Cheyenne tribe divisions
Tsitsistaists Cheyenne person (informal spelling; technical spelling is Tsétsêhéstaestse); Tsitsistas Cheyennes (informal spelling; technical spelling is Tsétsêhéstâhese)
Heévâhetane Oklahoma Cheyenne; Southern Cheyenne; Heévâhetaneo'o Oklahoma Cheyennes; Southern Cheyennes (literally, roped-people)
Heévâhetané'e Oklahoma Cheyenne woman; Heévâhetané'eo'o Oklahoma Cheyenne women
Notameohmésêhese Northern Cheyennes (literally, northern-eaters; shortened from: Ohmésêhese, literally, eaters)
Ôhmésêhé'e Northern Cheyenne woman (literally, eater-woman)
Ôhmésêheestse Northern Cheyenne (literally, eater); Ôhmésêhese Northern Cheyennes
Só'taa'e a Sutai person; Só'taeo'o the Sutaio band of Cheyennes (informal spelling: Sutaio)
ó'xevé'ho'e breed (literally, half-whiteman); ó'xevé'hó'e breeds
tsêhésevé'ho'e breeds (literally, Cheyenne-whiteman)tsêhésevé'hó'e breeds
Any Indian
xamaevo'êstane Indian; xamaevo'êstaneo'o Indians (literally, ordinary-persons)
Other tribes
Hetanevo'e Arapaho; Hetanevo'eo'o Arapahos (literally, man cloud ones)
Hóheeheo'o Assiniboines (literally, wrapped ones)
Ho'óhomo'e Sioux; Ho'óhomo'eo'o Siouxs
Ho'néhetaneo'o Pawnees (literally, wolf people)
Môhónooneo'o Gros Ventres (literally, scouting all over ones)
Mo'ôhtávêhahtátaneo'o Blackfeet (same literal meaning)
Onéhao'o Poncas/Omahas
Ónoneo'o Rees/Arikaras
Óoetaneo'o Crows
Oo'kóhtâxétaneo'o Osages/Kaws (literally, cut hair people)
Otaesétaneo'o Nez Perces (literally, pierced nose people)
Sena'kaneo'o Cherokees
Šé'šenovotsétaneo'o Comanches (literally, snake people)
Vétapâhaetó'eo'o Kiowas (literally, greasy wood ones??)
Vóhkoohétaneo'o Crees (literally, rabbit people)
notse Indian from another tribe; nótseo'o Indians from other tribes
nótá'e Indian woman from another tribe