M - m
-m fta. TA final indicating that the object is animate. Návóó-mo I saw him. fti: -ht.
-ma sfx. first person plural inclusive suffix. Sometimes has a longer form, -mané, which is composed of the two suffixes -ma and -né. Nétȧhémėsėhe-ma! Let's eat! Variant: -mané. See: -mé. Category: grammar.
ma- pfx. unspecified "possessor". does not actually seem to have idea of possession whereas the specific possessive prefixes na- '1PS', ne- '2PS, he- '3PS' clearly do; this is something like a zero placeholder; the "possessed" stem is dependent (cannot stand alone), so the ma- prefix is used when no actual possessor is intended; probably not the idea of 'somebody' being an indefinite possessor; native speakers do not seem to be able to attach any meaning to the ma- prefix; it is probable that speakers view the entire word, prefixed with ma-, as an unanalyzable unit; we suggest that viewing ma- as a prefix is helpful for paradigmatic analysis, but may not be useful on semantic grounds, the problem illustrating that morphology is complicated sometimes by the fact that segmentability and semantics of morphemes do not always coincide; ma- plus dependent stem may itself have prenoun modifiers. Ques: I put a segmenting hyphen in the following forms to indicate the (pseudo?-)morpheme boundary, but it is likely that speakers would regard 'nose', for instance, simply as ma'evo, whereas they may sense that 'my nose' can be segmented as na-'evo. ma-'exa an eye (could be still within a body or separate). ma-'ahtse arm (cf. na'ahtse 'my arm'). ma-'evo nose. mȧ-htse'ko 'tire (an.), leg (inan.)'. amȧho'hé-mȧ-htse'ko 'tire (lit. car-leg)'. má-htáme food (cf. náhtáme 'my food'). ma-vétove body (cf. nétove 'my body'). Etym: *me-.
-má sfx. locative suffix. anósé-ma outside; outdoors. séno'ó'é-ma in the brush/bushes. ésto'ó'é-ma in the brush/bushes. ó'hóó-ma on the side. hó'hó-ma closer/on this side (nearer speaker). he'ā-ma up/above. heā-ma on the side. hoó-ma on the other side. nó'ȯsé-ma next to the wall. sétóvóó-ma in the middle of the water. vá'ȯhtá-ma n the place-of-honor. hóestó'é-ma outside/off the reservation. Phon: nl See: -vá; -nó2. Etym: *-menki; cf. *epemenki ‘up’. Category: positions, grammar.
maahe 1 • ni. arrow. Plural maahōtse; alternate plural: maahotȯtse, maahōtsėstse; Oblique maahéva; vai: -maahévané. mó'xȯhtséve-maahe metal-pointed arrow. ho'honáe-maahōtse stone-tipped arrows. maahé-votōnėstse arrow (tail)feathers. Maahōtse éma'événėstse. The (Sacred) Arrows are stained. After a Cheyenne commits murder the Arrows are bloody and need to be renewed. Etym: *mekwehsi ‘awl (P)’. See: ma'tšėške; ma'tāno; Maahōtse; he'one ‘awl’. Category: warfare.
2 • na. Arrow. Ques: maahe or maāhe?? Category: names, check.
mááhe ni. go to sleep. See: mahpe; maahe. Category: babies, baby talk.
Maahe'ȯhtamēhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Arrow Walking. Category: names.
Maahe'ȯhtameōhtsėstse vai. Gram: ppl Arrow Walking. Category: names.
Maahéo'hé'e Pryor, Montana. Lit: arrow-creek Category: places, rivers.
maahéome ni. arrow lodge. This tepee holds the (Sacred) Arrows, while the hóhkėha'éome holds the Sacred Buffalo Hat bundle. See: hóhkėha'éome. Category: lodges.
Maahétane na. Arrow Man. Plural Maahétaneo'o.
-maahétaneve vai. be an arrow man (person). namely, someone who is an adherent of the Sacred Arrows way. É-maahétaneve. He is an Arrow man. Ques: check maahé or maahe?? Category: ceremonial, check.
-maahévané vai. make arrows. É-maahéváne. He is making arrows. [1987:220] fai: -ané3. See: maahe ‘arrow’.
maahévo'ėstane na. arrow person. Plural maahévo'ėstaneo'o. Ques: extant?? Category: sacred.
maahévotōnėstse ni. Gram: pl tailfeathers of an arrow. See: -hó'hovohe. Category: check.
-maahévotoneve vii. have arrowfeathers. É-maahévotoneve. It has arrowfeathers. [JS 7/89] Category: check.
maahōtse ni. Gram: pl 1 • arrows. Variant: maahōtsėstse. That variant is much less common than maahótse. Singular maahe.
2 • Sacred Arrows. The Sacred Arrows are the sacred object of the Cheyennes, while the Sacred (Buffalo) Hat was the sacred object brought to the Cheyennes by the Sutaio. naa Tséstsėhéstȧhese hé'tóhe maahótse móá'enȯhenótse and the Cheyennes own these (Sacred) Arrows. [1987:98] Éma'heónévénėstse Maahōtse. The Arrows are sacred. Maahōtse éévavóvȯhetanénėstse. The Arrows are renewed. (for example, after being stained or bloodied when there is a murder). Maahōtse éma'éveotsénėstse. The Arrows are stained/bloody. Maahōtse tsévovóhnėhešésėstse the Arrow keeper. Lit: the one who takes care of the arrows Category: ceremonial.
Maahōtse tsévovóhnėhešésėstse vai. Gram: cjt Arrow keeper. Ques: check spelling?? Lit: the one who takes care of the arrows See: -vovóhnėhešéstsé ‘take care of s.t..’. Category: sacred, ceremonial, check.
maa'e ni. sore, scab. Morph: /mae/. Etym: *mekyi. Phon: vs See: hemaa'e; -oéve. Category: sickness.
-maa'e vai. 1 • bark, snort. É-maa'e. He barked. vta: -maet. See: -néstoohe. Phon: vs Etym: *mekiwa. Category: sounds.
2 • court. romantically. Category: figurative, romance.
máá'ėse p. immaterialized expectation, thought, assumed, I thought ... governs the conjunct order, specifically, a verb with the éó- prefix. Máá'ėse=éóhnéehovėstse. I thought he was the one. Máá'ėse=éóháomóhtȧheto. I thought you were sick. Heehe máá'ėse éóve'hahtsévȯhtse tsé'tóhe tséohkeéehéne'enose hová'éhe. Hey, I thought we had someone along that would know something. [1987:40] Phon: usually (always??attaches to a following verb) See: tá'se hótȧhtse; éó-; kóhke-. Category: check.
máase ace. Lit: excrement ?? See: Hotamémaase. Category: cards, check.
maato p. front, in the future, ahead. for example, the front seat of a car, or in the future. This word can be an indication of cultural resignation, similar to fatalism, something like English, "Well, someday, maybe it will happen, maybe it won't, we won't worry about it today, and we don't have much concern about the situation or motivation to do anything about it." Maato náhešeává'o. I fell forward. Lit: forward that is how I fell Naa néhe ná'ėstse maato móstsėheta'hasó'heohehéhe. And the other (soldier) rode up to the front (of him). [1987:22] Naa maato nétaohkevé'hoohtanone tsépėhéva'e. And let's look ahead for what is good. [1987:241] Maato né'e'evonēhnėstse! Get in the front (for example, of the car)! See: ma'kėse-; nȧhéstó'e; tá'e; nȯse'to; máto. Category: time, positions.
maato tsé'énanėse éše'he cj. daylight saving time. Lit: when the clock is put forward ?? Category: check, new. See: -énan. Category: time.
mae- pv. all, everyone, from everywhere. perhaps originated as contraction of mȧhe- 'all'. Éohke-maetotóxeme. It is discussed everywhere. É-maenémeneo'o. There were so many singing. Ésáa-maetsėhésenėstséheo'o. There are so many (people) who do not talk Cheyenne. É-mae'a'eneéestséstove. There are many speeches. (lit., there is so much long lasting speaking). See: mȧhe-; má'se-; mȧsó-.
maehe vai. all move camp. É-maeheo'o. They all moved camp. Éhma'xe-maehésesto. They all moved camp. (reportative mode). [The Boy Who Left His Horse on the Prairie.004] fai: -ehe. Category: check.
-maéstá vti. bark at s.t. É-maésta. He (dog) barked at it. (another recording) Etym: *mekitamwa. Ques: same as vai?? vta: -maet; vai: -maa'e. Category: check.
-maésta vai. bark. É-maésta. He (dog) barked. Ques: barked at it?? See: -maa'e. Category: check.
maéstoo'o ni. Gram: poss throat. maéstoo'e (variant). See: -éstoo'o; ma'éstoo'o ‘pillow’. Morph: /maéhtóon/. Etym: *mekonta·kani (Pi). Category: body.
máéšééhe voc. brother-in-law (of a man). Usage: colloquial old term of reference or address. Category: relatives.
maešéhe na. brother-in-law. Used by a man to address his brother-in-law. Category: relatives.
-maet vta. 1 • bark at s.o. É-maetóho. He barked at him/fig. 'he courted her.'. Etym: *mekiθe·wa (P).
2 • court s.o. vai: -maa'e. Category: marriage, figurative.
mȧh-1 pfx. irrealis conjunct prefix, when, if. Ques: nonfactive?? Refers to events or states which have not yet happened. Phon: The /h/ of this form changes to x, ', s, or š depending on what sound follows. It sometimes takes high pitch and sometimes low pitch. mȧx-ho'ēhnėstse when (or 'if') he comes. máh-ne'évȧho'ehnėstse when he comes back. Naa ma'-éševóomata'óse hé'tóhe anȯheénevaénomeo'o! And when they have seen you, drop this down! [1987:262] See: éó-; tsé-; mȧhvé'(e)-. Category: grammar.
mȧh-2 i. all. É-mȧh-óóva. He is all wet. Ná-mȧh-oemoo'o. I'm related to all of them. É-mȧho'ȧhéotseo'o. They all ran. Preverb mȧhe-. Category: quantity.
Mah hi vist na. Redbird. official spelling: Ma'eve'ėse. Category: names.
mȧháeme ni. corn kernel. Usage: rare as singular Phon: iah Plural mȧhaemenȯtse ‘corn’. possibly has noun stem for. possibly mȧhéeme ?? Ques: *mesi:nkwa See: hoo'kȯhtse; -mȧhaét; -mȧhaésta; ma'óhkéé'e. Category: food.
mȧhaemenékohkonȯhēō'o ni. corn bread. Category: food.
mȧhaemenéma'óhkéé'e ni. corn tassel. Phon: vs Plural mȧhaemenéma'óhkeenȯtse. Category: plants.
Mȧhaemenéo'hé'e ni. Corn Creek. a tributary of the White River in South Dakota, located between the Pine River agency and the Rosebud agency. Category: rivers.
mȧhaemenépénȯhéó'o ni. cornmeal. See: pénȯhéó'o. Category: food.
mȧhaemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl corn, corn kernels. This word is usually plural because there are multiple kernels when this is cooked and eaten; rare in the singular. (another recording) Singular mȧháeme. See: xamaemȧhaemenȯtse ‘Indian corn’. Category: food.
mȧhaemenȯtse tsépéene ni. cornmeal. See: pénȯhéo'o. Category: food, food.
-mȧhaénen vti. pick up s.t. from the ground, gather s.t. from the ground. Ques: is 'from the ground' part of the meaning?? É-mȧhaénenanȯtse. He is picking them up (off the ground). for example, picking up berries or sticks (for firewood).
vta. pick up s.o. See: -o'en. Category: berries, check.
-mȧhaénenené vai. pick up food. for example, as a squirrel does, picking up food off the ground. É-mȧhaénenēne. He is gathering food off the ground. Category: food.
-mȧhaénó'sané vai. lick up. especially of animals. É-mȧhaénó'sáne. He licked up (something). for example, to lick up scraps. See: -évenó'tsé. Category: eat.
-mȧhaéstá vti. 1 • eat all of s.t., devour s.t., drink all of s.t. This is slower eating than -mȧha'hahtsé. É-mȧháésta. He ate it all up. Náéše-mȧháésta. I drank it all up already. Émȧhe-mȧháéstá. He ate all of it, everything. Mȧhaéstȯhtse! Eat it all up! vta: -mȧhaét.
2 • believe s.t. That is, swallow all of something figuratively. É-mȧháésta netao tsénéstomónėse. He swallowed everything he heard. [pd426] Tséhešepėhéva'etse heéestsestȯtse ná-mȧhaéstomōvo. Because his word was good, I swallowed all of it. See: -mȧha'hahtsé; -hesėhahtsé; -poe'hahtsé; -ová'komósėhahtsé; -kóko'otȧše'še. Category: eat, drink, figurative.
-mȧhaéstomo'he vai. eat everything up, out of groceries - be all. É-mȧhaéstomo'he. He ate up everything. Mȧhaéstomo'hėstse! Eat everything up! See: -má'seotse; -o'hémeotse. Category: eat.
mȧhaéstomó'hestȯtse ni. pharynx (esophagus?) Usage: probably a new word or loan translation Lit: swallowing-thing Category: body.
-mȧhaét vta. 1 • eat all of s.o. É-mȧhaeto. He ate him all up. É-mȧhaétóho. He ate him all up. (newer pronunciation). Taa'é'ėse mó'éše-mȧhaétȯhevóhe. He had already halfway swallowed him. [1987:285] Mó'ée-mȧhaétaehevóhe ho'neho naa máto ó'kȯhomeho. He must have gotten eaten by wolves and coyotes (obv). [1987:271] vti: -mȧhaéstá. See: -mȧha'ham ‘swallow s.o. completely’; -mév ‘eat s.o.’. Category: eat.
2 • be stubborn and not accept estranged spouse back again. Náto'se-mȧhaétoo'o ho'honáeo'o. I'm going to eat some rocks all up (= fig. 'I'm going to be stubborn'; said when spouses are separated and the woman says this to mean that she isn't going to give in this time and take her husband back again. This is a humorous saying.) Náto'se-mȧhaéto ho'honáá'e. I'm going to swallow a rock (=I've made up my mind to divorce my spouse for sure). Category: marriage.
-mȧhahtóohe vai. all sound. É-mȧhahtóoheo'o. They are all making noise. This can be said, for instance, of coyotes, birds, or drunken people. fai: -ahtóohe. See: -mȧhévone. Category: sounds.
-mȧhahtov vta. all hear s.o. É-mȧhahtovóho. He heard all of them. ?? Néto'se-mȧhahtovone. We will all hear him. (Hymn 41). See: -áahtov. Category: hear, check.
-máha'á vti. please s.t., gladden s.t. É-máhá'a. He gladdened it. Né-máhá'a navo'ėstanéhevestȯtse. You make my life happy. vta: -máha'ovo. Category: emotions.
-mȧhá'ené vai. all cook. É-mȧhá'eneo'o. They are all cooking. only used with plural subjects. Category: cook.
-mȧha'hahtsé vti. eat up all of s.t. quickly. É-mȧha'hāhtse. He ate it up quickly. Evé'ȯhkeéno'e; násáatónėšemȧha'hahtséhe. It tasted bitter; I couldn't swallow it. Mȧha'hāhtsėstse! Swallow it (quickly)! / Eat it up! vta: -mȧha'ham. See: -mȧhaéstá; -hestohá. Category: body function.
-mȧha'ham vta. eat all of s.o., swallow s.o. completely, devour s.o., eat up s.o. É-mȧha'hamóho. He really put him away (devouring him) / He ate him all up. Ná-mȧha'hāmo hése. I (accidentally) swallowed a fly. Ná-mȧha'hāmo nóma'ne. I devoured the fish. vti: -mȧha'hahtsé; fta: -a'ham. See: -mȧhaét ‘eat s.o. all up’. Category: eat.
-mȧha'haso'he vai. all ride horses. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧha'hasó'heo'o. They are all riding horses. fai: -aha'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-mȧha'omohtá vii. all frozen. É-mȧha'omōhta. It is frozen hard. [1987:3:14] Móhma'xe-mȧha'omȯhtáhanéhe. (The big river) was frozen hard. [When Cheyennes Crossed the Ice.014] fii: -ohtá5.
-máha'ósané vai. welcome people. É-máha'ósáne He welcomes (people). [PD1101] See: -másetsėstahe. Category: interpersonal.
-máha'ov vta. please s.o., gladden s.o. seems especially to apply when s.o. is glad to see you, as when you go to visit them. Usage: coalescing Ná-máha'ōvo. I made him glad to see me; he was glad to see me; he enjoyed my visit. Ná-máha'oo'e. He pleased me. É-máha'ovóho. He pleased him. for example, by going to him. vti: -máha'á. See: -másetsėstov; -másetanó'tov. Category: interpersonal.
-mȧha'xane vai. all cry. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧha'xaneo'o. They all cried. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.
-mȧhané vai. get firewood. É-mȧháne. He is gathering firewood. Etym: *mehθehke·wa. Tȧhé-mȧhánėstse! Go get firewood! Énóhtoe-mȧhāne. He is going after firewood. Ého'óe-mȧhāne. He brought firewood. Éó'xoe-mȧhāne He chopped wood. See: -mane; -oó'xoemȧhané; maxe; -he-mȧxeme ‘have firewood’; -mȧxemá. Category: wood, fire.
-mȧhanené vai. have a full house (in cards). É-mȧhanēne. He has a full house. Etym: *mesenike·wa. fai: -anené. Category: cards.
mȧhaohtsé-ho'emanestȯtse ni. government. Category: new.
mȧhaohtsé-ho'emaovȧhtsestȯtse ni. tribal government. Category: new. Lit: all-rule.self-NOM Ques: óvȧhts?? Category: check.
-mȧháohtsétseve vai. all guilty?? only used with plural subjects. É-mȧháohtsétseveo'o. They are all guilty/they all know what happened. See: -háohtsétseve. Category: cognition, check.
-mȧháománo'e vii. bad weather all over, all over bad weather. É-mȧháománo'e. It is bad weather all over. Ques: m^ah[oo?? Category: weather.
-mȧhaše'še vai. all drink. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhašé'šeo'o. They are all drunk. Ná-mȧhašé'šéme. We were all drunk. Final -aše'še. Category: drink.
-mȧhátamao'ó vai. all laugh. É-mȧhátamao'oo'o. They are all laughing. Category: laugh.
mȧhe- i. all. Émȧhenotaevósesto. They (obv) killed all of them. Category: warfare, quantity.
mȧhe- pv. all, everything. modifies subjects of intransitive verbs and objects of transitive verbs. Nééše-mȧheésta'xéme. You all have come in. É-mȧheoto'xovahe. He is skilled at everything. É-mȧheénána. He let all of it go. Néh-mȧheasetanomeve! Take it all away from us! É-mȧhevéstȧhémȧhtseo'o. They are all helping each other. Ma'hēō'o é-mȧheméhoto. God loves all of them. É-mȧheméhotovo. They all love him. É-mȧheénenanȯtse. He picked them (inan.) up. (all?? Category: check. Initial mah-. Etym: *mes(iwe·)- whole, all (He). See: mae-; má'se-; mȧsó-; mȧheto; nėšemȧheto; hestȯhe-. Category: quantity.
mȧheahtse vai. all come together. É-mȧheahtseo'o. ?? They all came together. Category: motion, check.
Mȧheameoestse vai. Gram: ppl All Runner. Category: names.
mȧheasénó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl bush with bright red berries ?? Category: check, plants.
-mȧhée vai. all sit. É-mȧhéeo'o. They are all sitting. for example, everyone sitting on a wagon, in a car, or in a house. Ná-mȧhééme. We were all sitting (together). Phon: vs See: -mȧhoe ‘all be (there)’. Category: sit.
Mȧheéestsestȯtse ni. Facebook. Lit: all-word ?? Category: check. See: éestsestȯtse. Category: new.
-mȧheésevo'oh(n) vta. 1 • grand slam s.o., hit s.o. all in. É-mȧheésevo'ȯhnóho. He grand slammed them in. Category: baseball.
2 • slam in testicles. vulgar connotation, implying "slamming" one's testicles ("balls") "into" vagina, hyperbole for vigorous intercourse. Lit: hit (them) all in Category: vulgar.
-mȧheéšem vta. tell the truth about s.o. É-mȧheéšemóho. He told the truth about him. Ná-mȧheéšema. He told the truth about me. See: -hetómem. Category: speak.
-mȧhehasené vai. all seeds up in seed-in-basket game. Námȧhe-haséne. I got all the seeds facing up. fai: -hasené. Category: games.
-mȧhe'ēē'e vii. leak all over, drip all over, drip everywhere. É-mȧhe'ēē'e. It is leaking all over. for instance, of a house that is dripping all over. See: -ése'ēē'e; -hé'oohtsé. Category: liquid.
mȧhe'éhao'o na. Gram: poss all your fathers. Usage: archaic See: nėškéstoto; eho; -nėhešé'tov; -évaešé'tov. Category: relatives.
-mȧhe'haná vai. all eat. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhe'hanao'o. They are all eating. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat, quantity.
mȧ-he'ho ni. Gram: poss hand. Usage: unverified today
-mȧhé'tá vii. all be camped. Éxxae-mȧhé'tánėse. There were many tepees. [A Man Who Looked for a Son-in-law] Category: camp.
-mȧhé'tov vta. all work on s.o., all gang up on s.o. É-mȧhé'tovovo. They are all ganging up on him. Hoháesto hetanóho tséohkeévenaa'ese éh-mȧhé'toesesto. Many (medicine) men were working on him. [1987:108] See: -mȧheotsé'tov.
Mȧhemátsévéhe na. Pus All Over. there is a story about him. Category: names.
-mȧheméa'há vii. all smell. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧheméa'hánėstse. They (inanimate) all stink. fai: méa'há. Category: smell.
-mȧheméa'xe vai. all smell. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧheméa'xeo'o. They all stink. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
-mȧheméohe vai. all run. É-mȧheméoheo'o. They are all running. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-mȧhenóeóe vai. all stand looking. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhenóeóeo'o. They are all standing looking. Énėxxaehóemȧhenóeóeo'o. They were all simply standing looking. [Young Bird.011] See: -mȧhóeóé. Category: stand, sight.
-mȧheno'éoohe vai. kill all quickly. É-mȧheno'éoohe. He killed all (of them) quickly. fai: -no'é. See: -má'seno'éoohe. Category: violence, death.
-mȧhéno'sané vai. search.food. Ques: mȧhéen?? Náohkeéeameōhtse hó'eéve-mȧhéno'sanéto. I walk around whenever I look for food. [The Nighthawk.019] Category: food, check.
-mȧhénome vai. all sleep. requires a plural subject. É-mȧhénomeo'o. They are all sleeping. Ná-mȧhénóméme. We were all asleep. Morph: /-mahénóme/. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
mȧhenoné vai. all sing. É-mȧhenoneo'o. They are all singing. Category: sing.
-mȧhenoné'seh vai. cause all to join in singing. Ná-mȧhenoné'sėhoo'o. I caused them all to join in singing. For example, I was singing so well that they joined in. See: -'seh. Category: sing.
-mȧhenot vta. kill all of s.o. only used with plural subjects or objects. É-mȧhenotóho. He killed them all. fta: -not. See: -má'senot; -mȧhešem. Category: violence.
-mȧheóé vai. all stand. É-mȧheóeo'o. They are all standing. [The Corn and Meat.065] Etym: *mesika·po·waki (P/L). Ná-mȧheóéme. We all stood. See: -óó'e; -mȧhóeóé. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-mȧheoestohá vti. pay for all of s.t. É-mȧheoestōha. He paid it all off. Category: money.
-mȧheoestȯh(n) vta. strike all of them. É-mȧheoestȯhnóho. He struck them all out; or He took all the money of the other players in a card game. fta: -oestoh(n). Category: cards, baseball.
-mȧheohtsé vai. all come together. É-mȧheohtseo'o. They all came together. Category: motion.
mȧhēō'o ni. 1 • house. (another recording) Do not confuse this word with ma'hēō'o 'god' which is similar in spelling but different in pronunciation. Simplified Spelling mhayo'o. homȯsémȧhéó'o kitchen; restaurant (lit. cook-house). mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o school (lit. write-house). ma'kaataémȧhéó'o bank (lit. money-house). Plural mȧheonȯtse; Locative mȧheónéva; Oblique mȧheóne; Diminutive mȧhēško. namȧhēō'o my house. (another recording) na-mȧheóne at my house. nemȧhēō'o your house. (another recording) hemȧhēō'o his house. namȧheónáne our (excl.) house. nemȧheónane our (incl.) house. nemȧheónévo your (plural) house. hemȧheónévo their house. hemȧheonȯtse his houses. na-mȧheónanōtse our (excl) houses. Diminutive mȧhēško. See: -he-mȧheóne ‘have a house’; -he-vénove ‘have a home’. Etym: PA *mehθwika·ni (Go2000:90) ‘wooden dwelling’. Category: house.
2 • part of the Big Dipper. Phon: vs Category: celestial.
mȧhēō'o tsééšemȧhestóone vii. modular home, house already furnished. Lit: house which is already all built Category: new.
-mȧheónáne vai. build house(s), make house(s). É-mȧheónáne. He made houses. fai: -ané3. See: -he-mȧheónaov. Category: house.
mȧheóne ni. Gram: loc at the house. na-mȧheóne at my house. he-mȧheóne at his house. IndepNoun mȧhēō'o. See: mȧheónéva. Category: house.
mȧheónėhono'ko ni. floor. See: hono'ko; honóhkone. Category: house.
mȧheónehotonovahtȯtse ni. house alarm. Category: new. Ques: Should it be mȧheónėhotonovahtȯtse?? Category: check, house.
mȧheonénėše'haneo'o mop. Lit: in.house-washing(thing) Plural mȧheónenėše'haneonȯtse. Category: tools.
mȧheónéva loc. on the house, at the house. IndepNoun mȧhēō'o. he-mȧheónéva at his house. See: mȧheóne ‘at the house’. Category: positions.
-mȧheotse vai. all gather. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧheotseo'o. They all got together. vta: -mȧheotsé'tov. See: -móheeohtsé. Category: motion.
-mȧheotsé'tov vta. gang up on s.o. É-mȧheotsé'tovovo. They ganged up on him. vai: -mȧheotse. See: -mȧhé'tov. Category: interpersonal.
-mȧheoxa'ohe vii. all beaded, fully beaded. É-mȧheoxa'ȯhénėstse. They are fully beaded. Category: designs.
mȧheoxa'ȯhévo'kėhanȯtse ni. Gram: pl beaded all over moccasins. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.
-mȧhesané vai. wear a suit. Lit: all-dress É-mȧhesāne. He is wearing a suit. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
mȧhesanestȯtse na. suit (clothes). Plural mȧhesanéstoto; Obviative mȧhesanéstoto. Category: clothing.
má-hese ni. a foot. pd492: mazhess 'the foot', nazhess 'my foot', nezhess 'your foot', heszhess 'his foot'. Ques: is this known today?? See: -hese; heheso. Category: body, check.
-mȧhéstá vai. all holler. É-mȧhéstao'o. They are all hollering. fai: -éstá. Category: sounds.
mȧhéstánóva loc. all the world, entire world. vai: -mȧhéstanove. Etym: cf *meso·te·nayi (P). Category: live.
-mȧhéstánóve vai. all live together. É-mȧhéstanoveo'o. They all live together. for example, they all live in the same house or area. Etym: *meso·te·ne·wiwaki (P/L). fai: -éstánóve. Category: live.
mȧhéstaotse vai. all holler - come to. É-mȧhéstaotseo'o. They all hollered suddenly. Éxxamae-mȧhéstaotséhoono. They were suddenly just saying loudly. [The Spit Man.020] fai: -éstá2.
-mȧhestóone vii. all built, fully built. É-mȧhestóone. It is fully built.
-mȧhešem vta. kill all of s.o. É-mȧhešemóho. He killed all of them. Éhma'xe-mȧhešemóvȯsesto nótȧxévé'hó'e. They killed all the soldiers. [1987:48] See: -má'se'not; -mȧhenot. Category: violence.
-mȧhešená vai. all lie. typically implies all being dead. only said with plural subjects. Hósėstse é-mȧhešenásesto. Some were lying (there) (dead). [1987:37:29] É-mȧhešenao'o. They were all lying (there). Ná-mȧhešenáme. We (excl) were all lying down. Category: warfare, lie.
mȧhēško ni. Gram: dim shed. Lit: little house (another recording) Plural mȧheškonȯtse; Non-diminutive mȧhēō'o. Category: house.
-mȧhét vta. all fight s.o. É-mȧhétȧhtseo'o. They are all fighting each other. Category: warfare.
mȧhe(t)- i. all. See: mȧhe-.
-mȧhetaešé vai. lie taking all the room. É-mȧhetaēše. He is lying there taking all the room. See: -taeotse. Category: lie.
mȧheto p. everything, all. tséohkėheše- nėhe'xóvéva nėhéóhe mȧheto -vovóhponeénanomóhehéne'enovȧhestȯtse at that time there for everything you paid in full for education. [1987:143] See: nėšemȧheto; mȧhe-. Category: quantity.
-mȧhetóhtá vti. put all of s.t. in the mouth, have all of s.t. in the mouth. É-mȧhetóhta. He put all of it in his mouth. fti: -óhtá. Category: mouth.
-mȧhetó'honá vai. all swim. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhetó'honao'o. They are all swimming. fai: -tó'honá. Category: swim.
-mȧhévone vii. sound all, all sound. É-mȧhévone. There is sound of all. For example, when a team wins and everyone cheers. But this refers to the sound (inanimate) itself, not to the people cheering. So it is an inanimate instransitive verb. fii: -évone. See: -mȧhahtóohe. Category: sounds.
mȧhkema na. mudhen. Variant: xȧhkema; Plural mȧhkemaho; Obviative mȧhkemaho. Usage: less common pronunciation than xȧhkema Category: birds.
mȧh-ma'heóneéšeeve vii. when it is Sunday; on Sunday. referring to a time which has not arrived yet. Category: time.
mȧhméovóonā'o vii. early tomorrow morning. See: mah-; méo-; -vóona'ó. Category: time.
-mȧhoe vai. all be at, all sit. only used with plural subjects. for example, people in a village cluster. É-mȧhoeo'o. They all live in one spot ; they are all there in a big group. Etym: *mesapiwaki (P/L). Éstȧsó'hovease-mȧhoésesto nėhéóhe. They developed into a town there. (reportative). [1987:19] Phon: vs See: -mȧhée ‘all sit’; -háo'oe; mȧhoestȯtse ‘city, town’. Category: sit.
-mȧhóehné vai. children be all over ?? Category: check. Ques: walk all over ?? Category: check. É-mȧhóehneo'o. They have lots of children. ?? Category: check, family.
-mȧhoe'tó vii. all cling, all hang on. É-mȧhoe'tónėstse. There's a lot of them clinging. especially of berries.
vai. É-mȧhoe'too'o. They (an.) are all clinging. Category: hang.
-mȧhoe'tó'tov vta. cling to s.o., stick all over to s.o. É-mȧhoe'tó'tovovo. They are all clinging to him/them. É-mȧhoe'tó'tóó'e ma'kėháhnóváso. He has burrs (obv) stuck all over him.
-mȧhoém vta. be related to all of s.o. only used with plural subjects or objects. É-mȧhoémóho. He is related to all of them. Ná-mȧhoémoo'o. I'm related to all of them. Né-mȧhoémȧhtsema. We are all related. Násáa-mȧhoémȯheo'o. I'm not related to any of them. É-mȧhoémȧhtseo'o. They are all related to each other. See: -mȧhoem; -hoem. Category: relatives.
-mȧhoem vta. count s.o. as a group. Násáa-mȧhoemóheo'o. I did not count them as a group. See: -mȧhoém.
-mȧhóeóé vai. all stand looking. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhóeóeo'o. They are all standing looking. Éhnėxxaehóe-mȧhóeóehoono. They were all standing outside watching. fai: -óé2. See: -mȧheóé; -mȧhenóeóe. Category: sight.
-mȧhoésená vai. all hang. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhoéséne. They are all hanging. Category: hang.
-mȧhoéstá vii. all hang. É-mȧhoésta. It (for example, drymeat) is all hanging.
mȧhoestȯtse ni. city, town. Lit: all.over-NOM Locative mȧhoéstóva; Plural mȧhoéstotȯtse. See: mȧhoéve'ho'éno. Category: places.
mȧhoéstóva ni. in town; in the city. See: mȧhoestȯtse ‘town ; city’. Category: places.
-mȧhoéstove vii. town.be. É-mȧhoéstove. It is a town. Naa nėhe'xóvéva ésáa'éšemȧhoéstovėhane hétsėhéóhe. And at that time there was not a town here.
mȧhoéve- pv. town. É-émȧhoévėho'ōhtse. He went to town.
-mȧhoévėho'ohtsé vai. town.go. É-mȧhoévėho'ōhtse. He went to town. vai: -ho'ohtsé. See: -sé'eohtsé ‘go to town’. Category: motion.
Mȧhoéve'ho'e na. All Over Whiteman. Category: names.
-mȧhoéve'ho'ee'e vai. live in town. É-mȧhoéve'ho'ee'e. He moved to town. Náéše-mȧhoéve'ho'ee'e. I've moved into town. Phon: vs Category: places.
mȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. town, city, El Reno, Oklahoma. Lit: all.over-whiteman-place (another recording) Final -enó. See: mȧhoestȯtse; Ma'xemȧhoéve'ho'éno. Category: places.
-mȧhoéve'ho'eohtsé vai. go to town. É-mȧhoéve'ho'eōhtse. He is going to town. Ná-mȧhoéve'ho'eōhtse. I'm going to town. See: -sé'eohtsé.
mȧhōhko na. Gram: dim cantaloupe, small melon. Plural mȧhohkono; Non-diminutive mȧhōō'o. See: mȧho'xeno. Category: food.
-mȧhohomo'he vai. all dance. É-mȧhohomó'heo'o. They are all dancing. Etym: *mesahama·sowaki (P/L). fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-mȧhohóné vai. sign to everyone. É-mȧhohóne. He is including everybody in his signs. fai: -ohóné. Category: sign, check.
-mȧhohtóvá vai. buy everything, buy all. É-mȧhohtóva. He bought everything. for instance, to buy all the land and buildings on it. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -mȧhovȯhtóvá ‘tired of shopping’. Category: money.
-mȧho'ȧhéotse vai. all run. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧho'ȧhéotseo'o. They all ran. fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run, record.
-mȧho'eétȧhe vai. all do something. É-mȧho'eétȧheo'o. They all did something (together). Category: do.
-mȧho'emané vai. govern everything; rule everything. É-mȧho'emāne. He is in charge of everything / he rules everything. tsé-mȧho'emānėstse the President. Lit: all-rule See: -ho'emané; -ho'emaohtá. Category: legal.
-mȧho'emaosané vai. rule all; boss all. É-mȧho'emáósáne. He is the ruler of all. vta: -mȧho'emaot. See: -ho'emané. Category: legal, record.
-mȧho'emaot vta. boss s.o.; govern s.o.; rule s.o. Ques: -mȧho'emaot pitches ?? É-mȧho'emaotóho. He governed him. ?? Category: check. vai: -mȧho'emaosané. See: -ho'emáot. Category: legal.
-mȧho'emaov vta. boss all of s.o. É-mȧho'emaovóho. He bossed all of them. Ná'ȯhke-mȧho'emáóéne. He would boss all of us. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.069] See: -ho'emaov. Category: interpersonal.
-mȧho'ó'tsé vti. grab all of s.t., do all of it. É-mȧho'ó'tse. He grabbed it all. Ques: get plural and/or question?? Category: check.
-mȧho'tá vii. all be at. É-mȧho'tánėstse. They (inanimate) are all there. tsétaéšema'xe-mȧho'taa'ėstse those (inanimate) which are all there. [A Plowing Story.009]
-mȧho'tsé vai. all camp together. used only in the plural. É-mȧho'tseo'o. They are all camped together. fai: -o'tse1. See: -eehe. Category: camp.
mȧho'xeno na. gourd, gourd rattle, peyote gourd. Plural mȧho'xénono; Obviative mȧho'xénono. See: mȧhōō'o; mȧhōhko; šé'šeno. Category: plants, dance.
mȧho'xénonévȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. Gourd Dance. not a Cheyenne dance. Category: dance.
-mȧho'xévenonévȯhomo'he vai. gourd dance sing. photo by Donovan Shortey. É-mȧho'xévenonévȯhomo'he. He is gourd dance singing. É-mȧho'xévenonévȯhomó'heo'o. They are gourd dance singing. fai: -noné ‘sing’. Category: dance.
-mȧho'xévȯhomo'he vai. gourd dance sing. É-mȧho'xévȯhomo'he. He is gourd dancing. Category: dance, check.
-mȧhomóhtahe vai. all sick, sick - all be. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhomóhtȧheo'o. They are all sick. See: -háomóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-mȧhonené vai. have all one's teeth. É-mȧhonēne. He has all his teeth. Etym: *mesanike·wa (Go88). BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body, mouth.
-mȧhónová vai. all talk at the same time. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhónovao'o. They are all talking at the same time. Éma'xe-mȧhónovao'o. They are all talking a lot at the same time. See: -háónová ‘talkative’. Category: speak.
mȧhōō'o na. melon, squash, cantaloupe, watermelon. Phon: vs Usage: od, md Etym: *mesipakwa (?) (P). This word means 'watermelon' in Oklahoma. Plural mȧhoóne; Diminutive mȧhōhko. See: áhaomȧhōō'o; mȧho'xeno; nėxó'mévéhe; heškóvemȧhōō'o. Category: fruit.
mȧhoo'ōme ni. universe, everything in creation. See: ahtónó'óme; otá'tavo'ome.
-mȧhóomoehá vii. be water all over. as in the ocean. É-mȧhóomoēha. There is water all over. tséh-mȧhóomoēha ocean. Medial -óom2. See: né'háne ‘lake’. Category: liquid, lie.
mȧhóomoehávé'késo na. seagull. Lit: ocean-bird Variant: mȧhpé-aénohe. Category: birds, new.
-mȧhóová vii. all wet, all soaked, wet - all, soaked - all , flood. É-mȧhóóva. He/It is all wet. Ques: This can refer to a woman becoming well lubricated for intercourse. See: -é'komeotse; -ó'eotse; -he'kóová. Category: liquid, sex, vulgar.
mȧhóovátó vii. flood. É-mȧhóóváto. There is a flood. See: -o'omóováto; tséh-mȧhóováto ‘where there is a flood’. Category: liquid.
-mȧhóovot vta. throw water all over s.o., get s.o. all wet. É-mȧhóovotóho. He threw water all over him ; he got him all wet. Ná-mȧhóóvóto. I threw water all over him. Category: liquid.
-mȧhose vai. all cold. É-mȧhoseo'o. They are all cold. Category: temperature.
-mȧhotsehe vai. all smoke. É-mȧhotsėheo'o. They are all smoking. fai: -otsehe. See: -he'pó ‘smoke’. Category: smoke.
-mȧhotse'ohe vai. all work. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhotse'óheo'o. They are all working. Etym: *mesaθwexkye·waki (P/L). fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
mȧhov- i. tired of, weary of. Ná-mȧhovȧhá'éne. I'm tired of cooking. É-mȧhovahe. He is tired out. É-mȧhovȧho'he. He is tired of driving. See: kȧhan-.
-mȧhovȧhá'ené vai. tired of cooking. É-mȧhovȧhá'éne. He is tired of cooking. Ná-mȧhovȧhá'éne. I'm tired of cooking. Category: cook.
-mȧhovahe vai. tired out. É-mȧhovahe. He is tired out. Etym: *mehsawesiwa. vii: -mȧhovó. See: -kȧhaneotse; -éna'he. Category: personality.
-mȧhovȧho'he vai. tired of driving. É-mȧhovȧho'he. He is tired of driving.
-mȧhova'éno'hamé vai. tired of driving. É-mȧhova'éno'hāme. He is tired of driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-mȧhova'hasené vai. tire of throwing. É-mȧhova'hasēne. He got tired of throwing. [1980:32] fai: -a'hasené. Category: throw.
-mȧhova'haso'he vai. tired of riding horse. É-mȧhova'haso'he. He is tired of riding horse. Category: horses.
-mȧhova'xe vai. tired of jumping. É-mȧhova'xe. He was tired of jumping. Móhne'osáane-mȧhova'xėhéhe. He was tired of being bounced around. [FAMILY.TXT] for example, in the back of the wagon on a bumpy road. fai: -a'xe. See: -kȧhana'xe.
-mȧhovan vti. wear out s.t. É-mȧhovāna. He wore it out. É-mȧhovanȯtse hemo'kėhanȯtse. He wore out his shoes. Initial mȧhov-.
-mȧhovȧše'še vai. tired of drinking. É-mȧhovȧše'še. He is tired of drinking. fai: -ašé'še. Category: drink.
-mȧhovátamao'ó vai. tired of laughing. É-mȧhovátamaō'o. He is tired of laughing. Category: laugh.
-mȧhovátsestá vti. tired of s.t. É-mȧhovátsésta. He is tired (or bored) of it. vai: -mȧhovetanó. Category: cognition.
mȧhove- pv. tiredly. É-mȧhoveameōhtse. He walked in a tired manner. commonly used with ohke- 'habitually' and sáa- 'NEG' preverbs to indicate intensification of a statement about a typical action: Náohkėsáa-mȧhoveoó'evotȧhtséhéme. We don't get tired of arguing with each other. [1987:179] Etym: C misawihēw (R) ''s/he defeats h/ completely'.
-mȧhoveehe vai. tired of moving. É-mȧhoveehe. He is tired of moving. fai: -ehe. Category: camp.
-mȧhové'ahtá vti. tired of tasting s.t. É-mȧhové'áhta. He is tired of tasting it. Ná-mȧhové'áhta. I'm tired of tasting it. Category: taste.
-mȧhove'ėsee'e vai. have tired butt from sitting. Ná-mȧhove'ėsee'e. My butt is tired from sitting. for example, at a basketball game. BodyPartMedial -'esé. See: -táxe'ėsee'e; -mȧhovónoo'e. Category: sit.
-mȧhove'ėséeotse vai. get tired butt from sitting. Nėsta-mȧhove'ėséeotse. You'll get a tired butt from sitting (so long). BodyPartMedial -'esé.
-mȧhove'éxané vai. have tired eyes. É-mȧhove'éxáne. He has tired eye(s). BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: eyes.
-mȧhove'éxanéotse vai. tired eyes. See: -mé'honóó'ó. Ná-mȧhove'éxanéotse. My eyes have become tired.
-mȧhove'há vai. tired from flying. É-mȧhovē'ha. He is tired from flying. Category: fly.
-mȧhove'hahe vai. be tired from singing. É-mȧhove'hahe. He has a tired voice. Ques: has a tired voice?? fai: -e'hahe. Category: sing, check.
-mȧhove'hahéotse vai. become tired from singing. É-mȧhove'hahéotse. His voice became tired. Medial -e'hahe.
-mȧhové'ohtá vti. tired of the taste of s.t. É-mȧhové'óhta. He is tired of eating it. Ná-mȧhové'ȯhtanȯtse. I'm tired of eating them. for example, tired of eating sandwiches. fti: -óht. See: -pėhéve'ahtá. Category: taste.
mȧhové'še p. finally. See: tá'e mȧhové'še; -mȧhovešé. Category: time.
-mȧhovem vta. tire s.o. by speaking. É-mȧhovemóho. He tired him by speaking. Ná-mȧhovema. He tired me by his speaking. fta: -em. Category: speak.
-mȧhoveméohe vai. tired of running. É-mȧhoveméohe. He is tired of running. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-mȧhovemosé vai. tire of housework. É-mȧhovemōse. He is tired of doing housework. fai: -mosé. Category: work.
-mȧhovenestse vai. tired of talking. É-mȧhovenestse. He is tired of talking. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-mȧhovénome vai. tired of sleeping. É-mȧhovénome. He is tired of sleeping. Éohkėsáa-mȧhovénóméhe. He is always sleeping. Lit: He doesn't get tired of sleeping Náéše-mȧhovénome. I'm tired of sleeping. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-mȧhovenoné vai. tired of singing. É-mȧhovenōne. He is tired of singing. fai: -noné. Category: sing.
-mȧhoveóó'e vai. tired standing. É-mȧhoveóó'e. He is tired of standing. Initial mȧhov-; fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-mȧhoveotse vii. wear out.
vai. wear out. for example, of an old shoe. É-mȧhoveotse. He (or It) wore out. Category: appearance.
-mȧhovešé vai. tire of lying. É-mȧhovēše. He is tired of lying down. See: -nėhe'xóvešé. Category: lie.
-mȧhovetanó vai. tired of something, bored. for instance, tired of staying at some place. É-mȧhovetāno. He is tired of (something). vti: -mȧhovátsestá. Category: emotions.
-mȧhovetanó'tov vta. tire of s.o. É-mȧhovetanó'tovóho. He tired of him. Nésáa-mȧhovetanó'tóéhe. He did not tire of you. Category: interpersonal.
-mȧhovetanónaa'e vai. sit bored. É-mȧhovetanónaa'e. He sat bored. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-mȧhovetanóotse vai. tired. É-mȧhovetanóotse. He got tired. See: -kȧhaneotse.
-mȧhovó vii. worn out. É-mȧhóvo. It is old/it is worn out. Etym: *mehsawe·wi. vai: -mȧhovahe.
-mȧhovoése vai. hang tired. É-mȧhovoése. He is tired of hanging. Category: hang.
-mȧhovoéstóné vai. tired reading. É-mȧhovoéstóne. He is tired of reading. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
-mȧhovȯhomo'he vai. tired of dancing. É-mȧhovȯhomo'he. He is tired of dancing. Ná-mȧhovȯhomó'héme. We were tired of dancing. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-mȧhovȯhtóva vai. tired of shopping. É-mȧhovȯhtóva. He is tired of shopping. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -mȧhohtóvá ‘buy everything’. Category: money.
-mȧhovo'an vti. wear out s.t. É-mȧhovo'āna. ?? He wore it out. ?? É-mȧhovo'anȯtse hemo'kėhanȯtse. ?? He wore out his shoes. See: -mȧhovan. Category: check.
-mȧhovo'eétahe vai. tire of doing (something). É-mȧhovo'eétahe. He is tired of doing (something). Nééše-mȧhovo'eétȧhémáne. We're tired of doing (something). fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-mȧhovo'kėhaná vai. wear worn out shoes. É-mȧhovo'kėhāna. He is wearing worn out shoes. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.
-mȧhovo'omenehe vai. tired of being poor. É-mȧhovo'omenehe. He is tired of being poor. Náéše-mȧhovo'omenehe. I'm tired of being poor.
-mȧhovo'tá vii. sit worn out. É-mȧhovō'ta. It is sitting worn out. Éxae'éše-mȧhovō'ta. It is sitting there worn out. for example, can be said of a tepee that has gotten old and gray. Category: sit inan.
-mȧhovóma'ešé vai. tired of lying down. Ques: on the ground?? É-mȧhovóma'ēše. He is tired of lying down. ?? Ques: get pl and q?? See: -kȧhanešé; -óma'o'e. Category: lie.
-mȧhovónoo'e vai. tired of sitting, tired of being at (a place). É-mȧhovónoo'e. He is tired of sitting there. fai: -ónoo'e. Phon: vs See: -mȧhove'ėsee'e. Category: sit.
-mȧhovoo'e vai. tired of sitting; tired of being at (a place). É-mȧhovoo'e. He is tired of sitting; he has cabin fever. Phon: vs vai: -oe. See: -mȧhove'šee'e. Category: sit.
-mȧhovotse'ohe vai. tired of working. É-mȧhovotse'ohe. He is tired of working. Initial mȧhov-; fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
-mȧhoxe'a'ó vai. all right, winning hand. not used in sg. ?? Category: check. É-mȧhoxe'a'oo'o. They (cards) are the winning hand ("right off the bat"). See: -hó'tȧhevávanené. Category: cards.
-mȧhoxe'ėstóné vai. all write, all go to school. É-mȧhoxe'ėstóneo'o. They are all going to school. Category: school.
mahpe ni. water. (another recording) Náho'ahe mahpe. I'm thirsty. Lit: I want water. That is the simplest way today to say 'I'm thirsty'. There is an older word, ná-háóéne, which means 'I'm thirsty' but many speakers today do not know it. Mahpe é-ó'ȯséotsetse. (Her) water broke/burst open (that is, the placenta broke during birthing; this phrase was considered by an elder to be older than the following, in the "younger language"). Mahpe éhóa'hatse. The water came out (that is, her placenta broke in birthing). Oblique mȧhpēva. See: mááhe; -háóéné ‘thirsty’. vé'ho'é-mahpe whiskey; alcohol (lit. whiteman-water). Etym: cf. *nepyi ‘water’. Category: liquid.
mahpe hevovetāso na. hurricane. Lit: water tornado Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Variant: mahpe ho'évovetāso. See: hevovetāso. Category: weather.
mahpe ho'évovetāso ni. hurricane. Ques: recheck LH?? Category: check. Variant: mahpe hevovetāso. See: hevovetāso. Category: weather.
mahpe tsé'ȯhkėhó'ta vii. radiator. Category: car. Lit: where the water is
mȧhpé-aénohe na. seagull. Lit: water-hawk Variant: mȧhóemoehá-vé'késo. Category: birds.
mȧhpéhotóá'e ni. water buffalo. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo’. Category: animals, new.
-máhpe'háenéohtsé vai. have running eyes. See: -momáhpe'háenéóhtse. É-máhpe'háenéóhtse He has a running (for example, infected) eye(s) (-momáhp ?)
mȧhpéma'ēno na. river turtle, water turtle. Category: reptiles.
-máhpeme ni. Gram: poss water (poss.) na-máhpeme my water. Phon: iah See: mahpe ‘water’. Category: liquid.
mȧhpémo'éhe na. moose. Lit: water-elk This word seems to be singular, plural, and obviative for some speakers. For other speakers mȧhpémo'éheo'o is the plural. Variant: popóhpoévėsémo'éhe; AlternatePlural mȧhpémo'éheo'o. See: a'eesémo'éhe. Category: animals.
mȧhpémóxėšéne water mint. found in slow-moving water. Category: plants, record.
mȧhpéva loc. in the water. Ques: recheck mȧhpēva?? See: mahpe. Category: liquid, check.
Mȧhpévȧhtsévé'hȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Flying In the Water. Category: names.
Mȧhpévamé'ėhné'e na. Appears On the Water Woman. Category: names.
Mȧhpévana'hāne na. Kills On the Water. Category: names.
Mȧhpévanéstoohe na. Howling Water. Category: names.
Mȧhpévatameōhtsėstse na. Goes On the Water. Category: names.
Mȧhpévatáxeóhtsé'e na. Walks On the Water Woman. Category: names.
-mȧhpeve vii. water - be. É-mȧhpeve. There is water (there). Etym: *nepiwi (P). Category: liquid.
Mȧhpévé'áhtse na. Good Tasting Water. Abraham Spotted Elk. Category: names.
Mȧhpévȯhnéé'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Standing In Water. Category: names.
-mȧhpévooman vti. water down s.t. É-mȧhpévoomāna. He watered it down. Ná-mȧhpévoomāna. I watered it down. Category: liquid.
mȧhpévoomȯxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. ink pen. Lit: water-liquid-writing.thing the old dip kind of pen. Category: school.
mȧhtáa'e ni. tepee ring. Ques: mȯht?? Etym: *matempwi; house frame. Phon: vs See: -mȯhtáené. Category: tepee, check.
mȧ-htáeme louse. Plural mȧ-htaemo; Obviative mȧ-htaemo. Phon: iah Etym: *metehkoma (Pi). See: -htáeme. Category: bugs.
mȧhtā'so na. scalped person. Such a person would still be alive. See: mȧhta'sóoma ‘shadow; soul’; -o'eoestas ‘scalp s.o.’. Etym: cf. *meteʔcya·kwa ‘soul, shadow’. Category: warfare.
Mȧhta'sóhká'e na. Scalped Woman. Category: names.
mȧhta'sóoma na. 1 • shadow. May be inanimate for some people. This word is sometimes used for the unseen spirit of a living person. It contrasts with seo'ȯtse which is the spirit of a deceased person. It also contrasts with voxȯtse which is 'body'. Cheyenne, like many languages, does not have a trichotomous body/soul/spirit distinction; instead, the distinction for the immaterial part of a person is upon whether it is of a living or deceased person. Plural mȧhta'sóomaho. na-mȧhta'sóoma my shadow. he-mȧhta'sóomaho his shadow/soul. Obviative mȧhta'sóomaho; Oblique mȧhta'sóomȧhēva.
2 • soul, spirit. Ma'heóne-mȧhta'sóoma Holy Spirit (post-missionary term). Névéé'ėše éévoésenaho he-mȧhta'sóomaho. His spirit is hanging around for four days. (the amount of time that the spirit of a deceased hangs around after a Cheyenne death). Nėhéóhe névo'ėstanéheve "mȧhe-mȧhta'sóoma," tséhetaneto. There you are living, "All Spirit", as you are called. (1987:103). Etym: cf. *meteʔcya·kwa ‘soul, shadow’. The PA seems to be more closely cognate with Ch. mȧhtā'so. See: mȧhtā'so; séo'ȯtse; hovéo'ȯheo'o; hávėsévemȧhta'sóoma; voxȯtse ‘body’. Category: sacred.
3 • Spirit. Mȧhta'sóoma is a Cheyenne name. Category: names.
-mȧhta'sóomȧheve vai. shadow - be a, soul - be a. tsésáaheše-mȧhta'sóomȧhéhévévȯse how they are without a soul. [Sand Creek Massacre.005]
-mȧhta'sóomȧhévóohtá vti. see s.t. as a reflection. Lit: shadow-see É-mȧhta'sóomȧhévóóhta. He sees it as a reflection. See: -amȯhóom. Category: sight.
máhtamaha voc. old woman. Etym: cf *metemwa. As in English, this can refer to one's mother or wife; does not seem to be disrespectful when used this way. Variant: mȧhtámȧhaahe. Category: relatives.
mȧhtamȧhááhe1 na. old woman, old lady. Variant: tamȧhááhe. The shorter variant tamȧhááhe is used by many newer pronunciation today. Plural mȧhtamȧháaheho; Obviative mȧhtamȧháaheho; Masculine ma'háhkéso; Vocative mȧhtámȧhaahe; Diminutive mȧhtamȧháhkéso. Etym: *metemihsehsihsikwa (Pi); cf. *metemwehsihsa (dim.); cf. F metemo·ha. Category: ages, people.
mȧhtamȧháahé-2 pv. old woman. Category: ages.
mȧhtámȧhaahe voc. old woman, old lady, wife. This is the pronunciation used to speak to an old woman. mȧhtamȧhááhe is used to speak about an old woman. Variant: máhtamaha. See: mȧhtamȧhááhe ‘old woman’. Category: relatives.
-mȧhtamȧháahéhame na. Gram: poss old woman (poss.) affectionate term said of wife. na-mȧhtamȧháahéhame my old lady. na-mȧhtamȧháahéhamo my old ladies. he-mȧhtamȧháahéhamo his old lady. Category: relatives.
mȧhtamȧháahéhasėstse voc. old women (voc.) Category: relatives.
-mȧhtamȧháahémea'xe vai. smell of old lady. said when someone sleeps with their grandmother; teasingly said to a child. É-mȧhtamȧháahémea'xe. He smells like an old lady. See: -ma'háhkėséhemea'xe ‘old man smell’. Category: smell.
Mȧhtamȧháahéo'hé'e no. Old Woman Creek. It enters the South Cheyenne River from the south. Category: rivers.
mȧhtamȧháahéome ni. old woman lodge. See: ome1.
-mȧhtamȧháahévéné vai. old woman face. É-mȧhtamȧháahévéné. She has an old woman face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-mȧhtamȧháahévenóohe vai. look like an old woman. É-mȧhtamȧháahévenóohe. She looks like an old woman.
mȧhtamȧháahévo'ha na. old mare; mare - old. See: mo'éhno'ha. Category: horses.
Mȧhtamȧháahévóse ni. Old Woman Butte. located near the head of Old Woman Creek. Category: places.
Mȧhtamȧháahéxaenoo'ȯtse ni. Old Lady Bladder. This is the legendary name of a waterfall in the Black Hills from which corn and meat were obtained from an old woman who lived inside the waterfall. See: xaenoo'ȯtse ‘bladder’. Category: places.
mȧhtamȧháhkéso na. little old woman. Morph: /mahtamaháhkesó/. Plural mȧhtamȧháhkėseho; Obviative mȧhtamȧháhkėseho; Non-diminutive mȧhtamȧhááhe. Category: ages.
máhtáme ni. Gram: poss food. This word takes full inflections for personal possessive prefixes, with "older" Algonquian high-pitch pronominal prefixes, and number of the possessed object (food). náhtáme my food. néstáme your (sg) food. héstáme his food. nȧhtámáne our (excl.) food. nėstámane our (incl.) food. nėstámévo your (pl) food. nestámévo your (pl) food (variant). hestámévo their food. hestámevótse their foods. For example, words for corn, which is plural, because there are plural kernels. nȧhtamȯtse my foods. Stem -htámé. Morph: /ma-htámé/. See: mésėhestȯtse; mátȧhémȧhtáme. Category: food.
mȧhtao'keme ni. Gram: pl coffee bean. Plural mȧhtao'kemenȯtse; Variant: mȧhtao'eme. See: menȯtse. Category: drink.
-mȧhtáóó'e vai. dance ceremonially, dance a stationary dance. an older dance, not very well known at all today; it can be danced at a Sun Dance. É-mȧhtáóó'e. He did the ceremonial dance. Etym: *mete·ke·wa (P) ‘he dances in the Medicine Rite’. É'ése-mȧhtáoesėstse. He danced in. [1987:304] Usage: obsolescent See: -ohomo'he; -ho'soo'e. Category: dance.
mȧhtatamoo'o ni. Gram: poss shoulder. See: -htatamoo'o. Variant: hetatamoo'o. Category: body.
mȧhtátseeme ni. Gram: poss nostril. See: -htátseeme. Etym: *mete·likomi. Category: body, nose.
mȧhtávo'enotovo na. mane. Animate when still on horse, inanimate when detached; used for ceremonial purposes.
ni. Plural mȧhtávo'enotovono. he-mȧhtávo'enotovono his (that is, horse's) mane. mȧhtávo'enotovonȯtse detached manes (used ceremonially). Category: horses.
-mȧhtȯhené vai. play bone game. É-mȧhtȯhéne. He played the bone game. Category: games.
-mȧhtoh(n) vta. initiate s.o. especially of initiating someone in the Sun Dance. Ques: PD775: ordain; appoint; consecrate; invest with certain functions?? É-mȧhtȯhnóho. He initiated him. vai: -mȧhtȯhová. See: -vovéstomev ‘teach s.o.’; -ameotseh ‘lead s.o.’; momȧhtȧhétane ‘medicine man’. Category: ceremonial, check.
-mȧhtȯhová vai. instruct pledger(s) in the Sun Dance. In the Sun Dance a pledger's instructors need to be a couple, a man and woman, typically a man and his wife. É-mȧhtȯhóva. He/She is instructing the pledger(s). Névááhe tséto'se-mȧhtȯhóvȧtse? Who is going to instruct? tsé-mȧhtȯhovase the instructors. There seems to be an AI final something like -ová meaning 'medicine, mysterious'. fai: -ová2. Etym: cf. M awae·tok; O awesi· (N) 'spirit'. See: -vovéstomósané; -hoonéstȧhtóohe. Category: Sun Dance.
mȧhtohto p. ten. (another recording) mȧhtohto hetaneo'o ten men. mȧhtohto mȧheonȯtse ten houses. vai: -mȧhtóhtȯxe. Etym: *meta·tahθwi.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhnaesohto p. sixteen of, 16 of. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhnaesóhtoha p. sixteen times, 16 times. Category: numbers.
mȧhtohto hóhtȧhná'ėstse p. eleven of, 11 of. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhna'ha p. thirteen times, 13 times. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhna'he p. thirteen of, 13 of. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhna'nohto p. eighteen of, 18 of. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhna'nóhtoha p. eighteen times. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhnésohto p. seventeen of, 17 of. See: hóhtȧhnésohto. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhnésȯhtoha p. seventeen times, 17 times. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhneše p. twelve of. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhneva p. fourteen times. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhneve p. fourteen of, 14 of. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhnexa twelve times. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhnno'ka p. eleven times, 11 times. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhnoho fifteen times. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhnóhona fifteen times. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhsóohto nineteen of, 19 of. Category: numbers.
(mȧhtohto) hóhtȧhsóohtoha nineteen times, 19 times. Category: numbers.
mȧhtóhtoha p. 10 times. Category: numbers.
-mȧhtóhtohá vii. be ten in number, be a $10 bill. É-mȧhtóhtȯhánėstse. They (inan.) are 10 in number. É-mȧhtóhtóha. It is a $10 bill. See: -mȧhtóhtȯhnoeme. Category: money.
-mȧhtóhtȯhanené vai. do by ten, ten do. work on ten projects. É-mȧhtóhtȯhanēne. He is doing ten. That is especially said humorously to describe a drunk staggering around with ten fingers spread out as if to catch himself in a fall. Category: figurative, numbers, drink.
-mȧhtóhtȯhánėstse vii. be ten of them (inanimate). É-mȧhtóhtȯhánėstse. There are ten of them (inanimate). Etym: *meta·tahθenwali (P) > ** ??. Category: quantity.
mȧhtóhtȯhe- pv. ten. É-mȧhtóhtȯheaénáma. He is ten years old. Móh-mȧhtóhtȯheomenėhéhe. There were ten lodges. [1987:17] Category: numbers.
-mȧhtóhtȯheaénamá vai. be ten years old. É-mȧhtóhtȯheaénáma. He is ten years old. Category: ages, numbers.
mȧhtóhtȯhéé'ėše p. ten days. Category: numbers, time.
Mȧhtóhtȯhéé'ėše Tsé'ȯhkėhenove Ten Sleeps, Wyoming. Category: places. Usage: a new word?
-mȧhtóhtȯhé'hamé vai. have ten horses. É-mȧhtóhtȯhé'háme. He has ten horses. Ques: [o'ham[e?? Category: horses, numbers, check.
-mȧhtóhtȯhen i. ten. Éohkevá'ne-mȧhtóhtȯhenoemēnėstse. They (inan) cost just ten (dollars). [I'm Beading Moccasins.007]
-mȧhtóhtȯheomene vai. have ten lodges. Móh-mȧhtóhtȯheomenėhéhe. He had ten lodges. (1987).
-mȧhtóhtȯhna'ónétó vii. tenth one - be the. É--mȧhtóhtȯhna'ónétó. It is the tenth one/it is number ten. Ques: recheck?? Category: numbers.
-mȧhtóhtȯhnoeme vai. cost ten dollars. É-mȧhtóhtȯhnoeme. It costs $10. Etym: *meta·tahθo·kinsowa (P). É-mȧhtóhtȯhnoemēnėstse. They (inan.) cost $10. É-mȧhtóhtȯhnoemeo'o. They (an.) cost $10. See: -mȧhtóhtohá; -hoem. Category: money.
mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e p. hundred. Etym: **meta·tahθwa·xkwe· (P). no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e 100 (another way to say it). sóohto mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e 900. [Cheyenne Tribal History:96] Final -ó'é4. Category: numbers.
mȧhtóhtȯhnóve n. ten groups of. Category: numbers.
-mȧhtóhtȯhnȯxe'ohe vii. ten o'clock - be. É-mȧhtóhtȯhnȯxe'ohe. It is 10 o'clock. Lit: ten-written Category: time.
-mȧhtóhtȯ-hóhtȧhnaesóhtȯheaénáma vai. sixteen years old - be. É-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhnaesóhtȯheaénáma. He is sixteen years old. Category: numbers.
mȧhtóhtȯhohtȧhnā'ėstse p. eleven. Category: numbers.
-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhnéše vai. twelve in number - be. only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhnéšeo'o. There are twelve (an.). Category: numbers.
-mȧhtóhtȯ-hóhtȧhnéšeaénáma vai. twelve years old - be. É-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhnéšeaénáma. He is twelve years old. Category: numbers.
-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhnóhoneaénamá vai. 15.year(s). fai: -aénamá. Category: ages, numbers.
-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhnóhoneo'o vai. fifteen in number - be. É-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhnóhoneo'o. There are fifteen (an.). Category: numbers.
-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhno'kahe vai. eleven in number - be. É-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhno'kȧheo'o. There are eleven (an.). Category: numbers.
-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhno'keaénáma vai. be eleven years old. É-mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhno'keaénáma He is eleven years old. Category: numbers.
-mȧhtóhtȯxe vai. be ten in number. Only used with plural subjects. É-mȧhtóhtȯxeo'o. They (an.) are ten in number. Etym: *meta·tahšiwaki (P/L). Né-mȧhtóhtȯxémáne. There are ten of us (including you). Particle mȧhtohto. Morph: /é-mahtóhtošeo/. Etym: *meta·tahšiwaki. Category: numbers.
-mȧhtóhtȯxe'ohe vii. 10 o'clock. É-mȧhtóhtȯxe'ohe. It is 10 p.m. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: numbers.
mȧhtóóhévo na. fingernail, nail, toenail. Plural mȧhtóohevono; Possessive -htóohevó. Category: body.
mȧhtoo'o ni. Gram: poss chin. See: nȧhtoo'o ‘my chin’. Category: body.
mȧhtovóo'ȯtse ni. ear. Plural mȧhtovootȯtse. Phon: iah See: -htovóo'ȯtse ‘ear’; nȧhtovóo'ȯtse ‘my ear’; nėstovóo'ȯtse ‘your ear’. Category: body, ears.
mȧhtovóotsė-heséeo'ȯtse ni. ear medicine. See: -htovoo'ȯtse. Category: plants.
Mȧhtovóotsemé'hahtse na. Ear Whiskers. Category: names.
māhtse ni. mouth, lip(s). nāhtse my mouth. [pd661] nēstse your mouth. [pd661] hēstse his/her mouth. Possessive -htsé; BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. See: matse; nesėstse. Category: mouth, body.
mȧhtse'ko 1 • ni. leg. Plural mȧhtse'konȯtse. nȧ-htse'ko my leg. Medial -(hk)óhtá; Stem -htse'kon. Category: body.
2 • na. tire. Plural mȧ-htse'kono. See: asėséoneehéhe; amȧho'hé-mȧhtse'ko; asėséoneehé-mȧhtse'ko. Category: car.
mȧhtse'koné-nėhpo'ȯheo'o ni. hubcap. Lit: tire-cover Category: new, car.
mȧhtse'kono na. tires, legs, bones.
mȧhtsé'oo'e ni. Gram: poss elbow. Variant: mȧhtsé'oo'o; Plural mȧhtsé'oonȯtse; Possessive -htsé'oo'o. Category: body.
mȧhtsé'oo'o Gram: poss 1 • ni. elbow. Variant: mȧhtsé'oo'e; Plural mȧhtsé'oonȯtse; Possessive -htsé'oo'o. Category: body.
2 • na. piston. Plural mȧhtsé'oono. Category: car.
mȧhtsemá'eme ni. Gram: poss blood. See: hestsemá'eme ‘his blood’. Category: body.
mȧhtsemá'eme éanoooésta vii. he has low blood pressure. Category: sickness. Usage: loan translation Lit: the blood is hanging low
mȧhtsemá'eme éhe'amoésta vii. he has high blood pressure. Usage: loan translation Lit: the blood is hanging up Category: sickness.
mȧhtsemá'eme émá'seohtsetse vii. anemic - he. Lit: the blood is running out Category: sickness.
-mȧhtsénané vai. gossip. É-mȧhtsénáne. He is gossiping. Éohke-mȧhtsénáne. He gossips. É-mȧhtsénaneo'o. They are gossipy. See: -mév. Category: speak.
-mȧhtsénaov vta. gossip about s.o. É-mȧhtsénaovóho. He gossiped about him. Category: speak, interpersonal.
mȧhtsénóme ni. Gram: poss thigh. See: -htsénóme; hénóme. Category: body.
mȧhtsėstáahe'onahtȯtse ni. Medial -he'oná. palm (of hand). Category: hands.
mȧh-vé'(e)- pfx. Gram: ppl if. The (e) is included if the following sound is a vowel. mȧhvé'-hotse'oestse if he is working. Mȧhvé'e-a'xaamėstse nátȧhóó'óhtse. If he cries I'll go home. Mȧhvé'-naóotsetanoto éme'ovėšenáhtove. If you are sleepy you should go to bed. See: vé'(e)-; mȧh-. Category: grammar.
mȧhvóonā'o vii. tomorrow. Lit: when it is morning ma'tavóonā'o 'when it is morning'; tséhvóonā'o 'when it was morning'. See: -vóona'ó; ma'tavóonā'o. Category: time.
Mákeeta na. Littleman. Category: names.
mákohe na. monkey. Usage: partial transliteration from English "monkey" Plural mákȯheo'o; Obviative mákȯhóho. See: vo'ėstanéhotame. Category: animals.
-mákȯhévéné vai. monkey - look like a. Lit: (be) monkey-faced É-mákȯhévéne. He looks like a monkey. BodyPartMedial -éné ‘face’. See: mákohe ‘monkey’. Category: face, animals.
ma'-1 i. red. É-ma'óóva. He has a rash. tsé-ma'óome catsup; strawberry pop (lit., red-water). É-ma'āhtse. He has red lips. Preverb ma'e-. Category: colors.
-ma'2 m. page, paper. of something made of paper. Ques: recheck analysis ?? nesta tšėheše-ma'eneo'o cigarette. Éta'ta'e-ma'ēha (The book) is lying open. Éhe'kóove-ma'ēha. The book is wet. Éonéstȧhko'e-ma'ēha. It is rolled up as a scroll. [pd791] no'ka tséheše-ma'ēšėse?? one page?? [pd791] Éó'xe-ma'e'ó'tse. He tore it (paper). Ques: -ma'e'o'tsé ?? ck 3rd plural of verb See: ma'en. Category: paper.
ma'aata ni. iron, metal. Variant: ma'kaata. Etym: *mehkwepyaθekwi (Pe79). Category: metal.
ma'aatae- pv. metal. It is uncertain whether words with this block for 'metal' should begin with ma'(k)aatae or ma'(k)aetae but the evidence from fluent speakers tilts toward ma'(k)aatae. ma'aataetohko bucket. ma'aataéve'éxanéstotȯtse eyeglasses.
Ma'aataéestse'henáhe na. Iron Shirt. Category: names.
ma'aataeho'ēsta ni. metal stove, cast iron stove. Plural ma'aataeho'ėstánėstse. See: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.
ma'aataeméó'o ni. railroad, train. Lit: metal-road (another recording) Category: transportation.
ma'aataeméó'o tsé'éneohéto ni. train station. vii: éneohétó. Category: motion.
ma'aataeméonéamó'enēō'o ni. train car. Ques: recheck?? Category: transportation.
Ma'aataéoméné'e na. Iron Lodge Woman. Category: names.
ma'aataetohko ni. bucket. Lit: metal-container Plural ma'aataetóhkonȯtse; Variant: ma'aatohko. See: ma'kaetohko. Category: containers.
ma'aataévėhahtáno'haméstotȯtse tsé'ȯhkeasėta'hame ni. horseshoes - pitches, pitching horseshoes. Category: horseshoes.
ma'aataévėhahtáno'hamestȯtse ni. horseshoe. Lit: iron-foot-horse-NOM also, the word for the horseshoe used in the game of horseshoes. Plural ma'aataévėhahtáno'haméstotȯtse. Category: games, horses, horseshoes.
Ma'aataévėhe'ōna na. Iron Hand. Category: names.
Ma'aataévėhe'onáhe na. Iron Hand. Category: names.
-ma'aataéve'éxané vai. wear eyeglasses. É-ma'aataéve'éxáne. He has eyeglasses on. Lit: (be)-metal-eyed Category: eyes.
ma'aataéve'éxanéstotȯtse ni. Gram: pl eyeglasses (single pair or plural pairs). Lit: metal-eye things Hákó'e he'evóne ého'tanetótse hema'aataéve'éxanéstotȯtse. His glasses are way down on his nose. Category: eyes.
Ma'aataévonené'e na. Iron Tooth Woman. Category: names.
ma'aatánó'e ni. gun. Lit: iron-bowstring ?? Plural ma'aatánó'ėstse; Medial -ó'é6. See: ká'ó'e ‘pistol’. Category: hunt, guns, warfare, check.
ma'aatánó'késo ni. Gram: dim small caliber rifle, rifle of .22 caliber. Plural ma'aatanó'kėsonȯtse. See: -ó'é6; nėhpo'hóenévó'e; ma'aatánó'e. Category: hunt, guns.
ma'aatohko ni. bucket. Lit: metal-container Variant: ma'aataetohko. See: ma'kaetohko. Category: containers.
-ma'ahe vai. red. É-ma'ahe. He is red. Aénohe Ȯh-ma'aestse Red Hawk. Variant: -ma'eta. Category: colors.
ma'ahtse ni. Gram: poss forearm. This word includes the entire area of the hand and forearm. Plural ma'ȧhtsenȯtse. na-'ahtse my forearm. Stem -'ahtse. See: -ahtsená ‘mouth’. Category: hands, body.
-ma'ahtsé vai. have red lips. É-ma'āhtse. He has red lips. Etym: *meçkwetonwa. Medial -ahtsená. Category: mouth.
ma'ȧhtsenáhestȯtse ni. lipstick. Lit: red-lips-thing BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: groom.
ma'an- i. repeat, over and over, back together. É-ma'anóhta'hāne. He told the same story over and over.
ma'ane- pv. repeat, over and over. Ma'aneeséoxa'ȯhome! ?? Bead it back together! É-ma'aneéestséstove. It is told over and over. that is, brought back to the starting point again and again). Ná-ma'anetoo'ēstse. I tied it over and over again. for example, with lots of knots in the same spot. See: éva-; hóse-; hetóse-; vovóe-; tóe-.
-ma'aneeséoxa'ohe vii. be beaded with a large semicircle design. Lit: repeated-nose-beaded É-ma'aneeséoxa'ȯhénėstse They are beaded with a large semicircle design [over the "nose" (instep)]. Category: designs.
-ma'anetoo'estsé vti. tie s.t. over and over. Ná-ma'anetoo'ēstse. I tied it over and over again. for example, with lots of knots in the same spot.
-ma'anóhta'hané vai. repeat.tell.story. É-ma'anóhta'hāne. He told the same story over and over. Category: speak.
ma'e ni. blood. (another recording) blood can be prepared and eaten as a Cheyenne food. Ma'e émá'o. Blood is red. Possessive -htsemá'eme; Oblique ma'ēva. See: -ma'eve. Etym: *meçkwi (P). Category: body.
mā'e p. Ouch!, it hurts! Non-contracted ma'ééhe. See: ma'e ‘blood’. Category: baby talk, exclamations.
ma'e- pv. red, reddish. The Cheyenne concept of red has blood prototype. É-ma'ė-heóvo. It is orange. See: ma'e. Category: colors.
ma'ééhe p. Ouch!, it hurts! exclamation. Contracted mā'e. Category: exclamations.
Má'eehéhe na. (man's name) Red Woman ?? Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
Má'ee'ėse na. Red Nose. Category: names.
-ma'eesé vai. red nosed. For example, he has a whiskey nose from so much drinking. É-ma'eēse. He has a red nose. Etym: *meçkwikweθe·wa. Ná-ma'eēse. My nose is red. Category: nose, colors.
-ma'eeséšé vai. lie with a red nose. É-ma'eeséše. He is lying with a red nose. Category: lie, nose.
-ma'eesévose vai. red nosed from the cold, nose red from cold. É-ma'eesévose. He has a red nose from the cold. Etym: *meçkwikweθe·watiwa. Ná-ma'eesévose. My nose is red from the cold. fai: -ose1; BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -ma'e'ėstávose ‘ears red from cold’; -ma'énevose ‘face red from cold’. Category: nose, temperature.
-ma'ehá m. paper lie. Éta'ta'e-ma'ēha. (The book) is lying open. Énoóne-ma'ēha mȯxe'ėstoo'o. The pages of the book are old. Medial -ma'. Category: paper.
-ma'ėhahénohá vti. color s.t. red, red color s.t. É-ma'ėhahénóha. He colored it red. Ma'ėhahénóóhtse! Color it red! Category: colors.
Ma'ėháne'e na. Red Nape, Red Neck. translated as Red Neck. Lit: red-nape Variant: Ma'kėháne'e. See: Ma'enotováhe. Category: names.
ma'ėhátseške na. red ant. Category: bugs.
-ma'ėhe'onávose vai. hands red from cold. É-ma'ėhe'onávose. His hands are red from the cold. Category: temperature, colors.
-ma'ėheóvahe vai. orange. É-ma'ėheóvahe. He is orange. Category: colors.
ma'ėheóvėheškóvó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl golden-weeds. Category: plants.
ma'ėheóvetoóomȧše'šestȯtse ni. orange soda. Category: new.
-ma'ėheóvó vii. orange. É-ma'ėheóvo. It is orange. Usage: Probably a newer Cheyenne color word. See: -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó. Category: colors.
Ma'ėheóvo'hame na. Orange Horse. can be a horse name. Category: names.
ma'ėheséeo'ȯtse ni: red medicine, saxifrage. Category: plants.
-ma'ėhoéseotse vai. German measles. É-ma'ėhoéseotse. He has German measles. Category: sickness.
ma'ėho'évohkȯhtse ni. corned beef. Lit: red-meat One elder used this to refer to salmon. Category: meat.
-ma'ėho'he vai. be red hot. É-ma'ėho'he. He is red hot. Etym: *meçkwehθaɁsowa (P). tséstaéše-ma'ėho'hetsėse after (the rock; obv.) got red hot. [Croft 1988:27:7] Final -ho'he.
ma'ėho'hévé'késo na. cardinal.
ma'ėhó'nehe na. 1 • red wolf. See: ma'ėhóóhe.
2 • Redwolf. Variant: Ma'o'néhe. Category: animals, names.
-ma'ėho'tá vii. red hot - be. É-ma'ėhō'ta. It is red hot. Etym: *meçkwehθaɁte·wi. See: -ma'kėho'tá. Category: temperature.
ma'ėhóóhe na. 1 • fox, red fox. sometimes used generically of a fox and sometimes specifically of the red fox. (another recording) Etym: *meʔθa·kwehsa (P). Ques: ma'hóohe?? cf PA Plural ma'ėhóoheho. alternate plural = ma'ėhóoheo'o Obviative ma'ėhóoheho. See: vóhkése; ma'ėhó'nehe. Category: animals.
2 • Redfox. See: Heóvema'ėhóóhe. Category: names.
Ma'ėhoohēvȧhtse cj. Red Shields society person. Plural Ma'ėhoohevase; BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: societies.
Ma'ėhóóhévȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Red Shield, Red Hoof, Red Fox (society member?? Plural Ma'ėhóohevase. Category: check. Medial -óohevá. See: Vóhpóóhévȧhtse; ma'ėhóóhe. Category: names.
ma'ėhoohevá'eo'o na. Gram: pl lazy women. for example, they don't learn how to bead, etc. Lit: Red Shields society women Category: personality.
Ma'ėhóoheváo'hé'e ni. Republican River, Red Shield River. This river starts in Colorado and flows east through Nebrask and Kansas. Cheyennes called it Red Shield River because the Red Shield soldiers gathered for a meeting at this river. Category: rivers.
Ma'ėhóohevase cj. Red Shields, Red Fox society, lazy group. Lit: red-nails(shields)-plural Phon: gr (Má'ėhoohevase) Variant: Ma'ėhóohevaso, Ma'ėhóoheo'o. which society this was is uncertain; From Grinnell: "an ancient society"; Red Shields (he says "also called 'Bull Soldiers, Hotóanótȧxeo'o"). Singular Ma'ėhóohēvȧhtse; BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: societies.
Ma'ėhóohevaso cj. Red Shields, Red Fox society, lazy group. Lit: red-nails(shields)-plural Phon: gr (Má'ėhoohevase) Variant: Ma'ėhóohevase, Ma'ėhóoheo'o. which society this was is uncertain; From Grinnell: "an ancient society"; Red Shields (he says "also called 'Bull Soldiers, Hotóanótȧxeo'o"). Singular Ma'ėhóohēvȧhtse; BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: societies.
ma'ėhóoheve vai. be a fox. É-ma'ėhóoheve. He is a fox. See: -vóhkėséheve. Category: animals.
Má'ėhoomáhe na. Red Robe. See: Ma'oomȧhtse; Má'kėhoomáhe. Category: names.
-ma'e'ėstávose vai. ears red from cold. É-ma'e'ėstávose. His ears are red from the cold. See: -ma'eesévose ‘nose red from cold’; -ná'tse'ėstávose ‘cold ears’. Category: body, ears.
-ma'e'éxané vai. have red eye(s), have bloodshot eyes. É-ma'e'éxáne. His eye(s) is/are red/bloodshot. Etym: *meçkwiški·nšekwe·wa. BodyPartMedial -'éxané. See: -momá'e'éxané. Category: eyes.
ma'e'ohko na. red pipe. The red pipe and other pipes had different symbolisms. See: he'ohko ‘pipe’; ma'e'oo'o ‘red pipestone’. Etym: *meskwixpwa·kana. Category: smoke.
-ma'e'ó'tsé fti. paper - do to s.t. Éó'xe-ma'e'ó'tse. He tore it (paper). Ques: -ma'e'o'tsé ?? ck 3rd plural of verb Medial -ma'. See: ma'en. Category: paper.
ma'e'oo'o na. red pipestone. Etym: *meçkwixpwa·kana. Plural ma'e'óono; Obviative ma'e'óono. See: ma'e'ohko ‘red pipe’.
-ma'emá mbp. blood. É-hávėsévema'emao'o. They (for example, a certain family or a line of horses) have bad blood. Possessive -htsemá'eme. See: ma'e. Category: body.
ma'emȧhēō'o ni. jail. Lit: red-house Usage: an old word for a jail, so named because of red bricks commonly used for construction of jails Synonym too'ėhémȧhéó'o. Category: buildings.
ma'ema'kaata ni. copper. Lit: red-metal See: ma'kema'kaata ‘penny’; ma'kaata ‘metal/money’. Category: metal.
-ma'ema'kaataevoeme vai. solve minor problems. Lit: penny-valued Usage: an idiom ; obsolescing É-ma'ema'kaataevoeme. He solves minor problems. See: ma'ema'kaata; ma'kema'kaata. Category: degree, figurative.
-ma'eme ni. Gram: poss blood. Variant: -htsemá'eme.
-ma'émea'xe vai. bloody smell, smell bloody. for example, after butchering. É-ma'émea'xe. He smells bloody. Category: smell.
Ma'emé'ėhné'e na. Red Rising Woman. Category: names.
-ma'emé'hahtse vai. red beard - have a. É-ma'emé'háhtse. He has a red beard. See: mé'hahtsená. Category: names.
Ma'emé'hahtse na. Red Beard. Category: names.
ma'emé'šeméhne na. red caterpillar. Category: bugs.
Ma'emenéo'hé'e ni. Bull Berry Creek. a tributary of the Cheyenne River in South Dakota. Category: rivers.
ma'emenó'e ni. buffalo berry bush. Cheyennes today use the term ma'kemenȯtse or ma'emenȯtse for what they call in English 'buffalo berries' or 'bull berries' ma'kemenó'e. Etym: cf *meçkwimina·htekwa. See: ma'emenȯtse. Category: berries.
ma'emenó'ėšé'e ni. buffalo berry bush area. Category: plants.
-ma'emenoo'e vii. ripe. Lit: (be)red-berry.shaped-sit(?) of a berry. É-ma'emenoo'e. It (especially a berry) is ripe. É-ma'emenoo'énėstse. They (berries) are red (that is, ripe). Phon: not vs Category: berries, check.
ma'emenȯtse ni. bull berries, buffalo berries, cranberries. Etym: **meskwiminali. Usage: rare as singular Singular ma'emene. Etym: *meskwimini. Variant: ma'kemenȯtse. Category: berries.
Ma'eméstahke na. Red Owl. See: Méstaa'e Ȯhma'aestse. Category: names.
ma'emo'kóhta'e na. 1 • orange Indian turnips. Category: plants. Variant: ma'emo'óhta'e; Plural ma'emo'kȯhtá'éne.
2 • beet.
ma'emóneške na. red bean. Usage: rare as singular Plural ma'emonėškeho. Category: food.
-ma'en1 fti. roll s.t. (paper), paper - do to s.t., book - do to s.t. for example, to roll cigarette paper (inanimate), or to do a variety of things with the pages of books. Éase-ma'ēna. He turned it (the page of a book). Ta'ta'e-ma'ēnȯhtse! Open it (a book)! Medial -ma'2; fii: -ma'ehá. See: -ma'e'ó'tsé. Category: paper.
fta. roll s.o. (paper). for example, a cigarette (animate). nesta tšėhešema'eneo'o cigarette (lit. previously this way-rolled). Category: smoke.
-ma'en2 vti. redden s.t. É-ma'ēna. He reddened it. Etym: *meçkwenamwa.
vta. redden s.o. néhe ma'etomono tséméhaevé'še-ma'enose hestse'emo that red paint that he had reddened his wife with. [1987:251-52] Category: colors.
Ma'enáhkȯhá'e na. Red Bear Woman. Category: names.
Ma'ena'éváhe na. Red Arm. BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: names.
-ma'ene vii. painted red, red painted. É-ma'ene. It is painted red. Naa móh-ma'enéhanevōtse héne kȧhamȧxehȯtse. And those sticks were painted red. [The Round-up of the Deer.021] Category: colors, check.
-ma'éné vai. have a red face. É-ma'éne. He has a red face. Etym: *meçkwi·nkwe·wa. See: -ma'éneotse. Category: face.
Ma'énéhá'e na. Red Face Woman. See: Ma'kénéhe. Category: names.
Ma'énéhe na. Red Face. Category: names.
-ma'éné'ó vai. blush. É-ma'éné'o. He blushed. See: -ma'éneotse. Category: face.
-ma'énéohtsé vai. blush. É-ma'énéóhtse. He is blushing. Category: face, colors.
-ma'éneotse vai. blush. É-ma'éneotse. He blushed. Medial -éné. Category: body function.
Ma'enetse na. Red Eagle. See: netse ‘eagle’. Category: names.
-ma'énevose vai. red face from cold, face red from cold. É-ma'énevose. He has a red face from the cold. Etym: *meçkwi·nkwe·watiwa. fai: -ose1; BodyPartMedial -éné. Phon: hpo See: -ma'eesévose ‘nose red from cold’. Category: temperature, face.
ma'ēno na. 1 • turtle. (another recording) Ma'enóne éohkepėhéveénėheo'o ȯxhonóhevosėstse naa máto ȯxho'oehévosėstse. Turtles taste good when they are baked and also when they are boiled. [1979:205] Ma'ēno énėhpoése. It is foggy (lit. turtle is hanging closed; this expression must have something to do with beliefs about turtles)., Some people just say ma'ēno for fog. Etym: *mexkena·hkwa (Go88); *meʔkena·hkwa (Pi) ‘snapping turtle’. Plural ma'enóne; Obviative ma'enóne; Diminutive ma'enó'késo. Category: reptiles, animals.
2 • someone who copies others. Category: figurative. like little turtles which follow a leader and hide in their shells.
3 • someone who won't listen. Category: figurative. Ma'enóné-áhe éhešė-hesó'xo'ēsta. He has ears like turtles (that is, he won't listen). Someone who won't listen is said to have ears like turtles. This is an effective and humorous idiom, since it is considered that turtles basically have no ears (or just small flaps which hardly count as ears).
4 • Turtle. Category: names.
Ma'ēno ého'oése vai. Fog has arrived. Lit: turtle arrived ("hanging") See: ma'ēno énėhpoése. Category: hang.
ma'ēno énėhpoése vai. It is foggy. Lit: turtle is blocking-hanging The literal meaning must have something to do with a historical belief about turtles. Some people just say ma'ēno for fog. Variant: -nėhpoése ma'ēno, ma'ēno. See: ma'ēno ého'oése ‘Fog has arrived.’. Category: hang.
Ma'enóehe'pe na. Turtle Rib. a woman's name. Ques: recheck?? See: he'pe ‘rib’. Category: check, names.
Ma'enóéméó'o na. Turtle Road. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
-ma'enóevoéstomo'he vai. timid; follow someone else as leader. Lit: turtle-personality É-ma'enóevoéstomo'he. He acts like a turtle. Category: figurative, personality.
-ma'enóevo'ėstanéheve vai. live timidly. Lit: turtle-live É-ma'enóevo'ėstanéheve. He lives timidly. See: -vo'ėstanéheve ‘live’; -ma'enóevoéstomo'he ‘have a turtle personality’. Category: live.
ma'enóhevoo'e ni. turtle shell. Ques: recheck?? Ques: ma'enóhevoohe?? Category: check, animals.
Ma'enóhkevo'eha na. Turtle Moccasin. name of a character in a Cheyenne story. See: ma'ēno ‘turtle’; mo'keha ‘moccasin’. Category: names.
Ma'ēnȯhtamēhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Walking Turtle. Category: names.
Ma'énȯhvó'komaestse vai. Gram: ppl White Turtle. Category: names.
ma'enó'késo na. small turtle. Plural ma'enó'kėsono.
ma'enóma'he na. Gram: pl salmon. Lit: red-fish Plural ma'enomá'ne. Phon: iah Variant: ma'nóma'he. See: nóma'he. Category: fish.
Ma'enóneo'hé'e ni. Turtle Creek. A tributary of the South Platte River. Category: rivers.
ma'enónestȯtse ni. scraping tool. for scraping hide during tanning; this is hard work. See: ma'enoo'e. Category: tools.
Ma'enónévóse ni. Turtle Butte. located a little north of the Ponca River. Category: places.
-ma'enóno'e vii. look red. É-ma'enóno'e. It looks red. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance, colors.
-ma'enóohe vai. look red. É-ma'enóohe. He looks red. Etym: *meçkwina·kwesiwa. for example, of a shirt (animate). vii: -ma'enónon'e. Category: appearance.
Ma'enóó'e na. Turtle Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.
ma'enoo'e ni. scraping tool. Usage: probably older term than ma'enónestȯtse; not well known today See: ma'enónestȯtse. Category: tools.
-ma'enotová vai. red-necked, have a red neck. É-ma'enotōva. He has a red neck. Etym: *meçkwikwayawe·wa (P). Category: body, colors.
Ma'enotováhe na. Red Neck. Medial -notová. See: Ma'ėháne'e ‘Red Nape’. Category: names.
Má'enóvá'e na. Turtle Woman. Category: names.
ma'eóeseo'o ni. rooster comb, roach. A roach is headdress worn on top of the head for dancing. made of porcupine quill and stands up like a rooster comb. See: kȧhkoeóeseo'o. Phon: vs Plural ma'eóseonȯtse. Category: dance.
-ma'eóhtavose vai. legs red from cold. É-ma'eóhtavose. His legs are red from the cold. Etym: *meçkwika·te·watiwa. Reduplicated -momá'eóhtavose; BodyPartMedial -óhtá4; fai: -ose1. Category: body.
ma'eome ni. red lodge, red tepee. Category: tepee.
Ma'eomenē'e na. Red Lodge Woman. Category: names.
Ma'eómotome na. Red Breath. Category: names.
Ma'eonéhavo'ke na. Red Beads. Ques: Is Ma'eonéhávó'kėstse a new formation?? Category: check, names.
Ma'eóome na. Red Water. See: Má'oome; -ma'óome. Category: names.
-ma'eoxa'ohe vai. beaded red. É-ma'eoxa'ohe. It (or He) is beaded red. É-ma'eoxa'ȯhénėstse. They are beaded red. See: -oxa'ohe. Category: handcraft, check.
-ma'ėsané vai. dress in red. É-ma'ėsāne. He is dressed in red. Vó'keme é-ma'ėsāne. Santa Claus is dressed in red. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
Ma'ėséeotá'e na. Red Medicine Woman, Red Herb Woman. See: heséeo'ȯtse. Category: names.
Ma'ėsėhéna'e na. Red Goose Woman. See: héna'e ‘goose’. Category: names.
Ma'ėsėhoná'e na. Head Hanging Low Woman. See: Ma'ėstȯhoná'e. Category: names.
-ma'ėseméohe vai. strain to bend forward. É-ma'ėseméohe. He is straining to bend forward. fai: -méohe. Category: motion, run.
-ma'ėseóeh vta. land s.o. facing forward. can refer to rear entry sex. É-ma'ėseóehóho. ?? He landed her facing forward. ?? vai: -ma'ėseóešé. See: -ma'ėstoh(n). Category: sex, motion, check.
-ma'ėseóešé vai. land on stomach. É-ma'ėseóéše. He landed on his stomach. vta: -ma'ėseóeh. See: -ma'ėseše ‘lie on stomach’. Category: motion.
-ma'ėseóó'e vai. bend over. including bending over for sex. É-ma'ėseóó'e. He/She bent over. Ma'ėseóó'e! Bend over! (said to a group). That could be said before a spanking. Variant: -ma'kėseóó'e; fai: -óé2 ‘stand’. Category: sex, positions.
-ma'ėsešé vai. lie on stomach. É-ma'ėsēše. He lay on his stomach. See: -ma'ėseóeše ‘land on stomach’. Category: lie.
ma'ēsta na. vagina. Variant: ma'kēsta; Possessive -'está2. Category: vulgar, body, sex.
-ma'ėsta'ee'e vai. hang head down, sit with head hanging down. especially with sad or other negative feelings. É-ma'ėsta'ee'e. He sat with his head down. É-ma'ėsta'éesėstse. (reportative mode) He had his head down. [1980:50:45] BodyPartMedial -a'é. Phon: vs Variant: -ma'kėsta'ee'e. Category: sit, head.
-ma'ėsta'ó vii. fall forward.
vai. fall forward. É-ma'ėstā'o. He (or It) fell forward. tséstatšėše-ma'ėstā'ȯse when he fell forward (for example, on his horse). [1987:22] Category: fall.
-ma'ėstȧše'še vai. drink while on stomach. É-ma'ėstȧše'še. He drank on his belly. Category: drink.
-ma'ėstoestsé vti. put forward s.t. É-ma'ėstoēstse. He put it forward / bent it forward.?? See: -ma'ėsto'tsé. Category: check, put.
ma'ėstóhkėha'e ni. cap (with a bill). Synonym a'kóhkėha'e. See: hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.
-ma'ėstoh(n) vta. land s.o. by tool ?? É-ma'ėstȯhnóho. He had vigorous sex with her from the rear. Náma'xe-ma'ėstōhno. I had vigorous sex with her from the rear. See: -ma'ėseóeh. Category: sex, check.
Ma'ėstȯhoná'e na. Bending Over Woman. See: Ma'ėsėhoná'e. Category: names.
-ma'ėsto'tsé vti. put s.t. leaning forward. É-ma'ėstō'tse. He put it leaning forward. Variant: -ma'kėsto'tsé; fti: -o'tsé. See: -ma'ėstoestsé. Category: put.
-ma'éstoné vai. head pillowed. É-ma'éstóne. His head is on a pillow. See: ma'éstoo'o.
ma'éstoo'o na. pillow. (another recording) Plural ma'éstoono; Obviative ma'éstoono. Phon: vs Etym: cf. Sh mki·ka / mkita·ka·na/. See: maéstoo'o ‘throat’. Category: bed.
ma'ėšeeonáhe na. robin. Lit: red-chested-one (another recording) Plural ma'ėšeeonáheo'o; Obviative ma'ėšeeonáheho; BodyPartMedial -šeeoná; Variant: ma'ėšenévé'késo. Category: birds.
ma'ėšenévé'késo na. robin. Lit: red-chested-bird Variant: ma'ėšeeonáhe. Category: birds.
-ma'eta vai. red. É-ma'eta. He is red. Etym: *meçkweθwa. tsé-ma'etȧhtse the one who is red. Éxae-ma'eta namo'ēško tsé'ȯhkemȯxe'ėstónéto. My finger is red (that is, calloused) from writing. Variant: -ma'ahe; Diminutive -ma'keta; vii: -ma'ó. See: ma'e ‘blood’. Category: colors.
ma'etōmo na. red paint, earth paint. used for decorating one's body; a Sun Dance paint; used in the altar of the Sun Dance. Etym: *meçkwelamana (P). Plural ma'etomono; Obviative ma'etomono. Category: paint, colors, check.
Ma'etomoná'e na. Red Paint Woman. Category: names.
Ma'etomonéo'hé'e Red Paint River, Cheyenne River. In English this is called the Cheyenne River. It flows through eastern Wyoming and western South Dakota. It flows into Lake Oahe about 35 miles northwest of Pierre, South Dakota. It got this Cheyenne name because there is so much red clay along its banks. Category: rivers.
-ma'etomonevan vti. paint s.t. red.
vta. paint s.o. red. É-ma'etomonevanóho. He painted him red. Category: colors.
Ma'etsévȯxeoná'e na. Red Dust Woman. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
ma'ēva obl. in blood. See: ma'e.
Ma'eváhkotsévá'e na. Red Fawn Woman. Category: names.
-ma'évȧho'he vai. redden from heat. É-ma'évȧho'he. He turned red from the heat. Category: temperature.
-ma'éváhtsé vai. bloody mouth. É-ma'éváhtse. He has a bloody mouth. Etym: *meçkowetonwa. BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. See: -mé'aévahtsé ‘have a bloody mouth’; -momé'aahtsé ‘spit blood ; hemorrhage from the mouth’; -momé'aahtsenávotome ‘hemorrhage from the mouth’. Category: mouth.
-ma'évan vta. bloody s.o. É-ma'évanóho. He bloodied him with his hand. Etym: *meçkowene·wa (P). É-ma'évanahtse. He is making himself bloody. Etym: *meçkowenesowa < **meçkowenetwiwa (P/L).
-ma'évȧsome vai. dysentery - have, bloody stool - have, hemorrhoids - have. É-ma'évȧsome. He has dysentery / a bloody stool. fai: -asóme. See: -momé'aévȧsome. Category: body function.
-ma'eve vai. bloody.
vii. bloody. É-ma'eve. It (or He) is bloody. Etym: *meçkowiwa. Maahōtse é-ma'événėstse. The Sacred Arrows are stained with blood. After a Cheyenne commits murder the Arrows are bloody and need to be renewed. See: ma'e; -vóvȯhetan.
ma'éveaxeen vta. scratch s.o. until bloody. É-ma'éveaxeenahtse. He scratched himself until he was bloody. See: -axeen.
-ma'éveesé vai. bloody nose - have a. É-ma'éveēse. He has a bloody nose. Etym: *meçkowikweθe·wa. See: -matomené; -momé'aéveesé; -ma'évené. Category: nose.
-ma'évėhe'oná vai. bloody hands - have. É-ma'évėhe'ōna. He has bloody hands. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands.
Ma'evéhpotá'e na. Red Leaf Woman. (another recording) Category: names.
Ma'eve'ėse na. Redbird. another spelling: Mah hi vist. See: Ma'evé'késo; vé'kése. Category: names.
ma'evé'éso na. cardinal, red bird. Lit: red-bird Plural ma'evé'ėseo'o; Obviative ma'evé'ėseho; Variant: ma'evé'késo, ma'evé'kése. See: vé'késo ‘bird’. Category: birds.
Ma'evé'ho'á'e na. German Woman. Plural Ma'evé'ho'á'eo'o. See: Ma'evé'ho'ká'e. Category: names.
Ma'evé'ho'e na. 1 • German person. Lit: red-ve'ho'e Plural ma'evé'hó'e; Obviative ma'evé'hó'e. Ma'evé'hó'e éana'oo'o. Germans are falling. figurative; 'Germans are falling' is an idiom for 'They (anyone) are having a dispute.' The idiom arose during the world wars which Cheyennes fought in against the Germans; the idiom comes from the image of Germans falling from the sky using their parachutes.
2 • jack (of playing cards). Category: cards.
Ma'evé'ho'éno ni. Germany. Category: places.
Ma'evé'ho'ká'e na. Little German Girl. See: Ma'evé'ho'á'e. Category: names.
Ma'evé'ho'ká'késo na. German girl. Category: people.
Ma'evé'ho'kēso na. German boy. Plural Ma'evé'ho'kėsono; Feminine Ma'evé'ho'ká'e. Category: people.
Ma'evé'késo na. red bird, cardinal, Red Bird. Lit: red-bird Plural ma'evé'kėseho; Obviative ma'evé'kėseho; Variant: ma'evé'éso. Category: birds. possibly Ma'eve'ėse is more commonly used. See: Ma'eve'ėse. Category: names.
-ma'évené vai. bloody face - have a. É-ma'événe. He has a bloody face. See: -ma'éveesé. Category: face.
-ma'évenoesané vai. do something terrible. Lit: wear (something) bloody É-ma'évenoesāne. He did something terrible. fai: -sané2. Category: do.
-ma'éveno'é vai. bloody when killing or beating. to bloody someone when killing or beating them. É-ma'évenō'e. He bloodied (when killing or beating). fai: -no'é; vta: -ma'évenot. Category: violence.
-ma'évenóohe vai. look bloody. Éma'évenóohe. He looks bloody. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.
-ma'évenot vta. bloody s.o. É-ma'évenotóho. He bloodied him (when killing or beating). to bloody s.o. when killing or beating them. fta: -not. Category: violence, interpersonal.
-ma'éveóó'e vai. stand bloody. for instance, standing bloody after being beaten up. É-ma'éveóó'e. He is standing bloody. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-ma'éveotse vai. bleed. É-ma'éveotse. He bled/he is bleeding. Etym: *meçkowiɁle·wa < **meçkowipalyiwa. vta: -ma'évoh(n). See: -ma'eve; ma'e; -moméheotse; -háeo'tá; -hé'óé'ó; -hévoeotse; -momé'aeve. Category: body function, sickness.
ma'éveotsévó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl tall weed similar to hemp which emits blood red sap when twisted. Category: plants.
-ma'évešé vai. lie bloody. É-ma'évéše. He is lying bloody. Etym: *meçkowihšinwa. Category: lie.
ma'evo ni. Gram: poss nose, beak. Plural ma'evonȯtse; Stem -'evo. Category: nose, body.
Ma'évóéná'e na. Red Paint Face Woman. Category: names.
-ma'évoéne vai. red paint on face - have. É-ma'évoéne. He has red paint on his face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-ma'évoénén vta. paint face of s.o. red, red paint face of s.o. for example, put the traditional spot of red paint on the face of the deceased. É-ma'évoéneno. He painted his (other person's) face red. [1987:251] É-ma'évoénénóho. He painted his (other person's) face red. (newer pronunciation). Category: colors.
-ma'évoénéné vai. red paint on face. This is traditionally a sign of mourning after a death. É-ma'évóénéne. He had red paint on his face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: paint.
ma'évoénestȯtse ni. rouge. Lit: red-face-thing Category: groom.
Ma'evoénėstse na. Red Painted Face. BodyPartMedial -voéné. Category: face, names.
-ma'évoh(n) vta. deflower s.o. Lit: cause s.o. to bleed by tool Especially refers to causing a virgin to bleed from breaking of the hymen during intercourse. É-ma'évȯhnóho. He made her bleed. See: -oó'xevo'oh(n). Category: sex.
-ma'evó'komahe vai. pink. É-ma'evó'komahe. He is pink. vii: -ma'evó'komó. Category: colors.
-ma'evó'komó vii. pink - be. É-ma'evó'kómo. It is pink. vai: -ma'evó'komahe. See: -ma'óma'ȯhtsévó. Category: colors.
Ma'evoto na. Red Tailfeather. See: voto. Category: names.
Ma'evotoná'e na. Red Tailfeather Woman. Category: names.
ma'exa ni. Gram: poss eye, eyeglass. The plural is a shorter way of saying eyeglasses. The longer way is ma'aataéve'éxanéstotȯtse. Plural ma-'éxánėstse. na-'exa my eye. Stem -'exa. Etym: *meški·nšekwi; meški·nšeko·li (pl) (Go88). See: ma'aataéve'éxanéstotȯtse ‘eyeglasses’. Category: eyes.
ma'éxáá'e obl. in the eye(s). ma'éxáéno on the eye(s). Stem -'exa. Category: eyes.
ma'éxaenaa'éve'ho'e na. eye doctor. Usage: recorded by Petter but not used today
ma'éxaevé'henȯtse na. Gram: poss eyelash. Plural ma-'éxaevé'henoto; Obviative ma-'éxaevé'henoto. Category: eyes.
ma-'éxaevé'henȯtse na. Gram: poss eyelash. Usage: may be a new word or a loan translation Plural ma-'éxaevé'henoto. See: vé'henȯtse. Category: body.
ma'h- i. big. See: ma'xe- ‘big’.
ma'hááhe na. old man, man - old, father, husband. Possessive -ma'háeháme; Feminine mȧhtamȧhááhe; Diminutive ma'háéso, ma'háhkéso. Category: relatives.
-ma'háahéhame na. Gram: poss ancestor. Lit: old man na-ma'háahéhame my old man ?? na-ma'háahéhamo my ancestors. [mrc 6/15/17] See: -ma'háhkėséhame; -ma'háehame. Category: relatives, check.
-ma'haahtsená'o vai. open mouth wide. É-ma'haahtsená'o. He opened his (own) mouth wide. Category: mouth.
ma'haa'- i. big.
-ma'haa'an vti. make s.t. louder, turn up volume of s.t., enlarge s.t. Ques: also 'enlarge s.t.?? É-ma'haa'āna. He made it louder. Etym: *meʔθekexkwenamwa.
vta. Etym: *meɁθekexkwene·wa (?) (P). É-ma'haa'anóho. ?? He enlarged him. ?? See: -tȧhpe'an. Category: size, check.
ma'haa'e- pv. big. Náhtaéšema'xe-ma'haa'eómotómeotse. I took a big breath. [Rebuke.021]
-ma'haa'eesé vai. have a large nose. É-ma'haa'eēse. He has a large nose. Etym: *meɁšikweθe·wa. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -tȧhpe'eesé. Category: nose.
ma'haa'é-mo'ēško na. thumb. See: Ma'xeōse. Category: hands. Lit: big-finger Plural ma'haa'é-mo'ėškono.
ma'haa'émo'ēško na. thumb. Category: body. Usage: may be new word or loan translation from Petter Lit: big-finger
-ma'haa'eotse vii. wide, large, big. É-ma'haa'eotse. It widened. tsé-ma'haa'eotse méó'o the wide (road). [Stamper 1991:4] Category: size.
-ma'haatamáno'e vii. great magnitude - be of. É-ma'haatamáno'e. átamáno'e?? It is of great magnitude. fii: -átamáno'e. Category: size, check.
-ma'háehame na. old man, man - old, father, husband. Ques: -ma'háahémane ?? Category: check. na-ma'háehamaneo'o our old people. IndepNoun ma'hááhe; Feminine mȧhtamȧhááhe; Diminutive ma'háhkéso. See: -ma'háahéhame. Category: relatives.
Ma'háehnotóá'e na. Old Bull, Big Buffalo. See: hotóá'e ‘buffalo’; Hotóa'ȯhma'haetȧhtse ‘Big Buffalo’. Category: names.
ma'haenȯtse na. spit man. Nėhē'še énoosemesėstse tsé'tóhe ma'haenȯtse. Then this spit man was not invited. [The Spit Man.008]
má'haeso voc. old man, husband (voc.) Category: relatives.
ma'háéso na. old man. Etym: *meɁlo·hsa (P). Diminutive ma'háhkéso. Morph: /ma'háesón/. Category: ages.
-ma'haeta vai. large, big. É-ma'haeta He is big. Etym: *meʔθekiθwa (P). vii: -ma'hao'ó. See: -tȧhpeta. Category: size.
-ma'haetanevóo'e vii. be a crowd. É-ma'haetanevóo'e. It is a huge crowd. Phon: not vs See: -háetanevóo'e. Category: quantity.
má'hahe voc. chum, friend (male-male). Phon: iah Etym: *meɁlo·hsa (P). See: nésema'hááhe; néséne ‘my friend (male to male)’. Category: interpersonal.
ma'háhkeehe na. old mouse. See: hóhkeehe. Category: animals.
ma'háhkėhe- pv. old.man. Lit: old man See: ma'háhkése. ma'háhkėheoeškēse old dog. [1987:258] ma'háhkėhevé'ho'e old whiteman.
ma'háhkėheoméé'e ni. old.man.lodge.
-ma'háhkėhevé'ho'éméa'há vii. smell of cigar. Lit: smell of old white men Old men were observed smoking cigars so the Cheyenne word developed from that connection. Category: smoke.
Ma'háhkėhevó'keme na. Old Man Winter. See: Vó'keme; Hoóema'háahe.
ma'háhkėhno'ha na. old horse, old - horse. Final -o'ha. See: mo'éhno'ha. Category: horses.
ma'háhkése na. 1 • old man, father, husband. The meanings of "father" and "husband" for this word have been used for many years. We cannot say at this point if these meaning were borrowed as a loan translation from English. Hená'hanehe né=ma'hákése tséhešeó'ȯsetānȯse. That's the way that old man was not observant. [1987:171] Variant: ma'háhkéso, ma'háhtšéso. The plural only refers to old men, not old people. Plural ma'háhkėseho; Obviative ma'háhkėseho; Non-dim: ma'háéso; Diminutive ma'háhkėséhéso; Possessive -ma'háhkėséhame; Non-diminutive ma'hááhe; Feminine mȧhtamȧhááhe. Etym: cf *meʔlo·hsa ‘old man’; *meʔswe·hsehsihsikwa (Pi). See: -ma'háehame ‘old man (poss.)’; heéháme; ného'éehe. Category: relatives, people.
2 • ring finger. Petter listed this meaning of 'ring finger' or 'fourth finger' in his dictionary. It is unknown if this meaning still exists.
-ma'háhkėséhame na. Gram: poss old man, man - old, husband, father (poss.) na-ma'háhkėséhame my old man. [1987:235] na-ma'háhkėséhamo my old men. IndepNoun ma'hákése. See: -ma'háhkėséhame ‘ancestor’. Category: relatives.
ma'háhkėséhasėstse voc. Old men! Category: relatives. See: mȧhtamȧháahéhasėstse ‘old woman (voc.)’.
-ma'háhkėséheméa'há vii. smell of old people. typically said on the first of a month; this is said to be the smell in stores because there are many old people who have received their money (for example, Social Security checks) on the first of the month. É-ma'háhkėséheméá'ha. It smells like old people. Category: smell.
-ma'háhkėséhemea'xe vai. smell of old man. É-ma'háhkėséhemea'xe. He smells like an old man. See: -mȧhtamȧháahémea'xe ‘old lady smell’. Category: smell.
ma'háhkėséhéso na. little old man. can be a term of teasing or affection; can refer to a younger old person, such as a 50 year old grandparent, in contrast to a 70 year old one. Plural ma'háhkėséhesono. See: ma'háhkéso. Singular dim. Category: people, ages.
-ma'háhkėséheve vai. be an old man. É-ma'háhkėséheve. He is an old man. Category: ages.
-ma'háhkėséhevenóohe vai. look like an old man. É-ma'háhkėséhevenóohe. He looks like an old man.
ma'háhkėséhevestȯtse ni. old.man.NOM.
ma'háhkėséhevestȯtse ni. old man being. Hápó'e nátaéšėto'setávėhéne'ēna ma'háhkėséhevestȯtse. Me too I have almost come to know being an old man. Category: ages.
ma'háhkėseho tsé'ȯhkėhoévȯse old age home. Category: buildings. Lit: old people where they are
-ma'háhkėsévéné vai. old man face. É-ma'háhkėsévéne. He has an old man face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
ma'háhkéso na. 1 • old man. Variant: ma'háhkése, ma'háhtšéso; Plural ma'háhkėseho; Obviative ma'háhkėseho; Non-dim: ma'háéso; Diminutive ma'háhkėséhéso; Vocative má'hahkeso; Feminine mȧhtamȧháahe1. Etym: *meʔswe·hsehsihsikwa (Pi)s. See: -ma'háehame ‘old man (poss.)’.
2 • fourth finger. ring finger. Category: people.
má'hahkeso voc. my old man, my husband. This pronunciation, with the high pitch on the first vowel, is used when speaking to him. na: ma'háhkéso. See: má'haeso; -ma'háhkėséhame. Category: relatives.
ma'háhkevé'ho'e na. old whiteman. Category: people.
ma'háhko'e na. 1 • badger. traditional spirit animal for Cheyennes. Phon: iah Plural ma'hahkō'e. AltPl=ma'hahkó'eo'o [1987:188] Obviative ma'hahkō'e. Etym: *meʔθakwaθkwa. Category: animals.
2 • Badger. Category: names.
Ma'háhko'e Ȯhtanevóósánėstse vai. Gram: ppl Badger Sees All. This is the badger spirit with whom food and smokes should be shared. For instance, a hunter who killed a deer would share part of the fresh liver with this badger spirit in hopes that the badger would be gracious to him in the future and allow him to kill another deer. He'póotsėstse! Nȧhtsėhóseamahe. Smoke! (So that) I'll get more (in return). (This is traditionally said as someone offers a smoke to this badger spirit, hoping that the badger would be gracious in return.) Variant: Ma'háhko'e Ȯhtanovóósénėstse. Category: sacred.
Ma'hahko'éo'hé'e ni. Badger River. enters the South Platte River from the south in eastern Colorado. Category: rivers.
ma'hahtsená-eestsestȯtse ni. vowel. Lit: open-mouth-talk-NOM Medial -ahtsená. Category: new.
-ma'hahtsenáheesená vai. open wide mouth with teeth exposed ?? Ma'xenóma'ne móh-ma'hahtsenáheesenȧhéhe (?? ) nėhéóhe vóxéva. A big fish must have been lying there (in the water) with his mouth wide open there in the hole. [Fishing.022] Category: body, check.
-ma'hahtsená'ó vai. open mouth wide. É-ma'hahtsená'o. He opened his (own) mouth wide. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: mouth.
ma'hahtsenávo'anestȯtse ni. vowel. Synonym ma'hahtsenáeestsestȯtse. Category: sounds.
-ma'hahtsenáxé vai. lie with mouth wide open. É-ma'hahtsenáxé. He lay with his mouth wide open. Móxxae-ma'hahtsenáxenȧhéhe. He lay with his mouth wide open. Category: lie, mouth.
ma'háhtšéso na. old man, man - old. Usage: old man speech Variant: ma'háhkéso. Category: people.
-ma'hao'ó vii. big, large. bigger than -tȧhpe'ó but smaller than -háahpe'ó. É-ma'haō'o. It is big. fii: -o'ó. Phon: not vs vai: -ma'haeta. See: -tȧhpe'ó; -háahpe'ó; -vonao'ó; -heómao'ó; ; -áhanao'ó; -pėhévao'ó. Category: size.
ma'hao'ónovahtȯtse ni. microphone. Lit: large-talking thing ?? Category: check, new. Ques: recheck ?? Category: check. fai: -ónová1. Category: tools.
ma-'háónóne ni. Gram: poss popliteal, back of knee. Ques: ma-'háónóno ?? Plural ma-'háononȯtse. Category: body, check.
Ma'heehéhe na. (man's name). Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
Má'heeta na. Red Sleeve. Category: names.
ma'hēō'o na. sacred power, god, God, medicine, mystery, Creator. Note: The term seems to be untranslatable, at least in the sense of a literal translation. But one elder recently translated it as 'holy one', which makes sense since all verbal forms based on the noun refer to being 'holy, sacred'. The meaning sense of 'medicine' does not refer to something for treating the body, which is heséeo'ȯtse 'herbal (or chemical) medicine'. Instead, it refers to the Indian idea of something sacred or a sacred mystery, sacred power. A Cheyenne ma'hēō'o is only a benevolent power. Simplified Spelling Maheo, Mahiu. Phon: apocope, vs Plural ma'heono; Obviative ma'heóneva. ma'heónevaho god (obviative; alternate pronunciation). Note: Some people say ma'heono for the obviative; others avoid ma'heono as the obviative. The following vocative is addressed to the sacred powers. It is not used for speaking about the possibility due to homophony with the plural which they want to avoid so as not to invite the inference of polytheism. sacred powers, which would be the plural ma'heono. Vocative Ma'heónasėstse ‘Sacred powers!’. Énéstoohe Ma'hēō'o. God is hollering. (what some people say during thunder). Hayden 1862:309 only has this Cheyenne form under the English entry 'mystery', not under entries for 'god', 'deity', or 'God'; Hayden has the following for this entry: "mysterious, medicine, mystery, spiritual". Anything that the Indians do not understand they consider supernatural, or 'medicine'." Note: The plural has often been used in traditional Cheyenne discourse for various sacred powers. Note: This word has commonly been written maheo. It does not mean "All Father" as claimed by Petter (for example, in his 1915 dictionary, p. 517, under entry 'God') and, following him, Powell (for example, in his book about Sweet Medicine, p. xxi), Ashabranner (Morning Star, Black Sun, p. 10), Moore ("Cheyenne Names and Cosmology", p. 295), and Newcomb (Morning Star, 1983). Apparently Petter's claim originated from lack of phonetic detail in his orthography. The Cheyenne morpheme for 'all' is mȧhe- (mā- in his system); the morpheme for 'father' is /hé-/. If it is even possible to create a word meaning 'All Father' it would not be spelled ma'hēō'o, which, at a minimum lacks the required complex syllable of mȧhe- 'all', contains an important glottal stop before the letter -h, and lacks the high phonemic pitch needed on Cheyenne /hé-/ 'father'. There IS a word which starts with the complex syllable mȧhe, although it does not mean 'all' in this case, and ends identically as ma'hēō'o does; it is mȧhēō'o meaning 'house. There is no relationship to the word ma'hēō'o. So then, the widely publicized meaning of Ma'hēō'o as All-Father, is erroneous. Náho'ėhótáá'e ma'heono taa'eva. Spirits came to me last night (for example, can be said at a peyote meeting). Much less commonly 'God' is called Ma'xema'hēō'o 'the big God' (1987:216). See under ma'heono for names of some of the most important Cheyenne sacred powers. See: ma'heono; nonóma'e; -ma'heóname; he'amavé'ho'e; Nóáhe1; nésemoo'o; Háonováhe. Category: sacred, church.
Ma'hēō'o Ameōhtse vai. Medicine Walking. Category: names.
Ma'hēō'o énéstoohe vai. there is thunder, thunder is hollering. Lit: God is hollering See: nonóma'e ‘thunder’. Category: weather.
Ma'hēō'o Ȯhmé'éhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Medicine Appears, Medicine Comes In Sight. Category: names.
Ma'hēō'o Ȯhnéé'ėstse na. Spirit Stands, Standing Medicine, God Standing, Medicine Standing. possibly Ma'héó'ȯhnéé'ėstse. Category: names.
Ma'hēō'o Ȯhtameōhtsėstse vai. Gram: ppl Medicine Walks About. Category: names.
Ma'hēō'o Ȯhtséóhtsėstse vai. Gram: ppl Medicine Wandering, Holy Walks About, Medicine Walks About. Category: names.
Ma'hēō'o Ȯhvó'komaestse na. White Medicine, White Spirit. Category: names.
ma'heón- i. sacred, holy, spiritual, medicine. Preverb ma'heóne-. Category: sacred.
Ma'heóná'e na. Medicine Woman, Holy Woman. See: Hē'ȯhma'hēō'o. Category: names.
-ma'heóname na. Gram: poss god, sacred power, medicine (sacred). na-ma'heóname my medicine/god. he-ma'heónamo his medicine/his god. he-ma'heónamevóho their medicine/god. IndepNoun ma'hēō'o; Variant: -ma'heónėhame. See: -vonȧhé'xa'ame; -he-ma'heóname. Category: sacred.
ma'heónasėstse voc. sacred powers. Ma'heónasėstse, néohketóxeáestséóémėse, "Tósa'e nȧhtsėhe'póotse,"néohkėhešėtanómėse; nómonėhe'še, venáhe'póotse! Sacred Powers, you (pl) go around listening, "Somewhere I will get a smoke," you (pl) are thinking; come on now, smoke! That was said while presenting a pipe to the Sacred Powers of the four directions. Plural ma'heono; IndepNoun Ma'hēō'o. Category: sacred.
-ma'heónatamaahe vai. holy appearance, appear holy. É-ma'heónatamaahe. He has a holy appearance. fai: -átamaahe. Category: appearance.
-ma'heónátsestá vti. regard s.t. as sacred. É-ma'heónátsésta. He regards it as sacred. Category: sacred, cognition.
ma'heóne- pv. holy, sacred, spiritual, mysterious. This word seems to refer more to the character of the object rather than of his/its activities. For example, a man might be called a ma'heónė-hetane, 'holy-man', because he is considered to be holy or sacred, like a medicine man. It is secondary that he would do holy activities. (?? Category: sacred.
Ma'heóneámėhné'e na. Medicine Walking Woman. Category: names.
Ma'heóneameōhtse na. Holy Walker, Medicine Walker. Category: names.
Ma'heóneámeohtsé'e na. Holy Walking Woman. Ques: Ma'heóneámeohtsé'e or Ma'heóneameohtsé'e?? Category: check, names.
-ma'heóneaná vai. eat sacred, eat ceremonially. É-ma'heóneāna. He is eating ceremonially. fai: -aná. Category: eat, sacred.
-ma'heóneéestse vai. preach. Lit: holy-speak É-ma'heóneéestse. He is preaching. Éto'se-ma'heóneéestseo'o. There is going to be a church service. See: ma'heónevé'ho'e; -éestse. Category: speak.
ma'heóneéestséhetane na. preacher, prophet. Lit: holy-speaking-man See: ma'heónevé'ho'e. Category: sacred.
Ma'heóneéestsé'e na. Holy Speaking Woman. Category: names.
ma'heóneéestsémȧheón ni. church building. Lit: holy-speaking-house See: ma'heóneve'ho'éno; e'óestáahemano'ȧhestȯtse. Category: church.
ma'heóneéestséve'ho'e na. preacher, pastor, minister, priest. Lit: holy-speaking-ve'ho'e possibly used for 'priest' also. See: ma'heónevé'ho'e. Category: church.
ma'heóneéestséve'ho'éve vai. preacher. Category: church.
Ma'heóneéšeēva obl. on Sunday, one week ago. Lit: holy-day-OBL Variant: Ma'xema'heóneéšeēva ‘Big Holy Day’; Oklahoma Dialect Énema'heóneéšeēva. See: -amėstȯheéno'e. Category: time.
-ma'heóneéšeeve vii. holy day, Sunday. É-ma'heóneéšeeve. It is the holy day. refers to Sunday, for Cheyennes. Category: time.
-ma'heóneéšeévėhané vai. celebrate big. É-ma'heóneéšeévėhaneo'o. They are having a big celebration. Lit: holy-day-doing Usage: obsolescing
Ma'heóneévé'hȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Medicine Flying. Category: names.
Ma'heóneévo'ha na. Medicine Horse. Category: names.
Ma'heóneévo'sóó'e na. Medicine Playing Woman. Category: names.
-ma'heóneéxo'eétahe vai. do a miracle, accomplish something spiritual. É-ma'heóneéxo'eétahe. He did a miracle. See: éxo'eétahe. Category: sacred.
ma'heóneéxo'eétȧhestȯtse vai. miracle. Lit: sacred-accomplishment Oblique ma'heóneéxo'eétȧhéstóva. Category: sacred.
-ma'heónėhame na. Gram: poss god, sacred power (poss.) Usage: probably less common than -ma'heóname Variant: -ma'heóname. Category: sacred.
ma'heónėhe'ohko na. medicine pipe. Category: smoke.
Ma'heónėhé'po na. sacred smoke. Category: check.
ma'heónėhéstánóva obl. kingdom of God, God's sphere, God's people, holy city. Category: sacred.
ma'heónėhetane na. holy man, shaman, medicine man. for example, the Arrow priest. See: hetane ‘man’. Category: sacred, ceremonial.
-ma'heónėhetaneve vai. holy man - be a. É-ma'heónėhetaneve. He is a holy man. Category: sacred.
Ma'heónėhóéhné'e na. Medicine Comes Out Woman. Category: names.
Ma'heónėho'ėhné'e na. Holy Comes Woman. Category: names.
Ma'heónėho'honáá'e na. Medicine Rock. Ques: recheck if this is a Cheyenne name?? See: ho'honáá'e; Kȧhó'séó'o. Category: check, names.
Ma'heónėhoo'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Holy Sitting. Category: names.
ma'heónėhóo'xeváhe na. prophet. Lit: holy-crier Category: new, church.
ma'heónėhósėstoo'o ni. holy news, gospel. Usage: post-missionary term See: pȧhávėhósėstoo'opȧhávėhósėstoo'o. Category: church.
ma'heónėhotsē'o na. angel. Lit: holy-worker Plural ma'heónėhotse'ono. Category: church, new.
ma'heónėhóva na. mysterious beast. a kind of monster. See: hōva ‘animal’. Category: monsters.
Ma'heónekȧhamaxe ni. Sacred Wood, Eagle Chief Creek. This is a tributary of the Cimarron River that enters from the north, called Eagle Chief Creek in English. See: kȧhamaxe. Category: rivers.
ma'heóneka'ėškóne na. sacred child. véhoneka'ėškóneho and ma'heóneka'ėškóneho were traditionally treated in a special way. Often they were not expected to do work as other children were. See: véhoneka'ėškóne. Category: sacred.
-ma'heóneka'ėškóneve vai. be a sacred child. É-ma'heóneka'ėškónėheve. He is a sacred child. Né-ma'heóneka'ėškónėheve. You are a sacred child. Category: check.
ma'heónekóhkonȯhēō'o ni. communion bread, Eucharist bread. Lit: holy-bread See: kóhkonȯhēō'o ‘bread’.
-ma'heónekóhkonȯheonéve'haná vai. take Communion; take Eucharist; take the Lord's Supper. É-ma'heónekóhkonȯheonéve'hāna. He took Communion. See: -xo'ome; -hetomóosanéve'haná. Lit: holy-bread-eat Category: church.
ma'heónemaahe ni. sacred arrow. See: maahe. Category: ceremonial.
Ma'heónemahpe ni. Sacred Water, Medicine Water. This is the natural mineral hot springs at Thermopolis, Wyoming. Category: sacred.
Ma'heónemȧhta'sóoma na. Holy Spirit. Usage: post-missionary term Obviative Ma'heónemȧhta'sóomaho; Oblique Ma'heónemȧhta'sóomȧhēva. See: mȧhta'sóoma; Ma'heóneómotome. Category: sacred.
ma'heónemáhtáme ni. spiritual food. new word. See: máhtáme ‘food’. Category: food, sacred.
Ma'heónema'óhkeená'e na. Holy Tassel Woman. Category: names.
ma'heónemȧsėhao'o na. ISIS, religious fanatics. Lit: holy-crazies Category: sacred.
-ma'heóneméa'xe vai. sacred smell, smell sacred. for example, a smell of sage or cedar from using them ceremonially. É-ma'heóneméa'xe. He has a sacred smell. Category: sing.
ma'heónemehe na. sacred buffalo cow. See: méhe. Category: animals, sacred.
Ma'heónemé'eohtsé'e na. Holy Appearing Woman. Category: names.
ma'heónemȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. Bible. Lit: holy-book Contracted Ma'heónȯxe'ėstoo'o. See: pȧhávėhósėstoo'o. Category: church.
Ma'heónenáhkohe na. Medicine Bear. See: Náhkȯhma'hēō'o. Category: names.
Ma'heónenémené'e na. Holy Singing Woman. Ques: Margaret Brady; Némené'e for short Category: names.
ma'heónenémeo'ȯtse ni. spiritual song, sacred song. This kind of song is sung by Cheyenne Christians, whereas ma'heónenootȯtse is used for traditional religion sacred songs, such as songs of the medicine men. ?? Plural ma'heónenémeotȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. See: ma'heónenoo'ȯtse. Category: check, sing.
-ma'heónenoné vai. sing sacred songs. É-ma'heónenōne. He is singing sacred songs. Category: sing.
-ma'heónenonee'e vai. sit singing sacred songs. É-ma'heónenonee'e. He is sitting singing sacred songs. fai: -noné. Category: sit, sing.
ma'heónenoo'ȯtse ni. sacred song, spiritual song, ceremonial song. These are sung for traditional religion ceremonies. Plural ma'heónenootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. See: ma'heónenémeo'ȯtse. Category: sing, ceremonial, check.
ma'heónenótaxe na. Christian. Lit: spiritual-warrior Plural ma'heónenótȧxeo'o. See: E'óoestaáhe. Category: church.
ma'heónenótȧxévestȯtse ni. Christians, church. Lit: holy-society Oblique ma'heónenótȧxévėstóva. See: E'óoestaáhestȯtse. Category: sacred.
ma'heóneome ni. sacred tent, sacred lodge. where the Sacred Arrows are kept; also used in post-missionary period for the Jewish Tabernacle. Category: lodges.
Ma'heóneómotome na. Holy Spirit. Lit: lit. holy-breath/air Usage: seems to be a new word created by missionary Petter; probably not extant today See: Ma'heónemȧhta'sóoma. Category: sacred, new.
Ma'heóneóó'e na. Holy Standing Woman. Category: names.
-ma'heónėstanove vai. live a sacred life. É-ma'heónėstanove. He lives a sacred life. Tsitsistas é-ma'heónėstanoveo'o. Cheyennes live a holy life / they are a spiritual people. John Stands In Timber used to say that. fai: -éstánové. Category: live, sacred.
-ma'heónėstóné vai. sacred - make something. É-ma'heónėstóne. He made something in a sacred way. [1987:107] See: -oestóné; ma'heónėstoo'o; -ma'heónėstóonané; -tšėhešėtóné. Category: ceremonial.
ma'heónėstónestȯtse ni. sacred ceremony, sacred thing. Plural ma'heónėstónėstotȯtse. Category: ceremonial.
ma'heónėstoo'o na. idol, godlike thing. See: vonȧhé'xa'e; ma'heónėstóné; -ma'heóname. Phon: vs Plural ma'heónėstoono; Obviative ma'heónėstoono.
-ma'heónėstóonané vai. miracle perform. É-ma'heónėstóonāne. He did a miracle. See: -ma'heónėstóné; -ma'heóno'eétahe; -éxo'eétahe.
-ma'heónėstȯxe'é vai. sacred writings on face, painted sacred. É-ma'heónėstȯxé'e. He has sacred writings on his face. Category: face, ceremonial.
-ma'heónetanó vai. think in a sacred way, think spiritually, follow traditional Indian religion. É-ma'heónetāno. He is thinking in a sacred way. Mótaohkeée=tā'se = mométsėstóvo'eéhahtsėhéhetséstaéeto'senėheše-ma'heónetanȯse. (A person) goes through much difficulty when he comes to that (traditional Cheyenne) sacred way of thinking. (1987:210). Énėx=héovȧtse=hešema'heónetanoo'o, -ma'heóno'eétȧheo'o They thought in various religious ways, -- did religious ceremonies. (1987:115). See: -ma'heóno'eétahe; -ma'heóneve. Category: sacred.
ma'heóneva na. Gram: obv God, god, sacred spirit. Usage: probably more recent obviative than ma'heono Singular ma'hēō'o. Category: sacred.
-ma'heóneve vii. sacred - be. É-ma'heónévénėstse Maahótse. The Arrows are sacred.
vai. be sacred, have sacred powers. É-ma'heóneve. He/It is sacred. See: -momȧhtahe. Category: sacred.
Ma'heónevéhaohe na. Holy Calling?? Category: names, check.
Ma'heóneve'haestse na. Holy Calling. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
Ma'heóneve'hahe na. Holy Calling. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
ma'heónevé'ho'á'e na. preacher's wife, Christian woman, nun. Lit: holy white woman Usage: can be used for a Cheyenne Christian woman, sometimes pejoratively Plural ma'heónevé'ho'á'eo'o. Category: church.
ma'heónevé'ho'e na. pastor, minister, priest, preacher, Christian. (another recording) Plural ma'heónevé'hó'e. Usage: sometimes used pejoratively for 'Christian', especially for a Cheyenne Christian See: e'óoestaáhe; ma'heóneéestséve'ho'e; ma'heóneéestséhetane. Category: church.
ma'heónevé'ho'éno ni. church property, church grounds. Lit: holy-place See: ma'heóneéestsémȧhéó'o. Category: church.
-ma'heónevé'ho'eve vai. holy whiteman - be a, Christian - be a. É-ma'heónevé'ho'eve. He is a holy whiteman/Christian.
-ma'heónevé'ho'évėsané vai. wear minister's clothes, wear priest's clothes. É-ma'heónevé'ho'évėsáne. He is wearing the clothes of a minister/priest. fai: -sané2. Category: dress, church.
Ma'heónevé'késo na. Medicine Bird. See: Vé'késȯhma'heónevėstse. Category: names.
Ma'heónevé'šeesēō'o na. Holy Medicine Bag. Category: names.
ma'heónevestȯtse ni. godliness. Oblique ma'heónévėstóva. Category: sacred.
-ma'heóneveto vii. sacred. É-ma'heónévéto. It is magic. Móh-ma'heónevetȯhanetséhe. It was magic. [Bear Tepee:94] See: -ma'heóneve ‘be sacred’. Category: sacred.
ma'heónevo'ėstane na. ceremonial person. Plural ma'heónevo'ėstaneo'o. See: vo'ėstane ‘person’. Category: ceremonial.
ma'heónevo'ėstanéhevestȯtse ni. ceremonial. Lit: sacred-live-NOM Éohkeéetotóxėstánóvo he-ma'heónevo'ėstanéhévėstóvévo. They would talk about their ceremonials. (1987:114). See: -ma'heóno'eétahe. Category: ceremonial.
-ma'heónevo'ót vta. call s.o. holy. É-ma'heónevo'oto. He is calling him holy. É-ma'heónevo'ótóho. He is calling him holy. (newer pronunciation). Né-ma'heónevo'otȧtse. I'm calling you holy. Category: interpersonal, speak, sacred.
-ma'heónevoo'e vai. sit in a sacred way. É-ma'heónevoo'e. He is sitting sacred.?? fai: -oe. Category: sit, sacred, check.
Ma'heónevoo'e na. Medicine Sitting. Variant: Ma'héonévoo'e. Crazy Mule's Indian name. one of Dull Knife's sons had this name. Category: names.
Ma'heónėxo'éstaenėstse vai. Gram: ppl Christ. Usage: loan translation from Greek via Petter; not used today Lit: holy-anointed.one Variant: Ma'heónȯxo'éstaánaa'ėstse. See: -xo'éstáá'e; Vo'ėstanévėstómanéhe. Category: sacred.
ma'heono na. Gram: pl Gram: obv sacred powers. Ma'heono évéeo'o. The spirits are camped (all around us). It has been claimed by some Cheyennes that this is the older "more Indian" term, compared to ma'hēō'o. Also, in terms of the obviative, this is older than Ma'heóneva which is the preferred obviative by many speakers, especially Christians, today. Vocative ma'heónasėstse; Singular ma'hēō'o. Some of the sacred powers are: nonóma'e 'thunderbird, thunder god'; ho'hamé'etane'spring (of water) god'; háa'hávėháne 'wind spirit'; and hevovetāso 'whirlwind (or tornado) spirit'. The badger, ma'háhko'e, is an important spirit with whom food, drink, and smokes should be shared. If these things are shared with him, the badger will, in turn, be merciful to the sharer, and continue to provide him with necessary sustenance. An important name for the badger spirit is Ma'háhko'e Ȯhtanevóósánėstse 'Badger Who Sees All'. The nésemóono are sacred powers that can assist their "owners". Category: sacred.
-ma'heónȯhomó'he vai. dance a sacred dance. É-ma'heónȯhomo'he. He is dancing a sacred dance. Initial ma'heón-; fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
ma'heónȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. sacred ceremonial dance. Category: dance.
Ma'heónȯhvó'komaestse vai. Gram: ppl White Bull. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: Hotóá'ȯhvó'komaestse ‘White Bull’. Category: names.
-ma'heónó'ané vai. speak sacred language, sacred speak. É-ma'heónó'áne. He is speaking the sacred language. fai: -ó'ané. See: -momȧhtȧhévó'ané. Category: ceremonial, sacred.
-ma'heóno'eétahe vai. do something sacred, sacred - do something, perform a sacred ceremony, perform magic, perform miracles; miracle - do a. can also be said of a magician. É-ma'heóno'eétahe. He did something ceremonial. tsé-ma'heóno'eétȧhese those who performed the ceremony. [1987:95] Má'ome tséxheševéese tsé'ȯhke-ma'heóno'eétaestse. Ice, as he was named, who used to do miracles. [1987:107] fai: -o'eétahe. See: -ovávo'eétahe; -éxo'eétahe. Category: do, sacred, ceremonial.
ma'heóno'eétȧhétane na. juggler, wizard, magician. Category: jobs.
-ma'heóno'eétȧhé-tšėhešėtanó vai. think to do something sacred. É-ma'heóno'eétȧhétšėhešėtāno. He is thinking to do something sacred. Category: sacred, do.
ma'heóno'eétȧhéve'ho'e na. magician. Lit: sacred-doing-ve'ho'e Plural ma'heóno'eétȧhévé'hó'e. Category: jobs.
Ma'heóno'honē'e na. Holy Tepee Circle Woman. See: Ma'heóno'ȯhnē'e. Category: names.
Ma'heóno'ȯhnē'e na. Medicine Shinny Woman. See: no'ȯhēō'o; Ma'heóno'honē'e. Category: names.
Ma'heóno'sóéhe na. Holy Dancer, Medicine Dancer. Category: check, names.
-ma'heóno'soo'e vai. dance a sacred dance, sacred dance. É-ma'heóno'soo'e.?? He danced a sacred dance. See: Ma'heóno'sóó'e; -ho'soo'e. Category: dance, check.
Ma'heóno'sóó'e na. Holy Dancer Woman, Medicine Dancer Woman. Category: names.
Ma'heóno'xé'e na. Holy Packs Woman. Albert Foote's wife. Category: names.
Ma'heónoo'e na. Holy Sitting Woman. Ques: recheck penultimate pitch?? Category: names, check.
Ma'heónoó'kȯhtá'e na. Holy Corn Woman. See: hoo'kȯhtse. Variant: Ma'heónoó'ȯhtá'e. Category: names.
Ma'heónoó'ȯhtá'e na. Holy Corn Woman, Medicine Corn Woman. Variant: Ma'heónoó'kȯhtá'e. See: hoo'kȯhtse. Category: names.
Ma'heónoomá'e na. Holy Robe Woman. See: hóoma ‘robe, blanket’. Category: names.
ma'heónȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. Bible. Lit: sacred-book Non-contracted: ma'heónemȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: paper, church.
Ma'heónȯxo'éstaánaa'ėstse vai. Christ. Category: church. Usage: missionary term Lit: one anointed by God Variant: Ma'heónėxo'éstaenėstse.
ma'(k)- i. red. See: ma'-.
ma'kaata ni. money, metal, coin, wire. The /k/ probably indicates a dim. Etym: *mexkwepeθekwi (P). Variant: ma'aata; Plural ma'kaatānėstse, (another recording of the plural). The plural typically means 'coins' or 'dollars.'. Obviative ma'kaataēva; Possessive -ma'kaataame. Phon: It is difficult to hear whether this word is spelled ma'kaata or ma'kaeta. Some speakers seem to pronounce it as ma'kaata. But we seem to hear ma'kaata in the following recording of the Squint Eyes text.?? Ma'kaata é'évėhatsénėse. ?? A wire was lying there. heóvema'kaeta brass (literally, yellow-metal). ma'ema'kaeta copper (lit. red-metal) copper (literally, red-metal). noho ma'kaetānėstse $5 (literally, 5 monies). Category: money, check.
ma'kaata tsé'oome vii. telegraph. Lit: metal (that is, telegraph key) which.is-struck See: hóhta'hané-ma'kaata.
-ma'kaataema vai. have money. É-ma'kaataema. He has money. Naa éohkėhoháe-ma'kaataema hestse'emo. And his wife always has a lot of money. [Little Bear and Black Deer.059] Category: money.
ma'kaataémȧhéó'o ni. bank. Lit: money-house (another recording) Category: buildings.
-ma'kaatáeme ni. Gram: poss money (poss.) Phon: iah na-ma'kaatáeme my money. he-ma'kaatáeme his money. he-ma'kaataemēvo their money. IndepNoun ma'kaeta. Phon: iah Category: money.
ma'kaataemȯhenėšēmo ni. credit card, debit card. Lit: money-card Ques: recheck meaning?? Category: check, new, money.
ma'kaataemȯxe'ėstóove'ho'seo'o ni. ATM. Lit: money-paper-container Category: new, money.
ma'kaataéve'ho'e na. treasurer, banker. Lit: money-ve'ho'e Plural ma'kaataévé'hó'e. Category: money.
ma'kaataéve'ho'seško ni. coin purse. See: vé'ho'seško. Category: containers.
ma'kaataevé'késo na. hummingbird. Lit: metal-bird Variant: ma'kaataevé'kése; Plural ma'kaataevé'kėseho; Obviative ma'kaataevé'kėseho. Category: birds.
-ma'kaataévėstóné vai. make of metal. É-ma'kaataévėstóné. He makes (something) of metal. Final -óné. Category: handcraft.
-ma'kaataévėstóonaóó'e vai. stand as metal. É-ma'kaataévėstóonaóó'e. He stands as a metal (statue). tsé-ma'kaataévėstóonaóéstse statue (one which stands as a metal representation?) Phon: vs Final -óé2. See: -ho'honáevėstóonaóó'e.
Ma'kaataévonené'héhe na. Iron Teeth Woman. BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: names.
ma'kaataévȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. check, paper money. See: mȯxe'ėstóonéma'kaata. Category: paper.
ma'kaatohko ni. bucket. Lit: metal-container See: ma'aatohko; ma'aataetohko. Category: containers.
ma'kaatohko ni. bucket. Lit: metal-container See: ma'aatohko; ma'aataetohko. Category: containers.
-ma'kasé vai. show (pregnancy) a little, red stomach. É-ma'kāse. She is showing a little. Ques: recheck glosses?? BodyPartMedial -asé; Antonym -tȧhpe'kasé. See: -ma'kȧséotse; -tȧhpetáohtsé. Category: body, check.
Má'kȧsé'e na. Big Belly Woman. See: Má'kėsé'héhe. Category: names.
Má'kȧsé'héhe na. Big Belly Woman, Red Berries Cactus Woman. translation uncertain. Ques: Má'kėsé'héhe ?? Category: check. See: Má'kȧsé'e. Category: names.
-ma'kȧséotse vai. 1 • hung over at the belly - become.
2 • fat - become. É-ma'kȧséotse. He has gotten fat. Náase-ma'kȧséotse. I'm starting to get fat. BodyPartMedial -asé. Usage: humorous; said to be an old word See: -ma'kasé. Category: body.
ma'kėháhnóváso na. Gram: pl 1 • cockleburs, burs. term for both the plant and the reddish burs from the plant. É-mȧhoe'tó'tóó'e ma'kėháhnóváso. He has burs stuck all over him. See: háhnóváso. Category: plants.
2 • boyfriends. É-pȧhoeotsé'tóó'e ma'kėháhnovaso. She has lots of boyfriends (lit. cockleburs are stuck to her). Category: figurative, romance.
ma'kėháhovahne na. mudhen; coot. See: xȧhkema; ma'kėhane; mȧhkema. Plural ma'kėháhováhneo'o. Category: birds.
ma'kėháne na. mudhen. probably less commonly used than other possible terms here for 'mudhen'. See: xȧhkema; mȧhkema; ma'kėháhovahne ??. Category: check, birds.
Ma'kėháne'e na. Red Nape, Red Neck. Lit: red-nape Typically translated as Red Neck. Variant: Ma'ėháne'e. See: Ma'enotováhe. Category: names.
ma'kėhestaahtsémeno na. Gram: pl red berries (similar to rose hips) which grow on tall bushes. only eat the top part; you get an itchy rectum if you eat the seeds. Category: berries.
-ma'kėho'tá vii. red from heat. É-ma'kėhō'ta. It is red from heat (or sun). See: -ma'ėho'tá. Category: temperature.
Má'kėhoomáhe na. Red Robe. See: Má'ėhoomáhe. Category: names.
ma'kema'kaata ni. penny. Lit: red-metal Variant: ma'ema'kaata. See: ma'ema'kaata ‘copper’. Category: money.
Má'keme na. (man's name). Category: names.
ma'kemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl buffalo berries, bull berries, sumac. Lit: red-berries (another recording) Etym: **meskwiminali. Usage: rare as singular Singular ma'kemene. Etym: **meskwimini. Variant: ma'emenȯtse. See: no'aneonō'e. Category: berries, names.
Ma'keméóná'e na. Red Road Woman. Category: names.
Ma'kénéhe na. Red Faced. name given to a German man. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: Ma'énéhá'e. Category: names.
ma'kėse- pv. forward. É-ma'kėseavā'o I fell forward. See: hanȯse-; maato.
-ma'kėseóó'e vai. stooped over, stand stooped over. Variant: -ma'ėseóó'e. É-ma'kėseóó'e. He is standing stooped over. É-ma'kėseóeo'o. They are standing stooped over. fai: -óé. Category: stand.
-ma'kėsešé vai. lie face down. É-ma'kėsēše. He is lying face down. Category: lie.
-ma'kėsevo'oh(n) vta. tip s.o. forward. É-ma'kėsevo'ȯhnóho. He tipped him forward. Category: move.
má'kėsoestse na. boy. endearing term. Usage: od Ques: Do some people say mó'kėsóéstse?? Category: check. See: ka'kóéso; ketaahe; ma'kō'se. Category: ages.
ma'(k)es(t)- i. forward. É-ma'kėstahe. He is bent over. É-ma'kėstō'ta. It is leaning forward.
ma'kēsta ni. Gram: poss vagina. Variant: ma'ēsta; Stem -'kestá2; Possessive -htse'kestá; BodyPartMedial -ahá. See: ma'kestsėstse ‘stake’. Category: body, vulgar, sex.
-ma'kėstahe vai. bent over. É-ma'kėstahe. He is bent over. See: -ávoése.
-ma'kėsta'ee'e vai. sit hanging head down. for example, in shame. É-ma'kėsta'ee'e. He sat hanging his head down. Phon: vs Variant: -ma'ėsta'ee'e; BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -á'kava'ee'e; -káva'ee'e; -hósėstsé'ee'e. Category: head, emotions.
-ma'kėsta'éoeotse vai. put head down. É-ma'kėsta'éoeotse. He lowered his head. Éxaetšėhe'kema'xeanȯhe-ma'kėsta'éoeotse. He slowly put his head down. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: motion, head.
-ma'kėsta'éoešem vta. bow down to s.o. É-ma'kėsta'éoešemóho. He bowed down to him. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: interpersonal.
-ma'kėsta'éohtsé vai. walk with head down. É-ma'kėsta'éóhtse. He is walking with his head down. BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: walk.
-má'kėsta'éotse vai. lower.head.become. É-má'kėsta'éotse. He lowered his head. ?? Category: check.
-ma'kėsta'ó vai. fall forward, trip forward. É-ma'kėstā'o. He fell forward. Usage: This form is probably more commonly used than -ma'ėsta'ó. Variant: -ma'ėsta'ó. See: -hanȯhta'ó. Category: motion, fall.
-ma'kėsto'tá vii. lean forward. É-ma'kėstō'ta. It is leaning forward. for example, of the front of a house that leaning down. Category: sit inan.
-ma'kėsto'tsé vti. put s.t. leaning forward. É-ma'kėstō'tse. He put it leaning forward. fti: -o'tsé; Variant: -ma'ėsto'tsé. Category: put.
-ma'kėstoo'e vai. sit leaning forward. É-ma'kėstoo'e. He is sitting leaning forward. fai: -oe. Category: sit.
ma'kestsėstse ni. tepee stake, tent stake, stake, peg. Plural ma'késtsetȯtse; Oblique ma'késtsétséva. Morph: /ma'kéhtet/. Usage: pronunciation, especially of the singular, sometimes avoided due to similarity in sound to ma'kesta 'vagina' See: ma'kēsta ‘vagina’. Category: vulgar, tepee.
-ma'kėšešé vai. lie forward, lie bent over. É-ma'kėšéše. He is lying forward. Ques: lie face down See: -éva'ešé. Category: lie.
Ma'keve'ėse na. Red Bird. oms: Ma'tševe'ėse. Category: names.
Ma'kȯheomenéhe na. Little Lodge. Category: names.
Ma'kȯhóóhe na. (man's name). Simplified Spelling Ma'koohe. Category: names.
ma'ko'keha ni. red shoe. Plural ma'ko'kėhanȯtse. See: mo'keha.
ma'ko'sá'e 1 • na. youngest girl child.
2 • pn. Youngest Girl Child. Masculine ma'kō'se. Category: ages, names.
ma'kō'se na. youngest.child.male. sometimes thought to have sacred powers, as described in some Cheyenne legends; often believed to be smart, wise, since he can get the accumulated knowledge of his older siblings. Obviative ma'ko'séhneva; Feminine ma'ko'sá'e; Simplified Spelling makos, makus. See: má'kėsoestse. Category: people, ages, family.
-má'ko'seo'o ni. Gram: poss clitoris. he-má'ko'seo'o her clitoris. he-má'ko'seonevo their clitoris(es?) Usage: Usage status is uncertain. Possibly only spoken by a single individual. See: -má'ooseo'o(??. Category: check, body, vulgar.
Ma'koohe na. (man's name). Precise Spelling Ma'kȯhóóhe. Category: names.
ma'kóoheváhestȯtse ni. nail polish. Lit: red-nails-thing BodyPartMedial -óohevá. Category: groom.
-ma'kóome vii. be red liquid. É-ma'kóome. It is red liquid. tsé-ma'kóome that which is red liquid (that is, alcohol). [1987:12] Variant: -ma'óome; Final -óome. Category: liquid.
ma'kóomeehēso na. kinnikinnic. a mixture of dried leaves, bark, and sometimes tobacco smoked by Indians and pioneers. This pipe mixture is used as part of general Sun Dance equipment. Grinnell (1906) says this is actually a small dogwood. Plural ma'kóomeehesono; Obviative ma'kóomeehesono. Category: smoke, Sun Dance.
Ma'kóomeehesóneo'hé'e ni. Red Willow Creek. Category: rivers.
ma'ma'e p. owie. Usage: baby talk
Ma'méhá'e na. Red Woman. Category: names.
ma'nóma'he na. Gram: pl salmon. Lit: red-fish Etym: *meçkwame·kwa. Plural ma'nomá'ne. Phon: iah Variant: ma'enóma'he. Category: fish.
-ma'o vii. red. É-má'o. It is red. Ésáa-ma'óhane. It is not red. É-ma'ónėstse. They (inanimate) are red. Ma'e é-má'o. Blood is red. Etym: *meçkwe·wi (P); *meskwe·wi/meskwa·wi. vai: -ma'eta. Category: colors.
-ma'oestá vai. wear a red dress. É-ma'oēsta. She is wearing a red dress. fai: -oestá. See: -heóvoestá. Category: clothing, colors.
Ma'oestá'e na. Red Dress Woman. Category: names.
ma'óhkee'e ni. tassel, plume, scalplock. originally referred to tassels of corn but extended to plumes worn for powwow dancing. Plural ma'óhkeenȯtse. Phon: vs See: -ee'e ‘feather ; quill’; a'ké'háso; voto; hoo'kȯhtse; Ma'óhkeená'e. Category: plants.
Ma'óhkééná'e na. Red Tassel Woman, Red Feather Woman, Red Rust Woman, Corn Silk Woman. (another recording) This is an old name that is difficult to translate; sometimes translated as Red Rust Woman or Corn Silk Woman. See: Náhkȯhema'óhkééna'e ‘Bear Plume Woman’; Vé'kėséhema'óhkééná'e ‘Bird Red Feather Woman’. Category: names.
-ma'óhkeenétó vii. tassel (verb). É-ma'óhkeenéto. It (especially, corn) is tasseled. Nȧhtoó'kȯhtamȯtse ééšėhe-ma'óhkeenétónėstse. My corn has tasseled out. Ques: include he- ?? Category: farm, check.
-ma'ȯhkėha'á vai. wear a red hat. Éh-ma'ȯhtšėha'asėstse. He wore a red cap. [JOURNEY.TXT] That pronunciation has old male palatalization of tš instead of k.
Ma'óhkėha'e na. Red Hat. Category: names.
Ma'óhkėha'éhe na. Red Hat. Category: names.
-ma'ȯhtȧheve vii. red-colored. É-ma'ȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inanimate) are red-colored.
vai. red-colored. É-ma'ȯhtȧheve. He/It is red-colored. É-ma'ȯhtȧhéveo'o. They (animate) are red-colored. Category: colors.
ma'ȯhtšėha'a vai. wear a red cap. Éh-ma'ȯhtšėha'asėstse. He wore a red cap. [The Journey.269] Ques: ma'óh?? Category: check.
ma'ō'ėstse ni. Gram: pl prairie grass. Lit: red-grasses Category: plants.
Ma'ó'hamó'séó'o ni. Red Willow Basket. Usage: obsolete See: hó'hamó'séó'o. Category: handcraft, names.
ma'o'honáá'e na. brick, red rock. Etym: *meçkwaɁsenya. The plural is used to refer to red shale: Plural ma'o'honáeo'o ‘red shale’.
ma'o'honáeo'o na. Gram: pl red shale. Lit: red-rocks Singular ma'o'honáá'e ‘brick ; red rock’. Category: environment.
-ma'o'kėhaná vai. wear red shoes. É-ma'o'kėhāna. He has on red shoes. Etym: *meçkwaxkesene·wa. Medial -o'kėhaná. Category: shoes.
Ma'ó'kéné'e na. Red Blind Eye Woman. Category: names.
Ma'o'néhe na. Red Wolf. Variant: Ma'ėhó'nehe. See: hó'nehe. Category: names.
-ma'o'ȯhtávose vai. ?? É-ma'o'ȯhtávose. ?? Category: check.
-ma'o'omené vai. red.hill.be. tséh-ma'o'omēne where there is a red hill. [Early Days at the Tongue River Boarding School.006] Final -o'omené; Variant: -ma'o'omenó. Category: places.
-ma'o'omenó vii. be a red hill. É-ma'o'omēno. It is a red hill. tséh-ma'o'omēno where that (high) red hill is. [1987:190] Variant: -ma'o'omene. That variant is said by a minority of (probably younger) speakers. Final -o'omenó.
-ma'o'tá vii. sit red. É-ma'ō'ta. It is sitting there red. Etym: *meçkwaɁte·wi. for example, of a red hill. Category: sit inan.
-ma'óma'ene vii. be red clay (color). É-ma'óma'ene. It is red clay (color). Etym: *meçkwa·mexkye·wi. 2 poles (used in Sun Dance lodge). Medial -óma'. Category: Sun Dance, colors.
ma'óma'ȯhtse ni. red earth. The first men were made from red earth. See: otá'tavóma'ȯhtse ‘blue earth’; vóhpoma'ȯhtse ‘salt’. Category: colors, environment.
-ma'óma'ȯhtsévó vii. pink. É-ma'óma'ȯhtsévo. It is pink. Usage: Pink is not a traditional Cheyenne color so speakers have suggested different words to it. This word may be more commonly said than -ma'evó'komó. Variant: -ma'evó'komó. See: -ma'ó ‘red’. Category: colors.
má'ome 1 • ni. ice. Oblique ma'omēva. Etym: *mexkwamya. Phon: iah See: -ohta2. Category: environment.
2 • na. Ice. Category: names.
ma'oméamėsévanóhtȯtse ni. ice skate. Plural ma'oméamėsévanóhtotȯtse; vai: -sévanó. Category: play.
ma'oméšešenȯheo'o ni. ice scraper. Lit: ice loosener Category: new. Ques: sounds like he says ma'oméšéšenȯheo'o ?? Category: check, car, tools.
Ma'ométane na. Eskimo. Lit: ice-person Plural Ma'ométaneo'o. See: Hesta'sévo'ėstane; Nomá'nȯhmévose. Category: check, tribes, new.
Ma'ométané'e na. Eskimo woman. Category: new. Lit: ice-person Plural Ma'ométané'eo'o. See: Hesta'sévo'ėstane; nóma'nemévoso ??. Category: check, tribes.
ma'omēva obl. on the ice. IndepNoun má'ome. Category: weather.
-ma'omeve vii. be icy. É-ma'omeve. It is icy/it is ice. Etym: *mexkwamiwiwi. Ésó'táve-ma'omeve totósa'e. It is still slightly icy here and there. Category: environment.
-ma'oméveotse vii. become frozen.
vai. become frozen. É-ma'oméveotse. It (or He) froze. See: -he'konose. Category: weather.
-ma'omévohtá vii. icy. for example, when sidewalks are icy. É-ma'omévóhta. It is icy/there is a layer of ice on top. Ques: It is sleet. ?? Category: check. Final -ohta. Category: environment.
-ma'omévoo'kohó vii. sleet. Lit: ice-snow É-ma'omévoo'kōho. It is sleeting. See: -nonó'a'hasené; -ao'ėšketónevééto. Category: weather.
ma'omé-votȧháéno ni. ice well. Usage: possible loan transl. from English
Ma'one'komónȧhaehéhe na. Red Buttons. Ques: recheck pronunciation; longer word is pronounced as heard?? Category: check. Ma'one'kōmo Red Buttons (shorter word, made up) ?? See: hone'kōmo ‘button’. Category: names, check.
Ma'oó'ȯhtá'e na. Red Corn Woman. See: hoo'kȯhtse; ma'óhkéé'e. Category: names.
Ma'óó'xénéhe na. Red Roman Nose. Category: names.
Ma'óo'xenévéno ni. Colony, Oklahoma. Category: places.
Ma'oomȧhtse na. Red Robe. Variant: Má'ėhoomáhe, Ma'kėhoomáhe. See: hóoma ‘robe, blanket’. Category: names.
ma'óomȧšé'šestȯtse ni. strawberry soda pop, catsup, catchup. Lit: red-liquid-drink-NOM Final -ase'še; Variant: tsé-ma'óome. See: -ma'kóome; henenéenȧhéno. Category: drink.
-ma'óome vii. red water, red liquid, strawberry soda pop, catsup. É-ma'óome. It is red liquid. Etym: *meckwa·kamyiwi. É'ȯhkexae-ma'óoménėse mahpe. The water got all bloody. [JOURNEY.TXT] tsé-ma'óome strawberry pop, catsup. Medial -óome. See: Ma'eóome; -ma'kóome; má'ome. Category: liquid.
Má'oome ni. Redwater, Red River (of the South). The Cheyenne name for the South Canadian River in Oklahoma. Medial -óome. See: Ma'eóome ‘Red Water’; -ma'óome ‘be red liquid’. Category: rivers.
ma'óomėhá'eonȯtse ni. Gram: pl wild Oklahoma tea (plants). Category: plants.
-ma'óóva vai. red welted, rash. É-ma'óóva. He has red welts. Medial -óová; Initial ma'-. Category: sickness.
-ma'ov vta. pretend to s.o. É-ma'ovóho. He pretended to him. fai: -mané. See: -mane; -nėhesémané.
-ma'ová vai. have red fur (or hide), be a roan (horse). É-ma'ōva. He is red furred (or has a red hide). for example, of a roan horse. Etym: *meçkwawe·wa. tsé-ma'ōvȧhtse the roan (horse; lit. the one which has red hide). BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: horses, colors.
ma'ováhe na. roan. Lit: red-furred-one See: -ma'ová. Category: horses.
Ma'ovésá'e na. Red Haired Woman. Category: names.
-ma'ovésé vai. red hair - have. É-ma'ovése. He has red hair. (another recording) BodyPartMedial -ovésé. See: me'ko ‘head, hair’. Category: hair.
Ma'ovéséhe na. Red Hair. Category: names, hair.
-ma'ȯxe'é vai. red-painted face. especially of dancer. É-ma'ȯxē'e. He is face-painted red. See: Ma'etomoná'e; -ma'évoéné. Category: dance, colors, face.
ma'pa'o ni. Gram: poss back (of body). See: -'pa'o; he'pa'o. Category: body.
ma'pa'oné-tȧxėhaseo'o ni. upper back bustle. See: -'pa'o. Category: dance.
má'se- i. exhaust.
pv. finish, exhaust, run out. É-má'semésehe. He finished eating. Ná-má'setsėhésenestse. I ran out of things to say in Cheyenne. Ná-má'sevé'ho'énestse. I ran out of something to say in English. Nééše-má'seéestsehe? Have you finished speaking? Etym: *me·ʔci. See: -má'tanené; vá'ȯse- ‘finish’.
-má'seaná vai. complete eating. É-má'seāna. He ate all of it. fai: -aná. Category: eat.
-má'sehá vii. worn thin. É-má'séha. It is worn thin. for example, of a knife after many years of sharpening. Final -ehá. Category: texture.
-má'sėho'tséehe vai. spend all money on gifts. especially about courting a woman by giving her money; can include giving money for sex (as with a prostitute). É-má'sėho'tséehe. He spent all his money. See: -ho'tséehe. Category: romance, money.
-má'se'haná vai. finish eating. É-má'se'hāna. He finished eating. Náéše-má'se'hāna. I have finished eating. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
-má'senó'e vai. finish sewing, sew - finish. É-má'senó'e. She finished sewing. fai: -nó'é. See: -hahpenó'e. Category: sew.
-má'seno'éoohe vai. complete killing quickly, kill all quickly. É-má'seno'éoohe. He killed all (of them) quickly. Etym: *me·Ɂtinaxkye·wa (P). fai: -no'é. See: -mȧheno'éoohe. Category: violence, death.
-má'sénóme vai. complete sleep. É-má'senome. He got enough sleep. Etym: *me·Ɂtenkwa·mwa (P). Ná-má'senome. I got enough sleep. Né-má'senomehe? Did you get enough sleep? Nééše-má'senomehe? Did you get enough sleep yet? Náéše-má'senome. I got enough sleep. Násáa-má'sénóméhe. I didn't get enough sleep. Hó'-má'sénóméto náohkeméové'kėséhevomóhtahe. When I get enough sleep I feel chirpy like birds in the morning. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-má'senot vta. kill all of s.o. only used of plural objects. É-má'senotóho. He killed all of them. Etym: *me·Ɂtinaθe·wa (P). Ná-má'senotoo'o. I killed them all. fta: -not. See: -mȧhenot; -mȧhešem. Category: violence.
má'senȯxévaen vta. kill all of s.o. quickly. Éhmȧhe-má'senȯxévaenóvȯsesto. They killed every one of them. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.090] fta: -évaen. See: -not ‘kill’. Category: violence.
-má'seohe vai. run down. for instance, of a windup watch. É-má'seohe. He ran down.
-má'seohtsé vii. exhaust, run out. É-má'seōhtse. It (or He) is exhausted. naa tsé'éva-má'seōhtse mahpe and when the water ceased. [1987:114]
vai. exhaust, run out. See: -o'hémeotse.
-má'seohtsetse hestse'e vai. have cirrhosis of the liver. É-má'seohtsetse hestse'e He has cirrhosis of the liver. Category: sickness. Lit: his liver is exhausted
-má'seóó'e vai. finish standing, complete standing. É-má'seóó'e. He finished standing. Category: stand.
-má'seotse vai. depleted.
vii. exhausted, depleted, run out. É-má'seotse It ran out. Etym: *me·ɁtiɁle·wa > **me·Ɂčipalyiwa (P/L). É-má'seotse pénȯheo'o. The flour has run out. Antonym -he'eotse. Category: quantity.
má'sėsóohtsé vai. finish urinating. É-má'sėsóóhtse. He finished urinating. fai: -só3. Category: body function.
-má'sešé vai. complete lying. É-má'séše. He has completed lying there. Etym: *me·Ɂtihšinwa. Assim: -má'šešé. Category: lie.
Má'sėškóovo'áhe na. He Runs Out of Toothpicks. Category: names.
-má'setsėhésenestse vai. exhaust speaking Cheyenne. É-má'setsėhésenestse. He ran out of things to say in Cheyenne. Category: speak, languages.
-má'sevé'ho'énestse vai. exhaust speaking English. that is, run out of things to say in English. É-má'sevé'ho'énestse. He ran out of things to say in English. Ná-má'sevé'ho'énestse. I ran out of things to say in English. Category: speak, languages.
-má'sevóe'ó vai. bleed out. É-má'sevóé'o. He bled out. ho'ēva tséhmá'sevóé'óvȯse when their blood flowed out to the ground. [Sand Creek Massacre.003] See: -óe'ó.
-má'šešé vai. complete lying; worn out from lying - be. Non-assimilated -má'sešé. É-má'šėšéne. They are worn out. This can be said of the tread on tires (animate). Phon: š-assim Category: lie.
-má't i. complete; finish; exhaust; all. É-má'tȯhtóva. He has sold everything. É-má'tȯhpeotse. It all melted. Ná-má'tȯxe'ėstóne. I have written everything (I had to write). See: má's-; má'se-; má'tanené.
ma'ta ni. bow. Náhkȯhema'ta Bearbow. a name. Usage: obsolescent ?? See: ma'tȧhke; ma'tšėške; ma'tāno. Etym: cf. *me'tekwi 'stick'. Category: check.
ma'táa'e 1 • ni. forest, timber, brush. Plural ma'taā'ėstse; Locative ma'taā'e. Phon: iah Etym: *meʔtekwaxkyi (P); cf. *meʔteko·ki ‘trees’. See: ma'tšėške; ma'tāno; mátȧhaa'e; hoohtsėstse ‘tree’; éstávóne ‘grove’. Phon: not vs Category: environment, trees.
2 • na. Forest. Category: names.
ma'taā'e loc. to the forest, in the forest. ni: ma'táa'e. Category: trees.
ma'taa'éhova na. forest animal. Category: new.
Ma'taa'é'e na. Forest Woman, Timber Woman. Category: names.
Ma'taa'éméóná'e na. Forest Road Woman. Category: names.
Ma'taa'éna'hané'e na. Kills In the Forest Woman. Category: names.
ma'taa'étane na. forest person. Plural ma'taa'étaneo'o. probably mythical type people that Cheyenne used to believe in ?? Category: check. A traditional song refers to these people: "Ma'taa'étaneo'o énéstonevánȯhtseo'o," éhenove. "The forest people are making noises with their footsteps," it is said.
-ma'taa'eve vii. be a forest. É-ma'taa'eve. It is a forest. Category: trees.
ma'taa'évo'omēē'e ni. wooded region, wooded area. fni: -o'omēē'e. Category: places.
Ma'táá'ȯhnéé'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Stands In Timber. Cheyenne name of the late Cheyenne tribal historian, John Stands In Timber, who co-authored the book "Cheyenne Memories." The current family name comes from him. It is sometimes shortened to "Timber" in English. Category: names.
Ma'táá'ȯhtsévéhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Walks Around Timber. Category: names.
ma'taame'xove vii. as time goes along in the future. Category: time.
ma'taamėstȯheéno'e vii. next week. fii: -éno'e2. Category: time.
ma'taetohko ni. metal dish. especially one made of tin. Etym: *meɁtekwila·kani (P). Non-contracted ma'taehetohko. See: hetóhko ‘bowl, dish’; ma'kaata ‘metal, money’. Category: containers.
-má'tȧhá'ené vai. complete cooking. É-má'tȧhá'éne. She completed cooking. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: cook.
ma'tȧhke ni. bow. See: ma'tšėške; ma'taā'e; Náhkȯhema'ta; ma'tāno. Usage: archaic
-má'tȧho'he vai. run out of gas. Lit: exhaust-by.heat É-má'tȧho'he. He ran out of gas. Etym: *me·ɁtehθaɁsowa (P). Ná-má'tȧho'he. I ran out of gas. Nééšėto'se-má'tȧho'hema. We (including you) almost ran out of gas.
-má'tȧho'hová vai. exhaust ammunition, run out of ammunition; exhaust fuel, run out of fuel, run out of firewood. É-má'tȧho'hōva. He ran out of fuel (for example, firewood). Etym: *me·ɁtehθaɁsa·we·wa (P). Ná-má'tȧho'hōva. I used up all my shells / gas / firewood. fai: -aho'hová. Category: car, hunt, fire.
-má'tȧho'tá vii. burn up. É-má'tȧhó'ta. It burned up. Etym: *me·ɁtehθaɁte·wi. Lit: exhaust-by.heat
-má'ta'ó'sané vai. finish hurriedly. É-má'ta'ó'sáne. He finished hurriedly. See: -má'tanené. Category: do.
-má'ta'ó'tsé vti. exhaust s.t. É-má'ta'ó'tse. He exhausted it / he ran out of it. See: -má'tanené. Category: do.
-má'tan vti. finish s.t. É-má'tána. He finished it.
vta. finish s.o. É-má'tanóho. He finished him. Etym: *me·Ɂtene·wa (P).
-má'tanené vai. finish. This is a less hurried completion of a task than -má'ta'ó'sané. É-má'tanēne. He finished. Etym: *me·Ɂtenike·wa (P). Náéšėto'se-má'tanēne. I'm almost finished. See: -má'ta'ó'sané ‘finish hurriedly’; -má'to'eétahe ‘finish doing something’. Category: do.
ma'tāno ni. bowstring. Simplified Spelling muh dun; Plural ma'tanónėstse. See: ma'tšėške; Héma'tanóohese; ho'tanono. Etym: *meʔtekwa·pye·li (pl) (Go88). Category: warfare, hunt.
-má'tȧše'še vai. finish drinking. É-má'tȧše'še. He finished drinking. Category: drink.
-má'tatová vii. fire run out of smoke. É-má'tatōva. The fire ran out of smoke / He quit.
vai. give up, quit. Category: figurative, fire.
-má'tatováotse vii. run out of smoke suddenly.
vai. give up suddenly, quit suddenly. É-má'tatováotse. The fire ran out of smoke suddenly / He gave up suddenly. See: -má'tatová. Category: figurative, fire.
ma'tavóonā'o vii. tomorrow. Lit: CJ-TRANS-morning See: -vóona'ó; mȧhvóonā'o. Category: time.
-má'toeme vii. end of the month - be the. É-má'toeme. It is the last day of the month. Etym: *me·Ɂtakimowa. Ééše-má'toeme. It is already the end of the month. See: -énoeme. Category: time.
-má'toése vai. finish hanging. É-má'toése. He finished hanging. Category: hang.
-má'tóéstá vti. finish s.t. (course of study), graduate s.t. especially of finishing high school. Ééše-má'tóésta. He has finished school. Etym: *me·Ɂtakintamwa (P). Category: school.
-má'toéstóné vai. graduate. Lit: finish-writing É-má'tóéstóne. He graduated. Tósa'e né-má'tóéstóne? Where did you graduate? Éoseepėhéva'e tséh-má'toéstoneto. It is really good that you finished school. That is, congratulations on graduating. Éoseepėhéva'e tséh-má'toéstonése. It is really good that you (plural) finished school. That is, congratulations on graduating. tséée-má'toéstonese graduates. Lit: those who have finished going to school fai: oéstóné. See: má'tóéstá. Category: school.
-má'tohá vti. exhaust s.t. by tool. É-má'tóha. He exhausted it by tool. Etym: *me·Ɂtahamwa. É-má'tȯhanȯtse hotseonȯtse. He got all the (hand game) sticks. Category: handgame.
-má'toh(n) vta. exhaust s.o. by tool. for example, break or chop s.o.; also used when beating s.o. in poker so they can't bid anymore, "cleaning them out". É-má'tȯhnóho. He finished him off. Etym: *me·Ɂtahwe·wa. See: -mató'oh(n); -má'to'eéh. Category: interpersonal, cards.
-má'tȯhomo'he vai. finish dancing. É-má'tȯhomo'he. He finished dancing. They finish dancing. Éohkeéše-má'tȯhomó'heo'o. They finish dancing. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-má'tȯhpeotse vii. completely melt, fizzle out. É-má'tȯhpeotse. It is all melted.
vai. fizzle out; quit. for example, of a person who throws his hands up and quits. See: -hóhpeotse. Category: liquid, temperature.
-má'tȯhta'hané vai. finish telling a story. É-má'tȯhta'hāne. He finished telling a story. Etym: *me·Ɂta·taɁlo·hke·wa. fai: -óhta'hané. Category: speak.
-má'tȯhtóvá vai. sell everything, trade everything, finish trading, buy everything, spend everything. É-má'tȯhtóva. He finished shopping. Etym: *me·Ɂtata·we·wa (P). Ná-má'tȯhtóva. I finished shopping. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -hohtóvá; -má'to'eéstsé. Category: money.
-má'tȯhtóvaoohe vai. spend everything quickly. Ná-má'tȯhtóvaoohe. I spent all my money shopping. fai: -ohtóvá. Category: money.
-má'to'a'xe vai. run out of energy. É-má'to'a'xe. He ran out of energy. See: -ná'tseotse.
-má'tó'ané vai. finish speaking, finish pronouncing. É-má'tó'áne. He finished speaking/he finished pronouncing. Né-má'to'anehe? Did you finish speaking/pronouncing? Ná-má'tó'áne. I finished speaking/pronouncing. for example, complete the sentence. Category: speak.
-má'to'asé vii. fire go out. É-má'to'āse. The fire went out. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-má'to'ȧséotse vii. fire go out, fire run out of wood. É-má'to'ȧséotse. The fire ran out of wood. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-má'to'eéh vta. exhaust s.o., finish with s.o. can refer to completing sex with s.o. É-má'to'eeho. He finished with him/her. É-má'to'eéhóho. He finished with him/her. (newer pronunciation). See: -áhano'eéh; -má'toh(n). Category: sex.
-má'to'eéstsé vti. spend all of s.t. É-má'to'eéstse. He spent all of it. See: -má'tȯhtóvá. Category: money.
-má'to'eétahe vai. finish a ceremony, finish doing something, finish sex. É-má'to'eétahe. He finished what he was doing. See: -má'ta'ó'sané. Category: do, sex.
-má'to'óh(n) vta. beat s.o. in a bet, out-bet s.o. É-má'to'ohno. He outbet him. É-má'to'óhnóho. He outbet him. (newer pronunciation). See: -hó'tah(n). Category: interpersonal, handgame.
-má'toma'ȯxová vai. complete plowing. É-má'toma'ȯxōva. ?? He completed plowing. fai: -oxová. Category: farm.
-má'toneeotse vii. run out (ropelike).
vai. run out (ropelike). of thread or other rope-shaped object. É-má'toneeotse. He/It (ropelike) ran out. Ho'tanono étaéšemá'toneeotseo'o. The thread has run out. Category: quantity, ropelike.
-má'tónová vai. finish speaking. É-má'tónóvá He finished talking. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-má'totsehe vai. run out of cigarettes. É-má'totsehe. He ran out of cigarettes/tobacco. Initial -má't; fai: -otsehe. Category: smoke.
-má'totse'ohe vai. finish work, retire. É-má'totse'ohe. He retired. Etym: *me·Ɂtaθwexkya·sowa (P). Náéšėto'se-má'totse'ohe. I'm almost finished working. Tóne'še néto'se-má'totse'ohe? When are you going to finish working? sáavé'nėheše-má'totse'óhééstse if he had not finished working. See: -énotse'ohe. Category: work.
-má'tȯxe'ohá vti. finish writing s.t. É-má'tȯxe'ōha. He finished writing it.
-ma'tšėškané vai. make bows. É-ma'tšėškāne. He made bows. Etym: *meɁtekwehke·wa (P) ‘he makes logs, cuts trees’. É'ȯhke-ma'tšėškāne. He used to make bows. [Grandfather's Advice.014] IndepNoun ma'tšėške.
ma'tšėške ni. bow (for shooting arrows). chokecherry bushes make good bows. Plural ma'tšėškehȯtse. AltPl = ma'tšēškėstse Simplified Spelling machk. Etym: *meʔtekwa·pyi; That PA word looks like the etymon for Ch ma'tāno 'bowstring'.; cf *meʔtekwi ‘stick’; cf. Ar bééteʔ ‘bow’. See: ma'táa'e ‘forest’; ma'tāno ‘bowstring’; ma'tȧhke ‘bow (archaic)’; maahe ‘arrow’. Category: warfare, hunt.
ma'-tšėške'ma'heóneéšeeve vii. when it is Saturday, on Saturday. Category: time.
Ma'tševe'ėse na. Red Bird. Usage: tš is palatalized old man speech unpalatalized variant: Ma'eve'ėse. Category: names.
ma'xe- pv. big, much.
pn. big. É-ma'xemésehe. He ate a lot. Náohke-ma'xemésehe. I eat a lot. É-ma'xenetse'e. He told a big lie. Etym: *meʔši-. Reduplicated móma'xe-. See: háe-; hoháe-; osee-; tȧhpe'-; votá'-. Category: quantity, degree.
ma'xeamȧho'héhe na. van. Lit: big car Synonym ma'xeamȧho'hestȯtse. See: amȧho'héhe. Category: transportation.
ma'xeamȧho'hestȯtse ni. van. Lit: big-car See: amȧho'hestȯtse ‘car’. Category: new, transportation.
ma'xeamóvȯhtó'héhe na. truck. Variant: ma'xeamóvȯhtó'hestȯtse. Category: transportation.
ma'xeamóvȯhtó'hestȯtse ni. truck. Lit: big-hauling-thing (another recording) Variant: ma'xeamóvȯhtó'héhe. Category: transportation.
Ma'xeāso na. Thumb, Big Monster ?? Category: check. See: ma'haa'é-mo'ēško. Category: names.
Ma'xeé'ometāā'e ni. Mississippi River, Missouri River. Some use this word for the Missouri River and others use it for the Mississippi. Some use É'ometāā'e for the Missouri River. Lit: big-greasy.(river) See: É'ometāā'e. Category: rivers.
ma'xėháhnoma na. bumblebee. Lit: big-bee Plural ma'xėháhnomaho. See: háhnoma; tsétȧhpe'ȧsese háhnomaho. Category: bugs.
ma'xėhahpanováhe na. big monster. This is one of several monsters for which Cheyennes had names. Lit: big one who clamps (down) Category: monsters.
-ma'xėhahtá vai. big-footed. É-ma'xėhāhta. ?? He has big feet. Category: body, check.
Ma'xėhahtáhe na. Big Foot. This word is based on the English term 'Big Foot'. It is not a traditional Cheyenne name. Reduplicated Móma'xėhahtáhe. See: ma'xeméstaa'e.
ma'xėháméško ni. Lit: big-spoon stirring spoon, big spoon. See: háméško.
Ma'xėhē'e na. Big Woman. See: hē'e ‘woman’; ma'xėhē'ne ‘turkey’. Category: names.
ma'xėhe'e'he na. old maid, spinster. Lit: big-unmarried.woman See: he'e'he. Category: people.
Ma'xėhe'koneéše'he na. January. Lit: big-hard-moon Variant: Ma'xėhe'konéneéše'he. Category: months.
Ma'xėhe'konéneéše'he Big Hard Face Moon, December, November, January. which calendar period referenced is uncertain. Medial -éné; Variant: Ma'xėhe'konénéhe, Ma'xėhe'koneéše'he. See: He'konenéeše'he; Sétoveaéneeše'he. Category: months.
Ma'xėhe'konénéhe na. Big Hard Face, January. This is one word which has been used for January. Synonym Ma'xėhe'konenéeše'he; BodyPartMedial -éné. See: Tšėške'he'konénéhe. Category: months.
ma'xėhē'ne na. 1 • turkey. Ma'xē'ne is historically expected, but several speakers insist that ma'xėhē'ne is the correct pronunciation; one elder suggests 'turkey' means 'big woman' (which would be ma'xė-hē'e), which may be a folk etymology, so perhaps ma'xėhē'ne has been historically reanalyzed based on this folk etymology. Morph: /ma'šehe'né/. Plural ma'xėhe'neo'o; Obviative ma'xėhe'nóho; Diminutive ma'xėhē'ne ??. Category: check. Etym: *meʔči'ʔe·wa; cf. M mese·ʔnaew. Category: birds.
2 • Turkey. Category: names.
ma'xėhe'némee'e na. turkey feather. Plural ma'xėhe'némeeno. See: mee'e ‘feather’. Category: birds, check.
Ma'xėhe'néo'hé'e Solomon River, Turkey Creek. This river is in north-central Kansas. It was named Turkey Creek in Cheyenne because there used to be so many turkeys there. It is known in English as Solomon River. Lit: turkey-river Category: rivers.
ma'xėhe'nēso na. young turkey. Non-diminutive ma'xėhē'ne. Category: birds.
Ma'xėhe'néveóhtáhe na. Turkey Legs. Category: names.
Ma'xėhe'omeéesonȧhestse n. Big Lodge young people (when addressed). ceremonial word for young Arapaho. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
Ma'xėhe'omeétane n. Big Lodge person. ceremonial word for an Arapaho. Plural Ma'xėhe'omeétaneo'o. See: Hetanevō'e ‘Arapaho’. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
Ma'xėhe'omeétanesėstse n. Big Lodge People (when addressed). a ceremonial word for the Arapaho. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
-ma'xėhemȧxemé vai. have much firewood. É-ma'xėhemȧxēme. He has lots of firewood. Category: wood.
ma'xėheó'ȯhtáto vai. alligator, dinosaur. Category: new. Lit: big-salamander Category: animals, reptiles.
ma'xėheóveamȧho'hestȯtse ni. big school bus. Lit: big-yellow-car See: ma'xėheóveameohestȯtse. Variant: heóveamȧho'hestȯtse. Category: transportation.
ma'xėheóveameohestȯtse ni. school bus, bus - school. Variant: ma'xėheóveamȧho'hestȯtse. Category: transportation.
ma'xėheóvema'xemeno na. Gram: pl grapefruit. Lit: big yellow fruit See: heóvema'xemeno. Category: fruit.
ma'xėheséeo'ȯtse ni. big medicine. apparently a plant used in many medicinal mixtures. Category: plants.
Ma'xėheséeotá'e na. Big Medicine Woman. See: Heséeotá'e. Category: names.
Ma'xėheséovo'éo'hé'e ni. Big Sandy River. known today as the Red River in Okla. Category: rivers.
Ma'xėhestáa'e na. Big Branch. Category: names.
ma'xėhestȧhtōtse baloney.
ni. Category: meat.
Ma'xėhetane na. Bigman. Category: names.
ma'xėhevá'xevetoo'o na. big frying pan. See: hevá'xetoo'o. Category: containers.
ma'xėhevovetāso ni. tornado. Lit: big-whirlwind Variant: ma'xėhevovotāso, hevovetāso. Some people say hevovetāso for a tornado; others use this word for a tornado. See: hevovetāso. Category: weather.
ma'xėhohtóvamȧhéó'o ni. Lame Deer IGA store; Lame Deer Trading Post. Lit: big-store Category: buildings.
Ma'xėhohtseéše'he na. Big Hoop Moon, February. See: Hohtseéše'he; Tšėške'hohtséeše'he; He'konenėhesóeše'he. Category: months.
ma'xėho'améstoto na. Gram: pl big shot. Usage: literal loan translation from English; humorous play on words which can refer to a big ejaculation Ques: Only used in the plural?? See: ho'améstoto; -ho'amé; -nėhe'otse. Category: vulgar, check.
ma'xėho'honáá'e na. large rock, large stone. See: ho'honáá'e ‘rock’. Category: environment.
Ma'xėho'honáéva loc. Rocky Mountains. See: ho'honáéva; Ho'honáá'e tsé'amoo'ėse ‘Rocky Mountains’. Category: places.
Ma'xėhó'nehe na. Big Wolf. Category: names.
ma'xėhó'tȧheváhe na. big victor. This word was used for Jesus in a hymn translated by Rodolphe Petter. See: hó'tȧheváhe.
Ma'xėhóma'e na. Big Beaver. Variant: Hóma'e Ȯhma'haeta. Category: names.
ma'xėhomȯsévetoo'o ni. soup pot. Lit: big-cooking-pot See: homȯsévetohko; vetoo'o. Category: containers, cook.
ma'xėhotȧhéeome ni. poor man's lodge. like a small-scale sweat lodge; made out of willows or chokecherry trees. See: hotȧhéeome. Category: lodges.
Ma'xekȧsovááhe na. Big Young Man. Category: names.
Ma'xekȯsáeho'honáéva Bighorn Mountains. Category: places.
Ma'xekȯsáeo'hé'e ni. Bighorn River, St. Xavier, Montana. Lit: big-sheep-river Variant: Kȯsáeo'hé'e. Category: rivers.
Ma'xekȯsáeó'he'keso Little Bighorn River. Usage: This form and its variant may be loan translations from English. Variant: Tšėške'kȯsáeo'hé'e. Category: rivers.
-ma'xe'hahe vai. loud voice. É-ma'xe'hahe. He has a loud voice. [PD673] Etym: *meɁšiɁθesiwa. Category: voice.
Ma'xe'pa'o na. Big Back. Category: names.
Ma'xemȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Miles City, Montana. Lit: big-town Category: places.
ma'xema'e ni. jugular vein. See: ma'e ‘blood’. Category: body.
ma'xema'hēō'o God. Usage: This word may have been in common usage in the past, perhaps in the late 1800's and early 1900's, but today only Ma'hēō'o is used. Lit: big-sacred.power See: Ma'hēō'o. Category: sacred.
Ma'xema'heóneéšeēva obl. Sunday. Lit: big-holy-day Variant: Ma'heóneéšeēva. Category: time.
má'xeme 1 • na. apple. Usage: Montana dialect Lit: big-berry Plural ma'xemeno; Obviative ma'xemeno. Phon: iah Etym: *meʔšimini.
2 • ni. apple. Apple is animate for some speakers in Oklahoma but inanimate for others. Usage: Oklahoma dialect Plural ma'xemenȯtse. ma'xemenėsonȯtse apples (alternate used in Oklahoma).
2 • ni. plum, apple. 'plum' is inanimate in Mont. and Okla.; 'apple' is inanimate in Okla. Plural ma'xemenȯtse. ma'xemenėsonȯtse apples (diminutive alternate used by some speakers in Oklahoma). See: heóvemá'xeme; mene; tóhtoo'éma'xeme. Etym: *meʔšiminali (Pi). Category: berries.
3 • ni. plum. 'plum' is inanimate in Montana and Oklahoma. Plural ma'xemenȯtse. See: heóvemá'xeme; mén; tóhtoo'éma'xeme.
4 • na. Big Berry. Category: fruit, Oklahoma, Montana, names.
ma'xemenékȧhámáxe ni. apple crate. Lit: apple-wood(stick) Category: containers.
Ma'xemené'e na. Apple Woman. Category: names.
ma'xemenémahpe ni. apple juice. Lit: apple-water Category: drink.
-ma'xemeneve vai. be an apple. apple is animate in Montana, but inanimate in Okla. É-ma'xemeneve. It is an apple. Etym: *meɁšiminiwiwa. Category: food.
ma'xemeno na. Gram: pl apples. 'apples' is animate for Northern Cheyennes but inanimate for Southern Cheyennes. Singular má'xeme. Category: berries.
ma'xemenó'e ni. plum bush. Plural ma'xemenó'ėstse. These plum tree saplings are used in the altar of the Sun Dance. Medial -ó'(e). Category: Sun Dance.
ma'xemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl plums (especially wild plums), apples (in Okla.) See: má'xeme. Category: berries.
Ma'xeméó'o 1 • ni. highway. Lit: big-road
2 • na. Big Road. See: méó'o ‘road’. Category: names.
ma'xeméstaa'e na. 1 • big spook, great horned owl. (another recording) Plural ma'xeméstaeo'o. Category: birds.
2 • big bogeyman. Ma'xeméstaa'e nȧhtsėho'ėhota. A big bogeyman will come to me.
3 • giant. See: Ma'xėhahtáhe. Category: people.
Ma'xemó'ėsá'e na. Big Calf. Category: names.
ma'xemo'ēško na. thumb. Lit: big-finger Synonym ma'haa'émo'ēško. Category: body.
ma'xemo'ȯhtáevé'ho'e tarantula. Lit: big-black-spider Plural móma'xemo'ȯhtáevé'hó'e; Obviative ma'xemo'ȯhtáevé'hó'e. pl. is lit. big (redup.)-black-spiders. Category: bugs.
Ma'xenáhkohe na. Big Bear. Category: names.
Ma'xenámosėstse na. Big Left Hand. See: Námosėstse; ; -henamóse. Category: names, hands.
ma'xe-nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse ni. epiglottis, Adam's apple, voice box ?? Lit: big-thing which closes Variant: ma'xe-nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse. Usage: may be a new word or loan translation See: -pa'enėhpo'hóoná; henėhpo'hoo'ȯtse. Category: body, check.
ma'xené'háne ni. big lake. See: né'háne ‘lake’. Category: environment.
ma'xene'hanééva obl. big lake, Lake De Smet. Lit: big-lake-OBL Located south of Sheridan, Wyoming; Cheyennes spent significant time near this lake before establishment of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation in Montana; stories are told of tracks of people leading to this lake but disappearing; the tribe looked for the people who made the tracks but could not find them. See: ma'xeo'hé'e.
Ma'xenéstooestse na. Big Howler. See: Ma'xevé'késȯhnéstooestse ‘Big Howling Bird’. Category: names.
Ma'xenotse na. Big Foreigner. Usage: a nickname for a large man from another tribe who was married to a Cheyenne lady See: notse. Category: names.
ma'xeo'évao'he'e ni. big creek. Ques: recheck lh gloss?? Category: check. See: o'évao'he'e; ó'he'e. Category: environment.
ma'xeo'hé'e ni. big lake. See: ó'he'e.
Ma'xepóno'e ni. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Lit: big-downstream literal meaning refers to being downriver from the Cheyenne area of Oklahoma, which is west of Okla. City. See: póno'e. Category: places, rivers.
Má'xėsé'ovoo'émanohe ?? Category: ceremonial, check.
ma'xėsévanohtȯtse ni. sledge. Lit: big-sled See: sévanohtȯtse.
-ma'xėsevo ni. Gram: poss big muscle (in arm or calf). na-ma'xėsevo my big muscle. See: ma'xėsévȯhonȯtse.
ma'xėsévo (sevo?? Category: check.
ni. cuff, war dance armband. Lit: big-muscle Plural ma'xėsévȯhonȯtse (vȯhe??. Category: check. See: -sevá. Category: warfare.
ma'xė-sévȯhono na. war dance bands ?? Category: check. See: ma'xėsévȯhonȯtse. Category: dance.
Ma'xėstséáhe na. Big Head. Category: names, head.
ma'xetáxe'ėséestȯtse ni. couch, sofa, divan. Plural ma'xetáxe'ėséestotȯtse. See: taxe'ėséestȯtse ‘chair’. Category: house, furniture.
ma'xetoeneško ni. Big Dipper. Usage: a loan translation from English Lit: big-dipper/cup Category: celestial.
ma'xetȯhoo'e ni. sledgehammer. See: tȯhohko; tamȯheo'o. Category: tools.
Ma'xevé'ho'e na. Big Whiteman. Category: names.
ma'xevé'ho'sēō'o ni. trunk. for example, for storing clothes. Lit: big-container See: vé'ho'sēō'o. Category: containers.
ma'xevé'kėséhenoo'ȯtse ni. bald eagle song. fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.
ma'xevé'késo eagle, great bird. Lit: big-bird Plural ma'xevé'kėseho; Obviative ma'xevé'kėseho. Usage: This word is used in Okla. and in some ceremonies for 'eagle.' See: netse; vóaxaa'e. Category: birds, ceremonial.
Ma'xevé'késȯhnéstooestse na. Big Howling Bird. See: Ma'xenéstooestse ‘Big Howler’. Category: names.
ma'xevetoo'o ni. large kettle. See: -vetoo'o. Category: containers.
Ma'xevó'aehéo'hé'kėsónėhéva obl. Big Antelope River.
ma'xevonȧhéome ni. Sun Dance lodge. See: hoxéheome. Usage: ceremonial name Lit: big-ceremonial-lodge Category: lodges, Sun Dance.
ma'xevoneoestȧho'hovahtȯtse ni. nuclear weapon. Category: new, warfare.
Ma'xėxová'tovoneo'hé'e ni. Big Sword River. Cheyenne name for the Big Knife River which enters the Missouri River below Fort Berthold. See: xová'tove ‘sword’. Category: rivers.
mám- i. huge, big, outsized, bulky, mammoth. É-máméne. He has a big face. É-mámoése. He is hanging outsized. Preverb máme-. Category: size.
mámaa'e ni. war bonnet. (another recording) Plural mámáá'ėstse. See: Kokóhkoeoésanéhe ‘War Bonnet Wearer’; hóxa'estȯtse ‘headdress’; ka'koeosēō'o ‘war bonnet tail’. Category: warfare, dance.
-mamaéné vai. be curly haired. É-mamaéne. He is curly haired. Usage: less commonly said than –mamȧhka'é Lit: curly-face ?? Category: check. See: -mamȧhka'é. Category: hair.
-mamaestséá'e vai. curly haired, kinky haired, very curly head. É-mamaestséá'e. He has kinky hair/she has a really curly perm. Phon: vs See: -mamȧhka'é. Category: hair.
mamahk- i. curly. É-mamȧhkōva. He (especially a dog) is curly haired (furred). É-mamȧhka'ého'he. She is getting a perm.
-mamȧhka'é vai. be curly haired. É-mamȧhkā'e. He is curly headed. (another recording) Nétáve-mamȧhka'ehe? Are you slightly curly haired? tsé-mamȧhkā'hėstse the one who is curly haired. Éohkėsáaháevóoméheo'o tsé-mamȧhka'ese. Those who are curly haired are not seen much. ?? BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -mamaestséá'e; -mamȧhkovésé; -mamaéné. Category: hair.
mamȧhka'éhe na. curly haired person.
mamȧhka'ého'estȯtse vai. curling iron. Variant: mamȧhka'ého'hestȯtse. Category: groom, hair.
-mamȧhka'ého'he vai. get a perm. É-mamȧhka'ého'he. She is getting a perm. Lit: curly-head-by.heat Category: hair.
mamȧhka'ého'hestȯtse ni. curling iron. Variant: mamȧhka'ého'estȯtse. Category: groom, hair.
Mamȧhka'é'e na. Curly Haired Woman. Variant: Mamȧhkėhé'héhe. Category: names.
mamȧhka'énȧhtsestȯtse ni. hair curler. Plural mamȧhka'énȧhtséstotȯtse; BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: groom.
mamȧhka'estȯtse ni. perm. Lit: curly hair thing Category: new, hair.
Mámȧhka'éve'ho'e na. Curly Haired Whiteman. Category: names.
Mámahke na. Curly. can be the name of a man or a horse. See: Péhpe'e ‘Bushy’. Category: names.
Mamȧhkėhé'héhe na. Curly Haired Woman. Variant: Mamȧhka'é'e. Category: names.
Mamȧhkévo'ha na. Curly Horse. Usage: horse name See: Mámahke ‘Curly’. Category: names.
-mamȧhková vai. curly fur. É-mamȧhkōva. He is curly furred. especially of a dog. Category: dogs.
-mamȧhkovésé vai. have curly hair. É-mamȧhkovése. He has curly hair. refers to naturally curly hair. See: -mamȧhka'é. Medial -ovésé. Category: hair.
mámáhta p. persistently, only, nothing else. Oha mámáhta é'ȯhkėháoenȧsesto tséhne'ameohtsévȯse. All they did was pray as they came (the Cheyennes, on the Trek back from Oklahoma). [1987:37:24] See: oha.
máme- pv. big, bulky. É-mámenėhpoo'e. He is big blocking the door (for example, a big rock (animate) or a fat man). É-mámenéé'e. He is standing big (for example, a big tree, a semi-truck). Initial mám-. See: ma'xe-; -ma'haetá; -tahpetá. Category: size.
mamée- i. rub.
-maméean vti. rub s.t. É-mamééána. He rubbed it.
vta. rub s.o. See: -hahéan. Category: surface.
-mamée'éxanén vta. rub eyes of s.o. É-mamée'éxaneno. He rubbed his (other person's) eyes, É-mamée'éxanénóho. He rubbed his (other person's) eyes. (newer pronunciation). É-mamée'éxanénahtse. He rubbed his (own) eyes. Névé'-mamée'éxanénahtse! Don't rub your eyes! BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: eyes.
-maméénén vta. rub face of s.o. É-maméenenahtse. He is rubbing his (own) face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -xo'évoénén. Category: eyes.
-mámeévešé vai. lie big. É-mámeévéše. He is lying (there) big. Éh-mámeévėšenáhoo'o méstaa'e. The big boogeyman lay (there dead). [JOURNEY.TXT] Category: lie.
-máméné vai. have a big face. É-máméne. He has a big face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -tȧhpe'éné. Category: face.
-mámenéé'e vai. stand tall. especially of a tree. É-mámenéé'e. He (especially a huge tree) is standing. Morph: /-mámenéé/. Phon: vs See: -néé'e. Category: trees.
-mámeno'o'e vii. huge growth of berry bushes. É-mámeno'o'e. ó'o'?? It is a huge growth. for example, a huge growth of berry bushes. Étaéetšėše-mámeno'o'énėstse vénȯhó'kóhtsėstse. There's a growth of chokecherry bushes here and there. [1987:43] fii: -ó'o'e. Category: plants, check.
-mámenóno'e vii. appear huge, look huge. É-mámenóno'e. It looks huge. Initial máme-; fii: -nóno'e; fai: -nóohe. Category: sit, size.
-mámenóohe vai. appear huge, look huge. É-mámenóohe. He looks huge. Initial máme-; fai: -nóohe. Category: sit, size.
-mámenóohee'e vai. look huge sitting. É-mámenóohee'e. He looks huge sitting (there). fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance, sit.
-mámoése vai. hang huge, outsized hang. É-mámoése. He is hanging outsized. Initial mám-; fai: -oésé. Category: hang.
mámȯhev- i. join, together. É-mámȯhevāna. He joined it together. É-mámȯhevoéséne. They are hanging together. See: mano'-.
-mámȯhevan vti. join s.t. É-mámȯhevāna. He joined it together.
vta. join s.o. É-mámȯhevanóho. He joined him/them together. Étáá'a tsé-mámȯhevanȯse. He has authority to marry (conduct marriages). [1987:222] See: -móhee.
mámȯheve- pv. together, joined. Néta-mámȯhevėhešetanómáne! Let's be united in thinking! tséh-mámȯheveáhto'hohévȯse ka'ėškóneho boarding school cemetery.
-mámȯhevėhešetanó vai. agree; united thinking. Néta-mámȯhevėhešetanómáne! Let's be united in thinking! Category: cognition.
-mámȯhevehné vai. gather together. only said with plural subjects. É-mámȯhevėhneo'o. They gathered together. See: -móheeohtsé.
-mámȯhevėhót vta. unite with s.o. É-mámȯhevėhoto. He united with him/them. É-mámȯhevėhótóho. He united with him/them. (newer pronunciation). Ná-mámȯhevėhótȧhtséme. We united together. [pd701]
-mámȯhevėhótov vta. join with s.t., come together with s.o., unite with s.o. É-mámȯhevėhótovo. They came together with him. tsésto'semámȯhevėhótátse when I come together with you. Ques: redup. stem ?? Category: check, interpersonal.
-mámoheve'pa'onáe vai. sit back to back. É-mámȯheve'pa'onáeo'o. They are sitting back to back. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná ‘back’; fai: -e2 ‘sit’. Category: sit.
-mámȯhevenót vta. sew together s.o. É-mámȯhevenoto. She sewed him/them together. É-mámȯhevenótóho. She sewed him/them together. (newer pronunciation). Mó-mámȯhevenóhehéhe. He (for example, a blanket) must have been sewed together. fta: -nót. Category: sew.
-mámȯheveohtsé vai. come together. É-mámȯheveohtseo'o. They joined. Ééva-mámȯheveohtseo'o. They came back together/were reconciled. Category: marriage.
-mámȯheveotse Lit: where the road joins another (road)1 • vii. Méó'o tsésta-mámȯheveotse. at the junction.
2 • vai. unite, join. É-mámȯheveotseo'o. They (animate) united. For example, to unite a husband and wife. See: -mano'eotse; -móheeotse.
-mámȯheveotseh vta. combine s.o. Mó'ée-mámȯheveotsėhehevóhe. They were combined. [Head Chief text]
-mámȯhevéstanove vai. join and live together. É-mámȯhevéstanoveo'o. They joined and live together. Mósta-mámȯhevéstanovėhevóhe. They (the Sutaio and Cheyennes) came to live together. [1987:100] fai: -éstanove.
mámȯheveto p. together. mámȯheveto hē'e naa hetane tsétato'sėhešeasevo'ėstanéhévévȯse how a woman and a man are going to start living together. [STORIES.TXT] Category: interpersonal.
-mámȯhevó vii. join, fit together. É-mámȯhévo. It fits together. Ésáa-mámȯhevóhanehȯtse. They (for example, sounds) don't fit together. See: -táeotse.
-mámȯhevoése vai. hang together. only used with plural subjects. É-mámȯhevoéséne. They are hanging together. Initial mámȯhev-. Category: hang.
-mámȯhevoestsé vti. join s.t., tie s.t. together. É-mámȯhevoēstse. He tied (or connected) it together. See: -hahpėseestsé.
-mámȯhevoet vta. join s.o.connect s.o.tie s.o. together. É-mámȯhevoetóho. He tied them (animate) together. Heévȧhéva éohkevá'neéetoo'etovo, -mámȯhevoetovo (Now) they just use rope to tie with, to tie together with. [1987:224]
-mámȯhevo'ȧhéotse vai. run together?? only used with plural subjects. É-mámȯhevo'ȧhéotseo'o. They are running together.?? fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: check, run.
-mámo'tá vii. set huge. could be used of a huge hill; also -mámėho'tá. É-mámó'ta. It sets (there) huge. [PD31] Initial mám-. Category: lie, size.
Mámotsé'héhe na. Full Mouth Woman. Category: names.
mana na. band member, person of the group. Usage: The plural is more commonly used than the sg. Plural manaho; Obviative manaho. the pl. is glossed as 'group' or 'band'. See: manȧhéno; vo'ėstane; manȧhestȯtse; mano'ȧhestȯtse. Category: people.
-manȧha'ó vai. increase in population. É-manȧha'oo'o. They increased in population. Category: quality.
manȧhého'e ni. country, island. Lit: group-land Synonym tséhmanȧheve. See: manȧhého'e; ho'e; mana. Category: environment.
manȧhéno ni. village, settlement. Lit: band-place that is, the place where a band lives. See: mana; mȧhoéve'ho'éno; -nó2. Etym: cf. M meni·ka·n. Category: places.
manȧhestȯtse na. group, tribe, band, entire family, body of people, district. na-manȧhestȯtse my people ?? Plural manȧhéstoto; Obviative manȧhéstoto; Oblique manȧhéstóva ‘district (area)’. See: mana; -vo'ėstanéme. Category: people.
manȧhétane na. island person. Some Cheyennes point out that this word sounds like English 'Manhattan'; some say that Manhattan must have originally been a Cheyenne word; Plural manȧhétaneo'o. Category: people.
manȧhéva obl. on the island.
-manȧheve vii. be an island. É-manȧheve. It is an island. Etym: *menehsiwiwi. tséh-manȧheve island. Etym: *menehsi ‘island’; cf. M menae·s ‘island’. See: manȧhého'e. Category: environment.
manaho na. Gram: pl band, people of a band. Singular mana; Oblique manȧhéno. There were traditionally ten bands. Various lists have been suggested for these ten bands. There is some overlap between band and society names. Among the band names suggested are: Heévȧhetaneo'o Rope band. Héma'tanóohese Bowstrings. Hémo'eoxēso (plural: Hémo'eoxeo'o) Spear men, Elk Soldiers. Hesé'omeétaneo'o Ridge band. Hevéškėsenėhpȧho'hese ?? Aortas (lit. burnt windpipes). Hotamémȧsėhao'o Crazy Dogs. Hotamétaneo'o Mo'ȯhtávȯheomenétaneo'o Black Lodge people. Monėsóonetaneo'o / Motsėsóonetaneo'o Kitfox. Oévemanaho Scabies. Ȯhmésėhese Eaters. Oo'kóhta'onáheo'o Bare-legs. Ónoneo'o Rees. Só'taeo'o Sutaiu. Totoemanaho Bashful band. Category: district, bands, check.
-mané fai. act like, pretend. Éka'ėškóné-máne. He is acting like a child. Éhe'é-máne. He is acting like a woman. Étávé-máne. He is acting like he is goofy. [pd679] Éháomóhtȧhé-máne. He is pretending to be sick. Évá'nenaé-máne. He is just playing possum (acting dead). See: -ma'ov; -ma'ohtsé; -o'eétahe.
-mane 1 • vai. drink. When the liquid which is drunk is unspecified this word usually refers today to drinking alcohol. The pronunciations for the different grammatical persons are given for this verb. They serve as a pattern for other AI verbs (intransitive verbs which have animate subjects). É-mane. He drank. Etym: *menwa. Ná-mane. I drank. Né-mane. You drank. (another recording) Ná-manéme. We (excl) drank. Né-manema. We (incl) drank. Né-manéme. You (plural) drank. É-maneo'o. They drank. Étȧhé-mane. He went to drink. Náto'se-mane. I'm going to drink alcohol. tsé-manese alcoholics. Lit: those who drink Náohke-mane. I drink. Náohkėsáa-manéhe. I don't drink (alcohol). Móh-manėhéhe. He must have drunk. Phon: sfr See: -maneotse; -toóomȧšé'še; -nomené; -nóosané; -ase'še; -mȧhané; -mané.
2 • vti. drink s.t. Gram: ai+o É-mane. He drank (it). É-mane mahpe. He drank water. Ná-mane mahpe. I'm drinking water. Náohke-mane po'ėho'hémahpe. I drink beer. Náohke-mane tsévé'eéno'e. I drink wine. Ná-manenȯtse. I drank them (inan). É-manénóvo. They drank it. Náto'se-manénóne. We are going to drink it. Manėstse! Drink (it)! Usage: Younger speakers often say -mane 'drink' for drinking something cold as well as heated liquids. Older speakers said -nomené for drinking heated liquids, especially coffee, tea, and soup: Ná-mane mo'kȯhtávėhohpe. I'm drinking coffee. Mo'kȯhtávėhohpe néta-manénone. Let's drink coffee! Tȧhé-manēstse mo'kȯhtávėhohpe! Go drink coffee! (said to more than one person). The following two words have the same meaning. They are just different ways of saying the same thing: É-manéstove. You can drink it; it (for example, milk) is drunk. É-manénove. You can drink it; it (for example, milk) is drunk. Hénová'e tsé-maneto? What did you drink? Mahpe ná-mane. Water I drank. Toóomȧšé'šestȯtse ná-mane. Soda pop I drank. Toóomȧšé'šestȯtse é-manénóvo. Soda pop they are drinking. Matana é-mane. Milk he is drinking. Matana é-mane. Milk he is drinking. Hénová'e tsémanése? What did you guys drink? vta: -manoh. See: -nomené ‘sip’. Category: drink.
-manee'e vai. drink sitting. É-manee'e. He sat drinking. Móstȧhe'ke-manéehéhe. She sat drinking slowly. [Bear Tepee.074] Category: drink, sit, check.
-maneh vta. make s.o. literal 'make', but seems to be used similar to English causative 'make' in some contexts, perhaps as a loan translation from English. É-manėhóho. He made him (obv). Phon: That Cheyenne word sounds the same as É-manȯhóho 'He gave him a drink.') Ná-manēho. I made him. For example, I made a dress (animate). tséhnonétse'ome-manėhátanó'tóévȯse netao'o xamaevo'ėstanóho when they wanted to tame all the Indians. [1987:50] Kȧse'ééhe námanēho. I'm making a young woman (said when I'm putting on lipstick, rouge, etc.). Éoseepėhéve-manehe. It/He is really well made. Ésáa-manéhane. It is not made (for example, the Cheyenne lang. is not developing any more). [Making Frybread video] Vétšėškévȧhonóonȯtse éohketšėheše-manėhénėstse. This is how pieces of frybread are made. Énȯhtóve-manėhóho ka'ėškóneho. He knows how to make children. That can be said sarcastically by a mother to her daughter about her daughter's partner who makes babies with her but doesn't stick around to help with them. Hena'háanéhe éohkenėheše-manėhénėstse vétšėškévȧhonóonȯtse. That's how frybread is made. vti: -manestsé. See: -mané; -manėstóonéhe'tov; -manoh.
manēhe na. pelican. Morph: /manehé/. Usage: not well known today Lit: drinker Plural manėheo'o. AltPl = manéheo'o ?? [Smith listed a 'speckled eagle' and seems to have spelled it mane; perhaps it is this same bird. Petter (PD420) seems to list this same bird, manēhe (or manėhéhe (??), and glosses it as 'a kind of eagle or vulture'.] Obviative manėheho. Etym: *mekesiwa ‘bald eagle’. Category: check, birds.
-manėheotse vii. increase in number ??
vai. increase in number ?? Nėhéno éhése-manėheotseo'o vé'ho'éotóao'o. That's how the cattle increased in number (by having a lot of calves). [Ranch Life.018] See: -maneh. Category: quantity, check.
mané'héó'o na. drunkard. See: -mané'heóneve. Category: drink.
-mané'heóneve vai. be a drunkard. É-mané'heóneve. He is a drunkard. See: mané'heó'o. Category: drink.
manémȧhéó'o ni. tavern, saloon, bar. Lit: drink-house Category: buildings.
-manémea'xe vai. drink smell, alcohol smell, smell of alcohol. Lit: drink-smell É-manémea'xe. He smells of alcohol. Category: smell.
-maneohtsé vai. go drinking. Náto'sėhé-maneōhtse. I'm going to go drinking quickly. Étȧhé-maneōhtse. He went drinking. Category: drink.
-manéóó'e vai. drink standing. É-manéóó'e. He drank standing. tséh-manéóó'ėstse when it was drinking standing. Morph: /-manéóé/. Phon: vs fai: -óó'e. Category: drink, stand.
-maneotse vai. drink quickly. É-maneotse. He drank quickly. Ná-maneotse. I was drinking. Ná-maneotse mahpe. I quickly drank water. Ques: manéotse or maneotse?? Mónėstse-maneotse? Are you going to drink? (usually refers to drinking alcohol). Náto'sėhé-maneotse. I'm going to go drinking quickly. [ms 0623 153211.WAV@00:13] See: -mane; -mésėhéotse. Category: drink, check.
-manėseonané vai. make things. for example, sewing, woodwork, designing. É-manėseonāne. He is making things. See: -manestsé.
-manėseonáoohe vii. be made; be put together. Néhmé'ėstomevėstse tséohkėhestohe hová'éhe tséheše-manėseonáoohe amó'eneo'o. Tell me the different parts of a wagon (lit. tell me the names for the various parts of how a wagon is put together). [JG 7/89] See: -manehe.
maneso na. child. See: -nésó; ka'ėškóne.
manėstāne na. Gram: poss knee. Stem -nėstané. Category: body.
-manėstónané vai. build, construct, make, create. É-manėstónáne. He is making. See: -maneh; -manestsé.
-manėstóné vai. make. É-manėstóne. He is making (something). See: -énȧhót. vti: -manestsé. See: -asėtóné.
2 • Maker. See: Manėstóonéhe. Category: names.
manėstónevé'ho'e na. carpenter. Synonym kȧhamȧxévėstónanéhe. Category: jobs.
manėstoo'o ni. creation, something made. vé'ho'émanėstoo'o whiteman-made (thing) (that is, not something traditionally made by Indians). he-manėstoo'o his creation (something he made). See: ho'honáemanėstóoseo'o.
-manėstóonáoestsé vti. make s.t., create s.t. ȯhmatsé'omévetsee'ėstse Ma'hēō'o éohkėhóse-manėstóonáóéstse netao'o hová'éhe In the springtime God creates everything anew. ?? Category: check. See: -manestsé.
-manėstóonáoet vta. make (something) for s.o.; create (something) for s.o. Ȯhmatsé'omévetsee'ėstse Ma'hēō'o éohkėhóse-manėstóonáoetóho hováhne. In the springtime God creates (things) anew for the animals. See: -manėstóonaov.
-manėstóonaov vta. make (something) for s.o. É-manėstóonaovóho. He built/made/created (something) for him. See: -manestsé.
-manėstóone vii. made. É-manėstóone. It is made. vti: -manestsé; vta: -maneh. See: manėstónané.
Manėstóonéhe na. Maker, Creator. possible alternative name for God. Usage: not extant Category: sacred.
-manėstóotah vta. make something for s.o. Ná-manėstóotāho. I made it for him. Hé'tóhe mo'kėhanȯtse ná-manėstóotȧhahtsenȯtse. Náto'setaomėhemo'kėhanenȯtsenaa máto héva vo'ėstane mȧxho'aestse nȧhtanėšėhohtóvanȯtse. These moccasins, I'm making them for myself. They are going to be my own moccasins, or if someone wants them, I'll sell them. [1980:73:4-6] See: -manestsé; -maneh.
manestȯtse ni. drink, alcohol. Lit: drink-NOM Today this usually implies an alcoholic beverage. Etym: *menoweni < **meno ntayi (P/L). See: -mane; -vé'keéno'e; vé'ho'émahpe; pó'ėho'hémahpe. Category: drink.
-manestsé vti. 1 • make s.t. É-manēstse. He made it. É-manėstsenȯtse. He made them (inanimate). [1987:187] É-manėstsénóvo. They made it. Né-manėstsehe? Did you make it? héva tsésto'sėtaome-manēstsėse hevo'ėstanéhevestȯtse tsé'oto'xovȧhé'to that would make him well skilled to make his own living. [1987:187] Usage: Usage with the preverb ho'- probably originated as a loan translation from English but it is in common usage today.
2 • arrive. Ého'-manēstse. He is safe/he made it. For example, he made it safely to his destination or made it home in baseball. Heévȧhetanéno náho'-manėstsénóne. We made it to Oklahoma. Hétsėhéóhe náho'-manėstsénóne. We made it back here. [1987:37:31] Ná-manēstse mo'ȯhtávėhohpe. I'm making coffee. Some people say that, borrowed from English, as a newer pronunciation instead of Ná-mȯ'ȯhtávȧhé'éne. Tónėstoha né-manėstsenȯtse? How many did you make? vta: -maneh; fai: -nané. See: -manėstónané; -manėšéváen; -manėstóonáoestsé; -mo'ȯhtávȧhá'ené ‘make coffee’. Category: baseball.
-manėšévaen vti. make s.t. quickly. É-manėšéváéna. He made it quickly. Manėšéváénȯhtse ma'tšėškehȯtse! Make some bows (and arrows)! [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.035] Hápó'e nátavá'netaome-manėšéváéna. "It is just an idea that I made up" (lit., likewise, I just by.self.made.quickly.it). Ná-manėšévaenomōvo héstáme. I made his plate (that is, supplied him a plate of food).
vta. make s.o. quickly. É-manėšévaenóho. He quickly made him. See: -manestsé; -maneh.
-manétanó vai. want to drink, want to drink alcohol, be thirsty. This word by itself usually refers to drinking alcohol. Ná-manétáno. I want to drink. (another recording) É-manétáno. He wants to drink. Násáamanétanóhe. I do not want to drink. Né-manétanohe? Do you want to drink? See: -háóéné. Category: drink.
manévetohko ni. drinking cup, drinking glass. (another recording) Lit: drinking-container See: hetohko; nomenévetohko; nomenévetohko. Category: containers.
-manoh vta. give a drink to s.o., water s.o. É-manȯhóho. He gave him a drink. Etym: *menahe·wa. Phon: That Cheyenne word is phonetically identical to É-manėhóho 'He made him.') Ná-manōho. I gave him a drink. Náéše-manȯhoo'o. I have watered them. Násáa-manȯhóheo'o. I did not water them. Néh-manoxėstse! Give me a drink! (another recording) Hé-manȯxeha nemėšéme! Give a drink to your father-in-law! [1987:174-175] vai: -mane; Synonym -manot. See: -manȯxeváen; -manohe; -maneh; -he'kóovot. Category: liquid.
-manohá vti. make s.t. by tool. É-manōha. He made it by tool. See: -manestsé; -manohe.
-manohe vai. go for water, fetch water. É-manohe. He fetched water. Étȧhé-manohe. He went for water. Étȧhé-manȯheo'o. They went to get water. Éhé-manohe. He went for water. Nátȧhé-manohe. I went for water. Náame-manȯhéme. We (excl) are going for water. Náméo-manohe. I got water in the morning. Néxhé-manoestse! Go bring me water! Tȧhé-manoestse! Go go water! vta: -manoh, -manot. See: mánóóhe. Category: liquid.
-manȯhéanohtsé vti. flare up s.t. É-manȯhéanōhtse. He made it flare up. Category: fire.
-manȯhé'seh vta. water s.o. especially of watering a horse or cow. Tȧhé-manȯhé'šeha! Go water him! Ques: manėhé'seh ?? Category: livestock.
-manȯheohe vai. fetch water quickly. É-manȯheohe. He fetched water quickly. Category: liquid.
-manȯheoohe vai. fetch.water.quickly. É-manȯheoohe. He fetched water quickly.
Mánȯhévá'e na. Fetch Water Woman. It may be that this name is actually Mánȯhóvá'e meaning something like 'Medicine Woman.'. See: Mánȯhóvá'e. Category: names.
manȯhévetohko ni. pail. Lit: fetch water container Plural manȯhévetóhkonȯtse; Variant: hémanȯhévetohko. Category: containers.
Mánȯhóhká'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
-manȯhó'eóé vai. stand together. only used with plural subjects. É-manȯhó'eóeo'o. They are standing together. Synonym -mano'eóé. Category: stand.
-manȯho'hamé vai. water livestock. É-manȯho'hāme. He watered the livestock. Category: horses.
manȯhó'hamestȯtse ni. trough. Lit: giving water to stock thing Plural manȯhó'haméstotȯtse. Category: horses.
Mánȯhóvá'e na. Medicine Woman. Spelling and translation uncertain. Some people translate this as Fetch Water Woman, Mánȯhévá'e. Mrs. Habeggar was given a name which sounded like this; many people have analyzed the name as Mánȯhévá'e 'Fetch Water Woman', but this entry may actually be the correct spelling of the name. See: Mánȯhévá'e; -mȧhtȯhóvá; Mo'éhenóvave. Category: names.
-manohtsé vti. water s.t. É-manōhtse. He watered it. for example, to water a plant. vta: -manohá. See: -he'kóovohtsé. Category: liquid, plants.
mano'- i. together, clustered. Variant: mano'(k)-.
-mano'ahe vai. bunched, together -be all, congregated, band - be in a, united. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'ȧheo'o. They are all together. See: -mȧho'tse; -no'kahe; -manȧheve ‘be an island’. Category: quantity.
mano'ȧhestȯtse na. group. can refer to a group residing in one area or a social group, for example, church. See: manȧhestȯtse; e'óestaáhe-mano'ȧhestȯtse; manaho; manȧhéno.
-mano'an vti. gather s.t., group s.t. É-mano'ananȯtse. He gather them (inanimate) together. Éto'se-mano'ananȯtse. He is going to gather them (inanimate) together.
vta. gather s.o. É-mano'anóho. He gathered them (animate) together. Category: move.
mano'e- i. together, clustered, congregated. Éxhóse-mano'eóesesto hetaneo'o. The men grouped again.
pv. together, clustered, congregated. É-mano'evo'ėstanéheveo'o. They are living as a group. Nȧhtanėšėháa'éšeée'ame-mano'evo'ėstanéhévéme tséhestóhtȯxétse. We will continue to live together as family groups. [1987:105] Variant: mano'ké-.
-mano'e fii. environment, weather. É-pó'oománo'e. It is grayish weather. See: -átamano'e. Category: weather.
-mano'ée vai. sit as a group, gather, meet. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'éeo'o. They are sitting as a group. Né-mano'éema. We (incl.) are meeting. See: -móheeohtsé; -moméno'ee. Category: sit.
-mano'ée'tá vii. grouped together. É-mano'éé'tánėstse. They (inanimate) are grouped together. See: hohtóvamȧheonȯtse tséhmano'éé'ta ‘mall’. Lit: where stores are grouped together Category: new.
-mano'ée'tov vta. gather together with s.o., meet with s.o. É-mano'ée'tovóho. He gathered together with him/them. É-mano'ée'tovovo. They met with him. Jesus, náhetótaetanóme tséh-mano'ee'tovatsemenoto. Jesus, we rejoice to gather together with you. [Hymn #1] See: -mano'ahe.
-mano'éet vta. tie together s.o. only used with plural objects. É-mano'éetóho. He tied them (animate) together. Ná-mano'éetoo'o. I tied them together.
-mano'eétahe vai. do something together, together - do something. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'eétȧheo'o. They did it together. Ques: -mano'éetahe?? Category: check, interpersonal.
mano'ėhotóhkeo'o na. Pleiades. Lit: grouped stars Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Variant: mano'otóhkeo'o, hotóhkeo'o tsénésȯhtȯxese. Category: celestial.
-mano'é'h vta. group s.o. É-mano'e'ho. He grouped them (animate). É-mano'é'hóho. He grouped them. (newer pronunciation).
-mano'eóé vai. stand together. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'eóeo'o. They are standing together. See: -manȯhó'eóé. Category: stand.
-mano'eóeotse vai. stand together become. É-mano'eóeotseo'o. They became standing together. Category: stand.
-mano'eohtsé vai. go as a group; go in a bunch; bunch - go in a. only said with plural subjects. É-mano'eohtseo'o. They are going as a group. [JOURNEY.TXT] Éhne'ase-mano'eohtséhoono. They started off together. [JOURNEY.TXT] Category: motion.
Mano'éo'hé'e obl. Smoky Hill River. Lit: gather(.timber)-river Category: rivers.
-mano'eotse vai. get together, unite. only used with plural subjects. For example, unite in voting for the same person. É-mano'eotseo'o. They got together. Émano'eotseo'o and Émámȯheveotseo'o are slightly different. Émano'eotseo'o is about individuals choosing to do something in unison. Émámȯheveotseo'o is about individuals who are already united (such a married couple) doing something together. Initial mano'-. See: -mano'eohtsé; -mámȯheveotse; -móheeotse. Category: interpersonal.
-mano'ėséetó'ėstóve-vetovátó vii. cube shaped. É-mano'ėséetó'ėstóvevetováto. It is cube shaped. Category: new, shapes.
-mano'etanó vai. group minded, unified. É-mano'etāno. He is group minded. É-mano'etanóhtove. There is working as a group/there is taking care of each other. a highly valued tradition. Antonym -no'ketanó. Category: interpersonal.
-mano'etanó'tá vta. want to gather s.t. É-mano'etanó'tanȯtse. He wants to gather them (inanimate).
-mano'etanó'tov vta. have a together feeling for s.o., want s.o. to be unified. É-mano'etanó'tovóho. He wants them to be unified in their thinking. É-mano'etanó'tovȧhtséstove. There is feeling like we should be together (for example, with relatives). Category: interpersonal.
mano'(k)- i. together, clustered, congregated. É-mano'ȧheo'o. They are all together. Éto'se-mano'ananȯtse. He is going to gather them (inanimate) together. mano'-, mámȯhev-, and móhe(e)- are slightly different. mano'- is about individuals choosing to do something in unison. mámȯhev- is about individuals who are already united (such a married couple) doing something together. Móhee- is about individuals gathering together (as for a meeting) or an action of someone gathering things together. See: mámȯhev-; móhee-.
mano'ke- pv. together, together, clustered, congregated. Variant: mano'e-.
-mano'kéné vai. have a together face. refers to the facial features being close together. É-mano'kéne. His facial features are together. Category: face.
mano'keto p. together.
-manó'ko'o'e vii. Ques: -manó'o'o'e ?? grove, patch of vegetation. Category: check. Lit: cluster-vegetation.grow Variant: -manó'o'o'e. See: Mano'o'eo'hé'e. Category: plants.
-manó'konené vai. have a row of teeth. É-manó'konēne. He has a row of teeth.
vii. have a row of teeth. tsé-manó'konenéto rake. tsé-manó'konenétoo'ėstse rakes. Lit: those (inan.) which have a row of teeth Phon: gr BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: mouth.
-mano'kose vai. huddle from cold. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'kȯseo'o. They are huddled together because it is cold. fii: -ose1. Category: temperature, weather.
-mano'oe vai. sit bunched, sit in a group. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'oeo'o. They are sitting in a bunch. Category: sit.
-mano'oésená vai. hang together. É-mano'oéséne. They are hanging together. Énésȯhtȯxeo'o hotóhkeo'o éohke-mano'oéséne. There are seven stars hanging together. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).074] fai: -oésená. Category: hang.
-mano'óet vta. tie s.o. together. É-mano'óetóho. He tied them (an.) together. See: -too'et; -a'kóet.
-mano'o'ȧhéotse vai. drive together. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'o'ȧhéotseo'o. They are driving together. ?? fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -mámȯhevo'ȧhéotse. Category: drive, check.
Mano'o'éo'hé'e ni. Grove River, Smoky Hill River. Ques: Manó'o'éo'hé'e ?? Category: check. Known in English as the Smoky Hill River. It begins in Colorado and joins the Republican River to form the Kansas (Kaw) River near Junction City, Kansas. Grinnell (1906:18) says: So called because formerly at the stream's head there was large grove of cottonwood trees, among which no underbrush grew." Medial -ó'(e)5. Category: rivers.
-mano'ó'o'e vii. Ques: -manó'o'o'e ?? grove. Category: check. Lit: cluster-vegetation.grow Variant: -manó'ko'o'e. See: Mano'o'eo'hé'e. Category: plants.
mano'otóhkeo'o na. Gram: pl the bunch of stars. apparently Pleiades. Synonym hotóhkeo'o tsénésȯhtȯxese. Category: celestial.
-mano'otse'ohe vai. work together, group work. É-mano'otse'óheo'o. They are working together. fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'óhe ‘work’. Category: work.
mánóóhe p. water!, I'm thirsty, I want a drink! Usage: baby talk See: -manohe. Category: drink.
-manot vta. give drink to s.o. É-manotóho. He gave him a drink. Náéše-manōto. I have watered him. Násáa-manotóheo'o. I did not water them. Manȯxeha! Give him a drink! Tȧhé-manȯxeha! Go give him a drink! Synonym -manoh. Category: liquid.
-manȯxéváen vai. give drink to s.o. quickly. more rapid action than -manoh. É-manȯxévaenóho. He quickly gave him a drink. Ohkeéehé-manȯxévaenėstse má'ȯhkevóometo! Always give me a drink whenever you see me! [1987:175] See: -manoh; -manot. Category: drink.
-mas fta. shoot s.o. Náé'etsénooná-máso. I shot him breaking his wing. Éhesta'a-mȧsóho. He shot and wounded him. Phon: allomorph of -emas Variant: -emas. Category: shoot.
máse- pv. joyful, happy, glad, friendly, welcoming manner - in a.
i. joyful, happy, glad, friendly, welcoming manner - in a. É-máseameōhtse. He walked happily. tsé-máseéestsėstovose someone who talks friendly to them. [1987:226] Másevéstȧhéotsémȯhéne! Gladly help him (later)! [1987:231] É-másevo'ėstanéheve. He lives joyfully. É-másemésehe. He gladly eats (for example, eats anything and everything I cook for him). See: -másetsėstov; má'se-; pėhéve-; hetótae; vóeše-.
-mȧse evid. reportative suffix (for 1st and 2nd persons singular subjects). Náme'tatónėšévé-mȧse? What should I do? Nénémené-mȧse. It is said that you were singing. See: -sėstse1. Category: grammar.
Mȧséano'kehe na. (man's name). Category: names.
mȧseha na. crazy person. that is, a person who does 'anything', perhaps wrong things; can be a "bad" person; a 'loose' male; can refer to actual insanity or similar mental illness. pl. can be of mixed gender, but sg. only refers to a man. Feminine mȧsėhá'e. Náhóovėhesétámo hévámóhe mȧsėhá-hoo'o. I mistakenly regarded him, but lo and behold, (he is) crazy. (this is a song; JG 1989). See: mȧsėháá'e; -mȧsėhánee'e. Plural mȧsėhao'o. Category: personality.
mȧsėháá'e na. crazy woman, loose woman. See: mȧseha; mátȧháá'e; mȧsėhá'e. Category: people.
Mȧsėháa'éevo'ha na. Crazy Mule. Contracted Mȧsėháe'ke. Category: names.
Mȧsėháe'ke na. Crazy Mule. non-contract: Mȧsėháa'éevo'ha. Category: names.
mȧsėhá'e na. 1 • loose woman, crazy woman, prostitute. (another recording) See: mátȧháá'e; mȧsėháve'ho'á'e; mȧsėháá'e. Category: people.
2 • Crazy Woman. Category: names.
mȧsėhámȧhta'sóoma na. evil spirit; demon. See: hávėsévevėhanéhe; hávėsévemȧhta'sóoma. Usage: extant? natural? Lit: crazy-spirit
-mȧsėhánee'e vai. crazy, insane, uncontrollable. As with the English word 'crazy', this Cheyenne term can refer to mental insanity, but it has also been extended to other behaviors which are outside of what is desired culturally. And, as with the English word "crazy", this Cheyenne word can be used humorously about behavior which the speaker does not approve of. É-mȧsėhánee'e. He is crazy. (another recording) (another recording) Phon: vs A rushed life is viewed as craziness, as in this saying: Névé'novȯhe'étanóme mȧsėhánééstóva, onésetó'ha'éeta netáhoestovevoo'o,onésėhestóxévétáno mȧsėhánééstóva. Don't race in craziness, try to stop your mounts, try to come in last in terms of craziness! (John Standsintimber used to say this.) See: -távahe; -ononovahe; -ononé'otse; mȧseha; mȧsėhá'e. Category: sickness.
mȧsėháneemȧhēō'o ni. insane asylum. See: ónonovȧhéheo'o tséxhoevȯse. Category: buildings. Lit: crazy-house Locative mȧsėháneemȧheóne.
Mȧsėhánee-mȯxe'ėstóne-mȧhēō'o ni. Pine Hills (Montana) State School. Lit: crazy-school a mental institution.
-mȧsėháneeotse vai. become crazy, do s.t. insane. can be extended to behavior which the speaker does not approve of, and can be used humorously. É-mȧsėháneeotse. He became crazy/did something insane. Naa hó'ótóva néohkemȧhe-mȧsėháneeotsema. And sometimes we all are crazy. Antonym méseeotse.
mȧsėháneestanove vai. crazy live. ma'tamȧsėhánééstánóvése when you (plural) have a crazy way of living. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.082] fai: -éstánové. Category: live.
-mȧsėháneestanove vii. crazy living. tséhnėhméhaemȧsėháneestanove when there was living crazy. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.004] fii: -éstanove. Category: live.
-mȧsėháneetanó vai. want to be crazy. Éononése-mȧsėhánéétáno. He wants to go crazy (act badly) (no matter what might happen).
-mȧsėhánee-vo'ėstanéheve vai. live crazy, live in an inappropriate cultural manner. É-mȧsėháneevo'ėstanéheve He lives crazy/he lives in a culturally wrong manner. Category: live.
mȧsėháome ni. Crazy Lodge. Category: lodges.
-mȧsėhave vai. be crazy, be foolish. É-mȧsėhave. He is a crazy person. Category: personality.
mȧsėháve'ho'á'e na. prostitute. Lit: crazy-white.woman Plural mȧsėháve'ho'á'eo'o. See: mátȧháá'e. Category: people.
mȧsėháve'ho'á'e-mȧhēō'o ni. whorehouse. Category: buildings.
-mȧsėhávéné vai. crazy face. É-mȧsėhávéne. He has a crazy face. Category: face.
-mȧsėhávėstanove vii. crazy living. É-mȧsėhávėstanove. It is crazy living now. See: -héstanove; -anovéstanove. Category: live.
-mȧsėhávo'eétahe vai. crazy do. É-mȧsėhávo'eétahe. He did something crazy. [pd24; pd363] fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-mȧsėhávo'eétȧhéoohe vai. do something crazy, crazy do. É-mȧsėhávo'eétȧhéoohe. He did a crazy thing.
Mȧsėhávoo'xénéhe na. Crazy Roman Nose. Indian name of Chief Two Moons. See: Éše'heo'ȯhnéšese; Ononevóo'xénéhe. Category: names.
-mȧséhe'kó vii. very narrow. É-mȧséhé'ko. It is very narrow. Variant: -mȧsého'kó. Category: room.
-mȧsého'kešé vai. lie in a crowded space, crowded lie. É-mȧsého'kēše. He is lying in a crowded space; there is not enough room for him to turn over (or, turn around). Category: lie, space.
-mȧsého'kó vii. crowded space, not enough room, very narrow. É-mȧséhó'ko. It is a crowded space. Variant: -mȧséhe'kó. See: -neó'kó. Category: room.
-mȧsém vta. kiss s.o. There is much uncertaintly on how this word was originally pronounced. É-mȧsemo. He kissed her. É-mȧsémóho. (newer pronunciation). Néh-mȧsemėstse! Kiss me! Variant: -mȯsém, -vȧsém, -vȯsém. Category: romance.
mȧseme- pv. enjoy. É-mȧsememésehe. He is enjoying eating. See: ma'xe-; heóme-; háe-; osee-; -mȧsemo'ahe; -nȯhtsevátsestá. Category: degree.
-mȧsemeotse vai. difficult position. É-mȧsemeotse. He is in a difficult position. for example, physically uncomfortable. Ná-mȧsemeotse. I'm in a difficult position. I'm in a difficult position. For example, I'm physically uncomfortable.
-mȧsémėškóhtaehoo'e vai. sit almost lying down with legs in an awkward position. Ná-mȧsemėškóhtaehoo'e. I'm almost lying down with my legs in an awkward position. Phon: vs See: -mȧsého'keše; -neó'keše. Category: sit.
-mȧsemetanó vai. humbly ask, plead. É-mȧsemetāno. He is pleading. See: -háo'omenehe; -hávėsévetanó; -ánovetanó; -momóhtsem. Category: emotions.
-mȧsemo'ahe vai. crave.
vti. Gram: ai+o crave s.t. É-mȧsemo'ahe. He craves it. Ná-mȧsemo'ahe. I crave it. See: mȧseme-; -ho'ahe.
-mȧsemoo'e vai. sit in an uncomfortable position. É-mȧsemoo'e. He is sitting in an uncomfortable position. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-másetanó vai. joyfully anticipate, be joyful. É-másetāno. He is joyfully anticipating (something). Éohke-másetāno. He is cheerful. See: -pėhévetanó; -hetótaetanó; -vóešetanó. Category: emotions.
-másetanó'tá vti. welcome s.t., be pleased with s.t. É-másetanó'ta. He is happy with it (for example, his new bicycle). Category: emotions.
-másetanó'tov vta. have a welcome attitude toward s.o. É-másetanó'tovóho. He is "welcomey" toward him. Ma'hēō'o né-másetanó'toene tséxhotse'otaétse. God is pleased with us that we are his workers. É-másetanó'tovȧhtséstove. There is being happy (and good) to each other. (for example, in traditional child rearing). See: -másetsėstov; -máha'ov. Category: interpersonal.
-másetanov vai. be proud of s.o., be pleased with s.o. É-másetanovóho. He is proud of him/he is pleased with him. See: -pėhévetanov. Category: interpersonal.
-másetsestá vti. welcome s.t., pleased with s.t. É-másétsésta. He is pleased with it. Etym: *melwito·tamwa ‘he treats it well’. Másétséstȯhtse tsėhéóhe tséhetóena'továtse! Be pleased with how I pray to you here! [PRAISE.TXT] É-másetsėstomóvo heméáhtómévo. He accepted (welcomed) their gift. vai: -másetsėstahe. See: -pėhévátsestá. Category: emotions.
-másetsėstahe vai. hospitable, friendly. refers to the valued trait of welcoming people; doesn't have to be just to one's own home. É-másetsėstahe. He is hospitable. See: -hoto'ahe; -sénohe. Category: personality.
-másetsėstȧhé'heóneve vai. be a friendly person, be a gracious person. É-másetsėstȧhé'heóneve. He is friendly/gracious. Category: personality.
-másetsėstósané vai. friendly to people, hospitable to people. É-másetsėstósáne. He is friendly and hospitable to people. fai: -ósané. Category: personality.
-másetsėstov vta. welcome s.o. This is an important Cheyenne cultural value. É-másetsėstovóho. He welcomed him. Etym: *melwito·tawe·wa. Ná-másetsėstóó'e. They welcomed me. Másetsėstoveha! Welcome him! vti: -másetsestá. See: -másetanó'tov; -évaotsé'tov; -á'eh. Category: interpersonal.
mȧsó- pv. suddenly, all the group, in a burst. É-mȧsóa'xaeméotse. He burst out crying. É-mȧsóhohátseotse. He burst out laughing. [1987:180] tséh-mȧsómeo'ėstséstove tsé'énetȧhtséstovetsé'ée-mȧsótaomeasevo'ėstanéhévévȯse tsėhéóhe tsé'éemaeévȧho'eohtsévȯse during the battles and after the end of fighting, when they started to make a living for themselves here when they came back. [1987:188] Variant: mȧsóe-. See: mȧhe-; mae-; hó'ótóva; sé'hove-. Category: time, quantity.
mȧsóe- pv. suddenly, all the group, in a burst. Móstamȧsóemé'ovȯhevovóhe. They must have found them (animate). [Blue Elk Soldiers.006] Variant: mȧsó.
mȧsóeoesta'xe vai. charge through. Émȧsóeoesta'xe. He charged through. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.054] Ques: recheck including pitches See: -ésta'xe. Category: motion, check.
mata na. pickle, peyote. Plural mátaho; Obviative mátaho. Morph: /mátah/. Ques: does it also mean cactus?? Category: check. See: véhonemata; heškóvemata; véhonemata; -mátȧhéve'haná; -mátȧhémahpe. Category: plants, food.
mátȧháá'e na. slut, prostitute, harlot, whore, crazy woman, loose woman, flirty woman. can refer to a woman who has loose morals, who "gets around"; could be jokingly said of a female cat that really "gets around" and has many litters. Phon: not vs Plural mátȧháa'eo'o; Diminutive mátȧháa'kēso. See: tónėšenóvé'e; mȧsėhá'e; mȧsėháve'ho'á'e; mé'ėško'á'e; mé'šeesévé'ho'á'e; ma'táá'e; mȧxomȧhē'e. Category: people.
-mátȧháa'eve vai. loose woman, be a prostitute. can be said of a man or woman. É-mátȧháa'eve. She is a loose person.
mátȧháa'kēso na. loose young woman. Non-diminutive mátȧháá'e. This word is used in a 49er song.
mátȧhémahpe ni. peyote tea. Lit: peyote-water See: mata ‘peyote’; mátȧhémȧhtáme ‘peyote tea’. Category: drink.
mátȧhémȧhtáme ni. peyote tea. Lit: peyote-food See: mata ‘peyote’; mátȧhémahpe ‘peyote tea’; máhtáme ‘food’. Category: drink.
Mátȧhémó'ėsá'e na. Peyote Calf. a nickname for one of several men named Mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.
-mátȧhénonee'e vai. sit singing peyote songs. É-mátȧhénonee'e. He is sitting singing peyote songs. Category: sit.
mátȧhénoo'ȯtse ni. peyote song. Plural mátȧhénootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.
mátȧhéome ni. peyote tepee. Variant: mátȧhévee'e. Category: ceremonial.
mátȧhéomēē'e obl. at a peyote meeting. Lit: peyote-lodge-OBL
mátȧhéomenȯtse ni. cactus fruit. plural. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, berries.
mátȧhévee'e ni. peyote tepee. Variant: mátȧhéome. Category: ceremonial.
-mátȧhéve'haná vai. eat peyote. É-mátȧhéve'hanáhtove. There is a peyote meeting (lit. eating) going on. See: mata ‘peyote; pickle’. Category: ceremonial.
mátȧhéve'hanáhe na. peyote person. Plural mátȧhéve'hanáheo'o. See: mata. Category: ceremonial.
-mátȧhéve'hanáheve vai. peyote person. É-mátȧhéve'hanéheve. He was a peyote man. Category: ceremonial.
Mátȧhéve'hanahtȯtse ni. Native American Church. Lit: peyote-eating-NOM The three men with the main duties in peyote meetings are called: tsévéhonevėstse 'the chief', tséheonéhavo'eestse 'the drum keeper', and ho'ėstanáhe 'the fire keeper'. Mátaho 'peyote buttons' are eaten during the service. The chief button is called véhonemata. It sits where the "moon" is, right in front of the chief. Category: ceremonial.
-mátȧhévévėháne vai. peyote drum, imitate peyote drumming. can humorously refer to the thumping noise dogs make when scratching. É-mátȧhévévėháne. He is peyote-drumming. fai: -évėhané. Category: dogs, drum.
mátaho na. Gram: pl peyote buttons. can also refer to pickles or cactuses. Singular mata. Category: ceremonial.
Mátȧhó'ómo ni. 1 • pin cushion cactus. Plural mátȧhó'omonȯtse; AlternatePlural mátȧhó'komonȯtse. These are small cactus plants with little red berries similar to a persimmon; they taste sweet. Category: plants.
2 • Pin Cushion Cactus. Category: names.
-mata'keohtsé vii. brittle - becoming. É-mata'keōhtse. It is becoming brittle. [pd186] Category: texture.
-mata'keotsé vii. brittle - become. É-mata'keotse. It has become brittle. [pd186] Category: texture.
-mata'kó vii. brittle. É-matā'ko. It is brittle. Etym: *meθexkye·wi. See: -he'konó. Category: texture.
mata'xevȯtse na. Gram: poss testicle. Plural mata'xevoto. See: -ta'xevȯtse. Category: vulgar.
matana1 ni. milk. (another recording) (another recording) Probably derived from ma-tana 'breast'. BodyPartMedial -tanahá. Etym: *meθenepi (Pi); *meθenepyi (P); cf. Ar beθénec. See: matana2 ‘breast’. Category: drink.
matana2 Gram: poss na. breast, teat. Plural ma-tanāne, ma-tanaho. na-tana my breast. Etym: *neθenyi. na-tanāne my breasts. he-tanāne her breast(s). The singular ma-tana is the same as matana 'milk'. BodyPartMedial -tanahá. See: matana1 ‘milk’; -néh. Category: body.
matanaé- pv. breast. refers to breast area of male or female. See: -šené; -šeeoná. Category: body.
matanáeamóvȯhtó'hestȯtse ni. milk truck. See: amóvȯhtó'hestȯtse ‘truck’. Category: transportation.
matanaéestsema'évestȯtse ni. breast cancer. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, new, sickness.
matanaéheséeo'ȯtse ni. milk medicine. This is an herbal medicine to encourage lactation. See: matanaévó'ėstse; matanaémáxėstse. Category: plants.
matanáekȧso'eške ni. milk can. See: kȧso'eške. Category: containers.
matanáémáxėstse ni. milkweed?? Synonym matanáevō'ėstse. Category: plants, check.
-matanaémea'xe vai. milk smell, smell of milk. É-matanaémea'xe. He smells of milk. Category: smell.
matanaéve'ho'á'e na. policewoman. See: matanaéve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
matanaéve'ho'e na. policeman, truancy officer, milkman. (another recording) Lit: breast-ve'ho'e (refers to the badge pinned on the chest) Some speakers point out that this can also mean 'milkman', but the term almost exclusively refers to 'policeman' today. Plural matanaévé'hó'e; Obviative matanaévé'hó'e. Category: school.
matanaévé'hó'e tsé'ȯhkeáahtomóhévȯse vta. police scanner. Lit: where the police are listened to Category: new.
-matanaéve'ho'évėsané vai. wear police uniform. É-matanaéve'ho'évėsáne. He is wearing a police uniform. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
matanaévo'énȧháno ni. milkweed pudding. See: matanaévó'ėstse; matanaémáxėstse.
matanaévó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl milkweed. an herbal medicine for encouraging lactation. this may be a new word, a loan transl. based on the English term; the older Cheyenne may be matanaémáxėstse. See: matanaémáxėstse; matanaé-heséeo'ȯtse. Category: plants.
máto p. also. naa máto and also. naa máto héva or / well maybe. Máto hénová'e? What else? Násáavóomóhe Sarah naa máto néstȯxévȯse. I didn't see Sarah and also the others. ?? [ms 0623 153211.WAV@00:45] Etym: *mi:nawa; cf. O mi·nawaa; cf. C mi:na. Category: check. See: naa ‘and’; hóse- ‘again’; hóna'ove- ‘additional’; no'(e)- ‘included’; maato ‘front’; óháse ‘also’.
-matóe'tov vta. smell s.o. É-matóe'tovóho. He smelled him. Ésta=no'hése=matóe'tsé'tovȯhevóhe hemo'ėškono. He smelled his finger (obv). [Croft 1988:30:26] See: -matóm; -matóotsé'tov.
mátȯhéva p. or. Phon: composed of the two words,, máto and héva, but usually pronounced together as if it were a single word Hé'tóhe mo'kėhanȯtse námanėstóotȧhahtsenȯtse. Náto'setaomėhemo'kėhanenȯtse naa máto héva vo'ėstane mȧxho'aestse nȧhtanėšėhohtóvanȯtse. These moccasins, I'm making them for myself. They are going to be my own moccasins, or if someone wants them, I'll sell them. [(1980:73:4-6)]
-matóhtá vti. smell s.t. É-matóhta. He smelled it. Etym: *mela·ntamwa. Ná-matóhta. I smelled it. Etym: *nemela·nta·ni ‘I smell it.’. vta: -matóm. Category: smell.
-mató'h vta. smell s.o. ?? É-mato'ho. He smells him. É-mató'hóho. He smells him (newer pronunciation). for example, smelling burnt cedar. Category: smell, check.
-mató'há ?? vti. cedar s.t. Mató'hėstse! Cedar it! Category: ceremonial, check.
-mató'h(n) vta. cedar s.o., put smoke (especially cedar) on s.o. This term could be used in a traditional way with a meaning something like 'bless s.o.'; "cedaring" s.o. is a traditional ritual--it purifies the person to whom the cedar smoke is directed. É-mato'no. He cedared him. É-mató'nóho. He cedared him (newer pronunciation). Etym: *mela·Ɂswe·wa. Mató'heha! Cedar him! É-mató'xestse. He is cedaring himself. Mató'hėstse! Cedar yourself! Mató'hestse! Cedar yourselves! See: -tsėhetȧho'h(n). Category: ceremonial.
-mató'hová vai. cause s.o. to smell something. This is a ceremonial act of blessing. É-mató'hóva. He spread smoke / blessed with smoke. [1987:236] See: -tsėhetȧho'hová.
-mató'oh(n) vta. make s.o. smell (something). É-mató'ȯhnóho. He made him smell (something). See: -má'toh(n). Category: smell.
-mató'seh vta. make s.o. smell (something). É-mató'sėhóho. He made him smell (something). Category: smell.
-matóm vta. smell s.o. É-matomo. He smelled him. É-matómóho. He smells him. (newer pronunciation). (another recording) He smells him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *mela·me·wa ‘he smells him’. Ná-matómo. I smell him. Etym: *nemela·ma·wa ‘I smell him’. Énéhe-matomo. He is trailing him by his smell. Énané-matomo. He recognizes him by his smell. vti: -matóhtá. See: mée-; -méa'xe. Category: smell.
-matomené vai. have a nosebleed. É-matomēne. He has a nosebleed ; he has a bloody nose. (another recording) Etym: cf. M mena·maehkow. See: -ma'éveesé; -ma'eve. Category: sickness.
matomenéheséeo'ȯtse ni. nosebleed medicine. Category: plants.
-matomenéotse vai. get a nosebleed. É-matomenéotse. He got a nosebleed. Category: sickness.
-matomenéšé vai. lie with a nosebleed. É-matomenéše. He had a nosebleed during sleep. Etym: cf. M mena·maehki·hsen ‘he fell and got a bloody nose’. Category: lie.
-matomenévo'kȯh(n) vta. bloody s.o.'s nose. É-matomenévo'kȯhnóho. He bloodied his (other person's) nose. Category: violence.
-matóné vai. smell. that is, detect odor. É-matóne. He smelled (detected odors). Etym: *mela·nke·wa. vti: -matóhtá. See: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
-matóneohtsé vai. sniff.go. É-matóneōhtse. He went sniffing. matónéóhtse?? Category: smell, check.
matonėše ni. Gram: poss belly, stomach. See: -tonėše.
-matóotsé'tov vta. smell s.o. É-matóotsé'tovóho. He smelled him. Ésta-matóotsé'tovósesto xaóne. He smelled a skunk. (reportative). [1987:282] See: -matóm; -matóe'tov. Category: smell.
-matósané vai. smell. This can refer to when a dog smells something when it cannot be seen or when it smells a person. É-matósáne. He is smelling (something). Category: smell.
Mátováhé'e na. Peyote Woman. Category: names.
matse1 ni. poop, feces, dung, excrement, turd. (another recording) Morph: /máte/. he-matse his turd. Etym: *mye·yi (P). See: ho'honáematse; mátsevo'e1; hemahkȧse; hoxa'o'ēsėstse. Category: vulgar, body function.
matse-2 i. infected. É-matseotse namo'ēško. My finger has become infected/developed pus. Nėstsevé'hetsėhéhno éše'he! Nėstsematseōse. Don't point at the sun (or moon)! You'll get an infected finger. (cultural prohibition). See: matse1; mátsevo'e. Etym: *meli 'pus'. Category: sickness.
ma-tsėhešénestȯtse ni. face. netao'o he-tšėhešénėstóva all over on her face. [1987:253] Usage: not widely used Category: body, face.
-matse'ēsta vai. have infected ear(s); have running ear(s). É-matse'ēsta. He has runny ear(s)/he has infected ear(s). BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: sickness.
Matse'ėstáhe na. Running Ear. Category: ears, names.
matsé'ome- i. spring.
Matsé'oméeše'he na. Spring Moon, May. See: Véhpotséeše'he. Category: months.
matsé'oméva obl. spring. The season of the year. Category: time.
-matsé'omeve vii. be spring (season). É-matsé'omeve. It is springtime. Etym: *melo·xkamyiwi (P). Category: time.
matsé'oméveohtsé vii. become spring. Mó'ȯhkease-matsé'oméveohtséhanéhe. It would be the beginning of spring. [Cheyenne Seasons.011]
-mátseméa'há vii. smell of feces, smell poopy, poopy smell. É-mátséméá'ha. It smells poopy. fii: -méa'há. Category: smell.
-mátseméa'xe vai. smell poopy, smell of poop, feces smell; poopy smell. É-mátseméa'xe. He smells poopy. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
-mátseméeotse vii. become poopy smelling.
vai. become poopy smelling. for example, of a baby's diaper. É-mátseméeotse. It (or He) has become poopy smelling. fii: -méa'há. Category: smell.
mátseméesé vai. stinky nose, shitty nose. Lit: shitty nose Usage: This word has been used as an epithet, typically humorous. É-mátseméése. His nose smells poopy. Category: nose.
matsemenȯtse Gram: pl ni. oats. Common folk etymologies give the literal meaning either as 'pus-berries', perhaps because when cooked up as oatmeal it looks like snot, or, 'feces-berries.' Some speakers prefer to say ho'sȧhtsenáénȧhéno because it doesn't sound bad like matsemenȯtse does. Etym: cf *malo·mina ‘wild rice’. See: matse; ho'sȧhtsenáénȧhéno; mátse. Category: food.
-matséné vai. have sore eyes, have infected eyes. É-matséne. He has infected/sore eyes. Etym: *meli·nkwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -ho'sȧheéne. Category: eyes, sickness.
Matséneo'hé'e ni. Kingfisher Creek. This is a tributary of the Cimarron River. Grinnell (1906) said this is more commonly called Noma'héo'hé'e Fish Creek. See: Noma'héo'hé'e ‘Fish Creek’. Category: rivers.
matsénėstse na. 1 • kingfisher. Category: birds. Lit: eyes.with.matter-(one) Variant: matsénéhe ??. Category: check. Plural matsénėheo'o; Obviative matsénėheho.
2 • Kingfisher. Category: names.
ma-tsénone ni. Gram: poss armpit. Possessive -tsénone. Ques: tsénono?? Plural matsénonȯtse. Etym: *meθenkwiyi (Go2014). See: -tseno. Category: body.
matsénoono na. Gram: pl wings. Stem -tsénoono. part of Sun Dance equipment. See: méeno. Category: Sun Dance, birds.
Matséóhné'e na. (woman's name). Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
-matseósé vai. have an infected finger. É-matseōse. He has an infected finger. Etym: *meliwikašye·wa. Nėstsevé'hetsėhéhno éše'he. Nėstse-matseōse. Don't point at the sun (or moon)! You'll get an infected finger. See: -mátseveotse. BodyPartMedial -ósé3; Initial matse-. Etym: *meliwikašye·wa. Category: sickness.
Matseōse na. Festering Finger. Category: names.
-mátsevȧháotse vai. have venereal disease, have V.D. Lit: infected-vagina É-mátsevȧháotse. She has V.D. BodyPartMedial -ahá; Masculine -mátsevȯhosé. See: -ó'o'eta'e; -mátšėxó'é; -totónesta. Category: sickness, body, vulgar.
-mátseve vii. infected, pussy.
vai. infected, pussy. É-mátseve. It (or He) is infected. Etym: *meliwiwa. See: -mátseveotse ‘become infected’. Category: sickness, check.
-mátseve'éxané vai. pussy eyes, infected eyes. É-mátseve'éxáne. He has pussy eyes. BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: eyes, sickness.
-mátsevenóohe vai. look shitty. É-mátsevenóohe. He looks shitty. Ques: look infected?? Category: check.
-mátseveotse vii. infected.
vai. infected. especially refers to there being pus. É-mátseveotse. He (or It) got infected. Etym: *meliwiɁle·wa < **meliwipalyiwa. See: -mátseve. Category: sickness.
-mátsevėškóhtá vai. have infected leg. É-mátsevėškóhta. His leg is infected/pussy. Etym: *meliwika·te·wa. Category: sickness.
-mátsevȯhosé vai. have venereal disease; have V.D. Lit: infected-penis É-mátsevȯhōse. He has V.D. Medial -hosé; Feminine -mátsevȧháotse. See: -ó'o'eta'e; -mátšėxó'é; -mátsevȧháotse; -totónesta. Category: sickness, vulgar.
mátsevo'e1 ni. feces smear left after inadequate wiping. used today as an epithet; humorous, sometimes used for brother-in-law joking. Usage: vulgar See: matse; matsemenȯtse. Category: vulgar.
-mátsevo'e2 vai. have dirty anus. É-mátsevo'e. He has a dirty anus. for instance, did not wipe up well after defecating. medial uncertain. See: -neevávoo'oh(n). Category: vulgar, body.
matšėškōme na. 1 • raccoon. Plural matšėškomeho; Obviative matšėškomeho. Category: animals.
2 • Raccoon. Category: names.
matšėškomévȯhkėha'e ni. raccoon hat. See: hóhkėha'e.
-mátšėxó'é vai. have venereal disease. Lit: infected-crotch É-mátšėxó'e. He (or She) has VD. É-mátšėxó'eo'o. They have V.D. BodyPartMedial -xó'é. See: -só'é; -ó'o'eta'e; -mátsevȧháotse; -mátsevȯhosé; -totónesta. Category: vulgar, sickness.
ma-tšóka ni ??. joker. Category: check. of playing cards. Usage: partial sound "translation" which some people have used (in Oklahoma?) Category: cards.
mavétove ni. Gram: poss body. See: -vétove. Category: body.
máx- i. punish. É-máxeósėhóho. He punished him. Ques: recheck analysis and other forms??
mȧx- i. touch. É-mȧxanóho. He touched him by hand. É-mȧxá'a. He touched it by foot. Pėhéve-mȧxaneha! Bless him (lit. touch him good)! É-mȧxanēne. He signed his name. Category: touch.
Mȧxaaehma'heóná'e na. Medicine Eagle Feather Woman. Category: names, check.
Mȧxaaehma'heóná'e ?? na. Medicine Eagle Feather Woman. Category: names, check.
-mȧxa'á vti. touch s.t. with foot or body. É-mȧxá'a. He touched it with foot or body. Etym: *mešexkamwa (P). É-mȧxa'ánóvo. They touched it with foot or body. vta: -mȧxa'ov. See: -mȧxan ‘touch s.t. by hand’; -mȧxa'ó'tsé ‘touch s.t. quickly’; -tsé'en ‘touch s.t./s.o.’. Category: surface, touch.
-mȧxa'éšé vai. touch head to the ground, bow. É-mȧxa'éše. He bowed (to the ground). See: -nȧha'ešé. Category: lie, check.
-mȧxa'ó'tsé vti. touch s.t. quickly. É-mȧxa'ó'tse. He touched it quickly. See: -mȧxan. Category: touch.
-mȧxa'ósané vai. touch, bless. If an appropriate person touches someone or something they can confer a blessing on that person or thingt. É-mȧxa'ósáne. He touched/blessed. Category: eat.
-mȧxa'ósanéto vii. touch, bless. for example, touched or blessed by food or a prayer. Éohke-mȧxa'ósanéto. (If you eat slowly your food will) touch you/you'll feel it. Category: eat.
-mȧxa'ov vta. touch s.o. with foot or body, brush against s.o. to touch in the sense of brushing against s.o. É-mȧxa'ovóho. He brushed against him. Etym: *mešexkawe·wa (P). Ná-mȧxa'ōvo. I touched him with my foot. É-mȧxa'oo'e. It has touched him. vti: -mȧxa'á. See: -tsé'en; -mȧxan ‘touch s.t./s.o.’; -nȧha'en. Category: touch.
-mȧxan 1 • vti. touch s.t. É-mȧxána. He touched it. Etym: *mešenamwa (P). Mȧxānȯhtse! Touch it! Mȧxanome! Touch it! (said to more than one person). See: -mȧxa'á; -mȧxa'ó'tsé; -tsé'en.
2 • vta. touch s.o. É-mȧxanóho. He touched him. Etym: *mešene·wa (P). Mȧxaneha! Touch him! Mȧxana! (said to more than one person) Touch him! É-mȧxanȧhtseo'o. ?? They are touching each other. Etym: *mešenetwiwaki (P). Reduplicated -momáxan. See: -mȧxa'á; -tsé'e'ó'h. Category: touch, check.
-mȧxanené vai. sign name. Lit: touch literally refers to touching the surface (of paper). É-mȧxanēne. He signed his name. Etym: *mešenike·wa (P) ‘he gets his hands on things’. Mȧxanēnėstse! Sign it! Móho'nó-mȧxanēnėstse. He must not have signed. See: -mȯxe'ohá. Category: touch.
-mȧxanené'tá vti. sign s.t. É-mȧxanené'ta. He signed it. Mȧxanené'tȯhtse nevéhestȯtse! Sign your name! Perhaps it is more natural to say Mȧxanenėstse! 'Sign your name!'. Hēva é'ée-mȧxanené'tȯhenovótse mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse. Maybe they signed papers. [1987:58] See: -mȧxanené; -amėhahtsé. Category: write.
-mȧxaxá vti. touch s.t. while cutting. for example, touch bone when cutting meat. Ná-mȧxáxa. I touched it cutting. Category: cut.
mȧxe- pv. touch. É-mȧxeéestse. He spoke and it was received well (that is, the people were touched by it). Lit: he-touch-speak vti: -mȧxa'ó'tsé, -mȧxan. Category: touch.
maxe ni. piece of wood, firewood, log (especially a firewood log). māxe is a larger piece of wood than kȧhámáxe. Plural mȧxehȯtse, māxėstse. See: -mȧhané; -mȧxemé; kȧhamaxe. Etym: *mehši. Category: fire.
-mȧxee'é vai. cut with drawknife ?? É-mȧxeē'e. He cut with a drawknife. This is an intransitive verb. Ques: cf following entry?? Phon: vs ?? Category: cut, check.
-mȧxee'é vai. soften hide. part of tanning process. É-mȧxéé'e. He is softening hide. ?? cf preceding entry?? É-mȧxeeo'o (also in corpus, é-mȧxee'eo'o ?? They are softening hide. Category: check. See: -ho'néné. Phon: vs ?? Category: handcraft.
-mȧxehá vii. touch. É-mȧxéha. It is touching. That is, it is touch something. Initial mȧx-; Final -ehá. Category: cut, handcraft, surface.
-mȧxemá vai. have firewood. Épėhéve-mȧxēma. He has a good amount of firewood. See: -mȧxemé. Category: fire.
-mȧxemé vai. have firewood. Éma'xe-mȧxēme. He has a lot of firewood. Ques: -he-mȧxeme?? See: -mȧxemá; -he-mȧxeme. Category: fire.
-máxeóhtotse'ót vta. punish s.o. through work. É-máxeóhtotse'oto. He punished him through work. É-máxeóhtotse'ótóho. (newer pronunciation) He punished him through work. For example, he worked him too hard. Ná-máxeóhtotse'ótahtse. I punish myself working. See: -hotse'ót; -hotse'óhe; -máxeóseh. Category: work.
-máxeó'oeseh vta. teach s.o. a lesson, treat s.o. extremely. É-máxeó'oesėhóho. He taught him a lesson / treated him extremely. Móstaéše-máxeó'oesėhaehevóhe néhe xaóne. He had enough of that skunk. [A Man Who Got Cornered by a Skunk.075] Category: interpersonal.
-máxeó'otse vai. learn lesson. É-máxeó'otse. He 'has to learn the hard way.' / he learned his lesson. See: -máxeóseh; -hao'omósešé.
-máxeóseh vta. punish s.o. É-máxeósėhóho. He punished him. See: -mométsėstóm. Category: interpersonal.
máxeósėhahtsestȯtse ni. punishment, torture. a'enemáxeósėhahtsestȯtse eternal punishment (new word). See: -asėto'ee'e.
mȧxȯheoestoh(n) vta. count coup on. tséhvé'eovóe-mȧxȯheoestōhno because I was the first to count coup on him. [Florence Whiteman Life Story.066]
-mȧxȯhestsévo'soo'e vai. play tag. É-mȧxȯhestsévo'sóeo'o. They are playing tag. See: -évo'soo'e. Category: games. Phon: vs
-mȧxoh(n) vta. mark s.o. by tool. Lit: touch s.o. by tool É-mȧxȯhnóho. He marked him. Etym: *mešahwe·wa (P). Category: interpersonal.
mȧxomȧhē'e na. available woman. that is, a woman that is easy to get. See: mátȧháá'e.
-máxome'há vai. fly slowly, slowly fly. É-máxomē'ha. He flew slowly. Naa mo'ē'ha móhmáxome'hahéhe. And the magpie flew slowly. [The Great Race.029] Ques: recheck spelling?? See: -momáxome'há. Category: fly, speed.
-mȧxóneehá vii. touch. É-mȧxónééha. It is touching (for example, something running in parallel to something else but touches it at some point). É-mȧxónééha ho'ēva. It (for example, a horse's tail) touches the ground (that is, it reaches all the way to the ground).
-mé sfx. first person (excl.) and second person plural. Náhotse'óhé-me. We worked. Námané-me. We (incl) drank. Népėhévenémené-me. You (pl) sang well. Nééšemésėhe-mehe? Did you (pl) already eat? See: -ma.
-me na. Gram: poss older sister. ne-me your older sister. na-mėhāne my older sister. he-meho his older sister. he-mėhevóho their older sister(s). Category: relatives.
-méahá'ené vai. cook food with smell. Népėhéve-méahá'éne. You cooked good smelling food. Éhávėséve-méahá'éne. She cooked bad smelling food. Énése-méahá'éne. She is cooking something that smells (can be a good or bad smell). Final -ahá'ené. See: -méa'há. Category: cook, smell.
-méahešé vai. make it to spring, survive winter, spring - made it to. É-méahēše. He made it to another spring. Etym: cf *ni·penehšiwa (P). Né-méahešenámáne. We made it to another spring. [1987:207] See: Hóma'e ‘Beaver’.
méahtȯtse ni. gift. aéstomeméahtȯtse a free gift.
-méahtove vii. be a gift. É-méahtove. It is a gift. Éaéstome-méahtove. It is just given away free. Ésáa'aéstome-méahtovėhane. It is not given away for free.
vai. be a gift. É-méahtovehe mo'éhno'ha? Was the horse given? Móhne'ȯhkeévatšėheše-méahtovėhevóhe. They (animate) were sent over here. [1987:45] vta: -méa'tov. See: -neenáh(n); méahtȯtse.
-méahtse fai. mouth smell. Éxaóe-méáhtse. He has onion breath. BodyPartMedial -ahtsé ‘mouth’. Category: smell.
-mea'a vai. give. Variant: -mea'e. Usage: probably most speakers say -mea'e
-mea'e vai. give. Variant: -mea'a. Phon: vs É-mea'e. He gave. Etym: *mye·kwa (P); cf. O mi·giwe (N). É-méao'o. They are giving. Phon: vs
vti. give s.t. Gram: ai+o É-méanȯtse. He gave them (inanimate). Ná-méanȯtse. I gave them (inanimate). (another recording) vta: -mét, -méa'tov. See: -mét; nóa-; -méa'há; -nóahešévé.
-méa'e'ov vta. breed s.o. that is, cause to be bred. É-méa'e'ovóho. He bred him. See: -hémotsé ‘breed’.
-méa'há fii. smell. É-méá'ha. It smells. Épėhéve-méá'ha. It smells good. Énése-méá'ha. It smells unpleasant. Épáé-méá'ha. It smells of ashes/powder. Évone-méá'ha. The smell is gone. Éhóhkeehé-méá'ha. It smells of mice. fai: -méa'xe. See: -mea'a; -méeotse; -méahá'ené; -matóm. Category: smell.
-méá'tov vta. Gram: ai+o give s.o. This is one of a number of verbs which take -nó(t) suffixes for "direct" TA person combinations. The verbs are usually of the AI+O class, that is, normally AI verbs which receive secondary suffixes to indicate a transitive relationship. In inverse person relationships the AI+O verbs take the normal -'tov TA suffix. Some other verbs with this -'tov/-not TA suffix alternation are: -ho'ȧhé'tov 'want s.o.'; -ne'étamé'tov 'depend on s.o.'; -moné'tov 'choose s.o.'; -amȧhé'tov 'receive s.o.' -hešké'tov 'have s.o. as mother' (all such 'have s.o. as kin' verbs take the -'tov/-not suffixes);-hohtóva'tov 'barter s.o. (that is, the object bartered for)'; -no'evéhe'tov 'be named for s.o.'; -amo'xé'tov 'carry s.o. on the back as game'; and -nomáhtse'tov 'steal s.o.'. Ná-méanȯtse. I gave him (for example, horse). É-méanoto. He gave him. É-méanoto mo'éhno'hāme. He gave a horse. Ná-méa'tova. He gave me away. Éohke-méa'tovȧhtsénóvo nésemóono. They give themselves to the (familiar) spirits. [1987:147] with tšėheše- pv. gives idea of 'send s.o.'. Náme'tatšėheše-méanȯtse nȧháóhe tsé'tóhe hetane. Let me send this man over there. [1987:186] Móxho'nóto'sėhé-mea'tovahtsėstse. He was not going to give himself up. [Stamper 1991:10] See: -méa'e ‘give’; -nóahešéve ‘give to s.o.’; -ho'méa'tov. vai: /-méa/.
-méa'xe vai. smell, stink. É-méa'xe. He smells. for example, a baby that pooped.
fai. smell, stink. Émémėse-méa'xe. He smells shitty. Épėhéve-méa'xe. He smells good. Émȧhe-méa'xeo'o. They all stunk. Móstanȯhtsevóeotsé'tovȯhevóhe néhe tsénése-méa'xetsese. (The man) looked for this one who was smelly. [1987:282] fii: -méa'há. See: -méeotse; -matóne; -mé'a'xe. Category: smell.
méamȧhēō'o ni. BIA building. Oblique méamȧheóne. See: méave'ho'e. Category: buildings.
-méaná vti. dig out s.t. É-méána. ?? He is digging it out. vai: -méanené. Category: check.
méané obl. in summertime. Category: time.
Méanéeše'he na. Summer Moon, July, June. The precise modern calendar period is uncertain. See: Énano'éeše'he; É'oméeše'he. Category: months.
-méanené vai. dig to make bare. for example, a dog scratching/digging in the ground to bury a bone, a shallower action than -ménȯhené. É-méanēne. He is baring the ground as he digs. vti: -méaná. See: -méanóma'o'e.
-méaneve vii. be summer. É-méaneve. It is summer. Etym: cf *ni·penwi (P).
-méanévėsané vai. dress in summer clothing. É-méanévėsáne. He is dressed in summer clothing. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
Méanȯhová'e na. (woman's name). Ques: joe fox sr.'s mother Category: names.
-méanóma'o'e vii. be bare ground. É-méanóma'o'e. The ground is bare. Éstatšėšease-méanóma'o'énėse. The ground became barren. [The Journey.139] Meo'o é-méanóma'o'e. The road is dry/clear of ice/bare. fii: -óma'o'e. See: -méanené; -oo'kóma'o'e. Category: ground.
-méaohe vai. send ?? Ques: vta passive?? É-méaoheo'o. ?? They were sent. ?? Hánȧháóhe tósa'e ma'xemȧheóne mó'ȯhkėho'-méaohéstovėhevóhe héovȧtse tséhestase hováhne. Somewhere over there ina big building (where) they would send game, different kinds of animals. [1987:186] Category: check. See: -méá; -méa'tov.
Méávé'e na. (woman's name). Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.
méave'ho'á'e na. BIA agency superintendent (female). See: méamȧheo'o. Category: jobs.
méavé'ho'e na. agency superintendent. Lit: giving-whiteman See: méamȧhēō'o ‘agency building’. Category: jobs.
méave'ho'éno ni. agency, Lame Deer, Montana, Concho, Oklahoma. (another recording) This is the most commonly used Cheyenne name for Lame Deer today. However, the traditional name for Lame Deer is Mo'ȯhtávȯheomeneno 'Black Lodge Place," named for the Black Lodge group of Cheyennes, many of whom settled in the Lame Deer area. Lit: giving-whiteman-place See: Mo'ȯhtávȯheomeneno. Category: places.
méavotse'ón na. BIA employee, government workers (on the reservation). See: hotsē'o; -hotse'ohe. Plural méavotse'ono; Obviative méavotse'ono. Category: jobs.
mé(e)- i. appear. É-mé'evonēhne. He appeared crawling. Tavé'hoomenano tsé-mé'ee'eohtsese hotóao'o! Look at those buffaloes which appear going up the hill! Tsenėh-mé'eanȯhóeóó'e kȧsovááhe. A young man will appear looking down (from the hill). É-mé'éhne. He appeared. É-mé'a'xe. He appeared. É-mé'eóó'e. He appears in view standing. Phon: The morpheme-final /e/ does not occur when this morpheme is followed by a consonant (other than /h/) or by a final-initial /a/ or /o/. See: mé'-.
mée i. smell. Épėhéve-méehō'ta. It smells good (by heat). for example, the smell of burning cedar. Etym: cf. *mya·-. vta: -matóm. Category: smell.
mééhe na. bug, insect. Ques: is this a word?? See: méškéso; mémééhe. Category: bugs, baby talk.
Mée'aahē'e na. Indian doll. man's name. apparently short for Méeškaatsėhē'e or Mee'aatsėhē'e. See: Méeškaatsėhē'e; Mee'aatsėhē'e. Category: check, names.
Mée'aatsėhē'e na. Indian Doll. Variant: Méeškaatsėhē'e. See: Mée'aahē'e. Category: names.
-mée'ahe vai. defecate, poop. Usage: A polite word for referring to this body function is -o'ehné. É-mée'ahe. He defecated. Éhnėhma'xe-mée'ȧhéotsesėstse. He sure defecated a lot. [The Pus Man.018] Náto'sema'xėhóosėhé-mee'ahe. I'm going home to have a big poop. Usage: vulgar Variant: -mée'kahe, -mése'ahe. See: -mée'kahe; -o'ehné; -o'eotse; matse. Category: body function.
mée'ȧhéotse vai. defecate, poop. Éhnėšema'xe-mée'ȧhéotsesėstse. He defecated a lot. [The Pus Man.018]
mée'e 1 • na. feather, collarbone, quill. inanimate for a few speakers. Phon: apoc Phon: vs Plural méeno; Obviative méeno; Medial -méená.
2 • ni. feather. Feathers are inanimate for some speakers. Plural méenȯtse. Etym: *mi:kwana; mi:kwanaki (pl). See: -tsénoo'o ‘wing (poss.)’; -ee'e ‘feather ; quill’; ma'óhkee'e ‘tassel’; voto ‘tailfeather’. Category: dance, birds.
-mée'kahe vai. defecate, poop, crap. done by people, animals, and birds. É-mée'kahe. He defecated. Usage: This is a polite word for referring to this body function is -o'ehné. Variant: -mée'ahe; vta: -méset. See: -mése'ahe; -mése'kahe; -o'ehné. Category: body function.
mée'pa'onáome ni. tepee whose back is beaded (with quills?) Lit: feather(quill?)-back-lodge See: méenó'eome; méenóheome; 'pa'oná. Category: lodges.
méeméa'tóne ni. good smelling tree. Lit: good smelling incense Category: plants.
-méená mbp. collarbone, feather. Éé'e-méenáxe. He fell and broke his collarbone. See: mée'e; -tsénooná; -ee'e. Category: birds, body.
Méenévoestá'e na. Feathered Dress Woman. See: Méenóhevoestá'e. Category: names.
méeno na. feathers. Feathers are usually animate, but they are inanimate (méenȯtse) for some speakers. See: méenȯtse. Category: birds.
-méenohe vii. É-méenóhénėstse. They (inan. for example, moccasins) are quilled.
vai. quilled. that is, to have quills in the design. É-méenohe. It/He is quilled. Category: shoes.
méenóheome ni. tepee decorated with quills. See: mée'pa'onáome; méenó'eome. Category: tepee.
Méenóhevoestá'e na. Quilled Dress Woman. Category: names.
méenóhevoestȯtse na. quilled (buckskin) dress. See: hoestȯtse ‘dress’. Category: clothing.
-méenóhevo'kėhaná vai. wear quilled moccasins. É-méenóhevo'kėhāna. He has on quilled moccasins. Category: shoes.
méenóhevo'kėhanȯtse ni. Gram: pl quilled moccasins. See: mo'keha.
-méenóhtá vti. quill s.t. É-méenóhtanȯtse. He quilled them (inanimate). Category: handcraft.
-méenó'e vai. quill work. Lit: quill-sew É-méenó'e. He is doing quill work. fai: -nó'é. Category: handcraft.
méenó'eome ni. quill decorated tepee. See: mée'pa'onáome; méenóheome.
méenȯtse ni. Gram: pl wings. Feathers are usually animate as méeno, but they are inanimate (méenȯtse) for some speakers. Singular mee'e. See: méeno. Category: birds.
-méeotse fai. smell (have odor). Épėhéve-méeotse. It (or he) smells good. éohkeméno'ke-méeotsénove there is the willow smell (it smells of willows). See: -matóne; -méa'xe; -méa'há. Category: smell.
Méésá'e na. Smelly Woman. non-contract: Hoxoméésá'e. Category: names.
méeškaahé'ėstse ni. Gram: pl short yellow plants similar to goldenrods. perhaps they were used to increase lactation? Variant: méeškaatsėhē'ėstse. Category: plants.
méeškaatsėhē'e 1 • ni. buckskin Indian doll, Queen Anne's lace. For some speakers this also refers to a certain plant with a yellow flower. possibly also used by some speakers to refer to ferns or moss ?? Category: check. seems to be Queen Anne's lace, which a lady in Busby used to pick. Plural méeškaatsėhē'ėstse. See: méeškaahé'ėstse.
2 • na. Hummingbird, Indian Doll. This was the name of a medicine man, who had a spirit helper (nésemoo'o), a hummingbird that he kept in his pouch. This man, with the spiritual power of his nesemoo'o, helped the Northern Cheyennes who escaped from Oklahoma to return on the Great Trek, with much hardship, to Montana. Variant: Mée'aatsėhē'e. Category: names.
mėh- pv. could have, would have. Sáavé'nėhešemá'totse'óhééstse táaxa'e ná-mėstónėšévémánėse hétsetseha tséstaéná'hétse. If he had not finished working I wonder what we would do now at our old age. (1987:199). É-mėstanėhesóhane. It wouldn't be that way. Phon: /h/ has allomorphs of /s/, /x/, etc. See: me'-; mėsáa-.
méhae- pv. used to, previously. Ná-méhaenéméne I used to sing. É-méhaehónétsésta. He was being lazy (but then got up to do what he had to do). Náohke-méhaevovéstomósáne. I used to teach. Mȧheameóestse nėhéno é-méhae'éevo'ėstanéheve. All Runner used to live there. (1987:182). with pv. to'se- 'going to' gives idea of a past intended action which was not carried out: Náohto'se-méhaenaóotse. I was going to sleep (intended to but didn't perhaps because of some interruption). Ná-méhaemétaa'e. He gave it to me (but I no longer have it). (Croft). Náto'se-méhaemóneévaénanāā'e. They were going to let me go soon. The semantics of this form is rather abstract and difficult to translate in some contexts, as in the following example: naa náta-méhaenėhe'ōhtse nátȧsáatónėšeéstsėhnéhe and when I went over there I couldn't go in (1987:162). See: oh-; ohke-; nésta.
-mėhané na. Gram: poss older sister. na-mėhāne my older sister. See: -meh. Etym: *nemihsa ‘my older sister’. Category: relatives.
méhe- pv. cow (that is, female of buffalo (or deer, etc.)) méhe-váótséva doe.
mehe na. cow, doe. that is, female of ungulates (buffalo, deer, etc.) Plural méheo'o. See: ésevone; méheváótséva. Etym: cf. *mo·swa 'moose' ‘moose’; At by[i[ih ‘buffalo cow (T)’. Category: animals.
Méheana na. (man's name). Indian name of American Horse. Category: names.
Méhenóhevoestá'e na. ?? Ques: Dress Woman ?? Category: names, check.
méhesonéváótséva na. young doe. Non-diminutive méheváótséva. Category: animals.
méheváótséva na. doe. Lit: female-deer Plural méheváotseváhne; Obviative méheváotseváhne; Diminutive méhesonéváótséva. Category: animals.
méhmemenó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl 1 • snakeweed bushes. used in altar of Sun Dance. possibly also glossed as 'peppermint plants' ?? Category: check. See: méhnó'ėstse. Category: Sun Dance.
2 • pepper plant.
méhmemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl 1 • snakeweed. a native pepper with green berries, probably found on the méhmemenó'ėstse bushes?? Category: check.
2 • pepper. Lit: serpent-berries Variant: méhnemenȯtse. Usage: Today this pronunciation seems more common than méhnemenȯtse. See: méhne. Category: food.
-méhname vai. have tapeworm(s). É-méhname. He has tapeworms. Category: sickness.
méhne na. water serpent, water monster. (another recording) seems especially to be associated with water in Cheyenne cosmology; this is one of several monsters which were important in Ch. traditional cosmology; other monsters were the axe and hahpanováhe. Plural méhneo'o; Obviative mehno. means 'worm' or 'snake' in compounds, for example: mé'šeméhne worm (lit. hairy-serpent). heóvemé'šeméhne yellow caterpillar (PD). ho'éméhne earthworm. hesó'xeméhne blue racer (snake; lit. slippery-serpent). See: šé'šenovȯtse. Morph: /méhné/. Etym: *mo·hθe·wa ‘worm’. See: axe ‘land monster’; hahpanováhe. Category: monsters, animals.
méhnemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl pepper. Lit: serpent-berries Variant: méhmemenȯtse. Category: food.
Méhnénóhka na. (man's name). Ques: Frank Littlewolf ?? Category: check, names.
-méhnevasé vai. worm eaten - be, wormy - be?? É-méhnevāse. He is worm eaten. Hoohtsėstse é-méhnevāse. The tree is worm eaten. Category: check, trees.
-méhneveotse vai. turn into a water monster. É-méhneveotse. He turned into a water monster. Éstaéše-méhneveotséhoo'o. He had already turned into a monster. (pret mode). [The Water Monster.039]
méhnevȯhkȧho'héhe na. marmot, pocket gopher ?? Lit: serpent-mixed.color-one Plural méhnevȯhkȧho'héheo'o; Obviative méhnevȯhkȧho'héheho. See: éstsema'e ‘mole’; heóvȯhkȧho'hé-vé'késo ‘canary’. Category: animals, check.
méhnevȯhkȧho'hēso na. ground squirrel. Lit: serpent-mixed.color-diminutive Plural méhnevȯhkȧho'hesono; Obviative méhnevȯhkȧho'hesono. Category: animals.
méhnȯhke- pv. showoff. See: heo'ke.
méhnó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl monster plant. used in altar of Sun Dance. See: méhmemenó'ėstse. Category: Sun Dance, plants.
-méhóhtá vti. love s.t. É-méhóhta. He loves it. Éméhóhta évȯhónėstóva. He loves to sign. vta: -méhót. Category: emotions.
-méhohtahe vai. loving. É-méhohtahe. He is loving. Variant: -méohtahe. Category: personality.
-méhósané vai. love (people). É-méhósáne. He loves. (another recording) vta: -méhót. See: -méóhtahe. Category: interpersonal.
méhosanestȯtse ni. love. Category: record.
-méhósené vai. love. he-méhosenestȯtse his (God's) love. [1987:116] Usage: less common than -méhósané Variant: -méhósané.
-méhót vta. love s.o. É-méhoto. He loves him. É-méhótóho. He loves him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *mweʔθa·θe·wa ‘he desires, covets him’. Ná-méhóto. I love him. (another recording) Ná-méhotoo'o. I love them. Né-méhotȧtse. I love you. (another recording) Né-méhotatséme. I love you (plural). Né-méhotȧhtséme. You guys love each other. Né-méhotȧhtsemehe? Do you love each other? Ná-méhotȧhtséme. We (not including you) love each other. Né-méhotatsemeno. We love you (singular and plural). Né-méhóto. You love him. Né-méhotohe? Do you love him? Né-méhotoo'o. You love them. Né-méhotovohe? Do you love them? Ná-méhota. He/She loves me. Ná-méhotaehe? Does he/she love me? Ná-méhótáá'e. They love me. Né-méhota. He loves you. Né-méhotaehe? Does he love you? Né-méhótáá'e. They love you. Né-méhotaevohe? Do they love you? Né-méhoxe. You love me. Né-méhoxehe? Do you love me? Né-méhóxéme. You guys love me. Ná-méhótóne. We (excl) love him. Né-méhotone. We (incl) love him. Ná-méhotoneo'o. We (excl) love them. Né-méhotoneo'o. We (incl) love them. Né-méhótóvo. You guys love him. Né-méhotovoo'o. You guys love them. Né-méhotovovohe? Do you guys love them? É-méhotȧhtseo'o. They love each other. Né-méhotȧhtsémáne. We (including you) love each other. Né-méhotȧhtsema. (shorter pronunciation) We (including you) love each other. Né-méhotȧhtsémanehe? Do we (including you) love each other? É-méhotȧhtséstove. There is love for one another. Méhotahtse! Love each other! Méhoxeha! Love him! Náosee-méhóto. I really love him very much. Náosee-méhota. He loves me very much. Náosee-méhotȧhtséme. We (not including you) love each other very much. Náoné'seóme-méhóto. I genuinely love him/her. Néoné'seóme-méhotohe? Do you truly love her? Náoseeoné'seóme-méhóto. I genuinely love him very much. Kȧse'ééhe móxhoháe-méhotȯhevóhe hemé'oono. A young lady loved her boyfriend very much.. [1987:294] Naa mó'oseehoháe-méhotaehevóhe tsé'tó=henésono. And his children really loved him. tsé-méhótóno those who I love. tsé-méhótá'ėstse the one who loves me. Tsé-méhótóse ohkenanovenáno! Those you (plural) love, recognize them! vti: -méhóhtá. Category: interpersonal.
-méhoxevaen vta. love s.o. right away. É-méhoxevaenóho. He loved him right away. Né-méhoxevaenāā'e nenésoneho. Your children love you. Category: interpersonal. See: -méhót.
mé'- i. appear. É-mé'a'haso'he. He came into view riding a horse. [1980:3:57] Tse-mé'hóva'xe. He will appear coming out. É-mé'ȧhá'éne. She showed up with a plate full of food. Category: sight.
me'- pv. should, could, would. É-me'naóotse. He should sleep. Né-me'mésehe. You should eat. me'- with an impersonal verb can make a functional command seem less direct. É-me'ovėšenáhtove. There should be lying down (usually meaning 'You should lie down'). É-me'mésėhéstove. There should be eating (usually meaning 'You should eat'). Ná-me'só'hoveama'haso'he. I wish I were riding horse. can combine with other preverbs (especially hé-) to give rhetorical emphasis: móná-me'éevéseamė-hé-tȧhoo'e ma'aataeméóne there's no way you'll catch me riding on the train! (me'-...hé) (1987:29). Nóoo tósa'e éme'tónėšė-hévoneotsesėstse? My, oh where could he be lost? (1987:155). Ná-me'tónėšėtaomėhétónėšéve. I cannot do anything by myself. (1987:169). Oxėse ná-me'hétónėšéve. Nevertheless I will not do that. Mó-me'-évatšėhe'šenáxė-hého'ēhne. He won't (emphatic) come back for a long time. Móné-me'ó'hetonėšé'tovȧtse. I will not harm (lit. do anything) to you. (1987:290). hotáma'e ho'éévéva ná-me'taévavé'šėho'eanȯhestóseohé'tóvo on a hide I could easily haul her back down (the hill) (1987:30). hétsetseha vé'só'eametanénėstse ho'néoxháaestse na'nóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhnésȯhtohaé-me'nėhestȯheaénáma Now if Jim One Bear (Brave Wolf) were still living, he would be 87 years old (1987:32). oha tā'se hápó'e vé'pėhéveéšeevetse é-me'nėhešėháa'éšėho'ȯhtseo'o but had it been a good day they would have gone further (1987:42). Náme'ta- Let me try ... See: me'-hó'ke-; hó'ke-; mėh-; me'-hé-; ve'-hé-; nonȧháxe-; tónėše-hé; momóxe-.
-mé'á vti. find s.t. É-mé'a. He found it. Etym: *meθkamwa (P). vta: -mé'ov.
-mé'aévahtsé vai. have a bloody mouth. É-mé'áéváhtse. He has a bloody mouth. See: -ma'évahtsé. Category: mouth.
-mé'ȧhá'ené vai. appear with food. É-mé'ȧhá'éne. She showed up with food. Category: cook.
-mé'ȧho'he vai. appear by car, be exposed to the sun. É-mé'ȧho'he. He got exposed to the sunlight. for example, when sitting in the shade and the sunshine made its way to where he was sitting. Lit: appear-by.heat/sun fai: -aho'he; Initial mé'-.
-mé'ahtá vti. recognize taste of s.t. Ques: recheck gloss?? É-mé'áhta. He recognized its taste. fti: -'ahtá; vai: -mé'ȧsené. See: -oné'ahtá; -nané'ahtá. Category: taste, check.
-mé'a'ee'e vai. head appear sitting, peek over. for example, peeking over a car seat. É-mé'a'ee'e. His head appears while he is sitting. Hóvéhno étó'-mé'a'ee'e. His head barely appears (for example, while he is driving). Morph: /-mé'a'ee/. Phon: vs See: -mé'a'é'ó; -né'póo'ó. Category: sit.
-mé'a'é'ó vai. peek with head showing. É-mé'a'é'o. He peeked (with only his head showing). See: -né'póo'ó. Category: sight.
-mé'a'éšé vai. lie down and watch. É-mé'a'éše. He is lying watching.?? Tósa'e nėhéóhe móstaéva-mé'a'éšenȧhéhe. Someplace there he lay down to watch. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).029] Category: lie, check.
-mé'a'évėhoése vai. head appear while in water. É-mé'a'évėhoése. His head is showing while he is in the water. See: -hoésená ‘float’. Category: liquid.
-mé'a'hahtsé vti. appear throw s.t. É-mé'a'hāhtsé. He caused it to appear by throwing.?? Category: throw.
-mé'a'ham vta. appear throw s.o. É-mé'a'hamóho. He caused him (obv) to appear by throwing.?? Category: throw, check.
-mé'a'haso'he vai. appear riding horse. É-mé'a'haso'he. He came into view riding a horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-mé'a'ó 1 • vii. jump into sight, appear jump.
2 • vai. jump into sight, appear jump. Ques: recheck glosses?? É-mé'á'ó He (or It) jumped into view. Final -a'ó. See: mé'a'xe. Category: motion.
-mé'a'ov vta. drive s.o. to appear. É-mé'a'ovóho. He drove him/them to appear. (another recording) Etym: *mo·θkexkawe·wa (P). For example, his cattle appeared (to others) as he drove them home. Category: move, livestock.
-mé'a'xe vai. appear running into sight. a more rapid appearing than -mé'ehné. É-mé'a'xe. He appeared running into sight. Nonó'hónó'e éhne'ȯhkėhóse-mé'a'xésesto hósėstse. More and more some (soldiers) kept coming. [1987:51] See: -mé'ehné. Category: run, sight.
-mé'an vti. find s.t., show s.t., cause s.t. to appear. É-mé'ána. He caused it to appear. Ques: find??
vta. find s.o., show s.o., cause s.o. to appear. É-mé'anóho. He caused him to appear. For example, to show him through the door so he can be seen by others. See: -mé'en. Category: check.
-mé'ané vai. surface. for example, after diving. É-mé'áne. He surfaced. Etym: *mo·θkepye·wa (P). See: -mé'anéotse; -mé'oeotse; mé'áne; -mémėstané. Category: liquid.
mé'áne na. bastard. Plural mé'aneo'o. See: mé'anohke; mé'ánėstse; mé'anóhka'e. Category: vulgar.
-mé'anéheve vai. bastard - be a; illegitimate child - be a. for either a male or female, in other words, any child born out of wedlock. É-mé'anéheve. He is a bastard. Ques: recheck meaning?? Variant: -mé'anóhkėheve. Category: family.
mé'anéka'ėškóne na. illegitimate child, bastard. See: mé'áne; me'anóhka'e; émoose-. Category: family.
-mé'anéoohe vai. surface quickly. É-mé'anéoohe. He surfaced quickly. Vétséno éhne'évȧhóseosáane-mé'anéoohesėstse. Just then he was coming out of the water again. [1987:291] Category: motion.
-mé'anéotse vai. surface. É-mé'anéotse. He surfaced. Etym: *mo·θkepye·Ɂle·wa (P) < **mo·θkepye·palyiwa (P/L). See: -mé'ané; -mé'oeotse.
mé'ánėstse na. bastard. See: mé'áne; mé'anóhka'e; mé'ó'ėstse; mé'anohke. Category: family.
mé'anóhká'e na. illegitimate girl. Category: check. Plural mé'anóhka'eo'o; Masculine mé'anohke. Category: family.
mé'anohke na. bastard. Plural mé'anóhkėheo'o; Diminutive mé'anóhkéso; Feminine mé'anóhka'e. See: mé'áne; mé'ánėstse. Category: family, check.
-mé'anóhkėheve vai. bastard - be a. É-mé'anóhkėheve. He is a bastard. Variant: -mé'anéheve. Category: family.
mé'anóhkéso na. bastard, illegitimate child. Plural mé'anóhkėsono; Non-diminutive mé'anohke. Category: family.
-mé'ano'h vta. discover about s.o., diagnose s.o. É-mé'ano'hóho. He discovered (something) about him. Variant: -mé'eno'h.
-mé'ȧsané vai. find taste. Variant: mé'ȧsené. when the taste of something comes to someone. É-mé'ȧsáne. He found the taste (of something). Final -'ȧsené. Category: taste.
-mé'ȧsee'e vai. stomach exposed. for example, about someone who is so fat that their shirt doesn't stay tucked in. É-mé'ȧsee'e. His stomach is showing. BodyPartMedial -asé2. See: -mé'oo'e. Category: body.
-mé'ȧsené vai. find taste. Variant: mé'ȧsané. when the taste of something comes to someone. É-mé'ȧséne. He found the taste (of something). Final -'ȧsené. Category: taste.
-mé'ȧše'še vai. appear drinking. É-mé'ȧše'še. He showed up drinking. fai: -ašé'še. Category: drink, motion.
-mé'atová vii. smoke appear. É-mé'atōva. Smoke is appearing. Medial -atová. See: -véno'tá; -sé'továóó'e. Category: smoke.
-mé'atovánahné vai. make smoke. É-mé'atovánáhne. He is making smoke. Aéstomevé'hó'e ééšėhóse-mé'atovánȧhneo'o. The little devils are making fire (literally, smoke) again. That was said when smoke arose out of a reservation coal mine. Category: smoke, fire.
-mé'avó'seh vta. teach s.o. by example. especially of teaching bad habits to others. É-mé'avó'sėhóho. He taught him by example. See: -a'avó'seh. Category: interpersonal.
-mé'avó'sem vta. remind s.o. É-mé'avó'semóho. He reminded him. Variant: -mé'ovó'sem. Category: speak.
mé'e- pv. appear. É-mé'ėhóá'o. He appeared/he came out.
-mé'eenan vta. nominate s.o. É-mé'eenanóho. He nominated him. See: -énan; -mé'néeh. Category: interpersonal.
-mé'éha vii. lie appearing, appear. É-mé'éha. It is lying in sight lying. vti: -mé'ėhahtsé. Category: lie.
-mé'ėhahtsé vti. show s.t. É-mé'ėháhtse. He is showing it. Lit: appear-lie-cause Phon: Sounds the same as É-mé'háhtse 'He has a beard.' vii: -mé'ehá. See: -mé'á ‘find s.t.’; -mé'hahtsé2 ‘bearded’.
-mé'ehné vai. appear, come in sight. Lit: appear-walk slower action than -mé'a'xe. É-mé'éhne. He appeared. Etym: *mo·θkwehθe·wa (P). Éše'he é-mé'éhne. The sun is coming up. Éše'he énėh-mé'éhne. The sun is coming up. éše'he tsénėxhése-mé'éhnėstse east (lit. where the sun appears from). Tséhne'éše-mé'ėhnetsėse éše'hóho éhnéhnėhetameotsesėstse. after the sun had come up he gave up. [1987:171] Éne'éše-mé'éhne vóóhe. The morning star has appeared. Antonym -ta'ehné. Category: motion.
Mé'ėhné'e na. Appears Woman. Category: names.
-mé'ėhnétó vii. appear. É-mé'ėhnéto. It has appeared.
Mé'ėhnévá'e na. Appears Woman. Category: names.
Mé'ėhnonéhné'e na. Appears Singing Woman. Variant: Mé'enonéhné'e. Category: names.
-mé'e'ėsee'e vai. exposed buttocks. for example, from pants hanging too far down as one leans forward. É-mé'e'ėsee'e. His buttocks are showing. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: body.
-mé'e'ėšéšé vai. lie with buttocks exposed. É-mé'e'ėšéše. He is lying with his buttocks exposed. BodyPartMedial -'esé. Phon: assim See: -tséo'eše. Category: lie, vulgar.
-mé'e'há vai. fly into sight, appear flying. that is, while flying, come into view. É-mé'é'ha. He flew into sight. Etym: *mo·θkiʔle·wa (P). In terms of rapidity of motion, from slowest to fastest, the 'fly in sight' verbs rank as follows: -mé'e'há, -mé'e'háohtsé, -mé'e'háoohe. Category: fly.
-mé'e'háohtsé vai. fly in sight. É-mé'e'háóhtse. He flew in sight. See: -mé'e'há. Category: fly.
Mé'e'háóhtsé'e na. Flies In Sight Woman. Mé'e'háóhtsé'événo at Flies In Sight Woman's (=Jenny Spang's) house. [1987:397] Category: names.
-mé'e'háoohe vai. fly into sight, appear flying. É-mé'e'háoohe. He appeared flying. See: -mé'e'há. Category: fly.
-mé'e'sevó vii. appear.flow. É-mé'e'sēvo. It flows into view. Etym: cf *mo·θkiɁtanwi (P) ‘it flows into view’. fii: -'sevó. Category: check.
-mé'é'tȯsané vai. raid. É-mé'é'tȯsáne. He raided. Etym: *mo·θki·Ɂta·tike·wa (P). Háa'ėsta'éhe Tséh-mé'é'tȯsánėstse Custer Battlefield. Category: violence.
-mé'e'tov vta. encounter s.o., come upon s.o. É-mé'e'tovóho. He came upon him. Etym: *mo·θki·ʔtawe·wa ‘he rushes upon him'(P)’. tsé'ée-mé'é'tóévȯse noto when the enemy came upon them. [STORIES.TXT] Category: interpersonal.
-mé'em vta. tell on s.o., report s.o. This can be a negative action, as in telling on someone, but it doesn't have to be negative. É-mé'emóho. He told on him. Etym: *mi·xko·me·wa (P). Névé'-mé'eme! Don't tell on me! Névé'-mé'emoo'o! Don't tell on them! Nátavá'neée-mé'emoo'o tsé'tóhe ma'háhkėseho. I just talk about these old people. [1987:187] Táaxa'e, naa né'éenonó'ke-mé'emahtse! Let's see, one by one talk about yourselves! See: -hósem ‘tell about s.o.’; -het ‘say to s.o.’; -hóhta'haov; -momáxem; -ho'é'et; -mé'emeh ‘bother s.o.’. Category: speak.
-mé'eman vti. feel s.t. by hand. É-mé'emāna. He felt it with his hand. for example, he felt his nose.
vta. feel s.o. by hand. See: -onéstan. Category: surface.
-mé'emeh vta. bother, fool with, molest, butcher s.o. any kind of bothering; can also refer to molesting someone, such as a man molesting a woman. É-mé'emėhóho. He bothered him. É-mé'emehe. He was fooled with. Névé'-mé'emēho! Don't bother him! Névé'-mé'emėhoo'o! Don't bother them! (another recording) Névé'-mé'emeše! Don't bother me! Névé'-mé'emėhéme! ?? Don't bother us! ?? Névé'-mé'ešēme! Don't bother me (us?)! (said to more than one person) ?? vti: -mé'emestsé. See: -mé'emo'eéh; -mé'em ‘tell on s.o.’. Category: interpersonal, check.
-mé'eméohe vai. appear running, run into view. É-mé'eméohe. He ran into view. tséh-mé'eméohévȯse as they appeared running. [The Great Race.030] Category: run. fai: -méohe.
-mé'emėstómáne vai. bother, be a pest. É-mé'emėstómáne. He bothered/he was a pest. See: -mé'emo'eéh.
-mé'emestsé vti. bother with s.t., fool with s.t. É-mé'emēstse. He bothered/fooled around with it. Névé'-mé'emēstse! Don't bother it! Oha hová'éhe ésáahótse-mé'emėstséhe. There is nothing that God cannot fix. [How God Helped Me Forgive.030] vta: -mé'emeh. See: -mé'emo'eéstsé.
-mé'emo'eéh vta. bother s.o. É-mé'emo'eeho He bothered him. É-mé'emo'eéhóho. He bothered him. (newer pronunciation). vti: -mé'emo'eéstsé. See: -mé'emeh; -métsėstóm; -métsėstómem. Category: interpersonal.
-mé'emo'eéstómané vai. bother, be a pest. for example, a dog who tips over trash barrels. É-mé'emo'eéstómáne. He bothers. See: -hé'heetovánove. Category: dogs.
-mé'emo'eéstsé vti. bother s.t. É-mé'emo'eéstse. He is bothering it. vta: -mé'emo'eéh. See: -mé'emest.
-mé'en vti. display s.t., show s.t., find s.t. É-mé'éna. He displayed it. Etym: *mo·θkenamwa (P).
vta. display s.o., show s.o., find s.o. É-mé'enóho. He displayed him (by hand). Etym: **mo·θkene·wa. See: -mé'á ‘find s.t.’; -mé'an ‘find s.t. ; show s.t.’.
-mé'enaa'e vai. 1 •
1 • die in sight of. É-mé'enaa'e. He died in sight of (someone). See: -naa'e ‘die’.
2 • gorge, eat a lot at a feast. Náto'sėhé-me'enaéme. We're going to go to a feast. Phon: vs Category: death, eat.
mé'enaestȯtse ni. big feast. Lit: appear-death Category: eat.
-mé'eno'ȧhéotse vai. run into sight, appear running. É-mé'eno'ȧhéotse. He ran into sight. fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
-mé'eno'h vta. discover about s.o., diagnose s.o. Usage: This seems to be the more common pronunciation. É-mé'eno'hóho. He discovered (something) about him. Móxho'nó-me'eno'hāā'ėstse. They failed to find it on her. (1987:42). Variant: -mé'ano'h.
Mé'enonéhné'e na. Comes In Sight Singing Woman, Singing Crane Woman. some may translate this as Singing Crane Woman. Variant: Mé'ėhnonéhné'e. Category: names.
-mé'enóohe vai. appear suddenly, show up, recognized suddenly. É-mé'enóohe. He stands out in a crowd. É-mé'enóoheo'o. They are suddenly looked up to. Nápėhéve-mé'enóohe. I have a good reputation / I was recognized good. fai: -nóohe.
-mé'eoesestá vti. tell s.t. quickly. É-mé'eoesēsta. He told it quickly. Ná-mé'eoesēsta. I told it right then and there. [How God Helped Me Forgive.001] Haa, nátavá'ne-mé'eoesēsta. Yes, I'm just telling it quickly. Nátavá'neéenėheše-mé'eoesēsta tónetáa'e. I'm just telling it that way however much. See: -hóseoesestá. Category: speak.
-mé'eoestá vti. report s.t. É-mé'eoēsta. He reported it. [Custer and the Scouts.009] Category: speak.
-mé'eóešé vai. appear while alighting, appear while landing. É-mé'eóéše. He (especially a bird) came into sight as it landed. Category: birds.
-mé'eohe vai. appear quickly. É-mé'eohe. He appeared quickly. See: -mé'ehné.
-mé'eohé'tá vti. come upon s.t., find s.t. É-mé'eohé'ta. He came upon it. Tsénȯhtsé'o ééše-mé'eohé'ta. He found what he was looking for. [1987:257] That can be said ironically about someone who runs here and there, maybe drinking, then he has an accident--so that accident should be a lesson to him.
Mé'eōhtse na. Appearing. Category: names.
-mé'eohtsé vai. appear, show up. É-mé'eōhtse. He appeared. See: -mé'ehné; -mé'a'xe. Category: walk.
Mé'eōhtse na. Appearing. Category: names.
-mé'eohtsé'tov vta. appear to s.o., come into sight toward s.o. É-mé'eohtsé'tovóho. He came into sight towards them. Category: sight.
Mé'eohtsévá'e na. Appearing Woman. Category: names.
-mé'eóó'e vii. stand in view, stand exposed, poke out.
vai. stand in view, stand exposed, poke out. Lit: appear-stand É-mé'eóó'e. He (or It) stands in view / it is poking out. can be of a nail that is poking out of something. Etym: *mo·θkika·po·wa (P). Phon: vs Category: sight, stand.
Mé'eóó'e na. Stands In Sight Woman. Category: names.
-mé'eotse 1 • vai. appear, show up.
2 • vii. appear, show up. É-mé'eotse. It (or He) has appeared.?? Category: motion, check.
-mé'ėsetanevá vai. snitch, tell all, reveal, rat. É-mé'ėsetanēva. He 'squealed'/he told everything/he 'spilled the beans.'. Variant: -mé'ėstanevá. Category: speak.
-mé'está vai. explain something, confess, tell. É-mé'ésta. He explained. (another recording) É-mé'ėstao'o. They explained. Éhótoaná-me'ėstáhtove. It is difficult to explain. Nátȧhé-mé'ésta. I'm going to confess (especially at a Catholic Church).
vti. explain s.t. É-mé'ésta. He explained it. Etym: *mi·xko·tamwa (P). É-mé'ėstánóvo. They explained it. Népėhéve-mé'ésta. You explained it well. fai: -está3; vta: -mé'ėstomev. See: -hósestá; -hóhta'hané. Category: church, speak.
-mé'ésta'xe vai. appear entering. É-mé'ésta'xe. He showed up entering (something). See: -ésta'xe; mé'-. Category: check.
-mé'ėstanevá vai. tell on, rat, whistle blow, snitch. É-mé'ėstanēva. He squealed / told on. Variant: -mé'ėsetanevá. See: émoosemé'ėstaneváhe. Category: speak.
mé'ėstanevá'héó'o na. whistleblower, snitch, tattletale. Plural mé'ėstanevá'heono. Category: speak.
-mé'ėstanevá'heóneve vai. be a tattletale person. É-mé'ėstanevá'heóneve. He is snitching. Éne-mé'ėstanevá'heónevėstse! Stop snitching! Category: speak, personality.
-mé'ėstomáoehé'tov vta. explain something to s.o. É'ase-mé'ėstomáoehé'tovósesto tséhešėtováto tsé'e'óoestaáhenove. He began telling him the meaning of baptism. [Stamper 1991:4] Ques: How does this differ from -mé'ėstomev?? Category: check. See: -mé'ėstomev. Category: speak.
-mé'ėstomev vta. explain (something) to s.o., tell s.o. often translated to English as 'tell'. É-mé'ėstomevóho. He explained it to him. Etym: *mi·xko·tamawe·wa (P). Mé'ėstomeveha! Explain it to him! Mé'ėstomevenáno! Explain it to them! Néh-mé'ėstomevėstse! Explain it to me! É-mé'ėstomohe. A message was given to him (for example, in a vision). É-mé'ėstomóheo'o ka'ėškóneho. Children are taught/explained to. Náéše-mé'ėstomeva. He already explained to me. Náéšeáahtsé'-mé'ėstomoo'e tséheše'hānȧhtse.. He already told me what he ate. Naa héne nétavá'ne-mé'ėstomévatsénóvo. And I just explained that to you (plural). See: -mé'ėstomáoehé'tov; -het. Category: speak.
-mé'ėstomósané vai. explain. É-mé'ėstomósáne. He explained something (to people). Éstaéšėhetósema'xe-mé'ėstomósanesėstse. (Sweet Medicine) was constantly explaining a lot. [1987:8:42] fai: -ósané; Variant: mé'ėstomósené. Category: speak.
-mé'ėstomósené vai. explain. É-mé'ėstomósáne. He explained it (to people). Variant: mé'ėstomósané. Category: speak.
-mé'ėstomósené'tá vai. explain s.t. É'ȯhkeévemé'ėstomósenénóvó. They explained it. Category: speak.
mé'ėstse p. always. Mé'ėstse éohkenėhēso. It is always that way. Mé'ėstse néohkenėheto'eétahe! You're always doing that! [1987:50]
-mé'ešé vai. appear lie. É-mé'éše. He is seen lying (there). Category: lie.
mé'ėše'evó'e loc. at the sandbank. Mé'ėše'evó'e nėhéóhe éstȧhoéhoono. At the sandbank there were two of them. [The Water Monster.004]
-mé'ėševotame na. Gram: poss baby (poss.) na-mé'ėševotame my baby. he-mé'ėševotamevóho their baby/babies. Category: relatives, babies.
mé'ėševȯtse na. baby. The baby may be born or still unborn, that is, there is no lexical difference such as between English 'baby' and 'fetus.'. Diminutive mé'ėškevȯtse, mé'ėškevȯtse, mé'ėškevotsēso; Plural mé'ėševoto; Obviative mé'ėševoto. Category: babies, people.
mé'ėševȯtse he'amó'enēō'o ni. stroller, baby buggy. Lit: baby's wagon Category: babies.
mé'ėševotséamó'enēō'o ni. baby buggy. Category: transportation, babies.
-mé'ėševotseve vai. be a baby. É-mé'ėševotseve. He/She is a baby. [Stamper 1991:10] Category: babies.
me'ėškēma na. box elder. Plural me'ėškemáhne; Obviative me'ėškemáhne. Ques: recheck mé' or me'?? Category: trees, check.
Me'ėškemáo'hé'e ni. Box Elder Creek. a tributary of the Cheyenne River, east of Bear Butte, South Dakota. Category: rivers.
-mé'ėškevotame na. Gram: poss baby. na-mé'ėškevotamaneo'o our (excl) babies. Category: ages.
mé'ėškevȯtse na. Gram: dim baby. Plural mé'ėškevoto; Obviative mé'ėškevoto. This is a diminutive of mé'ėševȯtse, although the diminutive sense may not be as strong here as with other morphological diminutives of Cheyenne. Non-diminutive mé'ėševȯtse. Category: babies.
-mé'ėškevotsémaov vta. baby s.o. (Ésta)-mé'ėkevotsémaovósesto henésono hestónaho. She would baby her child, her daughter. [1987:58] Category: babies.
mé'ėškevotsēso na. Gram: dim little baby. a double diminutive, with dim. /k/ and suffix /-esón/. Plural mé'ėškevotsėsono; Obviative mé'ėškevotsėsono; Non-diminutive mé'ėševȯtse. Category: babies.
mé'ėško'á'e na. hell raiser woman. This refers to a woman who acts wild. The word mátȧháá'e is stronger, more severe, and typically refers to a prostitute, while this word does not generally refer to a prostitute, but rather to a woman (often a young one) who gets into mischief. This kind of a woman is not necessarily bad, but she often gets into trouble. Plural mé'ėško'á'eo'o; Contracted Ko'á'e. See: mé'ėškó'e; mátȧháá'e. Category: people.
2 • Mexican man, loose person. Esp. of an unsettled single young man who does naughty things. See: mé'ėško'á'e; Tsėhésemé'ėško'e; mé'šeeséve'ho'e.
3 • Rascal. Feminine mé'ėško'á'e. Category: names.
mé'ėškó'eēse na. loose person. epithet. for example, a drinker. similar to pe'eēse. See: pe'eēse.
mé'ėškó'enéhe na. crazy man. Plural mé'ėškó'enéheo'o.
mé'ėškónėhévá ni. Gram: LOC in a buckskin. Mó'á'keoestsėhéhe mé'ėškónėhéva. He tied it up in a buckskin (sack). [Black Hills Claim.033] Category: check.
-mé'etanȧháxe vai. lie with breasts exposed, breasts exposed - lie with. É-mé'etanȧháxe. She is lying with her breasts exposed. considered very improper. BodyPartMedial -tanahá; fai: -še. Category: vulgar.
-mé'etanó vai. remember. É-mé'etāno. He remembered. Ques: recheck pitches?? Lit: appear-(in)mental.state; i.e. to remember is to have something appear in one's mind vta: -mé'etanó'tov. See: -héne'ená. Category: cognition, check.
-mé'etanó'seh vta. cause s.o. to remember. Ná-mé'estanó'sého.?? I caused him to remember.?? Category: cognition.
-mé'etanó'tá vti. remember s.t. É-mé'etanó'tá. He remembered it. Ná-mé'etanó'ta. I remembered it. Category: cognition.
-mé'etanó'tov vta. remember s.o., think about s.o. This kind of remembering is culturally important, for example we might say when we have gone to church, ná-mé'etanó'tóvo Ma'hēō'o 'I remembered God'. É-mé'etanó'tovóho. He remembered him. Námé'etanó'tóvo. I remember him. Néée-mé'etanó'tovovohe tsénótȧxévese? Have you been remembering the soldiers? Náohkeée-mé'etanónoto náhko'éehe naa ného'éehetséohkeméhae'éeheševovéstomóó'évȯse. I remember my mother and my father, how they taught me. [BERTHA.TXT] See: -tó'ovetanó'tov; -tóxetanó'tov. Category: cognition.
mé'etanóotse vai. come to remember. Ná-mé'etanóotse. I've come to remember (it). Category: cognition.
mé'etanóotsé't vta. come to remember s.t. É-mé'etanóotsé'tánóvo. They remembered it. Category: cognition.
mé'etanóotsé't vta. come to remember s.t. É-mé'etanóotsé'tánóvo. They remembered it. Category: cognition.
-mé'ev vta. find s.o. É-mé'evóho. He found him. Usage: Less commonly used than -mé'ov. Variant: -mé'ov.
mé'eváen vti. find s.t. quickly.
vta. find s.o. quickly. É-mé'eváenóho. He found him quickly. ft: -eváen.
-mé'eva'á vti. find s.t. (by foot). Ná-mé'evā'a. I found it with my feet. [Croft] See: -mé'en; -mé'á.
-mé'evám vta. remind s.o. of something similar. Ná-mé'évámo. I reminded him of something similar. Category: cognition, speak.
-mé'évan vti. find by feeling for s.t. Ná-mé'évána. I found it by feeling for it (for example, a bracelet in a box).
mé'evonehné vai. appear crawling. É-mé'evonēhne. He appeared crawling.
mé'h- i. hairy, fuzzy. Variant: mé'š-. É-mé'háhtse. He has a beard.
mé'hahtse1 1 • ni. beard, moustache. Lit: fuzzy/hairy-mouth Plural mé'hahtsenȯtse; BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Etym: *mi·Ɂθetona·ni (P). Category: body.
2 • na. Beard. Category: names.
-mé'hahtsé2 vai. bearded, moustached. Lit: hairy-mouth É-mé'háhtse. He has a beard. (another recording) Etym: *mi:ʔθetonwa. Émé'h-ahtsenahe? Does he have a beard? É-mé'hahtsenao'o. They have beards. Étsėhe'ėse-mé'háhtse. He has a long beard. See: -mé'ėhahtsé ‘show s.t.’; -ahtsená ‘beard’. Category: body.
-mé'hahtse mbp. beard, moustache. oo'ke-mé'hahtsenáhestȯtse whisker puller/shaver. See: mé'hahtsen. Category: body.
mé'hahtsékósa na. goat. Usage: previously used for 'mountain goat' Variant: mé'hahtsenákósa. See: péhpe'ékósa; kōsa. Category: animals.
-mé'hahtsená3 mbp. beard, moustache. oo'ke-mé'hahtsenáhestȯtse whisker puller/shaver. See: mé'hahtse ‘beard’. Category: body.
mé'hahtsenákósa na. billy goat. Lit: bearded-goat Plural mé'hahtsenákȯsáne; Obviative mé'hahtsenákȯsáne; Variant: mé'hahtsékósa. See: kōsa ‘sheep’. Category: animals.
me'-hé- pv. would never (emphatic). The two preverbs me'- plus hé-, not necessarily contiguous, give an emphatic rhetorical effect, similar to English rhetorical questions. Ná-me'héhoo'e mȧhvóonā'o. I will definitely not be here tomorrow. Móná-me'-éevéseamė-hé-tȧhoo'e ma'aataeméóne! There's no way you'll catch me riding on the train! (me'-...hé). [1987:29] Ná-me'hé-vonetāno. I would never forget. for example, I would never forget how to speak Cheyenne. Né-me'hé-vonetanó'tovȧtse! I would never forget you. Ná-me'-hé-nȯhtóvetsėhetāna. I wouldn't know how to do it. Hohkȯse ná-me'-hé-tónėšéve?! Is it worth it?! Né-me'xae-hého'tahe! You can't beat me! Mó-me'évė-hé-aahtohe ka'ėškóne?! How could you listen to a child?! (1987:30). Móné-me'ó'-he-tonėšé'tovȧtse! I will not harm (literally, do anything) to you! (1987:290). See: vé'-hé-; móxho'nó-; me'-; hé-. Category: exclamations.
me'-hé- pv. would never (emphatic). The two preverbs me'- plus hé-, not necessarily contiguous, give an emphatic rhetorical effect, similar to English rhetorical questions. Móná-me'-éevéseamė-hé-tȧhoo'e ma'aataeméóne! There's no way you'll catch me riding on the train! (me'-...hé) (1987:29). Ná-me'hé-vonetāno. I would never forget (for example, how to speak Cheyenne). Né-me'hé-vonetanó'tovȧtse! I would never forget you. Ná-me'-hé-nȯhtóvetsėhetāna. I wouldn't know how to do it. Hohkȯse ná-me'-hé-tónėšéve?! Is it worth it?! Né-me'xae-hého'tahe! You can't beat me! Mó-me'évė-hé-aahtohe ka'ėškóne?! How could you listen to a child?! (1987:30). Móné-me'ó'-he-tonėšé'tovȧtse! I will not harm (lit. do anything) to you! (1987:290). See: vé'-hé-; móxho'nó-; me'-; hé-. Category: exclamations.
me'-hó'ke- pv. must, have to, should have (emphatic). É-me'hó'kemésehe. He should have eaten (but he didn't). Né-me'hó'kemé'ėstomeve. You should have told me. See: éšėhó'ke-; hó'ke-; nóhpa-; tȧsée-; me'-hé-; me'-.
-mé'hometanó vai. wish for something to happen. É-mé'hometāno. He is wishing for it to happen. Category: cognition.
-mé'honóo'ó vai. see blurry, cloudy vision. for example, after doing too much work close to the eyes or looking at a bright light. É-mé'honóó'o. He has blurry eyesight. If someone says, "Námé'honóó'o," a common humorous response is,"Mónéohkema'xetóhpoosanėhéhe" ('You must have really been looking at someone's pubic area.') This is a play on the similarity of sound between mé'h- 'fuzzy' and words for pubic hair such as mé'šéno. Phon: not vs Category: sight.
mé'hoomanōhtsėstse ni. Gram: pl water plants. Lit: hairy-water-?? Category: check. these are hairy, fibrous, like grassy seaweed. Category: plants.
mé'hoomanȯhtšéšé'e ni. moss. See: šē'e. Category: check.
-mé'hová vai. be furry, be hairy. É-mé'hóva. He is furry/hairy. Etym: *mi·ʔlawe·wa (P). Usage: considered crude or vulgar, as reference to pubic hair is the invited inference Medial -ová. See: -mé'ȯhová. Category: texture, vulgar.
-mé'hovahe vai. furry, hairy. for example, of a white man who is hairy. É-mé'hovahe. He is hairy. Category: hair, check.
-mé'hovátó vii. furry; hairy. É-mé'hováto. It is hairy/furry. tsé-mé'hováto ho'éeve tséhne'ȯhkėhešeno'héhaoena'tomevȯse a furry hide, how they used to pray to it. [1987:230] Usage: can be vulgar See: -péhpe'éheve; -péhpe'ová. Category: texture, vulgar.
mé'hováve i. hairy. Éta-mé'hovávėhe'onao'o. They have hairy hands. Category: texture, appearance.
-mé'hováveesé vai. hairy nose. É-mé'hováveēse. He has a hairy nose. Category: hair, nose.
-mé'hovávėhe'oná vai. have hairy hands. Vé'hó'e éta-mé'hovávėhe'onao'o. Whitemen have hairy hands. [1987:221] Category: hands, hair.
-mé'hováve'está vai. hairy ears. É-mé'hováve'ēsta. He has hairy ears. BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: hair, ears.
mé'hovávemá'xeme na. peach. Lit: hairy-big-fruit Phon: iah Plural mé'hovávema'xemeno; Obviative mé'hovávema'xemeno. See: má'xeme. Category: berries.
-mé'hovávéné vai. hairy faced. É-mé'hovávéne. He has a hairy face. Vé'hó'e éohkemȧhe-mé'hováveneo'o. Whitemen have hairy faces. [1987:221] BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -mé'šéné ‘hairy faced’. Category: face, hair.
mé'hovávestȯtse ni. fur. he-mé'hovávestȯtse his fur. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, body.
mé'hovávevé'ho'e na. hippy. Lit: hairy-ve'ho'e Plural mé'hovávevé'hó'e. See: véhpotséka'ėškóne ‘hippy’. Category: people.
mé'hovávo'éeve na. furry hide. Plural mé'hovávo'éevo; Obviative mé'hovávo'éevo. See: ho'éeve.
-mé'hovávo'nehe vai. be tanned with fur on. a buffalo hide. É-mé'hovávo'nehe. It (animate) is tanned with the fur on. Category: material.
me'ko 1 • ni. head, hair. Plural mé'konȯtse. he-me'ko his/her head/hair. Medial -ovésé, -htséá, -a'(k)é. Category: body.
2 • ni. engine block. Me'ko éó'xeotse. The engine is cracked. Category: car.
3 • na. councilman, council member. Plural mé'kono; Obviative mé'kono; Feminine mé'koná'e. See: vého. Category: jobs, government, figurative.
me'ko nétȧhévȧhó'ȯhéó'o ni. hair dye. Ques: recheck ending ?? Category: check. See: nétȧhévȧho'ȯhn. Category: hair, colors, new.
me'ko tséohkepėhévánáhe?? vai. Gram: ppl cosmetologist. Ques: should it be me'ko tséohkepėhévánȯhtse?? Category: check, jobs.
me'ko tséohkepėhévánȯhtse ?? Gram: ppl vai. cosmetologist. Category: jobs.
mé'koná'e na. 1 • council woman. Plural mé'koná'eo'o. See: me'ko. Category: jobs, government.
2 • Head Woman. Category: names.
mé'konáseno'ėhaseo'o ni. hair pin.
mé'konásésto ni. braid tie. Variant: mé'konáséto, mé'konásestȯtse. Category: groom, hair.
mé'konásestȯtse ni. braid holder. Plural mé'konásėstotȯtse; Variant: mé'konáséto, mé'konásésto. Category: groom, hair.
mé'konáséto ni. braid holder, braid tie. Variant: mé'konásestȯtse; Plural mé'konásetónėstse. Category: groom.
-mé'kone inc.n. have hair, have a head. Ésó'ma'xė-he-mé'kone. He still has lots of hair. Nésó'he-mé'konehe? Do you still have hair? IndepNoun me'ko. See: -mé'hovahe. Category: hair.
mé'kóne obl. on the head. See: me'ko. Category: head.
mé'koného'emanestȯtse ni. tribal government. See: ho'emanestȯtse. Category: legal.
mé'konémȧheón ni. tribal office building. Lit: head-house Category: buildings, government.
-mé'konémeeho'tá vii. smell of burnt hair. É-mé'konémeehō'ta. It smells of burnt hair. Category: smell, hair.
mé'konéseno'ėhaseo'o ni. hair pin. Variant: mé'konáseno'ėhaseo'o; Plural mé'konéseno'ėhaseonȯtse. Category: groom.
Mé'konēso na. Little Head. See: Ma'xėstséáhe ‘Big Head’. Category: names.
-mé'koneve 1 • vii. be a head.
2 • vai. be a tribal councilman. É-mé'koneve. He is a tribal councilman. See: me'ko.
mé'konévotsē'o na. tribal employee. Lit: head-worker Plural mé'konévotse'ono; Obviative mé'konévotse'ono. See: hotsē'o; méavotsē'o. Category: jobs.
mé'kono na. Gram: pl tribal council. Lit: heads (another recording) (another recording) Singular me'ko. Category: jobs.
-mé'nééh vta. nominate s.o. See: -mé'eénan. É-mé'néeho. He nominated him. É-mé'néehóho. He nominated him. (newer pronunciation). Lit: appear-(cause.to)stand See: -nééh.
me'-nėše- pv. can, able. Mónéme'nėše-vonáo'ó'tsehe? Can you lift it? See: me'-; nėše-.
me'nóhke- pv. proudly (show off?) É-me'nóhkeééstse. He is speaking with pride. See: -menȯhkahe.
-mé'óéhá'ené vai. appear by boat. É-mé'óéhá'éne. He appeared by boat. Category: transportation.
-mé'óe'ó vii. appear floating, float into view.
vai. appear floating, float into view. É-mé'óé'o. He (or It) is floating into view. Category: liquid, float.
-mé'oeotse vai. resurface. possibly a passive resurfacing (for example, that of a dead body) in contrast to that of-mé'anéotse ?? É-mé'oeotse. He surfaced (in the water). Éssáa'évatšėhe'še-mé'oeotséhehoo'o. He never did come back up (from the water). [1987:293] Category: motion.
-mé'oése vai. appear hanging. É-mé'oése. He is appearing hanging. for example, of a star or the moon. Hotóhkeo'o é-mé'oéséne. The stars are moving into view. Category: celestial, hang.
-mé'oéseotse vai. appear hanging. for example, of the "cotton" that flies off of cottonwood trees. É-mé'oéseotseo'o vóhpééva. The "cotton" is flying off (the trees). Category: trees.
-mé'oestáe'tó vai. slip appear. É-mé'oestáé'to. Her slip is showing. fai: -oestá.
-mé'oéstaotse vii. appear hanging. É-mé'oéstaotse. It appeared hanging. for example, of an airplane or a ho'esta, but not of a bird. Category: fly, hang.
-mé'óešé vai. land in sight. É-mé'óéše. He landed in sight. fai: -óešé ‘land, alight’. Category: lie.
-mé'ohá vti. find s.t. by tool. É-mé'óha. He made it appear by tool.
-mé'oh(n) vta. find s.o. in hand game. especially refers to finding the opposing player during guessing in hand game. É-mé'ȯhnóho. He found him (the marked bone, in hand game). Ná-mé'ohe. He found me (said in hand game). Ná-mé'óhno. I found him (that is, refers to finding the player's bone, animate). vai: -mé'ȯhová; Initial mé'-; Antonym -ésoh(n). See: nó'oesanestȯtse; -ésoh(n); -nȯsoh(n). Category: handgame.
-mé'ȯhomo'he vai. dance into view. É-mé'ȯhomo'he. He danced into view. [Head Chief text] Category: dance.
-mé'ȯhoné vai. guess correctly in hand game. Lit: appear-sign É-mé'ȯhóne. He guessed the right bone in hand game. fai: -ohoné. See: -mé'ȯhová. Category: handgame.
-mé'ȯhoo'e vai. appear swimming, appear wading. É-mé'ȯhoo'e. He appeared swimming/wading. Énėh-mé'ȯhoo'e. He appeared swimming/wading. Hóma'e ééšeéva-mé'ȯhoo'e. The Beaver (constellation) has swum into view (in the Spring). Hóma'e éohkėhevoone móhkeéva-mé'ȯhoehéhe tsėhe'xóvéva. The beaver (constellation), they say, shows up at this time. [1987:207] Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e; Antonym -ta'ȯhoo'e. Category: swim, celestial.
-mé'ȯhová vai. find hand game bone. refers to finding with an intuitive guess. É-mé'ȯhóva. He found the hand game bone. Usage: This word is avoided in speaking because it sounds the same as -mé'hová 'be fuzzy/hairy-furred' which can refer to facial hair, but can also connote pubic hair. vta: -mé'oh(n); Antonym -ésȯhová. See: -ová; -nȯsȯhová; -ohóné; nó'oesanestȯtse; -mé'hová; -mé'ȯhoné. Category: vulgar, handgame.
-mé'o'asé vii. fire appear. for example, the fire appeared over the horizon. É-mé'o'āse. The fire appeared. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
Mé'o'ȧsé'e na. Fire Appearing Woman, Glow Appearing Woman. See: -éxo'ȧse. Category: names, fire.
-mé'o'é vii. appear growing, emerge (of vegetation). É-mé'ó'e. It emerged growing. fii: -o'é. See: -hóne'ó; mé'-. Category: plants.
-mé'o'en vti. invent s.t. É-mé'o'ēna. He invented it. Tsėhésema'heónetano(htȯtse) ... éto'seéva-mé'o'ene. The Cheyenne sacred way of thinking ... is going to be revived. [1987:210]
-mé'o'éna vii. established. Móhnėh-mé'o'énȧhanéhe. It is established. [Sweat Lodges.004] Ques: recheck gloss Category: check.
-mé'o'éneoneve vii. established.
vai. established. tsévé'šemé'o'éneoneve which was established by that. [Instruction to Children.032]
Mé'ó'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl 1 • surfaced person. This refers to a person who was not previously known for anything as he was growing up, but now he has made it, and I think he is somebody now (that is, he has surfaced/appeared); it may (but is not required to) also mean that the person referred to thinks he knows more than others.
2 • Appearing, Surfaced One. for example, appearing out of water or out of a group of people. See: -mé'ané; mé'ánėstse. Category: names.
me'o'hé- pv. of course, for sure (emphatic preverb sequence). composed of me'-o'-hé- preverbs. É-me'o'hénėheševe! Of course he would not do that!
-mé'o'tá vii. appear there, be there in view. É-mé'ó'ta. It is there in view. Category: sit inan.
-mé'o'tsé vti. put s.t. in view. É-mé'ó'tse. He put it where it will show. fti: -o'tsé. Category: sight.
-mé'oma'as vta. plow. Néxhémeva ho'enóhkono! Náma'xemé'oma'ȧsoo'o. Come eat tubers! I plowed up a lot. [The Snakebite.009] See: -oxová. Category: check.
-mé'oma'o'e vii. ground appear. tósa'e nėhéóhe tséh-mé'oma'o'etse tséhvéévȯse somewhere there close to where he could see where their camp was. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).028] fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground.
mé'omotah vta. find food for s.o. Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: check, food.
-mé'óneešé vai. appear lying ropelike. É-mé'ónééše. (A snake) appeared lying there. Category: ropelike.
-mé'onoo'e vai. appear sitting. É-mé'onoo'e. He appears sitting. that is, of someone who is sitting and seen by others. Nėhē'še móstaméhae-mé'onoehevóhe tsévéestovetse. Then they were sitting down looking down at the camp. [1987:258] Phon: vs fai: -ónoe. See: -amónoo'e. Category: sit, sight.
-mé'oo'e vai. sit exposed. for example, someone is sitting with part of their body exposed. Note that nemé'oo'o 'your sweetheart' and némé'oo'e 'you are exposed' are almost identical in sound. É-mé'oo'e. He is sitting exposed. Móné-mé'oo'e? Are you showing? Phon: vs See: -mé'oo'o ‘sweetheart’; -mé'ȧsee'e ‘stomach exposed’. Category: sit.
-mé'oo'kohó vii. rain appear. Énėh-mé'oo'kōho. Rain appeared. fii: -oo'kohó. Category: weather.
-mé'oo'o na. sweetheart; boyfriend; girlfriend; date; lover. na-mé'oo'o my sweetheart. na-mé'oono my sweethearts. ne-mé'oo'o your sweetheart. (another recording) he-mé'oono his/her sweetheart. Phon: vs Plural mé'oono; Obviative mé'oono. See: -mé'oo'e ‘sit exposed’; momoo'o ‘captive’. Category: romance.
-mé'oo'xevá vai. appear announcing. É-mé'oo'xēva. He appeared announcing. Category: speak. See: -hóo'xevá.
Mé'oonéeše ni. Valentine's Day. Variant: Hemé'oonéeše. Category: holidays.
-mé'oováohtsé vii. flood appear slowly. É-mé'oováóhtse. Flooding slowly appeared. Éxhe'ke-mé'oovaohtsétoneho. It slowly flooded. [The Water Monster: 36] vii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-mé'oováotse vii. water appear running, flood appear. É-mé'oováotse. Water appeared running. for example, after a rain. Category: liquid.
mé'otaev vta. find s.o. Ques: recheck analysis?? Synonym -mé'ov. Category: check.
-mé'ov vta. find s.o. Variant: -mé'ev. É-mé'ovóho. He found him. Ná-mé'óvo. I found him. É-mé'ohe. He was found. Etym: *meθka·sowa. Usage: much more commonly used than -mé'ev vti: -mé'á; Variant: -mé'ev. See: -mé'an. Etym: *nemeθkawa·wa ‘I found him.’; *meθkawe·wa ‘He found him’.
-mé'ovó'ėstomo'he vai. remind. Éohke-mé'ovó'ėstomo'he. She reminds. [Training Young People:42] Category: speak.
-mé'ovo'hamé vai. find livestock. É-mé'ovo'hāme. He found his horses. Énėh-mé'ovo'hāme. He found his horses (and is bringing them this way). See: -mé'ov. Category: horses.
-mé'ovó'sem vta. remind s.o. É-mé'ovó'semóho. He reminded him. Ma'háhko'e némé'ovó'semaene. Through the badger we have been reminded. [1980:20:71] É-mé'ovó'semeo'o ka'ėškóneho. Children are reminded. Variant: -mé'avó'sem. See: -mé'ėstomev; -óo'háevam. Category: speak.
mé'ovó'sepȧhoenéó'o ni. sticky note. Lit: reminding stick on thing Ques: recheck mé'ovó'se or mé'evó'se (as pronounced)?? Category: check, new.
-mé'ovóon 1 • vti. find s.t. in water. É-mé'ovóóna. He found it in water.
2 • vta. find s.o. in water. É-mé'ovóonóho.?? He found him in water. See: -mé'; -mé'á. Category: liquid.
-mé'ȯxe'a'há vii. appear on screen. for example, movie, TV, computer. É-mé'ȯxe'ā'ha. It appeared on the screen. Ééše-mé'ȯxe'ā'ha. It is already on the screen. See: -mȯxe'a'há. Category: movie.
-mé'ȯxe'eotse vii. appear on T.V.
vai. appear on T.V. É-mé'ȯxe'eotse. It/He appeared on T.V. tsé-mé'ȯxe'eotse what was on T.V. See: -mȯxe'a'há.
me'só'ove- ?? Category: check.
pv. see só'ove- ?? Category: check.
me'-sóva- pv. still, persist. Ná-me'sóvanéméne. I'll still sing/I'll go right on singing [for example, even if you turn coward (for example, run back) in battle]. See: me'-; me'-nėše-.
mé'še- i. hairy.
pn. hairy. Mé'šeesé-ve'ho'e Mexican (lit. hairy-nosed-ve'ho'e). É-mé'šėšéne. He has hair on his chest. Etym: *mi·'ši-. See: mé'h-.
-mé'šeesé vai. have a hairy nose; hairy nose - have a. especially refers to nostril hairs or presence of a moustache. É-mé'šeēse. He has a hairy nose. Etym: *mi·Ɂšikweθe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -séno'eesé. Category: nose.
-mé'šeeséve'haná vai. eat Mexican food. É-mé'šeeséve'hāna. He ate Mexican food. Né-mé'šeeséve'hāna. You are eating Mexican food. Category: eat.
Mé'šeeséve'ho'á'e na. Mexican woman. Plural Mé'šeeséve'ho'á'eo'o. Category: nose, people.
Mé'šeeséve'ho'e na. Mexican. Lit: hairy-nosed(that is, moustached)-ve'ho'e (another recording) (another recording) Plural Mé'šeesévé'hó'e, (another recording), (another recording); Obviative Mé'šeesévé'hó'e; Medial -esé. See: -mé'hahtsé; Mé'ėškó'e. Category: nose, people.
-mé'šeeséve'ho'énestse vai. speak Spanish, speak Mexican. É-mé'šeeséve'ho'énestse. He talks Spanish (Mexican). Naa tšéške'e néohke-mé'šeeséve'ho'énėstsehe? And do you speak a little Spanish? Cheyennes sometimes refer in English to the language spoken by Mexicans as Mexican. Category: languages.
Mé'šeeséve'ho'énėstsestȯtse ni. Spanish. Category: languages.
-mé'šeeséve'ho'événé vai. Mexican face. É-mé'šeeséve'ho'événé. He has a Mexican face. Category: face.
Mé'šeeséve'ho'événo obl. Mexico. Category: places.
-mé'šeeséve'ho'évėsané vai. wear Mexican clothes. É-mé'šeeséve'ho'évėsáne. He is wearing Mexican clothes. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
Mé'šeeséve'ho'ká'késo na. Mexican girl. Plural Mé'šeeséve'ho'ká'kėsono. Category: nationalities.
Mé'šeeséve'ho'kēso na. little Mexican boy. Category: nationalities.
mé'šeéstse'he na. fur coat. See: éstse'he. Category: clothing.
mé'šeméhne na. caterpillar. Lit: fuzzy-worm(serpent) not classified with snakes in Cheyenne folk taxonomy. Plural mé'šeméhneo'o; Obviative mé'šemehno. See: méhne. Category: bugs.
mé'šeme'ėstahtȯtse ni. ear hair. Plural mé'šeme'ėstáhtotȯtse. Usage: probably a new word Category: ears.
-mé'šéné vai. hairy faced. É-mé'šéne. He has a hairy face. Etym: *mi·Ɂši·nkwe·wa (P). Usage: vulgar; phonetically similar to mé'šéne 'pubic hair' BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -mé'šėšéné ‘hairy chest’; -mé'hovávéné ‘hairy faced’; -he-mé'šené ‘have pubic hair’. Category: vulgar.
mé'šéne ni. pubic hair. Variant: mé'šéno. See: -he-mé'šené ‘have pubic hair’. Category: body, vulgar.
mé'šéno ni. pubic hair. Etym: *mi·Ɂšikwa·ni (P); cf. Ar béésiyoo (male); béésohoo (female). Variant: mé'šéne; Plural mé'šenonȯtse. AltPl = mé'šenonėstse See: -he-mé'šené ‘have pubic hair’; mé'h-; mé'še-. Category: body, vulgar.
-mé'šėšené vai. hairy chest. É-mé'šėšéne. He has hair on his chest. BodyPartMedial -šené. See: -šeeoná ‘chest’; -mé'šéné ‘hairy faced’; -he-mé'šené ‘have pubic hair’. Category: body, hair.
mé'šéško ni. buckskin, leather. This word is used for the buckskin covering of a drum. vé'ho'émé'šéško commercial buckskin. Oblique mé'šėškónėhéva. See: mȯséškáne ??; xamaemé'šéško ‘hand-tanned leather’. Category: check, Sun Dance.
-mé'šėškonėsané vai. dressed in leather. É-mé'šėškonėsāne. He is dressed in leather. Category: clothing.
-mé'šėškono'kėhaná vai. wear leather shoes. É-mé'šėškono'kėhāna. He has on leather shoes. Category: shoes.
-mé'šetsénoná vai. have hairy armpits. É-mé'šetsénóna. He has hairy armpits. Etym: *mi·Ɂšiθenkwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -tsénoná. Category: body.
-mé'ševesé na. have velvet antlers. É-mé'ševēse. He has velvet antlers / He is in the velvet. BodyPartMedial -evesé. Category: check.
Mé'ševėséhe na. Hairy Horn, Velvet Antlers. BodyPartMedial -evesé. Category: names.
me't- i. pin. É-me'ta'ó'hóho. He pinned him. É-me'tanóho. He held him tight (so he couldn't move).
-me'ta'ó'h vta. hold s.o. so can't move, pin s.o. for example, so someone couldn't move, as in wrestling. É-me'ta'ó'hóho. He pinned him. See: -hó'ėšená'tov.
mé'ta'om- i. block. É-mé'ta'omēhne. He came in front of/blocked the way. Ques: Is this a combination of mé'- 'appear' plus ta'om-??
mé'ta'ome- pv. block, get in the way. É-mé'ta'omeéestse. He is speaking with his own agenda. See: ta'ome-.
-mé'ta'omehné vai. come in front of, block the way, get in the way. É-mé'ta'omēhne. He came in front of/blocked the way. See: nehp-; -ta'omehné. Category: positions.
-me'tan vta. hold s.o. tight. for example, so one can't move. É-me'tanóho. He held him tight (so he couldn't move). Náxaenėše-me'tanaa'e. It just held me tight. Ques: vti?? See: -toen. Category: check.
mé'to'- i. exchange. É-mé'tó'éna. He cashed it. for example, his check.
mé'tó'e p. instead, on the other hand, in turn, in exchange. (another recording) Naa máto tsėhéóhe mé'tó'e o'xe, tȧhósėtsėhetóó'ȯhtse hé'tóhe tsétotóxésto. And also here on the other side, look, this is what he is talking about. [1987:13] Néohkeméhaemévatsemeno naa mé'tó'e hápó'e nėstseévaamemévemeno. We used to eat you and now, in return, you will eat us. [1987:45, 186, 226] See: ónétáhtse; -(n)oname'to'evahe(?); tóe-; hápó'e; máto.
-mé'to'en vti. cash s.t., exchange s.t. É-mé'tó'éna. He cashed it (for example, his check). tséohke-mé'to'enȯhtse ma'kaataānėstse the one who exchanges money. See: -mé'tomev; nétȧhév-; -hohtóvá; -hóxan. Category: money.
-mé'tó'énené vai. cash. especially of cashing a check. É-mé'tó'énéne. He cashed (a check). Category: money.
-mé'to'evan vti. exchange s.t., replace s.t. É-mé'to'evāna. He replaced it. Ques: vta?? Category: check.
-mé'to'kȧho'henaa'e vai. die instead. É-mé'to'kȧho'henaa'e. He died instead. for example, Jesus died for sinners. Phon: vs See: -naa'e. Category: death.
-mé'tomev vta. allow s.o., give s.o. an opportunity, give s.o. a chance. É-mé'tomevóho. He gave him an 'opportunity'/he made room for him. for example, he gave up his bed for him. Ná-mé'tomeva. He gave up space for me. Ná-mé'tomoo'e. He loaned it to me. Ménoo'ėse naa mó=néée-mé'tomóehéhe tséhe'néheto. Luckily your older brother allowed you to do that. ?? Néxȯh-mé'tomónenone nėhe'xóvéva. We were given a choice at that time. [1987:19] Category: space, check.
-mé'tomósané vai. give a chance (to people). É-mé'tomósáne. He gives people a chance. Category: interpersonal.
me'-tónėšė-hé- pv. for sure not, absolutely not, certainly not, very emphatically not. Mónáme'-tónėšė-hé-ve'ho'á'eveotse! There is no way I would turn into a white woman! See: me'-; hé-; tónėše-; me'-hó'ke-.
-mém vta. cry for s.o. for example, of a child who cries when his parents leave. É-memo. He cried for him. É-mémóho. (newer pronunciation). Etym: cf *mawime·wa (P). Névé'-mémoo'o! Don't cry for them! vti: mémo'tá. See: -nėšéševe. Category: cry.
mémééhe na. grandpa. Usage: baby talk or colloquial, affectionate term (another recording) (another recording) Simplified Spelling mi mi·h. See: ke'ééhe; namėšéme. Category: relatives, baby talk.
-mémeehéheve vai. be a grandpa. Mónééše-mémeehéheve? Are you already a grandpa? Usage: colloquial See: -hevéxahe. Category: relatives.
-mémeeheve vai. grandpa.be. Nééše-mémeehévehe? Are you a grandpa yet? Category: relatives.
mémėse- 1 • i. shitty, fecal.
2 • pv. shitty, fecal.
3 • pv. very good. Lit: shitty Some speakers have used this preverb rather frequently. É-mémėsenestse. He talks shitty (for example, uses the preverb mémėse- a lot in his speech). See: mémės(t)-. Category: vulgar, figurative.
-mémėséanot vta. beat the shit out of s.o. É-mémėséanotóho. He beat the shit out of him. É-mémėséanotovo. They beat the shit out of them. for example, in basketball. See: -háeanot; -momé'aéveanot; -sȯsévenot. Category: basketball, vulgar.
-mémėseéno'e vii. taste very good, taste shitty. Lit: shitty-taste É-mémėseéno'e. It is shitty tasting / It tastes very good. Usage: crude slang fii: -éno'e. See: -pėhéveéno'e. Category: taste, vulgar.
-mémėse'haná vai. poop while eating. É-mémėse'hāna. He is pooping and eating. Category: eat.
-mémėseméa'xe vai, smell shitty. É-mémėseméa'xe. He smells shitty. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
-mémėseméohe vai. poop while straining. É-mémėseméohe. He tried so hard to do something that he pooped. fai: -méohe.
-mémėsénome vai. fart while sleeping, sleep farting. É-mémėsénome He farted during his sleep; he farted all night. fai: -énóme. See: -mémėstanóme. Category: sleep.
-mémėsetanó vai. want to defecate, have the poop urge. É-mémėsetāno. He wants to defecate. Náne'ȯhkėxae'anȯhe-mémėsetāno. "I was just going down shitty". That is a crude, but humorous, expression said by a man who kept slipping down a hill as he tried to climb it; means something like, "I kept slipping down so much I got scared and, like, pooped on myself". See: -mémėstané; -o'ėhnétanó.
mémes(t)- i. fecal, defecate, shitty, very. This initial can be used as a crude slang intensifier meaning 'very'. É-mémėstanóho. He made him poop. for example, by grabbing him too tightly. É-mémėstȧhó'ta. It is "shitty hot" (crude slang for 'It is very hot'). See: mémėse-. Category: vulgar.
-mémestá vti. defecate on s.t., poop on s.t. É-mémésta. He pooped on it. Hó'ótóva móstamȧsó-mėstomóvȯhoonȯtse he'éxánėstse. All at once he crapped in his eyes. [Croft 1988:16:29] Category: vulgar.
-mémėstȧhano'xe vai. shitty groggy. É-mémėstȧhano'xe. He is shitty groggy. That is, he is very groggy. See: -méstȧhano'xe. Category: vulgar.
-mémėstȧho'tá vii. very hot, shitty hot. É-mémėstȧhó'ta. It is "shitty hot. crude slang for 'It is very hot'. Usage: crude slang Lit: shitty-hot See: -héevȧhetanévȧho'tá. Category: weather, temperature.
-mémėsta'é vai. defecation urge, nature's call. This is a colorful way of referring to getting the urge to poop or pee. É-mémėstá'e. He has gotten nature's call. Category: body function.
-mémėstan vta. make s.o. poop. É-mémėstanóho. He made him poop. for example, by grabbing him too tightly.
-mémėstáne vai. drown. humorous similarity to words referring to defecating. É-mémėstáne. He drowned. vta: -mémėstanot. See: -mémėstanome ‘defecate while sleeping’; -mé'ané ‘surface’. Category: liquid.
-mémėstané'seh vta. drown s.o. É-mémėstané'sėhóho. He drowned him. See: -mémėstanot. Category: violence.
-mémėstanohtsé vti. drown s.t., flood s.t. Lit: shit.it ?? É-mémėstanōhtse. He drowned it. Námémėstanōhtse naamȧho'hestȯtse amėškēva. I flooded my car with gas. vta: -mémėstanot.
-mémėstanome vai. defecate while sleeping. É-mémėstanome. He defecated while sleeping. Etym: cf *mi·tenkwa·mwa. fai: -énóme; Synonym -méšešé. See: -mémėsénome; -mémėstané; -énóme; -o'ehné; -mée'kahe. Category: sleep.
-mémėstanot vta. 1 • drown s.o. É-mémėstanotóho. He drowned him. vti: -mémėstanohtsé. See: -mémėstané'seh.
2 • beat s.o. so bad poop came out. Category: violence.
-mémėstátamao'ó vai. laugh so hard there is farting, fart laugh hard. É-mémėstátamaō'o. He laughed so hard he farted. fai: -átamao'ó. Category: laugh.
-mémėstavonȧho'hová vai. burn up, shitty burn up. Né-mémėstavonȧho'hōva. You burned (it) up. For example, you almost burned up your house. Category: fire.
-mémėstoh(n) vta. knock the shit out of s.o., screw the shit out of s.o. É-mémėstȯhnóho. He screwed the shit out of her. Mémėstȯheha! Knock the shit out of him! Category: violence, sex, vulgar.
-mémėstó'ohn vta. beat the shit out of s.o. É-mémėstó'ȯhnovo. They beat the shit out of them. for example, in basketball. Category: basketball, vulgar.
-mémėstoo'e vai. sit in excrement. É-mémėstoo'e. He sat in (his) excrement. for example, a baby in a dirty diaper. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-mémėstósem vta. drag the shit out of s.o. É-mémėstósemóho. He dragged the shit out of him. Usage: vulgar See: -mémėstoh(n). Category: move.
-mémėstotse'ohe vai. work at an exhausting job, exhausting work, shitty work, work shitty job. É-mémėstotse'ohe. He does exhausting work; "they work the shit out of him." Lit: shitty-work Category: work.
-mémėšešé vai. poop while lying, fart while lying. É-mémėšéše. He farted while lying there / he pooped in his sleep. See: -pánėstšéšé. Category: lie.
-mémo'tá vti. cry over s.t. É-mémó'ta. He cried over it. [pd 722] vta: -mém. Category: cry.
mén- i. dig. É-ménȯhéne. He dug. Etym: *mo·n-.
-ménȧhané vai. charge. for example, what a bull does. É-ménȧháne. He is charging.
-ménah(n) vta. charge s.o., tell off s.o., challenge s.o. É-ménȧhnóho. He (for example, a bull) charged at him. [pd337] See: -nameta; -a'eotsé'tov. Category: violence.
-ména'ané vai. make breastworks. É-ména'āne. He is making a breastwork. Etym: *mye·neθkehke·wa (P). Naa tsé'tó=tsénésȯhtȯxese kȧsováaheho éh-ména'anésesto. And these seven young men built breastworks. [The Seven Stars.063] See: ména'e.
ména'e ni. fort, breastwork. Plural méná'ėstse. Etym: *mye·neθki (Go88). See: -ména'ané; méná'ó'e.
Ména'éva na. Crooked Arm. a Crow Man who Cheyennes called by this name. BodyPartMedial -na'évá. Category: names.
ména'ó' ni. corral, breastwork. Plural méná'ó'ėstse. See: ména'e. Category: farm.
-ména'ó'ané vai. 1 • make a fence (or corral), fence - make a, corral - make a. É-ména'ó'áne. He is putting up a fence/corral.
2 • set boundary. Category: figurative. É-ména'ó'aneo'o. They are setting boundaries. Category: farm.
-méname ni. Gram: poss berry (poss.) na-ménamȯtse my berries. Category: berries.
-ménanóné vai. take back, be an Indian giver. É-ménanóne. He took something back previously given. Translated as 'he was an Indian giver' in English' meaning 'he gave something to someone and then took it back.' This is considered worse than stealing to Cheyennes. It has been said to be culturally equivalent to murder. Nėstsevé'-ménanóne! Don't take back what you have given! Category: interpersonal.
-ménanóné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o take back s.o. as an "Indian giver"; this is a terrible thing to do. É-ménanónenoto. He took him back. Ná-ménanónenȯtse mo'éhno'ha. I took back the horse. Ná-ménanóne'tova. He took me back. See: -moné'tov. Category: interpersonal.
mene2 na. water monster. pronounced as méhne by some speakers. Variant: méhné. Category: monsters, animals.
mene 1 • ni. berry. The original meaning of 'berry' was semantically extended to other 'fruit'. Morph: /méne/. Usage: rare as sg. Plural menȯtse. Cheyenne words for berries are inanimate while words for fruits are animate. Etym: *mi·ni; *mi·nali 'berries'.
2 • na. fruit.
3 • na. chokecherry. When speaking English, Cheyennes sometimes refer to chokecherries simply as "cherries". Category: berries.
mené- pv. berry. ma'xemené-mahpe orange juice (lit. big-fruit-water). Etym: *-min- (medial).
Ménėhóhta na. Ménėhóhta. Category: names.
Méne'á'e na. Chokecherry Woman, Shell Woman, Doll Woman : Little China Doll. Shell Woman (possible translation given by some speakers). Doll Woman (possible translation given by some speakers). Category: berries, names.
méne'e ni. shell. Plural méné'ėstse. Etym: cf. *mi·kehsa; O mi·gis. Plural méné'ėstse. See: néma'ke.
Méne'éméóná'e na. Shell Road Woman. See: meo'o. Category: names.
Méne'éo'hé'e ni. North Platte River, Platte River, Shell River. See: Vétaneo'hé'e ‘South Platte River’. Category: rivers, check.
Méne'ké'héhe na. Shell Woman, Doll Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.
méne'kēso na. doll. Plural méne'kėsono; Obviative méne'kėsono. Category: play.
menėstse ni. Gram: pl 1 • berries. Singular mene. This pronunciation is used by many Cheyenne speakers today. menȯtse was a more common pronunciation in the past. Variant: menȯtse.
2 • chokecherries. When speaking English Cheyennes sometimes refer to chokecherries simply as "cherries." Category: berries.
-ménetó'kėhnóehné vai. bear too many children. É-ménetó'kėhnóéhne. She bore too many children. Variant: -ménotó'evóehné. Category: babies.
Ménevoto na. Shell Feathers. Ques: recheck and record?? Category: check. See: voto. Category: names.
-menoeho'he vai. spark. É-menoeho'he. He sparked. Naa héovȧtse éxheše-menoeho'héhoo'o. And there were several kinds of sparks. [1980:66:92] See: -pó'e'tová. Category: fire.
-ménohá vti. dig s.t. using a tool, for example, to dig coal. É-ménóha. He dug it. ho'ose tséh-ménohe coal mine. Lit: where coal is dug vai: -ménȯhené.
-ménohe vai. charge, fight. Náho'-ménohe. I've come to fight. especially said by a woman to a woman. vta: -ménah(n). Category: violence.
ménȯhe'éhéó'o ni. shovel, hoe. Some people have used this word for a hoe. Lit: dig-by.tool-(thing) Phon: vs; gr vai: -ménȯhené; Synonym vósȯhéó'o. Category: tools.
ménȯhe'éhestatseo'o ni. shovel. Lit: digging-shoulder(?)(.thing) Phon: vs See: xanéhpe-ménȯhe'éheo'o. Category: tools.
ménȯhe'éhestatseško ni. Gram: dim shovel. Category: tools.
ménȯhe'kéhestatseo'o ni. rake. See: ménȯhe'éheo'o; ménȯhe'éhestatseško. Category: tools.
-ménȯhené vai. dig. Phon: pronounced the same as -ménȯhoné for example, to dig with a shovel; -méanené is shallower digging to make ground bare. É-ménȯhéne. He dug. vta: -ménoh(n). It is possible that some speakers pronounce this, and related words, with -hn, such as É-méhnȯhéne. 'He dug.'. See: -méanené; -he'kóma'ȯhené.
ménȯheo'o ni. posthole digger. Category: tools.
ménohk- i. show off.
-ménȯhkahe vai. show off. É-ménȯhkahe. He is a showoff. Synonym -heo'keve. See: -méno'keve ‘show off - be a’; heo'kēso ‘muskrat’. Category: personality.
ménȯhke- pv. in a show-off way. Naa nėhē'še móh-ménȯhkeametóxėšenȧhevóhe hénėhéóhe Denverhévéno. And then they showed off in a parade there in Denver. [Only the Earth and the Mountains:6]
-ménȯhketanó vai. be in a show-off mood. É-ménȯhketāno. ?? He is proud/he is a showoff. Category: check.
-ménȯhkeve vai. show off - be a. É-méno'keve. He is a show-off. Ques: originally pronounced as méno'keve?? See: -ménȯhkahe; -heo'keve. Category: personality, check.
-ménȯhkoe'tó vii. cling in the open.
vai. cling in the open. É-ménȯhkóé'to. koē'o?? He (or It) is clinging in the open. héne táhta tȧháóhe tsétšėše-ménȯhkoe'tótsee'ėstse those (plums) which were plainly seen. [The Scalped Man Who Died.042] Final -oe'tó. Category: hang.
-ménȯhkónoo'e vai. sit showing off. É-ménȯhkónoo'e. He is sitting there making sure everyone will see him/showing off. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-ménoh(n) vta. dig s.o. using a tool. Ná-ménȯhnoo'o ho'honáeo'o. I dug out rocks. É-ménȯhnóho ho'honaa'o. He dug out rocks. vai: -ménȯhené. Etym: *mo·nahwe·wa 'he digs him up'.
ménó'e ni. chokecherry bush, berry bush. Etym: *mi·na·xkwi. Plural ménó'ėstse. See: ménó'ke ‘willow’; vénȯhó'kȯhtse ‘chokecherry branch’. Category: plants.
ménó'ėšé'e ni. 1 • chokecherry bush area, berry bush area. Medial -ó'(e)2.
2 • Willow Creek. This is a tributary of Medicine Lodge Creek in southern Kansas. Category: wood, rivers.
ménó'ke na. willow. Plural méno'keo'o; AlternatePlural méno'keho; Obviative méno'keho, méno'ko; Medial -ó'(e). Etym: cf. Sh mi·twa'ki, mi·twa'ki·0a (but note PA under entry méstse 'cottonwood sapling'). See: ménó'e; mésó'ke; hó'otseonó'e. Category: trees.
méno'keméeotse vii. willow smell - become.
vai. willow smell - become. Éhke-méno'keméeotsénove. There is a willow smell. [The Man Who Tried to Kill a Beaver.015] Category: smell.
ménó'kėšé'e ni. willow stand, willow grove. See: Ménó'ėšé'e. Category: trees, check.
-méno'kévȯhomo'he vai. Willow Dance - dance the, dance the Willow Dance. É-méno'kévȯhomo'he. He is dancing the Willow Dance. É-méno'kévȯhomó'heo'o. They are dancing the Willow Dance. Category: ceremonial, Sun Dance, dance.
méno'kévȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. Willow Dance. It has been said that this is actually today's Sun Dance. The present S.D. is abbreviated and is said to leave out the offering of the participant's wife to the S.D. instructor--a practice outlawed by the U.S. government. This term was used as a euphemism during the time the Sun Dance was outlawed by the U.S. government. Category: Sun Dance, ceremonial, dance.
-menoo'e fii. globular. Mónónėhetaa'e-menoo'étseneho o'xe. He had a very large eye on one side. [Floating Eyes:096] Category: shapes.
ménoo'ėse p. fortunately, luckily. Ménoo'ėse náhe'keameōhtse. It was a good thing (that is, 'fortunately') I was slowing down. Ménoo'ėse mónéévanȧha'enȯhéhe. Luckily, you must have caught him. [Croft Text 55] Category: exclamations.
-menoo'éxané mbp. eyeball. Lit: globular(that is, berry).shaped-eye Éónėše-menoo'éxanéóhtse. He has pain in the eyeball. Éotá'tave-menoo'éxáne. He has blue eyes. Étónėše-menoo'éxaneo'o? What color are their eyes? BodyPartMedial -'éxané ‘eye’. See: mené- ‘berry’. Category: body, eyes.
Ménótó'e na. 1 • close in age person. Can be pronounced something like an epithet, functionally equivalent to saying 'too many children' about someone; used of someone who is considered to have too many children, often in stair step succession one year apart. Variant: ménótó'ke; Plural ménotó'eo'o. Category: family.
2 • Close In Age. Category: names.
-ménotó'evóehné vai. bear too many children, bear children too closely spaced to each other. É-ménotó'evóéhne. She has her children spaced too closely together. See: -vé'soehné. Variant: -ménetó'kėhnóehné. Category: babies.
ménotó'kėhéso na. Gram: dim close in age child. Plural ménotó'kėhesono. Category: family.
-ménotó'kėhnóehné vai. bear children close together. É-ménotó'kėhnóehneo'o. They have their children close together in age. Category: ages, babies.
menȯtse ni. Gram: pl 1 • berries. Singular mene. The following pronunciation is used by many Cheyenne speakers today. menȯtse was a more common pronunciation in the past. Variant: menėstse.
2 • chokecherries. When speaking English Cheyennes sometimes refer to chokecherries simply as "cherries." Category: berries.
Ménoveóó'e na. Stands Bad Woman. See: hávėséve-. Category: names.
méo- pv. morning. Ná-méotō'e. I got up this morning. Ná-méošé'šeotse. I woke up early in the morning. É-méovóonā'o. It is early morning. Nėstȧhóse-méovóomȧtse. I'll see you again tomorrow morning. É-méoho'ééto. It snowed this morning. É-méokóhkonȯheonāne. She made bread this morning. Náosee-méotō'e. I got up really early this morning. É-méohomōse. He cooked breakfast. Ná-méoháéána. I was hungry this morning. Ná-méomésehe. I ate breakfast. Lit: I-morning-eat Náohke-méomésehe. I regularly eat breakfast. Nééše-méomésėhehe? Did you already eat breakfast. Hénová'e tsé-méoméseto? What did you eat for breakfast? Nėhe'xóvéva é'ȯhkeosée'évėhoháe-méoto'eo'o tsééšėhátaa'éhahese. At that time the older people used to get up very early. [1987:170] tséh-méovóonā'o early this morning. Etym: cf. M mi:p. See: -vóona'ó. Category: time.
Méóhá'e na. Running Woman. Category: names.
méohe fai. run, strain, thrust. Éame-méohe. He ran along. Ééve-méohe. He ran about. Ého'e-méohe. He arrived running. Évése-méohe. He also is running. Névéé'ėše móhnéma'e-méohehevóhe tsėhéóhe Mo'ȯhtávo'honáéva. For four days they ran in circles here in the Black Hills. [1987:245] See: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run, motion.
-méóhtá vti. fight s.t. É-méóhta. He fought it. Etym: *mi·ka·tamwa (P). Náohke-méóhta tséhávėséva'e. I'm fighting against evil/the bad. That is a natural expression. vai: -méó'é; vta: -méót. See: -méhóhtá ‘love s.t.’. Etym: *mi·ka·t-.
-méohtahe vai. loving. É-méohtahe. He is loving. Variant: -méhohtahe. See: -méhósané. Category: personality.
-méohtȧhé'heóneve vai. be a loving person. É-méohtȧhé'heóneve. He is a loving person.
-méóhtá'há vai. love husband. É-méóhtá'ha. ?? She loves her husband. Usage: obsolescing See: -méoseéhamá. Category: marriage, check.
-méóhtoém vta. have a loving relationship with s.o. as a relative. É-méohtoemo. He has a loving relationship with him as relative. É-méohtoémȧhtséstove. There is getting along lovingly with relatives. Category: relatives.
-méohtovohe vai. love baby (or small child). This is traditionally considered a very difficult thing, since it requires great sacrifice on the part of the parent, and often great expense of gift-giving to appropriate parties. É-méohtovohe. She/he loves her/his child/baby/children. Medial -óvohe. Category: family, babies.
-méó'é vai. fight. É-méó'e. He is fighting / he fought. Etym: *mi:ka·xkye·wa (P). Ná-méó'éme. We (excl) fought. É-méo'eo'o. They are fighting. Ésáa-méo'ėheo'o. They did not fight. Né-méo'ehe? Did you fight? tséhne'éevéseame-méó'ėse when he also fought. Phon: not vs vti: -méóhtá; vta: -méót. Category: warfare, check.
-méó'e pn. fight.
pv. fight. tséhnėssó'eame-méo'evo'ėstanéhevévȯse when they were still fighting. Phon: not vs Category: warfare.
-méó'é'tȯsené vai. fight (people). É-méó'é'tȯséne. He fought (people). Tsėhe'ėsta'éhe tséhméó'é'tȯsénėse when Custer fought. [Grandmother Was at the Battle.006] Ques: check pitches with independenet 3rd plural?? Ques: also sané?? Category: warfare, check.
-méó'étanó vai. fight desire, want to fight. É-méó'étáno. He wants to fight; he has a chip on his shoulder. vai: -méó'é. Category: warfare.
méo'evo'ėstanéhevestȯtse ni. warrior life. Category: warfare.
méo'evo'ha na. war horse. Plural méo'evo'hāme. Category: warfare, horses, check.
-méo'éxané vai. have eyes closed. É-méo'éxáne. His eyes are closed. Variant: -méo'kéxané. Category: eyes.
-méo'éxané'ó vai. close eyes. É-méo'éxané'o. His eyes are closed. Category: eyes.
-méo'éxanéše vai. lie with eyes closed. É-méo'éxanéše. He is lying with his eyes closed. Variant: -méo'kéxanéše; BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: eyes.
-méo'kéxané vai. have eyes closed. É-méo'kéxáne. His eyes are closed. Variant: -méo'éxané. Category: eyes.
-méo'kéxané'o vai. close eyes. É-méo'kéxané'o. He closed his eyes. [1987:315] Category: eyes.
-méo'kéxanéotse vai. close eyes quickly. É-méo'kéxanéotse. He closed his eyes quickly. Variant: -méo'éxanéotse; BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: eyes.
-méo'kéxanéše vai. lie with eyes closed. É-méo'kéxanéše. He is lying with his eyes closed. Variant: -méo'éxanéše. Category: eyes.
-méo'kéxanévo'ȧhéotse vai. run with eyes closed. É-méo'kéxanévo'ȧhéotse. He is running with his eyes closed. BodyPartMedial -'éxané; fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: eyes, run.
méó'o ni. path, road, way, trail. (another recording) (another recording) na-méó'o my road. ne-méó'o your road. Méó'o éhesó'xo. The road is slippery. Ma'hēō'o he-méó'o God's way (an expression used by Cheyenne Christians, especially in songs). Plural méonȯtse; Locative méónéva; Oblique méóne. Ques: recheck pitches on loc, méonéva?? Category: check. Ques: remove hm #?? Category: check. Phon: vs Etym: *mye·hkani; *mye·wi. See: Éše'héméó'o ‘Sun Road’; -méó'é ‘fight’. Category: environment.
méó'o tséstamámȯheveotse. vii. junction. Lit: where the road joins another (road) See: -mámȯheveotse; -ho'xėseotse.
méomáhtáme ni. breakfast. Lit: morning-food See: -htamé; máhtáme; méomésėhestȯtse. Category: food, new.
Méomé'éhne na. Appears In the Morning. Category: names.
Méomé'ėhné'e na. Appears In the Morning Woman. Category: names.
méomésėhestȯtse ni. breakfast. Usage: possibly OD See: méomáhtáme ‘breakfast’. Category: food.
Méóná'e na. Trail Woman. See: Náhkȯheméóná'e; Améóná'e. Category: names.
Méona'hāne na. Morning Killer. See: Vóona'hanē'e. Category: names.
Méona'hané'e na. Kills In the Morning Woman, Morning Killer Woman. See: méo-; -na'hané. Category: names.
-méonané vai. road build, make a path, break trail. used figuratively of someone who starts trouble and others follow him, especially of a child. É-méónáne. He is making a road. Etym: *mye·hkanehke·wa (P). fai: -ané3.
méonanéve'ho'e na. roadbuilder. Plural méonanévé'hó'e. Category: jobs.
méóne ni. on the road. See: méó'o; méónéva. Category: positions.
méonematanaéve'ho'e na. highway patrolman. Lit: road-policeman Category: jobs.
Méonéstoohe na. Howling In the Morning, Morning Holler. Category: names.
Méonéstoohé'e na. Howling In the Morning Woman. Category: names.
méónéva obl. on the road. See: méóne; méó'o. Category: positions.
Méonóvá'e na. Morning Blessing Woman. Ques: translation uncertain See: Nóvává'e ‘Medicine Woman’. Category: names.
Méoóhtsé'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
-méósané vai. fight people. É-méósáne. He fights people. fai: -sané1. See: -ósané. Category: violence.
-méoseéhamá vai. love husband. É-méoseéháma. She loves her husband. Usage: probably not widely used See: -méóhtá'há. Category: marriage.
-méose'évá vai. love wife. É-méose'éva. He loves his wife. Usage: maybe not widely said today. Medial -'évá. Category: marriage.
-méót vta. fight s.o. Ná-méóto. I fought him / I'm fighting him. É-méoto. He fought him. É-méótóho. He fought him (newer pronunciation). Etym: *mi:ka·θe·wa (P). Ná-méota. He is fighting me. Ná-méótáá'e. They fought me. Ná-méotoo'o. I fought them. Nátȧhé-meotoo'o. I went to fight them. É-méotȧhtseo'o. They are fighting each other. Etym: **mi·ka·θetwiwaki (P/L). Násáa-méótóhe. I'm not fighting him. Násáa-méotȯheo'o. I'm not fighting them. Ná-méotoneo'o. We fought them. Násáa-méotȯhéneo'o. We did not fight them. Nétȧhé-meotóneo'o! Let's go fight them! Nétȧhé-meotȧhtsémáne! Let's go box! This word can be extended to certain games, especially boxing. This verb stem illustrates that there are two main "dialects" with regard to how high pitches on obviated verbs are treated by Cheyenne speakers. With verbs having a proximate third person subject and an obviated third person object, the older style is to cause a phonemic high pitch on the last syllable of the stem to drop to a low pitch when adding the direct voice obviation marker /o/. Among newer pronunciation, the newer strategy is to regularize such verb stems to follow the same pattern as verb stems having a phonemic low pitch on the last syllable of the stem, and add the longer direct voice obviative suffix /oha/, and maintain the underlying phonemic high pitches as phonetic high pitches. We call this newer obviation pattern Obviation Regularization (abbreviated as OR). Some older speakers are sufficiently accustomed to the older un-regularized obviation pattern for stems ending in a phonemic high pitch that they will insist that the OR pattern is "incorrect". Some other verbs stems which illustrate these two obviation pitch contours are: -moat' love s.o.' (older speakers: é-meo'o 'he loves him', newer pronunciation: é-méhótóho); -mév 'eat s.o.' (older speakers: é-mevo 'he ate him', newer pronunciation é-mévóho); -vovóhnėhešéh 'take care of s.o.' (older speakers: é-vovóhnėhešeho 'he took care of him', newer pronunciation: é-vovóhnėhešéhóho), and -asénoót 'sing an honor song to s.o.' (older speakers: é-asénooto 'he sang an honor song to him', newer pronunciation: é-asénoótóho). Intransitive verb stems ending in a phonemic high pitch can also experience the "dialectal" differences in pitch contours when taking an obviated subject. Some examples are: -méó'é 'fight', -háóéná, and -mó'é 'invite to a feast'. With these intransitive stems there can be from one to four pitch and suffix variants among older speakers when they utter an obviated verb. And nouns with a phonemic high pitch preceding an obviative suffix experience the two main dialectal pitch contours, also: for example, šé'še 'duck', še'xo 'duck (obv.; older speakers), šé'xóho 'duck (obv.; younger speakers); pe'e 'nighthawk', pe'o 'nighthawk (obv.; older speakers), pé'óho 'nighthawk (obv.; newer pronunciation). (For a technical description of the obviation pitch contours, see the article "Cheyenne Obviation Pitch Alternations" by W. Leman,1987.) vai: -méósané; vti: -méóhtá. See: -méoxevaen; -héseh. Category: phys. ed., interpersonal, violence, warfare.
-méovóona'ó vii. early morning. tsésta-méovóonā'o when it was early morning. Category: time.
-méoxevaen vta. fight s.o. aggressively. This is more aggressive action than -méót. É-méoxevaenóho. He is fighting him aggressively. É-méoxevaenȧhtseo'o They are fighting each other. Ná-méoxevaenȧhtséme. We (not including you) are fighting. Néme'nėše-méoxevaēno. You should fight him. [1987:287] fta: -éváen. See: -méót. Category: interpersonal, violence.
mėsáa- pv. would not, negative counterfactual. Ná-mėsáatónėšeéxȧhá'enéoohéhe. I would not be able to finish cooking right away. Émé'háhtse heá'ȧháma é-mėsáato'távėxamaevo'ėstanévéhe?! He has a beard so he couldn't be an Indian, could he?! Ná-mėsáatónėšenėhéhe! I wouldn't have known how to say it (but you did)! Phon: probably /me'/ + /sáa/ See: mėh-; sáa-.
-mese vti. eat s.t. É-mese / He ate it. He is eating it. Ná-mese. I'm eating it / I ate it. Náéše-mese. I have eaten it. Héne né-mésénóne. We (not including you) ate that. Násáa-méséhe. I did not eat it. That is very close to 'I did not eat': Násáa-mésėhéhe. I did not eat. but the "s" of 'I did not eat it" is slightly stronger, more aspirated, than the "s" of 'I did not eat it'. Násáa-mésėhénóne kóhkonėhēō'o. We (excl) did not eat bread. Mó=nésáaméséhe ho'évohkȯhtse? You're not eating meat? Hápó'e nává'ne-mese. Me too I just ate it. Nává'neévȧhóse-mese. I just ate it again. That is, I ate leftovers. Ná-mese kóhkonėhēō'o. I'm eating bread. É-mese ho'évohkȯhtse. He is eating meat. Ná-mese ho'évohkȯhtse. I'm eating meat. Ná-mésenȯtse menȯtse. I'm eating berries. Héne námese. I ate that. É-mésehe? Did he eat it? That is pronounced the same as é-mésehe 'he ate'. Vovȯtse é-mese. He is eating an egg. Vóvotȯtse é-mésenȯtse. Vóvotȯtse é-mésenovȯtse. They are eating eggs. Vóvotȯtse ná-mésenonėstse. We are eating eggs. Vóvotȯtse né-mésenotse? Did you eat eggs? Hénová'e tsé-méseto? What did you eat? (another recording) (another recording) Hénová'e tsé-mésése? What did you (plural) eat? Hénová'e tsé-mesėstse? What did he eat? É-mese ho'évohkȯhtse. He ate meat. Vétšėškévȧhonoo'o ná-mese. I'm eating frybread. Vétšėškévȧhonoo'o éto'se-mese. She is going to eat frybread. Kóhkonėhēō'o né-mésehe? Did you eat bread? Énȧhéno ná-mese. I ate gravy. Mese! Eat it! (said to more than one person). É-mésėstove. It (for example, meat) is eaten. tséh-méséto when I ate it. Tónetáa'e nává'ne-mese. However much that is just how much I ate of it. Etym: *nemi·cyeni 'I eat it'; *mi:čiwa 'he eats it'. vai: -mésehe; vta: -mév. Category: eat.
-méseahe vai. sober, think clearly. É-méseahe. He is sober/normal/honest. Ééše-méseahe. He is sober now. Category: cognition.
-méseeotse vai. come to one's senses, regain consciousness, sober up, reform, see the light. This has a primary meaning of (often, rapid) regaining of consciousness or clear-mindedness. It has been extended to refer to becoming sober from drunkenness, but this is not the core meaning. É-méseeotse. He came to his senses. Antonym -mȧsėháneeotse. See: -méseeše; vóvȯheše-; -nonótovȧše'še. Category: drink.
-méseeotsé'tá vti. sober up toward s.t. Náévaméseeotsé'ta tsésto'sėtsėhe'ȯhtséto. I regained my sense toward it before going there (to treatment). [Boarding School and Drinking Memories.064]
-méseešé vai. revive, sober up, regain consciousness, awaken from deep sleep. Phon: The s often assimilates to the following š. É-méseēše. He is coming out of a drunken stupor. Émóneéva-méseēše. He is just now coming back out of a drunken stupor. Móéva-méseešenȧhéhe. He must have come back to life. [1987:397] Assimilated -méšeešé. See: -méseeotse; -méseahe. Category: drink, cognition.
-méseévȧhtomó’he vai. sobriety counsel. É-méseévȧhtomo'he. He counsels sobriety. ?? Category: check.
-méseévám vta. talk sense into s.o., exhort s.o., counsel s.o. É-méseévamo. He talked sense into him. É-méseévámóho. He talked sense into him. (newer pronunciation). Éame-méseévameo'o sé'ea'e tsénėhmóneaseéšéévȯse. (Children) are encouraged right away from when they are just starting to grow (in traditional Indian child raising). Éme'-méseévame! Talk some sense into him! (lit. he should be talked sense into). fta: -vam. See: -oné'evám. Category: family, speak.
-méseevo'ešé vai. sober up from falling. É-méseevo'ēše. He came to his senses from falling. Ques: méseé?? Náéva-méseevo'ēše. I came to my senses from falling. Category: fall, cognition, check.
-mésehe vai. eat. É-mésehe. He is eating / He ate. (another recording) Etym: *mi·tihsowa (P) > **mi·čihsowa. Ná-mésehe. I'm eating / I ate. Né-mésehe. You are eating. / You ate. É-mésėheo'o. They are eating. (another recording) Ná-mésėhéme. We (not including you) are eating. Né-mésėhéme. You guys are eating. Ééše-mésehe. He has eaten. Né-mésėhehe? Did you eat? Mónėstse-mésehe? Will you eat? Nééše-mésėhehe? Did you eat already? (another recording) Ééše-mésėhehe? Did he eat already? Nééše-mésėhemehe? Did you (plural) already eat? Nééšemȧhe-mésėhemehe? Did you all eat? Nééšeméo-mésėhehe? Did you already eat breakfast. Náéše-méomésehe. I already ate breakfast. Násáa'éše-mésėhéhe. I did not eat yet. (another recording) Násáa'éšeméo-mésėhéhe. I did not eat breakfast yet. Násáa-mésėhéhe. I did not eat. Ésáa-mésėhéhe. He did not eat. Ésáa-mésėhéheo'o. They did not eat. Mónésáa'éše-mésėhéhe? Didn't you eat yet? (another recording) Násáavése-mésėhéhemanehe? Are we (excl) not eating also? Nésáa-mésėhéhemanehe? Are we (incl) not eating? Mónásáavése-mésėhéhéme? Do you mean we (excl) are not eating also? Né-mésėhemehe? Are you guys eating? (another recording) É-mésėhevohe? Are they eating? Mómésėhehéhe. He must have eaten. Néta-mésėhémáne! Let's eat! Nétȧhé-mėsėhémáne! Let's go eat! Méseestse! Eat! Méseestse! (male voice) Eat! Vená-hemėseestse! Come eat now! Hé-mėseestse! Come eat! Néxhé-mėseestse! Come eat! Mésehe! Eat! (said to more than one person). Hé-mėsehe! Come eat! (said to more than one person). Tȧhé-mėseestse! Go eat! Néxhé-mėsėheo'o! Come eat then! (delayed command). He'ke-méseestse! Eat quietly/in an orderly fashion! Tóséé'e náohkėsáaháahpe'-mésėhéhe. I deliberately do not eat a large amount. Eohkėhe'kėhámėstoe-mésėhéstove, éohkėsáahátȯxove'hanáohtséstovėhāne, máhtáme éohkemȧxa'ósanéto. Sit down and eat, don't eat rushed (or don't walk around eating), (if you eat slowly) the food will touch (you; that is, you'll feel it). That is a traditional saying, intended to get people to relax, not to be too frenetic.) Tósa'e né-mésėhémáne? Where did we eat? tséhméseestse when he ate. The following two words mean exactly the same thing. Their endings are just slightly different. É-mésėhéstove. There is eating. É-mésėhénove. There is eating. vti: -mese; vta: -mév, -mésėhé'tov. Phon: sfr See: -mȧha'ham. Category: eat.
Mésėhé'e na. 1 • Northern Cheyenne woman. Variant: Ȯhmésėhé'e.
2 • Northern Cheyenne Woman. This is both a common noun and a proper name. Category: names.
-mésėhé'hanaa'e vai. eat sitting. É-mésėhé'hanaa'e. He ate sitting. Éh-mésėhé'hanáesėstse. He ate sitting down. (reportative mode). Morph: /-mésehé'hanae/. Phon: vs Category: sit, eat.
-mésėhé'hanáóó'e vai. eat standing, stand eating. É-mésėhé'hanáóó'e. He ate standing. Phon: vs fai: -óé. See: -mésėhéóó'e. Category: stand, eat.
-mésėhé'hanáxe vai. eat lying. This is culturally disapproved of. É-mésėhé'hanáxe. He is eating lying down. Category: eat, lie.
-mésėhé'seh vta. take s.o. to eat. Lit: eat-cause Nátȧhé-mėsėhé'seha. He took me out to eat. See: -mésehe ‘eat’; -seh ‘cause’. Category: eat.
-mésėhé'tov vta. eat in reference to s.o. Nánoose-mésėhenȯtse. I ate without him. vai: -mésehe; vta: -mév. See: -vése'hanám ‘eat with s.o.’. Category: eat.
mésėhémȧhéó'o ni. cafeteria, cafe, restaurant, dining room. Lit: eating-house Category: buildings. See: -mésehe ‘eat’; mȧhēō'o ‘house’; tsé'ȯhke-mésėhéstove.
-mésėhéóó'e vai. eat standing, stand eating. É-mésėhéóó'e. He ate standing. Morph: /-mésehéóé/. Phon: vs See: -néhove'haná; -mésėhé'hanáóó'e.
-mésėhéotse vai. eat quickly; urgently eat. É-mésėhéotse. He ate quickly. Mésėhéotsėstse! Eat quickly! for example, even though you are in a hurry and might prefer to skip eating. The -otse form here gives the idea of quicker action than with the simple stem-mésehe; the quickness of action does not necessarily mean to gulp food down quickly, but rather refers to the shortness of time available in which to eat. Category: eat.
mésėhestȯtse1 ni. food. Lit: eating thing (another recording) Plural mésėhéstotȯtse; Homonym mésėhestȯtse. It is not easy to explain the difference between mésėhestȯtse and máhtáme. One explanation is that mésėhestȯtse is more like groceries while máhtáme is food at home, such as in a pantry. Phon: This is pronounced the same as mésėhestȯtse 'potato'. See: mésėhestȯtse2 ‘potato’; máhtáme. Category: food.
mésėhestȯtse2 na. potato. Ná-mévoo'o mésėhéstoto. I'm eating potatoes. Phon: The singular is pronounced the same as mésėhestȯtse meaning 'food': Homonym mésėhestȯtse1 ‘food’; Oklahoma Dialect aéstomemésėhestȯtse; Plural mésėhéstoto, (another recording); Obviative mésėhéstoto. See: ho'enoo'o. Homonym mésėhestȯtse1 ‘food’. Category: food.
-mésėhešé vai. eat lying down. É-méšėhéše. He is eating lying down. [Croft] See: -méseše ‘defecate while sleeping’. Category: eat, lie.
-mésėhétanó vai. want to eat. Ná-mésėhétáno. I want to eat. (another recording) É-mésėhétáno. He wants to eat. Né-mésėhétanohe? Do you want to eat? Násáa-mésėhétanóhe. I don't want to eat. See: -háéaná; -manétanó. Category: eat.
mésėhétanóotse vai. want to eat. Éxhóse-mésėhétanóotsesėstse. He wanted to eat again. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.069] Category: eat.
-mésėhévoéstá vii. mealtime - be, noon - be. Lit: eating-time É-mésėhévoésta. It is noon time. A typical humorous response to Émésėhévoésta is A'eotsé'tome! '(You plural) Charge at it!' Another response is A'etsé'tome! 'Be thankful for (the food)!' ?? Category: check. Hetóéva émésėhévoésta. It is supper time. See: -sétovoéstá; -sétovoéstanené; -ho'oéstanené; -a'eotsé'tá. Category: time, eat.
-mésėhévoestanené vai. eat at mealtime. Hetóéva ná-mésėhévoéstanēne. I'm eating supper. (lit. in the evening I'm at eating time). Category: eat, time.
-mése'ahe vai. defecate, poop, crap. É-mése'ahe. He defecated. Usage: crude used of bowel movements of humans or animals. Usage: For human defecation the euphemism -o'ehné is usually preferred. Variant: -mése'kahe, -mée'ahe, -mée'kahe; vta: -méset. Etym: cf. O mi·zi·. See: -o'ehné; -asóme. Category: body function.
-mése'ȧhéotse vai. defecate. É-mése'ȧhéotse. He defecated. See: -mée'ahe; -o'eotse. Category: body function.
-mése'ȧhétanó vai. feel like defecating, defecate feel, crap feel. Ná-mése'ȧhétáno. I feel like defecating. Category: body function.
-mése'ȧhétanóotse vai. feel like defecating, defecate feel, crap feel. Tséstanėšenáameōhtsėse ésta-mése'ȧhétanóotséhoo'o. While he was walking he felt like taking a crap. [The Whiteman and the Rabbit.027] Category: body function.
-mése'homȯhtohe vii. be believed in (as cultural beliefs), be a superstition. É-mése'homȯhtohe. He is superstitious. ?? naa máto hé'tóhe tsétotóxėstómo hotoo hová'éhe tséohkeéeméhae-mése'homȯhtohe naa máto tséohkeéeméhae'éehešévėstove And also this what I'm going to talk about, uh, has to do with things you believed in and also what you did. [Some Cheyenne Beliefs.001] Category: check.
-mése'kahe vai. defecate, poop, crap. Usage: A polite word for referring to this body function is -o'ehné. É-mése'kahe. He defecated. Variant: -mése'ahe, -mée'kahe; vta: -méset. See: -o'ehné; -asóme; -méseahe ‘sober’. Category: body function.
-méseóó'e vai. stand sobering up. É-méseóó'e. He is standing sobering up. fai: -óé2. Phon: vs Category: stand, drink.
-méseoo'e vai. sit sobering up. É-méseoo'e. He is sitting sobering up. Phon: vs Category: sit, drink.
-méseóováotse vai. come to after having water thrown on. É-méseóováotse. He came to from having water thrown on him. fii: -óová. Ques: óovaotse?? Category: liquid, check.
-méseotse vti. eat s.t. quickly. É-méseotsenȯtse. He ate them (inanimate) quickly. [Turtles.011]
-mésestsé vti. defecate on s.t., poop on s.t., crap on s.t. É-méséstse. He pooped on it. vai: -mése'ahe, -mése'kahe; vti: -méstsé. Category: check.
-mésešé vai. defecate during sleep, poop lie. É-méséše. He defecated while sleeping. Assimilated -méšeše. See: -mésėhešé ‘eat lying down’. Category: lie.
-méset vta. defecate on s.o., poop on s.o., crap on s.o. É-mésetahtse. He pooped himself. Etym: *mi·tisowa (P) > **mi·čiθetwiwa (P/L). É-mésetāā'e. He (obv) pooped on him. Ná-mésetahtse. I popped myself / I pooped in my pants. Synonym -méšet; vai: -mése'ahe, -mése'kahe; vti: -méstsé.
méséta na. knot head. can especially be used as a teasing word by a man for his brother-in-law. Category: relatives.
-mésetanó'tá vti. want to eat s.t. É-mésetanó'ta. He wants to eat it. Category: eat.
mésó'ke na. 1 • swallow. Plural méso'keo'o. AltPl = méso'keho Obviative méso'keho.
2 • Swallow. See: ménó'ke. Category: names.
méstaa'e na. bogeyman, spook, ghost, owl. Plural méstaeo'o; Obviative méstaoho. A méstaa'e says "errh"; caregivers say this to children to scare them, for example, so they won't venture out into danger at night, or so that they will "toe the line" in behavior. Phon: vs Diminutive méstahke, méstaēso. Taa'éva nėstsevé'novo'eohtséme; méstaa'e nėstsenémȧhtsená'o'haēvo. Don't eat (pl) outside at night; a bogeyman will give you a crooked mouth. (a cultural injunction). An owl is believed to foretell the death of a person within a house it lands on: énóto'xēva 'he (owl) is warning'; éná'so'eéstomaneo'o 'they (especially owls) play tricks (on people)'. See: vé'kėséhemėstaa'e; hevovetāso. Morph: /méhtae/. Etym: cf. *mya·θwe·wa ‘he is an owl’; cf. Ar bíitéí 'ghost'; bééθei 'owl'. Category: birds.
Méstaa'e Ȯhma'aestse na. Red Owl. See: Ma'eméstahke. Category: names.
Méstaa'e Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse vai. Gram: ppl Black Owl, Owl Black. Category: names.
Méstaa'ėhéhe na. Owl Woman. See: Méstaehē'e ‘Ghost Woman’. Category: names.
méstaehámėškone ni. owl spoon. pod of milkweed. Category: plants.
Méstaehē'e na. Ghost Woman. See: Méstaa'ėhéhe ‘Owl Woman’. Category: names.
Méstaéhotóá'e na. Ghost Bull. Category: names.
Méstaéma'háahe na. Ghost Chum. Category: names.
Méstaénėstó'e na. Ghost ?? Ques: Ghost Land Woman?? See: ho'e ‘land’. Category: check, names.
Méstaéo'hé'e ni. Owl River, Moreau River. Known today as the Moreau River; runs into the Missouri River above the mouth of the Belle Fourche River. Category: rivers.
Méstaeo'o Tsé'ȯhketóxeohtsévȯse vai. Halloween. Lit: when spooks go around See: méstaa'e; -tóxeohtsé. Category: holidays.
méstaēso ni. little owl. Non-diminutive méstaa'e; Synonym méstȧhkéso. Category: birds.
-méstaévȧhonóné vai. make ghost bread. É-méstaévȧhonóne. She made ghost bread. Category: cook.
méstaévȧhonoo'o ni. ghost bread, bogeyman bread, boogeyman bread. (another recording) It is said that white people call this skillet bread. Then, the words for skillet bread (below) might not be needed. Boogeyman bread is baked or cooked in a skillet. Néške'e, néto'setónėšemanėstsénone méstaévȧhonoo'o? Mother, how do we make boogeyman bread? Ques: recheck that claim about skillet bread?? Category: check. Oklahoma Dialect tsėhésekóhkonȯhēō'o. See: táxȧhonoo'o ‘skillet bread’; táho'kȧhonoo'o ‘skillet bread’; tónovȧhonoo'o ‘skillet bread’; vétšėškévȧhonoo'o ‘fry bread’; xamaekóhkonȯhēō'o ‘oven bread’; éstȧhonoo'o ‘oven bread’. Category: food.
-méstaevé'hénóse vai. thick eyebrows - have. É-méstaevé'hénóse. He has thick eyebrows. BodyPartMedial -vé'henosé. Category: eyes.
Méstaéve'henoto ni. Fonda. Lit: Owl Eyebrows Category: check.
-méstaéve'šeme vai. hoot, owl sound. É-méstaéve'šeme. He is making an owl sound. É'ȯhkeméstaéve'šemésesto. They would make owl sounds. [The Afterbirth Child.109] fai: -'šeme. Category: sounds.
-méstaévéné vai. ghost faced, ghostly look. É-méstaévéne. He has a ghostly looking face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
méstaévénéhe na. ghost face, spook face. Usage: teasing word Category: face.
-méstaévėsané vai. dressed as owls, wear Halloween clothes. É-méstaévėsáne. He has on Halloween clothes. Category: dress.
méstaévėsanéhe na. clown. Lit: spook-dressed-one See: méstaa'e; háenóvetane.
Méstaévȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. Owl Dance, Halloween Dance. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: new, dance.
méstaévoo'xénéhe na. bogeyman big nose. Meadowlarks say this to mock you. Feminine méstaévoo'xéné'héhe. Category: sayings.
méstaévoo'xéné'héhe na. bogeyman big nose woman. Meadowlarks sometimes say this to mock women. See: méstaévoo'xénéhe. Category: sayings.
Méstaévóse ni. Owl Butte. located near the head of the Owl (Moreau) River. Category: places.
-méstȧhano'xe vai. groggy, grouchy after not enough sleep. É-méstȧhano'xe. He is grouchy after waking up/wants to sleep some more. Náméo-méstȧhano'xe. I was grouchy this morning after waking up. fai: -áno'xe. Category: sleep.
méstahke na. Gram: dim screech owl. Non-diminutive méstaa'e. Usage: used for a child who throws a tantrum Plural méstȧhkeo'o. AltPl=méstȧhkeho Obviative méstȧhkeho. See: méstȧhkéso; -méstová. Category: birds.
méstȧhkéso na. little owl. Non-diminutive méstaa'e; Synonym méstaēso. See: méstahke. Category: birds.
-mestȯtse fni. bag, pouch. ka'e-mestȯtse purse (lit. short-bag). mo'e'é-mestȯtse gunny sack (lit. grass-bag). tse'némoo-mestȯtse tobacco pouch. See: hoo'he ‘sack’. Etym: *-motayi. Category: containers.
-méstová vai. pout when refusing to eat. É-méstóva. He is pouting. Ques: only when refusing to eat?? See: -a'evéné'ó; -áhanomėstáhá. Category: eat, check.
Méstovákósa na. Pouting Sheep. Category: names.
mestse na. cottonwood sapling, young cottonwood, cottonwood. Obviative méstseho; Plural méstseho. AltPl = méstseo'o These are used in the altar of Sun Dance. Category: check. Etym: *mi:twiya ‘quaking aspen, American poplar (P)’. See: ménó'ke. Category: trees.
-méstsėše'eve vii. cottonwood grove. É-méstsėše'eve. It is a cottonwood grove. Lit: where there is a cottonwood grove See: tséhméstsėše'eve. Category: trees.
meše na. tick, wood tick. Plural méšéne; Obviative méšéne. The plural is sometimes deliberately confounded with mé'šéne for ribald, humorous effect. Etym: cf. Ar bíísee 'bug'. See: méškéso; mé'šéne. Category: bugs.
-méšeešé vai. sober up. É-méšééše. He is sobering up. Variant: -méseeše. See: -méseeotse. Category: drink, lie.
-méšeh vta. find out about s.o. É-méšėhóho. He found out about him. Etym: *mo·šihe·wa (P). Ná-méšého. I found out about him. Ná-méšėháne I was found out. See: -méšen; -méšenov. Category: cognition, interpersonal.
-mėšémé na. Gram: poss grandfather, grandpa, father-in-law. The meaning of grandfather is extended to father-in-law. na-mėšéme my grandfather. na-mėšemo my grandfathers. (another recording) Ná-mėšeme! grandfather (when speaking to him). na-mėšémasėstse grandfathers (when speaking to them). ne-mėšéme your grandfather. he-mėšemo his grandfather. he-mėšémevóho their grandfather(s). na-mėšémáne our (but not your) grandfather. ne-mėšémane our (incl) grandfather. ne-mėšémévo your (plural) grandfather. tséhe-mėšéméto the one who is my grandfather. See: mémééhe ‘grandpa’; néške'ééhe ‘my grandmother’; -he-mėšéme ‘have grandfather’. Etym: *wemehšo·mali ? 'his grandfather'. Category: relatives.
-méšená vti. sense s.t., detect s.t., notice s.t., realize s.t., find out s.t. É-méšéna. He noticed/realized it/found it out. vta: -méšenov. Etym: cf *mo·šihta·wa ‘he senses it’. See: -méšenová; -homáotsé'tá; -héne'ená; . Category: cognition.
méšenonetsénóne na. bat. See: mȯšéškanetsénoonáhe. Category: animals, Oklahoma.
-méšenov vta. detect s.o., find out about s.o., discover about s.o. É-méšenovóho. He found out about him. Ná-méšénóvo. I detected him. naa oha móh-méšenoehevovóhe but they (prox.) had been discovered (by the soldiers). [1987:42] vti: -méšená. See: -méšeh; -homáotsé'tov; -héne'enov. Category: cognition.
-méšenová vai. detect, discover, find out about. Ná-méšénóva. I detected. ?? É-méšénóva. ?? He detected (it). ?? [1987:304] Ques: recheck recordings?? Category: check. Hestatanemo mósta-méšenovȧhehevóhe. Her brother found out about (it). [1987:304] See: -méšená; -héne'ená. Category: cognition.
-méšešé vai. defecate while lying down, poop during sleep. É-méšéše. He pooped in his sleep / he lay in his excrement. Non-assimilated -mésešé. See: -o'ehné; -mése'ahe; mémes(t)-; -mémėstanómé. Category: lie, body function, sleep.
-méšet vta. defecate on s.o. É-méšetóho. He defecated on him. Ques: recheck pitches?? É-méšetahtse. He 'messed' himself. Synonym -méset.
méškéso na. bug, insect. possibly dim. of meše. Plural méškėseho ‘micro-organisms’. Ques: recheck that gloss and if it belongs here?? AlternatePlural méškėsono, méškėsoneho; Obviative méškėsono. Category: bugs, check.
-mét vta. Gram: ai+o give (s.t./s.o.) to s.o. Ná-méto. I gave it to him. É-meto. He gave (it) to him. É-métóho. He gave (it) to him. (newer pronunciation). Néh-metsėstse! Give it to me! Né-metse. You gave it to me. Ná-métaa'e. He gave it to me. Héne ná-métaa'e. He gave that to me. Ná-métonȯtse. I gave them (inanimate) to him. Ná-métaenȯtse. He gave them (inanimate) to me. Ná-métaenoto. He gave him (or them) to me. Ná-métaenovo. They gave it to me. Né-métatsenȯtse. I gave him to you. Náaéstome-métaa'e. He gave it to me for nothing (it didn't cost me anything). Métseha! Give (it) to him! (another recording) Póéso ta-métseha! Give it to the cat! Néh-metsėstse! Give it to me! (another recording) Hósėstse néh-métseo'o! Give me some (later)! Reduplicated -momét. Etym: *mi:le·wa 'he gives s.t. to him'; *mi:li. See: -mea'e; -nóahešévé. Category: interpersonal.
Métȧhtséhoésanestȯtse ni. Christmas. Lit: giving.to.one.another-hanging(on tree) This word refers to giving presents to one another and hanging presents on a tree. Variant: Hoésanestȯtse. Category: new, holidays.
méta'eško ni. skull. Etym: cf *ni·likani ‘my skull’.
na. skull. Plural méta'ėškono; Obviative méta'ėškono. See: -he'konévėstsea'a; séotsémeta'eško. Category: body.
méta'xe ni. scalp. hair and skin removed from body of someone. Plural métá'xėstse. he-méta'xe his scalp (from someone's head or which he owns). See: me'ko ‘head’; -o'eoestas ‘scalp s.o.’; -he-méta'xe ‘have a scalp’. Etym: *mi·θeʔši. Category: warfare.
méta'xeéstse'he na. scalp shirt, war shirt. It is decorated with fringes. Category: clothing, warfare.
-méta'xeéstse'hená vai. wear a scalp shirt. É-méta'xeéstse'hēna. He is wearing a scalp shirt. Né=tsévéhonevėstse móh-méta'xeéstse'henȧhéhe this chief (officer) had on a scalp shirt. [Grandmother Was at the Battle.029] Category: clothing.
-métsėstóm vta. mistreat s.o., torture s.o., persecute s.o., ridicule s.o., suffer - cause s.o. to. É-métsėstomo. He tortured/mistreated him. É-métsėstómóho. He tortured/mistreated him. (newer pronunciation). Né-métsėstómemeno. You're persecuting us. Reduplicated -mométsėstóm. See: -métsėstóvo'eéh. Category: violence, interpersonal.
-métsėstómem vta. badger s.o. É-métsėstómemóho. He badgered him. See: -métsėstóm ‘persecute s.o.’; -mé'emo'eéh ‘bother s.o.’. Category: interpersonal.
-métsėstóvo'eéh vta. mistreat s.o. É-métsėstóvo'eeho. He mistreated him. É-métsėstóvo'eéhóho. He mistreated him. (newer pronunciation). Né-métsėstóvo'eéhanema. We are being mistreated. [1987:40] See: -métsėstóm; -asėto'éé'e. Category: interpersonal.
-métsėstóvotse'óhe vta. forced to work. É-métsėstóvotse'ohe. He is forced to work. Énėssáa-métsėstóvotse'óheheo'o. They are not forced to work. Category: work.
-métseváen vti. give.quickly.to.
vta. give s.t. quickly to s.o. Ques: métsevaen?? É-métsevaenóho. He gave it to him quickly. Mó'ȯhtšėhátȯxove-métseváenȧhtsėhenovótse. They sent (orders) back and forth to each other. [1987:45] É-métseváenónoto. He handed him (for example, the baby) to her/him. Category: check.
-mév vta. 1 • eat s.o. This refers to eating something animate, for example, melon, fish, chicken, rabbit, brain, or kidneys. É-mevo. He ate him (for example, chicken). É-mévóho. He ate him (newer pronunciation.) É-mevo nomá'ne. He ate fish. É-mévóho nomá'ne. He is eating a fish. (newer pronunciation). Ná-mévo. I ate him. Ná-mévoo'o. I ate them. The word for what is eaten can be said first or last. It is probably better to say it first if you are answering someone who asks you what you ate: Ná-mévo kokėhéaxa. I ate chicken. Ná-mévo má'xeme. I ate an apple. Ná-mévoo'o ma'xemeno. I'm eating apples. É-mévovo ma'xemeno. They are eating apples. Ná-mévo nóma'he. I ate fish. É-mévóho he'éhesono He is eating rice. (newer pronunciation). Ná-mévoo'o mésėhéstoto. I'm eating potatoes. He'éhesono ná-mévoo'o. I ate rice. Náohkėsáa'évatónėše-mévóhe. I can't eat him anymore. Heškō'e mó-mévaehevóhe. Blood suckers (obv) must have eaten him. That can be said of someone with a hickey. Névááhe tséohkeéše-mévóse váótséva? Who of you have eaten deer? Etym: *mo·[h]wa·-; cf. M mi·w. vti: -mese.
2 • gossip about s.o. Category: figurative. Ná-méváá'e. They ate me (=they gossiped about me). See: -xá'xanom ‘chew s.o.; gossip about s.o.’.
3 • have oral sex with s.o. Category: vulgar.
Mévaevó'nehe na. Starving Wolf, Eating Wolf. Known in English as Starving Wolf but literally means Eating Wolf. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.
-mévatanó'tov vta. want to eat s.o. Ná-mévatanó'tóvo. I want to eat him. Category: eat, cognition.
Mévave na. Tonkawa Indian. Lit: eater (that is, a cannibal ?) Plural Mévavėheo'o. Category: tribes.
-mévȯsané vai. 1 • eat people. É-mévȯsáne. He eats people. [1987:245] hováhne tsé'ȯhkeméhaehé-mevȯsanévȯse when animals used to eat (humans). [The Great Race.001] fai: -ósané. See: -mév.
2 • gossip. Category: eat.
mhayo'o ni. house. Usage: This is a simplified spelling for mȧheo'o which is more difficult to read. Precise Spelling mȧhēō'o. Category: house.
mó- pfx. inferential mode prefix, yes/no question prefix. Mó- introduces inferential mode verbs, as in: Mó=némenėhéhe. He must have sung / he must be singing. Mó=némenėhevóhe. They must have sung / they must be singing. Móh-manėhéhe. He must have drunk. Mó=hvóomȯhevóhe. He must have seen him. Mó=hoo'kȯhóhanéhe. It must have rained. This prefix is contracted from the full word móhe and attaches to a following word. The Cheyenne inferential mode, which usually takes this form, is very commonly used; special suffixation is required, which includes the negative suffixes -hé (with the high pitch lowered in inferentials) or -hané (for II verbs), and an additional word-final/-hé/. The third person prefix /é-/ does not appear in the inferential mode. Mó- also introduces yes/no questions, in which case in third person subject verbs the é- third person pronominal prefixes appear (cf. regular yes/no questions, under entry -he). A speaker who asks a mó- question may be partially assuming a positive answer from the person questioned. This would be similar to English yes/no questions which are said as statements but with rising question intonation, as in "You're sick?" The assumption of a positive answer is not as strong as with English tag questions such as "You're sick, aren't you?" Some speakers use mó- questions almost exclusvely rather than yes/no questions with the ending -he. Mó=nénaóotse? You're sleeping? Compare the preceding question with the following inferential verb: Mó=naóotsėhéhe. He must be sleeping. Mó'étonéto? It is cold, right? Mónéná'tose? You're cold? Some other examples of mó- questions are: Mó=tsé'tóhe? Do you mean this one (an.)? Mó=tá'tóhe? Do you mean that one (an.)? Mó=hé'tóhe? Do you mean this one (inan.)? mó=héva maybe (compare hévá=móhe). Mó-néhe? You mean that one? Mó-hetóéva? In the evening? Mó=mémééhe tsetȧhé-homōse? Will grandpa go cook? Mó=vé'ho'e naa móhe éóoetanévehe? Is he a whiteman or is he a Crow? Évé'ho'évehe naa móhe éóoetanévehe? Is he a whiteman or is he a Crow? The following questions seem to be kidding someone: Mó=néhoo'e naa mó=nésáahoéhe? Are you here or are you not here? Mó=néhóse'e naa mó=nésáahóse'éhe? ?? Are you pregnant or are you not pregnant? Mónėstse-nomēne? Will you drink (typically, some coffee)? Mó'=énéméne? Is he singing? / Was he singing? Mó=némóneévȧho'eohe? Did you just get back? With the preverb sequence me'-hé 'should-intentive', mó- plus the indicative creates a strong negation: Mó=me'héene'enánóvo. They would *never* understand it. [1987:239] Negative inferentials require conjunct order suffixation and the negative preverb ho'nó-. Many speakers always include the inferential form mó= with negative inferentials, some do not. Mó=ho'nónemenévȯse. They must not have sung. In certain contexts mó- can be used to question verbs of the reportative and preterit modes: Mó'=éhoo'kȯhónėse? Given what you heard, did it rain? Mó'=éxhó'tȧheváhoo'o? Given what was narrated, did he win? Non-contracted móhe. See: héva; -he2; móho'nó-. Category: grammar.
-mó fti. TI conjunct suffix for first person subject. tsétotóxėstó-mo what I talked about. Category: grammar.
-mo fti. TI conjunct suffix for second person subject. tsétotóxėsto-mo what you talked about. Category: grammar.
-mo sfx. preterit suffix for local persons. see comment on the preterit / surprisal under -hoo'o. "Nétaéšėhevéxahé'tovatsé-moho!" náhéto. You ARE already now my son-in-law!" I told him. [1987:174] Nėstanȧha'enatsé-moho! I'll catch you (plural)! Category: check.
-mo fti. you, TI conjunct suffix for second person subject. Hénová'e tsévóohto-mo? What did you see? tsétotóxėsto-mo what you talked about.
-mo fti. you; TI conjunct suffix for second person subject. Hénová'e tsévóohto-mo? What did you see? tsétotóxėsto-mo what you talked about.
mochk ni. knife. Simplified spelling. Precise Spelling motšėške. Category: tools.
-moéškáhtse vai. puckered up mouth - have a. É-moéškáhtse. He has a puckered up mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: mouth, body.
moéškȧhtsená-noma'he na. sucker, bass. Lit: puckered.up-mouth-fish Plural moéškȧhtsená-nomá'ne; Obviative moéškȧhtsená-nomá'ne. Category: fish.
móhe- i. gather, assemble. Phon: related redup. mámȯheve- See: mámȯheve-.
móhe p. really?!, maybe?, perhaps, could it be?, right?, question particle, inferential mode form. Attaches as mó= to any word being questioned. For examples of inferential mode verbs with this prefix see under the mó- entry. (another recording) Mó=néhe? You mean that one (referred to)? Mó-hetóéva? In the evening? Mó=Vé'kėséhá'e éhomōse? Did Bird Woman cook? Etym: *mya·ši. See: mó-; mó=héva; hévá=móhe; mó=hénėsehe; -he. Category: exclamations.
-móhea'ov vta. gather s.o. É-móhea'ovóho. He gathered them. Ná-móhea'ovoo'o. I gathered them. See: -móheeotseh; móhean; -hohpo'an.
-móhea'ovo'hamé vai. gather herd. É-móhea'ovo'hāme. He gathered his herd. Ná-móhea'ovo'hāme. I gathered my herd. fai: -'hamé. Category: horses.
-móhean vti. collect s.t., gather s.t. É-móheāna. He collected it. Naa kȧhamaxėstse néhe hē'e éta-móheananȯtse. And that woman gathered firewood (sticks).
vta. collect s.o., gather s.o. É-móheanóho. He collected them (animate). See: -móheeohtsé; -hohpo'an.
-móheanené vai. gather (something). É-móheanēne He is gathering (something). néné?? Category: do, check.
móhee- pv. gather, assemble. É-móheenȧha'enoo'o. He gathered-caught them (for example, fish, with a net).
-móheehe vai. gather.camp. only used with plural subjects. É-móheeheo'o. They gathered as camp. Tsėhéóhe Méave'ho'éno tséhnésovaotse éohke-móheehéstove. here at the Forks (of Lame Deer) there was a gathering. [1987:179] See: -móheeohtsé. Category: camp.
-móheehné vai. meet, assemble, gather. only used with plural subjects. É-móheehneo'o. They gathered. Tsėhéóhe náohkeée-móheehnéme. Sometimes we gather here. [1987:188]
-móheehót vta. gather to come after s.o. É-móheehoto. He gathered to come after them. É-móheehótóho. He gathered to come after them. (newer pronunciation). Móhma'xe-móheehótaehevovóhe nótȧxé-vé'hó'e. So the soldiers gathered to come after (attack) them. [1987:44] fta: -hót. See: -ho'ėhót. Category: interpersonal.
-móhee'há'tov vta. gather around s.o. for example, of flies gathering around someone. É-móhee'há'tóó'e. They (obv) gathered around him flying. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.
-móheenó'é vai. sew together. for example, to sewed two pieces of cloth together. É-móheenó'e. She sewed (it) together. vai: -nó'é. See: -hahpenó'é. Category: sew.
-móheeohé'taná vti. gather s.t. É-móheoohé'tananȯtse. He gathered them (inanimate).
-móheeohtsé vai. gather, meet, assemble. only used with plural subjects. É-móheeohtseo'o. They are meeting. É-móheeohtséstove. There is a meeting). Tóne'še nėstsėhóse-móheeohtsémáne? When will we meet again? See: -móheehe; -mano'ée. Category: social events.
-móheeohtsé'tov vta. gather to s.o., swarm to s.o. heso ȯh-móheohtsé'toestse whenever the flies swarmed around her.
-móheeohtsétanó vai. want to meet. Tóne'še né-móheeohtsétanóme? When do you (plural) want to meet? Category: interpersonal.
-móheeotse vai. gather urgently. only used with plural subjects. É-móheeotseo'o. They gathered urgently. For example, gathering for an emergency meeting. See: -mano'eotse; mámȯheveotse.
-móheeotseh vta. gather s.o., assemble s.o. used only with plural objects; different meaning of 'gather' from -hohpo'an. É-móheeotsėhóho. He gathered them together. Naa móh-móheeotsėhaehevovóhe tséhestȯhna'haevȯse. And they gathered all those they had killed. [1987:43] See: -móhea'ov; -móhean; -hohpo'an.
-móheévam vta. call together s.o., gather s.o. by calling. É-móheévamo. He called them together. É-móheévámóho. He called them together. (newer pronunciation). Móheévama! Call them together! (said to more than one person). fta: -vám. Category: speak.
-móheevȯhtomo'he vai. call to gather. for example, the calling of a crier for people to gather together. É-móheevȯhtomo'he. He is calling (people) to gather. See: -móheévám.
-móhená vai. 1 • gather s.t. É-móhéná. He is gathering it. For instance, trying to gather up enough drymeat.
2 • win all of s.t. See: -hóové'o'tsé.
-móhenȧhá'ené vai. gather food. to bring food together, especially to a meal such as a potluck. É-móhenȧhá'eneo'o. They gathered food (for a meal). fai: -ahá'ené. Category: food.
móhenȧhá'enestȯtse ni. potluck. Category: social events.
mó-hénése p. Is that it? See: hénėsehe; héne.
móhénėséhanéhe p. Is that all now?, must have been, must be. See: mónėhetáa'e; móhénėsehe. Naa móhénėséhanéhe tséohtšene'éestsėstomótȧxevase. And it must have been that way, those that used to be interpreters. Category: identity, check.
móhénėséhanetséhe p. Is that it (obv)? Category: identity.
Móhénėsehe vii. Is that right? See: mó-hénése; hénėsehe; móhe; móhenėséhanehe. Category: identity.
-mȯhenėšema vai. play cards. É-mȯhenėšēma. He is playing cards. É-mȯhenėšemao'o. They are playing cards. Nátȧhé-mȯhenėšēma. I'm going (there) to play cards. Tósa'e néta-mȯhenėšēma? Where did you play cards? [1987:397] Néta-mȯhenėšemámáne! Let's play cards! (this is one of the things meadowlarks are said to sing). See: -néšėhasené. Category: cards.
mȯhenėšémȧhéó'o ni. casino. Lit: playing cards house (another recording) Category: new.
mȯhenėšemahtȯtse ni. card, membership card.
mȯhenėšēmo1 na. card (as in a deck of cards). Plural mȯhenėšemono; Obviative mȯhenėšemono; Homonym mȯhenėšēmo2 ‘ladybug’. Category: cards, games.
mȯhenėšēmo2 na. ladybug. Plural mȯhenėšemono; Obviative mȯhenėšemono; Homonym mȯhenėšēmo1 ‘playing card’. Category: bugs.
-mȯhenėšemót vta. play cards with s.o. É-mȯhenėšemoto. He played cards with him. [PD211] É-mȯhenėšemótóho. He played cards with him. (newer pronunciation). Category: cards.
móhenoe vai. meet. É-móhenoeo'o. They are meeting. Néto'sėhóhta'haovatsénóvo tséh-móhenoéstove. I'm going to tell you about them when there was a meeting. [The Spit Man.002] fai: -oe. Category: check.
móhenȯhenestȯtse ni. rake. See: móhenoma'ȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
móhenȯhēō'o ni. rake, farm rake (a farm implement). Lit: gathering thing ?? Category: check. Phon: vs Plural móhenȯheonȯtse. See: móhenoma'ȯhēō'o; móhonóma'ȯheo'o; tsé-manó'konénéto. Category: tools.
-móheno'a'ham vta. pull hair of s.o. É-móheno'a'hamóho. He pulled his (other person's) hair. Náma'xe-móheno'a'hāmo. I jerked him by the hair. É-móheno'a'hamȧhtseo'o. They are pulling each other's hair. Category: hair.
-móheno'eet vta. hold s.o. by the hair. for example, about to pull her by the hair. Vótséno é-móheno'eetóho. Right then he was holding her by her hair. for example, right as I walked in the room.
-móhenó'enené vai. gather hay. É-móhenó'enēne. He is gathering hay.
móhenóma'ȯhenestȯtse rake. Category: tools.
móhenoma'ȯhēō'o ni. rake. See: móhenȯhēō'o; móhenȯhenestȯtse; tsé-manó'konénéto. Category: tools.
Móhenóó'e na. Gathering Stands Woman. Category: names.
-móheohtsé vai. swarm. É-móheohtseo'o. They swarmed. ?? Category: check.
-móheohtsé'tov vta. swarm. É-móheohtsé'tovovo. They swarmed them. Category: check.
móhéva p. maybe. Phon: This is a combination of móhe + héva. See: móhe; héva.
-móheva'o'hamé vai. gather livestock. É-móheva'o'hameo'o. They are gathering livestock. Category: livestock.
móhkáve na. bobcat. Plural móhkavėheo'o. AltPl = móhkaveho Obviative móhkaveho, móhkavėheho (alt.). See: nanóse'hame. Category: animals.
Móhkávé'e na. Lynx Woman, Bobcat Woman. Category: names.
móhke- pv. young. Category: check. Ques: recheck?? É-nėstamóhkevóhpá'e. ?? He is young but has gray hair. [1987:8:40] Category: check. See: -vóhpó.
Móhkėheno'e na. (man's name). Category: names.
-mȯhó'kȯhtahe vai. totally naked, naked totally. É-mȯhó'kȯhtahe. He is totally naked. Usage: obsolescent See: -vóvo'kahe. Category: dress.
móho'nó- pfx. must not be, conjunct inferential negative prefix. Formed from mó- + ho'nó-. With past tense, mó=xho'nó-. Some speakers omit mó= saying just ho'nó-. Parallel inferential affirmative verbs are in the independent order. The Independent inferential prefix is mó= (from móhe). Móho'nó-mȧxanēnėstse. He must not have signed. Móho'nó-ešėho'nėhe'xóvetse. It must not be time yet (for example, for her to give birth). Móho'nó-hetsevémȯhtse. He must not be afraid to say anything to him. Variant: móhe'nó-. See: ho'nó-; móhe; mó-. Etym: cf. Cree apwa· ??. Category: check, grammar.
mȯho'ohtse ni. Ques: mȯhó'óhtse ?? part of Ursa Major (that is, the handle of the Big Dipper). Category: check. mȧhēō'o; ma'xetoeneško. Category: celestial.
Mȯhó'óhtse na. (man's name) ?? Category: check, names.
-mȯhonan vta. look everywhere for s.o. É-mȯhonanóho. He looked everywhere for him. See: -émȯhóné.
mȯhonatone ?? Category: check.
ni ??. reed - a kind of. Category: check. Usage: obsolescent Category: plants.
mȯhóne- pv. over all, everywhere, everything. Tsé-mȯhónene'tȧhéóó'ėstse He who stands as Lord over all (that is, God). Usage: probably new word from Petter See: mȧhe-; mae-.
Mȯhoneohtsévá'e na. Drifted Snow Woman. Usage: translation uncertain Ques: Go Everywhere Woman ?? Category: check, names.
móhonóma'ȯhēō'o ni. rake. Phon: vs Plural móhonóma'ȯheonȯtse. See: móhenȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
Mȯhonooná'e na. Gros Ventre Woman. Category: tribes, names, check.
-mȯhonóoné vai. scout all over. É-mȧhonoōne. He is scouting all over. See: Mȯhonóóne ‘Gros Ventre’.
Mȯhonóóne na. Gros Ventre Indian, Gros Ventre person. Lit: scouting all over (one) Mȯhonoōne?? tribal name as well as a Cheyenne proper name. Plural Mȯhonooneo'o; Variant: Pȯhonóene. See: Ónone ‘Ree, Arikara’; -mȯhonóoné ‘scout’. Category: names.
Mȯhonooné'e na. Gros Ventre Woman, Mandan Woman, Hidatsa Woman. Category: names.
móht- i. move. É-móhtóná'ha. It is breezy. Nėstsevé'-móhtoo'e! Don't move! (Chief's Son and His Two Wives). Reduplicated momóht-. Etym: *ma·t-.
-mȯhtaa'e vai. make camp. É-mȯhtaa'e. He set up camp. Phon: vs Etym: cf. *matempwi ‘house frame (Go88)’. See: -mȯhtáenené.
-mȯhtáené vai. stake out a camping spot. É-mȯhtáéne. He staked out a camping spot. Etym: *matempwehke·wa ‘he makes a house frame (Go88)’. Synonym -mȯhtáenené. See: mȧhtáa'e ‘tepee ring’. Category: camp.
-mȯhtáenené vai. stake out a camping spot, make camp. É-mȯhtáénéne. He is making camp. Synonym -mȯhtáené, -mȯhtaa'e. Category: camp.
-mȯhtáeov vta. stake out a camping spot for s.o., make a home for s.o. É-mȯhtáeovóho. He make a home for him. Etym: *matempwehkawe·wa. vai: -mȯhtáené. See: -éstseov. Category: camp.
mȯhtáevestȯtse ni. campground. See: tsé'ȯhkevéestove ‘campground’. Category: camp.
mȯhtase Ques: mȯhtaso?? Category: check.
na. Ques: Is this sg. & pl. ?? mallard. Category: check. See: hetanéšé'še; hohtȧhé'še. Category: birds.
-móhtóehá vti. stir s.t. É-móhtóéha. He stirred it. Ȯxho'oehee'ėstse ma'e no'ka éohketšėheše-móhtoehe. When blood is cooked just stir it (around) in one direction. [or else it will lump up. That is a saying which is similar to the English sayings "Too many cooks spoil the broth", "Let's not upset the apple cart", (from Will Rogers) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!", or, perhaps, "There's too many chiefs, and not enough Indians". In other words, with the Cheyenne saying, if something is working, don't mess things up by trying something going in some other direction. People recognize how many good plans for projects on the reservation have gone awry through partisan politics, overly strong egos demanding too much personal control, etc.] Category: sayings.
-móhtóna'há vii. breezy. Lit: move-by.wind É-móhtóná'ha. It is breezy. windy enough for trees to move some. Phon: hl Antonym -tonȯhta'há; Initial móht-. See: -momóhtóna'há; -háa'há; -tonȯhta'há. Category: trees, wind.
-móhtoo'e vai. move. É-móhtoo'e. He moved. Nėstsevé'-móhtoo'e! Don't move! [A Chief's Son and His Two Wives]
móhtoto p. early in life, soon, right away. Usage: obsolescing móhtoto tsé'aeseéestsėstoese early in life when he is started to be talked to. [Family Harmony:61] See: sé'ea'e. Category: family, time.
Mȯhtséheonetane na. Apache. Lit: occupied.comp-person Plural Mȯhtséheonetaneo'o; Variant: Motsėhéonetane. Category: tribes.
-móhtsetanó vai. want to move. É-móhtsetāno. He wants to move/he wants to go forward. See: -momó'ohtsé. Category: motion.
Mókéé'e na. 1 • Little Woman. Diminutive Mókéé'éso.
2 • moon stage. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
Mókéé'éso na. Gram: dim Little Woman. Non-diminutive Mókéé'e. Category: names.
-mókééné vai. have a small face. É-mókééne. He has a small face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
Mókééné'e na. Small Faced Woman. Category: names.
-mókeetsėhestá vai. be weak (in muscles). É-mókeetsėhēsta. He is weak (in his muscles). Antonym -koké'ahe. See: -ta'pahe; -tsėhestá.
mō'e na. elk. Morph: /mo'é/; /mo'éhe/. Variant: mo'éhe. Etym: *wemaško·swa. See: mo'éhno'ha; hotóámó'e. Category: animals.
-mó'é vai. invite to a meal. É-mó'e. He invited (people) to a meal (or feast). É-mó'eo'o. They invited (people) to a meal. (another recording) Éno'ke-mó'e. He is the only one that invited (people) to a meal. vta: -mó'ot. See: -mó'o'xevá. Category: social events.
mo'eha ni. moccasin, shoe. Variant: mo'keha. Category: shoes, clothing.
Mo'éhá'e na. Elk Woman. See: Mó'kėhá'e; Mo'éhevá'e. Category: names.
mo'éhe na. elk. For some speakers this word is singular, plural, and obviative. For others mō'e is singular. A plural for some speakers is mo'éheo'o. Variant: mō'e. AltPl = mo'éheo'o Etym: *wemaško·swa. See: mo'éhno'ha. Category: animals.
mo'éhehevée'ėse ni. elk tooth. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Plural mo'éhehevéesȯtse. See: vee'ėse ‘tooth’. Category: body.
mo'éheho'éeve na. elk hide. See: ho'éeve ‘hide’. Category: material.
Mo'éheméó'o na. Elk Road. Phon: check with speakers?? Category: check, names.
Mo'éheméóna'e na. Elk Road Woman. Category: names.
mo'éhemóxėšéne ni. elk mint, peppermint. Variant: tóhtoo'émȯxėšéne. Category: plants.
mo'éhemóxėševéhpotséhohpe ni. elk mint tea. Ques: made up word? Category: drink.
Mo'éhenóave na. Medicine Elk. Ques: possibly Mo'éhenóvave See: Nóáhe1; Nóává'e; Nóávóse. Category: names.
mo'éhénóxe na. meadow hawk, chicken hawk, Chicken Hawk. a white-tailed hawk that soars around close to the ground. Plural mo'éhenȯxeo'o; Obviative mo'éhenȯxóho. See: honóxeaso. Category: birds, names.
Mo'éhenȯxemȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Geary, Oklahoma. Lit: chickenhawk-town Category: places.
Mo'éheo'hé'e loc. Elk River, Yellowstone River, Red Deer Creek. Lit: elk-river Cheyenne name for two rivers: the Yellowstone River and a tributary (known today as Red Deer Creek) that enters the Canadian River from the south in the Texas panhandle. See: Mo'éheó'he'e. Category: rivers.
Mo'éheó'he'e na. Elk River. personal name. Phon: Note the difference in pitch between this proper name and the name of the river, Mo'éheo'hé'e. See: Mo'éheo'hé'e. Category: names.
Mo'éhéso na. Little Elk. Category: names.
Mo'éhévá'e na. Elk Woman. See: Mo'éhá'e; Mó'kėhá'e. Category: names.
-mo'éheve vai. be an elk. É-mo'éheve. He is an elk. Category: animals.
mo'éhevéesévoestȯtse na. elk teeth dress. Variant: mo'éhnoesévoestȯtse. See: hoestȯtse. Category: clothing.
Mo'éhévése na. Elk Horns. Category: names.
mo'éhnoesévoestȯtse na. elk tooth dress. Variant: mo'éhnoesó'hevoestȯtse, mo'éhevéesévoestȯtse. See: hoestȯtse ‘dress’. Category: clothing.
mo'éhnoesó'hevoestȯtse na. elk tooth dress. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Variant: mo'éhnoesévoestȯtse, mo'éhevéesévoestȯtse. See: hoestȯtse ‘dress’. Category: clothing.
mo'éhnȯho'ha na. horse. Plural mo'éhnȯho'hāme; Variant: mo'éhno'ha. Category: animals.
mo'éhno'ha na. horse. (another recording) Plural mo'éhno'hāme; Variant: mo'éhnȯho'ha. Phon: apoc This word has an interesting etymology (personal communication, Ives Goddard): it derives from Algonquian 'elk' *wemaškoosw- plus a noun final meaning 'dog' -a'θemwa. In Cheyenne historical development the final -o'ha(m) extended to mean 'domesticated animal', today a frequent final in words having to do with 'livestock', 'cattle', but, particularly 'horse(s)'. Apparently to Cheyennes, a horse looked something like an elk, but the horse was a domesticated animal and so we might say that the literal meaning (at a late stage of etymology) for mo'éhno'ha is 'domesticated elk'. In Oklahoma and Montana you can also refer to a horse as your pet with the possessive stem -htotsé, or the full word nȧhtōtse 'my pet'. Etym: *wemaško·sw-a'θemwa ‘apoc’. Phon: horses See: -htotséh. Category: animals.
Mo'éhno'ha Nonétse'omaestse vai. Gram: ppl Tame Horse. Category: names.
Mo'éhno'ha Ȯhtameōhtsėstse vai. Gram: ppl Walking Horse. Category: names.
Mo'éhno'ha Ȯhvéhonevėstse na. Horse Chief. Category: names.
Mo'éhno'ha Ȯhvovó'haestse vai. Gram: ppl Spotted Horse. Category: names.
Mo'éhno'ha Ȯxháóénȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Horse Praying. Category: names.
mo'éhno'haméhése na. horsefly. Usage: loan translation from English Variant: po'ėháhnoma. The original Cheyenne term is probably po'ėháhnoma. Plural mo'éhno'haméheseo'o; Obviative mo'éhno'haméheso. See: mo'éhno'haméhéso ‘horsey (this is almost identical phonetically)’. Category: bugs.
mo'éhno'hamé-heséeo'ȯtse ni. horse medicine, meadowrue. Category: plants.
mo'éhno'haméhéso na. horsey. Non-diminutive mo'éhno'ha. See: mo'éhno'haméhése. Category: horses.
mo'éhno'hamého'éeve na. horse hide. See: ho'éeve ‘hide’. Category: material.
mo'éhno'hamémȧhéó'o ni. stable, barn. Lit: horse-house Category: farm.
mo'éhno'haméme'ko ni. horse hair, Horse Head. Ques: Is this a common word?? Category: check. Ques: possibly also a name, Horse Head See: me'ko. Category: horses, hair.
Mo'éhno'haméméó'o na. Horse Road. Category: names.
mo'éhno'hamémȯxėšéne ni. horse perfume. Lit: horse-mint a plant. Category: plants.
Mo'éhno'haméo'hé'e ni. Horse Creek. This is a tributary of the North Platte River in Wyoming below Fort Laramie. Category: rivers.
mo'éhno'hamēso na. Gram: dim colt. Non-diminutive mo'éhno'ha; Plural mo'éhno'hamėsono; Obviative mo'éhno'hamėsono; Diminutive mo'kéhno'hamēso. Category: animals.
mo'éhno'hamévenestȯtse ni. horse mask. See: nėhpeeséeto'hamestȯtse. Category: horses, new.
-mo'éhno'hamévo'soo'e vai. play horse. This has been used to refer to a man's entering a woman from the rear in intercourse, i.e. in the doggy style. Probably not used as a loan translation for English 'horseplay', i.e. 'fooling around'. É-mo'éhno'hamévo'sóeo'o. They were playing horse. that is, he entered her from the rear position in intercourse). Usage: not commonly used Phon: vs Category: vulgar, sex.
Mo'e'ā'e na. Grass Woman. Variant: Mo'ke'ā'e. Category: names.
-mo'e'ámané vai. grass - make, make grass, create grass, grass - create. Ná-mo'e'ámáne. I created the grasses. Category: plants.
mo'e'é- pv. grass, weeds.
pn. grass, weeds. É-mo'e'éméá'ha. It smells like hay. See: mo'ó'e-. Category: plants.
mó'e'e ni. hay, weed, grass (single blade). Usage: The singular is rare; almost always occurs as a grammatical plural because there are many blades of grass. xamae-mo'ē'ėstse blue joint grass (lit. ordinary-weeds). [1987:117 (sg. occurs here as generic)] Phon: iah Plural mo'ē'ėstse. Phon: iah fni: -o'e ‘plant; vegetation’; Medial -ó'(e)2 ‘wood; tree; bush’. Etym: *maškixkyiwi. See: hoxo'ȯhtsévó'ėstse. Category: plants.
mo'e'éhoo'he na. gunny sack. Synonym mo'e'émestȯtse. See: mo'e'éšé'hóno; hoo'he. Category: containers.
-mo'e'éméa'há vii. hay smell, smell of hay. É-mo'e'éméá'ha. It smells like hay. Category: smell.
-mo'e'éméa'xe vai. hay smell, smell of hay. É-mo'e'émea'xe. He smells of hay. Category: smell.
mo'e'émestȯtse na. gunny sack. Lit: grass-bag Plural mo'e'émėstoto; Final -mestȯtse. See: hoo'he; ka'emestȯtse. Category: containers.
mo'ē'ėstse ni. grass, weeds, hay. (another recording) This is grammatically plural, referring to multiple blades of grass. The singular, mó'e'e, is rarely said. Singular mó'e'e. Category: plants.
mo'e'éšé'hóno na. burlap, burlap bag, gunny sack cloth, gunny sack. Móstatsėhetȧsȯhevóhe mo'e'éše'honono. She slit a gunny sack. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.085] See: šé'hóno. Lit: grass-cloth See: šé'hóno. Category: material.
mo'e'étȧho'sēō'o ni. hay rack. Plural mo'e'étȧho'seonȯtse. Phon: vs See: táho'ėhasēō'o. Category: tools, farm.
mo'e'étsėhetȯxovahtȯtse ni. lawn mower. fai: -oxová. Category: tools.
-mo'e'eve 1 • vii. É-mo'e'eve. It is weedy.
2 • vai. weedy. É-mo'e'eve. He is weedy. Etym: *maškixkyi·wiwa. Náxxae-mo'e'évémȧse. (they say) I was just all weedy. [1987:27] Category: plants.
-mo'e'évėstóné vai. make of paper. É-mo'e'évėstóne. He makes (something) of grass. fai: -óné. Category: handcraft.
-mo'e'évėstséá'e vai. 1 • have grass in hair. can connote having been in the bushes making out. É-mo'e'évėstséá'e. He has grass in his hair.
2 • make out. Category: figurative, hair, plants, romance.
mo'e'évetohko ni. basket. Lit: grass-container Plural mo'e'évetóhkonȯtse; Non-diminutive mo'e'évetoo'o. See: hetohko. Category: containers.
mo'e'évetoo'o ni. basket. Lit: grass-container Plural mo'e'évetóonȯtse; Oblique mo'e'évetóonéhéva; Diminutive mo'e'évetohko. See: hetohko; hetoo'o; vénetohko. Category: containers.
-mo'e'évoestá vai. wear a Hawaiian skirt. Lit: grass-dress É-mo'e'évóésta. She is wearing a Hawaiian skirt. Category: dress.
Mo'e'évoestáhe na. Hawaian person. Lit: grass-dressed one Plural Mo'e'évoestáheo'o. See: hoestȯtse. Category: nationalities.
mo'e'évȯhkėha'e ni. straw hat. See: hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.
mo'ē'ha na. magpie, Magpie. Mo'e'háhne éohkenomáhtseo'o. Magpies steal. Ques: Is mo'e'háne an alternate pl/obv? Plural mo'e'háhne; Obviative mo'e'háhne. Etym: *ma·çkiʔle·wa (Pe); cf. Ar wooʔúh'ei (Go90:10). Category: birds. Diminutive Mo'e'háhkéso, Mo'e'háéso. Category: names.
Mo'ē'ha Ma'etȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Red Magpie. Category: names.
Mo'ē'ha Néstoohe na. Whistling Magpie. Category: names.
Mo'ē'ha Ȯhtamēhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Walking Magpie, Magpie Walking. Category: names.
Mo'ē'ha Ȯhtameōhtsėstse vai. Gram: ppl Traveling Magpie. Category: names.
Mo'e'háéméó'o na. Magpie Road. Category: names.
Mo'e'háéso na. Little Magpie. See: Mo'e'háhkéso ‘Little Magpie’; mo'ē'ha ‘magpie’. Category: names.
Mo'e'háévá'e na. Magpie Woman. Category: names.
Mo'e'háévóto na. Magpie Tailfeather. See: voton. Category: names.
Mo'e'háevotoná'e na. Magpie Tail Feathers Woman. See: voto. Category: names.
Mo'e'hahke na. Gram: dim 1 • old magpie.
2 • Old Magpie. Category: names.
Mo'e'háhkéso na. Gram: dim Little Magpie. See: Mo'e'háéso; mo'ē'ha. Category: names.
Mo'e'háne Oxháestȯxese vai. Gram: ppl Many Magpies. John Heap of Birds of Oklahoma had this Indian name, and it may be that Heap of Birds was the tribal roll translation of this Cheyenne name. Category: names.
Mo'e'kā'e na. Grass Woman. Category: names.
Mo'émȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Elk City, Oklahoma. Lit: elk-town Category: places.
Mo'emé'ėhné'e na. Elk Appears Woman. See: Mó'ȯhmé'ėhné'e. Category: names.
-mo'enenó'e vai. sew beautifully. É-mo'enenó'e. She is sewing beautifully. Category: handcraft. See: -hahpenó'e.
-mo'enenóno'e vii. beautiful. É-mo'enenóno'e. It is beautiful. Phon: vs Ques: recheck ?? Category: check. fii: -nóno'e. See: -mo'óna'e. Category: appearance.
-mo'enenóohe vai. beautiful in appearance, look beautiful. especially the way one is dressed; cf. -mo'onahe which especially refers to facial features. É-mo'enenóohe. He is dressed handsomely / She looks beautiful. See: -mo'onahe ‘beautiful’. Category: appearance.
Mo'enéstoohe na. Whistling Elk, Howling Elk. Variant: Mo'onéstoohe. Ques: George Brady; Elmer Brady Category: names.
-mo'enohe vai. be lucky, have good fortune, fortunate. for example, this was typically said of warriors who had good success on a war journey. É-mo'enohe. He is lucky/he met with good fortune. tse-mo'enohe so that he will meet with good fortune. Nėstse-mo'enóhéme. You (plural) have done your part and you will get your reward/honor.
-mo'enóno'e vii. look beautiful, beautiful - look. É-mo'enóno'e. It looks beautiful. fii: -nóno'e. Ques: or is it -mo'enenóno'e?? See: mo'óna'e. Category: appearance.
Mo'eohtóoveotse na. Shaking Elk. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
Mo'éohvésévȯhtse vta. Gram: ppl Goes With Elk. Category: names.
Mó'eōse na. Elk Hooves. Category: names.
mo'eoxéve vai. Elk Society person - be an. See: -hémo'eoxéve.
mó'ėsá'e na. 1 • calf. Diminutive mó'kėsá'e. less commonly used than mó'kėsá'e. See: mónėškėhéso. Etym: cf. *mahkwehsehsa vs. maxkwehsehsa. Category: animals.
2 • Calf. At one time there were a number of men who had the name Mo'ėsa'e; to distinguish them people added something to describe each man. Some of these names are here: Mo'ȯhtáe-mó'ėsá'e Black Calf. Mátȧhé-mó'ėsá'e Peyote Calf. Ho'sȧhtsená-mó'ėsá'e Slobbering Calf. Oéve-mó'ėsá'e Scabby Calf. Háeohé-mó'ėsá'e Fast Runner Calf. The same man (Háeohé-mó'ėsá'e) was sometimes called: Hohnóhka-mó'ėsá'e Contrary Calf. Category: animals, names.
mo'ēško1 na. finger, toe. Plural mo'ėškono; Obviative mo'ėškono; Homonym mo'ēško2 ‘ring’. See: -(hk)osé. Category: body.
mo'ēško2 ni. ring. Homonym mo'ēško1 ‘finger’; Plural mo'ėškonȯtse. Category: hands.
mo'ēško tséhóna'oese vai. knuckle. Lit: finger that which connects Plural mo'ėškono tséhóna'oevȯse. Category: body.
Mo'ėškóne na. Fingers. Category: names.
Mo'etá'e na. (woman's name). Variant: Mo'otá'e. Category: names.
mo'keha ni. moccasin, shoe. Plural mo'kėhanȯtse. he-mo'kėhanónévo on their moccasin. [1987:214] he-mo'kėhanónevótse their moccasins. [1987:310] Variant: mo'eha. Usage: mo'eha is less commonly used Final -o'keha. See: -tsėhésto'keha ‘moccasin’. Etym: *maxkeseni. Category: shoes, clothing.
Mó'kėhá'e na. Elk Woman, Little Elk Woman ?? See: Mo'éhá'e. Category: names, check.
-mo'kėhanané vai. make moccasins, make shoes. É-mo'kėhanāne. He is making moccasins. Etym: *maxkesenehke·wa. See: -tsėhésto'ėhané. Category: handcraft.
mo'kėhananéhe na. shoemaker, cobbler. vai: -mo'kėhanané. Category: jobs.
mo'kėhanȯtse ni. Gram: pl shoes; moccasins. Singular mo'keha. Na-mo'kėhanȯtse éhe'kóovánėstse. My shoes are wet. Category: shoes, clothing.
Mó'kėhemé'éhne na. Young Elk Appearing. Category: names.
Mó'kėheméóná'e na. Elk Road Woman. Category: names.
Mo'kėhenémo'eehe na. Little Braided Elk. Simplified Spelling Mo'kenémo'eehe. See: -némo'eehe. Category: names.
Mo'kéhéso na. Little Elk. a woman's name. See: Mo'éhá'e. Category: names.
-mo'kéheve vai. stone -be, painted - be, ivory -be, plastic - be. É-mo'kéheve. It is stone/it is painted/it is like marble.
mo'kéhno'hamēso na. colt. dim. (doubly marked with -k and /-esón/) of mo'éhno'ha. Plural mo'kéhno'hamėsono; Obviative mo'kéhno'hamėsono. See: mo'éhno'hamēso. Category: horses.
Mo'ke'ā'e na. Grass Woman. Variant: Mo'e'ā'e. Category: names.
mó'kėsá'e na. 1 • calf. Etym: cf *ma·xkwa (P) ‘fawn, calf’; cf. *mahkwehsehsa vs. maxkwehsehsa. Non-diminutive mó'ėsá'e; Plural mó'kėsa'eho; Obviative mó'kėsa'eho. See: mónėškėhéso; mó'kėsa'éhéso; vóestae'kēso; heóvó'ėsá'e. Category: animals.
2 • Calf. Category: names.
Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhnéstooestse vai. Gram: ppl Bawling Calf. Category: names.
Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtamēhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Calf Walking, Walking Calf. See: Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtameōhtsėstse ‘Calf Walking’. Category: names.
Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtameōhtsėstse vai. Gram: ppl Calf Walking, Walking Calf. See: Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtamēhnėstse ‘Calf Walking’. Category: names.
Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtohāā'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Rising Calf. Category: names.
Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhtsévo'soo'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Playing Calf. Category: names.
Mó'kėsá'e Ȯhvó'komaestse vai. Gram: ppl White Calf. Category: names.
mó'kėsa'éhéso na. Gram: dim little calf. dim. of mó'kėsá'e. Plural mó'kėsa'éhesono; Obviative mó'kėsa'éhesono. See: mónėškėhéso. Category: animals.
mó'kėsa'ého'évohkȯhtse ni. veal. Lit: calf-meat See: ho'évohkȯhtse ‘meat’. Category: meat.
Mó'kėsa'kéhéso na. Little Calf. Category: names.
Mó'kėsa'késo na. Little Calf. a woman's name. See: Ésevona'kēso. Category: names.
Mo'kóhta'e na. 1 • wild turnip, Indian turnip, prairie turnip, breadroot. Plural mo'kȯhtá'éne; Obviative mo'kȯhtá'éne. Phon: iah Variant: mo'óhta'e.
2 • Indian Turnip. Category: names.
mo'kȯhtá'éne na. Gram: pl Indian turnips, wild turnips, turnips. Singular mo'kóhta'e.
mo'kȯhtáv- i. black. Variant: mo'ȯhtáv-. Category: colors.
-mo'kȯhtávahe vai. black. É-mo'kȯhtávahe. He is black. Variant: -mo'ȯhtávahe. Category: colors.
-mo'kȯhtávea'e vii. be blackish in color. É-mo'kȯhtávea'e It is blackish in color. Variant: -mo'ȯhtávea'e; vai: -mo'kȯhtáveata. Category: colors.
-mo'kȯhtáveata vai. blackish. É-mo'kȯhtáveata. He is blackish in color. vii: -mo'kȯhtávea'e. Category: colors.
-mo'kȯhtávėheóvó vii. brown. É-mo'kȯhtávėheóvo. It is brown. Lit: blackish yellow -heóvó 'yellow' probably originally included hue toward brown. There is much uncertainty over Cheyenne words for brown. Variant: -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó. See: -mȯséškanó. Category: colors.
mo'kȯhtávėhohpe ni. coffee. Lit: black-broth Usage: This pronunciation may be less commonly used than mo'ȯhtávėhohpe; some consider that mo'ȯhtávėhohpe is men's speech and mo'kȯhtávėhohpe is women's speech Variant: mo'ȯhtávėhohpe. Námane mo'kȯhtávėhohpe. (newer pronunciation) I'm drinking coffee. An older way of saying that uses the word for sipping, -nomené: Nánomēne mo'kȯhtávėhohpe. I'm sipping / drinking coffee. Category: drink.
-mo'kȯhtávén vta. paint black face of s.o. especially for the Sun Dance É-mo'kȯhtávénóho. He painted his face black. Category: colors, Sun Dance.
Mo'kȯhtávéné'e na. Black Painted Face Woman. Ques: Eva Woodenthigh Category: names.
-mo'kȯhtávėsané vai. dress black. É-mo'kȯhtávėsáne. He is dressed in black clothing. fai: -sané2. Category: dress, colors.
-mo'kȯhtávėstséá'e vai. have black hair. É-mo'kȯhtávėstséá'e. He has black hair. Final -htséá. Phon: vs See: -mo'ȯhtávovésé. Category: hair.
-mo'kȯhtávó vii. be black. É-mo'kȯhtávo. It is black. Variant: -mo'ȯhtávó. Etym: *maxkate·we·wi. Category: colors.
Mo'kȯhtávo'ha na. Black Horse. Category: names.
-mo'kȯhtávomóhtahe vai. feel black. can have a sexual connotation. É-mo'kȯhtávomóhtahe. He is feeling black.
-mo'kȯhtávoneehe vai. black ropelike. É-mo'kȯhtávoneehe. He (ropelike) is black / the wire is black. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-mo'kȯhtávoomaeohtsé vii. clouds become dark. when there are dark, gloomy clouds. É-mo'kȯhtávoomaeōhtse. The clouds are becoming dark. See: -a'enó'netó; -ohtsé2. Category: environment.
-mo'kȯhtávoománo'e vii. cloudy dark, dark cloudy day. É-mo'kȯhtávoománo'e. The clouds are dark / it's a dark cloudy day. fii: -mano'e. Phon: iah See: -a'enó'netó. Category: environment.
-mo'kȯhtávová vai. have black hide. É-mo'kȯhtávóva. He has black hide. BodyPartMedial -ová3; Variant: -mo'ȯhtávová. Category: colors.
-mo'kȯhtávȯxe'ėstóné vai. write in black. É-mo'kȯhtávȯxe'ėstóne. He is writing in black. for instance, to write using black ink.
mó'kȯhtse ?? Category: check.
ni. stick to make an arrow ?? Category: check. See: mo'xȯhtse ‘arrowhead’.
-mo'kona'ó vai. dive with wings closed. É-mo'konā'o. He dove with wings closed. [1987:246] Category: motion.
mo'óhkon- i. dry hard. É-mo'óhkonā'o. It is dried up. É-mo'óhkonȧhō'ta. It is parched.
-mo'óhkónáésé vai. dry hard hanging. É-mo'óhkónáése. He dried up hanging. [There is a story of the greedy ve'ho'e who wanted power to have a pointed leg to kill deer; he dried up hanging in a tree.] See: -hoésé ‘hang’. Category: hang.
-mo'óhkonȧhō'ta vii. parched. É-mo'óhkonȧhō'ta. It is parched. [pd795] Category: texture.
-mo'óhkona'he vai. dry hard. É-mo'óhkona'he. He dried up. Category: texture.
-mo'óhkona'ó vii. dried up. É-mo'óhkonā'o. It is dried up. Category: texture.
-mo'óhkóna'tá vii. dried hard. Lit: dry-hard for example, of bread. É-mo'óhkóná'ta. It is dried hard. Category: texture.
mo'óhkonavekóhkonȯhēō'o ni. cracker. Usage: md Plural mo'óhkonavekóhkonȯheonȯtse. Lit: hard.dried-breads See: tóhkonavekóhkonȯhēō'o ‘cracker (Okla. dialect)’. Category: food.
mo'óhkonavekóhkonȯheonȯtse ni. hard tack pieces, crackers. Category: food.
Mō'ȯhma'aestse vai. Gram: ppl Red Elk. Grover Wolfvoice. Category: names.
Mó'ȯhmé'ėhné'e na. Elk Appears Woman. Variant: Mo'emé'ėhné'e. Category: names.
Mó'ȯhmé'éhnėstse na. Elk Appears. Category: names.
Mō'ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse vai. Gram: ppl Black Elk. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, names.
Mō'ȯhnȧha'éváóó'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Elk Stands With Wife. This name refers to how some animals, like horses, stand close, shoulder-to-tail, to each other. This name is the origin of the family name Elkshoulder. Category: names.
Mó'ȯhnéé'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Standing Elk. Category: names.
Mō'ȯhno'kaestse vai. Gram: ppl Lone Elk. Category: names.
Mō'ȯhno'keóó'e na. Elk Stands Alone. Variant: Mō'ȯhno'keóó'ėstse. Category: names.
Mō'ȯhno'keóó'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Elk Stands Alone. Variant: Mō'ȯhno'keóó'e. Category: names.
Mō'ȯhnotóá'e na. Bull Elk, Elk Bull. Category: names.
mo'ȯhtáe- pv. black.
mo'ȯhtáeheséeo'ȯtse ni. 1 • bitter root, biscuitroot, biscuit root. Lit: black-medicine Variant: mo'ȯhtávė-heséeo'ȯtse ??. Category: check.
2 • Black Medicine. Category: names.
mo'ȯhtáehohtȯhtȧhéheva'kéehestȯtse na. Gram: pl black scarf. Plural mo'ȯhtáehohtȯhtȧhéheva'kéehéstoto. part of Sun Dance equipment. Category: Sun Dance.
mo'ȯhtáehó'nehe na. black wolf. See: hó'nehe ‘wolf’. Category: animals.
Mo'ȯhtáekȧhámáxe ni. place down south where peyote is gathered. Lit: black-stick Category: ceremonial.
mo'ȯhtáe-kóhkonȯhēō'o ni. brown bread. whole wheat bread. Lit: black-bread Category: food, food.
mo'ȯhtáemȧhoo'o na. Hubbard squash. Lit: black-squash See: mȧhoo'o.
mo'ȯhtáema'kaata ni. nickel (coin). Lit: black-money Category: money.
mo'ȯhtáema'xemeno na. Gram: pl prunes. Lit: black-big.berries Variant: mo'ȯhtáema'xemenȯtse; Synonym náhkȯhematȯtse. Category: berries.
mo'ȯhtáema'xemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl prunes. Lit: black-big.berries Variant: mo'ȯhtáema'xemeno. Category: berries.
mo'ȯhtáeméhne ni. water moccasin. Lit: black-serpent Usage: od See: méhne ‘water monster’. Category: animals.
mo'ȯhtáemé'šeméhne na. black caterpillar, furry worm. Variant: mo'kȯhtáemé'šeméhne. Category: bugs.
Mo'ȯhtáemó'ėsá'e na. Black Calf. a nickname for one of several men named Mó'ėsá'e. Category: names.
Mo'ȯhtáenáhkohe na. Black Bear. Category: names.
Mo'ȯhtáenáhkȯhéso na. Little Black Bear. Category: names.
Mo'ȯhtáená'atsėhe'e na. Black -- ?? Category: check. man's name. See: Ná'atsėhe'e. Category: names.
mo'ȯhtáenanóse'hame na. black panther. Plural mo'ȯhtáenanó'sé'háme; Obviative mo'ȯhtáenanó'sé'háme. Category: animals.
Mo'ȯhtáepéhpe'e na. Black Shaggy. probably an animal, especially horse name. Category: names.
mo'ȯhtáevánó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl black sage, ragweed. used for bowel cramps and to stop bloody stools. See: vánó'ėstse. Category: plants.
Mo'ȯhtáeváótséva na. Black Deer. Category: names.
mo'ȯhtáevé'henȯséhestȯtse ni. mascara. Lit: black eyelash thing Category: groom.
mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'á'e1 na. Negro woman, black woman. Lit: black-ve'ho'a'e Plural mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'á'eo'o; Homonym mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'á'e ‘black widow spider’. Category: nationalities.
mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'á'e2 na. black widow spider. Category: bugs. Usage: loan transl. There is some question as to the appropriateness of this Ch. term; the 'widow' part of the English term may cause some people to form the Cheyenne term this way which seems to limit the spider to being only a female; a more appropriate term may be mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'e. Plural mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'á'eo'o; Obviative mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'a'o; Homonym mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'á'e1 ‘black woman’.
mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'e1 na. African-American, black man, Negro. Lit: black-ve'ho'e Plural mo'ȯhtáevé'hó'e; Obviative mo'ȯhtáevé'hó'e. Cheyennes often point out that this term is literally humorous, because, to them the word ve'ho'e primarily means 'whiteman', so they would give the literal meaning of this term as 'black-whiteman' which sounds like a contradiction in terms. However, see discussion under the entry ve'ho'e. See: vé'ho'e. Category: nationalities.
mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'e2 na. black spider. Plural mo'ȯhtáevé'hó'e; Obviative mo'ȯhtáevé'hó'e. Category: bugs.
-mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'évėstónáne vai. dress as an African-American. especially to dress in a foofoo. É-mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'évėstónáne. He is dressed in a foofoo. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'ká'késo na. black girl, African-American girl. Plural mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'ká'kėsono. Category: nationalities.
mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'kēso na. black boy, African-American boy. Plural mo'ȯhtáevé'ho'kėsono. Category: nationalities.
-mo'ȯhtáévén vta. darken s.o.'s face. for example, for Halloween. É-mo'ȯhtávénénóho. He darkened his (obv) face. See: -mo'ȯhtávȯxe'én. Category: face.
mo'ȯhtáevéškee'éhemenȯtse ni. Gram: pl black raspberries. Category: berries.
-mo'ȯhtáevo'eve vii. black clouds. É-mo'ȯhtáevo'eve. There are black clouds. for example, black storm clouds. Category: weather.
-mo'ȯhtáexamanová vai. have a dark hide. É-mo'ȯhtáexamanōva. He has a dark hide. Category: animals.
mo'óhta'e na. Indian turnip, prairie turnip, breadroot, turnip. Phon: iah Variant: mo'kóhta'e; Plural mo'ȯhtá'éne; Obviative mo'ȯhtá'éne. Category: food.
Mō'ȯhtameōhtsėstse vai. Gram: ppl Walking Elk. Category: names.
mo'ȯhtáo'kemenȯtse ni. coffee beans. Ques: recheck LH?? Category: check. See: mo'ȯhtávėhohpe ‘coffee’.
mo'ȯhtáv- i. black. Variant: mo'kȯhtáv-. Category: colors.
-mo'ȯhtávȧhá'ené vai. brew coffee. Lit: black-cook É-mo'ȯhtávȧhá'éne. He is brewing coffee. Ná-mo'ȯhtávȧhá'éne. I'm brewing coffee. Some younger speakers now say: Ná-manēstse mo'ȯhtávȧhá'éne. fai: -ahá'ené. See: mo'ȯhtávėhohpe ‘coffee’; mo'ȯhtávȧhá'éó'o ‘percolator, coffee pot’; -manestsé ‘make s.t.’. Category: cook, drink.
mo'ȯhtávȧhá'éó'o ni. percolator, coffee pot. Lit: black-cooking-thing See: mo'ȯhtávėhohpe ‘coffee’; -mo'ȯhtávȧhá'ené ‘make coffee’. Category: new, drink, containers.
-mo'ȯhtávahe vai. be black. É-mo'ȯhtávahe. He is black. (another recording) tsé-mo'ȯhtávaestse the one who is black. Variant: -mo'kȯhtávahe. Category: colors.
-mo'ȯhtávȧho'há vti. blacken s.t. by heat, dye hair of s.o. black. É-mo'ȯhtávȧhó'ha heme'ko. She dyed her hair (black). Etym: *maxkate·hθaɁsamwa (P). Category: hair.
-mo'ȯhtávȧho'he vai. be sunburned; be burned black; be darkened from the sun. É-mo'ȯhtávȧho'he. He is sunburned. Etym: *maxkate·hθaɁsowa. Éxamae-mo'ȯhtávȧho'héhoo'o. She is just burned black (pret). Lit: black-by.sun/heat tsé-mo'ȯhtávȧho'hese those who are sunburned.
-mo'ȯhtávȧho'h(n) vta. dye hair of s.o. black. É-mo'ȯhtávȧho'hnóho.?? She dyed her (obv) hair black. Category: hair.
-mo'ȯhtávȧho'tá vii. burned black. Lit: black-by.heat É-mo'ȯhtávȧhó'ta. It is burned black. for instance, where a prairie fire burned. Etym: *maxkate·hθaɁte·wi. Menȯtse é-mo'ȯhtávȧhó'tánėstse. The chokecherries are ripe. Ésáa'éše-mo'ȯhtávȧho'táhanehȯtse. They are not ripe yet. tsé-mo'ȯhtávȧhó'ta soot. Category: fire.
-mo'ȯhtávȧsome vai. dark stool, black stool. É-mo'ȯhtávȧsome. He had a dark stool. fai: -asome. Category: body function.
-mo'ȯhtávatová vii. black smoke issue. É-mo'ȯhtávatōva. It is black smoke. Category: smoke.
-mo'ȯhtávatováóó'e vii. black smoke - be. É-mo'ȯhtávatováóó'e. It is black smoke. Phon: vs Final -atová, óé. Category: smoke.
mo'ȯhtáve- pv. black.
Mo'ȯhtáveaénohe na. Black Hawk. Category: names.
-mo'ȯhtávea'e vii. dark in texture. É-mo'ȯhtávea'e. It is dark in color. He'éxánėstse é-mo'ȯhtávea'enetótse. There are bags under his eyes. vai: -mo'ȯhtáveata. Category: colors.
mo'ȯhtáveamėške ni. oil. See: amėške tsémo'ȯhtávoome.
mo'ȯhtáveamó'enēō'o ni. black buggy. Category: transportation.
-mo'ȯhtáveata vai. be blackish in color. É-mo'ȯhtáveata. He is blackish in color. Variant: -mo'kȯhtáveata. Category: colors.
-mo'ȯhtáveéstse'hená vai. black shirt - wear a. É-mo'ȯhtáveéstse'hēna. He has on a black shirt. See: éstse'hen. Category: clothing.
mo'ȯhtávėháhnoma na. black bluish wasp. Category: bugs.
-mo'ȯhtávėhahtá vai. black-footed. É-mo'ȯhtávėháhta. He is black-footed. Etym: *maxkate·wisite·wa. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: colors, body.
Mo'ȯhtávėhahtátane na. Blackfeet Indian, Blackfoot Indian. They are called Blackfeet in Canada and Blackfoot in the U.S. Lit: black-footed-person Plural Mo'ȯhtávėhahtátaneo'o; Medial -hahtá ‘foot’. Category: tribes.
-mo'ȯhtávėheóvó vii. brown. É-mo'ȯhtávėheóvo. It is brown. Lit: blackish-yellow -heóvó 'yellow' probably originally included hue toward brown ;There is much debate among Cheyenne over words for brown. Variant: -mo'kȯhtávėheóvó. See: -mȯséškanó; -noónó. Category: colors.
mo'ȯhtávėheséeo'ȯtse ni. purple cone flower. Lit: black medicine See: heséeo'ȯtse ‘medicine’. Category: Sun Dance.
Mo'ȯhtávėhetane na. Ute. Lit: black-man Etym: *maxkate·wilenyiwa. Plural Mo'ȯhtávėhetaneo'o. Category: tribes.
mo'ȯhtávėhohpe ni. coffee. Lit: black-broth Usage: more commonly used than mo'kȯhtávėhohpe Etym: *maxkate·wa·powi (P). Variant: mo'kȯhtávėhohpe. Speaker 1: Néto'senomenehe mo'ȯhtávėhohpe? Speaker 2: Héehe'e, nȧhtanomēne. Speaker 1: Vé'keemahpe néohkėno'anahe? Speaker 2: Héehe'e, naa matana. Speaker 1: Héehe'e. Speaker 1: Are you going to drink coffee? Speaker 2: Yes, I'm going to drink it. Speaker 1: Do you include sugar? Speaker 2: Yes, and milk. Speaker 1: Yes. [ms 0623 153211.WAV@00:40] another answer, Speaker 2: Oha mo'ȯhtávėhohpe nȧhtanomēne. Hová'éhe nėstsevé'no'āna. Speaker 2: I will only drink coffee. Don't include anything with it. (i.e., I drink my coffee black.) [ms 0623 153211.WAV@00:44] See: mo'ȯhtávȧhá'éó'o ‘percolator’; -mo'ȯhtávȧhá'ené ‘make coffee’. Category: drink.
-mo'ȯhtáve'éxané vai. have black eyes. This refers to eye color, but can also be a loan translation referring to having a "shiner" (black eye); the traditionally more natural term for the latter is -hohkó'se'éxané (lit.purple-eyed) but this is less well known by newer pronunciation today. É-mo'ȯhtáve'éxáne. He has black eyes. Etym: *maxkate·wiški·nšekwe·wa. Category: violence.
mo'ȯhtáve'ohko na. black pipe. Etym: *maxkate·wixpwa·kana. See: he'ohko ‘pipe’. Category: smoke.
-mo'ȯhtávéné vai. have a dark face, have a black face. É-mo'ȯhtávéne. He has a black/dark face. Etym: *maxkate·wi·nkwe·wa. Category: face.
Mo'ȯhtávénéhe na. Black Face. a horse name. Category: names.
Mo'ȯhtávéné'e na. Black Faced Woman. Category: names.
-mo'ȯhtávénén vta. darken face of s.o. É-mo'ȯhtáveneno. He darkened his (obv) face. É-mo'ȯhtávénénóho. He darkened his (obv) face. (newer pronunciation). BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, colors.
-mo'ȯhtávenóohe vai. look dark. É-mo'ȯhtávenóohe. He looks dark. Category: appearance.
-mo'ȯhtávenóohee'e vai. sit looking black. refers to how one looks from a distance; this could refer to a person whose silhouette shows up from a distance. É-mo'ȯhtávenóohee'e. He is sitting looking black. Category: appearance.
-mo'ȯhtávenotová vai. have a black neck. É-mo'ȯhtávenotōva. He has a black neck. Medial -notová. Category: body.
-mo'ȯhtáveóhtá vai. have black leg(s). É-mo'ȯhtáveóhta. He has black legs. Etym: *maxkate·wika·te·wa. Variant: -mo'ȯhtávėškóhtá; Medial -óht. Category: body, colors.
Mo'ȯhtáveó'ėséenáhe na. Black Whetstone. Category: names.
Mo'ȯhtáveó'kȯhóme na. Black Coyote. Variant: Ó'kȯhóme Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse. Category: names.
Mo'ȯhtáveónone na. Black Ree. Variant: Mo'ȯhtáeónone. Category: names.
-mo'ȯhtáveotse vii. darken, blacken, eclipse.
vai. darken, blacken, eclipse. É-mo'ȯhtáveotse. He (or It) darkened, turned black. for example, of the sun during an eclipse. Etym: *maxkate·wiɁle·wa (P) < **maxkate·wipalyiwa (P/L). Lit: It blackened Éto'se-mo'ȯhtáveotse éše'he. The moon is going to eclipse. Category: moon.
-mo'ȯhtávėsané vai. dressed in black. É-mo'ȯhtávėsáne. He is dressed in black. See: -mo'ȯhtávoestá. Category: clothing.
mo'ȯhtávėstáe i. black. Category: colors.
mo'ȯhtávėšé'hóno na. black cloth. Category: material.
mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéáse na. sagehen, grouse, prairie chicken. Lit: black-chested-prairie.chicken Plural mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéaseo'o; Obviative mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéasóho; Variant: mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéáso, mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéóse; BodyPartMedial -šené. See: vá'ȯhéáse. Category: birds.
mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéasévȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. sagehen dance. what sagehens do; not an Indian dance. Category: dance.
mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéóse na. sagehen, grouse. Lit: black-chested-prairie.chicken Plural mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéoseo'o; Variant: mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéáse. See: vá'ȯhéáse. Obviative mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéasóho; Medial -šené. Category: birds.
mo'ohtávėšenéva'ȯhéóso na. sagehen, grouse, prairie chicken. Lit: black-chested-prairie.chicken Plural mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéoseo'o; Obviative mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéasóho; Variant: mo'ȯhtávėšenéva'ȯhéáse; Medial -šené. See: vá'ȯhéáse; vá'ȯhéáso; vá'kȯhéáso. Category: birds.
-mo'ȯhtávėškóhtá vai. have black legs. É-mo'ȯhtávėškóhta. He has black legs. Variant: mo'ȯhtáveóhtá.
-mo'ȯhtávetanó vai. be in a black mood, be horny (sexy). É-mo'ȯhtávetāno He is in a "black"/ugly mood / he is horny. that is, He is feeling bad. Usage: slang See: -mo'ȯhtávo'eétȧhétanó; -anovetanó; -havėsévetanó. Category: emotions, vulgar.
mo'ȯhtávetoo'o 1 • ni. cast iron pot. Lit: black kettle Etym: *maxkate·wila·kani. See: -vetoo'o. Category: containers.
2 • na. Black Kettle. Category: names.
-mo'ȯhtávo vii. be black. É-mo'ȯhtávo. It is black. Etym: *maxkate·we·wi. Variant: -mo'kȯhtávó. Category: colors.
-mo'ȯhtávoa'o'e vii. tarnished, blacken. Éohke-mo'ȯhtávoa'o'e. It tarnishes. for example, of an old nickel. See: -hoxóva'o'e ‘rusty’.
-mo'ȯhtávoestá vai. wear a black dress. É-mo'ȯhtávóésta. She is wearing a black dress. tsé-mo'ȯhtávóéstȧhtse Catholic. tsé-mo'ȯhtávoestase Catholics. Category: colors, clothing.
Mo'ȯhtávoestá'e na. 1 • nun. Lit: black-dressed-woman Plural Mo'ȯhtávoestá'eo'o; fai: -oestá. See: hotȯxa-e'óestaahe. Category: church.
2 • Black Dressed Woman. an Indian name. Category: names.
Mo'ȯhtávoestá'éno ni. Catholic church. Mo'ȯhtávoestá'éno ého'xėstȧheo'o They are Catholics. Lit: they belong to the black-dressed group Category: church. Lit: black-dressed-place
Mo'ȯhtávȯheomene na. 1 • black lodge person, Lame Deer person. The people of the Lame Deer, Montana, reservation district were called Black Lodge people. Plural Mo'ȯhtávȯheomeneho.
2 • Black Lodge Man. The people of the Lame Deer, Montana, reservation district were called Black Lodge people. Plural Mo'ȯhtávȯheomeneho. Category: names.
Mo'ȯhtávȯheomenéno ni. Lame Deer district, Black Lodge place. Lit: black-lodge-place Mo'ȯhtávȯheomenéno náhéstahe. I am from Lame Deer. See: méave'ho'eno. Category: places.
Mo'ȯhtávȯheomenétane na. Lame Deer person. Plural Mo'ȯhtávȯheomenétaneo'o. See: Mo'ȯhtávȯheomēne. Category: district, bands.
-mo'ȯhtávȯhtȧheve vai. dark color. not a solid color. É-mo'ȯhtávȯhtȧheve. It (or He) is darkish in color. Final -ohtȧhéve. Category: colors.
-mo'ȯhtávo'eétahe vai. do something sexy. É-mo'ȯhtávo'eétahe. He did something sexy. Lit: black-do Category: vulgar, do.
-mo'ȯhtávo'eétȧhétanó vai. be horny. that is, desirous of sex. Lit: black-act-mood É-mo'ȯhtávo'eétȧhétáno. He is horny. fai: -o'eétahe. See: -mo'ȯhtávetanó; -nėševónea'xe. Category: vulgar, sex.
-mo'ȯhtávo'éevá vai. have dark skin. É-mo'ȯhtávo'ééva. His skin is dark/black. Medial -o'éevá. Category: body.
Mo'ȯhtávo'ha na. Black Horse. See: mo'ȯhtávo'hame ‘black horse’. Category: names.
mo'ȯhtávo'hame na. black horse. Plural mo'ȯhtávo'hāme; Obviative mo'ȯhtávo'hāme. Etym: *maxkate·waɁθemwa ‘black dog’. See: Mo'ȯhtávo'ha ‘Black Horse’. Category: horses.
mo'ȯhtávo'honáá'e na. black rock, Black Hills. See: ho'honáá'e ‘rock’.
Mo'ȯhtávo'honáemȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Gram: loc Rapid City, South Dakota. Lit: Black.Hills-city See: Háeohémahpe. Category: places.
Mo'ȯhtávo'honáéva obl. Black Hills. Lit: black-rock-LOC Category: places.
Mo'ȯhtávo'nehe na. Black Wolf, Wolfblack, Blackwolf. This name has been translated into English each of these three ways. Category: names.
-mo'ȯhtávo'ótaná vai. wear a black neckpiece. É-mo'ȯhtávo'ótána. He is wearing a black choker. Néohke-mo'ȯhtávo'ótána. You wear a black neckpiece. [The Nighthawk.023] fai: -o'ótaná. Category: colors.
-mo'ȯhtávo'tá vii. sit black. É-mo'ȯhtávó'ta. It is sitting there black. Category: sit inan, colors.
-mo'ȯhtávo'xȯhtaha vai. wear black paints. Ques: o'xȯhtahe?? É-mo'ȯhtávo'xȯhtaha. He is wearing black pants. Medial -o'xȯhtáha. Category: clothing, colors.
-mo'ȯhtávoma'ene vii. black clay - be. used in Sun Dance lodge. É-mo'ȯhtávoma'ene. It is black clay (color). Etym: *maxkate·wa·mexkye·wi. Category: check, Sun Dance.
-mo'ȯhtávoohevá vai. black nails. É-mo'ȯhtávoohēva. He has has black nails. BodyPartMedial -oohevá. Category: body, colors.
Mo'ȯhtávoohēvȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Black Nails, Blackshield. See: Vóhpoohēvȧtse. BodyPartMedial -oohevá. Category: names.
mo'ȯhtávoome-amėške ni. oil. Lit: black-liquid-grease
Mó'ȯhtávóónėstse vai. Gram: ppl Starving Elk, Black Painted Face. Ques: recheck translation?? Category: check. Ques: Would Starving Elk be Mó'e Ȯhtávóónėstse?? Category: check. Ques: Would Black Painted Face be Mó'ȯhtávóénėstse Category: names.
-mo'ȯhtávootó'eve vii. be black handled gun. É-mo'ȯhtávootó'eve. (The gun) has a black handle. Medial -ó'é6. Category: guns.
-mo'ȯhtávová vai. black hide - have, have black fur. É-mo'ȯhtávóva. He has a black hide. Etym: *maxkate·wawe·wa. Variant: -mo'kȯhtávová; BodyPartMedial -ová3. Category: horses, colors.
-mo'ȯhtávovésé vai. have black hair. É-mo'ȯhtávovése. He has black hair. (another recording) Medial -ovésé. Category: hair.
-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'é vai. black painted. É-mo'ȯhtávȯxé'e. He is painted black. Category: warfare, colors.
-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'én vta. paint s.o.'s face black, blacken face of s.o. É-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'eno. He painted his (obv) face black. É-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'énóho. He painted his (obv) face black. (newer pronunciation). tséméhaevé'še-mo'ȯhtávȯxe'énȧhtsesėse with which he had darkened his (own) face. [1987:270] BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: colors, face.
Mó'ȯhtséméhé'e na. Elk Woman. exact translation uncertain. Category: names.
-mo'ȯhtséne vai. black painted face. É-mo'ȯhtséne. He has black paint on his face. See: -mo'ȯhtsénéne; -mȯxe'éné; -mȯxe'énéné; -mo'ȯhtávéné. Category: face, colors.
-mo'ȯhtsénéné vai. paint faces black. especially refers to when a soldier has returned from combat and he/she paints people who come through the line at his/her victory dance ?? É-mo'ȯhtsénéne. He is putting black paint on faces. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -mȯxe'éné; -mȯxe'énéné; -mo'ȯhtávéné. Category: face, colors, check.
Mó'ȯhtsévȧhtóoestse vai. Gram: ppl Whistling Around Elk. See: Mō'e énéstoohe. Category: names.
Mó'ȯhvó'komaestse vai. Gram: ppl White Elk. Category: names.
Mō'ȯhvovó'haestse vai. Gram: ppl Spotted Elk. Category: names.
mo'ó'- i. rough, coarse. Variant: mo'ó'x-. É-mo'ó'ovése. He has coarse hair. Category: texture.
mo'ó'e- pv. rough; coarse. Étšėšema'xe-mo'ó'etooxenōne. She sang a real low alto. [1987:150] See: -mo'ó'xoe'hahe; mo'e'é-. Category: texture.
-mo'ó'eéstooná vai. have a scratchy throat. É-mo'ó'eéstoōna. He has a scratchy throat. BodyPartMedial -éstooná. See: -ó'eestóoná. Category: body.
-mo'ó'ėhahtá vai. calloused feet - rough; rough feet - have. It is believed that people will get calloused feet from going barefoot. É-mo'ó'ėháhta. He has calloused feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: feet.
-mo'ó'e'hahe vai. husky voice. É-mo'ó'e'hahe. He has a husky voice. Variant: -mo'ó'xoe'hahe. See: -hoxe'hahe ‘hoarse voice’. Category: voice.
-mo'ó'ovésé vai. coarse hair - have. É-mo'ó'ovése. He has coarse hair. Initial mo'ó'-; BodyPartMedial -ovésé. Category: hair.
mo'ó'x- i. rough, coarse. Variant: mo'ó'-. É-mo'ó'xahe. He is rough/tough. É-mo'ó'xoe'hahe. He has a hoarse voice (for example, with a cold)/he has a rough and tough voice ?" É-mo'ó'xóno. It is tough/rough. Category: texture.
-mo'ó'xahe vai. coarse, rough, tough. É-mo'ó'xahe. He is rough/tough. See: -mo'ó'xonahe. Category: texture.
-mó'o'xevá vai. ?? É-mó'o'xēva. ?? See: -mó'é ‘invite to a meal’. Category: check.
-mo'ó'xó vii. rough, tough, coarse, chapped. É-mo'ó'xo. It is coarse (texture like sandpaper). (another recording) Category: texture.
-mo'ó'xoe'hahe vai. have a hoarse voice, have a rough voice, have laryngitis. É-mo'ó'xoe'hahe. He has a hoarse / rough voice. for example, from a cold. Variant: -mo'ó'e'hahe; BodyPartMedial -e'hahe. See: mo'ó'e-; -véhpe'hahe; -hoxe'hahe. Category: voice.
-mo'ó'xonahe vai. rough; coarse; tough. É-mo'ó'xonahe. He is tough/rough. vii: -mo'ó'xonó. See: -mo'ó'xahe. Category: quality, personality.
-mo'ó'xoneta vai. strong, flinty. É-mo'ó'xoneta. He is flinty/he is strong. vii: -mo'ó'xonó. See: -ho'kotseve ‘be flint’. Category: personality.
-mo'ó'xonó vii. tough, rough. for example, life's circumstances. É-mo'ó'xóno. It is tough/rough. vai: -mo'ó'xonahe, -mo'ó'xoneta. See: -hótoanátó. Category: quality.
mo'omėstaso ni. reeds ?? Category: check, plants.
mo'on- i. beautiful. É-mo'onahe. She is beautiful. É-mo'onátamáno'e. The environment is beautiful. É-mo'onō'ta. It is sitting there beautiful. Category: quality.
-mo'onahe vai. beautiful, pretty. Mostly of females, although some speakers use this word for males. É-mo'onahe. She is beautiful. vii: -mo'óna'e; Reduplicated -momó'onahe. See: -mo'enenóohe ‘appear beautiful’; -pėhévahe ‘good, handsome’; -ono'ahe ‘handsome’; -pėhévatamaahe ‘good-looking’. Category: appearance.
-mo'óna'e vii. pretty, beautiful. É-mo'óna'e. It is beautiful. Ésáa-mo'ona'éhane. It is not beautiful. É-mo'ona'etse. It (obv) is beautiful. Phon: iah vai: -mo'onahe. See: mo'enóno'e. Category: quality.
-mo'onátamaahe vai. pretty, beautiful, handsome. É-mo'onátamaahe. She is beautiful (in appearance). See: -mo'onahe ‘beautiful’; -mo'onenóohe ‘look beautiful’. Category: appearance.
-mo'onátamáno'e vii. beautiful environment. É-mo'onátamáno'e. The environment is beautiful. [pd1024] Phon: iah Category: quality.
-mo'onavéné vai. beautiful face. É-mo'onavéne. He (or She) has a beautiful face. Category: face.
-mo'onenoné vai. sing beautifully. É-mo'onenōne. He sang beautifully. See: -mo'onévone ‘sound beautiful’. Category: sing.
-mo'onenóno'e vii. look beautiful, beautiful look. Ques: recheck spelling ?? Category: check. É-mo'onenóno'e. It looks beautiful. vai: -mo'onenóohe. Category: appearance.
-mo'onenóohe vai. look beautiful, beautiful look. É-mo'onenóohe. She looked beautiful. vii: -mo'onenóno'e. See: -mo'onátamaahe. Category: appearance.
-mo'onénoo'e vai. sit pretty, sit in a good shady place. É-mo'onénoo'e. She is sitting pretty. Category: sit.
Mo'onéstoohe na. Whistling Elk. Variant: Mo'enéstoohe. Category: names.
-mo'onévone vii. beautiful sound, sound beautiful. É-mo'onévone. It sounds beautiful. See: -mo'onenoné ‘sing beautifully’. Category: sounds.
-mo'onoése vai. hang beautiful. É-mo'onoése. He is hanging beautiful. fai: -oésé. Category: hang, quality.
-mo'onoéstá vii. hang beautiful. É-mo'onoésta. It is hanging beautiful. Category: hang, quality.
-mo'onȯhtȧheve vai. beautiful design, beautiful coloration.
vii. beautiful design, beautiful coloration. É-mo'onȯhtȧheve. He (or It) is beautifully colored. Final -ohtȧhéve. Category: appearance.
-mo'ono'tá vii. sit beautiful. for example, of a butte, tepee, or house. É-mo'onō'ta. It is sitting beautiful. See: -pėhévo'tá. Category: sit inan.
-mo'onónoo'e vai. sit looking pretty. É-mo'onónoo'e. She is sitting looking pretty. See: -mo'onénoo'e. Category: sit.
-mó'oo'xevá vai. announce inviting to a feast. É-mó'oo'xēva. He announced inviting (people) to a feast. See: -mó'é ‘invite to feat’; -hóo'xevá ‘announce’. Category: speak.
-mó'ot vta. invite s.o. to a meal. Né-mó'otȧtse. I invite you to a meal. Né-mó'otatséme. I invited you guys to a meal. É-mó'ótóho. He invited him to a meal. Ná-mó'éto. I invited him to a meal. Ná-mó'etoo'o. I invited them to a meal. Ná-mó'eta. He invited me to a meal. Nėsta-mó'otoneo'o. We (including you) will invite them to a meal. Náto'se-mó'etóneo'o. We (not including you) are going to invite them to a meal. Ná-mó'etaeneo'o. They invited us to a meal. Né-mó'oxe You invited me to a meal. Néme'hó'ke-mó'ȯxéme. You guys should have invited me to the feast. É-mó'ohe. He was invited to a feast. Névááhe tséto'se-mó'etoto? Who are you going to invite to a meal? Névááhe tsé-mó'étóse? (mó'ot??) Who did you invite to the feast? Variant: -mó'et; vai: -mó'é. Category: eat, check.
Mo'otá'e na. (woman's name). Variant: Mo'etá'e. Category: names.
-mo'otse vii. move. É-mo'otse. He/it moved. ?? Category: check. Éssáa-mo'otséhesėstse. He didn't move (reportative). [1987:265] Reduplicated -momó'otse.
mo'otsenáhkohe na. brown bear ?? Category: check, animals, names.
Mó'otseóó'e na. Stands Moving Woman. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Reduplicated Momó'otseóó'e. Category: names.
Mo'ȯxháahketa na. Little Elk. Category: names.
Mó'sėhá'e na. Scabby Faced Man. translation uncertain. Category: names.
mó'sohko ni. small flint stone, metal point of arrow flint. Usage: This word is not well known toda Plural mo'sóhkonȯtse ??. See: -mo'ó'xoneta; mo'xȯhtse; -ho'kotseve. Category: check, tools.
-mó'soonėškoneve vii. have a metal point. for example, of an arrow. É-mó'soonėškoneve. It has a metal point. [JS 7/89]
mo'tšėhan ni. moccasin. Usage: old man pronunciation
mo'xȯhtse ni. arrowhead. traditionally made of flint. Usage: nearly unknown today Ques: mó'kȯhtse ?? Plural mo'xōhtsėstse ??. Category: check. AltPl = mo'xȯhtsehȯtse ?? [jg mo'xȯhtse; js mo'xȯhtse] Category: check. Oblique mó'xȯhtséva. Ques: initial pitch is uncertain an elder says this can be for either a metal or flint arrowhead. See: mó'sohko ??; . Category: check. Etym: *maɁšya·ntwiyi (P); *maʔθaθwa·peθkwa ‘flint (raw material) (Pe79:333)’; cf. Sh mo'θalwi.
-mó'xȯhtseve vii. be an arrowhead. É-mó'xȯhtseve. It is an arrowhead. Ques: mo'x?? one elder says this means it has a (metal or flint) point (especially of an arrowhead. Category: hunt, check.
-momáhpe'ėhaéné vai. watery eyes. É-momáhpe'ėhaéne. He has watery eyes. Phon: redup Category: eyes.
-momáhpe'ėhaénéohtsé vai. watery eyed, running eyes. É-momáhpe'ėhaénéóhtse. He has watery eyes. for example, from an allergy or a cold. Category: body function. Phon: redup
-momáhpe'ėhaéneotse vai. eyes become watery quickly. É-momáhpe'ėhaéneotse. He has a watery eyes. Óeséhéóvo ná-momáhpe'ėhaéneotse. Right at the time (of sighting down the barrel of the gun at the deer) my (sighting) eye watered! BodyPartMedial -haéné. Category: body function.
-momáhpe'óo'ó vai. have watery eyes. for example, eyesight be blurred because of tears. É-momáhpe'óó'o. He has watery eyes. fai: -óo'ó. Category: eyes.
-momȧhtáeestse vai. chant as a medicine man, talk in a religious chant, ceremonially speak. Ques: -momȧhtȧhéeestse ?? É-momȧhtáeestse. He spoke the sacred language. See: -éestse ‘speak’. Category: ceremonial, speak, check.
momȧhtáeestsestȯtse ni. ceremonial language. Category: ceremonial, speak.
-momȧhtahe vai. ceremonial person - be a. This is deeper than éma'heóneve. É-momȧhtahe. He is traditional at religion/he is religious in a traditional way). See: -ma'heóneve. Category: ceremonial.
momȧhtȧhé- pv. ceremonial. É-momȧhtȧhévo'ėstanéheve. He lives a ceremonial life (practices the traditional ceremonies). See: -momȯhtávan ??. Category: check, ceremonial.
momȧhtȧhétane na. medicine man, shaman. Phon: redup ?? Usage: obsolescing Plural momȧhtȧhétaneo'o. Etym: cf. *mete·wa ‘shaman; mama·ntaw strange, wonderful (redup.)' (Pe79)’. See: momȧhtȧhé- ‘ceremonial’; ováve- ‘ceremonial, magical ??’; naa'étane ‘medicine man’. Category: ceremonial, check.
-momȧhtȧhévó'ané na. ceremonially - pronounce, speak a ceremonial word; speak as a medicine man. É-momȧhtȧhévó'áne. He spoke a ceremonial word/he spoke in a traditional religious way. É-momȧhtȧhévo'anéstove. It is a sacred (or ceremonial) word. fai: -ó'ané. See: -ma'heónó'ané. Category: speak, ceremonial.
-momȧhtȧhévo'eétahe vai. do a (traditional) ceremony. É-momȧhtȧhévo'eétahe He did a traditional ceremony. tsėhése-momȧhtȧhévo'eétȧhestȯtse a Cheyenne ceremony/rite/ritual/worship. [PD1119] Category: do. Usage: obsolescent
-momȧhtȧhévo'ėstanéheve vai. be a ceremonial religious person. É-momȧhtȧhévo'ėstanéheve He is a ceremonial person. Lit: ceremonially-live Category: live.
-momá'an vti. redden s.t. É-momá'ána. He reddened it.
vta. redden s.o. É-momá'anóho. He reddened him. hó'tá'-momá'anōmo neme'ko whenever I redden your hair. [1987:252] Phon: redup Category: colors.
-momá'e'ėstávose vai. red ears from the cold. É-momá'e'ėstávose. His ears are red from the cold. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: ears.
-momá'e'éxané vai. have red eyes; have bloodshot eyes. É-momá'e'éxáne. He has red/bloodshot eyes. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: body.
-momá'enohe vai. chief of police. This verb was previously used about the chief of police because he had a red stripe on his trousers. More recently, the chief of police is called véhonematanáeve'ho'e (lit. chief-policeman). É-momá'enohe. He is the chief of police. tsé-momá'enoestse the one (for example, something made of cloth, animate) which is sewn in red. Phon: redup See: véhonematanáeve'ho'e; -ma'ó. Category: jobs.
-momá'eóhtavose vai. have red legs from the cold. É-momá'eóhtavose. His legs are red from the cold. BodyPartMedial -óhtá4; Non-reduplicated -ma'eóhtavose. See: -ná'tose. Category: temperature.
-momá'ėškóhtavose vai. have red legs from the cold. É-momá'ėškóhtavose. His legs are red from the cold. Category: temperature, colors.
-momá'evo'tanȯsévose vai. have red cheeks from the cold. É-momá'evo'tanȯsévose. He has red cheeks from the cold. BodyPartMedial -vo'tanosé. Category: body.
-móma'haa'e'éxané vai. have big eyes. É-móma'haa'e'éxáne. He has big eyes. Phon: redup Category: eyes, body.
-móma'haa'ó vii. huge. Ésáa'éemóma'haa'óhane. (The farmland) was not huge.?? [Planting Corn.003] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -ma'haa'ó. Category: size.
móma'hae- pv. wide, huge. Móma'haetótóó'ȯhtse! Open your eyes wide! [The Bear and the Skunk.025] Category: eyes.
móma'haeta p. old people. Lit: big ones Antonym háahketa. See: móma'haetse. Category: people, ages.
móma'haetse p. old.people. Lit: big ones especially older people. See: móma'haeta. Category: people, ages.
-momá'koeotse vai. have red eyes. tsévé'tótoeotsėstse tse-momá'koeotse whoever opens his eyes will have red eyes. [1987:363]
-momá'ko'éné vai. 1 • have red eyes; have pink eye. É-momá'kó'éne. He has red eyes; he has pink eye. Phon: hl Medial -éné, Variant -momá'o'éné.
2 • red eyes from crying because boyfriend got married to someone else. Category: figurative, sickness, face.
-momá'ko'éneotse vai. come to have red eyes. Tse-momá'ko'éneotse tsétótoeotsėstse. He will have red eyes, the one who opens his eyes. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes.006] Category: eyes.
-momá'ó vii. be red. only of plural subjects. É-momá'ónėstse véhpotȯtse. The leaves are red. (another recording) for example, in the fall. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated ma'ó. Category: colors.
-momá'oesaaóó'e vai. red sharp and thorny. only used with plural subjects ?? Heneno é'ȯhkėxae'ée-momá'oesaaoeo'o. The rose (bushes) would be red-sharp and thorny. [1987:255] Category: texture, check.
-momá'o'asé vii. flame red, red flames - be. É-momá'o'āse. The flames were red. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-momá'o'ȧsé'hasené vai. burn with red sparks. Éhóe-momá'o'ȧsé'hasēne. He is making sparks come out of his chimney. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-momá'o'éné vai. red eyes. Tsemomá'kó'éne. He will have red eyes. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes.008] Variant: -momá'ko'éné.
-momá'oma'o'e vii. be red earth. É-momá'oma'o'e. The ground is red. tséh-momá'oma'o'e where the earth is red. [1987:245] fii: -óma'o'e. Category: ground.
-momá'tȯhtóvá vai. sell everything. É-momá'tȯhtóva. He sold everything. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -má'tȯhtóvá. Morph: /-momá'tohtóvá. Phon: redup See: -hohtóvá. Category: money.
móma'xe- pv. REDUP.big. É'ȯhke-móma'xevósȯhehenovóhe. They would did a big hole. [1987:314] móma'xe-vé'kėseho big birds (1987:314). Phon: redup Non-reduplicated ma'xe-.
móma'xėháhkotaho na. Gram: pl big grasshoppers. Category: bugs.
-móma'xėhahtá vai. big-footed. Phon: redup É-móma'xėhāhta. He has big feet. Non-reduplicated -ma'xėhahtá. Category: check.
Móma'xėhahtáhe na. Big Foot. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated Ma'xėhahtáhe. Category: names.
Móma'xėstaemá'héhe na. Has Large Head Lice Woman. Ques: margaret yelloweyes Category: names.
móma'xėšéstoto'e na. mountain pine. refers to a large variety of pine trees. See: šéstoto'e.
-momáméétó vii. snow big snowflakes. É-momámééto. It is snowing big snowflakes. fii: -éétó. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated máme-. See: -ho'éétó ‘snow’. Category: weather.
-momáme'está vai. have big ears. É-momáme'ēsta. He has big ears. Category: ears, body. Phon: redup
-momáme'xané vai. big tears ?? Hánȧháóhe nėstsenovėse-momáme'xāne. Over there you will have big tears.?? A Cheyenne man was told not to go across the Atlantic Ocean. If he did he would get big, pitiful teary eyes. Ques: momáme'éxané?? Ques: momáme'xane'ó ?? Category: check.
-momámėsevá vai. have big calves (of legs). É-momámėséva. He has big calves. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -sevá. Category: body.
-momámevo'tanosé vai. have big cheeks. É-momámevo'tanōse. He has big cheeks. Category: body. Phon: redup
-momámoešé vai. lie with eyes open. É-momámóéše. He is lying (for example, on the ground) with his eyes open. Phon: redup See: -tótóéše. Category: lie, eyes.
-momámonené vai. have big teeth. É-momámonēne. He has big teeth. Phon: redup BodyPartMedial -onené. Category: body.
-momámotse vai. stuff mouth; have cheeks full of food. Usage: often humorous É-momámotse. His cheeks are full of food; he stuffed his mouth full. Category: eat.
momáta'- i. angrily. Ná-momáta'vé'hooma. He looked at me with anger. Contract: omáta'-. Category: emotions.
-momáta'a'hahtsé vti. shake s.t. angrily, angrily shake s.t. Lit: angrily-throw É-momáta'a'hāhtse. He shook it angrily. fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: violence, throw.
-momáta'a'ham vta. shake s.o. angrily, angrily shake s.o. Lit: angrily-throw É-momáta'a'hamóho. He shook him angrily. fta: -a'ham. Category: violence.
-momáta'anené vai. angrily do (something). É-momáta'anēne. He is angrily doing something. fai: -anené. Category: do, emotions.
-momáta'áno'xe vai. be angry from lack of sleep. É-momáta'áno'xe. He is angry from lack of sleep. fai: -áno'xe. Category: sleep.
-momáta'ȧše'še vai. be mean from drinking. É-momáta'ȧše'še. He is mean from drinking. [1987:60] Category: drink.
-momáta'átam vta. regard s.o. as mean. É-momáta'átamóho. He regards him as mean. [1987:58] Né=tsé-(m)omáta'atamȧhtsese those who felt mean. Category: interpersonal, emotions.
momáta'e- i. angry. Énėxxae-momáta'eotsesėstse. He would be very angry. Category: emotions.
-momáta'eeh vta. angry at s.o., mean to s.o. É-momáta'eehóho. He is angry at him. É-momáta'eehóho heške. He is angry at his mother. See: -nėsétam; -háestáha'tov. Category: emotions, interpersonal.
-momáta'ehe vai. mean. This word is used of a human or an animal such as a dog. There is a phase of the moon when Cheyennes say the moon is angry, using this word. This is when it is cold weather.?? É-momáta'ehe. He is mean. (another recording) Contracted -omáta'ehe. See: -momáta'eotse. Category: personality, check.
-momáta'ėhéóó'e vai. stand mean, angrily stand, stand angry. É-momáta'ėhéóó'e. He is standing mean. fai: -óé. See: -ta'oveóó'e. Category: stand.
-momáta'e'hahe vai. have a mean voice, have an angry voice, talk angrily. É-momáta'e'hahe. He hollered in anger/he has a mean voice. Medial -e'hahe. Category: voice.
-momáta'e'hahétsėstov vta. holler at s.o. while angry. É-momáta'e'hahétsėstovóho He hollered at him in anger.
-momáta'e'haná vai. eat angrily. É-momáta'e'hāna. He ate angrily. for example, how a dog might eat. Initial momáta'-; Final -e'haná. Category: eat.
-momáta'em vta. talk mean to s.o. É-momáta'emóho. He talked mean to him. fta: -em. Category: speak.
-momáta'éné vai. have a mean looking face. É-momáta'éne. He has a mean face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-momáta'enestse vai. talk angrily, angrily talk. É-momáta'enestse. He talked angrily. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
momáta'énoo'ȯtse ni. Gram: pl brave heart songs. Plural momáta'énootȯtse. These songs are sung to embolden warriors for battle. fni: -noo'ȯtse. See: -hésemȧho'hé. Category: sing.
-momáta'eotse vai. become angry. said to be more of an adult emotion, whereas -háestáhá is more for children. É-momáta'eotse. He became angry. Éohke-momáta'eotse. He gets angry. See: -háestáhá; -momáta'ehe; -áhanėsenove; -némȯhkėha'éotse. Category: emotions.
-momáta'étanó vai. feel angry, angry - feel. É-momáta'étáno. He feels angry. Tséméhae'éeheše-momáta'étanóto éxaehová'ȧháne. The way I had felt angry was just gone. [How God Helped Me Forgive.087] Category: emotions.
-momáta'évam vta. anger s.o. while speaking. for example, when someone is drunk. É-momáta'évamahtse. He got himself angry as he talked. Category: emotions, interpersonal, speak.
-momáta'evo'ešé vai. fall angrily. É-momáta'evo'ēše. He got angry from falling. Initial momáta'-. Category: lie, emotions, fall.
-momáta'ȯhóné vai. sign angrily. É-momáta'ȯhóne. He is making mean signs. fai: -ohóné. Category: sign.
-momáta'o'eétahe vai. do something angrily, angrily do something. É-momáta'o'eétahe. He did something angrily. Category: do.
-momáta'ónoo'e vai. mean face while sitting, sit with mean face. É-momáta'ónoo'e. He is making a mean face while sitting. Category: sit.
-momáta'ónová vai. angrily talk, talk angrily. É-momáta'ónóva. He is talking angrily. Category: speak.
-momáta'ónováotse vai. speak disgusted. É-momáta'ónováotse. He was speaking in a disgusted way. Category: speak, emotions.
momáta'tóo'e'ósanestove ni. protest. Category: new. Ques: recheck?? Category: check.
-momáxan vti. stroke s.t., repeatedly touch s.t., touch s.t. all over. É-momáxána. He stroked it.
vta. stroke s.o., repeatedly touch s.o., touch s.o. all over, bless s.o. Phon: redup Can refer to sexual stroking of s.o., therefore this is probably not the best term to use for the concept of 'bless'. É-momáxanóho. He touched him/he blessed him. É-momáxánáá'e Ma'heóneva. He was blessed by God. É-momáxanȧhtseo'o. They (for example, husband and wife) are stroking each other. Etym: *mešenetwiwaki (P) ‘they get their hands on each other, catch each other’. Non-reduplicated -mȧxan. See: -mȧxa'ov; -xá'xaen ‘massage s.o.’.
-momáxaneoneve vai. untouchable - be, impeccable - be. for example, you can't even walk on his floor, he is so impeccable. Ésáaxae-momáxaneonévéhe. He is untouchable. See: -vovóhponahe. Category: personality.
-momáxeh vta. get s.o. in trouble, cause calamity for s.o. É-momáxėhóho. He got him in trouble. É-momáxėhahtse. He brought it on himself. Etym: cf *mešihesowa (P) ‘he exposes himself to injury’. Né-momáxėšemeno You are punishing us. Contracted -omáxeh. See: -momáxem; -omáx; -momáxeóseh. Category: interpersonal.
-momáxe'éxané vao. ?? É-momáxe'éxáne.?? ?? Category: eyes, check.
-momáxem vta. turn in s.o., tell on s.o., complain about s.o. É-momáxemóho. He told on him/he complained about him. Etym: *mešime·wa (P). Násé'hé-momáxémo. I'm turning him in to the law/police/judge/agency (lit., I-into(agency)-INTENT-punish-DIR). éaéstome-momáxemóho He turned him in for nothing/falsely. [1987:182] for example, he didn't do anything wrong; could be used of betrayal, as of Judas' betrayal of Jesus. Phon: The first m often is elided, yielding -omáxem See: -mé'em; -totóxem; -hósem; -ho'é'et. Category: interpersonal, speak.
-momáxeoesem vta. tell on s.o., give a bad report on s.o. É-momáxeoesemóho. He gave a bad report on him. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).170] Category: speak.
-momáxėstanevá vai. complain. É-momáxėstanēva. He is complaining. BodyPartMedial -tanevá; vta: -momáxem. Category: speak.
-momáxomahe vai. slow, deliberate. É-momáxomahe. He is slow and deliberate. Éosee-momáxomahe. He is procrastinating. Lit: He is very slow/deliberate. See: -nóvahe ‘slow’; -sénomahe; -popá'ahe. Category: personality.
momáxome- pv. deliberately, ponderingly, musingly, slowly. éohke-momáxomenestse He talks slowly (for example, when he talks Ch. he talks slowly and deliberately, thinking as he speaks). É-momáxometāno He is meditating/he is musing. É-momáxomeameōhtse He is walking deliberately. É-momáxomemé'ésta. He explained it slowly. Category: speed.
-momáxome'há vai. fly slowly. É-momáxomē'ha. He flew slowly. [1987:245-24] Naa né'=ókohke móhvá'ne-momáxome'hahéhe. And that crow just flew slowly. [1987:245-24] See: -nóve'há. Category: fly.
-momáxomenestse vai. speak language slowly. É-momáxomenestse. He is talking slowly. For example, when a person talks Cheyenne slowly and deliberately, thinking as he speaks. Category: speak.
-momáxometanó vai. meditate, muse. Lit: deliberately-think É-momáxometāno. He is meditating/musing. Category: cognition.
-momáxomó'ané vai. say slowly. É-momáxomó'áne. He spoke slowly. Néh-momáxomó'ánėstse! Say it slower (to me)! fai: -ó'ané. See: -nóvó'ané. Category: speak.
-momáxomoo'kōho vii. rain slowly and lightly. É-momáxomoo'kōho. It is raining slowing and lightly. fii: -oo'kohó. Category: rain, weather.
moméh- i. lumpy, curdled.
-moméha'haso'he vai. gallop on horse. É-moméha'haso'he. He is galloping on a horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-moméha'xe vai. gallop. É-moméha'xe. He (especially a horse) galloped. (another recording) See: -vové'heohtsé ‘trot’. Category: horses.
-moméha'xévó'eohtsé vai. go by a galloping team. É-moméha'xévo'eōhtse. He came on a galloping team. Medial -ó'e1. Category: horses.
-moméhe'em vta. talk good about s.o. É-moméhe'emóho. He talked good about him. fta: -em. See: -pėhévo'ót; -moméhem. Category: speak.
-moméhe'xa'é vai. tangled hair. É-moméhé'xá'e. He has tangled hair. BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -moméhe'xá'e. Category: hair.
Moméhe'xa'éhe na. Tangled Hair. Category: names.
-moméhem vta. encourage s.o., build up s.o. É-moméhemóho. He encouraged/built him up. See: -pėhévo'ót; -moméhe'em. Category: speak.
-moméhemenóno'e vii. look desirable. Émoméheme-nóno'e. It looks desirable. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.
-moméhemenóohe vai. look desirable. Émoméheme-nóohe. He looks desirable. Category: appearance.
moméheome p. entire families. Moméheome éhnėhna'haevó(sesto) nótȧxé-vé'hó'e. Whole families (lodges) were killed by the soldiers. [1987:37:22] Lit: ?-lodge See: -vo'ėstaneme; -vóohestȯtse.
-moméheotse vii. become curdled, become lumpy. É-moméheotse. It is curdled.
-moméheve vii. clot. É-moméheve It is clotting / there are blood clots. For example, there are clots in the flow from his nose bleed. Category: sickness.
moméhevȯhtse na. blood clot. Obviative moméhevȯhtseto. See: -moméheve. Category: body, sickness.
-momého vii. lumpy, curdled. É-momého. It is lumpy. Category: texture.
-moméhoomȧho'tá vii. curdled, lumpy from cooking. É-moméhoomȧhō'ta. It curdled/turned lumpy while cooking. Category: cook.
-moméhoomeoestȧho'tá vii. quickly curdle, turn lumpy while cooking. É-moméhoomeoestȧhō'ta It quickly curdled/turned lumpy while cooking. Category: cook. Medial -oest.
-moméhoomeotse vii. curdle, become lumpy. for example, milk or blood. É-moméhoomeotse. It curdled/it turned lumpy. Category: texture.
-moméhovaetó vai. hair be matted. É-moméhovaēto. His hair is matted. Ques: recheck?? éxae-moméhovaēto His hair is just all matted. Category: check, dogs.
-momé'aahtsé vai. spit blood, hemorrhage from the mouth. É-momé'aāhtse. He is spitting blood/he is hemorrhaging from the mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená ‘mouth’. See: -ma'évahtsé ‘have a bloody mouth’; -momé'aeve ‘be bloody’. Category: sickness.
-momé'aahtsenáotse vai. hemorrhage. É-momé'aahtsenáotse. He hemorrhaged. Category: sickness.
-momé'aahtsenávotome vai. hemorrhage. É-momé'aahtsenávotome. He is hemorrhaging from the mouth. Etym: cf *meçkowaθa·mowa. tséhmomá'oma'o'e móxhésenėhesóhanéhe tseh-momé'aahtsenávotomevȯse hováhne where the earth is red is from the hemorrhaging of the animals. [1987:245] See: -ma'éváhtsé ‘have a bloody mouth’. Category: sickness.
momé'aév- i. bloody. É-momé'aévȧsome. He has a bloody stool. É-momé'aāhtse. He is spitting blood/he is hemorrhaging from the mouth. É-momé'áévėhóhtse. He left bloody tracks. Category: sickness.
-momé'aévȧsome vai. bloody stool. É-momé'aévȧsome. He has a bloody stool. fai: -asóme. See: -ma'évȧsome. Category: sickness.
-momé'aéve vai. bloody. É-momé'aeve. He is bloody. See: -hé'óé'ó; -hévoeotse; -ma'éveotse. Category: sickness.
-momé'aéveanot vta. beat s.o. bloody. É-momé'aéveanotóho. He beat him bloody. See: -sȯsévenot; -háeanot. Category: violence.
-momé'aéveesé vai. bloodied nose. É-momé'aéveēse. He has a bloodied nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -ma'éveesé. Category: nose, sickness.
-momé'aévenóoh vta. bloody s.o. É-momé'aévenóohóho. He bloodied him. Ques: -nóohe?? Category: violence, check.
-momé'aévenóohe vai. bloody. É-momé'aévenóohe. He is all bloody. Category: appearance.
-momé'aévenóohešé vai. bloody lie look, lie looking bloody. É-momé'aévenóohēše. He is lying looking bloody. Category: appearance.
-momé'áévȯhóhtse vai. bloody tracks. É-momé'áévȯhóhtse. He left bloody tracks. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks.
-momé'aévotané vai. bloody snot ?? get bloody hands from digging with hands ?? É-momé'aévotāne. He has bloody snot. (mucus??) Category: check. See: -hoxo'ȯhtsévotané. Category: sickness, nose.
-momé'hemem vta. talk to s.o. so it sounds desirable; talk with false promises; sweet talk s.o. Ques: check ge gloss É-momé'hememóho. He talked to him so it sounds desirable. Mó'ȯhkema'xeée-momé'hememaehevóhe tséohkėhešėhoháepėhéveénėhetsėse. (The people) made everything sound real good to him how (beavers) tasted real good. [1987:275] Category: speak, interpersonal, check.
-momé'hemėstáhá vai. wishfully think from the heart. É-momé'hemėstáha. He is wishfully thinking from the heart. Category: cognition.
-momé'hemetanó vai. anticipate, wish for (something) as desirable. É-momé'hemetāno. He is anticipating (something good). tsétȧheše-momé'hemetānȯse just as she had wished. [1987:260] Variant: -momé'hetanó. See: -hotséovó'setanó.
-momé'hemó'ané vai. speak without carrying through. É-momé'hemó'áne. He says things which he doesn't carry out. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-momé'hevátam vta. confident of s.o., have confidence in s.o. É-moméhevátamóho. He has a lot of confidence in him. Ná-momé'hevátámo. I have a lot of confidence in him. Category: interpersonal.
-momé'sema'éstse talk with head together ?? For example, they are talking so quietly you can't hear them. only used with plural subjects. É-momé'sema'éstseo'o. They are talking with their heads together. Category: speak, check.
-momé'šėhahtá vai. have hairy feet. É-momé'šėháhta. He has shaggy/hairy feet. Etym: *mi·Ɂšisite·wa (P). tsé-momé'šėháhtȧhtse Persian horse (literally, that which has hairy (shaggy) feet). Category: body.
momé'šėhahtáhtotȯtse ni. Gram: pl shags; furs (for dancers). Lit: hairy-leg-things Category: dance.
-momé'šeóhtá vai. have hairy legs. É-momé'šeóhta. He has hairy legs. Etym: *mi·Ɂšika·te·wa (P). Phon: redup Variant: -momé'šėškóhtá; BodyPartMedial -óhtá2. Category: body, hair.
-momé'šėškóhtá vai. have hairy legs. É-momé'šėškóhta He has hairy legs. Variant: -momé'šeóhtá. Category: body, hair.
moméne- pv. sometimes, at times, anyway. Nánėše-moméneó'ėsóva. I sliced drymeat anyway. Ná'ȯhkenėše-moménenéhoveóó'e. I would stand up at times. (FAMILY.TXT).
moméno p. sometimes. Naa moméno é'ȯhkėsáahoéhesėstse. And sometimes he would not be (there) (reportative mode). [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.149] Preverb moméne-. See: hó'ótóva. Category: time.
moméno'- i. bunched, in a group, clustered. É-moméno'hoeo'o. They are sitting in groups. Ná-moméno'ónováme. We (excl) are talking in a group.
moméno'e- i. clustered, bunched, congregated. tséohkeévėheše-moméno'eóestove where they always stand in bunches. [The Brothers-in-law.16]
-moméno'ee vai. sit in bunches. Phon: vs not used in singulars. É-moméno'éeo'o. They sat in bunches. Ques: eeo'o?? See: -mano'ée. Category: sit, check.
-moméno'e'há vai. fly bunched. É-moméno'e'hao'o. They are flying in a bunch. Vé'kėseho éohke-moméno'e'hao'o; móéšeto'seévatonóevėhanéhe. Birds are flying in bunches; it must be almost fall. That is a common Cheyenne saying. Category: fly.
-moméno'eóé vii. stand in a group. Otáxa he'konȯtse é'éetšėšemoméno'eóenėsestȯtse. Just bones were (there) piled up. [The Snipe Man.056]
vai. stand in a group. Phon: vs É-moméno'eóeo'o. They are standing in groups. tséohkeévėheše-moméno'eóestove tsėhéóhe mȧhoéve'ho'éno where they always stand in bunches here in town. [1987:173] fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-moméno'eóestsé vti. stand up s.t. in a group. É-moméno'eóestsenȯtse. He piled them (inan.) in groups. Móstšėše-moméno'eóestsėhenótse. He piled them (bones) in "shocks” (piles). [The Snipe Man.047]
-moméno'eohtsé vai. go in a bunch. É-moméno'eohtseo'o. They are going in a bunch. Category: motion.
moméno'hoe vai. sit in groups. É-moméno'hoeo'o. They are sitting in groups. Category: sit.
-moméno'oéstá vii. hang bunched together. É-moméno'oésta vo'e. The clouds are bunched together. Category: hang, environment.
-moméno'o'tse vai. camp in bunches. for example, to camp in separate clusters. only used with plural subjects. É-moméno'ó'tseo'o. They camped in bunches. Ques: is this better than -moméno'é'tsé?? fai: -o'tse; Variant: -moméno'é'tsé. Category: camp, check.
-moméno'ónová vai. talk in a group. É-moméno'ónovao'o. They are talking in a group. Ná-moméno'ónováme. We (excl) are talking in a group. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
moménov- i. rugged ?? Category: check.
-moménovahe vai. be comely ?? especially used of horses; usually said in the negative. É-moménovahe. He is comely/good-looking. ?? Ésáa-moménovȧhéhe. He is an ornery person. [PD270] See: -pėhévahe; -pėhévenóohe; -mo'onahe. Category: personality, check.
-moménovátam vta. regard s.o. as comely, consider s.o. to be of good character ?? Category: check. É-moménovátamóho. He considers him to be comely/of good character. ?? Ná-moménovátámo. I deem him comely/of good character. Ésáa-moménovátamóheho. He did not pay attention to him. Category: interpersonal, check. See: -onem; -pėhévátam.
-moménovéné vai. have a rugged face (rugged?? É-moménovéne. He has a rugged face. Ésáa-moménovénéhe. He is not a smiley person. Category: face, check.
-moménovéné'ó vai. mean face. only used in the negative. Ésáa-moménovéné'óhe. He has a mean expression. See: -ta'ovéné'ó. Category: face.
-moménovó'ané vai. speak pretty ?? Category: check. perhaps is only used in the negative. Éohkėsáa-moménovó'anéhe. She just says what's on her mind (regardless of whether it hurts someone or not).
-moménovo'eéh vta. does not care how treat s.o. (especially in a mean way). Éohkėsáa-moménovo'eéhoheho. He doesn't care how he treats him. [FAMILY.TXT] See: moméne-.
-moménovo'eétahe vai. try everything to do something ?? É-moménovo'eétahe. He tried everything. ?? for instance, to try every way to console someone at a funeral. Category: do, check.
-moméovéné (-moménovéné ?? Category: check.
vai. pretty face - have a. É-moméovéne She has a pretty face. See: -mo'onahe.
momése- i. sort.
-momésean vti. sort s.t., separate s.t. É-moméseāna. He separated (or sorted) it by hand. Moméseānȯhtse! Sort it!
vta. sort s.o., separate s.o. É-moméseanóho. He sorted them. Mó'ȯhke-moméseanȯhevovóhe nomá'ne. They sorted the fish. for example, sorted them by species. Móh-moméseanȧhtsėhevóhe. They picked each other. [1987:50] See: -a'e'han.
-moméseóovohtsé vti. sort s.t. with water, separate s.t. with water, strain s.t. Ná-moméseóovȯhtsenȯtse menȯtse I sorted the berries with water (for example, letting the leaves float to the top). Moméseóóvóhtsėstse! Strain them!
-momésohá vti. sort s.t. by tool, separate s.t. by tool. É-momésóha. He separated (or sorted) it by tool. See: -he'nehá.
-momét vta. give (distributively). É-mométȧhtseo'o. They are giving each other gifts. Ná-mométonovȯtse. I gave each of them (something). Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -mét.
mómétsésto p. red tape, with difficulty. Mómétsésto mótaohkeée=hová'éhe=sóhpėhóhtȯhéhe nėhéóhe. (A person) goes through something difficult there. [1987:210] See: -hótoanátó.
-mométsėstóm vta. persecute s.o., torture s.o., treat s.o. cruelly, cruelly - treat s.o., punish s.o. Appears to be used with the sense of 'punish', also. The reduplication here gives the sense that the action took place over a longer period of time. É-mométsėstomo. He punished him. É-mométsėstómóho. He punished him. (newer pronunciation). Non-reduplicated -métsėstóm. Phon: redup Category: interpersonal.
-mométsėstómo vii. takes time to be done as required. É-mométsėstómo. It takes time to be done as required.
-mométsėstóvahe vai. slow and accurate. É-mométsėstóvahe. He is so slow and careful. É-mométsėstóvȧheo'o. They are taking their sweet old time.
mométsėstóve- pv. guilty.
mométsėstóve- pv. slow and accurate, suffer. É-mométsėstóvenėhešéve He did it slowly and carefully. Phon: redup Contracted ométsėstóve-. See: hótoaná-.
-mométsėstóvetāno vai. suffer. especially refers to feeling the suffering in one's mind and emotions. É-mométsėstóvetāno. He suffered. [1987:40] Phon: redup
-mométsėstóvo vii. takes time. É-mométsėstóvó. It takes time (to be done as required). especially refers to the time it takes to do something properly. Category: time.
-mométsėstóvo'eéh vta. torment s.o., mistreat s.o., torture s.o., treat cruelly s.o. É-mométsėstóvo'eeho. He tortured him. É-mométsėstóvo'eéhóho. He tortured him. (newer pronunciation). É-mométsėstóvo'eehe. He was tortured. [1987:41, 210] Phon: redup Category: interpersonal.
-mométsėstóvo'eétahe vai. do something very carefully; very carefully do something. for example, to do something the proper way even though it is more difficult. É-mométsėstóvo'eétahe. He did it the proper way even though it is more difficult. Category: do.
-mométsėstóvo'omenehe vai. suffer, be tortured, tormented. Móéxo'ȧséhanéhe, móho'nóto'sėtšėhe'šeéno'asetséto'sevé'še-mométsėstóvo'omeneese vo'ėstane tsésáavo'ėstanévėhahtsétanóestsenaa máto tsésáavo'ėstanévėheestse. There is fire (in hell), it will never go out which will torture the person who does not want to be saved and also who is not saved. [1987:117] Final -o'omenehe.
-momóanahe vai. diligent. É-momóanahe. He is diligent. [pd544] Category: personality.
-momoésé vai. midafternoon. É-momoése. It is midafternoon. Category: time.
-momóhé'tá vii. scorched. for example, of shoes. É-momóhé'ta. It is scorched. É-momóhé'tánėstse. They are scorched. Category: shoes.
momóht- i. move (repeatedly). É-momóhta'hāhtse. He shook it. É-momóhtána. He moved it around. É-momóhto'a'xe. It (animate) is waving in the wind. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated móht-; Preverb -momóse-; Initial -momóse-. Etym: cf. M mama·ceqtaw.
-momóhtȧhtsenáotse vai. move lips. É-momóhtȧhtsenáotse. He was moving his lips. Category: mouth.
-momóhta'hahtsé vti. shake s.t. É-momóhta'hāhtse. He shook it. [The Chief's Son and His Two Wives] Éstšėše-momóhta'hahtsénȯse hestovóo'ȯtse. She shook her (own) ear. Initial momóht-; fti: -a'hahtsé. Category: throw.
-momóhta'ham vta. shake s.o. É-momóhta'hamóho. He shook him. for example, to shake a tree to get berries to fall from it. See: -vávȧhka'ham. Category: move.
-momóhta'o'h vta. move s.o. Né-momóhta'o'hovo ho'honáá'e. You moved the rock. (said to more than one person).
-momóhta'xe vai. jerk, squirm, move, shake. Can be said of one's nervous motion when speaking before a group. Can also be said of someone who is shaking, trying not to laugh. Can also be said of an animal that has just been wounded or shot to death, that is still jerking. É-momóhta'xe. He is squirming. Nėstsevé-momóhta'xe! Don't squirm! fai: -a'xe.
-momóhtan vti. move s.t. around. É-momóhtána. He moved it around.
vta. move s.o. around. É-momóhtanóho. He moved him around. Category: move.
-momȯhtávan vti. make s.t./s.o. holy ?? Category: check. Ques: reck stem pitches neéšeame tsé-momȯhtavanomo návé'šėhetótaeháoenanone your day which you made holy causes us to pray with joy. (Hymn 118). See: momȧhtȧhétane. Category: ceremonial.
-momóhtóehá vti. stir s.t. repeatedly. É-momóhtóéha. He stirred it (repeatedly). Category: liquid.
-momóhtoehá'ené vai. stir while cooking. É-momóhtóéhá'éne. He is stirring (the contents of the pot) while cooking. Category: cook.
-momóhtohtá vai. have diarrhea. Lit: repeatedly.move-bowels É-momóhtóhta. He has diarrhea. Medial -ohtá. Phon: redup Category: sickness.
momóhtȯhtáheséeo'ȯtse ni. diarrhea medicine. Category: new, medicine.
-momóhtȯhtámea'xe vai. diarrhea smell. É-momóhtȯhtámea'xe. He has a diarrhea smell. BodyPartMedial -ohtá. Category: sickness, smell.
-momóhtȯhtáotse vai. have diarrhea. É-momóhtȯhtáotse. He has diarrhea. Naa éohkema'xevé'še-momóhtȯhtáotse. And it causes him a lot of diarrhea. Antonym -ó'ȯhtáotse. Category: sickness.
-momóhto'a'xe vai. wave in the wind, move in the wind. for example, of a flag. É-momóhto'a'xe. It (animate) is waving in the wind. Nótȧxéve'ho'e hestoohéonēvo ésó'momóhto'a'xe. The soldiers' flag is still waving. Nótȧxéve'ho'asėstse, nėstoohéonēvo tséstȧhóxovėhéhoonevótóse. Ésó'hése-momóhto'a'xe. Hetanévestȯtse néhohtaméstánóvo. Soldiers, your flag, you went across (the oceans) to defend it. That is why it is still waving. You have attained manhood. (a flag song after World War i·; 1987:244). fai: -ó'a'xe2. Category: wind.
-momóhtoma'éotse vii. earthquake. Lit: move-earth Émomóhtoma'éotse. There was an earthquake. See: -momó'otse ‘move’; -momó'otse ho'e ‘earthquake’.
-momóhtona'há vii. breezy, windy, have movement (especially of trees) from the wind. É-momóhtóná'ha. There is lots of movement from wind. Non-reduplicated -móhtóna'há. Phon: redup See: -homóhtóna'há. Category: wind.
-momóhtoomeoesta'há vii. water violently agitated from wind. É-momóhtoomeoestā'ha. The water was really agitated (rough) from the wind. [PD25] Category: wind, liquid.
-momóhtoomeotse vii. agitated water - become. É-momóhtoomeotse. The water moved/is agitated. for example, from changing current or a fish swimming along. Medial -óome. Category: liquid.
-momóhtoomoehá vii. rough water, agitated water; moving water. É-momóhtoomoēha. The water is moving. Category: liquid.
-momóhtȯxe'a'há vii. moving picture. É-momóhtȯxe'ā'ha. It is a moving picture. for example, TV or movie. tsé-momóhtȯxe'ā'ha T.V./movie (lit. that which is a moving picture). Synonym momóhtȯxe'a'xestȯtse, tséohkemomóhtȯxe'ā'ha.
-momóhtȯxe'a'xe vai. move in a movie. É-momóhtȯxe'a'xeo'o. They (animate) are moving in a movie. Category: motion.
momóhtȯxe'a'xémȧhéó'o ni. movie house, theater; cinema. Locative momóhtȯxe'a'xémȧheónéva. Category: buildings, check.
momóhtȯxe'a'xestȯtse ni. television, T.V., movie. Synonym tsé-momóhtȯxe'ā'ha, tséohke-momóhtȯxe'ā'ha. See: nėxoóhtȯxe'a'xéheo'o ‘cartoon’. Category: house.
-momóhtse'eeséh(n) vta. hit s.o. in the nose causing a bad nosebleed. Néváasóho tsé-momóhtse'eeséheese? Who hit him on the nose causing a bad nosebleed? See: -matomené.
-momóhtsem vta. plead with s.o., beg s.o. Can be said in prayer to God, for example, Némomóhtsemȧtse 'I plead with you, or Né-momóhtsematsemeno 'We plead with you'. If you plead with someone based on the memory of one of their deceased loved ones, it is very powerful. They feel a lot of pressure to give you what you are pleading for. É-momóhtsemóho. He pleaded with him. Né-momóhtsematséme. We plead with you. Náéve-momóhtsemoo'o. I pleaded with them. Náonése-momóhtsemoo'o. I tried to motivate them. See: momóxe-; -kávoena'tov. Category: speak, pray, interpersonal.
-momóhtsemóéna'tov vta. plead in prayer to s.o. Ná-momóhtsemóéná'tóvo. I'm pleading while praying to him. See: -momóhtsem; -háóéná'tov; -háóéna. Category: pray.
momo'- i. noisy.
-momo'évone vii. noisy, commotion. É-momo'évone. There is a noise/commotion. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.
-momó'kȯhtávemenoo'éxanée vai. sit with dark eyes. tséoxxae=otáxa=momó'kȯhtávemenoo'éxanéévȯse all you could see was the black of their eyes. [1987:28] Phon: redup Category: eyes.
-momó'oesta'xe vai. move quickly. É-momó'oesta'xe. He moved quickly. [1980:66:80] Nėhē'še tsé'tóhe no'kéehēso éh-momó'oesta'xéhoo'o. Then this little squirrel moved quickly. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.080] Category: motion.
-momó'ohtsé vai. move (repeatedly), fidget. É-momó'óhtse. He moved (repeatedly). for example, he fidgeted. Móstsėšeée-momó'ȯhtsėhevóhe. They started moving around. [JOURNEY.TXT] Phon: redup Ques: is [em[o'ohts[e a word?? See: -momó'otse. Category: motion, check.
-momó'onahe vai. beautiful, pretty. can be of humans, horses. É-momó'onȧheo'o. They are beautiful. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -mo'onahe; vii: -mo'óna'e. Category: quality, appearance.
-momó'otse vai. move around, move. Ques: reck move around or move?? Category: check. É-momó'otse. He is moving around. Násáatónėše-momó'ótséhe. I couldn't move. Éssáa'évatónėšė-momó'otséhehoo'o tsé'tóhe hetane. This man couldn't move anymore. [1987:282] Ho'e émomó'otse. There was an earthquake. Phon: redup See: -momó'ohtsé; -mo'otse; -momósevonehné. Category: motion.
-momó'otse ho'e be an earthquake. Lit: move earth Variant: Ho'e émomó'otse.. É-momó'otse ho'e. There was an earthquake. Móh-momó'otséhanéhe ho'e. There must have been an earthquake. tséh-momó'otse ho'e when there was an earthquake. See: -momó'otse ‘move’; -momóhtoma'éotse ‘earthquake’.
momoo'o na. 1 • captive, prisoner, slave. Etym: *mama·kana. Phon: vs Plural momóono; Obviative momóono.
2 • love slave, slave - love. na-momoo'o my slave / my love slave. Some people say namomóoname for 'my slave'. See: -momóoname ‘slave (poss)’; -mé'oo'o ‘sweetheart’. Category: warfare.
-momóoname na. Gram: poss 1 • slave; captive. na-momóoname my slave. Some people say namomoo'o for 'my slave'.
2 • love slave, henpecked husband. Category: figurative. he-momóonamo his/her love-captive. Etym: for example, a henpecked husband. IndepNoun momoo'o. Category: marriage.
-momóonáosané vai. treat people like slaves. É-momóonáósáne. He treated people like slaves. Category: interpersonal.
-momóonáot vta. rule s.o., boss s.o. É-momóonáotóho. He the boss of him. Synonym -momóonáov. See: -háo'emaov. Category: interpersonal.
-momóonáotaov vta. dominate s.o., control s.o. as a slave. É-momóonáotaovóho. He is dominating him. See: momoo'o ‘captive’.
-momóonáov vta. rule s.o., boss s.o. É-momóonáovóho. He the boss of him. Synonym -momóonáot. Category: interpersonal.
-momóonéhame na. Gram: poss slave, captive. na-momóonéhame my love prisoner. often said of a henpecked husband. Variant: -momóoname. Category: relatives.
-momóonéheve vai. be a captive. É-momóonéheve. He is a captive. Móh-momóonéhevėhevóhe. They were captives. [1987:40] See: momoo'o ‘captive’.
momóonéhévėstóva obl. in slavery, slavery - in.
momóonémȧhéó'o ni. boarding school. Lit: captive-house Synonym nėhpo'eehoéstonemȧhēō'o. Category: school.
-momóonetanó vai. feel like a slave. É-momóonetāno. He feels like a slave. Category: emotions.
Momóonévóse ni. Slave Butte. located south of the Owl (Moreau) River in South Dakota. Category: places.
momóse- pv. move (repeatedly).
i. move (repeatedly). É-momósenome. He is moving around in his sleep. É-momóseóó'e. He is moving while standing. Non-reduplicated móht-. See: momóht-. Phon: redup Initial momóht-.
-momóseméohe vai. move around. É-momóseméohe. He is moving around. fai: -méohe. Category: motion.
-momósenome vai. sleep moving around. É-momósenome. He is moving around in his sleep. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep, motion.
-momóseóó'e vai. move standing, stand moving. É-momóseóó'e. He is moving while standing. Etym: *ma·tika·po·wa. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-momósevonehné vai. move, squirm, wiggle by crawling. also said of a baby moving within the womb. É-momósevonēhne. He is moving, squirming, wiggling by crawling. éhetóse-momósevonēhne He is squirming / can't sit still. See: -momó'otse. Category: motion.
-momót vta. ?? Category: check. Nȧhtse-momóto. I will ??
momoto- i. uncomfortable.
-momotoeotse vii. left over. for example, from eating or sewing. É-momotoeotse. It is left over. See: -kánomeotse; -he'eotse. Category: quantity.
-momotoešé vai. lie in an uncomfortable position. É-momotoēše. He is lying in an uncomfortable position. Category: lie.
-momotoetanó vai. disagreeable (with the rest of the people). É-momotoetāno. He is disagreeable with the rest of the people. Category: interpersonal.
momóxe- pfx. wish, optative, beseech. a prefix that has an optative meaning. me'- seems to have stronger force. Momóxė-héne'enómo. I wish I understood it. Momóxe-tsėhésenėstséto. I wish I could talk Cheyenne. Momóxė-háestoha neaénamȯtse! May you have many (more) birthdays! Momóxe-pėhévėstao'omeneestse náhesétámo. (I) wish good welfare for him, that is what I'm thinking about him. Contracted omóxe-; vta: momóhtsem. See: me'-. Category: cognition.
momóxeto p. wishing. Momóxeto náme'sáa'évȧhósetšėhe'šetsėheto'omenėhéhéme (We) wish we would never suffer like this again. Category: cognition.
-momóxomó'eohtsé vai. ride wagon slowly. É-momóxomó'eōhtse. He took his time going on the wagon. Medial -ó'(e). Category: roll.
mon- i. choose, pick, select. mónėstsevésėhé-monoomāne Will you come pick out a shawl/blanket? (invitation at an Indian wedding). Ná-monóehné'tova He adopted me (lit. I-choose-birth-INV). É-monéstoveo'o He is hiring (lit. choose-workers-DO). See: mone-; -onenová.
-mónahe vai. new, young. Apparently this verb can be said of the early stage of the moon (as a loan translation??) but -mónėhoése is probably more natural Cheyenne for this stage. É-mónahe. He is new. É-mónahe éše'he. It is a new moon (lit. the moon is new). (probably a loan trans. from English). vii: -móna'e. Etym: *ma·nesiwa 'he is young, new'. See: -mónėhoése. Category: moon.
-mónȧhtóohe vai. holler new?? É-mónȧhtóohe. He is hollering from one direction.?? for example, of thunder. fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds, check.
mónáhtsėstse na. hide scraper. Usage: archaic This word and definition is found in Petter's dictionary, however no one today knows the word with this meaning. Instead, this word only sounds like 'new mouth' to speakers today. These hide scrapers were typically made of elk horns. Plural mónȧhtseto; Obviative mónȧhtseto. See: sé'senȯhēō'o ‘hide scraper’; xomȯhēō'o ‘hide scraper’; é'ėxonȯhēō'o ‘scraper’. Category: tools.
Mónáhtsėstse na. New Mouth. Category: names.
Mónȧhtsetá'e ?? Category: check.
na. Shoot Woman ?? Category: check. a name which appears in frontier Cheyenne literature. Category: names.
-móna'e vii. new. É-móna'e. It is new. Etym: *ma·nye·wi (P). É-móna'etse. It (obv) is new. Áa'e tséhmóna'e. when it is the New Year. Hénová'e tsé-móna'e? What's new? vai: -mónahe.
-mónatam vta. regard s.o. as new ?? Category: check. can imply having sex with s.o. É-mónatamóho. He considered him new. É-mónatamȧhtseo'o. "They disappear constantly, supposedly to have sex." vta: -mónatsestá. Category: cognition, sex.
-mónátsestá vti. regard s.t. as new ?? Category: check. can refer to a man looking for a woman's vagina to have sex. É-mónátsésta. He considered it new. vta: -mónatam. Category: cognition, sex.
-mone vai. pick, choose, select; gather. É-mone. He picked / chose.
vti. Gram: ai+o pick s.t., choose s.t., select s.t., gather s.t. Ná-mone. I picked it. Móh-monėhéhe. He picked it (gold). [1987:18] Mó'ȯhkemȧsó-monėhenovótse menȯtse naa ma'xemenȯtse. They would pick cherries and plums. [1987:288] Nėstaéveame-monénone nėstámane. We will be hunting for our food. [JOURNEY.TXT] vta: -moné'tov. Etym: *manowa 'he selects'. See: -hóvohtá; -monėstsėhóvané.
móne- pv. recently, freshly, newly, just (temporal), early, soon, later. móne- refers to 'just' in terms of time while vá'ne- refers to 'just' in terms of 'only, merely'. É-móneéxanēne. He just now got ready. Ná-mónemésehe. I just ate. Móné-mónetō'e? Did you just get up? É-mónėsétovoésta. It is early afternoon. tséh-mónease'xove in the beginning of time. Náto'seméhae-móneévaénanāā'e. They were going to let me go soon. naa nátavá'ne-móneaseōhtse tsé'éšėháa'éhahéto and I left soon after I grew up. [1987:217] Nȧhta-mónemésehe. I'll eater later. Etym: *ma·ni. See: vá'ne-. Category: time.
mone- pv. pick, choose, select, adopt. Ná-monee'haé'tova. He adopted me as his son. Ná-monee'hahenȯtse. I take him as my son. Ná-monevésenéhané'tova. ?? He chose me as his friend. Ná-monevésenéhanenȯtse. I chose him as friend. vta: -moné'tov. Category: interpersonal, check.
-móneénėsétovoéstá vii. early afternoon. É-móneénėsétovoésta. It is early afternoon. Category: time.
-móneéšee'e vai. recently grow, be young. É-móneéšee'e. He is young. tsé-móneéšee'ėstse young person. tsé-móneéšeese young people. Lit: those who are recently growing Phon: vs See: móneéšetane; -tšėhe'kéhahe. Category: ages.
móneéšetane na. young person. Lit: recently-grow-person Plural móneéšetaneo'o. Usage: These words are not commonly said. Final -tane. See: kȧsovááhe; kȧse'ééhe; tsémóneéšee'ėstse. Category: ages.
mónéhe p. You mean that one (referred to)? This is a combination of móhe 'really?' and néhe 'that one'. See: móhe; néhe. Category: identity.
mónėhé'še p. Are you ready to go?, Is that all? This comes close to meaning "Let's go!" (another recording) Phon: Consists of the attached particle móhe plus the particle nėhē'še. See: móhe; mó-; nėhē'še; nómonėhē'še; mónėhetáa'e; nóheto.
-mónėhestáotse vai. newborn - be. É-mónėhestáotse. He is newborn. See: móne-; -hestáotse. Category: babies.
mónėhetáa'e p. Is that all? This is a combination of móhe/mó- and nėhetáa'e. See: nėhetáa'e.
mónėhetane na. groom. Lit: new-man See: móné'e ‘bride’; hetane ‘man’. Category: marriage.
mónėhetóéva obl. early evening. See: hetóéva; mónetaa'éva. Category: time.
-mónėhoése vai. newly hang. for example, the first quarter of moon. Émónė-hoése. He (for example, the moon) is hanging new. This is probably a more natural word than -mónahe for this stage of the moon. See: -mónahe. Category: moon, hang.
-mónėhó'eóó'e vai. stand in line (shoulder to shoulder), line up. É-mónėhó'eóeo'o. They are standing in line. Mónėhó'eóó'e! Get in line! (said to more than one person). (another recording) Phon: vs fai: -óé. See: -amóneoo'e ‘sit in line’. Category: school, stand.
-mónėhó'oo'e vai. sit in line. É-mónėhó'oeo'o. They are sitting in a line. Heováestse hešėhováhne móh-mónėhó'oehevóhe. Different kinds of animals were sitting in a line. [1987:246] Phon: vs See: -amónoo'e ‘be sitting’; -amóneoe ‘sit in line’. Category: sit.
mónekȧse'ééhe na. single (unmarried) young woman, teenage girl. See: kȧse'ééhe; móné'e. Category: ages.
mónekȧsováahe na. single (unmarried) young man, teenage boy. See: kȧsovááhe. Category: ages.
móné'e na. bride. Etym: *ma·neθkwe·wa (P). Lit: new-woman see discussion of Indian weddings under -onenová. See: hē'e ‘woman’; móne'kēso; -onenová ‘give wedding gifts’. Category: marriage, Indian wedding.
-moné'évá vai. choose wife, pick wife, select a wife. É-moné'éva. He chose a wife. Medial -'évá. Category: marriage.
-móne'eve vai. be a bride, be married into (that family). É-móne'eve. She is a bride/she is married into (that family). Etym: *ma·neθkwe·wiwa. É-móne'évehe? Is she married in? Category: marriage.
-moné'hamé vai. pick horse, pick a pet. Lit: choose-livestock É-moné'háme. He picked a horse. Etym: cf *manaɁθemwe·wa ‘he gathers dogs, he steals horses’. Ná-moné'háme póhkéso. I took in the kitty. See: -nomáhto'hamé ‘steal horses’. Category: livestock.
móne'kēso na. little bride ?? Category: check. See: móné'e. Category: marriage.
-moné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o choose, pick, select s.o. Né-moné'tova. He chose me/he selected me. Ná-monenȯtse. I picked him. Ná-moné'tóvo. I selected him. (same meaning as Ná-monenȯtse). É-monénoto. He chose him. Preverb mone-; Synonym -nééh; vti: -mone. See: -netsem; -vóom; -monotse'onané'tov; -monóehné'tov ‘adopt s.o.’. Category: interpersonal.
-móne'xove vii. early in time. É-móne'xove. It is early. fii: -e'xóve. Category: time.
Mónenetse na. New Eagle. Category: names.
Móneó'he'e na. New River. Category: names.
Móneóó'ėstse na. New Standing. Category: names.
-mónėsané vai. wear new clothes. É-mónėsáne. He wore new clothes. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
mónėséhanéhe vai. He must be the one. Mónėséhanevóhe. They must be the ones. Stem -nėsé. See: -néehove; nea'háanéhe. Category: identity.
mónėséhanevóhe vai. They must be the ones, He/She (obv) must be the one. Category: identity.
Mónėsóonetane na. Gram: pl Kitfox Society person, Flint man. Plural Monėsóonetaneo'o. Ques: Mónėsóonetane?? Category: check. Flintmen (Society) (?? Category: check. There is a fair amount of uncertainty today about the number, names, and meaning of the society names; this society should probably not be translated as Kitfox Society, but it has apparently been so translated by some speakers. Variant: Motsėsóonetane. See: Vóhkėséhetane. Category: societies.
mónėsóonetané'e na. Kitfox society sister.
mónėsóonetanénootȯtse Gram: pl ni. Kitfox society songs. Variant: mótsėsóonetanénootȯtse. Category: sing, societies.
-monėstámané vai. gather food. É-monėstámáne. He gathered food. See: máhtáme ‘food’. Category: food.
-monéstove vai. selected, chosen, elected. É-monéstove He got picked. tséh-monéstóvévȯse mé'kono tribal election; (literally, when the tribal councilmen are chosen). Tsé-monéstovese the chosen ones. for example, the Jews. É-monéstoveo'o. They are chosen. vai: -mone; vta: -moné't.
-monėstsėhóvané vai. select something for use. Nátȧhé-monėstsėhóváne. I went (to the dumps) to pick up stuff. vta: -monėstsėhóvaov. See: -mone; -mone'hamé; -htsehȯtse.
-monėstsėhóvaov vta. select for s.o. Ná-monėstsėhóvaōvo. I selected (something) for him. See: -moné'tov.
móneške na. bean. Usage: rare as sg. Phon: iah Etym: cf. M masku:ci·hsaeh (dim.). Plural monėškeho; Obviative monėškeho. Etym: cf *mani·hsiwa ‘bean’. Category: food.
mónėškėhéso na. calf. Plural mónėškėhesono; Obviative mónėškėhesono. Etym: cf. *mahkwehsehsa vs. maxkwehsehsa. See: mó'kėsá'e. Category: animals.
monėškeho na. Gram: pl beans. Usage: Usually only said as a plural. Singular móneške. Émévóho monnėškeho. He is eating beans. vétšėškévȧhonoo'o naa monėškeho frybread and beans. Category: food.
Monėškóne na. (man's name). Ques: Charles White Dirt Category: names.
mónetaa'éva ni. Gram: obl early night. See: taa'éva; mónėhetóéva. Category: time.
-monétah vta. gather (something) for s.o. É-monétȧhóho. He gathered it for him. Category: check, record.
mónevata na. 1 • young bird, nestling. See: vé'kėséhéso. Category: birds.
2 • Youngbird. Category: names.
mónevátȧhéso na. little nestling. See: mónevata. Plural mónevátȧhesono; Obviative mónevátȧhesono. Category: birds.
-monevéxahane vai. choose a son-in-law. Ésto'se-monevéxahanesėstse hetane. The man was going to pick out a son-in-law. [The Whiteman and the Mouse.006] See: -véxahe ‘grandchild, child-in-law’.
-monóehné'tov vta. adopt s.o. Lit: choose-birth-FTA Ná-monóehné'tova. He adopted me. Ná-monóehnenȯtse. I adopted him. É-monóehnénoto. He adopted him. É-monóehné'tohe. He was adopted. Ques: nėhé' ?? fai: -óehné ‘birthe’. See: -moné'tov ‘choose s.o.’. Category: interpersonal, check.
-mónoestá vai. wear a new dress. É-mónoēsta. She has on a new dress. IndepNoun hoestot. Category: clothing.
-mónȯhkóeotse vai. look around lively. Éto'ée-mónȯhkóeotse. He is looking around too lively. [The Seven Young Men.099] Category: sight.
-mónȯhohtsé vai. fresh tracks. Lit: new-track É-mónȯhóhtse. He recently went through (leaving tracks)/he made fresh tracks. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks.
móno'keha ni. new shoe, shoe - new. Plural móno'kėhanȯtse. See: mo'keha. Category: shoes.
-móno'kėhaná vai. wear new shoes. É-móno'kėhāna. He is wearing new shoes.
-monoomané choose shawl, choose blanket. especially refers to picking out a shawl from among the bride gifts at an Indian wedding. É-monoomāne. She chose a blanket/shawl. É-monoomaneo'o. They are picking out blankets (at an Indian wedding). See: hóoma ‘blanket’. Category: Indian wedding.
-monooxané vai. choose a club (to defend self). É-monooxāne. He chose a club (to defend himself). Ná-monooxāne. I chose a club (to defend myself). See: hóhkȯxe; hóo'ȯxe.
-monotse'ónáne vai. hire. É-monotse'ónáne. He is hiring. Initial mon-; vta: monotse'ónané't. See: -hotse'óhe. Category: work.
-monotse'ónané'tov vta. hire s.o., choose s.o. for work. Ná-monotse'ónané'tova. He hired me. Ma'hēō'o émonotse'ónanénoto God chose him for (that) work. See: -hotse'ót; -moné'tov; -hotse'ohe.
monotse'onémȧhéó'o ni. employment office. See: mȧhēō'o ‘house’. Category: new.
Móo'sóone na. Spear. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.
Móoná'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
-mosé fai. do housework. Épėhéve-mōse. He does housework well. Énéhe-mōse. He does housework quickly. Námȧhove-mōse. I am tired of doing housework. See: homosé; -mósé. Category: housework.
-mósé mbp. handed. Ého'tove-móse. He has weak hands. É-henamóse. He is lefthanded. See: -mosé. Category: check.
-mȯséanahe vai. brown. É-mȯséanahe. He is brown. Etym: cf *mya·šye·kesiwa (P) ‘he is a strange kind of hide’. Vé'késo é-mȯséanahe. The bird is brown. Usage: od Variant: -mȯséškanahe, -mȯšéškanahe; vii: -mȯséanó. Category: colors.
Mȯséaneo'hé'e ni. Old Lodge Skin River. Known today as the Huerfano River. It enters the Arkansas River from the south, near Pueblo, Colorado. Category: rivers.
-mȯséanó vii. brown, old leather color, buckskin color. É-mȯséáno It is brown/it is old leather (or buckskin) in color. Etym: cf *mya·šye·katwi (P) ‘it is a strange kind of hide’. Variant: -mȯšéškanó. Category: colors.
-mȯséanová vai. brown furred. É-mȯséanōva. He is brown-furred. BodyPartMedial -ová3. See: -mȯšéškanová. Category: colors.
-mȯsém vta. kiss s.o. There is much uncertaintly on how this word was originally pronounced. É-mȯsemo. He kissed her. Variant: mȧsém, vȯsém. Category: romance.
mȯséskanéome ni. brown tepee.
mosé(šk)an- i. brown. É-mȯséáno. It is brown, buckskin in color. É-mȯséškanahe. He is brown, buckskin in color.
-mȯséškanahe vai. brown. É-mȯséškanahe. He is brown, buckskin in color. Variant: -mȯséanahe. Category: colors.
mȯséškane- pv. buckskin. See: mé'šéško.
mȯséškanéome ni. buckskin tent, skin lodge. Category: lodges.
mȯséškanetsénoonáhe na. bat. Lit: buckskin-winged-one (the buckskin probably refers to the color of skin) Usage: not well known word Plural mȯséškanetsénoonáheo'o; Obviative mȯséškanetsénoonáheho; Medial -tsenooná; Variant: mȯšéškanatsénoonáhe, mȯšéškonetsénoonáhe. See: méšenonetsénóne ‘bat’; sáotse ‘bat’. Category: animals, birds.
-mȯséškano vii. brown. This color word has to do with buckskin. É-mȯséškáno. It is brown. The first /s/ of the 'buckskin/brown' entries often assimilates to /š/. There is much debate among Cheyennes over what might be an appropriate word for brown. Assimilated -mȯšéškanó. See: -mȯséanová; -mȯséanó; -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó. Category: colors.
-mȯšéškanahe vai. brown. É-mȯšéškanahe. He is brown. Variant: -mȯséanahe. Category: colors.
mȯšéškanéome ni. old lodge. Usage: not very well today
mȯšéškanetsénoonáhe na. bat. Usage: not well known term Lit: buckskin-winged-one (the buckskin probably refers to the color of skin) Plural mȯšéškanetsénoonáheo'o; Variant: mȯséškanetsénoonáhe; Obviative mȯšéškanetsénoonáheho; Medial -tsenooná. See: méšenonetsénóne. Category: animals.
-mȯšéškanó vii. brown. This color word has to do with buckskin. É-mȯšéškáno. It is brown. Variant: -mȯséanó. There is much debate over what might be an appropriate Cheyenne word for brown. Non-assimilated -mȯséškanó. See: -mȯséanová; -mȯséanó; -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó; -noónó. Category: colors.
-mȯšéškanová vai. brown furred. É-mȯšéškanōva. He is brown-furred. BodyPartMedial -ová3. See: -mȯséanová. Category: colors.
mota ni. knife. Usage: probably archaic; appears in Petter's dictionary (page 662): "large knife"; motšėške "smaller knife" Diminutive motȧhke. See: motšėške ‘knife’; hótȧxovámota ‘knife’. Category: tools.
motáene ?? ??. ?? Ques: recheck?? Category: check.
-mótahe vai. weary, exhausted. É-mótahe. He is exhausted. Etym: *mya·θesiwa (P) ‘he is strange, queer, disfigured’. See: -ná'tseohe; -mótȯheotse; -mótȯhéneotse; -kȧhaneotse; -sȯséveotse.
-mótȧhkame ni. Gram: poss knife (poss.) na-mótȧhkame my knife. Usage: older word than -mótšėškame See: -mótšėškame. Category: tools.
motȧhke ni. knife. Usage: archaic See: motšėške. Category: tools.
mótȧhkó'e 1 • ni. scabbard, sheath. Plural mótȧhkó'ėstse. See: vé'hano'ȯtse. Category: containers.
2 • na. Sheath. Category: names.
Mótȯhavā'e na. In Sad Shape Woman. See: -mótȯheotse. Category: names.
-mótȯhéné vai. have a pale face. É-mótȯhéne. He has a pale face. [jwa 1/26/98] BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -vóhpéné. Category: face.
-mótȯhéneotse vai. pale in the face. É-mótȯhéneotse. His face got pale / he paled. Medial -éné. See: -mótahe. Category: face.
-mótȯheotse vai. be in sad shape, appear about to die, be in pitiful state, be depressed ?? especially said of someone very sick just before dying. É-mótȯheotse. He is in sad shape. Etym: cf. *mat- 'bad'; *mya·la·tesiwa ‘he is strange, disfigured’. See: -mótahe; -mótȯhetsėhesta; -kȧhaneotse. Category: death, check.
-mótȯhe-tsėhesta vai. sad shape - be in. especially near death. É-mótȯhetsėhesta. He is in sad shape. See: mótȯheotse. Category: death.
mótó'e na. ash (tree). Plural móto'eo'o; Obviative motó'eho ??. Etym: *mya·la·xka (P). Category: check. This word can refer to the forked ash post used in the Sun Dance lodge. Medial -ó'(e). Category: wood, trees.
Mótó'ėšé'e ni. Walnut Creek. Lit: ash-grove Petter says this is Walnut Creek. Category: rivers.
-móto'ėše'eve vii. Gram: cjt where there are lots of ash trees going down. This is a place along the road between Busby and Crow Agency; the road goes down at that point. tsésta-anȯhemóto'ėše'eve where there are lots of ash trees going down. Category: places.
Mótováhé'e na. Ash Tree Woman. translation uncertain. an old name which has been used in Oklahoma. Ques: Buffalo Calf Woman?? Category: check. See: mótó'e. Category: names.
Motsėhéonetane Ques: spelling ?? Category: check.
na. Apache. Lit: occupied.camp-person Plural Motsėhéonetaneo'o; Variant: Mȯhtséheonetane. Ques: preferred spelling?? Category: check, tribes.
Motsé'eóeve na. Sweet Medicine, Sweet Medicine Standing, Sweet Root Standing. Sweet Medicine is the Cheyenne prophet who predicted the coming of the horse, cow, whiteman, etc. to the Cheyennes (1987:6-16; 1987:99); he was named for sweetgrass. See: Motsé'eóó'e; motsé'eonȯtse; vé'hó'ȯhtse. Category: names.
Motsé'eonéo'hé'e Sweet Medicine River. Category: rivers.
motsé'eonȯtse ni. Gram: pl sweetgrass. has a sweet scent, especially when burned. See: vé'hó'ȯhtse; Motsé'eóeve; Motsé'eóó'e. Category: plants.
Motsé'eóó'e na. Sweet Medicine Stands Woman, Sweet Root Stands Woman, Sweetgrass Woman. See: Motsé'eóeve. Category: names.
Motséóhné'e na. No Naming Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.
Mótsėsóoneo'hé'e ni. Flint River. Cheyenne name for the Arkansas River. Other Plains tribes also called it the Flint River in their languages. Category: rivers.
Mótsėsóonetane na. Kitfox society man, Flint man. Plural Mótsėsóonetaneo'o; Variant: Mónėsóonetane. See: Vóhkėséhetane. Category: societies.
mótsėsóonetanénootȯtse ni. Gram: pl Kitfox society songs. Variant: mónėsóonetanénootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing, societies.
-mótšėškame ni. Gram: poss knife (poss), small knife and sheath. for some speakers this refers to a small knife and its sheath. na-mótšėškame my knife. Ques: plural?? namótšėškamȯtse?? 'knife' can also be possessed without the -ame suffix: na-motšėške my knife. Ques: What is the semantic difference with and without the -ame?? Simplified Spelling mochk um; IndepNoun motšėške. See: -mótȧhkame. Category: tools, check.
motšėške ni. knife. (another recording, by an Oklahoma male) Simplified Spelling mochk; Plural mótšėškehȯtse; AlternatePlural mótšėškeonȯtse (much less commonly used). na-motšėške my knife. na-mótšėškame my knife. for some speakers that refers to a small knife and its sheath. Motšėške éohkėsáavé'šetóhpȯhomó'hestovėhane. A knife is not used to take marrow out (of a bone). Nėstsevé'vé'še-e'ȯsēna ho'évohkȯhtse mótšėškéva! Don't turn meat over with a knife! (a cultural prohibition). Nėstsevé'vé'še-móhtóéhá'éne motšėške. Don't stir soup with a knife (if there is a medicine man living with you; this is a cultural prohibition)! Oblique mótšėškéva; Possessive -motšėške, -mótšėškame. The following words "rhyme" for Cheyennes: motšėške (knife), vetšėške (fat), ho'tšėške (sinew), amėške (grease), and ma'tšėške (bow). Morph: /mótehk/. Etym: *ma·nθehsi (Pi); cf. Ar wóoxe; cf. *ma·nθehsi. See: mota; motȧhke. Category: tools.
Motšėške Ȯhnėxáhpo Gram: ppl vii. Dull Knife. Ques: extant ?? See: Vóóhéhéve. Category: names.
mox- i. brush, sweep.
-mȯxehá vti. sweep s.t. for example, to sweep a room or gymnasium, or to sweep grass cuttings off a sidewalk. É-mȯxéha. He swept it. vai: -mȯxéhené. Category: surface.
-mȯxéhené vai. sweep. É-mȯxéhéne. She is sweeping. Mȯxéhénėstse! Sweep the floor! Category: housework.
mȯxéhéó'o ni. broom. Lit: sweeping(thing) Phon: vs (another recording) Plural mȯxéheonȯtse. Category: tools.
-mȯxe'a'há vii. be T.V.., television, movie. É-mȯxe'ā'ha. It is a motion picture, television, etc. tséohke-mȯxe'ā'ha TV; movie. Lit: that which is a moving picture fii: -oxe'a'há; vai: -mȯxe'a'xe. See: -mé'ȯxe'a'há; -énȯxe'a'há. Category: movie.
-mȯxe'a'xe vai. picture move. É-mȯxe'a'xe. He is moving as a motion picture. This can refer to a picture (animate). fti: -mȯxe'a'há. Category: movie.
mȯxe'a'xéeestsestȯtse ni. video chat. Ques: recheck connection between the two parts and resultant pitch on éestsestȯtse?? Category: check, new, computer.
mȯxe'a'xé'ėstómanestȯtse ni. VCR, DVD player. Category: new.
mȯxe'a'xémȧhéó'o ni. movie theater. Lit: moving picture-house Category: buildings.
mȯxe'a'xénȧha'enenestȯtse ni. satellite dish. Lit: T.V. catching thing Category: new.
mȯxe'a'xésėstómanestȯtse ni. computer monitor. Ques: recheck spelling ?? Category: check, new, computer.
mȯxe'a'xėstómanestȯtse ni. VCR, DVD. Category: new. Ques: recheck?? Category: check.
mȯxe'a'xestȯtse ni. T.V. Lit: picture-moving-thing vovéstomósané-mȯxe'a'xestȯtse educational T.V. (lit., teaching-T.V.)
-mȯxe'éenoh(n) vta. sweep s.o. about sweeping snow (animate). É-mȯxe'éenȯhnóho. He swept him (obv, snow). Ques: nahn or nohn?? Medial -één ‘snow’. Category: snow, check.
mȯxe'émee'e na. painted feather. See: mée'e ‘feather’.
-mȯxe'éné vai. painted face. for example, for a Victory Dance. É-mȯxe'éne. He has a painted face. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -mȯxe'énéné. Category: face.
-mȯxe'énén vta. paint face of s.o. É-mȯxe'éneno. He painted his (other person's) face. É-mȯxe'énénóho. He painted his (other person's) face. (newer pronunciation). Category: face, ceremonial.
-mȯxe'énéné vai. paint face. especially for Victory Dance. É-mȯxe'énéne. He is painting face(s). BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -mȯxe'éné; -mo'ȯhtsénéne. Category: face.
mȯxe'énȯsestȯtse ni. paint ceremony. Category: ceremonial.
mȯxe'énȯsétane na. Paint Ceremony person. Plural mȯxe'énȯsétaneo'o. Lucy Red Cloud was the last member of this traditional religious group.. Category: ceremonial.
-mȯxe'eoesta'há vti. write s.t. quickly ?? É-mȯxe'eoestā'ha. He wrote it quickly. ?? Category: check, write.
-mȯxe'eoestohá vti. write s.t. quickly. É-mȯxe'eoestōha. He wrote it quickly. Naa tá'tóhe hápó'e mó'ȯhkeéva-mȯxe'eoestȯhéhéhe mȯxe'ėstoo'o. And then the others would write their orders back. [1987:45] Category: write.
mȯxe'éome ni. painting lodge. used in painting ceremony. Category: lodges.
-mȯxe'eotse vii. pictured, photographed.
vai. pictured, photographed; have picture taken, be photographed. É-mȯxe'eotse. He (or It) had his/its picture taken. Usage: Montana dialect Oklahoma Dialect -pȧhoeotse.
mȯxe'eotsé'eh(n) vta. photograph. Nȧhtsėsto'tonȯhésotȯtse éto'semȯxe'eotsé'ėhénėstse. My braids are going to be photographed. [Wrapped Braids.009]
-mȯxe'eotsé'ėstómané vai. photograph. É-mȯxe'eotsé'ėstómáne. He is taking a picture.
mȯxe'eotsé'ėstómanéhe na. photographer. Synonym pȧhoeotséve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
mȯxe'eotsé'ėstómanestȯtse ni. camera, webcam. Plural mȯxe'eotsé'ėstómanéstotȯtse; Oklahoma Dialect pȧhoeotsé'ėstómanestȯtse. Category: computer.
-mȯxe'eotsé'seh vta. photograph s.o., take picture of s.o. É-mȯxe'eotsé'sėhóho. He took his picture. É-mȯxe'eotsé'sehe. He was photographed. See: -pȧhoeotsé'seh. Category: interpersonal.
-mȯxe'eotsé'sestsé vti. photograph s.t., take a picture of s.t. É-mȯxe'eotsé'séstse. He took a picture of it.
mȯxe'eotsestȯtse na. photograph, picture. Lit: drawn thing might not be used for a painting. Usage: This is a more common pronunciation than mȯxo'eotsestȯtse. Variant: mȯxo'eotsestȯtse; Plural mȯxe'eotséstoto; Obviative mȯxe'eotséstoto. Usage: Montana dialect he-mȯxe'eotséstovevóho their pictures (in this context, these are pictures of them). Ques: How would we refer to pictures that they own?? Category: check. See: pȧhoeotsestȯtse.
-mȯxe'ėstóné vai. go to school, write, study. The focus of this word is on writing. The focus of -hoéstóné is on reading. Both words have been used for going to school. É-mȯxe'ėstóne. He is writing. Né-mȯxe'ėstónehe? Are you writing? fai: -oxe'ėstóné; vti: -mȯxe'oha. Etym: cf. *masina·hike·- ‘write, draw’. See: -hoéstóné ‘read, go to school’. Category: school, write.
mȯxe'ėstóneamȧho'héhe ni. schoolbus. See: heóveamȧho'hestȯtse. Category: transportation.
-mȯxe'ėstónee'e vai. write sitting. É-mȯxe'ėstónee'e. He is writing sitting. Category: sit, write.
mȯxe'ėstóneéškȯseesé'xovahtȯtse ni. pencil sharpener, pencil. Lit: pencil-sharp-nose-cutting-thing Category: new. Variant: éškȯseesé'xovahtȯtse. Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstónéhé na. student. Lit: writer Plural mȯxe'ėstónėheo'o; Obviative mȯxe'ėstónėheho; Feminine mȯxe'ėstóné'e. See: hoéstónéhe ‘student’. Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstóné'e na. female student. See: mȯxe'ėstónéhe. Category: school.
-mȯxe'ėstóne'seh vta. cause s.o. to go to school. Ná-mȯxe'ėstóne'seha. He made me go to school. Násáa'évȧhémȯxe'ėstóne'sėhaeheo'o. That's the reason they did not make me go back to school. [My Older Sister.023] Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o ni. school. Lit: writing-house Oblique mȯxe'ėstónemȧheóne. Ques: record the oblique?? Category: check. See: hoéstonémȧhéó'o. Category: school.
-mȯxe'ėstóneóó'e vai. write standing. É-mȯxe'ėstóneóó'e. He is writing standing. Ques: tóné?? fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
mȯxe'ėstónestȯtse ni. pencil, pen, wireless printer. Lit: writing thing Variant: mȯxo'ėstónestȯtse; Plural mȯxe'ėstónėstotȯtse. Ques: recheck meaning of wireless printer?? Category: school, computer.
-mȯxe'ėstónéšé vai. lie writing. É-mȯxe'ėstónéše. He is lying writing. [PD653] Category: lie, record.
-mȯxe'ėstónetanó vai. want to study. Ka'ėškóneho éohke-mȯxe'ėstónetanoo'o. The children like to study.
mȯxe'ėstoo'e ni. paper, book; letter. Plural mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse; Variant: mȯxe'ėstoo'o, xe'ėstóon. Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. paper, book, letter. primarily means paper, but some have also used this word for books and letters. Some say hoéstonemȯxe'ėstoo'o or tónovȯxe'ėstoo'o for a book. Plural mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse; Variant: mȯxe'ėstoo'e, mȯxo'ėstoo'o, xe'ėstoo'o. Etym: cf. M mase·nahekan. See: hoéstonemȯxe'ėstoo'o; tónovȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstoo'o pée'hasenéhe ?? Category: check.
ni. paper shredder. Category: new. Ques: I can't hear the second word clearly and I don't know the connection between the two words; recheck?? Category: check, paper.
mȯxe'ėstoo'o tsé'ȯhkėhoonevósanéto vii. insurance. Lit: paper that protects Category: new.
mȯxe'ėstoo'o tsévé'ševé'ho'évėstoemȧhtséstove ni. marriage license. Lit: paper by means of which there is whiteman marriage Synonym véstoemȧhtsévȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: paper, marriage.
-mȯxe'ėstóonané vai. make books. É-mȯxe'ėstóonāne. He makes books. Category: jobs.
mȯxe'ėstóonéamó'enēō'o ni. stage coach. Lit: letters-wagon Phon: vs See: hoxovéstavá-amó'eneo'o.
mȯxe'ėstóoného'emanéhe na. school superintendant. Synonym véhonevėstse mȯxe'ėstónemȧheóne. Category: jobs, school.
mȯxe'ėstóonémȧhéó'o ni. post office. Oblique mȯxe'ėstóonémȧheóne. See: mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o. Lit: letters-house Category: buildings.
mȯxe'ėstóonéma'kaata ni. paper money. Plural mȯxe'ėstóonéma'kaetánėstse; Variant: ma'kaataévȯxe'ėstoo'o. See: amėhasenestȯtse ‘bill (for payment)’. Category: money.
mȯxe'ėstóone-séhpató'ȯhéó'o ni. paper clip. Plural mȯxe'ėstóone-séhpató'ȯheonȯtse. Phon: vs Lit: paper-pin Category: new.
mȯxe'ėstóonéve'ho'e na. postmaster, mailman. Category: jobs.
mȯxe'ėstóonéve'ho'sēō'o ni. briefcase, paper envelope. Category: new, jobs.
mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse tsé'ȯhketáhó'ta vii. bookshelf. Lit: books where.they.are.put.on Category: school.
mȯxe'ėstóonȯtse tséohkėhoemee'ėstse vii -pl. reading books. Category: paper. Lit: books which.are.read
-mȯxe'ėstóotȯxevá vai. write for others. É-mȯxe'ėstóotȯxēva. He writes for others. tsé-mȯxe'ėstóotȯxēvȧhtse secretary. Category: jobs.
-mȯxe'ėstóov vta. write to s.o. É-mȯxe'ėstóovóho. He wrote to him. Category: write.
-mȯxe'evo'ohá vti. write s.t. hurriedly. É-mȯxe'evo'ōha. He wrote it hurriedly. See: -mȯxe'ohá. Category: write.
-mȯxe'ho'há vti. brand s.t. É-mȯxe'hō'ha. He branded it.
-mȯxe'ho'he vai. branded. É-mȯxe'ho'he. He is branded. for example, of a horse. Category: livestock.
-mȯxe'ho'hévá vai. brand. É-mȯxe'ho'héva. He is branding. É-mȯxe'ho'hévao'o. They are branding. Variant: -mȯxe'ho'hová. Category: livestock.
-mȯxe'ho'h(n) vta. brand s.o. É-mȯxe'ho'nóho. He branded him. Ná-mȯxe'ho'noo'o I branded them. Mȯxe'ho'heha! Brand him! Lit: write.on-by.tool Category: livestock.
-mȯxe'ho'hová vai. brand. É-mȯxe'ho'hōva He branded. Variant: -mȯxe'ho'hévá. Category: livestock.
mȯxe'ho'hóvahtȯtse ni. branding iron. Plural mȯxe'ho'hóvȧhtotȯtse.
-mȯxe'ohá vti. write s.t., draw s.t. has final 'by tool', that is, this is writing with a pen or pencil. É-mȯxe'ōha. He wrote it. Mȯxe'óóhtse! Write it! Category: school.
-mȯxe'ȯhené vai. draw. Ná-mȯxe'ȯhēne. I'm drawing. [Croft] Usage: might not be well known to speakers today ?? Ques: recheck and record?? Phon: might be -mȯxe'ȯhoné, which is identical in sound ?? Category: check.
-mȯxe'oh(n) vta. draw s.o. É-mȯxe'ȯhnóho. He drew a picture of him. Ná-mȯxe'ōhno. I drew him. [Croft] fta: -oh(n). See: -hahénoh(n).
mȯxe'ovahtȯtse ni. brand. for livestock. Plural mȯxe'ováhtotȯtse. Category: livestock.
-mȯxema'otóhtá vti. blow ground off with mouth. É-mȯxema'otóhta. ?[ He blew ground off with his mouth. BodyPartMedial -óhtá1. Category: ground.
Móxėšéhá'e na. Mint Woman. Category: names.
-móxėšéheméa'há vii. smell of mint. É-móxėšéheméá'ha. It smells of mint. fii: méa'há. Category: smell.
móxėšéhevéhpotséhohpe ni. mint tea. Category: drink.
móxėšéne ni. mint. Category: plants.
-mȯxetanó'tov vta. think about s.o. É-mȯxetanó'tovóho. He thought about him. Ésáa-mȯxetanó'tovóheho. He can't forget about him. Éame-mȯxetanó'tovȧhtséstove. There is thinking about your relatives all the time (for example, whether they need help; caringfor them; etc.) (1987:219). See: -hešetanó'tov; -mé'etanó'tov.
-mȯxevo'ohá vti. sweep up s.t. Mȯxevo'óóhtse! Sweep it up! Category: housework.
móxhétsėháno p. recently. See: móne-. Category: time.
móxho'nó- pfx. inferential negative prefix sequence. with past tense x-. naa móxho'nótonėšeamȧxēvȯhtse and they could not run away. [1987:51] Phon: inferential particle móhe (as proclitic) + /h/ 'PAST tense' + ho'nó- conjunct inferential negative; this negative sequence only occurs in a morphological conjunct verb, but such a verb functions as an independent verb, parallel to independent affirmative inferentials See: ho'nó-; móhe. Category: grammar.
-mȯxȯhénéné vai. sweep; rake yard. É-mȯxȯhénéne. He swept/raked the yard (that is, outside). Category: housework.
mȯxo'eotsestȯtse na. picture. Lit: drawn thing Variant: mȯxe'eotsestȯtse. Usage: The more common pronunciation is mȯxe'eotsestȯtse. See: pȧhoeotsestȯtse. Category: check.
mȯxo'ėstónestȯtse ni. pencil, pen, wireless printer. Lit: writing thing Variant: mȯxe'ėstónestȯtse; Plural mȯxo'ėstónėstotȯtse. Ques: recheck meaning of wireless printer?? Category: school, computer, check.