Abbreviations used are: (pl) is used with "you" when it means more than one person being spoken to, as we might say in English "you guys." (incl) indicates 'we' which includes the person spoken to, namely, 'you' or 'you (pl)' is included. (excl) indicates that the person spoken to is excluded. (obv) abbreviates "obviative", which is a third person which is "out of focus." The Cheyenne obviative is neutral with regard to number, that is, the person referred to can be either singular or plural. Read an explanation of the pitch marks on an Internet webpage (click here for the pitch marks page if you are reading this on a CD).
(Click on an underlined word to hear it.)
návóomahtse I saw myself névóomȧtse I saw you
návóómo I saw him
návóomamóho I saw him/them (obv)
névóomatsëme I saw you (pl)
návóomoo'o I saw them
névóome you saw me
névóomahtse you saw yourself
névóómo you saw him
névóomanóho you saw him/them (obv)
névóomemeno you saw us (excl)
névóomoo'o you saw them
návóoma he saw me
névóoma he saw you
évóomóho he saw him (obv)
évóomahtse he saw himself
návóomaēne he saw us (excl)
névóomaene he saw us (incl)
névóomaēvo he saw you (pl)
návóomaetsenoto he/they (obv) saw me
névóomaetsenoto he/they (obv.) saw you
évóomāā'e he/they (obv) saw him
évóomȧhtóho he/they (obv) saw himself
návóomaetsenone he/they (obv) saw us (excl)
névóomaetsenone he/they (obv) saw us (incl)
névóomaetsenōvo he/they (obv) saw you (pl)
évóomaevóho he/they (obv) saw them
névóomatsemeno we (excl) saw you
návóomóne we (excl) saw him
návóomamone we (excl) saw him/them (obv)
návóomȧhtsēme we (excl) saw ourselves
névóomatsemeno we (excl) saw you (pl)
návóomóneo'o we (excl) saw them
névóomone we (incl) saw him
névóomamone we (incl) saw him/them (obv)
névóomamone we (incl) saw him/them (obv)
névóomȧhtsema we (incl) saw ourselves
névóomóneo'o we (incl) saw them
névóomēme you (pl) saw me
névóomóvo you (pl) saw him
névóomamovo you (pl) saw him (obv)
névóomemeno you (pl) saw us (excl)
névóomȧhtsēme you (pl) saw yourselves
névóomóvoo'o you (pl) saw them
návóomāā'e they saw me
névóomāā'e they saw you
évóomovo they saw him/them (obv)
návóomaeneo'o they saw us (excl)
névóomaeneo'o they saw us (incl)
névóomaevoo'o they saw you (pl)
évóomȧhtseo'o they saw themselves
návóomāne I was seen
névóomāne you were seen
návóomanéme we (excl) were seen
névóomanema we (incl) were seen
névóomanéme you (pl) were seen
évóomeo'o they were seen