Éávóónéše. He is fasting.
Ééma. He's taking a sweat. Éémao'o. They are taking a sweat.
Éémanane. He is putting on a sweat.
Ééstâhá'eneo'o. They are bringing in the food.
Ééstsénéne. He made a food offering.
Éévónééhne. He's going through the piercing.
Éháóéna. He prayed.
Éhóotöne. He did the Arrows ceremony.
Éhoxéhé'šéva. He pledged to put on a Sun Dance.
Émâhtôhóva. He is instructing (the pledgers).
émaome sweat lodge
Émátâhéve'hanáhtove. There is a peyote meeting.
Éméao'o. They are giving (to the painter).
Énaä'e. He is doctoring.
Énaesëtse. He's purifying himself (the cleansing motions toward the body before praying).
Ésevone Sacred Buffalo Hat
Étsêhetâho'hova. He is cedaring.
Évóhpénóva. He's painting (the Sun Dance pledgers and dancers).
Ho'e éhoé'ta. He is sitting on the ground (a special man in Sun Dance).
Hóhkêha'éome Sacred Hat Tepee
hoxéhá'e Sun Dance woman
Hoxéheome Sun Dance lodge (also called Vonâhéome)
hoxéhetane Sun Dancer; hoxéhetaneo'o Sun Dancers
Maahotse Arrows
mátâhévee'e peyote meeting tepee
mátaho peyote buttons
No'keome Lone Tepee
oestóono prayer cloths
tséhestôsänêstse the pledger
tsémâhtôhóvâtse the instructor
vé'ho'(k)ôtse sweetgrass
vé'šeeseo'o medicine bundle
tsévóhpenövâtse one who is a painter; tsévóhpenovase the painters
vonâhé'xá'e talisman (a kind of medicine bundle)
Vonâhéome Sun Dance lodge (also called Hoxéheome; Vonâhéome is probably the older term)
Also see the Spirit words page.