Cheyenne idioms
Émomá'kó'éne. His girlfriend/her boyfriend married someone else (literally, He has red around his eyes).
Mónésó'táhoenȯtse kosa? Are you still riding the goat? (= separated from your spouse)
Népo'évėsehe? Did your horn fall off? (= Did your husband leave you?)
Énėhpoése ma'eno. The turtle is shrouded (= It's foggy.)
mȧxhevéesevôhtse oonȧhá'e when frogs have teeth (= never)
Móéšėto'sėhestsevévėšėhéhe He's about to grow horns (= He's crazy.)
Ého'néhevėhohtse She has wolf footprints (= She is very smart, she can outsmart men.)
Náno'ee'ėha'onȯtse vóóhe I put on my shoes with the morning star (=I got up really early.)
Étaomėhótsenȯhtóvenestse napȧhpóneehéhame. My tapeworm can almost talk by itself (= My stomach is growling.)
Naa móhe vo'ėstane vé'keemahpe néxo'oma'ó'haehe? Did someone put candy
in your mouth? (= Did someone pacify you so you quit talking a certain
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