Éáahtovóho. He listened to him.
Éa'xaoto. He shook his hand.
Éamȧhtovóho. He said yes to him; consented to him.
Ée'hahtovóho. He respects him. (typically
used of the avoidance a person shows toward an in-law he respects, such
as a man toward his mother-in-law)
Ée'hóho. He is afraid of him.
Éétsemóho. He didn't tell on him.
Éháatamóho. He really likes him.
Éháo'oto. He bragged about him.
Éhéestáha'ovóho. He emboldened him.
Éhéne'enovóho. He knows him.
Éhohtamȯhnóho. He confronted him about what he said about him that was untrue.
Ého'ȧhénoto. He wants him; Ésáaho'ȧhéhenoto. He doesn't want him.
Ého'é'etóho. He blamed him.
Éhó'xatamóho. He is used to him.
Émásetsêstovóho. He welcomed him.
Éméhoto. He loves him.
Náméhóto. I love him; Néméhotȧtse. I love you; Néméhotatséme. I love you (plural); Náméhotoo'o. I love them.
Émé'emo'eeho. He bothered him.
Émé'emóho. He told on him.
Émé'emo'eeho. He bothered him.
Éméoto. He fought him.
Émomáxemóho. He turned him in.
Émométsêstóvo'eeho. He tormented him.
Énȧha'enóho. He caught him.
Énȧho'ȯhtsevo. He came to visit him.
Éná'so'eemo. He teased him.
Éévananóvȧhtseo'o. They recognize each other again ( = reconciliation).
Énanovóho. He recognizes him.
Éne'étaménoto. He depends on him.
Énémeótóho. He sang for him.
Énêsétamóho. He is mad at him.
Énêševátamóho. He pities him.
Énetsé'e'tovóho. He lied to him.
Énetsé'emóho. He lied about him.
Énétse'ovóho. He let him go.
Éoe'kêhénoto. He cheated him.
Náoné'seómȧhahtóó'e. They believed me.
Éoné'seómȧhahtovóho. He believes him.
Ésáa'onemóheho. He did not pay attention to him.
Éono'átamóho. He respects him.
Éoóoxȯhetóho. He's making remarks (saying things) about him.
Épe'pe'ȧheo'o. They are having marital difficulty.
Épéoto. He dislikes, hates him.
Épévatamóho. He likes him.
Épéve'tovóho. He's good to him.
Épévo'eeho. He treated him good.
Épévo'oto. He spoke good about him.
Éšénetamóho. He is repulsed by him.
Étaä'e. He beats his wife.
Évé'ȯhtsemo. He is going along with him; he's "going with" (dating) her.
Évéstȧhemo. He helped him.
Évéstoemóho. He is married to her. (literally, sits with her)
Évésto'sóemóho. He played with him.
Évéstotse'óhemo. He worked with him.
Évonȯhóha'ovóho. He is enticing him, egging him on.
Évovóanóho. He put him first.
Évó'hova'ovóho. He stayed distant from him.
Évového'oto. He sang his Indian name; He sang an honor song to him.
Évovéemóho. He placated him.
Évóho'oetóho. He divorced her. (literally, threw her away)
Évovóhnêhešeho. He is taking care of him.
Nȧhahétsêstoveha! Be leery of him!
hemé'oono his sweetheart, girlfriend, lover; her sweetheart, boyfriend, lover
nésé'e my friend (female to female)
néséne my friend (male to male)
Náhevése'enȯtse. She is my friend (only said by a female).
Náhevésenéhenȯtse. He is my friend (only said by a male).
Also see Speaking