Éháenóoheo'o. There's lots of them (animate, e.g. flies, mice, relatives).
háesto many
háestoha many times
Éháestôhánêstse. There are many of them (inanimate).
Éháestôhnóéhne. He has many children.
Éháestôxeo'o. There are many of them (animate).
Éháetanevóo'e. It's a crowd.
Éhehpêstôxeo'o. They (animate) are more (than enough) in number.
Éhe'eotse. There is some left(over).
Éhová'âháne. It's gone.
hovéhno barely
Émâheóeo'o. The are all standing (e.g. in a crowd).
Émá'seotse. It's depleted, run out.
néstôxévôse all of them (animate)
nêšemâheto the entirety
netao'o hová'éhe everything
Éo'hémeotse. He lacks, needs (something).
Éoótâhámo. It is abundant, there is plenty.
tôhkomo a few
Étôhkomo. There's just a few (inanimate).
Étôhkomôxeo'o. They (animate) are few in number.
Étónêstôhánêstse? How many (inanimate) were there?
Étónêstôxeo'o? How many (animate) were there?
tónesto How many?
tónêstoha How many times?
tšéške'e a little
vonesto very, very many (literally, lost count)
See also Numbers