Ééestse. He is speaking.
Ééestsêstovóho. He spoke to him.
Éháónóva. He's talkative.
Éhetóho. He said (that) to him.
Éhevoo'o. He said; Éhevoöne They said.
Éhóhta'häne. He's relating (something, e.g. told a story) / he testified in court.
Éhóhta'heónáne. He's telling stories (e.g. at bedtime).
Ého'é'etóho. He blamed him.
Éhó'ésta. He is whooping.
Éhóo'xeva. He heralded (esp. acted as a towncrier) / He announced.
Éhoonéstómáne. He calmed (e.g. told people to arguing or fighting).
Éhoonétóho. He calmed him down.
Éhósemóho. He told about him.
Éhotonóho. He notified him.
Éhotonöva. He notified.
Éhotsetóho. He told him to do (something).
Émâhtsénáne. He gossiped.
Éma'heóneéestse. He preached.
Émé'emóho. He told on him / He explained about him.
Émé'êstomevóho. He explained (it) to him.
Émé'ovó'semóho. He reminded him.
Émomóhtsemóho. He pleaded with/begged/beseeched him.
Éná'so'eemo. He teased him.
Éne'hónóva. He is talking.
Énetse'e. He lied.
Énôhtsêstovóho. He asked him.
Éno'ësta. He answered.
Éno'êstovóho. He answered him.
Éóešeoesemóho. He bluntly told him what he thought about him.
Éonéhamó'áne. He beats around the bush.
Éóo'evoto. He argued with him.
Éoo'haévamóho. He's telling him to be careful.
Éoóoxôhetóho. He said things to him.
Épévó'áne. He pronounced well.
Épévo'oto. He's saying good things about him.
Ésáanêhenóvêhane. It's not said; that should not be said; it's inappropriate to say.
Étotó'hosemóho. He made fun of him.
Étotóxemóho. He discussed him.
Étsêhésenestse. He talks Cheyenne.
Étsêhésenêstovóho. He talked Cheyenne to him.
Évá'nenêhevoo'o. He's just saying that.
Évéestomevóho. He asked him for (something).
Évé'ho'énestse. He talks English.
Évé'hoeto. He bawled him out.
Évéstâhtóohe. He spoke on behalf of a side.
Évéstomevóho. He promised him.
Évoveho. He's naming / praising him.
Évovéstomevóho. He taught him.
Évovéstomósáne. He's teaching.
Évovóešemóho. He consoled him.
hóhta'heo'o story
Néóxôheve? What did you say?
Násáa'óxôhéhe. I didn't say anything.
Névé'eóxôheve! Don't say anything! (woman's voice)
Névé'eóxêhésta! Don't say anything about it!
Náhéto. I told him.
Nêhešeha! Tell him that!