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Éáahtomóne. He's listening.
Éáahtovóho. He listened to him.
Éá'éna. He owns it.
Éá'enóho. He owns him.
Éa'enó'néto. It's dark.
Éa'xaame. He cried.
Éa'xaoto. He shook his hand.
Éamahe. He received.
Éama'éno'hāme. He's driving a car. (Also means 'He's driving a team.')
Éamâho'he. He's going by car.
Éame'ha. He (a bird) is flying.
Éame'háoohe. He flew by.
Éamehne. He walked.
Éame'sēvo. It's flowing.
Éameméohe. He's running.
Éametanéne. He is alive.
Éamevonēhne. He crawled.
Éamóé'o. He/It is floating by.
Éamo'ȧhéotse. He ran by.
Éamónoo'e. He is sitting.
Éanāo'o. He fell off (e.g. off a horse or table).
Éasėta'xe. He took off running.
Éává'o. He fell over (e.g. while walking).
Éávóónéše. He's fasting.
Éaxeēna. He scratched it (to relieve itching).
Éémȯhóne. He's hunting.
Ée'ėsāne. He is getting dressed.
Éénána. He put it down.
Éénano'e. He planted.
Ééstséhne. He came in / entered.
Éévȯhóne. He's talking in sign language.
Éévo'soo'e. He's playing.
Éháéána. He is hungry
Éháhpenó'e. She is sewing.
Éhámėstoo'e. He sat down.
Éháóéna. He prayed.
Éháoho'he. He's hot.
Éháo'omenehe. He's poor.
Éháo'pohe. He is gluttonous.
Éháomóhtahe. He is sick.
Éháoovahe. He is rich.
Éhée'ō'tse. He spilled it.
Éhe'anáto. It's easy.
Éhe'kotomáto. It's quiet.
Éhé'po. He's smoking.
Éhéne'ena. He knows it.
Éhéne'enovóho. He knows him.
Éheseetóho. He pulled him.
Éhesó'xo. It's slippery.
Éhestanóho. He took him.
Éhestáotse. He was born.
Éhestósemóho. He dragged him.
Éhénéna. He poured it.
Éhóéhne. He went outside.
Éhóeneeóó'e. It's flowing out (e.g. a spring flowing out of a hillside). (alternate: Éhóe'sēvo)
Éhohtóva. He is shopping; He bought; He bought it; He sold it.
Éhohtóvanoto mo'éhno'hāme. He bought a horse.
Éhoéstóne. He is reading. (also means 'He is studying' or 'He is going to school.')
Éhohatse. He is laughing; Éhohátseo'o They laughed.
Éhohótséše. He stumbled.
Éhohtamóho. He caught up to him.
Ého'ēhne. He came.
Éhó'e'ovóho. He followed him.
Éhó'ésta. He hollered, cheered.
Ého'nēne. He's tanning hide.
Ého'soo'e. He danced.
Ého'sotahe. He's dirty.
Ého'soto. It's dirty.
Éhó'tȧhéva. He was victorious; he won.
Éhó'tse. He has it.
Éhó'ta. It's here / there.
Éhomōse. She is cooking.
Éhonē'a. He wore it.
Éhone'ovóho. He wore him (e.g. a shirt, animate).
Éhónétsésta. He is lazy.
Éhonóne. She is baking.
Éhoo'e. He's here.
Éhóó'óhtse. He's going home.
Éhósóóta. He's got bare feet.
Éhosotómoo'e. He's resting.
Éhótoanáto. It's difficult.
Éhoto'ahe. He's kind.
Éhótooma'ovóho. He shelded him.
Éhotse'ohe. He worked.
Éhová'ȧhane. It's gone.
Éhovánee'e. He is gone (euphemism for "He is dead").
Éhóxe'anēne. She cleaned.
Éhóxé'o. It's clean.
Éhoxeotse. It's rotten.
Éhoxomóho. He fed him.
Éhoxovéstáva. He traveled.
Nákȧhaneotse. I'm tired.
Éka'a'xe. He jumped.
Ékoká'a'xe. He's jumping up and down.
Ékó'konȯxe'ėstóne. He's typing.
Émaa'e. He barked.
Émȧháne. He got firewood.
Émane. He drank.
Émanēstse. He made it.
Émanétáno. He wants to drink.
Émȧsėhánee'e. He's crazy.
Émásetsėstahe. He is friendly, welcoming.
Ématomo. He smells him.
Émȧxanóho. He touched him.
Émea'a. He gave.
Éméanoto mo'éhno'hāme. He gave a horse.
Éméhósáne. He loves.
Námé'a. I found it.
Émé'éhne. He walked into view.
Éméo'kéxané'o. His eyes are close.
Émese ho'évohkȯtse. He ate meat.
Éméseeotse. He came to his senses; he sobered up.
Émésehe. He's eating.
Émésėhétáno. He wants to eat.
Éméstȧhono'xe. He doesn't want to wake up / He's still groggy.
Éméto. He gave it to him.
Náméto. I gave it to him.
Émo'onahe. He/She is handsome/pretty.
Émonénoto. He picked him.
Émȯxe'ėstóne. He is writing (also means 'He is studying' or 'He is going to school.')
Émȯxéhéne. She is sweeping.
Énaa'e. He died.
Énaā'e. He is doctoring.
Énȧha'ēna. He caught it.
Énȧha'enóho. He caught him.
Énȧhahkahe. He's energetic.
Éná'so'enohe. He's full (of food).
Náná'tose. I'm cold.
Énanovóho. He recognized him.
Énaóotse. He is sleeping.
Énaóotsétáno. He wants to sleep.
Énéé'e. He is standing (in standing position).
Énéhe'ovóho. He followed his tracks (the tracks of someone else).
Énéhnetame. He gave up.
Énéhoveóó'e. He is standing up (in process of standing).
Éné'póó'o. He's peeking over.
Éné'sėsáne. He is getting undressed.
Éne'evávoomóho. He is watching him.
Énéméne. He's singing.
Énėsó'enome. He's snoring.
Énėstamenóohéheve. He's poor.
Énéstovóho. He heard him.
Énéstoohe. He (an animal) is sounding (that is, neighing, calling, mooing, croaking, calling, etc.)
Énėše'hanene. She is washing (e.g. doing the laundry).
Énėševo'ȧhéotse. He's driving/running fast.
Énetoeōhtse. He is itching.
Énėxoóhtahe. He's cute.
Énóahešéve. He's giving away.
Énóhne'kahe. He limps.
Éno'héóhtse. He got off track.
Éno'kee'e. He's alone.
Énó'oesāne. He's playing handgame (literally, 'He's hiding (something)').
Nánó'oēstse. I hid it.
Énomáhtse. He stole.
Énomēne He's drinking (sipping) hot liquid (e.g. coffee, tea, soup).
Énomoneotse. He's drowsy.
Énonótovȧše'še. He is drunk.
Énootóho. He left him.
Énóvahe. He's slow.
Énovo'e. He brought his food along (as a lunch on his trip).
Éohāā'e. He's getting up.
Éó'ėhasēne. She's drying (especially berries, but can be other things also).
Éó'eotse. It dried out.
Éó'ėsóva. She is slicing drymeat.
Éo'hohtá'ovóho. He kicked him.
Éó'ȯhto'eétahe. He made a mistake.
Éó'xeotse. It tore.
Éó'ó'éne. He is blind.
Éó'otómo'ēna. It's full.
Éonéáhta. He is deaf.
Éoné'seómȧháhta. He believes.
Éonénėšeotse. It broke down.
Éonéstáhko. It's round.
Éonóomóho. He summoned, called him.
Éoo'xoemȧhane. He woodchopped.
Éoomóho. He hit him.
Éoto'xovahe. He is skilled.
Náováxe. I dreamed.
Éoveše. He went to bed.
Éoxa'ȯhene. He is beading.
Épéeotse. It's crumbled.
Épe'pe'ésta. He is hollering.
Épévána. He fixed it (literally, made it good).
Épéveéno'e. It tastes good.
Épéveméehō'ta. It (the cooking) smells good.
Éévapéveotse. It's good again; he's normal again.
Épévoéstomo'he. He's nice.
Épévo'eétahe. He did a good job / He did something good.
Nápévomóhtahe. I'm feeling good.
Épó'ėho'he. He got fired. / He got a flat tire.
Épó'ponȯhone. He was drumming.
Ésé'á'o. He dove into the water.
Násé'háno. I woke him up.
Éséváno. He's skating.
Éšééše. He's in bed.
Éšé'šeotse. He woke up.
Éta'ehne. He went out of sight.
Étȧhémanohe. We went to get water.
Étáhoo'e. He's riding.
Étaotse. He yawned.
Étávahe. He's goofy.
Étoenóho. He held him.
Étó'e. He got up (from bed).
Éto'éotse He got up (from bed) quickly.
Étonóomóho. He's waiting for him.
Étoo'ehe. He's tied up / He's in jail.
Étoo'etóho. He tied him up.
Étoo'hame. He is swimming / He is taking a bath.
Étótoeotse. He opened his eyes.
Étóxėšenao'o. They are parading.
Étsėhetanēne. He's doing something.
Étsėhetóó'o. He's looking around.
Évá'nenėhesémáne. He's pretending.
Évávaahe. He is swinging.
Évee'e. He camped.
Évéhoneve. He is a chief; he is a boss.
Évéhpéha. It's empty.
Évé'hóóhta. He looked at it.
Évé'hóósáne. He is looking on (e.g. at a powwow or basketball game), watching.
Événȧhéškóse. He's stingy.
Évésétáno. He's in a hurry.
Évéstȧhemo. He helped him.
Návésto'tsémoo'o. I'm camping with them.
Évóho'oesāne. He's throwing out trash.
Évo'ėstanéheve. He's living (here/there).
Évo'ėstanévėhóho. He rescued him. (Alternate pronunciation: Évo'ėstanéveho.)
Évó'néto. It's light (in the atmosphere).
Évona'ó'tse. He lost it.
Évonanóho. He wiped him out.
Évonēše. He's lost.
Évonetano. He forgot.
Návóóhta. I saw it.
Návóómo. I saw him.
Évovéstomósáne. He is teaching.
Évovóhko. It's crooked.
Évovóhponahe. He's exacting, strict.
Éxaamene'o. He's smiling.
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