(Note: many words for Cheyenne body parts require a possessive prefix, that is, an indication of whether they are part of "my" body, "your" body, "his" or "her" body, etc.)
Click on a link to hear the word:
he'e liver (another speaker: he'e)
he'pe rib
he'ponôtse lungs
hénóme thigh
hesta heart
hestahpe brain
hestsesta his heart
hestsétato kidneys
hešeo'o hip
ma'e blood
mé'hahtse beard
me'ko head/hair
mo'eško finger
naéstoo'o my throat
nâhtatamóonôtse my shoulders
nâhtovóo'ôtse my ear; nâhtovóotôtse my ears
nâhtse'ko my leg; nâhtse'konôtse my legs (including feet), my bones
nâhtse'ôtse my neck
nâhtsé'oo'o my elbow; nâhtsé'oonôtse my elbows
nâhtsesto my heel; nâhtséstóne on my heel
na'ahtse my arm; my arms (both words include arm and hand)
na'evo my nose
na'exa my eye; na'éxánêstse my eyes
natonêše my belly
vée'êse tooth; véesôtse teeth
vétanove tongue
vóhtáne skin
hevo'tanôtse his cheeks
hevoxôtse his body (rarely said today)
Éé'ena'éva. He broke his arm.
Náháama'ta name'ko. I have a headache (literally, I hurt to my head.)
Éhenamöse. He is lefthanded.
Náhese'pa'onáotse. I hava a cramp in my back.
Éma'eesévose. He has a red nose from the cold.
Éma'ovése. He has red hair.
Ématse'ësta. He has an infected ear / running ear(s). (woman's voice)
Émo'ó'êháhta. He has coarse feet (esp. from walking barefoot a lot).
Émomá'e'éxáne. He has red / bloodshot eyes.
Étótâhpe'êhahta. He has big feet.
Émomóhtóhta. He has diarrhea.
Énémáhtse. He has a crooked mouth (esp. from Bell's palsy).
Énémonenáotse. He sprained/twisted his ankle.
Énêše'šêhe'öna. He washed his hands.
Énêše'šévoéne. He washed his face.
Énêše'xähtse. He brushed his teeth (literally, He washed his mouth).
Éno'kena'éva. He has one arm.
Éó'kéné'o. He has one eye open.
Náó'keneotsé'tova. He winked at me.
Éónêxôhtáóhtse. He has a stomach ache.
Épa'ôhtáotse. He has pain in the abdomen.
Étâhpe'äse. He has a big belly.
Nátávêstaóotse. I have a headache.
Étó'êsêháhta. He has long feet.
Étó'êseöhta. He has long legs.
Étó'êseöse. He has long fingers.
Étó'êstonëne. He has long teeth.
Étsêhe'êstä'e. He has long hair.
Éhevéesäne. He's teething.