eee Just kidding!
hahóo thank you (intertribal word)
hea'e maybe so; perhaps
heá'ėháma Do you think maybe so? / Perhaps?
héehe'e yes
hena'háanéhe That's it; that's all; the end
hésévávo (shortened form of hésévávónó'e) Unbelievable! / Wow! / Oh, my goodness!
hotâhtse Now what; "here" (similar to English "lo and behold")
hotáma'e Nothing to it, I'll get it done!
hová'ȧháne no
mónėhé'še Shall we go now?
Néá'eše. Thank you.
nėhe'še then / that's all / the end
nėhetáa'e that's enough
nómonėhe'še Lets's go!
nóoo Wow! (only used by females)
ótsėhámóhe Oops, I forgot (or, I made a mistake)
šaa Wow! (traditionally only be used by males, but younger females are increasingly heard saying this)
táaxa'e "Let's see!"
oóxésta "same as usual" / "alright"