héehe'e yes
hová'ȧháne no
Népévomóhtȧhehe? Are you feeling good?
Nétónetomóhtahe? How are you feeling?
Nápévomóhtahe. I'm feeling good.
Násáapévomóhtȧhéhe. I'm not feeling good.
Náháomóhtahe. I'm sick.
Néháeanahe? Are you hungry?
Náháéána. I'm hungry.
Násáaháeanáhe. I'm not hungry.
Nékȧhaneotsehe? Are you tired?
Násáa'éšekȧhaneotséhe. I'm not tired.
Náéšekȧhaneotse. I'm tired.
Énémenehe? Is he singing / Did he sing?
Énéméne. He is singing / He sang.
Mó-nėstsenomēne? Do you want to drink coffee (or anything else hot)?
Éhoo'kȯhohe? Is it raining? (Alternate way to ask it: Mó'éhoo'köho? Is it raining?
Móhénėsehe? Is that it? / Is that all?
Mónėhetáa'e? Is that all? / Is that the end?
Mónėhé'še? Shall we go now? / Are we ready to go?
Naa nénéehove? How about you?
Tósa'e? Where?
Névááhe? Who?
Névááso? Who?
Neváaseo'o? Who (plural)?
Hénová'e? What?
Tósa'e nétao'sėtsėhe'öhtse? Where are you going?
Náto'semȧhoéve'ho'eohtse. I'm going to town.
Nátao'sėsé'eohtse. I'm going to the store (literally, going toward).
Méavé'ho'eno nátao'sėtsėhe'eohtse I'm going to Lame Deer.
Nétónėšéve? What are you doing?
Násáatónėšévéhe. I'm not doing anything.
Nééetónėšéve? What have you been doing?
Náhomöse. I'm cooking.
Nákóhkonȯheonäne. I'm making bread.
Nétaéšėhósėtónėšéve? What did you do this time? (typically use to scold)
Nétónetotse'ohe? What's your job?
Námȯxe'ėstóne. I'm a secretary (literally, I write).
Námatanaéve'ho'eve. I'm a policeman.
Nétónėšetano? What are you thinking?
Náaseohtsétáno. I want to leave.
Nétónėševéhe? What is your name?
Vóestaa'e White Buffalo Calf Woman
Vóestaa'e náheševéhe. My name is White Buffalo Calf Woman.
Mókéé'e Little Woman
Mókéé'e náheševéhe. My name is Little Woman.
Tóne'še néévȧho'ėhóó'óhtse? When did you get back home?
hetóéva in the evening / this evening
Tóne'še néto'seaseohtse? When are you going to leave?
Tóne'še ého'oesta? What time is it?
Éno'kȯxe'ohe. It's 1 o'clock.
Tóne'še? When? (man's voice)
Tóne'xóvéva? At what time? / When?
tséhna'nȯxe'ohe when it was 3 o'clock
ma'tanésȯxe'ohe when it's 2 o'clock
Étatóne'xove? How long has that been?
Étóne'éhoo'e? How long did he stay?
névéé'ėše for four days
Énenóvoo'e. He stayed for awhile. (Alternate pronunciation: Énonóvoo'e.)
Éohtaene. He stayed overnight.
Étónėstȯheaénáma? How old is he?
Émȧhtóhtȯheaénáma. He's ten years old.
Étónėstȯheéše'hama? How many months old is he? (Also, 'How many months along is she in her pregnancy?')
Étanéveéše'hama. He's four months old (or, She's four months along in her pregnancy).
Étónėstȯxeo'o? How many of them (animate) are there?
Énéšeo'o. There are two of them.
Énóhoneo'o. There are five of them.
Étóne'ēso? How long is it? / How far away is it?
Éháa'ēso. It's a long ways.
Étónesta? What is his condition?
Étónéso? What's it like?
Étónėsóotse? What happened?
Névááhe neško? Who is your mother? (Alternate: Névááhe tséhešketo?)
Néváéso tsévéhonevėstse? Who is the boss?
Névááhe tséhoó'henonėstse? Who is singing? (alternate: Névááhe tsénéménėstse?)
Névááhe tsévéstoemȯhtse? Who is your spouse?
Neváesóho tsé'tóhe tsévéstoemose? Who is his wife (spouse)?
Néváéso tséoomȯhtse? Who did you hit?
Névááhe tséoomáta'e? Who hit you?
Hénová'e tséméseto? What did you eat?
Hénová'e tsémésése? What did you guys eat?
ho'évohkȯtse meat
Hénová'e tsévóohtomo? What did you see?
Hénová'e tséhéseoomȯse? Why did you hit him? (Alternate pronunciation: Hénová'e tséhóseoomȯse?)