Éhávęséva'e. It's bad.
Éhe'anáto. It's easy.
Éhótoanáto. It's difficult.
Ékánoma'e. It doesn't matter.
Énáno'tahe. He is the best/supreme.
Énęhéso. It's that way.
Éne'tahe. He's the main one; he is important.
Éné'ta'e. It's the main thing; it's important.
Énęene'ha'e. It's the same.
Énęępéva'e. It's alright/good enough/"Leave it alone!"
Énétâhévahe. He's different.
Énétâhéva'e. It's different.
Épéva'e. It's good (Technically written Épęhéva'e, indicating this word's aspirated "p" sound).
Ésáanęhesóhane. It's not that way.
Ésééso. It's identical.
Étónéso? How is it? / What is it like? / What are its qualities?
Étónesta? How is he? /What is he like? /What are his qualities?
oóxésta "same as usual" / "alright"
See also Size