N - n
-n sfx. TI final. This morpheme is used when the object of a verb is inanimate. Náho'ȧhe-nȯtse. I want them (inan). Category: grammar.
-n sfx. TA final. This is used as a stem-final morpheme for some stems when the object of the verb is animate. Mó'éeonétȧhévene-nȧhtsėhéhe. He changed his face. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.142] Category: grammar.
-n sfx. Segment which appears as a reflex of PA *n in the history of Cheyenne. It has the allomorph -ne in some forms. Ques: or alternate analysis of -né -t in affixes.txt record for -n Ého'tá-nėstse. They (inan) are here. See: -ne. Category: grammar.
-n sfx. FNI. na'éxáéne in my eye.
na- pfx. first person possessor prefix. na-néso my child. na-mȧheónáne our (excl.) house. See: ná- ‘1’; he- ‘3PS’. Etym: *ne-. Category: grammar.
na- pfx. first person independent order verb prefix preceding future tense. Nȧ-htȧho'eohe. I'll come there. See: ná- ‘1’; na- ‘1PS’; né- ‘2’; é- ‘3’. Category: grammar.
ná- pfx. first person independent order verb prefix, I. This verb prefix is high pitched. The high pitch disappears and the vowel is whispered when this prefix is used in a future tense verb. Compare the high pitch of this verb prefix with the low pitch of the corresponding possessive prefix on nouns, as in na-mȧhēō'o 'my house'. Ná-néméne. I sang. Ná-ho'sóéme. We (excl.) danced. Nȧ-htȧho'eohe. I'll come there. If the next letter after ná- is another "a", some speakers insert a "y" sound. The Cheyenne alphabet does not include a "y" but we will include it here to illustrate this: Ná-asėta'xe. I'm taking off running. Ná-y-asėta'xe. (y pronunciation) Ná-amėhóó'óhtse. I'm going home. Ná-y-amėhóó'óhtse. (y pronunciation) See: na- ‘1PS’; né- ‘2’; é- ‘3’. Category: grammar.
naa p. and, but, well, where. This naa is often said before saying something else, both of which are a response to something said by someone else. The 'well' would be epistemic, as in English, "Well, that is what he said." naa can mean 'where is?' in appropriate contexts. Méhnevȯhkȧho'hēso naa ma'ēno éstaéveamėhnéhoono. A ground squirrel and turtle were walking along. [1980:30:1] Naa John? Where is John? Naa mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o? Where is the school? "Naa néhetóme," éhevoo'o. "Well, you're right," he said. Mó=anóse naa mó=hotómá'e? Outside or inside? Following are common combinations of naa with other words: naa máto and also. naa oha ?? naa mé'tó'e ?? naa hápó'e and likewise / and me too / and you too. naa often indicates the beginning of a direct quotation, then the words of the quotation are stated, then a quote ending such as éhevoo'o 'he said,' or náheta 'he told me'. include exx?? Ques: do some speakers pronounce this as naahe?? See: máto; tósa'e. Category: check.
naa máto héva p. or. Phon: The last two words are usually pronounced together (like mátȯ = héva), as if they were a single word. Hé'tóhe mo'kėhanȯtse námanėstóotȧhahtsenȯtse. Náto'setaomėhemo'kėhanenȯtse naa máto héva vo'ėstane mȧxho'aestse nȧhtanėšėhohtóvanȯtse. These moccasins, I'm making them for myself. They are going to be my own moccasins, naa ; máto héva or if someone wants them, I'll sell them. [1980:73:4-6]
naa móhe p. or. Vóestaā'e, né-hoéstonehe naa mó-néohketónėšéve? White Buffalo Calf Woman, are you going to school or what do you do?
Naahéo'hé'e ni. Gram: loc Otter Creek. near Ashland, Montana. Variant: Naeo'hé'e. See: náa'e ‘otter’. Category: rivers.
náa'e na. otter, otter, mink. may also mean 'mink'. Usage: obsolescing Morph: /nae(h/n)/. Phon: vs; iah ?? Category: check. Plural naeho. Alternate Plural = naeno (only plural given in PD; possibly oldest plural) Obviative naeho, naeno. Etym: *nekikwa (Go88); *nekikwaki (pl) (Go88). See: Naehevó'komaestse ‘White Mink’. Category: animals.
-naa'e vai. die. É-naa'e He died. Ésáa-naéheo'o. They did not die. Ééše-naa'e. It is the last quarter (of the moon). Éše'he énaa'e. The sun has died (for example, when it's gotten cloudy). É-naéstove. There is dying. tsééše-naétsese those (obviative) who have already died. Phon: vs Euphemism -hováneehe, -hóxoveohtsé, -énȯhohtsé, -ameohtsé. Etym: *nepwa. See: -naa'é. Category: figurative, death, sickness.
naa'é- pv. doctor. Éohkeée=tā'se=naa'évo'ėstanéheveo'o. They were doctoring people. [1987:213]
-naa'é vai. doctor. Phon: not vs; vowel assimilates so that the /ae/ sequence is heard mostly as |aa| historically refers to Indian forms of doctoring; now also includes non-Indian forms of doctoring as in hospitals. Variant: -nae'é. É-naā'e. He is doctoring. Hoháesto hetanóho tséohkeévenaa'ese éhmȧhé'toesesto, é'évanaetaesesto. Many medicine (doctoring) men were working on him, they were doctoring him. [(1987:108] See: -naa'e ‘die’; -naa'oo'o ‘patient’; -naestómané ‘doctor people??’. Category: check. vta: -naet. Category: ceremonial.
naa'éamȧho'hestȯtse ni. ambulance. naa'éamȧho'hestȯtse tséohkeama'eno ambulance driver. Lit: doctoring-car See: tséohkeame-vó'ho'kȧse'ha. Category: transportation.
naa'émȧhéó'o ni. hospital, clinic. Lit: doctoring-house (another recording) See: heséeotsémȧhéó'o. Category: buildings.
naa'énoo'ȯtse ni. Gram: pl doctoring song. Plural naa'énootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.
-naa'ėsee'e vai. butt numb. Ná-naa'ėsee'e. My butt is numb. for example, from sitting too long. BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: body.
naa'étane na. medicine man. Lit: doctor-person See: momȧhtȧhétane ‘medicine man’. Category: ceremonial.
naa'étsėhetanováhe na. ambulance attendant, EMT. Category: jobs.
naa'éve'ho'á'e na. nurse. (another recording) Plural naa'éve'ho'á'eo'o; Obviative naa'éve'ho'a'o. See: naa'éve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
-naa'éve'ho'a'évėsané vai. dress as a nurse. É-naa'éve'ho'a'évėsáne. He/She is dressed as a nurse. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
naa'éve'ho'e na. doctor, physician. (another recording) (another recording) refers to a modern doctor who works in a hospital or clinic. See: heséeotséve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
-naa'éve'ho'évėsané vai. wear doctor's uniform, dress as a doctor. É-naa'éve'ho'évėsáne. He is dressed as a doctor. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
naa'évo'ėstane na. medicine man. Lit: doctoring-person Plural naa'évo'ėstaneo'o; Obviative naa'évo'ėstanóho. See: momȧhtȧhétane. Category: sacred.
naa'háanéhe dem. Gram: an Gram: sg he/she is the one (distal; old information); that is what he/she is; there he/she is. Plural naa'háanevóhe; Obviative naa'háanevóhe. See: nea'háanéhe; tsea'háanéhe. Category: identity.
náa'hanehe dem. Gram: na-pro-sg there he is (distal; old information). Phon: contraction of naa'háanéhe See: naa'háanéhe.
-naa'oo'o na. patient (of a doctor). na-naa'oo'o my patient. he-naa'óono his patient. Phon: vs Phon: apoc vai: naa'é. Category: sickness.
-naeesé vai. numb nose, nose numb. É-naeēse. He has a numb nose / He can't smell any more. Ná-naeēse. I have a numb nose / I can't smell any more. Category: nose.
-naeeséohtsé vai. nose numb. É-naeeséóhtse. His nose is getting numb. Category: nose, sickness.
naéhame na. Gram: poss my husband. (another recording) Ques: check that recording?? Usage: Obsolescing; see comments under noun stem -éhame. See: -éhame ‘husband’. Category: relatives, check.
-naehe'oná vai. have a numb hand. É-naehe'ōna. He has a numb hand. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body.
-naéhevo'ema'ov vta. death-sentence s.o. É-naéhevo'emaohe. He got the death sentence. Category: legal.
Naehevó'komaestse vai. Gram: ppl White Mink. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check. See: náa'e ‘mink’. Category: names.
-nae'é vai. doctor. Phon: vowel assim. causes this to be pronounced as -naa'é É-naē'e. He doctors. Etym: *nepixkye·wa. vta: -naet. See: -naa'é.
-nae'ėhahtaa'e vai. sit with feet numb, feet go to sleep. É-nae'ėhahtaa'e.?? His foot went to sleep/went numb. Phon: vs Category: body.
náe'ha voc. Son! (another recording: John Standsintimber) Phon: Pronounced the same as Ná-e'ha 'He is afraid of me Stem -e'ha2. See: -e'h ‘afraid of s.o.’. Category: relatives.
nae'ha na. Gram: poss my son. (another recording) Plural nae'haho; Vocative náe'ha; Stem -e'ha2. See: tséhe-e'hahétó. Morph: /nae'hah/. Etym: *neki'sehsa < nekwi'sehsa (Pi). Category: relatives.
-naémané vai. play possum, act dead, pretend to be dead, dead pretend. É-naémáne. He is playing possum. that is, pretending to be dead. Évá'ne-naémáne. He is just playing possum. fai: -mané. Category: death.
-naéneméa'xe vai. smell dead, dead smell. É-naéneméa'xe. He smells dead. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell, death.
-naeohtsé vai. numb. This action takes place more gradually than -naeotse. É-naeōhtse. He is getting numb. See: -naeotse ‘die; faint; convulse’. Category: sickness.
Naeo'hé'e ni. Gram: loc Otter Creek. near Ashland, Montana. Variant: Naahéo'hé'e. See: náa'e ‘otter’. Category: rivers.
-naeotse vai. faint, become numb, die, convulse, have seizure(s), have epilepsy. This action takes place faster than -naeohtsé. É-naeotse. He died/he fainted. Etym: **nepowipalyiwa (P2343/L). See: -naeohtsé; -naa'e. Category: sickness.
naese p. any. Phon: contraction of nóháse ?? Category: check. See: nóháso; náháse.
náésėháma p. just anyplace. Énaóotse naesėhama. ?? She sleeps anywhere. for example, how a mátȧháá'e (loose woman) sleeps around. Variant: nóhásėháma. Category: positions, check.
-naesetse vai. bless motion. É-naesetse. He did a blessing motion. Category: motion.
naesetséheséeo'ȯtse ni. blessing medicine. part of Sun Dance equipment. Category: Sun Dance.
-naesetsé'seh vta. purify him, make purifying motions to s.o. É-naesetsé'sėhóho. He made purifying motions to him. vai: -naesetse. See: -hoov. Category: ceremonial.
-naesetsé'tov vta. bless s.o., make a blessing sign to s.o. É-naesetsé'tovóho. He made a blessing sign to him. Category: ceremonial.
-naesetsénen vta. purify s.o. with the ceremonial purifying hand motions over the body of the one being purified. É-naesetsénenóho. He purified him. vai: -naesetse. Category: ceremonial.
naesetsestȯtse ni. purifying motion, blessing motion, blessing. Ques: Can this also mean blessing medicine?? Category: check. Plural naesetséstotȯtse; vai: -naesetse. Category: ceremonial, sacred.
naesetsévó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl blessing plants. part of Sun Dance equipment. Category: Sun Dance.
naesohto p. six, 6. In the history of the Algonquian numbering system the number 'six' is built on number 'one'. Etym: *nekwetwa·ši (P); *nekwetwa·-tahθwi (Go88); *nekwetwa·tahɬwi (R). See: naesóhtoha; nā'ėstse. Category: numbers.
-naesóhtohá vii. six in number. requires plural subject. É-naesóhtȯhánėstse. They (inanimate) are six in number. Etym: *nekwetwa·θenwi (P). Category: numbers.
naesóhtoha p. six times. See: naesohto. Category: numbers.
-naesóhtȯhánėstse vii. 6 of them (inanimate). É-naesóhtȯhánėstse. There are 6 of them (inanimate). Category: quantity.
naesóhtȯhe- pv. six.
-naesóhtȯheaénamá vai. six years old - be. É-naesóhtȯheaénáma. He is six years old. Category: numbers, ages.
naesóhtȯhéé'ėše p. 6 days, six days. Category: time, numbers.
naesóhtȯhéé'ėše p. for six days. -éše. Category: numbers, time.
Naesóhtȯheóeve na. Six Stands. Category: names.
naesóhtȯhn i. six. tsé-naesóhtȯhna'ónéto the sixth one. [The Hunter and the Badger.33] Category: numbers.
-naesóhtȯhna'ónétó vii. sixth. É-naesóhtȯhn-a'ónéto. It is the sixth one. tsé-naesóhtȯhna'ónéto the sixth one. fii: -a'ónétó. Category: numbers.
-naesóhtȯhnoeme vii. cost six dollars. É-naesóhtȯhnoeme. It/He costs $6. Category: money, money.
naesóhtȯhnó'e p. sixty, 60. (another recording) Etym: *nekwetwa·θwa·xkwe· (P) ‘six pieces of wood’. Category: numbers.
naesóhtȯhnóve six groups of. Final -óvé. See: nó'kóve. Category: numbers.
-naesóhtȯxe vai. be six in number. requires an animate plural subject. É-naesóhtȯxeo'o. There are six (animate). Etym: *nekwetwa·šiwaki (P/L). É-naesóhtȯxevohe? Are there six (animate). Ná-naesóhtȯxéme. There are six of us (excl). Category: numbers.
-naesóhtȯxe'ohe vii. be six o'clock. É-naesóhtȯxe'ohe. It is 6 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.
naest- i. all in one place. Ma'háhkėseho é-naestoeo'o ma'háhkėséhe-mȧheóne. The old people are all in the old age home. É-naesto'tseo'o. They are all camped on one side. Etym: cf. *nekwetwi 'one'. See: naestseto; naesohto.
-naestá vti. doctor s.t. É-naēsta. He doctored it. Etym: *nepitamwa (P). É'ame-naestomóvónȯse hestse'ko. He kept doctoring his leg. [1987:109] vta: -naet.
-naestoe vai. majority be there, different groups together. É-naestoeo'o. The majority of them are there. Ma'háhkėseho é-naestoeo'o ma'háhkėséhemȧheóne. The majority of the old people are in the old age home. Phon: vs Initial naest-; Reduplicated nonáestoe. Category: sit.
-naesto'tsé vai. all camped on one side. only used with plural subjects. É-naesto'tseo'o. They are all camped on one side. fai: -o'tsé. See: -ová'e'ho'tsé; -mȧho'tsé. Category: camp.
-naestómané vai. doctor. Ques: doctor people?? Category: check. É-naestómáne. He is doctoring. Éohkeée-naestómaneo'o. (The Indian doctors) would doctor. [1987:212] See: -naa'é. Category: sickness.
naéstoo'e ni. Gram: poss my throat. Phon: This is a commonly used pronunciation today instead of the older naéstoo'o. See: -éstoo'e.
naéstoo'o ni. Gram: poss my throat. Variant: naéstoo'e. naéstoo'o is the older pronunciation, but naéstoo'e is increasingly common today. naéstoo'e sounds the same as náéstoo'e 'I'm sitting inside' except for the difference in pitch on "na". Stem -éstoo'o. See: maéstoo'o; -éstoo'e.
naestȯtse ni. death. Etym: cf *nepoweni (P). Oblique naéstóva; Euphemism hováneehestȯtse; vai: -naa'e. See: Naévėháne. Category: death.
-naéstove vii. death. É-naéstove. There is death/there is dying. vai: -naa'e. Category: death.
naestse- pv. all in one place. hétsėhéóhe ka'ėškóneho tsé'ȯhkenaestse tsé'ȯhkemóheehévȯse here where all the children are gathered camping. [How God Helped Me Forgive.006] Initial naest-. See: naestseto; nā'ėstse. Category: quantity.
naestseto p. all on one side, all in one place. Initial naest-. Category: positions.
-naeškóhtá vai. have numb leg(s). É-naeškóhta. He has dead/numb/useless legs. Etym: *nepowika·te:wa (P). Category: sickness.
-naeškóhtaa'e vai. sit with numb leg. É-naeškóhtaa'e. His leg is numb while sitting/from sitting. Morph: /-nae-hkóhtá-e/. Lit: numb-leg-sit Phon: vs Category: sit, sickness.
-naeškóhtáohtsé vai. numb leg. É-naeškóhtáóhtse. His leg is numb. See: -nonaeškóhtáotse. Category: sickness.
-naet vta. doctor s.o. refers to traditional doctoring as well as doctoring with modern medicine. É-naetóho. He doctored him. Etym: *nepiθe·wa. Naa mó'ȯhkeméhae-naetȯhevóhe hoháesto vo'ėstanóho. And he used to doctor many people. [1987:107] vti: -naestá. Category: ceremonial.
-naétanó vai. be dying. refers to being in the dying process. É-naétáno. He is dying. fai: tanó. See: -naa'e. Category: death.
Naévėháne Death (personified). See: naestȯtse. Category: death.
-naévo'emaov vta. sentence s.o. to die. É-naévo'emaovóho. He sentenced him to death. Né-naévo'emáovȧtse I sentence you to death. See: -ho'emaov; -too'ėhévo'emaov. Category: legal, death.
-naévoma'o'e vii. dangerous area; harm's way. Lit: death-ground É-naévoma'o'e. It is a dangerous area; it's in harm's way. fii: -óma'o'e. See: -é'e'óma'o'e. Category: environment.
-naévomotah vta. die for s.o. in substitute for. É-naévomotȧhóho. He died for him. tséh-naévomotȧhaétse hótȯxáse'hohéstóva when he died for us on the cross. [1987:116] Singular sub. See: -naa'e ‘die’. Category: death.
nȧháa'e 1 • na. my aunt, my paternal aunt. This refer to my father's sister, called "auntie" in English in the Cheyenne kinship system. (another recording) Etym: *nesekihsa (Pi). Phon: iah
2 • voc. Auntie (voc.)! Stem -haeh.
nȧhah- i. wild.
nȧhahé- pv. wild. nȧhahé-vé'késo wild bird. nȧhahé-hóva wild animal. nȧhahé-hetane wild man. ésáa'éva-nȧhahévo'ėstanéhevėheo'o (Cheyennes) are not wild (savages). [1987:226]
-nȧhahe vai. be wild. of an animal or human. É-nȧhahe. He is wild (or frisky). [pd929] for example, of a horse. See: -nȧhahkahe. Category: personality.
-nȧhahétam vta. watch out for s.o., careful toward s.o. - be, leary of s.o. - be. É-nȧhahétamóho. He is leary of him. Nȧhahétamoo'o! Watch out for him (later)! Nȧhahétamóhéne! Watch out for him (later)! (said to more than one person). See: -nȧhahétsėstov; -ono'átam. Category: interpersonal.
-nȧhahétáno vai. cautious, leery. É-nȧhahétáno. He is cautious. [1987:277] Category: emotions.
-nȧhahétanó'tá vti. respect s.t., be leery of s.t., watch out for s.t.; be careful toward s.o.; show respect for s.o.; avoid s.o.; keep away from s.o.; shy away from s.o. É-nȧhahétanó'ta. He respects it. Nȧhahétanó'tome! Respect it! [1987:235]
-nȧhahétsestá vti. be careful toward s.t., show respect for s.t., avoid s.t., keep away from s.t., shy away from s.t. This is how a person acts toward something that is taboo for them to interact with. É-nȧhahétsésta. He is careful toward it. Nȧhahétsėstome! Respect it! (said to more than one person). [1987:235] vta: -nȧhahétsėstov.
-nȧhahétsėstov vta. avoid s.o.avoid s.o. taboo; be careful toward s.o., show respect for s.o., avoid s.o., keep away from s.o., shy away from s.o. Several words have to do with avoiding someone: with this entry one avoids and hence shows respect and probably a fear of the person with whom you have a culturally taboo relationship; with -e'hahtov one similarly shows respect by avoidance, but it is not so much an avoidance of fear but of cultural respect; with -nėsétam one avoids another because there is animosity; with -šénétamone avoids another because he (the object) is considered unfit; with -nȧhestov one avoids another because of a cultural prohibition (taboo). With -vó'hova'ov one simply avoids or keeps distant from another with no reason implied ?? É-nȧhahétsėstovóho. He keeps away from/he avoids him. Mó'ȯhkeévėhoháe-nȧhahétsėstóhehevóhe tsééenėheto'eétȧhese vo'ėstaneo'o. They were very leery of people who did this thing. Nȧhahétsėstoveha! Be leery of him! [1987:258] vti: -nȧhahétsestá. See: -nȧhesta; -nȧhahétam; -vó'hova'ov; -e'hahtov. Category: interpersonal, taboo, check.
nȧhahévé'késo na. wild bird. Category: birds.
nȧhahévo'ha na. wild horse. Plural nȧhahévo'hāme. Category: horses.
nȧhahk- i. energetic. É-nȧhahkahe. He is energetic. É-nȧhahkȧhtomóne. He has sharp hearing. Nȧhta-nȧhahko'enohe. I'll be reenergized from eating.
-nȧhahkahe vai. energetic. can be said of a person or animal, for example, a horse. É-nȧhahkahe. He is energetic. [1987:29] (another recording) [1987:29] Reduplicated -nonáhahkahe; Antonym -hóvanahe. See: -nȧhahkomóhtahe; -hene'etanó. Category: personality.
-nȧhahkȧhtomóné vai. have sharp hearing; have acute hearing. É-nȧhahkȧhtomóne. He has sharp hearing. fai: -ahtomóné. See: -áahtomóné. Category: hear.
-nȧhahkanené vai. energetically do something. É-nȧhahkanēne. He is doing something energetically. fai: -anené. Category: do.
nȧhahke- pv. energetic, spry. Éxhoháe-nȧhahketsėhestáhoo'o ma'háhkése. He was a very spry old man. [The Journey.064]
-nȧhahkeohtsé vai. walk briskly, energetically walk. É-nȧhahkeōhtse. He is walking energetically. Category: walk.
-nȧhahkéotse vai. become energized. Ques: keotse?? Éstaohkeévanȧhahkéotsesėstse. She would get her energy back. [Mountain stories.088] Category: check.
-nȧhahko'enohe vai. be reenergized from eating. É-nȧhahko'enohe. He is reenergized from eating. Nȧhta-nȧhahko'enohe. I'll be reenergized from eating. fai: --o'enohe.
-nȧhahko'enȯhéotse vai. become reenergized from eating. É-nȧhahko'enȯhéotse. He is reenergized from eating. Náéva-nȧhahko'enȯhéotse. I was reenergized from eating. fai: -o'enohe.
-nȧhahkomóhtahe vai. feel energetic. É-nȧhahkomóhtahe. He is energetic/he feels energetic. See: nȧhahkahe.
-nȧhahkóo'ó vai. sharp eyesight. É-nȧhahkóó'o. He has sharp eyesight. fai: -óo'ó. Category: sight.
nȧhahpo p. all, absolutely everywhere, absolutely everything. strong epistemic particle. Nȧhahpo é-heše'hāna mótó'easeávoonėhéhe. Absolutely all of his food that is how he ate; he must have been starved. Mónáoseeháeanȧhéhe nȧhahpo náheše'hāna. I must have been hungry; I ate everything up that way. Antonym pónóhta. See: nėšemȧheto; netao'o; mȧhe-; mae-; nȧháhpo. Category: eat, quantity.
nȧha'- i. catch. É-nȧha'ēna. He caught it. É-nȧha'ȧhtomóne. He overheard / he caught what was said. É-nȧha'óó'o. He caught sight of. É-nȧha'óóva. He was caught by rain (or water).
-nȧha'ȧhtá vti. catch s.t. by hearing, overhear s.t. É-nȧhá'áhta. ?? He overheard it. vta: nȧha'ȧht. See: nȧha'en; áahtov. Category: hear, check.
-nȧha'ȧhtomóne vai. overhear. Lit: catch-hear É-nȧha'ȧhtomóne. He overheard / he caught what was said. Final -ahtomóné; vta: -nȧha'ȧhtov. Category: hear.
-nȧha'ȧhtomóné'tov vta. overhear about s.o. Né-nȧha'ȧhtomóne'tovȧtse I overheard (something) about you. Ná-nȧha'ȧhtomónenȯtse. I overheard (something) about him. É-nȧha'ȧhtomónenoto. He overheard something about him. See: hoó'he-. Category: hear.
-nȧha'ȧhtov vta. catch by hearing s.o. É-nȧha'ȧhtovóho. He caught what he said. Nésáapėhéve-nȧha'ȧhtóvatséhe. I didn't catch well what you said. See: -nȧha'en; -áahtov. Category: hear.
-nȧha'āxa vti. cut s.t. by making contact with it. Éó'ȯse-nȧha'āxa. He burst it. for example, bursting a blood vessel or power line by mistake. Category: cut.
-nȧha'éená vai. caught by snow. É-nȧha'ééna. He was caught by the snow. Medial -éená. See: -nȧha'óová. Category: weather, weather.
-nȧha'ėho'he vai. be caught by light. for example, caught by the beam of a flashlight. É-nȧha'ėho'he. He got caught by light. Category: light.
-nȧha'ėho'h(n) vta. catch s.o. by light. for example, shine a spotlight around and catch someone in its beam. Ná-nȧha'ėhō'hno. I caught him with a spotlight. É-nȧha'ėho'hēē'e. He (obv) caught him by light. É-nȧha'ėho'nóho. He caught him with a light.
-nȧha'e'á vti. touch s.t. É'ȯhketó'hóhnee-nȧha'ē'a ho'emanestȯtse. You come against the law. [1987:60] See: -mȧxa'ov.
-nȧha'e'há vai. catch something flying. for example, to hit/catch an electric wire while flying. É-nȧha'ē'ha. He caught something while flying. Category: fly.
-nȧha'e'ósenétó vii. touch, catch. netao'o énėheše-nȧha'e'ósenéto in everything it touches (affects) you. [1987:61]
-nȧha'e'ov vta. catch s.o., collide with s.o., hit s.o. with the body, strike s.o. with the body. for example, to catch s.o. at his home or in a mistake. Ná-nȧha'e'ova. He caught me. É-nȧha'e'ovóho. He caught him. É-nȧha'e'ōō'e. He (obv) hit him. Nátȧsáaho'-nȧha'e'ovóhe. I missed him (for example, maybe he wasn't home). Héva nȧhtsevése-nȧha'e'oo'e tsépėhéva'e. Maybe something good will come to me. [1987:211] Ná-nȧha'e'oo'e ma'heónevé'ho'e heéestsestȯtse. I was inspired ("struck") by the preacher's word(s). Nėstsevé'-nȧha'e'ova vóóhe! Don't let the morning star catch you! [STORIES.TXT] É-nȧha'e'oo'e. It touched him. See: nȧha'en.
Náha'ē'ta na. Stands In Front. this name refers to the honored tepee in a camp. Category: camp, names.
-náha'e'tá vii. stand in honored position, set in front (that is, the foreground), honored position - be in. can refer to an honored tepee or a hill close to the speaker. É-náha'ē'ta. (The tepee) is standing in front in the honored position in the camp. See: -ho'a'e'tá. Category: sit inan, tepee.
-nȧha'em vta. hit the nail on the head about s.o. É-nȧha'emóho. He hit the nail on the head about him. Lit: catch-speak.about Category: speak.
-nȧha'emas vta. hit s.o. by shooting. Lit: catch-by.shooting É-nȧha'emȧsóho. He hit him by shooting. Nótȧxévé'hó'e éssáa-nȧha'emȧxeehésesto. The soldiers didn't hit him (with their bullets). [1987:48] fta: -emas; Antonym -o'ha'emas. See: -am; -mas. Category: shoot.
-nȧha'emȧxestá vti. hit s.t. by shooting. É-nȧha'emȧxēsta. He hit it (by shooting). Éxaetae-nȧha'emȧxēsta. He hit it right on. for example, right on the bullseye. See: -nȧha'enohtá; -nȧha'emestá. Category: shoot.
-nȧha'emestá vti. hit s.t. by shooting. Étae-nȧha'emēsta. He hit it right on. for example, for hitting the bullseye on a target. See: -nȧha'enóhtá; -nȧha'emȧxestá. Category: shoot.
-nȧha'en vti. catch s.t. There is a wide range of things which may be caught, both concrete, such as sticks, balls, horses, and abstract, such as a ride or a word. Catching abstract things may be a loan translation from English 'catch.'. É-nȧha'ēna. He caught it. Né-nȧha'enahe? Did you catch it? Náame-nȧha'enahe tséhe'enėstsétse? Are you recording how we speak the language? Énéhe-nȧha'ēna. He caught on quickly. Hénová'e tsé-nȧha'enome? What did you catch? That has been used for catching a sickness, likely a loan translation from English. Tsėhéóhe násáaxaetónėše-nȧha'enóhe hotse'óhestȯtse I just can't seem to find (lit., catch) any job here. [BERTHA.TXT] Né-nȧha'enomóvone nā'ėstse hestovóo'ȯtse. We caught one of his ears.
vta. catch s.o. É-nȧha'enóho. He caught him. Móstȧho'eohtsé'tovȯhevóhe hestotseho tséhnéetsėse nā'ėstse móh-nȧha'enȯhevóhe. He came to his horses where they were standing. He caught one (of them). [1987:170] Nȧha'eneha! Catch him (for example, the ball, animate)! Nééše-nȧha'enovohe hóhkeeheho? Did you already catch mice? Héehe'e, náéše-nȧha'enoo'o. Yes, I already caught them. Náéšėto'se-nȧha'enaa'e. It has almost come to me. That is an idiom for being about to pop with the urge to defecate or urinate. É-nȧha'enaa'e. It caught him. Vó'keme ná-nȧha'enaēne. Old Man Winter caught us. See: -no'en. Category: interpersonal, body function, baseball.
-nȧha'enené vai. catch. as a catcher does in a baseball game. É-nȧha'enēne. He is catching. (another recording) See: -no'enené; tsénȧha'enēnėstse. Category: games, baseball.
nȧha'enenestȯtse ni. tape recorder. Lit: catching-thing Plural nȧha'enenéstotȯtse.
-nȧha'enóhtá vti. 1 • sew s.t. exactly right.
2 • hit bull's eye. Étae-nȧha'enóhta. He hit it on the bull's eye. See: -nȧha'emestá. fai: -nó'é.
-nȧha'ešé vai. fall and brush against something. É-nȧha'ēše. He fell and brushed some part of his body against something. See: -mȧxa'éšé. Category: lie.
-nȧha'évá vai. catch a wife. É-nȧha'éva. ?? He caught a wife. Medial -'évá. Category: marriage, check.
-nȧha'évaa'e vai. sit with wife. É-nȧha'évaa'e. He is sitting with his wife. Medial -'évá. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-nȧha'éváohtsé vai. walk with wife. É-nȧha'éváóhtse. He is walking with his wife. Medial -'évá ‘wife’. See: -nȧha'néohtsé ‘walk with husband’. Category: walk.
-nȧha'éváóó'e vai. stand with wife. commonly said of horses that stand shoulder to shoulder. É-nȧha'éváóó'e. He is standing with his wife. fai: -óé; Medial -'évá. Phon: vs See: Mō'ȯhnȧha'éváóó'ėstse. Category: marriage.
-nȧha'éváxé vai. lie with wife. literal lying, not a euphemism, as in English, for sexual relations. É-nȧha'éváxe. He is sleeping/lying with his wife. [Croft 1988:19:19] Éstosáaneto'setaa'eve-nȧha'évȧxenasėstse. He was that night going to sleep with his bride. [Croft 1988:19:19] Medial -'évá; Antonym -nȧha'néšé ‘lie with husband’. Category: lie.
-nȧha'nee'e vai. sit with husband. É-nȧha'nee'e. She is sitting with her husband. Medial -éhamá ‘husband’. See: -nȧha'évaa'e ‘sit with wife’. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-nȧha'néohtsé vai. walk with husband. É-nȧha'néóhtse. She is walking with her husband. See: -nȧha'évaohtsé ‘walk with wife’. Category: walk.
-nȧha'néóó'e vai. stand with husband. É-nȧha'néóó'e. She is standing with her husband. fai: -óé2. Category: stand, marriage.
-nȧha'néšé vai. lie with husband, fornicate. É-nȧha'néše. She is lying with her husband. Antonym -nȧha'évaxe ‘lie with wife’. See: -véám; -nȧha'eše; -he-stse'émé'tov. Category: lie, marriage.
nȧha'oh(n) vta. hit s.o. by tool, strike s.o. by tool. É-nȧha'ȯhnóho. He hit him (with a tool). Éó'ȯse-nȧha'ȯhnóho. He accidentally hit / fouled him. That can be said for fouling in basketball. Tóséé'e é-nȧha'ȯhnóho. He intentionally fouled him. Tsésta-nȧha'ōhnȯse éstȧhátsėstoveáva'óhoo'o. When she struck him, he fell apart. [The Big Bogeyman.135] See: -oom ‘hit s.o.’. Category: basketball, hit.
-nȧha'óhtá vii. bite s.t. É-nȧha'óhta. He bit it. fti: -óhtá. See: -ahanóhtá.
-nȧha'om vta. catch s.o. in the mouth. for example, how a dog can catch a ball. É-nȧha'omóho. He caught him with his mouth. fta: -om. Category: mouth.
-nȧha'ónohtsé vti. rope s.t., trap s.t. É-nȧha'ónóhtse. He roped it. Medial -ón; vta: -nȧha'ónot. See: -nȧha'en. Category: hunt.
-nȧha'ónȯsané vai. 1 • rope, lasso. É-nȧha'ónȯsáne. He is roping.
2 • court, date. vta: nȧha'ónot. See: nȧha'ósané. Category: livestock.
nȧha'ónȯsanévo'ha na. roping horse. Variant: nȧha'ónȯsenévo'ha; Medial -ón. Category: horses.
nȧha'ónȯsenévo'ha na. roping horse. Variant: nȧha'ónȯsanévo'ha; Medial -ón. Category: horses.
nȧha'ónȯséó'o ni. noose. of lasso. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-nȧha'ónot vta. rope s.o., trap s.o. É-nȧha'ónoto. He roped him. É-nȧha'ónotóho. He roped him. (another pronunciation). Nȧha'ónȯxeha mó'kėsá'e! Rope the calf! See: -no'ónot; nonónóó'e. Category: hunt, check.
-nȧha'óo'ó vai. catch sight of. É-nȧha'óó'o. He caught sight of. Usage: appears to be a natural term, not a loan transl. fai: -óo'ó. Category: sight.
-nȧha'óom vta. catch sight of s.o. É-nȧha'óomóho. He caught sight of him. Náhéške-nȧha'óómo. I caught sight of him. Category: sight.
-nȧha'óová vai. caught by rain (or water). É-nȧha'óóva. He was caught by rain (or water). fii: -óová. See: -nȧha'éená ‘caught by snow’. Category: weather.
-nȧha'ósané vai. bite in the right spot. É-nȧha'ósáne. He bit in the right spot. See: -ahanósané. Category: mouth.
-nȧha'ose vai. frostbitten. É-nȧha'ose. He is frostbitten. Lit: caught by the cold fii: -ose. Category: sickness.
nȧháóhe p. there (distal; old in discourse). See: hánȧháóhe; tȧháóhe; tsėhéóhe; nėhéóhe. Category: positions.
náháse p. whatever, any. Variant: nóháso, náhóse, naese. See: náhásėháma.
náhásėháma p. whatever, any. Variant: nóhásėháma.
nȧháxe- pv. quite a while, not soon, not recently. Násáa-nȧháxevóomóhe. I had not seen him recently. See: nonȧháxe-; tšėhe'še. Category: time.
náhe1 p. Here! (another recording) said when giving something to someone. See: nóáhe.
náhe2 dem. Gram: an-distal-definite animate definite article; This is an animate distal discourse deictic. The referent is assumed known to the speaker and hearer. Variant: nóáhe2. Náhe hetane that man (that you and I know about). naa tséstaéše=nȧháó=hóseéxáno hóo'ȯhtsestȯtse -éxanomótáóse náhe tséméhotaese and that he has prepared a place there for those who love him. [1987:165] See: néhe; háne; náa'hanéhe; héva náhe.
nȧhéno p. there. distal; previously mentioned location in discourse. Nȧhéno ná-vee'e. I live over there. Nȧhéno Jesus tsé'éšeáahtse'hósenéstȧhámȯhtáeóétse over there (where?) Jesus has already prepared a place for us. See: nȧháóhe; hánȧhéno. Category: positions.
-náheohtsé vai. take the honored lead ?? É-náheōhtse. He had the honor of taking the lead. Usage: obsolescent See: -vé'otsé. Category: walk, check.
-náheóó'e vai. stand in front. an honored position. É-náheóó'e. He is standing up front (in the honored position). Phon: vs fai: -óé2. See: Náha'ē'ta. Category: stand.
nȧhest- i. avoid, forbid.
-nȧhestá vti. avoid s.t., abstain from s.t. É-nȧhésta. He abstained from it. He'pa'onevōtse éohke-nȧhestánovȯtse. "Don't touch their (medicine people's) backs!" See: -nėhestá. vta: -nȧhestov. Category: ceremonial.
-nȧhestohe vai. forbidden, taboo, avoided, abstained from.
vii. forbidden, taboo, avoided, abstained from. É-nȧhestohe. It is forbidden / it is taboo / He is avoided. vta: -nȧhestov. See: -nȧhestóné ‘menstruate’. Category: sacred, taboo.
nȧhéstó'e p. beyond, further, farther. that is, further on in front of, not foreground front, as with maato. hóvéhno nȧhéstó'e a little further. This word can be used as a functional command for someone to go further. Naa nȧhéstó'e xāō'o móhne'amenéhe'ȯhéhe hápó'e héne meo'o. And further on a skunk was following that same road. [Croft 1988:15:4-5] Antonym hó'hóma. See: maato; tšėhéšėstó'e. Category: positions, distance.
-nȧhestóné vai. menstruate, have period, period - have, be in moon cycle. Menstruating women had to follow certain traditional customs such as staying away from the main group of the family, not serving food to a medicine man, etc. É-nȧhestóne. She is menstruating. Ééne-nȧhestóne. She is in menopause (lit. she-stop-menstruating). Ésáa'éše-nȧhestónėheo'o. They are not menstruating yet. See: -nȧhestohe; -nȧhestá; -nȧhestov; -hóehót. Category: body function, taboo.
nȧhestónev- i. forbidden, taboo. É-nȧhestónevo'eétahe. He did something forbidden (or taboo).
-nȧhestónevo'eétahe vai. do something forbidden. É-nȧhestónevo'eétahe. He did something forbidden (or taboo). Category: do, taboo.
-nȧhestov vta. avoid s.o. due to a taboo. for example, forbid someone from attending a meeting or from doing something taboo; or, avoid someone out of respect, such as in certain kinship relationships. É-nȧhestovóho. He avoids him due to a taboo. Nȧhestovoo'o! Stay away from him (delayed impv)! vti: -nȧhestá. See: -nȧhestóné; -e'hahtov; -hoéstomev; -hóeh; -ováhae'ov. Category: interpersonal, taboo.
-nȧhestsé'évá vai. prohibit wife, forbid wife. É-nȧhestsé'éva. He prohibits his wife. for example, he won't let her go anywhere. Medial -'évá; vta: -nȧhestsé'evot. Category: marriage.
-nȧhestsé'evot vta. prohibit s.o. (wife) from doing something, protect s.o. (one's spouse). usually toward a wife, but can be of a wife toward her husband; can include the idea of not allowing one's wife to do things out of jealousy. É-nȧhestsé'evotóho. He prohibited her (his wife) from doing things. Category: marriage.
-nȧhešem vta. expect certain behavior of s.o. ?? includes idea that the expectation is fulfilled; usually means expecting that the person will do something bad. É-nȧhešemóho. He expected him to turn out (some way) and he did (usually something negative). ?? Category: check. É-nȧhešeme. He turned out exactly as expected (a kind of fatalistic thinking). Usage: obsolescing Category: interpersonal, cognition, check.
nahgo na. bear. Usage: This is a commonly used simplified spelling for nahkohe. It is easier to read, but it obscures the relationship between the singular (náhkohe) and plural (náhkȯheo'o) of 'bear.' It is recommended that the more accurate spelling of nahkohe be used in Cheyenne language programs and printed materials. Precise Spelling náhkohe. Category: animals.
Náhkoestse na. (man's name) ?? Category: check, names.
Náhkȯhá'e na. Bear Woman. Simplified Spelling Nahka (seen on a license plate). Category: names.
náhkohe na. 1 • bear. (another recording) Plural náhkȯheo'o, (another recording) ‘bears’; Simplified Spelling nahgo ‘bear’; nahkoyo ‘bears’; Obviative náhkȯhóho; Diminutive náhkȯhéso. See: náhko'e ‘Mother!’; vóhpȧhtsenáhkohe ‘grizzly bear’. Category: animals.
2 • Bear. Category: names.
náhkohe hestóohevono na. bear claws. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Possessive -htóohévo. Category: body.
Náhkȯheamēhne na. Walking Bear. See: Náhkȯhtameōhtsėstse ‘Walking Bear’. Category: names.
Náhkȯheamėhōhtsėstse na. Bear Tracks. Lit: bear goes along leaving tracks See: Náhkȯheamȯhōhtse. Category: names.
Náhkȯheameōhtsėstse na. Walking Bear. See: Náhkȯheamēhne ‘Walking Bear’. Category: names.
Náhkȯheamȯhōhtse na. Bear Tracks. Lit: bear goes along leaving tracks See: Náhkȯheamėhōhtsėstse. Category: names.
Náhkȯhééstóso na. Bearquiver. Category: names.
Náhkȯhéestse'henáhe na. Bear Shirt. name by which Cheyennes called General Nelson Miles. Miles City, Montana, is named for him. Category: names.
náhkȯheheévȧhehoono na. bear.fur.PRET. He náhkȯheheévȧhehoono éxhésesto. "Hey! Wow, (it's) bear fur," they said. [Bear Tepee.026] Category: animals.
Náhkȯhehēsta na. Bear Heart. Category: names.
Náhkȯhehetane na. Russian. Lit: bear-person so named because of bear robes they have often been pictured wearing. Plural Náhkȯhehetaneo'o. Category: nationalities.
Náhkȯhehóahno na. Bear Shield. See: hóahno ‘shield’. Category: names.
Náhkȯheho'ēsta na. Fire Bear. Category: names, fire.
Náhkȯheho'ose na. Bear Coal, Coal Bear. called Kope in English, from mispronunciation of Coal Bear. See: ho'ose ‘coal’. Category: names.
Náhkȯhehóoma na. Bear Robe. Variant: Náhkȯhenóoma, Hoomȧhénȧhkohe. Category: names.
Náhkȯhehóváhne na. Bear Animal. translation uncertain. Category: names.
-náhkȯhé'šeme vai. growl like a bear. a Cheyenne way of building up courage for battle. É-náhkȯhé'šeme. He growled like a bear. See: -na'e (??; -ná'ot. Category: check, warfare, sounds.
Náhkȯhemȧhta'sóoma n. Spirit Bear. Category: names.
Náhkȯhemȧhtamȧhááhe na. Old She Bear. a man's name. Lit: bear-old. Woman See: mȧhtamȧhááhe. Category: names.
Náhkȯhema'háahe na. Bearchum. Variant: Náhkȯhéma'hahe. See: náhkȯxháahketa; Méstaema'haahe. Category: names.
Náhkȯhéma'hahe na. Bearchum. Variant: Náhkȯhema'háahe. See: Náhkȯxháahketa; Méstaema'háahe. Category: names.
Náhkȯhema'óhkeená'e na. Bear Plume Woman. See: Ma'óhkeená'e. Category: names.
Náhkȯhema'ta na. Bearbow. apparently ma'ta is an obsolescent term for 'bow'. See: ma'tšėške. Category: names.
náhkȯhematȯtse ni. Gram: pl prunes. Synonym mo'ȯhtáema'xemeno. See: matse. Category: food, check.
Náhkȯheméeotse na. Bear Smell, Stinking Bear. Category: names.
Náhkȯhemé'hahtse na. Bear Beard. Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.
náhkȯhemene na. bear berry. Plural náhkȯhemenȯtse. Category: berries.
Náhkȯheménȯhá'e na. Digging Bear Woman. vai: -ménȯhené ‘dig’. Category: names.
náhkȯheménó'e ni. berry bush, berries.
Náhkȯhéméó'e na. Fightingbear. Usage: probably Náhkȯhéméó'ėstse is preferred ?? Category: check. Variant: Náhkȯhéméó'ėstse. See: Náhkȯhemēō'o ‘Bear Road’. Category: names.
Náhkȯhéméó'ėstse na. Fightingbear. Usage: This pronunciation is probably preferred over Náhkȯhkéméó'e. Variant: Náhkȯhéméó'e. Category: names.
Náhkȯhemēō'o na. Bear Trail, Bear Road. Feminine Náhkȯheméóná'e. See: Náhkȯhéméó'e. Category: names.
Náhkȯheméóná'e na. Bear Road Woman. Masculine Náhkȯhemēō'o. See: Méóná'e. Category: names.
náhkȯhémóxėšéne ni. mountain mint. Lit: bear mint
Náhkȯhenaa'é'e na. Bear Doctor Woman. See: Kȯhenaa'é'e. Category: names.
Náhkȯhena'hané'e na. Bear Kills Woman. Category: names.
Náhkȯhenėxāhe na. Bear Orphan. See: -nėxȧheve. Category: names.
Náhkȯhenóhnéhe na. Lame Bear. See: -nóhne'kahe ‘lame’. Category: names.
-náhkȯhénome vai. sleep like a bear; sleep hard. É-náhkȯhénome. He slept like a bear. Usage: apparently not a loan transl. That is, he slept hard. fai: -énóme. See: -naóotse. Category: sleep.
Náhkȯhenoné'e na. Bear Sings Woman. Contract: Kȯhenoné'e. Category: names.
Náhkȯhenóoma na. Bear Robe. Variant: Náhkȯhehóoma, Hoomȧhénȧhkohe. Category: names.
Náhkȯheo'émȯxo'eha na. Bear Sole. See: o'émȯxo'eha ‘sole’. Category: names.
Náhkȯheo'o Ȯhnévese vai. Gram: ppl Four Bears. Category: names.
Náhkȯheome ni. Devil's Tower, Bear Lodge. Variant: Náhkȯhevee'e. Category: places.
Náhkȯheósá'e na. Bear Claws Woman. Masculine Náhkȯheóse. Category: names.
Náhkȯheóse na. Bear Claws. Feminine Náhkȯheósá'e. See: Kȯheoso. Category: names.
Náhkȯheósévóse ni. Bear Paw Mountains. located between the Missouri and Milk Rivers. Category: places.
Náhkȯheósóáme na. Groaning Bear. Variant: Náhkȯheósóváme. See: -évoamé. Category: names.
Náhkȯhepánestse na. Bear Breaking Wind, Bear Fart. vai: -pánestse ‘break wind, fart’. Category: names.
náhkȯhéso Gram: dim na. 1 • bear cub; little bear. Plural náhkȯhesono; Obviative náhkȯhesono.
2 • Youngbear. Simplified Spelling Nahkoso (seen on a license plate). See: Náhkȯxháahketa.
3 • little ball of snow, fine snow, snow - fine. smaller than a snowflake. Category: names, weather.
Nahkȯhevee'e ni. Bear Tepee, Devil's Tower, Wyoming. Lit: bear-tepee Variant: Náhkȯheome. Category: places.
-náhkȯhévéné vai. bear face. É-náhkȯhévéne. He has a bear face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-náhkȯhéveotse vai. 1 • become a bear. É-náhkȯhéveotse. He turned into a bear. naa tséxhé-nȧhkȯhéveotsėse and when he (Ice) took the form of a bear. [1987:107] Category: animals.
2 • become angry, flare up. Ééšėto'se-náhkȯhéveotse. He is about to flare up with anger. Category: figurative, emotions.
Náhkȯhevóesta na. Bear Swan (man's name). Category: names.
Náhkȯhevóestse na. Bear ?? Ques: Rafael Bigleft Hand; Gordon Bigback Category: names.
Náhkȯhévóse ni. Bear Butte. This is a butte near Fort Meade, South Dakota. This is a different butte from Nóávóse (or maybe it is Nóvávóse), the sacred mountain near Rapid City, South Dakota. See: Nóávóse. Category: places.
Náhkȯhevotonevėstse na. Bear Tail Feathers. Category: names.
Náhkȯhma'hēō'o na. Medicine Bear. Ques: Did someone say this is a woman's name?? Ques: Are both Náhkȯhma'hēō'o and Náhkȯhma'heóná'e names?? Category: check. Variant: Ma'heónenáhkohe. See: Náhkȯhma'heóná'e; Ma'heónenáhkohe. Category: names.
Náhkȯhma'heóná'e na. Bear Medicine Woman. See: Náhkȯhma'hēō'o. Category: names.
-náhkȯhnȧho'he vai. gang-raped, sexually abused. This was a practice occasionally carried out when a man wanted to punish a woman, typically his wife; he would take her "out on the prairie" where she would be gang-raped, typically by members of the man's soldier society; the men felt little pride later over the action (see discussion in Hoebel and Llewelyn?? É-náhkȯhnȧho'he. She was gang-raped/"taken turns with" by several men. See: -ná'so'eeh; -péeet. Category: sex, vulgar, violence, check.
-náhkȯhnȧho'h(n) vta. gang-rape s.o. can be said of a man (sometimes a society man) who puts a woman "out on the prairie" for other men to gang rape her; he doesn't take part in the rape. É-náhkȯhnȧho'novo. They gang-raped her. [1987:31] Obviative Náhkȯhno'kȧhétsese. See: -ná'so'eéh. Category: vulgar.
Náhkȯhno'kaestse vai. Gram: ppl One Bear, Lone Bear. Category: names.
Náhkȯhnoo'ėstse na. Beartusk. Category: names.
Náhkȯhnóvéhnėstse na. Bear Slow Walking. Category: names.
Náhkȯhtamēhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Bear Walking. Category: names.
Náhkȯhtameōhtsėstse na. Walking Bear. See: Náhkȯheamēhne ‘Walking Bear’. Category: names.
náhkȯhtava'émenȯtse ni. Gram: pl persimmons, dates. This particularly refers to wild persimmons in Oklahoma. Category: berries.
Náhkȯhtava'émeo'hé'e ?? Category: check.
ni. Persimmon Creek. This creek enters the North Fork Canadian River from the south, near Fort Reno, Oklahoma. Category: rivers.
Náhkȯhtséva'eotsėstse vai. Gram: ppl Bear Turns Back. Ques: Bear Hooded?? Category: check, names.
Náhkȯhtsévo'soo'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Playing Bear. Category: names.
Náhkȯhvéesā'e na. Beartooth Woman. Ques: Náhkȯhéveesā'e?? Category: check, names.
Náhkȯhvó'omaestse vai. Gram: ppl White Bear. See: Vóhpenáhkohe. Category: names.
náhko'e voc. mother, mom. (another recording) This is said when speaking to my mother. Náhko'éehe is said when speaking about my mother. Words for speaking to someone are called vocatives by linguists, abbreviated as "voc". Náhko'asėstse! Mothers (voc.)! Náhko'e, hetótaetānȯhtse tséhvé'heškeéševe hétsetseha. Néméhotȧtse. Mother, rejoice because it is Mother's Day now. I love you. Masculine ného'e. See: náhko'éehe; náhkohe. Category: relatives.
náhko'éehe na. Gram: poss my mother. (another recording) (another recording) (another recording-John Standsintimber) Variant: náhko'ééhe; Obviative náhko'éehevaho; Vocative náhko'e. See: /-hke/ ‘mother (noun stem)’; heške ‘his/her mother’; neško ‘your mother’; ného'éehe ‘my father’. Category: relatives.
Náhkȯsóéhnėstse na. Bear Walks Through. This name might have implied walking through the woods. Category: names.
Náhkotanōhtse ?? na. Bear Tail Feathers ?? Category: check, names.
Náhkȯxháaestse vai. Gram: ppl Brave Bear, Smart Bear. See: náhkohe ‘bear’; -háahe ‘smart’. Category: names.
Náhkȯxháahketa na. Little Bear. Origin of Bearchum family name which was translated incorrectly to English; should have been translated as Little Bear. See: Náhkȯhéma'hahe; Náhkȯhéso. Category: names.
Náhkȯxháa'ého'oésėstse vai. Gram: ppl High Bear. See: He'ámánáhkohe. Category: names.
Náhkȯxheóvaestse na. Yellow Bear. Ques: Oliver yelloweyes (Ashland) Category: names.
Náhkȯxhóeheóó'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Bear Stands On Top. Category: names.
Náhkȯxhóé'éhne na. Bear Comes Out. Variant: Náoxhóé'éhne, Náhkȯxhóé'éhnėstse. Category: names.
Náhkȯxhóé'éhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Bear Comes Out. Variant: Náoxhóé'éhnėstse, Náhkȯxhóé'éhne. Category: names.
Náhkȯxho'óxeóó'ėstse n. Bear Stands Last, Last Bear Standing. Category: names.
Náhkȯxhónétséstȧhtse na. Lazy Bear. See: -hónétséstá ‘lazy’. Category: names.
Náhkȯxhovéo'eóó'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Bear Stands In the Shade. See: hovéo'ȯheo'o. Category: names.
-naho sfx. imperative suffix for action on plural third person. Vovóeše-naho! Comfort them! Usage: Not as widely used as -nano. Variant: -nano. Category: grammar.
-náho'ané vai. make excuses. Éohkėsáatónėšenonáho'anéstovėhane. There was no making excuses and no explanations. [Boarding School and Drinking Memories.071] Category: speak.
-nȧho'ȯhtsév vta. 1 • visit s.o. É-nȧho'ȯhtsevo. He visited him. É-nȧho'ȯhtsévóho (newer pronunciation) He visited him. Ná-nȧho'ȯhtsēvo. I visited him. Ného'-nȧho'ȯhtsevȧtse. I have come to visit you. Hó'ótóva néh-nȧho'ȯhtséveo'o! Come visit me sometime! Nétavá'ne-nȧho'ȯhtsévohe tséhe'néheto? Did you go to just visit your older brother? See: -ho'ėhót; -ho'ohtsé. Category: interpersonal.
2 • die. Ééva-nȧho'ȯhtsévóho hevóohestoto. He has gone back to visit his relatives (that is, when he has died). Ma'tanaéto namȧhta'sóoma étao'se-nȧho'ȯhtsevo Ma'hēō'o. When I die my spirit is going to visit (stay with??) God. Category: death, figurative.
náhóse p. whatever, any, anything. often occurs with the following attached form =hamá. Náhósė-háma ȯššeée'óxȯheestse. He would say just any old thing. (often used in teasing). Variant: náháse, náhóso, nóháse, naesėhame.
náhósėháma p. whatever, any, anything. Náhósėháma ȯššeée'óxȯheestse. He would say just any old thing. (often used in teasing). Náhósėháma mótónėšéneehéhe! His face must have been any old way! (a very funny saying). Variant: náhásėháma, nóhásėháma, nóhásȯháma.
nȧhta'sóoma ni. Gram: poss my shadow, my soul. Variant: namȧhta'sóoma. See: mȧhta'sóoma.
nȧhtámáne ni. Gram: poss our(excl).food. irregular stem. Variant: nastámáne; Possessive -htámé.
náhtáme ni. Gram: poss my food. Possessive -htámé. See: máhtáme. Category: food.
nȧhtatamoo'o ni. Gram: poss my shoulder. Plural nȧhtatamóonȯtse. newer pronunciation for plural Category: body.
nȧhtatanéme na. Gram: poss my brother (of a female). Category: relatives.
nȧhtó'kȯhtóhe ni. Gram: poss my cane. See: hó'kȯhtóhe ‘cane’.
nȧhtona na. Gram: poss my daughter. Variant: nahtona, nȧstona; Plural nȧhtónaho; Stem -htónah; Vocative nȧhtónȧhesėstse ‘My daughters!’. See: hestónaho ‘his daughter(s)’; tséhestónȧhéto ‘the one who is my daughter’. Category: relatives.
nȧhtóóhévo na. my fingernail, my toenail. See: -htóohevó. Category: body.
nȧhtoo'o ni. Gram: poss my chin. See: mȧhtoo'o. Category: body.
nȧhtōtse na. Gram: poss my pet. Plural nȧhtotseho; Stem -htotséh. Category: animals.
nȧhtovéo'kȯhēō'o ni. my umbrella. ni: hovéo'kȯhēō'o. Category: tools.
Náhtovona na. Eastern Sioux, Northern Sioux. Ques: perhaps=Assiniboine ?? Category: check. some may use the term for Northern Sioux. Plural Náhtovonaho; Obviative Náhtovonaho. Category: tribes.
nȧhtovóo'ȯtse ni. Gram: poss my ear. Plural nȧhtovootȯtse. Phon: iah See: -htovóo'ȯtse. Category: ears, body.
nȧhtovóo'ȯtse ni. my ear. Etym: *nehtawakayi (P). Plural nȧhtovootȯtse, (another recording); Possessive -htovóo'ȯtse. Phon: iah Category: body.
nahtse ni. Gram: poss my mouth. This includes the lips. Etym: *neto·ni. Possessive -htse. See: ma-htse. Category: body.
náhtse voc. daughter. (another recording: John Standsintimber) See: -htona ‘daughter’. Category: relatives.
nȧhtsēhȯtse ni. Gram: poss my possession, my thing. Stem -htsēhȯtse.
nȧhtse'eme na. Gram: poss my wife. Lit: my-woman (another recording: John Standsintimber) John Standsintimber recorded that word in 1950. He said he had heard it 50 or 60 years prior to 1950. Usage: obsolescing Possessive -htse'ém. See: hestse'emo ‘his wife’. Category: relatives, vulgar.
nȧhtse'ko ni. Gram: poss my leg. Plural nȧhtse'konȯtse. See: mȧhtse'ko. Category: body.
nȧhtsé'oo'o ni. Gram: poss my elbow. Variant: nahtsé'oo'e; Plural nȧhtsé'oonȯtse; IndepNoun -htsé'oo'o.
na. my elbow. animate for some speakers. Plural nȧhtsé'oono. Category: body.
nȧhtse'ȯtse ni. Gram: poss my neck. Stem -htse'ȯtse. Etym: *neθkwayawi. Category: body.
nȧhtsénéva ni. Gram: loc in my mouth.
nȧhtsesto ni. Gram: poss my heel. Oblique nȧhtséstóne; Stem -htsesto. Category: body.
nȧhtséstóne ni. Gram: poss Gram: obl on my heel. Category: body.
na'ahtse ni. Gram: poss my forearm, my arm. includes the hand up to the elbow. Plural na'ȧhtsenȯtse. See: ma'ahtse.
na'ā'o ni. Gram: pos Etym: *neθkaθkwani. Usage: not well known today Possessive -'a'ó. na-'ā'o my shin. Category: body.
Ná'atsėhe'e na. (man's name). See: Mo'ȯhtáená'atsėhe'e. Category: names.
-na'énohe vai. empowered, able. É-na'énohe. He is empowered. Nėstavóo'sehȧtse tséhe'xóvȧhéto tséheše-na'énȯhéto I'll show you what I can do. [SHOWUS.TXT] See: -nėhetȯhóot.
nā'ėstse p. one, 1. This word means one thing, such as one woman, one tree, etc. Another system of numbers refers to how many times something is done, such as no'ka 'once'. (another recording) nā'ėstse hē'e one woman. nā'ėstse éše'he one month. né=ná'ėstse that one. Néhe Vé'eénėhé'e naa nā'ėstse, neše móhne'éseotsėhehevóhe. That Sweet Woman and another (lady), (these) two were brought in. (1987:57). By itself this word can mean something like 'There is a ----': Nā'ėstse étao'omeotse. There is a shortcut (for example, the Decker Road to Sheridan). Morph: /na'eht/. Other numbers for counting things from 2 to 10 are: neše 2. na'he 3. neve 4. noho 5. naesohto 6. nésohto 7. na'nohto 8. sóohto 9. mȧhtohto 10. Etym: cf. *nekwetwi 'one'. Reduplicated nonónā'ėstse ‘one by one’. See: no'ka ‘once’; naest- ‘all in one place’; naesohto ‘6’. Category: numbers.
nā'ėstse ma'kaata ni. silver dollar, dollar - silver. Lit: one metal Category: money.
-na'évá mbp. arm(s). Éé'e-na'éváxe. He broke his arm. Éónėše-na'éváóhtse. He has pain in the arms. Éhese-na'évaotse. He has cramps in his arms. Ma'e-na'éváhe Red Arm. Étsėhe'ėse-na'éva. He has long arms. He'amena'évá'ȯhtse! Raise your hand (literally, arm)! oése-na'éva'ohtȯtse vest. Lit: put.into-arms-thing See: -'ahtse ‘forearm’. Category: body.
-na'éváxé vai. arms lie. Mó'ȯhketšėšėséhpetsėheše-na'évȧxenȧhéhe. He lay with his arms stretched out. [The Big Bogeyman.211] BodyPartMedial -na'évá ‘arm(s)’. Category: lie.
na'evo ni. Gram: poss my nose. Etym: *nexkiwani (P). Possessive -'evo. See: ma'evo. Category: body.
na'exa ni. Gram: poss my eye. Plural na'éxánėstse; Oblique na'éxáéne, na'éxáéno ‘on my eye(s)’. Etym: *neški:nšekwi 'my eye, face' (P). Category: body.
na'h- i. three. tsé-na'ha'ónéto the third one. See: na'n-. var: -na'he-. Category: numbers.
-na'h vta. 1 • kill s.o. É-na'hóho. He killed him. Etym: *neʔle·wa. É(taome)-na'hahtse. He killed himself. Etym: *neɁletwiwa (P/L). Phon: stem-final /h/ is pronounced as [x] preceding /e/: Na'xeha! Kill him! É-na'heo'o. They were killed. That sounds the same as é-na'heo'o 'there are three of them (animate)'. É-na'hevohe? Were they (animate) killed? That is pronounced the same as "Are there three (animate)?" See: -na'tóné; -ne'to'éna'h.
2 • make s.o. sick from eating too much. Ná-na'haa'e. It killed me. Ná-na'haenȯtse menȯtse. The berries killed me. É-na'hahtse. He killed himself. That can be figurative language meaning he ate too much, such as eating too many berries. vai: -na'hané. Category: eat.
na'ha p. three times, thrice. See: na'he. Etym: *neʔθenwi (Go88). Category: numbers.
-na'ha vii. be three in number. not used with sg. subject. É-na'hānėstse. There are three of them (inan.). Etym: *neɁθenwi (P). Óvahe é-na'hānėstse. There were only three (grades). Category: numbers.
na'ha éšeēva obl. Wednesday. Lit: third day Category: time.
na'ha ma'éšeeve vii. when it is Wednesday; on Wednesday. Category: time.
na'ha tsé-éškȯsa'éhešėxováto vii. triangle. Lit: three that.which.is-sharp.(cornered?)-shaped ?? Category: check, shapes.
na'ha tsé'éšeeve vii. when it was Wednesday. Category: time.
-na'háenove vai. play. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Éma'xe-ne'háenóveo'o nėhéóhe o'hé'e. They were really playing there at the river. [Mother's Day:43] See: -évo'sóó'e.
-na'hahtsétanó vai. suicide - desire, want to commit suicide. É-na'hahtsétanó. ?? He wants to commit suicide. Category: check.
-na'ha'ónétó vii. third. Ques: Is there a question word which can elicit this and other such number words? É-na'ha'ónéto. It is the third one. tsé-na'ha'ónéto the third one. See: -óné.
na'hāme na. Gram: poss my cross-niece. that is, daughter of my sister if I am a male, or daughter of my brother if I am a female. Etym: *neʔθemya (P). Stem -'hame. See: he'hameho. Category: relatives.
-na'hané count coup, kill. often translated as English 'kill', but actually is said to be more accurately translated as 'count coup'; may have originally entailed literal killing, but typically counting coup involves only a symbolic killing, a touching of the body of the enemy, then a quick departure, with prowess gained from the act of counting coup. É-na'hāne. He counted coup. Etym: *neʔliwe·wa (P). Méona'hāne Kills In the Morning. Vé'otséna'hanē'e Warpath Kills Woman. Taa'évena'hanē'e Kills Night Woman. vta: na'h; Final -ané. Ques: get other coup terms and explanation, such as first coup, second, etc.; tell of coup deeds?? See: -na'hanéoohe; -nó'tomȧhésené; -na'sené. Category: warfare, check.
Na'hané'e na. Kills Woman. Category: names.
-na'hanené vai. have three of a kind (in cards). É-na'hanēne. He has three of a kind. Ná-na'hanēne. I have three of a kind. fai: -anené. Category: cards.
-na'hanéoohe vai. count coup, kill quickly. É-na'hanéoohe. He counted coup. There was often some kind of ceremony associated with this where a man's name would be changed. See: -na'hané; -o'eoestas. Category: warfare.
-na'hánėstse vii. 3 of them (inanimate). É-na'hánėstse. Category: quantity.
Na'hanévého na. Chief Kills. Category: names.
na'he- i. three.
pv. 3, three. É-na'henémeneo'o. Three of them are singing. É-na'hene'háheo'o. They three (for example, the Trinity) are the same. See: -na'nóvahe. Category: numbers.
na'he p. 3, three. (another recording) See: na'ha ‘three times’. Etym: *neʔθwi. Category: numbers.
-na'he vai. 3, be three in number. only used with plural subjects. The following number word sounds the same as é-na'heo'o 'they were killed': É-na'heo'o. There are three of them (animate). (another recording) Etym: *neɁliwaki (P/L). É-na'hevohe? Are there three of them (animate)? Ná-na'hēme. There are three of us (not including you). Násáa-na'héhéme. There are not three of us. That is pronounced the same as "Were they killed?" É-na'heo'o hetaneo'o. There are three men (for example, there). Ma'hēō'o, móné-na'hehemehe? God, are there three of you? (a question asked once by an old Cheyenne man who thought the Trinity consisted of the following three: Jesus, God, and Amen!) Category: numbers, quantity.
na'heāā'e ni. for three years. Etym: *neɁθwipepone· (P). IndepNoun áa'e. Category: time.
-na'heaénamá vai. three years old. É-na'heaénáma. He is three years old. Etym: *neʔθwipeponwe·wa (P). Category: numbers, ages.
-na'hee vai. sit three. É-na'heeo'o. (hée??) They three are sitting. Ná-na'heēme. We three (excl) are sitting. fai: -e. Category: sit, numbers, check.
na'hēē'ėše p. for three days. (another recording) Etym: *neɁθwiki·šehkwe· (P). -éše. Category: numbers, time.
-na'heené vai. stay three nights. É-na'heēne. He stayed three nights. Medial -ené2. Category: time, check.
-na'heéno'e vii. 3 overnights, three overnights, three days, three nights. tsétana'heéno'etse on the third night. [The Scalped Father.088]
-na'heeséoxa'ohe vii. three rows of beads on the nose (of a moccasin). É-na'heeséoxa'ȯhénėstse. They have three beaded rows on the "noses". Medial -esé. Category: designs.
na'heeséve'one ni. hayfork, pitchfork. Lit: three-nosed-awl BodyPartMedial -esé. Ques: is the analysis of the underlying form reasonable?? Category: tools, check.
-na'heéše'hamá vai. be three months old, be three months pregnant. É-na'heéše'hāma. He is three months old / She is three months pregnant. Category: numbers.
-na'hehasené vai. three seeds up in seed-in-basket game. Ná-na'hehasēne. I got three seeds up. Final -hasené. Category: games.
-na'he'évá vai. have three wives. É-na'he'éva. He has three wives. Etym: *neʔθo·θkwe·we·wa (P). Medial -'évá. Category: marriage.
-na'heóhtá vai. three legs - have. can refer to a penis. É-na'heóhta. He has three legs. Category: vulgar, sex.
-na'heóhtáóó'e vai. stand on three legs, tripod - be a. can refer to a tepee tripod. É-na'heóhtáóó'e. He is standing on three legs / It is a tripod. Etym: *neɁθwika·te·ka·po·wa (P). É'éšenéhove-na'heóhtáóó'e. after the tripod (for the tepee) was standing. [1987:179] Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -óhtá; fai: -óé2. See: -néveóhtáóó'e. Category: stand, tepee.
na'heóhtavetoo'o ni. three-legged kettle. Category: containers.
Na'heoséhe na. Three Fingers. Ques: óséhe?? Category: names, check.
-na'ho'tá vii. be at this side. Há'tóhe vee'e tséhnėhna'hō'ta nȧhéno éšéešenasėstse. That tepee, the one on this side, he is lying down there. [The Seven Young Men.082] Category: positions, check.
na'n- i. three. É-na'nóéhne. He/She bore three children. É-na'noeme. It/He costs $3. Preverb na'he-. Phon: The /h/ of the preverb na'he- 'three' changes to /n/ preceding morphemes beginning with /o/. See: na'h-. Preverb na'he-. Phon: The /h/ of the preverb na'he- 'three' changes to /n/ preceding morphemes beginning with /o/.
na'neha na. my older brother. (another recording) This is both the word for referring to my older brother and addressing him (vocative). Stem -'néh. Category: relatives.
-na'nóehné vai. bear three children. É-na'nóéhne. He/She bore three children. See: na'he-. Category: numbers.
-na'noeme vii. three dollars cost.
vai. three dollars cost. É-na'noeme. He (or It) costs $3. Etym: *neɁθo·kinsowa (P). Category: money, value.
-na'noésená vai. hang as three. for example, of three stars. É-na'noéséne. There are three (anim.) haning. Etym: *neɁθo·kočinwaki (P/L). Naa hovehno tšėševo'héé'ėse éohke-na'noéséne hotóhkeo'o. And some distance away there's three (more) stars hanging. [1987:207] Category: hang.
na'nohto p. eight, 8. See: na'nóhtoha ‘8 times’. Etym: cf. *neʔθwa·tahθwi ??. Category: check, numbers.
na'nóhtoha p. eight times. See: na'nohto. Category: numbers.
-na'nóhtohá vii. eight in number. not used with singular subject. É-na'nóhtȯhánėstse. They (inanimate) are 8 in number. (another recording) Etym: *neɁθwa·θenwi (P). tsé-na'nóhtóha eight (of cards). vai: -na'nóhtȯxe. Category: numbers.
-na'nóhtȯhánėstse vii. 8 of them (inanimate). É-na'nóhtȯhánėstse. There are 8 of them (inanimate). Category: quantity.
na'nóhtȯhe- pv. eight. É-na'nóhtȯheaénáma. He is eight years old. Category: numbers.
-na'nóhtȯheaénamá vai. 8 years old, eight years old. É-na'nóhtȯheaénáma. He is eight years old. Category: numbers, ages.
na'nóhtȯhéé'ėše p. for eight days. Category: numbers, time.
na'nóhtȯhn- i. eight. tsé-na'nóhtȯhna'ónéto the eighth one. Category: numbers.
-na'nóhtȯhna'ónetó vii. eighth. É-na'nóhtȯhna'ónéto. It is the eighth one. tsé-na'nóhtȯhna'ónéto the eighth one. Category: numbers.
-na'nóhtȯhnoeme vai. cost eight dollars.
vii. cost eight dollars. É-na'nóhtȯhnoeme. It/He costs $8. Category: money.
na'nóhtȯhnó'e p. eighty, 80. Etym: *neɁθwa·θwa·xkwe· (P) ‘eight pieces of wood’. Category: numbers.
na'nóhtȯhnóve eight groups of. Category: numbers.
-na'nóhtȯhnȯxe'ohe vii. eight o'clock. É-na'nóhtȯhnȯxe'ohe. It is 8 o'clock. Lit: It is 8 written. Variant: -na'nóhtȯxe'ohe. Category: time.
-na'nóhtȯxe vai. be eight in number (animate). only used with plural subjects. É-na'nóhtȯxeo'o. There are eight (animate). Etym: *neɁθwa·šiwaki (P/L). É-na'nóhtȯxevohe? Are there eight (animate)? Category: numbers.
-na'nóhtȯxe'ohe vii. 8 o'clock. É-na'nóhtȯxe'ohe. It is 8 o'clock. Ééše-na'nóhtȯxe'ohe. It is already 8 o'clock. Náhóseméovovéstomósáne tséhna'nóhtȯxe'ohe. I taught again this morning at 8 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe; Variant: -na'nóhtȯhnȯxe'ohe. Category: time, numbers.
na'nó'e- pv. thirty. É-na'nó'eaénáma. He is 30 years old.
na'nó'e p. thirty, 30. Etym: *naʔθwa·xkwe· (P) ‘three pieces of wood’; *neʔθw- 'three' (initial) (Go88). Final -ó'é4. Category: numbers.
na'nó'e hóhtȧhná'ėstse thirty-one times, 31. Category: numbers.
na'nó'e hóhtȧhnó'ka thirty-one times. Category: numbers.
-na'nó'oeme vii. cost $30. É-na'nó'oeme. It costs $30. Category: money.
-na'no'tonohe vai. have three braids. not the normal style. É-na'no'tonohe. He has three braids. Category: hair.
-na'nóvahe vai. be three, be the trinity. É-na'nóvahe. He is three in personality. Ma'hēō'o é-na'nóvahe. God is three in personality. Category: sacred, personality, numbers.
-na'nóvavó'ané vai. say in three ways. É-na'nóvavó'áne. He spoke in three ways. Móhnėše-na'nóvavó'anėhéhe. He explained himself those three ways. [1987:53] fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
ná'nóve p. three groups of . Final -óvé. Category: numbers.
-na'nȯxe'ohe vii. three o'clock. É-na'nȯxe'ohe. It is 3 o'clock. tséh-na'nȯxe'ohe when it was 3 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.
-ná'ȯsané vai. warning growl. É-ná'ȯsáne. He (especially dog) is growling a warning. vta: -ná'ót.
-ná'ót vta. snarl at s.o., growl a warning to s.o. especially done by a dog; does not include a bite; it is growling to try to frighten away a person, or scare another dog away from his food. É-ná'oto. He snarled at him. É-ná'ótóho. (newer pronunciation) É-ná'ótáá'e oeškėseho. He (prox.) was snarled at by the dog. Ná-ná'ota. I was warned by his growl. vai: -ná'ȯsané. See: -maet ‘bark at s.o.’; -héškonené'ó ‘bare teeth’. Category: dogs, sounds.
na'pa'o ni. Gram: poss my back. Possessive -'pa'o. Category: body.
na'pa'ōne ni. Gram: poss Gram: obl on my back. See: ma'pa'o. Category: body.
-na'sé vai. miscarry. É-ná'se. She miscarried. Category: sickness.
-na'sené vai. 1 • kill (people). É-na'sēne. He killed/fig. he overate. Etym: *neʔčikwe·wa (P/L). Mó'ȯhkema'xėho'hé-na'senėhevóhe netao'o hováhne. All the animals used to come over to kill (all the people). [The Great Race.045] See: -na'hané.
2 • overeat. See: -na'h. Category: violence.
-na'séotse vai. miscarry. É-na'séotse. She miscarried. See: -na'se; -hóenaa'e. Category: sickness.
na'sohtsėstse na. stillborn baby. Plural na'sóhtseto; Obviative na'sóhtseto. Category: babies.
-ná'so'eéh vta. turn against s.o., tease s.o., play tricks on s.o., rape s.o. General term; can be with actions. Can refer to sexual overtures, even rape; when it does it seems to have the idea of mocking a person by raping them. É-ná'so'eeho. He raped her. É-ná'so'eéhóho. He raped her. (newer pronunciation). É-ná'so'eéhovo. They raped her (lit. teased/played tricks on her). Éohketóxe-ná'so'eeho he'óho. He goes around messing with women. See: -ná'so'eém ‘tease s.o. with words’; -péeet ‘tear up s.o.’; -náhkȯhnȧho'h(n) ‘gang-rape s.o.’; -háaenóvem ‘play tricks on s.o.’; -véstaenóvem ‘have fun with s.o.’; -áva'ó'h ‘rape s.o.’; -e'ho'ȯh(n) ‘rape s.o.’. Category: violence, sex, interpersonal.
-ná'so'ēē'e vai. raped, have tricks played on. É-ná'so'ēē'e. She (or He) was raped/had tricks played on. Phon: vs vta: -ná'so'eéh. See: -náhkȯhnȧho'he. Category: sex, violence, vulgar.
-ná'so'eém vta. tease s.o. (with words). É-ná'so'eemo. He is teasing him (with words). É-ná'so'eémóho. He is teasing him (with words). (newer pronunciation). Névá'neée-ná'so'eématséme; nává'nenėheve. I'm just teasing you (plural); I'm just saying (it). See: -háo'eém; -ná'so'eéh; -ná'so'eévo'sóem; -háaenóvem. Category: speak, interpersonal.
-ná'so'eémetahe vai. tease, joke. This word seems to be about harmless, playful, teasing, whereas -tátsetanó is negative, making fun of. É-ná'so'eémetahe. He is a teaser. Reduplicated -noná'so'eémetahe. See: -tátsetanó; -tó'hohtahe. Category: personality.
-ná'so'eémetȧhé'heóneve vai. be a person who teases. É-ná'so'eémetȧhé'heóneve. He is a tease. Category: personality.
ná'so'eéséó'o na. laughing stock. Plural ná'so'eéseono. Ques: gr Category: personality.
-ná'so'eéstómané vai. play.tricks. Owls and Heávohe (the devil) do this, as well as people. É-ná'so'eéstómáne. He plays tricks. Category: do.
-ná'so'eéstsé vti. waste s.t. includes acting unwisely toward s.t. É-ná'so'eéstse. He wasted it. Reduplicated -noná'so'eéstsé. See: -vóho'oestsé ‘throw away s.t.’.
ná'so'eéve- pv. teasingly. Héne móhmétsėhéhe mó'ȯhkevé'še-ná'so'eévevéhehéhe. That (name) was given to her, as a nickname to tease her. [1987:21]
ná'so'eévevéhestȯtse ni. nickname. Lit: teasing-name
-ná'so'eévo'sóem vta. tease play with s.o. This is teasing in play or action. É-ná'so'éevo'sóemóho. He teased him. See: -ná'so'eém ‘tease s.o. with words’; -évo'soo'e ‘play’. Category: interpersonal.
-ná'so'enohe vai. full, satiated, sated. É-ná'so'enohe. He is full from eating. Nééše-ná'so'enȯhehe? Are you full yet? Náéše-ná'so'enohe. I am now full. Ná-ná'so'enohe. I'm full. Hénová'e tsévé'še-ná'so'enȯheto? What did you get full on? fai: -o'enohe; vta: -ná'so'enot. See: -háo'enȯhéotse; -hestomo'enohe; -nomono'enohe; -ná'tootó; -ná'tȧše'še. Category: eat.
-ná'so'enȯhéooha'ov vta. fill s.o. quickly with food. Nápopá'ke-ná'so'enȯhéooha'oo'e. I got filled up on just one sandwich. (humorous expression). Category: eat.
-ná'so'enȯhéotse vai. become full from eating. Ná-ná'so'enȯhéotse. I'm full from eating. Category: eat.
-ná'so'enot vta. satiate s.o., fill s.o. with food. É-ná'so'enotóho. He fed him until he was full. Ná-ná'so'enota. She fills me up. Ná'so'enotahtse! Fill yourselves! vai: -ná'so'enohe. See: -pa'homev. Category: eat.
ná'som- i. wither, stale.
-ná'somahe vai. stale, withered, played out, lack energy. can refer to being puny. É-ná'somahe. He is stale / he has no energy.
ná'som(e)- i. wither, stale. É-ná'somahe. He is stale; he has no energy. É-ná'sómo. It is withered. É-ná'someéno'e. It tastes stale. É-ná'someotse. It withered up (for example, flower). See: mo'óhkon- ??. Category: quality.
ná'some- pv. withering. É-ná'someotse. It withered up. for example, of a flower. See: mo'óhkon- ??. Category: check.
-ná'someénehe vai. taste stale. for example, of a fish. É-ná'someénehe. He tastes stale. Category: taste.
-ná'someéno'e vii. taste stale. É-ná'someéno'e. It tastes stale. Category: taste.
-ná'someotse vai. withered. É-ná'someotse. It (or He) withered. for example, a flower. See: -noóneotse; -ó'eotse. Category: plants.
-ná'somó vii. withered, stale, played out, lacks energy. for example, of lettuce. É-ná'sómo. It is withered. Category: appearance.
-ná'taeh vta. startle s.o., spook s.o., scare s.o. É-ná'taehóho. He startled (and scared) him. Náná'táého. I spooked him. Ná-ná'taeha. He startled me. Né-ná'taeše. You startled me. See: -áhanaeh; -sé'hováeh. Category: emotions.
-ná'ta'ov vta. exhaust s.o., wear s.o. out. É-ná'ta'ovóho. He exhausted him. Ques: má'ta'ov ?? Category: check.
-ná'ta'xané vai. exhausted from crying. É-ná'ta'xāne. He was exhausted from crying. Category: cry.
-ná'tȧše'še vai. sated from drinking, full from drinking (or nursing). É-ná'tȧše'še. He is satiated, full from drinking. See: -ná'tootó; -ná'so'enohe; -nonótovȧše'še; -ase'še; -mane; -ná'tȯseše. Category: drink.
-ná'tomȧhesené vai. count coup ?? É-ná'tomȧhesēne. He counted coup. ?? See: -nó'tomȧhésené ‘count the first coup’; -na'hané ‘kill, count coup’. Category: warfare, check.
ná'tome- pv. nothing, with nothing ?? Ná-ná'tomėho'eōhtse tséohkėho'eohtsese? I came with nothing. É-ná'tomėhe'haa'e. He doesn't cough as much anymore. (BELONG IN THIS ENTRY?? Category: check. See: vovóe-.
-ná'tomóehné vai. bear first child. É-ná'tomóéhne. She bore her first child. Category: babies, family.
ná'tomóehnohtsėstse na. the oldest child; first child. he-ná'tomóehnóhtseto his (or her) oldest child. See: ma'kō'se; no'kóehnohtsėstse.
-na'tóné vai. kill game, bag game. É-na'tóne. He killed. Etym: *neʔtwa·ke·wa (P). Náho'ėhé-na'tónéme. We brought back a kill. Nééše-na'tónehe? Did you bag game? Etym: cf. M naeqtakae·w. vta: -na'h ‘kill s.o.’. See: -émȯhóné ‘hunt’. Category: hunt.
na'tónemȧhēō'o ni. slaughterhouse. Category: butcher.
na'tónetane na. butcher. Lit: slaughter-man vai: -na'tóné. Category: animals, jobs.
na'tónevé'ho'e na. butcher. Lit: butchering-whiteman (another recording) Category: jobs.
-ná'tootó vai. 1 • sated from nursing, full from nursing. can be from breastfeeding or nursing from a bottle. É-ná'toōto. He is full from nursing.
2 • finish visiting with one's mother. Usage: humorous when used figuratively like this See: -néne; -ná'so'enohe; -ná'tȧše'še. Category: drink, babies.
-ná'tóóva vai. exhausted from being in rain. É-ná'tóóva. He is so tired of being in the rain. Medial -óová. Category: liquid.
-ná'tose vai. cold. É-ná'tose. He is cold. Ná-ná'tose I am cold. É-ná'tȯseo'o. They are cold. Né-ná'tȯsehe? Are you cold? Mó=né-ná'tose? You're cold? Násáa-ná'tȯséhe. I'm not cold. Néohkenéhe-ná'tȯsehe? Do you get cold quickly? fai: -ose. See: -ná'tsevo'ose; -ta'pose. Category: temperature.
-ná'tȯsėhahtávose vai. cold feet. Ná-ná'tȯsėhahtávose. My feet are cold. Synonym -toehahtáohtsé. See: -toehahtá. Category: body, temperature.
-ná'tȯsėhe'onávose vai. have cold hands. Ná-ná'tȯsėhe'onávose. My hands are cold. Category: temperature. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: body. See: -ná'tose.
-ná'tȯse'ėstávose vai. cold ears. Ná-ná'tȯse'ėstávose. My ears are cold. Category: body. See: -ná'tose. BodyPartMedial -'está.
-ná'tȯsešé vai. lie cold. É-ná'tȯséše. He is lying cold. See: -ná'tȧše'še; -ná'tose; -tonėšešé; -toešé. Category: lie, temperature.
-ná'tȯsévomóhtahe vai. have malaria. Lit: feel.cold-condition É-ná'tȯsévomóhtahe. He has malaria. [PD] The name came from having the chills during malaria attacks (PD). Category: sickness.
-na'tóvohe vai. beat child(ren), scold child(ren). This refers to beating of one's own child(ren). Striking one's child for punishment is considered improper within Cheyenne tradition. Specific prohibitions against hitting your child were taught. Spanking, as done by non-Indians, is considered to be harsh and perhaps even cruel. Forms of Cheyenne discipline which have been permitted are verbal rebuke, scaring a child with frightening stories, and throwing water on a child. É-na'tóvohe. He beats his child(ren). Medial -óvohe. See: -oom; -taa'é. Category: family.
-na'tóvȯhéoohe vai. beat child(ren). É-na'tóvȯhéoohe. He/she was spanking his/her child. Category: family.
-na'tsé vti. kill s.t. É-ná'tse. He killed it. Etym: *neʔta·wa (P). É-na'tsénóvo. They killed it. vta: -na'h.
ná'tse- i. exhausted, die.
pv. Ques: Does the following belong in this entry?? É-ná'tseéna'he. He died of old age. É-ná'tseāne. She died in childbirth. É-ná'tsėhahtávose. He has cold feet. See: má'se-. Category: check.
-ná'tseané vai. die in childbirth. É-ná'tseāne. She died in childbirth. can be a woman; cow; dog; etc. See: -ané2. Category: sickness.
-ná'tsėhahtávose vai. have cold feet. É-ná'tsėhahtávose. He has cold feet. Né-ná'tsėhahtávȯsehe? Are your feet cold? Ná-ná'tsėhahtávose. I have cold feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá; fai: -ose. See: -nae'hahtáohtsé ??; -he'konȧhtávose ‘frozen feet’. Category: feet, temperature, check.
-ná'tse'ėstávose vai. ears cold - have. É-ná'tse'ėstávose. His ears are cold. ?? Category: check. See: -ma'e'ėstávose ‘ears red from cold’. Category: ears, temperature.
-ná'tsé'ha vai. exhausted from flying. É-ná'tsé'ha. He was exhausted from flying. Category: fly.
-ná'tse'háoohe vai. exhausted from flying. É-ná'tse'háoohe. He is exhausted from flying. Category: fly.
-ná'tseohe vai. exhausted. especially from physical activity such as running or boxing. É-ná'tseohe. He is exhausted. [1987:246] Nėhē'še móhnėxxae-ná'tseohehéhe. Then she was all played out. [1987:246] See: -mótahe.
-ná'tseohtsé vai. be exhausted. É-nátseōhtse. He is exhausted. [1987:246] Móh-ná'tseohtsėhéhe. She was played out.
-ná'tseotse vai. become exhausted. É-ná'tseotse. He ran out of energy. See: -má'to'a'xe.
-ná'tsetanó vai. heartbroken, faint. for example, to die from loneliness for a lost loved one. É-ná'tsetāno. He is heartbroken. Éxxaeto'seéšeéeáhanená'tsetanóhoo'o. She was so frightened she nearly fainted. [The Scalped Man Who Died.140] See: -sȯséveotse. Category: emotions. Ques: PD: long; pine
-ná'tsetanó'tov vta. heart ache for s.o. É-ná'tsetanó'tovóho. He is lonely for him. See: -hoónȯsé'ót; -nȯhtsevátam. Category: interpersonal, emotions.
-ná'tsetanóotse vai. faint. É-ná'tsetanóotse. He fainted. (éxȯh)to'se-ná'tsetanóotséhoo'o tséhná'taehaa'ėse né=homā'e That beaver almost scared him (prox.) to death. (1987:277). Reduplicated -noná'tsetanóotse. See: -naeotse; -ná'taeh. Category: body function.
-ná'tsevo'ešé vai. fall exhausted, exhausted fall. É-ná'tsevo'ēše. He fell from exhaustion. Móhma'xeno-ná'tsevo'ėšenȧhevóhe. They fell exhausted. [1987:246] Category: fall.
-ná'tsevo'ose vai. have chills. É-ná'tsevo'ose. He has the chills. fai: -ose. See: -ná'tose ‘be cold’. Category: sickness.
na'xeha vta. Gram: impv Kill him! vta: -na'h. Category: violence.
-na'xévaen vta. kill s.o. quickly. É-na'xévaenóho. He killed him quickly. (another recording) See: -ne'to'éna'xévaen ‘murder s.o. quickly’. Category: violence.
nam- i. threaten. Etym: *nem-.
namȧhta'sóoma ni. Gram: poss my shadow, my soul. Variant: nȧhta'sóoma. See: mȧhta'sóoma.
namėhāne na. my older sister. (another recording) Stem -meh ‘older sister’. See: -mėhané ‘older sister’. Category: relatives.
namėšéme na. Gram: poss my grandfather, my father-in-law. (another recording) Simplified Spelling namshim; Plural namėšemo; Vocative námėšeme; Stem -mėšéme; Feminine néške'éehe; informal: mémééhe. Category: relatives.
námėšeme voc. This is the pronunciation for speaking to your grandfather. The tones (pitches) are different (namėšéme) if you are talking about your grandfather. grandfather, grandpa. IndepNoun namėšéme ‘my grandfather’. Category: relatives.
-nameta vai. snort. for example, of a buffalo about to charge. É-nameta. He snorted. Ques: snort?? threaten?? Etym: cf *nemahwe·wa (P) ‘he threatens him’. See: -namȯhóov. Category: animals.
-namȯhóov vta. feign a motion at s.o. É-namȯhóovóho. He feigned a motion to him. Ques: threatenind motion?? fta: -(o)hóov. Etym: cf *nemahwe·wa ‘he threatens him’. See: -nameta ‘snort’. Category: sign.
-namósé vai. lefthanded. É-namóse. He is lefthanded. Variant: -henamósé. See: henamósésto; Ma'xenámosėstse. Etym: *namanci (Pi) ‘left side’. Category: hands, positions.
Námȯsé'héhe na. Left-handed Woman. Category: names.
námosėstse na. 1 • left-handed person.
2 • Lefty. See: Ma'xenámosėstse; -henamósé; He'konenámosėstse. Category: hands, names.
-naná vti. recognize s.t. É-nána. He recognized it. Etym: *nenamwa. vta: -nanóv. See: -nanohtá. Category: cognition.
-nanátanó'tov vta. make up with s.o., reconcile with s.o. Tseévaonése-nanátanó'tovóho. He is going to try to make up with him. Category: interpersonal.
-nanéahtá vti. recognize s.t. by its sound. Lit: good-recognized.by.sound É-nanéáhta. He recognized it by its sound. Épėhéve-nanéahtohe. It is easily understood. fti: -aht. See: -nané'ahtá ‘recognize s.t. by its taste’. Category: sounds.
-nanéahtov vta. recognize s.o. by voice. É-nanéahtovóho. He recognized his voice. É-nanéahtovóho tséháoena'toese. (God) recognizes those who pray to him. [1987:203] Naa oha mósta-nanéahtovȯhevóhe tséhešenéehóvetsėse heéháme. But she recognized his voice, that it was (the voice of) her husband. [1987:296] See: -nanov. Category: voice.
nánéehove vai. I am the one. Nánéehove ka'ėškóne. I am a child. See: -néehove.
-nanehe vai. paralyzed - be, stroke - have a. É-nanehe. He had a stroke/he is paralyzed. Énanėheo'o. ?? Category: sickness, check.
-nané'ahtá vti. recognize s.t. by its taste. É-nané'áhta. He recognized it by its taste. fti: -'ahtá. Etym: *nenwexpetamwa. See: -nanéahtá ‘recognize s.t. by sound’; -mé'ahtá. Category: taste.
-nanématóhtá vti. recognize s.t. by its smell. É-nanématóhta. He recognized it by its smell. Category: smell.
-nanématóm vti. recognize s.o. by smell. É-nanématomo. He recognize him by his smell. É-nanématómóho. He recognizes him by his smell. (newer pronunciation). Etym: cf *nenwimya·me·wa. vai: -matóm. Category: smell.
nanéso na. Gram: poss my child. Plural nanésoneho ‘my children’. nanésonėhaneo'o our (excl) children. Stem -néso. See: nenéso ‘your child’. Category: family, relatives.
-nanévah(n) vta. recognize s.o. (by touch or texture). É-nanévȧhnóho. He recognized him by his texture (or touch or feel). See: -nanéahtov. Category: interpersonal.
nanévėséto ni. glass, bottle, wine bottle. namely, a clear container. Nánévėsétóéva éhvé'ho'tátsénėse hénova'etse. Something was in the bottle. [1987:55] Plural nanévėsétónėstse; Oblique nánévėsétóéva. Category: containers.
-nanévėsétoeve vii. be glass. É-nanévėsétoeve. It is a glass.
nanévėsév- i. clear, transparent.
nanévėsévetohko ni. glass, glass jar. some may also gloss this as 'drinking glass' ?? Category: check. Plural nanévėsévetóhkonȯtse. See: hetohko. Category: containers.
nanévėsévo'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse ni. lamp. Category: light. Lit: transparent(.glass)-light-NOM
-nanévėsévoome vii. clear water. É-nanévėsévoome. The water is clean/clear/sparkling. clean water. Medial -óome; Antonym -ho'sótoome. See: -hóxe'óome. Category: liquid.
Nanévėsévoomemahpe Clear Creek. this is Deer Creek which flows into S. Canadian near Bridgeport, Okla. Category: rivers.
nanóe- pv. go ahead, if you wish. Ques: reck with other speakers ?? Category: check. shows attitute of speaker ?? Category: check. Nanóenėhešeha! It didn't kill her to say that! / He is saying it now! (but refused to say it for a long time). Category: exclamations.
-nanohe vta. Gram: pass recognized. É-nanohe. He (or It) was recognized. tsésáa-nanóhehane ame'hahtȯtse UFO (lit. that which is not recognized flying-thing) (new word). vta: -nanov. See: -nanóseoneve.
-nanohtá vti. recognize s.t. É-nanōhta. He recognized it. Etym: *nenamwa (P). vai: -nanov. See: -naná. Category: cognition.
nánȯhtsé'e p. and also ?? See: naa; máto. Category: check.
-náno'e fii. appear, look. Épėhéve-náno'e. It looks nice; it's beautiful. Usage: less frequently used than -nóno'e Variant: -nóno'e; fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.
náno's- i. best. See: náno't-. Category: quality.
náno'se- pv. best, most. É-náno'sepėhéva'e. It is the best. hé'tóhe tsé-náno'setotóxésto the main thing she talked about. [1987:12] See: háe-; hoháe-; hehpe-; heóme-. Category: quantity.
náno't- i. best. É-náno'tahe. He is the most important one. É-náno'tó'áne. He pronounced (something) strongest. ?? See: náno's-. Category: quality.
-náno'tahe vai. most important, best, main one. É-náno'tahe. He is the most important one. for instance, this could be said of a tribal president. Naa móh-náno'tȧhehéhe ameméohéstóva. And she was the best one at running. [1987:245] vii: -náno'tátó, -náno'ta'e. See: -ne'tahe. Category: quality.
-náno'ta'e vai. most important, best, main one. É-náno'ta'e It is the most important one. vai: -náno'tahe; vii: -náno'tátó. Category: quality.
-náno'tátam vta. consider s.o. best. É-náno'tátamóho. He considers him (obv) the best. [pd279] Initial náno't-; vti: -náno'tátsestá. Category: cognition.
-náno'tátó vii. best. É-náno'táto. It is the best. vai: -náno'tahe. Category: quality.
-náno'tátsestá vti. consider s.t. best. É-náno'tátsésta. He considers it the best. [pd279] Initial náno't-; vta: -náno'tátam. Category: cognition.
-náno'toeme vii. best in value, most worthy.
vai. best in value, most worthy. É-náno'toeme. He (or It) is the best in value. Category: value.
-náno'tó'ané vai. pronounce strongest. É-náno'tó'áne. He pronounced (something) strongest. ?? Taase é-náno'to'anéstove? Which is the strongest (in pronunciation)? fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak, check.
nanó'vȧsé'óovȯhēō'o ni. windshield wiper. Ques: recheck; compare with words for glass ?? Category: check, car, new.
-nanomóné vai. surrender, make peace. Lit: recognize In the Cheyenne way, to "recognize" someone is to make peace with them. É-nanomóne. He made peace/he is a peacemaker. Naa nȧháóhe móstatšėhešėhé-nanomónėhevóhe. So they went there to surrender. [Cheyenne Tribal History.086] See: -nanósané; -nanov; -onéstȧhtóohe. Category: warfare.
Nanomóneéšeēva Armistice Day. Lit: recognition("peace")-day Category: holidays.
nanomónéhe na. peacemaker, reconciler.
na. Category: warfare, names.
nanomónestȯtse ni. peace, reconciliation. Lit: recognition In the Cheyenne way, to recognize someone is to be reconciled to them, to make peace with them. See: nanóvȧhtsestȯtse; he'kotȧhestȯtse; ována'xaetanohtȯtse. Category: interpersonal.
nanomónetanó vai. want to surrender.
-nanónehe vai. uncaring. Usage: commonly used, but only with the negative Ésáa-nanónėhéhe. He has no pity/he doesn't care; lacks feelings of mercy; he'll go to any lengths to hurt s.o.; he doesn't give a damn. See: -mé'emo'eéh; -hová'ėhevátsestá; -ó'xo'ená'tsé. Category: emotions.
-nanóohto'ha'ehné vai. walk very slowly. É-nanóohto'ha'ēhne. He is taking his time walking ; he is walking very slowly. fai: -ehné. Category: walk.
nánóó'ėse p. slowly and carefully. See: ánénóó'ėse.
-nanósané vai. recognize (people). É-nanósáne. He recognized people. Etym: *nena·tike·wa. Éohkeéva-nanósáne. He forgives people. Lit: he recognizes again vta: -nanóv. See: -nanomóné. Category: cognition.
nanóse'hame na. 1 • cougar; mountain lion; lion; panther; tiger. (another recording) Plural nanósé'háme; Obviative nanósé'háme.
2 • Cougar, Mountain Lion. Category: animals, names.
nanóse'haméhéve vai. be a cougar; be a mountain lion. Éstȧsé'hove-nanóse'haméhevėhoo'o. All of a sudden he turned into a mountain lion. [The Boy Who Left His Horse on the Prairie.039]
nanóse'hamēso na. mountain lion kitten, baby cougar. Plural nanóse'hamėsono. Category: animals.
-nanóseoneve vai. recognized.
vii. recognized. É-nanóseoneve. He (or It) is recognized. See: -nanohe; -vóoseoneve.
-nanov vta. 1 • recognize s.o. É-nanovóho. He recognized him. Etym: *nenawe·wa (P). Ná-nanōvo. I recognize him. Ná-nanōō'e. They recognize me. É-nanóvȧhtseo'o. They recognize each other/they have made peace. Né-nanóehe? Did he recognize you? Né-nanovovohe tá'tóhe Heévȧhetaneo'o? Do you recognize those Cheyennes. Phon: vcpr vai: -nanomóné; vti: -nanohtá. See: -naná; -a'xaót; -he-vésenéhe'tov; -vonetanó'tá. Etym: *nena·we·wa ‘I recognize him’. Category: interpersonal.
2 • make peace with s.o.reconcile with s.o. Nétaéva-nanóvȧhtsémáne! Let's recognize each other again! (that is, reconcile, forgive). Éva-nanóvahtse! Reconcile with each other! Ééva-nanóvȧhtseo'o. They have recognized each other again. É-nanóvȧhtséstove. There is peace/there is reconciliation. Such reconciliation is typically shown by shaking hands; this cultural sign is a way of indicating forgiveness for which there is no single Cheyenne word. Category: interpersonal, cognition, figurative.
nanóvȧhtsestȯtse ni. mutual recognition. éva-nanóvȧhtsestȯtse recognizing each other again. See: nanomónestȯtse.
nánóváne ni. Gram: poss our (excl.) home. See: nénovane. Usage: obsolescing
-naoestoh(n) vta. stun s.o., knock out s.o. for example, swatting a fly but only knocking it out and it recovers. Nétáve-naoestōhno. You stunned him.
náoo p. oh my! female exclamation. Phon: may be lengthened for greater effect Variant: nóoóo. See: éaa ‘male exclamation’. Category: exclamations.
náoóo p. oh my. See: nooo.
-naóotse vai. sleep. É-naóotse. He slept / He is sleeping. (another recording) Etym: cf. *nepe·wa vs. *nepa·wa. Ná-naóotse. I slept. Né-naóotse. You slept. Ééše-naóotse. He is asleep. Nápėhéve-naóotse. I slept well. É-naóotseo'o. They are sleeping. Compare Nápėhévenome 'I slept well', which is probably the older way of expressing that meaning. Naóotsėstse! Sleep! Tȧhé-naóotsėstse! Go sleep! Hēā'e ésó'-naóotse. Maybe he is still sleeping. This Cheyenne verb stem looks like it has the AI final -otse, but, if so, then-naóotséotse has two -otse finals. Tā'se éxaevá'ne-naóotse. It is like he is just sleeping. That is especially said of the way someone looks who is lying dead in a coffin. É-naóotóho. He (obv, for example, his son) is sleeping. Pėhéve-naóotseo'o! Sleep well! (delayed command). Pėhéve-naóotséhéne! Sleep well then! (said to more than one person). naóotsévahe ?? Go to sleep! (something like a lullaby statement to a small child). Category: check. First person: Épėhévoestomo'he. Second person: ȯh-naóotsesėstse! First person: She is kind. Second person: when she is asleep. That can be a humorous exchange about a sister-in-law. tséh-naóotséto when I was sleeping. tséh-naóotseto when you were sleeping. tséh-naóotsevo when I was sleeping (relational). tséh-naóotsėse when he was sleeping. tséh-naóotsése when you (plural) were sleeping. tséh-naóotsetsėse when he (obv) was sleeping. tséh-naóotsétse when we were sleeping. tséh-naóotsévȯse when they were sleeping. fai: -énome. See: -naóotseotse ‘fall asleep’; -oveše ‘go to bed’; -pėhévenome ‘sleep well’. Category: sleep, check.
-naóotsé'seh vta. cause s.o. to sing. Ná-naóotsé'sého. I made him sleep. Category: sleep.
-naóotsémané vai. pretend to be sleeping. É-naóotsémáne. He is pretending to be asleep/he is playing sleep. fai: -mané. Category: sleep.
-naóotséotse vai. go to sleep, asleep - fall, fall asleep. É-naóotseotse. He went to sleep. Etym: *nepe·palyipalyiwa (P/L). See: -naóotse ‘sleep’; -nomoneotse ‘become drowsy’. Category: sleep.
-naóotsétanó vai. want to sleep. Ná-naóotsétáno. I want to sleep. Násó'-naóotsétáno. I still want to sleep. Náohkėsáa'éne-naóotsétanóhe. I never quit feeling sleepy. See: -nomoneotse. Category: sleep.
-naóotsévéné vai. sleepy face. É-naóotsévéne. He has a sleepy looking face. BodyPartMedial -éné ‘face’. See: -naóotse ‘sleep’. Category: face.
-naóotsévėsané vai. wear night clothes, wear a nightgown, wear pajamas. É-naóotsévėsáne. He is wearing night clothes. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
naóotsévo'keha ni. slipper. Lit: sleep-shoe Plural naóotsévo'kėhanȯtse. Category: clothing.
-naóotsevomóhtahe vai. feel sleepy. probably not of ordinary drowsiness but rather of a deeper condition such as spring fever. tsé?? É-naóotsevomóhtahe. He feels sleepy (for example, has spring fever). See: -nomoneotse. Category: check, record.
Náoxhóé'éhne na. Bear Comes Out. Variant: Náhkȯxhóé'éhne. See: náhkohe. Category: names.
Náoxhóé'éhnėstse na. Bear Comes Out. Variant: Náhkȯxhóé'éhnėstse, Náhkȯxhóé'éhne. See: náhkohe. Category: names.
Násemáhasėstse na. Gram: voc This is the vocative, said when speaking to them. See: násemáhe ‘my younger sibling’. Category: relatives.
násemáhe na. Gram: poss my younger sibling. (another recording) (another recording: John Standsintimber, 1950) Another way to say 'my younger sibling' is naváseme. Násemáhasėstse! Younger siblings (vocative, said when speaking to them.) See: naváseme ‘my younger sibling’; -vásem ‘younger sibling (poss)’; ésemáhe ‘your younger sibling’. Category: relatives.
nastámáne ni. Gram: poss our (excl) food. Possessive -htámé; Variant: nȧhtámáne. Category: food.
nȧstona na. Gram: poss my daughter. Usage: This is an alternate pronunciation of some speakers; the more common pronunciation is nȧhtona. Variant: nȧhtona. Category: relatives.
nastōtse Gram: poss na. my pet. Nastōtse náameotsēho. I am walking my dog. Variant: nȧhtotséh. Category: animals.
natonėše ni. Gram: poss my belly. Category: body.
natsénota na. Gram: poss my cross-nephew. that is, son of my sister if I am a male, or son of my brother if I am a female. (another recording) (another recording) Plural natsénotaho; Stem -tsénota. Etym: *neθenkwaθa (P). Category: relatives.
naváseme na. my younger sibling. Another way to say 'my younger sibling' is násemáhe. See: násemáhe ‘my younger sibling’. Category: relatives.
navéhoname na. Gram: poss my chief. IndepNoun veho ‘chief’. Category: people.
navénónáne ni. Gram: poss our (excl) home. See: -venȯtse ‘home’.
navenȯtse ni. Gram: poss my camp, my home. See: nénóve; énóváne; -venȯtse. Category: house.
naveo'o na. Gram: poss my co-wife. This is a woman who is also a wife to my husband. See: hevéono.
navéséne na. my friend (male to male). Usage: This is a newer pronunciation. The older pronunciation for 'my friend' was néséne See: néséne ‘my friend (male to male)’; -vésené ‘friend (male to male)’.
navéškeme na. Gram: poss my grandmother, my mother-in-law. Ques: poss (another recording) Variant: néške'éehe. Usage: The older pronunciation is néške'éehe Variant: néške'éehe; vai: -he-véškeme ‘have a grandmother’. See: -hke'éehe; éškeme; -hkeme. Category: relatives.
navétame na. Gram: poss my cross sibling-in-law, my brother-in-law (female speaking), my sister-in-law (male speaking). Variant: nétame. Usage: This is a word used by newer pronunciation; the older word is nétame. In the Cheyenne system, a cross sibling-in-law is a man's brother's wife, man's wife's sister, woman's sister's husband, or woman's husband's brother. It can also be a man's sister's husband's sister. A man can jokingly refer to his wife's sister (even if she is herself married) as tsévéstoemo 'my wife'; traditionally, if a man took a second wife she often would be a younger sister to his first wife. Present joking continues to reflect these historical relations. Category: relatives.
navétóva ni. Gram: poss my body. Ques: in my body?? Ques: body or self?? See: -vétove. Category: body.
navétove ni. Gram: poss my body. Usage: obsolescing The older form of this word was nétove, which is now archaic. Variant: nétove; Stem -vétove. See: -vétová. Category: body.
navéxahe na. Gram: poss my grandchild, my child-in-law. newer pronunciation than néxahe: néxahe Variant: néxahe; Plural navéxaho. Category: relatives.
navoestȯtse na. Gram: poss my dress. Possessive -voestȯtse. Category: clothing.
navóhkėha'e ni. Gram: poss my hat. Possessive -vóhkėha'e; IndepNoun hóhkėha'e. Category: clothing.
navōhto na. my pants. a single pair. Plural navȯhtoho; Possessive -vohtó. Category: clothing.
navo'ėstanémasėstse na. Gram: poss Gram: voc my people. Criers would use this word to address the people. See: -vo'ėstanem.
navo'ėstaneme na. Gram: poss my person. Plural navo'ėstanemo, (another recording). The plural means 'my family.'. Category: relatives, people.
navo'ota ni. Gram: poss my choker. Category: clothing. Stem -vo'ota.
návóohestonāne na. Gram: poss our relative. Category: relatives. Stem -vóohestot.
návóohestoto na. Gram: poss my relatives. Stem -vóohestȯtse.
navóohestȯtse na. Gram: poss my relative. navóohestoto my relatives. Stem -vóohestȯtse. Category: relatives.
navȯxȯheono na. Gram: poss my socks. Possessive -vȯxȯhēō'o. Category: clothing.
náxȧhtáhpeo'o na. reptile. Usage: translation as 'reptile' uncertain Lit: slimy/slipper one ?? Category: check. Plural náxȧhtáhpeono; Obviative náxȧhtáhpeono.
nȧxāne na. Gram: poss my maternal uncle. (another recording) Stem -šeh ‘maternal uncle’. Category: relatives.
nȧ-xāne voc. my maternal uncle (voc.) This is a person's mother's brother. This word was used when speaking to your uncle. It is not well known today. Category: relatives.
-nȧxovoeotse vai. collapse. É-nȧxovoeotse. He collapsed.
-né1 sfx. TA suffix for first person plural exclusive. Návóomaē-ne. He saw us (excl). See: -ne1 ‘1/2PL’. Category: grammar.
-ne1 sfx. first person plural inclusive TA suffix. Névóomae-ne. He saw us (incl). Néhéne'enóe-ne. He knows us (incl). See: -né1 ‘first person plural exclusive TA suffix’. Category: grammar.
-ne2 sfx. first person plural inclusive suffix for TI verbs. Variant: -né. Névóohtano-ne. We (incl) saw it. See: -né. Category: grammar.
-né2 sfx. reportative and preterit suffix for II verbs. Ques: Is it justified to combine the reportative and pret here? see discussion of the surprisal under -ho. Éhoo'kȯhó-nėse. They say it's raining. Épėhéva'é-neho! Wow, it's good (pret)! Mȧhaemenȯtse éxxaetsėhetó'a'há-nėsestȯtse. Corn was really waving. See: -ho. Category: grammar.
-né3 sfx. abstract AI final. Éoxa'ȯhē-ne. He is beading. Éhotóhkȯhtȧhé-ne. He is making a star design. Some other finals appear to include this abstract final, such as -sané and -mané. See: -sané; -mané. Category: grammar.
-ne3 sfx. segment which appears as a reflex of PA *n in the history of Cheyenne and which does not appear in many verb forms. It has the allomorph -n in some forms. Éma'o-nevotse? Are they (inan) red? See: -n; -né.
né4 p. exclamation?? Né hápó'e nánėheto'omenehe tséheto'omenėheto éxhetaehoono. "Hey! Likewise I'm the same way as you are. [The Nighthawk.028] Ques: hé or né?? Category: check.
-ne5 sfx. first person plural (both exclusive and inclusive) final (suffix) for TI verbs with both plural subject and objects. Návóohtano-nėstse. We (excl) saw them (inan). Névóohtano-nėstse. We (incl) saw them (inan).
né- pfx. second person independent verb prefix. Né-manehe? Did you drink? Né-pėhévėho'sóéme. You (pl) danced well. The vowel is whispered if this prefix precedes future tense. Nė-stsepėhévemésehe. You will eat well. Nė-staévȧhósevóomȧtse. I'll see you again later. Mó-nėstsenoméne? Will you drink something hot? Etym: *ke-; cf. O gi·n. See: nė- ‘2’; ne- ‘2PS’. Category: grammar.
ne- pfx. second person pronominal prefix. The expected né- prefix is pronounced as a low-pitched voiceless prefix before the future tense marker, htse-. Category: grammar.
nė- pv. backward referring deictic preverb. Ná-nėhesta. I am that (already mentioned) way. Ná-nėhéto. (cf. náhéto 'I told him') I told him that. (previously mentioned). Antonym tsė-. See: néhe; -neh. Category: grammar.
ne- pfx. second person possessor prefix. Etym: *ke-. etymological note: Ch. /n/ here does not directly reflect PA *k (contra Leman (1980:46.316-318)), rather, it passed through a stage, which I. Goddard (1988:345-60) describes and calls "yodation", to ky, then the k deleted, leaving y which the Ch. /n/ does reflect (?? ne-néso your child. ne-mȧheónévo your (pl) house. See: né- ‘2’; na- ‘1PS’. Category: grammar.
Néá'eše vta. thank you. (another recording) That is a transitive verb, said to someone, "thank you", literally something closer to "You have graced me in a wonderful way". Néá'ėšéme. Thank you (said to more than one person). Néá'ėšemeno. Thank you (said from more than one person to one or more persons. vai: -á'eh. See: hahóo. Category: interpersonal.
Néá'eše Tséxhešemésėhéstove vii. Thanksgiving. Lit: when there is eating in a "thank you" manner Variant: Hahóo Tséxhešemésėhéstove. Category: holidays.
nea'háanéhe dem. Gram: an Gram: sg he/she is the one; here he/she is. (another recording) old information in discourse; proximal. Vé'kėséhá'e nea'háanéhe. There is Bird Woman. Plural nea'háanevóhe ‘They are the ones.’. Nea'háanéhe tsé'ȯhkeamėhého'soo'ėse hénėhéóhe. He is the one who danced there. [1987:48] Contracted neá'hanéhe. See: hena'háanéhe; néa'hanehe; naa'háanéhe; nevá'hanéhe; nėsé-. Category: identity.
nea'háanevóhe dem. Gram: an Gram: pl they are the ones. old information in discourse; proximal. naa nea'háanevóhe tsénėxhémeotaetsee'e those are the ones who are coming to fight us (1987:21). Singular nea'háanéhe. Category: identity.
neá'hanéhe dem. Gram: na Gram: sg here he is (proximal; old information). See: nea'háanehe; tséa'hanehe; náa'hanehe. Non-contracted nea'háanéhe.
nee p. naw! Ques: née?? Nee mónévésėhetonėheto'omenėhehéhe. "Naw! You must be alright. [The Nighthawk.031] See: né4; hé. Category: exclamations, check.
-nééh vta. 1 • stand up s.o., line s.o. up. Category: stand.
2 • nominate s.o. É-néeho. He nominated him. Énééhóho. He nominated him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *ni:po·he·wa (P) ‘he makes him stand’. Émé'-néeho. He nominated him. (lit., he-appear-stand.up-him). Ná-néého. I chose him (for example, to do a special job). vai: -néé'e. See: -née'tov. Category: stand.
-nééhá vii. stand, be at. É-nééha. It is standing (there). Móhma'xeéetšėše-néehanevótse ma'xemenó'ėstse. There were a lot of plum bushes. [1987:288] vai: -néé'e. Category: stand.
-néeha'o'tsé vti. raise s.t. Anósema nā'ėstse éohkenéé'e, néhe éohke-néeha'ō'tse. That one (person) standing outside raises it up. [Sweat Lodges.029]
-néehove vai. be the person, be the one, I, me. These are fully inflected verb forms in Cheyenne, marked for person, number, order, etc. Ná-néehove. I am the one. Ná-néehove Vóestaā'e. I am White Buffalo Calf Woman. [1987:32] Né-néehove. You are the one. Né-néehóvehe? Are you the one? (another recording) É-néehove. He is the one. É-néehóveo'o. They are the ones. Ná-néehóvéme. We (excl) are the ones. Né-néehóvéme. You (plural) are the ones. Naa étaome-néehove. Well, it's HIS life. For example, he has to take the consequences of his actions, no one can tell him what to do. Móstȧhéne'enovȯhevóhe á'e hósėstse tséh-néehóvévȯse. They found out about those who were near, (that they were just like) them. [1987:3] Návé'šenėhešéve tséh-néehóvévȯse I did it for them (for example, a mother typically would say this about doing something for the sake of her children). tséh-néehóvéto as for myself, me, I. Ma'hēō'o mónámétaehéhe tséxháoena'toese tsėhéóhe tséh-néehóvevo. God gave it to me when people prayed to him for my sake. Ma'hēō'o énéehove néohkenėševátamaene. Éno'kevó'ho'ėho'hévatamaahe. Éhoháatamaahe. Nétaohkeó'tȯsėháoena'tovone.?? God is the one, he takes pity on us. He is glorious. He is powerful. We perseverantly pray to him.?? tséh-néehóveto as for you. tséh-néehovėse as for him. tséh-néehóvétse as for us (excl. and incl.) tséh-néehóvése as for you (plural). tséh-néehóvévȯse as for them. It appears that Cheyennes do not refer to themselves in the third person, as can be done sometimes in English and some other languages. vta: -néehóvem. See: -néevá'eve; taamááhe; nėsé-; -hová'eve; nea'háanéhe. Category: identity.
-néehóve'tov vta. represent s.o. Ná-néehóvé'tóvo. I am representing him. vai: -néehove.
-néehóvem vta. identify s.o., declare s.o. to be the one. Ná-néehóvémo. I identify him/declare him to be the one. vai: -néehove. Category: identity.
-néé'e vii. stand. Móhma'xeéetšėše-néehanevótse ma'xemenó'ėstse. There were a lot pf plum bushes standing. [The Scalped Man Who Died.031]
vai. stand (position), stop, be at. that is, to stand in place, not the process of standing up. É-néé'e. He was standing. Etym: *ni·po·wa (P). É-néeo'o. They are standing. (another recording) Nonónóó'e énéé'e. A rainbow is standing. Amȧho'héhe é-néé'e. The car is standing (there). Móstaohke-néehevóhe ȯhtaónėšeotsétsesėstse heške. They would stop whenever her mother would have a contraction. [1987:26] Phon: vs vta: -née'tov. See: -néeotse; -néhoveóó'é ‘stand (process)’; -amóeóó'e ‘stand’. Antonym -amónoo'e. Category: stand.
néé'éve na. the couple. that is, a husband and wife. found in the story of The Rolling Head. Ques: might this be some kind of contraction of néhe and an old word for wife?? See: néhe. Category: family, check.
nee'ha na. Gram: poss your son. Stem -e'hah. Category: relatives.
nee'póhehe na. crane, heron. This word was used to tease bed wetters with a phrase something like nee'póhehe ??; maybe it was supposed to help cure the bed wetting ?? Category: check. See: ne'potātse.
-néé'tá vti. stand with reference to s.t., represent s.t., stand up to, be in charge of, do with reference to s.t., take the blame for s.t., represent s.t. É-néé'ta. He stood up to it; he stood against it; he is the one that did it; he is in charge of it. Etym: *ni·po·ʔtamwa (P). Émȧhe-néé'ta. He did it all; he is in charge of it all now (for example, so now I can do whatever I want, not having the responsibility he now has). Éme'tšėheše-néé'ta. He should stand (for example, live; be) like this. Hotse'óhestȯtse ... tseéepėhéve-néé'tánóvo. (I prayed that) they will perform their jobs well. (1987:99). Naa hēā'e náéšee'óestaāhe ná'ȯhkėhešėtāno hotȧhtsemóxho'nóxaepėhéve-néé'tómo. And maybe I used to think, "I am already baptized," but I had not fully attained good standing.(was not mature?) [1987:195] Náhóovene'étamenȯtse naa ésáaxae-néé'tóhe. Naa náne'évȧhéne'étamenȯtse. I mistakenly depended on him and he did not do what he said (lit. did not stand to it). And I would not again depend on him. (that is, he disappointed me). Násáakánomenėhešévéhe, oha nȧhtanėše-néé'ta. Even though I did not do it, I will take the blame for it. Ho'e ná-néé'ta, nama'háhko'eve. I represent the earth, I am the badger. (from the badger quitting song). vta: -néé'tov. Category: stand.
-néé'tȯsané vai. represent, speak for. É-néé'tȯsáne. He is representing. Variant: -néé'tȯsené. See: -ne'evátsėsané.
-néé'tȯsené vai. represent, speak for. É-née'tȯsēne. He stands before things, represents. Etym: *ni·po·Ɂta·tike·wa (P). Hó'taévȧhósenėheše-née'tȯsenévȯhtse tā'se nėhéóhe mótanó'a'éhanéhe. When they come to this topic again, like, there's something included that is not good. [1987:211] Variant: -néé'tȯsané.
-néé'tov vta. stand beside s.o., represent s.o. É-née'tovóho. He stood by him/represented him (for example, in court). Etym: *ni·po·ʔtawe·wa (P). Návése-néé'tóvo I'm standing with/for him. Tȧhé-nee'toveha he'pa'óne! Go stand behind him! vai: -néé'e; vti: -néé'tá. See: -nééh; -véseóém. Category: stand.
neeme'se- i. plain, bare, nothing.
pv. plain, bare, nothing. É-neeme'semese ho'évohkȯhtse He ate the meat plain (there was nothing on it). É-neeme'semese. He ate it by itself (for example, eats cheese with nothing else). É-neeme'sėho'ēhne. He came with nothing. Otaxa é-neeme'sevé'ho'étanoo'o. They just think like white people. (STORIES.TXT). See: xamae-. Category: quality.
neeme'seto pv. plain, bare. Ques: néeme'seto See: neeme'se-; xamae-.
-neeme'só vii. plain, bare. É-neemē'so It is plain/there's nothing on it. Category: appearance.
-neeme'tá vii. be by itself. É-neemē'ta. It is there by itself.
-neeme'tóva'ešé vai. lie on bare ground. É-neeme'tóva'ēše. v?? He was lying on bare ground. See: -pónoma'ešená. Category: lie, ground, check.
néenáh(n) fta. send s.o., command s.o. requires an initial, often a relator initial. Náhtatšėheše-néenáhenéme vée'e éxhó'ta. They told us to go to a certain tepee, it was there. [1987:28] Nėhéóhe nánėheše-neenáhno. I told him to go over there. Nėhéóhe náheše-neenáhno. I told him to go over there. Nátšėheše-neenáhno. I sent him over there. Mó'évȧhóe-neenáhnȯhevóhe. He commanded him to go out. Éhe'néve-neenahno. He sent them spread out. See: /-méa/; -hotset.
-néene'ohtá vii. frost (dew?? É-néene'ōhta. There is frost on the ground/the grass is frozen. ?? See: -néene'o'e. Category: weather, check.
-néene'o'é vii. grass be wet. É-néene'ō'e. The grass is wet. See: -néene'ohtá.
néenéso na. his/her children. Ques: is this a contraction of néhe plus néso?? or néhe plus henésono?? See: -nésó ‘child (poss)’. Category: check.
-néeotse vai. stand. É-néeotse. He stood (there. Éstaosáane-néeotséhoo'o. So she just stood there where she was. [1987:296] Ques: also vii?? See: -néé'e. Category: stand.
-néestoo'o na. Gram: poss pet. small animal, especially a bird. A larger pet (especially horse, but also dog or cat) has the possessive stem -htotséh. na-néestoo'o my pet bird. na-néestóono my pet birds. he-néestóono his pet bird(s). he-néestóonéhevóho their bird(s). See: -htotsé. Morph: /-néehtóon/. Phon: vs Category: birds, animals.
-nééstsé vti. stand up s.t. É-nééstse. He stood it up. Etym: *ni·po·hta·wa (P). Náhtaéva-nééstse. I stood it back up. [FAMILY.TXT] Variant: -néé'tá. Category: move.
-néétó vii. stand (position); parked. É-nééto. It is parked (there) (lit., standing, for example, a car). É-só'-nééto naamȧho'hestȯtse. My car is still there (lit. my car is still standing). vai: -néé'é. See: -ho'tá. Category: stand.
-néetȯho'hamé vai. pasture livestock. É-néetȯho'hāme. He put his horses out to pasture. Variant: -néeto'hamé. Category: horses.
-néeto'hamé vai. pasture livestock. É-néeto'hāme. He has his horses pastured (over there). Variant: -néetȯho'hamé. Category: horses, check.
néeto'haméma'kaata ni. lease money. Lit: pasture-livestock-money Category: money.
néeto'haméma'kaatánėstse ni. Gram: pl lease money. Lit: pasture-livestock-monies See: ma'kaata. Category: money.
-néevá'eve vai. Who is/are ? Né-néevá'eve? Who are you? (another recording) É-néevá'evėsesto. I wonder who they are. See: -néehove; nevááso; névááhe; -hová'eve. Category: identity.
-neevávoo'kohe vai. wipe up poop. É-neevávoo'kohe. He wiped up after defecating. Hová'éhe námatóhta; hēā'e nésáa-neevávoo'kȯhéhe. I smell something; maybe you didn't wipe up. That could be said by a man to tease his brother-in-law. Variant: -neevávoo'ohe; vta: -neevávoo'koh(n). Category: groom, vulgar.
neevávoo'kȯhestȯtse ni. toilet paper. Lit: wiping-paper Variant: ne'evávoo'kȯhestȯtse; Synonym neevávȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: check, paper, record.
-neevávoo'koh(n) vta. wipe up poop of s.o. can be said about wiping up a dirty baby. É-neevávoo'kȯhnóho. He wiped him (obv) up after he pooped. Variant: -neevávoo'oh(n). See: -nėhoh(n); -nėhe'ėséh(n). Category: babies.
-neevávoo'ohe vai. wipe up poop. É-neevávoo'ohe. He wiped up after defecating. Tamá'sėhé-neevávoo'oešėstse! Go finish wiping up! That could be teasing said by a man to his brother-in-law. Variant: -neevávoo'kohe. Category: vulgar.
-neevávoo'oh(n) vta. wipe up poop of s.o. can be said about wiping up a dirty baby. É-neevávoo'ȯhnóho. He wiped him up after he pooped. Variant: -neevávoo'koh(n). See: -nėhoh(n); -nėhe'ėséh(n). Category: babies.
neevávȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. toilet paper. Ques: recheck?? Ques: one elder says ne'evávȯxe'ėstoo'o Synonym neevávoo'kȯhestȯtse. Category: paper, check.
nėh-1 pfx. toward, cislocative directional. allomorphs nex-; ne'-; nes-; neš-; the vowel is high pitched in imperative forms and some indicative forms; it is usually low pitched in indicative forms (does this rule need to be reformulated?; another possible rule statement: This vowel is high-pitched when this is the first voiced syllable of a word (but there are even a few counterexamples to this). É-nėxho'ēhne. He walked in/he arrived. É-ne'amȧhtóohe. He (for example, thunder) is approaching hollering. É-nėstsėheta'hāhtse. He threw it toward here (that is, toward the speaker). É-nėhvóonotse'ohe. He worked through the whole night. Antonym ta-. See: néh-.
néh-1 dir. toward, hither. Phon: The high-pitch is used when this (cislocative) morpheme is used in commands. Néh-metsėstse! Give it to me! Néx-hėstánȯhtse! Bring it to me! Nés-ta'ta'enomevemenoo'o he'nétoo'o Open the door for us! Néx-háóénȧhtse! Pray! Néx-hó'hóma closer/on this side (nearer speaker). Antonym ta-. See: neh-. Category: directions.
nėh-2 i. wipe. Variant: nėh(e)-. É-nėhȧhtsenáhestse. He wiped his (own) mouth. É-nėhe'ėhahtáxe He wiped his feet. É-nėhóha. He wiped it. Nėhe'onáhestsėstse! Wipe your hands! See: neh-.
néh-2 i. quickly, soon. É-néhahá'éne. She fixed food early. Preverb néhe-.
-néh3 vta. suckle s.o.nurse s.o.breastfeed s.o. É-neho. She nursed (breastfed) him. É-néhóho. She nursed him. (newer pronunciation). vai: néne3. Etym: *no·nle·wa. See: -néh; -néh; -néstovohe; -nénót; -nénom; -néstovȯhet; matana. Category: babies.
néh-4 pfx. conjunct prefix. néh-néšévȯse both of them. néh-no'kȧhéto I alone. néstȯxétse all of us. néstȯxévȯse all of them (an.) Ques: morphological analysis is uncertain; possibly these are prefix-less conjunct participles ?? Category: check, grammar.
-néhá vti. chase s.t., follow s.t., pursue s.t., track s.t. for example, a trail. É-néha. He chased it/he followed it (for example, a trail). Etym: *no·hsamwa (P). vta: -néhov. See: -néhe'ov; -néh; -néheohé'tá; -néhe'á.
-nėhaéneh(n) vta. wipe tears of s.o. Ná-nėhaénéhno. I wiped his tears. É-nėhaénehno. He wiped his tears. BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -nėhohené ‘wipe’. Category: cry, face.
-nėhaénén vta. wipe eye(s) of s.o. É-nėhaénenahtse. He wiped his (own) eyes. BodyPartMedial -éné; Synonym -nėhehaéneh. Category: eyes.
-néhahá'ené vai. cook fast, cook food early, cook quickly, quickly cook. É-néhahá'éne. She fixed food sooner than usual; she cooked fast. fai: -ahá'ené. See: -nėševȧhá'ené ‘cook fast’. Category: cook.
nėhahtsenáhestȯtse na. napkin. Lit: wipe-mouth-thing (another pronunciation) (younger speaker pronunciation) Plural nėhahtsenáhestoto; Obviative nėhahtsenáhestoto; BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. See: nėhe'onáxestȯtse. Category: eat.
-nėhahtsenáh(n) vta. wipe mouth of s.o. É-nėhahtsenáhestse. He wiped his (own) face. Nėhahtsenáhestsėstse! Wipe your mouth! Category: eat, mouth.
-néhá'ené vai. cook quickly. É-néhá'éne. ?? She is cooking quickly. fai: -ahá'ené. See: -néhahá'ené; -nėševȧhá'ené. Category: cook, speed, check.
-néha'o'tá vti. track s.t. É-néha'ō'ta. He is trying to grab it as it's going.
néham- i. sneak up. É-néhama'ovóho. He sneaked up on him. É-néhameōhe. He approached unseen/he sneaked up. É-néhamó'áne. He is beating around the bush / he is making excuses.
-néhama'ov vta. sneak up on s.o. É-néhama'ovóho. He sneaked up on him. Móstaosáanetšėše-néhama'óehevóhe heéháme. Her husband sneaked up on her. [1987:252] See: -néhameoha'ov. Category: interpersonal, motion.
-néhameoha'á vti. wait for s.t. while hiding. Móstaohke-néhameoha'ȯhéhe. He would wait for (the fat). [Croft 1988:18]
-néhameoha'ov vti. approach s.o. indirectly; sneak around to contact s.o. É-néhameoha'ovóho. He is indirectly approaching him. See: -néhama'ov. Category: interpersonal.
-néhameohe vai. approach unseen quickly, sneak up quickly. É-néhameohe. He sneaked up quickly. Category: motion.
-néhametanó vta. take a chance. Ná-néhametāno. I'm taking a chance. É-néhametāno. He is taking a chance. with this quality a person is willing to take a risk.
-néhamó'áne vai. make excuses, beat around the bush. É-néhamó'áne. He is beating around the bush / he is making excuses. Category: speak.
néhamose ni. hillside. Oblique néhamōse ‘on the other side of the hill’; Final -ose. See: hoéhose. Category: positions.
-nėhan vti. wipe s.t. É-nėhána. He wiped it.
vta. wipe s.o. É-nėhanóho. He wiped him. Ééva-nėhanóho. He wiped him off. for example, a medicine man wiped him off, so something bad, such as bad luck, will not stick to his body. See: nėh(e)-; nėhohēō'o; -hóxe'an.
néhe-1 pv. quickly, sooner than usual, early. Éto'se-néheamēhne. He is just about to walk (for example, to learn to walk). Énéhe-nȧha'ēna. He caught on quickly. Éohke-néhea'xaaméotse. He easily (or quickly) cries. É-néhemésehe. He ate sooner. Ná-néhená'tose. I get cold easily / quickly. for example, before other people ate, or before the regular time. Néohke-néhená'tȯsehe? Do you get cold quickly? É-néheka'a'xe. He (or she) made movements in copulation (at orgasm??). Initial néh-. See: nėševe-; -oest; móne-. Category: time, sex.
néhe-2 pv. follow; chase. É-néhevo'ėstanéheve'tovóho Ma'heóneva He lives for God (that is, follows after God as he lives). É-néheohé'tovóho He chased him. vta: -néheohé'tov.
nėh(e)- i. wipe. nėhe'onáxestȯtse napkin (lit. wipe-hands-thing). nėhévȯhoénestȯtse towel (lit. wipe-face-NOM). nėhahtsenáhestȯtse napkin (lit. wipe-mouth-thing). É-nėhȧhtsenáhestse. He wiped his (own) mouth. É-nėhe'ėhahtáxe He wiped his feet. É-nėhóha. He wiped it. É-nėheeséhestse He wiped his (own) nose. É-nėheevávoo'koestse He wiped up (after defecating). nėhoheo'o dish towel ? (lit. wiping (thing)). Etym: *kesi·-.
néhe dem. Gram: an-definite-proximal that, those; animate definite article. This word refers to one or more animate things previously mentioned. This particle, as well as its deictic parallel tsé'tóhe, can be used alone to avoid saying someone's name, for example, if you, as speaker, are angry at them and therefore don't want to say their name; with néhe the referent is not present at the speech act. With tsé'tóhe, they are. (another recording) Phon: often contracts to né- and attaches (cliticizes) to a following word that it modifies né=hetane that man. né=ná'ėstse the other one (an.) Mó=néhe? You mean that one (referred to)? Etym: cf *ena (P). Inanimate héné. See: náhe; ne-; héné; tsé'tóhé; nea'háanéhe; nėsé.
-néhee'e vai. mature fast. É-néhee'e. He matured fast. Antonym -nóvee'e. See: -éšee'e. Phon: vs
-nėheéneh(n) vta. wipe face of s.o. É-nėheénėhestse. He wiped his (own) face. Category: groom.
-nėheeséh vta. wipe nose of s.o. É-nėheeséhestse. He wiped his (own) nose. Nėheeséhestsėstse! Wipe your nose! Nėheeséheha! Wipe his nose! See: -nėhe'eemȧsén. Category: groom, nose.
-nėheesén vta. wipe nose of s.o. É-nėheesénahtse. He wiped his (own) nose. See: -nėheeséh. Category: groom.
-nėheevávoo'kohe vai. wipe up poop. É-nėheevávoo'koestse He wiped up (after defecating). É-nėheevávoo'kohe. He wiped up (after defecating). Tȧhé-nėheevávoo'koestse! Go wipe up! Variant: -neevávoo'kohe. See: -nėhe'ėséh. Category: groom.
-nėhehaéneh vta. wipe eye(s) of s.o., wipe tears of s.o. É-nėhehaénėhestse. He wiped his (own) eyes. Synonym -nėhaénen; BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -nėhe'éxanéh. Category: eyes.
-nėhe-he vai. Gram: interrog say that (anaphoric). Né-nėhehe Did you say that? See: -heve; óxo-. Category: speak.
-néhe'á Ques: check spelling of éstseh?? vti. follow s.t., track s.t. for example, to follow a road. É-néhé'a. He followed it. Náhkohe móstaame-néhe'ȯhéhe meo'o. The bear was following a road. [Croft 1988:15:3] vta: néhe', néh. See: -ného'eétȧhé't; -néh. Category: check.
-nėhe'ȧhtsenáh(n) vta. wipe mouth of s.o. É-nėhe'ȧhtsenáhestse. He wiped his (own) mouth. Variant: -nėhahtsenáh(n). Usage: This is the less common pronunciation. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: groom.
-néhe'a'xe vai. thrust pelvis during intercourse, move in and out during sex. É-néhe'a'xe. He/She was making movements (pelvic thrusts) during intercourse. Móvé'évaáa'ėse-néheka'xėhéhe. She responded with pelvic thrusts. (does this imply that she got pregnant?? Category: check. fai: -a'xe1. Category: sex, motion.
-nėhe'eemȧsén vta. wipe nose of s.o. Lit: wipe-snot-s.o. É-nėhe'eemȧsénahtse. He wiped his (own) nose. Nėhe'eemȧséneha! Wipe his nose! See: -nėhe'eeséh(n); -he'eemá. Category: nose.
-néhe'eemȧséohtsé vai. have a runny nose. faster discharge than -he'eemȧséohtsé. É-néhe'eemȧséóhtse. He has a runny nose. See: -he'eemȧséohtsé. BodyPartMedial -'eemá. See: -hoxeesé. Category: body function.
nėhe'eeméhestotȯtse na. handkerchief.
-nėhe'eeséh(n) vta. wipe nose of s.o. Ná-nėhe'eeséhno. I wiped his nose. Nėhe'eeseha! Wipe his nose! Nėhe'eeséhestse! ?? Wipe your nose! See: -nėhe'eemȧsén. Category: nose, check.
-nėhe'éhahe vai. so old; such age. É-nėhe'éahe. He is of that age. [1987:99] Phon: contracts to -nėhe'éahe Category: ages.
-nėhe'éhohtá vai. be gone that long. É-nėhe'éhóhta. He was gone that long. See: -nėhe'éhoo'e; -he'éhohtá; -háa'éhohtá. Category: time.
-nėhe'ého'oéstá vii. be so high; be so tall. Móho'nóh-nėhe'ého'oésta ? móxhehpėháe'ého'oéstȧhanéhe. (The pit) wasn't so shallow (that a deer could jump out), it was much higher. [1987:95] Category: size.
-nėhe'éhoo'e vai. stay this long. É-nėhe'éhoo'e. He stayed this long. See: -nėhe'éhohtá; -háa'éhoo'e; -tóne'éhoo'e. Category: time.
-nėhe'énehe vai. Gram: rr taste this way. É-nėhe'énehe. He tastes that way. See: -tsėhe'énehe. Category: taste.
-nėhe'enestse vai. speak language that way. É-nėhe'enestse. He speaks language that way. that is, in some way mentioned previously. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-néhe'éohtsé vai. follow, trail , track.
-néhe'éohtsé'tov vta. follow s.o., trail s.o., track s.o. Naa nónóhpa nȧháóhe nėstsenėhešease-néhe'éohtsé'tovéme. So then there you (plural) will track me that way. [The Seven Stars (Whitedirt).023] See: -néhe'ov. Category: interpersonal, record.
-nėhe'ėséh vta. wipe anus of s.o. É-nėhe'ėséhestse. He wiped his (own) anus. Usage: perhaps a new word; more common is -neevávoo'koh(n) See: -neevávoo'koh(n). Category: vulgar.
-nėhe'ėsévoéné vai. have such a long face. nexa hámȯhtsėhnéstóva tsé-nėhe'ėsévoénėstse two tepees long-faced. That is funny. It was said once by a lady related to a long- faced man whom she wished to shame for having beaten his wife. It means something like: "his face is so long he could pitch two tepees on it". BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-nėhe'esó vai. so long, that long, so far, that far. É-nėhe'ēso. It is that far/it is so long. See: -he'esó; -háa'esó. Category: size.
-nėhe'ėstáhá vai. have such a heart. Hé'tóhe tséhe'ēso é-nėhe'ėstáhao'o. This how long it is, their hearts are like that. [1987:146] BodyPartMedial -stáhá. Category: body.
-nėhe'ėstósešé vai. so lie, lie that way. This is a traditional way to end a story. Naa é-nėhe'ėstóséše. And that is the way (the story) is. [1987:262] Mótaome-nėhe'ėstóšėšenȧhéhe vé'ho'e. I guess that is the end of this story about the whiteman. [Croft 1988:28:16] Category: lie.
-nėhe'ėstóšėšé vai. so goes the story, that is the way the story lies, so lies the story. É-nėhe'ėstóšéše. That's the way the story lies. Category: lie.
nėhe'éše- pv. that amount of time; so long in time. No'ka éše'héva é-nėhe'éšėháomóhtahe. He has been sick one month. Variant: nėhe'xóve-. See: he'éše-. Category: sickness.
-néhé'évá vai. track wife, follow wife. This is considered humorous, probably since it is against the cultural norm. É-néhé'éva. He followed/trailed his wife. Medial -'évá. Category: marriage.
-nėhe'éxanéh vta. wipe eye(s) of s.o. É-nėhe'éxanéhestse. He wiped his (own) eye(s). See: -nėhéhaéneh. Category: eyes.
-nėhe'hahtáxé vai. wipe feet. É-nėhe'hahtáxe. He wiped his (own) feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body, feet.
-néhe'hanáotse vai. eat quickly. É-néhe'hanáotse. He ate quickly. Final -e'haná.
-nėhe'oesem vta. say that to s.o. É-nėhe'oesemóho. That is what he said to him. Category: speak.
-néhe'ohtá vta. track s.t. that is, follow the tracks of s.t. É-néhe'ōhta. He tracked it. vta: -néhe'ot. See: -néhov; -néhe'ov; -néhe'éohtsé'tov.
-nėhe'ohtsé vai. Gram: rr go there. This refers to going to a location previously mentioned. É-nėhe'ōhtse. He went there. Néta-nėhé'ȯhtsema! Let's go over there! See: -tsėhe'ohtsé; -he'ohtsé; -hé'ohtsé; -nėhe'otse. Category: motion.
-néhe'ȯhtsé't vti. follow s.t.
-nėhe'onáh(n) vta. wipe hands of s.o. Ná-nėhe'onáhno. I wiped his hands. Nėhe'onáhestsėstse! Wipe your hands! Nėhe'onáxėstse! Wipe your hands! Ques: check the difference between the last two words?? BodyPartMedial -he'oná. See: -nėšėhe'onáh(n). Category: groom, check.
-nėhe'onáxe vai. wipe hands. É-nėhe'onáxe. He wiped his (own) hands. Nėhe'onáxėstse! Wipe your hands! See: -nėše'šėhe'oná. Category: groom, hands, body.
nėhe'onáxestȯtse na. napkin. Lit: wipe-hands-thing Plural nėhe'onáxėstoto; Medial -he'oná. See: nėhahtsenáhestȯtse. Category: eat.
-néhe'oohtsé'tov vta. follow s.o., track s.o. hápó'e móhne'éeame-néhe'oohtsé'tovȯhevóhe heéhamevóho likewise they followed their husbands. [1987:51] naa hó'ótóva é'ȯhkėho'o'tsénȯse amėhoómȧhtsestȯtse hēva ȯh-néhe'oohtsé'tovosėstse vo'ėstanóhonaa máto héva tsééšėhováneehétsese and sometimes he would use a mirror when he would track down people or those who had died. [1987:108] See: -néhe'ot; -néhe'ov.
-nėhe'oot vta. cause climax for s.o., cause orgasm for s.o. É-nėhe'ootahtse. He is causing his own orgasm (masturbating). See: -nėhe'otse; -nėheta'ham. Category: sex, vulgar.
-néhe'ot vta. track s.o. that is, follow the tracks of s.o. É-néhe'otóho. He tracked him. vti: -néhe'ohtá. See: -néhov; -néhe'ov; -néhe'éohtsé'tov.
-nėhe'otse vai. climax, ejaculate, orgasm. can be of either a man or woman. É-nėhe'otse. He/She climaxed. vta: -nėhe'oot. See: nėhe'otsestȯtse; -ameotse; -ho'amé; -nėheta'ham; -he-veve; -he-stsé'eme; -pėhévomáotse. Category: sex.
-nėhe'otseh vta. guide s.o. there. É-nėhe'otsėhóho. He guided him there. Tséhešepȧháva'e nėhe'otšėšemeno! Guide us to the right way! See: -ameotseh; -ne'eváotseh; -nėhe'ohtsé; -nėhétȧho'ó'h. Category: move.
-nėhe'otsestsé vti. take s.t. there. Hé'tóhe honóvóhko naa hé'tóhe vetšėške nȧháóhe ta-nėhe'otsēstsėstse sétovo'ėho'e. This drymeat and this fat, take it there to the middle of the camp! (1987:262). Category: move.
-néhe'ov vta. track s.o., follow s.o. É-néhe'ovóho. He followed his tracks. Heávohe ná-néhe'ova. The Devil is tracking me (an expression for having bad experiences). [1987:282] See: -néhov; -néhe'á; -néhe'ot; -néhe'éohtsé'tov; -hó'e'ov; -nomé'ot. Category: hunt.
nėhē'še p. then, Stop!, That's all, enough. Can be used as a functional command for 'Stop!', but probably not as strong as the English command 'Stop!' is. It is also used as a traditional ending for a prayer. Today it is used for future sequencing as well as sequencing in the past, as in English "then". We do not know if future sequencing was permitted in the past with this particle. naa nėhē'še and then. Nėhé'še hótȧhtse? Then what? Mó-nėhé'še? Shall we go? See: nėhe'xóvéva; tšėhē'še; he'še-; nėhetáa'e; -éneohe; hena'háanéhe; nėhesóneha. Category: time.
-nėhe'xóvahe vai. be that way. É-nėhe'xóvahe. He is that way. Category: identity, personality.
-nėhe'xóvȧho'tá vii. that temperature. ... é-nėhe'xóvȧhó'ta. ... it's that temperature. Category: temperature.
-nėhe'xóvatam vta. think less of s.o. Novȯse é-nėhe'xóvatamóho he'óho. He thinks less of women. For example, he treats women as less important than men. Phon: hpo
-nėhe'xove vii. that amount, that degree, that amount of time. a previously mentioned time. Á'e étaohkėho'-nėhe'xove. The time comes close. Á'e tsetȧho'-nėhe'xove. Soon the time will come. tsétȧhósėho'-nėhe'xove next (in time) (lit. when again came (or comes?) the time). ma'xetónėstȯheāā'e onétȧhévėhéstánóva móta-nėhe'xóvėhanéhe as it has been for many ages and many generations in time. [1987:100] Héá'e naesóhtȯhnó'eāā'e hehpeto éta-nėhe'xove namėšéme náhtatsėhe'ȯhtsehatóhtoō'e. Perhaps more than sixty years ago my grandfather took me out on the prairie. [1987:177] See: -he'xóve. Category: time, degree.
nėhe'xóve- pv. be such degree, be such amount of time. É-nėhe'xóvėháohō'ta tséohkėxaenonovenoeseohaéstóvévȯse. It is so hot that they (testicles) are left behind (stuck on a chair when you stand up). É-nėhe'xóvetonéto tséohkėxaepȧhoešenávȯse. It is so cold that they (testicles) hang up close (to the body). See: nėhe'éše-. Category: time, degree, vulgar.
-nėhe'xóve'éhahéotse vai. become of such age. Nátaéšeto'se-nėhe'xóve'éhahéotse. I'm almost up to that age. [BERTHA.TXT] Category: ages.
-néhe'xóveotse vii. time go by quickly, time come quickly. É-néhe'xóveotse. The time came quickly. Ques: Étaome-néhe'xóveotse ?? And time is going by quickly on its own.mp3 Category: time, speed, check.
-nėhe'xóveotse vii. tired; have enough. Náéše-nėhe'xóveotse. I'm tired. Lit: It is enough for me.
3 • vai. die. This can be a euphemism for dying. Ééše-nėhe'xóveotse. He has died. Lit: It is enough for him. especially about when someone has died. Lit: the time is already for me ?? Category: time, death, figurative.
-nėhe'xóvešé vai. tire of lying. É-nėhe'xóvéše. He got tired of lying. Ques: rr ?? he had been lying that long?? See: -mȧhovešé. Category: time, check.
nėhe'xóvéva p. then, at that time. that is, at a time previously established in some speech context. (another recording) Nėhe'xóvéva nėstaévȧhósevóomatsēme. I'm see you plural again at that time. See: tsėhe'xóvéva; nėhē'še. Category: time.
-néhematóm vta. trail s.o. by smell. É-néhematomo. He is trailing him by his smell. as a dog can do. fta: -matóm. Category: smell.
-néhematóne vai. trail by smell. É-néhematóne. He trailed by smell. for example, of a dog. Category: smell.
-néheméohe vai. fast pace. É-néheméohe. He ran with a fast pace. fai: -méohe; Antonym -nóveméohe. Category: run.
-néhemosé vai. do housework quickly. É-néhemōse. She does housework quickly. fai: -mosé. Category: housework.
nėhéno p. there (proximal; old in discourse). See: nėhéóhe.
-néhenome vai. sleep quickly. Ná-néhenome I went to sleep right away. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-néhenomeotse fai. go to sleep right away. Náohke-néhenomeotse. I fall asleep quickly. fai: -énóme; Final -otse.
-néhenovȧhé'tov vta. imitate s.o., live like s.o. É-néhenovȧhé'tovóho. He imitated him/he is like him/he lives like him. Néta-néhenovȧhé'tovone Ma'hēō'o! Let's live like God! See: -tóa'ov; -tóo'ėstseh.
-nėhenove vii. said that way. É-nėhenove. It is said that way. Mó'éohke-nėhenove. Is it said that way? Épėhéve-nėhenóvehe? Is that said well?/Is that translated well? Éohkėsáa'ée-nėhenóvėhane; étaohkeévėsó'ho'mȧhepėhéveotse. We shouldn't talk that way; everything will come out good. (This can be said, for instance, when someone puts himself down. The first verb here, when used with the negative, has both meanings: 'it isn't (appropriate) to say it that way' and simply 'it is not said' or 'that was not said' without any judgment about cultural appropriateness.) Éohkėsáa-nėhenóvėhane. It is not said (can mean the same as 'it shouldn't be said'). Étó'tae-nėhenove. "It is cut and dried"; that is exactly the way it's been said. Variant: -nėhestove.
-néheoestȧho'h(n) vta. cook s.o. quickly. Ná-néheoestȧhō'no. I cooked him quickly. for example, cooked a duck quickly. Category: cook.
nėhéóhe p. there (proximal; old location information in discourse). See: hénėhéóhe; nȧháóhe; tsėhéóhe. Category: positions.
-néheohe vai. go fast, quickly come. Ques: can it also mean 'chase'?? É-néheohe. He came fast. Ques: come soon?? Category: motion, check.
-néheohé'ta vti. pursue s.t., chase s.t. É-néheohé'ta. He chased it. Óeškėseho éohke-néheohé'tanovȯtse amȧho'héstotȯtse. Dogs chase cars. vta: -néheohé'tov. See: -néhá; -néhe'á. Category: motion.
-néheohé'tov vta. chase s.o., pursue s.o. É-néheohé'tovóho. He chased him (obv). [1987:255] éhma'xenéma'ó'-néheohé'toenovȯse. (The head) chased them around. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).088] Náooo, éstama'xe-néheohé'toehoono. My, he took off after her. See: -néhov; -néhe'ov. Category: motion, interpersonal.
-néheohtsé vai. follow, pursue. Category: check.
-néheohtsé'tá vti. follow s.t. Náhkohe éstaamenéheohtsé'tanoho meo'o. A bear was following a path.
-néheohtsé'tov vta. follow s.o., pursue s.o. Máhne'évȧho'eohtsėstse nėstsenėstó'neheohtsé'toene. When he returns, he will follow us. A bear was following a path. [Mountain stories.084]
-nėheseh vta. depend on s.o. É-nėhesėhóho. ?? He depended on him. ?? tsé-nėhesėháta'óse those who depend on you. See: -ne'étamé'tov. Category: interpersonal, check.
-nėhesémáne vai. pretend. Évá'ne-nėhesémáne. He is just acting that way. For example, someone could just be pretending that they like you. Variant: -nėhešémané; Final -mané. See: -ma'ov.
-nėhesėsané vai. dress like that; wear clothes like that. É-nėhesėsáne. He is dressed like that. Final -esané.
-nėhesétam vta. think that way about s.o. Ná-nėhesétámo. That's what I think about him. See: -hesétam; -tónėsétam. Category: cognition.
-nėhesétsėstahe vai. think that way. Tsé'tó=vé'hó'e éohke-nėhesétsėstȧheo'o. These white people think that way. Category: cognition, check.
-nėhesó vii. be so, that way (anaphoric). by implication, be the way it is supposed to be. É-nėhéso. It is like that (refers back to something already said). Naa é-nėhéso. And it is like that. Ésáa-nėsóhane. It is not like that (for example, the way you said that something is). Mé'ėstse éohke-nėhēso. It is always that way. Mó-nėhesóhanéhe. It must be that way. See: -hesó; -tsėhesó. Category: quality.
nėhesóneha vii. amen, Let it be that way! This is the way Petter translated the meaning of the original Hebrew word "amin" which is pronounced as "amen" in English. The Hebrew word meant "let it be that way". Some Cheyennes use this word, nėhesóneha, at the end of their prayers. Other Cheyennes use the words hena'háanéhe or nėhē'še at the end of their prayers which were traditionally used at the end of stories, speeches, or prayers. See: hena'háanéhe; nėhē'še. Category: pray.
-nėhesóotse vii. become that way. É-nėhesóotse. It became that way. Éohkevá'neée-nėhesóotse. It is just that way. (meant to cheer a person up). Category: happen.
-nėhesta vai. be that way. É-nėhesta. He is that way. See: -hesta; -nėhestáotse; -nėhestá. Category: identity.
-nėhestá vti. say s.t. that way, refer to s.t. that way, say about s.t. that way. É-nėhésta. He said it/he meant it. É-nėhestánóvo. They said about it this way. Hé'tóhe móh-nėhestȯhenótse hone'óonȯtse tséohkėhone'omátsee'ėstse hétsetseha. (With) this (word) (Sweet Medicine) referred to clothing which we wear now. (1987:12). Néhéne'enahe tsé-nėhestómo? Do you know/understand what I said (or, what I'm talking about)? Hénová'e tsé-nėhestomo? What do you mean by that? Hénová'e tsé-nėhestohe? What is that called? / What is meant by that? Hénáá'e tsé-nėhestohe? What is meant by that? vai: -nėheve. See: -hestá; -nȧhestá; -nėhestohe.
-néhestáhá vai. have a quick temper. Lit: quick-heart É-néhestáha. He has a quick temper. É-néhestáhao'o. They are quick tempered. BodyPartMedial -stáhá. See: -totá'kovahe; -vé'ȯhkahe. Category: personality.
nėhéstȧhévo p. that kind. Mȧhta'so máto nėhéstȧhévo nȧhtȧhósémo. A scalped man, also of that kind (of person), I'm going to tell about him. (1987:295). Éme'=nėhéó=taa'e nėhéstȧhévo hotse'óhestȯtse. He would fit that kind of work. (1987:186). See: tsėhéstȧhévo; tónėstȧhevónó'e; nėhestȧhévónó'ėse. Category: identity.
nėhestȧhevónó'e1 p. such kind, that kind. of either inanimate or animate things. Ques: (nėhést?) See: -tónėstȧhevóno'e; nėhéstȧhévo; tsėhestȧhévónó'e. Category: identity.
-nėhestȧhevónó'é2 vii. such kind, that kind.
vai. such kind, that kind. Ques: (nėhés?) Heóvema'kaata móh-nėhestȧhevóno'ėhanéhe héne mo'ēško. Of gold, it was that kind, that ring. [1987:184] See: -tónėstȧhevónó'é2. Category: identity.
nėhestȧhévónó'ėse p. that kind. tséohkenésemase nėhestȧhévónó'ėse ?? those who talk to spirits; that kind of person ??x. Nėhestȧhévónó'ėse mósto'sevé'šetó'omemȧsȯhevóhe. He had that kind (of gun) to use to shoot (the beaver). [1988:275] See: nėhéstȧhévo. Category: identity, check.
nėhestȧhevónó'éve vai. such.kind.be. Móhno'keovóenėhestȧhevóno'evėhéhe. He mjust have been the first (one) like that. [A Bear Story.033] Category: identity.
nėhesta'ónéto vii. be such a number in sequence. fii: -a'ónétó. tsétató'nėhesta'ónéto on the required day. [The Seven Young Men.066]
-nėhestáotse vii. become that way. É-nėhestáotse. He became that way. Éohkeno'hévóné'o hevé'keonēšėstse móh-nėhestáotsėhéhe. He had appendicitis. [Stamper 1991:4] Lit: (lit. his intestines had become that way). See: -nėhesta. Category: quality.
-nėhestohá vii. so many in number. only used with plural subjects. Tsétsėhéstȧhese xamaevee'e mȧhtóhtoha hóhtȧhna'ha éohke-nėhestȯhánėstseséhpató'ȯheonȯtse. The Cheyenne tepee has thirteen pins. [1987:224] Nóvȯse é-nėhestōha. There's not enough of it. Lit: less that is how much there is of it Phon: novȯse?? Phon: nearly identical to -nėhestohe vai: -nėhestoxe. See: -hestoha. Category: quantity, check.
nėhestoha p. every, each. nėhestoha éšeēva every day. [pd443] nėhestoha hová'éhe each thing. nėhestoha nešeāā'e every two years ?? See: -hestoha; oéšeēva. Category: time.
nėhestoha éšeēva p. each day, every day. Ques: recheck meaning of 'every day'?? (another recording) Ques: Which is more commonly used: oéšeēva or nėhestoha éšeēva?? Category: check. See: oéšeēva. Category: time.
nėhestȯhe- pv. so.many. É-nėhestȯheéše'hāma. Her months are fulfilled. For example, she is due to deliver her baby (literally, it is that amount of months for her). Nexa ma'heóneéšeēva náta-nėhestȯheene. I stayed two weeks. Lit: For two Sundays, that is how long I overnighted. Category: quantity, time.
-nėhestohe vai. ANA-so.say.
vii. ANA-so.say, be called so, be called that. É-nėhestohe. It (or he) is called that/it means that. Hénová'e tsé-nėhestohe? What does that mean? Hénová'e tséohke-nėhestohe? What does it mean (for example, some word)? Éséeše-nėhestóhénėstse. They (for example, words) mean the same. Ésáapėhévėhéne'enóhe hová'éhe tsé-nėhetóhetse. He doesn't know what things mean. (1987:212). See: -hestohe; -nėhestohá.
-nėhestȯhe-aénáma vai. be so many years old; that many years old. Hétsetseha vé'só'eametanénėstse Ho'néoxháaestse na'nóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhnésȯhtoha éme'-nėhestȯheaénáma. Now if Jim One Bear (Brave Wolf) were still living, he would be 87 years old. (1987:32). Category: ages.
-nėhestȯhe-aénoo'e vii. be so many years ago. no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'eāā'e tsésta-nėhestȯheaénoo'e one hundred years, that is how many years ago (1987:36). Phon: not vs See: -háestȯheaénoo'e. Category: time, quantity.
-nėhestȯhe-ene vai. stay for so many days. Nexa ma'heóneéšeēva náta-nėhestȯheene. I stayed two weeks. Lit: for two Sundays that is how long I overnighted Final -ene. Category: quantity, time.
-nėhestȯheéše'hamá vai. so many months; so many months old. É-nėhestȯheéše'hāma. She is full term. Category: babies, time.
-nėhestȯhénȯxévaen vta. quickly kill all of s.o. that way. plural object required. Á'e hēva tséme'he'éše'haáotsėse hetane náhta-nėhestȯhénȯxévaenóneo'onótȯxévé'hó'e. As fast as a (hungry) man eats, that is how quickly we killed all of them. For example, killing at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Category: violence.
-nėhestomótah vta. arrange date for s.o. for example, for someone who would like to be romantic with some lady. Nėsta-nėhestomótaahtse. I'll intercede (to the young lady) for you; I'll speak on your behalf. Ques: Just to obtain a wife, or can be general intercession on behalf of s.o.?? Category: check. See: -éestsėstomótah.
-nėhestȯxe vai. so many in number; that many in number. only used with plural subjects. ... é-nėhestȯxeo'o. ... they (an.) are that many in number. Noho né-nėhestȯxémáne. Five, that is how many there are of us. Né-nėhestȯxémanehe? Is that all of us? Móné-nėhestȯxémáne? That's all of us? Category: quantity.
-nėhešéh vta. do that to s.o. Étaome-nėhešéhahtse. He brought it on himself. Nátaome-nėhešéhahtse. I brought it on myself. Mó'=étaome-nėhešéhahtse? Did he bring it on himself?
-nėhešehá vii. be that tune. É-nėhešēha. It is that tune. Ésáa-nėhešėháhane. It is not sung that way / That is the wrong tune. Nėhešeha! Say that! Néxhóse-nėhešeha! Say it again! fii: -há2. See: -tšėhešehá; -há; -séešehá. Category: sing.
Nėhešeha! vta. Tell it to him! Ta-nėhešeha! Tell it to him! Taome-nėhešeha! Tell him yourself! (him?? or no him??) See: hešeha; -nėhet ‘tell that to s.o.’. Category: speak, check.
Nėhešeha! vti. Say it! Hóse-nėhešeha! Say it again! Néxhóse-nėhešeha! Say it again (to me)! Sá'-nėhešeha! Say it now! See: hešeha; -nėhet; -nėheve. Category: speak.
-nėheše'haná vai. eat that way. É-nėheše'hāna. That's the way he ate. Mó'ȯhke-nėheše'hanȧhevóhe. That's the way they ate. [JOURNEY.TXT] Násáa'évatšėhe'še-nėheše'hanáhe. I haven't eaten like that in a long time. Category: eat.
-nėhešé'šeme vai. make sound that way. for example, a person who makes scraping sounds with his throat, bothering other people. É-nėhešé'šeme. He makes sounds that way. Category: sounds.
-nėhešé'tov vta. do that to s.o. can imply a sexual act, but can refer to other actions, also. É-nėhešé'tohe. That was done to him. É-nėhešé'tovóho. He did that to him/her. Hápó'e nȧhtató'eéva-nėhešé'tóvo (tséhešé'tóó'ėse). I'll do the same (usually bad) thing back to him (as he did to me. vai: -nėhešévé. See: -mȧhé'tov; -évaešé'tov; -tónėšé'tov. Category: revenge, vulgar.
-nėhešémané vai. pretend. É-nėhešémáne. He pretended. Vá'ne-nėhéšémánėstse! Just pretend! Variant: -nėhesémané. Category: do.
-nėhešenóohe vai. appear that way. É-nėhešenóohe. He looks (appears) that way. fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.
-nėhešeóóhévá vai. stand ground. for example, as a member of a suicide troop. É-nėhešeóóhéva. He stood his ground. Category: stand, warfare.
-nėhešėsané vai. dress that way. É-nėhešėsāne. He dressed that way. Éohkeméae'éevá'ne-nėhešėsaneo'o Comanches. Comanches used to just dress like that. Category: dress.
-nėhešėstánové vai. live that way. Nėstsevé'-nėhešėstánóvéme! Don't live like that! [1987:13] See: -vésėstánóve. Category: live.
-nėhešešé vai. ANA.so.lie, lie that way. É-nėhešēše. He is lying that way / that is how he got hurt. Naa éhnėše-nėhešėšenáhoo'o. And he continued to lie there (surp. mode; VISION.TXT). See: -hešeše. Category: lie.
-nėhešetanó vai. think that way. the anaphoric pv. ne- refers back to a way of thinking previously mentioned. Phon: The /e/ preceding /tanó/ usually devoices in natural speech. Ná-nėhešėtāno. I'm thinking that way. É-nėhešetāno. He is thinking that way. Névé'-nėhešėtāno! Don't think that way! for example, don't be depressed. See: -hešėtanó; -ne'enátanó'tá. Category: cognition.
-nėhešetanó'tȯsané vai. think that way about people, so think about people. With the -ósané final this form is said to be more "personal" than -nėhešetanó. É-nėhešėtanó'tȯsáne. He thinks that way about people. Ésáa-nėhešėtanó'tȯsanéhe. He doesn't think that way toward people. (cf. 2 Peter 3:9). Category: cognition.
-nėhešetanó'tov vta. think so about s.o., wish that way about s.o. É-nėhešetanó'tovóho. He wishes him to be like that. Né-nėhešetanó'tovȧtse néme'mésehe. I wish you would eat. Naa Ma'hēō'o mónáohke-nėhešėtanó'toehéhe. God must have directed me that way. Category: cognition.
-nėhešėtónané vai. make (something) that way. É-nėhešėtónáne. He made (it) like that. See: -nėhešetóné. Category: do.
-nėhešetóné vai. make something like that. É-nėhešėtóne. He constructed it that way. Category: do. See: -nėhešėtónané.
nėhešėtová- pv. ANA.so.mean, be the way; be the meaning. naa móho'nó-nėhešėtováto but it's not the way.
-nėhešėtovátó vii. be the way, be the meaning. naa móho'nó-nėhešėtováto but it's not the way.
-nėhešévȧhó'ta vii. ANA.so.heat, engine run like that. É-nėhešévȧhó'ta. (The car) runs like that. Category: sounds.
-nėhešévé vai. do that. É-nėhešéve. He did it. Névé'-nėhešéve! Don't do that! (another recording) Nėstsevé'-nėhešéve! Don't (future) do that! Éohkėsáa-nėhešévėstovėhane. It is not done. Tóséé'e énėhešéve. He did it on purpose. Éémoose-nėhešéveo'o. They secretly did it. Éohkenėhešėsóhpo'eétȧhevóhe hétsetseha éohkėsaa'éva-nėhešévėheo'oéohkėsáa'évȧsóhpo'eétȧhehevóhe. They had to go through the ceremony that way, (but) now they don't do that anymore, they don't have to go through it. [1987:146] vta: -nėhešé'tov. See: -hešévé; -tsėhešévé; -anené; -tónėšévé. Category: do.
-nėheševéhé vai. named that way. É-nėheševéhe. He is named that way. Ésáa-nėheševéhéhe. That's not his name. Lit: He is not named that way. See: -heševéhé ‘so named’; -tónėševéhé ‘how named’.
nėhešévetanó vai. want to do that. Násáa-nėhešévetanóhe. I don't want to do that. Category: do.
-nėhet vta. so say to s.o., tell s.o. so. É-nėhetóho. He told him that. Ná-nėheta. He/She told me that. Nééše-nėhetȧtse. I already told you that. See: -het. Category: speak.
nėhetaa'- pv. that much. Náta-nėhetaa'óhta'hāne hétsetseha. That's the extent of what I am telling for now. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.157] Ná-nėhetaa'mé'ésta. I told that much. See: hetaa'-. Category: quantity.
nėhetáa'e p. enough, from that point in time on. can be a functional command, something like 'That's enough! Stop!'. néh-nėhetáa'e from that point (toward now). Phon: iah See: tsėhetáa'e; tónetáa'e; nėhē'še. Category: time.
-nėhetaa'e'haná vai. eat everything. Émȧhe-nėhetaa'e'hāna. He ate up everything (on his plate). White people are perceived as doing this. fai: -e'haná. See: -óove'haná. Category: whites, eat.
-nėhetaa'eve vii. enough - be, that is all. É-nėhetaa'eve. That's it. ?? Category: check. Ésáa-nėhetaa'évėhane. That's not it / there's more. Category: quantity.
-nėhetaeta vai. so big, big that amount. É-nėhetaeta. He is that big. naa nėhē'še hóna'oveto tséta-nėhetaetȧhtse and then the next sized one. [1980:3:61] vii: -nėhetao'ó. Category: size.
-nėhetȧhá'ené vai. cook that way. Ná-nėhetá'éne. That's what I cooked. See: -hetȧhá'ené. Category: cook.
-nėhetȧho'he vai. so cooked, cooked that way. Éohke-nėhetȧho'he. It is cooked that way. [1987:275] See: -hetȧho'he. Category: cook.
-nėhétȧho'ó'h vta. pick up s.o. on the way. Né'ame-nėhétȧho'ó'xeo'o! Pick me up on your way! [1987:397] See: -nėhe'otseh. Category: move.
-nėheta'hahtsé vti. throw s.t. like that. É-nėheta'hāhtse. He threw it like that. See: -tsėheta'hahtsé. Category: throw.
-nėheta'ham vta. masturbate s.o. Lit: throw s.o. that way ?? É-nėheta'hamahtse. He masturbated. See: -ésta'ham; -nėhe'oot; -nėhe'otse; tsėheta'ham. Category: vulgar, check.
-nėheta'ov vta. kick s.o. that way. É-nėheta'ovóho. He kicked him that way. See: -neta'ov. Category: interpersonal.
-nėhetao'ó vii. so big, big that amount. É-nėhetaō'o. It is that big. [1980:66:79] Éxhoháananótseneho móhnóh-nėhetao'ótseho. (Her leg) was very heavy; it was very big. vai: -nėhetaeta. Category: size.
-nėhetao'o'xe vai. carry that way. É-nėhetao'o'xe. He is carrying (it) that way. Éohkeévaase-nėhetao'o'xe. He carries up his burden again. For example, he doesn't leave it at church. Category: church, carry, record.
-nėhetoém vta. so related to s.o., related that way to him. Ná-nėhetoémo. I'm related to him in that way. É-nėhetoemo. He is related to him in that way. Category: relatives.
-nėhetóéná'tov vta. pray to s.o. like that, pray so to s.o. É-nėhetóena'tovóho. He prayed so to him. Nėhē'še nėhéóhe náxhósėháóéna, naa náxhósėháóéná'tóvo Ma'hēō'o, náxhóse-nėhetóéná'tóvo. Then there I prayed again. I prayed to God again, I prayed to him that way again. [1987:157] See: -háóéná.
-nėhetoéstóné vai. so count, count that way, so read. É-nėhetoéstóne. He counted that way. See: -hoéstóné. Category: school.
-nėhetȯhoo'e vai. scrape hair off hide ?? Ques: swim/wade that way?? part of tanning process. É-nėhetȯhoo'e. He is scraping the hair off the hide. ?? [jg 7/89] Phon: vs See: -oo'kováhené; -ho'néné; -ohoo'e. Category: check.
-nėhetȯhóot vta. authorize s.o. that way, charismatize s.o. that way, bequeath to s.o. that way. This refers to something given which the receiver did not ask for or earn, such as a talent or ability. Typically, the giver is Ma'heo'o (God). Ná-nėhetȯhóota. He gave it to me that way. fta: -ohóot. See: -na'énohe. Category: interpersonal.
-nėhetȯhóov vta. sign that way to s.o., so sign to s.o. Náh-nėhetȯhóóvo. I signed that way to him. [1987:179] fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.
-nėheto'ahe vti. so want (s.t.), want (s.t.) that way. É-nėheto'ahe. He wanted (it) that way. See: -ho'ahe; -heto'ahe.
-nėheto'eéh vta. treat s.o. that way. É-nėheto'eeho. He treated him that way. tsésto'sėhé-nėheto'ēē'ėse how he was going to be treated. Category: interpersonal.
-nėheto'eétahe vai. do something that way. É-nėheto'eétahe. He did it that way. Naa nėhē'še nóoo náohkėseehávėsévátsésta tséhvé'-nėheto'eétaese And then, my, I really thought it was bad when (someone) does that. [1987:155] Naa móxho'nótamá'sėsóhpėho'-nėheto'eétaestse. But he didn't make it all happen. [1987:210,251]
-nėheto'eétȧhéoohe vai. so do, do that. (Éstaosáane)-nėheto'eétȧhéoohéstóvénėse. It was done what was supposed to be done. [The Scalped Father.072]
-nėhetó'ėhahe vai. such age, that age. É-nėhetó'ėhahe. He is that age. See: -nėhe'éahe; -séetó'ėhahe. Category: ages.
-nėheto'é'et vta. Gram: rr blame s.o. that way. vé'kėséhemėstaeo'o ... é'ȯhkeméhae-nėheto'é'ėheo'o that was what owls used to be blamed for. [Some Cheyenne Beliefs.012] See: -ho'é'et. Category: interpersonal.
-nėhetó'emá vai. Gram: rr persuaded that way, so persuaded. É-nėhetó'éma. He is of that persuasion. check if "so.persuaded" is an accurate gloss?? See: -hetó'emá; ; -hešėtovahe; -nétȧhévo'emá. Category: personality, check.
-nėheto'emané vai. rule that way. É-nėheto'emāne. He ruled that way/he gave such a command. Category: legal.
-nėheto'éná vii. left loaded. É-nėheto'éna. It was left loaded. ?? Category: check. See: -éto'én. Category: move.
-nėheto'ohe vai. be that way (anaph.) É-nėheto'ohe. I've heard that about him. ?? See: -nėhesta. Category: check.
-nėheto'ó'tanó'tov vta. want s.o. to be like that (anaph.) É-nėheto'ó'tanó'tovóho. He wants him to be like that. Category: interpersonal.
-nėheto'omenehe vai. experience that. Náme'sáa'éevése-nėheto'omenėhéhe. I wouldn't want that to happen to me. fai: -o'omenehe.
-nėheto'xevá vai. make a vow, put up a Sun Dance, make Sun Dance vow. É-nėheto'xēva. He made a vow; he put up a Sun Dance. See: -tóneto'xevá; -hoxéhe'ševá. Category: Sun Dance.
-nėhetomóhtahe vai. feel (physically) that way. É-nėhetomóhtahe. He feels (bodily condition) that way. fai: -omóhtahe. See: -háomóhtahe.
-nėhetone'one Category: check.
vai. 1 • so dressed. É-nėhetone'one. He was dressed that way / fig. he had that kind of authority.
2 • so authorized. See: -pėhévone'óne. Category: check, dress.
-nėhetoo'e vai. so be at, be there that way. naa nėhē'še éstamóneée'asėtotóxėstanóvoho hénė = hová'éhetsétavé'še=nėhéó=nėhetoévȯse and then they started talking about why they were there. [1987:57] Phon: vs See: -hoo'e.
-nėhetotse'ohe vai. work that way. See: -hotse'ohe. Hápó'e héne móhto'senėhetotse'óhehéhe. Likewise he was going to work that way. (1987:142).
-nėhetȯxe'ohe vii. written like that. É-nėhetȯxe'ohe. It is written that way.
-nėhetse'e vai. lie; not tell the truth. Variant: netsé'e. -netse'e seems to be the older and more widely used variant. É-nėhetse'e He lied. Násáa-nėhetsé'hehe. ?? I'm not lying. Category: speak, check.
-nėhetsem vta. appoint s.o. Lit: mention the name of s.o. for something similar to 'name s.o.'. Ná-nėhetsēmo. I appointed him. See: -véh; -vóom; -énan. Category: interpersonal.
-néhevȧhá'ené vai. ?? É-néhevȧhá'éne. ?? Category: cook, check.
-nėhevávoo'koh(n) vta. wipe up poop of s.o. É-nėheevávoo'kȯhnóho. He wiped him up.
-nėheve vai. say that way. that is, to say some way which has been expressed previously in the conversation. used with first and second person singular subjects; third person forms are -hevoo'o and -hevooné. Né-nėheve. You said (something) that way. Náme'-nėheve. I should have said it that way. Névé'-nėheve! Don't say that! Nává'ne-nėheve. I'm just saying that. Náto'seévȧhóse-nėheve. I'm going to repeat it. See: -he; -het. Category: speak.
-nėhévȯhoéné vai. wipe face. for example, wiping face with a towel. É-nėhévȯhoéne. He wiped his (own) face with a towel. Nėhévȯhoénėstse! Wipe your face (with a towel)! BodyPartMedial -éné; Variant: -névȯhoénehe. See: -nėše'šévoéné ‘wash face’. Category: face, groom.
-nėhévȯhoénéh(n) vta. wipe face of s.o. with an object. such as wiping a face with a towel. É-nėhévȯhoénehno. He wiped his face with a towel. É-nėhevȯhoénėhestse. He wiped his (own) face with a towel. See: -nėhaénen. Category: face, groom.
nėhévȯhoénestȯtse na. towel. Usage: This is the more common pronunciation, compared to névȯhoénėhestȯtse. Lit: wipe-face-thing (another recording) Variant: névȯhoénėhestȯtse; Plural nėhévȯhoénėstoto; Obviative nėhévȯhoénėstoto. See: -nėhohá ‘wipe s.t.’; nėše'šévoénestȯtse ‘soap’. Category: groom.
-néhevo'ėstanéheve'tov vta. live for s.o.; follow way of living of s.o.; imitate s.o. Ná-néhevo'ėstanéhamenȯtse I'm living for him. Ná-néhevo'ėstanéhévé'tóvo. I'm living for him. É-néhevo'ėstanéheve'tovóho. He lived for him. Náto'se-néhevo'ėstanéheve'tovone Ma'hēō'o. We are going to live for God. Lit: follow-live.for See: -vo'ėstanéheve.
-nėhevoo'o vai. so say, say so. Mó'éoné'seóme-nėhevoo'o? Did he really say that? Phon: vs See: -hevoo'o. Category: speak.
néhna'hévȯse vai. those three, the three of them. See: na'he. Category: numbers.
-néhnėhetame vai. give up. É-néhnėhetame. He gave up. Névé'-néhnėhetame! Don't give up! (another recording) Névé'-néhnėhetaméme! Don't give up! (said to a group). vta: néhnėhetamé't. Etym: cf. M ni·hniqtaw. See: -vá'vanȯsé'ó. Category: emotions.
-néhnėhetamé'tov vta. give up on s.o. Ná-néhnėhetamenȯtse. I gave up on him. Some people may also say it this way: Ná-néhnėhetamé'tóvo. I gave on him. Category: interpersonal.
-néhnėhetameotse vai. give up. É-néhnėhetameotse. He became discouraged and gave up. [1987:277] Móstȧxaeévȧhe'kema'xemȧheáhane-néhnėhetameotsėhéhe. He just completely gave up all hope. [1987:277] See: -éstavaotse. Category: cognition, emotions.
-néhnėhetameotsé'tov vta. give up on s.o. Éta-néhnėhetameotsénoto. He gave up on him. [1987:150] Násáa-néhnėhetameotsé'tóéhe. She doesn't give up on me.
-néhnėhetaméstove vii. Gram: impers give up. Ésáa-néhnėhetaméstovėheo'o. They are not given up on. For example, children are not given up on during traditional teaching. Category: family.
-néhnėhetametāno vai. give.up, discouraged, give up. É-néhnėhetametāno. He gave up (in thought)/he was discouraged. Category: emotions.
néhnésóváto vii. Ques: ppl both of them (inanimate). hétsetseha néhnésóváto nésó'=nėhéó=nėhešene'étamema -ne'étaménonėstse héne néhnésovátoo'ėstse tsétamé'ėstomonȯtse now we depend on both, depend on both of them which I have told about. [1987:98] vai: néhnéšévȯse. See: -óvé. Category: quantity, numbers.
néhnéšétse vai. the two of us; both of us. This word has a conjunct prefix néh-, the number néše- 'two', and a suffix -tsé. This and similar words are marked for grammatical animacy, grammatical person, and grammatical number. Some other examples are: néhno'kȧhéto I alone. néhnéšése the two of you. néhna'hétse the three of us. néhnévétse the four of us. néhnéšévȯse the two of them. néhna'hévȯse the three of them. néhnévévȯse the four of them. néhnévése the four of you. néhnésóváto the two of them (inanimate). néhnésovátoo'ėstse the two of them (inanimate). Ques: what's the difference between the last two?? Category: quantity, numbers.
néhnéšévȯse vai. both of them. close to an English pronoun in function. vii: néhnésóváto. See: neše ‘two of’; néhnéšétse ‘the two of us’; néhno'kȧhéto ‘I alone’; tséhnéšévȯse. Category: quantity.
néhnévétse vai. the four of us. Category: quantity, numbers.
néhno'kaese p. he alone, she alone. Category: numbers.
néhno'kȧhéto vai. Gram: ppl I alone, I by myself. néh- pv. (or conjunct prefix?) + -no'kahe 'be one; alone' + conjunct suffix. See: tséh-néehóvéto. néhno'kȧheto you (RECHECK ALL THESE)?? néhno'kaese he alone. néhno'kȧhetsėse he (obv) alone ?? néhno'kȧhétse we (exc. & incl.) alone. néhno'kȧhése you (plural) alone. néhno'kȧhévȯse they alone. néhno'kȧhéto ?? it alone it. Category: check. néhno'kȧhétoo'ėstse They (inan.) tséh-no'kȧhéto when I was single. See: néhnéšévȯse ‘both of them’. Category: identity.
-nėhohá vti. wipe s.t. É-nėhóha. He wiped it. É-nėhóha táxemésėhestȯtse. She is wiping the table. Náéva-nėhōha. I wiped it up (for example, with a rag). Nėhóóhtse! Wipe it! Words with this verb stem sound like they have the complex syllable -nȯhohá, but it would seem that this entry's spelling is correct, based on related words, such as nėhévȯhoénestȯtse 'towel.'. vta: -nėhoh(n). See: nėh(e)-; -nėhovo'ohá. Category: housework.
-nėhohené vai. wipe. É-nėhohēne. He wiped. See: nėhohēō'o. Category: housework.
nėhohenéó'o ni. mop. Ques: check recording pronunciation?? Category: check, tools.
nėhohēō'o na. dish towel, dish rag. Lit: wiping (thing) Phon: vs Plural nėhoheono; Obviative nėhoheono. See: -nėhon; -nėhohené. Category: tools.
-nėhoh(n) vta. wipe s.o. Ná-nėhóhno I wiped him. É-nėhohnóho. He wiped him. Nėhoheha! Dry him off! Phon: Identical in sound to -nȯhoh(n), but -nėhoh(n) would seem to be the correct spelling, based on related words; cf. comment at -nėhohá. See: -neevávoo'oh(n).
-néhohtóvá vai. sell quickly. É-néhohtóva. He sells quickly / he is a good salesperson. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -hohtóvaohe. Category: money.
ného'asėstse voc. fathers (voc.) This was said to your fathers. See: ného'éehe ‘my father’. Category: relatives.
ného'e voc. father. This word is used to speak to my father. The word ného'éehe is used to speak about my father. (another recording) (another recording) Etym: *no·θa. Feminine náhko'e. See: ného'éehe. Category: relatives.
ného'éehe na. Gram: poss my father, my paternal uncle. (another recording) (another recording) Nea'háanéhe ného'éehe. (John Standsintimber) That one is my father. Paternal uncles are brothers of your father. They can be called father in Cheyenne. Obviative ného'éevaho. Ného'éehe is used to speak about my father. The word ného'e is used to speak to my father: Vocative ného'e. Ného'e, néhoehe? Dad, are you there? Phon: compare né-ho'eehe 'you moved came (here)' See: /-héh/ ‘father’; tséhéhéto ‘the one who is my father’. Category: relatives.
-ného'eétȧhé'tá vti. follow s.t., followed the protocol of s.t. É-ného'eétȧhé'ta. He followed it. Évéstomósáne naa éného'eétȧhé'ta. He will keep his promise. That is, he promised and he will follow it. See: -néhe'á.
-néhomo'he vai. pursue, chase, track, hunt. É-néhomo'he. He chased game. See: -néhosané; -néhov; -néhá; -émȯhoné. Category: hunt.
-nėhóovohtsé vti. wipe s.t. Nėhóóvóhtsėstse! Wipe it. See: -nėhoh.
-néhosané vai. pursue, chase. É-néhosāne. He chased. See: -néhomó'he. Category: hunt.
-néhotse'ohe vai. work fast. É-néhotse'ohe. He does his job fast. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
néhov- i. stand. É-néhoveóó'e. He stood up. É-néhove'hāna. He stood up eating. Preverb néhove-.
-néhov vta. chase s.o., pursue s.o., follow s.o., track s.o. É-néhovóho. He chased him. Etym: *no·hsawe·wa (P) ‘he pursues him’. Nėstaéva-néhovone éhane. We'll go after our father. [1987:315] Éame-néhóó'e háhnomaho. He is being chased along by the bee. vti: -néhá. See: -hó'e'ov; -néh; -néhe'ov.
-néhovan vta. wrestle s.o. É-néhovanóho. He wrestled him. Nétȧhé-nehovanȧhtsémáne! Let's go wrestle! See: -néhov. Category: phys. ed..
-nėhováno'hamé vai. curry horse(s). É-nėhováno'hāme. He curried horses. Category: horses.
-néhovanová vai. wrestle. É-néhovanōva. He wrestled. vta: néhovan. Category: interpersonal.
néhovanováhe na. 1 • wrestler. Plural néhovanováheo'o.
2 • Néhovanováhe Wrestler. Category: names.
néhove- pv. stand. é'éše-néhovena'heóhtáóó'e after the (tepee) tripod was standing. [1987:179]
-néhovehné vai. walk upstream. É-néhovēhne. ?? [Fishing.005] Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: walk, check.
-néhove'haná vai. stand eating. É-néhove'hāna. He stood up eating. See: -mésėheóó'e. Category: eat, stand.
-néhove'hanáóó'e vai. stand eating. É-néhove'hanáóó'e He is standing up eating. Category: stand.
-néhovénome vai. sleep standing. É-néhovénome. He slept standing. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep, stand.
-néhoveóéh vta. stand up s.o. Éohke-néhoveóehovo he'nétóóne tséto'senéé'ėstse. They put up (the tepee pole) that is going to be by the door. [1987:223] Category: stand.
-néhoveóeotse vai. stand for a moment. É-néhoveóeotse. He stood for a moment. See: -néé'é ‘stand (state)’; -néhoveóó'e ‘stand (process)’. Phon: vs Category: stand.
-néhoveohtsé vai. walk upstream, go upstream. Náe'-néhoveōhtse. I went upstream. Category: motion.
-néhoveóó'é vai. stand up. É-néhoveóó'e. He stood up. É-néhoveóeo'o. They stood up. Néhoveóó'ėstse! Stand up! (another recording) Néhoveóó'e! Stand up! (said to more than one person). Násáataometónėše-néhoveóéhe. I can't stand on my own. This could be said literally, or, as in 'I am powerless, can't make it on my own (for example, over alcohol)'. Final -óé2 ‘stand’. See: -néé'é ‘stand (state)’; -néhoveóeotse ‘stand for a moment’; -ohāā'e ‘arise’; -to'e ‘get up from sleep’. Phon: vs Category: stand.
-néhoveváen vta. wrestle s.o. "Néme'ta-néhoveváenȧhtsema!" éxhetaesesto. "We should wrestle!" he said to him. [Story of a Ghost.013]
-néhovóeoe'tov vta. watch s.o. while they are going. for example, watching to see what direction someone will go. Namé'oo'o tséhne'aseohtsevo. Náne'ase-néhovóeoe'tova. "Heá'ėháma náméhota," náheve. My sweetheart, when I left, she was watching me as I was leaving. "I wonder, maybe she loved me," I said. [an old love song] Category: sight.
-néhovo'hamé vai. chase livestock. É-néhovo'hāme. He chased the horses. Category: horses.
-nėhovo'ohá vti. wipe up s.t. Nėhovo'óóhtse! Wipe it up! See: -nėhohá. Category: housework.
-néhovóneoo'e vai. sit one right after the other, lined up sitting. probably used only with plural subjects. É-néhovóneoeo'o. They are sitting one right after the other. nȧháóhe tséstatšėšee'e'-néhovóneóévȯse ma'xėhoóhtsetsēva. there where they were lined up in the big tree. [The Seven Stars.077] Phon: vs Category: sit.
-néhovóom vta. catch sight of s.o. ?? É-néhovóomóho. He caught sight of him. ?? Category: check. See: -néhevo'ėstanéheve'tov; -néhov; -nȧha'óom. Category: sight.
nehp- i. cover, block, close, obstruct. É-nėhpȧho'he. It was welded closed. É-nėhpóha. He closed it by tool. É-nėhpéne. He is totally blind (lit. obstructed-face). See: hahp-; o'om-; -hoon. Etym: *kep-.
-nėhpȧho'he vii. burned closed, welded shut. É-nėhpȧho'he. It was welded closed.
-nėhpȧho'hová vai. weld. Lit: close.up-by.heat É-nėhpȧho'hōva. He is welding. See: -nėhpȧho'he.
-nėhpȧhtsenán vta. close mouth of s.o. É-nėhpȧhtsenánahtse. He closed his (own) mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. See: -hóomȧhtsenán; -hóxe'ȧhtsenáh(n). Category: mouth.
-nėhpȧhtsenáotse vai. mouth covered, mouth closed. É-nėhpȧhtsenáotse. The mouth is closed. [pd723] Cheyenne women do this. ?? Category: check, mouth.
nėhpa'é- i. obstruct. É-nėhpa'é-še. He is lying guarding. For example, obstructing a door guarding it.
-nėhpa'éeh vta. blindfold s.o. , mask s.o. Nėhpa'éehahtsėstse! Wear a mask! (said to one person). Nėhpa'éehahtse! Mask up! (said to a group). Éohke-nėhpa'éehahtse. He masks up. Synonym nėhpa'éet; vai: -nėhpa'éehe; BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: eyes.
nėhpa'éehé- pv. robber.
-nėhpa'éehe vai. blindfolded, masked. Nėhpa'éeestse! Mask up! (said to one person). Nėhpa'éehe! Mask up! (said to a group). héne tsévé'šėhé-nėhpa'éeheto this which you are closed up with. [1987:146] BodyPartMedial -a'é; vta: -nėhpa'éet, -nėhpa'éeh. Category: eyes.
-nėhpa'éehé'tov vta. rob s.o. literal meaning from image of bandit's mask over face. É-nėhpa'éehé'tovóho. He robbed him. Ques: he'?? See: -šéenomev. Category: interpersonal, check.
nėhpa'éehéve'ho'e na. robber, bandit. Lit: covered-head-whiteman See: šéenováhe. Category: people.
-nėhpa'éestsé vti. cover s.t. for example, to cover something so it won't spill. É-nėhpa'ééstse. He covered it. Category: eyes.
-nėhpa'éešévaen vta. smother s.o. quickly. É-nėhpa'éešévaenóho. He smothered him quickly. Nėsta-nėhpa'éešévaena. She'll smother you. For example, she will take a rag and smother you with it. This can be a threat to get children to obey. Category: violence.
-nėhpa'éet vta. blindfold s.o. , mask s.o., mask up s.o. Variant: nėhpa'éeh. Nėhpa'éetahtsėstse! Wear a mask! (said to one person). Nėhpa'éetahtse! Mask up! (said to a group). (another recording) vai: -nėhpa'éehe; BodyPartMedial -a'é. Category: eyes.
-nėhpa'eoha'ov vta. block s.o., guard s.o. for example, to guard a player in basketball. É-nėhpa'eoha'ovóho. He guarded him. Nėhpa'eoha'oveha! Guard him! See: -nėhpa'ov. Category: basketball, record.
-nėhpa'éotse vai. suffocate. É-nėhpa'éotse. He suffocated. See: -nėhpotómeotse. Category: sickness.
-nėhpa'éšé vai. lie guarding. This especially refers to guarding a doorway. É-nėhpa'éše. He is lying with his head by the door. (another recording) [1987:259] Lit: obstruct-lie Category: lie.
nėhpa'ósané-matanáevé'ho'e na. guard. Category: jobs. Lit: guarding-policeman
-nėhpa'ov vta. guard s.o., block s.o. for example, to guard s.o. in a basketball game. É-nėhpa'ovóho. He is guarding him. Nėhpa'oveha! Guard him! See: -nėhpa'eoha'ov. Category: basketball.
-nėhpa'ovo'hamé vai. guard livestock. É-nėhpa'ovo'hāme. He guarded/watched horses. Category: horses.
-nėhpan vti. cover s.t., close s.t. with a covering. É-nėhpána. He covered it. Etym: *kepenamwa.
vta. cover s.o., close s.o. with a covering. É-nėhpanóho. He covered him (with something). for example, to cover a baby to protect it from the sun, wind, or cold. Etym: *kepene·wa (P).
-nėhpatován vti. damper s.t. É-nėhpatována. He dampered it.
vta. damper s.o. especially for dampering a fire. Medial -atová. Category: fire.
nėhpatovaneo'o ni. damper. Category: fire.
-nėhpea'enó'netó vii. be obstructed dark. É-nėhpea'enó'néto. It is so dark you can't see. Category: light.
-nėhpeamen vti. seal s.t. É-nėhpeamēna. He sealed it. for example, he sealed a letter or a log house.
vta. seal s.o. See: -nėhpean.
-nėhpeaménené vai. chink, daub, seal. especially refers to daubing the cracks of a log house. É-nėhpeaménéne. He is daubing.
nėhpeaménenestȯtse ni. trowel. can be any kind of tool that closes holes. Variant: nėhpeameneo'o.
nėhpeaméneo'o ni. trowel. for example, for daubing cement between logs. Category: tools. Variant: nėhpeaménenestȯtse.
-nėhpean vti. seal s.t. É-nėhpeāna. He sealed it.
vta. seal s.o. É-nėhpeanóho. He sealed him. See: -nėhpeamen.
-nėhpéená vai. be snowbound. É-nėhpééna. He is snowbound. Final -éená. See: -nȧha'éená; -nȧha'óová. Category: snow.
nėhpeeséehestȯtse ni. feedbag. Lit: obstruct-nose-NOM This is something like a muzzle placed over a horse's mouth. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: nėhpeeséeto'hamestȯtse. Category: harness.
-nėhpeeséetȯhe'hamé vai. nose mask horse(s). É-nėhpeeséetȯhe'hāme. He put a nose mask on his horse(s). to keep flies from bothering the horse's face. Variant: -nėhpeeséeto'hamé. Category: horses.
-nėhpeeséeto'hamé vai. nose mask horse(s). É-nėhpeeséeto'hāme. He put a nose mask on his horse(s). to keep flies from bothering the horse's face. Variant: -nėhpeeséetȯhe'hamé. Category: horses.
nėhpeeséeto'hamestȯtse ni. horse mask. Lit: cover-nose-livestock-NOM word made up for an occasion by HL, to try to get a label for a beaded horse mask. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: nėhpeeseehestȯtse; mo'éhno'hamévenestȯtse. Category: horses.
-nėhpeesén vta. plug nose of s.o. Nėhpeeséneha! Plug up his nostrils (nose)! BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: nose.
-nėhpeéstoonávomóhtahe vai. have a sore throat, diphtheria - have. Lit: blocked-throat-feeling É-nėhpeéstoonávomóhtahe. He has a sore throat/he has diphtheria. Category: sickness.
-nėhpehá vii. lie by door. É-nėhpéha. It is lying by door. vai: -nėhpešé; fii: -ehá. Category: lie.
-nėhpe'ehe vai. wear a diaper, wear a chastity belt. Lit: obstructed The meaning 'wear a chastity belt' is obsolescent today. É-nėhpe'ehe. He is wearing a diaper. Ésáa'éva-nėhpe'ėhéhe. He is potty-trained (lit., is no longer diapered). See: -nėhpe'et; nėhpe'ėhestȯtse ‘diaper’. Category: dress.
-nėhpe'ėhémea'xe vai. diaper smell. É-nėhpe'ėhémea'xe. He has a diaper smell. See: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
nėhpe'ėhestȯtse na. diaper, chastity belt. Lit: cover-NOM Plural nėhpe'ėhéstoto; Obviative nėhpe'ėhéstoto. perhaps originally had meaning of 'chastity belt'. Nánétȧhévanamóho he-nėhpé'ėhestovevóho. I changed their diapers. vai: -nėhpe'ehe. See: ho'sohtsėstse; nėhpėsó'ėhestȯtse ‘breechcloth’. Category: clothing.
-nėhpe'ėhešé vai. sleep with a diaper. É-nėhpe'ėhēše. He is sleeping with a diaper. Category: lie.
-nėhpe'enoné vai. sing loudly. É-nėhpe'enōne. He sang loudly. É-nėhpe'enonéto ?[ It is loud singing (i·) (for example, music on a radio). Variant: -tȧhpe'enoné. Category: sing.
-nėhpe'está vai. obstructed ear. É-nėhpe'ēsta. His ear is stopped up. BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: ears.
-nėhpe'ėstán vta. block ears of s.o. for example, to block one's ears with a hand or a finger; done by Cheyenne singers when drumming to stay in tune, and can be done when warming one's ears. É-nėhpe'ėstánahtse. He blocked his (own) ear(s). Category: ears.
-nėhpe'et vta. obstruct s.o., block s.o. ?? Category: check. É'ȯhke-nėhpe'etȧhtsésesto. It is said they (women) used to wear chastity belts. See: -nėhpe'ehe; -nomáhtosé. Category: sex.
-nėhpe'éxané vai. have obstructed eye(s). É-nėhpe'éxáne. He has closed eye(s)/he has covered eye(s) (for example, wearing an eye patch).
-nėhpe'éxanéehe vai. blindfolded. Lit: obstructed-eyes É-nėhpe'éxanéehe. He is blindfolded. Category: eyes.
-nėhpe'éxané'o'h vta. cover eyes of s.o. Ná-nėhpe'éxané'o'ha. He covered my eyes (especially to come up behind me and cover my eyes).
-nėhpe'éxanén vta. obstruct eye(s) of s.o. É-nėhpe'éxanénóho He covered his eye(s).
-nėhpe'onová vai. talk loudly. Usage: This is a subdialectal pronunciation. É-nėhpe'ónóva. He talked loudly. É-nėhpe'ónováto. It is loud talking (for example, on radio). Variant: -tȧhpe'onová; fai: -ónová. Category: speak, sounds, check.
-nėhpéné vai. be totally blind. Lit: obstructed-face É-nėhpéne. He is totally blind. Etym: *kepi·nkwe·wa. See: -ó'ó'éné ‘blind’. Category: sickness, face.
-nėhpéneet vta. blindfold s.o. É-nėhpéneetóho. He blindfolded him. Medial -éné.
-nėhpénén vta. cover eyes of s.o. Móh-nėhpénenaehevóhe. He must have covered her eyes. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: check.
-nėhpenoneóé'tov vta. stand at the door of and sing praises to s.o. É-nėhpenoneóe'tovóho (né?) He stood at his/her door and sang praises to him (for example, singing to your sister-in-law). Final -noné. Category: sing.
-nėhpenonéóó'e vai. stand in doorway singing. for example, singing for money. É-nėhpenonéoeo'o. They are standing by the door singing. Category: sing, stand.
-nėhpeóó'e vai. stand in doorway, stand in the way, stand obstructing. É-nėhpeóó'e. He is standing in the doorway. Etym: *kepika·po·wa (P). Né-nėhpeóó'e. You're standing in the way. Phon: vs Category: stand.
-nėhpeotse vii. become blocked. É-nėhpeotse. It is blocked. Ques: vai also?? Category: check.
-néhpėsa'ov vta. trip s.o. É-néhpėsa'ovóho. He tripped him. Mó-néhpėsa'ovȯhevóhe. He must have tripped him. for example, in a basketball game. Variant: -némėsa'ov, -némȯsa'ov. Category: interpersonal.
nėhpėsó'ėhestȯtse na. breechcloth. Lit: cover-crotch-thing Plural nėhpėsó'ėhestoto; Obviative nėhpėsó'ėhestoto; Medial -só'é2. See: ta'omoesó'ėhestȯtse ‘apron’; hóxáse ‘breechcloth belt’; nėhpe'ėhestȯtse ‘diaper’; -xó'é. Category: dance.
-nėhpėsóó'e vai. urinate standing in the way. É-nėhpėsóó'e. He is urinating standing in front/in the way. Etym: *kepišye·ka·po·wa (P). fai: -óé, -só3. Phon: vs Category: stand.
-nėhpešé vai. lie by door. É-nėhpéše. He lying by the door. Etym: *kepihšinwa (P). vii: -nėhpehá. See: -ta'omešé; -tó'hešé; -hóomešé. Category: lie.
-nėhpėšem vta. cover s.o. É-nėhpėšemóho. He covered him. See: -ho'oh(n). Category: interpersonal.
-nėhpóeha'ené vai. build dam, make a dam, dam. É-nėhpóeha'ēne. He built a dam. Beavers do this. Category: liquid.
-nėhpóe'ó vai. float obstructed. É-nėhpóé'o. He/It is floating obstructed. for example, there is a beaver dam preventing it from floating farther. Category: liquid.
-nėhpóemáno'e vii. be foggy. É-nėhpóemáno'e. It is foggy. Lit: closed.in(covered)-environment Phon: iah See: -nėhpoése ma'ēno. Category: weather.
-nėhpóene vii. dammed. tséh-nėhpóene dam. Lit: where the dam is Variant: nėhpóenēō'o. Category: liquid.
-nėhpóenené vai. build a dam. Nėhéóhe móh-nėhpóenenėhevóhe homā'e. The beavers had built a dam there. [The Journey.032]
nėhpóenēō'o ni. dam. Phon: vs Plural nėhpóeneonȯtse; Variant: tséhnėhpóene. Etym: O gibaakwa'igan (N). See: nėhpoéséó'o ‘curtain’. Category: liquid.
-nėhpoésané vai. hang up something by the door. É-nėhpoésáne. He hung up something by the door. Category: hang.
-nėhpoése vai. hang by the door. É-nėhpoése. He is hanging by the door. É-nėhpoése ma'ēno. It is foggy [lit. the turtle is hanging by the door]. To chase the fog away children would be told to draw a turtle on the ground, then throw sticks at it. See: -nėhpóemáno'e. Category: weather.
-nėhpoése ma'ēno vii. foggy. É-nėhpoése ma'ēno. It is foggy. Lit: The turtle is shrouded. Since Cheyenne subjects can either precede or follow a verb, the word "ma'ēno" can also precede the verb here. Variant: Ma'ēno énėhpoése. Category: weather.
nėhpoéséó'o na. curtain. Lit: obstruct-hang(.thing) Plural nėhpoéseono; Obviative nėhpoéseono. See: tsé-ta'omanestsėstse; tséohke-ta'omoésėstse vo'nȧhanéstóva. Etym: O gibagoojigan (N). See: nėhpóenēō'o ‘dam’. Category: house.
-nėhpóhaséohtsé vai. become constipated. É-nėhpóhaséótse He is constipated. Antonym -momóhtȯhtáotse; Synonym -ó'ȯhtáotse; BodyPartMedial -asé. Category: sickness.
-nėhpoh(n) vta. obstruct s.o. by tool. É-nėhpȯhnóho. He obstructed him by tool. Etym: *kepahwa·wa. Ná-nėhpóhno. I obstructed him by tool. Etym: *nekepahwa·wa.
nėhpȯhomó'héso na. burrowing owl. Lit: obstruct-dancer-DIM Plural nėhpȯhomó'hesono; Obviative nėhpȯhomó'hesono. said to be so named because they dance in front of prairie dog holes, blocking the holes. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-nėhpóhtá vti. close s.t. by mouth. É-nėhpóhta. He closed it with his mouth. Ésáa-nėhpóhtóhe. He did not cover it with his mouth. Final -óhtá. Category: mouth.
-nėhpohtá vii. obstructed by cold, frozen shut. É-nėhpóhta. It is frozen shut. É-nėhpȯhtánėstse nama'aataeve'éxanéstotȯtse. My eyeglasses are fogged up. Ésáa-nėhpȯhtáhane. It is not frozen over. Etym: *kepatenwi. Category: temperature.
-nėhpo'ȧhtsenán vta. cover mouth of s.o. É-nėhpo'ȧhtsenano. He covered his (someone else's) mouth. Nėhpo'ȧhtsenáneha! Cover his mouth! Category: mouth.
-nėhpo'a'ó'tsé vti. block s.t.lock s.t. Tséhvé'hestanomátse nétaome-nėhpo'a'ó'tsenone. when we took that (claims money) we blocked it ourselves. [1987:19] Nánoose-nėhpo'a'ó'tse he'nétoo'o. I forgot (lit. omitted) to lock the door.
-nėhpo'an vti. block s.t., close s.t., lock s.t., fence s.t., turn off s.t., shut off s.t. É-nėhpo'āna. He fenced it in/he closed it. many different objects can be closed, referred to by this verb, such as a tepee smoke flap, a box, an area of ground. Éva-nėhpo'ānȯhtse! Close it back up! Nėhpo'ānȯhtse! Turn it off! (for example, a radio or T.V.) / Lock it! (for example, a door). Né-nėhpo'anāne. You are muted.
vta. block s.o., lock in s.o., fence in s.o. É-nėhpo'anóho. He fenced him in / he locked him in. Násáa-nėhpo'anóhe. I did not mute/block him. tsé-nėhpo'anėstse hōva zoo animal. [1987:224] Lit: animal which is fenced in Antonym -ta'ta'en.
nėhpo'aneo'o ni. lock. Phon: vs Plural nėhpo'aneonȯtse. Category: house.
nėhpo'e- i. blocked. É-nėhpo'eēse. Hs nose is plugged up.
nėhpo'eehoéstonemȧhēō'o ni. boarding school. Lit: locked up school Variant: nėhpo'eemȯxe'ėstónémȧhéó'o; Synonym momóonémȧhéó'o. Category: school.
nėhpo'eemȯxe'ėstónémȧhéó'o ni. boarding school. Lit: locked up school Variant: nėhpo'eehoéstonemȧhēō'o. Category: school.
-nėhpo'eesé vai. have a plugged up nose. É-nėhpo'eēse. Hs nose is plugged up. for example, from a cold. Category: sickness.
-nėhpo'eesé'hahe vai. nasal voice; have a nasal voice, have a voice of a plugged up nose. É-nėhpo'eesé'hahe. He is talking with a plugged up nose voice. Category: voice.
-nėhpo'e'está vai. plugged up ear(s). É-nėhpo'e'ēsta. He has plugged up ear(s). Category: sickness, ears.
-nėhpo'e'ėstáotse vai. 1 • plugged up ear(s). É-nėhpo'e'ėstáotse. He has plugged up ears / doesn't want to hear anything.
2 • not want to hear anything. Category: figurative, body, ears, hear.
-nėhpo'eotse vii. blocked, jammed, locked. É-nėhpo'eotse. It is jammed.
nėhpo'hóenévó'e ni. 30-30 caliber rifle. Lit: throat-gun Medial -ó'é6. See: ma'aatanó'késo. Category: hunt.
nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse ni. Adam's apple, voice box ?? Lit: valve/thing which closes See: pa'enėhpo'hóoná; henėhpo'hoo'ȯtse. Variant: ma'xenėhpo'hoo'ȯtse, . Category: body, check.
-nėhpo'hóoná mbp. part of throat ?? Category: check. Épa'e-nėhpo'hóóna. He has a goiter (lit. he-lump-?? Category: check. See: -nėhpo'hoo'ȯtse; henėhpo'hoo'ȯtse; ma'xenėhpo'hoo'ȯtse; . Category: sickness.
-nėhpo'ohe vta. Gram: psv locked. É-nėhpo'ohe. It is locked. vta: -nėhpo'oh(n).
nėhpo'ȯhēō'o ni. lid, plug. Lit: closing (thing) Plural nėhpo'ȯheonȯtse. Category: containers.
-nėhpo'oh(n) vta. lock up s.o. É-nėhpo'ȯhnóho. He locked him in. for example, to lock someone inside a house. Etym: cf *kepa·xkwahwe·wa ‘he closes, covers him with or as wood or solid’. See: -nėhpo'an; -nėhpo'ohe; -ta'ta'o'tá.
-nėhpo'tá vii. closed. É-nėhpó'ta. It is closed/covered. Etym: *kepaʔte·wa. Category: sit inan.
-nėhpóneešé vai. obstruct lying ropelike, lie ropelike in the doorway. É-nėhpónééše. (A snake) is lying in the doorway. Medial -ón. Category: ropelike.
-nėhpónoo'e vai. sit in doorway, sit blocking, sit obstructing. É-nėhpónoo'e. He is sitting in the doorway. fai: -ónoo'e. See: -nėhpoo'e. Category: sit.
-nėhpoo'e vai. sit blocking. É-nėhpoo'e. He is sitting blocking. For example, he is sitting beside the door, blocking it just being near it. Etym: *kepapiwa. Émáme-nėhpoo'e. He is big blocking the door. For example, about a big rock (animate) or a fat man. Initial nehp-. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-nėhpóo'ó vai. blocked sight. Náma'xe-nėhpóó'o. I'm really looking but something is in the way. Category: sight.
-nėhpóová vai. ?? É-nėhpóóva. ?? fii: -óová. Category: liquid, check.
-nėhpóovan vti. dam s.t. É-nėhpóóvána. He dammed it.
vta. É-nėhpóovanóho. He dammed him. See: -óová ‘by liquid’. Category: liquid.
-nėhpotóman vta. suffocate s.o., smother s.o. É-nėhpotómanóho. He smothered him. See: -hóvo'a'o'h. Category: violence.
-nėhpotómeoestȧho'he vai. suffocate in fire. É-nėhpotómeoestȧho'he. He suffocated in a fire. [PD986] fai: -aho'he. Category: fire, death.
-nėhpotómeotse vai. suffocate, choke while breathing. Lit: obstruct-breathe É-nėhpotómeotse. He suffocated. Etym: **kepaθa·mopalyiwa (P/L). See: -ómotómeotse ‘breathe’; -nėhpa'éotse ‘suffocate’.
-nėhpotómešé vai. fall and can't breathe. É-nėhpotóméše. He fell and had the wind knocked out of him. Etym: *kepaθa·mwihšinwa. Category: lie.
-nėhpotómoh vta. hit and knock wind out of s.o. Ná-nėhpotómóho. I hit him and knocked the wind out of him. Category: hit.
-né'ȧhahtáxé vai. wipe feet. É-né'ėhahtáxe. He wiped his feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá; fai: -šená. Category: feet.
-né'ame na. parents (poss.) na-né'ame my parents. he-né'amo ?? his parents. Category: check. né'amevoo'o ?? my parents ?? [PD795] Usage: seems to be unknown for most speakers today See: -héstoo'éšeeh. Category: family, check.
-né'asėta'ham vta. throw s.o. toward (speaker). Né'asėta'hameha hóhtséme Throw the ball to me! See: neh-; -asėta'ham. Category: phys. ed..
-né'asėtan vti. pass s.t./s.o. (toward me, the speaker). Né'asėtānȯhtse matana! Pass the milk! Né'asėtānȯhtse mahpe! Pass the water! Né'asėtānȯhtse ho'évohkȯhtse! Pass the meat! Né'asėtānȯhtse vóhpoma'ȯhtse! Pass the salt! Né'asėtānȯhtse heóveamėške! Pass the butter! Né'asėtānȯhtse méhnemenȯtse! Pass the pepper! Né'asėtānȯhtse vé'keemahpe! Pass the sugar! Né'asėtānȯhtse vé'keemahpėstse! Pass the candies! Né'asėtanenáno monėškeho! Pass the beans! Né'asėstaneha mȧhōō'o! Pass the melon! Né'asėtaneha kokȯhéáxa! Pass the chicken! Phon: with high pitch on cislocative preverb /néh/ (with né'- allomorph here, preceding the vowel) an imperative construction is indicated See: neh-; -asėtan. Category: move.
-né'eeséh(n) vta. wipe nose of s.o. Né'eeséhestse! Wipe your nose! Category: nose.
ne'é'e na. bull snake. Plural ne'é'eo'o; Obviative ne'e'o. Category: snakes.
-ne'é'kóo'ó vai. look in. É-ne'é'kóó'o. He is looking in. for example, looking into a house through a crack in the wall. See: -né'póo'ó. Category: sight.
-ne'enéseh vta. 1 • beat up s.o. É-ne'enésėhóho. He beat him up. Náma'xe-ne'enésého. I really beat him up. Category: violence.
2 • beat s.o. with a sickness. Category: figurative. Náma'xe-ne'enéseha He'haévėháne. I came down with a bad cold (lit. Cold beat me up bad). See: -ne'enéšėšéváen; -oom; -na'xévaen; -sȯsévenot. Category: sickness.
-ne'enéšėšéváen vta. beat up s.o. severely, work over s.o. fast. É-ne'enéšėšévaenóho. He really beat him up/he 'worked him over fast'. See: -ne'enéseh. Category: violence.
-ne'ėseh vta. single out s.o., take on s.o. É-ne'ėsėhóho. ?? He singled him out. Category: interpersonal, check.
-né'ėsto'hahá vai. remove; doff gloves. É-né'ėsto'haha. He took his gloves off. Né'ėsto'hááhtse! Take your gloves off! Antonym -e'ėsto'haha. See: -né's; -né't. Category: clothing.
-né'ėstósem vta. drag out s.o., pull s.o. out; extract s.o. by dragging. É-né'ėstósemóho. He extracted him by dragging. Náéva-né'ėstósémo. I pulled him back out. for example, he pulled him out of the ditch, with a rope. See: -amėstósem. Category: move.
-ne'éšeamoése vai. be early part of forenoon. É-ne'éšeamoése. It is the early part of forenoon. between sunrise and approximately 9 a.m. Category: time.
-ne'étame vai. depend on (something or somebody).
vti. Gram: ai+o depend on s.t. É-ne'étame. He depends on it. É-ne'étamenȯtse. He depends on them (inanimate). Tósa'e náme'heše-ne'étame? Where else could I depend? [Hymn #71] for example, there is no one or nowhere else that I can depend, but you. vta: -ne'étamé'tov. Category: interpersonal.
ne'étame- pv. dependent. Éohke-ne'étame-a'xaamesėstse. He (especially a baby or child) cries to get what he wants (he is dependent on his crying to get the attention of s.o. (especially his mother's).
-ne'étamé'tȯsáne vai. depend on people. É-ne'étamé'tȯsáne. He depends on people. fai: -ósané. Category: interpersonal.
-ne'étamé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o rely on s.o., depend on s.o. Ná-ne'étamé'tova. He depends on me. Né-ne'étamé'tovȧtse. I depend on you. Ná-ne'étamenȯtse. I depend on him. Ná-ne'étamenȯtse Ma'hēō'o. I depend on God. É-ne'étaménoto. He is depending on him. Náhóove-ne'étamenȯtse naa ésáaxaenéé'tóhe. Naa náne'évȧhéne'étamenȯtse. I mistakenly depended on him and he did not do what he said (lit. did not stand to it). And I would not again depend on him. (that is, he disappointed me). Ma'hēō'o, né-ne'étamé'tovȧtse. God, I depend on you. vti: -ne'étame. The idea of 'trust' of character, for example, trust of s.o. to do a good job, is covered by other verbs, for example, -xanovátam 'trust, regard s.o. as a straight person';-ono'átam 'respect s.o.' Lack of such trust can be indicated by a verb stem such as -onéstátam, for example ma'kaataevé'ho'e ná-onéstatama 'The banker checked me out.' This seems to imply that the banker doesn't trust me, or at least his checking out procedure is interpreted that way. Category: interpersonal.
-ne'étamé'tov vta. depend.on. Né-ne'étamé'tovatsemeno. We depend on you. [My Testimony.118]
-ne'étameotse vai. depend on. É-ne'étameotse. He has come to depend on (something).
vti. Gram: ai+o depend on s.t. Náne'étameotse e'óestaáhestȯtse. I'm depending on baptism/Christianity. See: -ne'étame.
-ne'étameotsé'tov vta. depend on s.o. É-ne'étameotsé'tovóho. He has come to depend on him. ?? Naa máto (hováhne évaveto) móstaohkeée-ne'étameotsėhenovóhe. And long ago (people) came to depend on (the animals). [1987:300] Category: interpersonal.
-ne'étamétanó'tov vta. want to depend on s.o., want help from s.o. É-ne'étamétanó'tovóho. He wants to depend on him. Mónánėh-ne'étamétanó'toehéhe. I guess he wants me to help him. [1987:286] Category: interpersonal.
ne'evá i. mark, represent, signal, identify, guide, indicate, show. É-ne'evávȯxe'ōha. He wrote it with a mark. É-ne'evášééše. He is known by the way he lies (posture). Héá'e ho'háme'e tósa'e nėstavóohtanone tse-ne'eváhoxo'ȯhtsévo'ō'e. Maybe we might see a spring somewhere; there will be (that is, it will be indicated by) green grass. [JOURNEY.TXT] See: -hešėtovátó; -vóo'seh; -vóo'ėstómané.
ne'eváhéó'o ni. ruler. Lit: measuring(.thing) Plural ne'eváheonȯtse. Phon: apoc; vs Etym: cf. *keθkiwe·honi ‘flag’. Category: tools.
-ne'eváh(n) vta. measure s.o. É-ne'evahno. He measured him. É-ne'eváhnóho. He measured him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-ne'eváhno. I measured him. É-ne'evahe. He is measured/he is identified. Étónėše-ne'evahe? How is he identified? For example, what qualities does he have? See: -taeváhn. Category: interpersonal.
ne'eváohtséstomanestȯtse ni. compass, GPS. Lit: guiding thing Category: new. See: éše'he ‘sun, compass’. Category: tools.
-ne'eváotséh vta. guide s.o. É-ne'eváotseho. He guided him. É-ne'eváotséhóho. He guided him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-ne'eváotseha. He showed me the way. Néh-ne'eváotšėšemeno! Lead us!/Guide us! See: -ameotseh; -nėhe'otseh; -sóhpeotseh; -oné'evá'ov. Category: move.
-ne'eváotseh vta. guide; guide s.o. É-ne'eváotsėhóho. He guided him (for example, back to the path). Ná-ne'eváotseha. He showed me the way. Néh-ne'eváotšėšemeno! Lead us!/Guide us! See: -ameotseh; -nėhe'otseh; -sóhpeotseh; -oné'evá'ov. Category: move.
-ne'eváotsé'ėstómané vai. guide. É-ne'eváotsé'ėstómáne He guided.
ne'eváotsé'ėstómanéhe na. guide (person). Synonym ne'eváotsėsanéhe.
-ne'eváotsėsané vai. guide. É-ne'eváotsėsāne. He guided.
ne'eváotsėsanéhe na. guide. Category: jobs.
-ne'evátó vii. identified. máto móh-ne'evátȯhanéhe tsé'ȯhkėhésėhó'ta also there was a special place where they (sacred covenants) were put (1987:100).
-ne'evátseoneve vai. identified, signaled. Category: identity.
-ne'evátsėsané vai. represent, signal. É-ne'evátsėsáne. He represents. Évé'še-ne'evátsėsáne méhosanestȯtse. He represents love (loan translation??) See: -néé'tȯsané.
ne'evátsėsané-ho'e ni. landmark. Usage: probably a loan translation
ne'evátsėséó'o ni. sign, marker, float, bobber (for fishing line), bead (at end of gun barrel, for sighting). Plural ne'evátsėseonȯtse. Usage: obsolescing Category: hunt.
ne'evá(v)- i. identified, recognized. É-ne'evávȧhtóohe. He is recognized by the sound he makes. É-ne'eváva'xāne. He is recognized by his cry. Variant: ne'evá-, ne'eváve-. Category: identity.
-ne'evávȧhtóohe vai. identified by sound, recognized by sound. É-ne'evávȧhtóohe. He is recognized by the sound he makes. Initial ne'evá(v)-; Final -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.
-ne'eváva'xané vai. recognized by cry. É-ne'eváva'xāne. He is recognized by his cry. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.
ne'eváve- pv. recognized by. É-ne'eváveméa'xe. He (for example, cow) can be recognized by his smell. É-ne'evávevéhó'e. He is recognized by his song (that he made). Initial ne'evá-. See: nané- ??. Category: check.
-ne'eváveméa'há vii. identified by smell. É-ne'eváveméá'ha. It is identified by his smell. Category: smell, identity.
-ne'eváveméa'xe vai. identified by smell. É-ne'eváveméa'xe. He is identified by his smell. For example, a cow. Category: smell, identity.
-ne'evávóešé'tov vta. watch s.o. Ná-ne'evávóešé'tóvo. I lay there watching him. Ques: recheck pitch vóéšé?? Móstaéva-ne'evávoešé'tovȯhevóhe tsévéstoemose He lay there to watch his wife. [1987:252] Category: sight.
-ne'evávȯhohtsé vai. recognized by tracks. É-ne'evávȯhóhtse. He is recognized by his tracks. The tracks identify whoever left them. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks.
-ne'evávonoé'tov vta. sit watching s.o. É-ne'evávonoé'tovóho. He sat watching him. Ques: How is this different from -ne'evávoom?? akot says this is more casual watching than-ne'evávoom. Category: sight, interpersonal.
-ne'evávonoo'e vai. sit watching; watch sitting. É-ne'evávonoo'e. He sat watching.
-ne'evávóóhtá vti. watch s.t. É-ne'evávóóhta. He watched it. for example, as he guarded it. See: -vóóhta; -vé'hóóht; -nėhpa'ov; -he'éxanohá. Category: sight.
-ne'evávoom vta. watch s.o. for example, to watch children while babysitting. É-ne'evávoomóho. He watched him. (another recording) Navéxaho ná-ne'evávoomoo'o. I am watching my grandchildren. vai: -ne'evávoosané. See: -he'éxanoh(n); -vóom; -vé'hóom; -nėhpa'ov. Category: sight.
-ne'evávoosané vai. watch. É-ne'evávóósáne. He watched/he looked after. tsé-ne'evávóósánėstse umpire. Lit: the one who watches taa'éva tséohke-ne'evávóósánėstse night watchman. vta: -ne'evávoom. See: -vé'hóosané; -vóosané. Category: sight.
ne'evávoosanéhe vai. Gram: ppl umpire, guard, watchman. Variant: tsé-ne'evávóósánėstse, tsé-ne'evávóósénėstse; vai: -ne'evávóosané. Category: jobs.
ne'evávoosanestȯtse ni. drone. Lit: watching thing Category: new, sight.
ne'evávoosanéve'ho'e na. security officer. Variant: ne'evávoosenéve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
ne'evávoosenéve'ho'e na. security officer. Category: jobs.
ne'evávȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. identification card, passport. Lit: identity.paper See: mȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: new.
né'eve- pv. forward, more, add on. É-né'eveénane. It is postponed (lit. placed forward). É-né'eveóó'xána. He broke it into pieces. See: maato; nȧhéstó'e; hóna'ove-.
né'evėhéne'enovȧhestȯtse mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o ni. college. Lit: keep on learning school Category: new, school.
-né'eve'ėsé'ham vta. pull up pants. Né'eve'ėsé'hameha! Pull up your pants (hurriedly)! BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: clothing.
-ne'évėse'ó vai. fall and turn over. É-ne'évȧsé'o. ?? He fell and turned over (similar to a somersault). ?? Category: check, fall, record.
-né'evonehné vai. scoot up, sit up straight. É-né'evonēhne. He is scooting up. Né'evonēhnėstse! Sit up straight! Category: sit.
-ne'hahe vai. be the same. É-ne'hahe. He is the same. Énėše-ne'hahe. He is the same. Néhe énėše-ne'hahe. He is the same as that one (already spoken about). Étanėšena'he-ne'háheo'o. They three are the same. for example, the Trinity. vii: -né'ha'e. See: -séestá. Category: identity.
-né'ha'e vii. be the same. É-né'ha'e It is the same. Énėše-né'ha'e. It is the same. Ques: how is this different from -séesó? Phon: iah See: -ne'ho'tá; -séeso. Category: quality, identity, check.
né'hané inc.n. lake. É-né'hanéeve. It is a lake.
né'háne ni. lake. Usage: This word appears to be obsolescing; a newer term would be tsésééha mahpe, literally, 'where the water is spread out' Plural né'hánėstse; Oblique né'hanééva; Synonym tséssééha mahpe. ma'xené'háne See: -mȧhóomóehá. Category: liquid.
ne'hanéé'e obl. at the lake. IndepNoun ne'hāne; Variant: ne'hanééva. Phon: vs See: ma'xene'hanééva; ma'xeo'hé'e. Category: environment.
né'hanééva obl. at the lake. IndepNoun ne'hāne; Variant: ne'hanéé'e. See: ma'xene'hanééva; ma'xeo'hé'e. Category: environment.
-ne'hó'etová'tov vta. bawl out s.o. Náma'xe-ne'hó'etová'tova. He was really getting after me. [LF 8/93] See: -vé'hoét; -vé'hoéševaen. Category: interpersonal, speak.
-ne'ho'tá fii. room. Éháestȯhe-ne'hō'ta. There are many rooms. ... é-heše-ne'hō'ta. ... it is such a room. Ésó'nėheše-ne'hō'ta. It is still the same. É'éetsėhetónoehoo'o kȧsovááhe tséheše-ne'ho'tatse héne vee'e. The young man looked around (to see) how that tepee was sized up. [1980:65:40] he'ama tsé-ne'hō'ta ceiling. Lit: above in the room Variant: -ene'ho'tá. See: -séesó; -ne'ha'e; -po'o'tá. Category: room, space, house.
-ne'hónová vai. converse, talk, chat. The difference between -éestse and -ne'hónová is that -éestse is more purposeful, organized speaking, such as a speech that someone gives, while -ne'hónová is talking/chatting, less organized speaking. É-ne'hónóva. He is talking/chatting. É-ne'hónovao'o. They are chatting. Émȧhe-ne'hónovao'o. They are all talking at the same time. fai: -ónová. See: -éestse; -háónová. Category: speak.
-ne'hónovaa'e vai. sit chatting, sit talking. É-ne'hónovaa'e. He sat chatting. Morph: /-ne'hónovae/. Final -ónová. Phon: vs Category: speak.
-ne'hónovaohtsé vai. go along discussing, go along chatting. Ná-ne'hónovaohtséme. vá?? We went along discussing. fai: -ónová. Category: speak, check.
-né'hoom vta. look through legs at s.o. É-né'hoomóho. He is looking backwards through his (own) legs at him (obv). This is said when a toddler is bending forward, looking between his legs for someone. This is a way of saying that the toddler is looking for a new baby to join the family. See: éva'kėseóé; vé'hóom. Category: sayings.
nē'ne na. Gram: poss your older brother. Stem -'néh. Category: relatives.
-né'óhta vti. lick s.t. É-né'óhta. He licked it. Etym: *no·çkwa·tamwa (P). vta: -né'om; fti: -óhtá. Category: eat.
-né'om vta. lick s.o. É-né'omóho. He licked him. Etym: *no·çkwa·te·wa (P). vti: -né'óhtá. See: -nénom.
né'oma'e ni. sandy place. See: heséóvó'e ‘sand’. Category: places.
Né'oma'ésonȧhestse n. Sand Hills young people. This is the form when they are addressed, that is, the vocative. This ia a ceremonial word. Category: ceremonial.
Né'oma'étane n. Sand Hills person. Plural Né'oma'étaneo'o. ceremonial word for someone of the Tsitsistas band. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
Né'oma'étanesėstse n. Sand Hills people. pronunciation when they are addressed. a ceremonial word for the Tsitsistas. See: Né'oma'étane. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
-né'poeóó'e vai. look over standing, stand looking over. É-né'poeóó'e. He is standing looking over (something). Phon: vs Category: stand, sight.
-né'poeotse vai. peek. É-né'poeotse. He peeked. Ésta-né'poeotsesėstse ó'xeanóéva He looked over the edge of the cliff. [JOURNEY.TXT] Category: sight.
-né'póešé vai. lie peeking. for example, as hunters lie on the ground looking for game. É-né'póéše. He is lying peeking. Category: lie, sight.
-né'poešé'tov vta. peek at s.o. Á'e móhnėhme'-né'poešé'toehevóhe. Close by (her husband; obv.) could watch her. [1987:252] Category: sight.
-né'póo'ó vai. peek over, look over, crane look. É-né'póó'o. He peeked/he looked over. É-né'póó'o éše'he. The sun is peeking through. tséohkėheše-né'poo'óhtove tall enough to peek over. That is a humorous saying. Phon: not vs fai: -óo'ó. See: -tsėhetóo'ó. Category: sight, sayings.
-né'poom vta. peek at s.o. É-né'poomóho. He peeked at him. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.067] Category: sight.
ne'potátse na. crane, stork, blue heron. Plural ne'potátseo'o; Obviative ne'potátseho ??. Category: check. See: voestāso; nee'póhehe. Category: birds.
né's- i. extract, remove. See: né't-; -né'ėstósem. Etym: *kyi·ʔs-.
né'se- i. extract; take off; doff. É-né'sėsáne. He is undressing. É-né'seéstsehēna. He took off his coat. É-né'seotse. It (or He) came off. See: -né'tan.
-né'seéstse'hená vai. remove shirt (or coat). É-né'seéstse'hēna. He took his shirt (or coat) off. Né'seéstse'hēnȧhtse Take your coat off! (another recording) Né'seéstse'hēna Take your coat off! (said to more than one person). Névé'-né'seéstse'hēna! Don't take your coat off! Antonym -e'seéstse'hená. Category: dress.
-né'se'éxané's vta. cut out the eye of s.o. É-né'se'éxane'so. He cut his eye(s) out. É-né'se'éxané'sóho. He cut his eye(s) out. (newer pronunciation). Category: eyes, cut.
-né'seotse vai. come off.
vii. come off. É-né'seotse. It (or He) came off. for example, a shoe.
-né'sėsané vai. undress. É-né'sėsáne. He is undressing. fai: -sané2; Antonym -e'sėsané. Category: dress.
-né'sėsané'ham vta. jerk clothes off s.o. É-né'sėsané'hamóho. He ripped off his (obv) clothes.
-né'sėsanén vta. undress s.o. É-né'sėsaneno. He undressed him. É-né'sėsanénóho. He undressed him. (newer pronunciation). fai: -sané2; Antonym -e'sėsanén. See: -vóvo'kan. Category: dress.
-né'sėstá'né vai. navel bulge out. É-né'sėstá'ne. His navel bulges out. BodyPartMedial -sta'né, -too'ėstané's. Category: body.
-né'sėstséáh(n) vta. remove head of s.o. É-né'sėstséáhnóho. He 'knocked his head off'/he hit him really hard. See: -oom.
ne'še- pv. strong denial. This preverb, in conjunction with preverb hé-, forms powerful denials of accusations. The words in this entry are morphologically questions, but they function as strong statements, that is, these are Cheyenne rhetorical questions. Ná-ne'šėhéene'enahe! I don't know anything about it at all! Ná-ne'šėhétonėšé'tovóhe! I didn't do ANYTHING to him! Ná-ne'šėhéoxȯhehe! I DIDN'T say ANYTHING! Ná-ne'šėhéheve! I did NOT say that! Ná-ne'šėhénaóotsehe! I WASN'T asleep! Ná-ne'šėhéoomohe No way I hit him! Ná-ne'šėhétonėševehe I didn't do ANYTHING! (cf. néhétonėšéve What did you do?!) Tósa'e náto'se-ne'šėhétone'ȯhtsehe. I'm not going ANYWHERE! This preverb cannot be used with vii stems (nor with any person other than first person??), so the following is ungrammatical: *É-ne'šėhéhoo'kȯhohe. No way it rained! Instead, one would have to say something like the following: Ésáatšėhe'šėhoo'kȯhóhane. It has never rained. See: hé-; me'hé-. Category: check, exclamations.
né't- i. extract; empty; doff; remove. É-né'toēsta. She took her dress off. É-né'tȧhtáha. He is taking his pants off. É-né'ta'hāhtse. He jerked it out. Variant: né's-.
-ne'tȧhátm vta. regard s.o. as important. É-ne'tȧhátamóho. He considers him important. fta: -átam; vta: -ne'tátsestá. See: -né'ta'e; -nétȧhévatam. Category: interpersonal, interpersonal.
-ne'tahe vai. main, most important. É-ne'tahe. He is the main one. for example, the main player on a basketball team. É-ne'tȧheo'o. They are the main ones. tsé-ne'taestse the one who is important. Usage: Tséne'taestse has been used as a missionary term for 'the Lord.' This church language meaning is not well known today. Etym: *keʔtesiwa ‘he is big, venerable, old’. vii: -né'ta'e. See: -nétahe; -náno'tahe; -ho'emané. Category: quality, check.
-ne'tȧhé'tov vta. supervise s.o. É-ne'tȧhé'tovóho. He supervises him. Category: jobs, work, interpersonal.
-ne'tȧhéóó'e vai. stand important. É-ne'tȧhéóó'e. He is standing important. Phon: vs Category: stand.
-ne'tȧhévotse'ohe vai. be foreman. É-ne'tȧhévotse'ohe. He is foreman. Category: jobs.
-né'tȧhtáhá vai. doff pants, remove pants, take off pants. É-né'tȧhtáha. He is taking his pants off. Né'tȧhááhtse! Take your pants off! Medial -ahtáhá; Antonym -e'tȧhtáha. Etym: *kye·tetaye·wa ‘he takes off his leggings’. Category: dress.
-né'tȧhtáhá vai. doff pants, remove pants, take off pants. É-né'tȧhtáha. He is taking his pants off. Né'tȧhááhtse! Take your pants off! Medial -ahtáhá; Antonym -e'tȧhtáha. Etym: *kye·tetaye·wa ‘he takes off his leggings’. Category: dress.
-né'tȧhtsenáno'hamé vai. unbridle horses. É-né'tȧhtsenáno'hāme. He is unbridling his horse(s). (another recording) Variant: -né'tȯhta'éno'hamé. Category: horses.
-né'ta'e vii. important, main thing, critical. Ques: important?? É-né'ta'e. It is the main thing ; it's important. Ésáa-ne'ta'éhane. It is not important. Hetómestȯtse é-né'ta'e. Truth is important. ?? Éta'-né'ta'e. It is very important. Háahe, éta'-né'ta'e tsé'ée-tsėhésenėstséstove. Yes, it's really important to be talking Cheyenne. Phon: iah vai: -ne'tahe. See: -néta'e. Category: quality, check.
-né'ta'en vti. disconnect s.t., untie s.t., undo s.t. É-né'ta'ēna. He disconnected it. Antonym -onéha'en.
vta. disconnect s.o., untie s.o., undo s.o. É-né'ta'enóho. He disconnected him. Ná-né'ta'ēno mo'éhno'ha. I untied the horse.
-né'ta'hahtsé vti. jerk out s.t. can refer to pulling out penis after intercourse. É-né'ta'hāhtse. He jerked it out. fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -hóesta'hahtsé. Category: sex.
-né'ta'ham vta. tear out s.o., extract throw s.o. tséma'xeomáta'né'ta'hamėstse the one that was angrily (brutally) torn (out of the womb). Category: throw.
-né'ta'ó'h vta. extract s.o., take out s.o. from. É-né'ta'o'ho. He extracted him. É-né'ta'ó'hóho. He extracted him. (newer pronunciation). Éstaéva-né'ta'ó'hosesto néhe oonȧhá'e. (The man) took the frog back out of (the snake). [1987:286] See: -né'tȯh(n); -hóesta'ó'h ‘take out s.o.’. Category: move.
-né'ta'ó'tsé vti. extract s.t. quickly, take out s.t. quickly. faster action than -né'tan. É-né'ta'ó'tse. He took it out quickly. Móhnėh-né'ta'o'tsėhéhe heka'o'e. He drew his pistol. [Stamper 1991:10] See: -né'tan ‘extract s.t.’. Category: move.
-ne'ta'ov vta. crowd out s.o. that is, not leave room for s.o. É-ne'ta'ovóho. He did not leave room for him. See: -neta'ov.
-né'tan 1 • vti. extract s.t., remove s.t., take off s.t. É-né'tána. He extracted it. Preverb né'se-. Etym: *kye·tenamwa. See: -né'ta'ó'tsé ‘extract s.t. quickly’; -né'tohá ‘dig out s.t.’; -hóestan ‘take out s.t.’.
2 • vta. extract s.o. É-né'tanóho. He extracted him. Etym: *kye·tene·wa (P) ‘he holds him fast’. Category: move.
né'tanéhéó'o ni. puller, extractor. Category: tools, check.
-ne'tátsestá vti. regard s.t. as important. É-ne'tátsésta. He considers it important. See: -né'ta'e.
-né'toeha'é vai. remove hat. É-né'toehā'e. He took his hat off. Antonym -e'tóhkėha'é. Category: clothing.
-né'toestá vai. take off dress, remove dress. É-né'toēsta. She took her dress off. Né'tóéstȧhtse! Take your dress off! Etym: *kye·takote·wa. Category: dress.
-né'tohá vti. dig out s.t., extract s.t. by tool. É-né'tóha. He dug it out. vta: -né'toh(n). See: -né'ta'ó'tsé ‘extract s.t. quickly’; -né'tan ‘extract s.t.’; -vósohá ‘dig s.t.’.
-né'tȯhe'óoná vai. scrape out bowl of pipe. É-né'tȯhe'óóna. He is scraping out the bowl of his pipe. Etym: *kye·tahixpwa·kane·wa. Medial -he'óoná. Category: smoke.
né'tȯheoenévetoo'o ni. ashtray. Lit: remove-ashes-container Plural né'tȯheoenévetóonȯtse. See: -oesepáené. Category: smoke.
-né'tȯhkėha'á vai. remove hat, take off hat. É-né'tȯhkėhá'a. He took his hat off. Né'tȯhkėhá'ȧtse! Take your hat off! Antonym -e'tóhkėha'á. Morph: /-né'tóhkeha'á. Variant: -né'toeha'é. Category: dress.
-né'tȯhkėha'én vta. take off hat of s.o. É-né'tȯhkėha'eno. He took his (other person's) hat off. É-né'tȯhkėha'énóho. He took his (other person's) hat off. (newer pronunciation). Antonym -e'tóhkėha'én. Category: dress.
-né'tȯhkėha'éoesta'xe vai. hat bounce off. É-né'tȯhkėha'éoesta'xe. His cap bounced off.
-né'tȯh(n) vta. extract s.o. by tool, dig out s.o. É-né'tȯhnóho. He extracted him. vti: -né'tohá. Etym: *kye·tahwe·wa. See: -né'ta'ó'h. Category: move.
-né'tȯhta'én vti. uncork, take lid off s.t. É-né'tȯhta'éna. He took the lid off of it.
vta. unbutton s.o.; take something off s.o. É-né'tȯhta'eno. He took something off him. É-né'tȯhta'énóho. He took something off him. (newer pronunciation). Né'tȯhta'éneha! Unbutton him! for example, to unbutton your shirt. Category: check.
-né'tȯhta'éno'hamé vai. unbridle horses. É-né'tȯhta'éno'hāme. He is unbridling his horse(s). Variant: -né'tȯhtsenáno'hamé. Category: horses.
-né'tȯhtá'eoohá'á vti. dislocate s.t. Ques: ta'e?? É-né'tȯhtá'eoohá'a. He dislocated it. Ná-né'tȯhtá'eoohá'a nȧhtatamoo'o. I dislocated my shoulder. Category: check.
-né'tȯhtá'eotse vii. be dislocated, be out of joint. Ques: ta'e?? É-né'tȯhtá'eotse. It is out of joint/dislocated. for example, of a bone. Category: check.
ne'to'é- pv. directly ?? Category: check. Ná-ne'to'éná'ho. I murdered him. Ná-ne'to'émáso. I shot him dead.
-né'to'é vai. doff shoes. É-né'tó'e. He took off his shoes (or moccasins etc.). Né'tó'ėstse! Take your shoes off! (another recording) Antonym -e'ėha'ó. Category: shoes, shoes.
-né'to'én vti. remove s.t., unload s.t. for example, to unload a gun. É-né'to'éna. He unloaded it. Né'to'énȯhtse! Unload it! Antonym -éto'én. Category: load, guns.
-ne'to'éna'h vta. murder s.o. É-ne'to'éna'hóho. He murdered him. See: -na'h. Category: violence.
-ne'to'éna'hané vta. murder. É-ne'to'éna'hāne. He murdered. vta: -ne'to'éna'h. See: -hoxȯhevosé; -na'h ‘kill s.o.’. Category: check, violence.
ne'to'éna'hanématanaéve'ho'e na. marshall. Lit: murder-policeman
-ne'to'éna'ȯsané vai. murder (a person/persons). É-ne'to'éna'ȯsāne. He murdered (someone).
-ne'to'éna'xévaen vta. murder s.o. quickly, kill s.o. quickly. É-ne'to'éna'xévaenóho. He murdered him quickly. Nėhéóhe anóséma ésta-ne'to'éna'xévaenaehoono néhe nahkȯhóho néhe hetane. The man was killed by the bears there outside. [1987:262] Final -eváen. See: -na'xévaen. Category: violence.
-né'to'ėsen vta. spill out guts of s.o. É-né'to'ėseno. He spilled his guts out. É-né'to'ėsénóho. He spilled his guts out. (newer pronunciation). Category: butcher, check.
ne'tó'eveto p. specifically the person. See: oetama ??. Category: check.
-né'tó'ȯsé'ó'h vta. spill out guts of s.o., gut s.o. Ná-né'to'ȯsé'ó'ho. I gutted him. See: -né'tó'ȯsén ‘gut s.o.’; -ó'ȯséotse ‘burst open’. Category: hunt.
-né'tó'ȯsén vta. spill out guts of s.o., gut s.o. É-né'to'ȯseno. He gutted him. É-né'tó'ȯsénóho. He gutted him. (newer pronunciation). Nėstaovóe-né'to'ȯsénone. We will gut him first. See: -ó'ȯsén ‘gut s.o.’; -né'to'ȯsé'ó'h ‘gut s.o.’; -oeno'éevá ‘dress out s.o.’. Category: hunt.
né'tonené'ham vta. take out teeth of s.o. É-né'tonené'hamahtse. He took out his own teeth. BodyPartMedial -onené.
-né'tonenén vta. take out teeth of s.o. Náohke-né'tonenénahtse. I take my teeth out. for example, to take false teeth out at night or to extract a tooth. É-né'tonenehe. His tooth was extracted.
-né'tonenéotséto vii. come out of gear. Lit: out-teeth-become-i· É-né'tonenéotséto. (The vehicle) came out of gear. Category: car.
ne'tóo'ėse ni. eyetooth, upper front tooth. Morph: /ne'tóes/. Phon: vs Plural ne'tóesȯtse. See: vée'ėse ‘tooth’; ane'too'ėse ‘fang’. Etym: *keʔta·pici. Category: body.
-né'tȯsa'hahtsé vti. jerk s.t. out of the ground. É-né'tȯsa'hāhtse. He jerked it out of the ground. Category: move.
-né'tovahe vai. combined. É-né'tovȧheo'o. They are combined. [pd265]
-né'tovan 1 • vti. combine s.t. É-né'tovāna. He combined it as one.
2 • vta. combine s.o. Ná-né'tovanoo'o. I combined them (animate) together. Initial né'tov-.
né'tovasėstse voc. brothers-in-law (man's). This is the term a man uses for speaking to his brothers-in-law. He would say né'toveo'o when speaking about his brothers-in-law. ?? Category: relatives, check.
né'tóve na. Gram: poss my brother-in-law (of man). é'tóve your brother-in-law. hevé'tovo his brother-in-law. tséhe-vé'tóvéto the one who is my brother-in-law. Vocative né'tovasėstse. See: nétove ‘my body’. Morph: /né'tóvé/. Etym: *ni:ʔta·wa. Category: relatives.
né'tove- pv. in common, together, mixed. Né-né'toveá'enánone. We own this together. É-né'toveméá'ha. It has a mixed smell. For example, perfume and B.O. at the same time.
-ne'tovenestse vai. mumble, mix up speech. É-ne'tovenestse. He is mumbling. Category: speak.
-né'toveotse vii. combine ??
vai. move together. É-né'toveotse. It (or He) moved together/it is together/combined.?? Éstanėše-né'toveotsésesto. They moved together. [1987:3] Category: motion, check.
né'tóvéto p. combined, all together, in common, in total. Né'tóvéto éháoeme. The total cost was expensive.
-né'tovó vii. combined, mixed. É-né'tóvo. It is combined. É-né'tovónėstse. They (inanimate) are combined. Preverb né'tove-.
-né'tovȯhtó'he vai. unload, unpack. for example, of unloading a pickup truck. É-né'tovȯhto'he. He unpacked. fai: -óvȯhtó'he. See: -amóvȯhto'he; hóe-. Category: move.
-né'tovohtsé vti. extract s.t., remove s.t. for example, out of a sack or bin. É-né'tovōhtse. He took it out. See: -hóeotsestsé. Category: move.
-né'tȯxeoná vai. remove socks, take off socks. É-né'tȯxeōna. He took his socks off. Etym: *kye·tašikane·wa. Ques: É-né'tȯxȯheōna?? Né'tȯxeōnȧtse! Take your socks off! Antonym -e'tȯxeoná. Category: dress, check.
ném- i. slanted. É-némahe. He is slanted/crooked. É-némáhtse. He has a crooked mouth/he has Bell's palsy. É-némoése. He is hanging crooked.
-némahe vai. be slanted, be crooked. for example, of a board (animate) or of a dishonest person. É-némahe. He is slanted/crooked. Etym: *pyi·mesiwa (P). Synonym -vovóhkahe.
-némáhtse vai. have a crooked mouth; Bell's palsy. É-némáhtse. He has a crooked mouth/he has Bell's palsy. Lit: slanted-mouth Etym: *pyi:metonwa (P); cf. M pi·meton. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. See: -néméné; -némené. Category: sickness.
-némȧhtsená'o'h vta. give s.o. a crooked mouth, give s.o. Bell's palsy. If someone has Bell's palsy, it is said that a ghost must have touched them. É-némȧhtsená'o'hóho. He gave him a crooked mouth. Taa'éva nėstsevé'novo'eohtséme! Méstaa'e nėstse-némȧhtsenáo'haēvo. Don't eat outside at night! A ghost will give you crooked mouths. Category: interpersonal, sayings.
-némȧhtsenáotse vai. get a crooked mouth. É-némȧhtsenáotse. He got a crooked mouth. Etym: **pyi·metone·palyiwa (P/L). Taa'éva nėstsevé'novo'eohtséme; nėstse-némȧhtsenáotséme! Don't eat outside at night; you will get crooked mouths! Category: mouth.
néma'- i. circle, around, circular, revolve. É-néma'ēhne. He is walking in a circle. É-néma'ȯhomo'he. He round danced.
-néma'a'haso'he vai. ride a horse in a circle. É-néma'a'haso'he. He rode a horse in a circle. fai: -a'hasó'he. See: -néma'ó'a'hasó'heohe. Category: horses.
-néma'a'hasó'heohe vai. ride a horse in a circle quickly. É-néma'a'hasó'heohe. He rode a horse in a circle quickly. See: -néma'ó'a'hasó'he. Category: horses, record.
-néma'a'ov vta. chase around s.o. É-néma'a'ovóho. He chased them around. For instance, to chase horses around a corral. See: -néma'e'ov ‘circle s.o.’. Category: move.
néma'e- i. circle; around; revolve. É-néma'ēhne. He is walking in a circle. compare év- which means 'around' in the sense of 'about', not circular motion as with this word. Category: walk.
-néma'ehné vai. walk around, circular walk. É-néma'ēhne. He is walking in a circle. É-néma'ėhneo'o. They walked around in circles. [1987:223] Étaohkeévȧho'-néma'ēhne tsėhéóhe tséstatoo'ētȯse néhe ná'ėstse. (The woman) goes clear around back to where she tied that one (tepee pole). [1987:223] Initial néma'-. See: -néma'ó'ehné. Category: walk.
néma'ėhnéma'kaatánėstse ni. Gram: pl loan money. Lit: circling.around-monies Category: money.
néma'ėhnestȯtse ni. Forty-niner Dance. See: néma'ȯhomó'hestȯtse. Category: dance.
-néma'ėhót vta. circle around s.o., encircle s.o. É-néma'ėhoto. He encircled him. É-néma'ėhótóho. He encircled him. (newer pronunciation). Nénovȯsėhóse-néma'ėhótóvo. Then you (plural) circled around him. [Head Chief text]
-néma'e'há vai. fly around, circle while flying, fly in a circle. É-néma'ē'ha. He is flying in a circle. [1987:95] Móhnėšeno'vése-néma'e'hahevóhe. They were flying around there also. [1987:95] See: -éve'há. Category: fly.
Néma'ē'hȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Flies Around, Flies Circling, Soaring Around. Category: names.
-néma'e'háoohe vai. fly circular, fly around. É-néma'e'háoohe. He flew around in circles. Category: fly.
-néma'é'ó vta. cock head to the side. É-néma'é'o. He cocked his head to the side. Category: head.
-néma'e'ov vta. circle s.o. É-néma'e'ovóho. He keeps going around him. See: -néma'a'ov ‘chase around s.o.’; -ama'ov ‘drive along s.o.’. Category: motion.
-néma'e'sevó vii. eddy, flow in circular fashion, be a whirlpool. tséh-néma'e'sēvo where there is an eddy. É-néma'e'sēvo. It is a whirlpool. Final -'sevó. Category: liquid.
-néma'eméohe vai. run around, run in a circle. É-néma'eméohe. He ran in a circle. Névéé'ėše móh-néma'eméohehevóhe. For four days they ran around. (1987:245). Category: run. fai: -méohe.
-néma'eohe vai. run around. É-néma'eohe. He ran quickly in a circle. Névéé'ėše móh-néma'eohehevóhe. For four days they ran around (the hill). [1987:246]
néma'eohéméó'o ni. roundabout. Lit: go around in a circle road Synonym onéstȧhkemēō'o. Category: new.
néma'eohestȯtse ni. race track. See: nóvȯhéstsé-méó'o.
Néma'eōhtse vai. Walks Around. Category: names.
-néma'eóó'e vai. stand in a circle. Ques: recheck gloss?? É-néma'eóó'e. He is standing in a circle. ?? Phon: vs fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
Néma'eóó'ėstse vai. Gram: ppl Standing Around. Phon: vs Category: names.
-néma'eotse vii. turn around.
vai. turn around. É-néma'eotse. He (or It) turned around. See: -éva'eotse. Category: motion.
-néma'eotseh vta. take around s.o., circle - take s.o. in a. É-néma'eotsėhóho. He took it around him in a circle. [The Tepee Episode.016] Category: move.
-néma'ėstósem vta. drag s.o. in a circle. É-néma'ėstósemóho. He dragged him in a circle. fta: -stósem. Category: move, shapes.
-néma'evonehné vai. crawl around, crawl in a circle. É-néma'evonēhne. He crawled around in a circle. fai: -vonehné. Category: motion.
néma'ke na. snail, shell, abalone shell. Usage: obsolescing Plural néma'keho; AlternatePlural néma'keo'o; Obviative néma'keho. Etym: cf. M pi·meskih. See: méne'e. Category: animals.
néma'kéhevoestȯtse na. shell dress. Variant: kémeonáhevoestȯtse. Category: clothing.
-néma'ó vai. slide sideways.
vii. slide sideways. É-némá'o. He/It slid sideways. for example, of a car sliding on ice. Etym: cf *pyi·mexke·wa ‘he twists, turns’. Category: motion.
-néma'óe'ó vai. float in a circle. É-néma'óé'o. It floated around in a circle. (another recording) Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid, float.
-néma'oése vai. float around, hang around. É-néma'oése. He is hanging in a circle. [pd1009] Hotohke é-néma'oése éše'hevaho.?? The star moves around the sun. Initial néma'-; Final -oésé. Category: float, hang, check.
-néma'ȯhomo'he vai. round dance. É-néma'ȯhomo'he. He round danced. É-néma'ȯhomó'heo'o. They are round dancing. Initial néma'-; fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
néma'ȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. round dance. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
néma'o'- i. circle.
-néma'ó'ȧhéotse vai. run in a circle. É-néma'o'ȧhéotse. He ran in a circle. fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
-néma'ó'a'ham vta. throw s.o. around. É-néma'ó'a'hamóho. He threw him around. that is, throw someone in a circular motion. fta: -a'ham. Category: throw.
néma'ó'a'hasenéame'hahtȯtse ni. helicopter. Lit: revolve-?-flying-thing Category: transportation.
-néma'ó'á'o vai. spin, twirl. É-néma'ó'á'o. He twirled. Final -a'ó. Category: motion.
-nema'ó'a'xe vai. ride on a merry-go-round. Nétȧhé-nema'ó'a'xémáne! Let's go ride on the merry-go-round! fai: -a'xe. Category: phys. ed..
-néma'ó'an vti. encircle s.t., go around s.t. É-néma'ó'ána. He encircled it.
vta. encircle s.o., go around s.o. Éhe'kone-néma'ó'ane. It (for example, a jar lid) is on tight. Éohketšėše-néma'ó'ane hoóxé'éva. They go around the lodge pole. [1987:223]
néma'ó'e- pv. circular, around, revolve. Ques: néma'o'e- ?? É-néma'ó'eameōhtse. He is walking in a circle. É'ȯhkenėše-néma'ó'emá'senėhešėhóxovo'ȧhéotseo'o. They did that until they finished crisscrossing. [1987:177] Tsėhéóhe éšeée-néma'ó'eá'kavoe'too'o! Just hang around here (delayed imperative)! (humorous literal transl.) [1987:178] Category: check.
-néma'ó'eá'kovoe'tó vii. hang around.
vai. hang around. É-néma'ó'eá'kovoē'to. He hung around. Néma'ó'eá'kovoe'tōme! ?? Hang around! That was a humorous loan translation from English. A more idiomatic translation would have been something like nėšėhoo'e ?? Final -oe'tó. See: -hoe'tó. Category: check.
néma'ó'ėhasēō'o ni. hatband. Plural néma'ó'ėhaseonȯtse. Phon: vs See: hoxėstséahestȯtse; hóxoneehestȯtse ‘hatband’. Category: clothing.
-néma'ó'ehné vai. walk around, walk in a circle. É-néma'ó'éhne. He is walking in a circle. Étaohke-néma'ó'ėhneo'o. They go around (the tepee poles). [1987:223] See: -néma'ehné. Category: walk.
néma'ó'ėhót vta. walk around s.o. Ná-néma'ó'ėhóto. I walked around him. Category: walk.
-néma'o'e'háoohe vai. circle quickly, encircle quickly. É'évanéma'o'e'háoohéhoo'o háhnomaho tséxhoetsėse. (The dove) flew circling around where the bee was. [The Dove and The Bee.008] Category: fly.
-néma'ó'eméohe vai. strain to turn in a circle. É-néma'ó'eméohe. He is straining to turn in a circle. fai: -méohe. See: néma'eméohe ‘run in a circle’. Category: run.
-néma'ó'en vti. revolve s.t., turn s.t. in a circular fashion, twist s.t. É-néma'ó'éna. He twisted it around. Néh-néma'ó'énȯhtse! Twist it! Néma'ó'énȯhtse ónėstaneo'o! Turn the doorknob!
vta. revolve s.o., turn s.o. in a circular fashion, twist s.o. É-néma'ó'enóho. He turned him by hand. for example, to wind up a windup clock (animate).
-néma'ó'eohe vai. circle quickly by wagon, go around corner, encircle quickly. Éta-néma'ó'eohe. He went around the corner. Category: motion, roll.
néma'ó'eohé't vta. encircle.quickly.
-néma'ó'eohtsé vai. circle by wagon. É-néma'ó'eōhtse. He went around in a circle by wagon. Náto'se-néma'ó'eōhtse. I'm going to walk in a circle. (by wagon??) É-néma'ó'eohtseo'o. They went around in a circle by wagon. Category: motion, check.
-néma'ó'ėstónané vai. barricade around. É-néma'ó'ėstónáne. He put up a barricade around (something). See: -amėstó'enené.
-néma'ó'ešé vai. lie in a circle. É-néma'ó'éše. He is lying in a circular position. Category: lie.
-néma'ó'eváen vta. encircle s.o. quickly. É-néma'ó'eváenóho. He encircled him quickly. Náh-néma'ó'eváenóneo'o nótȧxévé'hó'e We (quickly) (kept on) circled the soldiers (for example, at the Battle of the Little Big Horn).
-néma'ó'evetovátó vii. spiral - be a. Nonó'hónó'e é-néma'ó'evetováto. It is a spiral. Category: shapes.
-néma'ó'hahtsé vti. swing s.t. around and around. É-néma'ó'háhtse. He swung it around and around. That is, he "revolved" it. Category: move.
-néma'ó'haso'he vai. ride horse in a circle. É-néma'ó'haso'he. He rode a horse in a circle. Ques: néma'ó'a'hasó'he?? É-néma'ó'a'haso'he He rode a horse in a circle. (another pronunciation). Category: horses, check.
-néma'ó'hasó'heohe vai. ride a horse in a circle quickly. Éohke-néma'ó'hasó'heoheo'o. They ride horses in a circle. Category: horses.
-néma'ó'he'keóó'e vai. stick around. É-néma'ó'he'keóó'e. He stuck around. Néma'ó'he'keóó'ėstse Stick around! That is a humorous literal translation from English. A more idiomatic translation would be something like nėšėhoo'ėstse?? Final -óé2. Usage: That was a humorous loan translation. Phon: vs
-néma'ó'oe'tov vta. encircle s.o. Nánéma'ó'óé'tóó'e. They were in a circle around me. Category: check.
néma'ó'ȯhkėha'e ni. crown. Lit: around-hat See: hóhkėha'e ‘hat’. Category: new.
Néma'ó'o'tonȯhéhe na. Chinese person. Lit: around.(head)-braided-person Plural Néma'ó'o'tonȯhéheo'o. See: Kėhaénéhe ‘Chinese person’. Category: nationalities.
Néma'ó'o'tonȯhéve'ho'e na. Chinese person. Plural Néma'ó'o'tonȯhéve'ho'e. See: Hestó'tonȯhéve'ho'e; Kėhaénéhe. Category: nationalities.
-néma'o'táhan 1 • vti. put up around s.t., encircle s.t.
2 • vta. put up around s.o., encircle s.o. This especially refers to putting up the poles of a tepee frame around the first three-poles tripod. Náohketoo'etoo'o hoóxé'e ȯhta-néma'o'táhanévosėstse. I've tied the poles as they are being put up around (the tripod). Category: shapes, put, check.
-néma'ó'tsé vti. turn around s.t. É-néma'ó'tse. He turned it around. Mósta(ohke)tónėšė=héva=néma'o'tsėhéhe. He must have turned it (the plow) around somehow. [1987:70] Category: move.
-néma'o'vósohá vti. dig around s.t. for example, dig a trench around something. Éhmȧheame-néma'o'vósohe. There was a trench clear around. [1987:27] See: -vósohá.
-néma'óma'ȯxová vai. turn around while plowing. Tsé'évȧho'-néma'óma'ȯxōvȧse éxxamaemȧheheše'évenóohéhoo'o. When he came back around plowing he was just all dirty. [1987:70] Reduplicated -onéma'óma'ȯxová; fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-néma'ónean vti. fasten around s.t., fence around s.t., wind around s.t. É-néma'óneāna. He made a fence around it. É-néma'óneane. It is fenced in.
vta. fasten around s.o., fence around s.o., wind around s.o. É-néma'óneanóho. He looped (for example, a rope) around him. Ques: recheck that translation?? Medial -ón. Category: farm, shapes, check.
-néma'óneane vii. fenced around. É-néma'óneane. It is fenced around (something). Medial -ón. Category: farm, shapes.
-néma'óneanené vai. fence around. É-néma'óneanēne. He made a fence around (something). Category: farm, shapes.
-néma'óneehné vai. walk in a circle, circle walk. É-néma'óneehneo'o. They are walking in a circle. Category: walk, shapes.
-néma'óneeóé vai. stand in a circle. É-néma'óneeóeo'o. They are standing in a circle. Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand.
-néma'óneeóe'seh vta. cause s.o. to stand in a circle. Éstȧ-néma'óneeóe'sėhósesto. He had them all stand in a circle. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes (Glenmore).009] Category: stand.
-néma'óneeotse vai. circle quickly. É-néma'óneeotseo'o. They made a quick circle (walking). Category: shapes.
-néma'óneešé vai. lie in a circle, circle lie. É-néma'óneēše. He is lying in a circle. Ques: recheck Ch and gloss for that ex?? É-néma'óneešēne. They are lying in a circle. Category: lie, shapes, check.
-néma'óneoe vai. sit in a circle. É-néma'óneoeo'o. They are sitting in a circle. See: -néma'óneeóé. Category: sit.
néma'óneóe vai. stand in a circle. É-néma'oneóeo'o. They are standing in a circle. Ésó'éemae-néma'óneóeo'o ho'honáeo'o. There is still a circle of rocks. [Black Hills Claim.021] Category: stand.
-néma'óneoe'tov vta. sit around s.o. É-néma'óneoe'tovovo. They are sitting in a circle around him. Category: sit.
-néma'táo'a'ó vii. spin, roll, tumble. Heškóvó'ėstse éameée-néma'táo'a'ónėstse. Tumbleweeds are going along tumbling.
vai. spin, roll, tumble. Category: motion.
néma'tao'e f. around.
-néma'tao'eotse vii. go around. É-néma'tao'eotse. It goes around.
-néma'táo'o'ȧhéotse vai. drive in circles. É-néma'táo'o'ȧhéotse. He is driving in circles. fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: drive, shapes.
-néma'táo'o'he vai. run in circles. É-néma'táo'o'he.?? He is running in circles. Category: run.
-néma'taovóhka'xe vai. turn around quickly driving. É-néma'taovóhka'xe. He quickly turned around driving. Category: drive.
-néman vti. slant s.t. É-némána. He put it on a slant. Etym: **opye·mena·ni (R); *pyi·menamwa (P).
vta. slant s.o. É-némanóho. He put him on a slant. Etym: *pyi·mene·wa (P) ‘he twists, rolls it by hand’; cf. M pi·menam. Category: put, positions.
-némaxá vti. cut s.t. crooked. É-némáxa. He cut it crooked. Etym: *pyi·mešamwa (P). See: -vovóhkaxá. Category: cut.
Némee'ėse na. Crooked Nose. name given to a clerk. Morph: /némees/. Phon: vs Category: names.
-némeesé vai. have a crooked nose. É-némeēse. He has a crooked (slanted to one side) nose. Etym: *pyi·mikweθe·wa. BodyPartMedial -esé. See: -vóhkeesé. Category: nose.
-néme'ėšé'šé vai. turn rump around. É-néme'ėšé'še. He turned his rump around. É'ȯhkėxaeto'senėše-néme'ėšé'šesėstse néhe xāō'o. The skunk would start to turn its rump (towards him). [1987:283] BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: body.
-néme'éxané vai. crooked eye. É-néme'éxáne. He has a crooked eye. Etym: *pyi·ma·θaki·nkwe·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: eyes.
-néme'há vai. fly slanted, fly crooked. É-némé'ha. He flew while slanted/crooked. Etym: *pyi·miɁle·wa (P). Category: fly.
Néme'óoná'e na. Crooked Pipe Woman. Category: names.
-néme'šé'esé vai. turn rump. Ques: recheck spelling and gloss ?? É'ȯhkėxaeto'senėše-néme'šé'ėšesėstse néhe xāō'o. That skunk would start to turn its rump towards (him). [A Man Who Got Cornered by a Skunk.056] BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: body, check.
-néméné vai. crooked face. É-néméne. He has a crooked face. That is pronounced exactly the same as Énéméne 'He is singing'. Ésáa-némenėheo'o. They don't have crooked faces. tséh-némenévȯse when they sang. hó'-néménėstse whenever he sings. Névááhe tséto'senéménėstse? Who is going to sing? That can be said during a sweat. Initial ném-; BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -némené ‘sing’; -némahtsé ‘have a crooked mouth’. Etym: *pyi·mi·nkwe·wa (P). Category: face.
-némené vai. sing, make music. É-néméne. He is singing. (another recording) That is pronounced exactly the same as Énéméne 'He has a crooked face'. Éohke-néméne. He sings. Ná-néméne. I'm singing / I sang. The singular subject verb form sounds exactly the same as the verb form meaning 'have a crooked face', which has prompted some speakers to give a folk etymology that the Cheyenne verb 'sing' includes the idea of having a crooked face. However, the two verbs are actually different, as shown by different pitches in forms having other than a simple singular subject. For instance, ésáanémenéheo'o means 'they are not singing,' while ésáanémenėheo'o means 'they have crooked faces'. É-némeneo'o. They are singing. Ésáa-némenéheo'o. They didn't sing. tséh-némenévȯse when they sang. Tósa'e nétȧhé-néméne? Where did you go to sing? Nátȧhósėhé-néméne. I went to sing again. vti: némené'tá. See: -noné; -néméné. vta: -némeov, némeót. Category: sing.
némenéahasėstséhestȯtse ni. iPod. Lit: music listening thing See: áhasėstséhestȯtse. Category: new.
-némenee'e vai. sit singing. É-némenee'e. He is sitting singing. Category: sit, sing.
némené'e na. female singer. Plural némené'eo'o. Category: check, sing.
Némené'héhe na. Singing Woman. Synonym He'ȯhnéménėstse. Category: names.
-némené'heóneve vai. be a singing person. chiefs were like this. É-némené'heóneve. He is a person who sings a lot. [1987:149] Category: sing.
-némené'tá vti. sing s.t. É-némené'ta. He sang it. Ná-némené'ta. I sang it. Ná-némené'ta nenémeo'ȯtse I sang your song. Ná-némené'tanȯtse. I sang them (the songs). Onéhanótȧxévenootȯtse héne náohke-némené'tanonėstse. We sing Omaha warrior songs. Éhnėxhoó'he-némené'tánȯse tsé'tóhe ó'kȯhóme. This coyote was overheard (by the man) singing it (the song). [1987:300] Category: sing.
-némenéóó'e vai. stand singing, sing standing. É-némenéóó'e. He stood dancing. [Lover's Leap.012] Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand, sing.
-némenėstanéotse vai. twist knee. É-némenėstanéotse. He twisted/dislocated/sprained his knee. BodyPartMedial -nėstané2. See: -némononáotse. Category: sickness.
némenestȯtse ni. song, radio, stereo, music, piano. Lit: singing-thing Plural némenéstotȯtse. See: némeo'ȯtse. Category: sing.
-némeohá'á vti. twist s.t. É-némeohā'a. He twisted it. Ná-némeohā'a na'ahtse. I twisted my wrist. See: -némononáotse.
Némeōhtse vai. Crooked Walking. Category: names.
némeo'ȯtse ni. song. na-némeo'ȯtse my song. na-némeotȯtse my songs. he-némeotsevótse their songs. na-némeotanótse our (excl) songs. Plural némeotȯtse. Morph: /némeot/. Phon: vs Etym: cf. Ar ni·bóót. See: némenestȯtse; -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.
-némeóohé'tov vta. sing for s.o. É-némeóohé'tovóho. He sang for him. See: -némeov; -némeót; -némené. Category: sing.
-némeót vta. sing to s.o. É-némeoto. He sang to him. É-némeótóho. He sang to him. (newer pronunciation). See: -némeov; -némené. Category: sing.
-némeótah vta. sing for s.o. Móhkenémeótȧhohevóhe hee'haho. He must have sung for his son. [Flute Playing.008] See: -némeov ‘sing for’.
-némeotse vii. crooked. É-némeotse. It became slanted. ?? Reduplicated -onémeotse. See: -vóhkeotse. Category: shapes, check.
-némeov vta. sing for s.o., sing to s.o. for example, for his enjoyment. É-némeovóho. He sang for him. É-némeohe. He was sung to. É-némeóvȧhtseo'o. They sang to each other. For example, they were ceremonially passing songs on to a newer generation of singers. Némeoveha! Sing to him! vai: -némené. See: -némeót; -némeovomotah; -némeóohé'tov. Category: sing.
-némeovomotah vta. sing for s.o. to sing as a substitute for s.o. É-némeovomotȧhóho. He sang for him (as a substitute). Nȧhtanémeo-vomotāho. I'll sing for him (as a substitute). See: -némeov ‘sing for s.o.’. Category: sing.
-némėsa'ov vta. trip s.o. É-némėsa'óó'e. He (obviative) tripped him. Ná-némėsa'ōvo. I tripped him. Variant: -némȯsa'ov, -néhpėsa'ov. Category: move.
-némėsótseva'ó vii. skid. É-némėsótsevā'o. It skidded. for example, of a car that skids on ice or mud.
vai. skid. Ques: also of animate things?? Category: check, motion.
-némešé vai. 1 • slanted.lie, lie slanted.
2 • have lots of money. É-néméše. He has lots of money. Etym: *pyi·mihšinwa (P). That is, he has so much money in his pocket that he is lying on a slant. See: -némoo'e. Category: lie.
nemėšéme na. Gram: poss your grandfather, your father-in-law. Stem -mėšémé. Category: relatives.
Nemevota Rain Being. a sacred being. See: nonóma'e. Category: sacred, names.
-némó vii. be slanted. É-némo It is slanted. Etym: *pyi·mye·wi (P). Reduplicated -onémó. See: -vóhkó. Category: shapes.
-némoésé vai. hang slanted. for example, a picture on a wall. É-némoése. He is hanging crooked. Etym: *pyi·makotinwa (P). fai: -oésé. Category: hang.
-némoéstá fii. float on a slant, hang slanted. can be said of a truck that is leaning to one side. É-némóésta. It is hanging slanted. Etym: *pyi·makote·wi (P). Éame-némóésta. It is going along on a slant. Category: hang.
-némoéstánené vai. off schedule. É-némoéstánéne. He (especially baby) is not on schedule. for example, of a baby not on its'family's eating schedule. Category: babies.
némȯheo'o na. Ques: animacy uncertain turner, deflector. This is a family artifact (badge) which hangs from the top of a tepee pole and deflects harm from the people who live in that tepee. It appears that it may be possible to incorporate this term into the standard Cheyenne 'have' verb frame, for example, ná-he-némȯheonenȯtse 'I have him as my badge. 'There is uncertainty about this with current speakers, however. Etym: *pyi·mahikani (P). Usage: obsolescing Simplified Spelling nemhoyo'o. Category: ceremonial.
-némȯhkėha'éotse vai. get mad, get angry, anger. Lit: come to have a crooked hat Usage: humorous idiom É-némȯhkėha'éotse. He got mad. See: -momáta'eotse. Category: emotions, figurative.
-némo'eehe vai. wrapped hair. For example, men used to wrap their braids with cloth. É-némo'eehe. His hair is wrapped. Oha hetaneo'o éohkeée-némo'eeheo'o. He'eo'o éohkėsáa-némo'eehéheo'o. Only men have wrapped braids. Women do not wrap their braids. [1987:391] Variant: -némo'keehe. Category: hair.
Némo'eehe na. Wrapped Hair, Braided Locks. Lit: Wrapped Braid origin of family name Brady. Variant: Némo'keehe. Category: names.
némo'eehéstoto na. Gram: pl braid wrap, braid yarn, braid tying material. especially for men; usually of yarn (animate) or buckskin. plural since there are always at least two. Singular némo'eehestȯtse. Category: groom.
némo'eehestȯtse ni. wrapped braid. Plural némo'eehéstotȯtse. Category: hair.
-némo'eétahe vai. do something crooked. É-némo'eétahe. He did something crooked. Category: do.
-némo'keehe vai. wrapped hair - have. É-némo'keehe. He/She has braided hair. Variant: -némo'eehe. Category: hair, groom.
Némo'keehe na. Wrapped Hair. Variant: Némo'eehe, Némo'tšeehe. Category: names.
-némo'tá vii. lean. É-némó'ta. It is leaning. Etym: *pyi·maɁte·wi (P). Category: sit inan.
-némo'tonohe vai. have a crooked braid. It is considered improper to wear a crooked braid. É-némo'tonohe. He has a crooked braid. Category: hair.
-némonea'xe vai. swing crooked, swing on a slant. É-némonea'xe. The swing is going crooked for him as he swings. Ques: swing crooked ?? Lit: he is swinging crooked fai: -a'xe; Medial -ón. Category: ropelike, check.
-némononáotse vai. twist ankle. É-némononáotse. He twisted his ankle. BodyPartMedial -noná. See: -némeoha'á; -némenėstanéotse. Category: sickness.
-némoo'e vai. 1 • lean to the side. É-némoo'e. He is leaning to the side. Etym: *pyi·mapiwa (P).
2 • have a lot of money. This figurative meaning developed because if your pocket is full of money, you can be said to lean to the side from the weight of the money. Phon: vs Category: money, figurative.
-némȯsa'ov vta. trip s.o. É-némȯsa'ovóho. He tripped him. Variant: -néhpėsa'ov, -némėsa'ov. Category: interpersonal.
-némót vta. give something to s.o. which cannot be refused. for example, to give a gift to get a young woman to marry your son or grandson. Nátȧhé-némóto. I'll take a request gift to her. É-némoto. He gave a gift to him which he could not refuse. (that is, a "request gift"). É-némotóho. (variant of newer pronunciation). Néh-némȯxeo'o! Do it for me (sometime)! Néh-némoxėstse! Do it for me! naa é'ȯhkema'xe-némotaesesto nétao'o hová'éhe éhmétáénȯse and he gave him a lot (for his medicine services), he gave him everything (1987:109). See: -hotsévót. Category: marriage.
-némotóhtá vti. hold s.t. in the mouth. Hénáá'énėse é-némotóhta. He is got something in his mouth. [The Rolling Head.101] fti: -óhtá; Synonym -tonotóhtá. Category: mouth.
nená- pfx. here now. Nená-asėstse! Come here! (another recording) Nená-ve'hoomemeno! Look at us! Nená-tsėhe'ȯhtsešėstse tsėhéóhe pó'ėho'hémȧhpémȧheóne! Come take me here to the saloon! [1987:175] Namėhane, nená-evaasėstse, néévanó'ȯhtsehȧtse. Big sister, come back now, I have come after you. [1987:307] Antonym taaná-. See: vená-; sá'-; néh-; neh-. Category: check.
Nenáasėstse! vai. Gram: command Come here! (another recording) Nenáase! Come here! (said to more than one person). Antonym Taanáasėstse; vai: -ase. See: nená-; taaná-. Category: motion.
-nene vai. 1 • nurse, suckle. suck at breast or bottle. This word is used of humans and animals that nurse. É-nene. He is nursing. É-néneo'o. They are nursing.
2 • visit mother. Étȧhé-nene. He went to nurse. This is teasingly said about someone going home to visit their mother. vta: -nénót. See: -néneotse ‘nurse’; -néh ‘nurse s.o.’; -néstovohe ‘nurse children’; -néstovȯhet ‘nurse s.o.’; he'enénestȯtse ‘nipple’; nénestȯtse ‘bottle’. Morph: /-néne/. vta: -néh. Etym: *no·nwa. Category: babies.
nénééhe p. Come nurse!, bottle, milk. Usage: baby talk said to nursing child, for example, for him to come nurse on his bottle vai: -néne. Category: babies, baby talk.
-néne'seh vta. cause s.o. to suck, suck - cause s.o. to. This can refer to having someone perform oral sex on you. É-néné'sėhóho. He made him suck. Category: sex.
-néneóó'e vai. nurse standing, stand nursing, suckle nursing. for example, how a calf nurses. É-néneóó'e. He is standing nursing. Category: stand.
-néneotse vai. nurse, suckle. Étȧhé-neneotse. He went to nurse. (can be humorous, referring to someone going home to visit their mother). faster action than -nene. See: -nene. Category: babies.
nenéso na. Gram: poss your child. See: nanéso ‘my child’. Category: family.
nénestȯtse ni. bottle. he-nénestȯtse his bottle. Lit: sucking thing See: he'enénestȯtse ‘nipple’. Category: babies.
-nénešé vai. lie nursing. É-nénéše. He is lying nursing. Category: lie, babies.
nénėškenáhahá'enestȯtse ni. microwave, microwave oven. Lit: little.mp3es-fast-cook-NOM Category: new. See: nėševȧhá'enéoohestȯtse. Category: cook.
-nénétanó vai. nurse - want to. É-nénétáno. He wants to nurse. See: -nene. Category: babies, check.
-nénóhtá vti. suck on s.t. É-nénóhta. He sucked on it. Etym: *no·na·tamwa (P). Ésáa-nénȯhtóhe. He did not suck on it. tséohke-nénóhto pacifier. fti: -óhtá1; vta: -nénom, -nénót.
-nénom vta. suck on s.o., nurse on s.o. É-nénomóho. He sucked on her (or him). É-nénomóho hemo'ėškono. He sucked his thumb. vai: -néne. See: -nénót; -né'om; -hé'hevom. Category: babies.
-nénót vta. nurse on s.o., suckle on s.o. É-nénoto. He nursed on her. É-nénotóho. (newer pronunciation). vai: -néne. See: -nénom; -néh. Etym: cf. M no·na·nae·w; *no·na·θe·wa 'he sucks at him'. Category: babies.
nenótove- pv. hurriedly. nenótovenaóotsėstse Hurry; go to sleep! Variant: nonótove-. Usage: subdialectal variant of nonótove-
nenóv- i. shortly. Nává'ne-nenóvoo'e. I just stayed a short while. Variant: nonóv-.
nénovane ni. our (excl.) camp, our (excl.) home. See: énóváne; nénóve; nánóváne.
nenóve- pv. for a short while. tséstaéše-nenóve'xóvetse after a certain amount of time. tséhne'éše-nenóveameehétse after we had traveled for some time. [1987:29] Variant: nonóve-. See: novȯse-.
nénóve Gram: poss ni. my home, my camp. See: énóváne; henove; -he-vénove; vee'e; -omené.
-nenóve'éhóhta vai. 26/Jul/2023. Tséstaéšenėše-nenóve'éhóhtȧse After he had been gone a little while. [The Snake and the Mice.013] Category: time.
nenóve'še p. a little behind. Náhtaamėhó'e'ovóneo'o nenóve'še. We followed them a little ways behind.'. [The Snakebite.019] Category: distance, check.
-nenóve'xove vii. shortly. tséstaéše-nenóve'xóvetse after a little while. [The Snake and the Mice.010] Category: time.
-nenóve'xóveotse vii. shortly become. Category: time.
nenóve'xóvéva obl. shortly, a little while later, a while later, in a little while. Variant: nonóve'xóvéva. See: nenóveto; káse'xóvéva; hehpe'xóvéva. Category: time.
nenóveto p. shortly, a little while later, sometime soon. Variant: nonóveto. See: nóve-; hó'ótóva; hehpeto. Category: time.
-nenóvoo'e vai. stay for a while. É-nenóvoo'e. He stayed for a while. Nává'ne-nenóvoo'e. I just stayed a short while. Hétsetseha tȧháóhe nótȧxéve'ho'eno étaéšetá'-nenóvoeo'o. Now over there at the barracks they have been there a while. [1987:52] Phon: vs Antonym -háa'éhoo'e; Variant: -nonóvoo'e. See: nóve-.
Neohné'e na. Walking Towards Woman. translation uncertain ?? Category: check. Ques: Ann wolfchief Category: names.
neó'k- i. tight fit.
-neó'kahe vai. tight. É-neó'kahe. He is tight. Naéstse'he é-neó'kahe. My coat is tight. vii: -neó'kó. See: -neó'keéstse'hená.
-neó'keéstse'hená vai. have on a tight fitting shirt (or coat). É-neó'keéstse'hēna. He has on a tight fitting shirt. Category: space, size, dress.
-neó'ke'ėsee'e vai. wear pants too tight. É-neó'ke'ėsee'e. His pants are too tight. BodyPartMedial -'esé. Phon: vs Category: clothing.
-neó'kene'ho'tá vai. small room - be a, tight room - be a. É-neó'kene'hō'ta. It is a small/tight space/room. fii: -ene'ho'tá. See: -mȧsého'kó. Category: space, house.
-neó'keotse vii. become a tight fit. É-neó'keotse. It is full/it is a tight fit. for example, of a capacity crowd in a building.
-neó'kėsané vai. wear tight clothes. É-neó'kėsáne. He is wearing tight clothes. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-neó'kešé vai. lie crowded. É-neó'kéše. He slept crowded. See: -mȧsého'keše. Category: lie.
-neó'kó vii. be a tight fit. É-neó'ko. It is a tight fit. vai: -neó'kahe. See: -mȧsého'kó. Category: space.
-neó'kóésta vai. wear a tight fitting dress. É-neó'kóésta. She has on a tight fitting dress. fai: -oestá. Category: clothing.
-neó'ko'kėhaná vai. wear tight fitting shoes. É-neó'ko'kėhāna He has on tight-fitting shoes. Category: shoes.
-neó'ko'xȯhtaha vai. wear tight pants. É-neó'ko'xȯhtaha. He is wearing tight pants. É-neó'ko'xȯhtáhao'o. They are wearing tight pants. Medial -o'xȯhtáha. Category: clothing, size.
neonóné'e p. blindly, haphazardly, taking a chance. Neonóné'e návéseanéhne. I didn't know how to do it but I tried to help with the butchering. Synonym nóhásȯháma; Antonym ánénóó'ėse.
néóxȯheve vai. What did you say? See: -óxȯhevoo'o. Category: speak.
nes- i. heat, hot. É-nėsóomē'ta. It is hot liquid. See: néš-. Category: temperature.
nés- i. two. See: néš-. Category: numbers.
nése- pv. foul, strong. É-néseméá'ha. It smells awful. for example, spoiled meat, feces, or a gas smell on a car. See: háe-.
nėsé 1 • na. be him, be the one. Mó-nėséhanevóhe. It was him (obv.; inferential mode). [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.166] Hótȧhtse mó-nėséhanéhe né=hetane. Here, that was him, that man (inf.). (1987:270). Nėséhoo'o. He is the one (surp.). Hévá=móhe nėsésesto tsénésȯhtȯxese tsénésȯhtȯxese tséhemėhé'tovȧhtsese. Apparently they are (reportative) the seven (stars), the seven who are sisters. (1987:305:21). See: mónėséhanéhe; nea'háanéhe; heta'háanéhe.
2 • ni. be it, be that. This stem requires third person plus mode (evidentiality) affixes. naa nėsétsénėse nėhe'xóvéva tséhešeoné'seómenėhéese tséto'sėhešee'óoestaaese And THAT WAS THE TIME/MOMENT that he truly said that he was going to be baptized(Stamper 1991:6). Category: identity.
nėséhoo'o pro. he the one (surp.) Gram: pret emphasis or surprise marked by the surprisal (preterit) suffix. Nėséhoono! They are the ones! See: nėsévoohe; mó=hénėsehe; nea'háanevóhe; nėsesėstse. Category: identity.
nésé'e na. Gram: poss my friend (female friend of a female). A newer pronunciation is na-vésé'e: Variant: na-vésé'e; Masculine néséne. Etym: *ni·teθkwe·wa ‘my female friend’. See: -vésé'e. Category: relatives.
nésé'ėhá'e na. mother dog; bitch. Variant: nésé'kėhá'e, nésé'tšėhá'e; Plural nése'ėhá'eo'o. Category: dogs.
nésé'ká'e na. mother dog, bitch. Variant: nésé'ėhá'e, nésé'tšėhá'e; Plural nése'kėhá'eo'o. Category: dogs.
-nése'névá vai. hunt for small game, forage. small game would be rabbits, birds, squirrels, etc.; -émȯhóné is the more general word for hunt and typically means 'hunt for large game'. humans or animals (for example, cats, dogs) can hunt as -nése'névá. É-nése'néva. He hunted. (another recording) Móhmémėstanėhevóhe tséstanése'névȧse né=náhkohe. She must have drowned while that bear was foraging for food. [Mountain stories.030] See: -émȯhóné ‘hunt’. Category: hunt.
-nése'néva'tov vta. hunt for s.o. small game. Ná-nése'névá'tóvo. I'm hunting for small game. vai: -nése'névá. Category: hunt, check.
-nésemá vai. summon spirit helper(s). É-néséma. He summoned / talked to spirits (in a ceremony). A menstruating woman could not attend this ceremony. See: nésemoo'o. Category: ceremonial.
nésemáhe na. Gram: poss your younger sibling(s). Usage: The older Cheyenne word was ésemáhe. Variant: ésemáhe. See: násemáhe ‘my younger sibling’. Category: relatives.
nésema'háahe na. my friend (male to male); friend (male to male) - my; my chum (male to male). (another recording) only used of male to male friendships. contracted: má'hahe. To talk to a close male friend a man would address him as a hóovéhe: See: hóovéhe ‘friend’; néséne. Category: interpersonal.
nésemanoo'ȯtse ni. spirit calling song. Plural nésemanootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. See: -nésema ‘call spirits’; nésemoo'o ‘spirit helper’. Category: ceremonial.
-néseméahá'ené vai. cook with smell. can be a good or bad smell. Énése-méahá'éne. She is cooking something that smells (can be a good or bad smell). She is cooking something that smells. See: méahá'ené. Category: smell.
-néseméa'há vii. strong smell, smelly. apparently can be good or bad smell, but always a strong smell, for example burning tires or strong perfume. É-néseméá'ha. It has a strong smell. Épėhéve-néseméá'hánėstse. They (inan) smell good. fii: -méa'há. See: -hoxeméa'há. Category: smell.
-néseméa'xe vai. smelly - be, have a strong smell. É-néseméa'xe. He is smelly. Etym: *pye·timya·kwesiwa (P). (Mósta)nȯhtsevóeotsé'tovȯhevóhe néhe tsé-néseméa'xetsese (The man) looked for this one who was smelly. [1987:282] fai: -méa'xe; Synonym -háeméa'xe. See: -hávėséveméa'xe. Category: smell.
-néseméeóó'e vai. stand smelly, smelly stand. É-néseméeóó'e. He is standing smelly. Category: smell, stand.
-néseméeotse vii. strong smelling. É-néseméeotse. It/He is strong smelling. See: -háeméeotse. Category: smell.
-néseméešé vai. lie smelly, lie in a smelly place. É-nésemééše. He is smelly lying (there). See: -hoxoméešé. Category: lie, smell.
nésemoo'o na. spirit helper, familiar spirit, spirit guide. Plural nésemóono; Obviative nésemóono. This is a spirit which could belong, in particular, to a medicine man. The medicine man could call his familiar to give him information such as where to find something (or someone) which was lost. A familiar could outlive the person who belonged to him(the actual "owner" in the relationship was the familiar; the human who entered into relationship with him was "owned" by the familiar. It was an agreement something like selling one's soul to the familiar, in turn for getting the guidance of the familiar.)Familiars could be transferred to another person through teaching. The names of some of the most important nésemóono are: Kȧhamȧhta'sóoma 'Short Shadow', Nomáhtsé'héó'o 'Thief, Stealer' (this familiar, especially, could help retrieve lost horses); Oónȧha'e 'Frog'. É'éstsėhné'tóó'e nésemóono. The spirits entered into him. Possessive -nésemóoname; vai: -nésemá ‘summon spirit helper(s)’. See: nésemanoo'ȯtse ‘spirit calling song’. Category: ceremonial.
-nésemóoname na. spirit helper (poss.) na-nésemóoname my spirit helper. he-nésemóonamo his spirit helper. NonPoss: nésemoo'o. See: -he-nésemóoname. Category: sacred, ceremonial.
néséne na. Gram: poss my friend (male friend of a male). Traditionally females would not say this word. Instead, they would say nésé'e of a female friend. nésenéhane our friend. ésenéhane our friend. Vocative nésenéhasėstse (pl); Plural néseneo'o; Feminine nésé'e. Etym: *ni·tihkiwe·wa; O ni·ji·/ni·jikiwe (N). See: -vésene; nésema'háahe; hóovéhe; má'hahe. Category: interpersonal.
nésenéhasėstse Ques: voc na. my friends. said by a male when addressing more than one male friend. See: néséne. Category: interpersonal.
nėsenóv- i. very bad. É-nėsenóva'e. It is very bad. É-nėsenóvoéstomo'he. He has a very bad personality. É-nėsenovomóhtahe. He is extremely sick. See: hávėsév- ‘bad’. Category: quality.
-nėsenóva'e vii. very bad. É-nėsenóva'e. It is very bad. See: -senóva'e; -hávėséva'e.
-nėsenóvoéstomo'he vai. have a very bad personality. É-nėsenóvoéstomo'he. He has a very bad personality. Category: personality.
-nėsenovomóhtahe vai. very sick, sick very badly. É-nėsenovomóhtahe. He is extremely sick. Category: sickness.
nėsesėstse pro. he (is) the one (reportative). the reportative suffix gives the idea of hearsay. Morph: /nesé-seht/. Plural nėsésesto. transl. of the pl. would be 'THEY were the ones'. hévá=móhe nėsésesto tsénésȯstȯxese tséhemėhé'tovȧhtsese Apparently they are (reportative) the seven (stars), the seven who are sisters (1987:305). See: nėsé-; -sėstse; nėséhoo'o; nea'háanéhe; néhe; móhenėséhanéhe. Category: identity.
néséso na. Gram: poss my cousin, my sibling. Morph: /nésesón/. Etym: *ni·tešya·na. Plural na-vésėsono; Variant: -véséso. Usage: obsolescing See: nésėsónėhasėstse ‘Siblings! (voc.)’. Category: relatives.
nésėsónėhasėstse voc. Siblings!, Cousins! See: néséso ‘my sibling ; my cousin’. Category: relatives.
nesėstse ni. Gram: poss your rump, backside, rear. phonetic similarity with English 'nests' is humorous. Stem -sėstse2. Morph: /ne-seht/. See: pȯhoo'o. Category: vulgar.
-nėsétam vta. grudge toward s.o. - have a, outs with s.o. - be on the, mad at s.o., angry at s.o. When there is this relationship, there can be avoidance for a long time, but sometimes those on the outs with each other will repair their relationship by shaking hands with each other, especially at Christmas time. É-nėsétamóho. He is mad at him. Méhotahtse, névé'-nėsétamȧhtséme! Love each other, don't be against each other! [1987:206] vai: -nėsétsėstahe; vti: -nėsétsestá. See: -óhnetsėstov; -momáta'eéh; -péót ‘hate s.o.’. Category: interpersonal.
nésetȯxeváhe ?? na. wet nurse. Category: babies, check.
nėsét(sėst)- i. angry, disagree, dislike. É-nėsétsėstahe. He dislikes people / he is disagreeable. É-nėsétsésta. He is mad at it. vta: -nėsétam. See: -péohtá.
-nėsétsestá vti. mad at s.t. For example, a dog will grow at something that it doesn't like. É-nėsétsésta. He is mad at it. Naa tséstaame'xove né-nėsétsėstánone. And as time goes on we are mad at it.?? vta: -nėsétam. See: -péóht. Category: check.
-nėsétsėstahe vai. disagreeable, mad, dislike, dislikes people; be angry at people; carry grudges; spits at you, growls, bares teeth. É-nėsétsėstahe. He dislikes people / he is disagreeable. (another recording) Cats and dogs can do this, with their hissing, growling, or display of teeth, and it is a common display of people. vta: -nėsétam. See: -oxėstátamaahe. Category: personality.
nėsétsėstȧhé'heo'o na. one who dislikes. Plural nėsétsėstȧhé'heono. Some have called some Mennonite Christians this, when they regard themselves as being disliked by them.
-nėsétsėstȧhé'heóneve vai. be a person who dislikes everyone. É-nėsétsėstȧhé'heóneve. He is a person who dislikes everyone/he is a selfish person. Category: personality.
nėsévoohe Ques: (vooho?? Category: check.
p. Is he the person? For example, the speaker doesn't see him, but is describing him. Plural nėsévoonevohe voho??. Category: check. See: nėséhoo'o; nea'háanevóhe. Category: identity.
néske'e voc. grandmother, mother-in-law. This is said to her; néške'éehe is said when talking about her. Variant: néške'e. See: /-hke'éehe/; /-hkeme/; -véškeme; ke'éehe. Category: relatives.
nesko na. your mother. Variant: nesko. Category: relatives.
-néso na. child. Gram: poss. This refers to one's child by birth, while ka'ėškóne simply means 'child'. Some speakers may not use this term for a child older than a toddler. na-néso my child. na-nésoneho my children. ne-néso your child. ne-nésoneho your children. na-nésónėháne our (excl) child. na-nésonėhaneo'o our (excl) children. ne-nésonėhane our (incl) child. ne-nésonėhaneo'o our (incl) children. ne-nésónėhévo your (plural) child. ne-nésonėhevoo'o your (plural) children. he-nésono his/her child(ren). he-nésonėhevóho their child(ren). na-nésonėhasėstse my children (voc.) Obviative na-nésoneho ‘my child(ren)’. ma-néso child. [1980:82:69] ma-nésoneho children. vai: -he-nésone. Morph: /-nésón/. See: ka'ėškóne ‘child’. Etym: *neno·nšya·na ‘my child’. See: -nésóneh ‘child’. Category: babies, relatives.
-nésóehné vai. bear two children. É-nésóéhne. She bore two children. Etym: *nyi·šo·nšye·wa (P); *nyi·šwapite·wa. fai: -óehné. Category: family.
Nésoehnéhe na. Two Babies. Category: names.
-nésoe'tóotse vai. hooked together during mating. especially of dogs which are back to back after coupling. Ééše-nésoe'tóotseo'o oeškėseho. The dogs are already hooked together. See: -hémoto'hamé. Category: sex.
-nésoeme vai. cost two dollars. Lit: (be.)two-valued É-nésoeme. It/He costs $2. Etym: *nyi·šo·kinsowa (P). Final -oeme. Category: money, value.
-nésohá vai. zero in on both, target both. Móxhehpee'hohevóhe tséohkėheše-nésȯhomévȯse ma'éxánėstse. He was more scared of (the skunk), since (skunks) zero in on both of one's eyes. [1987:283] Category: sight.
-nésȯhkoná vai. be split. Hestóohevono tse-nésȯhkonaho. His (cow's) hoofs will be split. [1987:7] Ques: check if underlying form is -nésȯhkonáh by asking for 'they are split'?? Category: check.
-nésȯhkonahe vai. split. Ques: /nésȯhkonáhe/ ?? Category: check. Ques: Is this extant?? Category: check. tséh-nésȯhkonáheto your crotch. Lit: where you are split in two tséh-nésȯhkanaese his/her crotch. [PD] See: -só'é ‘crotch’. Category: body, vulgar.
-nésȯhkonávėhahtá vai. have.split.hoofs. É-nésȯhkonávėháhta. He has split hoofs. [1987:7:32] Lit: two(.split?)-footed Medial -hahtá.
-nésȯhkonávetanevá vai. 1 • have a split tongue. É-nésȯhkonávetanēva. He has a split tongue. BodyPartMedial -tanevá.
2 • lie. See: -netse'e. Category: figurative.
-nésȯhoe vai. both swim, both wade. for example, swim: of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes, etc.; wade: of people. É-nésȯhoeo'o. They are both wading. Compáre É-néšėhoeo'o. 'They are both sitting there.'. Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. Category: swim.
-nésȯhome vti. both - be ?? tséohkėheše-nésȯhomévȯse ma'éxánėstse since (skunks) zero in on both of (your) eyes ?? [A Man Who Got Cornered by a Skunk.066] Ques: recheck gloss and base verb?? nésȯhá?? Category: numbers, check.
-nésȯhomo'he vai. both dance. only used with plural subjects. É-nésȯhomó'heo'o. They both danced/the two of them danced. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: numbers.
nésohto p. seven, 7. Ques: /nésóhto/ ?? See: nésȯhtoha ‘seven times’. Category: check, numbers.
-nésȯhtohá vii. seven (inan.) in number - be. É-nésȯhtȯhánėstse. There are seven of them (inan). Etym: *nyi·šwa·θenwi (P) ‘it is seven in number’. vai: -nésȯhtȯxe. Category: quantity, numbers.
nésȯhtoha p. seven times. See: nésohto. Etym: *nyi·šwa·-tahθenwi (Go88). Category: numbers.
-nésȯhtȯhánėstse vii. 7 of them (inanimate). É-nésȯhtȯhánėstse. There are 7 of them (inanimate). Category: quantity.
nésȯhtȯhe- pv. seven. É-nésȯhtȯhenémeneo'o seven (for example, people) are singing. É-nésȯhtȯheaénáma He is seven years old. Category: numbers.
-nésȯhtȯheaénamá vai. 7 years old, seven years old. É-nésȯhtȯheaénáma. He is seven years old. Category: numbers, ages.
Nésȯhtȯhééhá'e na. Seven Days Woman. Category: names.
nésȯhtȯhéé'ėše p. for seven days. Category: numbers, time.
Nésȯhtȯheméóná'e na. Seven Trails Woman. Category: names.
Nésȯhtȯhena'hané'e na. Seven Kills Woman. Category: names.
nésȯhtȯhn i. seven. tsé-nésȯhtȯhna'ónéto the seventh one.
nésȯhtȯhna'óné vai. seventh. É-nésȯhtȯhna'óne. He is the seventh one. tsé-nésȯhtȯhna'ónėstse the seventh one. [Seven Young Men.006] fai: -a'óné; fii: -a'ónétó. Category: numbers.
nésȯhtȯhna'ónétó vii. seventh. É-nésȯhtȯhna'ónéto. It is the seventh one. tsé-nésȯhtȯhna'ónéto the seventh one. fii: -a'ónétó. Category: numbers.
-nésȯhtȯhnoeme vai. cost seven dollars. É-nésȯhtȯhnoeme. It/he costs seven dollars. Category: money.
nésȯhtȯhnó'e p. seventy, 70. Final -ó'é. Etym: *nyi·šwa·θwa·xkwe· (P) ‘seven pieces of wood’; *nyi·šwa·-tahθw- 'seven' (initial) (Go88). Category: numbers.
nésȯhtȯhnóve p. seven groups of, 7 groups of. Final -óvé. See: nó'kóve. Category: numbers.
-nésȯhtȯhnȯxe'ohe vii. seven o'clock. É-nésȯhtȯhnȯxe'ohe. It is 7 o'clock. Category: time.
nésȯhtó'eāā'e ni. seven generations. Ques: recheck glosses?? Category: numbers, check.
-nésȯhtȯxe vai. be seven (an.) in number. only said with plural subjects. É-nésȯhtȯxeo'o. There are seven (an.). Etym: *nyi·šwa·šiwaki (P/L). É-nésȯhtȯxevohe? Are there seven (animate)? vii: -nésȯhtohá. Category: numbers.
-nésȯhtȯxe'ohe vii. seven o'clock. É-nésȯhtȯxe'ohe. It is 7 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time, numbers.
néso'é p. twenty, 20. (another recording) Final -ó'é. Etym: *nyi·šwa·xkwi (R), *nyi·šwa·xkwe· 'two pieces of wood' (P). Category: numbers.
nésó'é- pv. twenty, 20. Étaéšėhehpe-néso'eaénoo'e. It was more than twenty years ago. [Rebuke.001] Category: numbers, quantity.
nésó'e hóhtȧhnaesóhtoha p. twenty-six times. Category: numbers.
nésó'e hóhtȧhna'ha p. twenty-three times. Category: numbers.
nésó'e hóhtȧhna'he p. twenty-three in number. Category: numbers.
nésó'e hóhtȧhna'nóhtoha p. twenty-eight times. Category: numbers.
nésó'e hóhtȧhnésȯhtoha twenty-seven times. Category: numbers.
nésó'e hóhtȧhneva p. twenty-four times. Category: numbers.
nésó'e hóhtȧhnexa p. twenty-two times. Category: numbers.
nésó'e hóhtȧhnóhona p. twenty-five times. Category: numbers.
nésó'e hóhtȧhnó'ka p. twenty-one times. Category: numbers.
nésó'e hóhtȧhsóohtoha p. twenty-nine times. Category: numbers.
néso'eāā'e ni. twenty years. Category: numbers, time.
-néso'eaénamá vai. twenty years old - be, 20 years old - be. É-néso'eaénáma. He is twenty years old. Category: numbers, ages.
-néso'eaénoo'e vii. twenty years, 20 years. Étaéšėhehpe-néso'eaénoo'e. It was more than twenty years ago. Category: time.
néso'ēē'ėše ni. twenty days. Category: time.
-néso'ėhóhtȧhno'kȧheo'o vai. be twenty-one in number. É-néso'ėhóhtȧhno'kȧheo'o. There are twenty-one (an.). Category: numbers.
-néso'ėhóhtȧhno'keaénáma vai. be twenty-one years old. É-néso'ėhóhtȧhno'keaénáma. He is twenty-one years old. Category: numbers.
-nėsó'enome vai. snore. É-nėsó'enome. He snored. Náhkȯheha náohkėheše-nėsó'enome. I snore like a bear. fai: -énóme. See: -naóotse ‘sleep’; -nėsó'evone ‘wheeze’. Category: sleep.
Néso'eóeve na. Twenty Stands. Feminine Néso'eóó'e. Category: names.
Néso'eóó'e na. Twenty Stands Woman. Contracted So'eóó'e; Masculine Néso'eóeve. Category: names.
-nėsó'evone vai. wheezing sound - be a. É-nėsó'evone. It is a wheezing sound. See: nėsó'enome. Category: sounds.
-néso'ohe vai. be twenty in number. É-néso'ȯheo'o. There are twenty (an.). Category: numbers.
-néso'o'e vii. twenty in number, twenty dollars. É-néso'o'e. It is a $20 bill. É-néso'o'ēnėstse. There are twenty of them (inan.). Category: money.
-néso'o'ēnėstse éhóhtȧhnévánėstse vii. twenty-four in number, 24 in number. É-néso'o'ēnėstse éhóhtȧhnévánėstse. There are 24 (inan.) Category: numbers.
-néso'tonohe vai. have two braids. É-néso'tonohe. He has two braids. Medial -o'tonohe. Category: hair.
-nėsometanóotse vai. beyond shocked, hit bottom. Ná-nėsometanóotse. I'm beyond shocked / I have hit bottom. Ques: nȯsemetanóotse ?? delete one of these entries?? See: -nȯsemetanóotse. Category: emotions, check.
nésóneh na. child. Variant: -nésó. henésonėhevóho their child(ren). Category: relatives.
-nésonoe vai. sit two together, two sit together. only said with plural subjects. É-nésonoeo'o. They are two in number sitting together. fai: -ónoo'e. See: -néšee. Category: sit, numbers.
-nėsóome'ȧhá'ené vai. warm cook. that is, warm up food. Ná-nėsóome'ȧhá'éne. I'm warming up food. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: cook, temperature.
-nėsóome'há vti. warm s.t. liquid, heat liquid. É-nėsóomē'ha. He heated it (liquid). Etym: *kešya·kamisamwa > **kešya·kamiʔsamwi. See: -nėšėho'há; -éxovoomȧho'há ‘warm s.t. liquid’. Category: liquid, temperature.
-nėsóome'há'ené vai. heat food. Ná-nėsóome'há'éne. I'm heating food. fai: = -ahá'ené. Category: cook, food, temperature.
nėsóome'há'enestȯtse ni. water heating kettle. See: nėsóome'há'éó'o. Category: containers, record.
nėsóome'há'éó'o ni. water heating kettle. See: nėsóome'há'enestȯtse. Category: containers.
-nėsóome'tá vii. be heated liquid, be heated water, be hot water. É-nėsóomē'ta. It is hot liquid. Etym: **kešya·kamiʔte·wi. Medial -óome; Initial nes-. See: -nėšėho'tá; -héesevo'tá; -háoome'tá. Category: temperature, liquid.
-nėsót vta. stick with s.o., aid s.o. For example, when a cow doesn't abandon her injured calf, or a mother doesn't leave her school-aged children; can be when a person is not abandoned in spite of everyone else's leaving them. É-nėsoto. He sticks with him. É-nėsótóho. (newer pronunciation) Antonym -noot. Category: interpersonal.
-nésotóm vta. hold two of s.o. in the mouth. Ná-nésotómoo'o he'póhtoto. I had two cigarettes (animate) in my mouth. É-nésotomo. He has two (animate) in his mouth. É-nésotómóho. He has two (animate) in his mouth. (newer pronunciation). fta: -otóm. Category: smoke.
nésov- i. separate, divide, fork, split. É-nésóvána. He divided it in two. É-nésovaotse. It forks. See: onésova-.
-nésovahe vai. two groups - be in; be in two groups. Usage: used only with plural subjects É-nésovȧheo'o. They are in two groups. Final -óvahe2; Reduplicated -onésovahe. See: -óvé. Category: numbers.
-nésóvan 1 • vti. separate s.t., divide s.t. in two. É-nésóvána. He divided it in two. Násáa'évatónėše-nésóvánóhe oha ééšetó'nėhéso. I cannot divide it in two, it is just the way it is. (1987:105).
2 • vta. separate s.o., divide s.o. in two. É-nésovanóho. He divided him in two.
-nésovaotse vii. fork, split, divide. É-nésovaotse. It forks. Category: environment.
-nésovavȧhá'ené vai. cook two courses. É-nésovavȧhá'éne. She is cooking two courses. Category: cook.
nésovave- pv. two ways. Nésovavenėstsestȯtse bilingualism/bilingual class (lit. two ways speaking). Nátanėše-nésovavevéhe I have two (Indian) names'. [1987:114] É-nésovave-vo'ėstanéheve He lives both ways (for example, according to traditional religion as well as Christianity). See: onésova-; héstove-.
-nésovavenestse vai. bilingual, speak two languages. É-nésovavenestse. He is bilingual. fai: -nestse. See: -nésovavo'eétahe. Category: speak.
nésovavenėstsestȯtse ni. bilingualism, bilingual class. Category: school, new. Final -nestse. Lit: two.ways-speak.language-thing
-nésovavetanó vai. split in thinking, think in two ways. É-nésovavetāno. He is split in his thinking/he is thinking in two ways. See: -héstovetanó. Category: cognition.
-nésovavo'eétahe vai. multitask, do two things at the same time. É-nésovavo'eétahe. He is doing two things at once. fai: -o'eétahe. See: -nésovavenestse ‘be bilingual’; -á'ėskémo'eétahe ‘multitask’. Category: do.
nésóve p. two groups. nésóve mo'kėhanȯtse two pairs of shoes. [1987:105] Final -óvé. Morph: /nésóvé/. Etym: *nyi·šwanwi ??. Category: check. See: nó'kóve. Category: numbers.
-nėsóvoon vti. feel around in water for s.t. É-nėsóvóóna. He felt around for it in water.
vta. feel around in water for s.o. É-nėsóvoonóho. He eflt around for him in water. Category: liquid.
-nésȯxe'ohe vii. two o'clock. É-nésȯxe'ohe. It is 2 o'clock. ma'ta-nésȯxe'ohe when it's 2 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.
nésta- pv. previously, beforehand. Náéše-néstaéxanēne. I am already ready. He'ama néta-néstȧhámȯhtáeovatséme. I have gone to heaven to stake out a campsite for you. (Jn. 14:3). Nėhē'še móh-néstaéxa'ó'sanėhevóhe. Then they hurriedly got ready. [1987:41] Category: time.
-nésta vti. hear s.t. É-nésta. He heard it. Náohke-nésta. I hear it. Násáatšėhe'še-néstóhe. I have never heard it (for example, some word). Etym: *no·ntamwa. vta: -néstov. See: -áahtá ‘listen to s.t.’. Category: hear.
nesta p. previously. nesta évaveto centuries ago/a long time ago. nesta tšėhešema'eneo'o cigarette.
nesta tsééše-mȯxe'ėstónese vai -pl. kindergarten students. Lit: those who have already previously studied (that is, in Head Start) Category: school.
nesta tsééše-mȯxe'ėstónese vai -pl. kindergarten students. Lit: those who have already previously studied (that is, in Head Start) Category: school.
nesta tsééšemȯxe'ėstónese vai -part. kindergarten students. Category: school.
nesta tsééšemȯxe'ėstónėstse vai. Gram: ppl kindergarten student. Lit: one who has already started school Plural nesta tsééšemȯxe'ėstónese.
nesta tšėhešema'enēō'o na. cigarette. Lit: previously this.way-rolled Plural nesta tšėhešema'eneono. animate because tobacco is animate ?? See: he'pohtȯtse. Category: smoke, check.
Nėstaévȧhósevóomȧtse vta. I will see you again, goodbye. Usage: This loan translation from English has been used for many years, since there is no traditional Cheyenne word for saying "goodbye." Nėstaévȧhósevóomatséme. I will see you (plural) again. Nėstaévȧhósevóomatsemeno. We will see you (singular and plural) again. vai: -vóom ‘see s.o.’. Category: interpersonal.
-néstȧhestanené vai. buy on credit. Lit: take beforehand É-néstȧhestanēne. He is buying on credit. See: nésta-; -hestanené. Category: money.
nésta'omeé i. old.fashioned.
pv. traditional, old-fashioned, old time, ancient. É-nésta'omeévenestse. He speaks the old language. nésta'omeé-hósėstóonȯtse old time stories. É-nésta'oméénėšé'éva. He had two wives (in the old time traditional way). nésta'omeé-ameehestȯtse traditional transportation (probably new word). nésta'omeé-he'eo'o the old-time women. [1987:26] See: nésta'omeéve-; xamae-. Category: time.
nésta'omeé-hone'óonȯtse ni. Gram: pl traditional pieces of clothing. Category: clothing. Usage: probably new word
nésta'omeé-hosėstóonȯtse ni. Gram: pl old time stories. Ques: hós??
nésta'omeé'éestséstotȯtse ni. traditional language.
-nésta'omeénestse vai. speak the old language. É-nésta'omeénestse. He speaks the old language. Éohkėhoháe-nésta'oménestse. She really talks the old language. [Comments on Sweet Medicine.006] Variant: -nésta'omeévenestse; fai: -nestse. Category: speak, languages.
nésta'omeénėstsestȯtse ni. old language word, ancient language. Plural nésta'omeénėstséstotȯtse; Variant: nésta'omeévenėstȯtse. Category: languages.
-nésta'omeénėšé'éva vai. have two wives in the traditional way. in the old time traditional way. É-nésta'omeénėšé'éva. He had two wives. (in the old time traditional way). Medial -'évá ‘wife’. See: -néšé'évá ‘two wived’. Category: marriage.
-nésta'omeéšeestóvohe vai. raise children in the traditional way. that is, in the Indian-culture way. É-nésta'omeéšeestóvohe. He brought up (raised) children in the old way. See: -vé'ho'éveestóvohe; -veestóvohe. Category: family.
nésta'omeétaneo'o na. Gram: pl ancient people. Category: people.
nésta'omeéve- pv. old-fashioned, ancient. É-nésta'omeévenestse. He talks the old language. See: nésta'omeé-.
-nésta'omeéveestóvohe vai. raise children in the traditional way. É-nésta'omeéveestóvohe. He/she is rearing in the old/traditional way. See: -vé'ho'éešeestóvohe. Category: family.
-nésta'omeéveešee'e vai. be raised in the traditional way. É-nésta'omeéveešee'e. He was raised in the traditional way. Phon: vs See: -ešee'e. Category: check.
-nésta'omeévenestse vai. speak old language. É-nésta'omeévenestse. He is speaking the old language. Néhéne'anánone tsėhésenėstéhe hovéhno éohke-nésta'omeévenestse. We know Petter slightly talked the old language. [1987:237] Variant: -nésta'omeénestse. Category: speak.
nésta'omeévenėstsestȯtse ni. old language word, ancient language. Variant: nésta'omeénėstsestȯtse.
-nésta'omeévenoné vai. sing songs from long ago, sing old songs. É-nésta'omeévenōne. He sang really old songs. Category: sing.
-nésta'oméévėsané vai. dress oldfashioned. É-nésta'oméévėsáne. He is dressed oldfashioned. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-nésta'omeévevéhe vai. ancient named. É-nésta'omeévevéhe. He has an ancient name. fai: -véhé.
-nésta'omeévó'ané vai. pronounce the old language, speak the old language. Éohke-nésta'omeévó'áne. She was speaking the old language. [Sweet Medicine Comments.110] fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
néstáme ni. Gram: poss your food. Stem -htámé. See: máhtáme. Category: food.
nėstamenóohe na. poor person. Nėstamenóoheho énȯhtsevóa'xe'tovóho. He looked around for poor people (this is what someone was supposed to do in a giveaway dance; you were supposed to find and giveaway to people who could not return gifts to you). AltPl=nėstamenóoheho Plural nėstamenóoheo'o; Obviative nėstamenóoheho.
-nėstámenóohéheve vai. poor. É-nėstámenóohéheve. He is a poor person. See: -nėxȧheve; -háo'omenehe.
-nėstamenóohévo'eéh vta. poor - cause s.o. to be. Ná-nėstamenóohévo'eéhahtse. I made myself poor. Category: money.
-nėstané1 na. Gram: poss knee. Usage: This word is sometimes avoided because it sounds similar to 'vagina', ma-'kesta,or 'her vagina', he-'kėstāne ma-nėstāne a knee. Plural ma-nėstaneo'o. na-nėstāne my knee. na-nėstaneo'o my knees. ne-nėstaneo'o your knees. he-nėstāne his knee. Etym: *neketekwa 'my knee'; *keketekwaki ‘your knees’. See: -'kesta2 ‘vagina’. Category: body, taboo.
-nėstané2 mbp. knee. Énéme-nėstanéotse. He twisted/dislocated/sprained his knee. Énéše-nėstanee'e. She sat with legs underneath her / she kneeled. BodyPartMedial -nėstané2. Category: body.
-nėstanévaenánee'e vai. kneel. Ná-nėstanévaenánee'e. I kneeled. [Croft] Usage: more common word is -néšenėstanee'e Phon: vs
néstaveto p. beforehand, previously. Néstaveto mó'éševóomȯhevovóhe nȧháóhe hóxoveto tsé'ama'hasó'hévȯse nótȧxévé'hó'e. Beforehand, (Cheyennes) had seen the soldiers there across (the river) as they (the soldiers) went along on horseback. [1987:21] See: nesta. Category: time.
néstaxe na. Gram: poss my cowarrior, cowarrior - my, my fellow society member, society member - my fellow. Usage: obsolescing né-stȧxeo'o my allies/my cowarriors. [pd702] Possessive -htaxe; IndepNoun nótaxe. Phon: requires high pitch on vowel of poss. prefix See: -vésevoo'o; nótaxe. Category: warfare.
nėsto'ane ni. Gram: poss our land. Stem -hto'e. Category: environment.
-néstomóné vai. hear. É-néstomóne. He heard. Ná-néstomóne. I heard (about it). Né-néstomónehe? Did you hear? Népėhéve-néstomóne. You heard good news. Éhávėséve-néstomóne. He heard bad news. Nésáa-néstomónéhe. You haven't heard anything. Nává'ne-néstomóne. I just heard the news. vta: -néstov; vti: -néstá. See: -áahtomóné ‘listen’. Category: hear.
néstomónéhe na. praying mantis. Lit: heard-one Usage: od Plural néstomónėheo'o. Category: bugs.
-néstomóné'tá vti. hear about s.t. É-néstomóné'ta. He heard about it. tséhmóneée-néstomóne'tomévȯse tséxhóxovetsėhésenėstsévȯxe'ohema'heónȯxe'ėstoo'o when they first heard about the translated Scripture. [1987:237] Category: hear.
-néstomóné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o hear about s.o. Náta-mónenéstomonȯtse. I heard about him. [Early Days at the Tongue River Boarding School.025] É-néstomóne'tovóho. He heard about him. É-néstomónenoto. He heard about him (same meaning as the preceding pronunciation). Ná-néstomónenȯtse. I heard about him. Nééšeéevése-néstomónenotse néhe hetanevo'e Have you heard about that Arapaho? (1987:149). Né-néstomónenȯtse I heard about him. Nátaohkeée-néstomónenoto I hear about them (an.) (1987:211). vai: -néstomóné. See: -néstov. Category: hear.
néstomónestȯtse ni. news. Lit: something heard See: hotónȧhtsestȯtse; hósėstoo'o.
nėstona na. Gram: poss your daughter. Stem -htónah. Category: relatives.
Néstónéváhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Noisy Walker. See: Ȯx-háevánóhtsėstse. Category: names, sounds.
-néstónéva'há vii. make rattling sound, rattle sound. É-néstónévá'ha. It made a rattling sound. Tsetaohke-néstónévá'hánėstse. They will rattle. [The Afterbirth Child.047] Category: sounds, sounds.
-néstónéva'hahtsé vti. make s.t. whiz with noise. Ná-néstónévá'háhtse. I made it make a noise as it whizzed. Category: sounds.
néstoneva'hasēō'o ni. whirligig. Category: play.
-néstónéva'ó vai. make noise whizzing by. É-néstónévá'o. It made noise as it whizzed by. See: -améva'ó. Category: sounds.
-néstoneva'ov vai. make noise from making contact with s.o. can be of snow (animate). É-néstoneva'ohe hésta'se. The snow is making a crunching sound (when walked on and the temperature is very cold). Category: sounds.
-néstoneva'xe vai. make noise moving. É-néstoneva'xe. ?? He is making a noise moving. ?? [Whiteman and the Coyote.008] Category: sounds, motion, check.
-néstónéván vti. cause s.t. to make a loud noise. É-néstónévána. He made it make noise.
vta. cause s.o. to make a loud noise. É-néstonevano. ?? He caused him to make a loud noise. É-néstónévánóho. ?? He caused him to make a loud noise. (newer pronunciation). Category: sounds.
-néstonevané vai. 1 • make loud noise, loud noise. Usage: can connote farting noisily É-néstónéváne. He is making a loud noise. typically refers to the loud sounds people make as they walk along with a heavy foot.
2 • fart loudly. can be made into a humorous pun for Néstónéváhtsėstse 'Noisy Walker,' as Néstónévánėstse 'Noisy Farter'. Category: sounds.
-néstónévanené vai. make sounds that can be heard. especially refers to farting. É-néstónévánéne. He is making sounds that can be heard. Ques: lit. do something making sounds?? See: -néstonevané; -néstomóné; -néstov; -hoó'h; -tȧhpe'évanéne; -háe'šeme. Category: sounds, check.
-néstonevánohtsé vai. make noise with footsteps. É-néstónévánóhtse. The sound of his footsteps is heard; he makes footstep sounds as he walks. A well-known song includes this verb: "Ma'taa'étaneo'o é-néstonevánȯhtseo'o," éhenove. "The forest people are making noises with their footsteps," it is said. [Schwartz 1989:85] See: -hohtsé. Category: sounds.
Néstónéváóhtsėstse na. Noisy Walker. See: Néstónéváhtsėstse; Háévánóhtsėstse. Category: sounds, names.
-néstoneváóó'e vai. make loud noise. É-néstónéváóó'e. It is making a loud noise. Hée, tséxháá'ha évá'ne-néstoneváoeo'o ho'honáeo'o Hey, it's just the wind whistling through the rocks. [JOURNEY.TXT] Phon: vs See: -néstonevané. Category: sounds.
Néstónéváóó'e na. Noisy Woman, Wind Sounds Woman. Category: sounds, names.
-néstonevaotse vai. make a rattling noise. é'ȯhke-néstonevaotsésesto They would rattle. [The Afterbirth Child.052] Category: sounds.
-néstonevavȧhtsena'xe vai. move mouth noisily. for example, smack lips or chew loudly while eating. É-néstonevavȧhtsena'xe. He is making noises with his mouth. BodyPartMedial -ahtsé. Category: sounds, mouth.
néstonevave- pv. with noise. É-néstonevavėhóesta'hāhtse. It made a sound as he pulled it out. Category: sounds.
-néstonévave'háoohe vai. make noise while flying. naa máto hó'ease'háooheto néohkease-néstonévave'háoohe and also when you fly away you make a (nice) noise. [The Nighthawk.038] Category: sounds.
-néstonevavėšem vta. throw down s.o. so they make a sound. É-néstonevavėšemóho. He threw him down and he made a sound. Category: sounds.
-néstonevone vii. sound, make noise. É-néstonevone. It is making sounds. Natonėše é-néstonevone. My belly is making noises. Éma'xe-néstonevone. It is making a loud noise. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.
-néstonevoneotse vii. sound, make noise, chime. for example, of a curfew horn, alarm clock, or time clock for work. É-néstonevoneotse. It chimed. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.
-néstoohe vai. sound, make noise, call, howl, croak, moo, neigh. This is a superordinate term for making a characteristic sound, of various animals or humans: whinny/neigh (horse), hiss (snake), meow (cat), moo/low (cow), crow(rooster), croak (frog), call, etc. É-néstoohe. He is sounding (for example, neighing (horse), hissing (snake), meowing (cat), etc.). Éohkeéšeméo-néstooheo'o vé'kėseho. Birds already sound in the morning. Ma'hēō'o é-néstoohe. There is thunder. Lit: God is hollering É-néstoohe nonóma'e. Thunder is hollering. Phon: hpo Etym: cf *ketowa. See: -amȧhtóohe; -véstȧhtóohe; -ahtóohe; -maa'e; -háahtóohe. Category: sounds.
-néstoohéotse vai. sound suddenly; make animal noise suddenly, noise suddenly - make animal. É-néstoohéotse. He suddenly made (his characteristic) animal sound. See: -néstoohe.. Category: sounds.
-néstoohétó vii. sound, howl, make noise. É-néstoohéto. It is howling. for example, of a car horn or train. Category: sounds.
nėstóome na. Gram: poss your blanket. Possessive -htóome.
nėstōtse na. Gram: poss your pet. Stem -htotséh. Category: animals.
-nėstov vta. ask s.o. Variant: -nȯhtsėstov. Usage: This is a newer pronunciation of -nȯhtsėstov. É-nėstovóho. He asked him. É-nėstóó'e. He (obv) asked him. Nėstoveha! Ask him! Tȧhé-nėstoveha neško! Go ask your mother! Tse-nėstsėstovóho. He will ask him. Nétȧhóse-nėstovȧtse. Let me ask you another question. Ques: also get another recording of that?? Néto'se-nėstóvatséme. I'm going to ask you (plural). Náto'seovóe-nėstōvo. I'm going to ask him first. Náéše-nėstovoo'o tá'tóhe Heévȧhetaneo'o. I have already asked those Oklahoma people. Nóohē'še hápó'e nėstoveha nevá'esėstse! Let's go, likwise ask someone else! Category: speak, record.
-néstov vta. hear s.o. É-néstovóho. He heard him. Ná-néstóvo. I heard him. Ná-néstovoo'o. I hear them. Né-néstovehe? Do/Did you hear me? Né-néstovȧtse. I hear you. Nésáa-néstovatséhe. I did not hear you. Né-néstovohe? Do you hear him? Né-néstovovohe? Did you hear them? Ná-néstóvo vé'kése. I heard a bird. Né-néstovohe vé'kése? Énéméne. Did you hear the bird? It is singing. vti: -néstá. See: -áahtov ‘listen to s.o.’; -néstomóne'tov ‘hear about s.o.’; -nėstov ‘ask s.o.’. Etym: *no·ntawe·wa. Category: hear.
-néstovȧhtsétanó vai. want to be heard. for example, a popular radio personality. É-néstovȧhtsétáno. He wants to be heard. Category: hear.
-néstovohe vai. breastfeed, suckle, nurse child(ren). É-néstovohe. She nursed child(ren). Etym: *no·nla·wasowa (P). Medial -óvohe; vta: -néh. See: -néh; néstovȯhet; -néné. Category: babies.
-néstovȯhee'e vai. sit nursing. É-néstovȯhee'e. She is sitting nursing. Category: sit, babies.
-néstovȯhešé vai. lie nursing (a baby). of a woman or a nursing dog. É-néstovȯhēše. She is lying nursing her baby. Category: lie, babies.
-néstovȯhet vta. breastfeed s.o., suckle s.o., nurse s.o. É-néstovȯhetóho. She breastfed him. Synonym -néh. Category: babies.
néstóvȯhnóváhe na. we are both poor people, my poor person. an expression of poverty ?? See: háovȯhnóváhe. Category: check, people.
nėstovóo'ȯtse ni. your ear. See: -htovóo'ȯtse ‘ear’. Category: body.
-néstoxe vai. each, everyone, all. This block focuses on each one, whereas -nėšemȧhe focuses on an entirety. only used with conjunct affixes. See: néh- 'conjunct prefix'. néstoxėse vo'ėstane every person. compare néstȯxévȯse vo'ėstaneo'o 'all the people'--this is the group viewpoint whereas néstoxėse focuses on individuals. néstȯxétse all of us. néstȯxévȯse all of them (an.) Many speakers today say netao'o vo'ėstane for 'everyone', although some older speakers say that néstȯxévȯse is preferred. Obviative néstȯxetsėse. See: nėšemȧhévȯse ‘all of them’. Category: quantity.
néstoxėse p. each one, every one. See: néstȯxévȯse. Category: quantity.
néstȯxétse p. each of us, all of us.
néstȯxetsėstse p. all of them (obv). Éstaoomóhoono néhe néstȯxetsėstse kȧse'éeheho. He hit them, those, all of the young ladies (obv). [Turtle Moccasin.120]
néstȯxévȯse vai. all of them, everybody. This is a conjunct verb which is inflected for grammatical persons: néstȯxėse every one. néstȯxétse all of us. néstȯxése all of you (plural). néstȯxévȯse (male voice) all of them. néstoxe- focuses on each one, whereas -nėšemȧhe focuses on an entirety, such as all of a group. See: netao'o vo'ėstane; nėšemȧhévȯse. Category: quantity.
nestse ni. Gram: poss your mouth. Category: mouth. See: ma-htse.
-nestse fai. speak language. Étsėhése-nestse. He speaks Cheyenne. Évé'ho'é-nestse. He talks English. Énótseve-nėstseo'o. They talk an alien language. Éohkenėševe-nestse. He talks fast. Éhóxove-nestse. He translated (lit. across-spoke.language). Etym: *keto (R). See: -éestse; -het. Category: speak.
Néstseenáhné'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
Néstsééná'e na. Away Two Days Woman ??, Rustling Sound Woman, Rustling Corn Woman. Ques: translation uncertain, possibly Rustling Sound Woman, Rustling Corn Woman, or Away Two Days Woman See: Néšeenáhné'e ‘Away Two Days Woman’; néstseená'hove. Category: names.
néstseená'hove ni. 1 • rustling corn ?? Category: check. See: mȧhaemenȯtse; hoo'kȯhtse.
2 • Rustling Corn ?? Category: check, check. See: Néstsééná'e. Category: names.
-nėstsėhetȯhóov vta. motion s.o. to come. É-nėstsėhetȯhóovóho. He motioned him to come. Phon: neh- + tsėhetȯhóov
nėstsemá'eme ni. Gram: poss your blood. Stem -htsemá'eme ‘blood (poss)’.
Néstsémėhé'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
Néstseovóévá'e na. (woman's name). Ques: recheck pitches?? Category: check, names.
-nėstsestá vta. ask s.t. É-nėstsésta. He asked it. This is a newer pronunciation than -nȯhtsestá. Variant: -nȯhtsestá. Category: speak.
-nėstsėstov vta. speak.language.to. Nátsėhésenėstsėstovoo'o. I spoke Cheyenne to them. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
nėš- i. heat, hot. É-nėšėho'he. He has a fever/he is hot. See: nes-. Category: temperature.
néš- i. two. É-néšeeo'o. They are riding double. See: nés-; nés-.
néše- pv. 2; two, both. É-néšeaénáma. He is 2 years old. É-néšenémeneo'o. They are both singing. Category: numbers.
nėše- pv. continue, remain, keep on, fulfilled expectation (??) Néta-nėšenémenema! Let's keep on singing! Néta-nėšeasema! Let's just leave! Nėšenémeneha! Let him continue singing! Névé'easėta'xe; nėšenéé'ėstse! Don't run! Stay on base! (lit. Continue standing). Nėšėhoo'ėstse! Stay! (can be said, for instance, to a dog). Nėšėhoeo'o! Keep staying on (delayed imperative)! (for example, Don't move; keep staying on at your house!) Nétȧsáa-nėšemésėhéhema! Let's just not eat! (for example, let's just leave now and eat when we get there). Nánėšė-héne'ena tséto'sėhešėhoo'kōho. I *knew* that it was going to rain (and it is). ?? Category: check. Ques: plus other meanings See: hetóse-; šéše-; nėšená-; ame-. Category: time.
nėše- pv. only, intensifier, any. Ques: can it also mean 'any'?? nėše-nā'ėstse the only one. nā'ėstse by itself could indicate that there might be another one. tó'-nėše-nā'ėstse absolutely the only one. É-nėšené'ha'e. It is the same/it means the same.?? That is stronger than é-sééso. É-nėšėpėhéva'e. It is satisfactory; sufficiently good/"Leave it alone (it's good enough)!" (FILE HERE OR IN NEXT ENTRY?) É-nėšeno'kahe Ma'hēō'o. There is only one God. Néme'-nėšeméoxevaēno You should fight him. See: vá'ne-; xamae-; oha; oha nā'ėstse. Category: check.
néše- i. two. É-néše'ēsta. He has two ears. É-néšeohtseo'o. They are going together. Éta-néšeéno'e. It was two days ago. Category: numbers.
neše p. 2, two, two of (cards). (another recording) Morph: /néše/. Simplified Spelling nish. Etym: *nyi:šwi. See: nexa ‘twice’. Category: numbers, quantity.
néše voc. grandchild, child-in-law. This word is said to a grandchild or child-in-law not about them. See: -véxahe; neše ‘two’. This word has high pitch, but neše 'two' has low pitch. Simplified Spelling nish. Category: relatives.
-néše vai. be two (an.) in number. É-néšeo'o. There are two of them (an.). Etym: *nyi·šiwaki (P/L). (another recording) É-néševohe? Are there two (animate)? É-nexo. There are two of them (obviative). É-néxóho There are two of them (variant used by newer pronunciation). Ná-néšéme. There's two of us (not including you). néh-néšévȯse the two of them; both of them (conjunct verb close to an English pronoun in function). See: neše. Category: numbers.
-néšeaénamá vai. be two years old. É-néšeaénáma. He is two years old. See: -aénamá. Category: numbers, ages.
-néšee vai. both sit, sit together. Etym: only used with plural subjects. É-néšeeo'o. They are both sitting / riding double. Etym: *nyi·šo·piwaki (?) (P/L). Nėhéóhe éh-néšeeo'o, mȧheóne tséxhóveo'otse nėhéno éhn-néšeeo'o. They sat together there, in the shade of the house there they sat together. (1987:185). fai: -e. See: -nésonoe. Category: sit.
néšéé'ėše p. for two days, 2 days. (another recording) Etym: *nyi·šwiki·šehkwe· (P). -éše. See: no'kēē'ėše. Category: time.
Néšeenáhné'e na. Away Two Days Woman. See: Néstsééná'e. Category: names.
néšeené -néšeené vai. stay two nights. É-néšeēne. He stayed two nights. Medial -ené2. Category: time.
-néšeéno'e vii. two overnights, two days, two nights. Éta-néšeéno'e. It was two days ago. fii: -éno'e2. See: néšéé'ėše ‘two days’. Category: time.
Néšeenóóna na. Fasting Two Nights. Feminine Néšeenóóná'e. Category: names.
Néšeenóóná'e na. Fasting Two Nights Woman. Masculine Néšeenóóna. Category: names.
Néšeéstóso na. Two Quivers. Category: names.
-nėšėhahtáho'he vai. have hot feet. Ná-nėšėhahtáho'he. My feet are hot. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: temperature, feet.
-néšėhasené vai. have two seeds up in seed-in-basket game, play cards together. Ná-néšėhasēne. I got two seeds up. É-néšėhaseneo'o. They are playing cards together. Final -hasené. See: -mȯhenėšemá. Category: games, cards.
-néšėhohtse vai. both track. É-néšėhohtseo'o. There are two sets of tracks. fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks.
-nėšėho'há vti. warm s.t., heat s.t. É-nėšėhó'ha. He warmed it (for example, meat). See: -nėsóome'há. Category: temperature, cook.
-nėšėho'he vai. 1 • hot - be, fever - have a. É-nėšėho'he. He has a fever/he is hot. Initial nėš-; vii: -nėšėho'tá. Etym: cf *kešisowa ‘he has a fever’. See: -háoho'he; -oesenȧho'he.
2 • in heat. can refer to an animal being in heat or a woman sexually aroused. Category: temperature, sickness, body function, sex.
-nėšėho'hóvá vai. heat. É-nėšeho'hóva. He heated. Category: car.
nėšėho'hóvahtȯtse heater. for example, for a car. Category: car.
-nėšėho'tá vii. hot. É-nėšėhó'ta. It is hot. -háoho'tá is hotter than this. vai: -nėšėho'he. Etym: *kešite·wi. See: -háoho'tá. Category: weather.
-néše'ená vai. live with. This is an intransitive verb. Né-néše'enáme. We (the two of us) are living together. Éhnéše'enásesto. He (obv) lived with (his grandmother). vta: -néše'enám. Category: live, check.
-néše'enám vta. two live together with s.o. ?? vai: -néše'ená. See: -tsėhéstoem; -véstse'enám; -véstoem; -vésėstánovém ??. Category: live.
-néše'está vai. have two ears. Tse-néše'ēsta. He (the horse) will have two ears. [1987:7:29] BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: body, ears.
-néše'évá vai. have two wives. In the old days a number of men, especially chiefs, had two wives; it was considered good to have sisters as wives, since they would presumably already be on good terms with each other, important since the presence of two women married to the same man created a number of tensions for the women; it may be that technically the medial here, -'évá, can glossed as 'spouse(s)' but it was always used only for 'wife/wives'. Apparently only polygyny was practiced, never polyandry. É-néše'éva. He has two wives. Etym: *nyi·šo·θkwe·we·wa (P); cf. M ni·su·hkisaew. Morph: /é-néše'évá/. Énésta'omeé-nėšé'éva. He had two wives in the traditional way. Medial -'évá. Category: marriage.
nėše'(h)- i. wash. É-nėše'hāna. He washed it. É-nėše'hōha. He washed it by tool. É-nėše'hóóva. He is washing (himself). É-nėše'xonenehe. He brushed (literally, washed) his teeth.
-néše'hahtá'ov vta. knock both legs from under s.o. Ques: feet, legs, or both?? É-néše'hahtá'ovóho. He knocked both of his (other person's) legs from under him. Ná-néše'hahtá'óvo. I knocked both of his legs from under him. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: move, hit, check.
-néše'hahtán vta. grab both legs of s.o. Móxxaetšėšėhe'ke-néše'hahtánȯhevóhe. He quietly grabbed both of his legs.
-néše'hamé vai. two horse - have, have two horses. Ná-néše'hāme. I have two horses. Category: horses, quantity.
-nėše'han vti. wash s.t. É-nėše'hāna. He washed it. Etym: *kesi·ʔθenamwa (P). É-nėše'hananȯtse hetóhkonȯtse. She washed the dishes. Nėše'hānȯhtse hetóhkonȯtse! Wash the dishes! Nėše'hānȯhtse! Wash it! See: -he'kóova'o't.
vta. wash s.o. É-nėše'hanóho. He washed him. Etym: *kesi·ʔθene·wa (P). Ná-nėše'hanahtse. I washed myself. Nėše'haneha! Wash him! Category: liquid.
-nėše'hanené 1 • wash (things). for example, to wash clothes. É-nėše'hanēne. He washed. Etym: *kesi·Ɂθenike·wa.
2 • clean. that is, rubbed the bones or seeds and threw them back in the basket in the basket game. Ques: also of playing cards ?? Category: check. See: póe'ėhaseono; -nėše'hóová. Category: games.
nėše'hanenémȧhéó'o ni. laundromat. Lit: washing-house Category: buildings.
nėše'hanenéó'o ni. washing machine, washer. This pronunciation seems to be better than nėše'hanēō'o. Variant: nėše'hanēō'o, nėše'hanenestȯtse; Plural nėše'haneonȯtse. Phon: vs; gr See: amȧho'hénėše'hanenēō'o ‘car wash’; še'hanéó'o. Category: tools.
nėše'hanenestȯtse ni. washing machine. Variant: nėše'hanenéó'o. Category: tools.
nėše'hanenéve'ho'á'e na. laundress. Category: jobs.
nėše'hanenévetohko ni. dish washing pan. smaller than a washtub. Category: containers.
nėše'hanenévetoo'o ni. washtub. Lit: washing-container See: too'hamestȯtse. Category: containers, containers.
nėše'haneonéve'ho'sēō'o ni. laundry basket. Lit: washing-container ?? Ques: recheck recording and spelling -nėše'hanonéó'o ?? Category: check, new, containers.
-nėše'hohá vti. wash s.t. by tool. for example, washing with a brush. É-nėše'hōha. He washed it by tool. Etym: *kesi·Ɂθahamwa (P). vta: -nėše'hoh(n).
-nėše'hoh(n) vta. wash s.o. with a tool. É-nėše'hohnóho. He washed him with a tool. ?? Category: interpersonal, check.
-nėše'hóová vai. wash (self). Lit: wash-by.liquid É-nėše'hóóva. He is washing (himself). Medial -óová. See: -nėše'hanené. Category: liquid.
-nėše'hóova'ó'h vti. wash s.o. É-nėše'hóova'o'ho. ?? He washed him. ?? É-nėše'hóova'ó'hóho. ?? He washed him. ?? (newer pronunciation). vti: -nėše'hóova'ó'tsé. See: -nėše'hóovan; -nėše'hóovot. Category: check.
-nėše'hóova'ó'tsé vti. wash s.t. É-nėše'hóova'ó'tse. He washed it. vta: -nėše'hóova'ó'h.
-nėše'hóovohtsé vti. mop s.t., bathe s.t. Nėše'hóóvóhtsėstse! Mop it! for example, to mop the house. vta: -nėše'hóovot.
-nėše'hóovot vta. bathe s.o. É-nėše'hóovotóho. He bathed him. vti: -nėše'hóovohtsé. See: -too'hamot. Category: interpersonal.
nėše'še- i. wash. Variant: nėše'(h)-, nėše'x. É-nėše'šėhe'ōna. He washed his (own) hands. É-nėše'šeovése. He washed his hair.
-nėše'šėhahtá vai. wash feet. É-nėše'šėhāhta.?? He washed his feet.?? BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body, check.
-nėše'šėhe'oná vai. wash hands. É-nėše'šėhe'ōna. He washed his (own) hands. Ná-nėše'šėhe'ōna. I washed my hands. (another recording) Nééše-nėše'šėhe'onamehe? Did you guys already wash your hands? Nėše'šėhe'ōnȧhtse! Wash your hands! Tȧhé-nėšė'šėhe'ōnȧhtse! Go wash your hands! Initial nėše'še-; Medial -he'oná; vta: -nėše'šėhe'onán. Category: hands.
nėše'šėhe'onahtȯtse ni. hand sanitizer. Lit: wash hands thing Category: new. vta: -nėše'šėhe'onán. Category: hands, groom.
-nėše'šėhe'onán vta. wash hands of s.o. Ná-nėše'šėhe'onáno I washed his hands. É-nėše'šėhe'onano. She washed his hands. É-nėše'šėhe'onánóho. She washed his hands. (newer pronunciation). vai: -nėše'šėhe'oná. Category: body.
-nėše'še'está vai. wash ears. É-nėše'še'ēsta. He washed his ears. Nėše'še'ēstȧhtse! Wash your ears! BodyPartMedial -'está. Category: body, groom, ears.
-nėše'še'éxané vai. wash eyes. É-nėše'še'éxáne. He washed his (own) eyes. BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: eyes.
-nėše'še'éxanévoovot vta. wash eyes of s.o. with water. É-nėše'še'éxanévoovotóho He washed his eyes with water. Category: eyes, record.
-nėše'šé'hahtá vai. wash feet. É-nėše'šé'háhta. He washed his (own) feet. Category: body.
-nėše'šé'hahtán vta. wash feet of s.o. É-nėše'šé'hahtano. He washed his (someone else's) feet. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: body.
-nėše'šé'hahtávóóva vai. wash feet in water. É-nėše'šé'hahtávóóva. He is washing his (own) feet. Category: feet.
-nėše'šeovésé vai. wash hair. É-nėše'šeovése. He washed his (own) hair. Category: hair, groom.
-nėše'šévoén vta. wash face of s.o. Hénėhéóhe móéenėše'šévoénȧhtsėhéhe. There he washed his face. [The Owl.009] Variant: -nėše'šévoénén. Category: groom, face.
-nėše'šévoéné vai. wash face. É-nėše'šévoéne. He washed his (own) face. Etym: cf *kesi·ʔši·nkwe·wa (P) ‘he washes his face’. Nééše-neše'šévoénehe? Did you already wash your face? Héehe'e, náéše-nėše'šévoéne. Yes, I already faced my face. Násáa'éšeméo-nėše'šévoénéhe. I did not yet wash my face this morning. Some speakers humorously point out that é-šé'ševoéne 'he has a duck face' is very close in sound. Nėstōtse é-nėše'šévoéne; nevá'esėstse éto'sėho'ėho'ōhtse. Your pet is washing its face; someone is going to come (for example, to visit)? (a Cheyenne belief that if a pet is washing its face someone is going to visit; cf. -hetame for a similar belief). Nėše'šévoénėstse! Wash your face! Tȧhé-nėše'šévoénėstse! Go wash your face! BodyPartMedial -éné. See: -nėhévȯhoéné; -nėše'šėhe'oná. Category: face, groom.
-nėše'šévoénén vta. wash face of s.o. É-nėše'šévoéneno. He washed his (other person's) face. É-nėše'šévoénénóho. (newer pronunciation). Ques: recheck pronunciation of that 2nd verb esp. voén?? Variant: -nėše'šévoén. Category: face, groom, check.
-nėše'šévoéneohe vai. wash face quickly. É-nėše'šévoéneohe. He washed his (own) face quickly. BodyPartMedial -éné; fai: -ohe. Category: groom, face.
nėše'šévoénestȯtse ni. soap, sink, wash basin. Lit: wash-face-thing (another recording) Ques: recheck LH gloss of 'sink' and 'wash basin'?? Category: check. Plural nėše'šévoénėstotȯtse. See: nėhévȯhoénestȯtse ‘towel’. Category: face, groom.
nėše'šévoénevetohko ni. wash basin, sink. Lit: wash-face-container Variant: nėše'šévoénevetoo'o. Category: containers.
nėše'šévoénevetoo'o ni. wash basin, sink. Lit: wash-face-container Variant: nėše'šévoénevetohko. Category: containers.
-nėše'x- Variant: nėše'š-, nėše'(h)-. É-nėše'xāhtse. He gargled.
-nėše'xahtsé vai. brush teeth, gargle. Lit: wash-mouth É-nėše'xāhtse. He brushed his teeth / gargled. Etym: *kesi·ʔθetonwa ‘he rinses his mouth, gargles’. Násáa-nėše'xȧhtsenáhe. I did not gargle / brush my teeth. Nééše-nėše'xȧhtsenahe? Did you gargle / brush your teeth? Náéšeáahtsé'-nėše'xāhtse. I already brushed my teeth. See: -nėše'xonenéhe. Category: body.
nėše'xȧhtsenáhestȯtse ni. toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash. Lit: wash-mouth-thing Variant: nėše'xȧhtsenáhestsestȯtse; BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: groom.
nėše'xȧhtsenáhestsestȯtse ni. toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash. Variant: nėše'xȧhtsenáhestȯtse; BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. Category: groom.
-nėše'xonenéhe vai. brush teeth (of self). É-nėše'xonenehe. He brushed (lit. washed) his teeth. Etym: *kesi·ʔθanike·wa (with added *-ahwi- 'move by medium') (P). É-nėše'xonenéheo'o. They brushed their teeth. Tȧhé-nėše'xonenéestse! Go brush your teeth! BodyPartMedial -onené; Initial -nėše'(h)-. See: -nėše'xahtse. Category: body, groom.
nėše'xonenéhestȯtse ni. toothbrush. Lit: clean teeth thing See: nėše'xȧhtsenáhestsestȯtse. Category: groom.
-nėše'xonenéh(n) vta. brush teeth of s.o. É-nėše'xonenehno. He brushed his (obv) teeth. É-nėše'xonenéhnóho. He brushed his (obv) teeth. (newer pronunciation). É-nėše'xonenéhestse. He brushed his (own) teeth. Nėše'xonenéestse! Brush your teeth! Tȧhé-nėše'xonenéestse! Go brush your teeth! Medial -onené. Category: groom.
nėšemȧhése vai. all of you (plural). Category: quantity.
nėšemȧhéto1 vai. all of me. pronounced the same as nėšemȧhéto 'all of it'. See: nėšemȧheto. Category: quantity.
nėšemȧheto2 p. entire, all of it. This is a conjunct verb. There are related forms for each person and number, as in: nėšemȧhéto all of me. nėšemȧhétse all of us. nėšemȧhése all of you (plural). nėšemȧhévȯse all of them. pronounced the same as nėšemȧhéto 'all of me' ?? See: nėšemȧhéto; mȧheto; netao'o; néstȯxévȯse; mȧhe-; nȧhóhpo; né'tóvéto. Category: quantity.
nėšemȧhévȯse p. all of them. -nėšemȧhe focuses on the entire group; -néstoxe focuses on each individual one. See: néstȯxévȯse ‘each of them’.
-nėšemeotse vai. tired - be extremely, weak - be extremely, sleepy - be extremely. Ná-nėšemeotse. I'm extremely tired / weak / sleepy. See: -kȧhaneotse.
nėšená- pv. while, during. tsé-nėšenáhoo'kōho while it was raining. tsé-nėšenámėsėhévȯse éhoo'kōho while they were eating it rained. Móh-nėšenáameohovȧhevóhe, "Nȧhtsenėhnéhoeneo'o nótȧxévé'hó'e,"móxhešetanȯhevóhe. While they were fleeing, "The soldiers will follow us," they thought. (1987:26). See: nėše-; he'éš-; só'(e)-. Category: time.
-nėšenáve'haná vai. while eating. tsé-nėšenáve'hānȧse while he was eating. [Turtle Moccasin.101] Ques: tsén or tséhn?? Category: eat.
-néšene'ho'tá vii. two roomed; be two rooms. É-néšene'hō'ta. There are two rooms. Category: house.
-néšenėstanee'e vai. kneel, sit on floor on knees. É-néšenėstanee'e. She sat with legs underneath her. That is the women's way of sitting; legs are not crossed. BodyPartMedial -nėstané2. Phon: vs Masculine -hótȯxa'kanee'e. Category: sit.
-néšenėstanéšé vai. fall on knees. É-néšenėstanéše. He fell on his knees. Category: fall.
néšenóhevóoma na. two colored blanket. Lit: together.sewed-blanket Phon: iah See: hóoma ‘blanket’. Category: bed.
-néšeóe vai. 1 • stand together.
2 • get married. É-néšeóeo'o. They are standing together. (another recording) Etym: *nyi·šwika·po·waki (P/L). Lit: two-stand; refers to standing together, before a minister or justice of the peace, to get married Phon: vs fai: -óé. See: -véstoem. Category: marriage.
-nėšeoesem vta. tell off s.o., tell s.o. how difficult life is. É-nėšeoesemóho. He told him off. Category: speak.
-nėšeoestȧho'he vai. hot flashes. É-nėšeoestȧho'he. She has hot flashes. See: -nėšėho'he. Category: sickness.
-nėšeoestȧho'tá vii. hot quickly. É-nėšeoestȧhō'ta. It got hot. (for example, a car engine that over-heated). Category: temperature.
-néšeóhtaahe vai. feet tied. for example, Indian punishment for misbehaving children: tie feet with string. Éhe'konenéšeóhtaahe. He had both feet in stocks/he had both feet tied firmly.
-néšeóhtaeto'hamé vai. hobble horses. É-néšeóhtaeto'hāme. He hobbled the horse(s). [GHOST.TXT] Category: horses. Medial -o'hamé. Lit: two-leg-tie(?)-livestock
néšeóhtaeto'hamestȯtse ni. hobble. Category: harness.
-néšeohtsé vai. two go, both go together. only used with plural subjects. É-néšeohtseo'o. They walked together. Etym: *nyi·šwipahta·waki (?) (P/L). This generally refers to walking side by side but can be single file while walking close together. See: -hóto'e'ov; -vé'ȯhtsém. Category: walk.
-néšeotsé'tov vta. both act against s.o. ?? Category: check. Nėhē'še éoh-néšeotsé'tovovo. Then they both tried against him. [1987:150] See: -nėhešé'tov. Category: do, numbers.
-néšeše vai. both lie, both sleep, two sleep. É-néšėšéne. They are sleeping together. (another recording) Category: lie, sleep, quantity.
nėšéš(e)- i. mourn, mournful. É-nėšéšenōne. He sang for the deceased; mourned in song. É-nėšéševóho. He is mourning for him (obv). See: nėšéx-.
nėšeše na. mourner. Tā'se nėšeše. "(You look) like a mourner!" That was said when people first started cutting hair, since Cheyennes used to cut their hair to show that they were in mourning. vai: -nėšéševe. See: nėšéše'e. Category: hair.
nėšéšé'e na. mourning woman. Tā'se nėšéše'eo'o. (They look) like mourning women. That was said when, due to white influence, people first starting cutting girls' hair. Category: death, hair.
-nėšéšenoné vai. sing for the dead, grieve sing. É-nėšéšenōne. He sang for the deceased; mourned in song. Initial nėšéš(e)-; fai: -noné. Category: death, sing.
-nėšéšėstóseohé'tov vta. pull s.o. through ?? Category: check. É-nėšéšėstóseohé'tovóho. ?ės? He pulled him through. for example, through a tunnel or small space. See: -nėšéxa'ham. Category: move.
-nėšéšev vta. mourn for s.o. É-nėšéševóho. He mourned for him. Nóoo éstȧxae'áhane-nėšéševȯhevóhe néhe hé'e. My, that woman was really mourning for (her husband). [1987:266] See: nėšéše'e.
-nėšéševe vai. mourn, grieve, sorrow, wail. É-nėšéševe. He is in mourning. traditionally with hair cut off. No'keāā'e é-nėšéševeo'o. They are mourning for a year. A year is the traditional length of time for mourning. É-nėšéševo hestséta'e. Her gland is mourning (that is, it is swollen). The "call-back" for the end of mourning is referred to with the stem -évaonóom (pv. éva- 'back' + -onóom 'call/invite'). Usage: obsolescing See: -pó'ona'e. Category: hair, death.
-nėšéševone vii. mournful sound. É-nėšéševone. It is a mournful sound. [pd 722] fii: -évone. Category: sounds.
-nėšėške'sevó vii. ripple (of flowing water). É-nėšėške'sēvo. The water is rippling (as it flows). Final 'sevó. Category: liquid, record.
-nėšėškȯhtȧheve vai. striped design. É-nėšėškȯhtȧhévénėstse. They have a striped design. Category: designs.
-nėšėško'éta'xe vai. have wavy eyesight. for example, just before a bad headache. Ná-nėšėško'éta'xe. I have "wavy" eyesight. for example, just before a bad headache. Ná-nėšėško'éta'xe I have "wavy" eyesight. Category: eyes.
nėšev- i. fast, rapid. É-nėševe'sēvo. It (water, especially river) is flowing ("running") fast. É-nėšev-o'ȧhéotse. He ran fast. É-nėševenestse. He speaks fast. Preverb nėševe-. Category: speed.
Nėševaestse vai. Gram: ppl Swift. Variant: Ȯhnėševaestse. Category: names, speed.
-nėševȧhá'ené vai. cook fast. É-nėševȧhá'éne. She is cooking fast. See: -néhahá'ené ‘cook fast’; nėševȧhá'enēō'o ‘microwave oven’. Category: cook, speed.
nėševȧhá'enēō'o ni. microwave, microwave oven. Lit: fast-cooking(thing) vai: -nėševȧhá'ené ‘cook fast’; Synonym vé'ėstovȧhá'enestȯtse. Category: new, cook.
nėševȧhá'enéoohestȯtse ni. microwave, microwave oven. See: nénėškenáhahá'enestȯtse; nėševȧhá'eneo'o. Category: cook.
-nėševahe vai. fast, swift. É-nėševahe. He is fast. Vóhkooheho éohke-nėševȧheo'o. Rabbits are fast. Antonym -nóvahe. See: Nėševaestse. Category: personality, speed.
-nėševȧho'he vai. drive fast. É-nėševȧho'he. He is driving fast. Category: speed, drive.
Néševá'e na. Two Shoes Woman. Ques: translation and pitches uncertain?? Category: check, names.
-nėšéva'éno'hamé vai. drive fast. É-nėšéva'éno'hāme. He drove fast. fai: -a'éno'hamé. See: -nėševo'ȧhéotse. Category: drive, speed, car.
-nėševa'ham vta. throw s.o. fast. É-nėševa'hamóho. He threw him fast. Nėševa'hameha! Pitch fast! Lit: throw him, ball, animate, fast fta: -a'ham. Category: baseball, speed, throw.
-nėševa'haso'he vai. ride horse fast. É-nėševa'haso'he. He rode horse fast. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses, speed.
-nėševa'ó vii. go swiftly, go quickly, fly quickly. can refer to the rapid flight of an arrow.
vai. go swiftly, leap fast, go quickly, fly quickly. can refer to how a basketball player leaps to catch the ball. É-nėševā'o. It went swiftly. (another recording) Hevovetȧsono éohke-nėševa'oo'o. Dragonflies fly fast. See: -nėševe'há. Category: hunt, speed, basketball.
-nėševa'ov drive s.o. fast. for example, of driving cattle. É-nėševa'ovóho. He drove him fast. Category: speed, move.
-nėševa'xe vai. thrust fast, screw fast. É-nėševa'xe. He thrust fast. Category: sex.
-nėševan vti. make fast s.t.
vta. make fast s.o. for example, to set a clock ahead in time for Daylight Saving Time. Tseéva-nėševaneo'o éše'heo'o. The clocks will be set ahead. Category: time.
-nėševanené vai. do fast. É-nėševanēne. He works/does work fast. fai: -anené. See: -nėševotse'ohe; -pėhévanené. Category: do.
-nėševátam vta. pity s.o. This word is broader and richer than the English word "pity." This word seems to almost require a person to help the one in need. There are typically connotations of love and care in this Cheyenne word. This word is very commonly used in prayers, asking Ma'hēō'o to have pity on the person praying or others. Usage: This pronunciation seems to be older than -ševátam. Variant: -ševátam. É-nėševátamóho. He had compassion on him. Néh-nėševátamėstse! Take pity on me! (another recording) Néh-nėševátame! Take pity on me! (said to more than one person). Néh-nėševátamemeno! Have pity on us! Ma'hēō'o, néh-nėševátamemeno! God, take pity on us! Nėševátameha! Take pity on him! É-nėševátamȧhtsétáno. He feels sorry for himself/wants to be pitied. vai: -nėševátsėstahe. Category: interpersonal.
-nėševátamahe vai. be pitiful. É-nėševátamahe. He is pitiful. Synonym -nėševátametanó. See: -háo'omeetanó. Category: personality.
-nėševátamȧhé'tov vta. be humble toward s.o. Néta-nėševátamȧhé'tovone Jesus! Let's be humble toward Jesus! [Hymn 21] Category: interpersonal.
-nėševátamȧhtsétanó vai. want to be pitied, pitied - want to be. É-nėševátamȧhtsétáno. He wants to be pittied. Category: interpersonal.
nėševátamátanó't vta. pity s.o. Ques: what is the difference between this verb and -nėševátamo?? Category: interpersonal, check.
nėševátame- pv. pitiful. É-nėševátame-éšeeo'o. They (especially some children) grew up pitifully. (for example, they were not cared for by their parents; they had to help themselves grow up).
-nėševátameméohe vai. run pitifully. for instance, after making a vow to run. É-nėševátameméohe. He ran pitifully. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-nėševátamenóohe vai. look pitiful. É-nėševátamenóohe. He looks pitiful. Category: appearance.
-nėševátamenóohee'e vai. sit looking pitiful. É-nėševátamenóohee'e. He is sitting looking pitiful. Category: sit, appearance. Phon: vs
-nėševátameohová vai. pitifully flee, flee pitifully. É-nėševátameohōva. He is pitifully fleeing. fai: -ohová.
-nėševátameóó'e vai. stand pitifully, pitifully stand. É-nėševátameóó'e. He is standing pitifully. Category: stand.
-nėševátamėsané vai. dress pitifully. É-nėševátamėsāne. He is dressed pitifully. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-nėševátamešé vai. lie pitifully. É-nėševátamēše. He is lying pitifully. Category: lie.
-nėševátametanó vai. pity self, feel pitiful, self pity - have. É-nėševátametanoo'o. They feel sorry for themselves. Synonym -nėševátamahe. Category: emotions.
-nėševátamȯhoné vai. sign poor, sign pitiful, pitiful sign. É-nėševátamȯhōne. He is signing that he is poor/pitiful. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.
-nėševátamo'eéh vta. pitifully treat s.o. This is doing something cruel to s.o. É-nėševátamo'eéháá'e. He (obv.) did something bad to him. Category: interpersonal.
-nėševátamónová vai. talk with pity. that is, to talk in a way that others can sense the speaker takes pity on people. É-nėševátamónóva. He talks with pity. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-nėševátsėstahe vai. compassionate, sympathetic. É-nėševátsėstahe. He takes pity. vta: -nėševátam; Synonym -nėševátsėstȧhé'heóneve. Category: personality.
-nėševátsėstȧhé'heóneve vai. be a merciful person. É-nėševátsėtȧhé'heóneve He is a merciful person. Variant: -ševátsėstȧhé'heóneve. Category: personality.
-nėševe pv. fast, quickly, swiftly, rapidly. É-nėševėhotse'ohe. He worked swiftly. É-nėševėháá'ha. The wind is blowing fast. É'ȯsee-nėševėháá'há. The wind was really blowing hard. [1987:30] Initial nėšev-. See: nonótove-; vé's-; véseh- ??. Category: check, speed.
-nėševee'e vai. grow fast. É-nėševee'e. He is growing fast. See: -éšee'e. Category: speed.
-nėševehné vai. walk fast. É-nėševēhne. He walked fast. fai: -ehné. Category: walk, speed.
-nėševe'há vai. fly fast. É-nėševē'ha. He flew fast. fai: -e'há. Category: fly, speed.
-nėševe'haná vai. eat fast. É-nėševe'hāna. He ate fast. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat, speed.
-nėševe'hanáotse vai. eat fast. É-nėševe'hanáotse. He ate fast. Category: eat, speed.
-nėševe'háohe vai. fly fast. É-nėševe'háohe. He flew fast. Category: fly, speed.
-nėševe'háoohe vai. 1 • fly fast. É-nėševe'háoohe. He flew fast. Category: fly.
2 • drive very fast. Category: figurative, drive.
-nėševe'sevó vii. flow fast. É-nėševe'sēvo. It is flowing fast. fii: -'sevó; Synonym -háa'sevó. Category: liquid, speed.
-nėševe'xove vii. time go fast. É-nėševe'xove. Time is "flying". fii: -e'xove. Category: time, speed.
-nėševem vta. tell s.o. how it is. like laying down the law for a person. É-nėševemóho. He told him how it is. Category: speak.
-nėševeméohe vai. run fast. É-nėševeméohe. He is running fast. fai: -méohe. See: -nėševo'ȧhéotse. Category: run, speed.
-nėševenestse vai. talk fast. É-nėševenestse. He talks fast. fai: -nestse. See: -vé'ėstovenestse ‘rapidly talk’. Category: speak, speed.
-nėševenoné vai. sing fast. É-nėševenōne He sang fast. fai: -noné; Antonym -nóvenoné. Category: sing, speed.
-nėševeohe vai. drive fast, walk fast. É-nėševeohe. He is driving fast. Hóvéhno nėševeoestse! Speed up a little! See: -aseohe. Category: walk, speed, drive.
-nėševeohtsé vai. walk fast, go fast. É-nėševeōhtse. He is walking fast. Nėhē'še nonó'hónó'e móstanėšenó'-nėševeohtsėhéhe. Then more and more he was galloping (his horse). [1987:170] Antonym -nóveohtsé. See: -onótoveohtsé. Category: walk, speed.
-nėševeotse vii. fast - become. É-nėševeotse. It/He has become fast.?? Category: speed, check.
-nėševeotsétó vii. fast, rush. naa éohkevésetanoo'o tā'se é-nėševeotséto héstanovestȯtse and (now people) are in a hurry, like life is rushed. [1987:224] Category: speed.
-nėševėstónané vai. teethe. É-nėševėstónáne He is teething. See: -he-véesané. Category: babies.
-nėševėstósėhahtsé vti. drag s.t. fast. É-nėševėstósėháhtse He dragged it fast. Initial nėšev-; fti: stósėhaht. Category: move.
-nėševėstósem vta. drag s.o. fast. É-nėševėstósemóho. He dragged him fast. fta: -stósem. Category: move.
-nėševetanó vai. keep on, keep trying. É-nėševetāno. He is keeping on. Hónėšėkánomėhoxe'haheto né-nėševetāno. Even though your voice is hoarse you keep on (working). Hetanévestȯtse nétanȯhtsē'a, nėševetanoo'o! You have gone looking for manhood, get on with it! Nėševetānȯhtse, nėstsevé'héhpȯheotse! Get on with it, don't be frightened! [from a wolf song recorded by Grinnell]
-nėševetanóotse vai. keep on. Náohke-nėševetanóotse. I do my utmost best. [1987:200]
-nėševeváohe vai. throw fast. for example, to throw a fast ball in baseball. É-nėševeváohe. He threw (it) fast. fai: -váohe. Category: baseball, throw, speed.
Nėševeváohénamosėstse na. Swift Throwing Left Arm. Category: names.
-nėševevóhka'ó vai. drive quickly, drive fast. Ééva-nėševevóhká'o. He quickly turned around driving. Category: drive.
-nėševévone vii. fast sound, sound go fast. É-nėševévone. The sound is going fast. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.
-nėševevoneohe vai. crawl fast. É-nėševevoneohe. He is crawling fast. Category: motion, speed.
-nėševó vii. fast - be, rapid - be. É-nėšévo. It is fast/it is rapid. Category: speed.
-nėševóe'ó vai. float fast.
vii. float fast. É-nėševóé'o. It (or He) is floating along fast. for example, on a swift river. Final -óe'ó. Category: liquid.
-nėševoése vai. fly fast, hang fast. É-nėševoése. He is flying fast. for example, of a star (animate). fai: -oése. See: -nėševa'ó; -nėševe'há. Category: fly, speed, check.
-nėševoésta vii. time fly fast. É-nėševoésta Time is rolling along fast. fii: -oéstá. Category: fly, speed, time.
-nėševoéstóné vai. read fast, quickly read. É-nėševoéstóne. He read fast. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school, speed.
-nėševȯhomo'he vai. dance fast, fancy dance. É-nėševȯhomo'he. He is dancing fast. É-nėševȯhomó'heo'o. They are fancy dancing. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-nėševȯhomó'heohe vai. dance fast, do fancy dance. tséohke-nėševȯhomó'heohese fancy dancers. Lit: those who dance fast tséohkema'xe-nėševȯhomó'heohese fancy dancers. Category: dance.
-nėševȯhoné vai. sign fast. É-nėševȯhōne. He is signing fast. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.
-nėševȯhoo'e vai. swim fast, wade fast. É-nėševȯhoo'e. He waded (or swam) fast. Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e.
-nėševo'ȧhéotse vai. run fast, go fast in a car, drive fast. É-nėševo'ȧhéotse. He ran fast. Ta-nėševo'ȧhéotsėstse! Go faster! Hóvéhno nėševo'ȧhéotsėstse! Speed up a little! fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -nėšéva'éno'hamé; -háeohe; -nėševeohe; -nėševeméohe. Category: speed, car, drive.
nėševo'ȧhéotsétó vii. go fast. Éoseenėševo'ȧhéotséto. It was going really fast. [The Hunter and the Badger.38] Category: speed, car, drive.
-nėševó'ané vai. say fast. É-nėševó'áne. He speaks rapidly. fai: -ó'ané. See: -nėševenestse; -nonótovó'ané. Category: speak, speed.
-nėševo'asé vii. fire go fast. É-nėševo'āse. The fire is going fast. Initial nėšev-; fii: -o'asé. Category: fire, speed.
-nėševo'ȧséotse vii. burn rapidly, burn fast. É-nėševo'ȧséotse. The fire is going rapidly. This is more rapid than -nėševo'asé. fii: -o'asé. See: -nėševo'asé. Category: fire.
-nėševó'ehné vai. go fast by wagon. É-nėševó'éhne. He went fast by wagon. Medial -ó'e1. Category: roll.
-nėševó'eohe vai. travel quickly by wagon. É-nėševó'eohe. He traveled quickly by wagon. fai: -ó'e1. Category: roll, speed.
-nėševo'ha'eohtsé vai. walk at a medium pace. É-nėševo'ha'eōhtse. He is walking at a medium pace. Nėsta-nėševo'ha'eohtsémáne. Let's walk moderately fast. Medial -o'ha'e. See: -nėševeohtsé. Category: walk, speed.
-nėševo'soo'e vai. play hard. É-nėševo'soo'e. He is playing hard. fai: -o'sóe. Category: basketball.
-nėševonea'o vii. swing fast, jerk fast?? É-nėševoneā'o. It swung fast. Móhe nėstsemá'eme ééšeáahtse'nėševoneā'o? Maybe your blood is swinging faster. fast?? Ques: von or vón?? Category: motion, check.
-nėševónea'xe vai. 1 • swing high?? Ques: vón or von??
2 • hot, horny. sexually. É-nėševónea'xe. He is horny. See: -mo'ȯhtávo'eétȧhétanó. Category: sex, motion, check.
Nėševóné'e na. Fast Growing Woman. Final -óne'ó. Category: names.
-nėševóne'ó vii. grow fast, fast grow. É-nėševóné'o. It is growing fast. See: -hone'ó ‘grow’. Category: plants.
-nėševoo'kohó vii. rain rapidly. É-nėševoo'kōho. It rained rapidly. See: -he'hemoo'kohó. Category: rain.
-nėševóome'há vii. swift water - be. For example, waves are visible. É-nėševóomē'ha. mēha?? It is swift water. Initial nėšev-; Medial -óome. Category: liquid, check.
Néševotonȯhtse vai. Gram: ppl Two Tail Feathers. Variant: Ȯhnéševotonȯhtse. Category: names.
-nėševotse'ohe vai. work fast. Whites are perceived to work fast. É-nėševotse'ohe. He worked fast. É-nėševotse'óheo'o. They worked fast. Heávohe é-nėševotse'ohe. The Devil is working very hard. fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'óhe ‘work’. Category: whites, speed, work.
-nėševȯxe'ėstóné vai. write fast. É-nėševȯxe'ėstóne. He wrote fast. Category: write, speed.
nėšéx- i. pull through. É-nėšéxa'hamóho. He pulled him through. Ques: recheck gloss--compare with nėšéš(e)- and get other entries with this initial?? See: nėšéš(e)-; sóhp-. Category: check.
-nėšéxa'hahtsé vti. pull s.t. through. É-nėšéxa'hāhtse. He pulled it through. fta: -a'ham.
-nėšéxa'ham pull s.o. through. for example, pulling a blanket through a narrow opening. É-nėšéxa'hamóho. He pulled him through. fta: -a'ham. Category: move.
nėška'ósanestȯtse ni. washboard.
nėška'óséó'o ni. washboard. Lit: rippled (thing) ?? Oklahoma Dialect nėškėháséó'o. Phon: vsr Category: tools, check.
nėškámane na. our (inclusive) mother. Category: relatives.
nėškátone ni. womb, uterus (your womb?) An elder male said these are the (vaginal) muscles that grasp and squeeze the penis so that it will ejaculate. Oblique nėškátoēva ?[. See: héo'éheo'o. Usage: not well known currently Category: body.
nėške- i. flutter; ripple. É-nėške'sēvo. The water is rippling (as it flows). Ques: recheck glosses?? See: néške- ‘perked’; nėšková-. Category: check.
néške- i. perked. néške'ēsta chipmunk. Lit: perked-ears
nėškėháséó'o ni. washboard. Phon: vsr Montana Dialect nėška'óséó'o. Category: tools.
néške'e voc. grandmother, grandma, mother-in-law. (another recording) This is what you say when talking to your grandmother. When talking about your grandmother you say néške'éehe. Oklahoma Dialect néske'e; old man speech: néštše'e. See: néške'éehe ‘my grandmother’; -hke'éehe; /-hkeme/; -véškeme; ke'éehe. Category: relatives.
néške'éehe na. Gram: poss my grandmother, my mother-in-law. This is what you say when talking about your grandmother. When speaking TO your grandmother you say néške'e. Variant: navéškeme; Vocative néške'e. Usage: Néške'éehe is an older pronunciation than navéškeme. Masculine namėšéme. See: -véškeme; hevéškemo; éškeme; ke'éehe. Category: relatives.
néške'éehéhasėstse voc. Grandmothers! Category: relatives.
Néške'emane na. Grandmother Earth. Usage: usage today?? Category: check, ceremonial, ceremonial.
néške'ēsta na. chipmunk. Lit: perked-ears Plural néške'ėstáhne; Obviative néške'ėstáhne; BodyPartMedial -'está. See: no'kee'e; no'ee'e. Category: animals.
-néške'está vai. perked ears. É-néške'ēsta. He has perked ears. Ques: -n[e^ske'e'est[a ?? Medial -'está. Category: ears, check.
nėškemȯse p. anyway, nevertheless. Refers to when someone says they are not going to do something but then they turn around and do it anyway, right away.
nėškéstoto na. Gram: poss your (sg.??) mothers. See: neško. Usage: archaic Category: relatives, check.
neško na. Gram: poss your mother. Variant: nesko. nėškevo your (plural) mother. See: nėškéstoto; heške ‘his/her mother’; náhko'éehe ‘my mother’. Category: relatives.
-nėškóhtȧsén vta. embrace s.o. around the waist. É-nėškóhtȧsénóho. He is holding her around the waist.
-nėškómo'eotse vii. narrow. É-nėškómo'eotse. It narrowed. ?? for example, of a road that narrows at some point. Category: size, check.
-nėškómoma'o'e vii. narrow ground. É-nėškómoma'o'e. It is a narrow way. for example, about a narrow path. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: size.
néškonávȧhahtȧhestȯtse ni. hoof (of a cow or buffalo). he-néškonávȧhahtȧhestȯtse his hoof. Ques: recheck spelling?? Category: check. Ques: check with other speakers?? Category: check. See: -htóohevo. Category: body.
-nėškonėho'tá vii. ?? É-nėškonėhō'ta. ?? Category: check.
-nėškotseoestȧhé'tá vti. ?? É-nėškotseoestȧhé'ta. ?? Category: check.
nešková- i. striped.
nėškovávo'ha na. zebra. Lit: striped-horse Plural nėškovávo'hāme; Obviative nėškovávo'hāme. See: nėškó'hame. Category: animals, new.
-nétahe vai. different - be, another - be, other - be. É-nétahe. He is a different one. tsé-nétaestse (compare tsé-ne'taestse 'the important one') the other one. vii: -néta'e; Reduplicated -onétahe. See: -nétȧhévahe; -ne'tahe. Category: identity.
nétȧhév- i. different. É-nétȧhévahe. He is different. É-nétȧhévána. He changed it (by hand). The Cheyenne concept of being 'different' typically involves the idea of going against the cultural norm; there is a negative stigma to being different in the sense of nétȧhév-: tséstaéveó'ȯse-nétȧhévo'eétaese nā'ėstse ma'háhkése tȧháóhe évaveto when an old man did something stupid long ago. [1987:170]
-nétȧhévahe vai. be different. É-nétȧhévahe. He is different. Reduplicated -nonétȧhévahe; vii: -nétȧhéva'e. See: -nétahe. Category: quality.
-nétȧhévȧho'oh(n) vta. change s.o. by heat. É-nétȧhévȧho'ȯhnóho. He changed him by heat. Ques: recheck ?? See: me'ko nétȧhévȧho'ȯheo'o ‘hair dye’. Category: check, hear.
nétȧhévȧho'tá vii. be cooked different. Vóvotȯtse tséhnétȧhévȧhó'ta, éohkėhestánóvo. "Eggs when they are colored differently(??)," they called it. [Early Days at the Tongue River Boarding School.027] Category: cook, check.
-nétȧhévȧhtov vta. hear s.o. differently, not understand s.o. well. É-nétȧhévȧhtovóho. He heard it wrong. fta: -ahtov. Category: hear.
-nétȧhéva'e vii. be different. É-nétȧhéva'e. It is different. Reduplicated -onétȧhéva'e; vai: -nétȧhévahe. See: -néta'e. Category: quality.
-nétȧhéva'éno'hāme vai. drive differently. É-nétȧhéva'éno'hāme. He drove differently. For instance, he drove the British way, on the left side of a road. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-nétȧhéva'haso'he vai. ride horse differently. É-nétȧhéva'haso'he. He rode horse in a different way. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-nétȧhéva'o'tsé vti. change s.t. quickly. Né-nétȧhéva'ō'tse. You quickly changed it. for example, you twisted something around that I said to you. É-nétȧhéva'ō'tse. He quickly changed it. See: -nétȧhévan.
-nétȧhévan vti. change s.t. É-nétȧhévána. He changed it (by hand). See: -nétȧhéva'o'tsé.
vta. change s.o. É-nétȧhévanóho. He changed him (for example, a baby with a soiled diaper). Nétȧhévaneha! Change him! For example, change the baby's diaper. Mónėsta-nétȧhévanȧtse? Shall I change you? A mother could say that to her baby. Category: babies.
-nétȧhévanené vai. do (something) different. É-nétȧhévanēne. He is doing something different. fai: -anené. Category: do.
-nétȧhévatam vta. think differently of s.o.consider s.o. different. Ná-nétȧhévátámo. I consider him different. [1987:226] Néohkėsó'=hovéhno=nétȧhévatamoo'o. You still think a little bit different of (Cheyennes). vti: -nétȧhévátsest. Category: cognition.
-nétȧhévatamaahe vai. appear different. Móh-nétȧhévatamaahehevóhe. He must have looked different. [Red Bird, Runaway Cheyenne Boy.010] Category: appearance.
-nétȧhévatamáno'e vii. different weather. Lit: different-environment É-nétȧhévatamáno'e. It is not normal weather. Category: weather.
-nétȧhévátsestá vti. think differently of s.t., consider s.t. odd. É-nétȧhévátsésta. He considers it as different. Éstáve-nétȧhévátsėstánóvȯse tsétȧhe'éšeohtsévȯse. They sort of thought it was odd as they were going along. [JOURNEY.TXT] vta: -nétȧhévátamo.
nétȧhéve- 1 • i. different. É-nétȧhéveméohe. He is running different. É-nétȧhéveéno'e. It tastes different.
2 • pv. different. É-nétȧhéveéšeeve It is a holiday (literally, it's a different day). Nėhē'še éme'nėše-nétȧhéve-vo'ėstanéhevėstove "It is about time maybe you should change your way of living!" Lit: then there should be different living Reduplicated onétȧhéve-. Category: quality, identity.
-nétȧhéveeha'ó vai. change moccasins, change shoe(s). É-nétȧhéveehā'o. He changed his shoes. [JOURNEY.TXT] Naa tsé'éše-nétȧhéveeha'óvȯse éstȧhóseaseohtséhoono. So after changing their moccasins they started off again. [JOURNEY.TXT] Medial -eha. See: -e'ėha'ó. Category: dress, shoes.
nétȧhéveéstonené'hasenestȯtse ni. transmission, gearbox. BodyPartMedial -onené. See: nétȧhévonené'hasenestȯtse ‘clutch’. Category: car.
-nétȧhéveéšeeve vii. be a holiday. Lit: be a different day É-nétȧhéveéšeeve. It is a holiday. Usage: not commonly said Category: holidays.
-nétȧhévehá vii. lie different. É-nétȧhévéha. It is lying different. vai: -nétȧhévešé. Category: lie.
-nétȧhéve'ėha'ó vai. change your moccasins. É-nétȧhéve'ėhā'o. He changed his moccasins.
-nétȧhéve'ėha'óohe vai. change moccasins hurriedly. Nétȧhéve'ėha'ooestse! Change your moccasins hurriedly! [Mountain stories.086]
-nétȧhéve'há vai. fly differently. É-nétȧhévé'ha. He flew differently. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.
-nétȧhéve'hahe vai. have a different voice. É-nétȧhéve'hahe. He has a different voice. for example, from how he normally does. Medial -e'hahe.
-nétȧhévema'emá vai. be of different blood. É-nétȧhávema'ēma. He is of a different blood. tsé-nétȧhévema'emase those who are of different blood. [1987:226] that is, those who are of a different race. BodyPartMedial -ma'emá.
-nétȧhévemané vai. gay - be, homosexual - be. É-nétȧhévémáne. He/She is homosexual/gay. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, new, identity.
-nétȧhévemaóev vta. act different toward s.o. naa vo'ėstanóho ȯhtséeve'-nétȧhévemaóevosėstse and if someone acts different toward them. [1987:227] Category: interpersonal.
-nétȧhéveméa'há vii. smell different. É-nétȧhéveméá'ha. It smells different. fii: méa'há. Category: smell.
-nétȧhéveméa'xe vai. smell different. É-nétȧhéveméa'xe. He smells different. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
-nétȧhéveméeotse vai. smell different.
vii. smell different, have a different smell. É-nétȧhéveméeotse. It/He has a different smell. Category: smell.
-nétȧhéveméohe vai. run different. É-nétȧhéveméohe. He is running different. Initial nétȧhéve-; fai: -méohe. Category: run.
nétȧhévemóhtȧhestȯtse ni. drugs, marijuana. Lit: different-physical feeling Ques: Should it be nétȧhévomóhtȧhestȯtse?? Category: check, new.
Nétȧhévena'hāne na. Kills Different. Category: names.
-nétȧhévéne vai. different face. É-nétȧhévéne. He has a different face. for example, said when someone has plastic surgery on the nose. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-nétȧhéveneotse vai. masked, different faced. É-nétȧhéveneotse. He got 'different-faced'. Medial -éné; Final -otse. Category: face.
-nétȧhévenestse vai. speak a different language; speak differently; talk language differently; speak a different language. É-nétȧhévenestse. He talks different. [1987:142] Mó-nétȧhévenėstsėhevóhe. They had a different language. Category: speak.
-nétȧhévenoné vai. sing different. É-nétȧhévenōne. He sang different. Category: sing.
-nétȧhévenóno'e vii. appear different, look different. É-nétȧhévenóno'e. It looks different. fii: -nóno'e. Category: appearance.
-nétȧhévenóohe vai. look different. É-nétȧhévenóohe. He looks different. [The Journey.260] fai: -nóohe. Category: appearance.
-nétȧhéveohtsé vii. change.
vai. change. É-nétȧhéveōhtse. It (or He) is changing. Category: identity.
-nétȧhéveóó'e vai. stand different. É-nétȧhéveóó'e. He is standing differently. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-nétȧhéveotse vii. become different. É-nétȧhéveotse. It (or He) became different.
vai. become different. Násé'hove-nétȧhéveotse. I suddenly was different. [How God Helped Me Forgive.79.]
-nétȧhévėsané vai. dress differently. É-nétȧhévėsáne. He is dressed differently. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-nétȧhévėstanove vai. have a different way of life. É-nétȧhévėstanove. He has a different life. Variant: -nétȧhévėstave. This pronunciation seems to be preferred over -nétȧhévėstave. fai: -éstánové. See: -vonéstanove; -vo'ėstanéheve. Category: live.
-nétȧhévėstave vai. have a different way of life. É-nétȧhévėstave. He has a different life. [different life ; live differently] Variant: -nétȧhévėstanove. See: -vonéstanove; -vo'ėstanéheve.
-nétȧhévėstóone vii. built differently. É-nétȧhévėstóone. It is built different. See: -manėstóone.
-nétȧhévešé vai. lie different. É-nétȧhévéše. He is lying different. vii: -nétȧhévehá. Category: lie.
-nétȧhévetanó vai. think differently, feel differently. Nétȧhévetānȯhtse! Change your way of thinking! for example, Quit being depressed! Category: emotions, cognition.
-nétȧhévetanóotse vai. come to think differently. Mósta-nétȧhévetanóotsėhéhe. He began to wonder. [1987:285] Initial nétȧhéve-; fai: -tanó; Final -otse. See: -nȯhtovetanóotse ??. Category: check, cognition.
-nétȧhévevéhe vai. named different. É-nétȧhévevéhe. He has a different name.
-nétȧhévevé'ho'énestse vai. different.whiteman.speak.language, speak a foreign language. that is, talk a non-Indian language. É-nétȧhévevé'ho'énestse. He talks a foreign (non-Indian) language. Category: speak.
nétȧhévevé'keemahpe ni. artificial sugar. Lit: different.sugar See: aéstomevé'keemahpe. Category: new.
-nétȧhévevone vii. different sound - be a. É-nétȧhévevone. It is a different sound. Éma'xe-nétȧhévevone. It is a big di·fferent sound. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.
-nétȧhévoeme vii. next month - be the. É-nétȧhévoeme. It is the next month (following this month). Category: months.
-nétȧhévoéstomo'he vai. different personality. É-nétȧhévoéstomo'he. He has a different personality. Final -oéstomó'he. Category: personality.
-nétȧhévoéstóne vai. read differently, count differently. É-nétȧhévóéstóne. He didn't read right. Category: school.
-nétȧhévȯhóne vai. sign differently. É-nétȧhévȯhóne. He is signing differently. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.
-nétȧhévȯhta'hané vai. tell a story differently. É-nétȧhévȯhta'hāne. He told a story differently. for example, told a different version or in a different manner. Morph: /-nétahévóhta'hané/. Reduplicated -onétȧhévȯhta'hané. See: -hóhta'hané.
-nétȧhévo'a'hahtsé vti. 1 • throw s.t. different.
2 • sing off-key. Category: figurative. É-nétȧhévo'a'hāhtse. He sang off-key.
3 • say s.t. differently. Category: figurative, sing, throw, speak.
-nétȧhévó'áne vai. pronounce differently. É-nétȧhévó'áne. He pronounced differently. Náta-nétȧhévó'áne. I pronounced differently. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-nétȧhévo'eétahe vai. do something different. tséstaéveó'ȯse-nétȧhévo'eétaese nā'ėstse ma'háhkése tȧháóhe évaveto when an old man did something stupid long ago. Category: do.
-nétȧhévo'éevá vai. have different (colored) skin. Nééestsėstovoo'o vo'ėstaneo'o é-nétȧhévo'éevao'o You were talking to people. They had different colored skin. (1987:142). Reduplicated -onétȧhévo'éevá.
-nétȧhévó'emá vai. be of a different persuasion. É-nétȧhévo'emao'o. They are of a different persuasion.. Final -ó'emá; Relative Root -hetó'emá.
-nétȧhévo'o'e vii. different vegetation - be. É-nétȧhévo'o'e. It is different vegetation. Final -ó'o'e. Category: plants.
-nétȧhévoma'o'e vii. be different land. É-nétȧhévoma'o'e It is different land. Phon: redup fii: -óma'o'e; Reduplicated -onétȧhévoma'o'e. Category: environment.
-nétȧhévomóhtahe vai. feel different. É-nétȧhévomóhtahe. He feels different. Initial nétȧhév-; Final omóhtahe. Category: sickness.
nétȧhévonené'hasenestȯtse ni. clutch. Lit: different teeth throw thing See: nétȧhéveéstonené'hasenestȯtse ‘transmission’. Category: car.
-nétȧhévoo'e vai. sit differently. for instance, to sit in a way different from one's usual way of sitting. É-nétȧhévoo'e. He is sitting different. Reduplicated -onétȧhévoo'e. Category: sit.
-nétȧhévóován vti. change s.t. in liquid. É-nétȧhévoována. He rinsed it. Ná-nétȧhévoována amėške tsémo'ȯhtávoome. I changed the oil.
vta. change s.o. Medial óová. Category: liquid.
-nétȧhévoovane mo'ȯhtáveamėške vii. oil change. Lit: oil liquid is changed Category: check, new. É-nétȧhévoovane mo'ȯhtáveamėške. The oil is changed. ?? Category: check. Ques: recheck ?? Category: check, car.
-nétȧhévotse'óhtá vti. use s.t. in a different way. Étavé'-nétȧhévotse'óhtánóvo. They use it (the Sun Dance) in a different way. [1987:212]
neta'- i. stake claim. É-neta'ovóho. He staked claim to him.
-neta'á vti. stake claim on s.t. É-netā'a. He staked claim to it. See: -neta'ov; -nėheta'ov.
-néta'e vii. be another, be a different one. É-néta'e. It is a different one. vai: -nétahe. See: -né'ta'e; -nétȧhéva'e. Category: identity.
-neta'ov vta. stake claim to s.o. É-neta'ovóho. He staked claim to him. Ma'hēō'o náh-neta'ova. God chose me. See: -ne'ta'ov; -nėheta'ov. Category: interpersonal.
nétame na. Gram: poss my cross sibling-in-law, my brother-in-law (female speaking), my sister-in-law (male speaking). (another recording) Variant: navétame. In the Cheyenne system, a cross sibling-in-law is a man's brother's wife, man's wife's sister, woman's sister's husband, or woman's husband's brother. It can also be a man's sister's husband's sister. A man can jokingly refer to his wife's sister as tsévéstoemo 'my wife', even if she is herself married. Traditionally, if a man took a second wife she often would be a younger sister to his first wife. Present joking continues to reflect these historical relations. Vocative nétamasėstse (plural). Etym: *ni·θemwa. See: né'tóve; étame; -he-vétame. Category: relatives.
-netan vta. stop fighting of s.o., interfere in fighting of s.o. É-netanóho. He stopped him from fighting. vai: -netanová. Category: violence.
-netanová vai. stop fighting (of others), peace make, keep peace. É-netanōva. He stopped (someone else's) fighting/he interfered in fighting. vta: -netan. See: -méó'é; -énet. Category: interpersonal.
nétanove ni. Gram: poss my tongue, tongue - my. Usage: archaic Etym: *ni·θanyiwi (P). See: vétanove ‘tongue’. Category: mouth, body.
netao'o p. everywhere, every, all. (another recording) Seems to have originally meant 'everywhere' then extended to mean 'every' and 'all'. netao'o hová'éhe everything. netao'o vo'ėstane everyone. [Croft 1948: Atlantic Trip] Netao'o vo'ėstane is used for 'everyone' by some speakers; other speakers reject netao'o vo'ėstane calling it "incorrect"; compare néstȯxévȯse 'all of them'. Netao'o návo'ėstanéheve. I have lived all over. Móho'nóhkeno'ketaevóohtomátse oha hé'tóhe netao'o hová'éhehetaa'- ; mae- ; mȧhe- ; hová'éhe ; hovánee'e ; vo'ėstane; néstȯxévȯse móho'nótaohkevóohtomátse. One (weed) we failed to see but we see everything else.positions ; quantity. [1987:238] Category: check.
netao'o vo'ėstane na. everyone, all humanity. Plural netao'o vo'ėstaneo'o ‘all peoples’. See: néstȯxévȯse. Category: quantity.
netao'otse p. everywhere (obviative??), everything. Netao'otse náéevéstȧhema. He helped me with everything. [When Bird Woman Went to the Meetings.028] Category: check.
netoe- i. itch.
-netoeénéohtsé vai. have an itchy face. É-netoeénéóhtse. He has an itchy face. Category: sickness, face.
-netoehe'onáohtsé vai. have itchy hand(s). É-netoehe'onáóhtse. He has itchy hands. Category: sickness.
-netoehevá'séohtsé vai. have an itchy tail. É-netoehevá'séóhtse. He has an itchy tail. Category: sickness.
-netoe'éxanéohtsé vai. eyes itch, itchy eyes. Ná-netoo'éxanéóhtse. My eyes are itching. Category: sickness.
-netoenotováohtsé vai. have an itchy neck. É-netoenotováóhtse. He has an itchy neck. Category: sickness.
-netoeóhtáohtsé vai. have itchy leg(s). É-netoeóhtáóhtse. His leg itches. Etym: *kelakika·te·wa. BodyPartMedial -óhtá4. Category: sickness.
-netoeohtsé vai. itch. É-netoeōhtse. He is itching. See: -axeeohtsé ‘scratch’; -nétȯheotse ‘left out’. Category: sickness.
-netoestséáohtsé vai. have an itchy head (or scalp). É-netoestséáóhtse. He has an itchy head (or scalp). Category: head, sickness.
-netoeškóhtáohtsé vai. have itchy leg(s). É-netoeškóhtáóhtse. His leg itches. Variant: -netoeóhtáohtsé. Category: sickness.
-netoeškȯséohtsé vai. have itchy fingers. É-netoeškȯséóhtse. He has itchy finger(s). Category: sickness.
nétȯhénestȯtse ni. bone game. See: nétȯheósóno. Category: games.
nétȯheósóno na. bone game. refers to all the apparatus for the game, including the bone and wire with which to "grasp" the bone (through its hollow center). Category: games.
-nétȯheotse vii. left out. É-nétȯheotse. He (or It) was left out. See: -nétseotse; -kánomeotse; -étseotse; -netoeohtsé ‘itch’.
-netȯhkahe vai. ticklish. É-netȯhkahe. He is ticklish.
-netȯhkan vta. tickle s.o. É-netȯhkanóho. He tickled him. Etym: *ketikene·wa. Category: interpersonal.
-netȯhkeéstooná vai. have an itchy throat, have T.B. É-netȯhkeéstoōna. His throat itches/he has T.B. See: -kȧhaneohtsé. Category: sickness.
-netȯhkeéstoonáohtsé vai. have an itchy throat. for example, a tickle in throat. É-netȯhkeéstoonáóhtse. He has an itchy throat. Category: sickness.
-nétȯhnéhé'tá vti. fall short of s.t., fail to reach s.t. É-nétȯhnéhé'ta. He cannot live up to it. Héne náohke=tā'se=vé'šėhe'konene'étamenȯtse Ma'hēō'o hévȧ = hó'nėše-nétȯhnéhé'tómo Ma'hēō'o hesto'emanestȯtse. That's what really makes me depend on God even if I don't live up to God's law. [1987:199] Antonym -hohtaméstá.
-nétȯhnéóó'e vai. fall short, be below standard, be not up to something, be not up to snuff; fail to reach. É-nétȯhnéóó'e. He falls short. Ná-nétȯhnéóó'e. I don't measure up. Phon: vs vti: -nétȯhnéóé'tá. See: -hó'ėspahe; hótse-; tónėše-.
-nétȯhnéotse vai. fail to reach goal, not succeed, come up short. É-nétȯhnéotse. He 'can't quite make it'/he didn't reach the goal. See: -hóto'eše.
-netó'ȯhené vai. spin top. É-netó'ȯhéne. He is spinning a top. Nétȧhé-netó'ȯhenémáne! Let's go spin tops! Category: phys. ed..
netó'ȯhenestȯtse ni. spin top whirling game. Category: games.
netó'ȯhéó'o ni. top. Plural netó'ȯheonȯtse. Category: games.
-néto'xevá vai. hear things (in one's own mind). É-néto'xēva. He hears things. See: -nóto'xevá. Ques: Is this just a variant of -nóto'xevá? Category: hear.
-nétomótȯsané vai. have feelings, be concerned. É-nétomótȯsáne. He has feelings/he is concerned. Ésáa-nétomótȯsanéhe. He is apathetic/he is without feeling. Category: emotions.
nétov- i. in common.
nétóváne ni. Gram: poss our body, for us (excl.) ?? nétovanōtse our bodies. Ques: is the meaning 'self' or 'body'?? See: étove ‘your body’. Category: check, body.
nétove ni. Gram: poss my body. Usage: archaic; Some speakers now say navétove. Words that mean 'body' are not commonly said today. Etym: *ni·yawi. étove your body. étovane our (incl) body. [PD; PG:10 'for my sake'] Variant: navétove. See: étove ‘your body’; -vétove; voxȯtse; né'tóve ‘my brother-in-law (of a man)’. Category: body.
netse na. eagle. Simplified Spelling nits; Plural netseo'o; Obviative netseho. Usage: starting to obsolesce Etym: *keliwa ‘golden eagle (Go88)’. See: vóaxáa'e; tó'too'he; hoestomo. Category: birds.
Netse Ȯhma'haata na. Big Eagle. Ques: pronunciation and spelling uncertain Category: names.
Netse Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse vai. Gram: ppl Black Eagle. Category: names.
Netse Ȯhno'kaestse vai. Gram: ppl Lone Eagle. Category: names.
Netse Ȯhtsévé'hȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Eagle Flies About. Category: names.
Netse Ȯhvéhonevėstse vai. Gram: ppl Eagle Chief. Category: names.
Netse Ȯhvó'komaestse vai. Gram: ppl White Eagle. Category: names.
Netse Ȯhvovó'haestse vai. Gram: ppl Spotted Eagle. Category: names.
Netse Ȯxháaestse vai. Gram: ppl Brave Eagle. Category: names.
Netse Ȯxháahketa na. Little Eagle. Category: names.
Netse Ȯxheóvaestse vai. Gram: ppl Yellow Eagle. Category: names.
-nétse'á vti. permit s.t., release s.t., let go of s.t. É-nétsé'a. He let go of it. Nétsé'ȯhtse! Let it go! That is typically said to someone for them to forget about some wrong said to them. vta: -nétse'ov.
-netse'e vai. lie, not tell the truth. Variant: -nėhetse'e. Phon: recheck for complex syllables and negatives and plurals?? Category: check. É-netse'e He lied. Etym: *kelo·θkiwa. Éohke-netse'e. He lies. É-netsé'eo'o. They are lying. Násáa-netsé'éhe. I'm not lying. Éma'xe-netse'e. He told a big lie. vta: -netsé'em, -netsé'e'tov. Morph: /-neté'e/. vta: -netsé'em. See: -netsé'e'heóneve ‘be a liar’; -étsėstomo'he; -netsést; -aéstomó'ané; -vá'nenėhevoo'o; -hóováem. Category: speak.
netsé'é'héó'o na. liar. Plural netsé'e'heono. Category: speak.
-netsé'e'heóneve vai. be a lying person. É-netsé'e'heóneve. He is a lying person. Category: personality, speak.
-netsé'e'tov vta. lie to s.o. É-netsé'e'tovóho He lied to him. Etym: *kelo·xkyi·ʔtawe·wa. Ná-netsé'é'tóvo I lied to him. vai: -netse'e. See: -aétomósem; -netsé'em. Category: speak.
-netsé'em vta. lie about s.o. É-netsé'emóho. He lied about him. vai: -netse'e. Category: speak.
netsé'estȯtse ni. lie. vai: -netse'e. Category: speak.
-nétse'ohe vai. permitted (to do something). This is the passive of -nétse'ov. É-nétse'ohe. He is permitted (to do something). Synonym -amȧhtov; Antonym -hestoman; vta: -nétse'ov.
-netse'óhta'hané vai. lie telling a story. É-netse'óhta'hāne. He lied telling a story. Variant: -netsé'ȯhta'hané. -netsé'ȯhta'hané is the older variant. See: -netse'e ‘lie’. Category: speak.
-netsé'ȯhta'hané vai. lie telling a story. É-netsé'ȯhta'hāne. He lied telling a story. [Custer and the Scouts] Hósėstse éohkema'xe-netsé'ȯhta'haneo'o. Some lie a lot when telling stories. Variant: -netse'óhta'hané. -netsé'ȯhta'hané is the older variant. See: hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-netsé'ȯhta'hané'tov vta. lie about s.o. É-netsé'ȯhta'hané'tovóho. He lied about him. See: -netsé'e'tov; -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-netsé'ȯhta'haov vta. lie telling a story to s.o. É-netsé'ȯhta'haovóho. He lied telling a story to him/them. [Custer and the Scouts.090ries.mp3] Variant: netse'óhta'hané. -netsé'ȯhta'hané is the older variant. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-nétse'omahe vai. tame. É-nétse'omahe. He is tame. Reduplicated -nonétse'omahe. for example, of a horse. Category: personality.
-nétse'omev vta. release something to s.o., let go something to s.o. Nėše-nétse'omeveha! Just let it go to him! See: -nétse'ov.
-nétse'ov vta. allow s.o., let go of s.o., release s.o. permit s.o. for example, to release someone to do something. É-nétse'ovóho. He allowed him (to do something). Nétse'oveha! Allow him! Tanėše-nétse'oveha! Just let him go! Nȧhtaéšenėše-nétse'ōvo. I will let him/her go. For example, I will release her to do whatever necessary to find her own way to sobriety. É-nétse'ohe. He is permitted (to do something). vti: -nétse'á. See: -amȧhtov; -nétse'ohe; -énan. Category: interpersonal.
-netsem vta. choose s.o. for example, by calling s.o. out of a group. É-netsemóho. He chose him. See: -moné'tov; -vóom. Category: interpersonal.
netséma'e'ohko na. red pipe. This is part of general Sun Dance equipment. Variant: netséma'e'oo'o. See: ma'e'ohko. Category: Sun Dance.
netsemee'e na. eagle feather. Plural netseméeno. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. See: Netsévóto ‘Eagle Tailfeather’; mee'e ‘feather’; voto ‘tailfeather’. Category: birds.
Netséméóná'e na. Eagle Trail Woman. (another recording) See: Vóaxaa'éméóná'e ‘Bald Eagle Trail Woman’. Category: names.
-nétseotse vai. left out. É-nétseotse. He was left out/he didn't get anything (there was nothing left for him). See: -o'hémeotse; -nétȯheotse; -etseotse; -kánomeotse.
-netséstá vti. disbelieve s.t. É-netsésta. He disbelieved it. vta: -netséstov. See: -netse'e ‘lie’. Category: cognition.
-netsėstomo'he vai. stake out a place. É-netsėstomo'he. He is staking out his place. See: -neta'ov; -mȯhtáeov. Category: camp.
-netséstov vta. disbelieve s.o., disagree with s.o. É-netséstovóho. He disbelieved him. Náohke-netséstovȧhtséme nonámé'tó'e. We are always disagreeing with each other. [1987:179] Éhvé'še-netséstóó'e héstanėheho. He was doubted by (some) people (obv). [1987:238] Antonym -oné'seómȧhahtov. Category: interpersonal.
-netseve vai. eagle - be an. É-netseve. It is an eagle. [pd420] Category: birds.
Netsévȯhé'so na. Eagle Nest. See: netse; vȯhe iso. Category: names.
Netsévóhto na. Eagle Leggings. Usage: woman's name See: -vohtó ‘legging’. Category: names.
Netsévóse ni. Eagle Butte. located between the White River and the Niobrara. It has been marked on maps as Eagle Nest Butte. Category: places.
Netsévóto na. Eaglefeathers. Lit: eagle tailfeather See: netse ‘eagle’; voto ‘tailfeather’. Category: names, birds.
név- i. four. Category: quantity, numbers.
neva p. four times. See: neve. Category: numbers.
-neva vii. four in number (inan.) only used with plural subjects. É-névánėstse. They (inan.) are four in number. Etym: cf *nye·wenwi (P). Category: numbers.
neva éšeēva obl. Thursday. Lit: fourth day Category: time.
neva ma'éšeeve vii. when it is Thursday, on Thursday. See: neva éšeēva. Category: time.
neva o'xe ééšėhehpoésta vii. be four-thirty p.m. Category: time.
neva tsé'éšeeve when it was Thursday. Category: time.
neváaááhe pro. Gram: an Gram: sg Gram: interrog Who? (emphatic). Phon: stretched version of névááhe, with the prosodic symbolic effect typically indicating that the speaker emphatically does not know who someone is, for example, if in conversation people are wondering who could be mayor of Busby, someone might say néváaááhe implying 'Who could we get to be mayor of Busby?' See: névááhe. Category: identity.
névaaááso pro. Gram: an-sg-interrog Who (emphatic). stretched counterpart of névááso, for emphatic effect. Category: identity, record, check.
neváaāso pro. Gram: an-sg-interrog Who (emphatic).
névááhe pro. who. (another recording) There are various inflected and related forms: neváaseo'o Who (plural)? neváasóho Who (obviative)? névááso Who? nevá'esėstse someone. nevá'ėsesto someone (plural unspecified persons). Névááhe tséhomōsėstse? Who cooked? Névááhe tsénéménėstse? Who is singing? Névááhe tséévo'soo'ėstse? Who is playing? Névááhe tsévéhonevėstse? Who is the boss? Névááhe tsémanēstsėstse? Who made it? Névááhe háestoha tsééseváooestse? Who (singular) made the most baskets (in a basketball game)? Névááhe tséheaxȧxévonėstse? Who has the bell? (=is the boss; based on lead cow's bearing of a bell). Névááhe tséohkeéšemévóse váótséva? Who has eaten deer? Phon: stretched to néváaááhe for symbolic (emphatic) effect Névááhe tséoomȯhtse? Who did you hit? Névááhe tsépóoeséheta'e Who hit you on the nose? Tsé'tóhe névááhe? Who is this? névááhe and névááso are quite similar, but there are certain contexts where one is preferred over the other, for example, when asking 'Who said that?' it would be more common to say Névááhe tsénėheestse. Some other contexts where névááhe seems to be preferred also appear in this entry. Also see examples under névááso. See: névááso; nevá'esėstse; hénáá'e. Category: identity.
névááse pro. Gram: an Gram: sg Gram: interrog who. Variant: névááso. interrogative pronoun inflected for number and obviation. Névááse tséhehpėstȯhatse? Who has more? [ms 0620 193652.WAV@01:00] Plural neváaseo'o; Obviative neváasóho. See: névááhe. Category: identity.
neváaseo'o pro. Gram: pro-an-pl-interrog Who (pl)? interrogative pronoun inflected for number. (another recording) Tá'tó=neváaseo'o? Who are they? Neváaseo'o tséhoese? Who are there? Neváaseo'o tsémésėhese? Who are the ones who are eating? Neváaseo'o tsénémenese? Who are the ones who are singing? Néváaseo'o tséháomóhtȧhese? Who are the ones who are sick? Neváaseo'o háestoha tséésto'ȧhéotsese? Who (plural) had the most runs home? "Neváaseo'o tá'tóhe tséne'ama'hasó'hese?" móxhehéhe. "Who are those who are coming on horseback?" she said. [1987:21] Singular névááso. Category: identity.
névááso pro. Gram: an Gram: sg Gram: interrog Who? (another recording) Variant: névááse. interrogative pronoun inflected for number and obviation. Névááso tséméseestse? Who is eating? Névááso tsého'ēhnėstse? Who came? Tá'tó=névááso? (or, Névááso tá'tóhe?) Who's that? Phon: stretched to névaaááso for prosodic symbolism with meaning something like 'Who IS he?', when you REALLY emphatically don't know who he is Neváasóho tséhee'hahese? Who is his son? Neváasóho tséoomaese? Who hit him? Neváasóho tséoomose? Who did he hit? Plural neváaseo'o; Obviative neváasóho. See: névááhe. Category: identity.
nevá'esėstse pro. Gram: pro-an-sg-indef someone, somebody. This indefinite pronoun is used when speakers do not know the identity of a person they are speaking about. PD991: "unknown or unnamed". Nevá'esėstse móhéheotseotsėhéhe. Somebody must have vomited. Nevá'esėstse néhe. I wonder who that is. Nevá'esėstse tsénėhetáta'e. Someone is talking about you (humorous saying to someone who has sneezed). Nevá'ėsesto héá'ėháma éhó'továvoovȯxevaenáá'e. Maybe somebody doused him with water (he had been "on fire", full of ideas). Plural nevá'ėsesto; Obviative nevá'ėsesto. See: vo'ėstane ‘person’; hovánee'e ‘no one’. Category: identity.
nevá'hanéhe pro. Gram: na-pro-sg he/she is the one. Ques: is neva'háanéhe the non-contracted form? can only refer to a hero, someone in a discourse who has done something particularly heroic. "Ameto nevá'hanéhe," tsėhevoōne. "From now on (the young man) will be known as the (hero) one," they will say. See: nea'háanéhe. Category: identity.
-néva'ónéto vii. be the fourth one. É-néva'ónéto. It is the fourth one. tsé-néva'ónéto the fourth one. Category: numbers.
-névanené vai. do something four times. This can refer to doing some ceremonial act four times. É-névanēne. He did it four times. fai: -anené. Category: do.
-névánėstse vii. four in number (inanimate). É-névánėstse. There are four of them (inanimate). Category: quantity, numbers.
névave- pv. four. É-névavetsėhēso. It it this way in four. ?? [Cheyenne Seasons.024] Category: check, numbers.
névavo'ome ni. Four Directions ?? Category: check. See: névėstanevóo'e. Category: positions.
-névávóonešé vai. fast for four days. É-névávóónéše. ?? He fasted for four days. ma'taéše-névavoonėšenato... when you have fasted for four days... [VISION.TXT:1] See: -ávoonešé. Category: lie, record, check.
neve p. 4, four. (another recording) See: neva ‘four times’. Etym: *nye·wi. Category: numbers.
-néve vai. be four in number (an.) only used with plural subjects. É-néveo'o. There are four (animate). (another recording) Etym: *nye·wiwaki (P/L). É-névevohe? Are there four of them (animate)? Né-névemehe? Are there four of you? Ná-névéme. There are four of us (not including you). Éohke-nevo hoóxé'e. There are four (obv.) tepee poles. [1987:225] Category: numbers, quantity.
néve- pv. four. É-névemésėheo'o. There are four of them eating. Category: numbers.
néve- i. four. É-néveóhta. He has four legs. É-néveaénáma. He is four years old. Category: numbers.
-néveaénamá vai. four years old - be. É-néveaénáma. He is four years old. Category: numbers, ages.
névéé'ėše p. four days. Etym: *nye·wiki·šehkwe· (P). Névéé'ėše náévȧho'eōhtse. I returned four days ago. Éma'xėhoo'kōho névéé'ėše. It has been really raining for four days now. Névéé'ėše móh-néma'eméohehevóhe. For four days they ran around. [1987:245] Névéé'ėše éévoésenaho hemȧhta'sóomaho. He spirit is hanging around for four days. This is the amount of time that the spirit of a deceased hangs around after a Cheyenne death. Category: time, death.
-néveéno'e vii. four overnights ago, four nights ago. É-néveéno'e. It was for four overnights. fii: -éno'e2. Category: time.
-néveéše'hamá vai. be four months old, be four months along in pregnancy. Éta-néveéše'hāma. He is four months old. fai: -éše'hamá. Category: ages.
-néve'évá vai. have four wives. É-néve'ēva. He had four wives. Medial -'évá. See: -néše'évá ‘two wives - have’. Category: marriage.
-néve'hahtáxé vai. have four legs. For example, used to refer to when a young man brings his girlfriend home to sleep over. In the morning his mother or sisters might not say anything directly to him about it, but they can say this idiom about him in Cheyenne, referring to the four legs now in his bed. Humorous. Éméo-néve'hahtáxe. He has four legs in the morning. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. Category: figurative, sex.
Névé'nėhešéve! vai. Don't do that! vai: -nėhešéve. Category: do.
-néveóhtá vai. have four legs. for example, the horse; Sweet Medicine predicted that an animal, the horse, would come to the Cheyennes having four legs. É-néveóhta. He has four legs. Etym: *nye·wika·te·wa (P). BodyPartMedial -óhtá2. Category: horses.
néveóhtaoestȯtse ni. burial scaffold, bier. Lit: four-legged-standing-thing Etym: *nye·wika·te·ka·po·weni (P). See: -evo'kona'o ??. Category: death.
-néveóhtáóó'e vai. burial scaffold be on, stand on four legs. Phon: vs this was a traditional place to lay the body of a deceased person. É-néveóhtáóó'e. He is standing on four legs, he is on a burial scaffold. [1987:266] Etym: *nye·wika·te·ka·po·wa (P). fai: -óé2. Category: death, stand.
-néveóhtavonehné vai. crawl on all fours. This is with the body lifted off the ground by both arms and both legs. É-néveóhtavonēhne. He is crawling on all fours. BodyPartMedial -óhtá2. Category: babies, motion.
névėstanevóo'e na. Gram: pl Four Directions. This is a ceremonial term for the sacred powers at the four points of the compass. The traditional words for the four directions are ceremonial words. Many speakers today do not know them. Here are the four directions as given by an elder in 2021: héséne east. sóvóne south. ónėsóvóne west. notamota north. A good number of speakers know descriptive words for east and west in 2021: éše'he tsénėxhésemé'éhnėse east (literally, where the sun appears). éše'he tsétȧhešeta'ēhnėse west (literally, where the sun sets). See: névavo'ome. Category: sacred, ceremonial, positions.
-névėškóhtá vai. have four legs. tséh-névėškóhtáto four-wheeler. BodyPartMedial -(hk)óhtá. Category: new.
-névóehné vai. bear four children. É-névóéhne. She (or He) bore four children. Etym: cf *nyi·wo·nšye·wa (P). fai: -óehné. Category: numbers.
-névoeme vai. cost four dollars. É-névoeme. It/He costs four dollars. Etym: *nye·wakinsowa (P). É-névoeme naa o'xe. He/It costs four and a half dollars. Final -oeme. Category: money, value.
-névȯhoénehe vai. wipe face. É-névȯhoénehe. He wiped his (own) face. Variant: -nėhévȯhoéné; vta: -névȯhoénén. Category: face, groom.
névȯhoénėhestȯtse na. towel. Lit: wipe-face-thing Variant: nėhévȯhoénestȯtse. This seems to be a less common pronunciation, compared to nėhévȯhoénestȯtse. Plural névȯhoénėhestoto. Category: groom.
-névȯhoéneh(n) vta. wipe face of s.o. with an object. for example, to wipe the face with a towel. É-névȯhoénehno. He wiped his face. É-névȯhoénėhnóho (newer pronunciation) He wiped his face. See: -nėhoná. Category: face.
-névȯhoénén vta. wipe face of s.o. É-névȯhoénenahtse. He wiped his (own) face. Variant: -nėhévȯhoéné. Category: face, groom.
nevōhto na. your pants. a single pair. nevȯhtoho your pairs of pants. Possessive -vohtó. See: navōhto ‘my pants’. Category: clothing.
pv. forty, 40. Etym: *nye·wa·xkwe· (P) ‘four pieces of wood’. Category: numbers.
névo'é p. forty, 40. Final -ó'é. Category: numbers.
névó'e hóhtȯhnóhónó'e p. 450. Category: numbers.
-névo'eaénáma vai. forty years old. Category: ages, numbers.
-névo'tonohe vai. have four braids. É-névo'tonohe. He has four braids. fai: -o'tonohe. Category: hair.
-névovahe vai. be four groups. only used with plural subjects. É-névovȧheo'o. There are four groups (an.). Etym: cf *nyi·wo·te·wa (P). Final -óvahe2. See: -óvé. Category: numbers.
-névóvátó vii. four groups (inan.) - be. É-névóvátónėstse. There are four groups (inan.). fii: -óvátó. Category: numbers, check.
névóve p. four groups of. névóve xamaevo'ėstaneo'o four tribes of Indians. Etym: *nye·wanwi. See: nó'kóve; neva. Category: numbers. Ques: What question is asked to get an answer of névóve? Place a short list of group numbers under such a question word.
-névȯxe'ohe vii. four o'clock. É-névȯxe'ohe. It is 4 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.
nėx- dir. toward, hither. allomorph of neh- preceding /h/. É-nėxho'eotsēstse. He brought it here. É-nėxho'ēhne. He came here. See: nėh-. Antonym ta-1. Category: directions.
néx i. two. tsé-néxa'ónéto the second one. Category: numbers.
nexa p. two times, twice. (another recording) nexa hámȯhtsėhnéstóva tsénėhe'ėsévoénėstse two tepees long-faced. That was a funny phrase said by a lady related to a long-faced man whom she wished to shame for having beaten his wife; it means something like: "his face is so long he could pitch two tepees on it". See: neše ‘two’. Etym: *nyi·šenwi. Category: numbers, sayings.
-nexa vii. two in number (inan.) not used with sg. subject. É-néxánėstse There are two of them (inan.). Etym: *nyi·šenwi (P). Category: quantity, numbers.
nexa éšeēva Tuesday. Lit: second day
p. Category: time.
nexa mȧhtóhtoha mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e two thousand times. Category: numbers.
nexa mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e two hundred times. Category: numbers.
nexa mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhnó'ka two hundred and one times. Category: numbers.
nexa ma'éšeeve when it is Tuesday; on Tuesday. Category: time.
nexa ó'ome éhóomóhtahe vai. he has double pneumonia. Category: sickness.
nexa taoheóne obl. two miles in distance. See: taoheóne. Category: distance.
nexa taoheónéva obl. two miles in distance. Category: distance.
nexa tsé'éšeeve vii. when it was Tuesday. See: nexa éšeēva. Category: time.
néxahe na. Gram: poss my grandchild, my child-in-law, my grandchildren, my children-in-law. (another recording) (another recording: John Standsintimber) (another recording) Some speakers use this for both 'my grandchild' and 'my grandchildren'. Usage: This is the older way of pronouncing this word. The newer way is: navéxahe Variant: navéxahe. néxaho my grandchildren. néxahaneo'o our grandchildren. See: éxahe ‘your grandchild(ren)’. Etym: *no·hšihsa ‘my grandchild’. Category: relatives.
néxahéhasėstse na. grandchildren (vocative), children-in-law (vocative). This is said when speaking to them. See: néxahe; éxahe. Category: relatives.
-nėxȧheve vai. be an orphan. É-nėxȧheve. He is an orphan. [The Hat.004] See: nėstamenóohe; Náhkȯhenėxāhe.
-nėxȧhéveotse vai. orphaned. seems to include the idea that someone was orphaned rather suddenly. É-nėxȧhéveotse. He was orphaned suddenly. Naa máto étavé'še-nėxȧhéveotseo'o ka'ėškóneho. And also (liquor) makes orphans out of children. (1987:61). See: -eeotse.
nėxáhp- i. dull. É-nėxáhpo. It is dull. Category: texture.
-nėxáhpeotse vii. become dull. É-nėxáhpeotse. It became dull. Category: texture.
-nėxahpó vii. be dull. for example, about a knife. É-nėxáhpo. It is dull. Ques: pitch on ah; check question or plural?? Etym: cf *kešepye·wi ‘it is terminated, blunted’. Antonym -ó'a'ó. Category: texture, check.
néxȧhtsenávó'e ni. double barrel shotgun. Medial -ó'é6. See: šé'šeetaemaahévó'e. Lit: two-mouth-gun Category: hunt, guns.
-néxa'etāno vai. think two ways. É-néxa'etāno. He thinks two ways. for example, when someone follows two different religions. See: -héstovetanó. Category: cognition.
-néxa'hasó'he vai. ride horse together, ride horse double. É-néxa'hasó'heo'o. They are riding horse together. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-néxa'ó vai. 1 • both fall. É-néxa'oo'o. They both fell.
2 • be inseparable friends.
-néxa'ónétó vii. second. É-néxa'ónéto. It is second. tsé-néxa'ónéto the second one. fii: -a'ónétó. Category: numbers.
-néxan vta. arm in arm with s.o. - be. for example, walking around with arms around each other or just with arms hooked. É-néxanóho He is arm in arm with him (or her). É-néxanȧhtseo'o. They are walking arm in arm (or with arms hooked) (for example, when courting). Category: marriage, romance.
-néxan vti. hold two things. É-néxananȯtse. He is holding them, two things. See: -névan; -no'kan. Category: quantity.
Néxana'hāne na. Kills Twice, Two Kills, Counts Coups Twice. Category: check, names.
Néxana'hané'e na. Kills Twice Woman, Two Kills Woman, Counts Coups Twice Woman. Ques: Nexa Na'hané'e?? Category: check, names.
nėxāne na. Gram: poss our uncle. Ques: rerecord ?? Category: check, relatives.
-néxanené vai. have two of a kind (in cards). Ná-néxanēne. I have two of a kind. É-néxanēne. He has two of a kind. Category: cards.
-néxánėstse vii. two of them (inanimate). É-néxánėstse. There are two of them (inanimate). Category: quantity.
néxhó'hóma p. this side. Antonym nȧhéstó'e. See: hó'hóma ‘this side’. Category: positions.
nexo'- i. raw.
nėxo'é- pv. raw. nėxo'é-ho'évohkȯhtse raw meat. Ques: recheck claim about older speaker usage?? Var: xo'é-. Category: cook, check.
nėxo'ėho'évohkȯhtse ni. raw meat. See: ho'évohkȯhtse. Category: meat.
nėxo'mévéhe na. watermelon. Lit: raw-eating thing ?? Plural nėxo'mévėheo'o; Obviative nėxo'mévėheho ??; Oklahoma Dialect mȧhōō'o. See: mȧhōō'o. Category: food, check.
-néxonené vai. have two teeth. É-néxonēne. He has two teeth. BodyPartMedial -onené.
nexoóht- i. cute. É-nėxoóhtahe. He/she is cute. É-nėxoóhtȯhomo'he. He danced in a cute way.
-nėxoóhtahe vai. cute. É-nėxoóhtahe. He/she is cute. É-nėxoóhtȧheo'o. They are cute. vii: -nėxoóhta'e, -nėxoósó. See: -koóhtahe. Category: appearance.
-nėxoóhtahtsé vai. cute mouth. É-nėxoóhtáhtse. He has a cute mouth. Category: mouth, body.
-nėxoóhta'e vii. cute. É-nėxoóhta'e. ?? It is cute. Category: appearance, check.
-nėxoóhta'ó vai. fall in a cute way; For example, fell and stubbed his toe in a way that is cute/funny. É-nėxoóhtá'o. He fell and stubbed his toe in a cute way. Category: fall.
-nėxoóhtátam vta. regard s.o. as cute. É-nėxoóhtatamóho. He thinks he (obv) is cute. fta: -átam. Category: cognition, appearance.
-nėxoóhtátsestá vti. regard s.t. as cute. É-nėxoóhtátsésta. He thinks it's cute. Category: cognition, appearance.
-nėxoóhtȯhomo'he vai. dance in a cute way. É-nėxoóhtȯhomo'he. He danced in a cute way. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-nėxoóhtȯhta'hané vai. tell cute story. É-nėxoóhtȯhta'hāne. He told a cute story. fai: -ohta'hané. See: -hohta'hané. Category: speak.
nėxoóhtȯhta'hēō'o ni. cute story. Héne nėxoóhtȯhta'heonȯtse éohkėho'e'hanánȯtse. Those cute stories were how he paid for his food. [The Owl.020]
-nėxoóhtó'ané vai. say cute. É-nėxoóhtó'áne. He talks cute. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-nėxoóhto'eétahe vai. do something cute. É-nėxoóhto'eétahe. He did something cute. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-nėxoóhtȯsem vta. tell a cute story about s.o. É-nėxoóhtȯsemóho. He told a cute story about him (obv). See: -hósem. Category: speak.
-nėxoóhtȯseme vii. cute story. É-nėxoóhtȯseme. It is a cute story. See: -hósem.
nėxoóhtȯxe'a'xéheo'o ni. cartoon. Category: new. See: momóhtȯxe'a'xestȯtse ‘T.V., movie’.
nėxoóse- p. cute. É-nėxoóseameōhtse. He is walking in a cute way.
-nėxoóséné vai. cute face. É-nėxoóséne. He has a cute face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-nėxoósenestse vai. speak in a cute way. É-nėxoósenestse. He talks cute. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-nėxoósenóno'e vii. look cute. É-nėxoósenóno'e. It looks cute. Category: appearance.
-nėxoósenóohe vai. look cute. É-nėxoósenóohe. He looks cute. Category: appearance.
-nėxoósenóohešé vai. look cute lying, lie looking cute. É-nėxoósenóohēše. He is lying (there) looking cute. Category: lie, appearance.
-nėxoósėsané vai. dressed cute. É-nėxoósėsáne. He is dressed cute. Usage: not commonly used; more common would be -nėxoósetsėhesėsané Variant: -nėxoósetsėhesėsané; Final -sané. Category: dress.
-nėxoósetāno vai. feel humorous about something, think that something is funny. É-nėxoósetāno. He is thinking something is funny. Category: emotions.
-nėxoósetsėhesėsané vai. dress cute. É-nėxoósetsėhesėsāne. He is dressed cute. Variant: nėxoósėsané. Category: dress.
-nėxoósevéhe vai. cute name, named cute. É-nėxoósevéhe. He has a cute name.
-nėxoósevonehné vai. cute crawl. É-nėxoósevonēhne. He is crawling in a cute way. fai: -vonehné. Category: babies.
-nėxoósó vii. cute. É-nėxoóso. It is cute. [pd272] vai: -nėxoóhtahe. Category: appearance.
-nó1 sfx. TI final. Évóóhtá-nóvo. They saw it. Náho'tsé-nonėstse We (excl) have them (inan). Ného'ȧhé-novotse Do you (pl) want them (inan)? Náhestaná-nȯse. I am said to have seen it. Éhvóohta-noho. He saw it (pret). Category: grammar.
-nó2 fni. place, area, district. Onónéno Ree district. Mo'ȯhtávȯheomenéno Black Lodge district. Heévȧhetanēno Oklahoma. mȧhoéve'ho'éno town. Tsėhéstáno Cheyenne nation; reservation. Oévemanȧhéno Birney, Montana; Watonga, Okla. He'konemȧhoéve'ho'éno Hardin, Montana. nótȧxéve'ho'éno barracks. See: -venó; šē'e; -ma'o'omenó; -má; -ó. Category: positions.
-nó3 sfx. TA final which is the allomorph of the -'tov final, used when the stem-final vowel is high-pitched. Phon: This allomorph itself is used, instead of its low-pitched counterpart, when the subject of the verb is plural. Néméa-nóvoo'o. You gave them (an) away. See: -no; -'tov; -'t. Category: grammar.
-no sfx. conjunct participle ending for 1st person subject and 3rd person plural object. tséméhótó-no those who I love. tséhvóomō-no when I saw them. tséonóomō-no the ones who I called. Category: grammar.
-no sfx. first person plural exclusive suffix. Névóomeme-no. You (sg/pl) saw us (excl). Category: grammar.
-no sfx. direct voice TA final. This is an allomorph of the -'tov final, used when the stem-final vowel is high-pitched. Phon: This allomorph itself has the allomorph -not when it is the last final of a verb. This allomorph itself has the high-pitched allomorph -nó when the subject of the verb is plural. Néne'étamé-none. We (incl) depend on him. Variant: -'tov. See: -nó; -not. Category: grammar.
-nó sfx. delayed imperative suffix for third person plural object. Ques: recheck analysis?? Vé'hoomóóno! Look at them (later)! Tanė-hetóóno ného'ééhe naa náhko'ééhe naa navóohestoto...! Tell my father and my mother and my relatives...! Category: grammar, check.
nóa- i. giveaway, give at a feast. É-nóahá'éne She is cooking for the wedding feast. É-nóahešéve. He is giving away. See: -mea'e; Nóáhe. Etym: cf. M na·sewan. Category: marriage.
-nóahá'ené vai. cook for a return wedding feast. This is done by the bride's family. put on by the groom's family one year after the Indian wedding ?? see discussion of Indian weddings under -onenová. Variant: -nȯhóahá'ené. Ééva-nóahá'éne. She is cooking for the return wedding feast. É-nóahá'eneo'o. They are cooking the wedding return feast. fai: -ahá'ené. See: -hóo'otsėstómané; -hóahá'ené ‘take out food’; -nóahešéve ‘giveaway’; -nóvȧhá'ené ‘cook slowly’. Category: marriage, Indian wedding, check.
-nóahá'eov vta. cook wedding return meal for s.o. É-nóahá'eóó'e hevéškemo. His mother-in-law cooked the return wedding meal for him. fta: -ahá'eov. Category: cook.
Nóáhe1 Giver, Providence, God. translation uncertain; Petter (dictionary, p. 714) glosses it as 'Munificence, personified deified Providence'; on p. 870 Petter glosses it as 'the providing deity'. Usage: archaic translation uncertain; Petter (dictionary, p. 714) glosses it as 'Munificence, personified deified Providence'; on p. 870 Petter glosses it as 'the providing deity'. Old term for a deity, recorded by Grinnell and Petter. The spelling is uncertain; it may, instead, be Nóváhe, but current evidence favors Nóáhe. It has been suggested by a Cheyenne speaker that some proper names, such as Nóává'e 'Medicine Woman' and Mo'éhenóave 'Medicine Elk', end with a suffixal form of this name--in such proper names, as with proper names with ma'hēō'o, a typical translation for -nóave is 'Medicine'. See comments under Ma'hēō'o regarding its range of meanings. See: nóa-; ma'heón; Nóává'e; Mo'éhenóave; Nóávóse; Háónóváhe; nóahešévé; ová(v)-; -ová; -votahe. Category: sacred.
nóáhe2 p. Here it is, take it! Usage: old people used to say this, now usually shortened to náhe See: náhe.
-nóahešéh vta. giveaway to s.o. É-nóahešeho. He gave away to him. Ná-nóahešeha. He gave away to me. Ná-nóahešéhaa'e. He gave it away to me. Ná-nóahešéhanenȯtse mo'éhno'ha. I got a horse from a giveaway. Náma'xe-nóahešéháne I was really given away to (= I got a lot at the giveaway). vai: -nóahešéve. Category: social events.
-nóahešéve vai. giveaway. É-nóahešéve. He is giving away. Etym: cf *na·xkye·wa ‘he fetches people; he holds a feast (P)’. É-nóahešéveo'o. They are giving away. Ques: try to determine for sure whether this and related forms begin with -nóa or -nóva ?? vta: -nóahešéh. See: -hešévé; Nóávóse; -nóahá'ené. Category: social events, check.
-nóahešéve'seh vta. giveaway for s.o., giveaway on behalf of s.o. This is giving away to honor someone. Often the person honored is one of your children. Ná-nóahešévé'sého. I gave away for him. Nȧhtona ná-nóahešévé'sého. I gave away for my daughter. Nae'ha ná-nóahešévé'sého. I gave away for my son. Ná-nóahešéve'seha. He gave away for me. fta: -'seh; vai: -nóahešévé. See: -nóahešeh; -vóo'ėstómané'tov. Category: social events.
-nóahešévé'tov vta. giveaway s.o. É-nóahešévenoto mo'éhno'hāme. He gave away a horse. Category: social events.
nóahešévestȯtse ni. giveaway. Category: social events.
-nóahešévėstove vii. Gram: impers be a giveaway. É-nóahešévėstove. There is a giveaway. vai: -nóahešéve. Category: social events.
Nóá'héhe na. Giving Woman. See: Nóává'e; Nóávóse1. Category: names.
noanéstatoo'o na. female epithet. This is an old word of a female epithet curse called to another woman.
Nóává'e na. Medicine Woman. alt: Nóvává'e. spelling is uncertain between Nóává'e and Nóvává'e.?? See: Mo'éhenóave; Nóáhe1. Category: names, check.
nóavoo'ȯtse na. lazy person. Usage: often used as a putdown Phon: vs Plural nóavooto; Obviative nóavooto. Morph: /nóavoot/. Category: personality.
Nóávóse ni. Bear Butte. Lit: possibly medicine(sacred)-hill, or giving-hill Variant: Nóvávóse. Spelling is uncertain between Nóávóse and Nóvávóse.?? (another recording) Note: Located a few miles northwest of Rapid City, South Dakota; this is where Sweet Medicine received the covenant of the Sacred Arrows for the Cheyennes, and where Cheyennes go to pray and fast. This is a different butte from Náhkȯhévóse. Nóávóse is translated as Gift Butte or Offer Butte in an 1886 list of Cheyenne place names. Nóávóse is the probable spelling but it could be Nóvávóse. fni: -ose2. See: Nóáhe1 ‘Giver, Providence, God’; Mo'éhenóave ‘Medicine Elk’; Nóává'e ‘Medicine Woman’; -nóahešéve ‘giveaway’; Náhkȯhévóse ‘hill’. Category: places, check.
-nóestsé fti. affect appearance of s.t. for example, changing the appearance of a house. Épėhéve-nóéstse. He fixed it up nice. Ques: Does the final here tell us that -pėhévenóohe should be -pėhévenóehe? fai: -nóohe; fii: -nóno'e.
nóháse p. whatever, any, anything. Often takes the particle =hamá as a following attachment, as nóhásė=háma, 'just any way'. Nóhásė=háma éohkenėšėhetóseóxȯhevoo'o. He just says anything; he is unpredictable in what he says. (This has a meaning similar to 'he is wishy-washy.'). Variant: nóháso, náhóse, náháse.
nóhásėháma p. anything; any way, anywhere. Variant: nóhásȯháma, náhásėháma. See: nóháse; -hamá.
nóháso p. whatever, any, anything. often occurs with the following particle attached: =hamá. nóháso hetane any man. nóháso tóne'še whenever. Éohkemese nóháso hová'éhe. He eats anything. Nóháso hová'éhe éohketotóxésta. He talks about anything. Nóháso éhová'evėhevóhe. I'm wondering (or I was wondering) who/whatever they are. Tósa'e nóháso móstanėšema'xetónėšėhe'amepónenenėhéhe. He just shot in any direction up in the air (1987:277). See: nóhásėháma; . Variant: nóháse, náhóse, náháse.
nóhásȯháma p. anything, any way, anywhere. Nóhásȯháma é-tónėšéveo'o. They do anything (like, just any old thing). Nóhásȯháma étónėšėtó'hovȯheneo'o hétsetseha. They just put up tepees any old way now. [1987:224] Variant: nóhásėháma.
-nȯheohtsé vii. come off, brushed off. É-nȯheōhtse. It (or He) is coming off/it is being brushed off. See: -nėhon.
nóheto p. let's go, go ahead. acts like a command. (another recording) Variant: nómȯheto. See: mónėhé'še; nómonėhē'še.
-nóhkahe vai. frivolous. É-nóhkahe. He is frivolous. Usage: obsolescent See: -tónėšenóhkahe. Category: personality.
Nóhka'héhe na. Contrary Woman. Non-contracted Hohnóhka'héhe. Category: names.
-nóhkȯhomo'he ni. dance the pot dance. É-nóhkȯhomo'he. He danced the pot dance. É-nóhkȯhomó'heo'o. They danced the pot dance. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
nóhkȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. pot dance. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
nóhne- pv. very, intensive. Ques: RECK distribution (other modes) and semantics (other verb stems) Cannot be used as a preverb in every mode; perhaps only in the inferential. Ques: nóh-?? Category: check. éxhoháananótseneho móh-nóhnėhetaa'ótseho. (Her leg) was very heavy; it was very big. [1980:66:79] Category: degree.
Nóhné'áhe na. Cripple. Category: names.
-nóhne'ahe vai. limp, be crippled; be lame. É-nóhne'ahe. He is a cripple/he is crippled. Variant: -nóhne'kahe. Category: sickness.
Nóhne'kaestse na. Limpy. Category: names.
-nóhne'kahe vai. limp, be crippled, be lame. É-nóhne'kahe. He limps. Variant: -nóhne'ahe. Category: sickness.
-nóhne'kȧhéhne vai. walk with a limp. É-nóhne'kȧhéhne. He walked with a limp.
Nóhne'kȧhé'héhe na. Limpy Woman, Lame Woman. Category: names.
Nóhne'kȧhéso na. Little Limpy. Category: names.
noho p. five, 5. (another recording) noho hetaneo'o five men. noho ma'kaetánėstse $5 (literally, 5 monies). Etym: *nya·θani. See: nóhona. Category: numbers.
-nȯhóahá'ené vai. cook for return wedding feast. This is done by the bride's family. put on by the groom's family one year after the Indian wedding ?? Category: check. see discussion of Indian weddings under -onenová. Variant: -nóahá'ené. Ééva-nȯhóahá'éne. She is cooking for the return wedding feast. fai: -ahá'ené. See: -nȯhóeve ‘marry into family’; -hóo'otsėstómané ‘prepare Indian wedding’; -hóahá'ené ‘take out food’; -nóahešéve ‘giveaway’; -nóvȧhá'ené ‘cook slowly’. Category: marriage, Indian wedding.
-nȯhóahá'eov vta. cook wedding feast for s.o. This is cooking for the "return" wedding feast. ?? Énó-ahá'eóó'e hevéškemo. His mother-in-law cooked the return wedding meal for him. [WEDDING.TXT] fta: -ahá'eov. Category: cook, check.
-nȯhóeve vai. marry into a family. said of a man (the groom). É-nȯhóeve. He is married into the family. Hénėhéóhe é-nȯhóeve Aénȯhéso. Little Hawk was married into that family. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.013] Heé hé'tóhe émóna'e nétaéšemóne-nȯhóeve. Hey, this is brand new. This is the first time you've been married. [1987:174] See: -nȯhóahá'ené ‘cook wedding return meal’. Category: marriage.
-nȯhóevotse'ohe vai. work for family married into. É-nȯhóevotse'ohe. He works after marriage for his father-in-law. Category: work.
-nȯhó'eóó'e vai. park. for example, to park at the side of a road or in a parking lot. Phon: vs É-nȯhó'eóó'e. He is parked. Hétsėhéóhe ná-nȯhóe'eóó'e. I'm parked here. tsé'ȯhke-nȯhó'eóestove parking lot. See: -anȯhó'eóó'e ‘park on an incline’.
-nȯho'honá vai. lay eggs. É-nȯho'hōna. She lay eggs. See: -nȯho'honaa'e. Category: birds.
-nȯho'honaa'e sit laying eggs. Lit: set sitting É-nȯho'honaa'e. She sat laying eggs. É-nȯho'honáeo'o. They are sitting laying eggs. Morph: /-noho'honáe/. See: -nȯho'honá. Phon: vs Category: birds.
-nȯho'xéohtsé vai. pack on the back.
vti. Gram: ai+o pack something on the back. É-nȯho'xéóhtse ma'aatánó'e. He is packing a gun on his back.
nóhon i. five. tsé-nóhona'ónéto the fifth one. [The Hunter and the Badger.32] Category: numbers.
pv. five times. See: noho. Category: numbers.
-nóhoná vii. be five in number, be a five dollar bill. É-nóhonánėstse. There are five of them (inan.). Etym: *nya·θanenwi (P). Category: money.
nóhona éšeēva Friday. Lit: fifth day Category: time.
nóhona ma'éšeeve viki. when it is Friday, on Friday. Category: time, time.
nóhona tsé'éšeeve vii. when it was Friday. Category: time.
Nóhonaéšeeva ni. Gram: obl on Friday. Lit: on the fifth day Category: time.
-nóhonaeve vii. five dollars, 5 dollars. É-nóhonaeve. It is five dollars. Category: money.
-nóhona'ónétó vii. fifth. É-nóhona'ónéto. It is the fifth one. tsé-nóhona'ónéto the fifth one. fii: -a'ónétó. See: -nóhona. Category: numbers.
-nóhonánėstse vii. five of them (inanimate) - there are. É-nóhonánėstse. There are 5 of them (inanimate). (another recording) Category: quantity.
nóhone- pv. five.
-nóhone vai. be five in number. É-nóhoneo'o. There are five (animate). Etym: *nya·θaniwaki (P/L). É-nóhonevohe? Are there five (animate)? Category: numbers.
-nóhoneaénamá vai. be five years old. É-nóhoneaénáma. He is five years old. See: -aénamá. Category: numbers, ages.
nóhonēē'ėše p. five days. Etym: *nya·θanwiki·šehkwe· (P). Nȧhtseévȧho'eōhtse nóhonéé'ėše. I'll be back in five days. Category: numbers, time.
-nóhoneéše'hamá vai. be five months old. É-nóhoneéše'hāma. He is five months old. See: -éše'hamá. Category: numbers.
-nóhonévesé vai. five point antlered. É-nóhonévéše. He has five point antlers. BodyPartMedial -évesé. Category: animals, hunt.
-nóhonóehné vai. bear five children. É-nóhonóéhne. She bore five children. fai: -óehné. Category: numbers.
-nóhonoeme vai. cost five dollars.
vii. cost five dollars. É-nóhonoeme. It (or He) costs $5. Etym: *nya·θano·kinsowa (P). Category: money.
nóhonó'e- pn. 50, fifty. A prenoun like this is used with the noun final -āā'e to indicate numbers of years. Category: time.
nóhónó'e p. fifty, 50. (another recording) Etym: *nya·θanwa·xkwe· (P) ‘five pieces of wood’. Category: numbers.
nóhonó'eāā'e ni. fifty years, 50 years. Category: time.
nóhónové p. five groups of. Morph: /nóhónové/. Etym: *nya·θanwanwi. See: nó'kóve. Category: numbers.
-nóhonȯxe'ohe vai. be five o'clock. É-nóhonȯxe'ohe. It is 5 o'clock. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.
-nȯhoomaa'e vai. sit wrapped in a blanket. É-nȯhoomaa'e. He is sitting wrapped in a blanket. Category: sit.
-nȯhoomán vta. put blanket on s.o., put shawl on s.o. É-nȯhoomano. He put a blanket on him. É-nȯhoománóho. He put a blanket on him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-nȯhoománaenoto. He put a blanket (obv) around me. Nȯhoománahtsėstse! Put your blanket/shawl on! Nȯhoománeha! Give her a Pendleton blanket! See: hóoma ‘blanket’; -hestoomáov ‘put a blanket over s.o.’. Category: groom.
-nȯhoomáohtsé vai. have on a shawl, have a blanket wrapped around. É-nȯhoomáóhtse. She had a blanket/shawl on (wrapped around her). Category: dress.
-nȯhoomáxestȯtse na. blanket covers, covers. he-nȯhoomáxestoto his blanket covers. [1987:195] See: hoemah.
-nȯhóvo'oo'e vai. sit with blanket, shawl, or robe wrapped around. É-nȯhóvo'oo'e. She has (a robe) wrapped about her. Hotóavóoma móh-nȯhóvo'oehéhe. She had on a buffalo robe. [1987:311] Phon: vs Category: sit.
nóhpa- pv. had to, so that, in order to. Ná-nóhpavóho'oēstse. I had to throw it away. Ná-nóhpamésehe. I had to eat. for example, I didn't want to hurt the cook's feelings. Hóhkeehe éssáa-nóhpȧno'ketónėšenaóotséhe. Blackstone was the only one that did not get any sleep at all. [1987:31)] móstanoná'tsevo'ėšenȧhevóhe mósta-nóhpakȧhaneotsėhevóhe They fell exhausted, it caused them to become tired. [1987:175] Reduplicated nónóhpa. See: me'-hó'ke-; hé-.
nóht-1 i. approach. É-nóhtȯhomo'he. He is doing the telling war deeds dance. É-nóhtsėhoto. He approached him. Variant: nóse-; Homonym nóht-. See: nȯht-.
nóht-2 i. fetch, go for. É-nóhtȧhá'éne. She went after the cooked food. É-nóhtȧhéne. He is going to get beer. Homonym nóht-. Etym: *na·t(aw)-, *na·ci-, *na·s-, na·θ- fetch, seek.
noht- i. search for, seek. Variant: nos-. Etym: *natw-.
-nóhtá fti. sew s.t. Épo'é-nóhta. He patched it. Etym: *kwa·t(am) (R). vta: -nót; fai: -nó'é. Category: sew.
-nóhtȧhá'ené vai. go after cooked food, fetch food. É-nóhtȧhá'éne. She went after the cooked food. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: cook.
-nóhtȧhá'enéohe vai. go after cooked food quickly, fetch food quickly. É-nóhtȧhá'enéohe. She went after the cooked food quickly. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: cook.
-nóhtȧhené vai. fetch drink, fetch beer, go for drinks, go for beer. originally referred to fetching water and later applied to fetching beer. É-nóhtȧhéne. He is going to get beer. Category: drink.
-nóhta'ee'e vai. sit with head toward (something), face something. especially of a dog sitting facing the door of a house. É-nóhta'ee'e. He is sitting with his head toward (something). É-nóhta'éeo'o. They are sitting facing (something). BodyPartMedial -a'é; vta: -nóhta'ée'tov. Category: sit, head.
-nóhta'ée'tá vti. sit facing s.t. É-nóhta'éé'ta. He is sitting facing it. See: ae'ta'é-; -ae'ta'ée'tá. Category: sit.
-nóhta'ée'tov vta. sit facing s.o. É-nóhta'ée'tovóho He is sitting facing him. See: ae'ta'é-; -ae'ta'ée'tov. Category: sit.
-nóhta'eóé'tov vta. stand facing s.o. Oha ná-nóhta'eóé'tóvo Ma'hēō'o. I'm only looking toward God. See: -ae'ta'éoe'tov; -tsėheta'éoe'tov. Category: stand.
-nóhta'évá vai. go for wife, fetch wife. Éta-nóhta'éva. He went for his wife. That is, he went to get his wife; perhaps she was visiting somewhere. Etym: *na·teθkwe·we·wa (P). Medial -'évá. Category: marriage.
-nóhta'háohtsé vai. fetch a man, look for a husband. This is considered degrading to a woman. A woman looking for a man may imply that the woman is doing this for a bad (that is, illicit) purpose. This is considered degrading to a woman; a man should look for a woman. É-nóhta'háóhtse. She went looking for a man. Feminine -asėta'évá. See: -aháotse; -háotse. Category: marriage.
-nóhta'ó'tá vti. grab for s.t., jump at s.t. É-nóhta'ō'ta. He grabbed for it.
-nóhta'ó'tov vta. tackle s.o., grab for s.o., jump at s.o. É-nóhta'ó'tovóho. He tackled him / jumped at him. Category: phys. ed..
-nóhta'ov vta. fetch s.o. to drive; come after s.o. to drive; go after s.o. to drive. especially for getting cattle to drive. É-nóhta'ovóho. He went after him to drive him. Ná-nóhta'ōvo. I came after him. See: -nó'otseh; -nó'otseh; -nó'oohé't.
-nóhta'ovo'hamé vai. go after horses. É-nóhta'ovo'hāme. He went to get horses. See: -nȯhtsevo'hamé. Category: horses.
-nóhta'xanéhne'tov vta. go crying to s.o. for help. É-nóhta'xanéhne'tovósesto. He would cry to them for help (reportative). This especially refers to a man who has pledged to go through the Sun Dance going his soldier society for help in procuring the remaining items for the dance which he and his wife had not been able to gather. Category: cry.
-nóhtané'tá vti. look for s.t. while diving. É-nóhtané'ta. He looked for it while diving. See: -nȯhtse'á. Category: sight.
-nóhtoemȧhané vai. fetch firewood, go after firewood. É-nóhtoemȧhāne. He is going after firewood. See: -mȧhané.
-nóhtȯhomo'he vai. telling war deeds dance; pot dance. Lit: approach-dance During this dance people sang for scouts or veterans. Each warrior would tell his deedwhen the drum would be hit. Someone usually said "Hokahey" (in recognition of the war deed. É-nóhtȯhomo'he. He is doing the war deeds dance. É-nóhtȯhomó'heo'o. They are doing the dance where war deeds are declared. Category: dance. fai: -ohomó'he.
-nóhtȯhomó'he'tanoné vai. sing the Telling War Deeds Dance. É-nóhtȯhomó'hetanōne. He is singing the Telling War Deeds Dance song. Ná'osáane-nóhtȯhomó'he'tanonėstse. ?? [STORIES.TXT] Category: check.
Nóhtȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. Telling War Deeds Dance. Category: warfare, dance.
-nóhto'ȧhéotse vai. approach.run. É-nóhto'ȧhéotse. He approached running. fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
-nóhto'ȧhéotsé'tov vta. approach s.o. running, run to s.o. Ná-nóhto'ȧhéotsé'tóvo. I ran to him. [Croft] É-nóhto'ȧhéotsé'tovȧhtseo'o. They ran toward each other. See: -nó'oohé't.
-nóhto'en 1 • vti. go after s.t. by wagon. Ná-nóhtó'éna. I went after it by wagon. [pd267]
2 • vta. go after s.o. by wagon. Ná-nóhtó'éno. I went after him by wagon. Éstaéva-nóhto'enósesto. He went back after her by wagon. [Young Bird.016] Medial -ó'(e). Category: roll.
-nóhto'enené vai. haul. É-nóhto'enēne. He is hauling freight. Medial -ó'(e). Category: move, roll.
Nóhto'hōva na. Pot Dance. translation uncertain. Category: names.
-nóhto'hová vai. pot dance. É-nóhto'hōva. He did the pot dance. Category: dance.
-nóhto'xe vti. come after s.t. to pack on the back. Ná-nóhto'xe. I came after it to pack it on my back. Final -o'xe. Category: move.
-nóhtoosem vta. take refuge with s.o., go to s.o. for refuge. Ná-nóhtoosēmo. I go to him for refuge. Variant: -nóhtoosemé'tov; fta: -oosem. See: -nóhtsėhót. Category: motion, interpersonal.
-nóhtooseme vai. approach for refuge. Ná-nóhtooseme. I approach for refuge. Final óoseme.
-nóhtoosemé'tov vta. flee to s.o. for protection. É-nóhtooseménoto Ma'heóneva. He fled to God. See: -nó'hová'tov; -amȧxem; -asėtóoseme. Category: motion, interpersonal.
-nóhtoosemé'tov vta. flee to s.o. É-nóhtooseménoto. He fled to him (obv). Category: interpersonal.
nȯhtóv i. know how to. É-nȯhtóva'haso'he. He knows how to ride a horse. É-nȯhtóvȧhá'éne. She/He knows how to cook. Naa nássáa'éše-nȯhtóvȯxe'ėstónéhe. And I did not yet know how to write (then). [Haskell.020] Etym: cf. O nita·- (N). Preverb nȯhtóve-.
-nȯhtóvȧhá'ené vai. know how to cook. É-nȯhtóvȧhá'éne. She knows how to cook. Final -ahá'ené. Category: housework.
-nȯhtóvahe vai. capable, know how to do things. É-nȯhtóvahe. He knows how to do things. Etym: *nehta·wesiwa (P). Preverb nȯhtóve-. See: -otó'xovahe; -a'tahe. Category: personality.
-nȯhtóva'ená vti. know how to drive s.t. É-nȯhtóva'ēna. He knows how to drive it. Category: car.
-nȯhtóva'éno'hāme vai. know how to drive. É-nȯhtóva'éno'hāme. He knows how to drive. Category: car, drive.
-nȯhtóva'haso'he vai. know how to ride horse ?? É-nȯhtóva'haso'he. He knows how to ride a horse. Initial nȯhtóv-; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-nȯhtóva'ó'tsé vti. know how to do s.t. É-nȯhtóva'ó'tse. He knows how to do it. See: -nȯhtóvan; -pėhéva'ó't. Category: do.
-nȯhtóva'ov vta. accustomed to s.o. É-nȯhtóva'ovóho. He is accustomed to him (obv). [1987:39] Móxho'nó=tā'se=nȯhtóva'óévȯhtse tséháoho'tatse. The hot weather did not agree with them. Initial nȯhtóv-. See: hó'xátam. Category: interpersonal.
-nȯhtóva'xané vai. know how to cry. É-nȯhtóva'xāne. He knows how to cry. Náohkėsáa-nȯhtóva'xanéhe. I don't know how to cry. Category: cry, record.
-nȯhtóvan vti. know how to do s.t. É-nȯhtóvána. He knows how to do it. (another recording) He knows how to do it. tse-nȯhtóvánóvo. (I prayed that) they will know what to do. [1987:99] Tónetáa'e hová'éhe é-nȯhtóvána. He knew how to do many things. [1987:187] See: -nȯhtóva'o'tsé. Category: do.
-nȯhtóvanené vai. know how to do (something). É-nȯhtóvanēne. He knows how to do (something). Initial nȯhtóv-; Final -anené. Category: do.
-nȯhtóvátam vta. know how to think of s.o. Éohkėsáa-nȯhtóvatamóhevo. They don't know how to think of them. [1987:227] Category: cognition.
-nȯhtóvátsestá vti. wonder about s.t. É-nȯhtovátsésta. He is wondering about it. Variant: -nėstovátsestá. Category: cognition.
-nȯhtóváxa vti. know how to cut s.t. É-nȯhtóváxa. He knows how to cut it. Category: cut.
nȯhtóve i. know.how.
pv. know how to. É-nȯhtóvetsėhésenestse. He knows how to talk Cheyenne. É-nȯhtóvetoo'hame. He knows how to swim. Násáa-nȯhtóveéestsėstovóheo'o hósėstse vé'hó'e. I don't know how to speak to some white people. [BERTHA.TXT] Éme'hó'ke-nȯhtóvėhomōse. He should learn how to cook. Etym: *nehta·wi-. See: oto'xove-.
-nȯhtóve'ahtá vai. accustomed to the taste of s.t. Násáa-nȯhtóvé'ȧhtóhe. I'm not used to the taste of it. Category: taste.
-nȯhtóvé'ha vai. know how to fly. É-nȯhtóvé'ha. He knows how to fly. Category: fly.
-nȯhtóve'haná vai. know how to eat. É-nȯhtóve'hāna. He knows how to eat. Category: eat.
nȯhtóve't vti. know how to use s.t. Násáa-nȯhtóvé'tȯhénóne. We don't know how to use it. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.109]
nȯhtóveméohe vai. ?? É-nȯhtóveméohe. ?? Initial nȯhtóve-; Final -méohe. Category: check, run.
-nȯhtóvenestse vai. know how to talk. É-nȯhtóvenestse. He knows how to talk (language). typically said of babies when they learn to talk. Ésáa-nȯhtóvenėstséhe. He doesn't know how to talk/he is mute (dumb). Étaomėhótse-nȯhtóvenestse napȧhpóneehéhame. My tapeworm can almost talk by itself. That is, my stomach is growling. See: -nȯhtóvó'ané. Category: speak.
-nȯhtóvenėstsétanó vai. want to know how to talk. Sé'ea'e éohkeasenȯhtóvenėstsétanoo'o ka'ėškóneho. Right away children start to want to know how to talk. (Family Harmony:65). Category: speak.
-nȯhtóvenó'é vai. know how to sew. É-nȯhtóvenó'e. She knows how to sew. Etym: *nehta·wikwa·ʔsowa. Category: sew.
-nȯhtóvenoné vai. know how to sing. É-nȯhtóvenōne. He knows how to sing. Etym: *nehta·wina·ke·wa. fai: -noné. Category: sing.
-nȯhtóvenonéoohe vai. know how to sing. Nóoo, náhta-nȯhtóvenonéoohe. Oh my, I really sang right. [1987:157] Category: sing.
-nȯhtovetanó vai. wonder, ponder, think about. É-nȯhtóvetāno. He is pondering. See: -oo'hetanó. Category: cognition.
-nȯhtovetanó'tá vti. wonder about s.t. É-nȯhtovetanó'ta. He is wondering about it. Category: cognition.
-nȯhtovetanó'tov vta. wonder about s.o. É-nȯhtovetanó'tovóho. He is wondering about him. Éame-nȯhtovetanó'tovȧhtséstove. You (should) keep on wondering about them/you should keep in touch with them (Impersonal). [1987:219] See: -mȯxetanó'tov; -tóxetanó'tov. Category: cognition.
-nȯhtovetanónaa'e vai. sit wondering. É-nȯhtovetanónaa'e. He is sitting wondering. Category: cognition, sit.
-nȯhtovetanónáóó'e vai. stand wondering. tséhnȯhtovetanónáóévȯse while they were standing wondering. [Luke 24:4] Phon: vs
-nȯhtovetanóotse vai. wonder, ponder. É-nȯhtovetanóotse. He is pondering. See: -oo'hetanó. Category: cognition.
-nȯhtóvetó'hóna vai. know how to swim. É-nȯhtóvetó'hóna. He knows how to swim. fai: -tó'honá. Category: swim.
-nȯhtóvoeha'ené vai. know how to row. É-nȯhtóvóéhá'éne. He knows how to row. Initial nȯhtóv-; fai: -óéha'ené. Category: motion.
-nȯhtóvoéstóné vai. know how to read. É-nȯhtóvóéstóne. He knows how to read. Etym: *nehta·wakintwa·ke·wa (P). naa móéve-nȯhtóvoéstonėhevóhe and they know how to read. [1987:192] fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
nȯhtóvoéstónétanó vai. want to know how to read. Náoné'seóme-nȯhtóvoéstónétáno Tsėhésenėstséstóva. I really want to know how to read in Cheyenne.
-nȯhtóvȯhomo'he vai. know how to dance. É-nȯhtóvȯhomo'he. He knows how to dance. Etym: **nehta·wahama·Ɂswiwa (P/L). É-nȯhtóvȯhomó'heo'o. They know how to dance. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-nȯhtóvȯhóne vai. know how to sign. É-nȯhtóvȯhóne. He knows sign language. fai: -ohoné. See: -hóov. Category: sign.
-nȯhtóvȯhtȧhéné vai. Gram: ai+o know how to design beadwork. É-nȯhtóvȯhtȧhéne. He knows how to design beadwork. Móxho'nóohkenėheše-nȯhtóvȯhtȧhénévȯhtse. They must not have known how to make designs like that. See: -hohtȧhéné. Category: handcraft.
-nȯhtóvo'a'óvá vai. know how to ride a bicycle. É-nȯhtóvo'a'óva. He knows how to ride (a tricycle or bicycle). See: -amó'a'óvá. Category: motion.
-nȯhtóvó'ané vai. know how to say words. É-nȯhtóvó'áne. He knows how to pronounce words. Ésáa-nȯhtóvo'anéhe. He doesn't know how to say words. fai: -ó'ané. See: -nȯhtóvenestse. Category: speak.
-nȯhtóvo'eém vta. know how to tease s.o. É-nȯhtóvo'eemo. He knows how to tease him. Éohkėsáa-nȯhtóvo'eémėheo'o. They can't take a tease. Category: interpersonal.
-nȯhtóvo'eétahe vai. know how to do things. É-nȯhtóvo'eétahe. He knows how to do things. Category: do.
-nȯhtóvo'néné vai. know how to tan. É-nȯhtóvo'néne. She knows how to tan. See: -ho'néné. Category: handcraft.
-nȯhtóvo'soo'e vai. know how to play. for example, knows how to play the game. É-nȯhtóvo'soo'e. He knows how to play (the game). Final -o'sóe. Category: play.
-nȯhtóvoma'ȯxová vai. know how to plow, plow - know how to. Hénėhéhóhe náxhése-nȯhtóvoma'ȯxōva. That's where I learned how to plow. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.161] Category: farm.
-nȯhtóvoma'ȯxováoohe vai. know how to plow. Móstanȯhtóv-oma'ȯxováoohehéhe. He must have known how to plow. [1987:70] fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-nȯhtovomá'ta vti. anticipate, expect s.t. See: -hotséovo'setanó. É-nȯhtovomá'ta. He anticipates/expects it. Category: cognition.
-nȯhtóvotsehe vai. know how to smoke. É-nȯhtóvotsehe. He knows how to smoke. Initial nȯhtóv-; Final -otsehe. Category: smoke.
-nȯhtóvotse'ohe vai. know how to work. É-nȯhtóvotse'ohe. He knows how to work. Etym: *nehta·waθwexkye·wa (P). See: -hotse'ohe ‘work’. Category: work.
-nȯhtóvotse'óhtá vti. know how to use s.t. É-nȯhtóvotse'óhtá ma'kaata. He knows how to use money.
-nȯhtóvȯxe'ėstóné vai. know how to write. É-nȯhtóvȯxe'ėstóne. He knows how to write. Final -ȯxe'ėstóné. Category: write.
nȯhtse- i. look for, seek. É-nȯhtsevóomóho. He looked for him. É-nȯhtsevo'hāme. He looked for (for example, his own) cattle. Category: sight.
-nohtsé fti. kill, destroy. Ééše-vonenōhtse. He has destroyed everything. Etym: *nat (R). fta: -not.
-nȯhtséemó'h vta. look for lice on s.o. É-nȯhtséemo'ho. He looked for bugs on him. (another recording) É-nȯhtséemó'hóho. He looked for bugs on him. (newer pronunciation). Nȯhtséemo'hėstse! Look for bugs in your hair! Néh-nȯhtséemo'xėstse! Look for bugs in my hair! Category: bugs.
-nȯhtséemó'xevaen vta. look for lice on s.o. É-nȯhtséemó'xevaenóho. He quickly look on his head for bugs.
-nóhtsėhóhtá vti. approach s.t. É-nóhtsėhóhta. He approached it. vta: -nóhtsėhót. See: -ho'ėhóhtá. Category: approach.
-nóhtsėhót vta. approach s.o., come near s.o. É-nóhtsėhoto. He approached him. É-nóhtsėhótóho. He approached him. (newer pronunciation). Néta-nóhtsėhótone Ma'hēō'o! Let us come near God! [Hymn 5] vti: -nóhtsėhóhtá. See: -no'ȯhtsé'tov; -ho'ėhót; -háhane'ov; -nóhtoosem. Category: approach.
-nȯhtse'á vti. look for s.t., search for s.t. can imply looking for sex, especially of a woman who is too friendly, giving out what is perceived as sexual signals; white women often do not know how to act reserved enough in Cheyenne culture and so their friendliness is mistaken as being invitations for sex. É-nȯhtsé'a. He looked for it. Etym: *nato·xkamwa (P). Ná-nȯhtsé'a. I looked for it. Mónȯhtse'ȯhéhe. She must be looking for it (sex). Éhma'xe-nȯhtse'ánóvȯse véhonema'kaata. They came looking for gold. [1987:19] Hetanévestȯtse néta-nȯhtsē'a, nėševetanoo'o! You have gone looking for manhood, get on with it! [1987:244] Tsé-nȯhtsé'o ééšemé'eohé'ta. He found what he was looking for. This is irony, said about someone who runs here and there, maybe drinking, etc.--then he has an accident; so that (accident) should be a lesson to him). See: -nȯhtsevóohtá; -nóhtané'tá. Category: sight, sex.
-nȯhtse'ėstaemán vta. feel around for lice of s.o. Ná-nȯhtse'ėstaemánahtse. I'm feeling around for my lice. Category: bugs.
-nȯhtse'évá vai. look for wife. É-nȯhtsé'éva. He is looking for his wife. [pd1109] Etym: *nato·θkwe·we·wa (P). Medial -'évá. See: -he'étanó. Category: marriage.
-nóhtse'ov vta. ?? É-nóhtse'ovóho. ?? See: -nonóhtsevanené ‘search by feeling’; -nȯhtse'ov ‘search for s.o.’. Category: interpersonal, check.
-nȯhtse'ov vta. look for s.o.search for s.o.seek s.o. É-nȯhtse'ovóho. He searched for him. (another recording) Néémȯhóne; ná-nȯhtse'ōvo vóhkóóhe. I'm hunting rabbits (literally, I'm hunting; I'm looking for a rabbit). [1987:156] Tseta-nȯhtse'ōō'e matanáévé'hó'e. A policeman (obv) will go look for him. vti: -nȯhtse'. See: -nȯhtsem; -nȯhtsevóom; -nȯhtséoohé't; -nȯhtsevóeotsé't; -nȯhtsėst; -nóhtse'ov. Category: sight.
-nȯhtse'séván vti. feel around searching for s.t.
vta. feel around searching for s.o. Ná-nȯhtsé'séváno. I felt around for him. [Croft] Ques: nȯhtse'séváno?? See: -nȯsóvoe'ov. Category: check.
-nȯhtsé'sevanené vai. feel around searching; search feeling around. for example, as a blind person would do, or when trying to find something in the dark, or when touching one's partner under the covers during sex. É-nȯhtsé'sévánéne. He felt around for something. Variant: -nȯhtsévanené. Category: hands, check.
-nȯhtsem vai. ask for s.o., inquire about s.o. É-nȯhtsemóho. He asked for him. Etym: *natweme·wa. Náhóove-nȯhtsēmo. I tried to contact him (for example, but he was gone). vti: -nȯhtsestá. See: -nȯhtse'ov; -nȯhtsėstov ‘question s.o.’; -nȯhtsevátam; -véem ‘ask for s.o.’; -véestomev ‘ask for something from s.o.’. Category: speak.
-nȯhtsén vti. look for s.t. É-nȯhtséna. He is looking for it. Etym: *natwinamwa (P). É-nȯhtséna mahpe. He is looking for water. É-nȯhtséna mahpe. He is looking for water. É-nȯhtséna hestsésta'he. He is looking for his umbilical cord. (a humorous expression). See: -nȯhtse'á.
2 • vta. look for s.o. Ná-nȯhtséno. I looked for him. See: -nȯhtse'ov. Category: sight.
-nȯhtseno'é vai. stalk prey. for example, a cat remaining quiet and motionless waiting to pounce on a mouse, or a hawk perched in a tree stalking game. É-nȯhtsenō'e. He stalked prey. Etym: *natwenaxkye·wa (P). fai: -no'é; vta: -nȯhtsenot. See: -émeno'é ‘kill on the sly’; -émȯhóné ‘hunt’. Category: hunt.
-nȯhtseno'éóó'e vai. stand stalking. É-nȯhtseno'éóó'e. He is standing stalking. fai: -óé2. Phon: vs Category: hunt.
-nȯhtsenot vta. 1 • stalk s.o., hunt for s.o. É-nȯhtsenotóho. He stalked him. Etym: *natwenaθe·wa (P). vai: -nȯhtseno'é. Category: hunt.
2 • court s.o. can be used of a man courting a woman. See: -maet. Category: figurative, romance.
-nȯhtsenȯxéváen vta. stalk s.o., spy on s.o., sneak up on s.o. seems to include a meaning element of sneaking up on s.o. É-nȯhtsenȯxévaenóho. He stalked him/he concentrated on him. [1980:53:26] See: -nȯhtseno'é.
nȯhtséohtsé vai. look.for. É-nȯhtséóhtse. ?? Category: check.
-nȯhtséohtsé'tov vta. look for. Nȧhta-nȯhtséohtsé'tóvo. I will look for him. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend:012]
-nȯhtséoohé'tov vta. look for s.o. Ést-nȯhtséoohé'tovósesto ho'honaa'o. (The whiteman) looked for a rock. [1987:170, 292, 307] See: -nȯhtse'ov.
-nȯhtsestá vti. Gram: ai+o ask about s.t., inquire about s.t. É-nȯhtsésta. He asked about it. Etym: *natwehtamwa (P). Hová'éhe éohkėsáapo'-nȯhtsėstáhénóvo vé'hó'e. No matter what, whites ask questions about anything. Variant: -nėstsestá; vta: -nȯhtsėstov, -nȯhtsem. See: -nȯhtsėst; -véestá. Category: whites, speak.
-nȯhtsėstá'tov vta. ask for s.o. Nȧhtsene'évȧho'hénȯhtsėstá'tova. He will come back to ask for me. [Cheyenne Tribal History.074] Category: speak, check.
-nȯhtsėstomev vta. ask about something of s.o. É-nȯhtsėstomevóho. He asked him about something. Etym: *natwetamawe·wa (P). Néta-nȯhtsėstomevȧtse. Let me ask you about something. See: -nȯhtsėstov; -véestomev. Variant: -nėstomev. Category: speak.
-nȯhtsėstomevé'tov vti. ask about s.t. Né-nȯhtsėstomevenȯtse. You asked me about them (inan).
vta. ask about s.o. Né-nȯhtsėstomevénoto. You asked me about them (an.). Category: speak.
-nȯhtsėstov vta. ask s.o., question s.o. Variant: -nėstov. Usage: Many speakers in the early 21st century pronounce this as -nėstov. Older speakers in the 1970s and 1980s still pronounced this as -nȯhtsėstov. Petter wrote 'I questioned him' as nanōztovo in his dictionary, page 879. Petter's transcription corresponds to the current spelling of nánȯhtsėstóvo 'I questioned him.' The Cheyenne language has two separate verbs for 'question', with different meanings. Some speakers, perhaps especially younger ones, tend to use this verb,-nȯhtsėstov, for both meanings. (This may be some interference from English which has only a single verb "ask".) This Cheyenne verb 'ask' means ' to question s.o.'. The other 'ask' verb, -véestomev, means 'to ask s.o. for something'. For example, when Cheyenne pray, they often say, "Ma'hēō'o, névéestomevȧtse...", 'God, I ask you for...'. É-nȯhtsėstovóho. He asked him. Etym: *natwehtawe·wa (P). Naa vo'ėstanóho móh-nȯhtsėstovȯhevóhe tséohkeévėhešévėstóvetseéme'hešena'hėstse nā'ėstse hóma'e. And he asked somebody what to do to kill a beaver. [1988:275] See: -véestomev ‘ask him for (something)’; -vovóhpona'ov ‘interrogate s.o.’. vti: -nȯhtsestá. Etym: cf. *natwe·we·me·wa 'he asks him'. Category: speak.
nȯhtsetanó vai. wonder. Category: check.
-nȯhtsetanó'tá vti. wonder about s.o. É-nȯhtsetanó'ta. He is wondering about him. Category: cognition.
-nȯhtsetanó'tov vta. wonder about s.o. É-nȯhtsetanó'tovóho. He is wondering about him. Category: cognition.
Nóhtseváhehasėstse n. The ones who make your fires to the south of us (when addressed), south campers (addressed). ceremonial word for the allied tribes that camped to the south of the Cheyennes, namely, the Lakota Sioux and Kiowa-Apache. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
Nóhtseváhéó'o n. The one who makes his fire to the south of us, south camper. Plural Nóhtseváheono; Vocative Nóhtseváhehasėstse. Category: ceremonial, tribes, check.
Nóhtseváhesonȧhestse na. Gram: voc allied young people. This is a ceremonial word for the young people of the allied tribes that camped to the south of the Cheyennes, namely, the Lakota Sioux and Kiowa-Apache. This is the word used when speaking to them, that is, the vocative. Category: ceremonial, tribes.
-nȯhtsévan vti. feel around for s.t., search for s.t. by feeling. É-nȯhtsévána. He felt around for it. Ques: recheck pitch tse?? This could be for feeling around for something in the dark. Phon: redup Reduplicated -nonóhtsevan. See: -nȯhtsé'sevanené; -nóhtse'ov; -nȯsa'ov. Category: check.
-nȯhtsévanené vai. feel around searching; search feeling around. É-nȯhtsévánéne. He searched by feeling around. Reduplicated -nonóhtsevanené; Variant: -nȯhtsé'sevanené. Category: touch.
-nȯhtsevátam vta. long for s.o., yearn for s.o., miss s.o., be lonesome for s.o., pine for s.o. É-nȯhtsevátamóho. He longs for him. Etym: *natawe·leme·wa (P). Ná-nȯhtsevátámo. I'm longing for him. vti: -nȯhtsevátsestá. See: -nȯhtsem; -hoónȯsé'ót. Category: interpersonal, emotions.
-nȯhtsevátsestá vti. long for s.t., yearn for s.t., miss s.t., lonesome for s.t. É-nȯhtsevátsésta. He yearns for it. (another recording) Etym: *natawe·lentamwa (P). See: -hoónȯsetanó. Category: emotions.
-nȯhtsevóa'xé'tov vti. look around for s.t. Ésta-nȯhtsevóa'xé'tanoho hestsevoxe. He looked around for his den.
vta. look around for s.o. often said of someone looking around in a giveaway dance for someone to giveaway to. É-nȯhtsevóa'xé'tovóho. He looked around for him. See: -nȯhtsevóeotsé'tov. Category: sight.
-nȯhtsevóeóé'tá vti. look for s.t. while standing, stand looking for s.t. É-nȯhtsevóeóé'ta. He was standing looking for it. Final -óé2. See: -nȯhtsevóeotsé'tá. Category: sight, stand.
-nȯhtsevóeóé'tov vti. look for s.o. quickly while standing, stand looking for s.o. quickly. É-nȯhtsevóeóe'tovóho. He was standing looking for him. See: -nȯhtsevóeotsé'tov. Final -óé2. Category: sight, stand.
-nȯhtsevóeotsé'tá vti. look for s.t. quickly. É-nȯhtsevóeotsé'ta. He looked for it quickly. Móstaée-nȯhtsevóeotsé'tȯhéhe kȧhámáxe. She looked for a stick. [1987:257] See: -nȯhtsevóeóé'tá. Category: sight.
-nȯhtsevóeotsé'tov vta. look for s.o. quickly. É-nȯhtsevóeotsé'tovóho. He looked for him quickly. Mósta-nȯhtsevóeotsé'tovȯhevóhe néhe tsénéseméa'xetsese. (The man) looked for this one who smelled awful. [1987:282] See: -nȯhtse'ov; -nȯhtsevóom; -nȯhtsevóa'xe'tov. Category: sight.
-nȯhtsevo'hamé vai. look for livestock, look for horses. É-nȯhtsevo'hāme. He looked for the horses. (another recording) Etym: *natawaɁθemwe·wa (P). See: -nóhta'ovo'hamé. Category: horses, sight.
-nȯhtsevo'haméoohe vai. look for livestock quickly, look for horses quickly. É-nȯhtsevo'haméoohe He looked for his horses quickly. Category: horses, sight.
-nȯhtsevonoé'tov vta. look for s.o. Nȧhta-nȯhtsevonoé'tovoo'o. I will look for them. [Horse Creek-Fort Laramie Peace Treaty of 1851.015]
-nȯhtsevóóhtá vti. look for s.t. É-nȯhtsevóóhta. He looked for it. Etym: *natawa·pantamwa (P). Hénová'e tsé-nȯhtsevóohtome? What are you looking for. See: -nȯhtse'á. Category: sight.
-nȯhtsevóom vta. look for s.o. É-nȯhtsevóomóho. He looked for him. Etym: *natawa·pame·wa (P). See: -nȯhtsen; -nȯhtse'ov; -nȯhtsevóeotsé'tov; -vóom. Category: sight.
nóhtše- pv. unknown?? Hópahpa náhta-nóhtšėhešėhe'onáotse. Even! I put my hands there. ?? [Fishing.018] Category: check.
no'- i. also, include. É-no'āna. He included it. Éh-no'ȯhomó'hénȯse hóvánóhne He was dancing with a shield. [1987:48] É-no'a'e. It belongs. É-no'a'hamóho. He threw him along with something else. Preverb no'(e)-. See: no'(e)-; vése-; naa; máto; hóse-.
no'- pv. also, included. Ná-no'hóxe'anēne. I also cleaned. Né-no'mésehe kóhkonėhēō'o? Did you also eat bread? Variant: no'(e)-.
-no'ȧho'he vai. included in cooking. É-no'ȧho'he. He is included in the cooking. That is, he (some animate food) is included with what is being cooked. Category: cook.
-no'ȧho'hn vta. include s.o. in cooking. That is, some food (animate) is included with what is being cooked. É-no'ȧho'nóho. He included him in cooking. Ná-no'ȧho'noo'o mésėhéstoto. I included potatoes with what I cooked. Category: cook.
-no'a'é vii. belong, included. É-no'a'e. It belongs. nėhéóhe móta-no'a'éhanéhe It belongs there. [1987:50] Hétsėhéóhe ésáa-no'a'éhane tséxxamaevo'ėstanéhévétse Tséstsėhéstȧhétse Here it is not part of our Indian way of life, us Cheyennes. [1987:12] Usage: Not so commonly used today as -no'an See: -no'an.
-no'a'hahtsé vti. throw s.t. along with. É-no'a'hāhtse. He threw it along with something else. Taomėhová'éhe éohke-no'a'hāhtsėstse. ?? Just throw anything along with. ?? vta: -no'a'ham. Category: throw, check.
-no'a'ham vta. throw s.o. along with. É-no'a'hamóho. He threw him along with something else. vti: -no'a'hahtsé. Category: throw.
-no'a'o'h vta. add s.o. Naa pénȯhéó'o éohkemóne-no'a'o'he ȯhtséšėhéesevó'taa'ėstse. And flour is added just then while it is boiling. [Plums and Chokecherries.010] Ques: no'a'o'(hn)?? Category: check.
-no'a'xané vai. cry with (something or someone). É-no'a'xāne. He cried with (something or someone). fai: -a'xané; vta: -no'a'xané'tov. See: -vésta'xané. Category: cry.
-no'a'xané'tov vta. cry with someone. É-no'a'xanénoto. He cried with him. vai: -no'a'xané. See: -vésta'xaném. Category: cry.
-no'an vti. include s.t. É-no'āna. He included it. Matana néohke-no'anahe? Do you include milk? Matana ná-no'āna. I'm including milk. For example, I'm drinking milk with the rest of my meal. Ná-no'āna vóhpoma'ȯhtse I'm sprinkling it (with) salt. tsé-no'ane that which is added. Hová'éhe náohkėsáa-no'anáhe. I don't add anything to it.
vta. include s.o. Nėhéóhe mó-no'anėhevóhe There they staked out a place (lit. they were included). [1987:181] See: -no'han ‘include s.t.’.
no'anenestȯtse ni. topping. Lit: included thing for example, for a pizza. Category: food, check.
no'anēō'o ni. additive. for example, something added to food.
no'aneono na. Gram: pl mixtures, leaves (especially of sumac) mixed with kinnikinnic for smoking. no'aneono is animate, while no'aneonȯtse is inanimate. Apparently some speakers consider this smoking mixture animate, while others consider it inanimate.
ni. no'aneonȯtse See: no'otséstotȯtse; ma'kóomeehēso. Category: smoke, plants.
no'aneonō'e ni. sumac. Plural no'aneonō'ėstse; fni: -o'e. See: ma'kemenȯtse. Category: plants.
no'aneonȯtse ni. Gram: pl mixtures for smoking, herbs. leaves (especially of sumac) mixed with kinnikinnic for smoking. Ques: Lenora No'aneonȯtse náhe'ponȯtse. I'm smoking sumac leaves mixed with kinnikinnic.
na. no'aneono See: no'otséstotȯtse; ma'kóomeehēso. Category: smoke, plants.
-no'ȧse'há vai. fly with. Category: fly.
-no'ȧse'hán vta. fly with. Éstaévȧhe'ameno'ȧse'hánovo. They flew off upward with him. [The Geese] Category: fly.
-no'ȧseohe vai. take away.
vti. Gram: ai+o take away s.t. É-no'ȧseohe. He took it away. Nétȧhé-no'ȧseohénone hohtsemo! Let's go play football! (refers to running away with the ball).
no'ȧseohe hóhtséme tséxho'oxe na. NHL Superbowl. Category: phys. ed., football.
-no'ȧseohe hohtsemo vta. Gram: ai+o play football. Nétȧhé-no'ȧseohénone hohtsemo! Let's go play football! (refers to running away with the ball). Ques: hóhtséme ?? Category: check, phys. ed., football.
no'ȧseohéhohtseme na. football. Ques: no'ȧseohehóhtseme?? Category: games, check.
-no'aseohé'tsé vti. take away s.t.run away with s.t. Category: figurative. For example, he thought she was so beautiful that he kept staring at her as she walked on by. She is the one who "runs away" with his eyes that are staring at her. He'éxánėstse é-no'aseohé'tsenȯtse. She ran away with his eyes.
vta. take away s.o.run away with s.o. Móstano'ȧseohé'toehevóhe. He (obv) ran off with her. vai: -no'aseohe. Category: sight.
-no'ȧsóme vai. included in poop. É-no'ȧsome. He has something included in his poop. fai: -asóme. Category: body function.
-no'átam vta. include s.o., arm s.o. Étaohke-no'átamȧhtsénóvȯse. They use that (cursing and antagonism) as a weapon. [1987:211] Éohke-no'átamahtse. He uses (something) for protection of himself. and he is probably instigating trouble, for example, looking for a fight). Lit: include-regard-s.o. ?? See: -háatamaahétanó. Category: check.
-no'axá vti. include s.t. when cutting. É-no'āxa. He cut it also. for instance, to cut the gall bladder out at the same time as cutting out the liver. Category: cut.
no'(e)- pv. include, also. Etym: *naθpi (P). Ná-no'néméne I also sang (in the sense of 'I added singing to my list of activities', not the meaning 'I wasincluded in the count of those who sang'; for the latter meaning, ná-vésenéméne. Category: check. Initial no'-; Reduplicated nonó'e-. Ques: recheck redup?? See: -no'an; -no'en; -no'ehné; vése-; mato. Category: check.
-no'é fai. kill. Ééme-nō'e. He killed on the sly. Émȧhe-no'éoohe. He killed all (of them). fta: -not. See: -nó'é. Category: violence.
-nó'é fai. sew. Éhahpe-nó'e. She is sewing. Épo'é-nó'e. She is mending/patching. Étotáho'pe-nó'e. She is quilting. Énȯhtóve-nó'e. ?? She knows how to sew. fta: -nót; fti: -nó'tsé. See: -no'é ‘kill’. Etym: *-kwa·ʔs ‘sew (AI medial)’. Category: housework, sew.
no'(e) i. include, also. Ná-no'ȯhtóveaseééstse. I also know how to talk on the telephone. Ná-no'ee'ėha'onȯtse vóóhe. I put on my shoes with the morning star (=got up early). É-no'ee'ha'ó'o'hóho. He put something (for example, shoes) on him. ?? Category: check. É-no'ee'ha'onóho. He put something (for example, shoes) on him. ?? Category: check. Initial no'-; Reduplicated nonó'e-. Ques: recheck redup?? See: -no'an; -no'en; -no'ehné; vése-; mato. Category: check.
-no'eaná vai. eat with, eat poison. originally meant to eat something along with your meal, as a condiment, but came to mean primarily, to eat poison. É-no'eāna. He ate poison. Final -aná. See: -no'e'haná. Category: eat.
-no'eehe vai. Gram: ai+o move camp with (s.t.) É-no'eehe. He moved (with something). Mó'ȯhkėhátȯxove-no'eehéhenovóhe ma'heóneome. They (Israelites) moved back and forth with the Tabernacle. fai: -eehe. Category: camp.
no'ée'e na. 1 • squirrel. Plural no'éeo'o; AlternatePlural no'éeho; Obviative no'éeho; Variant: no'kée'e; Diminutive no'kéehēso. No'éeho éohkėhóvȯhtsénovȯtse šéstotó'eoó'xȯseonȯtse. Squirrels store pine nuts. [1979:205] Etym: *na·xkwehsiwa (?) (P); cf. Ar nóʔouhʔú. Category: animals, check.
2 • Squirrel. Category: names.
-no'ehné vai. Gram: ai+o walk while carrying something. É-no'ēhne. He is walking carrying something. Etym: *naθpwehθe·wa (P).
vti. walk while carrying s.t. Ná-no'ėhnenȯtse. I carried them (inan.). vta: -no'ėhné'tov. Category: carry, walk.
-no'ėhné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o walk carrying s.o. Ná-no'ėhnenȯtse. I walked carrying him. É-no'ėhnénoto. He carried him. Náhátȯxove-no'ėhnenȯtse. I'm walking back and forth holding (for example, the baby). Ná-no'ėhné'tova. He carried me. See: -no'eóé'tov.
-no'e'há vai. Gram: vai + o fly carrying something. É-no'ē'ha. He is flying carrying (something). Etym: *naθpiɁle·wa (P).
vti. fly carrying s.t. Category: fly, carry.
-no'e'há'tov vta. Gram: ai+o fly carrying s.o. É-no'e'hánoto šé'šenoto. He is flying carrying a snake. Category: fly, carry.
-no'e'haná vai. eat poison, poisoned eating; eat poisonous food, be poisoned while eating. É-no'e'hāna. He ate poison. See: -no'eaná. Category: sickness, eat.
no'e'hanahtȯtse ni. poison. Lit: poison.eat Synonym no'e'hanó'ėstómanestȯtse.
-no'e'haná'seh vta. poison s.o. É-no'e'haná'sėhóho. He poisoned him.
no'e'hanávó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl locoweed. Lit: poison-weeds Category: plants.
no'e'hanó'ėstómanestȯtse ni. poison. Synonym no'e'hanahtȯtse.
-no'e'háoohe vai. fly quickly carrying something. É-no'e'háoohe. He flew quickly carrying something. Category: fly.
-no'e'háotse vai. fly carrying (something). Móstaosáanėho'-no'e'háotsėhéhe. (The crow) arrived flying with (it). [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).266] See: -no'e'h. Category: fly.
-no'emas vta. shoot also and hit s.o. É-no'emȧsóho. He also hit him. for example, with a bullet or arrow. Initial no'-; fta: -emas. See: -am. Category: shoot.
-no'eméohe vai. Gram: vai + o run with something. for instance, to run with a staff. É-no'eméohe. He is running with something. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-no'en vti. catch s.t./s.o. what was caught was thrown to you by someone, different from -nȧha'en. for example, caught a ball. É-no'ēna. He caught it (for example, a stick). Etym: *naθkwenamwa (P).
vta. Etym: *naθkwene·wa (P). É-no'enóho. He caught him (for example, a ball). See: -nȧha'en; no'-; -no'oh(n). Category: baseball.
-no'enené vai. catch. É-no'enēne. He is catching. Etym: *naθkwenike·wa (P). for example, in baseball. See: -nȧha'enené. Category: baseball.
-no'enestse vai. include something while speaking. É-no'enestse. He included something along with his talk. fai: -nestse. Category: speak.
-no'enėstsé'tá vti. include s.t. when speaking a language. ȯhtaée-nó'enėstsé'tomévosėstse nésta'omeé'éestséstotȯtse when they use that old language, old traditional language. [1987:145] Category: speak.
-no'enót vta. patch on s.o. especially to patch something (such as animate cloth) on to something else. É-no'enoto. He sewed him on. É-no'enótóho. He sewed him on. (newer pronunciation). É-no'enóhevotse? Are they (for example, soles of moccasins) sewed on also? fta: -nót. See: pȧhoenót. Category: sew.
-no'eóé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o stand holding s.o., hold s.o. standing. É-no'eóenoto. He is holding him while standing. Ná-no'eóenȯtse. I'm standing up holding him. Final -óé. See: -no'ėhné'tov; -amóešem; -no'oo'e. Category: babies.
-no'eóe'tovohe vai. stand holding baby. É-no'eóe'tovohe. She is standing holding her child. Medial -óvohe. See: -no'oé'tovohe. Category: babies.
-no'eoem vta. include s.o. É-no'eoemóho. He included him valued. Ques: recheck glosses?? Category: check.
-no'eohe vai. go carrying something.
vti. Gram: vai + o go carrying s.t. É-no'eohe. He is carrying (it).
vta. Gram: ai+o carry s.o. for example, to travel with a basketball (animate), "carrying" it. É-no'eohénoto. He carried him / traveled in basketball. Category: basketball, carry.
-no'eohtsé vai. walk carrying (something). É-no'eōhtse. He is walking carrying something.
vti. Gram: ai+o walk carrying s.t. Hénová'e tséno'eohtseto? What are you carrying? Mó'ȯhke-no'eohtsėhenovótse. They carried them (inan.). Category: carry.
-no'eóó'e vti. Gram: ai+o hold s.t. while standing, stand holding s.t. É-no'eóó'e. He is holding it while standing. Etym: *naθpika·po·wa (P). Category: stand.
-no'eotse vai. carry. Mahpe tae'no'eotsėstse! Carry the water up! [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.126]
nó'ėse- i. É-nó'ėsevonēhne. He climbed over.
pv. over. É-nó'ȯseka'a'xe. He jumped across. Ná-nó'ėseáva'onȯtse ho'honáá'e. I fell over the rock. Category: positions.
-nó'ėseka'a'xe vai. jump over. É-nó'ėseka'a'xe. He jumped over. See: -ka'a'xe ‘jump’. Category: motion.
-nó'ėsé'ha vai. fly over. É-nó'ėsé'ha. He flew over (something). Category: fly.
-nó'ėseméohe vai. straining to go over (something), run over hill. É-nó'ėseméohe. He is straining to go over. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-nó'ėseohtsé vai. go over. especially to go over a hill or a mountain. É-nó'ėseōhtse. He went over the hill. fai: -ohtsé. Category: walk.
-nó'ėseóó'e vai. lean over (something).
vti. Gram: vai + o lean over s.t. É-nó'ėseóó'e. He is leaning over (it). See: -áveóó'e. Category: stand.
-nó'ėsešé vai. lie over. for example, be asleep lying over a log. É-nó'ėséše. He is lying over. vta: -nó'ėšėšem; Assimilated -nó'ėšešé. See: -no'ešé. Category: lie.
nó'ėseto p. over (especially over a hill); on the other side of the hill. See: hoóma; é'otseto. Category: positions.
-nó'ėseváohe vai. hit over (something). É-nó'ėseváohe. He hit it over. Category: baseball.
-nó'ėsevo'oh(n) vta. knock s.o. over (something). for example, to hit a ball over a field or a fence. É-nó'ėsevo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him over (something). Náhe'ame-nó'ėsevo'ōhno. I hit him up and over. Category: baseball.
-nó'ėsevonēhne vai. climb over, crawl over. É-nó'ėsevonēhne. He climbed over. Category: motion.
nó'ės(t)- i. over. É-nó'ėstȧháhtse. He put it over (something). É-nó'ėsta'éno'hāme. He drove over the hill. É-nó'ėstósemóho. He drug him (obv) over (the hill). Preverb nó'ėse-.
-no'está vai. answer. É-no'ēsta. He answered. Etym: *naθkwehtamwa (P) ‘he answers it’. vta: -no'ėstov; vti: -no'ėstá'tá. Category: speak.
-nó'ėstȧhahtsé vti. put s.t. over. É-nó'ėstȧháhtse. He put it over (something). Category: put.
-nó'ėsta'a'xé'tá vti. jump over s.t. É-nó'ėsta'a'xé'ta.?? He jumped over it. Final -a'xe. See: ka'a'xe; koká'a'xe. Category: motion.
-nó'ėsta'éno'hamé vai. drive over a hill. for example, to drive over the divide from Lame Deer to Ashland. É-nó'ėsta'éno'hāme. He drove over the hill. Category: drive.
-nó'ėsta'hahtsé vti. throw s.t. over. for example, to throw something over a building. É-nó'ėsta'hāhtse. He threw it over. Category: throw.
-nó'ėsta'ham vta. throw s.o. over. for example, to throw s.o. over a building. É-nó'ėsta'hamóho. He threw him over. See: -áva'ham. Category: throw.
-nó'ėsta'haso'he vai. ride horse over. for example, to ride a horse over a hill. É-nó'ėsta'haso'he. He rode his horse over (a hill). fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-nó'ėstá'o vai. jump over. for example, as a horse would jump over a log. É-nó'ėstá'o. Category: motion.
-no'ėstá'tá vti. answer s.t. for example, to answer a letter. É-no'ėstá'ta. He answered it. vai: -no'está. Category: speak.
-nó'ėstan vti. lift s.t./s.o. over something. for example, to life someone over a fence. É-nó'ėstanóho. He lifted him over. Category: move.
-no'éstanove vii. live along with (something). for example, to live along with honor. É-no'éstanove. There is living by means of something. Final -éstanove. Category: live.
-no'ėstáoohé'tov vta. answer.quickly. Reduplicated nonó'ėstáoohé't.
-nó'ėstȧséšé vai. lean over. Ques: -nó'ėstȧseše?? Category: check. for example, to lean over a fence for support. Nȧháóhe ésta-nó'ėstȧšéšenasėstse hoóhtsetsēva. There he was leaning against a tree. [1980:67:14] Category: lie.
-nó'ėstoe'tó vai. hung over. Lit: over-hang É-nó'ėstoē'to. He has a hangover. Usage: loan translation See: -hoése. Category: drink.
-nó'ėstoe'tómea'xe vai. smell hung over, hung over smell. É-nó'ėstoe'tómea'xe. He smells hung over. Category: smell.
-nó'ėstoe'tóvenóohe vai. look hung over. É-nó'ėstoe'tóvenóohe. He looks hung over.
-nó'ėstoésé vai. hang over. É-nó'ėstoése. He is hanging over. for example, hanging over a fence. See: -nó'ėstoe'tó. Category: hang.
-nó'ėstóestómané vai. strap, carry hung over. tséto'se-nó'ėstóestómánėstse the one who was going strap (him) to his saddle. [Stamper 1991:10]
-nó'ėstóešévaen vta. strap s.o. hung over, carry s.o. hung over. É-nó'ėstóešévaenóho. He strapped him hung over. "Naa nȧhtsenėxhého'-nó'ėstóešéváéno," éxhetaesesto. "I'll bring him back strapped (over) the back of my saddle," he said. [Stamper 1991:10]
-nó'ėstȯhóhta vti. approach s.t. over the hill. É-nó'ėstȯhóhta. He went over the hill toward it. fti: -hohtá. Category: approach.
-nó'ėsto'ȧhéotse vai. run over. as in running over the top of a hill, not as in running over someone. É-nó'ėsto'ȧhéotse. He ran over (the hill). [Head Chief text] fai: -o'ȧhéotse.
-nó'ėsto'asé vii. burn over the hill, fire go over the hill. É-nó'ėsto'āse. The fire burned over the hill. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-nó'ėsto'en vti. step over s.t. ?? Ná-nó'ėsto'enȯtse. I stepped over it (them??). Category: motion.
-nó'ėsto'ne'e vai. step over (something). É-nó'ėsto'ne'e. He stepped over (something). Initial nó'ės(t)-; fai: -o'né'e ‘step’. See: -ho'né'e ‘step’. Category: motion.
-nó'ėsto'xe vai. Gram: ai+o carry over shoulder. É-nó'ėsto'xe He is carrying it over his shoulder. [TR 10/90] See: -amo'xe. Category: carry.
nó'ėstóneehaseono na. Gram: pl suspenders. Category: clothing. Lit: over.stringlike (things) Medial -ón.
-nó'ėstóneešé vai. lie over (ropelike). for example, for a snake to lie over the top of a hill. É-nó'ėstónééše. He is lying over. Category: snakes, ropelike, lie.
-nó'ėstóová vii. flow over. É-nó'ėstóóva. The river is flowing over its banks. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-nó'ėstóováotse vii. flow over. É-nó'ėstóováotse. The river flowed over its bank. Category: liquid. fii: -óová.
-no'ėstósané vai. answer. É-no'ėstósáne. He answered (people). Etym: *naθkwehta·tike·wa (P). Category: speak.
no'ėstósanestȯtse ni. answering machine. See: -no'ėstósanétó. Category: new.
-no'ėstósanétó vii. answer. tsé-no'ėstósanéto answering machine. vai: no'ėstósané.
-nó'ėstósem vta. drag over. É-nó'ėstósemóho. He drug him (obv) over (the hill). Initial nó'ės(t)-; Final -stósem. Category: move.
-no'ėstov vta. answer s.o. É-no'ėstovóho. He answered him. Etym: *naθkwehtawe·wa (P). No'ėstoveha! Answer him! Éstšėheše-no'ėstóehoono. They answered him this way (content to follow this verb). vai: -no'está; Reduplicated -nonó'ėstov; Antonym -nȯhtsėstov. Category: speak.
-nó'ėstóvȯhto'he vai. haul something over (the hill). É-nó'ėstóvȯhto'he. He hauled over the hill. fai: -óvȯhtó'he. Category: move.
-nó'ėstsėhné vai. go over. Category: walk.
-no'ešé vai. lie include. É-no'ēše. He had something with him as he was lying. Etym: *naθpihšinwa (P). No'ėšenáhéne neváohéstovevótse! Lie down with your (plural) weapons! [1980:6:12] vii: no'o'tá. See: -nó'ėsešé. Category: lie.
-nó'ėšešé vai. lie over. for example, be asleep lying over a log. É-nó'ėšéše. He is lying over. Non-assimilated -nó'ėseše; vta: -nó'ėšėšem. Category: lie.
-nó'ėšėšem vta. lay s.o. over something. É-nó'ėšėšemóho. He lay him over (it). Variant: -nó'ėsešená; vai: -nó'ėsešená; Particle nó'ėseto. Category: lie.
nó'étse na. rat. Plural nó'ketseo'o, nó'etseho; Obviative nó'etseho; Variant: nó'kétse. Category: animals.
-no'evéhé vti. named for s.t. É-no'evéhe. He is named for it.
-no'evéhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o named for s.o. É-no'evéhenoto. He is named for him. Ná-no'evéhe'tova. He is named for me. Ná-no'evéhenȯtse. I am named for him. Névááhe tsé-no'evéhe'tovoto? Who are you named for? vti: -no'evéhé. See: -véhé; -oesevéh. Category: interpersonal.
-no'han vti. include s.t. É-no'hāna. He included it.
vta. include s.o. See: -no'an ‘include s.t.’.
no'hé- 1 • i. aside. É-no'hétáno. He is turning (mentally).
2 • pv. aside. É-no'héameōhtse. He walked on the side. É-no'hétáno. He is turning (mentally).
no'héhné vai. 1 • go aside.
2 • backslide. É-no'héhne. He "left the fold"/backslid/got off the path. Category: walk.
-no'héhoov vta. motion s.o. aside. É-no'héhoovóho. He motioned him to get off the road. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.
-no'hé'hahtsé vti. jerk aside s.t. É-no'hé'háhtse. He jerked it aside. Category: move.
-no'hé'ham vti. jerk aside s.o. É-no'hé'hamóho. He jerked him aside. Category: move.
-no'hé'ov vta. push aside s.o., lead astray s.o. É-no'hé'ovóho. He led him astray. Tsé'tóhe seo'ȯtse éstaohke-no'hé'oesesto tsé'á'enó'netotse. This ghost pushed him aside toward the darkness. [Story of a Ghost.062] Category: move.
-no'hén vti. put s.t. aside; put aside s.t. É-no'héna. He put it aside.
vta. put aside s.o.put s.o. aside. É-no'hénóho. He put him aside. Category: motion.
-no'hénah(n) vta. aside push s.o., shove s.o. off track, push s.o. off track; shove aside s.o. É-no'hénȧhnóho. He shoved him off the trail. Category: move.
-no'héoesta'xe vai. aside escape; escape aside; get off; get away. É-no'héoesta'xe. He got away/he escaped/he got off. Medial -oest. See: -amȧxem. Category: motion.
-no'héohtsé vai. turn aside; get off track; walk off (especially a path). É-no'héóhtse. He got off track. See: -no'héhné; -no'héotse; -évaohtsé. Category: motion.
-no'héohtsétomané vai. aside - cause to go, track - cause to go off. tséma'xe-no'héohtsétomanéto what gets people off track.
-no'héohtsétomanéto vii. aside.cause. tséma'xe-no'héohtsétomanéto what gets people off track. [How God Helped Me Forgive.109]
-no'héoohe vai. step aside quickly, move aside quickly; go off the road quickly, go aside quickly. É-no'héoohe. He stepped to the side. Ésta-no'héoohéhoo'o. He stepped to one side . [Croft 1988:28:28] Category: motion.
-no'héóó'e vai. aside stand, stand out of the way. É-no'héóó'e. He is standing out of the way. Category: stand.
-no'héoo'hetanó vai. be inattentive. É-no'héoo'hetāno He was inattentive. Lit: aside-think É-no'héoo'hetāno. He was inattentive.
-no'héotse vi. left out, diverted.
vai. left out, diverted. É-no'héotse. He (or It) was diverted. tsésto'sėsáano'ke-no'héotséése so he would not be the only one left out. [Stamper 1991:10] See: -nétseotse; nétȯheotse.
-no'héšé vai. lie out of the way. É-no'héše. He is lying out of the way. Category: lie.
-no'héšem vta. place s.o. aside, put s.o. out of the way. É-no'héšemóho. He placed him out of the way. Category: lie, put.
-no'hétanó vai. distracted, inattentive. É-no'hétáno. He was inattentive. Lit: aside-think See: -o'kotahe; -vona'ėstséhahtsé; -vona'ėstséh. Category: cognition.
-no'hétanóotse vai. distracted - become, inattentive - become. É-no'hétanóotse. He was distracted. Category: cognition.
-no'héva'haso'he vai. ride horse aside quickly. É-no'héva'haso'he. He rode his horse out of the way. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-no'héva'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse aside quickly. É-no'héva'hasó'heohe. He quickly rode his horse out of the way. Category: horses.
-no'héva'ó vai. slide off. especially of driving off the road into the ditch. É-no'hévá'o. He went off. Category: motion.
no'héve- pv. aside, to the side. Éh-no'héveka'a'xéhoo'o xao'o. The skunk jumped to one side. [Croft 1988:16:30] É-no'hévetáhoo'e. He rode to the side. Particle no'héveto. Category: positions.
-no'héve'há vai. fly out of formation. É-no'hévé'ha. He flew out of formation. Category: fly.
no'héveto p. aside, on the side. Preverb no'héve-. Category: positions.
-no'hévóne'ó have appendicitis. É-no'hévóné'o. He has appendicitis. Lit: grow off to the side See: -hóne'ó. Category: sickness.
-no'hón vta. steady s.o. É-no'hono. He held him steady / He held him in his arms / he held him (for example, by the shoulders) to keep him from staggering. É-no'hónóho. He held him steady (newer pronunciation). Éohkeée'ame-no'honovo ma'háhkėseho. They helped the old people walk (that is, steadied them as they walked). Category: interpersonal.
-nó'hová'tov vta. flee to s.o. for protection. É-nó'hová'tovóho. He fled to him. See: -nóhtoosemé'tov.
-nó'hováoohé'tá vti. run to s.t. for protection. would often imply running scared. Ná-nó'hováoohé'ta e'óoestaáhestȯtse. I'm running toward baptism.
-nó'hováoohé'tov vta. run to s.o. for protection. Náhtaohkėhóse=tā'se=nó'hováoohé'tovóne. All we could do was run to (God). [1987:197]
-nó'hovehné vai. move out of the way. Nó'hóvéhnėstse! Move out of the way! Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: check.
no'k- i. one, alone. É-no'kahe. There is one (an.) in number. É-no'kȧho'he. He is cooked alone. É-no'kȧhtóohe. He is the only one sounding. É-no'kee'e. He is by himself. É-no'kȯhomo'he. He danced alone. tsé-no'ka'ónéto the first one. Preverb no'ke-. Category: numbers.
no'ka p. once. Phon: nō'ka /no'ká/?? This word is part of Cheyenne number system that tells how many times something is done. Other numbers in this system are: nexa twice. na'ha thrice, 3 times. neva 4 times. nóhona 5 times. naesóhtoha 6 times. nésȯhtoha 7 times. na'nóhtoha 8 times. sóohtoha 9 times. mȧhtóhtoha 10 times. For the system of numbers that tells how many objects there are, see under the number nā'ėstse 'one'. For the system of numbers that refers to group numbers see under nó'kóve 'one group of'. See: nā'ėstse ‘one’; nexa ‘twice’; nó'kóve ‘one group of’. Category: numbers, check.
No'ka Éšeēva Monday. Lit: first day Oklahoma Dialect Énema'heóneéšeēva. Category: time.
no'ka ho'né'ėstóva obl. one step length. approximately one yard. Category: size.
(no'ka) mȧhtóhtoha mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhneva mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhnaesóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhna'nóhtoha (or mȧhtóhtȯhóhtȧhneva mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e naesóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhna'nóhtoha) 1468 times. Category: numbers.
(no'ka) mȧhtóhtoha mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e (or no'ka vonóéstónėstóva) one thousand times. Category: numbers.
no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e p. one hundred, one hundred times. (another recording) Category: numbers.
no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e (hóhtȧh)mȧhtohto hóhtȧhnó'ka (or ó'ome mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e ó'ome no'ka) 111 times. Category: numbers.
no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhmȧhtohto nā'ėstse (or no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e ó'ome nā'ėstse) 111 of. Category: numbers.
no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhná'ėstse (or ó'ome nā'ėstse) 101 of. Category: numbers.
no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhna'nó'e 130 times. Category: numbers.
no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhnésó'e (or no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e ó'ome nésó'e) 120 times. Category: numbers.
no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhnó'ka (or ó'ome no'ka) 101 times. Category: numbers.
no'ka ma'éšeeve vii. when it is Monday, on Monday. Category: time.
no'ka ma'heóneéšeēva obl. one week. Lit: for one holy day Ques: measurement of time passed or simply of a time period ?? Category: check, time.
no'ka o'óséó'o one bite. nexa o'óseoēva two bites, etc. Category: mouth.
no'ka tsé'éšeeve vii. when it was Monday. In Oklahoma Monday is tsé'énema'heóneéšeeve (lit. when the holy day was ended). Category: time.
-no'kȧhá'ené vai. cook alone. É-no'kȧhá'éne. He is the only one cooking. fai: -ahá'ené. Category: cook.
-no'kahe vai. one, single, alone, be one (an.) in number, be alone. This word can refer to being single, unmarried. -no'kee'e refers to being alone at some time. É-no'kahe. There is one (an.) in number / He is the only one / He is by himself. (another recording) Né-no'kȧhehe? Are you single? Ná-no'kahe. I'm alone / single. Násáa-no'kȧhéhe. I'm not single / I'm not alone. This word is often said of Ma'hēō'o 'God': Ma'hēō'o é-no'kahe. There is one God. tséh-no'kȧhéto by myself. vii: -nó'ka'e. See: no'ka; -mano'ahe; -no'kee'e. Category: numbers.
-no'kȧho'he vai. cooked alone. for example, of a potato (animate). É-no'kȧho'he. He is cooked alone. Category: cook.
-no'kȧhtomóné vai. heard alone. É-no'kȧhtomóne. He is the only one heard. Category: hear.
-no'kȧhtóohe vai. sound alone. É-no'kȧhtóohe. He is the only one sounding. fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.
no'kȧhtsenávó'e ni. single-barrel shotgun. Lit: one-mouth-gun Medial -ó'é6. See: šé'šeetaemaahévó'e; néxȧhtsenávó'e. Category: guns.
-nó'ka'e vii. be one in number; be a one dollar bill. É-nó'ka'e There is one; it is a 1 dollar bill. (another recording) É-no'ka'ehe? Is there one? Morph: /-no'ka'e/. Phon: iah vai: -no'kahe. Category: numbers, quantity.
-no'ka'éeso'he vai. one horse travel, travel by one horse. Éohke-no'ka'éesó'heo'o. They use one-horse buggies. Category: motion.
no'ka'éesó'hestȯtse ni. motorcycle. Lit: single riding thing vai: -no'ka'éesó'he. See: po'po'ėho'hóvahtȯtse. Category: transportation.
-no'ka'éestsé vti. pull s.t. with one horse. É-no'ka'ééstse. He pulled with one horse. É'ȯhke-no'ka'ééstse amóma'ȯxovahtȯtse. One horse pulled the plow. ?? [A Plowing Story.008] Ques: recheck Ch and glosses See: -heseestsé ‘pull s.t.’. Category: horses, check.
-no'ka'éetȯho'hāme vai. one horse work, use one horse. That is, work with one horse, as when plowing. Nėhe'xóvéva é'ȯhke-no'ka'éetȯho'hāme. At that time he used one horse for plowing. [A Plowing Story.007] Category: horses.
-no'ka'éno'hamé vai. drive alone. that is, be the only one driving. É-no'ka'éno'hāme. He is the only one driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-no'ka'hahtsé vti. ?? É-no'ka'hāhtse. ?? Category: throw, check.
-no'ka'ham vta. ?? É-no'ka'hamóho. ?? Category: throw.
-no'ka'haso'he vai. ride horse alone. É-no'ka'haso'he. He is the only one riding a horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-no'ka'ónétó vii. first one. É-no'ka'ónéto. It is the first one/it is number one. tsé-no'ka'ónéto the first one (for example, first grade). See: vovóe-. Category: numbers.
-no'ka'ov vta. 1 • corner s.o. alone. could refer to rape. É-no'ka'ovóho. He cornered her.
2 • have s.o. alone. Né-no'ka'ovȧtse. I have you by myself. Category: violence, possession.
-no'ka'xané vai. cry alone. É-no'ka'xāne. He is crying by himself. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.
-no'ka'xanéóó'e vai. cry alone standing, stand crying alone. É-no'ka'xanéóó'e. He is standing crying by himself. Category: cry.
-no'kan 1 • vti. only care about s.t. É-no'kāna. He cares only about it. Éxamae-no'kanánóvo hemanéstóvévo. The only thing that matters to them is their drinking. [Sweet Medicine Comments.061]
2 • vta. only care about s.o. É-no'kanóho. He cares only about him (obv). See: -néxan; -névan. Category: cognition, numbers.
-no'kȧsome vai. poop alone. É-no'kȧsome. He is the only one who pooped. fai: -asome. Category: vulgar.
-no'kȧše'še vai. drink alone. É-no'kȧše'še. He is drinking alone. fai: -ašé'še. Category: drink.
-no'kátam vta. only think of s.o.; favor s.o. É-no'kátamóho. He only thinks of him. É-no'kátamahtse. He only thinks of himself. Category: cognition.
-no'kátamao'ó vai. laugh alone. É-no'kátamaō'o. He laughed alone. fai: -átamao'ó. Category: laugh.
no'ke- pv. alone, one. Násáa-no'kėhemȧheónéhe. I'm the only one that doesn't have a house.
i. alone, one. É-no'keaénáma. He is one year old. É-no'keéše'hāma. He is one month old. É-no'keóhta. He has one leg. [pd279] no'ke- can have the meaning of 'best' or 'most' when it is referring to something positive or negative, for example: É-no'kepėhéva'e. It is the best. [pd279] É-no'kėhávėsévahe. He is the worst. É-no'kėháatamaahe. He is the most powerful. Ques: recheck the last 3 exx?? See: taome-. Category: quantity.
no'keāā'e ni. one year. No'ke-āā'e étanėhe'xove. It has been one year ago. IndepNoun áa'e. Category: time.
-no'keaénamá vai. be one year old. É-no'keaénáma. He is one year old. See: -aénamá. Category: numbers, ages.
no'kéehēso na. little squirrel. Plural no'kéehesono; Non-diminutive no'ée'e. Category: animals.
no'kée'e na. squirrel. Plural no'kéeho; Non-diminutive no'ée'e; Diminutive no'kéehēso. Category: animals.
-no'kee'e vai. be alone. Lit: alone-sit for example, unattended. É-no'kee'e. He is by himself. Éno'kéeo'o. They are by themselves. Né-no'kéehe? Are you alone? Móné-no'kee'e? You're alone? Ná-no'kee'e. I'm alone. Né-no'kéemehe? Are you guys alone? Ná-no'kééme. We (not including you) are alone. Násáa-no'kééhéme. We (not including you) are not alone. Ques: check pitch with 3rd person plural negative ?? Category: check. Phon: vs See: -no'kónoo'e. Category: sit.
no'kēē'ėše p. for one day. that is, an overnight. Some other words for counting numbers of days are: néšéé'ėse for two days. na'hēē'ėse for three days. névéé'ėše for four days. nóhonēē'ėše for five days. naesóhtȯhéé'ėse for six days. -éše. See: néšéé'ėše. Category: time, numbers.
-no'keené vai. stay one night. Ná-no'keēne. I stayed one night. fai: -ené2. Ques: recheck pitch?? Category: check, numbers, time.
-no'keéno'e vii. one day in time. Éta-no'keéno'e. It has been one day. fii: -éno'e2.
-no'keeno'tsé vai. camp one night. É-no'keenō'tse. He camped one night. fai: -o'tsé1. Category: camp.
-no'keéše'hamá vai. be one month old. É-no'keéše'hāma. He is one month old. Category: numbers, ages.
-no'keétáno vai. want to be alone. É-no'keétáno. He wants to be alone. no'kéé?? can be said of someone who wants to ride solo on a horse. Category: check.
-no'kehá vii. lie alone, lie by itself. É-no'kēha. It is lying by itself. Category: lie.
-no'kėhasené vai. have one seed up in seed-in-basket game. Ná-no'kėhasēne I got one seed up. fai: -hasené. Category: games.
-no'kehné vai. walk alone. É-no'kēhne. He is walking alone. Category: walk.
-no'ke'ená vai. stay alone in tepee (or room). for example, a woman during her menstrual period (obsolescent practice). É-no'ke'ēna. She is staying in a tepee by herself. See: -nȧhestoné.
-no'ke'está vai. one ear. É-no'ke'ēsta. He has (only) one ear. Category: ears.
-no'ke'há vai. fly alone. É-no'kē'ha. He flew by himself. Category: fly.
-no'ke'hamé vai. have one horse. É-no'ke'hāme. He has one horse. Category: horses.
-no'ke'haná vai. eat alone, alone eat. É-no'ke'hāna. He is eating alone. Category: eat.
-no'ke'hanaa'e vai. sit alone eating. É-no'ke'hanaa'e. He is sitting eating alone. Category: sit, eat.
-no'ke'háohe vai. fly alone quickly, fly solo quickly. É-no'ke'háohe. He flew by himself quickly. Category: fly.
-no'ke'háoohe vai. fly alone quickly. É-no'ke'háoohe. He is flying quickly alone. See: -no'ke'há. Category: fly.
-no'ké'tsé vai. camp alone. for example, not camping with the rest of the group. É-no'ké'tseo'o. They are camping by themselves. Variant: -no'ko'tsé2. Category: camp.
-no'ke'tsé vti. put s.t. by itself. É-no'kē'tse. He put it by itself. See: -o'tsé.
-no'keméohe vai. run alone. É-no'keméohe. He is running alone. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-no'kena'evá vai. one-armed. É-no'kena'ēva. He has one arm. (another recording) BodyPartMedial -na'evá. Category: body.
No'kena'hāne na. Lone Kill, One Kills. Category: names.
No'kena'hané'e na. Lone Kills Woman, One Kills Woman. Category: names.
-no'kenó'e vai. sew alone. É-no'kenó'e. She is sewing by herself. fai: -nó'é. Category: sew.
-no'kénome vai. sleep as the only one. É-no'kénome. He is the only one sleeping. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-no'kenoné vai. sing alone. É-no'kenōne. He is singing alone. fai: -noné. Category: sing.
-no'keohe vai. go quickly alone. É-no'keohe. He is going quickly alone. See: -no'keohtsé; -no'kehné. Category: motion.
-no'keohtsé vai. go alone. É-no'keōhtse. He came by himself. See: -no'kehné ‘walk along’; -no'keohe ‘go quickly alone’. Category: motion.
no'keome ni. practice lodge. lone tepee at Sun Dance. Category: Sun Dance.
-no'keóó'e vai. stand alone. É-no'keóó'e. He is standing alone. fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-no'keotse vii. become one.
vai. one.become, become one. É-no'keotse. He (or It) is the only one left. for example, the only one still alive in my family. Category: numbers.
-no'késtá vai. make noise alone, sound alone. É-no'késta. He is the only one making noise. fai: -éstá. Category: sounds.
no'kėstáahe'o p. one handful. Category: quantity.
-no'késtanove vai. live alone. for example, of someone who lives away from others and seldom comes to town. É-no'késtanove. He lives by himself. Category: live.
-no'kešé vai. sleep alone; lie alone. for example, when one's spouse is not home. É-no'kēše. He is sleeping alone. Category: lie.
-no'ketanó vai. loner, do things alone, independent. This is the idea of not needing anyone else. Lit: one-feeling É-no'ketāno. He does things by himself. See: -mano'etanó; -nonó'ketanó; -vénȧhéškosé. Category: emotions.
-no'ketanó'tȯsané vai. jealous, selfish, stingy. É-no'ketanó'tȯsáne. He is jealous/he is stingy. See: -vénȧhéškosé. Category: personality.
-no'ketanó'tov vta. only trust s.o., favor s.o. exclusively. for example, to only want one certain doctor to treat you. É-no'ketanó'tovóho. He only wants to deal with him. Category: interpersonal.
nó'kétse na. rat. Plural nó'ketseo'o, nó'ketseho; Obviative nó'ketseho; Variant: nó'étse. Category: animals.
-no'kévesé vai. one horn - have. É-no'kévése. He has one horn. BodyPartMedial -évesé. Category: body.
No'kévėséhe na. One Horn. See: Ka'évėséhe. Category: names.
-no'kóavȯhohtsé vai. one set of tracks - leave, leave one set of tracks. E-no'kóavȯhohtseo'o. They left one set of tracks. Category: check.
-no'kóéhne vai. bear only one child. É-no'kóéhne. He/She has born only one child. Final -óehné. Category: numbers.
no'kóehnohtsėstse na. only child. he-no'kóehnóhtseto his (or her) only child. [1987:233] See: na'tomóehnėhestȯtse. Category: family.
no'kóehnóhtseve vai. only child - be an. É-no'kóehnóhtseve. He/She is an only child. Category: family.
-no'kóe'ó vai. float alone. É-no'kóé'o. He/It is floating alone. Category: liquid.
-no'koeme vii. one dollar cost.
vai. one dollar cost. É-no'koeme. He (or It) costs $1. See: -háoeme. Category: money, value.
-no'kȯhohtsé vai. one set of tracks. É-no'kȯhōhtse. He left one set of tracks. fai: -ohohtsé. Category: tracks.
-no'kȯhomo'he vai. dance alone. É-no'kȯhomo'he. He danced alone. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-no'kȯhtóva vai. sell alone. É-no'kȯhtóva. He is the only one selling. fai: -ohtóvá. Category: money.
-no'ko'asé vii. burn alone, shine alone. for instance, of a single light. É-no'ko'āse. It is burning alone. fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-no'ko'eétahe vai. do something alone. É-no'ko'eétahe. He did something alone. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-no'kó'ohe vai. grow alone (of a tree). É-no'kó'ohe. (The tree) grew alone (by itself). fai: -ó'ohe. Category: wood.
-no'ko'tá vii. sit alone. É-no'kō'ta. It is there alone. for example, of a lone tepee. Category: sit inan.
-no'ko'tonohe vai. single braided. É-no'ko'tonohe. He has a single braid. Category: hair.
-no'ko'tsé1 vti. place s.t. alone. É-no'kō'tse. He placed it there by itself. fti: -o'tsé2. See: -ho'tsé. Category: put.
-no'ko'tsé2 vai. camp alone. É-no'kō'tse. He camped by himself. É-no'ko'tseo'o. They are camped by themselves. Variant: no'ké'tsé. See: naesto'tsé. Category: camp.
-no'kóneehe vai. one strand ropelike. É-no'kóneehe. There is one strand. of something ropelike and animate. Medial ón. Category: ropelike.
-no'konené vai. have one tooth. É-no'konēne. He has one tooth. BodyPartMedial -onené.
-no'kónoo'e vai. sit alone. É-no'kónoo'e. He is sitting by himself. fai: -ónoo'e. Phon: vs See: -no'kee'e. Category: sit.
-no'kotsehe vai. smoke alone. É-no'kotsehe. He is smoking by himself. fai: -otsehe. Category: smoke.
-no'kóvanom vti. unite s.t. Ques: anam?? Category: check.
no'kóvavoe vai. be all in one piece; sit as a single piece; single piece sit; one piece sit. Móhnėšemȧhe-no'kóvavoehéhe. It was all in one piece. [Mountain stories.164] Category: quantity.
nó'kóve p. one group (band, pair, etc.) of. nó'kóve mo'kėhanȯtse one pair of shoes. Final -óvé; Reduplicated nonó'kóve. See: no'ka ‘once’; nā'ėstse; nésóvé. Category: numbers.
no'kove- pv. one. Éxxamae-no'kovėhováneehéhoono hestotseho. One of his horses was gone. [The Lost Horse (version 2).014] Category: check.
-no'kȯxe'ohe vii. one o'clock. Lit: (be.)one-written É-no'kȯxe'ohe. It is 1 o'clock. ééšėhehpe-no'kȯxe'ohe. It is after 1 o'clock. Ééšėhehpoésta tséh-no'kȯxe'ohe. It is after 1 o'clock. tséhvóonā'o tséh-no'kȯxe'ohe at one o'clock in the morning. Final -ȯxe'ohe. Category: time.
-no'oé'tov vti. Gram: ai+o sit holding s.t., include s.t. sitting.
vta. Gram: ai+o sit holding s.o., include s.o. sitting. Ná-no'oenȯtse. I'm holding him in my lap. É-no'oénoto. He held him in his lap. Etym: *naθpapi·Ɂtawe·wa (P). É-no'oé'tóó'e. She (obv.) is sitting in his lap. vai: -no'oé'tovohe; vti: -no'oo'e. Category: babies.
-no'oé'tovohe vai. hold in the lap. É-no'oé'tovohe. She is holding her baby (intransitive verb). Nátȧhé-no'oé'tovȯhema! Let's go hold the baby! That is especially said about going to hold a newborn baby. vta: -no'oé'tov; Medial -óvohe. See: -no'eóe'tovohe. Category: babies.
-no'oé'tovȯhee'e vai. sit holding one's child, babysit. É-no'oé'tovȯhee'e. He is sitting holding his child. Category: sit.
-no'oem vta. include s.o. in the count, enroll s.o., be included (in that area). Vóhpoométanéno éh-no'oeme Tsėhéstáno. White River District is included/is a part of the Cheyenne reservation. Ésáa-no'oeméháne. It is not counted. vti: -no'oestá; Final -oem. See: -vésto'tá; -háhanehe.
-nó'oesané vai. play hand game, hand game - play. Lit: hide This is a team game of chance where a 'bone' is hidden behind a player's back and the opponent guesses which hand it is in. É-nó'oesāne. He played hand game. É-nó'oesaneo'o. They are playing hand game. É-nó'oesanéstove. There is a hand game being played. vta: -nó'oet; vti: -nó'oestsé. Category: handgame.
nó'oesanénoo'ȯtse ni. Gram: pl handgame songs. Plural nó'oesanénootȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.
nó'oesanestȯtse ni. hand game. Plural nó'oesanéstotȯtse. The hand game is popular and there is a well-developed vocabulary which refers to various aspects of the game: nó'oeseo'o 'hand game bone'; no'aneo'o 'blank hand game bone'; hotseo'o 'tally stick'; -amȯhóné 'guess with motions'; -ésȯhóné 'miss with motions'; -ésȯhová 'miss with intuitive guess'; -vovéhpȯhóné 'miss everything with motions'; -nȯsȯhová 'try to find with intuitive guess'; -véeamȯhóné 'guess every time'; -mé'oh(n) 'find him (the opposing player)'; -ésȯh(n) 'miss him'; -nȯsȯh(n) 'guess against him', etc. vai: -nó'oesané. Category: handgame.
nó'oesēō'o na. hand game bone. Plural nó'oeseono; Obviative nó'oeseono. Category: handgame.
-no'oestá vti. include s.t. in the count. É-no'oēsta. He included it in the count. Ná-no'oēsta. I counted/included it (in there). vta: -no'oem. See: -no'oéstá; -no'oo'e.
-no'oéstá vii. included. especially about including something in the cooking, for example, to put bay leaf in the stew. É-no'oéstá. It is included (in the stew). See: -no'oestá.
-nó'oestomev vta. hide (something) from s.o. É-nó'oestomevóho. He hid it from him. Nėstsevé'-nó'oestomevónóvo ka'ėškóneho! Do not hide it from the children! [1987:11] vai: -nó'oesané. Category: interpersonal.
no'oéstotȯtse ni. fan, peyote fan. Lit: held while sitting things Ques: Recheck; also is this peyote fan or peyote fans?? Category: check. See: vá'vanȯhēō'o ‘fan’. Category: ceremonial.
-nó'oestsé vti. hide s.t. É-nó'oēstse. He hid it. Ná-nó'oēstse. I hid it. vta: -nó'oet; vai: -nó'oesané. Category: move.
-nó'oešévaen vti. hide s.t. quickly. Nó'oešéváénȯhtse! Hide it quickly!
vta. hide s.o. quickly. Nó'oešévaeneha! Hide him quickly! Category: interpersonal, move.
-nó'oet vta. hide s.o. É-nó'oetóho. He hid him. Nó'oešeha! Hide him! vai: -nó'oesané; vti: -nó'oestsé. See: -ahtoešem. Etym: cf. *kya·θe·wa.
-no'ȯhehné vai. bat (in baseball), baseball - play. É-no'ȯhēhne. He is batting. Variant: -no'ȯhené. Phon: sounds like -no'hohné Synonym -o'hohné ‘play baseball’. See: no'ȯhēō'o ‘bat’. Category: baseball.
-no'ȯhené vai. bat (in baseball), baseball - play. É-no'ȯhēne. He is batting. Névááhe tséto'se-no'ȯhēnėstse? Who's going to bat (now)? Éohkepėhéve-no'ȯhēne. He is a good batter. Nétȧhé-no'ȯhenémáne! Let's go play baseball! That refers to batting. Variant: -no'ȯhehné. See: no'ȯhēō'o ‘bat (in baseball)’. Category: baseball.
no'ȯhēō'o ni. bat (baseball). This word probably originated from a term for the traditional shinny game. Plural no'ȯheonȯtse, no'ȯhenéstotȯtse. Phon: vs, gr See: -no'ȯhené ‘play baseball’; Ma'heóno'ȯhnē'e ‘Medicine Shinny Woman’. Category: baseball.
-no'oh(n) vta. catch s.o. by tool. É-no'ȯhnóho. He caught him by instrument (tool). See: -no'en; -nȧha'en. Category: check.
-no'ȯhomo'he vai. dance with (something). É-no'ȯhomo'he. He is dancing with something (for example, a rifle).
vti. Éh-no'ȯhomó'hénȯse hóánóhne. He was dancing with a shield. [1987:48] See: -no'ehné ‘include walk’. Category: dance.
no'ȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. something held when dancing. for example, a purse or stick. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-no'óhtá1 vti. include eat s.t. For example, to eat bread periodically while eating meat. É-no'óhta. He included it in what he ate. Ná-no'óhta I included it in what I ate. vta: -no'óm. Category: eat.
-no'óhtá2 vti. catch s.t. by mouth. É-no'óhta. He caught it in his (own) mouth. Oeškēso é-no'óhta. The dog caught it in his mouth. fti: -óhtá. Category: mouth.
-no'ȯhtȧheve vii. include design. Éoseeháe-no'ȯhtȧhévénėstse. They (inanimate) have a lot of designs. for example, of moccasins (inanimate).
vai. include design. É-no'ȯhtȧheve. He (or It) is included in the design. See: -hohtȧhéve. Category: designs.
no'óhtó'e p. out of the way, on the outside, away from the edge, away. for example, not near the edge of a bed. Hákó'e móstaée=tósa'e=no'óhtó'e=no'keameehehevóhe. They were traveling somewhere by themselves away from the others. [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.007] Antonym tóxeha. See: nó'óse; anóse.
-no'ȯhtóvá vai. Gram: vai + o sell with, include with sale. for example, selling soda pop along with Indian tacos. É-no'ȯhtóva. He is including (something) in the sale.
vti. fai: -ohtóvá. É-no'ȯhtóvanȯtse. He is selling them (inan.) along with something else.
-nó'ȯhtséh vta. go after s.o. from a long distance, come after s.o., fetch s.o. Né-nó'ȯhtsehȧtse. I have come after you (from a long ways). Nééva-nó'ȯhtsehȧtse. I have come after you. [1987:307] éxho'-nó'ȯhtséheo'o They were summoned from there (FAMILY.TXT). See: -nó'otséh; -nó'otseh; -nó'oohé'tov. Category: move.
-nó'ȯhtsé'tov vta. go toward s.o., approach s.o., come toward s.o. Éhnėh-nó'ȯhtsé'toevósesto. He came toward them. (reportative mode). [The Journey.267] Final -ohtsé. See: -nóhtsėhót. Category: interpersonal, motion.
-no'o'ȧhéotse vai. run with (something). É-no'o'ȧhéotse. He is running with something. For example, he could be carrying a stick. Final -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
-no'o'eétahe vai. include do, add to in ceremony. hová'éhe tsé-no'o'eétȧhéstove something added to a ceremony. [PD1119] Initial no'-; fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-no'ó'ováxe'tov vta. dream about s.o. Ná-no'ó'ováxenanȯtse. I dreamed about him. Né-no'ó'ováxe'tovȧtse I dreamed about you. [1987:142] vai: -ováxená. See: -no'evéhe'tov.
-no'o'tá vii. sit included. for example, to be in the pile with other things. É-no'ō'ta. It is included. Category: sit inan.
-no'o'tónohá vti. weave s.t. É-no'o'tónóha. He wove it. See: -hestó'tóon.
-no'om vta. include eat s.o. for example, to periodically eat on a pickle while eating a steak. É-no'omóho. He included him in what he ate. Ná-no'ōmo. I included him in what I ate. Mésėhéstoto né-no'omoo'o. You are including potatoes with what you are eating. Initial no'-; fta: -om1; vti: -no'óhtá1. Category: eat.
-no'óma'en vta. bury s.o. Hákó'e námónenéstomóne tsé'éše-no'óma'enėse. (I was) far away I recently heard about her burial. [Cheyenne Conversation:210] Medial -óma'. Category: figurative.
no'óma'eotse vii. ground included. Ésta-no'óma'eotsénėse héne me'ko. That head got covered up. [The Rolling Head.072] Final -óma'e.
-no'ónean 1 • vti. include s.t. while braiding (or weaving). Ná-no'ónéána. I included it (for example, a design) while braiding (or weaving).
2 • vta. include s.o. while braiding (or weaving). É-no'óneanóho. He included him (obv) while braiding (or weaving). Medial -ón.
-no'ónoo'e vti. Gram: ai+o sit holding s.t. É-no'ónoo'e He is sitting holding (something). Éxaehe'ke-no'ónoo'e heme'ko. He is holding his head in his hand(s). Phon: vs See: -no'oo'e. Category: sit.
-no'ónot vta. rope s.o. É-no'ónotóho. He roped him. hōva nėhéóhe tséhetaa'-no'ónoese any animal that was roped there. [1987:95] See: -nȧha'ónot; -nȧha'en. Category: livestock.
-nó'oohe vai. fetch. É-nó'oohe. ?? Category: check.
-nó'oohé'tá vti. fetch s.t. quickly, go after s.t. quickly. Nátao'se-nó'oohé'ta. I'm going to go get it (for example, I need it). Category: motion.
-nó'oohé'tov vta. fetch s.o. quickly, go after s.o. quickly. This is a more urgent action than -nó'otseh. Né-nó'oohé'tovȧtse. I came after you (for example, with my car). I came after you. for example, with my car. É-nó'oohé'tovóho. He came after him. [1987:212] For example, to give s.o. a ride. Éohkeée-nó'oohé'tȯheo'o. (The Indian doctors) were fetched. [1987:212] Náto'sėho'-nó'oohé'tóne. I have a ride (that is, someone is going to come get me). Néh-nó'oohé'tovėstse! Come pick me up! vti: nó'oohé't. See: -nó'otseh; -ho'eotseh; -nóhto'ȧhéotsé'tov; -noo'ėhé'tov. Category: transportation.
-no'oo'e vai. included. É-no'oeo'o. They (animate) are included. For example, that could be said of rice that is included with some other food.
vti. Gram: ai+o sit holding s.t., hold s.t. sitting. especially refers to holding something in the lap. É-no'oo'e. He is holding (something) while sitting. Etym: *naθpapiwa (P). Ná-no'oenȯtse. I'm holding them (inan.). Kȧhamaxėstse móh-no'oehenótse. He had sticks along with him. [1987:246] vta: -no'oé'tov. See: -no'ónoo'e; -ho'oo'e. Category: sit.
-no'oo'kohó vii. accompany rain, rain - accompany. É-no'oo'kōho. It occurred along with rain. fii: -oo'kohó. Category: weather.
-no'óován vti. include s.t. liquid. É-no'óována. He included it in the liquid. Hena'háanéhe vé'keemahpe naa matana nėstseonáxeno'óována. Here's the sugar and milk you might pour it in (your coffee). fii: -óová.
-no'óovao'tsé vti. mix liquid of s.t. É-no'óovaō'tse. He mixed it in the liquid.?? Category: check.
-no'óovo'he vai. drink while eating, sip while eating. for example, drink while eating a roll. É-no'óovo'he. He drank while eating (something). Hénová'e tsé-no'óovo'hése? What did you guys drink with your meal? Ques: get third person plural?? fai: -óovo'he. See: -mane; -novo'é. Category: eat, drink, check.
nó'óse p. next to the wall. for example, where person sleeps next to wall in a two-person bed; especially referred to position next to wall in tepee. Nó'óse nášééše. I lay next to the wall (that is, not in the edge of bed position). Variant: nó'ȯséma. See: no'óhtó'e; ho'xō'e; hó'óse; nó'ȯse-. Category: positions.
-no'ose'há vai. include fly. Ques: recheck spelling and pitches?? É-no'ȯsē'ha. He included flying. Hévámóhe nȧháóhe móstȧho'-no'ȯsé'hahtovėhéhe né= hetane. Maybe that is where that man had been flying with (the birds). [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.068] Category: check.
-no'ósem vta. include s.o. while telling. É-no'ósemóho. He included him (obv) while telling. Hóhta'hēō'o néxhósemeha vé'ho'e tsé'ȯhke-no'ósemėse. Tell me a story in which the ve'ho'e is included. See: -hósem. Category: speak.
nó'ȯséma p. next to the wall. Variant: nó'óse. See: no'óhtó'e. Category: positions.
-no'ȯseohe vti. take away s.t.?? É-no'ȯseohe. ?? ?? See: -asėtan. Category: check.
-no'otov vta. aim at s.o. Ques: ?? É-no'otovóho. ?? ?? no'otóvȧhtsestȯtse This is what people used to say when pointing their finger while farting, seems to mean something like shooting at something or someone. Category: interpersonal, check.
-nó'otseh vta. fetch s.o., go after s.o., come after s.o. Less urgent action than -nó'oohé'tov. É-nó'otsėhóho. He fetched him. Né-nó'otsehȧtse. I came to get you. Néh-nó'otšėšeha! Go get him! oha néévamȧhe-nó'otsėhatsemeno we just came after you (pl) (1987:59). vti: -nó'otsestsé. See: -nó'oohé'tov; -nó'ȯhtséh; -ho'eotseh. Category: transportation.
-no'otsehe vai. smoke along with something else. É-no'otsehe. He smoked something along with tobacco. fai: -otsehe. Category: smoke.
no'otséstotȯtse ni. Gram: pl pipe smoke mixtures, crawling plant ?? This plant is shaped like leaves; the leaves are mixed with tobacco for smoking. See: no'aneonȯtse. Category: smoke.
-nó'otsestsé vti. fetch s.t., go after s.t. É-nó'otsēstse. He came after it. Néta-nó'otsėstsénonėstse hoxotáhtotȯtse! Let's go get our commodities! vta: -nó'otseh. Category: carry.
no'ovėše'étanó vai. want a contest. See: -nóvėše'évȯhomo'he. Naa móhno'ovėše'étanȯhevóhe xamaevo'ėstaneo'o. And the Indians wanted to have a contest. [The Great Race.002] Category: interpersonal, check.
-no'ovó'eotse vta. put a blanket around as when courting; conceal under a blanket. É-no'ovó'eotse. She concealed (something) under a blanket. See: -nȯhooman. Category: marriage.
-no'ovó'eotsé'tov vta. put a blanket around s.o. as courting. É-no'ovó'eotsénoto. He put a blanket around her to show that she will be his wife. See: -nȯhooman. Category: marriage.
nó'ovóne- i. lined up, in a row. É-nó'ovóneehánėstse. They (inanimate) are lying lined up. É-nó'ovóneanēne. He has a straight in cards. É-nó'ovóneoeo'o. They sat in a row. É-nó'ovóneeóeo'o. They are standing single file. É-nó'ovóneešéne. They are lying side by side. É-nó'ovóneo'tánėstse. They (for example, chairs) are lined up in a row. for example, where they are stored. Category: positions.
-nó'ovóneanené vai. straight in cards. Lit: lined.up.do É-nó'ovóneanēne. He has a straight in cards. Category: cards.
nó'ovónee- pv. lined up, single file, in a row; in a line. É-nó'ovóneetáhoeo'o. They rode single file. Ésta-nó'ovóneehámėstoeotsé'toesesto. They sat down in a row beside him. See: VISION.TXT.
-nó'ovóneehá vii. lie lined up. É-nó'ovóneehánėstse. They (inanimate) are lying lined up. vai: -nó'ovónešé. Category: lie.
-nó'ovóneeohtsé vai. go single file. É-nó'ovóneeohtseo'o. They walked single file. Category: walk.
-nó'ovóneeóó'e vai. stand single file, stand in a straight line. É-nó'ovóneeóeo'o. They are standing single file. Nó'ovóneeóó'e! Get in line (single file)! (said to more than one person). (another recording) See: -nó'ovóneoo'e ‘sit in line’; -amóneeóó'e ‘stand in line’. Phon: vs Final -óé2. Category: school, stand.
-nó'ovóneešé vai. lie lined up, lie side by side. É-nó'ovóneešēne. They are lying side by side. vii: -nó'ovóneehá. Category: lie.
-nó'ovóne'énȯxe'ėstóne vai. have a straight flush (in cards). Ná-nó'ovóne'énȯxe'ėstóne. I have a straight flush. Category: cards.
-nó'ovóneo'tá vii. lined up in a row. É-nó'ovóneo'tánėstse. They (for example, chairs) are lined up in a row. for example, where they are stored.
-nó'ovóneoo'e vai. sit in a row. only used with plural subjects. É-nó'ovóneoeo'o. They sat in a row. Nėhē'še tsé'tó=kȧsováaheho éstatšėšee'-no'ovóneoésesto. Then these young men sat up (in the tree) one right after the other. [1987:308] Óeškėseho éh-nó'ovóneoéhoono. The dogs sat in a row. Phon: vs fai: -oe. See: -nó'ovóneeóé; -amóneeóé.
-no'ȯxe'ėstóne vai. include in writing. É-no'ȯxe'ėstóne. He included (it) as he wrote. Initial no'-. See: -mȯxe'ėstóné. Category: write.
nó'tom- i. first. Etym: cf. M nae·ʔtam. See: vovóe-.
-nó'tomȧhésené vai. strike the first coup. There was special honor to being the first one to strike coup on an enemy in a battle. É-nó'tomȧhéséne. He struck the first coup. Petter (1915) lists words for subsequent stikes in his dictionary (page 309), his spellings: nahonaovehotaneva 'I strike the second coup', nanahahotaneva 'I strike the third coup'; nanevahotaneva 'I strike the fourth coup'. Variant: -ná'tomȧhesené. Category: warfare.
nó'tomóehnohtsėstse na. first child, oldest child. Obviative nó'tomóehnóhtseto. Etym: cf. M nae·ʔtamu:hsyan. Category: family, check.
nó'tomóehnohtseve na. firstborn child - be. É-nó'tomóehnóhtseve. He is the firstborn child. Category: family, check.
-nó'tsé fti. sew s.t. Éhahpe-nó'tse. She is sewing it. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. fai: -nó'é; fta: -nót. Category: housework, sew.
nóm- i. go with the wind. See: Nómeōhtse. Etym: cf. na·mohnatam (TI). Category: wind.
-nómá mbp. thigh. Náhese-nómaotse. I have cramps in my thigh. Épóe-nómáxe. He fell on his thigh. Éónėše-nómáóhtse. He has pain in the thighs. Possessive -htsénóme; Initial hénóme. Category: body.
nomȧhésto'e p. south. Oblique nomȧhésto'e. Ques: nomȧhéstó'e ?? Ques: nómȧhéstó'e ?? Ques: ad hoc morpheme analysis?? See: hánėsóvóne; sóvóné. Category: directions, check.
-nomáhkotseve vai. waxy, gluey, sticky. É-nomáhkotseve. It is waxy, gluey. [pd 1098] can be said of honey or pine sap or earwax. See: ahke. Category: material.
nomáht- i. steal. É-nomáhtó'e. He stole from a garden. É-nomáhtse'hāna. He stole something to eat. vai: -nomáhtsé.
-nomáhto'é vai. steal from a garden. É-nomáhtó'e. He stole from a garden. É-nomáhto'eo'o. They stole from the garden. Medial -o'é3. Lit: steal-land See: -nomáhtosé.
-nomáhto'hamé vai. steal horses. É-nomáhto'hāme. He stole horses. Etym: cf *manaɁθemwe·wa ‘he gathers dogs, he steals horses’. fai: -(o)'hamé. See: -moné'hamé ‘pick a horse’. Category: horses.
-nomáhtosé vai. steal a touch. É-nomáhtóse. He stole a touch. Lit: steal-by.finger Usage: vulgar; humorous; some speakers enjoy confusing this word with -nomáhto'é refers to what tepee creepers do, namely, sneak a touch of a woman while she is asleep, reaching from the outside under a tepee (especially refers to touching a woman's genitals this way). BodyPartMedial -ósé3. See: -nomáhto'é ‘steal from a garden’. Category: vulgar.
-nomáhtsé 1 • vai. steal. É-nomáhtse. He stole (it). É-nomáhtseo'o. They stole. Etym: cf. *kemo·twa ‘he steals (s.t.)’.
Gram: ai+o vti. steal s.t. É-nomáhtsenȯtse. He stole them (inan.). vta: -nomáhtsé'tov.
2 • vti. break the speed limit. Category: figurative, car.
-nomáhtseh vta. Gram: ai+o steal from s.o. É-nomáhtsėhóho. He stole (something) from him. Ná-nomáhtsého. I stole from him. Mó'áahtse'-nomáhtsėhohéhe. She must have stolen (the gun) from him (a soldier). [1987:59] Ná-nomáhtsėhaa'e. He stole it from me. Ná-nomáhtsėhaenoto mo'éhno'hāme. He stole a horse from me. Category: interpersonal.
-nomáhtse'haná vai. steal (something) to eat. É-nomáhtse'hāna. He stole something to eat. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat.
nomáhtsé'héó'o na. 1 • thief. Category: people.
2 • Thief, Stealer. name of an important nésemoo'o (familiar spirit); he could help his "owner" retrieve lost horses. Category: sacred.
-nomáhtse'heóneve vai. thief - be a. É-nomáhtse'heóneve. He is a thief. Category: personality.
-nomáhtsé'tov vta. steal s.o. É-nomáhtsenoto. He stole him. (for example, a horse). See: -nomáhtseh. Category: interpersonal.
-nomáhtseohé'tov vta. steal s.o. quickly. Hēā'e éta-nomáhtseohé'toevóho Óoetaneo'o naa mó=héá'e Ho'óhomo'eo'o. Maybe Crows or Siouxs stole them. Category: interpersonal.
-nomáhtsetáhoeve vai. steal a ride. Móhne'ée-nomáhtsetáhoevėhéhe. He must have stolen a ride. [Red Bird, Runaway Cheyenne Boy.003]
Noma'é'e na. North Facing Woman. See: Notamé'e. Category: directions, names.
nóma'he na. fish (a single fish). (another recording) Plural nomá'ne; AlternatePlural noma'no; Obviative nomá'ne; Variant: nóma'ne. Phon: iah See: Nóma'ne ‘Fish’. Etym: *name·θsa. Category: fish.
Nóma'he Ȯhma'aestse na. Red Fish. Variant: Nomá'heohma'aestse. Category: names.
-nomá'heénehe vai. taste of fish, taste fishy. É-nomá'heénehe. He tastes fishy. fai: -énehe. Category: taste.
-nomá'heéno'e vii. taste fishy. É-nomá'heéno'e. It tastes fishy. fii: -éno'e. Category: taste.
-nomá'heméa'xe vai. fish smell, smell fishy, woman smell after sex. This word is used to refer to the smell a woman has after sex. This word should not be said in mixed company. É-nomá'heméa'xe. He smells fishy. Final méa'xe. Category: vulgar, smell, sex.
Nomá'heméóná'e na. Fish Trail Woman. Category: names.
Nomá'heohma'aestse vai. Gram: ppl Red Fish. Variant: Nóma'he Ȯhma'aestse. Category: names.
Noma'héo'hé'e ni. Kingfigher Creek, Kingfisher, Oklahoma. Lit: fish-river This was the Cheyenne name for a tributary of the Cimarron north of Darlington, Oklahoma. It is known today as Kingfisher Creek. See: Matséneo'hé'e ‘Kingfisher Creek’. Category: places.
nomá'héškéso na. Gram: dim 1 • minnow. See: noma'kēso. Category: fish.
2 • Fisher. origin of the Cheyenne family name Fisher, more accurately translated as 'little fish' or 'minnow. Category: names.
-nomá'heve vai. be a fish. É-nomá'heve. He is a fish. Morph: /-nomá'héve/. Etym: *name·ʔsi·wiwa (P). Category: fish.
-nomá'hohkeve vai. eat uninvited ?? Category: check. Náévėho'ėhé-nomá'hohkeve. I've just come to eat. ?? Category: check. done at a wedding meal when not related to either side; this is considered O.K. to do in the culture. Usage: obsolescent See: -onenová. Category: marriage.
noma'kēso na. little fish. Variant: nomá'héškéso; Plural noma'kėsono; Non-diminutive nóma'ne. Category: fish.
noma'kėsono tsé'ȯhkeévȯhoévȯse vai. fish tank. Lit: where little fish swim around vai: -évȯhoo'e. Category: fish, new.
-nomá'kotseve vii. gummy - be, stick - be. É-nomá'kotseve. It is sticky/gummy. Category: texture.
nóma'ne na. 1 • fish (one). Usage: probably more commonly said than nóma'he Ques: does underlying nomá'hn (with hn) work?? Phon: iah Variant: nóma'he; Plural nomá'ne; Obviative nomá'ne; Diminutive noma'kēso, nomá'héškéso. Category: fish.
2 • Fish. Category: names.
Nomá'nȯhmévose vai -part. Eskimos. Lit: fish eaters Variant: other names for Eskimos are Hesta'sévo'ėstaneo'o (lit.snow-persons) and Ma'ométaneo'o (lit. ice- people). See: Hesta'sévo'ėstane; Ma'ométane. Category: tribes.
-noma'ov vta. give the hex sign to s.o. Nėstsevé'-noma'ōvo! Don't give the hex sign to him! É-noma'óesesto. He hex-motioned (reportative) to him. See: -nonó'homa'.
-nómehné vai. go north. É-nóméhne. He went north. See: -nomené; notama; -nómeohtsé. Category: directions.
-nomé'ot vta. track s.o., follow tracks of s.o. É-nomé'otóho. He followed his tracks. See: -néhe'ov.
Nómemé'éhne na. Appears From the North. Variant: Nómemé'éhnėstse. See: Nómeōhtse; notamá. Category: names.
-nómemé'ehné na. appear from the north. É-nómemé'éhne. He is appearing from the north. See: Nómeōhtse; notāma; Nómemé'éhne; Nómemé'éhnėstse. Category: directions.
Nómemé'éhnėstse na. Appears From the North. Variant: Nómemé'éhne. See: Nómeōhtse; notāma. Category: names.
-nomené vai. sip, drink heated liquid.
vti. sip s.t., drink something heated liquid. The heated liquid is usually coffee, tea, or broth. Some speakers translate this as sip. Usage: Younger speakers often say -mane 'drink' for drinking cold as well as heated liquids. É-nomēne. He is sipping (it). Etym: *nemehkwe·wa (P). (another recording) Ná-nomēne. I'm sipping (it). Mónėstse-nomēne? Will you drink (typically, some coffee)? Néohke-nomenehe mo'ȯhtávėhohpe? Do you drink coffee? Ná-nomēne véhpotséhohpe. I'm drinking tea. Mo'ȯhtávėhohpe náto'se-nomēne. I'm going to drink coffee. Hohpe ná-nomēne. I sipped soup. Náohketo'sėsáa-nomenéhe mo'kȯhtávėhohpe. I'm not going to be drinking coffee. Náohkėsáa-nomenéhe véhpotséhohpe naa mo'kȯhtávėhohpe; oha náohkemane mahpe. I don't drink tea or coffee; I just drink water. See: -mane; -nómehné; -nóosané. Category: drink.
-nomenee'e vai. sip.sit, sit drinking (something hot), sit sipping. É-nomenee'e. He is sitting drinking (something hot, especially coffee). É-nomenéeo'o. They are sitting sipping (something hot). Ná-nomenee'e. I'm sitting drinking coffee. Phon: vs See: -nomonoo'e. Category: sit, drink.
-nomenéóó'e vai. drink something heated while standing. É-nomenéóó'e. He is standing drinking (hot liquid, especially coffee). Phon: vs Category: stand, drink.
-nomenéotse vai. sip quickly, drink heated liquid quickly. This is faster action than -nomené. É-nomenéotse. He drank. See: -nomené; -mane. Category: drink.
-nomenétanó vai. want to sip, want to drink coffee. often refers to drinking coffee. Náhoháe-nomenétáno. I really want a drink (of coffee).
vti. sip.want. Category: drink.
nomenévetohko ni. drinking cup (for heated liquids), bowl. Often used by newer pronunciation today as the word for any drinking container, not just one for heated liquids. See: hetohko; manévetohko; toeneško; hemanévetohko. Category: containers.
Nómeōhtse na. Going With the Wind, North Walker. See: Nómemé'éhne. Category: names.
-nómeohtsé vai. go north, go with the wind. Category: check. É-nómeōhtse. He went along with the wind. See: notāma ‘north’. Category: directions, wind.
-nómeohtsétó vii. go north. Hóvéhno étató'nėše-nómeohtséto. (The car) barely made it up the north slope. [The Hunter and the Badger.28] Category: directions.
-nómevo'ehá vii. fall down and roll. É-nómevo'ēha. It fell and rolled. Ques: recheck gloss and re entries below?? Category: fall, check.
-nómevo'há vii. charge s.t. knocking it over. É-nómevō'ha. He charged at it knocking it over. Éhne'éema'xe-nómevo'hánȯse héne hóoma. (nómevo'ėhá??) He (buffalo) charged at that robe (here, inanimate) knocking it way over. [1987:312] Ques: nomevo'ohá?? Ques: get vta, nómevo'oh(n)?? See: -nómevo'ehá. Category: hit, check.
nómȯheto p. Let's go! This word functions like a command. Variant: nóheto.
nómó'ke p. Let's go! Synonym nómȯheto, nómonėhē'še. Usage: sometimes humorous
nomon- i. drowsy. É-nomonahe. He is a sleepyhead. É-nomono'enȯhéotse. He is drowsy after eating. Category: eat.
-nomonahe vai. sleepyhead - be a. É-nomonahe. He is a sleepyhead. Category: sleep, personality.
-nomona'éno'hamé vai. drowsy driving?? É-nomona'éno'hāme. He is drowsy driving. Initial nomon-; fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-nomona'haso'he vai. fall asleep riding horse. É-nomona'haso'he. He fell asleep riding horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-nomona'xané vai. sleep cry, fall asleep crying. É-nomona'xāne. He went to sleep crying. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry, sleep.
nomone- i. drowsy, sleepy. É-nomoneotse. He got sleepy. Ná-nomonevo'e'oo'e. It (for example, medicine) made me sleepy. See: -énome ‘sleep’.
-nomonéaná vai. fall asleep hungry. É-nomonéána. He fell asleep although hungry. Category: sleep.
nómonėhē'še p. Let's go!, All right, let's go ahead and do it!, All right, go ahead and do it! This particle functions as a command. Variant: nóohē'še, nóonėhē'še. See: nóheto; nómȯheto; mónėhé'še; nėhē'še; nómó'ke.
-nomone'éxané vai. have sleepy eyes. Ná-nomone'éxáne. I have sleepy eyes. BodyPartMedial -'éxané. Category: eyes, record.
-nomone'hahe vai. drowsy voice. Ná-nomone'hahe. I have a drowsy voice. for example, upon waking up. fai: -e'hahe. Category: voice.
-nomone'haná vai. fall asleep while eating. É-nomone'hāna. He fell asleep while eating. Initial nomon-; fai: -e'haná. Category: sleep, eat.
-nomone'hanaa'e vai. fall asleep eating sitting. É-nomone'hanaa'e. He is sitting eating half asleep. Category: sleep, eat, sit.
-nomone'hanáotse vai. fall sleep eating. É-nomone'hanáotse. He fell asleep while eating. See: -nomono'enȯhéotse.
-nomonéne vai. sleepy face, look sleepy. Lit: drowsy-face Ná-nomonéne. I look sleepy. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face, sleep.
-nomoneotse vai. become drowsy , become sleepy. É-nomoneotse. He became drowsy. See: -nomonoéotse ‘doze off quickly’; -naóotseotse ‘fall asleep’. Category: sleep.
-nomoneov vta. put s.o. to sleep. Lit: cause s.o. to become drowsy for example, by singing to him. É-nomoneovóho. He put him to sleep. See: -nomonėšem. Category: sleep.
-nomonešé vai. fall asleep lying. É-nomonēše. He fell asleep lying down. Category: lie.
-nomonėšem vta. put s.o. to sleep. É-nomonėšemóho. He put him to sleep. See: -nomoneov. Category: sleep.
-nomonetanó vai. feel drowsy. É-nomonetāno. He feels drowsy. Category: sleep.
-nomonévȧhtomo'he vai. drowsy from listening. for example, from listening to a boring speech. É-nomonévȧhtomo'he. He is drowsy from listening. Category: hear, sleep.
-nomonévam vta. make s.o. drowsy by talking. An adult would often tell stories to children at bedtime to help them fall asleep. É-nomonévamóho. He made him drowsy by talking. Néške'éehe ná'ȯhke-nomonévama. My grandmother would make me drowsy (from story-telling). Category: sleep, speak.
-nomonévaoesem vta. put s.o. to sleep, sleep - put s.o. to. Nėstsenėh-nomonévaoeseme. You might put me to sleep. Category: sleep.
-nomonevo'e'ov vta. make s.o. drowsy. É-nomonevo'e'ovóho. He made him drowsy. Ná-nomonevo'e'oo'e. It made me sleepy. for example, of some medicine. Category: sleep.
nomonevóóhe na. sleepy morningstar. can be an expression for someone (for example, a sluggard) who got caught sleeping when the morningstar came up. See: vóóhe.
-nomonoéotse vai. doze off quickly. É-nomonoéotse. He dozed off quickly. Né-nomonoéotse. You dozed off quickly. Náohto'se-nomonoéotse. I almost fell asleep. See: -nomonoo'e ‘fall asleep sitting’; -nomoneotse ‘become drowsy’; -naóotseotse ‘fall asleep’. Category: sleep.
-nomonoéstóné vai. drowsy from reading. É-nomonóéstóne. He got drowsy from reading. See: -hoéstóne. Category: sleep.
-nomono'enohe vai. drowsy after eating. É-nomono'enohe. He felt sleepy after eating. Final -o'enohe. See: -ná'so'enohe; -hestomo'enohe; -nomoné'hána. Category: sleep.
-nomono'enȯhéotse vai. drowsy after eating. É-nomono'enȯhéotse. He is drowsy after eating. fai: -o'enohe; Final -otse. Category: eat.
-nomonoo'e vai. sit drowsy; fall asleep sitting. É-nomonoo'e. He fell asleep sitting. Final -oe. Phon: vs See: -nomonoéotse; -nomenee'e. Category: sit, sleep.
nómȯse p. all the time. Ques: uncertain; maybe accepted by L&J 10/17/22 but with a gloss of 'not quite, almost, barely' Category: check.
-noná mbp. ankle. Ná-kóenonáxe. I bumped my ankle. Énémo-nonáotse. He twisted his (own) ankle. Category: body.
-nonaesóhtȯxe vai. six.be.in.number. Non-reduplicated -naesóhtȯxe. Category: numbers.
-nonáestoe vai. out of order sit. would be used, for example if people are not sitting in their assigned seats. only of plural subjects. É-nonáestoeo'o. They are not sitting in order. Ques: recheck pitch ná or na?? Non-reduplicated -naestoe. Category: sit.
-nonaeškóhtá vai. numb legs. É-nonaeškóhta. His legs are numb. [The Frog That Waved for Help.033]
-nonaeškóhtaotse vai. legs become numb. Mó'éšeáahtsé'-nonaeškóhtaotsėhéhe. His legs had already become numb. [The Frog That Waved for Help.033] Non-reduplicated -naeškóhtáohtsé. Phon: redup Category: sickness.
nonáh- i. alternate. É-nonáhahe. He is a go-getter. É-nonáhó'áne. He is making excuses. É-nonáho'éetahe. He did something some other way.
-nonáhahe vai. hustler, go-getter, handyman. É-nonáhahe. He is a go-getter. Initial nonáh-. Category: personality.
-nonáhahkahe vai. quick in movements. É-nonáhahkahe. He is quick in movements. Non-reduplicated -nȧhahkahe. Phon: redup Category: motion.
nonȧháxe- i. maybe.
pv. maybe, might. É-nonȧháxeameōhtse. Maybe he walked. Tse-nonȧháxepe'pe'eotse. There might be trouble. [1987:27] Contracted onȧháxe-; vta: -nonȧháxe'tov; Variant: nonáxe-. See: nónȧxeto.
-nonȧháxe'tov vta. try something on s.o. For example, to try some medicine on s.o. to heal them. É-nonȧháxe'tovóho. He tried something on him. Preverb nonȧháxe-.
-nonȧháxem vta. make excuses to s.o. É-nonȧháxemóho. He is making excuses to him. Naa hó'éemȧhešeéestóó'ėstse mó'ȯhketónėše-nonȧháxemȯhevóhe. And every time he spoke to him about it he would make an excuse. [Stamper 1991:2] Variant: -nonáxem; vai: -nonȧháxetanó. Category: speak.
-nonȧháxėstónané vai. clever, creative builder. É-nonȧháxėstónáne. He is a creative builder.
-nonȧháxetanó vai. get out of, make an excuse. Nésáatónėše-nonȧháxetanóhe. You have no way to get out of it. [1987:175] Variant: -nonáxetanó; vta: -nonȧháxem.
-nonáhe-tsėhesó vii. more than one way to fix things. tsėhéóhe méave'ho'ēno héne máto tā'se éta-nonáhetsėhēso here in Lame Deer that too it also comes to pass. [1987:144]
-nonáhó'ané vai. make excuses. É-nonáhó'áne. He is making excuses. fai: -ó'ané. See: -nonáxetanó. Category: speak.
-nonáho'eétahe vai. figures things out; clever; good mechanic. É-nonáho'eétahe. He is clever, figures things out. Initial nonáh-. See: -otó'xovahe; ma'heóno'eétahe; -nonáxa'ham. Ques: recheck literal glosses?? Category: do, check.
-nonáho'ko'soo'e vai. quickly play, quick player - be a. É-nonáho'ko'soo'e. He is a quick player. Category: basketball.
noná'he- pv. three at a time. Non Redup: na'he-. É'ȯhtše-noná'hetsėhetanovȯtse. They put down three at a time. [Planting Corn.009] Category: numbers.
-noná'so'eém vta. tease s.o. É-noná'so'eemo. He teases him/them. É-noná'so'eémóho. He teases him/them. (newer pronunciation). Non-reduplicated -ná'so'eém. Category: interpersonal.
-noná'so'eémetahe vai. tease; joke. É-noná'so'eémetahe. He is a teaser. Non-reduplicated -ná'so'eémetahe. Category: personality.
-noná'so'eéstsé vti. waste s.t. for example, to waste money. É-noná'so'eéstse. He wasted it. Non-reduplicated -ná'so'eéstsé; vta: -ná'so'eéh.
-noná'tsetanóotse vai. faint. Éstaomeévėhótse-noná'tsetanóotséhoo'o. She was frightened and almost fainted. Non-reduplicated -ná'tsetanóotse. Phon: redup
-noná'tsevo'ešé vai. exhausted.lie. Móhma'xe-noná'tsevo'ėšenȧhevóhe. They fell exhausted. [The Great Race.027]
nonámé'tó'e p. one by one, by turns, for each other, each other. This can serve as a reciprocal particle. Nonámé'tó'e nétȧhotse'óhema! Let's take turns working! See: mé'tó'e.
-nonáme'to'evahe vai. alternate in feeling, exchange moods. É-nonáme'to'evȧheo'o. They switched/they alternated feelings/they exchanged moods. For example, when twins alternate moods, as when one is crying and the other laughing then they switch. Category: emotions.
-nonáme'to'evėhámėstoo'e vai. exchange seat with (someone). É-onáme'to'evėhámėstoo'e. ?? He exchanged seat (with someone). Category: check. Néta-onáme'to'evȧhémėstoema! Let's exchange seats! Phon: contraction; vs
-nonáme'to'évoem vta. switch with s.o. See: -hoo'e. Néta-nonáme'to'évoema Let's switch around (for example, where we are sitting).
-nonáme'to'evoéstomo'he vai. exchange moods. É-onáme'to'evoéstomó'heo'o. They exchanged moods. Phon: contraction
-nonamȯhóov vta. feign hitting s.o. can be out of meanness. É-nonamȯhóovóho. He made hitting motions toward him. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.
nonáoht- i. deliberate.
-nonáohtahe vai. be deliberate. É-nonáohtahe. He takes his time. See: -popá'ahe. Category: personality.
-nonáohtanené vai. take one's time, do things slowly. Éohke-nonáohtanēne. He does things slowly.
-nonáohtó'ané vai. say deliberately. É-nonáohtó'áne. He pronounced slowly and carefully. fai: -ó'ané. See: -momáx... ??. Category: check, speak.
-nonáohto'ha'ehné vai. walk deliberately, walk slowly. É-nonáohto'ha'ēhne. He is walking deliberately. Nėsta-nonáohto'ha'ėhnémáne! Let's just take a good old time walking! Medial -o'ha'e. Category: motion, walk.
-nonáohto'ha'eohtsé vai. walk deliberately. É-nonáohto'ha'eōhtse. He walked slowly. Category: walk, speed.
nonáose- pv. carefully, deliberately. See: oo'hae. É-nonáoseééstse. He speaks slowly and carefully. É-nonáosepénȯhemēna. She took her time pounding chokeberries.
-nonáosenómaa'e vai. sit with relaxed thighs. É-nonáosenómaa'e. He is sitting with relaxed thighs. Category: sit.
-nonáosenonáxe vai. lie with knees up. É-nonáosenonáxe. He is lying with his knees up. Category: lie.
nonáoseonáxé vai. lie relaxed, lie comfortably. É-nonáoseonáxe. He is lying relaxed. Éxaehe'ke-nonáoseonáxe. He is lying relaxed. for example, with one leg over the other. Category: lie.
nonáxa'e p. clever, figures things out. Ques: Is this a particle or just an initial?? See: -nonáxa'ham.
-nonáxa'ham vta. figures things out for s.o. ?? Mótónėše-nonáxa'hamȧhtsėhéhe. He must have somehow figured it out for himself. ?? See: nonáxa'e; -nonáho'eétahe.
-nonáxan vti. ??
vta. É-nonáxanóho. ?? ?? See: -nonáxem ‘-nonȧháxem’. Category: check, record.
nonáxe- pv. might. Éme'évatónėše-nonáxemé'eotse. I wish that somehow he would be found. [1987:155] Variant: nonȧháxe-. See: nónȧxeto.
-nonáxem vta. make excuses to s.o. É-nonáxemóho. He made excuses to him. Variant: -nonȧháxem. See: -nonáxan. Category: speak, interpersonal.
nónȧxemátȧhá'o p. luckily! expression used when something lucky is happening. See: nónȧxeto. Category: exclamations.
-nonáxetanó vai. thinking of excuses how to get out of something, look anywhere for a job; get out of work. Variant: -nonȧháxetanó. tséhnėše=tā'se=ée-nonáxetānȯhtse whoever tried really hard (1987:96). É-nonáxetāno. He is looking anywhere for a job, doing anything to bring in money; or(depending on the context), he is trying to get out of doing something that he doesn't want to do. See: -nonáhó'ané; -ó'tȯsétanó.
nónȧxeto p. luckily, just in time. can be used when you're telling about something and it comes along luckily. See: nónȧxemátȧhá'o; vétséno; onáxe-. Category: time.
-nonáxomahe vai. tame. É-nonáxomahe. He is tame. For example, of a horse. See: -nonétse'omahe. Category: horses.
-noné fai. sing. Éasé-nóne. He started to sing. Nánéše-nonéme. We (the two of us) are singing together. Étȧhpe'e-nōne. He sang loudly. Étȧhpe-nōne. He is playing a flute. Ého'néhé-nóne. He sang a wolf song. Énȯhtóve-nōne. He knows how to sing. Nééemėsómaepėhéve-nonéme. You (plural) sang well. (recheck?? Óvahe tséohkėheše-nonétse hápó'e éohkenėheše-noneo'o. Only the way we sing they sing that way also. É'ȯhkeno'mé'ésta tséheše-nonévȯse. He would also tell what they were singing about. (STORIES.TXT). Étšėheše-nonéhoo'o. Wow, he is singing this way. (pret). fii: -nonétó. Etym: *na·ke· (R) ‘sing’; F po·nina·ke·wa. See: -némené; -e'hahe. Category: check, sing.
-noné'éné vai. streaked face - have a, dirty face. É-noné'éne. He has a streaked face. Category: appearance.
noné'k- i. smeared, streaked. É-noné'ko. It is smeared. for example, the floor being smeared from dust or dirt. É-noné'kéne. He has a streaked face. sometimes confused with neó'k- 'tight'. See: neó'k-.
-noné'kahe vai. streaked. É-noné'kahe. He is streaked. confused with -neó'kahe sometimes today. See: -neó'kahe. Category: appearance, check.
noné'ke- pv. dirty. É'ȯhkenoné'kenóohéhoo'o. He was dirty (in appearance).
-noné'kėhaéné vai. tear stains around the eyes. É-noné'kėhaéne. He has tear stains around his eyes. BodyPartMedial -haéné. Category: eyes, cry.
-noné'ke'háononá vai. have streaked; dirty popliteals. Nėstse-noné'ke'háónóna. "You'll be dirty back of your knees." When short skirts came into style, Cheyenne women would tease each other saying this. The dirtiness could be from dust or dirt. The word refers to being streaked as with a dirty streaked face; the connotation could even be (or especially was) of being streaked with urine. BodyPartMedial -'háononá. Category: body.
-noné'kéne vai. smeared face, streaked face. É-noné'kéne. He has a streaked face. Variant: -nonó'kéné. Category: face.
-noné'ko vii. be smeared, be streaked. É-noné'ko. It is smeared.. For example, the floor is smeared from dust or dirt. Category: texture.
-noné'otoéné vai. have smeared eyes, have smeared face. perhaps also dust-smeared eyes. É-noné'otoéne. He has a smeared face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: eyes, face.
Noné'otoénéhe na. Smeared Face. Category: names.
-noné'seh vta. cause s.o. to sing. Námȧhe-noné'šehaeneo'o. They made us all sing. Category: sing.
nonéše- pv. two at a time. Non-reduplicated néše-. É'ȯhtše-nonéšetsėhetanovȯtse. They put down two at a time. [Planting Corn.009] Variant: nónėše-. Category: numbers.
nónėše- pv. two at a time. Énónėšena'haevósesto. He (Hairless Bear) killed both of them. [Head Chief and Other Instruction to Children.061] Variant: nonéše-; Non-reduplicated néše-. Category: numbers.
-nonétȧhévahe vai. be different. only used with plural subjects. É-nonétȧhévȧheo'o. They are different. Contract: -onétȧhévahe; Non-reduplicated -nétȧhévahe. Category: quality.
nonétȧhéve- pv. different. tsé-nonétȧhévėstséavo'o'ee'ėstse different types of flowers. Phon: often contracted to onétȧhéve- Contracted onétȧhéve-; Non-reduplicated netȧhéve-. Category: quality, identity.
nonétse'om- i. tame.
-nonétse'omahe vai. tame, gentle. especially of animals but also may be of humans. É-nonétse'omahe. He is tame. [PD: gentle, meek, peaceful, mild] Non-reduplicated -nétse'omahe. See: -nonáxomahe. Category: horses.
nonétse'ome- pv. tame. See: ována'xae-. tséh-nonétse'omemanėhátanó'tóévȯse netao'o xamaevo'ėstanóho when they wanted to tame all the Indians. [1987:50]
-nonétse'omešé vai. lie calm. É-nonétse'omēše. He is lying calm. Category: lie.
-nonétse'ometanó vai. want to be tame; peaceful. See: -nonétse'omahe. Mósta-nonétse'ometanȯhevóhe. They did put up a fight. [1987:54]
-nonétse'omev vta. tame s.o. É-nonétse'omevóho. He tamed him. Non-reduplicated -nétse'ov. Phon: redup
Nonéxa'évȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. Pairs Dance. this dance is probably no longer extant. Category: dance.
-nonó vii. be shaky. É-nóno. It is shaky. See: -hó'toveotse; -nonoma'xe.
nónóhpa p. so that, in order that. Ohkeéehémanȯxeváenėstse má'ȯhkevóometo nónóhpa nėstanėhešepėhévėhevéxahé'tovȧtse. Always give me a drink whenever you see me so that way you will be my good son-in-law. (1987:175). Phon: redup Non-reduplicated nóhpa-. See: hé-; hése-; komááhe.
nonóhpa- pv. so that, in order that. Naa násáanonóhpavésepėhévėhéne'enóhe mȯxe'ėstoo'o. And (for that reason) I didn't know reading good (with the others). [My Older Sister.021]
-nonȯhpȧhane'éšé vai. fall backwards on nape. The fall can be heard. É-nonȯhpȧhane'éše. He fell backwards on his nape and the thump was heard. See: -kóna'éše. Category: body.
-nonȯhpa'há vii. shake from wind. É-nonȯhpā'ha. It is shaking from the wind. fii: -a'há. Category: wind.
-nonȯhpeóhtátó vii. have shaky legs. for example, a table. É-nonȯhpeóhtáto. It has shaky (or weak) legs.
nonȯhpó'ȯseo'o ni. bedspring. Ques: recheck hl and spelling nonȯhpó'ȧsēō'o?? Category: check. Plural nonȯhpó'ȯseonȯtse. Category: bed.
-nonóhtseva'sené vai. search by chewing. for example, trying to find a pebble in a mouthful of beans. É-nonóhtseva'sēne. He searched by chewing. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -nȯhtseva'sené ??. Category: check. Non-reduplicated cf. -nȯhtsé'seván ??. Category: check. See: -nȯsevan.
-nonóhtsevan vti. feel around for s.t., search for s.t. by feeling. É-nonóhtsévána. He felt around for it. This could be for feeling around for something in the dark. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -nȯhtsévan. See: -nȯhstsé'sevanené; -nóhtse'ov; -nȯsa'ov.
-nonóhtsevanené vai. search by feeling. É-nonóhtsévánéne. He searched by feeling. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated -nȯhtsévanené; vti: -nonóhtsevan. See: -nȯhtsé'sevanené; -nóhtse'ov; -nȯsa'ov.
-nonó'a'hasené vii. sleet, rain and snow mixed. É-nonó'a'hasēne. It is sleeting. Nėhē'še éxhe'ke-nonó'a'hasēne. Then it turned to rain and snow mixed. See: -ma'omévoo'kohó; -ao'ėšketónevééto. Category: weather.
-nonó'atamahe vai. be a paraplegic, be handicapped. especially of someone unable to walk, can be someone confined to a wheelchair. É-nonó'atamahe He is a paraplegic. See: -ono'átamaahe. Category: sickness.
nono'átame- pv. beyond.normal. Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: check. Éxaenono'átamenėhpo'anánȯse.
nonó'(e)- pv. include. Ques: include repeatedly?? Éstȧxae-nonó'ea'xaaméotséhoo'o he'éka'ėškóne. The girl cried (as she spoke). [Bear Tepee.102] Non-reduplicated no'(e)-. Category: check.
-nóno'e fii. appear, look. Épėhéve-nóno'e. It looks nice; it's beautiful. Éhóxe'e-nóno'e. It looks clean. Étó'nėheše-nóno'e. It looks exactly like that. Émoméheme-nóno'e. It (appears) is desirable. Ésáaxaepėhéve-nono'éhane. It just doesn't look good. [1987:212] Éhoónȯse-nóno'e. It (for example, deserted camp) looks lonely. Éoseehávėséve-nóno'e. It looks very bad. [1987:290] Éxhoxo'ȯhtséve-nóno'éneho. It looked green (surp.) [Stamper 1991:6)] Variant: -náno'e; fai: -nóohe. Etym: *ina·kwan / *ina·kwat (R). Category: appearance.
-nonó'está vai. sass, talk back, protest. É-nonó'ésta He talked back. Non-reduplicated -no'está. Phon: redup Category: speak.
-nonó'ėstáoohé'tov vta. sass s.o.talk back to s.o.retort to s.o. probably even stronger than -nonó'ėstov. Náhta-nonó'ėstáoohé'tovo I retorted to him. [1987:30] probably even stronger than -nonó'ėstov. Náhta-nonó'ėstáoohé'tovo I retorted to him. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.105] Non-reduplicated -no'ėstáoohé'tov. Category: speak.
-nonó'ėstov vta. sass s.o., talk back to s.o., retort to s.o. considered culturally improper. É-nonó'ėstovóho. He talked back to/sassed him. Énonó'ėstóvȧhtseo'o. They are talking back to each other. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated no'ėst. Category: speak.
-nonó'hestȯhóov vta. wave at s.o. to come over. É-nonó'hestȯhóovóho. He waved at him to come over. fta: -(o)hóov. Usage: probably not as good Cheyenne as -hestȯhóov See: -hestȯhóov. Category: sign.
-nonó'homahe vai. weak from old age. É-nonó'homahe. He is weak from old age. Synonym -nonó'homȧhtahe. See: -éna'he ‘old’.
-nonó'homȧhtahe vai. weak from old age. É-nonó'homȧhtahe He is weak from old age. Synonym -nonó'homahe.
nonó'homa'e p. one-by-one, repeating. See: nonó'hónó'e; nonónā'ėstse. Category: quantity.
-nonó'homa'ov vta. flip the hex sign to s.o. done with finger motion; a quick flip outward of all fingers of the wrist down hand toward another person; this is a terrible thing for an Indian to do. É-nonó'homa'ovóho. He flipped the hex sign to him. Nėstsevé'-nonó'homa'ōvo vo'ėstane! Don't flip the hex sign to anyone! See: noma'.
nonó'hónó'e p. step-by-step, bit by bit, incrementally, gradually, little by little. Nonó'hónó'e éstsėšėhe'amóovaotsénėse héne. Step-by-step that stuff rose up. [Croft 1988:18] See: nonó'homa'e; hovéhno. Category: quantity, check.
nonó'hónó'e énéma'ó'evetováto vii. spiral. Category: shapes.
nonó'hovȯhto'ótanȯtse ni. Gram: pl beaded breastplate. This is plural, referring to the multiple strands of beads. See: ho'ota. Category: dance.
nonó'hovȯse- pv. band by band, group by group. Móhne'éva-nonó'hovȯsetsėhe'hehevóhe hétsėhéóhe. They left in different groups from time to time to come here. [1987:29] See: nonó'hónó'e.
nóno'ka p. one time after another. Phon: redup Non-reduplicated no'ka.
-nonó'ka'ȧhéotse vai. scatter running. for example, like chicks scatter when scared. É-nonó'ka'ȧhéotseo'o. They scattered running. Ques: -ko'ȧhé?? See: -he'névo'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
-nonó'ka'e vii. one dollar bills. not used in sg. É-nonó'ka'ēnėstse. They (inanimate) are $1 bills. Non-reduplicated nó'ka'e. Phon: redup; iah Category: money, numbers.
-nonó'ka'hahtsé vti. throw out s.t. one at a time. É-nonó'ka'hāhtse. He is throwing it out one thing at a time.
-nonó'ka'ov vta. scatter s.o. probably used only with plural objects. gives the idea of being afraid of the one who is scattering; also seems to invite the idea of the one scattering running here and there to different groups of people and they scatter, as if it is a game. É-nonó'ka'ovóho. He scattered them. Phon: redup
nonó'ke- pv. one by one. Táaxa'e, naa né'ée-nonó'kemé'emahtse! Let's see, one by one talk about yourselves! É-nonó'kėhemȧheónevohe? Do they each have a house? Non-reduplicated no'ke-. Category: numbers, quantity.
-nonó'kéne vai. smeared face, streaked face. É-nonó'kéne. He has a streaked face. Variant: -noné'kéné. Category: face.
-nonó'kešé vai. lie separated. É-nonó'kėšéne. They are lying separated. fai: -eše. Category: lie.
-nonó'kėšem vta. separate s.o. by laying, scatter s.o. Totáhoesta éxheše-nonó'kėšemóhoono hevoestoto. In every direction she scattered her clothes. [Croft 1988:29:11] fai: -eše. See: -he'néva'ov. Category: lie.
-nonó'ketanó vai. be selfish; self-centered. Ésáa-nonó'ketanóhtovėhane. There is not just thinking alone. Non-reduplicated -no'ketanó. Phon: redup Category: cognition.
-nonó'ko'o'e vii. grow as single stem. only used with plural subjects. É-nonó'ko'o'énėstse hetanévánó'ėstse. Man sage grows as single stems. fii: -ó'o'e. Phon: redup Category: plants.
nonó'kóve p. one as a pack to each ?? Phon: redup Final -óvé. Ques: add other numbers from pd?? Category: numbers.
nonó'kove- pv. alone. Phon: redup Particle nonó'kóve. Category: numbers.
nonom- i. quiver, shake. É-nonomā'ha. É-nonoma'hamóho. He caused him to quiver. Category: motion.
nonóma'e na. 1 • thunder, thunder god, battery. (another recording) (another recording) In Cheyenne cosmology thunder has been personified and considered a sacred power. It is possible that some people have translated the name of this power as 'thunderbird', as it has been written in some anthropological works on Cheyennes. Nonóma'e éamȧhtóohe. The thunder came through (thundering). Nonóma'e énéstoohe. Thunder is hollering (compare also énéstoohe Ma'hēō'o 'God is hollering' (this is what some people used to say during thunder; there was fear of the thunder). Éhoháahtóohe nonóma'e. The thunder is roaring. Nonóma'e é-pónenēne. Thunder clapped. Éma'xepónenēne nonóma'e. The thunder made a loud cracking sound. Nonóma'e énaeotse. The battery died. Phon: iah Etym: *nenemexkyiwa. See: Nemevota; ma'heono; nomá'he; -ho'ótseotse.
2 • Thunder. Category: sacred, sounds, car, names.
nonóma'e ho'ėstáho'sēō'o ni. breaker box. Category: new.
nonóma'éhevá'xetoo'o ni. electric frying pan. Ques: v[a'xevetoo'o?? See: hevá'xevetoo'o. Category: new, check.
nonoma'ého'ēsta ni. electric stove. Category: house.
nonoma'ého'ėstámahpe ni. battery water. Category: car.
nonoma'ého'ota ni. electricity. See: ho'ota2; nonóma'e. Category: new.
Nonóma'é'e na. Thunder Woman. Category: names.
Nonoma'évoo'xénéhe na. Thunder Crooked Nose. Category: names.
-nonoma'há vii. quiver, shake. É-nonomā'ha. It quivered. vai: -nonoma'xe. Category: motion.
-nonoma'hahtsé vti. shake - cause s.t. to. É-nonoma'hamāhtse. He caused it to shake. [Croft]
-nonoma'ham vta. shake - cause s.o. to. É-nonoma'hamóho. He caused him to shake. [Croft]
nonóma'kėso ni. Gram: dim small battery. Plural nonóma'kėsono. Category: car.
Nonóma'ȯhtsévéhnėstse na. Gram: ppl Thunder Walks About. Category: names.
Nonóma'ȯhtsévé'hȧhtse vai. Gram: ppl Thunder Flies About. Category: names.
-nonoma'xe vai. shake, quiver. É-nonoma'xe. He is shaking. Nánėšepėhéve-nonoma'xe. I got really nervous; I was really shaking. vii: -nonoma'ha. See: -héhema'xe. Category: sickness.
nonome- pv. shaky, quivery. É-nonomeéestse. She (for example, an old lady) spoke with a shaky voice. É-nonomepónenēne. He was shaky while shooting. Initial nonom-.
-nonomé'ėséohtsé vai. shake butt while walking. É-nonomé'ėséóhtse. She wiggles her butt while walking. BodyPartMedial -'esé. See: -tšėheše'ėšé'šé. Category: walk, vulgar.
-nonome'hahe vai. have a shaky voice. É-nonome'hahe. He has a shaky voice. for example, from being scared. fai: -e'hahe. Category: voice.
-nonomeohtsé vai. shaky walk. for example, of a colt or baby. É-nonomeōhtse. He shakes as he walks. [PD38] Category: walk.
-nonomėšéoná vai. have a shaky rump, be a pacer horse. É-nonomėšéóna He has a shaky (or quivering) rump/he is a pacer horse. tsé-nonomėšéónȧhtse pacing horse. Lit: one whose rump quivers, i.e. moves from side to side ?) Category: horses.
-nonomó'e'hahe vai. have a quivering voice. É-nonomó'e'hahe. He has a warbly/quavering voice. That can be pretty in singing. Category: voice.
-nonomo'tá vii. quiver, shake. É-nonomō'ta. It is quivering. tsé-nonomō'ta jello (lit. that which quivers). Lit: quiver-be.at Category: sit inan.
-nonomose vai. shiver from the cold. É-nonomose. He is shivering from the cold. Né-nonomȯsehe? Are you shivering from the cold? Ná-nonomose. I am shivering from the cold. fai: -ose1. Category: temperature.
nonóna'ėstse p. each one. Ques: recheck na' or n[a'?? Non-reduplicated nā'ėstse. Phon: redup See: totáeto; nonó'homa'e. Category: quantity, check.
-nonóné vai. fish (with hook and line), trap, snare. É-nonóne. He is fishing. Etym: cf *nakwe·wa (P); cf. nakwa·kani ‘a kind of trap (Pe79:333)’. See: -onó'ȯhené; nonónóó'e. Category: hunt.
-nonónee'e vai. sit fishing, fish sitting. É-nonónee'e. He sat fishing. [1987:282] Morph: /-nonóné-e/. Phon: vs Category: fish.
-nonónéóó'e vai. stand fishing, fish standing. É-nonónéóó'e. He is standing fishing. Final -óé2. Category: stand.
-nonónéšé vai. lie fishing, fish lying. É-nonónéše. He is lying there fishing. See: -nonóné ‘fish’. Category: lie, fish.
nonónevé'ho'e na. fisherman. See: -nonóné.
nonóno'ka p. once in a while. Nonóno'ka éohkemane. He drinks once in a while. Naa nonóno'ka náhtaohke=tsėhéó=póno'e=tsėhe'ȯhtsémena'nóhto taeváheóne ónoneo'o tsé'évȧhévȯse ónónénoéohkėhestohe. And from time to time we used to go downriver eight miles where Rees lived, Ree District, it is called. [1987:190] Phon: redup Non-reduplicated no'ka. See: nóno'ka. Category: time.
nonónóó'e ni. rainbow, fishing line, fishing pole, trap, snare. Ques: not vs he-nonónóó'e his fishing pole. [1987:281] Plural nonónóó'ėstse; Oblique nonónóó'éva. See: -nonót ‘trap s.o.’; -nonóné ‘fish’; ȧxeetoo'é'hasēō'o ‘fishhook’. Etym: *nakwa·kani (P); cf. O nagweyaab ‘rainbow (N)’; cf. O nagwaagan ‘snare (N)’; cf. nakwa·kani ‘a kind of trap (Pe79:333)’. Category: environment, fish.
-nonóoseonáxé vai. lie back with one leg arched over the other. É-nonóoseonáxe. He is lying with one leg arched over the other one. Éhánȯse-nonóoseonáxe. He is lying back with one leg arched over the other. Category: lie.
-nonót vta. trap s.o., snare s.o. É-nonoto. He trapped him. É-nonótóho. He trapped him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *nakwa·θe·wa ‘he snares him’; cf. O nagwaan- (N). Ná-nonótoo'o hóhkeeheho. I'm setting a mouse trap / I'm catching mice. See: -nȧha'ónot ‘rope s.o.’. Category: hunt.
nonóto'hoe vai. prepared. Móxxaetšėše-nonóto'hoehéhe. He was all prepared. [The Man Who Tried to Kill a Beaver.038] See: -éxanené.
nonótov- i. hurry; fast; quick; nervous. É-nonótovahe. He can't sit still. [1987:285] É'ȯhkema'xe-nonótovȧhtoohéhoo'o. (The frog) was really croaking fast.
-nonótovahe vai. hyper, constantly moving, can't sit still, drunk. É-nonótovahe. He can't sit still. tsé-nonótovȧhese héstanėheo'o alcoholics. Lit: people who are 'drunk' Contracted -onótovahe; Variant: -nenótovahe; Antonym -nóvahe. See: -vésetanó; -onótovanené; -nonótovȧše'še. Category: personality.
-nonótovȧhtóohe vai. sound fast. É-nonótovȧhtóohe. He is hollering fast. É'ȯhkema'xe-nonótovȧhtoohéhoo'o. (The frog) was really croaking fast. [1987:285] fai: -ahtóohe. Category: sounds.
-nonótova'éno'hamé vai. drive livestock fast, drive fast. É-nonótova'éno'hāme. He drove horses fast / he drove fast. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: livestock.
-nonótovanéne vai. hurry up. Nonótovanénėstse! Hurry up! Contract: -onótovanené. See: vésetanó.
-nonótovȧsé'ham vta. get s.o. drunk. Néta-nonótovȧsé'hamone! Let's get him/her drunk! Some men say this about women they want to rape. Category: interpersonal.
-nonótovȧše'še vai. drunk. É-nonótovȧše'še. He is drunk. É-nonótovȧšé'šeo'o. They are drunk. Contracted -onótovȧše'še; fai: -ase'še. Morph: /-nonótovasé'še/. See: -nonótovahe. Category: drink.
nonótove- pv. hurriedly. Nonótovėhémanȯxeha é'tóve! Hurry, give a drink to your brother-in-law! [1987:173] Éhnėhma'xeévaase-nonótovėhóo'ȯhtsesėstse. He hurried home (reportative). [1987:284] Variant: nenótove-. Category: speed.
-nonótovéaná vai. be very hungry. É-nonótovéána. He is very hungry. Lit: going crazy with hunger (nervously-hungry?) Final -aná. See: -háéána; -nonótove'haná. Category: eat.
-nonótoveehe vai. move in a hurry. É-nonótoveehe. He is moving in a hurry. Assimilated -onótoveehe; fai: -eehe.
-nonótove'haná vai. eat quickly. É-nonótove'hāna. He ate hurriedly. Nonótove'hānȧhtse! Hurry and eat! [1987:254] Variant: -onótove'haná; Antonym -nóve'haná. Category: eat.
-nonótovem vta. make s.o. nervous. É-nonótovemóho. He made him nervous. Category: emotions.
-nonótoveméohe vai. ?? É-nonótoveméohe. ?? fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-nonótovénome vai. have a bad dream. É-nonótovénome. He had a bad dream. fai: -énome. See: -héhpȯhénome. Category: sleep.
-nonótoveohtsé vai. walk fast. É-nonótoveōhtse. He walked fast. Category: walk.
-nonótovėstsea'e vai. hyper. É-nonótovėstsea'e He is hyper. Variant: -onóvėstsea'e; BodyPartMedial -htséá.
-nonótovetanó vai. be nervous; be in a rush. É-nonótovetāno. He is nervous/he is in a rush. refers to mental state. See: -vésetanó. Category: emotions.
-nonótovévam vta. hurry s.o. (through speaking). É-nonótovévamo. He hurried him (by speaking). For example, he persuaded him to hurry. É-nonótovévámóho. He hurried him (by speaking). (newer pronunciation). fta: -am2. Category: speak, check.
-nonótovo'ȧhéotse vai. run around fast, run around nervously. like a chicken with its head cut off. É-nonótovo'ȧhéotse. He is running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Initial nonótov-; fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
-nonótovó'ané vai. pronounce fast. É-nonótovó'áne. He pronounces fast. fai: -ó'ané; Contracted -onótovó'ané. See: -nėševó'ané. Category: speak.
-nonótovo'eétahe vai. do something hurriedly, hurriedly do something. É-nonótovo'eétahe. He did something hurriedly. Category: do.
-nonótovónová vai. talk fast. É-nonótovónóva. He talks fast. Contracted -onótovónová; fai: -ónóvá. See: -háónová. Category: speak.
-nonótovóonóohe vai. look around for a drink. Étaohkevése=tā'se=nonótovóonóoheo'o. They, like, look around for a drink (of liquor). Category: drink.
nonóve- pv. for a short while. Variant: nenóve-. Category: time.
nonóve'xóvéva p. shortly, a little while later, a while later, in a little while. Variant: nenóve'xóvéva. Category: time.
nonóveto p. a little while later, shortly after, sometime soon. See: nóve-; novȯse-; hó'ótóva; hehpeto. Variant: nenóveto. Category: time.
-nonóvoo'e vai. stay for a while. É-nonóvoo'e. He stayed for a while. Nȧháóhe ná-nonóvoo'e. I stayed there for a while. Nátao'sėtá'-nonóvoo'e. I am going to stay there for a while. Éohke-nonóvoeo'o. They stay for a while. Phon: vs Usage: less common than -nenóvoo'e Variant: -nenóvoo'e.
-noóestoh(n) vta. dip out s.o. quickly. Ná-noóestȯhnoo'o he'éhesono. I spooned out the rice quickly. Category: food, record.
nóoh- i. ladle. É-nóohāne. He dipped out. É-nóohēne. He dipped out. É-nóohomevóho. He got a drink for him. Category: liquid.
-nóohá vti. dip out s.t., bail s.t., ladle s.t., scoop s.t. for example, ladle water for drinking, or dip soup onto a plate. É-nóóha. He dipped it out. Nóoohtse! Ladle it out! Nóohomeo'o! Dip it out (then)! Etym: *kwa·pahamwa ‘he dipped it out’. See: -nóohtá; -nóohomev; -noóestoh(n). Category: liquid, food.
-nóohané vai. scoop, bail, dip out. for example, dipping water out of a barrel, or soup out of a cooking pot. É-nóohāne. He dipped out. Variant: -nóohené. Category: liquid.
nóohanestȯtse ni. dipper. Category: tools.
-nóohe fai. look like , appear as . É-pėhévenóohe. He looks good. Némȧhepėhévenóohéme. You all look good. ...heše-nóohe. ... he looks that way. Éhávėséve-nóohe. He looks bad. Éhoónȯse-nóohe. He looks lonely. Énėševátame-nóohe. He looks pitiful. Éxaevé'ho'éve-nóohe. He looks like a whiteman. Éséeše-nóoheo'o. They have similar appearance (for example, to each other). Nésó'tšėhe'kéahéve-nóohe. You still look young. fii: -nóno'e; fti: -nóestsé. Etym: *ina·kosi (R). See: -hetov. Category: appearance.
nóohē'še p. Let's go! a functional command. Nóohē'še hápó'e nėstoveha nevá'esėstse! Let's go, likwise ask someone else! Phon: probably a contracted form of nómonėhe'še Variant: nómonėhē'še. See: nóheto; nómȯheto; nėhē'še.
-nóohené vai. scoop, bail, dip out. É-nóohēne. He dipped out. for example, dipping water out of a barrel or soup out of a cooking pot. Variant: -nóohané.
-nóohomev vta. get a drink for s.o. É-nóohomevóho. He got a drink for him. Etym: *kwa·pahamawe·wa (P). Néh-nóohomevėstse! Bring me a drink of water! Néta-nóohomevȧtse. I'm getting you some water. Nóohomevoo'o! Give him a drink (later)! Old people used to say that as they taught someone how to treat a guest; a guest should be given something to eat, or, at least a drink of water. Initial nóoh-. See: nóoh; manoh. Category: drink.
nooht- i. omit, leave out. É-noohtȯxe'ėstóne. He left it out of his writing. Preverb noose-.
-noohtá1 vti. leave s.t. É-noōhta. He left it. Etym: *nekatamwa (P). vta: -noot; Homonym -nóohtá.
-nóohtá2 vti. drink s.t. from a vessel. for example, to drink from a bowl or dipper. É-nóóhta. He drank it from a dipper / bowl. vai: -nóosané; Homonym -noohtá1. See: -nóohá ‘ladle s.t.’. Category: drink.
-noohta'ó vai. leave.lurch. Móhne'o'omenoohta'óhenotóhe. She dove past (Red Woman). [The Great Race.033]
-noohtan vti. omit s.t., leave out s.t. É-noohtāna. He left it out. É-noohtāna éestsestȯtse. He left out a word.
vta. omit s.o., leave out s.o. É-noohtanóho. He left him out. Category: interpersonal.
-noohtó'ané vai. omit (something) while talking. É-noohtó'áne. He left (something) out during talking. fai: -ó'ané. Category: speak.
-noohto'eétahe vai. leave out, omit. É-noohto'eétahe. He left something out of what he did. É'ȯhkėsáa'éetónėšeée-noohto'eétȧhéstovȯheo'o. They never let themselves be left out. Category: do.
-noohtomóhtahe vai. leave something due to not feeling good. É-noohtomóhtahe. He had to leave something because he wasn't feeling good. fai: -omóhtahe. Category: sickness.
-noohtomótah vta. omit (something) for the sake of s.o. É-noohtomótȧhóho. He left (something) out for his sake. Etym: *nekatamwa·θehθe·wa (P) > **nekatamwa·θehθe·wa (P/L). fta: -omótah ‘benefactive’.
-noohtósem vta. omit s.o. from story, leave s.o. out of story. Ná-noohtósémo. I left him out of the story. [Croft 1948] See: -hósem. Category: new.
-noohtóšešé vai. left out of a story, lie omitted. É-noohtóšéše. He was left out of the story. Naa vé'hó'e tséohkėsáanoohtóšėšenáhe, vé'hó'e móhvéstoehéhe. And the whiteman, who is never left out of a story, the whiteman must have been there. [And the whiteman, who is never left out of a story, the whiteman must have been there.] Category: lie.
-noohtȯxe'ohá vti. omit while writing s.t. É-noohtȯxe'ōha. He left it out in writing. Category: write.
-noo'ehe vti. Gram: ai+o leave s.t. when moving, abandon s.t. when moving. Ná-noo'ehe. I left it. Ná-noo'ėhenȯtse. I left them (inanimate). See: nooht. vti: -noo'ėhé't.
-noo'ėhé'tá vti. abandon s.t. when moving, leave s.t. when moving. É-noo'ėhé'ta. He abandoned it when moving camp. See: -noohtá. Category: camp.
-noo'ėhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o abandon s.o. when moving, leave s.o. when moving. É-noo'ėhé'tovóho. He moved away without him. Ná-noo'ėhénoto. I abandoned them (an.). Néta-noo'ėhé'tóne. They moved camp and left you. vai: -noo'ehe. See: -noo'ehe; -noot.
noo'ėhén vta. leave someone while moving. Nėstanoo'ėhénone. We'll move away without him. [The Baby with Teeth.030] Category: interpersonal.
-noo'hátséstá vti. analyze s.t. É-noo'hátsésta. ?? He analyzed it. ?? Category: cognition.
-noo'ȯhová vai. leave (something) when fleeing, abandon (something) when fleeing.
vti. Gram: ai+o desert s.t. while escaping; abandon s.t. while escaping. É-noo'ȯhōva. He abandoned it while escaping. [1980:41:11] Hevenȯtse éxhóe-noo'ȯhovánȯse. He abandoned his tepee while escaping. [1980:41:11] Final -ohová.
-noo'ȯhová'tá vti. leave s.t. when fleeing, abandon s.t. when fleeing. E-noo'ȯhová'ta. He fled leaving it behind. See: -noohtá ‘leave s.t.’. Category: interpersonal.
-noo'ȯhová'tov vta. desert s.o., abandon s.o. E-noo'ȯhová'tovóho. He fled leaving him behind. This is not with the intention of abandoning someone, but because of the urgency of fleeing sometimes someone is left behind. Ná-noo'ȯhová'tova. He deserted me. Ná-noo'ȯhovanȯtse. I deserted him. Final -ohová. See: -noot; -ameohová. Category: interpersonal.
Noo'ȯhová'tovėstse na. Left Behind. See: Tanoohtsé'e ‘Left Behind Woman’. Category: names.
-noo'ohtsé vai. abandon.
vti. abandon s.t., leave s.t. Ques: recheck vai?? É-noo'ōhtse hestóo'ȯhtsestȯtse. He left his home. See: -ano'ohtsé. Category: check.
-noo'ȯhtséh vta. leave s.o., depart from s.o. É-noo'ȯhtseho. He left him/he departed from him. É-noo'ȯhtséhóho. He left him/he departed from him. (newer pronunciation). Né'éva-noo'ȯhtséhaenésesto tóséé'e. They had a reason for leaving us. [1987:14] Ques: recheck the éóse ending in the alternate spelling field. See: -noot. Category: interpersonal, check.
-noo'ȯhtsé'tá vti. leave s.t., abandon s.t. É-noo'ȯhtsé'ta. He left it. See: -noo'ohtsé; -noohtá.
-noo'ȯhtsé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o abandon s.o., desert s.o., leave s.o. Mónáme'éetšėhe'šėhé-noo'ȯhtsénoto. I will NEVER abandon them. Hévámóto mósta-noo'ȯhtséhenotóhe. That is when he abandoned them. [1987:254] See: -noo'o'tsé'tov. Category: interpersonal.
-noo'o'tsé vti. leave s.t. in a hurry. É-noo'ō'tse. He left s.t. behind when he left in a hurry. for example, left his wallet. See: -noohtá.
-noo'o'tsé'tov vta. desert s.o., abandon s.o., leave s.o. Ná-noo'o'tsé'tova. He left me. Mónėstse-noo'o'tsenȯtse? Are you going to leave him? [1987:36:11] See: -noo'ȯhtsé'tov; -noot; -noo'hová'tov. Category: interpersonal.
-noo'ȯtse fni. song. ho'néhe-noo'ȯtse wolf song. ho'néhe-nootȯtse wolf songs. hésemȧho'hé-nootȯtse war songs. hotamémȧsėhánoo'ȯtse Crazy Dogs Society song. mátȧhé-nootȯtse peyote songs. mótsėsóonetané-nootȯtse Kitfox society songs. ma'heóne-nootȯtse sacred/ceremonial songs (cf. ma'heónenémeotȯtse). momáta'e-nootȯtse braveheart songs ("growly songs"). nó'oesané-nootȯtse handgame songs. nótȧxé-nootȯtse society songs. naa'é-nootȯtse doctoring songs. ováxe-nootȯtse dream songs (received in a dream). Tsėhése-nootȯtse Indian songs. vé'ho'é-nootȯtse whiteman songs. véhone-nootȯtse chief songs. ma'xevé'kėséhe-noo'ȯtse ?? bald eagle (lit. big-bird) song (Schwartz 84). nésema-nootȯtse spirit calling songs. Plural -nootȯtse. Morph: /-noot/. fai: -noné. See: némeo'ȯtse. Category: sing, check.
Nóomehe na. Traveling South. Category: names, check.
nóomȯheto p. let's go-EMPH. This is an emphasized variant of nómȯheto. See: nómȯheto. Category: exclamations.
noón- i. wither, fade, dry up. É-noónahe. He is dried up. É-noónȧhó'ta. It is faded from the sun.
-noónahe vai. dried up, withered. É-noónahe. He is dried up. for example, of a tree. Final noón-.
-noónȧho'tá vii. be faded from the sun. É-noónȧhó'ta. It is faded from the sun. É-noónȧho'tatse heme'ko. His hair is faded (from the sun). Initial noón-; fii: -aho'tá. Category: hair.
nóóne na. scout. Plural nóonėheo'o; vai: -nóoné. Category: warfare.
noóne- i. fade, dry up, wither.
pv. faded, dry up, wither.
pn. faded, dry up, wither. noónevehpȯtse dried up leaf. fii: -noónó. Category: appearance.
-nóoné vai. scout. É-nóóne. He is scouting. É-nóoneo'o. They are scouting. tséohke-nóonese scouts. Néváéso tséto'sėho'e-nóónėstse? Who is going to bring news of the enemy? This is said at the Sun Dance, where it refers to the last person. He comes in just before the Sun Dance starts. IndepNoun nóóne. Category: warfare.
-noóneéno'e vii. taste stale. É-noóneéno'e. It tastes stale. Initial noóne-; fii: -éno'e. Category: taste.
-noónėhaénee'e vai. sit sad with tears in eyes. É-noónėhaénee'e. She sat looking very sad with tears in her eyes. Phon: vs Category: emotions, sit.
nóonėhē'še p. Let's go!, All right, let's go ahead and do it!, All right, go ahead and do it! a functional command. See: nóheto; nómȯheto; nėhē'še; nómó'ke. Variant: nóohe'še, nómonėhe'še. Category: exclamations.
Noónėhešeo'o na. Withered Hip, Withered Thigh. Category: names.
noónėho'emanestȯtse ni. Old Testament. Lit: old-law Category: new, church.
-noónema'ehá vii. old pages - be, pages old. É-noónema'ēha mȯxe'ėstoo'o. The pages of the book are old. fii: -ma'ehá. Category: paper.
-noóneméa'há vai. smell old, smell moldy. É-noóneméá'ha. It smells old. fii: -méa'há. Category: smell.
-noóneméa'xe vai. smell old, smell moldy. É-noóneméa'xe. He smells old/moldy. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
-noóneotse vii. fade, dry up.
vai. fade, dry up. É-noóneotse. It (or he) is faded/it has dried up. or example, a coat which has become faded.
-noóneotsé'sestsé vti. fade.become.cause. É-noóneotsé'séstse. He caused it to fade.
nóonétse'- pv. obediently. Nėhe'xóvéva éstaohke-nóonétse'asėhó'e'ovóhoono. She would obediently follow him at that time. [Protruding Teeth.016]
nóonétse'e p. obediently, give in. Variant: nóonétse'o. Has the idea of giving in and going along with someone even though they have not kept their promises yet on this matter. Étaohkenaestómaneo'o étaohkeéeho'oestsénóvȯtse heséeōtsėstseéohkeéemanéstóvénėstse nóonétse'o étaohkeéveévapėhéveotsénove oóxésta étaohkeévȧhestanánove. (Indian doctors) would doctor, they would brew up some herbal medicines. You would drink (this), incidentally, you got well, you were O.K. again. [1987:213] Category: influence.
nóonétse'o p. obediently, give in. Variant: nóonétse'e. Has the idea of giving in and going along with someone even though they have not kept their promises yet on this matter. Étaohkenaestómaneo'o étaohkeéeho'oestsénóvȯtse heséeōtsėstse éohkeéemanéstóvénėstse nóonétse'o étaohkeéveévapėhéveotsénove oóxésta étaohkeévȧhestanánove. (Indian doctors) would doctor, they would brew up some herbal medicines. You would drink (this), incidentally, you got well, you were O.K. again. Category: influence.
-noónó vii. faded, dried up, withered. É-noóno. It is dried up (for example, a leaf in the fall). There is widespread disagreement about terms for 'brown'; some speakers prefer -noónó; some prefer -mȯšéškanó; while a smaller number may prefer -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó. It is likely that there was not a traditional word for 'brown'. See: -mȯšéškanó; -mo'ȯhtávėheóvó. Category: colors.
-noónȯhohtsé vai. old tracks - be; faded tracks. É-noónėhóhtse. Hs tracks are old/faded. fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks.
-noónȯhta'hané vai. tell outdated story. É-noónȯhta'hāne. He told an outdated story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
Noóno'e na. Old Grass. Category: names.
-nóono'é vai. whoop, war whoop. É-nóonō'e. He whooped. vta: -nóono'ėstá'tov. Etym: cf *pya·kweta·ni ‘war whoop (noun)’. See: -hó'hohené; -hó'éstá. Category: warfare.
-nóono'ėstá'tov vta. whoop at s.o. Ná-nóono'ėstá'tova. He whooped at me. vai: -nóono'é. See: -nóono'ot; -hó'ėstá'tov. Category: sounds.
-noóno'ohe vai. dried up (of a tree or tuber), withered (of a tree or tuber). É-noóno'ohe. He is dried up. É-noóno'ȯheo'o. They (trees) are dried up. fai: -ó'ohe. Category: trees.
-noóno'o'e vii. withered grass. É-noóno'o'e. It (grass) is old and withered. [Stamper 1991:6] Medial -ó'o'e; Final -o'e. Category: plants.
-nóono'ót vta. whoop at s.o. É-nóono'oto. He whooped at him. É-nóono'ótóho. He whooped at him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-nóono'óto. I whooped at him. vai: -nóono'é; Final -o'ót. See: -nóono'ėstá'tov; -hó'ėstá'tov; -háo'ót. Category: sounds, interpersonal.
-noónovésé vai. Medial -ovésé. have faded hair. É-noónovése He had faded hair. Category: hair.
nóoohe p. oh my! female exclamation. Variant: nóoooo. Some speakers include the "he" on the end of this word. Category: exclamations.
nóoóo p. oh my (emphasized). Variant: nóoohe. Category: exclamations.
nóoooo p. oh my! female exclamation. (another recording) Some speakers include "he" at the end, nóoohe. Masculine šéaa. may be lengthened for greater effect, as in this recording: Variant: náoo, nóoohe. Category: exclamations.
-noosáhnééhe vai. abandon. has the sense of the English idiom 'turn your back on' someone. Ques: recheck?? Category: check.
-nóosané vai. sip, drink from a container. for example, from a bowl or dipper. É-nóósáne. He drank from a bowl. vti: -nóohtá. See: -mane; -nomené; -noosané. Category: food, drink.
-noosané vai. leave (people). É-noosāne. He left. See: -nóosané. Category: motion.
noose- pv. leave out, omit, forget to. Ná-noosetotóxésta. It left something out when discussing it. Ná-noosenėhpo'a'ō'tse he'nétoo'o. I "forgot" (lit. omitted) to lock the door. É-noosevonėhoto. He crawled away leaving him. Névé'-nooseoe'kėhé'tovoo'o tsévéstoemósee'e. Don't commit adultery against your spouses. vti: nooht.
-nooseaná'tov vta. eat without s.o. Ná-nooseananȯtse. I ate without him. Lit: I-omit-eat-him Final -aná. Category: eat.
-noosee'e vai. outgrow. É-noosee'e. He outgrew (something). Etym: *nekačikiwa (P/L). É-nooséeo'o. They outgrew (something). See: -éšee'e.
vti. outgrow s.t. Gram: ai+o É-noosee'e. He outgrew it (for example, clothes, sucking thumb, etc.). vta: -noosée'tov.
noosée'tov vta. Gram: ai+o outgrow s.o. Only used in direct voice. É-nooséenoto. He outgrew him. Etym: *nekačiki·tawe·wa (P/L). É-nooséenoto heéstse'heno. He outgrew his jacket. vai: -noosée.
-noose'há vai. leave flying. É-noosē'ha. He left flying. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.
-noose'háoohe vai. leave.fly.
-noose'háoohé'tov vta. fly leaving s.o. Naa tséne'éše'áva'otsėse móh-noose'háoohéhenotóhe he'heēno. And after (Red Woman) fell down, the blackbird flew on leaving her behind. [The Great Race.042]
-noosem vai. omit s.o. in speaking, leave out s.o. in speaking. Ná-noosēmo. I left him out in speaking. Náhóenavomotȧhoo'o, vo'ėstane násáa-noosemóhe. I prayed for (everyone), I didn't leave anybody out. [1987:99] Category: speak.
-noosenóvahe vai. slack off, not live up to, distracted. Gram: vai + o
vti. slack off about s.t., not live up to s.t., distracted about s.t. This has been explained as an unintentional neglecting of responsibilities. É-noosenóvahe. He did not live up to it. Nemeo'o ná-noosenóvȧhénóne. We do not live up to your way. [Hymn 122] vta: -noosenóvȧhé'tov. See: noose-; -nóvahe.
-noosenóvȧhé'tov vta. slack off about s.o., not live up to s.o., distracted about s.o. Ná-noosenóvȧhénóne. We slacked off about him. vti: -noosenóvahe. See: noose-; -nóvahe. Category: interpersonal.
-nooseohaéstóve vai. left behind when standing. Énėhe'xovėháohō'ta tséohkėxaenonove-nooseohaéstóvévȯhtse. It is so hot that they (testicles) are left behind (stuck on a chair when you stand up; a humorous saying). Category: vulgar.
-noosestá vti. omit s.t., leave out s.t. Hósėstse nȧhtseonȧháxe-noosēsta. I might leave some out. [1987:222] Category: speak.
-noosetanó vai. want to leave, leave - want to, abandon - want to. É-noosetāno. He wants to leave/abandon.
-noosetanó'tȯsané vai. want to leave out s.o., leave out s.o. - want to. Ma'hēō'o móho'nó-noosetanó'tȯsánėstse. God doesn't want to leave (anyone) out. Category: interpersonal.
-noosetanó'tov vta. want to leave s.o. often refers to someone leaving their spouse due to adultery. É-noosetanó'tovóho. He wants to leave him/he wants to abandon him. Éohkėsáa-noosetanó'tovȧhtséheo'o. They (for example, twins) don't want to leave one another. É-noosetanónoto He/she left his/her spouse(for another woman/man). Category: marriage.
-noot vta. abandon s.o., leave s.o. É-nootóho. He left him. Etym: *nakaθe·wa; *nekaθe·wa (P). Néta-nootaehe? Did he leave you? Nooxeha! Leave him! Ta-nooxeha! Leave him (distant from the speech context)! Névé'-nooxe! Don't leave me! Preverb noose-; vti: -noohtá. See: -noo'hová'tov. Category: interpersonal.
-nóovo'oh(n) vta. grab a grounder. that is, catching a ground ball (animate) in baseball. É-nóovo'ȯhnóho. Category: baseball.
nos- i. search for, seek. Variant: noht-.
-nȯsa'ov vta. ?? É-nȯsa'ovóho. ?? See: -nonóhtsevanené. Category: interpersonal, check.
nóse- i. approach, toward. É-nósevonėhoto. He crawled toward him. É-nóseméohe. He is straining toward. Éstama'xe-nósėtó'honaoohé'toehoono. He was swimming after her. [The Scalped Man Who Died.113]
pv. approach, toward. Variant: nóht-.
nȯse'to p. clear to the end, until the end. Náéšenėhetaēne náto'sevésevaēne Ma'hēō'o nȯse'toma'tȧho'eénėhéstanove. God told us he would abide with us until the end of time. [1987:11] Ques: recheck nȯse'to including glottal stop?? See: tá'e; maato. Category: time, check.
nȯsé'tove- pv. until the end. É-nȯsé'tovena'xévaenóho. He kept beating him until he died. Category: time.
nȯsé'tove- pv. until the end. É-nȯsé'tovena'xévaenóho. He kept beating him until he died. Category: time.
-nóseméohe vai. strain toward, want to be picked up. É-nóseméohe. He is straining toward. This can be about a baby straining forward, wanting to be picked up. Initial nóht-, nóse-; fai: -méohe. Category: motion.
-nóseméohé'tov vta. go to s.o. É-nóseméohenoto. He wants to go to him. for example, when a baby puts its arms out wanting to be held. Category: interpersonal.
-nȯsemetanóotse vai. overwhelmed - be. Ná-nȯsemetanóotse. I'm desperately overwhelmed. Ques: nėsometanóotse delete one of these entries?? See: -nėsometanóotse. Category: emotions, check.
-nȯsévan vti. search for s.t. É-nȯsévána. He felt for it. Ques: recheck?? Reduplicated -nonóhtsevan ??. See: -nȯsa'ov; nȯhtse'; -nȯhtséváen.
-nȯsévoen vti. search underwater, feel for fish; feel around for s.t. in water. É-nȯsévóéna. He is feeling around for it in the water. Ques: -nȯsévooná??
vta. search.underwater.by.hand.for. É-nȯxévoenóho.?? He felt around for him (obv) in the water. Category: check.
-nósevonėhót vta. crawl to s.o. É-nósevonėhoto. He crawled to him. [A Warrior Who Looked for His Friend.077] É-nósevonėhótóho. He crawled to him. (newer pronunciation). Naa nėhē'še nėhéóhe éstȧhésease-nósevonėhótovo totáhoestanótȧxévé'hó'e. Then from there they (Indian warriors) crawled up from all directions to the soldiers. for example, at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. See: -ho'evonėhót; -nóhto'ȧhéotsé'tov; -nó'oohé'tov. Category: motion.
-nȯsóenené vai. search underwater, feel for fish, noodle. a style of fishing especially done in Oklahoma, for example, fishing by feeling for catfish hiding in overhanging grass along a creek bank; some people call it noodling in English. É-nȯsóénéne. He is searching for fish with his hands. See: -nȯhtsé'sevanené. Category: fish.
-nȯsoh(n) vta. guess s.o. This word is especially said about playing in a hand game. The object of this verb is the opposing person who the guesser is guessing against. Ná-nȯsóhno. I guessed him. É-nȯsȯhnóho. He is guessing him. See: -ová; nó'oesanestȯtse. Category: handgame.
-nȯsȯhová vai. guess trying to find the hand game bone. É-nȯsȯhóva. He is guessing. É-nȯsȯhovahe? Did he guess? fai: -ohová2. See: -ésȯhová; -ová; -amȯhóné; -véeamȯhóné. Category: handgame.
-nȯsóvoe'á vti. feel around searching for s.t. in water (by foot). Ná-nȯsóvóé'á. I felt around for s.t. under water with my feet. [Croft] See: -nȯhtse'á.
-nȯsóvoe'ov vta. feel around searching for s.o. in water (by foot). Ná-nȯsóvoe'ōvo. I felt around for s.o. under water with my feet. Ques: 'ov or 'óv?? check with 1:33 form?? Final -óe'ó. See: -nȯhtse'. Category: liquid, interpersonal, check.
-nót fta. sew s.o. É-hahpenoto. She is sewing him. É-hahpenótóho. She is sewing him. (newer pronunciation). Émámȯheve-noto. She sewed him/them together. Éno'-enóhevotse? Are they (for example, soles) sewed on also? Etym: *kwa·ł (R). fai: -nó'é; fti: -nóhtá. See: -not ‘kill s.o.’. Category: sew.
-not fta. kill s.o. Éháe-notóho. He killed many of them. ?? Émȧhe-notóho. He killed them all. Némȧhe-notatséme. I('ll) kill all of you (plural). [1980:16:117] Éhvá'nėhe'e-notósesto. She just didn't destroy (one of them). [1980:14:35] Nénėhestȯhé-notatséme. I'll kill however many there are of you (plural). [1980:14:68] Ésȯséve-notóho. He beat him to a pulp. Námá'se-notoo'o. I killed them all. fai: -no'é; fti: -nohtsé; vai: -na'h. Etym: *nał (R). See: -nót ‘sew s.o.’. Category: violence.
nót- i. enemy, alien, another tribe member. É-nóto'xe. He brought back bounty from the enemy. É-nóto'xēva. He sounded the alarm of the arrival of the enemy. É-nótováeotse. He became an outsider. IndepNoun notse.
nótá'e na. Indian woman of another tribe, alien woman, foreign woman. refers to an Indian woman from another tribe. Plural nóta'eo'o; Obviative nóta'óho; Masculine notse. Etym: *pwa·θeθkwe·wa. Category: people, tribes.
-nóta'eve vai. be an Indian woman of another tribe. É-nóta'eve. She is from another tribe. Etym: *pwa·θeθkwe·wiwa (P). Ésáa-nótá'évéhe. She is not an Indian woman from another tribe. Category: tribes.
-nóta'evenóohe vai. look like an Indian woman of another tribe. É-nóta'evenóohe. She looks like an Indian woman from another tribe. Éxae-nóta'evenóohe. She just looks like an Indian woman from another tribe. [1987:395] Ques: nóta'évenóohe?? Category: appearance, check.
notāma p. north. Naa tȧháóhe tósa'e notāma hápó'e mótaéevo'ėstanéhevėhéhe. And he must likewise live somewhere up north. Antonym nomȧhésto'e ‘south’. See: nóm-; Notamota. Category: directions.
-notama'e'tá vii. face north. typically said of a tepee. É-notama'ē'ta. (The tepee) faces north. See: notāma ‘north’. Category: directions.
-notama'éohtsé vai. face north walking, walk facing north, walk facing the wind. É-notama'éóhtse. He went facing the wind. See: Nómeōhtse; -nómehné; notama. Category: walk, motion, directions.
-nótame na. Gram: poss alien, enemy. Ques: poss na-nótame my alien/my enemy. Méhoxenáno ne-nótamo! Love your enemies! IndepNoun notse.
Notamé'e North Woman. An old blind lady with this name helped the leaders guide the Cheyennes in the long trek north from Oklahoma; even though she was blind she could sense when the soldiers were near. Variant: Notamé'héhe. See: notāma; Noma'é'e. Category: directions, names.
Notamé'héhe na. North Woman. this longer spelling may be preferred to Notamé'e. Variant: Notamé'e. Category: directions, names.
Notamemésėhéno loc. Northern Cheyenne area. Usage: seldom used by Northern Cheyennes See: Heévȧhetanéno ‘Southern Cheyenne area’. Category: places.
Notameohméseestse vai. Gram: ppl Northern Cheyenne person. Lit: northern-eater Variant: Hotameohméseestse. This word consists of the prenoun notame- 'north'; oh- 'conjunct participle prefix; -mésehe 'eat'; 'third person sg. conjunct ending.' See discussion under Ȯhméseestse. Plural Notaméohmésėhese; AlternatePlural Notaméohmésėhéso. Usage: seldom used by Northern Cheyennes See: Ȯhméseestse; Notameohmésėhétane; -mésehe; -tsėhéstahe; Heévȧhétane. Category: directions, tribes.
-notameȯhmésėhé'eve vai. be a Northern Cheyenne woman, be a Northern Eater woman. Heške móhnotameȯhmésėhé'evėhevóhe. His mother was a Northern Cheyenne woman. [My Family Came Back.004]
Notameohmésėhétane na. Northern Cheyenne, Northern Easter. Variant: Notameohméseestse; Plural Notameohmésėhétaneo'o. Usage: seldom used by Northern Cheyennes See: Heévȧhétane ‘Southern Cheyenne’. Category: tribes.
-notameȯhmésėheve vai. be a Northern Cheyenne; be a Northern Eater. Éheévȧhetaneve, o'xe, naa o'xe, é-notameȯhmésėheve. He was a Southern Cheyenne, half, and half, he was Northern. [My Family Came Back.003]
-notameohtsé vai. go north, north go. É-notameōhtse. He is going north. See: nómeohtsé.
Notamota na. North. This is a ceremonial name for the direction north. See: notāma ‘north’. Category: directions, ceremonial.
-notané vai. take water along. É-notāne. He took water along. See: -novo'é ‘take food along’. Category: liquid.
notanestȯtse ni. canteen. Plural notanéstotȯtse. Category: liquid, containers.
nótaxe na. warrior, society member. (another recording) Plural nótȧxeo'o; Obviative nótȧxóho. This term would not be used of a modern day soldier but of a traditional warrior; today it is used of a member of a Cheyenne warrior society. See: nótȧxéve'ho'e; -htaxe; -véstaxe. Category: warfare.
nótȧxéestse'he na. warrior shirt, solder shirt.
Nótȧxéešeēva obl. Veteran's Day. Lit: soldier-day Category: holidays, warfare.
-nótȧxéešeeve vai. Veterans Day - be. É-nótȧxéešeeve. It is Veterans Day. Category: warfare, holidays.
nótȧxého'emanestȯtse ni. society law.
nótȧxé'e na. 1 • society woman, society sister. Ques: Can it also mean Warrior Woman?? Category: check. This is a woman who a male society adopts. They would call her their sister.
2 • Warrior Woman, Society Woman. Category: societies.
nótȧxé'éve vai. be a warrior woman, be a society woman.
nótȧxémȧhéó'o ni. military house. Plural nótȧxémȧheonȯtse. The plural is used for 'barracks.'. Category: warfare.
nótȧxémȧheonȯtse ni. Gram: pl barracks. See: nótȧxéve'ho'éno. Category: buildings. Lit: soldier-houses
nótȧxeme na. warrior, society member. he-nótȧxemo his soldiers. This term would not be used of a modern day soldier but of a traditional warrior; today it is used of a member of a society. See: nótȧxéve'ho'e; -htaxe; -véstaxe. Category: warfare.
nótȧxeme na. Gram: poss warrior, soldier. na-nótȧxeme my soldier. he-nótȧxemo his soldier(s).
-nótȧxeme na. warrior, society member. na-nótȧxeme my society member. he-nótȧxemo his society members. This term would not be used of a modern day soldier but of a traditional warrior; today it is used of a member of a society. The word for soldier is nótȧxéve'ho'e. Synonym nótame. See: nótȧxéve'ho'e; -htaxe; -véstaxe; nótȧxéve'ho'e. Category: warfare.
Nótȧxéméó'o na. Warrior Trail. See: nótaxe ‘warrior’; méó'o ‘trail’. Category: names.
nótȧxénoo'ȯtse ni. society song. Plural nótȧxénootȯtse; AlternatePlural nótȧxénoonȯtse; fni: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing.
Nótȧxéó'kȯhóme Soldier Wolf, Soldier Coyote. Lit: warrior-coyote Soldierwolf's name was translated wrongly as 'Soldierwolf'; his personal Cheyenne name was Hotóá'ȯhpėhévaestse 'Goodbull'. See: Ho'néhenótaxe ‘Soldierwolf’. Category: names.
nótȧxétoo'ėhémȧheón ni. barracks prison. Nėhéóhe mótoo'ėhehevóhe nótȧxétoo'ėhémȧheóne. There they were jailed at the barracks prison. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.037]
-nótȧxeve vai. warrior be a, society member - be a. É-nótȧxeve. He is a warrior. É-nótȧxéveo'o. They are veterans / soldiers / warriors. Névése-nótȧxévehe? Are you also a veteran? Tséhéhéto máto ésáavése-nótȧxévéhe. My father also was not a veteran. Naa tȧháóhe tsé'oesevéhanéto Totoemanȧhēno nȧháóhenánėhno'hésease-nótȧxeve And when I went through the name-giving ceremony there in Ashland I became a society member. [1987:116] Category: warfare.
-nótȧxévėhoneve vai. warrior.chief.be, be head man of a society. É-nótȧxévėhoneve. He is head man of a society. See: veho ‘chief’; -véhoneve ‘be a chief’. Category: societies.
nótȧxéve'ho'á'e na. soldier - female. especially modern military soldier. Masculine nótȧxéve'ho'e. See: nótaxe. Category: warfare.
nótȧxéve'ho'e na. soldier. especially modern military soldier. Lit: warrior-ve'ho'e (another recording) Plural nótȧxévé'hó'e; Oblique nótȧxéve'ho'e; Vocative nótȧxéve'ho'asėstse (plural) (1987:244); Feminine nótȧxéve'ho'á'e. See: nótaxe. Category: warfare.
nótȧxéve'ho'éno ni. barracks, fort. Lit: warrior-whiteman-place Variant: nótȧxé-mȧheónȯtse; Final -enó.
-nótȧxéve'ho'eve vai. soldier.be. Nátaéše-nótȧxéve'ho'eve nexa. I have been a soldier twice. Category: warfare.
-nótȧxéve'ho'évėsané vai. wear military clothing, dress military. É-nótȧxéve'ho'évėsáne. He is dressed in a military uniform. fai: -sané2. Category: dress.
-nótȧxévėsané vai. soldier dressed, military dressed, dress in military uniform. É-nótȧxévėsáne. He is wearing a military uniform. É-nótȧxévėsaneo'o. They are wearing military uniforms. Category: dress.
nótȧxévestȯtse ni. warrior society, soldier society. Plural nótȧxévėstotȯtse. See: e'óoestaáhenótȧxévestȯtse. Category: societies.
nótȧxévȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. society dance. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-nótȧxévȯhoné vai. salute. Lit: warrior-sign É-nótȧxévȯhóne. He saluted. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.
-nótȧxévȯhóov vta. salute s.o. É-nótȧxévȯhóovóho. He saluted him. fta: -(o)hóov. Category: sign.
nótȧxévó'e ni. military rifle, rifle with bayonet. Category: guns.
-nótohá vai. Gram: vai+o lack, need. Nánótóha ó'xema'kaata. I lack/need 50 cents. É-nótȯhánovo. They are lacking. Ésáa'éva-nótȯhéhe. He is no longer lacking. See: -nótová ‘roam’; -amahe ‘receive’. Category: check.
-nóto'xe vai. bring back bounty from another tribe. É-nóto'xe. He brought back bounty. for example, from fighting another tribe. fai: -o'xe. See: -ho'o'xe; -amo'xe; notse. Category: warfare, carry.
-nóto'xevá vai. warn, sound alarm, announce the enemy. É-nóto'xēva. He sounded the alarm of arrival of enemies. [pd783] É-nóto'xeváhtove. Arrival of enemy is being announced. Owls do this, landing on a house and foretelling a death of someone who lives in it. "Vé'kėséhe-mėstaeo'o ... éohke-nóto'xevao'o vo'ėstane to'sėhováneehesėstse ...," éohkėhevoōne. "Owls warn when a person is going to die," they say. [1980:41:7] fai: -o'xevá. See: -hóo'xevá; -néto'xevá. Category: death, speak.
-notová mbp. neck. Éoókȯhkeve-notōva. He has a black (like a crow) dirty neck. Étsėhe'ėse-notōva. He has a long neck. táhtae-notováhe killdeer (lit. marked around-neck-one). Éé'e-notova'so. He cut his head off. Éé'e-notovahno. He chopped his head off. IndepNoun he'ȯtse; Possessive -htse'ȯtse. Etym: *kwayawe· (P). Category: body.
-nótová vai. roam. Nėstse-nótóva. You will roam. See: -nótohá ‘lack’.
nótová- i. stray. É-nótováéóhtse. He is free to roam on the range.
-nótováeohtsé vai. roam wild, roam free, backslide. É-nótováéóhtse. He is free to roam on the range. Éohkeéva-nótováéóhtse. He went back to his old sinful ways. Usage: obsolescing Category: church.
-nótováeohtsé vai. roam freely. É-nótováéóhtse. He is free to roam on the range.
-nótováeotse vai. become free to roam. É-nótováeotse. He has become an outsider/he is a non-Christian. Usage: not well known today
-nótovahe vai. be an outsider, backslide, be light, be not serious. É-nótovahe. He is not serious (in character or mood) / he is a backslider. or example, gone back from Christian living. ?? Category: check. See: -onótovahe. Category: church.
nótovávo'ėstane na. wandering around person, a straying person. Initial nótová-.
-nótovávomóhtahe vai. live in a worldly condition. É-nótovávomóhtahe. He is living in a worldly condition. Ques: is this a church word?? Category: new, check.
-nȯtse1 sfx. direct voice TA final allomorph of the -'tov final, used when the stem-final vowel is high-pitched. Phon: This allomorph itself has the allomorph -no when it is not the last final of a verb. Náne'étame-nȯtse. I depend on him. Ého'ȧhé-noto. He wanted him/her/them. Náne'étamé-'tova. He depends on me. See: -no; -'tov.
nótse- pv. too late. for example, too late to help. É-nótsenėhešéve. He did it his own way then went back and did it the way he was first told how to do it but it was too late. See: nóve-. Category: time.
notse na. 1 • alien, Indian of another tribe, foreigner, enemy, stranger, enemy replica (rawhide object used in Sun Dance lodge). This word refers to an Indian from another tribe. Plural nótseo'o, (another recordi·ng); Obviative noto; Possessive -nótame; Feminine nótá'e. See: Ma'xenotse ‘Big Foreigner (what a large Gros Ventre man, married to a Cheyenne, was nicknamed)’. Etym: *pwa·θa ‘enemy’.
2 • alienated person. Category: figurative. This word can serve as a figure of speech for someone left out; for example, a child who is on the outs with their parents and aunts. Category: tribes.
3 • enemy. This is the enemy replica used in th Sun Dance. rawhide object used in the Sun Dance lodge.
nótsenoonėstse ni. other tribal songs. See: -noo'ȯtse. Category: sing, check.
-nótseotse vai. left out. É-nótseotse. He was left out/he didn't get anything (there was nothing left for him). Variant: nétseotse. -nétseotse is the older variant. See: nétȯheotse; étseotse; o'hémeotse; kánomeotse.
-nótseve vai. Indian from another tribe. É-nótseve He is an Indian from another tribe. Etym: *pwa·šiwiwa ‘he is an enemy’.
-nótsevéné vai. face from another tribe. É-nótsevéne. He has a face from another tribe. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-nótsevenestse vai. speak an alien language. É-nótsevenestse. He talks a foreign (Indian) language. Category: speak.
nóv- i. slow, late. Category: speed, time.
-nóvá vai. jealous of wife. for example, when a husband feels insecure in his relationship with his wife and he is jealous when other men pay attention to her. É-nóva. He is jealous (over his wife). vta: -nóvót. Etym: *kya·we·wa. See: -oesevéoná. Category: marriage, interpersonal.
-nóvȧhá'ené vai. cook slowly. This refers to the person cooking, not to what is cooked. É-nóvȧhá'éne. He cooked slowly. See: -nȯhóahá'ené. Category: cook, speed.
-nóvahe vai. be slow. refers to being characteristically slow. É-nóvahe. He is slow. Etym: *pwa·wesiwa (P) ‘he is unable to do s.t., overburdened’. vti: -nóvȧhé'tá; Antonym -nėševahe. See: -nonótovahe; -nóvanené; nóve-; -momáxomahe. Category: personality, speed.
Nóváhe na. Medicine. This is medicine in the sense of 'sacred'. alt: Nóáhe. old term for a deity. spelling uncertain between Nóváhe and Nóáhe. Some proper names which contain the root of this noun: Mo'éhenóvave 'Medicine Elk', Nóvává'e 'Medicine Woman', Nóvávóse 'Bear Butte'. See: nóa-; ma'heón; Mo'éhenóvave; Nóvává'e; Nóvávóse. Category: sacred.
-nóvȧhé'tá vti. be slow toward s.t. - be. Nátaome-nóvȧhé'ta neméó'o. I am slow at learning your way. [Hymn 136]
-nóvȧho'he vai. cook slowly. É-nóvȧho'he. He is being cooked slowly. Category: cook, speed.
Nóvá'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
-nóva'éno'hamé vai. drive slowly. É-nóva'éno'hāme. He drove slowly. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive, speed.
Nóvá'éso na. Mist, Slow Growing Woman ?? Category: check. Usage: translation uncertain See: Nóvá'késo. Category: names.
-nóva'ham vta. throw s.o. slowly, slow pitch a ball. É-nóva'hamóho. He slow pitched (the ball). Category: throw, baseball, speed.
-nóva'haso'he vai. ride horse slowly. É-nóva'haso'he. He rode horse slowly. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses, speed, motion.
Nóvá'héhe na. (woman's name). Category: names.
Nóvá'késo na. Slow Growing Woman ?? Category: check. Usage: translation uncertain Ques: also Nóvá'éso possibly meaning Mist ?? Category: check. See: Nóvá'éso. Category: names.
-nóva'ó'sané vai. late, take too long. Ná-nóva'ó'sáne. I took too long (so I'm late). Category: time, speed.
-nóvanené vai. slowly do, take time. can refer to doing something slowly because it requires that, for example, the old traditional way of cooking deer blood. Éohke-nóvanēne. He does things slowly. É-nóvanēne. He is taking his time. fai: -anené. See: -nóvahe. Category: do, speed.
-nóvatanó vai. want to get jealous. É-nóvátáno. He wants to get jealous (of his wife). Category: marriage.
Nóvává'e na. Medicine Woman. alt: Nóává'e. spelling is uncertain between Nóvává'e and Nóává'e?? See: Nóvávóse ‘Bear Butte’. Category: names, check.
Nóvávóse ni. Bear Butte. Variant: Nóávóse. Spelling is uncertain between Nóvávóse and Nóávóse. The Nóvávóse spelling has the advantage of the first letters being parallel with Nóvává'e Medicine, but Nóávóse has the advantage of being parallel with the spelling of Nóáhe, which is an old word for Ma'hēō'o 'God'.?? See: Nóvává'e; Nóáhe1. Category: places, sacred, check.
nóve- i. late, slow. É-nóveōhtse. He is late.
pv. late, slow. for example, can't catch sounds fast. Antonym néhe-. É-nóvėho'eōhtse. He arrived late. Náohke-nóvenéstomóne. I hear slowly. for example, can't catch sounds fast. See: nenóveto; -nóvahe; -nóveohe. Antonym néhe-. Etym: *pwa·wi. Category: speed, time.
-nove fii. impersonal verb suffix. Variant: -htove. The two different impersonal suffixes appear to be different in spelling only; there seems to be no difference in meaning; -htove occurs more frequently with most speakers, but some speakers have a higher percentage of -nove forms than do other speakers. Émésėhé-nove. There is eating. Émané-nove. There is drinking. naa tséhešėto'éotsé-nove and (I remember) when you got up (in the morning). [1987:190] Náohkeéenéstomóne tséohkeéeméhaeheto'eétȧhé-nove. I have heard how (the Sun Dance) used to be done. [1987:211] See: -htot. Category: grammar.
-nóvee'e vai. mature slowly, slow to mature; late maturing. É-nóvee'e. He is slow in maturing. This can be said about an FAS baby. Antonym néhee. Phon: vs See: -éšee'e. Category: ages.
-novehe vai. be betted against. actually, this is an unspecified subject "passive" verb stem. É-novėheo'o. They are betted against. vta: -novet. Category: handgame.
-nóvehné vai. walk slowly. É-nóvéhne. He is walking slowly. Móstá'-novėhnėhevóhe. They came real slowly. [1987:45] Final -ehné. Category: walk, speed.
Nóvėhné'héhe na. Slow Walking Woman. Category: names, speed.
-novėhoo'e vti. 1 • sit for a while.
2 • cannot afford s.t., unable to make payments. Category: figurative. Ná-novėhoo'e. I can't make my payments. Ná-novėhoenóne. We're behind in our payments. Násáa-novėhoéhe. I can make the payment/I know I can pay for it. (for example, can be said by someone preparing for a giveaway, stating that they are financially or otherwise supplied well enough to giveaway). Phon: vs
-nóve'há vai. fly slowly. É-nóvé'ha. He flew slowly. See: -momáxome'há. Category: fly, speed.
-nóve'haná vai. eat slowly. É-nóve'hāna. He ate slowly. fai: -e'haná; Antonym -nonótove'haná. Category: eat, speed.
-nóve'háoohe vai. fly slowly. É-nóve'háoohe. He is flying slowly. Category: fly, speed.
-nóveméohe vai. run slow. É-nóveméohe. He is running slowly. fai: -méohe; Antonym -néheméohe, -nėševeméohe. Category: run.
-nóvenestse vai. speak slowly. É-nóvenestse. He speaks slowly. Category: speak.
-nóvenoné vai. sing slowly, slowly sing. É-nóvenōne. He sang slowly. fai: -noné; Antonym -nėševenoné. Category: sing.
-nóveohe vai. arrive late. refers to moving by some form of transportation, especially, today, a car. Ná-nóveohe I arrived late. Initial nóve-; Final -ohe. -nóvėho'eohtsé and -nóveohtsé also mean 'arrive late'. See: nóve-; -ho'eohtsé; -nóveohtsé. Category: motion.
-nóveohtsé vai. walk slowly, come late. Ná-nóveōhtse. I came late. Antonym -nėševeohtsé. Category: walk.
novėse- pv. later, then, subsequently, afterwards. Variant: novȯse-. places verb containing this preverb subsequent in time to a preceding or following verb with which it is associated. nȧhta-novėsenéméne and then (afterwards) I sang. See: nóvȯse; novȯse-; nenóveto; hehpeto; hehpe'xóvéva; nenóve'xóvéva; maato; nėhē'šé. Category: time.
-novėše'é vai. bet, gamble. É-novėšē'e. He bet. É-novėše'eo'o. They are gambling. See: -sé'o'sané. Category: handgame.
novėše'estȯtse ni. betting.
-novėše'étáno vai. want to gamble. É-novėše'étáno. He wants to gamble / compete. [1987:245] Category: handgame.
-nóvėše'évȯhomo'he vai. contest dance. É-nóvėše'évȯhomó'heo'o. They are contest dancing. Category: dance.
nóvėše'évȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. contest dance. Synonym Novetȧhtsévȯhomó'hestȯtse. Category: dance.
nóvėše'évo'ha na. racehorse. Plural nóvėše'évo'hāme. Category: horses.
-nóvėše'évo'hamé vai. race horses. É-nóvėše'évo'hāme. He is racing horses. Category: horses.
-nóvėšévaen vta. race against s.o. É-nóvėšévaenóho. He raced against him. Category: interpersonal.
-novet vta. compete against s.o., have a contest with s.o., bet against s.o., gamble against s.o. É-novetóho. He competed against him. He competed against him. This would mean that the second person didn't know he was being competed against. É-novetȧhtseo'o. They are competing (against each other). Éohtame-novetóho néhe hetanevo'óho. He tried to have a contest with that Arapaho. See: -sé'o'h; -nóvót; -novoh(n); -novȯhe'é. Category: handgame, interpersonal.
nóvetȧhtsestȯtse ni. gambling.
nóvetȧhtsévȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. contest dance. Synonym Nóvėše'évȯhomó'hestȯtse. Category: dance.
-novoeóó'e vii. stand obstructing.
vai. stand obstructing. É-novoeóó'e. He (or It) is standing obstructing. Éstamáme=tā'se=sé'tšėše-novoeóesėstse hoohtsėstse. A tree was going across fallen part way over the water. [A Man Who Got Cornered by a Skunk.009] Ques: check "part way"?? Final -óé2. Phon: vs See: hóxove-. Category: stand, check.
-nóvóéstóne vai. read slowly, slowly read. É-nóvóéstóne. He is reading slowly. fai: -oéstóné. See: -nóvȯxe'ėstóné ‘write slowly’. Category: school.
-nóvȯhe'é vai. race. É-novȯhē'e. He raced. He'heēno mó'ȯhkeáahtsé'táhoehenotóhe tsé-novȯhe'étsese The blackbird used to sit on the racer. [1987:245] Naa móstó'nėšeno'kėsóhpe-novȯhe'ėhéhe Ma'méhá'e. Red Woman was in the lead as they raced. [1987:246] See: -nóvet.
nóvȯhe'éoohe vai. race quickly. É-novȯhe'éoohe. He raced quickly. (Ná)ho'-nóvȯhe'éoohéto. I arrived racing quickly. [Florence Whiteman Life Story.066]
-nóvȯhe'étanó vai. race in mind. É-nóvȯhe'étáno. He is racing in mind. Névé'-nóvȯhe'étanóme mȧsėhánééstóva, onésetó'ha'éetanetáhoestovevoo'o, onésėhestóxévétáno mȧsėhánééstóva! Don't race in craziness, try to stop your mounts (that is, horses), tyro come in last in terms of craziness! (= Don't live a hurried, crazy life!) This was a saying that John Stands In Timber liked to repeat. Category: sayings, cognition, record.
-nóvȯhéseh vta. race against s.o. É-nóvėhésėhahtseo'o. They raced each other. Nétȧhé-novȯhésėhahtsémáne! Let's go race! Hováhne móh-novȯhésėhahtsėhévóhe. The animals had a big race. nȧhahévo'hāme tséh-nóvȯhésėhahtsévȯse wild horse race (lit. wild horses when they race). Category: phys. ed..
nóvȯhésėstómanévo'ha na. running racehorse. Plural nóvȯhésėstomanévo'hāme. Category: horses.
-nóvȯhésėšéváen vta. race against s.o. Náto'se-nóvȯhésėšéváéno. I'm going to race against him (as in an election). See: -novėšéváéno. Category: interpersonal.
-nóvȯhéstseh vta. race s.o. Ná-nóvȯhéstsého. I raced him.
nóvȯhéstséméó'o ni. racetrack road. This is what shows where the Great Race was run around the Black Hills.
-novoh(n) vta. 1 • ahead of s.o. in a race - be; outrun s.o., beat s.o. (in a race). É-novȯhnóho. He is ahead of him in a race.
2 • ahead in a bet against s.o. - be. See: -novet. Category: run.
-nóvo'ȧhéotse vai. run slowly. É-nóvo'ȧhéotse. ?? He is running slowly. Category: check, run, speed.
-nóvó'ané vai. say slowly. É-nóvó'áne. He is pronouncing slowly. fai: -ó'ané; Antonym -nėševó'ané. See: -onótovó'ané; -momáxomó'ané. Category: speak.
-novo'é vai. take along food. É-novō'e. He took along food. Etym: *nawaxpowa (P). vta: -novo'é'seh. See: -novo'eohtsé; -notané; -no'óovo'he; -notané. Category: food.
-novo'ehné vai. walk with lunch. É-novo'ēhne. He is walking with his packed food. Category: eat, walk.
-novo'é'seh vta. take along food for s.o. É-novo'é'sėhóho. He sent food along with him. Ma'xe-novo'é'šėšeo'o! Take along a big lunch for me! [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.026] Category: food.
-novo'eohtsé vai. eat while walking. É-novo'eōhtse. He ate and walked (at the same time). Taa'éva nėstsevé'-novo'eohtséme; méstaa'e nėstsenémȧhtsená'o'haēvo. Don't eat outside at night; a boogeyman (or spirit) will give you crooked mouth. (a cultural prohibition). That is a cultural taboo said to more than one person. See: -nóvo'eohtsé. Category: walk.
-nóvo'eohtsé vai. drive a team slowly. É-nóvo'eōhtse. He drove a team slowly. See: nóve-; -novo'eohtsé.
novo'eohtsestȯtse ni. lunchbox, trip food container. See: novo'estȯtse. Category: food, containers.
novo'estȯtse ni. food taken along; packed lunch. he-novo'estȯtse his packed lunch. [1987:267] vai: -novo'é. See: novo'eohtsestȯtse. Category: food.
novo'estȯtse tsé'ȯhkevé'hó'ta vii. lunch pail. Category: containers, food.
nóvȯse p. less. Ques: nōvȯse?? Émá'seotse nóvȯse. It didn't quite fit (for example, words on a cassette tape) (that is, it finished before the end of the speaking). Nóvȯse énėhetaō'o. It is not as large/it is smaller. naa máto nóvȯse étaénoestoneo'o tsémóneéšeese and also, they quit school too soon (because of liquor), those who have just grown. [1987:61] Nóvȯse énėhe'xóvatamóho he'óho. He thinks less of women (for example, treats them as less important than males). Preverb novȯse-; Antonym hehpe-. See: nėhē'še; maato; hehpeto; hehpe'xóvéva; nenóve'xóvéva. Category: size, quantity.
novȯse- pv. later, then, subsequently, afterwards. This preverb places the action of the verb containing it later in time to the action of another verb. É-novȯsepėhévátsésta. Later on he thought it was okay. Énovȯse-vóho'oēstse. He later wasted it. Nȧhta-novȯsenéméne. Then (afterwards) I sang. Ma'taéšemésėhétse nėsta-novȯseaseohtsema. After we have eaten we will leave. É-novȯsėhohatse. He then laughed. Éh-novȯseasėta'xéhoo'o vé'ho'e éhmóneto'éotséhoo'o. The whiteman ran off as soon as he got up. [1987:232,253,397] Variant: novėse-. This pronunciation is probably used by more speakers than novėse-. See: nóvȯse; nenóveto; hehpeto; hehpe'xóvéva; nenóve'xóvéva; maato. Category: time.
-nóvót vta. jealous of s.o. over one's own wife. The husband is jealous of some man who is paying attention to his wife. É-nóvoto. He is jealous of him over his (own) wife. É-nóvótóho. He is jealous of him over his (own) wife. (newer pronunciation). vai: -nóvá. Etym: cf *kya·wame·wa (P) ‘he is jealous of him’. See: -novet. Category: interpersonal, marriage.
-nóvotse'ohe vai. work slowly, slowly work. É-nóvotse'ohe. He works slowly. Antonym -nėševotse'óhe. See: -hotse'óhe. Category: work, speed.
-nóvȯxe'ėstóné vai. write slowly. É-nóvȯxe'ėstóne. He writes slowly. fai: -ȯxe'ėstóné. See: -nóvoéstóné ‘read slowly’. Category: write.
nóxa'e p. Wait! (another recording) This functions as a command said to one or more persons. See: -tonoom ‘wait for s.o.’.
nóxe- pv. war deeds. See: -hevoo'o ‘say’; notse. É-nóxe-nėhevoo'o. He is telling his war deeds. Category: warfare.
-nȯxehné vti. Gram: ai+o carry s.t. on the back. Ná-nȯxéhne. I'm carrying it on my back. See: -amo'xe; -o'xe; -páo'oom. Category: carry.
-nȯxeohtsé vai. Gram: ai+o carry something on the back. É-nȯxéóhtse. He carried it on his back. See: -o'xe; -amo'xe. Category: carry.