Éhéne'ëna. He knows it.
Éhéne'enovóho. He knows him.
Nátaéšêhéne'enáotsé'ta. I understand it now.
Éhéstovetano. He is undecided.
Éhomá'tovóho. He sensed him.
Éméšenovóho. He found out about him / He noticed him.
Náhešêtano. I'm thinking this way.
Ého'ahe. He wants (it).
Náho'ahe. I want (it).
Émé'etano He remembers.
Námé'etanó'tóvo. I'm remembering him.
Nánêhesétámo. I think about him that way / That's what I think about him.
Nánéxa'etano. I want to do two (different) things / I'm split in my thinking.
Énôhtóvahe. He knows how.
Nánôhtovetano. I'm wondering.
Nánôhtsevátámo. I'm lonesome for him.
Náóétsétáno. I'm worried.
Náoo'hátsésta. I thought it through thoroughly / I mentally examined it.
Éoo'hetano. He's thinking over (something).
Nátóxetano. I know the difference between right and wrong.
Návonetano. I forgot.
Návonetanóotse. I lost my train of thought / I've forgotten.