-aéškonáho'tá vii. burn. of some inanimate thing, for example, meat or toast. É-aéškonáhó'ta. It got burned crisp (for example, toast). See: -aéškonáoestȧhó'ta. Category: meat.
aéškȯsa'éhese ni. shoulder meat. It is pointed in shape. Category: meat.
áetȯhóóvo ni. rib area meat. from the area of the ribs; the meat is very tender. See: he'pe. Category: meat.
ame ni. pemmican. Simplified Spelling um; Diminutive amėške ‘grease’. Etym: *pemi ‘grease’; *pemihka·ni ‘pemmican’. Category: meat.
axae vai. get meat. Ques: recheck Mó'ȯhtšėho'e-axaehevóhe. They would come to get meat. [The Great Race.078] Category: check, meat.
-é'ȯhomo'he vai. demarrow, break bone to eat marrow. É-é'ȯhomo'he. He is breaking a bone (and eating the marrow). The é'- initial refers to breaking of the bone for getting the marrow. See: -tóhpȯhomo'he ‘take out marrow from a bone’; -e'ȯhomó'he ‘dance up’. Category: meat, break.
éškȯseeséhotame tsékȧhkovanėstse vai. Gram: ppl bacon. Lit: pig which is cut thin Category: meat.
éškȯseeséhotame tsévóhpoma'ȯhtsévanėstse vai. Gram: ppl salt pork. Lit: pig which is salted Category: meat.
éškȯseeséhotaméhé'pėstse ni. Gram: pl spare ribs. Category: meat.
éškȯseeséhotamého'évohkȯhtse ni. pork chops, pork meat. Category: meat.
-évȧsóvá vai. butcher ?? É-évȧsóva. He is butchering.?? Évȧsóva! Butcher! (said to more than one person). fai: -óvá5. See: -anéhné. Category: meat, check.
-évo(hk) m. meat, flesh. ho'-évohkȯtse meat. Lit: raw-meat?? See: honóvóhko ‘drymeat’. Etym: *ye·wak (P). Category: meat.
-évoneahonóhta vai. roast hanging s.t. over a fire. É-évoneahonóhta. He roasted it hanging it over the fire. Category: meat.
-évonóvá vai. hang drymeat everywhere. É-évonóva. She hangs her drymeat everywhere. fai: -óvá5. Category: meat.
heéstoonévetšėške ni. throat fat, buffalo throat. part of Sun Dance equipment. Possessive -éstoo'o ‘throat’. Category: meat, Sun Dance.
heheso na. Gram: pl hoofs, hooves. can be prepared and eaten. Variant: hehese. Ques: LH hehese recheck ?? Singular héhese. Usage: singular is rare if used at all See: -hese ‘hoof (poss)’. Etym: cf. *mesici ‘foot’. Category: meat, check.
hehévá'xe ni. tail, tailbone, oxtail (piece of meat). Etym: cf *neso·wi 'my tail (of quadruped)' (P). Plural hehevá'xėstse; Possessive -htsėhévá'xe; BodyPartMedial -hevá'sé. See: hestsėhévá'xe ‘his tail’. Category: meat, body, check.
he'e ni. liver. Plural hē'ėstse; Possessive -htse'e. See: hē'e ‘woman’. Etym: *weθkweni ‘his liver’. Category: body, meat.
-he'éheve vai. be wormy.
vii. be wormy. É-he'éheve. It/He is wormy (has maggots). See: -mátseveotse; -he'eve. Category: meat.
-he'kėho'tá vii. tender cooked. É-he'kėhō'ta. It is cooked tender. Lit: soft-by.heat vti: -he'kėho'há. Category: meat, cook.
he'kénóme ni. soft thigh piece (of meat), tenderloin. See: hénóme; hesóva'kove. Category: meat.
he'otse'ko ni. neck bone. meat on it is eaten. See: hestse'otse'ko. Category: meat.
he'pé'hemono na. Gram: pl bible (edible stomach portion), manifold. Singular he'pé'heme. usually used in plural; this is the part of intestines which, after boiling, looks like pages of a book. See: hexáhkémáhne. Category: meat.
hē'pėstse ni. Gram: pl ribs. Singular he'pe. Category: meat.
he'ponȯtse ni. Gram: pl lungs. Singular he'po. Category: meat.
he'šeonáhne ni. brisket fat. fatty piece of meat on the sternum; eaten raw. Category: meat.
héma'e ni. first layer of meat between the hide and ribs. See: hemaa'e ‘sore’. Category: meat.
henėhpo'hoo'ȯtse ni. throat gristle. This is white slippery throat gristle in the windpipe; it is eaten. See: -nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse; -pa'enėhpo'hóoná. Category: meat.
henėstāne na. knee bone meat, his knee, knee - his. henėstanóho tséhnétȧhévanėstse knee surgery (literally, when his knee is different). See: -nėstané ‘knee’. Category: meat, body.
hénóme ni. thigh, hind quarter. Plural henomȯtse; Possessive -htsénóme. See: he'kénóme; hetone ‘haunch’. Etym: *wepwa·mi ‘his thigh’. Category: body, meat.
hesé'se ni. gristle, ligament, tendon. Hēā'e hesé'se némese. Maybe you are eating gristle. Possessive -htsėsé'same; Plural hese'sȯtse. Etym: *wecye·ʔci. Category: meat.
-hesé'seve vii. gristly. É-hesé'seve. It is gristly. Etym: *wečye·ʔčiwiwi ??.
vai. gristly. Category: meat.
hésevo na. calf (of leg), muscle meat. as meat, especially leg muscle; not considered choice meat. Plural hesevono; Possessive -htsėsevo; BodyPartMedial -sevá. Phon: iah ?? Etym: cf *nehtiwa 'my calf' (P). Category: meat, body, check.
hesóva'kove ni. tenderloin, sirloin. See: he'kénóme. Category: meat.
hestahpe na. brain. (another recording) Possessive -htsėstahpe; Plural hestahpo; Medial -htáhpé. Etym: *wetempi 'his brain'. nl (Nasal Lengthening): note correspondence of Cheyenne high-pitch to PA vowel +nasal in a consonant cluster; in historical development something like compensatory lengthening (with usual Ch reflex of high pitch from PA vowel length) took place in Cheyenne prehistory as the nasal was deleted; such compensatory lengthening also took place in: hése- 'because' < *wenci; nȧ-htsénota(h) 'my cross-nephew' <*ne0enkwa0ehsa; mȧ-htseno 'armpit' < *me0enkwi; hoóxe'e 'lodgepole' <apanšwiyi; -óht 'by mouth' < *-ant; mȧ-htatamoo'o 'shoulder' (/-htatamóon/) <mete0emankani; na-éstoo'o 'my throat' (/na-éhtoon/) < *nekwenta·kani; /é-šéešená/ é-šééše 'he is lying prone' < *šenkihšinwa. The high pitch of 'weasel 'xáa'e (/šáeh/) < šenkwehsa may reflect this compensatory lengthening, however there is question about whether or not the pertinent high pitch is permanent or not(?). Note the possible correspondence of mó'kėsá'e or mónėškėhéso 'calf' <maxkwehsehsa 'fawn'; šéstótó'e 'pine' (probably includes -ó'e 'wood (med.)') <*šenta . mȧ-htovoo'ȯtse 'ear' < *mehtawakayi may follow this pattern, perhapsby analogy. Similarly, mȧ-htsé'oo'o 'elbow' < *metweškwani; ná-mé'óvo 'Ifound him' < *neme0kawa·wa. (Some of these forms may have undergone a stage where the consonant cluster had an initial nasal.?) (Why did hestom- 'hinder' <*wentam- not undergo the compensatory lengthening?) (correspondence first notedby I. Goddard; see description in Goddard 1988.) Category: meat, body.
hestȧhpó'hanoto na. a cut of meat. Category: meat.
hestȧhtōtse ni. Gram: pl straight gut, marrow gut, stuffed intestine, balogna, weiners, colon. (another recording) The meaning of the original body part word has been extended to balogna and weiners. Hestȧhtōtse éohkepėhéveéno'énėstse. Weiners taste good. See: hestāhtsėstse. Category: meat.
hestȧhtōtse tsékȧhkovaxe ni. lunch meat. Lit: bologna which is cut thin Usage: od Category: meat.
hestāhtsėstse ni. bologna, baloney. See: hestȧhtōtse. Category: meat.
hesta'enóónóto na. Gram: pl part of the paunch. Category: meat.
hestatsēō'o 1 • ni. shoulderblade, shoulder (cut of meat). Possessive -htsėstatsēō'o; Plural hestatseonȯtse; Diminutive hestatseško. See: hestatamoo'o ‘shoulder’; -htsėstatsēō'o; -htatseoná; -htatamoo'o. Category: meat, body.
2 • na. Shoulderblade. Category: names.
hestȯhpó'hánóto ni. afterbirth sac, placenta, "baby bag". this is prepared and eaten. See: hésta'he. Category: meat.
hesto'évȯhkȯtse ni. his meat. IndepNoun ho'évohkȯhtse. See: -hto'évohkȯtse ‘meat (poss.)’. Category: meat.
-he-stonóvȯhkone vai. have drymeat. Éhe-stonóvȯhkone. He has drymeat. See: honóvóhko; -honóvá. Category: meat.
hestonóvónó'e ni. pole on which sliced meat is hung to dry. See: honóvóhkón; hésévávónó'e. Category: meat.
hestȯxo'hanȯtse na. Gram: pl spleen. Plural hestȯxo'hanoto. The spleen of animals is prepared and eaten. Category: meat.
-hestseotse vai. bloodshot.
vii. bloodshot, bruised. É-hestseotse. It/He is bloodshot. Category: meat.
hestsetȧtse na. kidney. Plural hestsétato; Obviative hestsétato; Possessive -htsėstsetȧtse. Morph: /hehtétat/. Etym: *weto·θeθwali ‘his kidney (??)’. Category: check, body, meat.
hestsétȧxé-vetšėške ni. kidney fat. See: vetšėške 'fat'. Variant: possibly hestsétatsé-vetšėške. Kidney fat is used in bed fixtures of altar of Sun Dance. Category: meat.
heškóovono ni. jaw meat. Category: meat.
héta'e na. gland, sweetbreads, tonsil. Plural hetā'e; Obviative hetā'e. Phon: iah some of the glands are eaten. Etym: *weleskwa ‘his gland ??’. Category: check. See: -htséta'e. Category: meat.
hetone na. 1 • haunch, ham. This is the underside of the thigh including the buttock. Etym: cf *nela·na 'my calf of leg'. Plural hetóneho; Obviative hetóneho; Possessive -htsetone; BodyPartMedial -tónaha. See: hénóme ‘thigh’. Category: meat, body.
2 • Ham, Haunch. Category: names.
hevá'onėše ni. rectum, anus. Category: check. This is a meat part not eaten, near hexáhkémáhne. called 'rectum' in PD. See: hexáhkémáhne ‘tailgate’; hesėstse ‘his ass’. Category: meat.
hevé'eonēšėstse ni. guts, small intestines. Variant: hevé'keonēšėstse. Category: body, meat.
hevé'keonéhestȧhtōtse ni. Indian baloney. Synonym vé'keonéhestȧhtōtse. Category: meat.
hevé'keonēšėstse ni. guts, small intestines. Variant: hevé'eonēšėstse. Category: body, meat.
heveškėse ni. windpipe, esophagus. This is eaten. It is flat and gristly. Morph: /hevéhkes/. Etym: cf. *wi·skwayi ‘pouch, crop’; *wexketyi (P) ‘pipestem’; cf. M wi·hko·s(aeh). Category: meat.
hevó'honove ni. strips of meat hanging on each rib. Category: meat.
hexáhkémáhne ni. tailgate. smooth part of large intestine near anus; it is in layers. See: hevá'onėše. Category: meat.
ho'évohkȯhtse tsékȧhkovaxe vii. Gram: cjt steak. Lit: meat that is cut thin vti: -kȧhkovaxá. Category: meat, cut.
ho'évohkȯtse ni. meat. Nėstsevé'vé'še-e'ȯsēna ho'évohkȯhtse mótšėškéva! Don't turn meat over with a knife! (a cultural taboo). [1987:261] Non-diminutive ho'évoo'ȯtse; Plural ho'évȯhkohtsėstse; Oblique ho'évȯhkotséva; Possessive -hto'évohkȯtse. Ques: htse or tse?? Morph: /ho'évo(hk)ot/. Medial -ot ‘skin, hide’. See: -ho'e ‘raw’. Etym: cf. *aškye·wakwi ‘raw meat’. Category: meat, taboo, check.
-ho'évȯhkotsémea'xe vai. smell of meat, meat smell. É-ho'évȯhkotsémea'xe. He smells of meat. See: -hováheméa'xe. Category: meat, smell.
-ho'évȯhkotseve vii. be meat. É-ho'évȯhkotseve. It is meat. Variant: -ho'évootseve. Category: meat.
-ho'évȯhkotsévonené vai. gumming it that is, gumming it, with no teeth left. É-ho'évȯhkotsévonēne. He is gumming it. Énėxamaeneeme'sė-ho'évȯhkotsévonēne. He just has teeth like meat. BodyPartMedial -onené. See: ho'évohkȯhtse. Category: meat.
ho'évoohtsepéenēō'o ni. meat grinder. Category: new, tools, meat.
-ho'évootseve vii. be meat. É-ho'évootseve. It is meat. Ques: vooht?? IndepNoun ho'évooȯtse; Variant: -ho'évȯhkotséve. Category: meat, check.
-honóvá vai. hang drymeat. É-honóva. He is hanging drymeat. Vó'kéme é-honóva. Old Man Winter is hanging drymeat. That is a saying after it snows and snow is hanging on tree branches like drymeat. fai: -óvá5. See: honóvóhko; -he-stonóvȯhkone. Category: meat.
honóvóhko ni. drymeat, jerky. Plural honóvȯhkonȯtse. The plural refers to strips of drymeat, for example, when hanging up drying. Possessive -stonóvóhko. Etymologically, this word may consist of initial honó- + /-vohk/, part of the word for 'meat' (/ho'é-vohkot/; cf. cognate, Menom. aski·wakan) plus an unknown suffix /-ón/; so the literal etymological "meaning" of this Ch. entry may be something like 'roasted-meat'; alternatively, if the segment /-vóhk/ has a phonemically high-pitched vowel, as would be indicated by the pitch behavior of the equative verb 'it is drymeat', then the literal meaning might be, instead, something like 'roasted-crooked', perhaps because when the meat dries it typically shrivels and distorts in shape. Category: check. See: -honóva ‘hang drymeat’. Category: meat.
-honóvȯhkonėheve vii. become drymeat. É-honóvȯhkonėheve. It is drymeat; it became drymeat. IndepNoun honóvóhko. Category: meat.
honóvónó'e ni. meat drying rack. hésévánó'e á'e honóvónó'e Wow! (a cute exclamation). See: hestonóvónó'e; honóvóhko; -htonóvónó'e; ó'óéséó'o; -óvá5 ‘meat’. Category: meat, tools.
hotȧhéhne ni. side meat. Category: meat.
-hoxonóvá vai. hang rotten drymeat. This can happen if drymeat is cut too thick. É-hoxonóva. She has rotten drymeat hanging. fai: -óvá5. Category: meat.
-hoxóvá vai. cut off small pieces of meat. Ques: recheck gloss?? get 3PL?? É-hoxóva. He is cutting off small pieces of meat. Ná-hoxóva. I'm cutting off small pieces of meat. Medial -óvá5. See: -hoxováá'e; -hoxonóvá ‘have rotten meat’. Category: meat, cut, check.
-hoxováá'e vai. cut off small pieces of meat. for example, to cook them over a fire or directly on the top of a stove. Ques: recheck underlying form?? vs?? Ques: recheck gloss?? Ná-hoxováá'e. I'm cutting off small pieces of meat. See: -hoxová. Category: meat, cut, check.
-hto'évȯhkȯtse ni. meat (poss.) nȧ-hto'évȯhkȯtse my meat. he-sto'évohkȯtse his meat. IndepNoun ho'évohkȯhtse. Category: meat.
-kȧhkonó'exá vti. cut s.t. thin; slice s.t. thin. for example, to cut a steak thin. É-kȧhkonó'éxa. He cut it thin. Category: meat, cut.
ké'kȧhonoo'o ni. pounded meat. Variant: tšé'kȧhonoo'o. Category: meat.
ma'ėho'évohkȯhtse ni. corned beef. Lit: red-meat One elder used this to refer to salmon. Category: meat.
ma'xėhestȧhtōtse baloney.
ni. Category: meat.
mó'kėsa'ého'évohkȯhtse ni. veal. Lit: calf-meat See: ho'évohkȯhtse ‘meat’. Category: meat.
nėxo'ėho'évohkȯhtse ni. raw meat. See: ho'évohkȯhtse. Category: meat.
-ó'ėsóvá vai. cut meat thin, cut drymeat, slice up drymeat. refers to thinly slicing meat before hanging it to dry into jerky (drymeat). drymeat itself is called honóvóhko. É-ó'ėsóva. She is slicing meat to make drymeat. É-ó'ėsóvao'o. They sliced drymeat. They sliced meat into thin strips. Ke'éehe náhvovéstomoo'e tsé'ȯhke-ó'ėsóvȧhtove. Grandma taught me to cut drymeat. vta: -ó'es; vti: -ó'ex; Final -óvá5. Etym: cf *pa·łkešwe·wa (TA)/*pa·łkešamwa (TI) (R) ‘s/he cuts him/it open’. See: -ó'ėxová; -tsėhetonóvá; -tsėhetax; -kȧhkonó'exá; -kȧhkoneaxá; honóvóhkó. Category: meat, cut.
-o'hémonóvá vai. hang scanty amount of drymeat. É-o'hémonóva. She has a scanty amount of drymeat hanging. fai: -óvá5. Category: meat, food.
-onóvá2 fai. hang drymeat. Épėhév-onóva. She has her drymeat hanging in a good way. Éo'hém-onóva. She has a scanty amount of drymeat hanging. Éév-onóva. She hangs her drymeat here and there. Éhox-onóva. She has rotten drymeat hanging. or is the final -óvá5?? See: -óvá5 ‘meat’; -ónová1 ‘talk’. Category: meat, check.
-óvá5 fai. meat. Éó'ės-óva. He is slicing meat (to make drymeat). Éhon-óva. He is hanging drymeat. Éévon-óva. She hangs her drymeat everywhere. Étsėheton-óva. He has drymeat hanging. Épėhévon-óva. She has her drymeat hanging in a good way. Éo'hémon-óva. She has a scanty amount of drymeat hanging. Éhoxon-óva. She has rotten drymeat hanging. Éhox-óva. He is cutting off small pieces of meat. Éévȧs-óva. He is butchering.?? or is the final actually -onóvá2?? See: -onóvá2; honóvóhko ‘drymeat’; honóvónó'e ‘meat drying rack’. Category: meat, check.
-pėhévonóvá vai. hang drymeat nicely. É-pėhévonóva. She has her drymeat hanging in a good way. fai: -onóvá. See: -pėhévónová ‘talk well’. Category: meat.
-sé'ėspotseehe vai. gnaw meat off (the bone). eating meat with fingers not with eating utensils. É-sé'ėspotseehe. He jerked off meat with his teeth. See: -sé'sénȯsané; -o'omeehe; -sé'senóhtaxe. Category: meat.
-stonóvóhko ni. Gram: poss drymeat (poss.) he-stonóvóhko her drymeat (that is, that which belongs to her). Category: meat.
-tóhpȯhomo'he vai. take out marrow from a bone. should not be done with a knife; a stick or handle of a spoon is all right. É-tóhpȯhomo'he. He is taking marrow out of a bone. Motšėške éohkėsáavé'še-tóhpȯhomó'hestovėhane. A knife is not used to take marrow out (of a bone). fai: -ohomó'he. Category: meat, sayings.
-tónetonóvá vai. how hang drymeat. É-tónetonóva? How does she hang drymeat? fai: -onóvá. See: -tonetónová ‘what talk about’. Category: meat.
-tsėhetonóvá vai. hang drymeat. É-tsėhetonóva. He has drymeat hanging. É-tsėhetonóvao'o. They have drymeat hanging. Nėhē'še móhma'xe-tsėhetonóvȧhevóhe. Then they had drymeat hanging. [1987:261] fai: -óvá5; Synonym -táxeetóné. Category: meat.
tsé'kȧhonoo'o ni. pounded meat. Phon: assimilation of ts to tš preceding /k/: Variant: ké'kȧhonoo'o; palatalized: -tšé'kȧhonoo'o. Category: meat.
tsépéene vii. ground, hamburger. typically refers to hamburger, that is, (meat) which is ground. (another recording) Variant: tsépéene ho'évohkȯhtse. Category: meat.
tsé-péene éškȯseeséhotamého'évohkȯhtse vii. sausage patties, pork sausage. Category: meat.
tsé-péene éškȯseeséhotamého'évohkȯhtse vii. sausage patties, pork sausage. Category: meat.
tsé-péene ho'évohkȯhtse vii. hamburger, ground meat. Variant: tsépéene. Lit: meat which is ground Category: meat.
tsépéene tséha'háeéno'e vii. Gram: cjt sausage. Lit: that which is ground which is spicy vii: -ha'háeéno'e. Category: meat.
tsé-tónovo'eše ho'évohkȯhtse vii. T-bone steak. Lit: meat which is thick cut Category: meat.
tšé'kȧhonoo'o ni. pounded meat. another recording Variant: ké'kȧhonoo'o; Oklahoma Dialect tsé'kȧhonoo'o. Phon: assimilation of ts to tš preceding /k/ Category: meat.
vé'ho'éotóaho'évohkȯhtse ni. beef. Usage: This word is not commonly used. Lit: cow-meat Category: meat.
vé'keonéhestȧhtōtse ni. Indian baloney. Synonym hevé'keonéhestȧhtōtse. See: hestȧhtōtse. Category: meat.
vene ni. marrow. Etym: *wi:ni. Category: meat.
véno'hohkȯtse ni. tripe, paunch. Ó'ȯséé'ėše véno'hohkȯtse. "I'm going to get (some) tripe." (That is, tripe is going to come my way; this is said humorously when someone hiccups.) Mónévé'ho'ahe véno'hohkȯtse? Naa éoseeháohō'ta. ?? Category: check. See: vénȯhó'kȯhtse ‘chokecherry branch’. Non-diminutive véno'hoo'ȯtse. Etym: *wi·na·ʔθakayi 'rumen'. Category: meat.
-véno'hohkotsémea'xe vai. smell of tripe, tripe smell. É-véno'hohkotsémea'xe. He smells of tripe. Category: meat, smell.
véno'hohkotsévetšėške ni. fat on top of tripe. Category: meat.
veta ni. fat. Variant: vetȧhke, vetšėške. Usage: This entry and its first variant are both probably archaic. Etym: *wi:lenwi. Category: meat.
vetšėške ni. fat, tallow. Simplified Spelling vichk. Morph: /vétehk/. Etym: *wi·renwi. See: veta. Category: meat.
vóhtáse na. flank. meat hanging from bottom of ribs. See: vȯhtseta'e. AltPl = vȯhtaso ?? Category: check. Plural vȯhtȧseo'o. Category: meat.
vȯhtato kidney fat. See: hestsetȧtse. Category: meat.
vȯhtatšėške flank fat. Category: meat.
vo'ėstaného'évohkȯhtse ni. human meat, human flesh. Category: meat.
vo'ėstanévetšėške ni. sweetbreads. a kind of fat. Lit: person-fat People were told not to eat this. Category: meat.
vóoo'e ni. hump. forward part of backbone at bottom of neck. Category: meat.