-anȯhoése vai. float down, hang down. for example of a moon crescent with the opening to the bottom. É-anȯhoése. He is hanging down. Éhne'-anȯhoése. He floated down. Antonym -he'amoésé. See: -anooése; -éva'ȧsévoésé. Category: motion, float, hang, moon, check.
-éšė-hoésé vai. hang already. especially about the first quarter of the moon. É-éšėhoése. It is already hanging. See: -hoése1 ‘hang’. Category: moon.
-éva'ȧsévoésé vai. hang backwards, last quarter of moon, moon wane. This word traditionally referred to the last quarter or phase of the moon. This might be when Cheyennes say the moon is angry, -momáta'ehe. Ques: correct picture?? É-éva'ȧsévoése. He (moon) is in the last quarter. (another recording) tsé'-éva'ȧsévoésėstse when it is hanging down. Category: moon, check.
-he'amoésé vai. float up, hang up. É-he'amoése. He is hanging up (there). for example, of a crescent moon lying on its back. Éstaváhtomė-he'amoésenáhoono. They nevertheless floated upward. (pret). [1980:60:159] Antonym -anȯhoésé. Category: hang, float, moon.
-hóooése vai. new moon, come out hanging. refers especially to first quarter of moon, or can refer to the sun coming out from behind clouds. É-hóooése. It is a new moon. Ééšeévȧ-hóoése éše'he. He (moon or sun, animate) came out hanging. See: hóe-. Category: moon, hang.
-mo'ȯhtáveotse vii. darken, blacken, eclipse.
vai. darken, blacken, eclipse. É-mo'ȯhtáveotse. He (or It) darkened, turned black. for example, of the sun during an eclipse. Etym: *maxkate·wiɁle·wa (P) < **maxkate·wipalyiwa (P/L). Lit: It blackened Éto'se-mo'ȯhtáveotse éše'he. The moon is going to eclipse. Category: moon.
-mónahe vai. new, young. Apparently this verb can be said of the early stage of the moon (as a loan translation??) but -mónėhoése is probably more natural Cheyenne for this stage. É-mónahe. He is new. É-mónahe éše'he. It is a new moon (lit. the moon is new). (probably a loan trans. from English). vii: -móna'e. Etym: *ma·nesiwa 'he is young, new'. See: -mónėhoése. Category: moon.
-mónėhoése vai. newly hang. for example, the first quarter of moon. Émónė-hoése. He (for example, the moon) is hanging new. This is probably a more natural word than -mónahe for this stage of the moon. See: -mónahe. Category: moon, hang.
ó'xeéše'he na. half moon. Etym: *pa·ʔšiki·še'θwa. See: éše'he. Category: moon.
-onéstȧhkahe vai. round, circular. É-onéstȧhkahe. He is full/he is round (for example, full moon). Taa'eéše'he éta-onéstȧhkahe. The moon is round (that is, full). Ééšeto'sėtae-onéstȧhkahe. It (the moon) is almost full. Category: moon.
-sé'oésé vai. hang into. RECHECK?? for example, of a crescent moon with the opening to the side. É-sé'oése. He is hanging into. Category: moon, check.
taeó'xe p. half exactly, exactly half. Taeó'xe ééšėhovánee'e. (The moon) is half gone. a stage of the moon. See: ó'xe. Category: moon.
vóhkeéše'he na. crescent moon. See: ó'xeéše'he. Category: moon.