-a'éno'hamé fai. drive, tend horses. Éam-a'éno'hāme. He is driving along. Éasėt-a'éno'hāme. He started to drive. Éonéh-a'eno'hāme. He turned the horses loose. Éonést-a'éno'hāme. He is taking driver's education. Éšéx-a'éno'hāme. He unharnessed horses. See: -a'ovo'hamé; -(o)'hamé; -a'hasó'he. Category: drive.
-ama'én 1 • vti. drive s.t. for example, to drive a car. É-ama'éna. He drove it. tsé-ama'éno heóveamȧho'hestȯtse school bus driver.
vta. drive s.o. Ná-ama'éno. I drove him. Category: jobs, drive.
2 • vta. chair s.o. that is, be in charge of people as one chairs a meeting. É-ama'eno. He bossed him/them; he chaired them. Category: figurative.
-ama'éno'hamé vai. drive, drive livestock, drive a team. This word originally referred to driving animals, but it has been extended to driving a car. É-ama'éno'hāme. He drove. Mó=nėstsene'-ama'éno'hamehe? Will you drive (for me)? Né'-ama'éno'hāmėstse! Drive! Névé'vovóhke-ama'éno'hāme! Don't drive weaving! Variant: -ama'ovo'hamé; fai: -a'éno'hamé; vti: -ama'én. See: -amȧho'he. Category: transportation, livestock, drive.
ama'éno'hamémȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. driver's license. Variant: ama'éno'hamévȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: drive.
-ama'éno'haméohe vai. drive, drive livestock, drive a team. É-ama'éno'haméohe. He drove. Category: livestock, drive.
-anȧha'éno'hamé vai. drive down. É-anȧha'éno'hāme. He is driving down(hill). Ques: -anȯha'éno'hamé, either spelling is possible ?? Category: check. fai: -a'éno'hamé. See: -anȯha'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-anȯha'éno'hamé vai. drive down. Phon: sounds llike -anȧha'éno'hamé, either spelling is possible ?? É-anȯha'éno'hāme. He drove down. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive, check.
-anȯhevóhka'xe vai. drive down. Émomáxome-anȯhevóhka'xe. He slowly drove off the road. See: -vóhka'xe. Category: drive.
-asėta'éno'hamé vai. start to drive. É-asėta'éno'hāme. He started driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-asėta'xé'tsestá vti. start s.t. for example, to start the engine of a car. É-asėta'xé'tsésta. He started it. Asėta'xé'tséstȯhtse! Start it! vai: -aseta'xe. See: -asévȧho'há. Category: car, drive.
-e'a'éno'hamé vai. drive up. É-e'a'éno'hāme. He is driving up (a hill). fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-éna'éno'hamé vai. stop driving. É-éna'éno'hāme. He stopped driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-ésta'éno'hamé vai. drive in. É-ésta'éno'hāme. He drove in(to). fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-ésta'o'ȧhéotsé vai. drive into. Ques: -ésto'o'ȧhéotse?? Category: check, drive, run.
-éstonené'hahtsé vti. put s.t. in gear, shift gear of s.t. Éstonené'háhtsėstse! Put it in second gear! Hóse-éstonené'háhtsėstse! Put it in high gear! See: -éstonenén. Category: car, drive.
-éstonenén vti. shift gear of s.t., put s.t. in gear. É-éstonenéna. He put it in gear. Ééstonenénȯhtse! Put it in gear! ni: éstonenéó'o. See: -éstonené'hahtsé. Category: car, drive.
éstonenéó'o ni. gear shift. vti: -éstonenén. Category: new, car, drive.
-éva'éno'hamé vai. drive around, drive here and there. É-éva'éno'hāme. He drove around. Final -a'éno'hamé. See: -évȧho'he. Category: drive.
-hátȯxovȧho'he vai. drive back and forth. É-hátȯxovȧho'he He is driving back and forth. Category: drive.
-hávėséva'éno'hamé vai. drive badly. É-hávėséva'éno'hāme. He drove badly. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-hésta'éno'hāme vai. drive from. É-hésta'éno'hāme. He drove from (there). Ques: Is that recording accurate for the gloss?? Énėx-hésta'éno'hāme. He drove from (there). ?? fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive, check.
-hestoma'éno'hamé vai. hindered by driving. É-hestoma'éno'hāme. He was hindered by driving. Initial hestom-; fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-heta'éno'hamé vai. where drive. ... é-heta'éno'hāme. ... that is where he drove. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-hóa'éno'hamé vai. drive out. É-hóa'éno'hāme. He drove out. Émá'sė-hoa'éno'hāme. He finished driving out. ?? fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: check, drive.
-ho'a'éno'hamé vai. arrive driving. É-ho'a'éno'hāme. He arrived driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-hónevaa'éno'hamé vai. drive into the country. É-hónevaa'éno'hāme. He drove into the country. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-hóohta'éno'hamé vai. drive home. É-hóohta'éno'hāme. He drove home. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-hosóva'éno'hamé vai. drive backwards, back up. This can also refer to making cattle back up. É-hosóva'éno'hāme. He backed up driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. See: -hosóvo'ȧhéotse. Category: livestock, drive.
-hótsėha'xéama'éno'hame vai. drive jerkily. Lit: buck-drive Névé'-hótsėha'xéama'éno'hame! Don't drive jerkily! See: -ama'éno'hame ‘drive’. Category: drive.
-hóxova'éno'hamé vai. drive across. É-hóxova'éno'hāme. He drove across. Initial hóxov-; Final -a'éno'hamé. See: -hóxovȧho'he. Category: drive.
-kánoma'éno'hamé vai. drive for nothing?? É-kánoma'éno'hāme. He drove for nothing. Náto'se-kánoma'éno'hāme. I'm going to drive for nothing.?? fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive, check.
-mȧhova'éno'hamé vai. tired of driving. É-mȧhova'éno'hāme. He is tired of driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-mano'o'ȧhéotse vai. drive together. only used with plural subjects. É-mano'o'ȧhéotseo'o. They are driving together. ?? fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -mámȯhevo'ȧhéotse. Category: drive, check.
-néma'táo'o'ȧhéotse vai. drive in circles. É-néma'táo'o'ȧhéotse. He is driving in circles. fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: drive, shapes.
-néma'taovóhka'xe vai. turn around quickly driving. É-néma'taovóhka'xe. He quickly turned around driving. Category: drive.
-nėševȧho'he vai. drive fast. É-nėševȧho'he. He is driving fast. Category: speed, drive.
-nėšéva'éno'hamé vai. drive fast. É-nėšéva'éno'hāme. He drove fast. fai: -a'éno'hamé. See: -nėševo'ȧhéotse. Category: drive, speed, car.
-nėševe'háoohe vai. 1 • fly fast. É-nėševe'háoohe. He flew fast. Category: fly.
2 • drive very fast. Category: figurative, drive.
-nėševeohe vai. drive fast, walk fast. É-nėševeohe. He is driving fast. Hóvéhno nėševeoestse! Speed up a little! See: -aseohe. Category: walk, speed, drive.
-nėševevóhka'ó vai. drive quickly, drive fast. Ééva-nėševevóhká'o. He quickly turned around driving. Category: drive.
-nėševo'ȧhéotse vai. run fast, go fast in a car, drive fast. É-nėševo'ȧhéotse. He ran fast. Ta-nėševo'ȧhéotsėstse! Go faster! Hóvéhno nėševo'ȧhéotsėstse! Speed up a little! fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -nėšéva'éno'hamé; -háeohe; -nėševeohe; -nėševeméohe. Category: speed, car, drive.
nėševo'ȧhéotsétó vii. go fast. Éoseenėševo'ȧhéotséto. It was going really fast. [The Hunter and the Badger.38] Category: speed, car, drive.
-nétȧhéva'éno'hāme vai. drive differently. É-nétȧhéva'éno'hāme. He drove differently. For instance, he drove the British way, on the left side of a road. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-nȯhtóva'éno'hāme vai. know how to drive. É-nȯhtóva'éno'hāme. He knows how to drive. Category: car, drive.
-nó'ėsta'éno'hamé vai. drive over a hill. for example, to drive over the divide from Lame Deer to Ashland. É-nó'ėsta'éno'hāme. He drove over the hill. Category: drive.
-no'ka'éno'hamé vai. drive alone. that is, be the only one driving. É-no'ka'éno'hāme. He is the only one driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-nomona'éno'hamé vai. drowsy driving?? É-nomona'éno'hāme. He is drowsy driving. Initial nomon-; fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-nóva'éno'hamé vai. drive slowly. É-nóva'éno'hāme. He drove slowly. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive, speed.
-onésta'éno'hamé vai. try to drive, learn to drive, drive test. É-onésta'éno'hāme. He is taking driver's education. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-pėhévȧho'he vai. drive well. É-pėhévȧho'he. He drove well. fai: -aho'he. See: -pėhéva'éno'hamé. Ques: same as for 'cooked well'?? Category: drive, check.
-sóhpa'éno'hamé vai. drive through. É-sóhpa'éno'hāme. He drove through. Final -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-ta'ta'éno'hamé vai. drive ?? É-ta'ta'éno'hāme. ?? Category: drive, check.
-vésta'éno'hamé vai. drive with. É-vésta'éno'hāme. He is driving with (someone else).?? Initial vés(t)-; fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-vóhka'xe vai. turn, go crooked, make a sharp turn. for example, make a U-turn in a car. É-vóhka'xe. He made a sharp turn. Émomáxomeanȯhe-vóhka'xe. He slowly drove off the road. Naa móhne'ȯhkeéva-vóhka'xėhéhe. Then she would turn and run back. [1987:248] Category: motion, drive.
-vóona'éno'hamé vai. drive all night. É-vóona'éno'hāme. He drove all night. Initial vóon-; fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-vovóetsėheta'á vti. do s.t. first. Vovóetsėhetā'ȯhtse! First do it! / Use the clutch! See: -tsėheta'á; -hósetsėheta'á. Category: car, drive.
-vovóhka'éno'hamé vai. drive weaving. É-vovóhka'éno'hāme. He is weaving as he drives. That is, he is driving back and forth on the road. See: vovóhkeohtsé. Category: drive.
-vovóhkeohtsé vai. drive crooked, meander, weave. É-vovóhkeōhtse. He is weaving as he goes along. for example, as he drives. Névé'ee-vovóhkeōhtse! Don't weave! for example, while driving. Phon: redup Etym: *wa·kipahta·wa. See: -vovóhka'éno'hamé. Category: drive, car.
-xanova'éno'hamé vai. drive straight. É-xanova'éno'hāme. He drove straight. Initial xanov-; Final -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.