé-too'hamémáne! Let's go swim! Nééšeméo-too'hamehe? Did you already bathe this morning. Nėstse-too'hame. You will swim. See: -ametó'honá; -tó'honá; -ohoo'e. Category: motion, swim.

-tóo'tá   vai. return. Éva-tóo'távoo'ėse! Let them (eyes) return! [Floating Eyes (Whitedirt).007] Category: motion.

tooxe-   pv. low. É-tooxeohāā'e. He arose from a bent over position. Etym: *tapahši (P). Category: motion.

-tooxeméohe   vai. struggle to stoop over. Lit: low-strain É-tooxeméohe. He is struggling to stoop over. fai: -méohe. Category: motion.

-totáho'ne'e   vai. step repeatedly on (something). É-totáho'ne'e. He steps on (it). Non-reduplicated -táho'ne'e. Category: motion.

-totáxeohe   vai. go quickly stepping here and there. É-totáxeohe. He is putting his feet here and there as he goes along. Category: motion.

-tóxeohe   vai. go around quickly, go along the edge quickly. É-tóxeohe. He went around quickly. for example, to go around visiting. Ques: recheck glosses?? Category: check, motion.

tóxeohé't   vti. go around s.t. quickly. tséstaetóxeohé'toese when he goes around it quickly ?? Category: check, motion.

-tóxeohtsé   vai. go around. For example, to go around visiting; this does not mean to go around in circle. É-tóxeōhtse. He went around. for example, to go around visiting. Nátaée-tóxeōhtse. I went all over. Nátaéema'xe-tóxeōhtse. I went around a lot. Méstaeo'o Tsé'ȯhke-tóxeohtsévȯse Halloween. Lit: when spooks go around See: -éveohtsé. Category: motion.

-tsėhe'ėhéoohe   vai. move (camp) there quickly. É-tsėhe'ėhéooohe. He moved there quickly. Éhne'évama'xe-tsėhe'ėhéoohestóvétsénėse Camp was all quickly moved back there. [1987:262] fai: -ehe. Category: motion.

-tsėhe'ȯhová   vai. flee there. to a location newly mentioned in discourse. É-tsėhe'ȯhōva. He fled there there. fai: -ohová. See: -tsėhe'ohtsé; -tóne'ȯhová; -hetómésta. Category: motion.

-tsėhe'ȯhováohe   vai. flee there. Hósėstse é-tsėhe'ȯhováoheo'o o'hé'e. Some fled to the creek. Category: motion.

-tsėhe'ohtsé   vai. go to, go there. É-tsėhe'ōhtse. He went there. Tósa'e nétao'sė-tsėhe'ōhtse? Where are you going? Tósa'e nétao'sė-tsėhe'ȯhtséme? Where are you (plural) going? Méave'ho'éno nátao'sė-tsėhe'ōhtse. I'm going to Lame Deer. Ta-tsėhe'ōhtsėstse! Go over there! Nés-tsėhe'ōhtsėstse! Come here! tséssáa-tsėhe'ȯhtsééstse when he didn't go there. Ques: Is there any difference between -tsėhe'ohtsé and -ho'ohtsé?? See: -he'ohtsé; -ho'ohtsé; -nėhe'ohtsé; -tsėhe'otse; -tsėhe'oohe; -tsėhe'ehe; -tsėhe'ohtsé. Category: motion, check.

-tsėhe'oohe   vai. go there quickly. É-tsėhe'oohe. He went there quickly. Nėhē'še nátao'omė-tsėhe'oohe Oévemanȧhéno. Then I went to Birney quickly. Nés-tsėhe'ooestse! Come here quickly! Nés-tsėhe'oohe! Come here quickly! (said to more than one person). See: -tsėhe'ohtsé; -tsėhetsehné; nenáasėstse. Category: motion.

-tsėheta'éotse   vai. position.head. É-tsėheta'éotse. He positioned his (own) head. Éstatšėšeánȯhe-tsėheta'éotsesėstse. He lowered his (own) head down. Ques: further divided as tseė- ...?? BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: motion, check.

-tsėheta'ham   vta. shake s.o., wave s.t. at s.o., throw s.o. that direction. É-tsėheta'hamóho. He threw him there. Énėške-tsėheta'hamóho. He waved (s.t.) at him rapidly. É-tsėheta'hamóho. He threw him (obv) like this. ?? Néstsėheta'hameha! Throw him to me! [1987:95] For example, throw the ball (animate) to me. Ques: this/that direction or like this or both?? delete the duplicate entry?? vti: -tsėheta'hahtsé; Initial tsėhet-; fta: -a'ham. See: -nėheta'ham. Category: motion, throw, check.

-tsėheta'hasené   vai. wave, motion. É-tsėheta'hasēne. He is waving. [1987:286] Éhne'ȯhkėxae-tsėheta'hasenéhoo'o né'=oónȧha'e. That frog would wave (his front legs). Category: motion.

-tsėheta'xe   vai. jerk, jiggle, move-wildly, shake, flutter, be in motion. É-tsėheta'xe. He is fluttering. Hétsėhéóhe tā'se méškėsoneho éhma'xe-tsėheta'xeo'otséhnémenéto Like there was a bunch of bugs fluttering right here when I sang. [1987:159] vti: -tsėheta'hahtsé. See: -tsėheta'há. Category: motion.

-tsėhetómestá   vai. escape to there. É-tsėhetómésta. He escaped to there. É-tsėhetómėstao'o. They escaped to there. See: -tsėhe'hová; -hómestá. Category: motion.

-vávaahe   vai. swing. É-vávaahe. He is swinging. Etym: *we·pisowa; cf. M wae·wepesow. Nétȧhé-vavaahémáne! Let's go swing! Phon: redup Category: phys. ed., motion.

-vávaeohtsé   vai. walk with a swinging gait. É-vávaeōhtse. He is walking with a swinging gait. Phon: redup Etym: cf *we·pipahta·wa. Category: walk, motion.

-vávȧhka'xe   vai. jerk. É-vávȧhka'xe. He jerked. Etym: *we·peɁšiwa. Éma'xease-vávȧhka'xe. He really jerked away. for example, when angry at s.o. Phon: redup fai: -a'xe. Category: motion.

-vé'seva'xe   vai. bounce. É-vé'seva'xe. He is bouncing. for example, of a baby. See: -ka'a'xe; -poo'ešé; -kóno'ešé. Category: motion.

-véseohová   vai. flee with. É-véseohōva. He fled with (others). fai: -ohová. Category: motion.

-véstsehné   vai. live with. Lit: walk with Ná-véstséhne. I live with. See: -vé'hahtsé; -vé'ȯhtsém. Category: motion, walk.

-vévohe   vai. move camp, break camp. É-vévohe. He moved. Ȯh-vévȯhévosėstse móhnėhvovóevévȯhehéhe Héna'e. When they broke camp Swan was the first to break camp. [1987:17] See: -vévoxe carry a pack. Category: motion, camp.

-vóhka'xe   vai. turn, go crooked, make a sharp turn. for example, make a U-turn in a car. É-vóhka'xe. He made a sharp turn. Émomáxomeanȯhe-vóhka'xe. He slowly drove off the road. Naa móhne'ȯhkeéva-vóhka'xėhéhe. Then she would turn and run back. [1987:248] Category: motion, drive.

-vóhkeohe   vai. turn. É-vóhkeohe. He turned. Category: motion.

-vóhkeohtsé   vai. go bent ?? É-vóhkeōhtse. He is going bent.?? Category: motion, check.

-vonehné   fai. crawl. Éame-vonēhne. He is crawling along. Éáse-vonēhne. He started to crawl. Énéma'e-vonēhne. He crawled around in a circle. See: -voneohe. Category: motion.

-voneohtsé   vai. disappear. Ma'háhkėseho tótseha éohkeméhaetsėhevoōne, "Nėhestoha éšeēva neametanénėstonane éame-voneōhtse. Old people long ago used to say, "Every single day our life is disappearing." For example, our life is disappearing because people are not following our traditional ways. Category: motion.

-voneotse   vai. disappear, be gone, lost.

vii. disappear. É-voneotse. It (or He) is gone/lost. Etym: *wanipalyiwa (P). Nátȧhénȯhtsevóómo, é-voneotse. I went to look for him, he is lost. See: -hová'ȧháne; -hováneehe; -vó'neotse; -vonešé; -ta'ehné. Category: motion.

-vóoneohtsé2   vai. go all night. Nátȧhóse-vóoneōhtse. Again I traveled all night. Category: motion, time.

-vóonóxovéstavá   vai. travel all night. É-vóonóxovéstáva. He traveled all night. fai: -óxovéstavá. Category: motion.

-xa'xoešé   vai. duck down, crouch down. for example, lowering oneself in a car so as not to be seen by others outside. É-xa'xoēše. He is ducking down. Category: motion.

-xanova'ó   vai. shoot straight, jump straight.

vii. shoot straight, jump straight. É-xanovā'o. It shot straight. Final -a'ó. Category: motion.

-xó'xova'ó'tsé   vti. squash s.t. fast. É-xó'xova'ó'tse. He squashed it fast. É-xó'xova'ó'tsenȯtse. He squashed them (inanimate) fast. Category: motion.

-xó'xovan   vti. squash s.t., squeeze s.t. É-xó'xovāna. He squashed it. For example, he squashed a pop can or squeezed on a tube of toothpaste. Ná-xó'xovanȯtse. I squashed them (inanimate). See: -kȧhkóe'há. Category: motion, check.