Cheyenne Dictionary



-a'e'šene'ho'tá   vii. separate room - be a. É-a'e'šene'hō'ta. It is a separate room. tsé'-a'e'šene'hō'ta room. Lit: Ques: which recording is a better pronunciation?? See: -ene'ho'tá. Category: house, check.

amȧho'hémȧhéó'o   ni. garage. Lit: car-house Category: house.

amȯhóomȧhtsestȯtse   ni. mirror. A mirror is inanimate while the same pronunciation for 'reflection' is animate. (younger speaker pronunciation) Plural amȯhóomȧhtséstotȯtse. Category: house, sight, furniture.

amȯhóomȧhtsé-ve'ho'sēō'o   ni. dresser, chest of drawers. Lit: (with) mirror-container Category: house, furniture.

e'evonȯhó'o   ni. ladder, stepladder, steps, stairway. Lit: crawl.up.thing (another recording) Plural é'evonȯhó'onȯtse; Oblique e'evonȯhó'éva; vai: -e'evonehné. See: hóxovȯhó'enestȯtse. Category: tools, house.

é'kovo'ȧsénȧhnestȯtse   ni. stovepipe, chimney. Lit: stick.out-fire-thing Variant: é'kovo'ȧsénéó'o. See: hóetovánȧhnestȯtse. Category: fire, house.

énóve   ni. Gram: poss your.home, your home. Usage: obsolescing; this is the traditional pronunciation. Variant: énóvo. Category: house.

heāma tséne'hō'ta   vii. wall. Lit: on the side in the room See: he'āma tséne'hō'ta ceiling; -ne'ho'tá room. Category: house.

he'āma tséne'hō'ta   vii. ceiling. Lit: above in the room See: heāma tséne'hō'ta wall; -ene'ho'tá     room. Category: house.

-he'amemȧheóneve   vii. (of a house) have an upstairs. É-he'amemȧheóneve. It (house) has an upstairs (second floor). Category: house.

he'nétoo'o   ni. 1 • door, gate. Plural he'nétoonȯtse; Oblique he'nétóóne at the door. Etym: cf *eškwa·nte·mi 'door, doorway'; *eškwa·nte·m- (He). See: -me'ta'omané; nehp-; -ésto'eohtsé; heséóxe; tepee. Category: house.

Door • said to be origin of family name Dahle by mispronunciation of the English. Usage: names

-he-mȧheónaov   vta. make a house for s.o. Ná-he-mȧheónáóvo. I made a house for him. É-he-mȧheónaóó'e. They (obv) made a house for him. IndepNoun mȧhēō'o. Category: house.

-he-mȧheóne   inc.n. have a house. Ná-hemȧheone. I have a house. Násáa-hemȧheónéhe. I do not have a house. (another recording) É-hemȧheónehe? Does he have a house? É-hemȧheone. He has a house. Etym: *mehθwika·wa (P) he lives in a wooden dwelling. Né-hemȧheónehe? Do you have a house? Né-hemȧheone. You have a house. Ná-hemȧheónéme. We (not including you) have a house(s). Né-hemȧheónemehe? Do you guys have a house(s)? Né-hemȧheónéme. You guys have a house(s). Né-hemȧheónemanehe? Do we (including you) have a house(s)? Né-hemȧheónema. We (including you) have a house(s). É-hemȧheónevohe? Do they have a house(s)? É-hemȧheóneo'o. They have a house(s). Énonó'kė-hemȧheónevohe? Do they each have a house? Móx-hemȧheónėhevóhe. They had a house. [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.128] IndepNoun mȧhēō'o; vta: -he-mȧheónaov. See: he-6 have; -he-vénove have a home. Category: house.

-héstanovóósané   vai. house sit. É-héstanovóósáne. He stayed there and watched the place. Ques: recheck gloss for that abbreviated ex.?? Ééšė-héstanovóósáne. He stayed there and watched the place. See: -vóosané. Category: house, check.

héstoomaestȯtse   ni. bedding. Variant: héstoomȯtse. See: šéešestȯtse. Category: house.

heše'émȧhéó'o   ni. sod house. Category: house.

hetóhkonéve'ho'sēō'o   ni. cupboard. Lit: utensil-container Plural hetóhkonéve'ho'seonȯtse. See: vé'ho'sēō'o. Category: house.

hevenȯtse   ni. Gram: poss his home. Oblique hévénótse. See: hévénóve his home. Category: house, camp.

-he-vénove   inc.n. have a dwelling, have a home. É-he-vénove. He has a tent/dwelling/home. Ésáa-he-vénóvéhe. He doesn't have a home. Tsé'ameehénove tósa'etsésáa-hešėtao'o=tā'se=tae-hevénovėstovėhane When they were moving about (nomadic), when there was no permanent home. [1987:96] See: -he-stóo'ȯhtséstove; -he-mȧheóné. Category: camp, house.

hóetovánȧhnestȯtse   ni. stovepipe, chimney. This is the most commonly known word. Synonym é'kovo'ȧsénȧhnestȯtse, é'kovo'ȧsénéó'o. Category: house.

ho'émȧhéó'o   ni. cellar. Lit: earth-house Category: house.

ho'senémȧhéó'o   ni. storage shed. Lit: storage-house Variant: ho'sanémȧhéó'o. Category: house.

hone'óonȯtse tsé'ȯhkėhoésene   vii. clothes closet. Lit: clothes where.hang Category: house.

honóhkone   na. quilt, boards for flooring. Usage: archaic Plural honóhkoneo'o. See: hono'ko. Category: house.

-honó'oneve   vii. be a floor. É-honó'oneve. It is a floor. Category: house.

hóo'ȯhtsestȯtse   ni. home. Plural hóo'ȯhtséstotȯtse; Possessive -htóo'ȯhtsestȯtse. Category: house.

-hoóná   vti. close s.t., shut s.t. especially when someone physically shuts a door or gate. É-hoóna. He closed it. Hoónȯhtse he'nétoo'o! Close the door! Hoónȯhtse! Close it! Nátȧ-hoóna. Let me close it. Compare that with this next word: Nátȧ-háóéna. Let me pray. See: -hoó'o'tsé; -hoó'tá; -hoonét; -háóéná pray. Category: house, move.

kȧhkóaxemȧhēō'o   ni. frame house. Lit: cut thin (boards) house See: oomȧhóonémȧhéó'o. Category: house.

mȧhēō'o   ni. 1 • house. (another recording) Do not confuse this word with ma'hēō'o 'god' which is similar in spelling but different in pronunciation. Simplified Spelling mhayo'o. homȯsémȧhéó'o kitchen; restaurant (lit. cook-house). mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o school (lit. write-house). ma'kaataémȧhéó'o bank (lit. money-house). Plural mȧheonȯtse; Locative mȧheónéva; Oblique mȧheóne; Diminutive mȧhēško. namȧhēō'o my house. (another recording) na-mȧheóne at my house. nemȧhēō'o your house. (another recording) hemȧhēō'o his house. namȧheónáne our (excl.) house. nemȧheónane our (incl.) house. nemȧheónévo your (plural) house. hemȧheónévo their house. hemȧheonȯtse his houses. na-mȧheónanōtse our (excl) houses. Diminutive mȧhēško. See: -he-mȧheóne have a house; -he-vénove have a home. Etym: PA *mehθwika·ni (Go2000:90) wooden dwelling. Category: house.

2 • part of the Big Dipper. Phon: vs Category: celestial.

-mȧheónáne   vai. build house(s), make house(s). É-mȧheónáne. He made houses. fai: -ané3. See: -he-mȧheónaov. Category: house.

mȧheóne   ni. Gram: loc at the house. na-mȧheóne at my house. he-mȧheóne at his house. IndepNoun mȧhēō'o. See: mȧheónéva. Category: house.

mȧheónėhono'ko   ni. floor. See: hono'ko; honóhkone. Category: house.

mȧheónehotonovahtȯtse   ni. house alarm. Category: new. Ques: Should it be mȧheónėhotonovahtȯtse?? Category: check, house.

mȧhēško   ni. Gram: dim shed. Lit: little house (another recording) Plural mȧheškonȯtse; Non-diminutive mȧhēō'o. Category: house.

ma'xetáxe'ėséestȯtse   ni. couch, sofa, divan. Plural ma'xetáxe'ėséestotȯtse. See: taxe'ėséestȯtse chair. Category: house, furniture.

mhayo'o   ni. house. Usage: This is a simplified spelling for mȧheo'o which is more difficult to read. Precise Spelling mȧhēō'o. Category: house.

momóhtȯxe'a'xestȯtse   ni. television, T.V., movie. Synonym tsé-momóhtȯxe'ā'ha, tséohke-momóhtȯxe'ā'ha. See: nėxoóhtȯxe'a'xéheo'o cartoon. Category: house.

navenȯtse   ni. Gram: poss my camp, my home. See: nénóve; énóváne; -venȯtse. Category: house.

nėhpoéséó'o   na. curtain. Lit: obstruct-hang(.thing) Plural nėhpoéseono; Obviative nėhpoéseono. See: tsé-ta'omanestsėstse; tséohke-ta'omoésėstse vo'nȧhanéstóva. Etym: O gibagoojigan (N). See: nėhpóenēō'o dam. Category: house.

nėhpo'aneo'o   ni. lock. Phon: vs Plural nėhpo'aneonȯtse. Category: house.

-ne'ho'tá   fii. room. Éháestȯhe-ne'hō'ta. There are many rooms. ... é-heše-ne'hō'ta. ... it is such a room. Ésó'nėheše-ne'hō'ta. It is still the same. É'éetsėhetónoehoo'o kȧsovááhe tséheše-ne'ho'tatse héne vee'e. The young man looked around (to see) how that tepee was sized up. [1980:65:40] he'ama tsé-ne'hō'ta ceiling. Lit: above in the room Variant: -ene'ho'tá. See: -séesó; -ne'ha'e; -po'o'tá. Category: room, space, house.

-neó'kene'ho'tá   vai. small room - be a, tight room - be a. É-neó'kene'hō'ta. It is a small/tight space/room. fii: -ene'ho'tá. See: -mȧsého'kó. Category: space, house.

-néšene'ho'tá   vii. two roomed; be two rooms. É-néšene'hō'ta. There are two rooms. Category: house.

nonoma'ého'ēsta   ni. electric stove. Category: house.

o'ėhnémȧhéó'o   ni. bathroom, restroom, outhouse, toilet. (another recording) (another recording) can be for an indoor or outdoor toilet. See: o'ėhnestȯtse; too'hamémȧhéó'o bath house; -mése'kahe defecate, poop; -mée'kahe defecate, poop; -xaa'e urinate. Category: house.

ónėstánéó'o   ni. doorknob. Lit: opener Phon: vs Plural ónėstaneonȯtse. Category: house.

séohasēō'o   na. carpet, rug, linoleum. Plural séohaseono; Obviative séohaseono. See: tsé-séoxėstse carpet; tséohke-táxėséonėstse bedspread. Category: house.

šéešestȯtse   ni. bed. Lit: lying.down-thing Plural šéešéstotȯtse. See: héstoomȯtse; hóvo'ėšestȯtse; hooma; tsé'ȯhkė-šéešenáhtove. Category: house, bed, furniture.

šéešestȯtse tsé'ȯhkėséhpa'o'xe   vii. hide-a-bed. Lit: bed where it is stretched out Category: bed, house, new.

táho'sēō'o   ni. dresser. Plural táho'seonȯtse. Usage: od See: ho'sēō'o. Category: house, furniture, Oklahoma.

-tȧhpe'e-mȧheóná   vai. have a big house. É-tȧhpe'emȧheóna. He has a big house. Category: house.

-ta'ta'ohá   vti. unlock s.t. by tool, open s.t. by tool. É-ta'ta'ōha. He unlocked it. for example, he unlocked the door with a key. Category: house. Ta'ta'óóhtse! Unlock it! See: -ta'ta'en.

táxe'ėséestȯtse   ni. chair, seat. Lit: upon-buttocks-sit-thing Plural táxe'ėséestotȯtse; vai: -táxe'ėsee'e; BodyPartMedial -'esé. See: ma'xetáxe'ėséestȯtse couch. Category: car, house, furniture.

táxemésėhestȯtse   ni. table. Lit: upon-eat-thing (another recording) (another recording) Plural táxemésėhéstotȯtse; Oblique táxemésėhéstóva. Táxemésėhéstóva náamónoo'e. I'm sitting at the table. See: táhoxe'ėstónestȯtse desk. Category: house, eat, furniture.

too'hamémȧhéó'o   ni. bathhouse, bath room, shower room. Usage: loan translation from English, not commonly said The commonly used term for 'toilet' (or 'bathroom') is o'ėhnémȧhéó'o. See: o'ėhnémȧhéó'o. Category: house.

tséá'ko   Gram: ppl vii. round thing, padlock. Lit: that which is round Tséá'ko é-pȧhonoō'ta. The door is padlocked. Lit: round thing is stuck on (the door) See: -pȧhonoo'tá; -a'kó. Category: house.

tsé'a'é'šene'hō'ta   vii. room. Lit: where there is a separate room vii: -a'e'šene'ho'tá. Category: house.

tsé'ȯhkė-ho'sanéstove   vii. storeroom, trunk. See: -ho'sané. Category: house.

tsé'ȯhkė-homȯséstove   vii. kitchen. See: homȯsémȧhéó'o. Variant: tsé'ȯhkė-homȯsénove. See: homȯsémȧhéó'o. Category: house. Lit: where-HABIT-cook-IMPERS

tsé'ȯhkė-šéešenáhtove   vii. bedroom. Lit: where there is lying down Category: house.

tsé'ova'é'šene'hó'ta   vii. schoolroom, room. Category: school, house.

tséohke-ta'omoésėstse vo'nȧhanéstóva   cj-vai. curtain. Lit: that which hangs covering a window tséohke-ta'omoesenase vo'nȧhanéstóva curtains (lit. that which covers a window). See: tsé-ta'omanestsėstse; nėhpoéséó'o; -ta'omoése hang covering. Category: hang, house.

tsé-séoxėstse   na. carpet. Ques: recheck LH?? Category: check. Lit: where it is spread out Plural tsé-séoxėšenase. See: séohasēō'o carpet. Category: house.

tsé-ta'omanestsėstse   vai. Note: ppl curtain. Lit: that which blocks Plural tsé-ta'omanese. See: nėhpoéséó'o; tséohke-ta'omoésėstse vo'nȧhanéstóva; -ta'omané. Category: house.

tsévé'šetōno   vii. window screen. Lit: that by which there is cooling Category: house.

véhonemȧhēō'o   ni. chief's house. Category: house.

-véhpeome'tá   vii. vacant (of a dwelling). É-véhpeomē'ta. It is vacant. for example, of a house. Category: house.

-vénótse   ni. Gram: poss Gram: obl home.LOC, at home, at the camp. na-vénótse at (or in) my camp. ne-vénótse at your tent. he-vénótse at his home. na-vénótáne at our (excl.) home. See: -venȯtse; vee'e. Category: house.

-vóho'kȧsén   vti. turn s.t. (a light) on. É-vóho'kȧséna. He turned it (light) on. Vóho'kȧsénȯhtse! Turn the light on! Antonym -éno'tován, -hó'tován extinguish s.t./s.o.; Variant: -vó'ho'kȧsén. Usage: This form is used in more recent years, in contrast with -vó'ho'kȧséná. Category: house.

vóho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse   ni. light (for example, electric light); lamp. Variant: vó'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse, vó'ho'kȧsenestȯtse. See: sóhkomevó'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse; hoóneanatóevó'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse. Category: house.

-vó'ho'kȧsén   vti. turn s.t. (a light) on. É-vó'ho'kȧséna. He turned it (light) on. Etym: *wa·Ɂsaxkweθe·namwa. Vó'ho'kȧsénȯhtse! Turn the light on! Variant: -vóho'kȧsén; Antonym -éno'tován, -hó'továná. See: -asé1. Category: house.

vó'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse   ni. light (for example, electric light); lamp. Variant: vóho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse. See: sóhkomevó'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse; hoóneanatóevó'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse. Category: house.