Éa'eotse. He attacked.
Éénetâhtseo'o. They stopped fighting.
Ééšeénetâhtséstove. The war has ended.
Éhesta'e. He is wounded.
Éhó'tâhéva. He won; he was victorious.
maahe arrow; maahotse arrows
Éméó'e. He fought.
Éméoxevaenâhtseo'o. They fought each other right away.
Énóono'e. He war whooped.
Énóxenêhevoo'o He is telling about his war deeds.
Évé'otse He went on the warpath; he went on a journey.
Évovóneotse He surrendered; he gave in.
hooheo'o flag
hoóma across (the ocean)
méo'evo'häme war horses
néstaxe my ally/cowarrior
nótaxe warrior; nótâxeo'o warriors
nótâxémâheonôtse barracks
nótâxéve'ho'e soldier; nótâxévé'hó'e soldiers
Tsêhe'êsta'éhe Tséhvonanêse Custer Battlefield (literally, where Long Hair was wiped out; the battlefield has been renamed to Little Bighorn Battlefield)
xomoo'o lance / spear