A - a
-á1 sfx. it, them, inanimate theme sign. This suffix is a theme sign that indicates that the object of a verb is inanimate. Takes /n/ after this theme sign when the object is plural. Náhéne'ēn-a. I know it.
Évóoht-anȯtse. He saw them (inanimate).
Vé'hoohtom-áhéne! Look at it/them then! tséxhestanom-átse when we took it. Except for newer pronunciation today, the -á changes to -ó in negative, inferential, and conjunct verbs. For newer pronunciation, the -á remains unchanged in the negative and inferential.
Násáavóóht-óhe. I don't see it. Ésáavóóht-óhe. He did not see it. Ésáavóóht-áhe. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *e·. See: -é1; -ó3. Category: grammar.
-á2 sfx. linking vowel used in transitive verbs which have -tanó 'want' as an ending. Náhéne'en-átanó'ta. I want to know it. Náhéne'en-átanó'tóvo. I want to know him.
Návóom-átanó'tóvo. I want to see him. Category: grammar.
á- pfx. should have. A conjunct (dependent verb) prefix that can take a following /h-/ tense morpheme. Á-hnémenesėstse. He should have sung. Á-némenesėstse. He should have sung (more recent than with áh-...) Néhe á-hnémenėstse. He should have been the one to sing. Á-'oomosėstse. He SHOULD have hit him. That is more forceful than é-me'-oomóho 'he should have hit him. Usage: obsolescing Phon: allomorphs á'-, áx- See: me'-; me'hó'ke-. Category: grammar.
-a sfx. inverse voice suffix. Náméhot-a. She loves me.
Névóom-a. He saw you. Transitive verbs that end with -a are pronounced as -aehe in yes-no questions:
Néoom-aehe? Did he hit you? Variant: -ae1. Phon: This form occurs word-finally. Phon: Its alternate, -ae, occurs word-medially. Category: grammar.
-a f. be?? Aénȯhevóoheh-ahoono! Wow, (they were) jackrabbits! [The Frog and Her Brothers.009] Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: check.
-a sfx. imperative suffix for transitive verbs where more than one person is commanded to act on a single third person. Vé'hoom-a! Look at him (or her)! Category: grammar.
aa p. ah. "Móneno'ka aa," éxhéhoo'o. "It is the first time, ah!" he said. [Floating Eyes: 029] Ques: áa ?? Category: check, exclamations.
aaa p. oh. Category: exclamations.
-aahkévȧhoešé vai. pitchy all through. especially of a log. É-aahkévȧhóéše. There's pitch all through (the log). Non-reduplicated -ahkeve. Phon: redup Category: texture, lie.
-aahkévȧhonetó vii. pitchy. É-aahkévȧhonēto. It (especially wood) is pitchy/full of pitch/sap. Wood full of pitch is good for starting fires. Non-reduplicated ahke. Phon: redup Category: texture.
-áahtá vti. listen.to.s.t. É-ááhta. He listened to it. Etym: *kexkehtamwa (P).
Ná-ááhta. I'm listening to it.
É-áahtánovȯtse. They listened to them (inanimate).
(another recording) Variant: -áhahtá; vta: -áahtov; vai: -áahtomóné; fii: -ahtá. See: -néstá ‘hear s.t.’. Category: hear.
-áahtaotsé'tov vta. listen to s.o. for example, don't leave yet--stop long enough to listen to me! Né'éše-áahtaotsé'tovėstse! Listen to me (right now)! See: -áahtov; ótahe. Category: hear.
-áahtomóné vai. listen, obey. This word can imply obedience. Variant: -áhahtomóne. É-áahtomóne. He listened. Etym: cf *pesenta·ke·wa (P).
Éohke-áahtomóne. He listens.
(another recording)
Éohkėsáa'-áahtomónéhe. He doesn't listen.
Ná-áahtomóne. I'm listening. É-áahtomóneo'o. They are listening. Ésáa'-áahtomónėheo'o. They are not listening.
Áahtomónėstse! Listen!
(another recording)
Áahtomóne! Listen! (said to more than one person).
Pėhéve-áahtomóne! Listen well! (said to more than one person).
Áahtomónėhéne! Listen later! (said to more than one person). This word focuses on listening, such as listening to music. -áahtomóné focuses on listening and obeying. vta: -áahtov; vti: -áahtá. See: -áahtósané; -áestsé'ó; -áhasėstsé'ó; -néstomóné ‘hear’. Category: hear.
-áahtomónee'e vai. sit listening. É-áahtomónee'e. He is sitting listening. for example, listening to a siren. É-áahtomóneeo'o. They are sitting listening.
Né'-áahtomónee'e! Sit there listening to me! said to more than one person. See: -áestsee'e. Category: hear, sit.
-áahtomónee'tá vti. sit listening to s.t. É-áahtomónéé'ta. He is sitting listening to it. Category: hear, sit.
-áahtomónee'tov vta. sit listening to s.o. É-áahtomónee'tovóho. He is sitting listening to him. See: -áahtov. Category: hear, sit, interpersonal.
-áahtomóneóe'tov vta. stand.listening to s.o. É-áahtomóneóe'tovóho. He is standing listening to him. fai: -óé. Category: hear, stand.
-áahtomónéóó'e vai. stand listening. É-áahtomónéóó'e. He is standing listening. fai: -óé2. See: -áahtomóné ‘listen’; -amóneóó'e ‘sit in line’. Category: hear, stand.
áahtomónestȯtse ni. listening thing. Variant: áhahtomónestȯtse. See: áhastséhestȯtse.
áahtomoneto p. once again. for example, used when repeating something that you have said. Usage: obsolescing
-áahtósané vai. listen (to people). É-áahtósáne. He listens (to people). fai: -ósané. See: -áahtomóné. Category: hear.
-áahtóseoneve vai. listened to, obeyed, respected. É-áahtóseoneve. He is listened to. Category: personality.
-áahtov vta. listen to s.o. É-áahtovóho. He listened to him.
Ná-áahtōvo. I listened to him.
Ná-áahtovoo'o. I'm listening to them.
Ná-áahtōō'e. They listened to me.
Né-áahtovȧtse. I'm listening to you.
Né-áahtóvatséme. I'm listening to you guys.
Áahtovėstse! Listen to me!
Né'-áahtovėstse! Listen to me!
Áahtove! Listen to me! (said to more than one person).
Áahtoveha! Listen to him!
Áahtova! Listen to him! (said to more than one person).
Áahtovoo'o! Listen to him (later)!
Né'-áahtove! Listen to me! (said to more than one person).
Áahtovenáno vé'kėseho! Listen to the birds!
tsé'ée'-áahtovése when you plural listen to me. Phon: redup Variant: -áhahtov; vai: -áahtomóné; vti: -áahtá; fta: -ahtov. Etym: *kexkehtawe·wa (P) ‘he listens to him’. See: ótahe ‘Listen!’; -néstov ‘hear s.o.’. Category: hear.
áahtsé'- pv. already, simultaneously, at the same time. often follows preverb éše-. Phon: -e is added preceding a vowel É-áahtsé'nėhešéve. He already did it. Nėhéóhe móná'éše-áahtsé'hestáohtsėhéhe. Móhnėhnóvėho'eohehéhe tséohketoenōvȧhtse. I was already born there. The midwife didn't get there in time. [1987:26] See: vétséno; nėšená-; éše-. Category: time.
āā'e fni. year. This noun final is used for counting numbers of years. no'ke-āā'e one year. nóhonó'e-āā'e fifty years.
áa'e ni. year. Variant: āā'e; Plural aenȯtse. Phon: iah Etym: *pepo·nwi 'it is winter'. Category: time.
áa'e ni. year, winter. (another recording) year.mp3.
(another recording) Plural aenȯtse; Oblique aénéva. Phon: iah Phon: When this word is pronounced by itself it has an unexpected high pitch on its first vowel. This unexpected high pitch is called "iah" (Antepenultimate High Pitch) in this dictionary. Móxhótoanátȯhanéhe áa'e. It was a tough winter. [1987:185] Naa nėhē'še néše-āā'e nėhéóhe ná'éševé'háhtse nėhē'še náhtaévȧhóó'óhtse. And then for two years I stayed there, then I came back home.
Aa'e émóna'e. It is a new year.
Áa'e Tséhmóna'e New Years. Lit: when it is the new year Numbers of years are expressed by the number before this word for 'year': no'ke-āā'e one year.
néše-āā'e two years. na'he-āā'e three years. mȧhtóhtȯhe-āā'e ten years. tónėstȯhe-āā'e for how many years? See: aénamá; éše; éše'he. Etym: **pepo·nwi (R). Category: time.
-āā'e sfx. 1 • they, inverse voice suffix for TA verbs with third person plural subject. Návóom-āā'e. They saw me.
2 • they, other third person ending, inverse voice suffix for TA verbs with obviative subject. É-vóomāā'e. The other person(s) saw him. Antonym -ó2; Variant: -ae2. See: -āā'e; -eé. Category: grammar.
āā'e émóna'e vii. new year. Lit: the year is new Usage: likely a modified loan translation from English See: āā'e tsémóna'e; -vo'ėstanéhevé'tá. Category: holidays, time.
Áa'e tséhmóna'e vii. New Years. Variant: Áa'e tsémóna'e. Usage: likely a modified loan translation from English Category: holidays.
Áa'e tsémóna'e vii. new year. Lit: year that is new There is no standard way of saying Happy New Year in Cheyenne but Áa'e tsémóna'e is fairly commonly said. It does not literally contain the meaning of "happy". Variant: Áa'e tséhmóna'e. Usage: likely a modified loan translation from English See: āā'e émóna'e; -vo'ėstanéhevé'tá. Category: holidays, time.
aa'ėse- pv. back. Névé'e-aa'ėseóxȯheve! Don't say anything back! Névé'e-aa'ėseóxȯhéme! Don't say anything to make it worse! (said to more than one person). Névé'e-aa'ėsetónėšéme! Don't do anything to make it worse! (said to more than one person). [1987:54] Mósta-aa'ėsėho'eohtsé'tovȯhevovóhe. They met him. See: aose; éva-.
Áámėhé'e na. Always A Woman. translation uncertain. Category: names.
Áameóhné'e na. Walking Woman. Category: names.
-ae1 sfx. inverse voice suffix. Néoom-aehe? Did he hit you?
Násáa'oom-aéhe. He didn't hit me.
tséonóom-aevose the one(s) (obv) who called them. Variant: -a. Phon: This form occurs word-medially; its alternate, -a, occurs word-finally. Category: grammar.
-ae2 sfx. they, inverse voice suffix for TA verbs with third person plural or obviative subject. Násáavóom-aeheo'o. They did not see me. Ques: aéhe?? Antonym -ó2; Variant: -aé. See: -āā'e; -eé. Category: grammar, check.
-ae3 sfx. inanimate subject acting on an animate object. Náho'ėhót-aa'e. It came to me. Phon: vs Category: grammar.
-áeh fta. scare s.o. Návoná-eha. He shocked me.
Étó'om-áehóho. He scared him stiff.
Éná't-aehóho. He startled (and scared) him.
Éáhan-áehóho. He frightened him to death.
Ésé'hov-áehóho. He caught him by surprise. Category: interpersonal.
-ae'ta'ee'e vai. 1 • face sitting. É-ae'ta'ee'e. He is sitting facing. for example, facing a crowd. Phon: vs
2 • chair meeting, be in charge of meeting. Category: figurative, sit, positions.
-ae'ta'ée'tá vti. sit facing s.t. É-ae'ta'éé'ta. He sat facing it. Category: sit.
-ae'ta'ée'tov vta. sit facing s.o. É-ae'ta'ée'tovóho. He sat facing him. Category: sit.
-ae'ta'éoe'tov vta. stand facing s.o. É-ae'ta'éoe'tovóho. He is standing facing him/them. Final -óé2. Category: stand.
-ae'ta'éóó'e vai. face standing. for example, facing a crowd. É-ae'ta'éóó'e. He is standing facing. Phon: vs fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-aénamá fai. year(s). Éno'ke-aénáma. He is one year old.
Énéše-aénáma. He is two years old.
Énóhone-aénáma. He is five years old.
Étónėstȯhe-aénáma? How old is he? Lit: he is how many years? Nétónėstȯhe-aénáma? How old are you? See: āā'e; -he-aéname. Category: time.
aénéva obl. winter time, year. IndepNoun āā'e. Category: time.
-aéneve vii. winter - be. É-aéneve. It is winter. (another recording)
Étaome-aéneve. It is winter as expected. (we can't do anything about it).
Ésó'e-aéneve. It is still winter. IndepNoun áa'e ‘winter’. Morph: /-aénéve/. Etym: *pepo·no·wi. Category: time.
aénevo'xȧhtóhono na. Gram: pl winter underwear, long johns. Lit: winter-pants Variant: aénevȯxȧhtóhono. This word is grammatically plural, referring to both legs or multiple pairs. See: hōhto; asėséo'xāhto. Category: clothing.
aénevȯxȧhtóhono na. Gram: pl winter underwear, long johns. Lit: winter-pants Variant: aénevo'xȧhtóhono. This word is grammatically plural, referring to both legs or multiple pairs. See: hōhto; asėséo'xȧhtóhono. Category: clothing.
aénohe na. 1 • hawk, winter hawk, swift hawk, swifthawk.
(another recording) Plural aénȯheo'o; Obviative aénȯhóho; Diminutive aénȯhéso. Kinds of hawks that belong in the Cheyenne hawk family: otá'taveaénohe blue hawk. vóhpeaénohe white hawk. Etym: cf. M pepo·neʔnaew ‘winter hawk’; *pepo·nasiwa. See: hoestomo; aénéva. Category: birds.
2 • Hawk, Winter Hawk, Swift Hawk, Swifthawk. Category: names.
Aénohe Néstoohe na. Howling Hawk, Screeching Hawk. Variant: Aénȯhenéstoohe. Category: names.
Aénohe Ȯhma'aestse na. Red Hawk. vai: -ma'ahe. Category: names.
Aénohe Ȯhno'kaestse na. Lone Hawk. Category: names.
Aénohe Ȯhtamēhnėstse na. Walking Hawk, Hawk Walking. Variant: Aénȯheameōhtsėstse. Category: names.
Aénohe Ȯhvó'komaestse na. White Hawk. Category: names.
Aénohe Ȯxháa'ého'oesėstse vai. Gram: ppl High Hawk. Lit: hawk high-hanging Category: names.
Aénȯhea'eotse na. Attacking Hawk, Charging Hawk. Category: names.
Aénȯhea'kónoo'e na. Roosting Hawk. Category: names.
Aénȯheameōhtsėstse na. Walking Hawk, Hawk Walking. Variant: Aénohe Ȯhtamēhnėstse. Category: names.
Aénȯhee'e na. Sitting Hawk. Phon: vs Category: names.
Aénȯhéévé'hȧhtse na. Flying Hawk. Category: names.
Aénȯhé'ke na. Hawk Woman, Little Hawk Woman. Category: names.
aénȯhematsénoono na. Gram: pl swift hawk wings.
aénȯhemee'e na. hawk feather. Ques: recheck, aénȯheemee'e, as pronounced?? Category: check. See: mee'e ‘feather’. Category: birds.
Aénȯheméóná'e na. Hawk Trail Woman. Category: names.
Aénȯhenéhovóhe na. Chasing Hawk. Category: names.
Aénȯhenéstoohe na. Howling Hawk, Screeching Hawk. Variant: Aénohe Néstoohe. Category: names.
Aénȯhéso na. Gram: dim 1 • sparrow hawk. Lit: little hawk Plural aénȯhesono; Obviative aénȯhesono. Category: birds.
2 • Little Hawk. Category: names.
aénȯhevóhkóóhe na. jackrabbit. Lit: hawk-rabbit Variant: aénȯhevóóhe; Plural aénȯhevóhkooheho; Obviative aénȯhevóhkooheho. See: vóhkóóhe. Category: animals.
aénȯhevóóhe na. jackrabbit. Lit: hawk-rabbit Variant: aénȯhevóhkóóhe; Plural aénȯhevóoheho; Obviative aénȯhevóoheho. See: vóhkóóhe ‘rabbit’. Category: animals.
aénȯhevóohého'éeve ni. jackrabbit hide. See: ho'éeve.
-aéno'tsé vai. camp all winter. É-aénó'tse. He camped all winter. É'ȯhke=nėhéó='ée'-aéno'tseo'o nėhéóhe tóxeo'hé'e nėhéóhe é'ȯhkemaehéhoéstoneo'o ka'ėškóneho They used to camp there all winter near the banks of the river where the children went to school. [Growing Up on Muddy Creek.007] fai: -o'tsé. Category: camp.
-aénoo'e fii. years. Éno'ke-aénoo'e. It was one year long. Naa nėhē'še tséstano'ke-aénoo'etse tséstaévȧhóseameohtsénovetse móstaévȧhósėhénȯhtsevóomėhéhe. And then after one year when they went there again they went to look for him again. [1987:294] Naa éstanėšė= hēā'e= tóhtȯheaénoo'e. And perhaps the years went by. [Haskell.019] Phon: not vs Category: time.
aenȯtse ni. Gram: pl years, winters. Singular áa'e. Etym: *peponali (Pi). Category: time.
-aese pro. conjunct participle ending for 3rd person obviative subject acting on 3rd person proximate object. tséonóom-aese the one who called him. See: -ose. Category: grammar.
-aesé pro. conjunct ending for 3rd person subject acting on 2nd person plural object. tséonóom-aēse the one who called you (plural). tséhvóom-aēse when he saw you (plural). Category: grammar.
-aesee'e Gram: pro pro. conjunct ending for 3rd person plural subject acting on 2nd person plural object. tséonóom-aesee'e the ones who called you (plural). tséhvóom-aesee'e when he saw you (plural). Category: grammar.
-áese'én vti. mix together s.t. É-áese'enȯtse. He mixed them (inanimate) together. Mó'ȯhkeévȧhóse-áese'énȯhenovótse héne no'aneonȯtse. Again they mixed in those sumac plants. [Gunpowder.010]
vta. mix together s.o. É-áese'eno. He mixed them together.
É-áese'énóho. He mixed them together. (newer pronunciation). See: -áesto'én.
áestóhkáhne na. lizard. Variant: áestóhkóhne; Plural áestóhkȯhnaneo'o ??, áestóhkȯhnáne ??; Obviative áestóhkȯhnáne ??. These are bigger than salamanders and a little different from heó'ȯhtátóne 'lizards'; they are caught and a red ribbon is tied around their necks. See: háo'táoohēso; heó'ȯhtáto. Category: reptiles, check.
aésto'ėhávėsévėheséeo'ȯtse ni. methamphetamine, meth. Lit: mixed-bad-medicine See: heséeo'ȯtse ‘medicine’.
-áesto'én vti. mix together s.t. É-áesto'éna. He is mixing it together. (another recording)
tsé-áesto'ene that which is mixed together (for example, hash).
É-áesto'énanȯtse She mixed them (inanimate) together.
vta. mix together s.o. É-áesto'eno. He mixed him/them.
É-áesto'énóho. (newer pronunciation) He mixed him/them. É-áesto'énóho.
Áesto'énenáno! Shuffle them (cards)! Category: cook, cards.
aésto'énéó'o ni. blender. Lit: mixer Variant: aésto'épea'hasenestȯtse. See: aésto'épeenēō'o. Category: tools, new.
aésto'épea'hasenestȯtse ni. blender. Lit: mix together grinding thing Category: new. Variant: aésto'eneo'o, aésto'épeeneo'o. Category: tools.
aésto'épeenēō'o ni. blender. Lit: mix together grinder Variant: aésto'énéó'o, aésto'épea'hasenestȯtse. Category: tools, new.
aéstom- i. false, needlessly, for nothing, free. É-aéstoma'xāne. He/She is needlessly crying. É-aéstomóhta'hāne. He told a false story. É-aéstomósemóho. He told a false story about him.
É-aéstomó'áne. He spoke falsely.
-aéstomahe vai. azy, be a do-nothing. É-aéstomahe. He is nothing, doesn't do anything. Initial aéstom-; vii: -aéstomó.
-aéstoma'xané vai. cry for nothing, needlessly cry. É-aéstoma'xāne. He is needlessly crying. Initial aéstom-; fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.
aéstome- i. for nothing, for free, needlessly, false, fake, artificial. É-aéstomeéno'e. It is flat/there's no taste to it.
pv. for nothing, for free, needlessly, false, fake, artificial. Ná-aéstomemétaa'e. He gave it to me for nothing (it didn't cost me anything).
Náohke-aéstomenomēne. I drink my coffee straight. For example, of drinking coffee black without anything added.
aéstomevé'ho'e false Cheyenne. É-aéstomemanēstse hová'éhe. He 'makes up stories.'. Nésáa'-aéstomėhevé'tove'tovatséhe. You are not my brother-in-law for nothing. [1987:173] É-aéstomemomáxemóho. He turned him in for nothing. See: pónóhta; hová'éhe; -hová'ȧhane.
-aéstomeénehe vai. taste flat. É-aéstomeénehe. He is flat/there's no taste to him.
(another recording) Ques: check pitch én in recording?? Initial aéstome-; fai: -énehe. See: -tóne'énehe. Category: taste, check.
-aéstomeéno'e vii. taste flat. É-aéstomeéno'e. It is flat/there's no taste to it. fii: -éno'e. See: -tóne'éno'e ‘how taste’. Category: taste.
-aéstomeéseváohe vai. make a free throw in basketball. É-aéstomeéseváoohe. He made a free throw. fai: -váohe. See: -éseváohe; aéstome-. Category: basketball.
-aéstomėhasené vai. play (cards) for nothing. that is, to play without betting anything. É-aéstomėhasēne. He played for nothing. fai: -ehasené. Category: cards.
aéstomema'hēō'o na. devil, evil spirit, idol (rarer meaning). Lit: false-sacred.power See: heávohe; hávėsévevėhanéhe. Category: sacred.
aéstomemésėhestȯtse na. potato, bistort. Lit: false-food This word is used in Oklahoma. Plural aéstomemésėhéstoto, (another recording); Montana Dialect mésėhestȯtse2. Category: food.
-aéstomemét vta. give to s.o. for free. Né-aéstomemetȧtse. I'm giving this to you for free. See: -mét; -aéstomotse'ohe. Category: interpersonal.
-aéstomeohtsé vai. come for nothing; come for nothing, make false trip, waste time coming. É-aéstomeōhtse. He came for nothing/wasted his time. See: pónohta.
aéstomevée'ėse ni. false tooth. Plural aéstomevéesȯtse; Alternate plural: aéstomevéestȯtse. See: vée'ėse. Category: body.
aéstomevéesȯtse ni. false teeth. Variant: aéstomevéestȯtse; Singular aéstomevée'ėse. See: vée'ėse. Category: body.
aéstomevéestȯtse ni. false teeth. Variant: aéstomevéesȯtse; Singular aéstomevée'ėse. See: vée'ėse. Category: body.
aéstomevé'ho'e na. 1 • false Cheyenne. Lit: false-whiteman an epithet used of Cheyenne Indians who don't have some of the traditional characteristics of Cheyennes; especially said of Cheyennes who don't talk Cheyenne (this term is used to tease them or put them down).
2 • little devil. Aéstomevé'hó'e ééšėhósemé'atovánȧhneo'o. The little devils are making fire (lit. smoke) again. (This was said when smoke arose out of a reservation coal mine.) Synonym heávȯhéso ‘little devil’. Usage: An elder recently said that Catholics use this term for 'devil'. Preverb aéstome-. Category: sacred.
aéstomevé'keemahpe ni. artificial sugar. See: nétȧhévevé'keemahpe. Category: new, food.
aéstomevo'ėstane na. robot. Lit: false-person Category: new.
-aéstomevóom vta. hallucinate see s.o. Lit: falsely see s.o. for instance, when badly sick or when taking peyote. É-aéstomevóome hová'éhe. Something is falsely seen. Category: sickness.
-aéstomó vii. false. É-aéstómo. It is false. vai: -aéstomahe. Category: quality.
-aéstomóhta'hané vai. tell a false story. É-aéstomóhta'hāne. He told a false story. Category: speak.
-aéstomóhta'haov vta. tell a false story to s.o. É-aéstomóhta'haovóho. He is telling a fase story to him.
Nésáa'-aéstomóhta'haovatséhéme. I'm not making up stories to you. A father used to say this to his children. See: -hóhta'háov. Category: speak.
aéstomóhta'hēō'o ni. myth. See: hóhta'hēō'o; oné'seómȯhta'hēō'o. Lit: false-story
-aéstomó'ané vai. speak falsely, speak untruthfully, break a promise. É-aéstomó'áne. He spoke falsely. fai: -ó'ané. See: -vá'nenėhevoo'o; -hetómé. Category: speak.
-aéstomo'eéh vta. falsely treat s.o. É-aéstomo'eeho. He treated him falsely.
É-aéstomo'eéhóho. He treated him falsely. (newer pronunciation). [pd746] Category: interpersonal.
-aéstomósem vta. tell a false story about s.o. É-aéstomósemóho. He told a false story about him. See: -hósem; -netsé'e'tov. Category: speak.
-aéstomotse'ohe vai. free.work, work for free, volunteer. É-aéstomotse'ohe. He is working for free (not getting paid). See: -aéstomemét; -hotse'ohe. Category: work.
-áestsee'e vai. sit listening. Variant: -áhasėstsee'e. É-áestsee'e. He is sitting listening. Hevésenóho é'-áestséesesto. His friend was listening. Évá'ne-áestséeo'o. They are just sitting listening (but not really listening, for example, disregarding the message). See: -áahtomónee'e. Category: sit, hear.
-áestsé'ó vai. listen. É-áestsé'o. He is listening.
Áestsé'ȯhtse! Listen! Variant: -áhasėstsé'ó. See: -áahtomóné. Category: hear.
-áestséóó'é vai. listen standing. É-áestséóó'e. He is standing listening. É'ȯhke-áestséoesesto. They would stand there and listen. [JOURNEY.TXT] Phon: vs Category: hear, stand.
-áestséotse vai. listen. Né'-áestséotse! Listen here! A crier would say that calling for people's attention. Category: hear.
-áestséšé vai. lie listening. É-áestséše. He is lying listening. Variant: -áhasėstséšé. Category: lie.
-áestséše'tov vta. lie listening to s.o. É-áestséše'ovóho. He lay listening to him. Móstaéenėšėhetóse-áestséše'tovȯhevóhe. He lay there and kept listening to him. [1987:300] Category: hear, lie.
-aéškonáho'tá vii. burn. of some inanimate thing, for example, meat or toast. É-aéškonáhó'ta. It got burned crisp (for example, toast). See: -aéškonáoestȧhó'ta. Category: meat.
-aéškonáméa'há vai. smell burnt, burnt smell. É-aéškonáméá'ha. It has a burnt smell. Category: smell.
-aéškonámea'xe vai. smell burnt, burnt smell. É-aéškonámea'xe. He has a burnt smell. Category: smell.
-aéškonámeeho'tá vii. smell burnt. like burnt bread. É-aéškonámeehō'ta. It smells burnt. See: -méeho'tá. Category: smell.
-aeškonáoestȧho'há vti. burn s.t. quickly while cooking. Ná-aeškonáoestȧhō'ha. I burned it (cooking). Category: cook.
-aéškonáoestȧho'tá vii. burn s.t. quickly while cooking; of some inanimate thing, for example, meat or toast. É-aéškonáoestȧhō'ta. It quickly got burned to a crisp. See: -aéškonáho'tá. Category: cook.
-aéškonáveméa'há vii. smell burnt, burnt smell. É-aéškonáveméá'ha. It smells burnt. for example, of burnt bread. fti: -méa'há. Category: smell.
aéškȯsa'éhese ni. shoulder meat. It is pointed in shape. Category: meat.
-(a)eta fai. size, weight. Etym: *ekiθ. Épėhév-aeta. He is the right size. ... éhet-aeta. ... he is that big. Variant: -eta; fii: -ao'ó. Category: size, weight.
áetȯhóóvo ni. rib area meat. from the area of the ribs; the meat is very tender. See: he'pe. Category: meat.
-aetsé sfx. Gram: pro conjunct ending for 3rd person subject acting on 1st person plural (both inclusive and exclusive) object. tséonóom-aētse the one who called us. tséhméhot-aētse because he loved us. Morph: /aeté/. Category: grammar.
-aetsee'e sfx. Gram: pro conjunct ending for 3rd person plural subject acting on 1st person plural (both inclusive and exclusive) object. tséonóom-aetsee'e the ones who called us. Morph: /aetée/. Phon: vs Category: grammar.
áh- pfx. obligative. an obsolescing conjunct prefix. Áh-némenesėstse. He should sing. See: me'- ‘should’. Category: grammar.
-ahá mbp. vagina. Émátsev-ȧháotse. She has V.D. Lit: she has an infected vagina
Éhe'kóov-ȧháotse. Her vagina is wet. IndepNoun ma'kėstán. See: -'kestá. Category: vulgar.
-ahaehné vai. detour. É-ahaēhne. He detoured. See: -ahaeohtsé; o'ome-. Category: walk.
-ahaeohtsé vai. detour. É-ahaeōhtse. He detoured. Nétatšėše-ahaeohtsema! Let's go around! [JOURNEY.TXT] Category: motion.
-ahaeotse vii. detour. É-ahaeotse. It is a detour. É-ahaeotse méó'o. The road detours. [pd922] Category: motion, check.
áhahéehe p. woe unto you! Variant: á'a'éehe. Usage: may no longer be used See: ahéehe.
-áhahtá vti. listen to s.t. É-áháhta He is listening to it. Etym: *pesentamwa (P). Variant: -áahtá. Category: hear.
-áhahtomóné vai. listen. Variant: -áahtomóné. Usage: This is less common than -áahtomóné but it is definitely said. É-áhahtomóne. He listened.
(another recording) Éohkėsáa'-áhahtomónéhe. He doesn't listen. Áhahtomónėstse! Listen! Áhahtomóne! Listen (said to more than one person). Áhahtomónėhéne! Listen (later)! (said to more than one person). vti: -áahtá, -áhahtá; vta: -áahtov, -áhahtov. See: -áestsé'ó; -áhasėstse'ó ; -néstomóné ‘hear’. Category: hear.
áhahtomónestȯtse ni. listening thing. Variant: áahtomónestȯtse. See: áhasėstséhestȯtse.
-áhahtósané vai. listen (to people). É-áhahtósáne. He listens (to people). fai: -ósané. See: -áhahtomóné. Category: hear.
-áhahtov vta. listen to s.o. É-áhahtovóho. He listened to him. Etym: *pesentawe·wa (P). Áhahtovėstse! Listen to me! Usage: Both pronunciations are heard. Variant: -áahtov. Category: hear.
-ahá'ené fai. cook. Épėhév-ȧhá'éne. She cooked well.
Ééx-ȧhá'éne. She finished cooking.
É-má't-ȧhá'éne. She completed cooking.
Náhe'k-ȧhá'éne. I'm cooking (something) until it's tender.
Épėhévemé-ahá'éne. She is cooking something that smells good. Variant: -há'ené; vta: -ahá'eov. See: -homosé ‘cook’; -éxȧho'he; -hoohe; -honóné ‘bake’. Category: cook.
-ahá'eov fta. cook for s.o. Épėhév-ȧhá'eovóho. He cooked good for him.
Énó-ahá'eóó'e hevéškemo. His mother-in-law cooked the return wedding meal for him. [WEDDING.TXT]
Éést-ȧhá'eovóho. He took food into the lodge for him. fai: -ahá'ené. See: -homȯhtov. Category: cook.
áhan i. extreme. É-áhana'xāne. He collapsed from crying. É-áhanȧše'še. He is extremely drunk. See: háe-. Category: degree.
-áhanáeh vta. scare s.o. to death, frighten s.o. extremely. É-áhanáehóho. He frightened him to death. Éstaéšėto'se-áhanáehaesesto néhe ná'ėstse. (The beaver) almost scared him to death. [1987:277] See: -ná'taeh; -háeh; -tó'omáeh. Category: emotions, interpersonal.
-áhanaeta vai. extremely big. É-áhanaeta. He is extremely big. the bigness could be from physical swelling. no'ka éšeēva tséhma'xe-áhanaetȧse one day when he was very big. [1987:195] Antonym -áhanáhketa. Category: size.
-áhanȧhketa vai. extremely small, tiny. É-áhanȧhketa. He is extremely small. Antonym -áhanaeta. Category: size.
-áhanȧho'he vai. die from heat, burn to death, very hot. Usage: used as humorous exaggeration during very hot weather É-áhanȧho'he. He died from the heat; he is very, very hot. Category: temperature.
-áhanȧho'tá vii. extremely hot and dry weather, extremely burned, extremely hot weather. É-áhanȧhō'ta. It is extremely hot weather. It can be so hot that everything has dried up. ȯht-áhanȧho'taa'ėstse whenever it is extremely burned out. [Stamper 1991:6] fii: -aho'tá. Category: temperature, weather.
-áhanȧhtam vta. chill s.o., get s.o. cold. Especially used to refer to when a mother takes her baby outside in the cold without adequate warm clothing or blankets; can also refer to leaving melons or cantelopes (both animate) in a garden so late in the growing season that they freeze. É-áhanȧhtamóho. He got him so cold. See: -he'konose. Category: temperature.
-áhana'eme vai. cry intensely. É-áhana'eme. He really cried. See: -áhana'xané ‘collapse from crying’. Category: cry, check.
-áhana'ó'h vta. kill by running over s.o. É-áhana'o'ho. He killed him by running over him. É-áhana'ó'hóho. He killed him by running over him. (newer pronunciation). Category: death.
-áhana'ov vta. smother s.o.; kill s.o. by falling on; lie on s.o. to death; wear out s.o. can refer to wearing out an article of clothing (animate) or riding a horse to death. É-áhana'ovóho. He killed him by falling (or lying) on him / He rode him to death. É-áhana'ōō'e. He (obv) killed him by falling on him, For example, the horse killed its rider when it bucked him off and fell on him. See: -áhaneoha'ov. Category: death.
-áhana'xané vai. collapse from crying. É-áhana'xāne. He collapsed from crying. fai: -a'xané ‘cry’. See: -tȧhpe'a'xané ‘cry loudly’; -áhana'eme ‘cry intensely’. Category: cry.
-áhana'xanéotse vai. cry extremely hard, cry and pass out. É-áhana'xanéotse. He cried so hard he passed out. Category: cry.
-áhana'xe vai. worn out from jerking. This could be from movement during intercourse. É-áhana'xe. He is worn out from jerking. See: -mȧhova'xe. Category: sex.
-áhanan vta. hold s.o. to death. É-áhananóho. He held him until he could not breathe (or, until he died). Category: violence.
-áhanao'ó vii. huge, extremely big. É-áhanaō'o. It is extremely big/huge. fii: -o'ó. See: -ma'hao'ó; -tȧhpe'ó; -pėhévao'ó. Category: size.
-áhanȧséh(n) vta. wear out kill s.o., screw s.o. to death, wear out s.o. with sex. usually not literal death, so this would be an exaggeration. É-áhanȧsehno. He screwed her to death.
É-áhanȧséhnóho. He screwed her to death. (newer pronunciation). Mó-áhanȧséhestsėhevóhe. They apparently screwed themselves to death. See: -áhanȧsévo'oh(n). Category: sex, vulgar.
-áhanȧsé'ham vta. poison s.o. to death by drinking. É-áhanȧsé'hamóho. He poisoned him to death by drinking. Éto'se-áhanȧsé'hame né=tsévéhonevėstse. He is going to be caused to die from a drink, that chief." [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait:74] fta: -asé'ham. Category: drink.
-áhanȧsévo'oh(n) vta. screw s.o. to death quickly, wear out s.o. with sex quickly. A man might brag like this about how he had sex with a woman. This word refers to faster action than -áhanȧséh(n). É-áhanȧsévo'ȯhnóho. He wore her out screwing her quickly. See: -áhanȧséh(n). Category: sex, vulgar.
-áhanȧsómeotse vai. dysentery - have, die from defecating. for example, to die from dehydration. É-áhanȧsómeotse. He died from defecating. fai: -ȧsóme. Category: sickness, death.
-áhanȧše'še vai. die from drinking, extremely drunk, dead drunk, pass out from drinking. Ná-áhanȧše'še. I passed out drunk.
É-áhanȧše'še. He is dead drunk. Phon: assim fai: -asé'še. See: -nonótovȧše'še. Category: drink.
-áhanȧšé'šee'e vai. sit dead drunk. É-áhanȧšé'šee'e. He is sitting dead drunk. fai: -asé'še. Category: drink, sit.
-áhanȧšé'šeotse vai. become extremely drunk, dead drunk - become.
-áhanȧšé'šešé vai. lie dead drunk. É-áhanȧšé'šéše. He is lying dead drunk. fai: -asé'še. Category: drink, lie.
-áhanatamáno'e vii. intense - be, glorious - be. át?? Naa éohtȯséema'xe-áhanatamáno'e Ma'hēō'o tsévéstomoétse. And it's surely a glorifying thing which God has promised us. [1987:241] Phon: iah Category: degree, check.
-áhanátamao'ó vai. laugh intensely. This laughter can be so intense that the person rolls on the ground. É-áhanátamaō'o. He laughed very hard. fai: -átamao'ó. Category: sounds.
-áhanȧxévaen vta. beat s.o. to death, severely beat s.o. É-áhanȧxévaenóho. He severely beat him. Náohkeanȯheonéseáve-áhanȧxévaenóne. We would beat him to the ground. [Florence Whiteman Life Story.057] fta: -évaen.
áhane- pv. very much, extremely, intensely. É-áhanepėhéva'e. It is really good. Né-áhanepéotȧtse. I really hate you!/I hate you to death! That is a terrible thing to say to someone. See: háe-; ma'xe-; otá'-; heóme-. Category: degree.
-áhaneéno'e vii. taste very strong. for example, very spicy, hot. É-áhaneéno'e. It tastes very strong. Initial áhan-; fii: -éno'e. Category: taste.
-áhane'haná vai. eat and die, eat and get sick. É-áhane'hāna. He ate so much he threw up. Category: eat.
-áhanemas vta. shoot s.o. fatally. É-áhanemȧsóho. He fatally shot him. Ná-áhanemāso hemé'kóne. I shot him in his head. fta: -emas. See: -am ‘shoot s.o.’. Category: shoot.
-áhaneméa'há vii. extreme.smell, smell ?? É-áhaneméá'ha. It smells ?? fii: méa'há. Ques: check gloss?? Category: smell, check.
-áhaneméa'xe vai. smell ?? É-áhaneméa'xe. He ?? fai: méa'xe. Ques: check gloss?? Category: smell, check.
-áhaneméohe vai. exhausted from running. É-áhaneméohe. He is exhausted from running. fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-áhanénome vai. die from sleep. É-áhanénome. He slept an extreme amount / died from sleep. Nėsta-áhanénome. You will die from sleep. humorously said because you sleep so much. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-áhaneoestȯhené vai. 1 • knock dead, swat.
2 • sleep really well. for example, how one sleeps after working for a long time or fighting a fire. É-áhaneoestȯhēne. He slept really well. Lit: he is been knocked dead See: -áhanȯhéné ‘swat’. Category: sleep, figurative.
-áhaneoestoh(n) vta. knock dead s.o.swat s.o., beat s.o. to death, kill rapidly s.o. by tool (or on body), knock out s.o., knock s.o. dead. É-áhaneoestȯhnóho. He knocked him dead. Áhaneoestȯheha! Swat him! (for example, a fly).
knocked dead from sleep. Tā'se éxae'-áhaneoestohe. Like he was knocked dead (from sleeping too long). See: -oest; -na'h. Category: violence, death, figurative.
-áhaneoešé vai. dead.lie. É-áhaneoēše. He lay dead. É-'áhaneoešenasėstse. She lay dead. [Lover's Leap.022] Category: death, lie.
-áhaneoešešé vai. die in a wreck. É-áhaneoešēše. He was killed in an accident (for example, a car wreck). naa tsé'tó='ésevone éxxamaetsėho'ėšenasėstse tsétaohke-áhaneoešesėstse And this buffalo was just lying all over, dying from colliding with (the tree). [1987:309] vta: -áhaneoešėšem. Category: car, lie.
-áhaneoešėšem vta. kill s.o. in a wreck, kill s.o. by throwing down. for example, in a car accident. É-áhaneoešėšemóho. He caused his death in a wreck. vai: -áhaneoešešé. Category: violence, lie.
-áhaneoeve vai. die of scabies. É-áhaneoeve. He died of scabies. See: -oéve. Category: sickness, death.
-áhaneoha'ov vta. kill s.o. by stepping on. É-áhaneoha'ovóho. He squashed him. especially by stepping on him. See: -áhana'ov.
-áhanėsenove vai. very bad. É-áhanėsenove. He is really bad. vta: -áhanėsenovem. See: -háenove; -momáta'ehe.
-áhanėstáhá vai. very angry. Lit: extreme-hearted É-áhanėstáha. He was very angry. [Croft 1988:25:36] BodyPartMedial -htáhá. Category: emotions.
-áhanėstáhahoo'e vai. sit very angry. É'-áhanėstáhahoo'e. He is sitting very angry. ?? Category: emotions, sit, check.
-áhanėstósem vta. drag s.o. to death, hurt s.o. badly by dragging. É-áhanėstósemóho. He hurt him badly by dragging. fta: -stósem. Category: move.
-áhanešé vai. tumble, fall, trip. for example, from an upright position. É-áhanēše. He tumbled. Lit: extremely-lie See: -hótȯhta'á; -áva'ó; -ováhanešé; -háeoešešé. Category: lie, fall.
-áhanetanó vai. die of loneliness. É-áhanetāno. He died of loneliness. for example, after his wife died. Category: death.
-áhanȯhéné vai. swat, club, hit. É-áhanȯhéne. He swatted. See: -oom ‘hit s.o.’; -oosané ‘hit’; -áhaneoestȯhené ‘swat s.o. dead’. Category: hit.
-áhanóhkona'he vai. very small and skinny. É-áhanóhkona'he. He is extremely small and skinny. See: -tóhkona'he. Category: size.
-áhanoh(n) vta. swat s.o., club s.o. É-áhanȯhnóho. He clubbed him.
Ho'honaa'o évé'še-áhanȯhestsénovo. They are throwing rocks at each other. Lit: by means of rocks they are hitting each other See: -oom; -ne'enéseh. Category: interpersonal.
-áhanȯhomo'he vai. exhausted from dancing. É-áhanȯhomo'he. He is exhausted from dancing. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-ahanóhtá vti. bite s.t. É-ahanóhta. He bit it. Ahanóhtȯhtse! Bite it! fti: -óhtá; vta: -ahanom. See: -nȧha'óhtá. Category: surface, mouth.
-áhano'eéh vta. exhaust s.o. often refers to wearing out s.o. during sex. É-áhano'eeho. He wore her out from sex.
É-áhano'eéhóho. He wore her out from sex. (newer pronunciation). É-áhano'eéhahtse. He wore himself out from sex. Synonym -áhana'xe. See: -má'to'eéh; -nėhe'oot. Category: sex.
-áhano'enohe vai. overly full of food. É-áhano'enohe. He is overly full of food. Ná-áhano'enohe. I'm so stuffed. fai: -o'enohe. Category: eat.
-ahanó'sané vai. bite. Any creatures can do this, including snakes. É-ahanó'sáne. He bit. Variant: -ahanó'sené; vti: -ahanóhtá; vta: -ahanom. Category: snakes.
-ahanó'sené vai. bite. Any creatures can do this, including snakes. É-ahanó'séne. He bit. [The Snakebite.047] Variant: -ahanó'sané; vti: -ahanóhtá; vta: -ahanom. Category: snakes.
-áhano'xéohtsé vai. die from carrying a load. É-áhano'xéóhtse. He died from carry a load. fai: -o'xe. Category: carry.
-ahanom vta. bite s.o. É-ahanomóho. He bit him.
É-ahanomāā'e. He (obv) bit him. fta: -om1; vti: -ahanóhtá; vai: -ahanósané. Category: violence.
-áhanóma'o'e vii. very muddy ground. É-áhanóma'o'e. It is very muddy ground. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: environment, ground.
-áhanoma'tá vti. pained extremely much by s.t. É-áhanomā'ta. It is really hurting bad for him. See: -háama'tá. Category: sickness.
-áhanomėstáhá vai. pout, upset, hurt ?? É-áhanomėstáha. He is upset/hurt/pouting. BodyPartMedial -htáhá. See: -háestáhá; -méstová. Category: emotions, check.
-áhanóné'o vii. shrivel and die (of vegetation). É-áhanóné'o. It shriveled and died. fii: -óne'ó. See: -hóne'ó. Category: plants.
-áhanónoo'e vai. wait to death. Lit: fatally-sit É-áhanónoo'e. He waited to death. fai: -ónoo'e. Category: death, figurative.
-áhanónová vai. talk spectactularly. É-áhanónóva. He talked so spectacularly. fai: -ónová1. Category: speak.
-ahanósané vai. bite. É-ahanósáne. He bit. vta: -ahanom. See: -ahanó'sané; -nȧha'ósané. Category: mouth.
-áhanose vai. freeze to death. É-áhanose. He froze to death.
(another recording) fai: -ose. See: -tonahe; -ná'tose. Category: death, temperature.
-áhanotse'óheohe vai. work very intensively, work to death (fig.) Náéšėto'se-áhanotse'óheohe. I almost worked myself to death. fai: -otse'óhe. Category: work.
-áhanȯxom vta. overfeed s.o.feed s.o. to death, feed s.o. too much; poison s.o. to death. É-áhanȯxomóho. He fed him to death / he fed him so much he got sick. Étato'se-áhanȯxome. He is going to be poisoned to death. [The Young Man Who Used His Father for Bait.075] fta: -oxom. See: -hoxom.
ahaonóveta ni. elk scraper. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, tools.
áháse p. also. Variant: óháse, áháso. See: māto; naa; aose.
áhasėstséhestȯtse ni. listening thing, Walkman, iPod, cassette player. Ques: recheck word and meaning?? See: áhahtomónestȯtse; némené-ahasėstséhestȯtse. Category: new.
-áhasėstsé'ó vai. listen. É-áhasėstsé'o. He is listening. É-áhasėstsé'oo'o. They are listening.
Áhasėstsé'o! Listen! (said to more than one person). This word focuses on listening, such as listening to music. -áahtomóné focuses on listening and obeying. Variant: -áestsé'ó. See: -áahtomóné. Category: hear.
-áhasėstséšé vai. lie listening. É-áhasėstséše. He is lying listening. Variant: -áestséšé. See: -áahtomóné. Category: hear, check.
áháso p. also. Variant: óháse, áháse. áháso totósa'e other places. See: máto; naa; aose.
áhatoo'ėse p. I told you it would be that way. Variant: óhatoo'ėse.
áhe p. nasty!, dirty! implies 'don't touch it!'. See: xóxéhe; hópahpa. Usage: colloq.; baby talk Category: exclamations.
-ahe fai. abstract AI final of state. typically refers to a rather permanent state or condition of someone. Épėhév-ahe. He is good. Éhe'kot-ahe. He is a quiet person. Éháomóht-ahe. He is a sick person. Éháa'éh-ahe. He is old/he is older/he is an elder. Category: quality, personality.
-ahé fna. like, similar. The verb associated with a noun that takes this suffix must be a relative verb. Ma'enóné-áhe éhešėhesó'xo'ēsta. He has ears like turtles. That is, he won't listen. Hohpéáhe éhešemȧha'hāhtse. He gobbled it up as if slurping soup. See: -hehá; -séesó; -séestahe. Category: identity.
ahéehe p. oh; good; nice; wonderful. an exclamation. See: áhahéehe; šéaa; nóoo; a'áahe. Category: exclamations.
-ahkame na. sap, pitch, gum. Gram: poss na-ahkame my gum. he-ahkamo his gum. IndepNoun ahke.
-ahkané fai. gum - make; pitch - make. for example, for chewing as gum or as glue for flutes. Nétȧhéo'ene-ahkanémáne! Let's go pick tree gum!
ahke na. sap, pitch, gum. Etym: *pekiwa. Category: trees.
-ahkeve vii. 1 • be gum, be gummy, be pitchy. É-ahkeve. It is pitchy. Etym: *peki·wiwa.
2 • be superb. Nȧhtsesta é-ahkeve. It fills my heart with pleasure. See: -aahkévȧhonetó. Category: texture, figurative.
ȧhkévó'ėstse ni. Gram: pl gumweeds. Category: plants.
-ahkȯheohtsé vai. play hoop game. É-ahkȯheōhtse. He is playing the hoop game. [1980:2:3] Naa tséhvóonā'o é'-ȧhkȯheohtsésesto kȧsováaheho. And the next morning the young men played the hoop game. [1980:2:3] See: xȯhéono. Category: play.
ahkó'- i. roll.
ȧhkó'a'hasēō'o na. Gram: pl domino, dice-throwing?? Ques: dominoes or dice (?) Plural ȧhkó'a'haseono. Category: games, check.
ȧhkó'a'haseono na. Gram: pl dominoes, dice-throwing? Ques: dominoes or dice (??) Singular ȧhkó'a'hasēō'o. Category: games, check.
-ahkó'ehné vai. roll. É-ahkó'éhne. He rolled (something). can be about rolling something or if someone is hurt so badly that they can't get up so they roll, instead. Category: motion.
-ahkó'e'ó'h vta. roll s.o. É-ahkó'e'o'ho. He rolled him (for example, a ball, animate). Ná-ahkó'e'ó'hoo'o I rolled them. vti: -ahkó'e'ó'tsé. Category: move.
-ahkó'e'ó'tsé vti. roll s.t. É-ahkó'e'ó'tse. He rolled it. vta: -ahkó'e'ó'h. Category: move.
-ahkó'e'ov vta. roll s.o. by kicking. É-ahkó'e'ovóho. He rolled him by kicking him. Category: move.
-ahkó'en 1 • vti. roll s.t. É-ahkó'éna. He rolled it. Ahkó'énȯhtse! Roll it! (for example, roll it into a ball from dough).
vta. roll s.o. É-ahkó'enóho. He rolled him (for example, a ball, animate). Ahkó'eneha! Roll him!
2 • vta. rob s.o. Usage: loan transl. from English Category: move.
-ahkó'enené vai. play marbles. É-ahkó'enēne. He is playing marbles. Nétȧhé-ahkó'enenémáne! Let's play marbles! Category: games.
ahkó'enenéhe na. tumblebug. Category: bugs.
-ahkó'enenéóó'e vai. roll (something) while standing. É-ahkó'enenéóó'e. He rolled (something) while standing. Phon: vs Category: stand.
ȧhkó'enēō'o ni. marble. Plural ȧhkó'eneonȯtse.
na. marble. Plural ȧhkó'eneono ‘marbles (animate, for some speakers)’. Category: play.
-ahkó'eváen 1 • vti. roll s.t. by hand. É-ahkó'eváéna. He rolled it (by hand).
vta. roll s.o. by hand. É-ahkó'eváenóho. ?? He rolled him. Éstatšėše-ahkó'eváenȧhtsesėstse. He rolled himself over. [1987:195]
2 • vta. rob s.o., mug s.o. Ná-ahkó'eváéno. I "rolled" him for his money. Usage: probably a loan translation Category: move.
-ahkó'eváenené vai. roll. É-ahkó'eváenēne. He rolled (something). Éstaéne-ahkó'eváenenesėstse hámėškona. The bug stopped rolling (that thing). [The Ant, the Bug, and the Rabbit.012] Category: move.
-ahkó'ohá vti. roll s.t. by tool. É-ahkó'óha. He rolled it by tool. Category: move.
-ahkó'ȯhené vai. spin a top, roll hoops. Ques: get noun for 'top' É-ahkó'ȯhéne. He is spinning a top. Mónėstȧhé-ahkó'ȯhenémáne? Shall we go spin our tops? Nétȧhé-ahkó'ȯhenémáne! Let's go roll hoops! Category: play.
ahkó'ȯhéó'o na. hoop. Lit: roll(-thing) Plural ahkó'ȯheono. See: hóhtséme. Category: play.
-ahkó'o'tá vii. round.sit, sit round, round sit. for example, be a round pile, or be a round thing sitting somewhere. É-ahkó'ó'ta. It is sitting as a round thing. Category: sit inan, play.
áhoemȧhōō'o na. cantaloupe. See: mȧhōō'o. Category: food.
-aho'há fti. by heat; by burning; by the sun. Évon-ȧhō'ha. He burned it up. Etym: *ehłaʔs (R). fta: -aho'h(n). Category: temperature.
-aho'he fai. by heat, by sun. Variant: -ho'he. Éam-ȧho'he. He is going along by car.
Évon-ȧho'he. He was burned up.
Éhe'kon-ȧho'he. He is cooked hard. Etym: *ehłaʔso (R). fta: -aho'h(n); fti: -aho'há; fii: -aho'tá. See: -ho'he. Category: temperature, cook.
-aho'h(n) fta. by heat, by burning, by the sun. Évon-ȧho'nóho. He burned him up.
Néoné'x-ȧho'he. You burned me.
Náotá'tav-ȧhō'no navoestȯtse. I dyed my dress blue.
Ho'honáá'e né'ést-ȧho'heha! Bring in a hot rock!
Ho'honáeo'o né'ést-ȧho'henáno! Bring in hot rocks! Ques: ...'nenáno?? Etym: *ehłaʔsw (R). fti: -aho'há. Category: temperature, check.
-aho'hová fai. heat, engine. Émá't-ȧho'hōva. He ran out of gas.
-aho'tá fii. by heat, by burning, by sun. Évon-ȧhō'ta. It was burned up. Évoneoest-ȧhō'ta. It burned instantly.
Étóne'xóv-ȧhó'ta? What is the temperature? This final varies between -aho'tá and -ho'tá. Etym: *ehłaʔte· (R). fai: -aho'he, -aho'he; fta: -aho'h(n). See: -ho'tá. Category: temperature.
-ahoómėsané vai. allot. É-ahoómėsáne. He allotted.
-aht fti. hear. Énané-áhta. He recognized it by its sound. Etym: *eht(am) (R). fta: -ahtov. Category: hear.
-ahtáhá m. pants, leggings. Ée't-ȧhtáha. He put his pants on. É-né'tȧhtáha. He is taking his pants off. Éka'o'-ȧhtáha. He is wearing short pants. Category: clothing.
-ahtám fta. sound. Nápėhéve-ahtama. I like what he says. (lit., he pleasures me by his sounds).
Nápėhéve-ahtámoo'o. They liked my presentation.
Nétónėsé-ahtámaa'e? How does it sound to you? Category: sounds.
-ahtoeotse vai. hide. É-ahtoeotse. He hid. For example, he didn't want to go to school so he hid. Category: motion.
-ahtoešé vai. hide, lie buried. É-ahtoēše. He is hiding (for example, under leaves).
Móé-ahtoēše vóhkóóhe? Is the rabbit hiding? Category: lie.
-ahtoešem vta. hide s.o. É-ahtoešemóho. He hid him. See: -nó'oet.
ahto'- i. beneath; under. Táxemésėhéstóva é-ahto'hō'ta mȯxe'ėstoo'o. The book is under the table. Ques: éahto'ėhō'ta?? Category: check.
-áhto'an vti. cover s.t. by hand. É-áhto'āna. He covered it up with his hand.
vta. cover s.o. by hand. É-áhto'anóho. He covered him (obv) by hand.
-áhto'ééna vai. be buried under snow. É-áhto'ééna. He got buried under snow. fii: -ééná. Category: weather, snow.
-áhto'e'há vti. cover s.t. with feet, bury s.t. by foot. É-áhto'ē'ha. He tamped down the dirt around/over it / he covered it with his feet.
áhto'h- i. bury.
-áhto'ha'á vti. cover s.t. with feet, bury s.t. by foot. É-áhto'hā'a. He covered it by foot. vta: -áhto'ha'ov. See: -áhto'e'há.
-áhto'ha'ov vta. cover s.o. with feet, bury s.o. by foot. É-áhto'ha'ovóho. He covered him by foot. vti: -áhto'ha'á. See: -áhto'e'há.
áhto'han vti. bury s.t. É-áto'hāna. He buried it.
vta. bury s.o. É-áhto'hanóho. He buried him. Áhto'haneha! Bury him!
-áhto'hohá vti. cover s.t., bury s.t. by tool. É-áhto'hōha. He buried it. Áhto'hoōhtse! Cover it up! vta: -áhto'hoh(n).
áhto'hohestȯtse ni. grave. Lit: bury-NOM Category: death.
-áhto'hoh(n) vta. bury s.o. É-áhto'hohnóho. He buried him.
É-áhto'hohe. He (or It) is buried.
Tósa'e é-áhto'hoheo'o? Where are they buried? vti: -áhto'hohá. Category: death.
-áhto'hóma'e'ó'h vta. bury s.o. quickly, cover s.o. quickly. Áhto'hóma'e'ó'xeha! Quickly cover him! Ná-áhto'hóma'e'ō'ho. I covered him quickly.
-áhto'hóma'en vti. bury s.t. with dirt. can refer to filling in a grave or how a dog covers something, such as a bone, with its paws. É-áhto'hóma'ēna. He is covering it.
vta. bury s.t. with dirt. This is slower action than -áhto'hóma'e'ó'h. Áhto'hóma'eneha! Cover him! Hénėhéóhe móhvá'ne-áhto'hóma'enėhevóhe. There they were buried.. See: -áhto'hóma'e'ó'h.
áhto'honéve'ho'e na. funeral director. Lit: bury-whiteman Category: jobs, death.
-áhto'hóová vai. be buried under water. É-áhto'hóóva. He is buried under water. Medial -óová. Category: liquid.
-ahto'hóováotse vii. covered by water, buried by water.
vai. covered by water, buried by water. É-ahto'hóováotse. It/He was covered by water. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-áhto'o'en vti. bury s.t. under grass. É-áhto'o'ēna. He buried it under grass.
vta. bury.under.grass, bury s.o. under grass. É-áhto'o'enóho. He buried him under grass. fii: -ó'o'e.
-ahtomóné fai. hear. Étsėhést-ȧhtomóne. He understands Cheyenne.
Étáv-ȧhtomóne. He is a little hard of hearing. Énȧhahk-ȧhtomóne. He has good hearing. Nȧhtamé'ésta tséohkevá'nėhet-ȧhtomónéto. I'll tell it just the way I used to hear it. vai: -áahtomóné; fta: -ahtov. See: -néstomóné. Category: hear.
-ahtomóné'tov fta. hear about s.o. Naa Ȯhmésėhese máto tséohkėhetȧhtomóne'tovono. And Eaters also the way I hear about them. Category: hear.
ȧhtóno'e p. under, below. Synonym tooxeōne. Category: positions.
ȧhtóno'e é'oestȯtse na. slip. Lit: under skirt Category: clothing.
ȧhtóno'e éstse'he na. undershirt. Usage: probably a loan translation from English Category: clothing.
ȧhtóno'e hone'óono na. Gram: pl underwear. Lit: underneath clothes Variant: ȧhtóno'e hone'óonȯtse. Category: clothing.
ȧhtóno'e mȧhpēva sémo ni. submarine. Ques: recheck?? Category: check.
ȧhtóno'e ma'aataemeo'o ni. subway. Lit: below-train See: ma'aataemeo'o. Category: transportation, new.
ȧhtóno'e vé'še'ėsénȯhestȯtse na. underpants. Usage: loan transl. Category: clothing.
ȧhtóno'e ...-amȧho'he vai. have a high fever. Lit: underneath (go.)along-by.heat ȧhtóno'e éamȧho'he. He has a bad fever. Category: sickness.
ahtónó'óme n. underwater. See: ȧhtónovó'óme ‘under world’. Category: ceremonial.
ȧhtóno'omēē'e p. underworld, hell. Lit: underneath-realm This is a longstanding word in Cheyenne referring to the underworld of Cheyenne cosmology. More recently some speakers have the meaning of 'hell' for it. Some say that Heávohe lives here. naa mȧsáavo'ėstanévėhahtsétanóhétse ééšeéxane tótseha ȧhtóno'omēē'e and if we don't want to be saved it's been prepared long ago, hell (1987:117). See: a'enevonėšenahtȯtse; heávȯhenēno. Category: sacred, church.
Ahtonóóhtsé'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
ȧhtónovó'óme n. under world. that is, all that is below. See: ahtónó'óme ‘underwater’; mȧhoo'ōme ‘all over the universe’. Category: ceremonial.
-ahtóohe fai. sound, howl, make noise. Often refers to the characteristic noise of whatever entity is sounding, for example, a bark of a dog, moo of cow, meow of cat, crack of thunder, but also seems to be used more broadly of other speech acts, such as cautioning, advising, etc. Éam-ȧhtóohe. He (for example, a cow or thunder) goes along hollering.
Éhoó'h-ahtóohe. He was overheard hollering (meowing, croaking, neighing, etc.).
Étónet-ȧhtóohe? How does he howl? / What sound does he make?
vóon-ȧhtóohéhe nightingale (literally, all.night-howl-one). See: -néstoohe. Category: sounds.
-ahtóohém fta. sound for s.o. Évést-ȧhtóohemo. He spoke for his side.
-ahtov fta. hear s.o. Éam-ȧhtovóho. He agree with him.
Épėhév-ȧhtovóho. He listened well to him.
Énȧha'-ȧhtovóho. He caught what he said.
Énétȧhév-ȧhtovóho. He heard it wrong.
Éó'ȯht-ȧhtovóho. He erred when hearing him/he heard him wrongly. fti: -aht. Etym: *-ehtaw (P). See: -áahtov ‘listen to s.o.’. Category: hear.
-ahtse sfx. reflexive and reciprocal suffix. This has the meaning of action done to oneself (reflexive) or to each other (reciprocal). To make the reciprocal meaning clear, the particle nonámé'tó'e is sometimes included. Náoom-ahtse. I hit myself. Nonámé'tó'e évóomȧhtseo'o. They saw each other. Morph: /-ahte/. Verbs that end with morphophonemic /h/ or /s/ spell their reflexive suffix as -estse instead of -ahtse. See: -estse ‘REFL’. Etym: *etwi. Category: grammar.
-ahtsé mbp. mouth, lips. Phon: The longer form is -ahtsená. The -ná drops off if it is at the end of a word. Énėše'x-āhtse. He gargled (lit. wash-mouth).
Náó'-ȧhtsenáotse. I have a dry mouth.
Éhesės-ȧhtsena'xe. He has twitching on his mouth.
Nápó-ahtsenáhno. I punched him in the mouth.
Émé'h-ahtsenahe? Does he have a beard?
vóhp-ȧhtse-náhkohe grizzly bear (lit. white-mouthed-bear).
ma'-ȧhtsenáhestȯtse lipstick (lit. red-mouth-thing).
nėh-ahtsenáhestȯtse napkin. Etym: *-etone· (R). See: mahtse ‘mouth’; nahtse ‘my mouth’; ma'ahtse ‘forearm’; mé'hahtse ‘moustache’. Category: body, mouth.
-a' fti. by foot. Námȧx-á'a. I touched it with my foot. Náéstov-ā'a. I pumped it up with my foot. fta: -a'ov; BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -'á. Etym: *ešk.
a'áahe p. no. Usage: colloq. expression; baby talk See: ahéehe. Category: exclamations.
á'a'éehe p. exclamation. Variant: áhahéehe. See: šéaa; nóoo.
-á'avahtsé vai. mouth droop, have drooping lips. É-á'avāhtse. He has drooping lips. BodyPartMedial -ahtsená. See: -kávahtsé; -sévahtsé. Category: mouth.
-á'avasé vai. belly hang over. especially hangs over one's belt. É-á'avāse. His belly hangs over. BodyPartMedial -asé; Synonym -á'avȧséétó. Category: body.
-á'avȧséétó vai. hang over. É-á'avȧsééto. He is hung over. especially refers to hanging over one's belt. BodyPartMedial -asé2; Synonym -á'avasé. Category: body.
-á'avéné vai. drooping face. É-á'avéne. He has a droopy face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
-á'avéné'ó vai. sad faced. É-á'avéné'o. He looks sad. Variant: -á'evéné'ó. See: -méstová; -kávéné. Category: face.
-a'avó'ėstomo'he vai. influence to wish for something. É-a'avó'ėstomo'he. He influenced. Heé tȧxó'e nėstsėsáa'énenėhéhe vo'ėstane nėstsenéstova nėstaée-a'avó'ėstomo'henȧhtsenóhpaohkeéemaenėsétamāne. Hey, again and again don't keep repeating that, someone will hear you. You will have them all start thinking that way, I will be thought of that way. [1987:175] Category: influence.
-a'avó'seh vta. influenced by s.o., catch sickness of s.o., cause s.o. to crave. É-a'avó'sėhóho. He influenced him. Variant: -a'ovó'seh; vai: -a'avó'so'he. See: -tóo'ėstseh; -vonȯhóha'ov; -mé'ovó'seh. Category: interpersonal, influence, sickness.
-a'avó'so'he vai. contagious. É-a'avó'so'he. He is contagious. Category: sickness.
-a'é1 sfx. conjunct participle ending for 3rd person subject acting on 1st person object. tséonóom-ā'ėstse the one who called me. Morph: /-a'éht/. Phon: gr (?); the pitch is perceived quite high and may actually be raised to be -á'ėstse See: -ā'ėse. Category: grammar.
-a'é2 mbp. head, hair. Heóv-a'éhe Yellow Hair. Moméhe'x-a'éhe Tangled Hair. Nákón-a'éše. I bumped my head. Étsėhe'ėst-ā'e. He has long hair. Évóhp-á'e. He has gray hair. Éónėx-a'éše. His head hurts / he hurt his head. Variant: -a'(k)é. See: -ovésé; -htséá. Category: body, head.
-á'é fna. female name suffix. Náhkȯh-á'e Bear Woman.
á'e p. near, close, soon. á'e tónėstȯhéé'ėše after a few days.
Naa á'e nėstseovēše. And soon you will go to bed. Antonym háá'ėše. See: káhkėse; káseto; óméso. Category: distance, time.
Á'ee'ėse na. Big Nose, Knob Nose, Pug Nose. translated as Big Nose, but Knob Nose is a better translation. See: Pá'ee'ėse. Category: names.
-a'éen vti. put s.t. in a bundle. for example, in the fold of an apron. Ná-a'ééna. I have it in a bundle.
vta. put s.o. in a bundle. É-a'éenóho. He put him in a bundle. Variant: -a'kéen.
-a'eesé vai. have a pug nose. É-a'eēse. He has a pug nose. Synonym -a'keesé. Category: nose.
a'eesémo'ehe na. moose. Category: new. Lit: pugnose-elk See: mȧhpémo'ehe. Category: animals.
a'éevo'ha na. donkey. Lit: humped-horse (?) Variant: a'kéevo'ha; Plural a'éevo'hāme; Obviative a'éevo'hāme. See: -a'eesé; vó'hó'óhta; véhpotseeséhéó'o. Category: horses, animals.
-á'eh vta. go good for s.o., generously give to s.o., grace s.o., thank you. This word is rich in meaning. It refers to meeting a real need of another, being generous and thoughtful to meet that need, for example, bringing a load of wood for someone when their wood is almost gone and it is cold weather, or giving that person a warm blanket on a cold day. The action produces a sense of gratefulness in the recipient. In verbs where the second person acts on the first person verbs, this has come to be the "traditional" Cheyenne way of expressing thanks--that is, the speaker is telling the hearer that they have met a real need. The commonly used word "hahoo" for 'thank you' is considered an inter-tribal word, not the "real" Cheyenne way of saying thank you. Some speakers point out that hahóo is said for relatively trivial things like thanking someone for passing you the salt at a meal. Nea'eše has tradionally be used for deeper thanks. But many speakers are using nea'eše instead of hahóo, as thanks for all situations. Né-á'eše! Thank you!
Né-á'ėšéme. Thank you (said to more than one person).
(another recording)
Né-á'ėšemeno. Thank you (said by more than one person to one or more persons.
(another recording)
É-á'ėhóho. He did something special to him so that he was grateful for it.
É-á'ehe. He was given something he really needed. vai: -á'ėstómané. See: -á'etse; hahóo ‘thank you’; -másetsėstov; -mét ‘give to s.o.’. Category: interpersonal.
-á'ėhahtsévoena'tov vta. thank s.o. in prayer. Naa, Ma'hēō'o, né-á'ėhahtsévoena'tovȧtse. And, God, I thank you in prayer. [PRAISE.TXT] fai: -óená. Category: pray.
a'e'- i. separate, aside. Variant: a'e'še-. This refers to separating an object to a different location, not to separating the object into parts. É-a'e'hō'ta. It is in another place. É-a'e'hoo'e. He keeps to himself/he is by himself. É-a'e'hāna. He separated it. See: ová'e'h-. Category: positions.
-a'e'han This refers to separating an object to a different location, not to separating the object into parts. vti. separate s.t. É-a'e'hāna. He separated it.
vta. separate, separate s.o. É-a'e'hanóho. He separated him. See: -he'nen.
a'e'še- i. separately, aside, by oneself. Násáa'-a'e'šetanóhe. I don't want to be separate.
pv. separately. Naa heho mó'a'e'šetáhoehevóhe. And her father rode a horse separately.
separately, aside, by oneself. É-a'e'šemésehe. He is eating by himself. [1987:26] Naa heho mó'-a'e'šetáhoehevóhe. And her father rode a separate horse. Initial a'e'h-. See: -a'a'ta'ee'e; taome-; -a'e'han; no'ke-.
-a'e'šeméohe vai. run separately, separately run. É-a'e'šeméohe. He is running separately. Category: run.
-a'e'šene'ho'tá vii. separate room - be a. É-a'e'šene'hō'ta. It is a separate room. tsé'-a'e'šene'hō'ta room. Lit: that.which.is-separate-room.be Ques: which recording is a better pronunciation?? See: -ene'ho'tá. Category: house, check.
-a'e'šetanó vai. want to be separate. É-a'e'šetāno. He wants to be separate. Násáa'-a'e'šetanóhe. I don't want to be separate. Éohke-a'e'šetanoo'o. They like to be separate. See: -ová'e'šetanó. Category: interpersonal.
-á'en vti. own s.t., keep s.t., have (in sense of ownership) s.t. prototypical usage for ownership of concrete entities: É-á'éna. He owns it.
tsé-á'enomo that (thing) which you own.
Néné'tove-á'enánone. We own this together.
vta. own s.o., keep s.o., have (in sense of ownership) s.o. É-á'enóho. He owns him. those who had a divining relationship to familiar spirits were said to 'have/own' these spirits: tsé'tóhe tsé-á'enovose nésemóono these who had spirits. [1987:146] can be used of some domestic relationships: Ná-á'éno násáahéne'enovóhe tséhe'éhaese. I was keeping (a little girl), I don't know how old she was. [1987:158] Éxhetósesto he'óho tsé-á'enose. He told (surp.) his wife (lit. the woman that he owned). [1987:170] hē'e tsé-á'eno my wife. that is, the woman I own. See: -ho'tsé ‘have s.t.’; -ho'h ‘have s.o.’; -htsēhȯtse ‘possession’; he-6 ‘have’; -hestsėhóvaov; -á'eneo'o. Category: possession.
a'en- i. long time. É-a'enoo'e. He stayed for a long time.
É-a'enénome. He slept for a long time. Category: time.
-a'ena'xané vai. cry for a long time. É-a'ena'xāne. He cried for a long time. Category: cry, time.
-a'enȧše'še vai. drink for a long time. É-a'enȧše'še. He drank for a long time. Initial a'en-; fai: -ašé'še. Category: drink.
a'ene- pv. forever, long time. has been extended to mean 'eternal' but does not actually mean that. Émae'-a'eneéestséstove. There are many speeches. (lit., there is so many long lasting speaking).
É-a'enea'xaame. He cried for a long time. Nȧháóhe éhnėšeée'-a'enenéehoo'o. She stood up there for a long time. [1987:269] See: háa'éše-. Category: time.
a'ene'xóve- pv. forever. Tse-a'ene'xóveametanéne. He will live eternally. Category: time.
a'ene'xóvéva obl. forever. Naa oha tótseha a'ene'xóvéva tsėhéno móhvé'hahtsėhéhe. But then long ago he always was, he had been here all the time. [1987:238] See: tó'ome'xóvéva. Category: time.
-a'enénome vai. sleep for a long time. É-a'enénome. He slept for a long time. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-a'enenoné vai. sing for a long time, sing forever. É-a'enenōne. He sang for a long time. Category: sing, time.
-á'enēō'o ni. Gram: poss possessed thing, thing owned. he-á'enēō'o his (own) thing. [The Whiteman and the Mouse.038] Plural -á'eneonȯtse. Phon: vs
na. Gram: poss possessed thing (animate), thing (animate) owned. Plural -á'eneono. See: -htsēhȯtse. Category: possession.
-a'enešé vai. lie for a long time. É-a'enēše. He has been lying there for a long time. Category: lie.
a'eneto p. for a long time, forever. Category: time.
a'enevonėšenahtȯtse ni. hell. Category: new. Lit: forever-lost-NOM See: heávȯhenēno; ahtóno'omēē'e. Category: church.
-a'éno'hamé fai. drive, tend horses. Éam-a'éno'hāme. He is driving along.
Éasėt-a'éno'hāme. He started to drive.
Éonéh-a'eno'hāme. He turned the horses loose.
Éonést-a'éno'hāme. He is taking driver's education.
Éšéx-a'éno'hāme. He unharnessed horses. See: -a'ovo'hamé; -(o)'hamé; -a'hasó'he. Category: drive.
a'enó'n- i. dark.
a'enó'ne- pv. dark.
-a'enó'nee'e vai. sit in darkness. É-a'enó'nee'e. He is sitting in the dark. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-a'enó'ne'éxanéotse vai. eyesight become darkened. This especially refers to when coming inside from bright sunlight. É-a'enó'ne'éxanéotse. His eyesight is darkened. Category: eyes.
a'enó'nemȧhēō'o ni. solitary confinement. Lit: dark-house some regard this as being a Southern Cheyenne term for 'jail'. Category: buildings.
-a'enó'neóó'e vai. stand in the dark. É-a'enó'neóó'e. He is standing in the dark. Category: stand.
-a'enó'neotse vii. become dark. É-a'enó'neotse. It got dark. Category: light.
-a'enó'néšé vai. lie in darkness. É-a'enó'néše. He is lying in the dark. Category: lie.
-a'enó'netó vii. dark (of environment). É-a'enó'néto. It is dark. Antonym -vó'netó. See: -mo'kȯhtávoománo'e. Category: light.
-a'enó'nevátamáno'e vii. look dark. É-a'enó'nevátamáno'e. It looks dark. Phon: iah fii: -átamáno'e. Category: appearance, environment.
-a'enó'nevene'ho'tá vii. dark in room, dim in room. É-a'enó'nevene'hō'ta. It is dim in the room. Category: room.
-a'enó'nevóománo'e vii. be dark (environment). É-a'enó'nevóománo'e. The environment is dark. Mó'éšėto'se-a'enó'nevóomano'éhanetséhe. It was almost getting dark. [1987:296] Phon: iah See: -hosóvoománo'e. Category: environment.
-a'enoo'e vai. stay a long time. É-a'enoo'e. He stayed for a long time. Hénáá'e nȧháóhe tsétȧhése-a'enoeto? Why did you stay there so long? [1987:174] Phon: vs See: -aénoo'e.
-á'enová vai. own. É-á'enōva. He owns. Tsé-á'enōvȧhtse the Owner (= the Sacred Hat Keeper). vta: á'en. Category: ceremonial.
-a'eotse vai. attack, charge. can be said of a human or an animal. É-a'eotse. He attacked.
Vó'keme móho'e-a'eotsėhéhe. Old Man Winter must have arrived attacking. vta: -a'eotsé'tov. See: -á'etse; -ménahn; Vó'keme. Category: warfare.
-a'eotsé'tá vti. attack s.t., charge s.t. É-a'eotsé'ta. He charged at it. A'eotsé'tome! (You plural) Charge at it!
-a'eotsé'tov vta. attack s.o., charge s.o. É-a'eotsé'tovóho. He attacked him. Éstaosáane-a'eotsé'tovóhoono néhe sásóóvétáne. (The man) went after the water snake. [1987:286] Móhke-a'eotsé'toehevóhe vé'kėseho. The bird must have attacked him (obv). For example, it must have attacked the dog. A bird usually attacks by diving. Vó'keme néto'sėhóse-a'eotsé'toene. Old Man Winter is going to attack us again (= winter is coming; or a winter storm is coming). vai: -a'eotse. Category: violence.
-ā'ėse pro. conjunct ending for 3rd person subject acting on 1st person object. tsé'oom-ā'ėse when he hit me. ȯhvóom-a'esėstse whenever he saw me. [1987:220] Morph: /-a'és/. See: -ā'ėstse. Category: grammar.
-a'ése pro. conjunct participle ending for 3rd person plural subject and 1st person object. tséonóom-a'ése the ones who called me. Morph: /-a'ésé/. See: -a'évȯse. Category: grammar.
a'ėse- pv. round. a'ėse-mȧhēō'o round house. a'ėse-ome round lodge. a'ėseveno round tent. See: -a'k; -onéstahkó. Category: shapes.
-a'esėstse sfx. iterative conjunct ending for third person singular acting on first person. ȯhvóom-a'esėstse whenever he saw me. Category: grammar.
-á'ėskémo'eétahe vai. multitask, do several tasks at once. É-á'ėškémo'eétahe. He has several jobs going at once. See: -nésovavo'eétahe; á'ėškémėse. Category: do.
-á'ėstómané vai. give generously, give something really needed. É-á'ėstómáne. He gave something really needed; he gave generously. á'ėstómané-nėševátsėstȧhestȯtse blessing (lit. "rich"-mercy; Milton Whiteman, a Cheyenne minister, used to say this with a meaning similar to English "God bless you!") vta: -á'eh. See: -á'etse.
-ā'ėstse sfx. he to me conjunct participle ending. tséonóomā'ėstse the one who called me. Category: grammar.
-a'éšé mbp. head. Námȧx-a'éše. I touched (it) with my head. Náónėx-a'éše. My head hurts. See: -a'é; -a'éše; -htséá; me'ko. Category: body.
-a'éšé vai. contact with the head. Námȧx-a'éše. I touched (it) with my head. Nápó-a'éše. I bumped (it) with my head. Nápó-a'éšenáme. We bumped our heads together. Éónėx-a'éše. his head hurts. BodyPartMedial -a'é2. See: -a'e'še; -stséa; me'ko. Category: head.
á'ėškémėse p. soon, quickly. May especially refer to when someone returns to an initial task, after briefly switching to second task. Possibly related to the particle á'e, according to a Ch. speaker. See: -á'ėškémo'eétahe.
-á'etse vai. receive plenty. come to have a lot of good stuff; does not imply that one procures the things in a greedy fashion. É-á'etse. He has received plenty. É-á'etseo'o. They are getting a lot of good things. vta: -á'eh. See: -á'ėstómané; -a'eotse; -háeesenehe. Category: quantity.
-(a)'évá m. wife. Variant: -'évá. Étanóht-a'éva. He went for his wife.
Éasėt-a'éva. He took a wife.
Ého'ėhéhestan-a'éva. He came to court (his lover) under a blanket. Category: marriage.
-á'evéné'ó vai. sad faced. É-á'evéné'o. He has a sad face. Variant: -á'avéné'ó. See: -méstová. Category: face, emotions.
-a'évȯse pro. conjunct ending for 3rd person plural subject and 1st person object. tsé'oom-a'évȯse when they hit me. tséhvóom-a'évȯse when they saw me. Morph: /-a'évós/. See: -a'ésé. Category: grammar.
-a'h f. throw. Épe'pe'-a'hasēne. He is throwing things around. Éhóest-a'hamóho. He threw him out. fta: -a'ham.
-a'ha fii. flap, hurried motion. Émȯxe'-ā'ha The picture is moving. for example, the view on a T.V. tsémȯxe'-ā'ha television. tséohkemomóhtȯxe'-ā'ha television. Éxxaetsėhetóom-a'hánėse. The water was just boiling. [JOURNEY.TXT]
-a'há fii. by wind. Énonȯhp-ā'ha. It is shaking from the wind.
Évoneoest-ā'ha. It was suddenly destroyed by the wind. Etym: *a·ʔłen (R). fai: -a'xe. See: -ó'a'há. Category: wind.
-a'hahtsé fti. fling s.t.; throw s.t.; shake s.t.; jerk s.t. Éasėt-a'hāhtse. He threw it away (from himself).
Éést-a'hāhtse. He threw it in. ??
Éné't-a'hāhtse. He jerked it out.
Éó'-a'hāhtse. He is hanging it up to dry.
Éhest-a'hāhtse. He jerked it. fta: -a'ham; fai: -a'hasené. See: -a'xe. Category: throw, check.
-a'ham fta. throw s.o., fling s.o., shake s.o., jerk s.o. Éasėt-a'hamóho. He threw him away (from himself).
Éésȯh-a'hamóho. He shoved him.
Éó'-a'hamóho. He is hanging him up to dry.
Éhóest-a'hamóho. He threw him out.
Éésto'-a'hamóho. He threw him into the bushes.
Éénovo'-a'hamóho hoomaho. He threw off the blanket. fti: -a'hahtsé; fai: -a'hasené; Final -a'h. Ques: should -a'ham be analyzed as two separate finals, -a'h plus -am?? See: -a'xe. Category: move, check.
-a'hasené fai. fling, throw, shake, jerk. Étsėhet-a'hasēne. He waved/motioned. [pd1051] Éést-a'hasēne. He threw into.
Émȧhov-a'hasēne. He got tired of throwing. fti: -a'hahtsé; fta: -a'ham. See: -éseváohe. Category: motion.
-a'hasó'he fai. ride horse. Éam-a'haso'he. He is riding by on horseback.
Éhóxov-a'haso'he. He rode his horse across (for example, across the river).
Évovó-a'haso'he. He is in the lead on horseback. Ques: or is it Évovóa'a'haso'he??
Ého'-a'haso'he. He arrived on horseback.
Émoméh-a'haso'he. He is galloping on a horse. See: -a'hasó'heohe ‘ride horse quickly’; -a'éno'hamé; -a'ovo'hamé; -(o)'hamé. Category: horses.
-a'hasó'heohe fai. ride horse quickly. Éasėt-a'hasó'heohe. He rode away quickly. Héstove éxho'-a'hasó'heohésesto. On either side of him (two soldiers) rode up to him. [1987:22] Éstaohkeasėt-a'hasó'heohésesto. They would quickly ride off. [1987:26] See: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-a'haveóó'e vai. stand pouting, pout standing, droop. É-a'haveóó'e. He is standing pouting. Ques: a'kav?? Category: stand, check.
-a'havešé vai. lie pouting. É-a'havēše. He is pouting in a fetal position. Category: lie.
a'k- i. round. É-a'kāna. He made it round. É-a'kanēne. He is putting things in bunches.
-a'kahe vai. be round. É-a'kahe. He is round. vii: -a'kó. Category: shapes.
a'ka'ó'sané vai. ?? É-a'ka'ó'sáne. ?? Synonym -a'kanené. Category: move.
-a'kan vti. make s.t. round; bunch up s.t. into a ball; make s.t. round. É-a'kāna. He made it round. Etym: *pexkwenamwa (P).
vta. make s.o. round. É-a'kanóho. He made him round. for example, to bunch up a rag (animate). Etym: *pexkwene·wa (P). Category: shapes.
-a'kanené vai. bunch. É-a'kanēne. He is putting things in bunches. Synonym -a'ka'ó'sané. Category: move.
-a'kasé vai. be fat, have a round belly. É-a'kāse. He is fat. See: -he'kasé; -tȧhpe'asé; -he'keome. Category: size, body.
a'kȧsémȧhéó'o ni. round house. Lit: compact-house Category: buildings.
-a'kȧsétó vii. be round. tsé-a'kȧsétoo'ėstse those (things) which are round. Category: shapes.
á'(k)av- i. droop, hang down. É-á'kava'ee'e. He hung his head down. É-á'kavoē'to. It (animate)/He is hanging down.
-á'kava'ee'e vai. hang head down, sit with head hung down. É-á'kava'ee'e. He hung his head down. Morph: /-a'kava'ée/. Phon: vs BodyPartMedial -a'é. See: -káva'ee'e; -ma'kėsta'ee'e; -hósėstse'ee'e. Category: head.
-a'kavan vti. fold up s.t. for example, to fold up a pocketknife. É-a'kavāna. He folded it up. [pd490]
Á'kavėhe'o na. Limberhand. Lit: bent-wrist Contracted Kȧhavȯhe'o; Variant: Á'kavėhe'onáhe. Category: hands, names.
Á'kavėhe'onáhe na. Limberhand. Variant: Á'kavėhe'o. Category: names.
-á'kaveohtsé vai. walk with a limp. É-á'kaveōhtse. He is walking with a limp. Category: walk.
-á'kaveotse vai. 1 • droop, have a poor attitude. É-á'kaveotse. He is drooping.
2 • sad - feel. This might also include having a poor attitude. Initial á'(k)av-. Category: emotions, personality.
-á'kavėstáhá vai. sad. Lit: down-hearted É-á'kavėstáha. He is sad/'down-hearted'. Medial -htáhá. See: -ánovetanó. Category: emotions.
-á'kavoe'tó vii. hang down, cling limp, droop. Ó'oesanéstotȯtse é-á'kavoe'tónėstse. The clotheslines are hanging down (drooping).
vai. hang down, cling limp, droop. É-á'kavoē'to. He (or It) is clinging hanging down. Tsėhéóhe éšeéenéma'o'e-á'kavoe'too'o! Just hang around here (delayed imperative)! That was a humorous literal translation from English. See: -hoe'tó; -anȯhóneoe'tó. Category: hang.
-a'(k)é mbp. head. For examples see under -a'é. See: -a'é; -ovésé. Category: body.
Á'kee'sono na. A'kee'sono people. A family that lived in Birney. Category: people.
-a'kéen vti. put s.t. in a bundle. É-a'kééna. He put it in a bundle.
vta. put s.o. in a bundle. É-a'kéenóho. He put him in a bundle. Variant: -a'éen.
-a'keesé vai. have a knobbed nose. É-a'keēse. He has a knobbed nose. Synonym -a'eesé. Category: nose.
a'kéevo'ha na. donkey. Lit: humped-horse (?) Variant: a'éevo'ha; Plural a'kéevo'hāme; Obviative a'kéevo'hāme. See: vó'hó'óhta ‘mule’. Category: horses.
-a'kehá vii. lie curled, curled lie. É-a'kēha. It is lying curled. Category: lie.
-a'kėhahtá vai. have a clubfoot. É-a'kėhāhta. He has a clubfoot. BodyPartMedial -hahtá. See: -ovátonȯsėhahtá. Category: sickness, feet.
A'kėhahtáhe na. Clubfoot. Category: names.
A'kėhe'onáhe na. Clubhand. BodyPartMedial -he'oná ‘hand’. Category: hands, names.
-a'kėhe'onáotse vai. clench fist. Lit: bunch-hand É-a'kėhe'onáotse. He clenched his fist. BodyPartMedial -he'oná. Category: hands.
a'ké'háso na. plume, feather. Contracted ké'háso; Variant: e'ké'háso. See: voto; ma'óhkee'e; Ké'hásȯhnéé'ėstse.
-a'kema'a'ó vai. fall into ball shape. É-a'kema'ā'o. He fell into a little ball. fai: -a'ó. Category: motion.
-a'kema'ehá vii. lie curled. of something flexible, such as paper. É-a'kema'ēha. It (paper) is lying curled. fii: -ma'ehá. Category: lie, paper.
-a'kema'e'ó'h vta. crumple s.o., bunch s.o. for example, squash up a blanket (animate) into a ball to use it as a pillow. É-a'kema'e'o'ho. He crumpled him up. É-a'kema'e'ó'hóho. He crumpled him up. (newer pronunciation).
-a'kema'e'ó'tsé vti. crumple s.t. É-a'kema'e'ó'tsé. He crumpled it. Category: paper.
-a'kema'en vti. ball up s.t., bunch up s.t., crumple s.t., paper - crumple s.t., bundle up s.t. especially of paper. É-a'kema'ēna. He crumpled it (paper) up into a ball. See: -a'kema'ehá; -ka'ema'en. Category: paper.
-a'kema'éšé vai. lie curled up. É-a'kema'éše. He (for example, a dog) is asleep curled up in a ball. See: -a'keše. Category: lie.
-á'kéóéstsé vti. tie up s.t. in a bundle. É-a'kéóéstse. He tied it in a bundle. Mó'-á'keoestsėhéhe mé'ėškónėhéva. He tied (the gold) up in a buckskin (sack). [1987:18]
-á'keoestsé vti. tie s.t. up in. Ques: receck gloss?? É-á'keoēstse. He tied it up. Mó'á'keoestsėhéhe mé'ėškónėhéva. He tied it up in a buckskin (sack). [Black Hills Claim.033] Category: check.
-a'keoxa'ohe vii. have a compact design. É-a'keoxa'ȯhénėstse. They (inan) have a compact/little design.
vai. have a compact design. É-a'keoxa'ohe. He/It has a compact design. Category: designs.
a'kėstséahe na. copperhead (snake). Lit: compact-head-one Category: snakes.
a'kėstséašé'šenovȯtse na. cobra. Lit: compact-head-snake Category: snakes.
a'kėstséatȯhohko ni. pin hammer. Lit: compact-head-hammer This kind of hammer has a round head instead of claws. See: tȯhohko ‘hammer’. Category: tools.
-a'kešé vai. lie curled up, lie in fetal position. É-a'kēše. He is curled up asleep. See: -a'kema'éše; -e'ešé. Category: lie, sleep.
-a'kó vii. globular, round. Variant: -a'ó2. É-á'ko. It is round. Tsé-á'ko épȧhonoō'ta. The door is padlocked (that is, the round thing is stuck on). See: -onéstahkó; -pa'kó. Category: shapes.
-a'koéotse vai. squat. É-a'koéotse. He squatted down. Éstȧhóse-a'koéotséhoo'o. Again he squatted down. [The Whiteman and the Rabbit.035] See: -a'koo'e ‘sit curled up; squat’; -a'kóestsé ‘bundle up s.t.’. Category: sit.
-a'kóestsé vti. bundle up s.t. É-a'kóéstse. He bundled it. Etym: *pexkwampeθwa (P). Mó-a'kóestsėhenótse hestóne'óonȯtse. She bundled up her clothes. [1987:291] See: -hohpo'óestsé; -a'koéotse ‘squat’.
-a'kóet vta. tie s.o. in a bundle. É-a'kóetóho. He tied him/them (an.) in a bundle. Etym: *pexkwampiθe·wa (P); *pexkwampe·wa. vti: -a'kóestsé. See: -hohpo'an; -mano'óet.
a'kóhkėha'e ni. cap (with a bill). Lit: round-hat Variant: a'óeha'e; Synonym ma'ėstóhkėha'e. See: hóhkėha'e ‘hat’. Category: clothing.
a'kóhtsėha'e ni. cap. Variant: a'óeha'e. See: hóhkėha'e ‘hat’. Category: clothing.
-a'ko'tonohe vai. have hair braided in a bun, have hair in a chignon. É-a'ko'tonohe. Her hair is (braided) in a bun. Category: hair.
A'ko'xéhe na. Hobo. can be a horse name, as well as a person's name. Category: names.
a'ko'xéve'ho'e na. hobo. Lit: compact-backpack-whiteman Plural a'ko'xéve'ho'e.
a'kón- i. squat. É-a'kónoo'e. He is squatting.
-a'kónoo'e vai. squat, crouch, roost. É-a'kónoo'e. He is squatting. Phon: vs Medial -ón3. See: -amónoo'e; -nomonoo'e; Aénȯhea'kónoo'e. Category: sit.
-a'koo'e vai. sit curled up, squat. É-a'koo'e. He squatted. Phon: vs Variant: -a'kónoo'e. See: -a'koéotse ‘squat’. Category: sit.
a'kóomoe- pv. pond.
-a'kóomoehá vii. pond, puddle, pool. É-a'kóomoēha. It is a pool of water.
tsé'-a'kóomoēha where there is a pool of water. Variant: -a'óomoehá. See: -évoomoehá; -séehá. Category: liquid.
-a'kótseehe vai. have a bundle. É-a'kótseehe. He has a bundle. especially of a bundle on one's back.
A'kótseehe na. Cartridge Belt. Category: names.
a'kótseehestȯtse ni. cartridge belt. Plural a'kótseehéstotȯtse. Category: guns.
-a'ó1 fii. jump, tip, fall, leap, fly, lurch. Éhóest-ā'o. It flew out. [1987:277] for example, of his mouth. Ques: inanimate "it" ok??
fai. jump, tip, fall, leap, fly, lurch. This is quick movement. Éáv-á'o. He fell down; he fell over.
Éan-ā'o. He fell off (for example, off a table or horse).
Éma'ėst-ā'o. He fell forward.
Éhánȯht-á'o. He fell backwards. Éne'-asėtā'o. He jumped / took off. [1987:168] for example, of a ball (animate). Mo'ē'ha mó'ovóesóhpa'-ȯhéhe. The magpie came in first. [1987:246] Móhmo'kon-a'ȯhéhe. He dove with wings closed. [1987:246] Nȧhtȧhóxoveka'-ā'o. I'll jump across. [1987:276] "Nȧhtanėšemȧsó-sé'á'o," móstaéšėhešėtanȯhéhe. "I'll just jump in," he thought. [1987:283] Etym: *eška·(R). See: -a'xe1; -ehné. Category: motion, check.
-a'ó2 vii. round, globular. É-á'o. It is round (ball-shaped). Variant: -a'kó. See: A'ee'ėse; -onéstahkó. Category: shapes.
-a'óeasé vai. have hair tied in a topknot. braids are worn at the same time; Crow men sometimes have this hairstyle. É-a'óéáse. His hair is cut short and curled in a hump in front. Etym: *pexkwampeθwe·wa (P). Category: hair.
-a'óeaséehe vai. have hair tied in a topknot. É-a'óeaséehe. His hair is all brought back and tied in front. done in a ceremony; something like the style of Woody Woodpecker. Category: hair.
A'óéáso na. Topknot. Category: names.
a'óeha'e ni. derby hat. Variant: a'kóhkėha'e.
-a'o'tsé vai. celebrate victory, victory dance. É-a'ō'tse. He is celebrating victory. É-a'o'tseo'o. They are having a victory dance. tsé'-a'o'tsénove a victory celebration. É-a'o'tséstove. There is a Victory Dance. Category: warfare, dance.
a'o'tsémėstaa'e na. ground owl. Phon: vs See: méstaa'e. Category: birds.
A'o'tsévȯhomó'hestȯtse ni. Victory Dance.
-a'oná mbp. shin, tibia. Éé'e-a'onáxe. He fell and broke his shinbone.
Éoo'kóht-a'ōna. He is bare legged (lit. shinned).
Éónėše-a'onáóhtse. He has pain in the shin.
É-kóe-a'onáxe. He bumped his shin.
Éhóhpe-a'onáxe. He is lying close to warmth (fire etc.) to thaw out the marrow in his bones. Náe'e-a'onáso. I cut his shin. for example, while cutting up a deer. See: -'a'o; -ve'ȯhkono. Category: body.
-a'óné f. ordinal number suffix. Énéx-a'óne. He is the second one. Éna'h-a'óne. He is the third one. tséno'k-a'ónėstse the first one (animate). tsénésȯhtȯhn-a'ónėstse the seventh one (animate). Category: numbers.
-a'ónétó fii. ordinal, ordinal number suffix. Étónėstȯh-a'ónéto? What number in sequence is it? tséno'k-a'ónéto the first one.
Énéx-a'ónéto. It is the second one.
tsénéx-a'ónéto the second one.
tséna'h-a'ónéto the third time; the third one.
tsénév-a'ónéto the fourth one.
tsénóhon-a'ónéto the fifth one.
tsénaesóhtȯhn-a'ónéto the sixth one.
tsénésȯhtȯhn-a'ónéto the seventh one.
tséna'nóhtȯhn-a'ónéto the eighth one.
tsésóohtȯhn-a'ónéto the ninth one.
tsémȧhtóhtȯhn-a'ónéto the tenth one. Category: numbers.
-a'óomoehá vii. pond, puddle, pool. É-a'óomoēha. It is a pool of water. tsé'-a'óomoēha where there is a pool of water. Variant: -a'kóomoehá. See: -évoomoehá; -séehá. Category: liquid.
-a'ov fta. by foot (or body). Éoo'hoht-a'ovóho. He kicked him.
Námȧx-a'ōvo. I touched him with my foot. fti: -a'. Etym: *eškaw (R), *exkaw (P42).
-a'ovó'ėstomo'he vta. influence. Variant: a'avó'ėstmó'he. Category: check.
-a'ovo'hamé fai. livestock - do to. Éhó'x-a'ovo'hāme. He broke in a horse(s).
Énóht-a'ovo'hāme. He went to get horses. [1987:171]
Éhóoht-a'ovo'hāme. He moved his herd home.
... náhet-a'ovo'hāme. ... I drove the horses over there. See: -a'éno'hamé; -(o)'hamé; -a'hasó'he. Category: livestock.
-a'ovó'oestom vta. influence. Mósta-a'ovó'oestomȧhtsėhéhe. He placed himself under the influence of that (liquor). [A Plowing Story.030] Category: interpersonal.
-a'ovó'seh vta. influenced by s.o., catch sickness of s.o., cause s.o. to crave. Variant: a'avó'seh. É-a'ovó'sėhóho. He influenced him.
Ná-a'ovó'seha. I got his sickness / He is making me crave (it, for example, drymeat).
Né-a'ovó'šeše. You "contagioned" me, that is, I caught it from you. Hetane móhmae'-a'ovó'sėhaehevóhe vo'ėstanóho. A man liked what the people were doing. (a more complete translation would be something like 'a man was influenced to do the same as the people'). [1987:275] See: -tóo'ėstseh; -vonȯhóha'ov. Category: interpersonal, influence.
a's- i. accidentally. See: a't-. É-a'séehóho He accidentally hurt him. Etym: *peʔci.
-a'seéh vta. accident.hurt, accidentally hurt s.o. É-a'seéhahtse. He hurt himself accidentally. Naka'ėškónėhamo éó'ȯse-a'seéhahtseo'o. My children have accidentally harmed one another. [1987:205] See: -a'seh; -a'to'eéh. Category: interpersonal.
-a'seh vta. hurt s.o. in a taboo way; do something taboo to s.o.; do something prohibited to s.o. This can refer to something done to a medicine man which is culturally taboo; for example, walk in front of him, or give him stored water when he should have been given fresh water just gotten from a spring (the first drink a medicine man has in the morning should be fresh for him to have a proper day). É-a'sėhóho. He wronged him by doing something taboo to him. Ná-a'sēho. I did something to him that I was not supposed to do. Etym: *peɁtihe·wa > **peɁsihe·wa (P/L?.
Ná-a'seha. He hurt me by doing something to me he should not have done. É-a'sehe. He experienced something that shouldn't have been done to him. Naa náa'sėháá'e kȧsováaheho tsémanese. And they did to me what they were NOT supposed to, the young men who were drinking. See: -a'ta'ov ‘accidentally bump s.o.’; -a'seéh ‘accidentally hurt s.o.’; hópahpa ‘Even!’. Category: interpersonal, taboo.
-a'se'haná vai. eat wrongly. for example, ate something forbidden to eat. É-a'se'hāna. He ate by mistake/ate wrongly. fai: -aná. Category: eat.
a't- i. accidentally. See: a's-. Etym: *peʔt-. See: ó'ȯht- ‘mistakenly’.
-a'tahe vai. skilled, dependable. É-a'tahe. He is dependable. See: -nȯhtóvahe. Category: personality.
-a'ta'ee'e vai. sit ?? Tósa'e né-a'ta'ee'e? Where are you sitting? ?? BodyPartMedial -a'é2. See: -amónoo'e; -hoo'e. Category: sit, check.
-a'ta'ov vta. bump s.o. by accident, accidentally bump s.o. É-a'ta'ovóho. He bumped him accidentally. Etym: *peɁsexkawe·wa (P). Ná-a'ta'ōvo. I bumped into him by accident. See: -a'seh. Category: hit.
-a'tan vta. accidentally shoot s.o. É-a'tanóho. He accidentally shot him. Etym: *peɁselawe·wa.
É-a'tanahtse. He accidentally shot himself. Etym: *peɁsela·sowa > **??. See: -am. Category: shoot.
-a'tas vta. accidentally cut s.o. É-a'tȧsóho. He accidentally cut him. Etym: *peʔtešwe·wa (P).
Ná-a'tȧxestse. I accidentally cut myself. É-a'tȧxestse. He accidentally cut himself. Etym: *peʔtešweso·wa (P). fta: -as. Category: cut.
-a'tavo'ėstanéheve vai. live in a fearsome manner. É-a'tavo'ėstanéheve. He lives in a fearsome way. That is, people are scared of him. See: -a'tahe. Category: live.
-a'tax vti. accidentally.cut, accidentally cut s.t., cut s.t. accidentally. É-a'tāxa. He accidentally cut it. Etym: *peʔtešamwa. Ná-a'tāxa. I accidentally cut it. vta: -a'tas. Category: cut.
-a'toh(n) vta. accidentally hit s.o. É-a'tȯhnóho. He hit him by accident. Etym: *peʔtahwe·wa (P). Ná-a'tōhno. I hit him by accident.
É-a'tȯhestse. He hit himself by accident. Etym: *peɁtahwesowa > **peɁtahitwiwa ?? (P/L).
Né-a'toestse. You hit me by accident. See: -a'to'eéh; -oom; -a'tas. Category: hit.
-a'tóhta vti. bite s.t. by mistake. É-a'tóhta. He bit it by mistake. Etym: *peʔtantamwa (P).
-a'to'eéh vta. accidentally hurt s.o. É-a'to'eéhahtse. He hurt himself accidentally. See: -a'toh(n); -a'seéh. Category: interpersonal.
-a'to'eétahe vai. accidentally do something. É-a'to'eétahe. He did something accidentally. See: -ó'ȯhto'eétahe. Category: do.
-a'to'omenehe vai. accident - experience an. É-a'to'omenehe. He had an accident. This is a strong word. It can, for example, refer to becoming handicapped from a car accident. fai: -o'omenehe. See: -o'ȯhto'eétahe; ó'ȯhto'omenėhestȯtse; ó'ȯhto'eétȧhestȯtse. Category: do.
a'to'omenėhestȯtse ni. accident. See: ó'ȯhto'omenėhestȯtse.
-a'tó'seneotse vai. eye particle - have an, mote - have a, have something in the eye. for example, dust particle. É-a'tó'seneotse. He has gotten something in his eye(s). Category: eyes.
a'tó'seneotsestȯtse ni. object in the eye. for example, a dust particle. Category: eyes.
-a'tom vta. bite mouth of s.o. accidentally. for example, to accidentally bite one's lip or inside of the mouth. É-a'tomahtse. He accidentally bit his (own) mouth. Ná-a'tomahtse. I accidentally bit my mouth. Category: mouth, check.
A'tšemȧhoéve'ho'éno ni. Round Town. Variant: A'kemȧhoéve'ho'éno. Category: places.
-a'xaame vai. cry. É-a'xaame. He is crying.
Né-a'xaamehe? Are you crying? / Did you cry?
Násáa'-a'xaaméhe. I'm not crying / I did not cry.
Névé'e-a'xaame! Don't cry!
(another recording)
Néohke-a'xaamehe? Do you cry?
Náohkėsáa'-a'xaaméhe. I don't cry. tséohke-a'xaamese Pentecostals (lit. those who cry).
Hénová'e tséhése-a'xaameto? Why are you crying? Variant: Hénová'éto tsé-hésta'xaneto?.
ma'a'xaamėstse when he cries. See: -a'xané; omóm-. Category: sounds, cry.
-a'xaamee'e vai. sit crying. É-a'xaamee'e. He is sitting crying. fai: -e ‘sit’. Category: cry.
-a'xaaméóó'e vai. stand crying. É-a'xaaméóó'e. He is standing crying. fai: -óé2. See: -omómeóó'e. Category: stand, cry.
-a'xaaméotse vai. cry become. É-a'xaaméotse. He cried out. Category: cry. Névááhe tsésto'se-a'xaaméotsėstse? Who is going to cry? for example, at an Indian wedding. See: -a'xaamé. Category: Indian wedding.
-a'xaamétanó vai. have a crying feeling. É-a'xaamétáno. He has a crying feeling. See: -a'xaamétanó. Category: emotions.
-a'xaamev vta. cry to s.o. É-a'xaamevóho. He cried to him. [1987:155] Category: cry.
-a'xané fai. cry. Énomon-a'xāne. He went to sleep crying.
Één-a'xāne. He quit crying.
Éno'-a'xāne. He cried with (something or someone).
Éhá-a'xāne. He cried hard. Éhést-a'xāne. He cried because of (it). Hénova'e tséhést-a'xaneto? Why are you crying? Éhoó'h-a'xāne. He was overheard crying. Émȧh-a'xaneo'o. They all cried. Éhós-a'xāne. He couldn't cry. Éhát-a'xaneo'o. ?? They cried. ?? See: omóme-; a'xaame; -mém. Category: cry.
-a'xaóhéohtsé vai. greet everybody, wag tail, show friendliness to everybody. said of a person who acts friendly to everyone, especially of someone who shakes hands too much; also said of a friendly dog that wags its tail a lot. É-a'xaóhéóhtse. He is friendly to everyone.
-a'xaóhtahe vai. friendly. É-a'xaóhtahe. He is friendly. ?? Éheómeoseehehpe-a'xaóhtȧheo'o. They (especially whites) are overly polite. Ques: polite or friendly?? Category: personality, check.
-a'xaót vta. shake hands with s.o. a primary cultural sign of reconciliation. É-a'xaoto. He shook hands with him.
É-a'xaótóho. He shook hands with him. (newer pronunciation).
É-a'xaótȧhtseo'o. They are shaking hands. Náéva-a'xaóto. I shook his hand again. That is, I am reconciled with him. A'xaótahtse! Shake hands! (said to more than one person).
A'xaóxeha! Shake hands with him!
(another recording)
Éva-a'xaótahtse! Shake hands with each other again! See: -nanov; -vonetanó'tá. Category: hands.
A'xaóxeha! vta. Shake hands with him! vta: -a'xaót. Category: hands.
-a'xe1 fai. jerk, hurried motion, motion - hurried. May sometimes mean something like 'jerk', 'flap'. This is one of several motion finals; see discussion under -ehné. Éka'-a'xe. He jumped.
Éasėt-a'xe. He started to run.
Ésóhp-a'xe. He took off.
Ést-a'xėstse! Come in quickly! Né'évȧhó-a'xėstse! Hurry back! Nonó'hónó'e éhne'ȯhkėhósemé'-a'xésesto hósėstse. More and more some (soldiers) kept coming. [1987:51] Variant: -'xe. See: -a'ó; -ehné. Category: motion.
-a'xe2 fai. by wind. Éano'eoest-a'xe. He was knocked down by wind. Éó'eoest-a'xe éstse'he. The shirt is drying quickly in the wind. Etym: *eʔši (P). fti: -a'há. Category: wind.
-am2 fta. speak to s.o., speak about s.o. Ná-anóévámo. I calmed him down by talking. See: -em. Category: speak.
-am3 vta. shoot s.o. É-amóho. He shot him.
Ameha! Shoot him!
Ta-ameha váótséva! Shoot the deer! É'ȯhketo'se-amaesesto. (He, the skunk; obv.) was going to spray/shoot at him. [1987:282] Usage: vulgar in sense of shoot sperm into s.o. vti: -amestá. See: nėše-; -ame; -tó'omemas; -ho'amé; -emas. Etym: *pemwe·wa.
am- i. along. See: nėše-. É-amēhne. He walked along. É-amȧho'he. He drove (lit. went along by heat). Etym: *pem-.
-am sfx. inalienable possession, possession suffix (theme) for nouns. Seems to indicate something like inalienable possession. nama'heón-ame my god. hema'heón-amo his god. nemé'ėševot-amane our (incl.) baby. namótšėškame my knife (cf. namotšėške 'my knife'). Etym: *em.
-am fta. removed obviative. Návóom-amóho hee'haho. I saw his son. -am registers the obviative's 'son'. See: -óhó. Category: grammar.
-amahe vti. Gram: ai+o receive (s.t.) É-amahe. He received (it).
Ná-amahe. I received it. Ná-amȧhenȯtse. I received them (inan.).
Tse-amȧhénóvo. They will receive it. naa hé'tóhe nátano'hóse-amȧhénóne mȧhēō'o and we have also received this house. [1987:199] See: -amahta.
-amȧhé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o receive s.o. Ná-amȧhé'tova. He received me. É-amȧhénoto. He received him. See: -amėhahtomev.
-amȧhéotse vai. come to receive.
-amȧho'he vai. 1 • drive, go by vehicle. Lit: go.by.heat É-amȧho'he. He went by car (truck, etc.).
Ná-amȧho'he. I'm driving.
Náéve-amȧho'he. I'm driving around. fai: -aho'he. Category: transportation, motion.
2 • walk while it is hot. Category: temperature.
amȧho'héamėške ni. gasoline. Lit: car-lard See: amėške. Category: car.
-amȧho'hé-evo'soo'e vai. play with cars. É-amȧho'héevo'soo'e. He is playing with (toy) cars. See: -évo'soo'e. Category: games.
amȧho'héhe na. car, automobile.
(another recording)
(another recording) Plural amȧho'héheo'o. This animate word is said to be older than inanimate amȧho'hestȯtse. It is sometimes said that this pronunciation of a word for 'car' is Southern Cheyenne, however some Northern Cheyennes use this pronunciation also. Synonym amȧho'hestȯtse, ameohestȯtse. Category: transportation, car.
amȧho'héhotonovahtȯtse ni. car alarm. Category: car.
amȧho'hémȧhéó'o ni. garage. Lit: car-house Category: house.
amȧho'hé-mȧhtse'ko ni. tire. Lit: car-leg See: asėséoneehé-mȧhtse'ko; asėséoneehéhe. Category: car.
amȧho'hémȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. car title. Category: new, transportation.
amȧho'hénemenestȯtse ni. car stereo, car radio. See: némenestȯtse. Category: car.
amȧho'hénėše'hanenēō'o ni. car wash, automatic car wash. See: nėše'hanenéó'o. Category: new.
amȧho'hestȯtse ni. car, automobile. Lit: (go).along-by.heat/burning-thing Plural amȧho'héstotȯtse.
na. car, automobile. amȧho'hestȯtse A car is animate for some people, giving a plural of amȧho'héstoto: AlternatePlural amȧho'héstoto.
É-vonenóohétónėstse amȧho'héstotȯtse. There are countless numbers of cars.
na-amȧho'héstónáne our (excl.) car. [1987:156] Oblique amȧho'héstóva; Diminutive amȧho'kēso. Usage: This pronunciation is more commonly used today, at least in Montana, than amȧho'héhe or ameohestȯtse, but some speakers still consider a car to be animate. See: amȧho'héhe; ameohestȯtse. Category: car, transportation.
amȧho'héta'ta'ȯhēō'o ni. car key. See: ta'ta'ȯhēō'o. Category: car.
amȧho'hétsėhetanēō'o ni. car tool. See: tsėhetaneo'o. Plural amȧho'hétsėhetaneonȯtse. Category: tools.
amȧho'héve'ho'e na. mechanic. See: pėhévananéve'ho'e. Category: jobs.
amȧho'kēso ni. little car. See: amȧho'hestȯtse.
-amahtá vai. agree, consent, say yes, obey. É-amāhta. He consented. Etym: *pemehtamwa. naa tȧháóhe móhne'-amȧhtȧhevóhe and they agreed from over there.
Móho'nóne'-amāhtȧhtse. I guess he said no. Nótȧxévé'hó'e ho'nó-amȧhtávȯhtse. The soldiers didn't agree. [The Trek from Oklahoma.007] vta: -amȧhtov. See: -oné'seómȧhahtá; -áahtá ‘listen to s.t.’. Category: record.
-amȧhtá'tá vti. agree with s.t., believe s.t. É-amȧhtá'ta He agreed with it. [Croft: believe] See: -hoto'átsestá. Category: cognition.
-amȧhtá'tov vta. give permission to s.o.; agree with s.o. to do something. É-amȧhtá'tovóho. He gave permission to him; he agrees for him to do something. See: -amȧhtov. Category: interpersonal.
-amȧhtóohe vai. go along making noise. for example, move along hollering, thundering, mooing, barking. Can be said of thunder, an animal, or a person. É-amȧhtóohe. He (for example, cow, thunder) goes along hollering.
Éne'-amȧhtóohe. He (for example, thunder) is approaching as he is making his sound.
Tsene'-amȧhtóohe nonóma'e. Thunder will approach hollering. fai: -ahtóohe. See: -néstoohe. Category: sounds.
Amȧhtóohē'e na. Howls Along Woman. Contracted Tóohē'e. Category: names.
-amȧhtov vta. agree with s.o., say yes to s.o., heed s.o., allow s.o., comply with s.o., permit s.o., consent to with s.o., obey s.o. The primary meaning of this form is to agree with someone. But it can also refer to allowing someone to do something that they want, such as allowing your child to drive the family. In a sense, this is also a kind of agreement, as well, since the child wants to drive the car.car. É-amȧhtovóho. He agreed with him.
É-amȧhtóvȧhtséstove There is agreeing with one another (in the ideal family). "Nėstavé'eamȧhtōvo vo'ėstane," móxhetaehevóhe néhe tsénésȯhtȯxetsėsekȧsováaheho. "Don't comply with anyone," they were told by those seven young men. [1987:307] fta: -ahtov; vai: -amahtá. Etym: *pemehtawe·wa ‘he heeds him’. See: -amȧhtá'tov; -áahtov; -nétse'ov; -hoto'em. Category: interpersonal.
-amȧhtóvá vai. sell around. É-amȧhtóva. He sold around. See: -hohtóvá.
-ama'én 1 • vti. drive s.t. for example, to drive a car. É-ama'éna. He drove it. tsé-ama'éno heóveamȧho'hestȯtse school bus driver.
vta. drive s.o. Ná-ama'éno. I drove him. Category: jobs, drive.
2 • vta. chair s.o. that is, be in charge of people as one chairs a meeting. É-ama'eno. He bossed him/them; he chaired them. Category: figurative.
ama'énéó'o ni. steering wheel. Plural ama'éneonȯtse; Synonym ama'éno'hamestȯtse. Category: new, car.
-ama'éno'hamé vai. drive, drive livestock, drive a team. This word originally referred to driving animals, but it has been extended to driving a car. É-ama'éno'hāme. He drove.
Mó=nėstsene'-ama'éno'hamehe? Will you drive (for me)? Né'-ama'éno'hāmėstse! Drive!
Névé'vovóhke-ama'éno'hāme! Don't drive weaving! Variant: -ama'ovo'hamé; fai: -a'éno'hamé; vti: -ama'én. See: -amȧho'he. Category: transportation, livestock, drive.
ama'éno'hamémȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. driver's license. Variant: ama'éno'hamévȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: drive.
-ama'éno'haméohe vai. drive, drive livestock, drive a team. É-ama'éno'haméohe. He drove. Category: livestock, drive.
ama'éno'hamestȯtse ni. steering wheel. Variant: ama'énéó'o. Category: car.
ama'éno'hamévȯxe'ėstoo'o ni. drivers license. Lit: driving-paper Variant: ama'éno'hamémȯxe'ėstoo'o. Category: paper.
-ama'hahtsé vti. deal s.t. Lit: along-throw-s.t. É-ama'hahtsenȯtse. He dealt them (inanimate). See: -ama'hasené. Category: throw.
-ama'ham vta. deal s.o. especially to deal playing cards, animate. Lit: throw-along-s.o. É-ama'hamóho. He dealt them. Ama'hamenáno! Deal them (the cards)! Variant: Ama'hamenaho!. Ná-ama'hamoo'o. I'm dealing them. See: -aseto'en. Category: cards.
ama'hasené vai. 1 • throw. for example, of graduates throwing their graduation caps in the air or of a bride throwing her flowers.
2 • deal. É-ama'hasēne. He is throwing (something) / dealing cards. Category: throw.
-ama'haso'he vai. ride horse along. É-ama'haso'he. He is riding by on horseback.
É-ama'hasó'heo'o. They are riding on horseback.
Ná-ama'haso'he. I'm riding a horse.
Náéve-ama'haso'he. I rode a horse all over.
Ama'haso'hėstse! Ride the horse! fai: -a'hasó'he. See: -táhoo'e. Category: transportation, horses.
-ama'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse along quickly. É-ama'hasó'heohe. He is riding by quickly on horseback. Initial am-; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-ama'ó vii. fly by, dive by, whizz by.
vai. fly by, dive by, whizz by. especially of a bird, not about diving in the water, which is -éeotse. É-amā'o. He (or It) flew by / dove. [1987:248] Etym: *pemexke·wa ‘he goes along’. See: -éeotse ‘dive’. Category: fly, motion.
-ama'ov vta. drive along s.o., herd s.o., impel s.o. É-ama'ovóho. He drove him along (for example, a bull). Mo'éhno'hāme tseta-ama'óheo'o. The horses will be herded. [1987:29] Etym: *nepemeškawa·wa (P). See: -ta'e'ov; -néma'e'ov.
-ama'ovo'hamé vai. drive livestock. É-ama'ovo'hāme. He drove horses. fai: -a'ovo'hamé; Variant: -ama'éno'hame. Category: horses, transportation.
-ama'xané vai. continually cry. É-ama'xāne. He is continually crying. fai: -a'xané. Category: cry.
-ama'xanéhné vai. cry walk, walk and cry. É-ama'xanéhne. He is crying while walking. É'ȯhkeéevése-ama'xanéhnėsesto néhe hetanéka'ėškóneho. These boys would also walk and cry. [1987:295] See: -ama'xanéohtsé. Category: cry.
-ama'xanéoesta'xe vai. run and cry. Medial -oest; fai: -a'xe. É-ama'xanéoesta'xe. He ran and cried. See: -a'xaame.
-ama'xanéohtsé vai. cry walking. É-ama'xanéóhtse. He cried while walking along. [1987:266] See: -ama'xanéhné. Category: walk, cry.
amanēō'o ni. culture, ceremonial culture. This may especially refer to ceremonial ways.
Tsėhéseamanēō'o Cheyenne culture.
he-amanēō'o his way of doing things. See: -tsėhésto'eétahe. Category: live, do.
-amȧše'še vai. pass by drunk, continue to drink. É-amȧše'še. He is going by drunk. fai: -ase'še. Category: drink.
-amaxe vai. flee, run away. É-amaxe. He fled/took off. Etym: *pemešimowa 'he flees along' (P). Naa nėhē'še é'-amȧxésesto. And then they ran away. [1980:54:44] Éohkėsáa'-amȧxėhéheo'o tsé'tóhe homā'e. These beavers don't flee. [1987:275] See: -amȧxéveehe; -amȧxéehe; -hóomėstov. Category: motion.
-amȧxéehe vai. move fleeing. Lit: flee-move É-amȧxéehe. He is fleeing like a refugee.
É-amȧxéeheo'o. They are moving to flee. Variant: -amȧxéveehe; fai: -éehe. See: -aseohováohe; -hómėstá. Category: move.
-amȧxeh vta. flee from s.o. Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: check.
-amȧxem vta. run away from s.o., flee from s.o. É-amȧxemóho. He fled from him. Etym: *pemešime·wa (P). vti: -amȧxestá. Category: interpersonal.
-amȧxestá vti. run away from s.t., flee from s.t. É-amȧxēsta. He ran away from it. vta: -amȧxem. See: -hómestá ‘escape, flee’. Category: motion.
-amȧxetanó vai. want to flee. É-amȧxetāno. He wants to flee. [pd486] Ques: amȧxétáno?? Category: check.
-amȧxéveehe vai. break camp in a hurry, move in a rush, flee moving camp. É-amȧxéveeheo'o They broke camp in a hurry. Variant: -amȧxéehe; fai: -éehe. Category: camp.
ame ni. pemmican. Simplified Spelling um; Diminutive amėške ‘grease’. Etym: *pemi ‘grease’; *pemihka·ni ‘pemmican’. Category: meat.
-ame vai. shoot. É-ame. He shot. Etym: *pemowa ‘he shoots an arrow’. vta: -am. See: -ho'amé; -vóheame. Category: shoot.
-ame sfx. possessive noun suffix. This suffix may indicate something like inalienable possession.?? namótšėšk-ame my knife. nekȧhamȧxéh-ame your stick. naka'ėškónėh-ame my (non-biological) child. hevéhon-amo his chief(s). nama'háhkėséh-ame my old man. Ques: semantics of this suffix?? inalienable possession?? Category: check.
ame- i. along, by, continue. 'along' as in 'while going along'; 'by' as in 'while going by'. É-amevonehne. He is crawling. É-ametó'hóna. He is swimming. Étaome-ametāno. He has his own thing going; nobody can tell him anything different. ame-'xóvéva as time goes along.
pv. along, by, continue. ame- often has the idea of being in the process of doing something: É-ametáhoo'e. He is riding along. for example, on horseback. É-amėsóhpa'xe. He ran by. É-amėho'ėhāhtse. He keeps feeding the fire. Ná-amėhóó'óhtse. I'm going home. É-amėhóxovéstáva. He traveled along. É-amėhesematónéóhtse. He (especially a dog) is going around sniffing here and there. See: nėše-; ameto.
-ameeh vta. move s.o., help s.o. move. The means "move" in the sense of helping someone move. É-ameehóho. He helped him move. Category: move.
-ameehe vai. move to another residence. É-ameehe. He is moving. Etym: *pemikwesiwa (P). tsé-ameehese the travelers. [1987:18]
Éne'-ameehéstove. There is moving of camp (towards speaker). It is the "second coming" (an elder says this term is used to speak of a second coming which Cheyennes have believed in. fai: -eehe. See: -aseehe; -heséehe. Category: camp, motion.
-amee'e vai. grow up. É-amee'e. He is growing up. Etym: *pemikiwa (P). Synonym -ameéšee'e. Phon: vs Category: ages.
-ameéšee'e vai. grow. É-ameéšee'e. He is growing. Phon: vs See: -éšee'e. Category: body function.
-améetó vii. snow go by, snow continually. É-amééto. The snow is going by / it keeps on snowing. Category: snow.
-améetootse vii. snow go by. É-améetootse. The snow storm came and went. fii: -éétó. See: -ho'éetó. Category: snow, weather.
-amehá vii. written. Lit: lie placed É-amēha. It is written (down). fai: -ehá; vai: -ameše. See: -mȯxe'oh(n). Category: lie.
-amėhahtomev vta. owe s.o. É-amėhahtomevóho. He owed him. Ná-amėhahtomēvo. I owe him.
Né-amėhahtomēvo. You owe him.
Né-amėhahtomeve. You owe me.
Ná-amėhahtomeva. He owes me. (two pronunciations). See: -amėhahtsé; -amȧhtov. Category: money.
-amėhahtov vta. owe s.o. É-amėhahtovóho. He owes him. vai: -amėhasené. See: -amėhahtomev. Category: money.
-amėhahtsé vti. write down s.t., place s.t. down to lie. É-amėhāhtse. He wrote it down.
Ná-amėhahtóvo hevéhestȯtse. I wrote down his name.
Amėhāhtsėstse! Write it down! vai: -amėhasené; vii: = -ameha. See: -mȯxe'ohá; -mȧxanené'tá. Category: write.
-amėhasené vai. debt - be in, owe. Lit: refers to (the bill) being written down É-amėhasēne. He owes.
Ná-amėhasēne. I owe. See: -amahe; -htsevoxe. vii: -ameha; vti: -amėhahtsé; vta: -amėhahtov. Category: money.
amėhasenestȯtse ni. bill. that is, a request for payment. Plural amėhasenéstotȯtse. See: mȯxe'ėstóonéma'kaata ‘bill (money)’. Category: money.
-amehné vai. 1 • walk by, walk along. This is a slower action than -ameohtsé. É-amēhne. He is walking by/along. Etym: *pemohθe·wa; *mo·θkwehθe·wa (P).
É-amėhneo'o. They are walking.
Ná-amēhne. I'm walking.
Ho'ēva ná-amēhne. I'm walking on foot.
Taéve-amēhnėstse! Go take a hike! / Go walk around!
2 • live. "Naa hahóo," náhetōne Ma'hēō'o tséhvé'nėheše-amėhneto. "And thank you," we tell God because you live like that. fai: -ehné. See: -ameohtsé. Category: motion, live, figurative.
amėhnėhé- i. go along. Náohkėxaeto'se-amėhnėhépe'pe'eotse. Sometimes I'm just going to pieces as I'm going along. That is, I'm having a very difficult time. See: -amehné. Category: motion.
-amėhohtsestȯtse ni. tracks (poss.) ne-amȯhohtséstonanótse our (incl.) tracks. Category: tracks.
-amėhót vta. Gram: psv walk.by, walk by s.o. É-amėhoto. He walked by him.
É-amėhótóho. He walked by him. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *pemwehθale·wa.
He'pa'onevo éohke-amėhóheo'o. You walk behind them. Lit: they are walked behind That is especially about walking in back of medicine people. É-amėhohe. He is walked behind. Etym: *pemwehθasowa (P). fta: -ehót. See: -ho'ėhót. Category: motion, ceremonial.
-amekoká'a'xe vai. play hopscotch. É-amekoká'a'xeo'o. They are playing hopscotch. Category: games.
-ame'há vai. fly. É-amē'ha. He is flying along. Category: motion, fly. Etym: *pemiʔle·wa.
ame'háhotsē'o na. flight attendant. Plural ame'háhotse'ono. Category: jobs.
ame'hahtȯtse ni. airplane. Lit: flying-thing
(another recording) Plural ame'háhtotȯtse; Oblique ame'háhtóva. Category: transportation.
Ámé'há'e na. Flying Woman, Soaring Woman. See: Ame'háohtsé'e. Category: names.
-ame'há'tov vta. fly to s.o. É-ame'há'tovóho. He flew to him. Náne'-ame'há'tova. He arrived flying to me. [pd269] Category: fly.
-ame'hanaa'e vai. eat sitting. Nėsta-ame'hanaa'e ma'taamo'ȧhéotseto. You'll be eating while driving. fai: -e'haná. Category: eat, sit.
Áme'háóhtse na. Flying. Category: names.
Ame'háohtsé'e na. Flying Woman. See: Ámé'há'e ‘Flying Woman; Soaring Woman’. Category: names.
Ame'háooestse vai. Gram: ppl Flying. Variant: Ȯhtame'háooestse. Category: names.
-ame'háoohe vai. fly by quickly. É-ame'háoohe. He flew by. See: -ame'há. Category: transportation, birds, motion.
-ame'hátanó vai. want to fly. É-ame'hátáno. He wants to fly. Ésáa-ame'hátanóhe. He doesn't want to fly. Category: fly.
-ame'hátó vii. fly. É-ame'háto. It flew. Category: fly.
ame'háve'ho'e na. pilot. Lit: flying-ve'ho'e Category: jobs.
-ame'kȧhéhné vai. limp along. É-ame'kȧhéhne. He limped along. Category: walk.
-ame'kȧhé'šé vai. hop along. É-ame'kȧhé'še. He hopped along. Category: motion.
-ame'sevó vii. flow along (of liquid). É-ame'sēvo. It is flowing. Etym: cf *pemiʔtanwi; cf. M peme·cewan. fii: -'sevó. See: -ameohétó. Category: liquid.
-ame'xove vii. time go along. É-ame'xove. Time is going along. naa nėhē'še éta-ame'xove And then time went on ... É-ame'xóvetse His time is coming. ma'taame'xove as time goes along in the future. Category: time.
-ame'xóveohtsé vii. time pass. É-ame'xóvéóhtse. Time is going by. See: -ame'xóveotse. Category: time.
-ame'xóveotse vii. along.time.become, time pass become. É-ame'xóveotse.?? Time became.?? See: -ame'xóveohtsé. Category: time, check.
ame'xóvéva p. as time goes along. See: ameto; nėhe'xóvéva; tsėhe'xóvéva; taame'xóvéva. Category: time.
-ameméohe vai. 1 • run. É-ameméohe. He is running.
É-ameméoheo'o. They are running. Nétȧhé-ameméohémáne Let's go running! Éne'-ameméohe. He is running this way. Nátao'seéve-ameméóhéme. We (excl) are going for a run.
Nátaéve-ameméohe. I went for a run.
Nétaéepėhéve-ameméohehe? Did you have a good run?
Haahe, nátaéepėhéve-ameméohe. Yes, I had a good run. Category: run.
2 • run for office. loan transl. from English. fai: -méohe. See: -aseta'xe. Category: phys. ed..
-amenó'é vai. sew along. for example, along a seam. É-amenó'e. She is sewing along a seam. See: -hahpenó'é ‘sew’. Category: sew.
-ameno'hóné vai. go along held up. Ques: no'ȯhéné?? É-ameno'hóne. He is being held up as he walks along. Category: motion, check.
-aménome vai. sleep while riding along, sleeps through noise. É-aménome. He is sleeping the whole time during the trip. Etym: *pemenkwa·wa (P). fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-amenonee'e vai. sing sitting. for example, singing while riding a horse. É-amenonee'e. He is singing as he goes along sitting. fai: -noné. Phon: vs Category: sit, sing.
-amenonéhne vai. sing while walking along. É-amenonéhne. He is singing as he is walking. fai: -noné. Category: sing, walk.
-amenóohe vai. along appear. É-amenóohe. He appeared going along. Hákó'e éstaamenóohesėstse. Far away he appeared going along. [Mountain stories.078]
-amenót vta. sew s.o. along seam. É-amenoto. She is sewing him (such as cloth, animate) along the seam.
É-amenótóho. She is sewing him (such as cloth, animate) along the seam. (newer pronunciation).
É-amenohe. It (animate) is sewn along the seam. Category: sew.
-ameoestoh(n) vta. move s.o. along quickly by tool. É-ameoestȯhnóho. He is moving him (obv) along quickly by hitting him with something. Initial ame-, oest-; fta: -oh(n). Category: move.
-ameohe vai. go by quickly. É-ameohe. He came by quickly.
(another recording) Etym: *pemipahowa (P) ‘he runs by, runs along'’. See: -amehné; -ameohtsé; Mȧheameoestse. Category: walk.
-ameohé'tȯsané vai. take people quickly in vehicle. tséohke-ameohé'tȯsanéto É-ameohé'tȯsáne. He transported quickly. ambulance. See: -vó'ho'kȧsé'há. Category: move, sickness.
-ameohé'tov vta. transport s.o., move along s.o. É-ameohé'tovóho. He transported him. Né'éšeéve-ameohé'tovėstse! Take me around (for example, in your car)! Category: move.
ameohénȧhkohe na. grizzly bear. See: náhkohe ‘bear’. Category: animals.
ameohestȯtse ni. car, automobile. Plural ameohéstotȯtse. See: amȧho'hestȯtse; amȧho'héhe. Category: car.
-ameohétó vii. run. É-ameohéto. It is running. for example, of water in a creek going fast. Usage: may be a recent loan translation from English See: -ame'sevó. Category: weather.
Áméóhné'e na. Walksalong Woman. Category: names.
-ameohová vai. flee. É-ameohōva. He fled. fai: -ohová. See: -amaxe; -aseohováohe; -hómėstov; -amȧxem. Category: move.
Áméóhtse na. Walksalong. Category: names.
-ameohtsé vai. walk along, walk by, go by. É-ameōhtse. He is going by. Etym: *pemipahta·wa (P).
É-ameohtseo'o. They went along.
Ééše-ameōhtse. He is walking by already / he is walking already.
Náéve-ameōhtse. I'm walking all over. That can be said of a toddler who has learned to walk.
Nátaéepėhéve-ameōhtse. I have been going well. ?? Tapėhéve-ameohtseo'o! Go in a good way! That can be said to a person who is dying. fai: -ohtsé1. See: -amehné; -ameohe. Category: figurative, motion, check.
-ameohtséh vta. lead s.o. É-ameohtseho. He led him.
É-ameohtséhóho. He led him. (newer pronunciation).
tsé-ameohtséhaesee'e those who are leading you (plural). See: -ameotseh.
Ámeohtséhé'e na. Going Woman, Walking Woman, Traveling Woman. Category: names.
Áméóhtsé'e na. Walking Woman. See: Áméó'o. Category: names.
-ameohtséstomané vai. go along. Category: motion, check.
-ameohtséstomanéto vii. go along. Category: motion, check.
-ameohtsétó vii. along.go. Exxaetšėševá'nėsé'eameohtsétotséneho héne. That stuff (feces) just flowed out of him. [The Pus Man.019] Category: motion.
Áméó'o na. Sacred Road Woman, Milky Way, Going Woman, Pemmican Woman. The translation is uncertain. Some speakers say this word refers to a constellation in the stars, especially the celestial road to séáno, the Place of the Dead, which may be the Milky Way. This is also a proper name for a woman. As such, various translations have been offered, such as Milky Way Woman, Going Woman, and Pemmican Woman. See: ame ‘pemmican’; meo'o ‘path’; Áméóhtsé'e ‘Walking Woman’. Category: names.
Ameo'ȯsóná'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
Áméóná'e na. Walking Woman. Ques: Améóná'e?? Contracted Méóná'e. Category: names, check.
-ameotse vii. go along. É-ameotse. It goes along. for example, of a road). Etym: *pemipalyiwi (L). Tósa'e é-ameotse meo'o? Where is the road? Hé'tóhe tataesé'eto éhevoo'o Vóhpoome é-ameotse. "Right straight from here," she said, "the White River goes along." [1987:43] See: -aseotse; -éneotse.
-ameotseh vta. lead s.o., carry s.o. É-ameotsėhóho. He carried him ; lead him along.
Néhpȧháve-ameotšėšemeno! Lead us well!
Nȧhtōtse ná-ameotsēho. I am walking my dog. See: -ameohtséh; -ameono'a'é'ov; -ne'eváotseh; -ne'eváotseh; -amóonean; -ameohtséh. Category: carry.
-ameotsėsané vai. 1 • carry. É-ameotsėsāne. He is carrying (something) / he is in charge. [1987:164] fai: -sané1. See: -ameotsėstómané; -véhoneve.
2 • lead; charge - be in. Category: move.
-ameotsėstómané vai. carry along. É-ameotsėstómáne. He carries (people) along. tséstȧhéne'enovo tséohkėheše-ameotsėstómánėse Ma'hēō'o after I found out that God is going to carry (us) along. [1987:164] See: ameotsėsané. Category: move.
-ameotsestsé vti. carry along s.t. É-ameotsēstse. He is carrying it along. Nevéhestȯtse ná-ameotsėstsenone. We carry your name. Násáavéhonevetanóhe; nává'ne-ameotsēstse hová'éhe. I don't want to be a chief; I only (want to) carry whatever (needs to be carried). É-ameotsėstsenȯtse. He is carrying them (inan.) along. vta: -ameotseh. Category: move, carry.
-amėsėhaa'ėsévetovátó vii. be rectangular shaped. É-amėsėhaa'ėsévetováto. It is rectangular-shaped. See: tséamėsėháahešėxováto ‘rectangle’. Category: shapes.
-amėséhné vai. walk sideways. É-amėséhne. He is walking sideways. Etym: *pemitwehθe·wa (P).
amėsema'ēno na. box turtle. Lit: oblong-turtle (??) See: ma'ēno ‘turtle’. Category: reptiles, check.
-amėséné vai. have a horizontal face. This is a squashed down appearance. É-amėséne. He has a horizontal face. BodyPartMedial -éné. Category: face.
amėsévanohtȯtse ni. hoverboard, sleigh, roller skate. Plural amėsévanóhtotȯtse. See: -sévanó; sévanohtȯtse. Category: play, new.
amėského'ēsta ni. gas stove. Variant: amėškého'ēsta. See: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.
-amėsóohtsé vai. urinate while walking along. Ques: Note the similar sounding word, -asėhosóohtsé 'he started to walk backwards'. É-amėsóóhtse. He urinated while walking. fai: -só3.
ames(t)- i. crosswise. amėstó'eesēō'o travois.
É-amėstoéstse. He tied it sideways. Etym: *pemit.
-amesta vii. have a layer of grease. É-amēsta. It (for example, soup) has a layer of grease. Etym: *pemite·wi (P). Ques: recheck recorded pitch?? See: -amestá ‘shoot s.t.’. Category: cook, check.
-amestá vti. shoot s.t. É-amēsta. He shot it. Etym: *pemwetamwa (P). That can also be said of lightning hitting something, such as the ground. vta: -am3. Category: hunt, check.
amėstȧhonoo'o ni. long loaf of bread. Plural amėstȧhonóonȯtse. See: honoo'o. Category: food.
-amésta'éhné vai. walk along wounded. É-amésta'éhne. He is walking along wounded. [The Seven Young Men.039] Category: motion, sickness.
-améstanove vii. life go on. É-améstanove. Life goes on. tsé-améstanovėstse the one who is living on. [1987:211] fii: -éstanove2. See: -vonéstánové. Category: live.
amėstoéséó'o ni. doubletree, yoke. Lit: crosswise-hang(-thing) 'doubletree' may be a better translation (?? Category: check. See: amėstó'eesēō'o ‘travois’; heseméohestotȯtse ‘doubletree’; vétanove ‘tongue’. Category: harness.
-amėstóestsé vti. tie s.t. crosswise, tie s.t. sideways. É-amėstóéstse. He tied it sideways. [1987:224] Etym: *pemitampeθwa (P). Category: check, record.
amėstȯhe- i. as the time goes along. ma'ta-amėstȯheéno'e in the coming "days" (lit. overnights). See: tónėstȯhe-. Category: time.
-amėstȯheéno'e vii. be a week long. tsé'-amėstȯheéno'e this week.
É-amėstȯheéno'e. It is a week.
ma'ta-amėstȯheéno'e next week / in the coming "days" (lit. overnights).
ma'tȧhóse-amėstȯheéno'e next week.
no'ka tsé'-amėstȯheéno'e one week.
nexa tsé'-amėstȯheéno'e two weeks.
na'ha tsé'-amėstȯheéno'e three weeks. fii: -éno'e2. See: Ma'heóne-éšeēva; tónėstȯhe-. Category: time.
-amėstó'ee'e vai. sit crosswise, crosswise sit. É-amėstó'ee'e. He is sitting crosswise. Phon: vs Category: sit.
-amėstó'eesané vai. pull travois, travois - pull a. É-amėstó'eesāne. He is pulling a travois. Oeškėseho éohkeméhae-amėstó'eesanésesto. Dogs used to pull travois (reportative). [1979:204] Category: transportation.
Amėstó'eesēō'o 1 • ni. travois. Lit: tie-crosswise
(another recording) Diminutive amėstó'keeseo'o; Plural amėstó'eeseonȯtse; Oblique amėstó'eeseōne. See: ho'etoonō'e ‘travois’; amėstoéseo'o.
2 • na. Travois. Category: names.
-amėstó'en vti. crosswise obstruct with s.t. for example, place a plank across a door to keep it from being opened. É-amėstó'éna. He blocked it with something crosswise.
vta. crosswise obstruct with s.o. Éta'ome-amėstó'enóho mo'éhno'hāme. He put a horse crosswise to obstruct. for example, he gave away a horse at the powwow to block the entrance so people would dance all night.
-amėstó'enené vai. crosswise.obstruct, crosswise obstruct. for example, to block access with a police barricade. É-amėstó'enēne. He blocked with something crosswise. See: -néma'ó'ėstónané.
-amėstó'eotse vai. wedged, crosswise. É-amėstó'eotse. He is wedged (into a small space).
-amėstó'o'tá vii. crosswise.sit, sit crosswise, crosswise sit. usually obstructing. É-amėstó'ó'ta. It is sitting crosswise. See: -amėsto'tá. Category: sit inan.
-amėsto'tá vii. crosswise sit. É-amėstō'ta. It is sitting crosswise. Etym: *pemitaʔte·wi (P). See: -ho'tá; -amėstó'o'tá. Category: sit inan.
-amėstósėhahtsé vti. drag s.t., tow s.t. É-amėstósėháhtse. He is dragging it. Etym: cf *pemita·tintwa (P). Ná-amėstósėháhtse. I'm dragging it. Synonym -hestósėhahtsé; vta: -amėstósem; fti: -stósėhahtsé. Category: move.
-amėstósem vta. drag s.o. É-amėstósemóho. He is dragging him. Etym: *pemita·time·wa (P). É'ėse é'-amėstósemȧhtséhoo'o. Half of himself he was dragging. [1987:286] vti: -amėstósėhahtsé. See: -hestósem ‘drag s.o.’. Category: move.
-amešé vai. written (about). É-amēše. He is written about. vta: -amėšem; vii: -amehá. Category: lie.
-amėšem vta. design s.o., picture s.o. É-amėšemóho. He pictured him / designed a picture of him. Hénėhéóhe éstaohkeéeno'eoxȧho'ȯheo'o néhe heó'ȯhtátóne éstaohkeéve-amėšemeo'o. That's where they (salamanders) were beaded, the salamanders would be pictured (designed) (on the soles of moccasins). [1987:214] vai: -ameše. Category: put.
-amėšešé vai. lie crosswise, lie sideways. É-amėšēše. He slept/lay crosswise. Etym: *pemitihθe·wa (P). Category: lie.
-améšėšéváen vta. fight s.o. while going along. É-améšėšévaenóho. He fought him as he went along. Ná-améšėšéváéno. I fought him as I went along. fta: -éváen. See: -amét. Category: interpersonal, check.
amėške ni. grease, oil, lard.
(another recording)
heóveamėške butter (lit. yellow-lard). amȧho'héamėške gasoline (lit. car-lard). Simplified Spelling amshk; Non-diminutive ame ‘pemmican’. See: -é'omó ‘greasy’. Category: food.
amėške tsé'ȯhkeénohe vii. gas station, filling station. See: tsé'ȯhke-énȧhenéstove ‘where there is filling up’. Category: buildings.
amėške tsémo'ȯhtávoome vii. oil. Lit: oil that.which.is-black-liquid Variant: mo'ȯhtáveamėške. Category: car.
amėškeeéstová'haseo'o ni. fuel pump. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Variant: amėškeéstovȧsanestȯtse. Category: car.
amėškeéstovȧsanestȯtse ni. fuel pump. Ques: recheck?? Category: check. Variant: amėškeeéstová'haseo'o. Category: car.
amėškého'ēsta ni. gas stove. Variant: amėského'ēsta. See: ho'ēsta. Category: fire.
Ámėšké'héhe na. Grease Woman. Category: names.
amėškéma'kaatānėstse ni. Gram: pl oil money. for example, money from oil wells. Category: money.
-amėškéméá'há vii. smell of gas, gas smell. É-amėškéméá'ha. It smells of gas. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
-amėškémea'xe vai. smell of gas, gas smell. É-amėškémea'xe. He smells of gas. fai: -méa'xe. Category: smell.
amėškévȧhonoo'o ni. grease bread. See: vétšėškévȧhonoo'o.
-amėškeve vii. greasy - be, oily - be.
vai. greasy - be, oily - be. É-amėškeve. It/He is greasy. IndepNoun amėške. Category: texture.
amėškéve'ho'e na. oil man, gas station attendant.
(another recording) Category: jobs.
-amėškéveméa'há vii. smell of frybread, frybread smell. Lit: grease-smell É-amėškéveméá'ha. It smells of frybread. fii: -méa'há; vai: -amėškéveméa'xe. See: -amėškéméa'há. Category: smell.
-amėškéveméa'xe vai. smell of frybread, frybread smell. É-amėškéveméa'xe. He smells of frybread. fai: -méa'xe. See: -amėškéméa'xe. Category: smell.
amėškévetohko ni. lard bucket, lard pail. See: amėškévetoo'o. Category: containers.
amėškévetoo'o ni. lard pail, lard bucket. See: amėškévetohko. Category: containers.
amėškévo'ho'kȧsénȧhnestȯtse ni. kerosene lamp; lantern. Category: light.
-amėškévonó'oneve vii. be paved. especially of a road. É-amėškévonó'oneve. It is a paved road.
-amėškó'ené vai. go around doing foolish things. É-amėškó'éne. He is going around doing crazy things.
-amét vta. go along fighting s.o.; war against s.o. É-ameto. ?? He is going along fighting him. É-amétóho. ?? He is going along fighting him. (newer pronunciation). É-amétȧhtseo'o. They are always fighting; they are fighting each other as they go along. É-ametȧhtséstove. The fighting is going along. See: -aset; -énet; -améšėšévaen; -héseh. Category: warfare, check.
Ametané'e na. Living Woman. Category: names.
-ametané'ȯsené vai. give life, enliven. É-ametané'ȯséne. He gives life. See: -vo'ėstanévėstómané.
-ametané'seh vta. cause s.o. to live, enliven. Néme'háa'éše-ametané'seše Let me live longer! See: -vo'ėstanéveh ‘rescue s.o.’.
-ametanéné vai. alive, live. This word refers to biological life while -vo'ėstanéheve refers more to social life. É-ametanéne. He is alive.
(another recording)
É-ametanéneo'o. They are alive.
Óvahe ho'honáeo'o éohkėháa'éše-ametanéneo'o. Only the rocks live forever. That is a well known saying.
Ééva-ametanéne. He came back to life. fai: -etanéné; vta: -ametanó't. See: -vo'ėstanéheve. Category: live, sayings.
ametanénemahpe ni. living water, water is life. This word has apparently been used by Cheyennes for many years. It has also been used for the recent Native American "Water is life" campaign which opposed contruction of oil pipelines through areas with precious water. See: -ametanénétó; ametanéne- ‘alive’; mahpe ‘water’. Category: liquid.
ametanénestȯtse ni. life. vai: -ametanéné. See: vo'ėstanéhevestȯtse. Category: live.
-ametanénétó vii. alive. É-ametanénéto mahpe. Water is alive.
-ametanó vai. patiently wait; wait patiently. E-ametāno. He is patiently waiting. See: -taomeametanó; -óehnovahe. Category: cognition.
-ametanó'tov vta. enliven s.o., cause s.o. to live, revive s.o. Nėstaonéseéva-ametanó'tovóneo'o. Let's try and bring them back to life. [JOURNEY.TXT] vai: -ametanéné.
-ametanónaa'e vai. sit patiently. Totóne'še ametanónaa'ėstse mó'ȯhkėsé'ho'enȯhéhe nā'ėstse. Every once in a while when he would think about it he would put one (stick) in the ground. [1987:246] See: -ametanó. Phon: vs Category: cognition.
-ametȧxe'ov vta. chase along s.o. É-ametȧxe'ovóho. He chased him along. Aaa nā'ėstse é'ȯhke-ametȧxe'ovóho néhe vé'ho'éotoa'o. And one (person) would chase that cow (to make it go). [BOBTAIL.TXT] See: -amevo'e'ov.
ameto p. from now on, as time goes on. See: ame'xóvéva. Category: time.
-ametó'hná vai. swim, swim by. É-ametó'hóna. He is swimming by. fai: -tó'honá. See: -too'hame; -amȯhoe. Category: motion.
ametó'honaoohe vai. swim along quickly. É-ametó'honaoohe. He is swimming along quickly.. fai: -tó'hóná. Category: swim.
-ameváen vta. pass s.o. quickly. É-ameváenóho. He passed him quickly. Hó'ótóva náohke-ameváenone méóne. Sometimes we pass him on the road. Final -eváen. Category: motion.
-amévȧho'hová vai. run engine. É-amévȧho'hōva. He is running the engine. for example, said of a person sitting in a car with its engine running. vii: -amévȧho'tá. Category: car.
-amévȧho'tá vii. run (of an engine). É-amévȧhó'ta. It (an engine) is running. (another recording) vai: -amévȧho'hová; fii: -évȧho'tá. Category: car.
-améva'ham vta. throw s.o. fast. especially of a fastball; literally refers to the whizzing sound of a ball going by fast. É-améva'hamóho. He threw him fast. Category: baseball, sounds.
-améva'ó vai. whizz by, go along speedily, zoom by. É-amévá'o. He whizzed by. Né-améva'oma. We're moving full speed ahead (slang). See: -amo'ȧhéotse; -sóhpėševa'ó; Ohtamévá'ȯhtse ‘The One Who Whizzes By (a nickname)’.
-amévanené vai. make noise while passing by, fart while passing by. often implies farting noise, but can refer to noise such as of a mouse scurrying by. É-amévánéne. He is making noise while passing by. fai: -évanené. Category: sounds.
-amévánóhtsé vai. footsteps sound. Ques: ánohtsé?? É-amévánóhtse. His footsteps are heard. É-amévanȯhtseo'o. Their footsteps are heard as they go along.
Éne'-amévánóhtse. His footsteps are heard as he is coming. Énėxhoó'he-amévánóhtse. His footsteps are heard as he is coming. Éhe'ke-amévánóhtse. He has soft/quiet footsteps. See: -hoó'hevanohtsé. Category: sounds, check.
-ameváohe vai. throw. É-ameváohe. He threw. for example, threw a ball or a fist. fai: -váohe. Category: throw.
-améváohtsé vai. make sounds walking by. É-améváóhtse. He is making sounds walking by. Category: sounds.
Áméváóhtsé'e na. Noisy Walking Woman. Category: names.
-améváóó'e vii. go by making noise.
vai. go by making noise. for example, of a train or a person. É-améváóó'e. He (or It) is going by making noise.
(another recording) Éohke-amévaoeo'o. They make noise going by. Phon: vs See: -amévone. Category: motion, sounds.
-amévaoo'ó vii. hum. É-améváóó'o. It is humming as it runs. for example, of an engine. É-amévaoohe? Is it huuming as it runs?
Naa mó-amévaoohanéhe. And it must be humming as it runs. Phon: vs Category: sounds, check.
-amevo'e'ov vta. chase s.o. along. É-amevo'e'ovóho. He chased him (for example, a cow) along. See: -ametȧxe'ov. Category: interpersonal.
amevo'ėstanéhevestȯtse ni. life go on, generation. Category: live, check.
-amevo'oh(n) vta. hit s.o. to fly by. É-amevo'ȯhnóho. He hit him (for example, a ball) so that it flew by. Category: hit.
-amévone vii. sound go by. É-amévone. The sound went by. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.
-amevonehné vai. crawl. Ques: crawl along?? for example, of a baby or snake. É-amevonēhne. He is crawling.
(another recording)
Ná-amevonēhne. I'm crawling. fai: -vonehné. Category: snakes, babies, check.
Amevonēhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Crawler. Category: names.
-amevoneohe vai. crawl along quickly. É-amevoneohe. He is crawling along quickly. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, motion.
-amoehá vii. float on liquid. É-amoēha. It is on liquid. fii: -oehá. Category: liquid.
-amóéha'ené vai. row, canoe - go by, boat - go by, sail. É-amóéhá'éne. He rowed. tséohkevé'še-amóeha'enévosėstse boats (lit. things by which they row). É-amóeha'eneo'o. They sailed. fai: -óéha'ené. See: -amóe'ó; -amóohestsé; -óe'ó. Category: transportation.
amóeha'enésémo ni. canoe. Usage: rare Lit: rowing-boat See: sémo; xamaesémo. Category: transportation.
amóeha'ēō'o ni. oar. Plural amóeha'eonȯtse. Category: transportation.
-amóehestsé vti. row s.t. É-amóehēstse.?? He rowed it. [pd928] Category: move, check.
amóehestsestȯtse ni. boat. Usage: od
(another recording) See: semo. Category: transportation.
-amóé'ó vai. float along, float by.
vii. float along, float by. can be of something floating along in a boat. É-amóé'o. He/It is floating. Final -óé'ó. See: -táho'kovóé'o. Category: float.
-amóeóó'e vai. stand, stand (there). One difference between -amóeóó'e and -néé'e is that -amóeóó'e indicates standing for a period of time. -néé'e has no implication of time, either a short amount of time or a longer period of time. É-amóeóó'e. He was (just) standing (there). He'óho tséá'enose anósema é'-amóeóesesesto. Móhnėhnȯhtsevóomaehevóhe. His wife was standing outside. She was looking for him. [1987:171] fai: -óé2. Phon: vs See: -néé'e; -amónoo'e; -he'keamóeóó'e. Category: stand.
-amoésé vai. float along. É-amoése. He floats along. Etym: *pemakwintinwa (P). pronounced the same as é-amoése 'he hangs along'. Category: float.
-amoésé vai. float by, hang along. É-amoése. He is hanging along (in the air). Etym: *pemakotinwa (P). Éne'éše-amoése. It is the earlier part of forenoon (between sunrise and approximately 9 a.m.). Nésó'eée-amoésenahe? Are you still floating around? (idiomatic for "Are you still thinking?") fai: -oésé; vti: -amoéstá. Category: hang, time, cognition.
-amoéstá vii. hang by. É-amoésta. It hangs along. Etym: *pemakote·wi. pronounced the same as éamoésta 'it floats along'. Category: hang.
-amoéstá vii. float along. É-amoésta. It is floating along. Etym: *pemakwintinwa. pronounced the same as éamoésta 'it hangs along'. vai: -amoésé, hang.
-amoéstóné vai. continue reading, continue school. É-amoéstóne. He is continuing to read. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
-amóešé vai. lie on stomach. É-amóéše. He is lying on his stomach.
Amóéšėstse! Lie on your stomach! See: -ma'kėseše. Category: lie.
-amóešem vta. lay s.o. on stomach. É-amóešemóho. He laid him on his stomach. See: -vávaóeesem; -no'ėhné'tov; -no'óe'tovohe; -no'eóé'tov.
-amȯhohtsé vai. tracks go along. É-amȯhōhtse. His tracks go along.
Émóne-amȯhōhtse. His tracks are fresh.
Vóhkóóhe é-amȯhohtsehe? Are rabbit tracks going along? Éssé'hovenéše-amȯhohtséhoono nevá'ėsesto. Suddenly there were two sets of tracks of somebodies. [1987:345] Hóvéhno étó'e-amȯhōhtse. His tracks are barely visible. fai: -ohohtsé; fta: -ohot. Category: tracks.
amȯhohtsétó vii. tracks go along. Ésta-amȯhohtsétótsénėse he'ahtse. It left the imprint of his hand. [The Snipe Man.083] Category: tracks.
-amȯhomo'he vai. dance along. É-amȯhomo'he. He is dancing along. Éhe'ke-amȯhomo'he. She danced gracefully (along). [1987:48] fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-amȯhóné vai. guess with handgame motions. This refers to guessing where the handgame bone is through the motions and pointing done in the handgame. Handgame terms ending in -ová, for example, -nȯsȯhová, refer to guessing where the bone is with non-motion tries (probably intuitive or mystical guesses). É-amȯhóne. He is guessing. Lit: along-sign Névááhe tséto'se-amȯhónėstse? Who's going to be the guesser? tsé-amȯhónėstse the guesser. tsé-amȯhónese the guessers. fai: -ohóné. See: -véeamȯhóné; -onéstȯhóné; -ohóov; -ovánehe; -évȯhóné. Category: handgame.
amȯhóneo'o na. Gram: pl guessers. amȯhóneono (alternate plural). Category: handgame.
-amȯhonestsé vti. drop s.t. accidentally going along. É-amȯhonēstse. ?? He dropped it accidentally going along. Category: check.
-amȯhoo'e vai. wade along, swim along. wade along (of people, turtles, etc.) ; swim along (of fish, ducks, beavers, snakes). É-amȯhoo'e. He waded/swam along. Compare Éamėhoo'e 'he is been sitting there' (same pronunciation as that word). Phon: vs fai: -ohoo'e. See: -ametó'honá; -tó'honá; -too'hame. Category: motion.
-amȯhóom vta. see s.o. in a reflection. Originally, to see a reflection in water, but extended to mirrors. É-amȯhóomóho. He saw his (other person's) reflection. Ná-amȯhóomahtse. I saw myself reflected.
-amȯhóomȧhtsestȯtse Gram: poss na. reflection (poss.) na-amȯhóomȧhtsestȯtse my reflection. he-amȯhóomȧhtséstoto his reflection. A person's reflection is grammatically animate, but a mirror, which is identical as a singular, is inanimate. See: amȯhóomȧhtsestȯtse; mȧhta'sóoma. Category: sight.
amȯhóomȧhtsestȯtse ni. mirror. A mirror is inanimate while the same pronunciation for 'reflection' is animate.
(younger speaker pronunciation) Plural amȯhóomȧhtséstotȯtse. Category: house, sight, furniture.
amȯhóomȧhtsé-ve'ho'sēō'o ni. dresser, chest of drawers. Lit: (with) mirror-container Category: house, furniture.
-amohtá vti. pass by s.t. É-amōhta.?? He passed by it.?? [pd269] Category: check, check. vta: -amot. Category: motion.
-amȯhtóvá vai. sell along, sell around. É-amȯhtóva. He is going along selling. Etym: *pemata·we·wa. fai: -ohtóvá. See: -tóxȯhtóvá. Category: money.
-amo'ȧhéotse vai. run by, run along, drive by, drive. É-amo'ȧhéotse. He ran by (or, he drove by in a car). See: -ama'én; -amȧho'he; -ama'éno'hamé; -ameméohe; -asėta'xe. Category: motion, run.
-amó'a'há vii. blown along. É-amó'á'ha. It got blown along. fii: -ó'a'há. See: -amó'a'ó. Category: wind.
-amó'a'ó vii. blow by, fly by. É-amó'á'o. It (or He) is blown along by the wind.
vai. blow by, fly by. Category: wind.
-amó'a'ov vta. give s.o. a ride on a bicycle, bicycle. É-amó'a'óvahtse. He bicycled. that is, he gave himself a bicycle ride.
É-amó'a'óvȧhtseo'o. They are bicycling. Nétȧhé-amó'a'óvȧhtsémáne! Let's go bicycling! Category: phys. ed..
-amó'a'ová vai. ride a bicycle. Ná-amó'a'ōva. I rode a bicycle. Category: transportation.
amó'a'óvȧhtsestȯtse ni. bicycle. Plural amó'a'óvȧhtsėstotȯtse. Category: transportation.
-amó'a'xe vai. blow by. É-amó'a'xe. He is flying by from the wind. Category: wind.
-amo'asé vii. fire go along. É-amo'āse. The fire is going along. Éne'-amo'āse. The fire is coming towards here. Category: fire.
-amo'eéh vta. abuse s.o. É-amo'eeho. He is abusing him. É-amo'eéhóho. He is abusing him. (newer pronunciation). É-amo'eéhahtseo'o. They are abusing each other. fta: -o'eéh. See: -hávėséve'tov. Category: violence, interpersonal.
-amo'eétahe vai. 1 • celebrate, perform. É-amo'eétahe. He is putting on a "doings." É-amo'eétȧhéstove. There is a celebration/there is a big doings/activity. tsé-amo'eétaestse he who is putting on a "doings". tsé-amo'eétȧhese the performers of the ceremony. [1987:94] fai: -o'eétahe. Category: social events, do.
2 • have sex. Usage: euphemism, similar to English "He is doing it." Category: sex.
-amó'ehné vai. go by wagon. É-amó'éhne. He went by wagon. Medial -ó'e1; IndepNoun amó'enēō'o. See: -amó'eohtsé. Category: transportation, roll.
-amo'emané vai. order, be the boss. É-amo'emāne. He gave orders. fai: -o'emané. See: -ho'emané.
-amó'en vti. transport s.t. by wagon, roll s.t. along by wagon. É-amó'éna. He hauled it by wagon.
vta. transport s.o. by wagon, transport s.o. by wheelchair. É-amó'enóho. He moved him by wagon. É-amó'enahtse. He is moving himself along by wheelchair. É-amó'enēnėstse. (The wagons) were rolled along. Medial -ó'e1. See: -hetó'en. Category: move, roll.
amó'enēō'o ni. wagon. he-amó'eneonevótse their wagons.
tšėške'e-amó'enēō'o little buggy. Plural amó'eneonȯtse; Oblique amó'eneōne; Diminutive amó'kenēō'o; Medial -ó'e1.
na. For some speakers a wagon is animate. wagon. Category: transportation, roll.
amó'eneško ni. wagon.
(another recording) Plural amó'enėškonȯtse; Non-diminutive amó'enēō'o; Synonym amó'kenēō'o. Category: transportation, roll.
-amó'eohe vai. travel fast by wagon, roll fast. can be of a ball rolling quickly. É-amó'eohe. He is traveling fast by wagon. Medial -ó'(e). Category: roll.
-amó'eohtsé vai. go along on wagon; roll along, go along by rolling transportation (especially a wagon). É-amó'eōhtse. He went by on wagon. tsé'amó'eōhtsėse vo'ėstane when a person went on a wagon. Medial -ó'(e). See: -amó'ehné. Category: roll.
-amó'eohtsétó vii. roll along. (Me'ko) ésta-amó'eohtsétónėse. (The head) rolled along. [1987:255] Medial -ó'(e). Category: roll.
-amó'ha'en vti. graduate s.t. Lit: ?? Usage: od É-?? É-amó'há'éna. He graduated. ?? Ques: recheck?? Category: check, new, school.
amó'kenēō'o ni. children's wagon. Non-diminutive amó'enēō'o; Medial -ó'(e). See: amó'keneonēso. Category: roll, transportation.
amó'keneonēso ni. small wagon. Non-diminutive amó'enēō'o; Medial -ó'(e). See: amó'kenēō'o. Category: roll, transportation.
-amó'omene vii. mountain(s) go along. hétsėhetóo'oma há'tóhe tsé'éve-amó'omene Look around at those mountains! [JOURNEY.TXT]
-amo'omenehe vai. continue to live a poor life, drink uncontrolled. É-amo'omenehe. He is such a drunkard / he cannot control himself / he continues to live a poor life. fai: -o'omenehe. Category: live.
-amo'tá vii. be there in place, sit (there). É-amō'ta. It is there. Etym: *pemaɁte·wi (P). Nėhéóhe hé'tóhe tā'se notama móstatšėše-amo'táhanéhe héne, héne nėhéóhe tséhvéévȯse. To the north it must have been a big ridge where they were camped. [1987:95] fii: -o'tá; vai: -amoo'e. See: -amóno'tá; -éno'tá. Category: sit inan.
-amo'xe vai. carry on back, pack on the back. whether of a person or an animal; often implies carrying game. É-amo'xe. He carried (it) along on his back. Etym: *pemaʔšiwa (P). on his own back or on horseback. IndepNoun amo'xestȯtse.
vti. carry s.t. on back, pack s.t. on the back. Gram: ai+o É-amo'xenȯtse. He carried them (inan.). fai: -o'xe. See: -amo'xéohtsé; -páo'óvohe; -pao'óvȯhoo'e. Category: carry, hunt.
-amo'xéhné vai. walk carrying something on the back. É-amo'xéhne. He carried something on his back as he walked along.
vti. walk carrying s.t. on the back. É-amo'xéhnenȯtse. He is walking carrying them (inan) on his back. Medial -o'xe. See: -amo'xéohtsé. Category: carry.
amo'xéhnéan vti. pack.walk. É-amo'xéhnéána. ?? ?? É-amo'xéhneanovȯtse kȧhamáxėstse. ?? They are carrying sticks on their backs. Category: check, walk, carry.
-amo'xéhné'tov vta. Gram: ai+o walk carrying s.o. on the back, walk packing s.o. on the back. Ná-amo'xéhnenȯtse. I packed him along on my back. vai: -amo'xéhné. See: -amo'xé'tov. Category: carry.
-amo'xé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o pack s.o., carry s.o. on back. Ná-amo'xenȯtse. I carried him on my back. É-amo'xénoto. He carried him on the back. on his own back or, for example, on horseback. vai: -amo'xéohtsé; Medial -o'xe. Category: hunt, carry.
-amo'xéohtsé vai. carry on the back; go along carrying, go along packing (something) on the back. refers to carrying a load on one's back. É-amo'xéóhtse. He went along carrying (something) on his back. Éohkenėše-amo'xéohtseo'o. They carry their load around.
vti. Gram: ai+o carry s.t. on the back. Hénová'e tséamo'xéohtseto? What are you carrying? [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes (Glenmore).003] See: -amo'xéhné. vta: -amo'xé'tov. Category: carry.
amo'xestȯtse ni. backpack, backpacking. vai: -amo'xe. Category: carry, new.
-amóma'o'é vii. ground goes along ?? méó'o tsé'-amóma'ō'e where the road goes along. fii: -óma'o'é. Category: environment.
-amóma'ȯxová vai. plow going along. É-amóma'ȯxōva. He is plowing along. É'ȯsáanevovóe-amóma'ȯxováhoo'o vé'ho'e. The whiteman was the first to walk plowing. [1987:70] fai: -óma'ȯxová. See: -pénoma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-amomóhtahe vai. go along sick. É-amomóhtahe. He is going along sick. É'-amomóhtȧhéhoono. They were sick. ?? [Cheyenne Tribal History.129] fai: -omóhtahe. Category: sickness, check.
-amónea'ó vai. swing along, swing by. É-amónéá'o. He is swinging by. Tarzan style of swinging, as from a rope. Category: motion.
-amónean vta. lead s.o. along by rope. É-amóneanóho. He is leading him along with a rope. Final -ón(e). Etym: *pema·pye·kene·wa. See: -amóonean. Category: move.
-amóneane vii. be along (of a ropelike object); be strung; be fenced. É-amóneane. It is fenced/there is a fence (for example, along the highway). É-amóneanēnėstse. They (for example, moccasins) have long strands of beads (Crow style of beading). Ó'óéséó'o é-amóneane. The clothesline is strung up/hanging.
tsé'-amóneane fence. Medial -ón. See: -heškóvoneane. Category: farm.
-amóneanené vai. build fence; put up a fence, build a spider web. can be used of a spider making its web. É-amóneanēne. He is putting up a fence. Medial -ón. See: -tsėhetóneanené; -ho'óneanené. Category: farm.
amóneanēō'o vii. fence. Synonym tsé'amóneane. See: heškóvoneanēō'o ‘barbed wire’. Category: farm.
-amóneehá vii. go along as a strand, be a tube. É-amóneēha. It lies tubular. for instance, of a blood vessel or a strand of wire lying on the ground. tsé-amóneēha that which is a round tube/vessel. for example, a strand of wire lying along a road. mȧhtsemá'eme tsé-amóneēha blood vessel. Final -ón. See: -amóneeše. Category: shapes.
-amóneehné vai. line up. É-amóneehneo'o. They lined up.
Amónééhnėstse! Get in line! Amónééhne! Line up! (said to more than one person). slower action than -amóneeotse.
-amónee'tov vta. ?? É-amónee'tovóho. ?? Ques: is this a word?? Category: sit, hear, check.
-amóneeóeotse vai. stand in line. É-amóneeóeotseo'o. They stood in line. Éstama'xe-amóneeóeotséhoono henenó'e. Rose bushes (suddenly) appeared in a row. [1987:255] fai: -óé2. Category: stand.
-amóneeohtsé vai. march in line, walk along in line. É-amóneeohtseo'o. They are marching in line. Category: motion.
-amóneeóó'e vai. stand in line. only used with plural subjects. É-amóneeóeo'o. They (animate) are standing in line.
Amóneeóó'e! Stand in line! (said to more than one person). fai: -óé. See: -nó'ovóneeóó'e. Category: stand.
-amóneeotse vai. go by in a line quickly. É-amóneeotseo'o. They lined up quickly. Móhne'éšėhóse-amóneeotsėhevóhe. They were lined up again. [Head Chief text]
-amóneešé vai. along.ropelike.lie, lie there (of stringlike object). É-amónééše. He (ropelike) is lying (there). especially of a snake or rope. Medial -ón. Category: snakes, shapes.
Amóné'héhe na. Guesser Woman, Stands-in-line Woman. translation uncertain. See: -amóneeóó'e ‘stand in line’; -amȯhóné ‘guess’. Category: names.
-amóneohtsé vai. walk side-by-side, side-by-side walk, march. for example, as soldiers march. É-amóneohtseo'o. They are walking side-by-side. Category: walk.
-amóneo'h vta. line up s.o., place s.o. in a row. É-amóneo'hóho. He put them in line. Móhno'e-amóneo'hohevóhe ho'honaa'o héna'e tséhešėtováese. He also formed those rocks in the shape of a swan. [1987:18] vti: -amóneo'tsé. Category: put.
-amóneo'sané vai. play bingo. Lit: line up É-amóneo'sāne. He is playing bingo. Category: games.
amóneo'sanémȧhéó'o ni. bingo hall. Category: buildings.
-amóneo'tsé vti. line up s.t., place s.t. in a row. É-amóneo'tsenȯtse. He put them (inan.) in line. vta: -amóneo'h. Category: put.
-amóneoo'e vai. sit in line. É-amóneoeo'o. They (an.) are sitting in line. Phon: vs fai: -oo'e. See: -amóneeóó'e ‘stand in line’; -mónėhó'eóó'e ‘stand in line’; -nó'ovóneeoo'e ‘sit in a straight line’; -amónoo'e ‘sit’. Category: sit.
-amónoeotse vai. sit. Amónoeotsėtse! Have a seat! ?? É-amónoeotse. ?? Hénėhéóhe náa'ene-amónoeotse. I sat there for a long time. Éše-amónoeotsėstse! Calm down! [BERTHA.TXT] See: -amónoo'e. Category: sit, check.
-amóno'h vti. set s.o. in place. putting someone in a place where they are going to sit/be for some time. É-amóno'hóho. He placed him (there). Ná-amónó'ho nėhéóhe. I placed him there. Medial -ón3; vti: -amóno'tsé; vai: -amónoo'e. Category: put.
-amóno'tá vii. sit in place. É-amónó'ta. It is sitting (there). vti: -amóno'tsé. See: -amo'tá. Category: sit inan.
-amóno'tsé vti. set s.t. in place. putting something in a place where it is going to set for some time. É-amónó'tse. He placed it (there). vii: -amóno'tá; vta: -amóno'h. Category: put.
-amónoo'e vai. sit. -amónoo'e refers to being in a sitting position; -hámėstoo'e refers to the process of sitting down; -hoo'e refers to being at a location. É-amónoo'e. He is sitting. Etym: *pema·nkwe·piwa (P).
É-amónoeo'o. They are sitting.
Ná-amónoo'e. I'm sitting.
Amónoo'ėstse! Be in a seated position!
Nėše-amónoo'ėstse! Keep sitting! Phon: vs Medial -ón3; Antonym -néé'e; fai: -ónoo'e; vta: -amóno'h; vii: -amóno'tá. See: -hámėstoo'e ‘sit (process)’; -táxe'ėsee'e ‘sit on’; -amóneeoo'e ‘sit in line’; -hoo'e ‘be at’; -mónėhó'oo'e ‘sit in line’; -évonoo'e ‘sit scanning’. Category: sit.
-amónová vai. talk. Lit: along-talk É-amónóva. He talked.
Énėše-amónóva. He kept on talking. fai: -ónová. See: -éestse; -ne'hónová; -háónová. Category: speak.
-amónóváohtsé vai. walk while talking; talk while walking. É-amónóváóhtse. He is walking while talking. É-amónovaohtseo'o. They are walking while talking. fai: -ónová1. Category: walk, speak.
-amoo'e vai. along sit, be (there) going along. especially of a ridge or mountain range. É-amoo'e. He is sitting going along. Etym: *pemapiwa. ho'honáá'e tsé'-amoo'ėse mountains (lit. where the rock is). Ho'nonáá'e é-amoo'e. It is a range of mountains. Phon: vs vii: -amo'tá. See: -hoo'e; -oe; -néé'e; -amȯhoo'e; -énoo'e; -pȧhponoo'e; -ameše ‘written’.
-amoo'kohó vii. rain go along. É-amoo'kōho. Rain is going along. Éne'-amoo'kōho. Rain is approaching.
(another recording)
(another recording) fii: -oo'kohó. See: -hoo'kohó; -amóománo'e. Category: weather.
-amóo'xevá vai. go along as a herald, announce going along. É-amóo'xēva. He is going along announcing. fai: -o'xevá. See: -hóo'xevá.
amóo'xeváotse vai. announce going along. É'amóo'xeváotsésesto má'háhkéso. He (obv.) went along as a crier, an old man (prox.). [The Big Bogeyman.175]
-amóomanohe vai. carry water. É-amóomanohe. He carried water. See: -manohe. Category: liquid.
-amóománo'e vii. along.cloudy.weather. Éne'-amóománo'e. Dark clouds are approaching. Phon: iah Category: weather.
-amóón vti. pull s.t. through water. É-amóóna. He pulled it through water.
vta. pull s.o. through water. É-amóono. He pulled him through water. for example, while he was on a boat. Category: liquid.
-amoona'én vta. hold hands walking with s.o. É-amoona'énȧhtseo'o. They are walking holding hands. See: -hoona'én. Category: walk, romance.
-amóonean vta. guide s.o., lead along s.o. for example, to lead a horse by the reins; this can also refer to guiding a blind person along. É-amóoneanóho. He led him along. Ná-amóoneāno. I am leading him along. É-amóoneanovo hetáhoestovevóho. They led their mounts along. Medial -ón. See: -hoónean; -amónean; -éstoonean. Category: move.
-amóoseme vai. flee, struggle. É-amóoseme. He is just fleeing. [Hymn 123] fai: -óoseme. See: -hetóoseme; -asetóoseme. Category: motion.
-amóová vai. go along in the rain. É-amóóva. He went by (on foot) in the rain. Category: liquid, motion.
-amóová'á vti. move s.t. liquid by foot. É-amóová'a. He moved it (water) with his foot. Category: liquid.
-amóován vti. water s.t.
vta. water s.o. É-amóovano hoóhtseto. He watered a tree.
É-amóovánóho hoóhtseto. He watered a tree. (newer pronunciation). Ná-amóováno. I watered him (for example, a tree).
-amóovánené vai. 1 • irrigate, water. É-amóovánéne. He is irrigating.
2 • bring alcohol. Usage: figurative fai: -óová. Category: liquid.
-amóovátó vii. flood. É-amóováto. It is flooding/there is flooding. Category: liquid.
-amósané vai. shoot (somebody). É-amósáne. He shot (somebody). See: -am ‘shoot s.o.’. Category: shoot.
-amósené vai. shoot. É-amóséne. He shot (somebody). Variant: -amósané.
-amót vta. pass by s.o. É-amoto. ?? He passed him by. É-amótóho. He passed him by. (newer pronunciation) ?? vti: -amohtá. Category: motion, check.
-amótáne vai. burrow along. É-amótáne. He is burrowing along. [1987:246, 370] fai: -ótané. See: -ho'ótané.
-amótanéoohe vai. burrow along quickly. É-amótanéoohe. He burrowed along. Móstatšėše-amótanéoohehéhe tséstae'amónoetsėse né = kȧse'éeheho. He burrowed his way right to where the young lady was sitting. [1987:307] fai: -ótané. Category: motion.
-amotóhtá vti. carry s.t. in the mouth. É-amotóhta. He carried it in his mouth. fti: -otóht. Category: mouth.
-amotóm vta. carry s.o. in the mouth. especially of a mother cat carrying her kittens by holding on to them with her mouth. É-amotomo. She/He carried him/them with her/his teeth.
É-amotómóho. She/He carried him/them in her/his mouth. (newer pronunciation). fta: -otóm. See: -om1. Category: mouth.
-amotsehe vai. smoke along, smoke walking. É-amotsehe. He is going along smoking. Etym: *pemalwesowa (P). fai: -otsehe. See: -he'pó. Category: smoke.
Amotsėhé'e na. Smoking Woman. Category: names.
-amotse'ohe vai. along.work, be at working, work along. É-amotse'ohe. He is doing work. fai: -otse'óhe. See: -hotse'óhe. Category: work.
-amotse'óhe'tá vti. work on s.t. Ná-amotse'óhé'ta. I'm working on it. Category: work.
-amóvȯhta'hané vai. tell story going along. É-amóvȯhta'hāne. He is walking while telling a story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
-amóvȯhto'han vti. haul s.t. É-amóvȯhto'hāna. He hauled it. See: -amóvȯhta'hané.
vta. haul s.o. É-amóvȯhto'hanóho. He hauled him (obv). Category: transportation.
-amóvȯhto'he vai. haul. É-amóvȯhto'he. He is hauling. Etym: *pema·watwa·Ɂsowa (P). É-amóvȯhtó'heo'o. They are hauling. fai: -óvȯhtó'he. See: -amo'xe ‘carry on back’; -táxeóehahtsé; -táhovȯhto'he; -anóvȯhto'he. Category: transportation, containers.
amóvȯhtó'hestȯtse ni. pickup truck. Lit: hauling-thing
(another recording) Oblique amóvȯhtó'héstóva. Category: transportation.
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-amóvot vta. haul s.o. É-amóvoto. ?? He hauled him.
É-amóvotóho. He is hauling him. Etym: *pema·wale·wa (P). vai: -amóvȯhto'he; fta: -óvot. See: -táhovot; -anóvȯhto'he. Category: transportation, check.
-amȯxe'ėstóné vai. continue schooling, continue going to school. É-amȯxe'ėstóne. He continues going to school. See: -mȯxe'ėstóné. Category: school.
-amóxovéstavá vai. travel by. É-amóxovéstáva. He is traveling by. fai: -óxovéstavá. See: -hóxovéstavá ‘travel’. Category: motion.
-an fti. by hand. É-hest-āna. He took it.
Évéhp-ána. He emptied it.
Éhesó'x-ána. He smoothed it. Etym: *-en.
fta. Etym: *-en. É-hest-anóho. He took him. Category: hands.
an- i. down. an- refers to movement down, while áv- refers to movement falling down and over (that is, to the side or from a standing position). Etym: *pen-. See: áv-.
-an sfx. suffix on plural nouns possessed by first person (excl. or incl.) nemo'kėhan-anōtse our (incl) shoes.
-aná fai. hungry. Éháé-ána. He is hungry.
Násȯséve-anáotse I'm very hungry (so hungry I'm weak).
Náoó'xé-ána. I'm very hungry (lit., I'm bursting with hunger).
Éomómé-ána. He cried from hunger. Énonótové-ána. He is very hungry. Náhomó'-ána. I'm getting hungry. See: -e'haná; -háeaná. Category: eat.
-anȧha'a'hasó'he vai. down.ride-horse. É-anȧha'a'haso'he. He rode horse down.
-anȧha'a'hasó'heohe vai. down.ride-horse. Móstaohkeéva-anȧha'a'hasó'heohehéhe. He would ride fast back down. [Custer and the Scouts.027] fai: -a'hasó'he.
-anȧha'éno'hamé vai. drive down. É-anȧha'éno'hāme. He is driving down(hill). Ques: -anȯha'éno'hamé, either spelling is possible ?? Category: check. fai: -a'éno'hamé. See: -anȯha'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-anȧha'éšé vai. lie with head down. É-anȧha'éše. He lay with his head down. Category: lie.
-anȧha'hahtsé vti. throw down s.t. This would be a deliberate action, not accidental dropping. É-anȧha'hāhtse. He threw it down.
(another recording) Ésé'e-anȧha'hāhtse. He threw it in (for example, to throw a fishing line into a river while casting). Variant: -ana'hahtsé. See: -poe'hahtsé; -anótootsé'tov. Category: throw.
-anȧha'ham vta. 1 • throw down s.o.throw down s.o., drop off s.o., buck off s.o. É-anȧha'hamóho. He jerked him down.
(another recording)
Ná-anȧha'hama. He (especially a horse) threw me off. tsé'éšemá'seése-anȧha'hamaevȯse after they had thrown them all in. [1987:43] Nátȧhé-anȧha'hamoo'o oeškėséhesono Óoetanēno. I dumped the puppies off in Crow Agency.
2 • cause s.o. to reconcile with spouse. Nééšeéva-anȧha'hamaehe kōsa? Have you gotten bucked off by the goat? (=reconciled with separated spouse; a humorous saying). see explanation of the idiom under -kȯsáetáhoo'e. fta: -a'ham. See: -óešem. Category: throw.
-anȧha'haso'he vai. ride horse down. É-anȧha'haso'he. He rode a horse down. especially down hill. Variant: -ana'hasó'he; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-anȧha'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse down quickly. É-anȧha'hasó'heohe. He rode a horse down quickly. especially down hill. Category: horses.
-anȧha'ov vta. chase s.o. down. for example, chase someone down a hill or off a bed onto the floor. É-anȧha'ovóho. He chased him down. Category: move.
-anȧha'xe vai. 1 • slide down; ski down. especially of sliding into a ditch. É-anȧha'xe. He went in the ditch/slid down.
Étȧhé-anȧha'xeo'o. They went to slide down. Nétȧhé-anȧha'xémáne! Let's go (sled) sliding! Éése-anȧha'xe. He slid in/fell in. fai: -a'xe. See: -sévanó; -anȯhesévanóohe. Category: phys. ed..
2 • go back to drinking, drink again. Category: figurative, drink.
-ana'hahtsé vti. throw down s.t. É-ana'hāhtse. He threw it down. [pd1051] Variant: -anȧha'hahtsé. Category: throw.
-ana'ham vta. throw down s.o. É-ana'hamóho. He threw him down. [pd1051] Category: throw.
-ana'haso'he vai. ride a horse down. for example, down a hill. É-ana'haso'he. He rode a horse down. Variant: -anȧha'hasó'he; fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: move, horses.
-ana'ó vai. 1 • fall off, fall down. for example, off a table or horse. É-anā'o. He fell off.
Nėsta-anā'o. You will fall.
Nėstsevé'eanā'o! Don't fall! (future).
Né-ana'ohe? Did you fall? Náne'-anā'o. I fell down (for example, from a tree). Ééše-ana'óho henésono. Her baby has dropped (that is, positioned itself ready for delivery at birth).
Ma'xemeno é-ana'oo'o.vti = -ana'o'tsé Apples fell. Final -a'ó. See: -áva'ó ‘fall over’; anȯhe- ‘down’.
2 • drink alcohol again. Ééva-anā'o. He fell off again. Category: figurative.
3 • argue, dispute. It has this meaning only when used in the complete saying with ma'evé'hó'e 'Germans'. Ma'evé'hó'e éana'oo'o. The Germans are falling (idiom for 'They (anyone) are having a dispute; idiom originated during the World Wars with the Germans). Category: figurative.
vii. Category: motion, fall.
-ana'o'tsé vti. lower s.t., take down s.t. É-ana'ō'tse. He took it down. [Stamper 1991:4] Éstaohkėhóse-ana'o'tsénoho tsénéta'etse mȯxe'ėstoo'o. He would take another book down (from the shelf). [Stamper 1991:4] Category: move.
-ana'ov vta. drive down s.o. É-ana'ovóho. He drove him/them down. This could be over the edge. Initial an-; Final -a'. Category: move.
-anan vti. take down s.t., lower s.t. É-anāna. He took it down. Etym: *penenamwa (P).
vta. take down s.o., lower s.o. É-ananóho. He lowered him. Etym: *penene·wa (P). See: -anoan. Category: move.
-anavo'ó'sané vti. lower, down - take, take down. for example, to lower a window shade. É-anavo'ó'sáne. He lowered. vti: -anavo'ó'tsé. Category: motion, check.
-anavo'ó'tsé vti. lower s.t., down s.t. - take. for example, to lower a window shade. É-anavo'ó'tse. He lowered it. vai: -anavo'ó'sané. Category: motion, check.
Ánȧxeve na. (man's name). Category: names.
-ané1 sfx. passive suffix for first and second person subjects. Návóom-āne. I was seen. Etym: *eko·Pi. See: -e; -óné. Category: grammar.
-ané2 vai. birth, give birth, lay eggs. É-áne. She gave birth. Etym: *penye·wa.
É-anóho. She (obv., for example, his daughter) gave birth. See: -anéotse; -anétanó. Category: body function.
-ané3 fai. make. Émȧheón-áne. He makes houses.
Évées-āne. He is cutting teeth. Ésémón-áne. He makes boats. Éméónáne. He makes a road. Etym: *ehke· (R) 'make (secondary AI final)'.
-ané4 sfx. suffix for nouns with first person (exclusive) plural possessors. namȧheón-áne our (excl) house.
navóoheston-āne our (excl.) relative.
nȧhtotséh-áne our (excl) pet. See: -ane ‘21PL.PS’; -evó ‘PL.PS’.
-ané5 fai. abstract AI final. Évóós-áne. He sees. Évéstomós-áne. He promised. Usage: This pronunciation is much more commonly used than -ené, which is used by a few speakers. Variant: -ené. See: -ne; -ósané; -sané.
ané- i. rash. É-anéeēse. He has a rash on his nose.
É-anéa'oo'e. (The horse) has saddle sores.
É-anée'ēše. He is saddlesore. Category: sickness.
-ane sfx. suffix for nouns with first person plural (inclusive) possessors. nėstotséh-ane our (incl) pet. See: -ané ‘1PL.PS’; -evó.
Ánéáhtá'e na. Deaf Woman. See: Onéahtáhe. Category: names.
-anéahtsenáotse vai. have a rash around the mouth. É-anéahtsenáotse. He has a rash around his mouth. Category: mouth, sickness.
-anéa'oo'e vai. have saddle sores. É-anéa'oo'e. He (a horse) has saddle sores. Phon: vs Category: horses.
-anéeesé vai. have a rash on the nose. É-anéeēse. He has a rash on his nose. Category: sickness, nose.
-anéehahtáxe vai. have blistered feet. É-anéehahtáxe. He has a blistered foot (or feet). BodyPartMedial -ahtá. Category: sickness.
-anéehahtsé vti. rub off s.t. É-anéehāhtse. He rubbed it off.
-anéehane'é vai. rash on nape, nape rash. É-anéehanē'e. He has a rash on the nape of his neck. Category: body, sickness.
-anéehe'oná vai. hand rash, rash on hands. É-anéehe'ōna. He has a rash on his hands. Category: sickness.
-anée'esé vai. rash on buttocks, diaper rash; have rash on buttocks, have diaper rash. É-anée'ēse. He (especially a baby) has (diaper) rash. BodyPartMedial -'esé. Category: body.
-anée'ėstávose vai. frostbitten ears, ears frostbitten. É-anée'ėstávose. He has frostbitten ears. BodyPartMedial -'está1; fai: -ose. Category: sickness, body.
-anée'ešé vai. be saddlesore. É-anée'ēše. He is saddlesore. See: -anée'ėšéše; -anééše. Category: horses, sickness.
-anée'ėšéšé vai. have blisters on buttocks, have bedsores, have buttock blisters. These can be bedsores or blisters from riding bareback. É-anée'ėšéše. He has bedsores. Lit: rash-rump-lie See: -anééše; -anée'eše. Category: sickness.
-anéeóhtá vai. have blistered leg(s). É-anéeóhta. His leg is blistered. See: -anéeškóhtá. Category: sickness.
-anéeotse vai. blistered.become.
vii. chafed, rash, blistered, have diaper rash, become chafed, have a rash, become blistered. É-anéeotse. He (or It) is blistered. See: -anéeše. Category: sickness.
-anéestáahe'onáxe vai. have blistered (or chafed) hands. É-anéestáahe'onáxe. He has blistered hands. See: -oó'honavėhe'oná. Category: sickness.
-anéestséstonáxé vai. have blistered heels, heels blistered - have; blistered heel(s) - have. É-anéestséstonáxe. He has blistered heel(s). Category: sickness.
-anéešé vai. have a rash, have bedsores. É-anééše. He has a rash. See: -anéeotse. fai: -eše. Category: sickness.
-anéeškóhtá vai. have a blistered leg. É-anéeškóhta. His leg is blistered. See: -anéeóhtá. Category: body.
-anéh(n) vta. butcher s.o. É-anehno. He butchered him. É-anéhnóho. He butchered him. (newer pronunciation). Ná-anéhno. I butchered him. See: -anet. Category: animals.
-anéhné vai. butcher. É-anéhne. He butchered. vta: -anet. See: -évȧsóvá.
-ane'ém vta. empower s.o., give power to s.o., advise s.o. spiritually. for example, the giver could be a nésemoo'o. É-ane'emo. He has given him that power.
É-ane'émóho. He has given him that power. (newer pronunciation). É-ane'émáá'e. He (prox) was ceremonially advised by him. See: -nėhetȯhóot; -háatamaahe ‘powerful - be’; -ane'em ‘predict about s.o.’. Category: ceremonial.
-ane'em vta. predict about s.o., prophesy of s.o. Often has the idea that someone tells how someone else will turn out and that is how they do turn out. É-ane'emóho. He told how he was going to turn out (and he turned out that way). See: -ane'ém ‘give power to s.o.’. Category: speak.
-ane'emas vta. shoot at s.o. É-ane'emȧsóho. He shot at him. Ȯht-ane'emaxėstse Shot At (a name). [1987:42] vti: -ane'emȧxéstá; fta: -emas. See: -ane'eoesemas; -am. Category: shoot.
-ane'emȧxéstá vti. shoot at s.t. É-ane'emȧxēsta. He is shooting at it. Ééve-ane'emȧxéstánóvo tséá'enomo. They are shooting at the thing you own. [Croft 1988:21:14] vta: -ane'emas. Category: shoot.
ane'emėseo'o na. adopted person, bestowed upon person. Plural ane'emėseono; Obviative ane'emėseono. Ma'heóne-ane'emėseono Christians. Usage: That word is not commonly said. See: -anemas ‘target s.o.’.
-ane'eoesemas vta. shoot at s.o. quickly. É-ane'eoesemȧsóho. He shot at him quickly. Sé'ea'e móhnėhma'xe-ane'eoesemȧsȯhevovóhe. Right away they started shooting at him. [1987:292] fta: -emas; Medial -oese. See: -ane'emas. Category: shoot.
-ane'eoestoh(n) vta. stab s.o. quickly. É-ane'eoestȯhnóho. He stabbed him. [Croft] See: -ováne'eoestoh(n). Category: interpersonal, violence.
-ane'ėstséáh(n) vta. puncture head of s.o. This was a traditional form of blood-letting to relieve headaches. É-ane'ėstséahno. He punctured his head (for doctoring). É-ane'ėstséáhnóho. He punctured his head (for doctoring). (newer pronunciation). Ná-ane'ėstséahe. My head was punctured. BodyPartMedial -stséá. Category: head.
-ane'hová vai. sting. É-ane'hōva. He (for example, mosquito) stung. See: -ane'kȯhová ‘peck’. Category: bugs.
ane'hovahtȯtse ni. stinger. Category: bugs.
ane'k- i. prick, peck. É-ane'kōha. He pecked it. for example, to peck at dirt.
-ane'kohá vti. peck s.t. É-ane'kōha. He pecked it. for example, to peck at dirt. vta: -ane'koh(n); vai: -ane'hová.
-ane'kȯhemo'he vai. eat with a fork. This refers to the motion of making holes in something to eat it, as you do with a fork. É-ane'kȯhemo'he. He is eating with a fork. Category: tools, eat.
ane'kȯhemó'hestotse ni. fork. See: ane'(k)ȯheo'o. Category: tools.
ane'kȯhēō'o ni. big fork, hay fork. Variant: ane'ȯhēō'o; Plural ane'kȯheonotse. See: táhoheo'o; ane'kȯhemó'hestȯtse. Category: tools.
-ane'koh(n) vta. peck s.o. É-ane'kȯhnóho. He pecked him. Ná-ane'kōhno. I peck him by tool. for example, with a fork. vti: -ane'kohá. See: -ane'oh(n).
-ane'kȯhová vai. peck. É-ane'kȯhōva. He is pecking. Kokȯhéáxa é-ane'kȯhōva. The chicken is pecking. See: -ane'hová ‘sting’.
-ane'oh(n) vta. pierce s.o., puncture s.o., sting s.o. É-ane'ȯhnóho. He pierced him. Ná-ane'ȯhēne. I was punctured; I was stung (for example, by a mosquito). See: -ana'koh(n); -otaah(n); -otaan; -ane'koh(n). vai: -ane'hová. Category: surface.
ane'too'ėse ni. fang, front tooth. Plural ane'tóesȯtse. The plural is apparently used for snake. or fang of snake(??) Ques: cf pitch contour of né'too'ėse See: né'too'ėse ‘eye tooth’. Category: body, check.
-anené fai. do. This final appears to have a rather generic meaning, referring to general activity. It also appears (probably by semantic extension) in many verbs referring to playing cards. Éháestȯh-anēne. He had many things to do; his hand are full (in English idiomatic sense).
Ééx-anēne. He is prepared/he is ready.
Nápėhév-anēne. I have a good hand (in cards).
Émȧh-anēne. He has a full house.
Nána'h-anēne. I have three of a kind (in cards).
Énév-anēne. He did it four times.
Énėšev-anēne. He does things (for example, his work) fast.
Énóv-anēne. He is doing it slowly. Éénév-ánéne. He stopped making noise. ??
He'pa'onéome étsėhet-anéne. He is doing something behind the house. Ques: What is the difference between -nėhešévé and -anené?? Category: check. See: -nėhešévé. Category: do.
áneno p. some other time. particle to communicate postponement, procrastination. See: maato. Category: time.
ánénóó'ėse p. carefully, deliberately. Ánénóó'ėse óo'haevo'ėstanéheve! Live one day at a time! Ánénóó'ėse éhahpenó'e. She sewed carefully. [PD18] Antonym neonóné'e. See: nánóó'ėse; vovóhpone-.
-aneohtsé vai. down.go, come down. É-aneōhtse. He came down. Éhma'xe-aneohtsésesto hotómá'e nėhéóhe vééno vó'kaeheévaho. There was antelope hair falling down there inside the tepee. [1987:94] Category: motion.
-anéotse vai. birth, give birth, lay eggs. É-anéotse. She gave birth. Etym: **penye·palyiwa (P/L?. See: -ané2; -anétanó; -hestáotse. Category: babies, body function.
ánėsáne p. what used to be ?? Ánėsáne éohkeméaenėheševeo'o. ?? That's what they used to do. ?? Category: check.
anėsóvóne p. west. Usage: not well known today Grinnell 1923, Vol. II, says that this term (or, perhaps, with an initial h-, hanėsóvóne)is a ceremonial term for 'south'. See: hánėsóvóne; -ta'ehné; nomȧhéstó'e. Category: directions.
anėstaeše ni. haze, mist. Ques: PD: trailing light mist along bottoms and valleys Category: weather.
Anėstaešévá'e na. Misty Woman. Ques: recheck gloss?? Category: check, names.
-anéšé vai. lie birthing. especially refers to giving birth after falling to the ground. É-anéše. She gave birth after a fall. Category: babies.
-anet vta. butcher s.o. É-anetóho. He butchered him. vai: -anéhné. See: -anéh(n) ‘butcher s.o.’. Category: check.
Ánétȧhévéhnėstse vai. Gram: ppl Walks Different. See: nétȧhéve-. Category: names.
Ánétȧhéveóéso na. Stands Different. Category: names.
Ánétȧhéveóó'e na. Stands Different Woman. Category: names.
-anétanó vai. be in labor. É-anétáno. She is in labor. See: -ané2; -anéotse; -naetanó. Category: body function.
-anevo'e'há vta. knock over s.t. É-anevo'ē'ha. He knocked it over. vta: -anevo'e'ov. See: -ávevo'e'á. Category: move.
anevo'e'ov vta. knock over s.o. É-anevo'e'ovóho. He knocked him over. See: -ávevo'oh(n). Category: move.
-anevo'emas vta. shoot down s.o. É-anevo'emȧsóho He shot him down. for example, shot a bird out of a bush; or while it was flying). Medial -evo'. See: -ávemas. Category: shoot.
-anevo'kohá vti. knock s.t. down (by tool). É-anevo'kōha. He knocked it down by tool. for example, knocked something off a table. Medial -evo'; Variant: -anevo'ohá. Category: move.
-anevo'koh(n) vta. 1 • down.knock, knock down s.o. (by tool). É-anevo'kȯhnóho. He knocked him down by tool.
2 • marry, elope. Névááhe tséanevo'kōhnȯhtse hesta'sóho? Who made it snow? Lit: Who knocked down the snow? humorous saying; it figuratively means "Who got married?" or "Who eloped?" Medial -evo'; Variant: -anevo'oh(n), -anovo'koh(n). See: -anevo'om; -anoh(n); -anȯhvo'h(n). Category: move.
-anevo'ohá vti. knock s.t. off, knock down s.t. for example, to knock something off a table. É-anevo'ōha. He knocked it off. Variant: -anevo'kohá. Category: move.
-anevo'oh(n) vta. knock down s.o. (by tool), knock off s.o. (by tool). É-anevo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him down by tool. Ééva-anevo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him down. Medial -evo'; Variant: -anevo'koh(n). See: -anevo'e'ov. Category: move.
-anevo'om vta. knock down s.o. by speaking. Lit: knock down by talking about É-anevo'omóho. He knocked him down by talking about him. É-anevo'omovo. They knocked him down by talking about him. Náéše-anevo'omāā'e. I have quit my job because of their verbal attacks on me. Medial -om. Category: speak.
-anoan vti. lower s.t. for example, to lower a window. É-anoāna. He lowered it.
vta. lower s.o. See: -anan; -ana'o'tsé. Category: move.
anoe- pv. down.
-anoehe'onáohtsé vai. lower hand. Éssáatónėše-anoehe'onáohtséhehoo'o. His hand couldn't come down. Medial -he'oná. Category: motion, body.
-anoena'évaohtsé vai. arm lower. Éxhe'ke-anoena'évaohtséhoo'o. His arm slowly went back down. Medial -na'évá.
-anoeotse vii. become low, become sick, lower. for example, of a battery. É-anoeotse. It/He got low.
-anoetanó'tȯsané vta. put.down.people. Éohke-anoetanó'tȯsáne. He puts people down. Usage: loan transl. from English? Category: interpersonal.
-anoetanó'tov vta. put down s.o., look down on s.o. É-anoetanó'tovóho. He looks down on him. [1987:211] See: -anoetanó'tȯsané.
-anóevam vta. calm s.o. by talking. Lit: down-by.speaking É-anóevamóho. He calmed him down by talking. Ná-anóévámo. I calmed him down by talking. fta: -vam. Category: speak.
-anoevó'ho'kasé vii. be low light. É-anoevó'ho'kāse. The light is low/dim. fii: o'kasé; Antonym -háevó'ho'ėho'tá. See: -vó'ho'kasé. Category: light.
anȯh- i. down. É-anȯha'hamóho. He threw him down. for instance, to throw s.o. off a car or fence. É-anōha. He lowered it with a tool. Ná-anȯhāna. I put it down / I took it down. Preverb anȯhe-. Category: positions.
-anohá vti. lower s.t. by tool. É-anōha. He lowered it with a tool. Category: move.
-anȯha'éno'hamé vai. drive down. Phon: sounds llike -anȧha'éno'hamé, either spelling is possible ?? É-anȯha'éno'hāme. He drove down. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive, check.
-anȯha'hahtsé vti. throw down s.t. É-anȯha'hāhtse. He threw it down. for instance, to throw something off a car or fence. Ques: delete this entry or -anȧha'hahtsé?? Category: throw, check.
-anȯha'ham vta. throw down s.o. É-anȯha'hamóho. He threw him down. for instance, to throw someone off a car or fence. fta: -a'ham; Variant: -anȯho'ham. Category: throw.
-anȯhan vti. put s.t. down. É-anȯhāna. He put it down.
vta. put s.o. down. É-anȯhanóho. He put him down. Ná-anȯhāno. I put him down/I took him down. See: -énan. Category: move.
anȯhe- i. down.
-anȯhehéeóó'e vii. pour down, be a waterfall. É-anȯhehéeóó'e. It is a waterfall.
Ésáa'-anȯhehéeóehane. The water is not pouring down. Phon: vs Category: liquid.
-anȯhehné vai. descend, walk down. Lit: down-walk É-anȯhēhne. He descended. Category: motion.
-anȯhe'há vai. fly down. É-anȯhē'ha. He flew down. Initial anȯhe-; fai: -e'há. Category: fly.
-anȯhe'há'tov vta. fly down to s.o. Náne'-anȯhe'há'tóó'e vé'kėseho. The birds flew down to me.?? [pd269] Category: check, fly.
-anȯhe'háoohe vai. 1 • fly down quickly. É-anȯhe'háoohe. He flew down quickly. Category: fly.
2 • fall from a high place. refers to when someone falls from a high place; humorous. Category: figurative.
-anȯhe'sevó vii. flow down (of liquid). É-anȯhe'sēvo. It is running down. Category: liquid.
-anȯhéma'ohá vti. sweep down s.t. É-anȯhéma'ōha. anȯhe?? He is sweeping it down/off. Category: check.
-anȯhéma'oh(n) vta. sweep down s.o. É-anȯhéma'ȯhnóho hesta'sóho. He is sweeping the snow off (the roof).
anȯhemé- pv. homely with a handsome spouse - be. Ques: anȯhomé- ?? Category: check. É-anȯhemé-éháma. She is homely with a handsome husband. É-anȯhemé-'éva. He is homely with an attractive wife. Category: appearance.
-anȯheméohe vai. run down, strain to get down. É-anȯheméohe. He ran down. can refer to running or to a baby straining to get off someone's lap. fai: -méohe; Antonym -e'eméohe. Category: run.
-anȯhénome vai. sleep down. for example, to sleep on the floor next to a bed. É-anȯhénome. He is sleeping down. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-anȯhénomeotse vai. fall off during sleep. É-anȯhénomeotse. He fell off (something) during sleep. for example, to fall off the bed during sleep. fai: -énóme. Category: sleep.
-anȯheoe'tó 1 • vii. hang down. É-anȯheoe'tónėstse votōnėstse. The tailfeathers are hanging down.
2 • vai. hang down. Category: hang.
-anȯheohe vai. go down. É-anȯheohe. He is going down. fai: -ohe. Category: motion.
-anȯheohová vai. flee down. É-anȯheohōva. He fled down. for instance, to flee down a mountain. fai: -ohová. Category: motion.
-anȯheohováohe vai. run downhill fleeing. É-anȯheohováohe. He is running downhill scared (fleeing). faster than -anȯheohōva. fai: -ohová. See: -anȯheohováoohe. Category: motion.
-anȯheohováoohe vai. flee down quickly. This can refer to getting off a bed, porch, car, etc. É-anȯheohováoohe. He fled down quickly. faster than -anȯheohová. fai: -ohová. See: -anȯheohováohe; -anȯheohová. Category: motion.
-anȯheohtsé vai. go down. This can be used to refer to traveling from Busby to Lame Deer, the same as -sé'eohtsé. É-anȯheōhtse. He went down (the hill). [1987:266] See: -he'ameohtsé; -sé'eohtsé. Category: walk, motion.
-anȯheohtsétó vii. go down. Étaohkeéva-anȯheohtséto héne. That (blood pressure) goes back down. [Beadwork Visit.063]
-anȯheotse vii. go down. É-anȯheotse. It goes down. for example, of a road that goes down a hill.
-anȯheotseh vta. bring down s.o. É-anȯheotsėhóho. He brought him down. Náme'taéva-anȯheotsēho. Let me take him back down. [Stamper 1991:10]
-anȯheotsestsé vti. bring down s.t. É-anȯheotsēstse. He brought it down. Mó'ȯsáanemá'sėho'e-anȯheotsėstsėhenovótse héne ho'évȯhkohtsėstse They finally brought down all the meat. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).240] Category: move.
-anȯhesévanó vai. slide down. É-anȯheséváno. He slid down. Preverb anȯhe-. See: -anoma'eotse; -anóeotse; -sévanó. Category: motion.
anȯhesévanohtȯtse ni. sled. Lit: slide down thing Plural anȯhesévanohtotȯtse; Synonym hesó'xo'enēō'o. See: sévanohtȯtse ‘skate, sled’. Category: play.
-anȯhesévanóohe vai. slide down. É-anȯhesévanóohe. He slid down. Éhne'ȯhkeévȧhóseame-anȯhesévanóohéhoo'o. She would again slide back down. [Bear Tepee.119] See: -sévanó; -anȧha'xe. Category: motion.
-anȯhestóseohé'tov vta. drag down s.o. É-anȯhestóseohé'tovóho. He dragged him down quickly. hotóma'e ho'éévéva náme'taévavé'šėho'e-anȯhestóseohé'tóvo on a hide I could easily haul her back down (the hill). [My Grandmother Mene'a'e.105] See: -hestósem.
anȯheto p. down. Category: positions.
-anȯheváohe vai. Gram: ai+o throw (s.t.) down. É-anȯheváohe He threw it down. fai: -váohe. See: -éseváohe. Category: throw.
-anȯhevetanó vai. feel down. Névé'e-anȯhevetāno! Don't feel down! Category: emotions.
-anȯhevóhka'xe vai. drive down. Émomáxome-anȯhevóhka'xe. He slowly drove off the road. See: -vóhka'xe. Category: drive.
anȯhevȯho'one ni. stepladder. See: e'evonȯhó'o. Variant: anovȯho'one.
-anȯhevo'ohá vti. knock down s.t. É-anȯhevo'ōha. He knocked it down. vta: -anȯhevo'oh(n). See: -anȯhvo'h(n). Category: move.
-anȯhevo'oh(n) vta. knock down s.o. É-anȯhevo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him (obv) down.
Névááhe tséhé'heetovánovėstse hesta'se móma'xe-anȯhevo'ȯhnȯhevóhe? Who was mischievous, someone must have knocked down snow. That is a humorous saying when there has been a blizzard. It is basically asking "Who made it snow?" vti: -anȯhevo'ohá; Variant: -anovo'oh(n). See: -anȯhvo'h(n). Category: move, sayings.
-anȯhevonehné vai. climb down. É-anȯhevonēhne. He climbed down. See: -hómevonehné. Category: motion.
-anȯhevoneohe vai. climb down quickly. É-anȯhevoneohe. He climbed down quickly. É'ȯhke-anȯhevoneohésesto heške. Her mother would get off (the travois). [My Grandmother, Mene'a'e.011] Category: motion.
-anoh(n) vta. 1 • knock down s.o. (by tool). É-anȯhnóho. He knocked him down.
2 • make amazing news, do something amazing to s.o. Ná-anōhno héstā'se. I knocked down the snow. That is a byword that means "I made news". See: -anevo'koh(n); -anȯhvo'h(n); -anovo'oh(n). Category: move, figurative.
Ánȯhnéó'o na. (woman's name). Category: names.
-anȯhóéha'ené vai. boat down. É-anȯhóéhá'éne. He is boating down. Category: transportation.
-anȯhóe'tó vii. hang down. É-anȯhóé'tónėstse votōnėstse. The tail feathers are hanging down.
vai. hang down. É-anȯhóé'to. He (or It) is hanging down. Final -óe'tó. See: -hoe'tó. Category: hang.
-anȯhóeóó'e vai. stand looking down, look down standing. É-anȯhóeóó'e. He is standing looking down. Tsenėhmé'e-anȯhóeóó'e kȧsovááhe. A young man will appear looking down (from the hill). [The Man Who Turned Into Buffalo Bones.032] Éne'ȯhtše-anȯhóeóeo'o. They would stand on top of (the stage) looking down (on the people). [1987:150] fai: -óé. Phon: vs Category: stand, sight.
-anȯhoése vai. float down, hang down. for example of a moon crescent with the opening to the bottom. É-anȯhoése. He is hanging down. Éhne'-anȯhoése. He floated down. Antonym -he'amoésé. See: -anooése; -éva'ȧsévoésé. Category: motion, float, hang, moon, check.
-anȯhoésem vta. hang s.o. down ?? É-anȯhoésemóho. He hung him down.?? fta: -oésem. Category: check, hang.
anȯhoéstá vii. hang down. É-anȯhoésta. It is hanging down. Category: hang, positions.
-anȯhoéstonean vta. lower s.o. by rope. É-anȯhoéstoneanóho. He lowered him by rope. Medial -ón1. Category: ropelike.
-anȯhoešem vta. drape s.o. For example, to drape a blanket on something. É-anȯhoešemóho. He is draping him. Category: interpersonal.
-anȯhohomo'he vai. dance down. É-anȯhohomo'he. He danced down. Éhne'-anȯhohomó'hesėstse nėhéóhe tsé'o'hoéstatse. She danced down over the cliff. [Lover's Leap.020] fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-anȯhohoné vai. sign down. that is, sign for someone to go down. É-anȯhohōne. He gave the down sign. fai: -ohoné. Category: sign.
-anȯho'ȧhéotse vai. run down. É-anȯho'ȧhéotse. He ran down. tséhne'éšėho'e-anȯho'ȧhéotsėse when he had arrived running down (the hill). [Head Chief text] Variant: -ano'ȧhéotse; fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
-anȯhó'a'há vii. go down by wind, blown down. É-anȯhó'á'ha. It was blown down. Éne'éva-anȯhó'á'ha. It came back down in the wind. for example, of a kite. See: -anó'a'há. Category: wind.
-anȯhó'a'xe vai. blown down. É-anȯhó'a'xe. He was blown down. for instance, blown downhill. Antonym -e'ó'a'xe. Category: wind.
-anȯho'asé vii. fire come down, burn down. É-anȯho'āse. The fire is coming down the hill. Category: fire.
-anȯhó'ehné vai. go down by wagon. É-anȯhó'éhne. He went down by wagon. Category: roll.
-anȯhó'en vti. lower s.t. É-anȯhó'éna. He lowered it.
vta. lower s.o. É-anȯhó'enóho. He lowered him (for example, a flag, animate).
-anȯhó'eohe vai. roll down fast by wagon. É-anȯhó'eohe. He is rolling down fast by wagon. Category: roll.
-anȯhó'eohétó vii. roll down fast. É-anȯhó'eohéto. It is rolling down fast. Hó'ótóva éma'xemé'eanȯhó'eohétótsénėse heme'ko. Finally his head came rolling down quickly. [The Owl.018] Category: roll.
-anȯhó'eóó'e vai. park on incline. É-anȯhó'eóó'e. He parked on an incline. hétsėhéóhe tsésta-anȯhó'eóétse tséxháa'éhóésta here where we are parked on this hill. [1987:190] Phon: vs fai: -óé. See: -nȯhó'eóó'e ‘park’.
-anȯhó'ham vta. push off s.o. so that they go down, for example, by dropping or falling. É-anȯhó'hamóho. He pushed him off. for example, off the table. Variant: -anȯha'ham. See: -ésȯhó'ham. Category: check.
-anȯho'ne'e vai. step down. É-anȯho'ne'e. He stepped down. See: -ho'ne'e. Category: motion.
-anȯho'ov vta. push down off s.o. É-anȯho'ovóho He pushed him off (for example, off the table). See: -ésȯhó'ov.
-anȯhóma'o'e vii. be downgrade sloped ground; be downgrade sloped ground. É-anȯhóma'o'e. It is downgrade sloped ground. fii: -óma'o'e. Category: environment.
-anȯhónean vti. lower s.t. by rope. É-anȯhónéána. He lowered it (by hoist). for example, lowered a well bucket on a rope.
vta. lower s.o. by rope. É-anȯhóneanóho. He lowered him by rope. Medial -ón. Category: move, ropelike.
-anȯhóneoe'tó vii. hang down cling ropelike. of a ropelike object. É-anȯhóneoē'to. It (or He) (ropelike) is hanging down clinging. Ó'óéséó'o é-anȯhóneoē'to. The clothesline is hanging down.
vai. See: -á'kavoe'tó. Category: hang.
anȯhóneoe'tó'hestȯtse ni. drop. Ques: recheck?? Category: check, hang.
-anȯhóneóó'e vii. flow down. Ques: recheck gloss?? É-anȯhóneóó'e. ?? tsé'-anȯhóneóó'e waterfall. Lit: where it is flowing down Phon: vs Category: liquid, check.
anȯhónoestȯtse ni. tower, Space Needle. Category: new.
-anȯhónoo'e vai. sit looking down, look perched. looking down from a higher elevation, for instance, to sit on a hill and look downhill or sit on bleachers and look down on a basketball court. É-anȯhónoo'e. He is sitting looking down. Phon: vs fai: -ónoo'e. See: -anȯhóo'ó. Category: sit, sight.
-anȯhóóvá vii. flow down. É-anȯhóóva. It is flowing down.
(another recording) Final -óóvá. Category: liquid.
-anȯhován vti. lower. Éva-anȯhovánȯhtse! Turn the volume back down!
vta. lower. Éva-anȯhováneha! Lower him back! for example, to close a window shade (animate). See: -anován. Category: move.
-anȯhvo'h(n) vta. knock down s.o. Anȯhvo'heha! anȯhe?? Knock him down! for example, to knock a fly from off of my hand. See: -anevo'koh(n); -anȯhevo'oh(n). Category: move, check.
-ano'ȧhéotse vai. run downhill. É-ano'ȧhéotse. He ran downhill. Variant: -anȯho'ȧhéotse; fai: -o'ȧhéotse. Category: run.
-anó'a'há vii. blown down. É-anó'á'ha. It was blown down (by wind). See: -anȯhó'a'há; -anó'a'ó. Category: wind.
-anó'a'ham vta. throw s.o. down. É-anó'a'hamóho. He pitched him (a ball, animate) down. as a drop ball pitch. Anó'a'hamameha! Pitch him a drop ball! Category: baseball.
-anó'a'ó vii. blow down, fly off from wind. É-anó'á'o. He/It was blown down (by the wind). See: -anȯhó'a'há. Category: wind.
-ano'eoesta'há vii. knocked down by wind. É-ano'eoestā'ha. It was knocked down by wind. Category: wind.
-ano'eoesta'xe vai. knocked down by wind. É-ano'eoesta'xe. He was knocked down by wind. Category: wind.
Ano'ėstséhé'e na. Runsaway Woman. Category: names.
-ano'ohtsé vai. run away. É-ano'ōhtse. He ran away. tséohke-ano'ȯhtsese those who play hooky/those who run away. Hee'haho mó'ȯhkėhetóseame-anó'ȯhtsėhevóhe. His son continued to run away (from school). [1987:191] See: -noo'ohtsé. Category: school.
-ano'oohe vai. leave with groom, leave with a man. Refers to a bride leaving with her groom; for some speakers it has a broader meaning, referring to when any woman is by herself with any man, especially when they are some distance away from the view of others. É-ano'oohe. She went with her groom. / She eloped. for example, she left her parents to live with husband. See: -asėta'évá. Category: marriage.
-áno'xe fai. sleep. Éhá-ano'xe. He stayed up a long time (for example, all night).
Éhé-ano'xe. He gets up early.
Éméstȧh-ano'xe. He is groggy after waking up.
É-távano'xe. He is silly (or "crazy") from lack of sleep.
Évóon-áno'xe. He went without sleep all night.
Émomáta'-áno'xe. He is angry from lack of sleep. Etym: *enkwaʔši (R). See: -énóme ‘sleep’. Category: sleep.
-anoma'eotse vii. slide down. of earth, dirt, sand, rocks. É-anoma'eotse. It slid down. óm?? fii: óma'. See: -éstoma'eotse; -anȯhesévanó. Category: ground, check.
-anonán vti. mix up s.t., tangle s.t. up. É-anonána. He mixed it up/tangled it up.
vta. mix up s.o., tangle s.o. up. See: -aésto'énan.
-anonáotse vii. tangled.become.
vai. chaos, tangled, mixed. É-anonáotse. It (or He) became chaotic / he is mixed up. for example, said when social norms customs are violated (for example if a white and black person are seen going together romantically; when customs are overturned: for example, if a father-in-law talks to his daughter-in-law). Category: quality.
-anonátó vii. be tangled. É-anonáto. It is tangled. [Croft] See: -totáho'póneehe; -totáho'pó.
anoná(v)- i. mixed up. É-anonávo'eétahe. He is doing it in a mixed up way.
É-anonáotse. It is become chaotic / he is mixed up.
É-anonávo'eétahe. He is doing it in a mixed up way. Category: quality.
anonáve- pv. doesn't care, unthinking. all kinds of crazy people. anonáve-vo'ėstaneo'o people who "follow" without thinking (for example, when voting). Category: personality.
-anonávetanó vai. tangled.think, confused. É-anonávetāno. He isn't thinking right; doesn't care how he thinks ; confused. See: -anonéstahe; -ánovetanó; -ononéstahe. Category: cognition.
anonáveto p. unorganized. Category: time.
-anonávo'eétahe vai. do something in a mixed up way. É-anonávo'eétahe. He is doing it in a mixed up way. Initial anoná(v)-; fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
anonéhováhe na. whiteman. This word is no longer in use. It is said to be the first word used to refer to white people when Cheyennes encountered them; the second word was ho'evȯhtse; the final, current word is ve'ho'e. Usage: obsolete See: ho'evȯhtse ‘whiteman (obsolete)’; vé'ho'e ‘whiteman’. Category: people.
anonévee'tose ni. yampah, carrots. Lit: hang-four-together?? Usage: This word is not well known today. Category: check. Refers to either a wild or domesticated plant. Probably traditionally refers to yampa; Grinnell lists this Ch. term as Carum gairdneri (H. & A.) A. Gray); modern term Perideridia gairdneri (H. & A.) Math.; the Cheyenne term seems to have something to do with four wild roots (typically) being together in a bunch. See: heóve-mo'ȯhtá'éne 'yellow turnips'. Category: food, plants.
-anooése vai. float down. É-anooése. He is coming (floating) down. See: -anȯhoése. Category: float.
Anóóhtsé'e na. (woman's name). Category: names.
-anoo'asé vii. burn low, flame low; fire die down, flames die down. É-anoo'āse. The flame is low. See: -éxo'asé. Category: fire.
-anoo'ėstáotse vai. lower ears. for example, what a cat does when it is angry. É-anoo'ėstáotse. He lowered his ears. See: -popáhóéné'ó. Category: ears.
-anoooésta mȧhtsemá'eme vii. have low blood pressure. -anoooésta mȧhtsemá'eme He has low blood pressure. Usage: loan translation Lit: low-hang the.blood Category: sickness.
-anóóvá vii. run down (of water)?? É-anóóva. ?? See: -anȯhóóvá. Category: check, liquid.
-anóováotse vii. run down (of water). É-anóováotse. (The water) is running down. fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
ánȯse p. true, right, remember. Variant: aose. epistemic particle used to get addressee to agree with what the speaker is telling him, very similar to English 'Right, (huh)?: Ánȯse éhevoo'o? He said that, huh?
anóse p. outdoors, outside.
(another recording) Anóse mótaohke-éno'xėhéhe. He must have left his burden outdoors (that is, you can tell by his actions that he did not leave his burden inside the church as he should have). Anóse and anóséma mean the same. Anóséma has the locative suffix -má but anóse still has a locative meaning. Both anóse and anósema can be used in the same context, as in these sentences:
Question: Tósa'e énėhesóotse? Answer: Anóse / Anóséma Question: Where did it happen? Answer: Outside. Anóséma étonéto / Anóse étonéto. It is cold outside. Non-contracted anóséma; Antonym hotómá'e. Etym: *akwači; *akwatyi (P). Category: positions.
anóséma p. outside, outdoors.
(another recording) Anóséma and anóse mean the same. Anóséma has the locative suffix -má but anóse still has a locative meaning. See the entry for anóse for sentences that show that anóse and anóséma can both be used in the same context.
Anóséma tȧhénėhešévėstse! Go do that outside!
Anóséma tȧhéevo'soo'ėstse! Go play outside! Contracted anóse. Category: positions.
-anótootsé'tov vta. drop s.o. from the mouth. É-anótootsé'tovóho He dropped him from his mouth. Oeškēse é-anótootsé'tovóho hohtsemono. The dog dropped the ball from his mouth. See: -anȧha'ham; -amotom; -otóm. Category: move.
-anova'ó'tsé vti. lower s.t. can be used today for lowering the volume on a radio or T.V. É-anova'ó'tse. He lowered it. See: -anovo'o'tsé. Category: move.
-anova'tová vti. lower flame of s.t. ?? É-anova'tōva.?? anova'tōva?? ?? See: -atová. Ques: recheck vti or vai?? Category: light, check.
-anova'tován vti. lower flame of s.t. Anova'továnȯhtse! Lower the flame (especially on a lamp)! Anova'továnome! Lower the flame! (said to more than one person). Ques: recheck -anovatováná?? vai: -anova'tová. See: -atová. Category: light.
-anovan vti. put down s.t.., lower s.t. for example, to lower a window. É-anovāna. He lowered it.
É-anovane. It is lowered.
Anovānȯhtse! Lower it!
vta. put down s.o., lower s.o. É-anovanóho. He lowered him. See: -anȯhován. Category: move.
Ánováóó'o na. A Girl Beautiful. Colloquial expression difficult to translate but it is used when you see something beautiful and you apply it to the beauty of a girl; this word has been used as a proper name. One elder said the following to explain this word: hová'éhe tsépėhévatamáno'e éháatamee'ėstse étano'evéhé'ta '... (the girl) is named for (the beautiful thing)' (TRANSLATE FULLY ?? Category: check, names.
-anovátam vta. regard s.o. as being low. É-anovátamóho. He deems him as being low/he is 'down on him (obv)'. Usage: possible loan transl. Category: cognition, interpersonal.
-anovatová vai. lower flame; lower smoke. É-anovatōva. He lowered the flame. Ques: recheck?? vti: -anovatováná; Medial -atová. Category: light, check.
-anovéstanove vii. mixed up live, live in a mixed up way. refers to a mixed up kind of living. É-anovéstanove. It is a mixed up world. fai: -éstanove. Category: live.
-anovėškóhtavose vai. frostbite on leg. É-anovėškóhtavose. His leg was frostbitten. fai: -ose; BodyPartMedial -hkóhtá. Category: sickness.
-ánovetanó vai. sad, depressed, feel bad. É-ánovetāno. He is sad.
Ná-ánovetāno. I'm sad. Usage: Previously known by many but not known by all speakers today See: -hávėsévetanó; -óeometanó; -óétsetanó. Category: emotions.
anovȯho'one ni. stepladder, steps. Ques: recheck?? Variant: anȯhevȯho'one. Category: check.
-anóvȯhto'he vai. unload. É-anóvȯhto'he. He unloaded. É-anóvȯhtó'heo'o. They unloaded. Ques: recheck segmental analysis?? fai: -óvȯhtó'he. See: -amóvȯhto'he; -éno'xe. Category: carry, check.
-anóvȯhtó'heohe vai. unload quickly. Nává'ne-anóvȯhtó'heohe. I just unloaded quickly.
-anovo'ȧhéotse vai. run away from. Ques: recheck gloss É-anovo'ȧhéotse. He ran away. ?? Éstaanovo'ȧhéotséhoo'o ó'xeanóéva. He ran away from the cut bank. Category: run.
-anovo'koh(n) vta. down.knock, knock down s.o. (by tool). É-anovo'kȯhnóho. He knocked him down by tool. Medial -evo'; Variant: -anevo'oh(n). See: -anevo'om; -anoh(n); -anȯhvo'h(n). Category: move.
-anovo'oh(n) vta. knock down s.o. by tool. É-anovo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him down with a tool.
(another recording) Medial -o'; Variant: -anȯhevo'oh(n). See: -anoh(n). Category: move.
-anovo'o'tsé vti. lower s.t. É-anovo'ō'tse. He lowered it. See: -anova'o'tsé. Category: move, check.
-anóvose vai. frostbitten. É-anóvose. He is frostbitten. fai: -ose. See: -nȧha'ose. Category: sickness, temperature.
-anóvot vta. unload s.o. É-anóvotóho. He unloaded him. fta: -óvot. See: -anóvȯhto'he; -éno'xe. Category: move.
ao'ėseto 1 • ni. hailstone.
Ao'ėsetonȯtse éamėhnétónėstse. Hailstones are walking. Plural ao'ėsetonȯtse; Diminutive ao'ėškēto. Speaking of hailstones 'walking' primarily refers to when you can hear a hailstorm approaching. When the hailstorm actually arrives on scene then you speak of hailstones with verbs like 'falling'.
Ao'ėsetonȯtse éana'ónėstse. Hailstones are falling. Ques: recheck mid pitch on this and dim form?? Category: weather, check.
2 • na. Hail. Category: names.
-ao'ėsetónévóma'é vai. hailstone-painted. É-ao'ėsetónévómá'e. He is hailstone-painted. fai: -óma'é. Category: paint.
ao'ėsetonȯtse éamėhnétónėstse vii. hail. Ao'ėsetonȯtse éamėhnétónėstse. It is hailing. Lit: Hailstones are walking. Category: weather.
ao'ėškēto ni. Gram: pl Gram: dim small hailstone. Plural ao'ėšketonȯtse; Non-diminutive ao'ėseto. Ques: recheck mid pitch on this and non-Dim form??: Category: check, weather.
-ao'ėšketónevéétó vii. sleet. Lit: hail-snow É-ao'ėšketónevééto. It is sleeting. See: -nonó'a'hasené; -ma'omévoo'kohó; -ho'éétó ‘snow’. Category: weather.
-ao'ó fii. size, amount. Épėhév-aō'o. It is a good amount. Épėhév-ao'ohe? Is it a good amount? Éáhan-aō'o. It is extremely big/huge. Éhehp-aō'o. It is larger (in size). fai: -(a)eta. Phon: not vs Category: quantity.
áo'xe p. ?? Category: check. Áo'xe ésáahéne'enóhénovo. They don't know (what I know). Usage: obsolescent See: aose.
aose p. Right?, it did happen, innit?! used to encourage the listener to confirm what the speaker is saying. Variant: ánȯse. See: áo'xe; móhe; aa'ėse.
áóve p. other places. Áóve étaohkėhešeééóhtse. He goes all over.
áóve netao'o all over. [1987:192] See: oxėse.
áoveto p. other places, all over. Synonym áóve.
-as fta. cut. instrumental final. Éa't-ȧsóho. He accidentally cut him.
Épo'-ȧsóho. He cut him off. Nápo'-āso. I cut him off. fti: -ax. Category: cut.
-asé1 fii. burn, blaze, shine. Éoh-āse. It is on fire. Etym: *ełe· (R). See: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-asé2 mbp. belly, stomach. This seems to refer to the surface of the stomach while -ohtá refers to the inside. Éónėx-ȧséóhtse. He has pain on the stomach surface. Épóh-áse. He has a bloated belly. Étȧhpe'-āse. He has a big belly. Nápón-ȧséhno. I punched him in the stomach/belly. véhp-ȧsékohkonȯheo'o white bread (lit. hollow-belly-bread). See: -ohtá; -tonėše; -tó'omemas. Etym: *-cye·-. Category: body.
-ase vai. leave. É-ase. He left.
Násáa'éše-aséhe. I haven't left yet. One cultural departure formula may have been the following: A: Ná-ase 'I'm leaving'; B: Taaná-asėstse! 'Go ahead and leave!'.
Nená-asėstse! Come here!
Taaná-asėstse! Go ahead and leave!
(another recording)
Ta-asėstse! Go away! Éstatšėheše-aséhoo'o nėhéóhe. He went (left) towards there (pret). See: -noosané; taaná-.
ase- pv. start, begin, away. This preverb often focuses on the beginning of an action, so it is similar to inchoative aspect. É-asemésehe. He started to eat. É-aseka'a'xe. He broad jumped (lit. away-jumped). Initial ase-, aset-.
ase- i. start; away. É-aseōhtse. He left. See: aset-.
-aseéestse vai. phone, telephone, start to talk. Lit: away-talk; start-talk This word refers to an outgoing telephone call, and -ho'eéestse refers to an incoming call. É-aseéestse. He is talking on the telephone. See: -ho'eéestse. Category: speak.
aseéestsestȯtse ni. telephone, phone. Lit: away-talk-thing
-aseehe vai. move away. É-aseehe. He is moving away. fai: -ehe. See: -ameehe. Category: camp.
-aseehéoohe vai. move camp away hurriedly. É-aseehéoohe. He moved away. Móstama'xe-aseehéoohehevóhe. They really hurriedly moved camp. [1987:258] Ques: how different from -aseehe? fai: -ehe ‘move’; Antonym -ho'eehéoohe.
-asee'e vai. grow. É-asee'e. He is growing. Ques: starting to grow?? See: -éšee'e; -hóne'ó. Category: ages, check.
aseéso'ham vta. push away s.o. É-aseéso'hamóho. ?? He pushed him (obv) away. Category: move, check.
-aséhahtsé vti. sing s.t. what is sung is some song. É-aséháhtse. He sang it (some song). Némeo'ȯtse násé'hove-aséháhtse. All at once I sang (this) song. [1987:203] vta: -asénoot. Category: sing.
asėháne p. ?? Category: check.
-asėhó'ham vta. push away s.o. for example, to push him forward. É-asėhó'hamóho. He pushed him (forward). Ná-asėhó'hámo. I pushed him. See: -ésėhó'ham; -avo'ham. Category: move.
-aseka'a'xe vai. broad jump. Lit: away-jump É-asėka'a'xe. He jumped away/broad jumped. Phon: The /e/ of the preverb ase- usually devoices in natural conversation. Nétȧhé-asėka'a'xémáne! Let's go broad jump! See: -ka'a'xe ‘jump’. Category: phys. ed..
-ase'há vai. fly away; start to fly. É-asē'ha. He flew away. fai: -e'há. Category: fly.
-asé'ham fta. give a drink to s.o. Étoóom-ȧsé'hamóho. He gave a cold drink to him. Éhehp-ȧsé'hamahtse. He overdosed. fai: -asé'še. Category: temperature.
-ase'háoohe vai. fly away quickly. É-ase'háoohe. He flew away. Ésaa'évatónėše=tósa'e=tóneše-ase'háoohéhesesto. They could fly elsewhere. [1987:95]
-ase'háoohé'tov vta. fly away with s.o. Naa étaéšee'no'-ȧse'háoohé'tóó'e tséhéhéto. Well, they have flown off with my father. [1987:315] Category: fly.
-ase'še fai. drink. usually assimilates to -aše'še. Éhá-ase'še. He is very drunk. fta: -asé'ham; Assimilated -ašé'še; Variant: -sé'še. Phon: assim Category: drink.
-asema'ená vti. turn s.t. (of paper). É-asema'ēna. He turned it (the page of a book). Asema'ēnȯhtse! Turn the page! Éma'xe-asema'ēna. He turned a lot of pages. Final -ma'en. Category: paper.
-aseméohe vai. start running. É-aseméohe. He started to run. fai: -méohe. See: -asėto'ȧhéotse ??. Category: check, run.
-asenáotse vii. split, run, unravel, tear, start to rip. É-asenáotse. It/He unraveled.
vai. split, run, unravel, tear, start to rip. Hoohtsėstse é-asenáotse. The tree started to split. for example, from a terrible hailstorm. Hoxȯhēō'o é-asenáotse. The sock is unraveling. See: -asėtó'toeotse; -oó'xeotse. Category: tear, texture.
-asené fai. rapid action?? Ésé'h-asēne. He sopped. Category: check.
-aseneenáh(n) vta. send away s.o.exile s.o. Ques: ask s.o. to leave ?? É-aseneenahno. He sent him away.
É-aseneenȧhnóho. He sent him away. (newer pronunciation).
Ná-aseneenáhno. I sent him away.
É-aseneenahe. He was 'excommunicated' / sent away / exiled. For example, he was sent away into exile after murdering someone.
Né'-aseneenáxeha! Send him away from there! vai: -aseneenáhová. See: -mea'e; -hóestó'emáeve; -tšėhešeméa'tov; -ho'méa'tov. Category: interpersonal, check.
-aseneenáhová vai. send away, ask (people) to leave. É-aseneenáhóva. He asked (people) to leave. See: -aseneenáh(n). Category: interpersonal.
-aseneenávo'koh(n) vta. away.send.quickly, quickly ask s.o. to leave. É-aseneenávo'kȯhnóho. He quickly asked him to leave. See: -aseneenáh(n). Category: interpersonal.
-asénome vai. start to sleep. É-asénome. He started sleeping. fai: -énome. Category: sleep.
-asénoné vai. start to sing. É-asénóne. He started to sing. Héne vee'e móspó'po'nȯhéhanéhe héne tsé'-asénonéstove. The tepee was used as a drum when they began to sing.
Asénónėstse! Start singing! vti: -aséhahtsé; fai: -noné. See: -asénoohe. Category: sing.
-asénonéoohe vai. quickly start to sing. É-asénonéoohe. He started to sing quickly. Nėhē'še hó'ótóva náxhóseonése-asénonéoohe. Then I tried to sing again. [1987:157] fai: -noné. Category: sing.
-asénoohe vai. sing an honor song (for someone). refers to singing a special song. É-asénoohe. He sang an honor song. vta: -asénoót; fai: -noné. See: -asénoné; -asénonéoohe. Category: sing.
-asénoót vta. sing an honor song to s.o. É-asénooto. He sang an honor song for him. É-asénoótóho. He sang an honor song for him. (newer pronunciation). Asénoota! Sing an honor song to him! (said to more than one person; cf. ase-noota 'Start to leave someone!) See: -asénoov; -aséhahtsé. Category: sing.
-asénoov vta. sing an honor song for s.o. É-asénoovóho. He is singing an honor song for him. É'osáane-asénoovósesto. He began to sing to them. [1980:45:18] Category: sing. See: -asénoót.
-aseoha'ov vta. drive away s.o., shoo away s.o. É-aseoha'ovóho. He drove him away.
Ta-aseoha'ova! Drive him away! (said to a group). fta: -a'ov. Category: move.
-aseohe vai. leave, take off. É-aseohe. He left.
Náto'se-aseohe. I'm going to leave.
Heá'ėháma éta-aseohe. Perhaps he left.
Nátao'seméo-aseohe. I'm going to leave in the morning. vta: -aseohé'tov. See: -ase; -aseta'xe; -nėševeohe. Category: motion.
-aseohé'tov vta. leave with s.o., take off with s.o., elope with s.o., move s.o. É-aseohé'tovóho. He took off with him. vai: -aseohe. See: -aseotseh. Category: move.
-aseohová vai. escape, flee. É-aseohōva. He fled. fai: -ohová. See: -ameohová; -hómėstov. Category: motion.
-aseohováohe vai. flee quickly, escape quickly. É-aseohováohe He fled away quickly. fai: -ohová. See: -ameohová; -hómėstov. Category: motion.
-aseohtsé vai. 1 • leave. É-aseōhtse. He is leaving. [1987:240]
2 • die. literal leaving or can be said when a deceased's body is put in a grave. Nééšepėhéve-aseōhtse. You have left in a good way. [1987:240] See: -hováneehe. Category: death.
-aseohtséh vta. take away s.o. É-aseotseho. He took him away. É-aseotséhóho. He took him away. (newer pronunciation). Ná-aseotsého. I took him away. Navo'ėstanemo náto'seévamȧhe-aseohtséhoo'o. I'm going to take all of my people away. See: -aseotseh; -aseohé't. Category: move.
-aseohtsėhe'ov vta. take away s.o. Category: check, move.
-aseohtsé'tov vta. come away from s.o., leave s.o. Náne'-aseohtsé'tóvo. I came away from him.?? Category: interpersonal, motion, check.
-aseohtsétanó vai. want to leave. Ná-aseohtsétáno. I want to leave.
-aseohtsév vta. leave s.o. Nėstavovóehénėhetone tséto'seévȧheše-aseohtsévótse. Let's first go tell him that we are going to leave him. (?) [Cheyenne Tribal History.134] Category: interpersonal, motion, check.
-aseotse vii. start, begin. especially of a road or river. Nėhéóhe é-aseotse. (The road) began there. See: -ameotse.
-aseotseh vta. take away s.o., remove s.o. É-aseotsėhóho. He took him away.
Ná-aseotsēho. I took him away.
Ta-aseotšėšeha! Take him away! Néto'seévamȧhe-aseotsėhatsemeno. We are going to take all of you back. [1987:59] See: -aseohé'tov; -aseoha'ov. Category: move.
-aseotsėhátanó'tov vta. want to take s.o. Né-aseohtsėhátanó'tovoo'o. You want to take them. [Horse Creek-Fort Laramie Peace Treaty of 1851.012]
-aseotsestsé vti. take away s.t.carry away s.t. É-aseotsēstse. He took it away. Éta-aseotsēstse. He took it away.
asėsé- i. stretch, stretchy. É-asėséána He stretched it (by hand?) asėséestse'he sweater (lit. stretchy-shirt). asėséohkėha'e stocking cap (lit. stretchy-cap). asėséo'kėha tennis shoe (lit. stretchy-shoe). See: sé(hp)-.
-asėséahe vai. be stretchy. for example, of cloth. É-asėséahe. He is stretchy. for example, of some cloth (animate). vii: -asėséo'ó. Category: texture.
-asėséan 1 • vti. stretch s.t. É-asėséána. He stretched it.
2 • vta. stretch s.o. É-asėséanóho. He stretched him (obv). Ques: recheck entry?? Category: move.
asėséeéstse'he na. sweater. Category: clothing. Lit: stretchy-shirt
-asėsee'e vai. get taller, grow. Lit: stretch É-asėsee'e. He is growing.
É-asėséeo'o. They grew taller. Phon: vs Category: size.
asėséeneehévȧhtsená'héhe na. 1 • overly talkative, gossipy person.
2 • Stretchy Mouth Woman. made up nickname for a lady who wore braces with lots of rubber bands. Category: names.
-asėséeotse vii. stretched.
vai. become stretched. É-asėséeotse. It (or He) has stretched. See: -séhpan ‘stretch s.t./s.o.’. Category: texture.
asėséohkėha'e ni. stocking cap. Lit: stretchy-cap Category: clothing.
asėséo'keha ni. 1 • tennis shoe. Lit: stretchy-shoe Plural asėséo'kėhanȯtse.
2 • rubber shoe. for wearing in the rain. Category: shoes.
-asėséo'ó vii. be stretchy. É-asėséó'o. It is stretchy. vai: -asėséahe. Category: texture.
asėséo'xȧhtóhono na. pieces of underwear, long johns. Lit: stretchy-pants Singular asėséo'xāhto; Variant: asėséovȯxȧhtóhono. The plural refers to a set of long johns, that is, both legs, or to multiple sets. na-asėséo'xȧhtóhono my (pieces of) underwear/my underwear. See: aénevo'xȧhtóhono; aénevȯxȧhtóhono; hōhto. Category: clothing.
asėséoneehéhe na. tire. Lit: stretchy-tubular-thing Plural asėséoneehéheo'o; Obviative asėséoneehéheho; BodyPartMedial -ón. See: mȧ-htse'ko; amȧho'hé-mȧhtse'ko. Category: car.
asėséoneehéhe too'ėseono na. rubber bands. Category: new. Ques: recheck, especially second word and connection between the words ?? Category: check.
asėséoneehéhe tséheto'ene vii. tire pressure gauge. Ques: to check literal meaning get vii forms?? Category: check, new.
asėséoneehé-mȧhtse'ko na. tire. Lit: stretchy-leg Plural asėséoneehé-mȧhtse'kono. See: amȧho'hé-mȧhtse'ko. Category: car.
asėséoneo'amestȯtse ni. bean shooter. Lit: stretchy-shoot-NOM Ques: check gloss?? This is a slingshot. See: -ho'amé. Category: check.
asėséovȯxȧhtóhono na. pieces of underwear, long johns. Lit: stretchy-pants Singular asėséovȯxāhto; Variant: asėséo'xȧhtóhono. The plural refers to a set of long johns, that is, both legs, or to multiple sets. na-asėséovȯxȧhtóhono my (pieces of) underwear/my underwear. See: aénevo'xȧhtóhono; aénevȯxȧhtóhono; hōhto. Category: clothing.
-asėstósem vta. drag away s.o. É-asėstósemóho. He dragged him away. fta: -stósem. See: -asėtósem ‘start to tell about s.o.’. Category: move.
-asėstse sfx. vocative suffix for plural addressee. Kȧse'éehéh-asėstse! Young ladies! [1980:57:57] Kȧsováahéh-asėstse! Young men! Ka'ėškónėh-asėstse! Children! Ma'háhkėséheh-asėstse! Old men! Mȧhtamȧháahéh-asėstse! Old women! Navo'ėstanéma-asėstse! My people! Category: grammar.
-aséšeme vta. Gram: psv Ques: what is the verb stem?? start to sing to s.o. ??start to sing a song to s.o. Category: check. Éohkeno'e-aséšeme hó'ótóva hoxéheomēē'e. It is sometimes sung in the Sun Dance. [CLIFF.TXT] Assimilated -ašéšeme. See: -aséhahtsé; -asénoné. Category: sing, check.
-aséševaen vta. start fighting quickly, start warring with s.o. quickly. É-aséševaenóho. He quickly started fighting with him. É-aséševaenȧhtséstove. The war started. for example, right after Pearl Harbor. ft: -évaen; Assimilated -ašéševaen. See: -hesevaen; -aset; -énėševaen. Category: warfare.
Áseške na. (man's name for a small animal similar to a weasel). Variant: Ášeške. Category: names.
-aset vta. ask s.o. to go with. É-asetóho. He asked him (obv) to go with him. Ná-asetoo'o. I asked them to go with me. See: -asét ‘start to fight s.o.’. Category: interpersonal.
asėt- i. away, start. É-asėta'xe. He took off; ran off. Ná-asėtȯhóóvo. I motioned him to leave. É-asėtȯhomo'he. He started to dance. Morph: /ase(t)-/. Phon: The /e/ usually devoices before the /t/; because of this, many forms with the aset- sequence were previously transcribed as asėst-. It would appear that aset- is most accurate, and that we must allow for a special kind of low-level phonetic devoicing here. Some finals take the aset- spelling while others, such as -ohtsé, take the ase-spelling for this initial. This initial parallels others such as én- 'end'; am- 'along'; ést- 'into.'. See: ase- ‘start’.
-asét vta. start fighting s.o. É-asétȧhtséstove. Fighting is started. É-asétóho. ?? He started fighting him (obv). fta: -ét. See: -amét ‘go along fighting s.o.’; -énét ‘stop fighting s.o.’; -aséševaen ‘start fighting s.o.’; -aset ‘ask s.o. to go with’. Category: check, warfare.
-asėtȧho'he vai. drive away, leave by car. É-asėtȧho'he. He is leaving in a car. fai: -aho'he. Category: motion, car.
-asėta'á vti. drive off s.t., propel s.t. away. É-asėtā'a. He drove it away. vti: -aseta'ov. Category: move.
-asėta'e'še vai. move head out of the way. É-asėta'e'še. He moved his (own) head out of the way. Category: head.
-asėta'éno'hamé vai. start to drive. É-asėta'éno'hāme. He started driving. fai: -a'éno'hamé. Category: drive.
-asėta'évá vai. take a wife. É-asėta'éva. He took a wife. vta: -asėta'évá'tov; Medial -'évá. See: -ano'oohe. Category: marriage.
-asėta'évá'tov vta. take s.o. as wife. É-asėta'éva'tovóho. He took her as wife. [1987:304] Category: marriage.
-asėta'hahtov vta. throw away something of s.o. Ná-asėta'hahtóvo hevóhkėha'e. I threw away his hat. [pd1051] Category: throw.
-asėta'hahtsé vti. throw away s.t. (from oneself). not the meaning of 'discard something'. É-asėta'hāhtse. He threw it (away from himself). fti: -a'hahtsé. See: -vóho'oestsé. Category: move.
-asėta'ham vta. throw away s.o., pitch s.o. This refers to throwing an object away from oneself, not of discarding it (-vóho'oestsé). É-asėta'hamóho. He pitched him (for example, ball, animate).
(another recording) Asėta'hameha hóhtséme! Throw the ball! Né'-asėta'hameha hóhtséme! Throw the ball to me!
Né'-asėta'hameha! Throw him to me! Ta-asėta'hameha ho'honāā'e! Throw the rock! fta: -a'ham; vai: -aseta'hasené. See: -vóho'oestsé ‘discard s.t.’. Category: baseball, throw.
-asėta'hasené vai. pitch; throw away, pitch baseball. É-asėta'hasēne. He is pitching.
Nétȧhé-asėta'hasenémáne! Let's go pitch ball!
tsé-asėta'hasēnėstse pitcher. fai: -a'hasené; vta: -aseta'ham. See: -aseváohe; -váohe. Category: baseball.
-asėta'haso'he vai. leave on horse. É-aseta'haso'he. He left on horseback. Nėhē'še mó'-aseta'hasó'hehéhe. Then he started loping his horse. fai: -a'hasó'he. Category: horses.
-asėta'hasó'heohe vai. ride horse away quickly, gallop away. faster action than -asėta'hasó'he. É-asėta'hasó'heohe. He rode away quickly. Éstaohke-asėta'hasó'heohésesto. They would quickly ride off. [1987:26] fai: -a'hasó'heohe. Category: horses.
-asėta'ó vii. leap. É-asėtā'o. It/He leaped. Móma'xeno'ke-asėta'ȯhéhe. He must have been the only one to inherit (his ancestor's genetic juices). ?? Category: check. See: -a'ó; -asėta'xe; -ka'a'xe. Category: motion, family.
-asėta'ó'h vta. remove s.o. É-asėta'o'ho. He removed him.
É-asėta'ó'hóho. He removed him. (newer pronunciation). See: -onóh(n). Category: move.
-asėta'ó'tsé vti. take away s.t., take off s.t. É-asėta'ó'tse. He removed it. for example, to take a lid off a pot. Category: cook.
-asėta'ósané vai. chase away. to chase away people. É-asėta'ósáne. He chases away (people). Category: interpersonal, check.
-asėta'ov vta. drive off s.o., chase away s.o., drive away s.o. for example, chasing away dogs or cattle. Can also be used of brushing away snow (animate), for instance, with one's feet. É-asėta'ovóho. He chased him away. vti: -asėta'á. See: -ta'e'ov. Category: move.
-asėta'oveohe vai. leave angry. É-asėta'oveohe. He left angry. Category: emotions.
-asėta'ovo'hamé vai. move livestock, chase horses away. É-asėta'ovo'hāme. He chased off horses. Category: horses.
-asėta'séotse vii. ?? Ééše-asėta'séotse. ?? ?? ?? Category: check.
-asėta'xané vai. start to cry. É-asėta'xāne. He started to cry. Category: cry.
-asėta'xe vai. take off, start to run. Phon: usually pronounced -asėta'xe É-asėta'xe. He took off.
Ná-asėta'xe. I'm taking off running.
Ná-asėta'xe. (another pronunciation)
Asėta'xėstse! Start running! / Take off!
(another recording) Asėta'xe! Run! (said to more than one person). fai: -a'xe1; fti: -aseta'xé'tsestá. See: -ameméohe; -asėto'ȧhéotse. Category: motion.
-asėta'xé'sestsé vti. start s.t. for example, to start the engine of a car. Lit: start.run.cause Ná-asėta'xé'séstse. I started it. vai: -aseta'xe. See: -asévȧho'há. Category: car. See: start s.t..
-asėta'xé'tsestá vti. start s.t. for example, to start the engine of a car. É-asėta'xé'tsésta. He started it. Asėta'xé'tséstȯhtse! Start it! vai: -aseta'xe. See: -asévȧho'há. Category: car, drive.
asėta'xétó vii. start. Naa nėhe'xóvéva éhmóneasėta'xéto. And at that time it was starting. vai: -asėta'xe.
-asėtan vti. pass s.t., take away s.t ., forgive s.t. Phon: When speaking at a normal speed, most speakers whisper (devoice) the "e" for all words that begin with "-aset". When speaking more slowly and deliberately the "e" will sometimes be voiced. É-asėtāna. He passed it/took it away. This word can be used for passing something to someone, as during a meal:
Né'-asėtānȯhtse! Pass it to me!
Né'-asėtānȯhtse mahpe! Pass the water!
Né'-asėtānȯhtse matana! Pass the milk!
Né'-asėtānȯhtse mo'ȯhtávėhohpe! Pass the coffee!
Né'-asėtānȯhtse vóhpoma'ȯhtse! Pass the salt!
(another recording)
Né'-asėtānȯtse méhmemenȯtse! Pass the pepper!
(another recording)
Né'-asėtānȯtse kóhkonȯhēō'o! Pass the bread! The word for the object to be passed can occur either before or after the verb:
Né'-asėtānȯtse vétšėškévȧhonoo'o! Pass the frybread!
Vétšėškévȧhonoo'o né'-asėtānȯtse! Pass the frybread (ghost bread)!
Né'-asėtānȯtse méstaévȧhonoo'o! Pass the boogeyman bread (ghost bread)!
Né'-asėtānȯtse heóveamėške! Pass the butter!
Né'-asetānȯhtse ho'évohkȯhtse! Pass the meat!
(another recording)
Né'-asėtānȯtse vé'keemahpe! Pass the sugar!
Né'-asėtānȯtse pano'ėhasēō'o! Pass the syrup!
Né'-asėtānȯtse hohpe! Pass the soup!
Né'-asėtānȯtse énȧhéno! Pass the gravy! Usage: Some younger speakers sometimes say Néhmetsėstse! 'Give it to me!' for passing something this direction. This word has sometimes been used for the idea of 'forgive', for example: Ma'hēō'o ééva-asetāna nȧhtávėsévo'eétȧhestȯtse. God forgave my wrongdoing.
vta. pass s.o., take away s.o., forgive s.o., impeach s.o. É-asėtanóho. He discarded him.
Né'-asėtaneha má'xeme! Pass an apple!
Né'-asėtaneha mȧhōō'o! Pass me the melon!
Né'-asėtaneha nomá'ne! Pass the fish!
Né'-asėtanenáno monėškeho! Pass the beans!
Monėškeho né'-asėtanenáno! Pass me the beans!
Né'-asėtaneha kokȯhéaxa! Pass the chicken!
Né'-asėtanenáno he'éhesono! Pass the rice!
Né'-asėtanenáno mésėhéstoto! Pass the potatoes! See: -hestan ‘take s.t./s.o.’; -né'asėtan ‘pass s.t. toward speaker’; -tsėheta'ó'h ‘pass s.o. this direction’; -mét ‘give something to s.o.’. Category: move.
-asėtanomev vta. take away something from s.o. É-asetanomevóho. He took it away from him.
Ná-asėtanomoo'e. He took it away from me.
Ná-asėtanomóenȯtse. He took them (inanimate) away from me.
Ná-asėtanomevonȯtse. I took them (inanimate) away from him.
Né-asėtanomévatsenȯtse. I took them (inanimate) away from you.
Asėtanomevėstse! Take it away from me! See: -vonanomev. Category: interpersonal.
-asėtȧše'še vai. start to drink. É-asėtȧše'še. He started to drink. Initial asėt-; fai: -asé'še. Category: drink.
-asėtatováóó'e vii. start to smoke. É-asėtatováóó'e. It started smoking. Émóne-asėtatováóó'e. It recently started smoking. Phon: vs fii: -atová; Final -óé. Category: smoke.
-asėtaxá vti. cut away s.t. É-asėtāxa. He cut it away. Category: cut.
-asėtȧxe'ov vta. chase away s.o. É-asėtȧxe'ovóho. He chased him away. See: -asėta'ov; -hóetȧxe'ov. Category: interpersonal, move.
-asétó vii. start. É-aséto. It started. Náéehósėstánóne tȧháóhe évaveto tséxheše-aséto hé'tohe ma'heóneéestsémȧhéó'o. We were talking about long ago how this church got started. [1987:237] Usage: probably a loan transl. vai: -ase.
-asėtóe'ó vii. float away.
vai. float away. É-asėtóé'o. He (or It) floated away. Category: liquid.
-asėtoeme vta. beginning of the month. É-asėtoeme. It is the start of the month. Ééšeáahtsé'hóse-asėtoeme. It is already the next month. Émóne-asėtoeme. It is recently the beginning of the month. June ma'tȧhóse-asėtoemėstse sixty-nine nȧhtanėhe'éhahe At the beginning of June I'll be 69. [1987:157] Category: months.
-asėtoése vai. 1 • float away. É-asėtoése. He floated away. [pd1008] Hotohke éasėtoése. The star moved away.?? Category: hang.
2 • drive fast. É-asėtoése. He drove fast and bypassed (someone). This is a humorous way to refer to someone driving fast. Category: figurative, motion.
-asėtoéstóné vai. start school, start to read. É-asėtoéstóne. He is starting school. fai: -oéstóné. Category: school.
-asėtohá vti. shovel s.t., brush away s.t., swish away s.t. É-asėtōha. He shoveled it. vta: -asėtoh(n). Category: move.
-asėtȯhené vai. chase away, brush away. É-asėtȯhēne. He brushed (something) away.
(another recording) for example, he brushed crumbs off a table. Category: move.
-asėtoh(n) vta. shovel away s.o., swish away s.o. É-asėtȯhnóho. He shoveled him (for example, snow) away. Ná-asėtōhno héstā'se. I shoveled away the snow. Hová'éhe móxho'nónȯhpaohkevé'še-asėtōhnȯhtse méškėsoneho. Then (the cow) had nothing with which to swish away the bugs. [BOBTAIL.TXT] fta: -ohn; vti: -asėtohá.
-asėtȯhohtsé vai. tracks lead away. É-asėtȯhóhtse. His tracks led away. Ésta-asėtȯhohtséhoono. Their tracks led away. fai: -ohohtsé.
-asėtȯhomo'he vai. start to dance. É-asėtȯhomo'he. He started to dance. fai: -ohomó'he. Category: dance.
-asėtȯhomó'heohe vai. start to dance quickly. É-asėstomó'heohe. He started to dance quickly. Ná'ȯhke-asėtȯhomó'heohe. I would start dancing. [1987:177] Category: dance.
-asėtȯhóné vai. motion to move, away sign, sign away. É-asėtȯhóne. He motioned to (others to) move/keep going/get out of the way. fai: -ohóné. Category: sign.
-asėtȯhóov vta. sign to s.o. to leave, motion s.o. to leave. É-asėtȯhóovóho. He motioned to him to leave. Ná-asėtȯhóóvo. I motioned to him to leave. fta: -(o)hóov. Lit: away-motion Category: sign, interpersonal.
-asėtóhtá vti. move s.t. by mouth. É-asėtōhta. He moved it with his mouth. fti: -óhtá. Category: mouth.
-asėtóhta'hané vai. start to tell story. É-asėtóhta'hāne. He is starting to tell a story. tell a story. See: -hóhta'hané. Category: speak.
asėto'- pv. start. Éhne'ȯsáaneméhae'-asėto'hóxovó'eohétónėse. It (the head) started to come across. [The Rolling Head (Rockroads).161] Category: check.
-asėto'ȧhéotse vai. start to run, start to drive. É-asėto'ȧhéotse. He started to run/drive. -asėta'xe is used more commonly for beginning to run, but this is also a legitimate word. fai: -o'ȧhéotse. See: -aseta'xe. Category: run.
-asėto'a'há vii. blown away by wind. É-asėto'ā'ha. It was blown away by wind. Category: wind.
-asėtó'a'ó vii. fly away, fly off, blown away. for example, of paper garbage flying off the back of a pickup on the way to the dumpster. É-asėtó'á'o. It/He is flying away.
Néta-toenȧtse; nėstaasėtó'á'o. Let me hold on to you; you might get blown away by the wind. Category: motion, wind.
-asetó'a'xe vai. blown away by wind. É-asėtó'a'xe. He was blown away by the wind. See: -asėta'ó. Category: wind.
-asėto'asé vii. start to burn. for example, of a forest fire or prairie fire. É-asėto'āse. It has started burning. šéstotó'ėšé'e tsé'-asėto'ase forest fire (lit. pine woods where it has started burning). fii: -o'asé. Category: fire.
-asėto'ȧsé'o'sahné vai. start big fire. refers to starting a forest fire or prairie fire. É-asėto'ȧsé'á'sáhne. He started a big fire. Category: fire.
-asėto'ȧséotse vii. catch on fire. Ééše-asėto'ȧséotse. It caught on fire. See: -ohaséotse. Category: fire.
-asėto'eéh vta. torment s.o., torture s.o., pick on s.o. É-asėto'eeho. He picked on him. É-asėto'eéhóhó. He picked on him. (newer pronunciation). See: -asėto'eétahe. Category: interpersonal.
-asėto'éé'e vai. punished, suffer. can refer to "catching it", for example, being whipped, chained up, not fed right, etc. É-asėto'éé'e. He is being punished / he is getting what's coming to him.
Tse-asėto'éeo'o. They will suffer. Tsėsáanėhe'xóve-asėto'eéheheo'o. They will not suffer as much. Phon: vs See: -háo'omenehe; -métsėstóvo'eéh.
-asėto'eétahe vai. start to perform something; begin to perform something. for example, starting to do a ceremonial ritual. É-asėto'eétahe. He started doing something. fai: -o'eétahe. Category: do.
-asėto'éétó vii. start.snow. É-asėto'ééto. It is starting to snow. See: -ho'éétó ‘snow’.
asetó'ehné vai. start to go by wagon. Lit: start to roll É-asėtó'éhne. He is starting to go by wagon. Category: roll.
-asėtó'e'ó'h vta. roll away s.o., push away s.o. É-asėtó'e'o'ho. He rolled him away. É-asėtó'e'ó'hóho. He rolled him away. (newer pronunciation). Ná-asėto'e'ó'ho hohtsemo. I rolled the ball away.
-asėto'en vti. move away s.t., push away s.t. É-asėto'ēna. He moved it away. Ná-asėto'ēna táxe'séestȯtse. I pushed away the chair..
vta. shuffle s.o. for example, to shuffle playing cards. É-asėto'enóho mȯhenėšemono. He shuffled the playing cards. Ná-asėto'enoo'o mȯhenėšemono. I shuffled the playing cards. See: -ama'ham. Category: cards.
asetó'en vti. roll s.o. away. É-asėtó'éna. He rolled it away. É-asėtó'enóho. He rolled him (obv) away. See: -aseto'en. Category: roll, check.
-asėto'eoesta'há vii. blow away quickly. É-asėto'eoestā'ha. The wind blew it away quickly. É-asėto'eoestā'ha navóhkėha'e. The wind blew away my hat. Ques: tó'?? Category: wind, check.
-asėto'eoesta'xe vai. blown away quickly. É-asėto'eoesta'xe. He was blown away quickly. Category: wind.
-asėtó'eohe vai. start by wagon quickly, drive off by wagon quickly. É-asėtó'eohe. He started off by wagon quickly. Móhne'asėtó'eohehéhe. He must have driven off (by wagon). [Young Bird.009]
-asėtó'eohtsé vai. start by wagon. É-asėtó'eōhtse. He started off on a wagon. [1987:170] Mósto'seméo-asėtó'eohtsėhevóhe tsé'ȯhkėsó'hoxomevȯse They were going to go early in the morning after rations. [1987:170] Category: roll.
-asėtó'honaoohe vai. take off swimming, start swimming. Nóoo éstama'xe-asė-tó'honaoohéhoo'o. My, she swam as fast as she could. [1987:291]
-asėto'hovetsénoná'tá vti. take away s.t. under the arm. Éta-asėto'hovetsénoná'ta. He took it away under his (own) arm. for example, taking away a book held between arm and body. BodyPartMedial -tsénoná. Category: body.
-asėto'ne'e vai. take a step. É-asėto'ne'e. He took a step.
É-asėto'né'eo'o. They took a step. fai: -o'né'e. See: -ho'né'e ‘step’. Category: motion.
-asėto'soo'e vai. start to play. É-asėto'soo'e. He started to play.
É-asėto'sóeo'o. They started to play. Phon: vs Initial aset-; fai: -o'sóe. See: -évo'soo'e ‘play’. Category: play.
-asėtó'toeotse vii. start to unravel.
vai. start to unravel. Hoxȯhēō'o é-asėtó'toeotse. The sock started to unravel. See: -asenáotse. Category: texture.
-asėto'tóotsé'tá vti. carry away s.t. in the mouth. É-asėsto'tóotsé'ta. He carried it away in his mouth. Mósta-asėto'tóotsé'tȯhéhe hová'éhe tséto'seévėho'otsévȯse. He took things in his mouth which they might use. [1987:258]
-asėto'tsé vti. start to place s.t., start to put s.t. É-asėtō'tse. He is starting to place it. See: -ho'tsé ‘have s.t.’. Category: put.
-asėto'xe vai. leave with pack, start to carry (something). É-asėto'xe. He is starting to carry (something). É'-aseto'xéhoono. They left with their packs. (pret). [JOURNEY.TXT] fai: -o'xe. Category: carry.
asėto'xéotse vta. leave with pack, start to carry (something). Éstanovȯsetšėheše-asėto'xéotsénȯsesto o'hé'e. He then started off to the river with them on his back. [Why the Mudhen Has Red Eyes.012]
-asėtóma'ȯxová vai. start plowing, plow - start to. É-asėtóma'ȯxōva. He started plowing. Éstaosáaneasėt-óma'ȯxováhoo'o. He started plowing. [1987:70] fai: -óma'ȯxová. Category: farm.
-asėtóné vai. start to make. É-asėtóne. He is starting to make (something). [pd679] fai: -óné3. See: -manėstóné ‘make’. Category: handcraft.
-asėtónea'ham vta. push away s.o. by rope. É-asėtónea'hamóho. He pushed him (on a swing). Asėtónea'hameha! Push him (for example, on swing)! Medial -ón. Category: phys. ed..
-asėtóneanené vai. start to build fence. É-asėtóneanēne. He is starting to build a fence. Category: farm.
-asėtóne'ó vii. start to grow. É-asėtóné'o name'ko. My hair is starting to grow.
vai. start to grow. É-asėtóné'o. He (or It) is starting to grow. Final -óne'ó. See: -hóne'ó ‘grow’.
-asėtónová vai. start to talk. É-asėtónóva. He started to talk. fai: -ónová. Category: speak.
-asėtoo'kohó vii. start to rain, rain start. É-asėtoo'kōho. It started to rain. fii: -oo'kohó. See: -hoo'kohó ‘rain’. Category: weather.
-asėtóoneeváen vta. lead away s.o. É-asėtóoneeváenóho. He led him away. Mósta-asėtóoneeváenóhetsenotóhe. She led him away. [1980:65:33] Category: move.
-asėtóoseme vai. flee from danger. É-asėtóoseme. He fled from danger. fai: -óoseme. See: -amóoseme; -hetóoseme; -nóhtoosemé'tov; -amȧxesta; -amȧxem; -aseohováohe. Category: motion.
-asėtóová vai. remove by water?? É-asėtóóva. ?? [pd1094] Initial asėt-; fii: -óová. See: -vonóová. Category: liquid, check.
-asėtóovahe vai. start to be rich ?? É-asėtóovahe. He is getting rich. ?? See: -háoovahe ‘rich - be’. Category: money, check.
-asėtóovaotse vii. swept away by water. É-asėtóovaotse. It was swept away by water. Initial asėt-; fii: -óová. Category: liquid.
-asėtóovohtsé vti. wash away s.t. É-asėtóóvóhtse. He washed it away. Mȧhe-asėtóóvóhtsėstse! Wash it all away! Medial -óov.
-asėtósėhahtsé vti. drag away s.t. É-asėtósėháhtse. He dragged it away. Category: move.
-asėtósem vta. start to tell about s.o. É-asėtósemóho. He began to tell about him. É-tšėheše-asėtóseme. This is how the story begins. See: -hósem ‘tell about s.o.’; -asėstósem ‘drag away s.o.’.
-asėtotóm vta. carry away s.o. in the mouth. for example, a dog carrying away a rabbit in his mouth. É-asėtotomo. He carried him away in his mouth. fta: -otóm. Category: carry, mouth.
-asėtotse'ohe vai. start to work. É-asėtotse'ohe. He started working.
Tóne'še néohke-asėtotse'ohe? When do you start work?
Asėtotse'óestse! Start working!
tséhmóne-asėtotse'oestse when he started to work. See: -hotse'óhe. Category: work.
-asėtovésé punished. Usage: figurative language; literally might have something to do with hair ?? Éasėtovése. He got it. ?? Naa éto'se-asėtovése. And he is going to get it. Category: check.
-asėtȯxe'ėstóné vai. start school, begin to study. É-asėtȯxe'ėstóne. He started school. fai: -ȯxe'ėstóné. See: -mȯxe'ėstóne. Category: school, write.
-asėtóxovéstavá vai. travel - start to; start to travel. É-asėtóxovéstáva. He is beginning his travels. fai: -óxovéstavá. See: -hóxovéstavá. Category: motion.
-asėtsévȯheonanéoohe vai. take off in a cloud of dust. that is, take off so fast that a lot of dust flies up. É-asėtsévȯheonanéoohe. He took off in a cloud of dust. See: -tsévanó. Category: motion.
-aseváen vti. throw s.t. has meaning element of 'throw away' from a reference point, such as that of the speaker; different from the meaning of -vóho'oet 'throw away s.o., discard s.o.'. Ná-aseváéna. I threw it.
vta. throw s.o. É-aseváenóho. He threw him. See: -aseváohe; -asėta'hahtsé. Category: move.
-asévȧho'há vti. turn on s.t. (with an engine); turn on engine of s.t. This is for turning on the engine of a vehicle. This is not for turning on something else, such as a radio or air conditioner. Ná-asévȧhó'ha. I turned it on.
É-asévȧhó'ha. He turned it on.
Asévȧhó'hȯhtse! Start!
Nėševe-asévȧhó'hȯhtse! Start to turn on the car! Antonym -énevȧho'há, -hó'tován. See: -asévaoestȧho'há; -asėta'xé'sestsé; -ta'ta'en. Category: car.
-asévȧho'hová vai. start engine. refers to starting a vehicle. É-asévȧho'hōva. He started the engine. See: -asévȧho'tá ‘engine start’; -énevȧho'hová ‘stop engine’. Category: car.
asévȧho'hóvahtȯtse ni. automatic push to start vehicle. Lit: start.engine.thing Ques: recheck second high pitch?? Category: check, new, car.
-asévȧho'tá vii. start. of a motorized vehicle. É-asévȧhó'ta. It started. Éhótse-asévȧhó'ta. It (car) won't start. Ésáa'éva-asévȧho'táhane. It would not start again. [1987:156] fii: -évȧho'tá; vti: -asévȧho'há. See: -hotse'óhétó; -éneohétó; -asévȧho'hová. Category: car.
-asévaoestȧho'há vti. turn on s.t. (with engine) quickly. especially of turning on the engine of a vehicle. É-asévaoestȧhō'ha. He turned it on quickly. Asévaoestȧhō'hȯhtse! Turn it on quickly! See: -asévȧho'há. Antonym -énevaoestȧho'há. Category: car.
-aseváohe vai. throw. É-aseváohe. He threw.
vti. Gram: ai+o throw s.t. This does not refer to disposing of something, but of throwing something away from oneself. See: -váohe; -éseváohe; -vóho'oestsé; -aseváen; -éseváohe. Category: throw.
-aseváohé'tov vta. Gram: ai+o throw away s.o. This refers to throwing someone (especially a ball). É-aseváohénoto hohtsemono. He threw the ball (away from himself). Category: throw.
-asevo'e'á vti. push away s.t. by foot. É-asevo'ē'a. He pushed it away with his foot. Category: feet, move.
-asevo'e'omev vta. chase away something from s.o. É-asevo'e'omevóho. He chased it away from him. Ná-asevo'e'omēvo. I chased it away from him. Category: move.
-asevo'e'ov vta. chase away s.o. É-asevo'e'ovóho. He chased him away.
Asevo'e'óveha! Chase him away! See: -asėtȧxe'ov. Category: move.
-asevo'kohá vti. push away s.t. (by tool). É-asevo'kōha. He pushed it away. Variant: -asevo'ohá. Category: move.
-asevo'ohá vti. push away s.t. (by tool). É-asevo'ōha. He pushed it away. Variant: -asevo'kohá. Category: move.
-asevo'oh(n) vta. knock away s.o. by tool. É-asevo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him (especially the ball, animate) away. Éma'xe-asevo'ȯhnóho hohtsemono. He hit/knocked the ball a long ways. Variant: -asevo'koh(n); Medial -evo'; fta: -oh(n). Category: baseball.
-asévone vii. start to make a sound, sound start. É-asévone. It is starting to make a sound. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.
-asevonehné vai. start to crawl. É-asevonēhne. He started crawling. Otaxa he'ȧhtsenȯtse éstavé'še-asevonėhnénȯhoonȯtse. He started crawling with just his front legs. fai: -vonehné. Category: motion.
-asévoneotse vii. sound start, start to make a sound. É-asévoneotse. It is starting to make a sound. fii: -évone. See: -asévone. Category: sounds.
-asȯhohtsé vai. tracks go away from. Éta-asȯhōhtse. His tracks go away from. fai: -hohtsé. Category: tracks.
-asȯhó'ham vta. shove away s.o. for example, to shove someone forward. É-asȯhó'hamóho. He shoved him away/forward. fta: -ohó'ham. See: -ésȯhó'ham. Category: check.
-asȯhón vti. push away s.t. É-asȯhóna. He pushed it away/forward.
vta. push away s.o. É-asȯhonóho. He pushed him away/forward. See: -asȯhó'ham ‘shove s.o.’. Category: move, check.
-asóme fai. defecate, poop, stool, feces, turd. Émomé'aév-ȧsome. He had a bloody stool.
Éhe'kon-ȧsómeo'o. They have hard stools.
Émo'ȯhtáv-ȧsome. He had a dark stool.
Éno'-ȧsome. He has something included in his poop. Variant: -esóme. See: -mée'kahe; -mése'ahe; -o'ehné. Category: body function, check.
-aše'še fai. drink. Énonótov-ȧše'še. He is drunk.
Évóon-ȧše'še. He drank all night.
Éná't-ȧše'še. He is full from drinking.
Éév-ȧše'še. He is going around drunk.
Émȧha-šé'šeo'o. They all drank. ... éhet-ȧše'še. ... that is how he drank. Non-assimilated -asé'še. The final -asé'še usually assimilates to -ašé'še. fta: -asé'ham. Category: drink.
-ašéševaen vta. start fighting with s.o., start warring with s.o. É-ašéševaenóho. He is starting to beat him up. This is the same verb stem as -aséševaen except that here the first "s" has assimilated to the following "š". Non-assimilated -aséševaen. Category: warfare, violence.
Ášeške na. (man's name for a small animal similar to a weasel).
another recording: Variant: Áseške. Category: names.
átahe p. Listen!, Look!, Attention!, Shh! attention getting particle similar to English 'look', as in 'Look here, that is not the way it was!'. Variant: ótahe. This is much less common than the ótahe pronunciation. Category: hear.
-áta'e sfx. conjunct ending for 3rd person subject and 2nd person singular object. tséonóom-áta'e the one who called you. tséhméhot-áta'e because he loved you. This suffix is still known and used by some speakers but it is in the process of being replaced by -eto adue to paradigm regularization. Variant: -aeto. Morph: /-ata'e/. Phon: iah Category: grammar.
-ata'osé sfx. conjunct ending for 3rd person plural subject acting on 2nd person singular object. tséonóom-ata'ōse the ones who called you. Phon: iah Category: grammar.
-átam fta. think so of s.o. Nápėhév-átámo I like him (literally, I deem him good).
É-oné'seómatamóho. He believed him. (literally, regard him as true).
Éhóxe'-átamóho. He considers him clean. fti: -átsest. See: -o'ót. Etym: *-e·lem. Category: cognition.
-átamaahe fai. appear. Épėhév-atamaahe. He is good-looking.
Émo'on-átamaahe. He is beautiful in appearance.
Évéhon-átamaahe. He looks like a chief.
Éono'-átamaahe. He is respected.
Éma'heón-atamaahe. He has a holy appearance. fii: -átamáno'e. Category: appearance.
-átamáno'e fii. environment appearance, appear environmentally. typically about weather or a scene. Épėhév-atamáno'e. It is nice weather.
Évéhon-átamáno'e. It is a beautiful (place). Phon: iah See: -mano'e. Category: weather.
-átamao'ó fai. laugh. Éáhan-átamaō'o. He laughed so hard he rolled on the ground.
Éhánȯht-átamaō'o. He leaned backwards laughing so hard.
Éémooht-átamaō'o. He is laughing quietly.
Één-atamaō'o. He stopped laughing.
Émémėst-átamaō'o. He laughed so hard he defecated (or farted).
Éomóm-atamaō'o. He laughed so hard he cried.
Éová'k-atamaō'o. He was giggling. Ésé'h-atamaō'o. He woke up laughing. Phon: not vs fai: -hohátse. Category: sounds.
-átanó'tov fta. want to do something to s.o. Náohkeaseotsėh-átanó'tova. He wants to take me away. fai: tanó.
-atová m. smoke, fire. Analysis is uncertain as to what is the first letter of this medial; one possibility is that the first letter will be an /o/ unless the preceding initial ends in a vowel, in which case the /o/ will not be present. Variant: -(o)'tová. Émé'-atōva. Smoke is appearing.
Éhá-atōva. There is a lot of smoke.
Énėhp-atována. He dampered it.
Éhó-atováóó'e. Smoke is coming out.
É-asėtatováóó'e. It started smoking. Éhest-atováóó'e. The smoke reaches to (there). See: he'pó; -otsehe. Category: smoke, fire.
-atováóó'e fii. smoke, smoke issue. This ending on some verbs about smoke is composed of two finals, -atová and -óé. This -óé might be the same as the -óé final meaning 'stand' or it might just sound the same and have a different meaning, perhaps something like 'issue'. Éhó-atováóó'e. (a'tová??) Smoke is coming out. Ésáahó-atováoehane.?? Smoke is not coming out. Category: check. Phon: vs See: -atová ‘smoke’; -óé2 ‘stand’. Category: smoke.
-atse sfx. suffix indicating first person acting on second person. Né-vóomȧtse. I saw you. Variant: -estse. See: -e ‘2:1’. Category: grammar.
-atsé sfx. 1:2.CNJ. tséhvóom-ātse when I saw you. See: -atse. Category: grammar.
átsėhámóhe p. oops; whoops; oh yes; oh dear. Usage: Some people say that this word is said by women and hóxéhe is said by men. Variant: ótsėhámóhe. See: hóxéhe. Category: exclamations.
-átsestá fti. regard s.t. so, consider s.t. so. Nápėhév-átsésta. I like it.
Náhá-átsésta. I think highly of it. Ná-onéstátsésta. I am testing it. fta: -átam. Etym: cf *e·lent(am) (R). Category: cognition.
áv- i. fall over. áv- refers to movement falling down and over (that is, to the side or from a standing position), while an- simply refers to movement down. É-áva'hāhtse. He knocked it over. É-ávȯhomó'heohe. He fell over from dancing so fast. Category: move.
-ávȧho'he vai. lie down from heat. É-ávȧho'he. He lay down he is so hot. fai: -aho'he. Category: lie.
-áva'hahtsé vti. knock over s.t. É-áva'hāhtse. He knocked it over. for example, knocking over a fence. Category: move, throw.
-áva'ham vta. knock over s.o. É-áva'hamóho. He knocked him over.
Áva'hamahtse! Fall down! See: -nó'ėsta'ham. Category: throw.
-áva'ó vii. fall over, fall down.
vai. fall over, fall down. This word can be said of a person or a tree. É-ává'o. He (or It) fell over.
(another recording) Móssé'e-áva'ȯhéhe. (The tree) had fallen into the creek. [1987:281] Final -a'ó. See: -ana'ó ‘fall down’. Category: motion.
-áva'ó'h vta. rape s.o. É-áva'o'ho. He raped her.
É-áva'ó'hóho. He raped her. (newer pronunciation).
Mó'-áva'ó'hohevóhe. He must have raped her (obv). See: -é'ho'oh(n) ‘rape s.o.’. Category: violence, vulgar, sex.
-áva'ó'tov vta. fall with reference to s.o. Natáxe-áva'onȯtse ho'honáá'e. I fell on top of the rock.
Nánó'ėse-áva'onȯtse ho'honáá'e. I fell over the rock. See: -hohétšešé. Category: fall.
-áva'ó'tsé vti. set s.t. over, lean s.t. over. É-áva'ó'tse. He leaned it over. Néta-áva'ó'tsenone! Let's set it over! Category: put.
-ávan vti. take down s.t. É-ávána. He took it down.
vta. take down s.o. É-ávanóho. He took him down. Ná-áváno. I took him down.
-ávanóoné vai. 1 • take down tent. É-ávanóóne. He took his tent down. É-ávanóonéstove there is taking down of tent poles. Category: tepee.
2 • die. Category: figurative. See: -vévȯheotse; -ó'ená'o'tsé. Category: death.
-ávas vta. cut down s.o., fell s.o. especially to fell (cut down) a tree. É-ávȧsóho. He felled him. See: -avoh(n). Category: cut, trees.
áve- pv. fall over, incline to the side. Etym: *pe·wi ‘low, of little value’. É-áveameōhtse. He is walking staggeringly. É-ávėhó'ta. It sets tilting. See: káve- ‘down’.
-áveanȯxévaen vta. beat s.o. until they fall over. É-áveanȯxévaenóho. He beat him until he fell over. Category: fall, violence.
-ávehá vii. fallen over, fall lie, lie fallen. É-ávéha. It is lying fallen over. for example, of a tent. vai: -ávešé. See: -ávo'tá. Category: lie.
-ávemas vta. shoot down s.o. É-ávemȧsóho. He shot him down. See: -anevo'emas. Category: shoot.
-áveméohe vai. run falling halfway down. É-áveméohe. He is running leaning over. Initial áve-; fai: -méohe. Category: run.
-áveoesta'há vii. blown over quickly. É-áveoestā'ha. It was blown over quickly. Category: motion, wind.
-áveoesta'xe vai. fall over while running. É-áveoesta'xe. He fell over while running. Category: motion.
-áveóó'e vai. lean over. É-áveóó'e. He is standing leaning over. fai: -óé2. See: -nó'ėseóó'e. Category: stand.
-áveotse vai. break down in health. É-áveotse. He broke down in health. Initial áve-; fai: -otse. Category: sickness.
-ávešé vai. lie fallen over. É-ávéše. He is lying fallen over. Etym: *pe·wihšinwa (P). for instance, of a tree that fell over. vii: -ávehá. Category: lie.
-ávevo'e'á vti. knock over s.t. (with body or foot). É-ávevo'ē'a. He knocked it over (with his body). See: -anevo'e'há. Category: move.
-ávevo'e'ov vta. bump over s.o., knock over s.o. É-ávevo'e'ovóho. He bumped him over (with his body). This can be an accidental bumping that knocks someone over. See: -áva'ham ‘push over s.o.’. Category: move.
-ávevo'en vti. knock over s.t. É-ávevo'ēna. He knocked it over.
vta. knock over s.o. É-ávevo'enóho. He knocked him over. Category: move.
-ávevo'ešé vai. lie knocked over. É-ávevo'ēše. He lay knocked over. Category: lie.
-ávevo'oh(n) vta. knock over s.o. refers to hitting someone so that they fall over. É-ávevo'ȯhnóho. He knocked him over. Náma'xe-ávevo'ōhno. I really knocked him down.
Nexa é-ávevo'ohe. Twice he was knocked down. Medial -evo'. Category: move, hit.
-ávoeoesta'há vii. blown down quickly by wind. Nėhē'še éxȯhtoohketomȯhtánánóvo vee'e, é'ȯhkeéva-ávoeoesta'hatse. Then they tried to put up the tepee, it would blow back down. [1987:30] Medial -oest. Category: wind.
-ávoésé vai. hang over, bend over almost to the ground. É-ávoése. He is bent over almost to the ground. fai: -oésé. See: -ma'kėstahe. Category: hang.
-ávohá vti. push down s.t. by tool. É-ávóha. He pushed it down by tool. Etym: *pe·wahamwa. Category: move.
-ávoh(n) vta. fell s.o., chop down s.o. can be of felling a tree. É-ávȯhnóho. He knocked him down. Etym: *pe·wahwe·wa (P). Ná-ávóhno hoohtsėstse. I felled a tree. Category: trees.
-ávȯhó'e vai. fell (trees), cut timber. É-ávȯhó'e. He is felling trees. É-ávȯhó'eo'o. They are felling trees. Medial -ó'(e)2. Category: wood.
-ávȯhomó'heohe vai. fall over from dancing so fast ?? É-ávȯhomó'heohe. He fell over from dancing so fast. Initial áv-; fai: -ohomó'he, -ohe. Category: dance, check.
-ávo'a'xe vai. blown over. É-ávo'a'xe. (The tree) was blown over. Medial -ó'(e); fai: -ó'a'xe. Category: wind.
-ávo'tá vii. tilted, lean. É-ávó'ta. It is tilted. Category: positions.
ávoon- i. fast. that is, to not eat. É-ávóónéóó'e. He is fasting standing. É-ávooneotse. He collapsed from hunger or thirst. É-ávóónéše. He fasted. Category: eat.
-ávoonah vta. starve s.o., make s.o. fast. É-ávoonȧhóho. He starved him. Ná-ávoonāho. I starved him/I made him fast. É-ávoonȧhahtseo'o. They are fasting/they are starving themselves. Synonym -ávooneh, -ávoonot; vai: -ávóonešé ‘lie fasting’; -ávoone ‘starve; fast’. See: -ávooneh; -ávoonot. Category: eat.
-ávooné vai. fast, starve, vision quest. Ques: -ávoéné?? check plural; -sévoéné die of thirst, -ávoéné die without food É-ávóóne. He starved to death.
É-ávoonehe? Is he starving?
É-ávooneo'o. They starved.
Ná-ávóóne. I starved.
Né-ávóóne. You starved.
Náohto'se-ávóóne. I almost starved. That can be said for feeling very hungry. Nȧhóhpo éheše'hāna mótó'ease-ávoonėhéhe. He ate up absolutely all of his food; he must have been almost starved. Mó=tsėhéóhe hotómá'e nėstsenėšėhe'keov-ávoonema néstȯxétse? Are we all going to starve to death in here? [1987:40] Reduplicated -ovávoone. See: -ávoonešé; -sévooné. Category: Sun Dance, check.
-ávooneh vta. starve s.o., cause s.o. to fast. É-ávoonėhóho. ?? He made him fast. Ná-ávóóného I made him fast. Synonym -ávoonah, -ávoonot. See: -ávoonah; -ávoonot. Category: eat, check.
Ávóóné'e na. Fasting Woman, Starving Woman. Category: names.
Ávoonenáhkohe na. Starving Bear. Category: names.
-ávooneóó'e vai. fast standing, stand fasting. This is a traditional form of self-imposed fasting, which typically involved standing in one spot an entire day, sometimes looking at the sun from morning until evening. É-ávóónéóó'e. He is fasting standing. Phon: vs fai: -óé. Category: stand.
-ávooneotse vai. collapse from hunger or thirst. É-ávooneotse. He collapsed from hunger or thirst. Category: eat.
-ávoonešé vai. lie fasting. used especially to refer to ceremonial fasting, such as at Bear Butte, South Dakota. É-ávóónéše. He lay fasting. tséstȧhé-ávóónéšėse when he went on a vision quest (VISION.TXT:1). Phon: hle or are these pitches phonemic? See: -ávooné ‘fast’; -névávóonešé ‘fast for four days’. Category: lie.
ávoonėšenahtȯtse ni. fasting.
-ávoonot vta. starve s.o. É-ávoonotóho. He starved him.
(another recording) Ná-ávóónóto. I starved him. [Croft] vai: -ávooneše; Synonym -ávooneh, -ávoonah. Category: eat.
-ax fti. cut. Éa't-āxa. He accidentally cut it. fta: -as. Category: cut.
-axaa'éhéme na. Gram: poss sister (of male), sister-in-law (of female). This word is used for a man's sister, a man's brother's wife, a woman's brother's wife, or a woman's husband's sister. na-axaa'éhéme my sister (male speaking) / my sister-in-law (woman speaking).
he-axaa'éhemo his sister / her sister-in-law.
he-axaa'éhemevóho his sister(s) / her sister(s)-in-law. na-axaa'éhemasėstse Sisters (man's)! (voc.) vai: -he-axaa'éheme. Category: relatives.
axae vai. get meat. Ques: recheck Mó'ȯhtšėho'e-axaehevóhe. They would come to get meat. [The Great Race.078] Category: check, meat.
-axaehe vai. camp hunting. É-xaaehe. He is camped while hunting. É-axaeheo'o. They are camped while hunting. [1987:251] fai: -ehe. Category: hunt, camp.
áxȧxév- i. ring. also used for ringing up by telephone. Nėsta-axȧxéva'o'hȧtse. I'll ring you (call on the telephone). É-áxȧxéváóhtse. He is walking with his bells jingling. É-áxȧxévone. It (especially a bell) has a ringing sound/it is ringing.
É-áxȧxévá'háhtse. He rang it. Category: sounds.
-áxȧxéva'hahtsé vti. 1 • ring s.t. (especially a bell). É-áxȧxévá'háhtse. He rang it.
2 • be boss ?? Category: check.
-áxȧxéva'ham vta. 1 • ring s.o. as bell. Oha nátaohkėhéne'ena tā'se -pȧhávėhéne'ena tsé'ȯhkėheše-áxȧxéva'hame héneáxȧxévo. All I remember real well is that the bell was always rung. [1987:190]
2 • phone s.o., telephone s.o. É-áxȧxéva'hamóho. He telephoned him (obv). perhaps originated with the action of hand cranked telephones, or, later, as a loan translation from English 'to give s.o. a ring').
-áxȧxéva'hasené vai. jingle. that is, make a jingling sound. É-áxȧxéva'hasēne. He is jingling. Category: sounds.
áxȧxéva'hasēō'o ni. bell. Variant: áxȧxévo. The older term appears to be áxȧxévo.
-áxȧxéva'o'h vta. ring s.o., phone s.o. that is, call someone on the telephone. É-áxȧxéva'o'hóho. He rang him. Nėsta-áxȧxéva'o'hȧtse. I will ring you. Category: interpersonal.
-áxȧxévan vta. ring s.o. This refers to ringing up someone by phone. It is not well known by younger speakers today. É-áxȧxévanóho. He rang him. Nėsta-áxȧxévanȧtse. I'll give you a ring. Category: interpersonal.
-áxȧxévaohtsé vai. walk with jingling bells. É-áxȧxéváóhtse. He is walking with his bells jingling. This used to be said of people who would walk to the dance hall with their dancing clothes on, including dancing bells. The bells would jingle as they walked. Category: sounds, walk.
-áxȧxévaotse vii. rattle, ring. Ques: áxȧxéva + otse?? Tséoxxaehoó'he-áxȧxévaotse. It was overheard rattling. [The Snakebite.021]
vai. rattle, ring. Category: check.
áxȧxévo ni. bell. Plural áxȧxévonȯtse ??; Variant: axȧxéva'haseo'o. Category: dance, check.
-áxȧxévo'ėhaná vai. have bells on shoes. É-áxȧxévo'ėhāna. He has bells on his shoes. Category: sounds, shoes.
-áxȧxévo'ótaná vai. wear a bell, bell wear. refers to wearing a bell around the neck, as some cows do. É-áxȧxévo'ótána. He is wearing a bell. IndepNoun áxȧxévo; fai: -o'ótaná. See: -he-áxȧxévone; ho'ota. Category: sounds.
-áxȧxévone vii. ring (as a bell). É-áxȧxévone. It (especially a bell) has a ringing sound/it is ringing. fii: -évone. Category: sounds.
axe- i. scratch. Ná-axeēna. I scratched it by hand. Ná-axeēno. I scratched him by hand. É-axeeōhtse. He scratched. Ná-axeēxa. I scratched it by cutting. Ná-axenōha. I scratched it by tool.
axe na. land monster. Similar to rhinoceros. This is a land monster. Méhne is a water monster. Usage: obsolescing Plural ȧxeho; Obviative ȧxeho. Etym: cf. PA *pešiwa ‘lynx; bobcat’; cf. PA *pešehkiwa ‘wood buffalo’. See: méhne ‘water monster’. Category: monsters.
axee- i. scratch.
-axee'pa'onán vta. scratch back of s.o. É-axee'pa'onano. He scratched his (someone else's) back. É-axee'pa'onánóho. He scratched his (someone else's) back. (newer pronunciation). Etym: *keši·pipeθkwane·ne·wa.
-axee'pa'onáxé vai. scratch back. one's own back, for example, by rubbing against something. É-axee'pa'onáxe. He is scratching his (own) back. BodyPartMedial -'pa'oná. Category: body.
-axeen vti. scratch s.t. É-axeēna. He scratched it. for example, to relieve itching. Etym: *keši·penamwa.
vta. scratch s.o. É-axeenahtse. He is scratching himself.
Éma'éve-axeenahtse. He scratched himself until he was bloody. See: -hótȧhan. Category: surface.
-axeeohtsé vai. scratch. É-axeeōhtse. He is scratching. See: -netoeohtsé ‘itch’.
-axeesén vta. scratch nose of s.o. É-axeesénahtse. He is scratching his (own) nose. BodyPartMedial -esé. Category: body, nose.
-axéestaemá vai. scratch nits. É-axéestaēma. He is scratching (his) nits. Category: bugs.
-axeestaemáohtsé vai. head lice itch. Ná-axeestaemáóhtse. My head is itching (from head lice).
-axeešé vai. scratch. for example, to scratch yourself (because you itch) on something, such as the corner of a door. É-axeēše. He is scratching.
ȧxeetoo'é'hasēō'o ni. fishhook. See: nonónóó'e. Category: fish.
-axeetoo'é'ó'h vta. hook s.o. É-axeetoo'é'o'ho. He caught him on the barb of a hook.
É-axeetoo'é'ó'hóho. He caught him on the barb of a hook. (newer pronunciation). Category: fish.
-axenohá vti. scratch s.t. by tool. É-axenōha. He scratched it by tool. Etym: *keši·pahamwa (P).
-axenoh(n) vta. scratch s.o. with a tool. É-axenȯhnóho. He is scratching him with some tool (such as a stick). Etym: *keši·pahwe·wa. É-axenȯhestse. He is scratching himself. Etym: *keši·pahwesowa > **keši·pahwetwiwa. That can refer to a dog scratching itself or a person scratching with a back scratcher.
-axenȯhomo'he vai. especially from mange. É-axenȯhomo'he. He (especially a dog) is scratching. See: -axeen. Category: dogs.
-axenȯhoné vai. play guitar. This word comes from the image of a dog scratching itself. É-axenȯhōne. He is playing a guitar.
axenȯhonestȯtse ni. guitar, back scratcher. Category: new.
ȧxeohōva na. catfish. Lit: monster?-animal (barbed-animal??) Plural ȧxeohováhne; Obviative ȧxeohováhne. See: axe ‘land monster’; hōva ‘animal’. Category: fish, check.