-héhnovotse'ohe vai. work with fortitude. Some Cheyennes view whites as working this way. É-héhnovotse'ohe. He steadily (steadfastly; faithfully) works. É-héhnovotse'óheo'o. They (especially whites) work patiently/steadily/with fortitude. fai: -otse'óhe. See: -oéhnovotse'ohe. Category: whites.
-hoháotse'ohe vai. work very hard. Éohkė-hoháotse'óheo'o. They work very hard. This is how some whites are perceived. See: -hotse'óhe. Category: whites.
-nėhetaa'e'haná vai. eat everything. Émȧhe-nėhetaa'e'hāna. He ate up everything (on his plate). White people are perceived as doing this. fai: -e'haná. See: -óove'haná. Category: whites, eat.
-nėševotse'ohe vai. work fast. Whites are perceived to work fast. É-nėševotse'ohe. He worked fast. É-nėševotse'óheo'o. They worked fast. Heávohe é-nėševotse'ohe. The Devil is working very hard. fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'óhe ‘work’. Category: whites, speed, work.
-nȯhtsestá vti. Gram: ai+o ask about s.t., inquire about s.t. É-nȯhtsésta. He asked about it. Etym: *natwehtamwa (P). Hová'éhe éohkėsáapo'-nȯhtsėstáhénóvo vé'hó'e. No matter what, whites ask questions about anything. Variant: -nėstsestá; vta: -nȯhtsėstov, -nȯhtsem. See: -nȯhtsėst; -véestá. Category: whites, speak.
-oe'kėhévatsėstahe vai. suspicious. for example, said of some whites who think all Indians cheat or steal. Éohke-oo'kėhévatsėstȧheo'o. They are suspicious. Category: whites.
-óenoosané vai. stare. meaning of 'stare' when used in the negative. Éohkėsáa'-óenoosanéheo'o. They stare. (another recording) Whites are perceived as staring at Indians. See: -o'oom; -oó'o'oom. Category: whites, sight.
-onémóosané vai. scrutinize. Whites are perceived to do this. É-onémóósáne. He is scrutinizing. Category: whites.
-óxȯhesané vai. what say? Éohkėsáahetseve-óxȯhesanéheo'o. Nothing stops them from saying whatever they are thinking. Whites are perceived as being like this. Ques: redo?? Category: whites, speak, check, record.
-šénetsėstahe vai. be persnickety, be repulsed by (things/people). É-šénetsėstahe. He is repulsed. Vé'hó'e éohkė-šénetsėstȧheo'o. Whites are persnickety. That is, they are presnickety about Indian things. For example, some Indian food is repulsive to them. Category: whites.
-tó'hoevé'hóom vta. constantly look at s.o. Éohke-tó'hoevé'hoomovo heéše'hamevóho. They (especially whites) constantly look at their watches. See: vé'hóom. Category: whites.
-vé'ho'émėsehe vai. eat as a white person. for example, fancy, with a fork, napkin, with dainty fingers. É-vé'ho'émėsėheo'o. They eat as whites. See: -mésehe ‘eat’. Category: whites, eat.
-vé'ho'éva'ó vai. act like a white person, adapt to be like a white person. considered an inappropriate way for Cheyennes to act. É-vé'ho'évá'o. He is acting like a white person. See: -vé'ho'évetanó. Category: whites.
-vé'ho'éveestóvohe vai. raise child(ren) in the whiteman way. É-vé'ho'éveestóvohe. He raises his children the white way. É-vé'ho'éveestóvȯheo'o. They raise children the white way. Variant: -vé'ho'éešeestóvohe. See: -nésta'omeéšeestóvohe. Category: whites, family.
-vé'ho'évėsetanó vai. hurry as a whiteman. É-vé'ho'évėsétáno. He is whitemanishly in a hurry. See: -vésetanó. Category: whites, personality.
-vé'ho'évetanó vai. want to be a whiteman. This is a put-down. É-vé'ho'évétáno. He wants to be a whiteman. See: -vé'ho'éva'ó; -vé'ho'étanó. Category: whites.
-vé'ho'évoéstomo'he vai. have a whiteman personality. É-vé'ho'évoéstomo'he. He has a whiteman personality. Category: whites.
vé'ho'ká'késo na. Gram: dim little white girl. (another recording) Plural vé'ho'ká'kėsono; Obviative vé'ho'ká'kėsono; Non-diminutive vé'ho'á'e; Masculine vé'ho'kēso. Category: whites, names.